#like nothing is stopping me from making them like 50 anyways but I would rather have the two of them be around the same age
arolesbianism · 6 months
Ok so. Uh. I am starting to have a sneaking suspicion that my entire assumption behind Wagstaff's age might come with an asterisks
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arisuworld · 10 months
1. Strong language (i swear a lot), sarcasm ahead, tough love typa shit. This is meant to be helpful and reassuring but I'm not going to treat y'all like you're made of sugar and talk like I'm from 50 years ago. Deal with it or not.
2. English isn't my first language. So, there can be many grammatical mistakes.
Yes, you read it right. Only you can change your life not your favourite goddess blogger then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ASKING THEM TO MANIFEST FOR YOU? GURLLL REALLY? DO YOU THINK THEY'RE ABOVE YOU? DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LESS OF A GOD JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE NOT ENTERED VOID YET? GURL, you have your whole life ahead you. If you will let some limiting beliefs hold you back from achieving the things you deserve, then that's it. It's done. You're never going to get your desires or desired life and YOU WILL HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES!!
Now now, do not come for me. I said what I said and I mean it 100%. (And I'll prove it below)
Tell me honestly, why haven't you manifested your desires by now? Why? What's the reason?
So now, who's fault is that? Start taking accountability for your procrastination and lack of persistence. Because if you won't, then you will not be disciplined enough to achieve your desires.
All i want to say is— TIME WON'T STOP FOR YOU! Rather than wasting your time thinking about how others are lucky to enter void at their first try, start affirming and PERSIST IN THEM, BELIEVE IN THEM!! BECAUSE SWEETHEART LISTEN— L I F E G O E S O N ! ! ! STOP WASTING YOUR LIFE LIKE THIS!! AND START WORKING YOUR ASS OFF. and by working, I do not mean to go and start taking action in real life, NO.
1. Make yourself a routine (which is what I'm doing for you right now but anyways). Listen to subliminals or listen to brown, white noise or litteralyyy any music (yes, you can also listen to your favourite song which calms you down). Just anything to calm you down, to relax you, to put you in a good mood.
2. Start AFFIRMING and do not let negative thoughts take over. (Once you start affirming, leave the old story behind because GURRLLL THAT'S NOT YOU ANYMORE!! ALWAYS PERSIST IN THE NEW STORY) You can either do a challenge (like 10k or 20k affirmations) or just affirm robotically for 10 minutes every hour. Saturate your subconscious mind with good and positive affirmations.
3. You can also do the self hypnosis thingy by konniesreality (it's optional)
4. Also, do any meditation or Yoga Nidra at anytime of the day you feel comfortable (It would be better if you do it right before entering void). In my opinion, yoga nidra feels much better (ALSO, DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN ENTER VOID WITH YOGA NIDRA MEDITATION? HEHE) It will clear your mind in minutes. It also relaxes your body. But everyone has different choices, so do whatever feels good for you because that's the major point.
5. At night, set the fucking intention and just go for it.( You can do any method which seems suitable for you) YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!! TRY TO PUT SOME EFFORTS ONCE IN YOUR LIFE GOD'S SAKE. IT CAN IMPROVE YOUR LIFE OVERALL SO MUCH.
I'm rooting for you baby, I know you can do it. You just need a little hard push and that's what I'm here to do. So listen to your desires and most importantly, listen to yourself. You can do this!!
Good luck y'all <3
{Ps : Idk why but i really love making these rude toxic motivational posts I'm sorry 😭}
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nevesmose · 20 days
I don't know anywhere near enough about Sanguinius to metaphorically crochet him into a little finger puppet for my primarch fics but how about a little baseless speculation about him and Fulgrim? Please note that this is all based on how I view them in the universe of my silly little stories and is in no way a claim about knowing how they are in canon / lore.
I would probably a) portray Sanguinius as a genuinely sweet adorable cinnamon roll too precious for this world and b) have Fulgrim utterly loathe him because of this.
I tend to write Fulgrim as being a pleasant and charming person who, deep down, is about 50% a deeply broken overthinking ultra-perfectionist and 50% really jealous and vindictive. Please understand that this isn't me saying he's just evil and always was because it really really isn't. It's entirely possible for someone with these traits to function perfectly well in society and not be a bad person in any meaningful sense.
One of his formative experiences as a primarch was almost losing his entire legion due to the Blight corrupted geneseed that almost wiped them out right at the start.
He had to build them up himself from nothing with the constant threat of annihilation both in the sense that "if I fuck up a war and lose however-many thousand Astartes in a terrible accident on the double-ended dildo planet I have no reserves or replacements" and also "every use of our geneseed is a gamble against the horrific mutation coming back and destroying us all over again". In that context the solution he turns to, and the only one that probably makes sense based on his prior experience on Chemos, is perfection.
Make no mistakes, ever, anywhere, because the cost of failure is incalculable, even if it means committing science-treason so you can purge all weakness from your own space dudes. It's not a desire for perfection based on arrogance, although he is of course immensely arrogant in a lot of ways, but one motivated deep down by fear.
People like to clown on Fulgrim based on Jaghatai's infamous "I hear you do strange things to your warriors 😂👌" sick burn, but to be honest, viewed from his context, what Fulgrim's doing is somewhat understandable.
That is if we assume that the Khan isn't just making a cheap insult but rather is implying he knows a lot more than would be preferable about Fabius dicking around with Astartes genetics in order to detect and eliminate carriers of the corrupted gene-seed so that the III Legion, one of the smallest of all numerically, can still survive. And then a lot of other things too because, like Fabius could believably say in one of the weirder McNeill stories, forbidden science is akin to the ancient Terran delicacy known as Pringles. Once you pop you can't stop.
With that in mind it feels like a lot of Fulgrim's post-heresy actions, not just the snake orgies but the general distance and lack of care for his sons, comes from revelling in just finally being free of that level of stress and pressure weighing down on him at all times. Even Perturabo doesn't withdraw from the Iron Warriors that much and he's a dick.
Anyway, back to pre-heresy days. He has all this going on and then in comes Sanguinius with his giant fucking angel wings who everyone loves and who turned his legion into One Direction (not really but you know... perceptions vs reality and no one in this setting actually communicates with one another since they'd probably have a lot in common regarding fears of being mutants etc)
It's the kind of thing that I think would feel like a dagger in the heart to someone like Fulgrim. Directly highlighting and literally embodying all of his fears about mutation and imperfection and yet somehow appearing to get away with it while he has to exercise constant control and do horrible things simply in order for his legion to exist.
So for that reason I think he would absolutely hate Sangy and do everything he could to undermine him.
"Oh no, brother! I've accidentally spilled this entire Big Gulp cup of bright red Tizcan wine all over your beautiful white wings, and only moments before you were due to make a speech to ten million people about how wonderful the Imperium is! Let me help you clean it up."
And then he pulls out a Looney Tunes sized bottle labelled Fabius's Finest Molt-O-Matic Guaranteed Feather Remover and starts spraying it on him.
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verdantcrimson · 3 months
Gourmand Fragrance / Wagashi Revolution - 2
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[The next day]
Keito: —Seriously, this is completely incorrigible. Can’t anything be done about how ambiguous the term ‘medium heat’ is?
Keito: What does ‘heat the water to around 50 degrees’ mean, exactly? They ought to clearly state what temperature to use!
Keito: There are vague instructions like “Pay attention to the room temperature as well!” here too...
Keito: … No, there’s no use in complaining about this. Anyways, how should I deal with the situation at hand?
Keito: If I ask for Kanzaki’s help, I’d be able to get it done in one go, but I’d like to keep it a secret from him this time…
Nazuna: Rei-chin, why don’t we take a break and get something to drink… Huh? Keito-chin?
Rei: How rare. I never thought I’d see Hasumi-kun cooking.
Nazuna: That sweet smell… Are you making chocolate?
Nazuna: Keito-chin, did you start trying to make chocolate immediately?
Nazuna: Would it be okay for me to eat some? I just got off of work and I feel like having something sugary~
Nazuna: Oh, but only if you have any leftovers, obviously! You might have wanted to give it to someone else.
Keito: No it’s- Um, That is… It’s not an issue. In fact, it would probably be best for you to have some.
Nazuna: Thanks, Keito-chin! In that case, don’t mind if I do…
Nazuna: Thank you for the food~♪  
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Nazuna: ~~~~~~Gh!?
Nazuna: Gyah!? This is unbeweivabwy hawd, Keito-chin!
Keito: … Sorry, Nito. I had been considering the possibility that maybe I just had a weak jaw, but it seems that I had simply failed.
Nazuna: You should’ve told me! I bit into it as hard as I could because I had no idea!
Nazuna: Uu, my tooth hurts… Rei-chin, are my teeth okay? None of them broke, right?
Rei: Worry not, Nito-kun. Your teeth remain aligned and in perfect condition.
Rei: My my, Hasumi-kun. It seems like you’ve created a rather deadly weapon.
Rei: Or perhaps it was meant to be a prank, replacing actual chocolate with fake chocolate.
Rei: In that case, should I have played along?
Keito: Hey, quit making fun of me. It was my bad, okay?
Keito: Guh, I knew I shouldn’t have tried making sweets without Kiryu.
Nazuna: Come to think of it, why isn’t Kuro-chin here with you, Keito-chin?
Keito: Kiryu has work scheduled for the entire day today. Since I had a bit of free time on my hands, I figured I would start practicing on my own.
Keito: However, I never expected that accomplishing my first goal, learning how to temper chocolate by heating and cooling it, would be so troublesome…
Rei: Hm. Hasumi-kun, you mentioned just now that this was your ‘first goal’. Does this mean you’re aiming for something else?
Keito: Yes. Nito is already aware, but what Kanzaki said yesterday is stuck in my head now.
Nazuna: Hm? What Souma-chin said— Do you mean the wagashi thing?
Keito: Exactly. After that, Kiryu and I had a discussion, and we came up with the idea of making wagashi that would be the star of Valentines to give to Kanzaki.
Keito: Kanzaki is always working so hard for AKATSUKI’s sake, and we wanted to express our gratitude to him…
Keito: Most of all, that disappointed expression he had on his face yesterday just won’t leave my mind.
Nazuna: I see. So I guess Keito-chin felt the same as me all along.
Nazuna: Actually, ever since I saw Mitsuru-chin’s sad face, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about if there’s anything I can do.
Nazuna: It’s so frustrating when there’s nothing I can do to help my cute juniors when they’re counting on me.
Keito: Yes. Kanzaki truly believed that I would be able to solve the issue and came to me as well.
Keito: So I feel like I should have been able to find some way to fulfill those expectations.
Keito: To do nothing for lack of a perfect plan, or to say that someone else might be better suited, excuses like those are no different from running away.
Rei: Fufu. You two have such lofty ambitions. It sure does pique my interest. ♪
Nazuna: Yeah, I totally get it, Keito-chin. It’s uncool to just do nothing!
Rei: However, if you’re struggling this hard to simply temper chocolate, how do you expect to create wagashi impressive enough to cause a sensation?
