#like i get it your car goes vroom why do i have to hear you rev fifty thousand times just heckin go
iguessitsjustme · 2 months
Jazz for Two Ep 2 Music Thoughts
Less thoughts this time but I still have a couple:
I like the way this show utilizes silence
The scene at the very beginning when Se Heon was heading to the piano room in the morning and the janitor was sweeping was very good. I enjoyed it. It read very Peter in the Wolf meets BL to me and I found that fascinating.
The bass during the basketball scene. I'm still sorting my thoughts on that whole scene but I just had to mention the bass. Good lord man that was fantastic.
Look at how happy Se Heon is when he is able to play what he wants. Away from the burdens of his father's expectations and his brother's shadow. No wonder he fought to play in that piano room.
I love that his dad didn't destroy his love of piano. Se Heon very clearly still wants to play. He needs to play like he needs to breathe. He just wants to play what he wants to play instead.
The song they have playing at the end is a choice. I really, really like it. But it feels somehow out of place in this show. I don't know if that's just because of my expectations or because it actually is out of place here. Time and more episodes will tell.
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
would you be ever so kind as to spare some OL2 headcanons or crumbs 🤲🤲
If you don’t wanna write for OL2 then OLBA is just as amazing!!!!!!
Hi! I will eventually write for OL2 I'm sure, but I haven't gotten through the demo yet! Right now I'm at the beginning of the first day of school -- I keep getting pulled back into the first one because it has such a chokehold on me lol.
But I was writing these for OLBA so I'll put them here! Thank you!!!
-- Do you like trashy reality shows? Good for you. Cove's not really into it, but he'll watch with you if you want him to. Derek can definitely have some fun with it. But Baxter turns into a monster.
MC answering their phone: Hey, what's up?
Baxter: DID YOU SEE, *this person* from *this show* got arrested.
MC: Aren't you supposed to be working?
Baxter: I saved the mug shot to my photos, I am sending it to you via text right now.
(Client in the background complaining)
Baxter: I do have to get off the phone now, but if you hear anything else call the office and tell them it's an emergency, they'll put you through to me.
-- If you go the Derek romance route, I think you make out once in high school. Because hormones, you've crushed on each other for years, and like it just happens. And then after he's very unwell, he keeps apologizing, and either your really shy and nervous about it or like "no it's ok, that was nice," but either way he's like "HAVE TO GO, TTYL." He doesn't talk to you for a little bit but then feels bad.
MC: Derek, I like you in a romantic way. I want you to be my boyfriend. I liked kissing you and I want to kiss you again.
Derek: Haha that was crazy, so how's school going?
-- Derek is good with cars. Big muscles make car go vroom.
Like there would have been a time when you got a flat tire and you either didn't know how to change it or blanked on what Cliff told you (Cliff taught you how to change a tire, no questions) and called him like "help" and he dropped everything and drove to wherever you were to change it for you.
-- He's also good with mechanical fixes, and just with his hands in general. Is your sink messed up? Call Derek. Some issue with your stove? Call Derek. Creaky door? You already know. (You have to do stuff for him too though, that's the rules).
-- Back to Cliff though, you know those videos of men like "I'm going to teach you some dad stuff" for people who grew up without dads? That's Cliff. Obviously your moms are amazing, but Daddy Cliff is going to step in too sometimes.
-- Cliff teaching MC how to tie a tie, just imagine.
-- Baxter goes home alone after Miranda's birthday party/the second party for him and finishes off that bottle of champagne because he knows that summer's almost over and he's going to do A Bad Thing and he hates himself.
-- Honestly it hurt my feelings so much at the end of Step 3 lol, like I was genuinely taken aback by his goodbye scene. Asking MC why they'd keep talking when he couldn't give them rides anymore like that's all they were interested in, the audacity.
-- Cove has the whole game, he's gonna be ok, we're talking about other people this time.
-- In adulthood, MC looks back at that time they learned their birth parents died when they were a baby, had a quick breakdown then went back home and did a musical performance for their family as one of the cringiest moments of their life (I'm not using second person this time because I don't want to sound judgey but LOL come on). They'll tell Derek about it later on when they're together and he'll be like "aww, that sounds sweet," and Baxter will be nice about it too, but he'll also have some comments to make.
Baxter: Darling, my plant at the office seems to be dying, could you perhaps do a song and dance number to ease my pain?
MC: Shut uuuuuup.
-- Last week gb patch made a post on Patreon with a new sketch for OLNF with wedding planner Baxter, so like the oldest Baxter we'll see in cannon, and he was wearing a cream turtleneck, a purple overcoat, and what looked to me to be a peach colored gingham suit. So by the time he gets to be like 40, his fashion sense is going to be off the rails. He's going to call you and be like "I just went shopping, I hope you like my new look," and come home like:
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awesomesauce-abbie · 1 year
Heya Abbie I have some GREAT NEWS i recently earned up to get my dream car and I'm SO HAPPY ABOUT IT I NEEDED TO TELL YOU but I was thinking ( if you don't mind ) what if reader has a better car than billy like him being jealous but yet Impressed and he wants to race you and at first he he was going easy on you but then you actually are beating him and then he steps up and being serious and we'll you end up winning anyway. Please and thank you 🤗
That’s awesome! I’m really happy to hear that, safe driving! Now on to the request, sorry it took almost four months! I’m not a car person, all I know is step on gas makes car go vroom vroom. I have looked up 80’s era cars to make this somewhat accurate but again, I do not know cars so forgive me if I get anything wrong or if this ends up being terrible 🤣
Street Race
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Your Chevrolet Corvette was your baby, you actually treated it better than a baby. You saved up for years to get it, every penny from allowance, part-time jobs, Christmas and birthdays had gone into car savings. When you finally had enough, you almost cried. You were driving home from your after-school club when you heard the engine of another car reviving. It was Billy Hargrove’s Camaro. You rolled your eyes as he drove beside you and stopped at a red light, he rolled his window down and smirked at you. He was hot there was no denying that, he was the new king of Hawkin high, the new basketball star but there was one problem with Billy. He was an asshole.
You rolled your window down and glared at him. “What do you want Hargrove?” “Can’t a guy just admire a good car and its sexy driver” he winked at you with his famous smirk. No wonder everyone was drooling over him. “Not interested” you huffed but he paid no notice. “Why don't we see who’s the better driver? Race you to the arcade? If I win, you’re going on a date with me but if you win, I’ll do whatever you want.” You smiled slightly, nobody in this town offered to race you before they were boring thinking teenager parties and weed was already too dangerous to be doing let alone street racing. “If I win...You’ll do whatever I want? No backing out?” Billy chuckled at that, his mind probably jumping to some dirty idea. “That's right got stuff, light goes green and we go.”
You both turned your attention to the traffic lights, it went orange and took an eternity to go green before you both hit the gas leaving a dust trail. You were both neck and neck, Billy had Metallica blasting on his radio which you honestly found fitting. You had driven half a mile before you started to get a lead but Billy didn't like losing to anybody so he played dirty and took a shortcut. “Cheating bastard” you huffed but focused on the road ahead of you. He appeared from a side street in front of you and you knew he had a stupid grin on his face. Your knuckles went white as you gripped the wheel and slammed your foot down on the gas. “Come on baby, we can do this” you muttered. You started catching up again, the arcade coming up from the distance. You ignored, Billy and his music and focused on winning and the at the last second you got the lead and pulled into the parking lot ahead of Billy. “Hell yeah! Suck it Hargrove!” You laughed, getting out of your car. He pulled in and did the same with a fresh cigarette, he didn't look happy.
“Maybe we should do it again sometime it was fun” you smiled, attempting to cheer him up. “Yeah, next time I'm getting that date” he smirked. “Maybe you've already got it” you shrugged.
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NCT 2020 Reaction to: What To Do With Loving You
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A look at how the members would do for the one they love or how they might change from loving that special someone.
Taeil (The Manly Man, Yet Power Vocal, Sheesh~)
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When Taeil finally admits to his feelings, I feel like there may be some insecurity there. Being around you in the beginning he would never know what to say or how to start a conversation and he would fear that you’d find him not entertaining to converse with. As he gets more familiar with you and talks with you more, he would become more comfortable and you may find that he initiates a lot of the conversations. So by liking you and getting to know you, Taeil would be more comfortable with talking to others and initiating interactions.
Taeyong (Artistic, Passionate Rapper and Caring Leader)
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So long as Taeyong didn’t realize there were romantic feelings there, he wouldn’t have too much trouble talking to you. But once he did realize he may feel more for you, he would have these lingering glances and become more hesitant to be touchy with you (like hugs or playful pushing, so on and yada yada). This shift in behavior would probably be the biggest give away to his true feelings. Basically the opposite of Taeil, where liking you would make him act far more careful than he was around you before.
Johnny (The Mood Making, Yet Calm Sir)
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Very thoughtful towards you. Not so much in doing things for you or acts of service, rather he would be one to ask how you were doing and take an actual interest in the things you were doing. He would want to actually get to know you if he had an interest in you and would somewhat expect the same of you. A relationship takes two so of course he wouldn’t want the interest to be one sided and would want you trying to get to know him too. 
Yuta (The Takoyaki Master, and Politely Keepin It Real, Osaka Man)
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I feel like Yuta would make it pretty clear how he feels about you. Yuta does not strike me as the type to give time to those who don’t interest him and he would be the one to initiate a lot of interactions or hanging out between himself and his interest. At the same token, he wouldn’t lie around his crush and he would be very upfront with his opinions. Probably wouldn’t mind a good debate if you are good friends and would enjoy conversation that goes both ways (not just one person talking at another).
Kun (The King of Magic and of Food)
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Hobbies are something I feel Kun and his crush would bond most. Even if they weren’t the same interests he would display interest in what you like to do and if he didn’t understand it he would try to. Kun would also be more than happy to explain his hobbies to you and tell you everything he knew about it. May even feel so inclined to look more into things just to have the chance to explain it to you. So in a way, it’s a light form of flexing and showing off the knowledge that he has.
Doyoung (Vroom Vroom; The MC Vocal)
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Doyoung would put his crush through the pits. This means that he would do the same wild and weird things he normally does, still have the same wit and sarcasm per usual, but triple that around you. This behavior is Doyoung’s way of testing your limits and getting to know whether you could handle him in his prime trouble making condition. Doyoung strikes me as the type to not shy away from someone or change how he is around his crush (while a good portion of the members do, Doyoung gets smacked pretty much at the top of them all). A big thing for him is having your support for all of his dreams and goals, and so making sure he has that is crucial for him.
Ten (Dancing Devil and Whimsically Cute) 
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Remember Kun’s reaction? How he was soft flexing and showing off? Well there is nothing subtle about how Ten acts in front of his interest. He knows he is an exceptional performer and he knows where his talents lie. So anytime he intends to put on a show, best believe that he makes sure you are around to see it. This is meant of course in the best way. Ten wants to show the best side of himself to his crush in the beginning, and once you become better friends he would be a little more willing to show the different sides of himself. Ten values the first impression and since he likes you he wants to give you an unforgettable first impression of himself. So really, Ten would be pretty stiff and straight faced around you at first and only later on would he allow you to see his more bubbly and different sides of him.
Jaehyun (Sensitive, Springtime Lover, Mr. Valentine)
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Jaehyun would take the time to ask quite a few questions when getting to know you. It’s not so much whether you two would agree or not rather he’s making sure you don’t have too many views that skew drastically far from his own on things that matter (something like you hate plastic beetles and he loves real flies, something like that). Seeing how you talk about your views on things and how you go about disagreement is pretty crucial because he wants to be able to have conversations and healthy discussion with his potential significant other. Once he knows you and gets long with you, he would be very talkative and goofy around you.
Winwin (The Dancer of Grace, The Tough Cutey)
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I feel like Winwin would be like some cats. Where the less attention you give it, the more it wants your attention. Winwin wouldn’t want to be smothered or constantly cuddled by a potential crush right away, and would appreciate someone who gives him his space and someone who allows for there to be a comfortable silence. Being comfortable and being able to relax around someone is something that screams Winwin to me. If his crush can read him well and learn to understand him, then Winwin would be pretty happy around them. If Winwin was around someone like that then I think it’s possible he would become clingy to them or ask for more attention from them (AKA a decent fraction of cats).
Jungwoo (Stomach=Abyss, The Pure Vocal)
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A big sign of whether he could get along with you or not is how you two would get along over a meal. If you’re picky and don’t like to try new foods or things, then I think it would be a huge damper for Jungwoo. Being able to be open to not just food but experiences would be something Jungwoo would admire in a person and so if his crush had that he would be pretty smitten with them.
Lucas (That Low Low Rap, The Charming Wit)
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At first I thought Lucas may be showing off and flirting version 2.0. BUT, thinking on it more, I don’t think Lucas would be that way at first. More than likely, Lucas would be a bit funny and show signs of humor here and there, but save most of his charisma till after he observes you for a little bit. Seeing how you act and behave and take to humor would be a big indicator to Lucas on how to act around you.  So as odd as this turned out, Lucas would be an observer and with time and comfort he would be a lot more joking and playful around you.
Mark (The Hardworking Rapper, With An Adorable Sneeze)
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If Mark had a crush, it would only become relevant after talking to the person a couple of times and getting to know them. Sure he could look at someone and think “Wow they’re really pretty or they’re really cute or they’re really awesome looking and I wanna get to know them”, but it isn’t exactly the same as liking a person for the person. So only once Mark had gotten to talking to you and hearing a bit of your views on things would he be able to establish whether he actually likes you for you. The only true indicator I can think of that would show change in Mark is devotion of time. If he is putting in time to hang out with you, text you, call you, then he LIKES YOU.
Xiao Jun ( Humble Songwriter Agent Eight )
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Xiao Jun would joke around you all the time and be friendly for the most part, but he would be reserved on his interests and what he liked to do. He wouldn’t shove it in your face like other members might be inclined to do, and would hold back on showing you his talents and hobbies out of bashfulness and shyness. It’s not that he was ashamed of them, rather he was nervous to show you that side of him especially since he had only shown you his playful side up until now.
Hendery ( Music On The Go, Cucumber Inventor )
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Bonding over music would be so huge for Hendery and his crush. To be able to swap artists and talk about why he liked a song would be something he would enjoy doing and it would be a great way of getting to know you. Now if you weren’t the biggest fan of music (I wouldn’t believe you at first, but if you aren’t jam out to sound of nature my friend) it wouldn’t be a no go, it’s rather that music would be a massive BOOST to the whole crush process.
Renjun (The Loving and Smart Artist, The Virtuous Vocal )
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The biggest sign that Renjun likes you would come from him being the one to text you or him spending time with you. If Renjun is the one pushing for you two to spend time together, then that means he enjoys something about your company which means he enjoys you as a person. Renjun would think of you sometimes when you were apart and that would be when he realizes that he has feelings for you. Now he wouldn’t change much behavior wise, but if you are zooming in and paying enough attention you will find a tiny grin gracing his face when you aren’t looking (because life is a movie and the protagonist never realizes the crush people have on them).
Jeno (The Mature, Car Loving Violinist)
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I get the impression that Jeno is very much the “I didn’t tell you because you didn’t ask” type of crush holder. Would be the nicest to you and had no problem with coming across as super sweet. But Jeno comes across as sweet in general, so I don’t see it being why he gets away with hiding his feelings as long as he does. When you both are hanging out, pretty big on politeness and manners so he would do things that are polite. Acts of service are something I see as big for Jeno. As well as giving them, he would like to receive them. However he’s not vocal on what he wants, so you would just have to be able to understand after however long you’ve been friends.
Haechan (Sarcastic and Soft, The Lover and The Vocal)
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The opposite of Doyoung. ONCE Haechan realized he had feelings for you, he would be the sweetest human on Earth~. But BEFORE? He was an absolute tyrant who would take any chance he could to question everything you do because he could. I think Haechan would have this mentality: he knows he likes you but he has treated you pretty harshly and you were still there. SO, why not be nicer to you? Since he wanted you to like him too, he would hold down his urge to tear apart your silly decisions and become nicer. Now if you did something really really questionable-- then he’s not holding back. Haechan would be nicer to his crush than he was before not only to gain their favor, but also because he appreciated you and wanted to treat you better. This isn’t to say he treated you like trash before, rather he was sarcastic and sassy with you almost to a fault. He didn’t aim to hurt your feelings, and if he ever did (even before he liked you) he would be sure to apologize and make it right. All of this just means Haechan is extra nice to his crush.
Jaemin (Affectionate Nana, Dancing Pianist)
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A hundred percent would get as close as possible without crossing a line too far that would make him a flirt. He would have you constantly questioning whether he was just that friendly with everyone or if you were actually something special. And that is a hundred on purpose. He doesn’t want you to know how he feels just yet and this is where it would show. The ultimate way of saying I care, but I’m not ready to tell you everything just yet so I will keep you at a distance.
Yang Yang ( Little Sheep Racer, Mysterious Rose Zero )
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Has no trouble telling you and anyone around you that he has a thing for you. The caveat is that he would do it in such a nonchalant and casual setting that no one would ever take him seriously. Honest almost to a fault about his feelings. He’d be such a good friend that I’m certain at some point his crush would tell him, “You’re a really good friend”, something like the ultimate friendzone statement (aside from being told you’re like a sibling to them-- ouch). Honestly, not being taken seriously would really hurt him in the end, and I see Yang Yang eventually becoming less vocal about his feelings because the next time he says it he wants you to believe him.
Chenle (Sweet and Soft, High Vocal)
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When they go on tours or are out and about and he sees something that reminds him of his crush more than likely he would buy it. Showers his crush with gifts now and again, and because he invests so much time and thought in them I think Chenle would be the type to go ALL IN and fall for his crush hard. Now yes you are all wonderful people and lovely, but I think it would take Chenle a long time before he commits to a relationship. This is because while he falls hard he’d more than likely fall in love with the idea of being with you rather than you as a person. Thus yes, eventually your shining heart would win through and he’d actually start to see you for you. But the most important part of this is that establishment of a friendship first and foremost.
Jisung (Killer Dancer, The Shy Temporary Maknae)
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Saying it now and proud, you’d have to be friends for a while. I see it playing out two ways. One, you are friends for a long time and he develops feelings for you with time. Or two, he has a small crush on you BEFORE you are friends, and he hides it until he realizes he is in love. Just what I picture in me mind. Jisung if anything would just be more shy around you, but he’d still have the same level of sass and hang out and all that. I feel Jisung would probably think too hard about it and overthink the situation, thus it would take quite some time before anything more develops of this crush (like him actually asking them out).
