nevesmose Β· 16 days
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Angel Exterminatus is filmed in front of a live studio audience!
I enjoy all the parts where Fulgrim is just failing his persuasion attempts over and over again due to the Venn diagram of Pert's possible autism and definite dislike of him being a perfect circle.
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luwupercal Β· 1 year
fulgrim in his titular novel
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nevesmose Β· 17 days
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nevesmose Β· 26 days
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I thought I'd take a look at Ferrus's Primarch book and my goodness. I know I tend to exaggerate in these posts for comic effect but I can honestly say the Fulgrim/Ferrus tag on AO3 has less overt shipping content than this canon novel.
I've been a bit of a dick with the first screenshot because its context is Ferrus thinking about how defeat is a more effective teacher than victory but... I mean, come on. "Not even my bestie Fulgrim knows about my craving to be beaten," good lord. Is this deliberate? Are they messing with us? Madness.
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Hello, Black Library? Yeah, someone accidentally copypasted the summary for their 300,000 word Ferrgrim fic into your book.
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Not even Fulgrim thinks this much about how great Fulgrim is. I mean what's he gonna do next, look at a III Legion marine and think about all the Fulgrim-like traits he has?
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Oh for fuck's sake. Well surely other people won't start playing into it as well.
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At this point it would be less overt for GW to release a model of them getting married with Ancient Rylanor officiating. Anyway later on Fulgrim himself actually turns up.
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That's actually quite funny, in fairness.
And then we get a "we saw you from across the bar and we really dig your autistic vibe" moment just to round things off.
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Statuesque, really? Of all the adjectives.
So, in summary, I went in expecting to take a few things out of context for a cheap laugh but I reckoned without Ferrus's own genuinely unstoppable need to think about Fulgrim at every possible opportunity.
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nevesmose Β· 13 days
> go into your preferred local bookstore one day
> everything's as it should be except for a certain strange tension in the air
> go over to the fantasy/sci-fi section
> when did it get so small?
> you see an unfamiliar Warhammer paperback
> pick it up
> Warhammer Horror: The Primarchs
> it feels very thin, as if there's only one or two pages inside
> flip it over and check the price
> Β£15.99
> fucking GW
> flip it back over and look at the cover
> it's fairly nondescript with just the title in red lettering on an off-white background
> might as well take a look
> put down your armful of discounted anime figures
> there isn't even an author listed
> open it up
> first page is just the standard intro text
> turn the page
> there emblazoned in stark black ink are words of such import and terror that you immediately drop the book and flee the store, waifus abandoned, your perceptions of reality forever shaken by the cursed knowledge seared into your mind
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nevesmose Β· 24 days
Ferrus and Fulgrim AU in which Fulgrim is a literal cape-wearing rule-following classic movie style vampire like you'd get in a Discworld book and Ferrus is his completely oblivious roommate/coworker/newly hired royal bodyguard/adventure party member who ignores every single sign no matter how obvious Fulgrim eventually tries to make it.
"What do you mean I have to invite you in? Someone's a stickler for politeness."
"Did you leave a window open or something last night? It sounded like a bat got in and flew around scratching at my door for hours."
"Why are you counting all the poppy seeds I just spilled?"
"I know the crucifix our neighbour gave me is a bit gaudy but there's no need to be so dramatic."
"I thought I saw you outside our third-floor window yesterday evening. You must've been testing out a fun new ladder."
"Your skin is deathly pale and I've never seen you go out in daylight so yes, of course I've always known that you work in freelance IT. It's not that hard to guess. Plus, working from home means you can wear your fancy cosplay outfits whenever you like."
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nevesmose Β· 27 days
I don't know anywhere near enough about Sanguinius to metaphorically crochet him into a little finger puppet for my primarch fics but how about a little baseless speculation about him and Fulgrim? Please note that this is all based on how I view them in the universe of my silly little stories and is in no way a claim about knowing how they are in canon / lore.