Keito: Urgh, you hit a bit of a sore spot there…
Nazuna: He’s right though.
Keito: Okay. So why aren’t wagashi popular for Valentines? There has to be a cause.
Nazuna: Putting aside technical concerns for now, what sort of wagashi can we make that would get people talking?
Rei: Since it’s Valentines season, how about doing some research on the kinds of sweets that people prefer?
Rei: Earlier, when I was walking around ES with Nito-kun, I saw quite a few Valentines Day Fairs going on.
Nazuna: Isn’t that great? Cinnamon was also advertising a limited-time menu.
Rei: So what do you say, Hasumi-kun?
Keito: Hmph. It’s irritating to be sweet-talked into something by Sakuma, but he has a point.
Keito: It’s a good idea. I’ll take your advice this time. You have my thanks, Sakuma.
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Keito: Now that that’s settled, I’ll begin researching right away.
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gamerbearmira · 4 months
I quite literally have no idea
Yeah, originally I was gonna do the vampire au, then the werewolf kids au, but then it just. Morphed into this. Enjoy it, idk <333
Mirabel walked with Camilo in the village. The pair of five-year-olds were giggling wildly at a joke Camilo made, a rather dumb one. But who could blame them? They were only 5, and it was a funny joke.
As they walked, they passed by a cart. Mirabel's eyes lit up, and she skipped up to the cart, Camilo hot on her heels. "I want a cone!" Mirabel said, her voice practically a demand. The ice cream vendor wasted no time and scooped the ice cream from the large cold basin into a cone.
Mirabel got her way. She always did. When her ceremony failed, her abuela just couldn't bear to see her Mariposita so unhappy and got her a room. And she loved it, and she loved her Abuela for doing everything just to get it for it. Mirabel was adored by her family, and she was well aware of that fact. It wasn't said out loud by anyone in the village but...Mirabel was spoiled.
Very spoiled.
She always got her face. And she was fiercely defensive of her family. She loved them to pieces and reveled in the attention that was showered on her. She would do anything to keep them happy, just like how they had done for her on her second attempt at a birthday party.
Mirabel smiled as the ice cream vendor handed her a cone. As she went to enjoy it, she saw Camilo fiddling with the fringes on her poncho. She stopped for a moment, her eyebrows furrowing before she looked at the man again.
"Give him a cone too. Now. And make it fast," Miravel said, pointing to her primo. Camilo's eyes lit up at the idea of also having ice cream.
The man looked towards Camilo. His expression changed, and with no hesitation, he flat-out told him a prince. "50 pesos for two scoops."
Camilo hesitated before digging around in his pockets. He left his pocket money at home. Mirabel noticed his saddened expression and the ice cream vendor's indifference. The fact that the ice cream vendor was charging him anyway irritated her, but she would fix this.
"Just give him a cone! He always helps out in town! I saw him yesterday helping you move your cart up the hill," Mirabel said, and she wasn't wrong. Just the other day Camilo had shifted and helped him, among the many other villagers.
"Look I can just...give out free cones. Bad for business. You're lucky I gave you one," the vendor argued, and Mirabel's top was about to blow. And Camilo could tell.
"Mirabel, it's fine, let's just go to the bakery or something," Camilo tried to reason.
"No! You want ice cream, and you deserve it. It's not fair!" Mirabel tapped her foot again, and by this point, her cone was melted. She paid little attention as she turned back to the vendor. "You WILL give him a cone! You have to!"
"Why? It's my business!" The man argued back. He wasn't entirely sure why he was arguing with a 6-year-old, but he wasn't going to lose.
"It's our Encanto! You wouldn't be anything if it weren't for me and my family! Especially Camilo!" Miravel snapped. She threw her cone to the ground. With a strong kick to her cart, Camilo finally pulled her away, pushing through the crowd. "You hear me? Nothing! I'll make sure no one buys from you again"
Camilo pulled Mirabel aside into a small alley, still holding her hand. The girl was breathing heavily, and Camilo pulled her into a hug. His jokester façade fell away, revealing a more gentle side that he only reserved for family, and even then, only Mirabel.
The girl eventually calmed down and Camilo pulled away. "You didn't have to do that. We could've just gone to the bakery."
"But that's not fair!" Mirabel said, stomping her feet. "I never get what I ask for, the villagers are mean!" Mirabel cried into her hands.
Camilo frowned at her prima's reaction. He pulled her closer, his hand on her cheeks, copying what his mama, tia, and abuela always did whenever Mirabel started crying like that. "Please don't cry Mirabel, it's not that big a deal."
"You deserve an ice cream cone! The whole family does! I don't like this village," Mirabel huffed, tears still in her eyes. With a sigh, she rubbed her eyes. "We should move."
"Or! We can still go to the bakery! Señor Marcelo always gives us treats there," Camilo suggested and Mirabel nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, let's go," Mirabel grabbed Camilo's hand, rushing him out of the alley and towards the bakery. Camilo shook his head at the sudden mood swing. But he was happy he could make her feel better.
Literally just one of Mirabel’s old concept designs with a few altercations. She’s very mf spoiled in this au. But the only people she’s a brat to is her family.
That’s all I got y’all, I just didn’t wanna leave y’all wit no content 💀💀
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certainmaybe · 5 months
A Very Merry Christmas
It had been a pain in the ass to come up with the perfect crime, but if Villain had one talent - well, expect the crime related ones of course - it was coming up with thoughtful Christmas presents. So. They didn't steal the presents donated to the childrens hospital, or block the public transport or even set a Christmas tree on fire. What they did do was take the acne-ridden teenage girl made to play mother mary for the awful nativity play that was only held to give the mayor some appearance of religious righteousness, and place her on the roof of the nearest skyscraper. There were no actual stakes in this situation, expect the mayors public appearance, and even the girl her self seemed rather happy with the whole situation. She had gotten rid of the pillow stuffed under her dress and started texting somebody the moment she was out of cameras view. Villain had gotten her a hot chocolate, and since then they waited.
Of course there was a chance that hero wouldn't come. Because there was a chance that they were actually enjoying Christmas with their family.
It hadn't even been twenty minutes on the roof before the familiar sound of Heroes dropping out of their flight was heard.
"Really? Kidnapping the mother of god." There was no actual anger in Heroes voice, not that there ever really was. As much as a pain in the ass as they could be, Hero really was as well meaning as all the other heroes pretended to be.
"She's hardly the mother of god." The girl looked up from her phone to flip them of. "Anyway, it's not like I hurt her."
Hero looked at the girl.
"Are you okay?"
"The whole city saw me in this stupid costume because my mom just needed to make friends with the mayor. Somebody already turned me into a meme. A meme."
Hero looked at Villain questioningly. Villain just shrugged.
"That has nothing to do with me, I have hated this camera-circus since I was seven."
"Well then." Hero looked around the roof, as if trying to think of something to say. "It's time to bring her back."
"Really? But I just got here, I don't want to go back down there. It's humiliating."
Villain could see the internal battle in Heroes mind. Villain tried not to make it obvious to show what they were hoping for.
"I guess if nobody is in danger, there is no harm in... a longer negotiation time," Hero finally decided.
"Oh my god thank you. I'm going to tell all my friends that you are cool."
That actually got a smile on Heroes face.
"You had nothing better to do today?" Hero asked with attempted nonchalance.
"I'm Muslim, Hero. This is just a regular day for me."
"Yes, I forgot about that. Sorry. Well, that's good, because I didn't bring you a present."
"Having you here is all the present I could need." Villain winked.
"Very funny. So why did you do this, then, if you don't care about Christmas?"
"Because I hate the mayor, obviously."
Hero didn't comment on that, which was the closest to approval that Villain could get.
"Oh my god, me too!" the teen girl agreed. "And he like, totally cheated on the election, by the way. I'm not joking, I heard him and mom talk about it. He also doesn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom, which is just gross."
"Wait, how much do you know about what goes on with the politics around here?" For a moment Villain had forgotten about Hero.
"I don't know. Like most of it, I guess? Why do you care?"
"No particular reason. On another note, are you interested in making some money and maybe making your mom a little mad?"
"Villain don't." Hero didn't make any actual attempt to stop Villain.
"I guess. What's the deal?"
"How about I give you my number and when ever you here something interesting, you just tell me?"
"How much would you pay?"
"How much do you want?"
The teen contemplated for a moment. "Like, 50 per text. 100 if it's something really good."
"We have a deal."
"Villain, you can't be recruiting minors now. That's..." Villain nodded along as they put their number into the girls phone. Below police sirens were heard.
"And that's my sign to dip. Hero, I think if you want to hero you need to do it now."
"You know that's not why I do it."
"But isn't it a nice perk?"
Hero didn't respond, instead approaching the girl. "I'm sorry, but I think we need to get you back now. Do you want to... put your pillow back in."
The girl groaned loudly, muttering about how she hated Christmas, but did as the hero suggested. Villain waited until both of them were set to fly down, where lights and cameras were waiting, before they disappeared.
Back in their liar Villain pulled out the news video of Hero, setting down the girl in front of the giant Christmas tree, surrounded by people cheering. And they were smiling. You could call Villain a villain all right, but they did know people, and they did know exactly how to cheer hero up. They were practically glowing as the girls mother an to hug them, as the mayor shook their hand and called them the true Christmas spirit of the city. It was really a shame that the only time Villain got to see Hero this happy was over the news. But that was the point of Christmas, wasn't it? Giving with out expecting anything in return.
Villains phone vibrated. An unknown number had sent a short recording and a request for 50$. Okay, maybe they had gotten something in return, but that had been simple coincidence. All in all, Villain certainly had themselves a very merry Christmas.
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vivwritesfics · 1 year
Working Nine to Five
(Part two is called What a Way to Make a Living)
1040 words
Dramatised version on true events, themes of stalking and foul language used in these
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Having a nine to five in a rarely visited record store was... exhausting.
With the lack of customers there was nothing to do but sit behind the counter all day. The moment somebody came in and actually bought something, the shelf it came from would be restocked in three seconds flat.
Y/N sat in the chair behind the counter. The chair was taller than most, allowing her to easily see over the counter she should have been stood behind. A pen was in her hand as she tried to remember what stock they needed for the coming month. As always, it wasn't a lot.
This happened to be the day that Eddie Munson came into the store. He'd been to every record store in Indianna, if felt like, bar from this one. This one was dimly lit and always empty. Eddie had gone past it a few times in the past, only noticing it when he saw a girl outside, putting up a poster.
It wasn't the record store that caught his attention, it was her.
When Eddie went into the store, he wasn't noticed. The only employee was too busy scribbling something down on a piece of paper. As he browsed through the collection, he wasn't noticed. It was only when he found something he vaguely recognised and took it up to the counter was he finally noticed.
"Oh, shit, sorry," she said and pushed away her piece of paper. Picking up the record, the girl looked at it for a minute before looking at Eddie.
There was slight judgement in her expression. "What?"
"Nothing, you just don't look like a Queen guy, that's all."