Disclaimer: An important thing to note in regards to these reactions/scenarios is that none of them are based on how the members are in real life and are merely a depiction that fits the fiction (as I don’t know the members personally). These are meant to be lighthearted (aside from the angst that continues to rise on this blog) and I hope they are not being taken as pure fact or reality.
If you took the time to read this reaction, thank you so much for your time. Stay happy and healthy! Make yourself a magnificent morning/afternoon/evening/night whenever in time or whenever in the world you may be and I hope to see you all again soon. Bye bye~
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 11
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 8,761
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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“Please, Ray, think of the child!”
“I am! Cuz this is my last few months of freedom!”
It was getting late and things were winding down now in 7th Heaven. Most of the gang from the mall had already split and there were just a few stragglers left. It may have come as a shock to find me among them. Or maybe not, given Anna and I were carpooling and my little sister had never, ever been one to call it an early night.
Rayne apparently wasn’t ready for the party to be over yet either. Much to Riku’s dismay, she had climbed up onto a table for what was probably now the sixth time tonight and was rocking her best dancing queen moves. I snorted as I watched her work it, always managing to boogie-dodge out of the way whenever Riku would make a desperate grab for her ankles. I was almost surprised Anna wasn’t up there cutting the proverbial rug with her right now like she had been earlier.
“Trying to wrangle the wife so you two can head out for the night?” I asked, stepping up beside Riku.
His shoulders slumped as he released a long suffering sigh, “Yeah, if only she’d stand still long enough.” Once again his hand swiped out and once again she evaded him with ease as she razzed her tongue at him before spinning around to shake her munny-maker in his general direction. “Now she’s just taunting me,” he grumbled.
I brought a hand up to hide my grin. “Need help?”
“Nah, I got it.” He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes. “You catching a ride home with us tonight?”
“No thanks,” I shook my head. “Anna is more alcohol than person at this point. She has no business being behind a wheel, so she’s going to need me to drive her. Will it be okay if she sleeps on your couch?”
He nodded, “Fine by me. Sure you yourself are good to drive?”
I cocked an eyebrow at him. “If you’re referring to that one sip I had on the karaoke stage, that was hours ago. Trust me, I’m good.” Looking around, I then asked, “Any idea where Anna may have gotten off to?”
“Haven’t seen her for a while now, but I’m sure she’ll turn up. Maybe check with-”
“Catch me!”
Eyes going round, Riku hastily threw his arms out just in time for Rayne to land in them princess-style. Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a loud smooch on his cheek. He gave an amused huff through his nose, muttering, “Woman, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
“And you’ll love every minute of it, my knight in shining armor,” she cooed, hugging him tighter and nuzzling her face into his neck.
He snerked, closing his eyes. “You’re right. Probably need my head examined.”
I felt a tug at one corner of my mouth. “Looks like you have your hands full with this one, Riku. Good luck.”
“Eh, it’s just this place. She’ll be all sobered up by the time we’re on the road. Speaking of which, we should probably get going.” Still carrying her, he started to turn to leave but then stopped and peered back at me with a smile. “Oh, and Elsa? Great job at the mic tonight. You were amazing.”
I blinked, then looked down with a weak chuckle. “No, not really.”
He gave my leg a friendly nudge with his shoe, seeing as how his hands were otherwise occupied. “Yes, really. Anyway, see you back at home.”
“Hi-ho Silver, away!” Rayne cried, jabbing a finger out and kicking up a leg.
“If you’re expecting me to gallop and whinny, sorry, not happening,” Riku said flatly as he started making his way towards the door.
“Aw, please?” she dragged out the word and I could all but hear the pout in her voice.
I hummed a soft laugh as I watched them go. I’d said it before and I’ll say it again… they really were so sweet. It was hard not to envy them and what they had, the relationship and life they’d built together. I wondered if I could ever have anything like that with someone. I mean, I’d had my chance with my ex and had blown it. I’d never felt anything even remotely like that for him in the years we’d been together. Could I if the right person came along? Or was I just…
...not built that way?
In any case, this wasn’t the time to be thinking about such things. Romance was the least of my worries at the moment. What with having made the wholly unwise and completely spur of the moment decision to turn my entire life utterly upside down, there were much more pressing matters to deal with.
Not the least of which was locating one rambunctious and currently quite heavily sauced little sister.
Now where to even start looking? Hmmm… pretty sure I’d seen her last holed up in one of the booths with Xion, heads hunched together, whispering and cackling about something. What exactly? Not entirely sure. Part of me had been a little too afraid to find out. Either way, checking in with Xion would probably be my best bet. I knew she’d been making the rounds and saying good night to everyone, but I didn’t think she’d left just yet.
It took a few minutes as the bar was still pretty jam packed, but I finally caught sight of her over by the arcade machines chatting with Olette and Hayner. She waved goodbye to the other two before turning and spotting me as I approached. “Oh hiya!” she smiled broadly. “Glad you decided to join us tonight, hope you had fun!”
I smiled back, “I did, thanks.” And I wasn’t just being polite. Oddly enough, I actually meant it. “So hey, any clue where Anna might be?”
She pursed her lips to one side, giving a low hum before at last shaking her head. “Nope! Sorry. She and I were hanging out a bit ago, but then she ran off. Haven’t seen her since. Why don’t you try calling her? You’re still phoneless, right?” She dug hers out of one of her pockets. “Here, use mine.”
I took it from her and almost dropped it when it immediately started vibrating against my palm. The screen lit up with Anna’s name and a photo selfie of her next to Xion in one of the booths here, both posing with duck face and white girl gangsta hand gestures. Speak of the devil. Apparently, the phone was receiving an incoming call from my sister. I arched an eyebrow up at Xion, to which she just laughed, “Oh yeah, we exchanged numbers. Perfect timing, huh?”
Perfecting timing indeed.
Shrugging it off, I pressed the green button and brought the device up to my ear, “Anna?”
A loud dramatic gasp came through from the other end, “Xi-Xi! Has anyone ever told you that you sound exactly like my sister?”
My eyelids drooped. “This is your sister.”
Another gasp. “Sis! Has anyone ever told you that you sound exactly like Xi-Xi doing a spot on impression of you?”
“You’d be the first,” I rolled my eyes, squinting as I took another quick glance around the pub. “Where are you? We should probably get going.”
“But I am going!” her voice slurred through the speaker. “I’m already loooooong gone, baby, woo!”
“Oh, no doubt about that,” I snerked. Xion pointed over to Meg and Tiana, indicating she wanted to catch them before they left and I nodded as she walked off. “But no, I mean going as in driving. You know, like in a car? Beep beep, vroom vroom?”
She huffed, “But that’s what I’m saying! I am in a car with all the beep beeps and vroom vrooms!”
My eyebrows knit together. “You are? With who?”
“Ray-Ray and Ri-Ri of course!” she chirped.
Anna was oh so clever and original at coming up with nicknames, if you hadn’t guessed by this point. “What? But I told Riku I’d be driving you. Like, not even five minutes ago.”
“Yeah, I caught them as they were leaving and Ri-Ri said something about that, but told him I figured I’d just snag a ride with them cuz you decided to stay a tad longer to hang out with yo peeps!”
“Oh I did, did I?” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Funny, I don’t remember saying anything like that.”
“Well, no, not in so many words, but I knew. I could tell. Sisterly intu… intu-ish-ish, uh…” she sluggishly stumbled over the word for a bit before instead settling on, “I’m psychic!”
“I see. Fine then, oh great and powerful reader of minds, what am I thinking about right this second?”
There was a pause. Then, “You’re thinking… no, wondering… how… glue doesn’t stick to the inside of its own bottle?”
“No.” Well… yes actually, since she’d brought it up, now I was. But Anna didn’t need to know that! “I’m wondering where the keys to your car are.”
“Oh!” Another pause, then some shuffling noises followed by a loud jangle. “Right here!”
I frowned, heaving a sigh through my nose. “Perfect. So then tell me, Anna, because I’d really love to know… how am I supposed to get home?”
“Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Just ask someone there to take ya. Oh oh, ask Xi-Xi! Besides, you shouldn’t be driving anyway, ya boozehound!”
“Oh my god, it was just one sip!” I facepalmed. “Look, can you just put Riku on the phone? You guys can’t have driven that far yet, I’m sure he won’t mind turning around. Besides, we shouldn’t just leave your car here overnight.”
She scoffed, “It’ll be fine, I can get it in the morning!”
“Anna, please, can you just hand the phone to-”
“What was that?” she asked before making a loud, crackly hiss through her teeth in a super obvious and super fake attempt at static noises. “Sis? You’re breaking up! I’m going through a tunnel, I can’t-” More hissing followed by a long beep, presumably Anna pressing down on what she thought was the ‘End Call’ button. It wasn’t. “...hehehe, all according to plan.”
 “You know I’m still here and can still hear you, right?” I deadpanned.
“Gah!” Another beep and the line actually went dead this time.
I pulled the phone away from my ear to narrow my eyes down at it.
What were you up to, brat?
“So!” Xion beamed as she abruptly popped back up in front of me, making me jump as my hand flew up to my chest. “Looks like you’re hitching a ride with me!”
My brow furrowed, “How did you-?”
“We better hit the road then!” she took her phone back as she slung her other arm around my shoulders, making me stagger into a walk beside her as she directed us towards the exit. “I gave the boys my keys so they could let themselves into the car, so they should already be all buckled in and good to go!”
Okay, something was beyond fishy here.
I started reaching towards her hand to remove it, “Thank you, but this isn’t necessary. Could I just maybe borrow your phone again and try Riku’s or Rayne’s numbers directly? I don’t want to be any trouble, really.”
“Nonsense!” She swatted my hand away before barreling us through the door and out into the night. “No trouble at all! I’m only too happy to drive you. Besides, with all that testosterone swimming in giggle juice stuffed into one teeny-tiny car, I’m grateful for another sane female presence. Trust me, you’re doing me a favor!”
As we made our way down the steps and into the parking lot, I tried again, “But-”
“Arr, avast ye scallywags!” Roxas suddenly jumped out in front of us from between two cars, earning a yelp from the both of us. He drunkenly wobbled into a battle stance, brandishing a broken tree branch in our faces. “Surrender yer booty or taste the cold steel of my blade, yar!”
Xion fixed him with a dull stare and crossed her arms. “Roxas, that’s a stick.”
“Wha?” Blinking groggily at his makeshift weapon a couple times, he then shouted, “Think fast!” He chucked it, missing us by miles and instead hitting some random car, setting off its alarm. Then he sniggered and spun around to make a break for it, only to trip over his own two feet and hit the asphalt hard. He hiccuped before calling out a weak, “I’m okay!” Scrambling to his feet once more, he managed to stumble across Xion’s Prius a few vehicles down and dive (well… more like fall) head first through one of the backseat windows, shoes flailing about wildly in the air for a few seconds before getting pulled inside with the rest of him.
Her lips flapped as she puffed out a breath. “Ugh, Rox is such a lightweight. At least Lea knows how to hold his hooch a little better. But see? See what I have to put up with?” She pressed her palms together and held them up under her chin, “Please, please just let me give you a ride home so you can keep those baboons from driving me bonkers.”
My lips pressed into a thin line. “...oh, alright.” Then I scraped together a small smile, “Thanks.” 
“Yes!” she pumped her fist before she resumed walking and I reluctantly followed. “And don’t mention it!”
As I gave her my address to put in her phone for directions, we walked around behind her car and I looked longingly at Anna’s Porsche, just one space over. So close, I could reach out and touch it. Ugh. Besides not being able to quite shake the feeling that I was wandering headlong into a carefully laid trap courtesy of Anna and I was beginning to strongly suspect Xion too, I’d just plain had enough of being around people for one night. My social battery was depleted and in serious need of recharging, so even something so simple as a car ride with others sounded like a lot.
Hmm... wonder what my chances of success would be if I tried to break in and hotwire Anna’s car?
Probably not the best considering when it came to grand theft auto, I didn’t have the foggiest of where to even begin. But hey, someone had to be the first to figure out how to start up a car sans keys. And that person wouldn’t have even had Youtube tutorial videos to help them through the whole process, so who knew, maybe I had a shot.
Meh. I should just suck it up and go with Xion. Ten more minutes of human interaction wasn’t going to kill me.
...famous last words.
Xion opened the door to the backseat and held out her hand to whoever was seated inside, curling and uncurling her fingers a couple times. “Keys.”
Another hand stretched out from within the car, dropping the requested item into her awaiting palm with a muted clink. As the arm was pulled back inside, it was replaced by a fiery head of hair poking out to quirk an eyebrow back at me. “El?” Lea called out. “What’re you doing here?”
Xion stepped aside so I could walk up, coming to a stop between the open door and where he was buckled in in the back. With a tiny, awkward laugh, I said, “It, uh… looks like I’ll be catching a ride with you guys tonight.”
“Oh?” he smiled up at me, but then it quickly faded. “But there’s not really space…”
“There’s not?” I frowned, bowing down a bit to get a better look into the car. Sitting next to Lea were two Roxases. Or rather… I guess one was his brother… Ventus, was it? I didn’t know them well enough yet to tell which was which. Drat, I couldn’t even remember what Roxas had been wearing thirty seconds ago when he’d tried to hold us up at stick-point. And neither one was in their work clothes, so I didn’t even have that as a clue. As for the front passenger spot, that was already occupied as well. Naminé had twisted around her seat there to give me a wave with a warm grin.
“Oopsie,” Xion singsonged behind me a touch too innocently, “looks like I miscalculated available car space!”
I turned to squint suspiciously at her. “You told me you needed another,” here I used finger quotes, “sane female presence in the car with you.”
“Yeah, another. Never said anything about you being the only one.”
My gaze shot skyward as I released a soft huff. “Well… thanks anyway, but looks like I’ll be needing Riku to come back for me after all. Could someone lend me their phone please?”
“Nah, it’s fine, don’t make him drive all the way here again,” Lea batted a hand and started reaching for his seatbelt. “El, take my seat, I’ll just walk back to my place, it’s not that far.”
“Please, I’m not letting you walk your drunk ass home in the middle of the night,” Xion said sternly.
“Yeah, we’ll just stuff your drunk ass into the trunk instead!” Roxas (or was it Ventus?) cackled beside him.
He snorted, “Like I’d even fit in there. If anyone’s going in the trunk, it’s Nams. She’s the smallest.”
She blinked back at the boys before tapping a finger to her chin, “Well, I guess if it’ll make everything easier…”
“No one’s going in the trunk, Nams, he was joking,” Xion rolled her eyes.
I decided to try again, “Now about that phone?”
“Worry not! We can make this work,” Xion smirked and I didn't like that sudden gleam in her eye. “It’ll just get a lil cozy, but that’s okay. We’re all friends here, right? Right.” And with that, her hands shot forward, shoving me into a backward stumble.
And straight into Lea’s lap.
I felt his whole body jerk and tense beneath mine. As my brain was still trying to catch up and process what exactly it was that had just happened, Xion cooed all sugary sweet like, “Watch your toesies there,” lightly kicking my feet in along with the rest of me before slamming the car door shut.
“Xion!” Lea yelled, grabbing the door handle and yanking on it several times, but it remained shut tight. “This isn’t funny! Open the door!” She just brought her face down to the window, sticking her tongue out as she waggled her fingers at him before skipping off around to the other side of the car. He banged his fist against the window glass, “Damn it!”
Oh no…
“W-what’s wrong with the door?” I asked, my breathing growing rapid as I pulled on the handle a few times myself, but still it didn’t budge. “Is it stuck?”
Lea flopped his head back against the headrest, raking his fingers through his hair as he grumbled, “Child lock.”
“Yup!” piped Xion as she plopped down into the driver's seat, buckling herself in. “Rox here has tried one too many times now to jump outta a moving vehicle while plastered.”
“Keep telling ya, I’ll be fine!” the one next to the other backseat window snapped. Guess that’d make him Roxas.
She snorted, turning the key in the ignition. “For the last time, no, you won’t. Being three sheets to the wind doesn’t make you as invulnerable as you seem to think it does, sorry bud.”
I barely heard a word that was being said, heart thudding loudly now as my fingers frantically and repeatedly pressed the window button. I was not above climbing out that way to escape! However, the window remained firmly closed and I heard the one opposite of us rolling up as well.
I caught Naminé casting me a look of concern through the rearview mirror before she glanced at Xion, “Um… maybe this isn’t really the best id-”
“Shush, it’ll be fine!” Xion brushed her off before backing the car out of the parking space. “And we’re off!”
Oh god, oh god, oh god, this was really happening. I rigidly sat as far forward on his legs as I could, self-consciously tugging at the hem of my mini skirt. I still hadn’t purchased any tights to wear under them, so there was also that. 
Work attire. 
I stopped fussing with it, instead concentrating on sitting as still as humanly possible, planting my elbows on my knees and clasping my hands over my nose, mouth, and searing cheeks.
Breathe. Breathe. Okay, Elsa, calm down. This isn’t another person you’re sitting on. It’s a chair. Just… just a chair…
A very warm, firm, shifting, breathing, distressingly person-shaped chair.
Yeah, no, that wasn’t helping.
My eyes screwed tightly shut.
Alright, okay, try this instead! Just picture like you’re a child again, sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what you want for Christmas!
...except I’d always been terrified of Santa Claus as a kid and had screamed bloody murder until they’d take me away from him.
Ugh, this wasn’t working! Were we there yet? Was it almost over? Please, oh please let us almost be back to the apartment!
I peeked one eye open and...
We weren’t. In fact, we’d just barely left the parking lot and were waiting at a light. Out of my peripheral, I saw Lea’s hands hovering about awkwardly, clearly not sure what to do with them. At last, he settled on one grabbing the edge of the seat to the left of his knees while the other fumbled about against the door, the window, the ceiling, basically trying to be anywhere but on me.
This was awful. One could all but choke on the sheer amount of awkward, it was so palpable. This was one hundred and ten percent the type of situation I would usually nopety-nope the hell out of faster than you could say ‘panic attack’. But I couldn’t! I was trapped! No way out!
Except… hold up, maybe there was one way out… it was a long shot, but...