I would probably a) portray Sanguinius as a genuinely sweet adorable cinnamon roll too precious for this world and b) have Fulgrim utterly loathe him because of this.
I tend to write Fulgrim as being a pleasant and charming person who, deep down, is about 50% a deeply broken overthinking ultra-perfectionist and 50% really jealous and vindictive. Please understand that this isn't me saying he's just evil and always was because it really really isn't. It's entirely possible for someone with these traits to function perfectly well in society and not be a bad person in any meaningful sense.
One of his formative experiences as a primarch was almost losing his entire legion due to the Blight corrupted geneseed that almost wiped them out right at the start.
He had to build them up himself from nothing with the constant threat of annihilation both in the sense that "if I fuck up a war and lose however-many thousand Astartes in a terrible accident on the double-ended dildo planet I have no reserves or replacements" and also "every use of our geneseed is a gamble against the horrific mutation coming back and destroying us all over again". In that context the solution he turns to, and the only one that probably makes sense based on his prior experience on Chemos, is perfection.
Make no mistakes, ever, anywhere, because the cost of failure is incalculable, even if it means committing science-treason so you can purge all weakness from your own space dudes. It's not a desire for perfection based on arrogance, although he is of course immensely arrogant in a lot of ways, but one motivated deep down by fear.
People like to clown on Fulgrim based on Jaghatai's infamous "I hear you do strange things to your warriors πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ" sick burn, but to be honest, viewed from his context, what Fulgrim's doing is somewhat understandable.
That is if we assume that the Khan isn't just making a cheap insult but rather is implying he knows a lot more than would be preferable about Fabius dicking around with Astartes genetics in order to detect and eliminate carriers of the corrupted gene-seed so that the III Legion, one of the smallest of all numerically, can still survive. And then a lot of other things too because, like Fabius could believably say in one of the weirder McNeill stories, forbidden science is akin to the ancient Terran delicacy known as Pringles. Once you pop you can't stop.
With that in mind it feels like a lot of Fulgrim's post-heresy actions, not just the snake orgies but the general distance and lack of care for his sons, comes from revelling in just finally being free of that level of stress and pressure weighing down on him at all times. Even Perturabo doesn't withdraw from the Iron Warriors that much and he's a dick.
Anyway, back to pre-heresy days. He has all this going on and then in comes Sanguinius with his giant fucking angel wings who everyone loves and who turned his legion into One Direction (not really but you know... perceptions vs reality and no one in this setting actually communicates with one another since they'd probably have a lot in common regarding fears of being mutants etc)
It's the kind of thing that I think would feel like a dagger in the heart to someone like Fulgrim. Directly highlighting and literally embodying all of his fears about mutation and imperfection and yet somehow appearing to get away with it while he has to exercise constant control and do horrible things simply in order for his legion to exist.
So for that reason I think he would absolutely hate Sangy and do everything he could to undermine him.
"Oh no, brother! I've accidentally spilled this entire Big Gulp cup of bright red Tizcan wine all over your beautiful white wings, and only moments before you were due to make a speech to ten million people about how wonderful the Imperium is! Let me help you clean it up."
And then he pulls out a Looney Tunes sized bottle labelled Fabius's Finest Molt-O-Matic Guaranteed Feather Remover and starts spraying it on him.
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nevesmose Β· 1 month
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nevesmose Β· 28 days
π–„π–”π–š π–†π–—π–Š π–“π–”π–œ (π–“π–”π–œ) π–—π–”π–ˆπ–π–Žπ–“π–Œ π–œπ–Žπ–™π– π•±π–Šπ–—π–—π–šπ–˜ π•Έπ–†π–“π–šπ–˜ 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝓕𝓾𝓡𝓰𝓻𝓲𝓢, 𝓫𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱
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nevesmose Β· 26 days
Some people will tell you that every copy of Fulgrim's bestselling album of acoustic cover songs was destroyed during the Heresy. This is a lie.