In truth, Eddie wasn't a Queen guy. He just knew everybody and their gran seemed to love them. They were a safe option to take up to the pretty girl at the counter.
"Don't get me wrong, it's a good album, definitely worth a listen," she said and Eddie paid for it. He left the record store that day with a red face.
That wasn't the last time Eddie went to the store. Only a few days later he went back in. It was the same bored, pretty girl sat behind the counter. This time she noticed him, perking up when he came through the door.
"So," she began as he strolled towards the counter, "how did you find that album?"
Slowly, Eddie nodded. "Listened to and enjoyed," he said, but his face told a different story.
Y/N grinned at him. "Do you want help finding something a bit more you?"
Visibly, Eddie deflated. "Yes," he cried in a rather dramatic fashion. He straightened himself up before saying, "yes please."
The two searched through the shelves. At points Y/N would pull out a record and show it to Eddie. But he either owned it already or knew he hated it. This guy had specific taste and, as much as he didn't want to admit it to the gorgeous sales assistant, they probably wouldn't find what he was looking for.
It had been close to an hour when they found a Metallica album. Eddie already had the record, of course, but he bought it anyway. "Thank you... Y/N," he said, reading across her name badge. "Huh, pretty name."
That definitely wasn't supposed to come out. He went red and looked down at his new records. "What's your name?" Y/N asked, playing it cool. But, inside, she was freaking out.
They shook hands, like they were in some business meeting.
Eddie took that as his leave. Things were already uncomfortable, he didn't want to make them any worse.
But he came back. This time, though, Y/N was nowhere to be seen.
Eddie strolled into the shop with a beaming smile on his face. He looked to the counter, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light. But, when he saw who it was, he stopped.
This guy was maybe in his late 40's, early 50's. He had shitty tattoos up his arms, pierced ears and dyed black spiky hair. He held a cigarette in his hands as he stared blankly at Eddie.
"Can I help you, Sir?" He asked, too excited to be doing his job.
Eddie stepped back when the other guy went to move out from behind the counter. "Uh, I'm looking for Y/N?" He questioned.
"All right then," the guy said quietly, clearly unhappy as he moved back behind the counter.
A moment later, Y/N appeared from the back room. Balancing on her hip she had a box of records. "Eddie," she beamed, excitement lacing her voice.
He rushed over, taking the box from her.
It was clear as they restocked together that Eddie wasn't there as a customer. They talked and laughed as they restocked the shelves. When the other employee in the shop came over, Y/N went quiet, her face like stone. "Can you please just alphabetise the pop section," she said to him, still looking at Eddie.
When he was gone, they went right back to talking and laughing. At one point Eddie got real close. For some it was probably too close for comfort but for Y/N, it was perfect. "So, what's the deal with that guy?" He asked, his voice a hushed whisper.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "The old manager let him do whatever he wanted and never told him how to do the job properly. Every time he made a mistake we'd just fix it without telling him. The new manager is trying to get him fired because of how shitty he's been since he started," she confessed. Her eyes were always on the other employee.
When they were done restocking together, Eddie knew it was time to take his leave. "Come to the counter really quickly," Y/N said when he tried to go. She pulled out a bit of paper from the register and quickly wrote down her number. "I get off at six."
"Then I will be calling you, Madame, at six thirty." Eddie even added a bow as he walked out of the shop. But, at the way she was grinning and laughing at him, he'd definitely won her over.
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sepyana · 2 months
Noir 2001 Ep. 1-10 Thoughts
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I really love her France Shirt dhshbd
I figured stopping at Chloe's introduction would be the best idea. From what I know this should be when the main plot picks up.
First, the bad:
The first episode was really jarring to watch. The cuts were awkward, the music was too loud at parts and certain scenes dragged out for too long. Maybe this is just me, but I didn't realize the music was coming from the watch until the end of the episode, which made things really confusing.
From then onwards isn't like this. Maybe I just got used to it, but the cuts didn't feel jarring and the flow between scenes was smooth enough.
There is a lot of reused animation, which is fine for the most part. It's not as elegant about it as shows like Utena but it's not a big deal.
What annoys me is sometimes the plot will screech to a halt to show you a falshback you have already seen before. Personally, I'm fine if a conversation is just one still frame or made of reused animation. The flashbacks and the occasional training is clearly there for budget reasons and nothing else. That's why it takes me out of the story sometimes.
Kirika and Mireille don't have much going on. They are pretty bland which makes it hard to care for them. The "I will kill you when this is over." thing is the most interesting bit. There is still plenty of time to develop them so I'm not that bothered about it.
The show feels rather empty at times, if that's the word. It feels like onthing is happening. For example: the information we get about the main mystery is not enough to make any conclusions or draw connections, so whenever a new development happens I can only think "Oh, we learned this now". We don't learn anything about what our protagonists are like either. The quiet moments are great for that, but I still feel like I know nothing about them.
I don't mind the censorship but it can be really funny sometimes. Kirika will get hit but her arm will look completely fine, making it impossible to tell how bad she was hurt until she reacts.
When I started episode 7 I genuinely though I skipped an episode. They don't make it even slightly obvious that a time skip happened.
This one is really stupid: I can't seperate Mireille from Misato in my mind. I'm sure Noir fans are annoyed by the comparison by this point but I'm really trying guys (ノД`)
Okay,, we can get to the good stuff now:
The atmosphere is great. The backgeound art is lovely and complements the animation well. They definitely achieved the aesthetic they were going for.
The soundtrack is pretty nice. Again, adds to the atmosphere.
Kirika especially can be super clever, making the fights fun to watch (only about 50% of the time though)
The composition of the shots draw your eye to the focus well. It's a good way to make shots interesting with a small budget.
It's fantastically homosexual, while also not being about romance at all. All the notable characters are women. That might add to the yuri vibes I guess.
I liked Silvana. She is one of the few side characters that have anything going on. Her relationship to Mireille is intriguing to me, they have met only once. But it's clear their one interaction has left a big inpression on not only Mireille but also her, especially since they were kids at the time. Her pulling out a knife and cutting the crown off of Mireille when she says she is scared tells us everything we need to know about her.
There is also something to be said about the crowns. Mireille's innocence being destroyed by Silvana. It's important to Silvana that she has control, removing the crown she gave to Mireille is a way fot her to feel superior, I guess. Even at a small age.
Mireille is still scared in their final confrontation, but she fights anyway.
I am very interested in Chloe because clearly, the two maidens who gover death are suppose to be Kirika and Mireille. However, she is insist she is Noir. I imagine things will go south when she realises that's not the case. (I doubt it's the case). The woman we see is most likely using her and Chloe is dependent on her validation. That's what I am guessing.
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Living as an Extra in an Omegaverse novel
Side story Chapter 15
Se-hyeon looked at the boxes pouring out in front of him from a distance. To add a little bit of exaggeration, boxes were piled up like a mountain on the table.
“Did you rob the pharmacy?”
Even if you roughly count them with your eyes, there are well over ten. I wondered how absurd it would be for the pharmacist to give me all this rather than the money I spent to buy it right away.
“I only stopped by three places.”
There’s not just one pharmacy, but a group of pharmacies.
“You don’t have to go that far...”
Se-hyeon was also just guessing. It was just one of many possibilities, so I was a bit surprised as I had completely missed it.
He honestly doesn't even know if he's pregnant or not.
“Anyway, thank you.”
To be honest, even when the test machine was mentioned, Se-hyeon's mind was complicated.
Did I say it for no reason when I wasn't pregnant? Wouldn't it have been better to just stay silent and check on my own before speaking?
I would be embarrassed if I wasn't pregnant, but even though the thought crossed my mind, it would be okay if I was wrong because Shin Tae-oh was making a fuss with me.
Se-hyeon roughly lifted the boxes in front of him one by one to check how they were inspected. Unlike the urine test method used for Betas, most of the methods used for male Omegas were pheromone tests. Some of them were blood tests, and each one had the same shape as the tester drawn on the box.
While Se-hyeon was wondering which one to use first, Shin Tae-oh picked up one of the boxes and was opening it.
“What are you doing?”
“...I can take care of it.”
I was wondering if Shin Tae-oh would read the user manual first and tell me, but he shook his head.
“This is what I’m trying to do.”
Why do you do this?
“They said they were testing with pheromones.”
So why are you doing this?
“I have pheromones too, so of course I can try it, right?”
Se-hyeon suddenly felt like his head was hurting and pressed his temple.
“Until now, I’ve never heard of an alpha using a pregnancy test?”
All of this should be used by Se-hyeon, not Shin Tae-oh. However, Shin Tae-oh spoke out more confidently.
“This is a world where alphas take care of morning sickness for you, so there’s nothing you can’t do.”
"That's it..."
Se-hyeon was about to speak out of frustration, but then closed his mouth. Come to think of it, is that right?
The test came out to detect hormonal changes due to pregnancy, so I think it's right for Omega to do it, but what about morning sickness? Morning sickness is definitely something that Omegas should deal with, but isn’t there a case where Alphas also have it sometimes?
“No matter what, it’s a bit weird for Alpha to use a tester...”
An Alpha being pregnant?
Se-hyeon's mind became increasingly tangled and he couldn't figure out what was right. In the meantime, Shin Tae-oh gradually peeled off the bag and took out the plastic tester inside, gently closed his eyes and pushed in his pheromone.
“I’m going to do this and take the blood test.”
I'm thinking of trying a lot of different things.
Se-hyeon, who was supposed to be inspecting the case, was so taken by Shin Tae-oh's serious mood that he couldn't even open the box in his hand.
The 5 minutes passed as slowly as 50 minutes. Meanwhile, Shin Tae-oh, who was holding the tester tightly and pushing in the pheromone again and again, opened his eyes when the timer he had set on his cell phone rang.
He lowered his head heavily and turned it to the side to look at the tester that was almost trapped in his hand.
“Oh, I can’t see it.”
Shin Tae-oh covered his eyes with his other hand and made a groaning sound. As Shin Tae-oh was nervous, Se-hyeon was also shaken by the thought that it was possible to find out whether he was pregnant or not in just five minutes.
Are you really pregnant?
While Shin Tae-oh covered his eyes and shook them, Se-hyeon, who was curious about the results, looked at the test machine first.
It was hard to see because it was covered by his hand, so I leaned my upper body forward. If two lines appear, it means that Shin Tae-oh is pregnant, but no, it means that I am pregnant...
Anyway, I wanted to check the results first, so I quickly looked at the long plastic body. The white body was very simple with only two holes, and on top of it was another piece of paper to fill the holes.
“One line.”
He was not pregnant.
“I think you’re pregnant.”
Se-hyeon shook his head and acted as if he was just getting excited for no reason. However, Shin Tae-oh, who saw the results first, spoke without taking his eyes off the tester.
“Not this way.”
“Here, only one line drawn on the right is considered pregnancy, and a line drawn on the left is said to be an error.”
Shin Tae-oh spoke based on the exact location and explained to Se-hyeon that he had misinterpreted it. Before discussing this very seriously, no one questioned what was wrong with the fact that Shin Tae-oh, not Se-hyeon, used the test.