Squeezing my eyes shut once again, I clicked my heels together three times.
There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home…
I peeked one eye open.
Fudge, still here.
Maybe it’d help if I actually had ruby slippers.
Stupid, useless, non-magical, suede ankle boots. 
“I’m really sorry about this,” I heard Lea mumble behind me.
I twitched, then quickly shook my head, “Don’t be, it’s not-”
“Sweet! Light’s green!” Xion whooped before slamming the pedal to the metal.
The car leapt forward, knocking me into a backward slide along Lea’s lap, my back thumping against his chest. I heard him suck in a sharp breath and groan softly, his hand on the seat cushion gripping harder. I stammered, “S-sorry, did I hurt you?”
Voice somewhat strained, he said, “No, not at all, it’s, er… hm, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” His breath tickled against my neck and shoulder, making me shiver and my blush burn hotter. It was a wonder my whole body wasn’t glowing in the dark at this point. “Your, ah… your hair… may I ask the, um… the scent?”
Oh gosh, he must have gotten a face full of ponytail when I had been thrown up against him just now. “Snowberry? I believe is the, erm… the flavor of shampoo.” I winced. “Not flavor! D-don’t know why I said that, I don’t know what it tastes like! Not like I go around eating shampoo, who would do that? Crazy people, that’s who! I’m perfectly normal and eat normal things like-” Ugh, stop rambling! You may not eat shampoo, but you’re definitely sounding like a crazy person right now! “Nevermind. Anyway, sorry… I know it- the shampoo that is... that the smell tends to be a bit strong.”
“No, no, it’s, uh…” he cleared his throat, “... it’s nice. Very-”
There was a loud thud that jolted the whole car, making me bounce in his lap, much to my utter horror. I heard a tiny whimper from Lea as his knuckles started turning white. 
“Sorry,” Xion laughed, “pothole!”
Oh, Xion. Dear, sweet Xion… what did I ever do to you to deserve all this? Did I mess up one of your ice cream orders? Give you a sugar cone when you had wanted waffle? Or only two scoops when you had asked for three? Served you a Sea Salt that was an insultingly subpar shade of blue?
And Anna… oh-ho, trust me, this little stunt had that hellion’s name written all over it, no doubt about that. I don’t know what she was even trying to accomplish here, but when I got my hands on her… sorry, Mother, Father, but your littlest would be coming home to you in a friggin’ body bag.
“So Lea,” Ventus elbowed him in the arm abruptly, “I feel like you and I don’t get to talk much, like, ever. Figure now’s a good a time as any to fix that. So tell me, buddy, cuz I really wanna know…” his lips curled wickedly as he leaned in closer to him, eyebrows waggling, “...what’s up?”
Lea shoved him away and into Roxas, who snickered, “Ooo, sore subject, I take it? Don’t worry about it, big guy. Too much booze can do that to man and-”
A second, more forceful shove from Lea, this time knocking the twins’ heads together with a satisfying smack as he snarled, “If you two twerps don’t cram it, I’m gonna-”
“Oopsie, stop sign!” Xion announced brightly, stomping down on the brakes hard.
As the tires squealed to a stop, I flew forward, but was saved by Lea’s arm instinctively latching around my waist. He breathed a sigh of relief, but then his muscles stiffened. “S-sorry,” he hastily removed his hand from my hip… only to rest it on my bare thigh instead. Instantly realizing his mistake, another louder, more panicked, “Sorry!” as he jerked the hand away, electing to jam it under his leg instead.
One had to wonder what the boiling point of human was, because at the rate my head-to-toe blush was going, I had to be fast approaching it.
“Onward!” Xion cheerfully boomed, flooring it once more, flinging me back and starting the whole cycle anew.
The rest of the trip probably lasted only a grand total of five more minutes. However, it felt like five centuries, with a decade tacked on for every sudden acceleration, sharp turn or jerky stop. I swear Xion was purposely seeking out every last dang bump and ditch in the stupid road. I never even realized there were so many! If I hadn’t known any better, I’d have suspected her of doubling back to hit some of them twice.
Finally, after what seemed like an absolute gut-wrenching eternity, she mercifully sang out a chipper, “Here we are!” as we pulled into the parking lot for my apartment complex.
Oh thank goodness!
As we came to what had to be the smoothest stop the whole ride, I was already tugging on the door handle restlessly, impatient for Xion to release the infernal child lock. “Alright, alright, hold your horses,” she snerked, taking her sweet time to tap a button on her armrest. There was a click beside me and with one final pull of the handle, the car door popped open. In the blink of an eye, I was gone.
Road Runner, eat your heart out.
“Elsa, wait!” Lea called out behind me. 
I was feeling so humiliated, so mortified, so wanting to be anywhere but here in that exact second that nothing could have stopped me. Not hell or high water. Not the zombie apocalypse. Not an alien invasion. Not the inevitable heat death of the universe snuffing out all life and existence as we know it everywhere. Nothing.
Well… almost nothing.
Turns out the one thing that could stop me was a clattering sound, followed by a, “Motherfu-” then a heavy tumbling thud accompanied by a pained grunt, all topped off at the end with a tiny, almost inaudible “Ow.”
I froze a mere few inches short of the building entrance, my hand already reaching for the door - aka my ticket out of this nightmare - and haltingly glanced back over my shoulder. There Lea was, halfway out the car, back sprawled flat against the pavement, eyes squeezed shut in a grimace, feet still up inside the vehicle where they’d somehow gotten all tangled in the seatbelt.
...this… dork…
Despite every fiber of my being still telling me to run, something in me found the will to resist. Instead I turned and slowly, reluctantly walked back, coming to a stop beside him and squatting down, knees together and arms folded over them. “...you okay?”
His eyes snapped open and he blinked up at me a couple times, surprised to see me there. Then he scrabbled to get up, failed miserably due to the seatbelt predicament and instead just ended up flopping about like a hooked fish. Finally, feet still up above his head, he just settled for rolling over onto one side, propping himself up on an elbow while the other hand went to his head with a soft hiss. “Yeah, nothing bruised ‘sides my ego.” He paused, peeking at me out of the corner of his eye. “...are we?”
I stared blankly at him, slightly tipping my head to one side.
“Okay, that is,” he elaborated. “Please believe me, I had nothing to do with this, had zero clue what the, erm… seating arrangements were gonna be.” I looked away, feeling a now all too familiar warmth creeping back into my face as the corner of my lips pulled down. He was quick to add, “And make no mistake, the culprit will not go unpunished. Heads will roll. There will be repercussions, young lady!” he directed the last threat in a yell back towards the car.
“You’re not my real dad!” Xion shouted back and it was followed by a chorus of giggles from the rest of Prius’s occupants.
Lea hung his head and heaved a sigh. “I swear, I get no respect.”
I shifted one arm to prop my chin in my palm, fingers hiding a growing grin despite myself. I nodded, “...yeah. You and I... we’re okay.” I then turned my head to shoot a small glare back towards my apartment building, “I can’t say the same though for my own little troublemaker. Yours didn’t act alone and had an accomplice, one who’ll soon be reaping the excruciating consequences of her actions.”
“I pity anyone fool enough to provoke your wrath,” he chuckled.
“Trust me, I know how to bring the pain. She will rue the day.”
“Oh, I have no doubt about that.” There was a thunk as one of Lea’s feet suddenly fell free. It seemed Naminé, feeling sorry for the big lug, had sat up on her knees and flipped around, leaning over the back of her seat so she could disentwine his ankles from the impromptu snare. With one down, her fingers set to work on unwinding the other one. “Thanks Nams! Looks like I have a new bestie, cuz my current ones suck and/or are not long for this world.”
The car’s engine revved and abruptly rolled forward a few feet, dragging Lea with it. “Xion!” he snapped and the wheels screeched to a stop.
“Ven did it!” Xion blurted out, voice bubbling with laughter.
“Wha- Did not!”
“Don’t lie, I saw you,” an identical voice could be heard, tone colored by a smirk.
“You’re the liar, Rox!”
Again, the Prius started to inch forward. Reacting on impulse, my hands darted out and latched onto Lea’s wrists. That combined with a now distraught Naminé working feverishly to finish untangling the seatbelt finally had his other leg pulling loose. He was fast to hop up to his feet and as I straightened up to join him, he scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile. “Heh, thanks! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a couple of ex-friends to brutally slaughter.”
And with that, he charged off in a blur after the car. Cackles and jeers from within echoed out into the night, mingled with the tires shrieking as Xion burned rubber to stay ahead of him. I shook my head, deciding to leave them to it as I turned my back on the scene and made my way inside.
I was still a little rattled from that whole… ahem, experience. My cheeks had yet to make a full recovery, still redder than molten magma and three times as hot. But hey, that was an improvement over the ten times as hot they’d been during the entire car ride, so… progress! Awesome. Not to mention I felt physically and emotionally exhausted and was pretty sure at least five years had been taken off my life. I was just about ready to curl up in bed and hibernate until next Spring.
But first I had a certain sister to march to the gallows.
After climbing several flights of stairs to reach the door to my apartment, I unlocked it and stepped inside to find the room dark. My hand groped about the wall for a second before locating and flicking the switch, light flooding the space.
“Do you have any idea what time it is you’re coming home, missy?”
Startled, I spun around to find Rayne seated at the dining table, arms crossed, eyes stern, and steaming mug resting atop a coaster in front of her. Yeesh, at this rate, my heart wasn’t going to hold out much longer. Hadn’t the poor, defenseless organ suffered enough scares for one evening? Eyelids drooping, I said, “I don’t know… maybe ten minutes after you got home?”
Her lips pursed to one side. “...touché.”
“So how long have you just been sitting here in the dark like a weirdo?” I asked as I dropped my keys onto the table and moved to the fridge, opening it up.
She shrugged and grinned, “Not long. Maybe a minute or two. Thought it really sold the whole vibe I was going for.”
“Oh, it did,” I pulled out a water bottle, nudging the door shut behind me as I unscrewed the cap. “Nice mother voice, by the way. That I’m-not-mad-just-disappointed tone of yours is really coming along quite beautifully.”
“Aw, thanks!”
This whole being her parenting test dummy thing was starting to get a bit out of hand. But eh, it sort of grows on you after a while.
“So where’s Riku? Surprised he’s not out here too, enabling your neurosis,” I quirked an eyebrow as I brought the water to my lips.
Rayne waved a dismissive hand, “Brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed.”
“And Anna?” Was kind of shocked the flat was as quiet as it was right now, given that the crimson tornado that was my sister was supposedly lurking about somewhere.
As if on cue, there was a rumbling, disembodied snuffle, followed by a mumbled, “...pink yetis… fluffy unicycles…”
She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “Passed out stone cold on the couch like the absolute lush she is.”
Setting the plastic bottle down on the table, I went over to the sofa to discover Anna flopped there in an undignified heap, hair already knotted into a bedheaded rat’s nest, arms snuggling a pillow close as she snored and murmured more incoherent gibberish.
So even evil criminal masterminds looked all sweet and innocent while sleeping. Go figure.
“So you gonna fill me in?” Rayne asked, drawing my attention back to her.
My brow furrowed. “On what?”
She blew on her beverage before taking a careful sip, shooting me a deadpan look. “On whatever happened that has your cheeks lit up like a pair of stoplights and has you looking ready to strangle your lil sis.”
“Stopl-?!” I scoffed, turning my head to one side. Come on, face, you’re weak! Get your act together already. “My cheeks are fine and I most certainly do not want to strangle her.”
“Tell that to your hands.”
I looked down and said hands were clawed and halfway to Anna’s throat.
Hehe… how did those get there?
Hastily snatching them back to hide behind me, I just gave Rayne a feeble chuckle by way of answer. She patted the chair beside her, “Sit.”
I hesitated before doing as I was told. As I lowered myself into the seat, I pulled my hair free of its ponytail, my anxious fingers combing through the soft, platinum strands. My little talk with Lea after the whole ordeal had actually been rather comforting and an odd calm had managed to settle over me in the minutes since. I say ‘odd’ because it was me after all, the PanicBot 3000. However, now that I was running over the events again in my head and trying to figure out how to best put them into words, I could feel that calm fraying at the edges and beginning to unravel. 
Gnawing on my lower lip, I began, “So, you know... cars… right?”
Oh excellent. Off to a superb start here. Simply smashing.
She gave me a dull stare. “...I’m aware of the concept, yes.”
My hands, unable to keep still, moved to haphazardly weave my hair into a loose braid. “And you know how they have, uh… limited seating?” She merely gave a patient nod and here I struggled, feeling my cheeks crank up the heat again.
Damn it, face, what did we just talk about?! 
What little poise I had left suddenly ripped to tatters like tissue paper and I snapped, “Well I had to get home somehow, didn’t I? And you’d left and Anna’d left and, and the keys had left! I tried to get them to come back but Anna was too busy talking about glue and making static noises and- ugh, she can be such a- anyway, I considered hotwiring her car, obviously, but had to toss out that idea due to lack of tools or experience or, you know, actually knowing how to hotwire, so when Xion offered, I… well, there really was no other choice, was there? But there were no more- I shouldn’t have been surprised, really, I just knew something was up and oh-ho, you can bet she and Anna planned it all, but still, that doesn’t change the fact that I had to sit somewhere and there was really no other alternatives, I mean… okay, Xion? Driving. The twins? Twigs. Uncomfortable. And Naminé? So small, I would have crushed her. So, I guess, by process of elimination, when… when you really think about it, Lea was just the just most logical choice! I mean, I didn’t want to, I didn’t even know what was- not until it had already- and then once I was… ya know, there, Xion, she… she just kept stopping and starting and stopping and, and hitting every- it was like a damn bouncy castle in there! I wanted to leave, oh dear god, you have no idea how much I just wanted to leave, but I couldn’t because apparently Roxas likes to pull a friggin’ Superman or whatever on the highway whenever he’s-”
Rayne clamped a hand over my mouth, silencing me except for the loud, rapid breaths through my nose. Her eyes squinted at me. “So… cliff notes version? Xion gave you a ride home.”
Her palm still effectively muzzling me, I simply nodded.
“...but she already had a full car and there were no seats left?”
I nodded again, hands twisting and tugging on my now complete, if somewhat sloppy braid.
“So you had to sit,” here a slow smirk curled her lips, “on Lea.”
My head bobbed frantically now and I was jerking on the braid so hard, I was afraid I‘d rip it clean out of my scalp. 
She snerked. Then spluttered. Then busted up laughing, nearly falling out of her chair.
...so not cool.
I kicked her in the shin, shutting her up just as Anna shot up on the couch, disturbed from her slumber by all the noise. My sister looked around, all bleary-eyed and slack-jawed, doing her best zombie impersonation. Don’t think she’d quite made a full exit out of dreamland. She groggily turned her head towards us, smacked her lips and mumbled, “What’s the sum of pizza divided by the square root of sandwiches?”
We both blinked at her before I shrugged and Rayne shook her head.
“Chartreuse,” she enunciated slowly and with an air of authority. Then she flumped back down, snoring thunderously once more.
Rayne began to snicker again, more softly this time and I shoved away the hand that was still acting as a jury-rigged gag, huffing, “I fail to see what’s so funny about all this.”
Wiping the corners of her eyes, she tried to sober her expression but only ended up cracking up again, saying, “You gave Lea a lap dance!”
Just about every last ounce of blood in my body flooded up into my face. “Wha- I- He- I most certainly did not!”
Her hand now went to pat my shoulder, “Okay, okay, sweetie, just answer a few quick and simple questions for me. Were you or were you not in his lap?”
“Well, yes, technically, but-”
“And did you not dance in said lap?”
“No, I did no such-”
“Fine,” her hands came up in a placating gesture, “allow me to retract and rephrase the question. Was there not the shifting and moving of your body in his lap? Answer truthfully now,” she tacked on quickly as I opened my mouth, “for I do believe the term ‘bouncy castle’ was used earlier.”
My teeth clicked shut as I glowered at her. “...well, yes, I suppose there may have been some… inadvertent shifting, but-”
“And,” she pressed on gleefully, “is not ‘the moving and shifting of one’s body’ an acceptable, working definition of the word… dancing?”
I narrowed my eyes at her and said nothing.
She smugly relaxed back in her seat. “Let the record show the defendant is speechless. I rest my case.”
“...I really hate you right now,” I grumbled, snatching up my water bottle again and unscrewing the lid.
“Love ya too, sweetpea,” Rayne winked and blew me a kiss. She then fell silent for a second, eyeing me thoughtfully as I took a sip. Then, “You know Lea used to be a big ol’ man-slut?”
I choked.
Nope, still can’t breathe water yet.
Coughing and wheezing as I put my drink back down, I struggled to get out, “Excuse me?”
“Oh yeah,” she plonked her elbows on the table, chin nestled in her palms as she smiled big at me. “You know the type. Smooth talker, real charmer, taking a different girl back to his place every night. It was almost kind of amazing watching him work. He had it down to an art form, but not like in a sleazy douchebag way… he just loved the ladies and the ladies loved him, I suppose.”
“...okay?” Wasn’t quite sure why she was telling me this.
“And when you and him got left alone in the booth earlier tonight? Well there was a time not too long ago that the, ah… discourse between you two? Would have ended up a lot less vertical and a little more horizontal, if ya know what I’m saying,” she waggled her eyebrows at me.
I scoffed, “Please. I don’t care how much of a ladykiller he was, this is still me we’re talking about here.”
She gave a low hum at that. “True. Talk about unstoppable force meets immovable object. Now I’m actually pretty curious about how that all would’ve really played out.” Her shoulders shrugged, “Anyway, when he went back to college again, he decided to hang up his casanova hat. He really wanted to give his education a fair shake this time around, which to him meant cutting out all his vices and distractions, including women. None of us took him seriously at first, but he’s surprised us all by sticking to it. For over a year now, he’s been on his best behavior. A total priest.”
Huh. I do remember when he was telling me about going back to school, he did say something about dropping old habits… I guess maybe dating had been one of them?
Rayne gave an abrupt, tiny snerk, muffling it behind her knuckles. A crease formed between my eyebrows, “What?”
She shook her head, “Sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to laugh. You just, heh… looked a smidge disappointed there for a second.”
Annnnd there my cheeks went again. I swear, like a couple of furnaces, they were. Averting my gaze with a scowl, I said, “I’m not- ugh! I... was just trying to figure out where all this was coming from, why you felt the need to share.”