If you find a song that has some genuine ✨️vibes✨️ as well as containing a relevant shitpost tier joke, you may consider yourself truly blessed:
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nevesmose Β· 26 days
All I'm saying is, a Ferrus x Fulgrim version of this is making more and more sense:
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luwupercal Β· 1 year
all of this fulgrimposting is because i'm considering homeworld swaps again and i'm thinking about the disaster that calibanite fulgrim would be. because like he'd have every human on the surface of caliban wrapped around his pinky but he would also be significantly worse, i think, at dealing with the beast crisis(TM) than lion was, to hilarious effect
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luwupercal Β· 4 years
oh sure you like the character but do you like them so much you keep a magenta-colored google doc compiling shitposts and occasionally song lyrics that you felt really just hit the hammer in the heart wrt how you characterize them in your heart
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luwupercal Β· 3 years
also i dont have screenshots of everything that made me scream about Vengeful Spirit but i wanna highlight this little interaction between mortarion and horus before i start Fulgrimposting (TM) because it’s really cute
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luwupercal Β· 4 years
Your thoughts on the Lion make me want to ask about your favourite things about all the primarchs ^^. What are you thoughts on Fulgrim? He's my favourite tragic tall boy of the lot.
Fulgrim is my favourite primarch i love him so much. I love that hes a snooty piece of bitch. I love that hes actually super thoughtful and calculating underneath that first layer of snooty bitch. I love that even deeper inside the onion hes scared all the time of never being enough. i love that hes gnc and bisexual because fuck YES FUCK YES baby. i lve that he has .whtie hair for some reason???? i love that he has some fucked up unmedicated adhd RSD thing going on Fulgrim you need meds brother. um. i love him i love him a lot. iim sorry if this isnt coherent im not coherent in loving fulgrim. HIS BACKSTORY IS REALLY FUCKED UP AND NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT BECAUSE FULGRIM PRETENDS HES SUEPR FINE??? THE CON THE GRIFT burnout gifted kid rep all da way babey love da fulgrim lets go fulgrim
ummm. but tl;dr to me most of the time hes either relatable, inspirational or simply genuinely interesting bc mapping out his character arcs and the choices he makes and how he develops gives me dopamine. hes my boy. hes my muse. i dont care that hes a war criminal i would lije to see him safe
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help. um. anyways. Sorry you were probably expecting a more coherent answer. Heres some shit ive written about fulgrim if it helps
huge content warning on both for: drugs, abusive relationships, canon typical a lot of shit
the fulgrimposting doc
whattever the hell this is
anyeays im so sorry this isnt coherent. i have a dnd game kn like 20 minutes and i love fulgrim a lot because of undiagnosed and unmedicated attention deficit (hyperactive?) disorder solidarity i think hes fucking PURPLE
i hope this helps. godspeed have an excellent day
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luwupercal Β· 4 years
You have a magenta coloured fulgrimposting google doc?
fuck yeah i do and it is really bad and eyestrainy because it’s where i come to scream unhingedly and project onto cha boi also drug cw and some raunchy jokes and me wombo combo self diagnosing and armchair psychologizing fulgrim
if you want ACTUAL character analysis i dont know if i can offer it properly but i can hand you this doc on how i would characterize fulgrim if i led like a new 52 reboot of the horus heresy which isn’t very different from how he’s actually characterized but i think has a little bit more nuance. i wrote this down on discord to a friend while playing sims so forgive it for being rambly and weird i just have a dopamine deficiency that means sitting down to write an essay is physical torture on my brain cells
(brief content warning: in the second doc linked bc i discuss fulgrim being abused for a WHILE and i also talk abt like, weird vague allegories for violations of fulgrims own bodily agency and i talk about fulgrim being super traumatized and not coping well with it at ALL and its just like. slaps roof of fulgrim. this bad boy can fit so many misadjusted coping mechanisms in him. so you know take care of yourself and tread carefully in there)
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