“Let’s try something else.”
Se-hyeon stood up after seeing Shin Tae-oh immediately take out another box.
“I’m going to go to the bathroom and do it.”
“Then should I go to the bathroom and do it?”
Se-hyeon grabbed Shin Tae-oh's head and pressed him so that he could not get up, as he was about to follow him into the narrow bathroom.
“I’m doing it here. It must sting because you’re cutting your hand.”
Se-hyeon saw a picture of a finger drawn on the outside of the box containing Shin Tae-o, said this, and headed to the bathroom alone.
Se-hyeon's belief that he felt at peace with Shin Tae-oh by his side turned around.
It's better to do it alone than to be scared together.
However, Shin Tae-oh held Se-hyeon's hand and did not let him go.
“I’m anxious. Can’t you give me a kiss and leave?”
He was a perverted cat who clung to Se-hyeon without missing an opportunity until the end.
Se-hyeon kissed Shin Tae-oh as much as he wanted. I don't think that will completely chase away my current anxiety, but at least I have to give him a lot of kisses to keep him from following me when I'm in the bathroom.
Se-hyeon, who had found freedom like that, enjoyed the feeling of being alone and looked at the box he had brought. Unfortunately, what Se-hyeon brought into the bathroom was the same type that Shin Tae-oh picked up the second time. In other words, it was a test that had to be viewed as a blood test.
He peeled off the tester, pricked his finger with a very thin disinfecting needle, and placed a drop into the hole. As it was absorbed into the test paper, the colour of the paper gradually changed.
If you are pregnant, the paper will turn pink; if not, it will remain as white as before.
Se-hyeon placed the tester on a flat sink and looked in the mirror. Not only are the eyebags particularly dark, but the lips are also rough. In this situation, I make eye contact with Shin Tae-oh and laugh and chat...
It's not enough to show a more handsome side to your lover.
Se-hyeon quickly turned on the water, washed his face, and straightened his hair, which was sticking out on one side. In fact, having to show only my handsome face was a way to force myself out of the current situation.
Shin Tae-oh is so handsome. If I put my face up there, would he say I'm handsome or that he loves me?
Also, wouldn't it make you look cute because you look perfect when you go to work with your hair blown up?
Whatever it is, in Shin Tae-oh's eyes...
Se-hyeon's eyes, thinking of Shin Tae-oh, fell diagonally downward. The test machine placed on the sink, the colour of the paper that absorbed the blood was...
Se-hyeon, who came out of the bathroom, clicked his tongue when he saw the empty boxes rolling around Shin Tae-oh. How many pieces did you tear?
As expected, he didn't buy it for me to use it, but he bought it for his own use.
“If you do a test like that, what will come out?”
Se-hyeon tapped Shin Tae-oh's back, which was as hard as ice. Of course, nothing will come out on the test he used. Because the results are in my hands. Se-hyeon first tried to stop Shin Tae-oh.
However, Shin Tae-oh seemed not to have heard Se-hyeon's words and just looked down at what he was holding tightly with both hands.
“Why are you looking so intently? Did you get any results for that? Pregnancy?”
I said this because I thought it was probably a mistake, but Shin Tae-oh dropped his head.
When Se-hyeon did not understand and asked back, Shin Tae-oh held out the tester he was holding in his hand to Se-hyeon. In his hand was a very small... that is, a tester that was not made of plastic containers like the others, but was just made of test paper, and there were two clear lines on it.
Se-hyeon shouted in surprise when he saw the two lines.
“Is Shin Tae-oh pregnant?”
Then I raised my head and saw Shin Tae-oh.
No, is it true? Are you really pregnant?
Shin Tae-oh scratched his head in response to Se-hyeon's question, but continued to look at the test paper.
"Is it?"
“What, how do they test it? What happened?"
Now, he spoke in a way that made it difficult to tell whether he was talking to the boss or to Taenyang, and he spoke so loudly that Se-hyeon was embarrassed.
“Se-hyeon’s saliva and pheromones were on my lips.”
Shin Tae-oh was acting curious even as he told me what was buried in the test machine. Even Se-hyeon could not believe this situation.
“So there were two lines?”
“You mean you’re pregnant?”
Shin Tae-oh obediently shook his head and pointed to what was in Se-hyeon's hand.
“What did you get?”
In response to Shin Tae-oh's question, Se-hyeon opened his clenched hand and showed his test results.
“I’m pregnant.”
“Are you pregnant too?”
“So we’re both pregnant?”
"...Is it?"
What kind of great illusion is this?
[TL note: Get Taenyang to the hospital, bro might have testicular cancer /jk.
Btw, people of all genders who aren't pregnant can experience pregnancy-like symptoms. In fact, despite not actually carrying a fetus, men whose partners are pregnant have reported experiencing a number of pregnancy symptoms from morning sickness to weight gain during their partner's pregnancy. This is called Couvade Syndrome. So I guess Alphas do to in Omegaverse.]
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
which of the boys enjoy going to the beach? Admin isn’t allowed out as far as I can tell but humor me for a minute ok this has been on my mind for a while and I need your input
Morell would probably only go so he can scoop up crabs and sea snails for his recipes ;-; Ain’t nothing better than ingredients right from the source!
Santi would make lewd comments the entire time. I think he’d be a showoff at like everything but he’d be especially good at volleyball
Patches would probably be scared of the water (can water put his flames out??). He saw one (1) shark movie and he hasn’t gotten over it. I feel like the others would team up just to throw him in
I can’t think of much for Nebul. He either wouldn’t go or would watch you like a hawk to make sure you don’t die out there
I can’t see Gallon wanting to go, I feel like it’d take a lot of effort not to suck up every grain of sand he steps on but if he did I think he’d make a mean sandcastle. Also he’d pack snacks :)
Vinnel would fucking hate it there is no way you could get them to go
Grimbly would complain the whole time I think just for your attention. It’s dangerous for him to go out during the day anyway so expect to be sort of his personal assistant the whole day. It’s too hot! The sun hurts! He needs a bigger umbrella so he won’t burn! Can you put sunscreen on him just in case? Now let him put some on you!
You’d bury Fank-e in the sand and then forget about him until he’s screaming as the tide comes up
Ludwig brought water guns. Team up with him! Don’t be fooled, he’s deliberately aiming for the others’ eyes
Krulu wouldn’t go. He trusts the others to protect you and I don’t think he’d see a point in going (there are so many beaches in the world! you want to get all sandy and clog your nose with salt water?)
Breg needs to be watched like a hawk, there’s so much here to distract him and pretty much anything gets him horny
Fasma would play lifeguard the whole time for you and Breg. He won’t be liable for a client’s death! Hey, hey, no splashin’! Fer fuck’s sake, Breg, don’t hold ‘em under the water that long!
Anyway I feel like half of them would only agree so they can see you in a swimsuit
You absolutely can drag Krulu out, as long as The Clergy is secured. If all the other staff members go, then he clearly has to accompany his professional clowns as well. Sure, he's grumbling the entire time and artificially creating shade for himself, but he's there alright.
Grimbly is extremely careful about the sunlight, he carries a huge gothic umbrella with him, has extra thick sunglasses and demands someone attend him whenever he gets thirsty/hungry. Probably hangs closer to Krulu because of the shade, both of them groan about the sun.
Morell gets a lot of unwanted attention because he's a large sweaty monster man and people are thirsty. Someone pulls his shorts down while he's in the water collecting crabs and such, he has to stay under the waterline until his coverings are given back. Please keep him occupied, his urge to snatch humans is howling at him, he's licking his teeth at most humans he sees (which makes him look like a pervert, when really, he's just hungry).
Listen, Santi's going out there with a mankini and you know it. This is the opportune time for him to show off and eat like a king. Dude asks about 50 people to apply sunscreen on him and gets slapped a couple of times. He comes back to the group slippery like butter. He's also fellating popsicles every ten minutes. Stop this man.
Gallon wants off the sand immediately, picking the grains out of him will be a pain later. The water is fine, even if it tastes really salty, he can mix with it for a bit and probably freak some poor people out who think he's like... Dying. If there's a bar nearby, said bartender has been yeeted into the sea so he can make drinks for everyone instead.
Nebul also prefers shade, but he's surprisingly okay with going to the beach, I think he would rather sit back with Gallon and Grimbly but he'd definitely sit by the chore for a small while, probably with his hood on so as to not burn his head mist too much. He would like to experience surfing at some point but no one takes him seriously. Purpur is there to steal ice cream.
Fank-e is building absolutely gigantic sand castles and no one can stop him. Look look, he's the king of the sea- At least until the shore destroys them all and he's left there sulking forever. Anyone who touches his metal frame gets burned immediately.
Contrary to what you said, I think Vinnel would enjoy himself out there a lot. His suit protects him from a lot of outside harm, including a good amount of heat, so he's ballin' really. He fucks around with everyone and anyone. In fact, he's definitely stealing Patches' head repeatedly to toss it into the waves and give him panic attacks. He might start games with strangers, be it volleyball or water gun tournaments- His showmanship takes over.
Patches is relatively normal about going to the beach, in fact, he probably takes the time to get some decent rest with his hat shielding his head from the sun. The problem with this is that it leaves the dullahan vulnerable to his asshole coworkers' nefarious little tricks. They doodle on him, bury his body, try to put shells inside his head, the poor guy gets no mercy.
Ludwig and Fasma share the lifeguard role. When Lud isn't working, he's probably either floating off into the sea on his back (asleep most likely) or starting water gun fights like you said. Fasma has one of those vintage stripped swimsuits and complains that everyone else is dressed like a whore, seeing Santi gives him heart failure.
Breg, like I said in other beach asks, is also making sand castles and probably eating scallops because they're crunchy mmmm :)) . He cannot swim actually, never learned to, the only thing he can do is float very tensely. He'll only go into the water if you hold his hand through it.
At least one volleyball tournament with everyone in The Clergy is mandatory, it gets incredibly competitive and someone is guaranteed to start a fight. Krulu actually enjoys watching this a lot, he's the jury.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super manga Ch. 47-50
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Man, you said it, Piccolo.
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So Moro has escaped the Galactic Patrol’s prison after 10,000,000 years in confinement, and his plan is to restore his original magic power by using the Namekian Dragon Balls.  He found out about the Namekians from fellow prisoner Cranberry, who was one of Frieza’s goons during the Namek Saga of DBZ.  So when Moro escaped, he took Cranberry with him to lead him to the Namekians, although I’m not sure how that works, since Cranberry would have no idea how to find New Namek, or that there’s even a New Namek to be found.
Anyway, Goku and Vegeta tried to stop Moro, only to get their powers drained, and they’ve spent the last three days recovering while Moro has been very slowly gathering the Dragon Balls.  Goku thinks they can stop him by hiding the one they’re with and suppressing their ki.  But it turns out Moro can detect the Dragon Balls directly, so he doesn’t need to rely on Namekian life signs to show him the way.