“Ah.” Her eyes crinkled and I got the feeling she didn’t quite fully believe me. Whatever, if seeing things that weren’t there made her happy, then more power to her. Let the crazy woman have her delusions. “I just wanted to give you some context. Knowing all that about Lea now, does it come as any real surprise then that Xion decided to have some fun at his expense tonight by testing his resolve and literally dropping a cute girl in his lap that he obviously has a little crush on?”
Those furnaces exploded into a fiery wreckage. “He- he absolutely does not!” I take it back. The crazy woman needs to have her delusions confiscated, no good can come from them in her demented hands! “This isn’t kindergarten, please! He hardly even knows me.”
“That’s the thing about crushes, boo. You don’t have to really know the person,” she flashed a cheshire grin and poked me in the nose, “just think they’re a total cutie-patootie! And trust me, the minute those sweet, candy lips of yours found their way to his on that fateful day, that poor boy was a goner.”
I rolled my eyes, “Oh shush, you’re just being silly now.”
“Am not. In fact, betcha that’s why Anna was Xion’s cohort in all of this. She wanted to play cupid.”
“No, Anna was just sowing chaos and mayhem like the demon imp she is because that’s what Anna does best,” I shot my sister an accusatory glance. In response, she defended herself most eloquently by snoring louder. Returning my attention to Rayne, I sighed, “Seriously, Lea doesn’t see me that way. We’re just friends.”
“You’d be singing a different tune if you saw the way he was looking at you during karaoke,” she lilted playfully.
Voice flat, I said, “What, like I was some kind of tone-deaf walrus?”
She gave a soft tch, “Girl, don’t even. Self-deprecating isn’t a good color on you. You crushed it, and I mean crushed it. And you know I never sugarcoat things, so you know I’m telling the truth! But no, I was talking specifically about during the second verse of the song.”
“The second…?” I frowned, thinking back. “...you mean the part where I got embarrassed by the lyrics and closed my eyes?”
Rayne nodded, “Mm-hm. And do you know what else you were doing?”
“Um…” Was this a trick question? “...singing?”
“And?” she prompted. I just stared at her blankly. Both eyebrows shot up her forehead and she smirked. “Oh pumpkin, you really have no idea, do you? Well, allow me to enlighten you. You had yourself a cute lil shimmy going, complete with swaying hips, a seductive crook of your finger, and a hand gliding up and down your thigh as you sang,” her voice got theatrically husky, “feel your way.”
I grew paler and my eyes more round with every word. “I- I did not! I w-would have known if- I wouldn’t j-just…” The words died on my tongue as she just simply nodded slyly at me. My mouth went dry as my face scrunched up in disbelief, my hands wrenching at my braid once more. “...did I? I mean, I… I was picturing the scene from the movie in my head, pretending I was there instead of making a fool of myself in front of a room full of people. I guess maybe I was just, I don’t know... getting into character?”
She shrugged, “Whatever you were doing, it certainly caused Lea to experience some, uh, heh… minor technical difficulties.”
Oh gosh, and here I’d thought the car ride was bad enough, but this? This was just the cherry on top. Not to mention the Kissident or... fudge, I just couldn't stop humiliating myself in front of this guy, could I? “I was… probably just making him awkward and uncomfortable, that’s all. But he really is always so nice about everything.” I stared down at my fingers, fidgeting with them now. “Do you know what he actually said after karaoke? He said I should try looking into singing professionally… which is absolutely ridiculous, of course, but still, it was sweet of him to say.”
“Don’t think I didn’t notice the oh so subtle attempt to change the subject there, sugarcube,” she gave a wry harrumph into her mug. I just avoided her gaze. Can you blame me? I just wanted to put this ludicrous and baseless topic behind us already. “But I’ll let it slide. And that’s actually not a bad idea.”
My eyes blinked at her. “You’re joking. Become a successful singer? Please, one has better odds of winning the lottery while being struck by lightning and hit by a rogue meteor at the same time!”
“And who said anything about becoming a career singer? There are other ways of putting that silver voice of yours to work. Like, for example... musicals. You know, as in play acting. Now don’t give me that look, it’s not like I’m not talking Broadway or nothing… not yet anyway. But there’s plenty of small theaters out there that would kill to have a nightingale like you on retainer.”
I huffed out a tiny snort through my nose. “Aren’t you forgetting something? Like, oh say, I don’t know… my crippling anxiety, crushing stage fright, and, ya know… absolutely zero acting experience?”
She folded her arms under her chest, “And aren’t you forgetting something? Like, oh say, I don’t know… summer camp musicals? And how you always just freaking slayed at all the lead parts?”
...oh wow, I actually had forgotten all about those. Camp felt like ages ago by now. Almost nothing more than a distant, fading dream. Frowning up at the ceiling, I murmured, “The musicals… were one of my favorite things about camp. They were the one place where I didn’t have to be my awkward, scared, pathetic self, that I could pretend to be someone else completely. It was an escape, it… helped.” Then I slowly shook my head, “But that’s different. It was a long time ago, I was a kid, I… I couldn’t be like that today.”
“Couldn’t you?” her head tilted slightly. “You really seemed to get into it with the karaoke. You said it yourself, you got into character without even realizing it. It was like the very spirit of Sandra D had possessed you.” She smiled, closing her eyes, “I think you might be a natural, cupcake.”
...me? A natural? Yeah right! There was no way, not in a million years! …I mean, unless… maybe… maybe if-
I shook my head again, more rapidly this time, banishing any such preposterous notions from my mind before scooting my chair out and rising to my feet. “Clearly you’re still fake drunk. You should really get to work sleeping it off.  I’ll be heading to bed now myself. Good night,” I said firmly. End of discussion. Topic closed. I grabbed my water bottle and marched off towards the door to my room.
Of all the silly, crazy, absurd-
“You know I’m right,” she called out brightly after me. “And hey… any verdict on Anna yet?”
I paused long enough to shoot the girl in question a sour look over my shoulder. She mumbled something in her sleep, rolled over and brazenly flung one leg up over the back of the couch. My lips pressed together into a thin line.
“...let her sleep. I’ll murder her in the morning.”
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Author’s Note: The takeaway this chapter? Xion and Anna are evil xP Despite their questionable methods however, they DO mean well... I think xD But oh gosh, I do so love to torture Elsa! And by extension, Lea too, tho it’s a very different kind of torture xD But I think I managed to wrap up that lil car misadventure sweetly enough by the end of it! And hmmmmm, those were some interesting things Ray was saying... very, veeeeeeeery interesting...
Next chapter, what will Elsa do with these new thoughts buzzing around her head? Does our dear fire boi actually have a crush on her? Or is Ray just talking crazy from all them baby hormones making her loopy? And will Anna live to see the blessed light of day ever again? How DOES glue not stick to the inside of its own bottle? Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Armageddon Chapter 15 (Dean x Reader)
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Title: Armageddon Chapter 15
Summary:  Space. The Final Frontier. But for Dean Winchester, space was the last place he thought he would ever go. His family life isn’t perfect, his job isn’t ideal, but he has (Y/n), the woman he loves. Sam Winchester never thought his life would turn out the way it did. He is divorced, alone, and his brother most likely hates him. Working for NASA was not going to be easy. But, when a threat to the earth has him calling on his family for help, what can he do? can Sam and Dean push past his family issues to keep the Earth spinning another day? Based on the movie of the same name.
Pairings: Dean x Reader; Sam x Jessica
Warnings For this Chapter: Angst, language, injuries
Song for this chapter is Knockin' on Heaven's Door by Guns n' Roses
Mission Control
“I WANT A STATUS REPORT!” Bobby yelled as everyone began scrambling. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!”
“Well sir, there was a disturbance and….” A scientist said. Charlie could tell Bobby was about to blow up.
“There’s debris and it’s messing with the comms.” Charlie told him. “We’re working on it as fast as we can.” Bobby growled and rubbed at his temples.
(Y/n) looked worridley to John and Jess. Jess was doing her best to keep (Y/n) from panicking. John was trying to help, but those were his men up there, and his sons.
“You can get your wish, to keep Sam, because if I die on this mission, you get your perfect son, and (Y/n) can find someone better.”  
John closed his eyes and did something he had done since Viet Cong were killing his brothers around him, or since a little Sam weighed 4 pounds, 8 ounces and was born months before he was supposed to be born. He prayed.
“Mission Control! Do you copy! Mission Control this is Jo Harvelle! Do you copy!” Jo’s voice came in over the system.
“Jo, It’s Bobby I need a status report!” He tried to calm down.
“Bobby? It’s Sam!”
“Sam? What’s going on? I need someone to talk to me!” Bobby was trying to take deep breaths. “Sam?”
“Garth’s Dead, Dean’s hurt… The timer to the bomb got damaged.” Sam’s voice was shaky. “Bobby… We got hit by debris coming at us. A stray smaller asteroid hit us.”
“How bad is he hurt?” Bobby asked, closing his eyes.
“His leg… we have it in a splint at the moment he seems ok, but he’s out of commision for drilling,” Sam explained. “That’s not all… the time detinator got damaged… we need to fix it fast, so good thing I have the designer on board,” Sam joked.
“Shit…” Bobby groaned. “Just….just get it done okay Sam?”
“Yes sir,” Sam sighed.
(Y/n) could feel her chest constrict. Dean was hurt, she placed her hand over her bump and bit her lip. She was scared, she looked to Jess. Jess looked scared too.
“I think we have the parts Dean needs in the Independence.” Mick explained. Dean had been examining the timer and figuring out what parts were needed. “Let me go get them. I’ll be right back.”
“Dean, how are you?” Sam rasped.
“Peachy,” Dean grumbled. “Sam… I need to tell you something.”
“What?” Sam asked, looking over at him. His anxiety was through the roof, and he was trying to move as much as possible to help keep him calm.
“I don’t make it out of here…”
“No, no no. We’re not doing this.” Sam said. “None of this goodbye crap okay. You’re getting home, even if I have to push you there myself.”
“You let me get this out… I’m the older brother I PROTECT YOU, got it?” Dean growled. “I don’t make it… you take (Y/n) you go to the apartment... “ Dean took a shaky breath. “In the closet under all my vinyl records… is a deed and a house key.”
“Before my blow out with dad, I bought a house… I was going to surprise her with the house before I proposed to her, but I got in that fight with dad, and got the job with Crowley,” Dean’s voice broke. “You tell her I love her… Make sure she moves on… don’t let her stay hung up on an ass like me… a coward who could have been with her for a long time…”
“Stop it!” Sam threw a wrench at the wall. “Just stop it okay! You’re going home and you’re having a family! And you’re not going to fuck it up like me! You’re going to have kids, and a house, and a good job! You’re going to die old with your family surrounding you! Now just stop it!” Never before had Sam blown up like that before.
(Y/n) covered her mouth listening to the altercation between the brothers. She looked to Jess whose eyes were filled with guilt. John ran his hands across his face. He looked to the little boy oblivious to the scene as he played with his toy cars. John walked over to Ashton and knelt down in front of the small boy.
“Hey, Kiddo,” He gave him a teary smile, “What kind of car do you have there?”  
“Bird car.” Ashton said, holding it up to show John. “It flies.” He had a big smile on his face. “And it goes vroom.”
John chuckled, Ashton reminded him so much of Sam when he was little. “That is an amazing car, did your daddy get that for you?”
“Yeah! We’re going to watch cars someday.” Sam had promised to take Ashton to a race when he was a little older and could sit still for longer than five minutes.
“Would it be ok if grandpa came too?” John smiled as he ruffled Ashtons hair.
“Yes! We can see the cars together!” He clapped his hands. “Daddy will like that!”
As the camera shook and everyone in mission control scrambled. Sam held on to Dean as he tried to get up. Dean hissed in pain,
“What the hell was that?” Dean called out.
“Dean,” Benny’s voice sounded over the com.
“What Benny? What’s going on?” Dean leaned on the wall of the shuttle giving a knowing look to Sam.
“Dean I have good news and bad news, which do you want first?” Benny sighed.  
“Bad news first.” Dean sighed.
“Well, uh, bad news is Mick is dead.” Benny told them. Dean and Sam stared at each other. “Good news is, the hole is done. But we can’t fix the timer so...emergency meeting.”
Dean ran a hand across his face. He looked at the timer and held out his hand, “Get me a screwdriver.”
“Dean, what are you doing?” Sam shook his head.
“Trust me,” was all Dean said as Sam handed him the screw driver and he began tinkering with it. Everyone climbed into the shuttle. They all stood around, watching as Dean tinkered away.
“Dean…” Sam said. “Is it working?”
“Don’t worry, when everyone gets here I’ll explain it,” Dean mumbled.
“Everyone’s here.” Sam said. “This is us.”
Benny, Ash, Ketch, Jo, Gabriel, and Cas came in. Dean looked around then looked at the timer. Closing his eyes, he looked to Jo.
“Are communications with mission control back and stable?” He breathed.
“Stable, no. But they’re here for now.” She told him. “All the debris is making it hard to keep a constant.”
Dean made his way over to the coms, “Is video working?”
“It’s scrambled.” Bobby’s voice came through. “We can hear you better than we can see you.”
Dean took a deep breath, “I want to talk to my wife.”
She wasn’t his fiance right now, even if the papers weren’t signed and they didn’t have their ceremony, he considered her, his wife. He wished he could see her, but hearing her would be just as good.  
“Dean?” her voice was music to his ears. “What’s going on? You’re scaring me?”
“Hey sweetheart.” Dean smiled some. “I’m sorry I scared you. I just wanted to hear your voice.” He closed his eyes and pictured her there. “I love you (Y/n). Everything's going to be okay, you hear me?”
“Why do I have a feeling you are going to try and be a cowboy?” She muttered, “I swear Dean, don’t do anything stupid please?” her voice broke.
“I’m not honey. I’m not going to do anything stupid. I promise.” He smirked some. “I just really needed to hear you.”
“Dean?” She sobbed, “I love you, please come home.”
“I’ll be home before you know it.” Dean laughed, trying not to cry. “Just make sure you’ve got the details planned for our wedding.”
“Ramble on going down the aisle,” she chuckled.
“A little Black Dog that night?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
(Y/n) sniffled, “I love you.”
“I know.” Dean laughed. “I love you too (Y/n).”
“Go save the world cowboy,” she rasped before blowing a kiss.
Dean blew a kiss back before turning off the com. He ran his hand across his face clearing up the tears that were falling. With a groan he hobbled back to the group and leaned on the table.
“I fixed the timer… but you are not going to like our options,” Dean gave them a solemn look.
“What are they?” Sam asked, nervously.
“One of us has to stay behind and manually detonate the bomb. Or I volunteer myself to stay behind and detonate the bomb,” He looked at Sam.
“No way!” Sam said. “You’re not giving yourself up like that. We can,” He found a couple straws and cut them into different pieces. “We can draw straws to see who stays behind.”
“Shortest straw stays,” Dean agreed. They took turns drawing straws, dread behind each pull. And finally, someone had the short straw.
Dean looked to Sam holding up the short straw, “told you so.”
John closed his eyes as mission control heard the audio. (Y/n) held back a sob as she sank to her knees, Jessica with her. The audio and video were gone then, leaving them in the dark.
Sam was numb as he watched Dean get ready. Sam grabbed his own helmet and put it on.
“I’m walking you out at least.” Sam said. “Not taking no for an answer.”
Dean simply nodded as he limped to the elevator to the asteroids surface.
“You remember what we talked about?” he rasped, “You make sure my girl moves on… make sure the next guy treats her right.”
“Yeah Dean.” Sam sighed as they headed through the elevator onto the asteroid. Sam played with the loose path on his arm, slowly pulling it off. “Hey Dean, can you do something for me real quick?”
Dean closed his eyes, “yeah baby brother. What do you need?”
Sam reached out and pulled the hose on Dean’s suit, damaging the oxygen. He pushed him back into the elevator and tucked the patch into a spot on his suit. He shut the doors so Dean could breath.
“Make sure dad gets that.” Sam said, looking at Dean through the glass doors.
“You have a life waiting for you back home Dean. I don’t.” Sam told him. “I need you to go live that life for me. It’s time I pay you back for everything.” He pressed the button, letting the elevator go back up into the shuttle.
“DON’T DO THIS SAMMY, NO, NO NO NO! DON’T DO THIS! DAD’S GOING TO HATE ME FOR THIS SAM! IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE ME.” Dean began beating at the doors. “SAM YOU HAVE A SON WHO NEEDS YOU.” he tried using his shoulder to break the door but it was no use.  
“You have a son or daughter that needs you too!” Sam yelled at him. “So just tell them I was cool or something, okay?” He turned away from Dean. “I love you Dean.”
The elevator doors opened into the shuttle. Dean felt two strong arms grab him and pull him in.
“LET ME GO! SAMMY! I NEED TO GET BACK TO SAM!”  Dean tried wrestling away from Benny.
“Easy brother. We gotta get home.” Benny said, getting him into a seat and tightening the straps so Dean couldn’t get out. “And your oxygen is damaged. You can’t go back out there.”
“Then you get me a new suit, get me out of here. I drew the damn short straw it should be me!”
“There are no more suits.” Cas told Dean.
“And I think Sam’s made up his mind.” Ash sighed.
“He got what he wanted.” Benny shook his head. “He got to kill himself.”
“How did you know about that?” Dean growled at Benny, “How did everyone know but me!”
“I didn’t know!” Ketch said.
“I only knew because I had to take the kid to therapy one day.” Benny told him. “We went out for beers and he told me.”
“Dad’s going to hate me for not protecting him,” Dean sobbed, “the old man might as well kill me himself.”
Sam had the communication device that they were supposed to use outside of the shuttle. He sat down by the bomb and closed his eyes. With a deep breath, Sam powered it on.
“If...if anyone can hear me,” Sam said, tears filling up in his eyes. “I...I’d really like to talk to my dad.”