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So Goku and Vegeta decide to face him head on, since they don’t seem to have any better options.  Moro is surprised to find they’re still alive, but he plans to kill them once and for all this time. 
Oh, when I was complaining about how this arc just rehashes a lot of themes and imagery from classic Dragon Ball, I forgot to mention how Moro’s whole dynamic with Cranberry and his quest to restore his former power is lifted straight from King Piccolo.  It’s a shame, because I want to like Moro.  He has a cool look if nothing else, but they’re just not giving me anything to work with here.
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So things look dire for Goku and Vegeta, until suddenly Merus shows up.  Recall that Goku and Vegeta teleported to New Namek on their own because Merus’ ship was still a few days’ travel away from the planet.  Well, those days have passed, and now Merus is here to lend a hand.  First he reveals this new device that was designed to trap Moro temporarily.  It won’t last long, but it doesn’t have to.  Merus just needs Moro to hold still for the second part of his plan...
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...Majin Buu, whom he brought along.  The only one who could defeat Moro ten million years ago was the Grand Supreme Kai, and Majin Buu absorbed him five million years ago, so Merus has used hypnotherapy to reawaken the Kaioshin’s memories within Buu, and apparently it worked.  Buu not only recognizes Moro, but he’s outraged at all the terrible things Moro did in the past. 
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Moro breaks free of Merus’ sticky trap, but it doesn’t seem to matter, because Buu kicks the shit out of him.  Moro’s energy draining ability doesn’t seem to work on Buu at all, and Buu seems to have gotten stronger from having the Kaioshin’s dormant memories brought out.  But this is all for nothing if Buu doesn’t use the magic-sealing technique that Merus needs him to use. 
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But before Buu can use that technique, Cranberry summons the Namekian Dragon, and starts making wishes.  Apparently he has some device that can force a Namekian to translate his wishes, which is a clever plot device, except Cranberry never made it far enough to find out that Porunga only responds to the Namekian language, so I don’t see how he would have known to use a device like this. 
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Anyway, Moro convinces Cranberry to wish for Moro’s magic to be restored, and then he kills Cranberry for his trouble, because he has another wish he needs granted.  We don’t find out what that is right away, but stay tuned.
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Meanwhile, Buu restores Goku and Vegeta to their full power and assumes the appearance and personality of the Grand Supreme Kai for the duration of this battle.  I never thought of this before, but maybe Buu’s healing powers were always abilities he got from the Kais he absorbed, rather than an innate power.  I guess the only way to know for sure would be if Kid Buu healed someone, but he’d never do that.
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Then we get a bonus segment which reveals Cranberry’s origin story.  He was the Frieza soldier who got beat up by the Namekian villagers, and Zarbon superkicked him to death.  Well, Mr. Popo wished back everyone who was killed by Frieza and his soldiers, and that includes Cranberry, who managed to escape Namek’s destruction by fleeing in Vegeta’s spaceship.  This probably would have been more interesting if Cranberry had gotten to do more in this story, but he’s already dead, so we know he’s done.
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Moro declares victory and tries to leave the planet, but the good guys pursue, although only Buu can fight Moro in the vacuum of space.  The problem is that he’s no longer a match for Moro now that Moro’s got his magic restored.  He goes for that technique the Kai used 10 million years ago, but Moro figures out it’s a bluff.  Buu doesn’t have the power to execute it this time.  But why should that be?
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Merus suspects that it’s because Majin Buu separated into two beings during the Buu Saga.  Merus assumed that the good Buu retained all of the Grand Supreme Kai’s power, since he kept the Kai’s appearance, but maybe Kid Buu got some of it after all.  And since Kid Buu is dead, that means the surviving Buu doesn’t have the power he needs to pull off Merus’ plan. 
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But it’s not all bad news.  Merus’ original idea has failed, but Goku and Vegeta are confident that they can overpower Moro in a fair fight.  The problem is that Moro keeps using his magic to drain their power, which spoils things.  So Merus sends them back to New Namek, and he goes out to help Buu. With his sticky trap weapon and the Grand Supreme Kai’s teleportation power, they manage to bring Moro back to the planet’s surface, where they can all fight him together. 
So I like that idea.  Moro’s not invincible like Super Buu or Jiren.  He’s got a lot of different abilities, but he still has some weaknesses, which can be exploited as long as Goku, Vegeta, Buu, and Merus work together.  Unfortunately, Moro had one other trick up his sleeve.
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Remember that other wish he made to Porunga?  Well it was to free all the prisoners at the Galactic Patrol’s jail.  He had struck a deal with them all before the story started, and now that he’s busted them out, they head for New Namek to back him up.  Wait, how did they get to New Namek so quickly?  It took Merus days to make the trip.
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Of course, you might wonder what difference escaped convicts could make in a battle like this, but Moro uses his magic to empower them, which is also a nice touch.  Moro may not be physically strong enough to defeat a Super Saiyan Blue, but he can make others stronger, and he can drain Goku and Vegeta’s powers while they take on the small fry. 
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Eventually, Goku and Vegeta are overwhelmed, and the good guys are forced to withdraw.  Goku prepares to teleport everyone back to GP headquarters, but Vegeta decides that he’s sick of this shit and refuses to join the others.  Instead, he takes off after the spaceship that brought Merus’ group to New Namek. 
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They make their own escape, and the pilot plans to regroup with the others at GP headquarters, but Vegeta forces him to take the ship to Yardrat instead. 
And this is really the first interesting twist to the whole arc.  I was getting pretty bored with Goku and Vegeta being joined at the hip, getting outmaneuvered by Moro while Merus makes all his big plans.  It’s one thing when it’s just one of them, but when they’re both doing the same thing, it’s redundant, so it makes sense for Vegeta to get sick of this shit and seek out an alternative strategy.  He’s sick of magic and tricks and teleportation, and he’s convinced that he can defeat Moro in a direct confrontation, so he’s chosen to take matters into his own hands.  So we’ll see how it plays out. 
Things have gotten a little better with these chapters, but I’m still not sold on this story.  We’ll just have to see how it goes...
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
HAZBIN HOTEL - Husk redesign: Thoughts and Critiques
Well I certainly wasn’t expecting this, but Husk’s redesign has dropped. https://twitter.com/hazbinhotel/status/1542538528881606657?s=21&t=ZtN1rKELdg53UqzKh3hvsQ
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Not much has changed honestly, at least physical wise but I never really expected Viv to give her characters slightly different looks, which is why I honestly get disappointed every “redesign”, because I wish there was more to them than just “we fixed it for the animators and also added more red”. I also wonder why he wasn’t hyped up, guess Viv picks favorites lol. Anyway, there’s not much to unpack, but there’s still a few things to say. For starters, and Viv…ya gatta know this, PLEASE start showing the full character’s body standing up. Vaggie and Alastor were kinda an example of this, but Husk is just worse! He’s sitting down, so the audience can’t even see the rest of his body, or a full view of his wings! It’s not that hard to show a full view of a character, you could of had him sitting in FRONT of the bar, drinking instead of behind the bar. Instead we got this and it’s lowkey frustrating. But moving on, let’s discuss the background real quick like I always do. I will admit, I like how this location mostly consists of orange and yellow colors, like…..thank GOD, a location that doesn’t consist of whites, pinks, red, or black! It’s a miracle! I will say though, I do miss the green and blue palette that was in the bar area in the pilot, those were really nice colors to look at, but…it is what it is. That reminds me, wish we would have had a full view of the bar as well but again, it is what it is. I will say I liked the old bar design better.
EDIT: While I’ve noticed the sign seems to say “Concierge” (which for those who don’t know, mainly means someone who assists the guests), I still find the idea of a bar being in a rehabilitation center being…….bad. I mean, we can clearly see that there’s alcohol behind Husk, and even the stools look that of those you see at bars. It just makes Charlie as a character and her plan seem hypocritical even more, and it doesn’t make sense on a writing standpoint. Hopefully they go with an idea similar to one that I had, where Charlie secretly let’s Husk drink outside of the guest’s view to keep him there. If it turns out there’s literally just a bar there filled with alcohol in a place Charlie is TRYING to help demons OVERCOME addictions like these, then……🤦‍♀️
Moving on to Husk’s actual design, again…not much has changed as usual. I still never really got why he was a cat in the first place, hate to be a broken record but….he’s similar to my thoughts on Stolas’s design, where’s he’s kinda just this…anthropomorphic furry rather than a “demon”, but that’s just me. Also come on Viv, you couldn’t give him a beer gut? He would have looked good with one, and it would make sense since he drinks all the time but…..nope, he’s just a twig as usual. I honestly only like 2 things about his design, the yellow eyes and teeth (cause again, it’s a nice break from red eyes), and it seems…..SEEMS that his fur tone is lighter, sort of giving off this light blackish yellow. HOWEVER, I can’t tell if that’s just the composition or not, and yeah that’s another issue. They really need to stop adding composition, just show the full bodied character with their flat colors, it would make everything so much easier. Oh, I also like the suspenders I’ll admit because…well…….50’s, but at the same time…nothing about him really screams “50’s” anyway. I have noticed that there’s a chance he’s wearing pants under, which yeah, I don’t mind if that’s true. What I DO mind is….the details. Yes, they did level down on him a lot compared to before, but he honestly still has unnecessary details, for example those freaking HEARTS on him. I’ve seen a lot of fans try to guess why he has these hearts and if it means anything, but I honestly think that once again, the fandom is over analyzing things. He clearly has them just because Viv is obsessed with them, same as she is obsessed with bow ties and stripes. Speaking of stripes, yeah…the ones on his wings don’t look good, though of course I can’t even tell how they’re supposed to work since he’s not freaking standing up! Also I’m going to be honest, I still don’t get why he has wings in the first place. He canonically doesn’t like them and barley uses them, so why give the animators more work? It feels like he has these damn things only to make him look “pretty” and nothing else. While I also tip my hat to Viv for trying to have a character’s personality reflect in their design (only for Husk tho lol), I still don’t like the polkadots and the stripes. I get he’s a….magician…… gambler polkerchip dude but….it’s better to reflect that in his personality instead of adding all these details. Hell, I don’t even SEE Husk wanting to wear a top hat and a bow tie, he seems more of the guy who would wear raggedy wrinkled stained clothes and say “Fuck that” to a bow tie, but again….that’s just me. Of course the last complaint I have is…….say it with me……..RED AND BLACK. Yeah…..it may be a small addition, but now the inside of his ear is white and red, instead of white with pink stripes. I mention this because once again as a whole, looking at him will just be a clusterfuck, because he consists of a white, red, and mainly black palette which wouldn’t you know, is mostly the same palette as the damn hotel. This is why I wish he had more orange or brown to him but he doesn’t, so I just pray to god that Husk, and all the OTHER characters as well, will look good and easy to look at regarding animation once the show comes out. I’m really REALLY worried about the entire cast just melting into the background, so we’ll have to see.
The last thing I want to say before I tune out is that I’ve realized…….Husk’s design (in general) is the design I dislike the MOST out of the entire cast. I may bitch about Sir Pen, Cherri, Alastor, and all the others, but Husk is probably the one at the bottom. Why? Well, it’s not that he’s GOD awful like the others, or his colors, but to me, it’s just that he looks so damn boring and uninteresting, I’m sorry. All he is is just a furry cat with wings, and that’s it. I hate to sound like a broken record but…..he looks NOTHING like a demon. I’ll complain about the rest of the cast but, at least they look…….weird, and at least their designs actually FEEL like they’re trying to be other worldly but……..Husk is just a cat, and that’s it. It doesn’t matter if he has wings, or has glowing eyes and symbols, he’s just a cat, and that’s what turns me off. So I can’t say he’s the WORST, but he’s the most boring to me, yes….even more boring than Charlie’s design. I wish Viv did a whole lot more with him, same for all the damn characters because let’s be honest, all these designs aren’t “redesigns” at all, they’re just the bare minimum with slight tweaks for the animators, and it’s honestly disappointing to see every time that NOTHING changes for these characters.
But….as you all know, at the very end of the day, as long as the WRITING is good, I’m good. I still have doubts, but we’ll have to see, because if the writing is good, then the experience will be good regardless. Fill free to disagree with me on anything stated above, if you love it and love the show, I can’t take that away from you, and your opinions are valid! Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you next time! 👋💕
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phatdonutbear · 3 months
Entry Log 3: Progression
Entry #3, November 10, 2117
This is the third entry of Project Marvels, or what I now like to call, ‘My novel-like diary’. I say this because I’m going to start writing these entries as both a story, AND a journal expressing my opinions. My boss actually gave me full permission to do this, by the way. Thanks, Silo!
But I don’t think Gate would say the same to him… You see, he actually got in trouble for making a new reploid without Silo asking him to do that. Fortunately, Gate managed to stop him from trashing the reploid, due to it being over 50% finished, which I found to be the few things Silo has done nice to anyone in this lab.
You see, he is REALLY bossy, and the only things he treats as actual beings are himself, and the reploids we were tasked to build. No one really wants to disagree with him, in fear that he might fire them on the spot. Honestly, I feel like he has double standards when it comes to his twin daughters, Presto and Allegro. Both do absolutely nothing to help us at all, and Silo just lets them do anything!
In fact, something happened today with our newest reploid, the shark one, that further proves how terrible these 2 man-children are. (Yes, both are adults)
When we got the shark reploid out of the creation chamber, he actually acted as if he had emotions. He looked at everything with a weird smile on his face, showing interest in his surroundings. That’s when those two doofus girls ran up to the new robot, and Presto yelled “Can I name him?!” at the top of her voice, prompting the poor reploid to cover his audio receptors on him, as if her voice was like a poison to him.
“Baby Shark is his name,” Presto gleefully called him with a punchable grin.
“NO!” Interjected Allegro. “Metal Shark PLAYER!” She yelled rather violently to her sister.
I turned back to Shark Player, which I guess is the better name, who was still covering his ears, again, as if noise was poison to him… I decided to tell everyone to go to the other room to let Shark Player relax.
“Gee,” Player said with disgust in his voice, “Those specimens are quite rowdy, aren’t they?”
I took the chance to introduce myself and suggested he should be named Metal Shark Player, which he kinda liked the name. Anyways, I brought him to his dorm room, right next to Wolfang’s. I took this as an opportunity to let Wolfang meet his new neighbor. They got along fine, but Player was acting like a mad scientist, and it made me a little uncomfortable. Player, without me telling him to do so, proceeded to go back to his dorm, leaving me and Wolfang alone. Wolfang decided to start a conversation.
“Alia?” He started.
“Yeah?” I replied back.
“When we went to get some decorations for my room, I saw this place called Mega Diner… Can we go there today?” He asked, with a hint of joy at the end.
I agreed to go there at lunch hour, which was about an hour away. When that time came, I told my boss I will bring Wolfang out to dine with me, and after informing him that I am NOT going on a date with someone I just met 3 days ago, he surprisingly let me do this.
 Me and Wolfang went to the diner. It was quite empty, except for about 4 customers other than us. One of those customers actually made me stop for a moment, and made me do a double take. There, in the corner of the diner, was one of the most highest classed Maverick Hunters in all of the city: Zero.
Beside him was this other blue reploid called X I hadn’t seen before around this side of the city, so I got curious, and walked over to them. X looked up, smiled and asked who I was. I was a bit nervous to tell them my name, but I REALLY wanted to get to know him.
“Are you ok, lady?” X asked me.
Perhaps an old joke may get them to like me, so I took my chances.
“...I-I threw b-butter… To make a b-butterfly!”
I pushed out a nervous laugh, as Zero and X sat in their chairs for a few moments, probably considering whether to laugh or not… That was a dumb joke, honestly.
Zero finally spoke to me and said to me, “Uh, your friend wants you, I think.”
I turned around and saw Wolfang, smiling while holding a big lunch bag.
“Sorry if the beer battered onion rings get you drunk, Alia.” He proudly told me, prompting X to giggle a bit.
“X, what’s so funny?” Zero asked in a joking way, “He must be a new reploid, he’s like a little sponge, you know!”
Finally, a topic I can talk to them about. I told them I was part of a research lab that made reploids, and if they ever wanted to see our progress, they could visit anytime. They said they would consider it.
After that chat, me and Wolfang left the diner with our food. Sadly, we didn’t eat together, mostly because Wolfang was more interested in talking with Shark Player. Oh, and Allegro bummed me out of an onion ring. That rude goblin. Anyways, this was Alia, signing off.
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atlasmoonshine · 2 years
How I almost died on a camping trip (Long story, tl;dr at bottom)
Ok so my geology class has an end-of-semester field trip to the Appalachian Mountains for extra credit. Naturally, I take it because I have never gone camping before and it was a great opportunity to do so. The first day was a lot of fun, we went rock climbing with no harnesses, almost fell 50+ feet, went into a cave with only one opening as wide as my body, almost got stuck, fun times!
But those, while dangerous, were not the near-death experience.
So before the field trip started, my professor talks about it in the syllabus. HOWEVER, there was NO MENTION OF A SUPPLY LIST. It LITERALLY only said "just bring money for food." My assumption was that they would provide supplies or something.
They did not.
I had NO sleeping bag, NO blanket, NOTHING. I only had a tent because I buddied up with someone. It was just me and the cold, hard ground, just completely raw-dogging nature. But I didn't realize she'd be the one raw-dogging me. And she didn't bring lube.
So what DID I bring, you may ask? Just enough clothes to last the weekend, the shittiest keychain flashlight known to man, a multitool knife, and snacks for the van. That's it.
It was cold. It was in the 20s that night, and me NOT HAVING A SLEEPING BAG OR BLANKET, I layered up on clothes so I'd at least be a LITTLE warmer. I had like 2 hoodies, 3 shirts, 2 pants, and 3 pairs of socks on.
So this is where the trouble starts. It was 1 AM and I had to pee. I stumbled out of my tent with my shitty flashlight. This flashlight, turns out, was only good at telling the general shapes of things, nothing else. So I saw a dip in the land and assumed it was just a ledge.
It was not.
I slipped and fell on my ass directly into a creek. My pants were SOAKED from the ass down, my socks were soaked, my shoes were soaked. And although I had the self-preservation skills of a lemming, even I knew that wearing wet clothes in 20F weather was BAD NEWS. And I had no clothes to switch into, as all the clothes I had were currently clinging to my freezing body.
I make it back to my tent and I start shaking like I have never shaked before in my life. Have you ever held an ice cube for so long it started to burn? My ass down to my toes were BURNING. My feet no longer had feeling in them except for the icy hellfire that punished me for having bodily functions. I couldn't even lay down because I had to sit on my feet with the hopes my body heat would at least ease the pain a little. After a couple hours, my torso started feeling REALLY warm, despite nothing really changing. I may not be a survivalist, but I've heard that's generally a bad sign.
4 am hits. After THREE HOURS of accepting death, being in the most pain I have been in in a hot minute, my tentmate, who has been peacefully sleeping next to me unaware of me fighting for my life, wakes up. I'm assuming from me vibrating so much I was rubbing against the tent floor making noise. She asks me "How are you doing?" I say "Miserable, I think I'm dying, thanks! :D" I tell her the terrible situation I was in and she asked the question I'm sure every reader has asked at this point:
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
And at this moment: I learned something VERY interesting about myself. The reason I didn't wake her up was because I didn't want to disturb her. I didn't want to disturb her with me LITERALLY dying. In an ACTUAL LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION, when given the choice between POTENTIALLY bothering someone or just straight up dying, I CHOSE DYING. For some reason, my brain put bothering someone and LITERALLY DYING on the EXACT SAME TIER.
So that's how bad my social anxiety is.
Anyways, she lent me some pants so I'd stop wearing my soaked jeans and gave me some socks and let me use her sleeping bag for a couple hours before everyone else had to wake up. Somehow, I made out of it alive while still keeping all my toes. But I came out of it with some new knowledge about myself:
My social anxiety is SO BAD that I would LITERALLY rather die than potentially bother someone.
Tl;dr: I almost died of hypothermia because of social anxiety
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doll-elvis · 11 months
Hiii, I always love reading your perspective on Elvis. What do you think about the friendship between Scotty Moore and Elvis? I think his book doesn't get much attention and not being talked about enough, so I'm curious what happened between them (because I loveee seeing the early pictures of Elvis with the Blue Moon boys). Did they go in separate ways in bad terms? Thank you!
stop you are so sweet !! 😭 thank you so much for taking the time to read my posts and for saying this, it truly means the world to me that you get something postitive out of my perspective and the info that I share, thank you again 🫶🏻💗
and I wholeheartedly agree that his book needs more attention, solely because of the unique, and very genuine, insight that he offers as he was right by Elvis’ side when he became the performer/star that we all know and love. It was really interesting to read from the perspective of a fellow entertainer/musician, as opposed to a friend or girlfriend
The best part of this book, and what makes it worth reading, are all the stories of Elvis and his fellow bandmates, many of which I never knew until I read it
As for your question, when Scotty initially quit in 1957 it definitely wasn’t on the best terms however I don’t think either of them harbored any hatred for one another as Elvis invited Scotty to play in the 1968 comeback special which he did agree too. And while Scotty mostly talks highly of Elvis, it’s clear to me that he held some resentment towards Elvis and an overall feeling of frustration at how his professional career went while working for Elvis
The reason for Scotty quitting, as he tells it, was because he was paid very little for the work he did with Elvis, which wasn’t Elvis’ fault but rather the Colonels’. However Scotty didn’t see it that way and he felt betrayed that Elvis never stood up for him or the others against the Colonel
And despite Scooty Moore and Bill Black going to the press after they quit and saying that they were paid next to nothing, there was talk of reconciliation between them and Elvis. But before the band could reunite, Elvis was drafted into the army in 1958 which definitely put the nail in the coffin for their professional relationship and personal relationship ⬇️
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I was also really shocked to learn that after they reunited for the 1968 comeback special, Scotty Moore never saw Elvis again and he didn’t even go to his funeral
And I don’t know if I’m misinterpreting the passage below wrong ⬇️ but the “misunderstanding” Scotty is referring to is the whole situation of him not being paid enough. And so it seems to me like Scotty was upset that he couldn’t have a career with Elvis and make money again as he had passed away… it’s just such a weird thing to be upset about of all things. Like Elvis passed away and you’re still stuck on how you could have gotten a better career out of him?