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @queenslandlover-93 @screechingartisancashbailiff @strab0 @maaryisafangirl @deathofmissjackson @hellabrothers @fandom-princess-forevermore @x-waywardaf-x @webcraft4eveh @deansgirl-1968 @2dead2function @jjjjjjjoshdun @stella20131991@luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @bella-ca @akshi8278
Supernatural Tags:  @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories @huntingfreewill @ocholove @princessofthefandomrealm @getbackhonkycatt
Armageddon Tags: @thefaithfulwriter
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Vroom Vroom Mother Fucker - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @ecto-american Prompt: Vlad buys Danny a car for his 16th birthday Summary: Danny has an adrenaline problem
no warnings apply
Danny wakes up that morning expecting fancy pancakes and unusually flavoured milkshakes. Grinning, he pulls on his heavily over-sized NASA sweater and hops down the stairs two at a time. Unsurprisingly, he is indeed greeted by plentiful pancakes but also Hobson; whose holding a tray with a milkshake on it. “Did you guys really hire him just for my birthday?”, then smiling devilishly to Hobson. “I fully intend to drown in milkshakes today”, at which Hobson looks quite disgusted.
Taking his first of many milkshakes from him, Danny has a sip as his parents give him a plate of pancakes. “Kiwi and fudge? I think I know who’s idea that was”, Danny laughs, as Jack gives a thumbs up at Hobson.
While he’s chowing down he suddenly hears what sounds like wind being whipped really fast. It takes only a minute or two for everyone else to notice. Hobson already looks exhausted. As the sound gets louder Danny realises it’s a freaking helicopter. “Now what!”, Danny shouts while Jack runs out guns in tow. Looking out the window Danny sees, a car? Placed onto the ground with a massive neon green bow. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”, Danny mutters as Jazz claps him on the back. Getting up the two walk outside to join their parents, who thankfully have lowered their weapons. The last thing the road needs is an exploded helicopter and car. They’ve already plucked the card from the bow and hand it to Danny as he comes out. Danny groans, “Vlad? Seriously?”. Then muttering quietly to himself, “you can’t bribe me into being your apprentice, but I will take your car and check it for bugs you crazy frootloop”.
Jazz leans over him and looks down at the note, “he really is lonely isn’t he?” They both snicker as Danny actually notices the handwritten letter inside the card. Danny hands the card itself to Jazz as he reads the letter.
It’s your 16th so consider this a rare day of rest. I am not so evil as to not gift you appropriately, though you may think I am. In case you wish to brag, it’s a W Motors Lykan Hypersport. This is the 3rd one to be owned by a single person. It has 420 emeralds embedded in its headlights, white gold stitching on the seats and the colour name is Lykan White. Top speed is around 400 km/h and goes 0-100 in 2.3 seconds. Have fun little badger.
By the time Danny’s done reading the letter, his mouth has gone dry from hanging open so long and his sister is poking him. “Danny I think this card is made from freaking silver with gold front. He is really trying hard”, Danny looks at his sister finally closing his mouth. “Jazz, I think this maybe the most expensive car either of us will ever see in our entire existences.”, Danny’s holding the letter like it’s a bomb, but with Vlad it just might be.
Danny goes up and tentatively pokes the car, when nothing happens he pulls the bow off. Underneath is a fancy looking manual featuring more of Vlad’s handwriting.
So you don’t destroy it and don’t worry about a license just turn on the hologram.
Danny rolls his at this, “you are a madman. How would that help, I only have a learners”. Jack comes up and slaps him on the back, “who cares? All Fenton’s are great drivers! I can’t believe V-man would go this all out! Especially when he didn’t get Jazzy anything”. Maddie is highly suspicious of the car just like Danny, but Danny’s the only one who really knows why Vlad would be gifting him. After all you can’t be archenemies without being close and knowing each rather well.
Smiling at Jack and nodding to Maddie, “I think I’ll have a look around inside”. So he flops down on the steps and starts looking through the manual for how to open this thing. Jazz elbows him in the side, “I’m pretty sure you’ll need these, Danny”. Danny chuckles as he takes the absurd looking key from her. It looks oddly like a very pointy triangle shaped usb stick, with a badger tail on a keychain attached to it. “Uh, I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a threat and Sam’s going to hate it”, Danny chuckles.
After he figures out how to not only unlock and open it, but as well as how to turn the whole thing on. Danny walks up and opens it up, doors opening backwards since the hinges are by the seats instead of the dashboard. “It just keeps getting more flashy and absurd doesn’t it?”, Danny mutters while Jazz chuckles.
Danny snoops around the car, climbing in the back sets and poking his head intangibly through the back wall into the trunk. He’s glad for the tinted windows since it blocks anyone from seeing what he’s doing. As he goes he opens every little pocket and looking in any grooves or holes, for traps or anti-ghost stuff. Finding nothing, though he’s sure there must be at least one camera in here, Danny plops down into the drivers seat.
Sticking the key in, Danny starts it up with a low purr. Sitting in the white and black cyber looking seat Danny can’t help but find it incredibly cool. “Dash is going to be pissed,”, he laughs to himself as Jack comes round to the window. “This thing is way to tiny for me, so how about you and Mads take it for a spin?”, Danny nods as he opens the passenger door. Maddie can’t help but run her hands over the dashboard as she gets in. She nods to her son, trusting that he checked the car for anything fishy, buckling up.
“Vlad was not kidding this thing can go fast, holy shit!”, Danny says as both him and his mom yelp. Getting the car up to 85, well over the limit, almost instantaneously. Luckily, there was no cops around and even if there was, they likely wouldn’t care as soon as they saw two Fenton’s inside. Danny had learned last year that no cops were even willing to pull Fenton’s over, due to multiple ghost incidents.
Maddie can’t help but excitedly laugh, “now that is power, I wish some of our weapons would kick up that fast! And that wasn’t even with you actually trying to!”. Danny joins her in slightly adrenaline fuelled laughter. Danny takes a few unnecessarily sharp turns to see just how tight this thing can pull. “Danny!”, his mom yells as she’s jerked to the side of her seat by the sharp turn. Danny, meanwhile, just whistles as he does a very sharp u-turn to head home.
They’re gone for only half an hour and look like they had been on a roller coaster. Jack bounces up to them giddy, “Wow that was fast! Wonder if we could hook any guns up to this baby?”. Jazz immediately shakes her head, “we don’t need any more ghost weirdness at school and-”, with a glare at Danny, “- no one will be chasing ghosts in his car”. Danny 100% intends to though, because if he wants to show this off to anyone it’s Technus. Who will likely stop fighting altogether just to stare at it. Danny can barely contain his smirk.
Eventually, they do actually park it in the garage, making sure nothing can fall on the multimillion-dollar car. So that Danny can go back for more pancakes and milkshakes. Staring out to the street Danny is honestly thankful no one came out since everyone is used to loud noises from Fenton Works. Though them ignoring a straight up helicopter is pretty sad.
Danny elects to spend the day with the giant green bow attached to his head, because why not. Ordering a skittles, cream cheese and tater tots smoothie from Hobson, “of course sir” being his only response. He picks up his phone to call Tucker.
“Dude, you are not going to believe this. Vlad sent me a gift and not only does it not suck, the only thing creepy about it so far is the dead badger tail”
“Does that say something about us that that qualifies as not much of a problem?”
“I’m positive it does but that’s a problem for my sister”
“True dude. Anyways, what’d that nut case get you? That you felt the need to call me right after?”
“Well let’s see it can go nearly 400 km/h and will make Technus drool.”
“Dude! A car! Wow for once he doesn’t suck. I so have to see that when I get there. Also, that sounds insanely fast for a car, what did he even get you?”
“Lykan something, but Tuck dude. A freaking helicopter dropped it in the front yard.”
“Well Vlad is nothing if not extra, though if it’s pink Sam will mock you relentlessly.”
“Hell no, though he was a cheeky bastard with the colours. Can’t say I’m complaining though. Black and white is my thing after all”
Tucker laughs on the other end, “Wow, you’d think your parents would be suspicious by now. Anyways, I’ll see you in an hour or two and you are taking us for a drive!”
Hanging up, he’s tempted to call Sam but he kind of wants to see her face when she sees he’s got a car too now.
Danny goes through six more smoothies and managed to finally make Hobson barf, black licorice with onions and sunflower seeds smells pretty bad apparently. While watching some reruns Sam and Tucker both show up, in Sam’s bubblegum pink hearse. Apparently, she was given the option to either pick the kind of car or the colour, not both. Parking the hearse in the Fenton driveway the two don’t even bother knocking on the door, as they barge in. They are immediately greeted by a grinning Danny with a giant green bow on his head.
“Dude what? That’s a little on the nose”, Tucker laughs as Sam rolls her eyes. Danny smirks, “it’s ectogreen, I had to”. Then grinning devilishly, “so want to do something stupid and race cars?”. Jazz glares at them from the kitchen but knows it is rather pointless to stop her brother, who can make himself literally untouchable. All the trio knows is high-wire living and Danny’s self-preservation is beyond brutalised.
“Danny what? Really? They got you a car too?”, Sam asks rather surprised. “Well my parents got me a person actually”, Danny points over his shoulder at Hobson; who’s now making a gummy bear and seaweed milkshake. “As for the car that was Vlad actually, yeah surprising I know.”, Danny smirks at Sams surprised face. “Sam, the birthday card alone is made of gold and silver. I’m positive he’s trying to butter me up again but the car is very nice”, Danny sticks his finger in the direction of the garage for them to follow.
“Let me guess, green bow for a green car and that it’s too small for your dad to drive?”, Sam snickers while Danny smirks. Opening the garage door, “small? yes, green? no and even your parents would be impressed”.
His two friends stare at the impressive car, even Sam parents don’t have cars this expensive looking. Meanwhile, Hobson brings Danny a cupcakes and horseradish smoothie along with the gummy bear seaweed one. “Dude, Your parents really did just buy you a butler huh?”, Danny nods at Tucker as he pulls out his keys. Sam is standing behind the drivers door as Danny snickers at her, which earns a confused look from her. Then the doors open backwards and force her to stumble back. “What in the? Where did he even find a car that opens like that?”, Danny just shrugs at Sam’s confusion. Opening up the side door he lets both them climb in and flings the manual at Tucker. Sam, noticing the seats, “very cybergoth”.
Tucker is practically feeling up the electronic dashboard and with neon green holograms on it. Noticing that Danny points out, “apparently there’s also a pop out hologram so that, according to Vlad, I can drive it alone without getting into trouble for not having a license yet”. Tucker immediately jumps out of the shotgun seat as he pushes a green button with a M on it. A Maddie hologram pops out into shot gun and waves at the driver's seat.
All three jump, “fuck that’s creepy, should have guessed though”. Sam and Tucker both nod at Danny as Tucker passes his hand through it. “It’s impressively real looking though. You actually might not get ticketed with this”, Tucker grins evilly. The two get out and let Danny in, they head outside to wait for him to pull out. Both of them accept, to Hobson’s pleasure, normal strawberry milkshakes from Hobson.
Danny pulls out of the garage pretty smoothly for a beginner, though all three have driven illegally in Sam’s pink hearse many times. Not to mention Danny has driven all sorts of crazy things. Danny drives the thing backwards and spins it around sharply to drift in right next to the hearse, the car shakes from the sudden stop as Danny shows a cocky grin. Which both Jazz and Jack can clearly see from the window. While Jazz shakes her head, Jack beams with pride, “look at him go, already defying the rules of the road. Just like his old man”. Jack wipes away a small tear from his eye.  
Tucker laughs wildly as Sam glares, “what you watch Fast and Furious again?”. Danny wiggles his eyebrows, “not yet but I am looking for ideas”. Opening up the side door and bending the seat forward. “Now are you two getting in or what. I already gave my mom whiplash, it’s your turn”, Danny turns his head to Tucker. “I wasn’t kidding about 0-100 in around 2 seconds”, Danny smirks as Sam goes wide-eyed as she climbs in the, very small, back.
“Danny, there is no way you’ll fit back here. Hell, I don’t even think there’s supposed to be a back here”, Sam mutters as her head touches the roof. Danny laughs, “it’s mine why would I be in the back? I’m just impressed the front seats are low enough for me to fit anyways”. The still a short shit Tucker glares, “damn you and your growth spurt”. Sam rolls her eyes, “it’s more than that Tuck. Unlike someone, Danny actually gets a freakish amount of exercise”. Tucker waves her off as Danny smirks slamming the pedal down without warning, just as they buckle in.
“HOLY SHIT! DON’T KILL US!”, Tucker screams as they hit 140 km/h in 4 seconds. Danny slows down smirking as he notices a very startled cop who doesn’t even make an attempt to go after them. Laughing his ass off now with pure adrenaline, as another cop pulls up next to them at a red light and stares. Danny rolls the window down so the cop can both see and speak to him, all the while wearing a crazed grin.
“You’re a Fenton kid aren’t you?”
“Yes sir and it’s my birthday”, Danny laughs loudly. As the cop just tips his hat and drives away once the light turns green. Though Danny can hear him mutter, “fuck that, so long as they don’t kill anyone it’s not my problem”.
“Wow dude how did you not get pulled over for that? That was like at least double the speed limit”, Tucker shakes his head in amazement, vibrating a little from the adrenaline. Danny smirks as both he and Sam say, “Fenton’s don’t get pulled over”.
Danny drives around for a while, randomly speeding up just for shits and giggles. Eventually, he gets where he’s going and they’re on a long deserted stretch of round. “Oh fuck yeah”, comes out of Tucker’s mouth as he grins like an idiot. Both he and Sam hold on as Danny guns it. “Fuckin Christ yeah! That book was not lying about top speed! Fourteen freaking seconds!”, Danny laughs like a loon as he proceeds to do sharp turns and donuts as fast as he can, in an abandoned parking lot.
Meanwhile, Vlad is watching through a camera; that he knows they’ll find and take out sooner rather than later. “Maybe this wasn’t the greatest idea, since when did he even know how to really drive? And is his self-preservation really this destroyed? The world isn’t a racing movie, boy!”, Vlad shakes his head as Danny quickly snaps the car into the opposite direction. Sending Sam and Tucker slamming into their prospective doors and lifting the tires up a bit. Danny, laughing and grinning all the while.
Back with the trio, Danny is driving home as all three laugh filled with adrenaline. “Imagine if I could fly this fast! I know I’m up to 280 now but still! And the g force!”. Tucker excitedly whacks him on the arm repeatedly, “you can barely even feel that when you fly! Holy shit dude!”.
“I know! Flying is lazy and light, this is like flinging my self at a bunch of walls and liking the impact!”, Danny giddily says as the three get out of the now parked car. Sam smacks him on the shoulder as she’s still catching her breath, “you are so taking this to school”. Danny finger guns at her, “don’t you know it! I’ll get there early and let everyone wonder who’s car it is till the end of the day!”. Tucker flops on the ground once in the house.
“Dude, that is going to be great! And who are we kidding? You are a menace!”, Tucker laughs from the ground. “A menace with a really nice car”, Danny points to him as he flops the manual on Tucker’s stomach. “You’re the techno-geek, have fun.”, Tucker would glare but he’s too interested.
Just as Hobson is giving Danny a peanut butter and Laffy Taffy milkshake Tucker starts hitting him. “Dude! This thing is fucking bulletproof! Not only that but I can easily put a ghost shield in!”, Danny laughs. “That frootloop did everything didn’t he? For once I’m glad my arch enemy is filthy rich!”
Danny has exactly 3 more milkshakes before it’s time to go out to eat. “While you have a car now Danny, I think it would be best if we all went in the Fenton Assualt vehicle”, Maddie basically announces much to Jazz’s pleasure for once. She wasn’t quite sure just what her brother was like on the road without her yet and seeing the stunt he pulled earlier, she didn’t really want to. And to pretty much everyone’s surprise the trio actually agrees.
Once at the theatre Danny notices the cop from earlier, Danny smirks as the cop approaches. “It’s you again, I’d say I’m amazed you’re in one piece but I’m pretty sure you Fenton’s are indestructible”, Danny laughs since not only is it likely that he might just be indestructible but also because the cops shorter than him. Jazz glares and crosses her arms at Danny, as the officer leaves, “and what did you do?”. Tucker grins goofily answering for Danny, “drove fast enough to give the cops buddy whiplash”. Jazz glares even harder as Danny starts laughs even harder. “Jazz, that thing speeds up freakishly fast, takes just over 2 seconds to get up to a hundred. Vlad knew full well I’d end up speeding with it.”, Danny waves her off as they head into the movies. “Yeah well you still shouldn’t, hell you shouldn’t even be driving without an adult.”, at this Danny just shrugs. But then he leans and whispers to Jazz, “tell that to the Maddie hologram”. Jazz turns her head to him and makes a face that’s mutually horrified and disgusted.
After the movie and supper, they all head home, Sam and Tucker staying over for an all-nighter movie marathon. “So obviously we’re watching the fast and furious movies?”, Tucker unnecessarily asks. To which both his friends say “duh”. They manage to get through all the movies before it’s time for school. Danny was grinning wildly the whole time and it’s obvious he was taking notes. As they head out to their cars, Tucker opting to go with Danny while Sam takes her own car.
Inside Danny’s car, “so I think this thing is getting named The Phlying Phantom, with a Ph. Because I’m awful and own it”. Tucker laughs, “that is awful and the spelling seems like it would be awful too”. Danny one-handed finger guns at Tucker because he’s not quite crazy enough to drive with his knees, yet.
Unsurprisingly, they get there before Sam and break at least two laws. Danny’s also pretty sure he’s going to get very familiar with seeing startled and scowling cops. “You’d think for being a hero you’d have more respect for the law!”, Tucker chuckles as he gets out. The two just stand there and watch the doors close, still impressed by the weird ass doors. Tucker elbows him, “you should totally open the trunk”. Danny raises an eyebrow but indulges Tucker without asking. The two watch as the trunk splits in two and opens out and upwards in two separate parts like a pair of metal wings. Danny’s jaw drops as Tucker says, “wow that looks way cooler than the manual implied”. And that’s how Sam finds them, after parking next to Danny’s car;  she too turns to gape at the weirdest trunk doors ever. “Now that’s just being extra”, Sam shakes her head as Danny starts to smile. “That’s exactly why I’m putting my backpack in the trunk for my ride home, Tuck?”, Tuck just smirks and fist bumps Danny.
By the time lunch has rolled around half the school is talking about the crazy white and black sports car in the parking lot. Everyone has ruled out every rich kid they know of, mostly due to the colour alone. Well except one kid who knew who’s it was the second he heard the colour. “The sports cars your isn’t Phantom”, Wes practically growls at Danny; who smiles in return causing Wes to toss his hands up. “Of course it is! Are you just mocking me and everyone else?”, Danny shrugs before responding. “Actually, you can blame the mayor for this one”, Danny laughs as Wes practically slams his tray on the table and stomps off.