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But anyways- other than that I would still say it’s a must read for any Elvis fan. However, if I were to read it again, I would only read the chapters dedicated to the 50s 🤧
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zeydaan-isabella · 9 months
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Isabella and The Grimoire
Story by AxiomTF - Isabella finds a mysterious tome out on a scavenging mission which whispers secrets of great power. Its influence unable to be shaken regardless of what form they take. Seems Stolas wants a loyal Hellhound to 'fetch' his lost Grimoire.
The air was still, and the night was still young as the Hawkmoths crew searched around the dimly lit hallways of some long forgotten manor. They had arrived in a rather strange dimension for this particular excursion across the multiverse - one which seemed to be empty and void of any kind of life. Dotted around barren fields filled with decaying flowers, grass, and trees, were a selection of houses, crypts, small castles and other settlements that were all gothic, aesthetically speaking. It was as if this place was just one giant haunted house, stretched out for hundreds of miles… though the Hawkmoths were hoping that this place didn’t include any actual haunted elements one might find within the walls of a haunted house. “Ugh… this place really gives me the creeps. Why can’t we ever go somewhere nice for a change? Y’know… like some tropical beach or something, instead of deathtraps and horror movie locations?” “Because these places often contain the things we can get some use out of… magical items, dimensional tools… these things don’t tend to just be laying around in easy-to-get areas. If they were, almost anyone would waltz around and find them… and we’d be out of a job most likely. It’s only us who ever go to these sorts of places.” Lilith responds to Ashley, as they scour through an ornate chest filled with various doodads and cobwebs, rummaging around for something useful inside. The small torches mounted upon their heads help to illuminate what was before them, though apart from that, the only source of light here came from the full moon, which was shining through the Victorian era windows. There was a slight draft in this room, too, which served to make the dishevelled house to creak and shake slightly, and send shivers up the spines of the pair every minute or so. “I suppose… I dunno, I’m just saying a change in scenery would be appreciated every now and then. To boost morale and all of that? “Yeah… I get what you mean… though work is work, and there’s nothing stopping us from visiting such places in our own free time. Anyways, there’s nothing in this thing, and I think we’ve searched through the entirety of this floor. I think Alvis and Isabella were covering the basement, and we already did the ground floor when we came in. Shall we go and wait on the front porch until they’re done? When they are, I reckon it’s about time we call it a day and head back to Mailor.” “Yeah… that sounds good to me. Let’s just hope that they’ve had some better luck than we have at finding things.” Having agreed upon a plan, the pair pack up their equipment, and head out of the small guest bedroom they were searching, with the wooden floorboards creaking and squeaking with each step they take. Meanwhile, down in the basement, Alvis was examining the contents of a desk drawer, which amongst old bits of parchment and junk, contained some old-fashioned jewellery. It was certainly nothing useful for dimensional travel, but it would certainly be worth a bit of money back home, and since there seemed to be no owner around here… well, Alvis figured that those fine pieces would be better kept under their watch for now. Whilst Alvis was pillaging the contents of the desk, their friend and fellow teammate, Isabella, stood in a small sideroom, located in the corner of the larger main room of this basement. When they had entered, the air seemed to consist of around 50% oxygen, and 50% cobweb, which had taken a good while to remove; thankfully no spiders seemed to be living in the small space, at the very least. That’s when Isabella saw it, sitting upon a cracked stone pedestal at the far end of the room - a beautiful grimoire. It was a dark navy colour, the front being adorned with a crescent moon, along with sequins to seemingly represent various constellations. Curious, Isabella went to pick up the book, taking a deep breath before puffing away the dust which had settled upon the hardback cover. It didn’t quite seem to belong in this house, having a strange aura to it as they looked it over. Plus, unlike most of the other things in the house, it was still in pretty good physical condition, whereas most of the other books the team had seen thus far on bookshelves were frayed, torn, and musty. They open it up, flicking through the off-white pages which had incantations written upon them in some archaic-looking language, along with strange diagrams and demonic seals… this thing seemed like it could cause nothing but trouble, though in spite of that, Isabella felt oddly compelled by it. After thumbing through random pages for a couple of seconds, they land upon one inscribed with an image of a wolf, along with occult imagery such as a pentagram and a few different seals. Like the rest of the book, nothing there seems to be written in English, as the fey dragon leans closer to inspect what looks like some kind of faint watermark… ZAP! Isabella is suddenly hit with a sharp jolt of lightning as their fingertips brushed over the mark, which had begun to glow a faint red. The static discharge runs up their arm and is quickly passed throughout the rest of their body, prompting them to convulse for a split second as their muscles seized up. The book falls to the floor with a loud thud, as a cloud of dust gets kicked up as it makes contact with the decaying wooden floorboards. Isabella stumbles back, catching themselves by leaning upon the wall. “Ah… ugh… w-what the hell was that… s-shit, that really hurt…” They mutter to themselves, taking in deep breaths as they take a moment to steady themselves, before pushing off of the wall. They glance over at the book, wondering what could have caused that to happen when the door behind them swings open - Alvis had heard the commotion, coming in to investigate. “What was all that noise? Isabella, you good in here?” They ask, scanning the room for possible danger until they spot the grimoire laying upon the floor, now open on a random page after hitting the groud. “What’s this… you find this in here?” They ask curiously, taking a step towards it when Isabella is overcome with a strange sense of possessiveness… they found that grimoire, not Alvis… it was theirs! And with that thought, Isabella quickly strides forward, picking the book up and pulling it close to their chest, following with a somewhat dirty look aimed at their friend. “It’s nothing. Just something I found in here… I can handle it.” “Now now, no need to get agitated, I was just asking is all. Besides, I think I’ve snagged a decent amount of loot from this place already - I got my fair share, don’t you worry. I’m gonna head upstairs and meet the others, I’ll see you up there once you’re done, ‘kay?” Alvis responds, giving Isabella a wink, though their face doesn’t really change from its rather sour expression, as Alvis turns around to head back into the room they were previously in. Isabella collects themselves, placing their newly acquired grimoire into a satchel, before leaving the room to meet up with the rest of their team. Since Alvis had already left the main basement room by the time Isabella entered it, it was safe to say that it had been thoroughly picked clean, and consequently, there was little point in trying to scavenge around further. Whenever Alvis was tasked with gathering things, they never left anything unturned. Isabella travelled up the rickety basement stairs, hearing the chitter-chatter of their team above them, which was mostly drowned out by the squeaky, creaking floorboards beneath their feet. After having made their rendezvous, the team’s return home was rather swift - after having completed their search of the abandoned property, there was no reason to loiter around. Summoning a portal back to Mailor, the whole crew jumps through it - a whirlwind of light and magical energy whizzes by them as they weave through the spaces in between dimensions. Simultaneously, Isabella is briefly cloaked in a magical fog, their body warping and shimmering for a moment until the form of Zeydaan appears in their place, all before the Hawkmoths are spat out back in their headquarters. Dr. Asriel glances up from his workbench, seeing his friends find their footing before returning his attention back to the machine he was currently tinkering around with. “Welcome back you guys. Anything eventful happen this time? Mind you, I don’t really think anything we do would be considered ‘uneventful’ by most… y’know what I’m getting at.” “Nah, not too much really… that place was totally abandoned, so we just had a look around and snagged a couple of things to us to sell or use… in fact, on that note, I found this for you doc~” Lilith says, before rummaging around in their pockets, and then tossing a small purple stone in the general direction of the doctor. They are caught off-guard by this, as they lurch upwards and try to catch the stone in their left hand. It ends up bouncing off their palm, and falling onto their desk, before Asirel lets out a sigh, shaking their head a little. They examine the stone, realising that it’s an Alonack Crystal - something which could be used as a sort of magical energy sponge, and was just the thing Asirel needed for a little project they were currently working on. “You are aware that you have legs, right? Which you could use to just stroll on over and hand it to me, right?” “Hey, just working on my 3-pointer is all Doc.” “Uh-huh, very amusing. Regardless… thank you for that Lilith, this’ll be really useful I’m sure.” Asriel replies with a slight smile upon his face, as the rest of the crew head over to their private rooms, wanting a well-deserved rest after a hard days work, including Zeydaan. Asriel leans over their desk, looking at them skimming through the pages of the grimoire they’d brought home. “You get that whilst out there, Zey? I wouldn’t mess with that thing, y’know... might have some nasty magic trapped inside. I would much rather do some tests on it first - find out if it holds anything unpleasant before you do any leisurely reading.” “Whatever… I don’t care. I can handle myself.” They respond abruptly, rolling their eyes before slamming the door shut, silencing the distant sounds of machines whirring in the central room of the headquarters. “Hm… seems as if someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning…” Asriel comments, finding their friend’s attitude rather off, as they return to their work. Meanwhile, Zeydaan takes a secret, underground pathway, located underneath the HQ which was connected to their little cottage home. It’s only a short walk, and before long, they arrive back at their own cosy house. They go up their stairs, entering the bedroom before taking a seat upon the single bed in their room, placing the grimoire on their lap as they start to flick through the thick pages. It had really been dominating their mind ever since they’d found it, back at that old house. Zeydaan was infatuated by what it all meant, along with what power it might hold… not realising that such a power had already taken hold of them. Thumbing through the pages, their eyes start to sting a bit, as their irises start to shift in colour… or more specifically, to a lack of one as they fade to white. In contrast to this, their sclera turns bloodshot, building up more and more until it’s become completely red. The book seems to shimmer a little bit, as the transformation progresses, morphing Zeydaan’s body without them realising it. Their fur starts to bleach as the colour slowly drains out of it, tufts of grey fur bleeding out to cover up the blues which were there before, whilst they find their already sharp teeth getting even more so. It was as if they were a sword on a grindstone, getting worked on by whatever magical force the grimoire contained, as they become razor sharp within just a few seconds. Their chest starts to flatten, shrinking down to become more modest, as some amount of body fat they had is burnt away, giving them a slightly more slender figure. Dropping around 20 pounds was just enough to make their uniform feel a bit loose, as Zeydaan starts thinking about how… lame it looked. Like, it just didn’t feel like their style at all. The idea of having to wear any kind of uniform at all also just seemed to be very unappealing to the wolf now; the thought of being told how to dress was a deeply irritating one. No one was gonna tell them how to dress from now on, they think to themselves, smirking, with this internal proclamation giving them a newfound sense of empowerment. Though a wardrobe change would have to wait for just a little while longer, due to the fact that they didn’t really have any alternate clothing options in this room with them, at the present time. Zeydaan rubs their eyes, looking up at the clock, as they notice how late it was… usually they were more of a night owl, or at least they felt they way now, though the recent trip they’d taken today with the rest of the Hawkmoths had left them feeling particularly drained. Their attention turns to their bed, as they figure it was about time to hit the hay. As they wander over, they rub their eyes, stopping for a