Tucker snickers, “he loves you, doesn’t he”. Both Sam and Danny laugh, “well how couldn’t he? After all he knows the fantastical and fabulous Phantom!” Danny sticks his finger in the air for added emphasis.
The group overhear Dash and Kwan before lunch finishes.
“Dude, I so want to know who’s got that awesome car!”
“I know, I would sell most of my organs for that.”
“Whoever they are, they’d for sure have to be a cool kid or an A-lister!”
“Well it’s obviously not one of us, but dude. Do you want to stick around to see that baby startup and actually drive?”
“Well duh, who wouldn’t?”
The two guys notice the trio, who are all snickering to themselves.
“Well I guess Fentit and the merry band of freaks wouldn’t!”, Dash shouts. Earning an eye roll from every member of the trio.
“Yeah, dude. What would they even know about a nice car?”, Kwan smirks as they head off. Dash tosses his leftovers at Danny for emphasis, but Danny bats it away with Wes’s tray.
As the three walk out to the parking lot no ones surprised, since not only is Sam’s laughably pink hearse there but they all assume the resident freak trio want to see who owns the car too. Danny notices someone leaning against the driver door before Sam and Tucker do. Quickly he realises it’s Dexter, a 19-year-old held back 12th grader. If he remembers correctly Dexter is or was the only student with a sports car. “Well I guess it’s not surprising to see you being so chill about touching a sports car”, Danny nonchalantly says as he twirls his keys; walking up to his car. “Care to get of my car door, buddy?”, Danny’s tone is slightly unpleasant as everyone in earshot gapes. Some people, who didn’t hear Danny, are pointing to the keys he’s swinging and whispering.
“Ah, so you’re the so-called cool kid with the new sports car?”, Dexter’s tone is mocking. Noticing this Danny pushes his keys to open the trunk, causing the right trunk door to open straight up blocking Dexter's view; as Danny and Tucker walk up and toss their bags in. Multiple gasps can be heard from the crowd as everyone clues in that the “cool guy” car belongs to one of the loser freak trio.
Dexter is actually pretty impressed, he hasn’t seen a car like this before and doesn’t know the make off the top of his head. Which makes him think that it must be a more expensive one. He only made a habit to learn the affordable ones; because what kid would have an expensive one? This kid apparently.
Getting off the door and sticking his head around the trunk door just as Danny signals for it to close and responds to Dexter’s question. “Yup, black and white is sorta my thing in case you can’t tell by my wardrobe”, Danny gestures to his white wife beater, black leather jacket and black military pants; the look finished off by white doc martins. Dexter smirks, “well I haven’t even seen a make like this, so how did you, of all people, get it?”. Danny chuckles and puts his hands in the air, “mayors gift, people seem to think I’m kidding when I say we’re well acquainted with each other. Close family friend and all. And if you must know it’s a W Motors Lykan Hypersport and it has a lot of emeralds and gold in it”. Tucker laughs as he leans over to Dexter, “simply put it’s a sports car on crack”. Danny nods as he laughs a bit, then noticing Dash coming up, he smirks.
“Why hello there Dash, come to ogle my car as well?”
“No way this is yours Fentoilet!”
“Oh I don’t know Dash, I’m pretty sure a fair amount of people saw the three of us flying around in it yesterday”, Danny jeers as Sam smirks as she leans against her own car.
Dexter, meanwhile, is both shocked and impressed, “this baby must cost quite the penny then and why don’t you prove it’s yours”. Dexter goes to stand up in front of Danny, as Dash just watches. Even Dash doesn’t mess with a 12th grader known for setting things on fire and breaking people’s noses. Danny however, doesn’t seem to care, “pretty sure I already did”. Dexter laughs cruelly and crosses his arms, “naw man, if you drove it here you can drive it out, can’t ya?”. Danny raises an eyebrow kind of confused, “um duh, that’s half the point of having one”. Dexter smirks, finding himself amused by this kid who’s clearly not as spineless as rumours suggest. “Oh and what would the other half of the point be? Care to enlighten us?”, a couple of people in the crowd snicker. While Dannys’ grin verges on manic, “to go fast, why else would you drive a sports car of any kind?”.
Dexter throws his head back and laughs, “you really don’t give a shit do you? Well if that’s the case, there’s an abandoned strip of road leading to a deserted mall and parking lot; know it?”. All of the trio can’t help but laugh, since they were just there yesterday. Danny sticks his hands in his pockets and grins wiley, “of course, left some burnt rubber there on more than one occasion”. At this point everyone at Casper high are starting to think Danny is a bit tougher than they thought. Dash’s jaw is completely dropped as he exclaims, “but you just turned 16? You can’t even have a drivers yet?”. A few heads around nod as Dexter raises an eyebrow. Sam laughs, “that doesn’t matter if you’re a Fenton, cops won’t touch them. Too many cops get hurt when they try!”
Danny snickers, “what can I say, my dad’s driving breaks a few laws of physics” ending with a shrug. Dexter squares the muscular Danny up again, “well then that settles it then, met me by the exit to the abandoned road in an hour”. Dexter then turns his head over his shoulder as he walks away, “Good luck”.
The trio all laugh as Danny opens the doors and half the crowd makes “oooo”’s and “ahhhh”’s at the weird backwards opening doors. Dash follows Danny around and watches him get in the car, “you’re nuts Fenton”. Danny starts up The Phlying Phantom as he laughs, “what’s new?”.
Sam hops in her hearse as Danny aggressively swings his car out of its spot and shoots out of the parking lot at a, slow for the car, 50 km/h. The whole crowd gaping as Sam smirks and drives off after them.
“I can’t fucking believe it? That loser not only has a car but a sports car?”
“I know, just doesn’t make sense”, is all Kwan can think to say.
Meanwhile Wes muttering, “of course Phantom is having a drag race, of course no one thinks anything of the colour choice, of course he has a sports car...”.
“Dude! That was awesome! You have a car for two days and you’re already putting it through the ringer!”, Tucker laughs his ass of from shotgun. Danny grins as he heads to fill up and then home for supper. Elbowing Tucker on the way, “Tuck, you are so going to have to put a bass booster in here”.
“Hey Jazz, gonna just grab some food and go”, Danny says as he shovels a few of the tater tots in his mouth and grabs a burger. Jazz sticks her head in the kitchen, “Danny you just got back? What are you up to?”. Danny makes a motion that looks like steering a steering wheel, “I guess I can’t blame you but you really should have an adult, an adult like me, with you”. Danny rolls his eyes and waves her off with his free hand. Jazz goes to step in front of him, prompting him to raise an eyebrow and quickly chew and swallow all the tater tots. Which if it wasn’t for body manipulation, would have been very painful; Jazz grimaces. “Jazz I'm fine, it’s not like I haven’t drive alone a bunch of times before”, Jazz sighs and shakes her head disappointedly. “Dont do anything stupid, little brother. But I’m coming with you unless you give me a damn good reason not to”, Danny groans and checks the time. Rubbing his neck, “you hate dad’s fast driving as it is, and well fast driving is what’s happening”. Jazz immediately clues in that Danny’s doing something both stupid and illegal, “Danny! Yes I’m coming with you. At least to watch and make sure you don’t fuck yourself up”. Danny deflates, “Fine, I guess, but you’re in the back and you’re not riding later. Gotta go now though”. Jazz raises a brow as Tucker lets her climb in the back.
“So clearly something specific is going on, so spill”, Danny groans. While Tucker turns around to answer, “there’s only one other kid, well he’s not a kid but still, at school with a sports car. So now there’s a drag race”.  “What! Danny! That is more than just stupid and illegal!”, Jazz shoves her head forwards as far as her seatbelt will allow. Danny just shrugs as he drives to the abandoned road.  
Dexter smirks as he sees Danny’s Lykan pulling up next to the sidewalk before the abandoned road, after looking up this car he knows he’d lose to anyone who was actually an experienced driver, but with this kid he’ll be able to brag about besting the car. Shrugging to himself, he’ll just leave out the age of the driver during his bragging.
Tucker opens the passenger door to let both himself and Jazz out, a mash-up of every Skrillex song at once can be heard as the two go and stand with Sam and a bunch of other people from Tucker’s grade.
“I can’t believe Danny actually has a car like that”, Star shakes her head at Tucker. The two had become somewhat friendly to each other ever since their dating stint. Tucker smirks, “you should see the hologram stuff it’s got inside and the seats are literally stitched with gold”. Star blinks a few times, “wait you mean he was serious when he said there was gold and emeralds in it?”. Tucker nods, “there’s something like 400 emeralds in the headlights alone. But that’s what you get for over 4 mil”. Kwan nearby starts cough and staggers up to Tucker, “what do you mean 4 mil? As in million?”. Tucker chuckles, “Yeah, exactly. It’s normally only 3 and half mil but Vladdie got it done custom”. Kwan just stares at him and shakes his head.
Danny pulls up next to Dexter as he cuts the music, “so quick question, you think you can take this easy because you think I’m inexperienced due to my age, right?”. Dexter blinks a couple times and frowns, “you’re only 16 and don’t even have a licence yet, what kind of driving experience could you possibly have”. Danny laughs, “I’ve driven or flown everything from assault vehicles to a jet”. Dexter looks at him mildly concerned as it approaches time to go.
Danny can’t help but laugh as the, ever so stereotypically scantily clad, lady who’s probably someone’s girlfriend; walks up and signals for them to go.
Danny doesn’t waste any time in straight up gunning it, being used to the fast and crazy life, his head doesn’t even snap back from the g force. He winds up around 380 in about 15 seconds. Laughing his head off as he cranks the wheel around one of the turns in the road. Looking to the mirror he sees how far back Dexter is, so he decides to fuck around and make Jazz regret coming. So he spins around harshly, flying his hair the totally wrong way, and starts driving backwards without even looking behind him. He waves back at the gaping Dexter as he just starts randomly driving his car all over the road, drifting sideways at points and eventually whipping around to face forwards again; grinning like a completely insane idiot. He whizzes into the parking lot and does a couple of random high-speed donuts before parking. Opening his door he goes and lays on the roof, waiting for Dexter to eventually get there.
Meanwhile, Vlad is staring in horror at the screen slowly starting to question the sanity of the young halfa, “What have I done?”. He’d watched as Daniel jerked the wheel around pulling donuts of increasingly tighter loops only to suddenly jerk and go the opposite direction. He could tell by the tilting of the screen that the wheels left the ground multiple times. Listening to the manic laughter of Daniel and seeing his massive grin, all the while. “I’m starting to think Daniel might just be right in the “halfas are either indestructible or immortal” theory. That, or my little badger has a death wish”, with that the older halfa rubs his trembles but doesn’t turn off the device.
Back with Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Sam and Tucker are both laughing their ass off while Jazz looks just as shocked as everyone else at just how fast Danny’s car is. “Holy...”, is all Dash’s two remaining brain cells can put together.
“I-I think that-that Danny might have a bit of a-a adrenaline addiction!”, Tucker wheezes out while Sam pats him on the shoulder humorously. Jazz decides that if they ever have to flee anything, Danny is driving.
Danny turns his head as Dexter pulls up next to his car, Dexter is shaking his head as he drives. “You are one crazy guy, but mad props for pulling that stunt and not destroying your car”, Dexter tosses a large wad of money at Danny who grabs it confused. Dexter laughs at this, “you won dude, even if you clearly did this for shits”. With that Dexter drives off, leaving Danny to fiddle with the money. “Well ok then, I feel like a tornado attempting to take a nap and now I have money in my winds”, Danny looks around and then phases inside his car. Unwrapping the wad he flings the cash all over his dashboard just to be dramatic, he starts The Phyling Phantom back up. Jerking the wheel harshly sending the car snapping around in a tight circle as he floors it back to his friends, cash flying around inside. He winds up flying past Dexter, again, who just blinks startled by the sudden wind as Danny is grinning widely with his chest pushed up against the wheel. Danny cranks his wheel and yanks the emergency brake to drift sideways and come to a stop about 2 feet from Sam and Tucker, who are the only ones who don’t jump out of the way of the oncoming car driven by a probably indestructible halfa. Opening the door Danny flops out laughing his ass off, with a 50$ stuck in his hair, “god this thing is bloody fun and yes Tuck, I’m totally down to see just how you can soup this up to even more insane levels”.  Tucker laughs, “Just don’t ask your dad! You’ll wind up with it covered in F’s and poor taste guns!”.
Sam and Tuck high-five the grounded Danny as Kwan looks inside the car and sees money all over the place. “I guess there’s no way you couldn’t have won but since when did you even know how to drive?”, Kwan asks what most of the crowd wants to know just as Dexter arrives back. No one even gives Dexter any mocking for losing because of the clearly over powered car his opponent was driving. Danny waves at him from the ground as he answers Kwan, “dude, you can’t be a Fenton and not know how to drive the assault vehicle. It might not speed up as fast but it can go way faster than the average car. It is meant to chase ghost after all”.
Danny’s righted himself by the time Dexter gets over to them, Dash joins them as well. “Well, man you’ve won your first race and own an insane car. Care if I look?”, at this point, Dexter likes this kid and fully intends to laugh at anyone who claims this kid is some weak loser. Dash’s face light up, hoping to get a look too.
Danny raises his eyebrow at the bully, “last I checked anything that was mine was instantly uncool. But then again it’s not like you were ever informed on many things”. Turning to Dexter, “go ahead dude, you probably know more about it than I do”. While Dexter jumps in, leaving the door open though. Dash pipes up, “Fenton, no one could taint a freaking sportscar, not even the biggest freak in the school”. Kwan taps his chin, “I’m amazed your parents didn’t get pissed at the Phantom paint job though, what with being hunter’s and all”. A couple of people nod in the crowd while Tucker groans, knowing full well what Danny named it. Danny chuckles, “they didn’t even mention it, not like I picked the colours anyways. It does fit me though and that’s also why I named it The Phlying Phantom”. Even Dash seems to be impressed by the name choice and many people laugh, while Jazz pinches her nose. Muttering, “you are just asking for trouble little brother”.
Dexter sticks his head out the door as Dash sticks his in but not touching a single thing, Dexter rolls his eyes at the blonde before shouting at Danny “dude, this thing’s custom isn’t it? There shouldn’t even be seats in the back and the window tint is complete black out from the outside with a green tint. Is that even legal?”. Danny laughs, “oh yeah it definitely isn’t, cops won’t do shit apparently though. Vladdie even put extra hologram stuff in and I think an under glow. Cost him an extra half mil, apparently”. Dexter shakes his head at Danny before walking back to his own car and slapping its roof, “Well see you at school you wild weirdo”.
Eventually, everyone starts taking their leave and Sam takes Tucker home. Jazz follows Danny into The Phlying Phantom, turns to him and practically shouts, “you insane idiot! I can’t believe you’d be so reckless and stupid!”. Danny just waves her off as he buckles up, “my very existence is reckless, your point?”. Danny laughs as Jazz pushes some cash out from under her before she buckles up herself, glaring at him the whole time.
On their drive home Danny’s ghost sense goes off, he smirks and jerks the car in that direction before Jazz can even say “no”. Funny enough it’s actually Johnny and Kitty, and Johnny’s has clearly souped up his bike again. Danny’s honestly impressed they’ve actually stopped at the red light, so much to his sisters complaining, he pulls up next to them. Johnny eyes Danny’s ride, not able to see who’s inside, and whistles. Even Kitty gives it an impressed smirk as Johnny says, “well guess I’m not the only person in this town with something that’s got some real speed and power?”. Johnny chuckles to himself deviously before asking, “care for a race?”. Jazz slams her head on the dashboard as Danny goes to roll down the window.
“What’s up Johnny? And I don’t see why not, I could do with winning two tonight”, Danny grins at Johnny’s shocked but then impressed face. Kitty however, looks really damn pleased, “well looks like we won’t be winning by ghostly cheating, Phantom. Hope you’re content to drive straight up some buildings”. To which Danny just laughs as the light turns green and he’s off to the races again.
Unsurprisingly they indeed wind up driving straight up and sideways on a few buildings, Jazz screams as Danny goes off a damn crane and floats the car down to the park. Johnny pulling up behind, “respect dude, it’s clear us ghostly folks have the monopoly on speed”. Danny laughs maniacally, “well I have a new appreciation for fast vehicles that’s for sure, and this thing has officially lived up to the name of Phyling Phantom!”. Kitty herself laughs at Danny’s on the nose naming before the couple wave off.
Danny spins the back of the car and peels it out of the park, going a little too fast on the road; getting himself promptly pulled over. Johnny and Kitty watch, smirking from a distance; they picked the most heavily patrolled area for this very reason. “Hey Jazz, climb into the back would you?”, Jazz glares at him but does so. Once she’s seated and buckled, “the fuck is wrong with you Danny and you know I can’t be your adult from the back”. Danny smirks as he pushes the big M button, “I want to see if this will really work”. Jazz doesn’t even have time to be confused as the Maddie hologram springs out and smiles at the drivers seat. “What the fuck Danny? Did Vlad put that in? Because that is either really sneaky and I’m not impressed or that’s really creepy and I’m not impressed”. Danny draws a V in the air just as the officer knocks on his window.
Rolling his window down, Danny smiles at the officer as “Maddie” waves, “what’s up sir? Just enjoying a night-time drive”. The cop moves his flashlight from Danny to the hologram that somehow actually reacts like a person to the light, and then to Jazz. “Fenton’s huh? Well I hope you were chasing something in that park and I hope you caught it, good night”, the cop spins on his heels and books it away from, what he believes is, one of the two highly destructive Fenton parents and their apparently equally reckless child. Johnny shakes his head as Kitty smiles, “got to hand it to the kid, he’s alway got something up his sleeve”.
As Danny puts the Maddie hologram away Jazz stares in shock, “Vlad has issues for one, for two he has given you too much power. Now let’s go home, at a reasonable speed”. Danny laughs, “death gave me too much power first!”