moment as they prick themselves ever so slightly… since when had their claws been so sharp? Maybe they just needed cutting, they wondered nonchalantly to themself, whilst their tail grew out to be longer and fuller, the fur getting thicker too, as their new grey look even spread to coat over their tail. They clamber into bed, feeling somewhat off, though they have not yet perceived any of the changes which had occurred to their form thus far. Closing their eyes, Isabella feels much more content than they had been a few hours ago, with this new, rather abrasive and aggressive persona they’d adopted seeming very natural to them already. They didn’t stop to consider where this sudden change of heart may have originated from, as they slowly drift off to sleep. This slumber, however, doesn’t prove to be a very lengthy or restful one though, as in the middle of the night, Zeydaan awakes in a cold sweat. Whilst their mind was struggling to comprehend the goetic magic which had cursed them, their body had taken notice, seemingly trying to fight it off like some sort of invasive disease. Zeydaan looks down at their body, taking a moment to process what they were seeing, until at last, their brain was able to clear the mental hurdle that had been preventing them from noticing the changes which’d been made to their body thus far. “Oh my goodness… this isn’t right! W-What the hell is happening to me…” They blurt out, before covering their mouth in shock after hearing their own voice… only it wasn’t their voice… it sounded totally different - the accent, the pitch, even the cadence of the way their words came out had changed. They scramble out of their bed, shoving the bed sheets off of them as they fall into a heap on the floor, as they make their way over to the opposite side of the room before stopping. A large, thin mirror leans against the masonry, a very fine layer of dust coated over it. Zeydaan examines it from a distance, inspecting it in order to kill some time before they would inevitably have to take a look at themselves in the reflection… they grimaced at the thought of what it’d most likely show them. With a deep breath, they step forward before the mirror, as they look at themselves. They had become almost unrecognisable. Whilst still clearly a wolf, their features had seemed to have gotten much more feminine, not to mention their fur now having various shades of grey all over. Their uniform, once relatively figure-hugging, had gotten slightly baggy, whilst their new, piecing hellhound eyes stared back at them in the reflection. Though the strangest thing of all - the thing that worried Zeydaan the most, was ironically their lack of worry about their new appearance. They found that they didn’t seem to mind it too much, nor care about how this could have come to pass. They take a moment, thinking of what they could do to handle the current situation, until they get an idea - perhaps switching to their other form would wipe the changes that’d happened to them? Resetting them, in a way? Seeing no other options they could try out at this present time, Zeydaan concentrates, and within a few seconds, the wolf morphs into their fey dragon counterpart, a hazy cloud of magic enveloping their body during this brief process, like how it had during their trip home last evening. They keep their eyes closed throughout, and once it’s over, they open them slowly, and gaze upon the mirror again in the hopes that they have been successful. Alas, they were met with a disappointing sight, as Isabella’s body was still halfway through the process of turning into… well, whoever it was that they were becoming. The grey fur still covered their body, along with their demonic eyes looking no different than they did ten seconds ago. And to add insult to injury, they observed the transformations resume once more, though they are now aware of it happening… Isabella’s yellow horns slowly begin to recede, getting thinner and shorter with each passing second, whilst their pink hair starts to grow longer with added volume. Much like their body fur, it’s desaturated until it’s completely grey and colourless. It even seems to style itself as it grows, sweeping itself over to one side, whilst two holes get punched into Isabella’s ears, in order to put earrings into, making them wince a bit. Their waist slenderises some more, giving them a shapely figure, whilst the end of their nose hardens a bit, turning slightly moist and dark until a canine nose forms at the end of their snout, much like Zeydaan would have. Their eyelashes lengthen, as they start to calm down with each passing second. They aren’t sure why this is, still not having considered that this was all the grimoire’s doing. That’s when a new thought starts to brew in their mind… they’d been wondering why they weren’t overly alarmed by all of this… why they hadn’t let their friends know this was happening to them… there’s one simple reason behind it all. They liked this. Isabella didn’t want it to stop, in spite of knowing that it was changing them into a totally new form. What they were becoming seemed to fit them perfectly, as they chuckle to themselves, posing in front of the mirror. They wish they had their phone with them to snap a couple of photos, though they could always do that later. Isabella smiles, feeling much better about themselves, as once again they become oblivious to the changes happening to them, after accepting it in their heart. New memories start to form in their mind, co-existing with their ‘real’ ones. They’re very hazy… something about working in an office, with little creatures comes to their mind, along with a general sense of angryness and teenage rebelliousness. They take the book, finding that it now seemed to make a little more sense. Loona flicks through it, wondering if there was a way that she could avoid her friends doing something about her new form, as they come upon a page which seemingly could help her create a portal to a dimension that would be well-hidden from the Hawkmoths “Zeydaan! Stop that… put the book down okay? Damn, I told you that thing could have done something like this!” Asirel shouts, the rest of the team standing behind them, as if ready to pounce. “I know… just leave me alone, alright? Why can’t you guys just let me do this? I’m not gonna go back to living that life!” Loona snaps back, as they place their hand upon the open page of the grimoire, feeling its magic flow through them as it starts to glow a crimson colour. Seeing this, Asriel stands aside, allowing Lilith to pass him as they run over, their feets thuping rhythmically against the floor as they go to snatch the book away from their friend… though they didn’t get to them nearly soon enough. A portal opens up after Loona reads the incantation on the page out loud - it spun around and around, flicking specks of magical red light about the place, like some kind of hellish sparkler. Without a moment's hesitation, she dives through it, as the rest of the Hawkmoths go to pursue their friend through the portal… only it’s already too late, as it seals back up before they can reach it. Loona doesn’t spend a great amount of time travelling through this portal, as they sometimes did when dimension hopping with the Hawkmoths. Before long, they came out of the other end with some speed, causing them to lose their footing and tumble onto the floor on the way out - the portal closing behind them in the blink of an eye. Getting up off of the floor, Loona finds herself in some kind of… shopping centre? At least it was one filled with an assortment of hellish creatures - imps, demons, sinners, hellhounds… they populated the entire area, making it quite an odd sight indeed... though one that didn’t seem too alien to her, as her new memories started to get more clear. This was her home… she lived here, in Imp City, within the Pride Ring. After taking a moment to observe her new surroundings, her attention was brought back to the fact that she was still wearing her old uniform, which had been slightly strained and torn during her transformation thus far, not to mention the slight scrape during her tumble. Loona stops to think for a moment, spotting a clothing store at the end of one of the hallways before her. She figures that it’d be wise to ditch this lame outfit for something more her style… plus, it’d make it pretty damn easy for her former colleagues to spot her if… or rather, when they came looking for her, if she was still wearing that thing. The hellhound makes her way over to the store. Taking a step inside, she can see that the place is totally empty, barring a small, stocky imp lady behind the cash register, who currently had her head down in some kind of lifestyle magazine. The store was split-up into different sections, as Loona wandered over to the back which seemingly contained mostly gothic, dark articles of clothing. She places her furry hand upon a carousel of shirts, flicking through as she feels her body twitch a little… now that she had returned to her proper home, the last of her changes were about to commence… Her snout slenderises, getting a bit thinner and longer, whilst she spots a lovely pair of black shorts, adorned with a grey crescent moon on either side. Her toenails grow to be equally as sharp as her fingers and teeth had gotten, whilst the fur from just above her knees, to the bottom of her feet becomes a darker grey tone. She picks out a spiked black dog collar, checking to see if it fastens, as she leaves it on. Tucked away at the back of this rack, she finds a faded blue crop top, with black straps at the top shaped like a pentagram. She carries her chosen garments into a little changing room, as she quickly strips down and tosses her old uniform aside, having no intentions of ever donning it again. Loona stuffs it behind one of the chairs in the rooms, before dressing herself in the clothing she’d picked out. As she does so, she realises that she’s not carrying any money on her to pay for these items… though the cashier didn’t seem to be too attentive to the store right now… it was unlikely she’d notice that one of the customers had gotten a change in attire whilst browsing. Loona chuckles to herself, watching herself in the mirror, before quickly leaving the store. On the way out, she nabs a pair of black faux earrings, stuffing them into one of her short’s pockets to put on later. Though just before they can leave, Loona feels a presence behind them, before they are tapped on the shoulder. “Hello there dear… I hope your trip wasn’t too bad getting here.” A voice asks from behind the hellhound, causing her to jump slightly - of course, she does her best to play it off cool, turning around with a frown to be greeted by a tall, lanky owl demon. He was adorned in regal, expensive looking clothing which seemed to be tailor-fitted to his form, as he gave Loona a warm smile. “I’m Stolas… and don’t worry, I’m aware that you’re not from this place. I’m afraid that my Blitzy has recently been using my grimoire to explore new places and realms, and had gotten it lost in the process a little while ago. Though thankfully, you have returned it to me now… I knew it was only a matter of time.” He explains, before holding out a hand, clearly signalling his desire for her to voluntarily surrender the grimoire to him, and in spite of Loona having grown so attached to it after discovering it in that dank, dark basement… this felt right. It had helped her out already, and now, it needed to be returned to its proper owner - she had little use for it at this stage, after all. Loona nods silently, before lifting the book up and presenting it to Stolas, who promptly takes it from her. “Just be more careful with it next time, okay? You should know that Blitz sure as hell won’t take much care of that thing when he has it.” “Of course, though it’s nothing I can’t handle dear. Now then, I have some  business to attend to… and I’m guessing that you do too? I believe you’re expected in Blitzy’s office right around this time, so I’ll leave you be darling - you take care of him now, whilst you’re working away there~” The goetic prince asks of her, before strolling out of the store with a particularly flamboyant stride. At last, their transformation, both physical and mental, was complete - they were Loona, through and through. It felt good to have gotten rid of the grimoire… now that it had served its purpose, it was better left in the avian hands of the prince… and his little imp boyfriend, when the occasion called for that. Loona leaves the mall, wandering down the busy, sketchy streets of the city, as the blood red sky above her basks the buildings in an ominous hue. They wonder when the Hawkmoths would be able to track her down… deep down, she knew it’d come, in time, though for now they were free… and this thought was a pleasant one, as she arrives at her place of work. Looking up at the office complex which towered up before them, Loona felt at home… even if said home was a place they’d rather not be at most of the time. Being a receptionist was a rather boring job, and most of the calls she’d receive throughout the day often were either prank calls or wrong numbers - the time in between those often being spent browsing social media on her phone. Still, as a hellhound, her situation could be much, much worse, and whilst she’d never admit it, she liked the others she was with there. The thought of her former teammates faded to the back of her mind; they would most likely come for her at some point in the future, and find a way to bring back who they once were, though thanks to the chaotic nature of this dimension, that may take a good while indeed.
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