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Im too lazy to look at the questions so DO ALL OF THEM. (if you dont wanna then go on a random number generator and get 5 random numbers)
ITS REALLY LONG BUT I DID IT KJSHADJS HERE GOES i love oversharing my lifealso im putting a read more line bc its hella long
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
water bottles
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
ehhh depends on my mood. i’d say it’s (dark) chocolate most of the time (love that 70% dark chocolate mmMmMm)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy!! except when it gets all over my face and hair o no
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
common report book comments included
- very active
- bright
- “the live wire of the class”
- usually distracted but still does well
- mischievous
- playful
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
bottles so that i can close it and save the rest for later and not have to chug it yeet
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
sportswear #sweatpantsalldayeveryday
7. earbuds or headphones?
def headphones but they’re inconvenient sometimes :/
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows!! (also, my adhd ass can’t get through a movie without zoning out oops)
9. favorite smell in the summer?
i haven’t experienced /real/ summer (thank u singapore’s tropical climate) but i rly like the smell of rain :”)
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
making up excuses to skip pe
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
belvitas before morning practice
croissant sandwich and chocolate milk after practice
if there’s no practice, then scrambled eggs from the dining hall lolol
if i’m too lazy to go to the dining hall, then cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist?
it’s literally called jams and the description is “a clusterfuck of stuff i’ve jammed to at some point”
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
gummy bears/sour patch kids
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
death of a salesman - arthur miller
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
with one foot up on the chair and the other leg sitting normally
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
a pair of asics sneakers
18. ideal weather?
15ºc/60ºf when its like cool but not too cold but also not ridiculously hot and also when theres no insane wind (a light breeze is fine)
19. sleeping position?
on my left side and hugging a pillow/bolster/soft toy
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
i like the feeling of pen and paper but im disorganized as hell so an apple pencil + ipad makes a good enough substitute
21. obsession from childhood?
frogs (i’ve loved them since i was 3 hehe)
22. role model?
a dude i used to train with for a while in 2014. he retired last year but he’s always looked out for me like an older brother since we trained together (he’s 8 years older than me lmao) and even thought i’m so far away rn he still checks in on me and stuff and idk he’s probably one of the swimmers i respect the most.
23. strange habits?
i cant fall asleep at night if im not hugging something.  like. it could be a pillow. or a soft toy. literally anything. once on a school trip i hugged a pair of sweatpants to sleep bc i legit cant fall asleep if im not hugging something.i have no problem falling asleep in class/on buses/cars/planes though.
24. favorite crystal?
idk i never really paid enough attention to crystals to actually have a favorite and know their names. they’re all rly pretty tho.
25. first song you remember hearing?
uhh h h i honestly can’t remember. probably some classical music bc i played the violin and that was my first experience of music that i was actually aware of????
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
switch on the aircon and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch. and swimming outdoors i guess.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
switch on the heater and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch.
do u see a pattern here
28. five songs to describe you?
jet lag - simple plan (bc time zones suck and i miss my fam & friends)
avalanche - bring me the horizon (pretty much sums up how tf my brain feels)
high hopes - p!atd
astronaut - simple plan
the reckless and the brave - all time low
29. best way to bond with you?
doing dumb shit with me
also Quality Time™️ like idk even if we’re chilling and doing our own shit i like just spending time with people im comfortable enough with
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
a hoodie and sweatpants
for no reason other than that’s what i wear 90% of the time
32. top five favorite vines?
this bitch empty. yeet.
im in my mom’s car VROOM VROOM
the one of that dad playing the saxophone (???) and the kid slamming the oven door open and shut
road works ahead “haha yea sure hope it does!”
33. most used phrase in your phone?
either lmao or lolol or LMFAO or yeet
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
gOD i had spotify ads stuck in my head all the time before i switched to premium and now i cant remember any of them (thank god)
35. average time you fall asleep?
i’d say 12:30-1ish
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
the tROLL FACE MEME LIKE those rage faces idk what they’re called but BASICALLY THOSE 2010-2012 era memes
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
suitcase!!! i like sitting on them and yeeting myself around on them or getting people to push me around and then falling off
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
ngl i havent had either of them before
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
so in jc2 (aka 12th grade), for some reason PEOPLE WERE PUTTING PRE-PACKAGED HARD BOILED EGGS ALL OVER THE SCHOOL. like they were still in their wrappers and all but u could open ur schoolbag and find like 5 eggs in there. and no one knew where they came from. i think at one point there were even eggs hanging from the pull-up bars. all i know is that they were everywhere and people in my batch still remember it as the egg invasion of acjc.
41. last person you texted?
my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
def jacket!!! especially when they have zips hehe
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
idk man depends on my mood
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi bc im a fricken nerd
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
shirt and sweats
47. favorite type of cheese?
cheddarrr also i like mozzerrella sticks
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
a fineapple B)
lmao jk ummmm maybe a watermelon bc when u hit it it sounds hollow, just like how my skull would sound if someone hit it (h a)
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
here for a good time not for a long time
never give up without a fight
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
idk probably some dumb meme. i laugh at a lot of stuff like i laugh anything even mildly funny. some that i can think of off the top of my head are:
- i was tryna type ducky but typed fucky instead and sOmEOnE (could be the person who submitted this ask, idk tho) changed my facebook messenger nickname to fucky and the notification was like ”poopy butthole changed your nickname to fucky” and i think that’s still the funniest sentence i’ve read in my whole life
- one time we went to mcdonalds and a friend said mcfluffy instead of mcflurry and idk why but i laughed so hard at that
- once @doduo and i spent half a chinese lesson cutting out random faces from the chinese newspaper and sticking them randomly all over the classroom and idk. it was the funniest thing ever. until the teacher came over and confiscated my scissors rip.
51. current stresses?
- an essay draft (that i am procrastinating rn by doing this, oops)
- CANADIAN TRIALS (but thats a good kind of stress)
- submitting a proposal for a group project but none of my groupmates are freaking replying my texts ugh
52. favorite font?
avenir next!! i find san serif fonts way easier to read than serif lolol.i like helvetica neue too.
53. what is the current state of your hands?
dry af but also i just got my nails done so they pretty rn hehe
54. what did you learn from your first job?
i…havent had a real job yet
55. favorite fairy tale?
idk i was never rly one for fairy tales even as a kid.
56. favorite tradition?
chinese new year when we get CASH and we spend 3 days just eating junk yEET im rly sad im gonna be missing it the next few years tho
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
hh h h hh hhh hh hh they’re pretty personal i don’t /really/ wanna put it out here but i can text you the answer to this if you want (i’m perfectly fine with that!!)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
- i think i’m pretty intuitive!!! i can guess anyone’s mbti if i’ve spent enough time with them/gotten a detailed enough description of them /winks/ and i can read people pretty well in general and i can draw links to themes/symbols in lit pretty well….???
- i’m somewhat decent at lettering…i think
- i’m good at pull-ups and also vertical jumps i’m secretly a froge
- i’m decent at photography…i guess….
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
pokemon !!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
/sweats/ i’m not very good at remembering lines from books/movies/shows WELP
62. seven characters you relate to?
rosa diaz - b99
linguine - ratatouille (he’s permanently confused and he let a ratto take over his job bc he had no idea what he was doing like damn what a big mood)
dory - finding nemo/finding dory (i relate to the forgetfulness)
percy jackson
kale bae /winks/
mitt (during bad phases) /winks again, but sadly/
63. five songs that would play in your club?
idek man i wouldnt even be at my own club i’d be at home taking a nap i’ll just ask someone else to handle my playlist
64. favorite website from your childhood?
club penguin !!!
65. any permanent scars?
yE one of them was from jumping onto a treadmill going at 13km/h 2 years ago bc i thought i was a good idea
66. favorite flower(s)?
i dont have any
67. good luck charms?
i eat pancakes for breakfast on meet days!!!! altho i think this is more of a habit than a good luck charm tbh lmao.
also i guess pip???? he’s my emotional support narwhal :’)
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
durian. i cant stand the stuff or anything flavored like it ugh.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
red food coloring is derived from beetles
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
overly-floral patterns i guessssss. also i hate wearing stripes.
72. worst subject?
besides that, math and physics
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
i rly like vanilla ice cream and fries
also i would eat ketchup with nearly anything
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
i usually just suck it up and go to sleep when it comes to pain but i guess an 8??? idk. i usually take advil/ibuprofen only for fevers
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i got my first loose tooth on january 11 2005 and it fell out on january 18 2005 & it was a tuesday (pls don’t ask me how i remember this bc i dont know)
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
tater tots
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
cactus i guess. idk im not good at plants.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
grocery store sushi (it was pretty decent in singapore so yeeeee lmao also i ate a lot of that as a kid)
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
its the same photo for both so yeAh
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
idk i always called them fireflies
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
drawing (more like doodlign for me bc i cant draw for shit)
84. podcasts or talk radio?
neither but if i rlllllly had to choose then podcasts i guessss s sss
84. barbie or polly pocket?
neither LMAO i gave all my barbies haircuts when i was a kid bc i didnt know what to do with them
85. fairy tales or mythology?
mythology for sure!! i love greek mythology (may or may not be bc of percy jackson lolol)
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
losing those i love and care about (could be drifting or actual death it goes both ways)
88. your greatest wish?
rn, for my essay to write itself
for the short-term, to make the olympics (and WUGs…and worlds…and sea games…and asian games…and commonwealth games lmao)
for the long-term, uhhh idk. i just wanna live a life i’m satisfied with and to have a job i actually like and to be able to support my parents
89. who would you put before everyone else?
my mom
90. luckiest mistake?
i always say that i regret doing a year of college in singapore instead of coming here for freshman year but if i’d come in a year earlier like i was supposed to, i proba wouldn’t have made it past swim team tryouts and i made some pretty great friends in my first year of college soooo it all worked out i guessi cant think of any others rn
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
fairy lights are rly pretty!!but i like natural light :”)
93. nicknames?
alpha childuhh h h i think thats about it??? i cant remember any others
94. favorite season?
spring’s pretty great rni like fall too (before it gets cOLd)
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
a photo of me looking rly cool at the starting blocks before a race B)
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
4 - mine (singapore & US), my mom’s and my dad’s
98. favorite historical era?
uhh h h idk the ice age seemed pretty cool haha sike it was actually coldmedieval times seemed pretty cool too like damn i want a suit of armorWHEW I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS but i had fun so yeet
also if you read all the way down here ily and you’re cool
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tokyotwosome · 6 years
A French Excursion
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7/29/2018 - My first taste of Europe began in the south of France, in the city of Toulouse. My expectations of France stemmed from books and movies, which truly limits you to two senses; sight and sound.  Naturally I expected to see breathtaking architecture and streets filled with centuries of European history. What I hadn’t anticipated were the other senses we would experience; the smells, the flavors, and the feeling. As I write this segment of the blog, I’m sitting on the terrace of our hotel as the sun rises to awaken the city. You can hear the vrooms of mopeds weaving through the alleys. You can feel the fresh breeze of the crisp morning air with a hint of a summer scent drifting with it. It’s something capable of forcing a pessimist to smile. The temperature is a comfortable 69°F (about 20°C). I’m sipping my morning “café – coffee” as I wash down my “chocolatine - a chocolate croissant”, that we bought just last night while walking around the markets. While other visitors come out to their balcony, you greet them with “bonjour” as if you’ve been saying it for years. There isn’t a skyscraper in sight. Just brick buildings upon brick buildings that look like they all have a story to share. Rob has spent several days already completing an extended business trip at Airbus. While he’s at work today, I am off to spend my first day exploring the city, solo. 
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As mentioned, Rob had been spending some time at Airbus, providing product support. Through work, he made a friend at Airbus (Julien), who invited us over for a late dinner at his place. Julien’s girlfriend and I spent the day sightseeing in Toulouse. At dinner, Julien, prepared us duck soaked in red wine, served with rice, French pâté, cheeses of all varieties, meats, and more. Then we washed it all down with some rum, where our new friend showed us how to prepare it properly. Julien told us about his home country; a tiny island nestled to the east of Madagascar. A fun and delightful way to spend our last night in Toulouse. 
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[a free tour inside the Capitole de Toulouse Building, pictured above] 
To sum up a few interesting facts I learned in my first few days in France:
There’s a TV tax - used to fund local French TV networks. 
Business isn’t always open – With Paris being the exception, hours of operation tend to vary in France. Sometimes it’s too late in the day for a croissant at a café. Or sometimes it’s too early for dinner and all restaurants don’t open until 7:30 PM. A way to avoid this is by going to bakeries for baked goods and then going to a local park. It’s much more efficient if you’re on the go, downside being you miss the outdoor café on the street atmosphere. Apart from food, boutiques are typically not open until 10 AM  or so. Oh and Sundays? Forget about it. Many of the French truly live by exercising their day of rest. That goes for shops as well. Need not worry! There may be a local outdoor market open.
Bakeries are no joke – Bread is the staple of this country. It was a major player in the French Revolution. Seeing passersby with a baguette in their bag is in no way unusual. There’s a bakery around every corner, each item a soft, fluffy, piece of heaven. You can smell the bakeries in the street, making it impossible not to stop and snag a pastry. 
Cheese is also no joke - The French cheese puts our cheese to shame. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a nice Wisconsin sharp cheddar as much as the next guy...but French cheese is savory on a whole other level!
7/31/18 - Next stop, that’s right you guessed it; wine country. We decided to rent a car, a manual no less. A French car; a Peugeot. It was about a 2-hour drive north of Toulouse. Having experience driving a manual, I thought what a thrifty idea. Let’s not get into the narrow European one-way streets...eventually, we made it to Bordeaux. The city itself is just that, a city. Where were the acres of vineyards? We would soon travel 20 min east to Saint-Émilion to find out. But before we head out of the city, we stop by the Bordeaux Wine Museum. The Museum included a tasting and allowed you to explore the smells and sights of wine around the world. It was cool to see Yakima Valley (a Washington region) being recognized as a world-renowned wine within the museum. Wine is a big contributor to romance; the museum touched on that countless times. An interesting take on wine. After grabbing a French lunch buffet, we head out towards Saint-Émilion. The streets start to quiet and those vineyards finally make their grand appearance. 
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Our Airbnb sat within vineyards and the city we’d just left behind was a world away. This is the kind of countryside life where you can really forget about your troubles. The next day we had an electric bike tour planned through the  Saint-Émilion chateaus and little did we know what an exceptional experience it would turn out to be. 
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Our tour consisted of 8 riders and one guide. Our guide Julie was a local French gal, sharing her knowledge of the area’s history as we zigged and zagged through the back roads of vineyards. We learned about the importance of the soil; the area mostly comprised of limestone and clay - the perfect soil suitable for merlot and cab franc. The other 6 riders in our group were all Australian and what an entertaining lot they were! As we made our way through the hills, we eventually made our first stop at Château Panet. Here we walked through the Château where the wine was being made, learning about the process along the way. We ended the tour with an outdoor picnic of wine, cheeses, meats, and breads. We chatted with the rest of the group, learning that they all are from Melbourne. One of the riders complimented me on my accent, which was the first and likely the last time that will ever happen. Who ever thought an American accent could be “charming”? 
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Our final stop on our tour was Château Saint-Georges, a true castle once owned by the king of France. We walked around the breathtaking grounds, stopping to try the smells and flavors in the garden. Each item in the garden was carefully chosen to help represent different notes within the wine. They also told us about how much the weather impacts the harvest, and why you often hear wine connoisseurs say things like, “2015 is an excellent vintage” or “that’s a good year”. We learned how you identify older wines vs younger by the color. We discovered so much about wine that we didn’t know, in such a short span of time.
8/3/18 - Paris, the world’s most visited city in the world, is its own breed. Comparing it to the rest of France isn’t a fair comparison really. We stayed at an Airbnb apartment within the heart of the city. Everything was within walking distance, with places like Notre Dame just a short walk away. Sure, in a city like Paris you’re going to come across a few homeless people digging through the trash and you have to be mindful of the possibility of pickpockets. If you’re able to avoid this and/or not allow it to spoil your visit, Paris can be very charming. Keeping a loose agenda and simply walking along the river, stumbling across places as you go, is the best way to do it. We stopped by a cafe, where a friend of a friend had just opened business (Jozi Cafe). He gave us some great advice on things to see and things to avoid. We joked with him about how he’d never been to the Louvre, much like we’ve never gone on Ride the Ducks in Seattle and how you’re often not the tourist in your own city. We visited Shakespeare and Co. bookstore to check out the 1920′s gathering spot for famous writers such as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. We even bought Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway, a nonfiction that he wrote describing his time in Paris. Don’t forget to have the store clerk stamp your book with a Shakespeare & Co. stamp before you go! 
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The Eiffel Tower - the symbol of romance in Paris. You can find an Eiffel Tower in the states on shirts, bags, or home decor. Seeing it in person really depicts its grandness. We needn’t bother go up the tower; we simply wanted to see it up close and in-person. Our 4th Wedding Anniversary we spent at a restaurant on the water, just beneath the tower. While enjoying our meal and our view, we did our favorite thing to do when we travel; people watch. We noticed our server speaking Spanish to the table to our right and French to the table on our left. He spoke English to us, so this was pretty impressive how he could just switch gears in a matter of moments. Tipping is not a custom in France, but you can certainly leave one if you feel the service was superb. While the boat tour on the river had been going on for hours, we opted to skip it during the day. The weather was hot, muggy, and uncomfortable. Instead, we did the tour during the sunset which proved to be both romantic and a much more comfortable and rewarding experience. 
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We spent our last day at The Louvre. We managed to see all of our favorites within 3 hours. The renaissance paintings being our favorite. Liberty Leading the People left the biggest impression on me. It was a must see and I wouldn’t recommend skipping it if you’re in Paris. Overall, we loved France and have every intention of visiting again one day. Travelling really teaches you a lot of lessons and opens your eyes to the big beautiful world out there. You also learn a lot about your own country through the perspective of other countries. Our craving for travel continues so stay tuned! We aren’t certain where our next trip will be. Brazil, Hong Kong, Singapore, Iceland, and the UK are all on the horizon. Thanks for reading; until next time.
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#8)
S3 E8: Lemons and Lemonade. Already I can hear the vroom of connor’s sports car which means ava will be making fun of it soon
Episode description: Dr. Choi feels helpless when a patient refuses a necessary treatment.
I also do a little bit more work here, writing in ava subtly where she was not before, but it should be fun
Let’s get into it
-vroom vroom vroom I can hear ava making fun of him in the distance
-ava having her own sports car would be... very very nice
- ^^ yes I am hating on connor for having a sports car but saying it would be epic for ava to have it. I’m reversing the double standard. it’s what she deserves.
--he looks so fucking upset. in his sports car. enjoy yourself, he looks so angsty like why
-literally already flirting with girls. sir, stop it.
-ava back at it again. folks just look at her.
- *cue post citing ava knowing the price of connor’s car as evidence of her being a lesbian, and also paying more attention to connor’s car than connor*
-that was also a really good ava moment. still iconic.
- Ava: “Nice-looking... But is she attracted to you or the car?”
-this interaction in this episode is the reason people think she’s a lesbian.
-honestly. folks. watch that scene again. it is exquisite.
-also ava paying more attention to the girls connor talks to than to connor
-ava giving connor shit for everything (this rewatch is making me appreciate their brotp so much more)
-also this is the THIRD TIME ava opens a door for connor. the things I witness
-everytime I write ava and connor from now on I will have her open the door for him. and you should too. this is law
-oh yeah this is where owen bullies will. so valid.
-oh this is the anorexic patient. this one was a good  story, it hit very hard.
-sarah’s back!
- I’m watching during class and I nearly wrote down ‘sarah’s back’ in my apush notes
-so right there, when sarah’s walking out of the doctor’s lounge and looking around the ed, how perfect would it be if Ava was just working on a chart at the counter and she sees Sarah and you have this brief exchange:
Ava looks up from her chart to see Sarah Reese glancing around the ED. She certainly looks more at ease than she did last time she was there.
“Dr. Reese. Welcome back.”
Sarah turns to the voice who greeted her. Her brow quirked in confusion when she saw who was talking.
“Dr. Bekker. Good to see you again,” Sarah says, still confused, but polite as ever.
Ava gives her a brief nod as she walks off to the elevators.
-the whole point is just subtly inserting ava into the story more, ingraining her most often with sarah oops
- sarah saying that her therapy, anger management sessions, and meetings with the hospital attorney are just opportunities to grow professionally
-gosh she looks so confident now
- I keep forgetting that she’s supposed to leave at the end. how!?
-maggie looking after sarah will never not make me smile. so soft
-teasing will for wanting to get owen to like him
-she is fantastic
-*during surgery* - Ava: “I’m curious. You score a date tonight?”
Connor: “I did. How are you doing on your end?” - how funny would it be if she just started talking about her love life (and not the surgery)
-the way sarah is still so scared of the patients. please.
-sarah crying after the patient she wasn’t even treating died...
-i can’t believe she leaves after this season. this isn’t fair
-back at it again, crying on the roof
Okay so we’ve found it. The previous episode made us love Ava, this episode made her a lesbian.
In all seriousness, this was another good episode. Ava teasing Connor about all his problems.
I’m starting to wonder when the actual relationship starts. I actually don’t remember how it goes. They have a fling (and Ava turns him down!)
Anyway, as always, thanks for sticking through
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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rawrmeansmemes · 7 years
send a   🏰  and I’ll generate a number, 1-166 and post the sentence as a starter. 
Ah, yes. Now what are you, and who are you doin' here?
Now, I'm warnin' ya. Don't let nobody or nothin' in the house.
I'm so ashamed of the fuss I made.
A lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face.
Well... guess he won't need me anymore. What does an actor want with a conscience, anyway?
You buttered your bread. Now sleep in it!
All we gotta do is build an act. Make ya a star. A headliner! 
Gab, gab, gab. They're always gossipin'.
If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.
You know, just the other day, I was talking to myself about you, and we were wondering what had become of you.
So this is love. So this is what makes life divine. I'm all aglow...
Oh, that clock! Old killjoy. I hear you. "Come on, get up," you say, "Time to start another day."
I can't believe. Not anymore. There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing.
Oh, I wasn't... I mean, I do, but-but don't you think my dress...
Why, it's like a dream. A wonderful dream come true.
Oh, I understand, but... it's more than I ever hoped for.
Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.
It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change.
Ah, that's just it. If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk.
if I lose my temper, you lose your head! Understand?
Curiosity often leads to trouble.
Better look first, for if one drinks much from a bottle marked "Poison", it's almost certain to disagree with you sooner or later.
Of course not. This is an unbirthday party.
Mustard! Yes, mu- MUSTARD? Don't let's be silly! Lemon, that's different...
Of all the silly nonsense, this is the stupidest tea party I've ever been to in all my life.
Goodness gracious, whatever shall we do?
It's... It's just that I never thought about it before. Say, that's it! You think of a wonderful thought.
Don't you understand, _____? You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!
Just a cute little bundle... of trouble!
You know, sometimes I don't think she's really very happy.
Well, I'm really not supposed to speak to strangers, but we've met before.
Well, *that* would make me happy.
But don't you remember? We've met before.
I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you.
Oh... I just love happy endings.
I'm so hungry I could eat  a whole elephant.
You idiots! You fools! You imbeciles!
I'm not sleepy. I'm hungry.
I'd like to tear his gizzard out.
Sounds like someone's sick. How lovely. I do hope it's serious. Something dreadful.
When he stays out all night, he's always grumpy the next morning.
This will take brains, not brawn.
I was just wonderin', are we good guys or bad guys? You know, I mean, uh? Our robbin' the rich to feed the poor.
Rob? Tsk tsk tsk. That's a naughty word. We never rob. We just sort of borrow a bit from those who can afford it.
Oh, he's so handsome, just like his reward posters.
Wowee! I'm tip-top, alright, but I'm not as good as he is.
Look, why don't you stop moonin' and mopin' around? - Just - Just marry the girl.
Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them!
Why, your eyes are like sapphires sparkling so bright. They make the morning radiant and light.
Wait a minute. I'm the leader! I'm the one that says when we go.
You FORCE them to like you, idiot!
You get down there and find the big diamond, or you will never see the teddy a - gain!
We're still friends, right?
Don't worry, old fellow. It's not *entirely* hopeless.
There's no evil scheme he wouldn't concoct! No depravity he wouldn't commit.
Now, you will remember to smile for the camera, won't you? Say "Cheese".
I'm afraid that you've gone and upset me. You know what happens when someone upsets me.
Hey, man, if this is torture, chain me to the wall.
Isn't it rather dangerous to use ones entire vocabulary in a single sentence?
Hey, man, you're ugly! And you're uglier than him! And you're Ugly, Part Three! Hey, you're Revenge of the Ugly!
Ooh, I think she likes me, man!
Hm. Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you.
My nerves are shot. This is a catastrophe!
Have I ever been wrong? I mean when it's important!
I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.
You'll have your looks. Your pretty face and don't underestimate the importance of "body language." Ha!
This has got to be, without a doubt, the single most humiliating day of my life!
I didn't make it all the way through third grade for nothing.
Well, there's the usual things. Flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep.
How can you read this? There's no pictures!
This is yet another example of the late neoclassic Baroque period. And, as I always say, "If it's not Baroque, don't fix it!".
Oh dear. That didn't go very well at all, did it?
Couldn't keep quiet, could we? Just had to invite him to stay, didn't we?
I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first I'd better go in there and uh, propose to the girl!
All right, Sparky, here's the deal. If you wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter. Do ya got it?
No, really. On a scale of one to ten, you are an eleven.
How many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon?
Arrrgh! This is the *stupidest* vacation! You drag me from home, jam me into this dumb car, drive me a million miles away to see some stupid rat show!
Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it.
I'm surrounded by idiots...
I laugh in the face of danger
Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble
For what? This? I've gotten out of worse scrapes than this. Can't think of anything right now, but.
I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.
Is this bottomless pit a friend of yours?
You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?
I've set my laser from stun to kill.
Oh, great. If anyone attacks we can blink em' to death.
Candlelight, privacy, music. Can't think of a better place for hand-to-hand combat.
Speaking of trouble, we should have run into some by now.
Why is it, whenever we meet, I end up bleeding?
You leave town for a couple of decades and they change everything.
I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, I can handle this. Have a nice day.
You know, wh-when I was a kid, I-I would have given anything to be exactly like everybody else.
Fabulous party. You know, I haven't seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself.
Would you like to stay forever?
My little baby, off to destroy people.
Ooh, I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover. Come on, scare me, girl!
They popped out of the snow, like daisies!
First rule of leadership: Everything is your fault.
You listen to me, my boy. I've made a living out of being a failure, and you, sir, are not a failure.
Do I look stupid to you? 
I was saved! I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth.
Are you sure this water's sanitary? It looks questionable to me!
Um, okay, but it won't be the same coming from me.
But I don't wanna use my head!
I may not be a smart dog, but I know what roadkill is.
Don't tell me. We're about to go over a huge waterfall.
It's called a "cruel irony", like my dependence on you.
Why do we even *have* that lever?
Break it down? Are ya kidding me? This is hand-carved mahogany.
That is the last time we take directions from a squirrel.
Oh, he's doing his own theme music? Big, dumb and tone deaf. 
Is there anything on this menu that is not swimming in gravy?
We done a lot of things we're not proud of. Robbing graves, eh, plundering tombs, double parking. But, nobody got hurt. Well, maybe somebody got hurt, but nobody we knew.
Hey, look, I made a bridge. It only took me like, what? Ten seconds? Eleven, tops.
Well, as far as me goes, I just like to blow things up.
C'mon, fight that plaque! Fight that plaque! Scary monsters don't have plaque!'
Now, put that thing back where it came from, or so help me...!
Ha, ha, ha. You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade, pal.
You know, like on the street, with the honk-honk and the vroom-vroom, and the no walking involved?
Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten.
My friends need to be punished.
Leave me alone to diiieee...
This is you, and this is your badness level. It's unusually high for someone your size.
You'll like it, 'cause it's stinky, LIKE YOU! 
"Oh, look at me, I'm a flippy little dolphin, let me flip for you! Ain't I something?"
Well, you never really know you know, but when they know, you'll know, ya know?
There he is. Ha ha! Come here, loverboy.
I mean, who wants the pressure of being super all the time?
You know?! For a little bit. I feel like the maid: "I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for, for 10 minutes?! Please?!"
Now, I'll tell you what we're not gonna do. We're not gonna panic, we're not gonna die.
I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.
Boy, I'm pretty good at this lawyerin' stuff!
You and me... we're in a club now.
Swear you'll take us there. Cross your heart! Cross it! Cross your heart!
I know this may seem boring, but I think the boring stuff is what I remember the most.
I was hiding under your porch because I love you.
There is no way I am kissing a frog and eating a bug on the same day.
If I can mince, you can dance.
I was beginning to think wishing on stars was just for babies and crazy people...
Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. This is bad. This is very, very bad. This is really bad'! 
Stay calm. It can probably smell fear.
I've always wanted to go out with a bang!
Yeah, this one we caught sticking his bumper where it didn't belong!
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me.
I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore.
Well, this place just got interesting.
Tut tut! As your merciful princess, I hereby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be… executed.
They get away with murder! I can never get away with anything!
I'm gonna wipe the floor with that little know-it-all.
Wait, what am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?
I've always wanted a nose! So cute; it's like little baby unicorn!
Oh, look at that. I've been impaled.
On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?
Hey, kid? If you're pullin' my leg, I'm gonna eat yours.
I'm doing the happy dance, I'm not wearing any pants!
Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems.
Well, he was right about one thing; I don't know when to quit!
Never let them see that they get to you.
It's called a hustle, sweetheart.
Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and all your insipid dreams magically come true! So let...it...go.
I'm sorry. I gotta blink. How do you hold your eyes open that long?
You trust her. Becky's eating a cup.
When you use a bird to write with, it's called tweeting.
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blackrosesfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 207
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"Say what?" I snap.
Nat sighs. "Yeah, I don't know. He getting on the plane and he wanted me to let you know."
"I did not need for you to repeat that bullshit. Like what the absolute fuck? You get on a plane and not call your fucking wife? Not even see what the hell going on with your kids. Nat you better get off my phone before you hear me turn into a hell storm."
"Girl go right ahead. The bullshit I have to do. So just call me if you need something."
"I will absolutely not. Fuck him." I say hanging up.
I look at Lane who was staring at me. Got to put on a straight face for my baby until he goes to sleep. He was still staring at me not blinking his eyes like he would miss something. I lay back in the bed. It was just me, Lane, and Caden. It was supposed to be just me Trey and the boys. But I guess I'm on my own now. I sit back up. I miss my bitches. Like it's so hard not to move back to Atlanta and say fuck all this new attention I'm getting. Part of me really wants to. They would have my back right now.
"Mommy, what is it."
"Excuse me?"
Lane puts his car on my stomach. "Vroom."
I laugh. "Really?"
"Vroom!" He yells.
Okay baby. I'll act like none of this is happening. I pick him up and drop him on the bed. He laughs and rolls away trying to get away from me. I grab his thigh tickling him. He had lost this battle. He curls up and tries to grab my hand. I let him pull it off of his leg then I wait for him to realize I had two hands. He rolls over again throwing himself off the bed. I look down. He was gone.
He giggles from under the bed.
"I'll just play with this car then. Vroom."
"I got nother car." He says driving it on the bed.
"Come give me a kiss."
He raises his eyebrows. "You stank lips."
I fall back laughing. "You are a clown. Your lips stank."
"No." He giggles.
I grab my phone then put it down. I was going to check Trey's schedule but I'm not. I know for a fact that he didn't have nothing scheduled for two days. It was only possible that his Miami trip could be moved to the morning but it's still in 2 days. I don't feel like being that girl. We good. I call MiMi.
Damn, Bae, you pressing me. I can't rush the plane. What?" She giggles.
"Bae, I shouldn't have left you."
She sucks her teeth. "And why not? Why the sudden fucking... Devin! Why are you driving so slow! I'm not your damn client. Anyway, Boo, what's wrong?"
"I'm trying not to make it a big deal cause these big eyes watching me. But I get a phone call from Natalie telling me Trey got on the plane for Miami. But Trey not due in Miami for 2 days."
"Wait she called you? What... like why didn't this nigga call? Devin... Bae I swear I got to use the fucking bathroom and this bitch won't drive."
I sigh and change the subject. "Where are you coming from?"
"Oh we went to dinner for my birthday. Devin's mother is in town and she has the kids."
"Girl, you trust that she won't up and take them to Chicago?"
She exhale. "Let her fucking try me."
"You minus well stop acting like you fucking hate my mama." Dee says in the background.
"Bae?" MiMi snaps. "She talking about moving to Atlanta. I'm like bitch..."
"For real?" Dee snaps.
She sucks her teeth. "It's a fucking... Anyway. I'm like you talking about coming here and I'm talking about going to LA."
"We not though." Dee says.
"He all in the conversation. Damn minus well put it on speaker."
"I know right. Anyway, mind your business."
He sucks his teeth. "Stop playing before I punch you in your bladder."
She giggles then stops.
"Stop playing." Dee says. "Talk on the phone. I hope you shit yourself."
"I can't deal with yall right now."
"Cam, honey, fuck Trey. He fucking bipolar. He probably going through his low right now. I mean yall have been together no breaks for the last what? Two months. Let him get his 2 days. We find any shit out then he will get the rest of his life back without you."
Dee was back in the conversation. "Why you talking like that? That man could be going through something he don't want to talk about. It doesn't have to be about cheating. So quick to jump to that."
"Who asked you?" I snap.
"You did!" Dee yells.
Lane gets in my face. "Mommy?"
"What's the matter?"
"I don't know. Nothing." He says attaching himself to me.
MiMi exhales. "Bae, I'll call you in the morning. After I get out this bathroom I'm going to sleep."
"Love you. And you can call if you need to. I'll wake up only for you."
I chuckle. "Okay, get out your feelings."
"Whatever." She says hanging up.
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I stretch across the bed. In a way this feels right but I still feel like shit. Fucking life man. I hate this shit. It's best that I deal with it by myself. I rather not fucking talk to Cammie. I don't want this to be completely about the shit going on with August. I'm just not in this marriage like I wanna be. For real. I unconsciously had answered the phone.
"Tremaine?" Cammie says.
She sucks her teeth. "How is your damn phone ringing? You aren't on the plane?"
"You fucking watching the damn clock. Obviously you figured I should have landed."
"You being stupid right now."
I chuckle. "I guess so. Anything else?"
"No, bitch."
"Yeah. Call when you got something serious to say."
"I have to have a reason to call you? What the hell is your problem, Tremaine?"
I take the phone away from my ear. "Just don't call. I'll call you."
She says something. I hang up the phone. I don't fucking want to talk to her. I can't help but think about how possible that shit could be. But I don't want to think about it so I won't think about her. I won't talk to her. She can do whatever she fucking wants.
"Tremaine." April snaps walking in the room. "Why the hell... What are you trying to do? Lose your family? I believe you sitting up here in LA instead of being in Miami. You must think you married a dumb bitch. Just like I found you she can find you. You not invisible. You are Trey Songz."
"I don't give a fuck what she sees. Maybe she needs to fucking find out."
April frowns. "And leave you?"
I shrug. "Fuck it April. I don't give a damn. Why you here?"
"I just wanted to see how much of a fool your ass is. I was coming to make sure you don't fuck up your life."
"Cammie not my life."
She throws something at me. "You being stupid. Cammie is everything you have."
"Okay, April. Leave now."
"I'm trying to..."
"I don't fucking need your help!" I snap. "Damn, go stroke Cammie fucking ego. I don't need you. Leave, man."
She starts walking over to me mad. I wasn't going to flinch or run. I don't give a damn what she thinking. She gets part of the way to me then she turns around. She pauses at the door.
"I hope your dumbass loses everything."
"Bye." I say waving.
She right about one thing. She fucking found me too easy. I'll leave for Miami in the morning so that nobody will come find me again. I'm going to check into a hotel instead of going to the house. Way too obvious. I just want to be left alone. Fuck everyone.
"Book my flight for the morning."
"To Miami?"
I sigh. "Where else am I going?"
"Anything special?"
"I'll booked my own hotel."
CiCi hesitates. "You sure?"
"I can handle it my fucking self."
"Fine, Trey. You do that."
"Yeah." I say hanging up the phone. "Fuck you acting like I can't do shit for myself?"
I turn my phone off completely. They dont want to leave me alone I will force them to. I don't need no fucking nobody. Fuck everybody.
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berklee-boyer · 7 years
final date -  sorry i don’t like cheese
((i skipped the beginning of the rp because i just didn’t want to write it, i didn’t edit this either. so here is this really well-written rp, just ignore my sarcasm that is throughout. this is actually a really shitty fic so I would 10/10 recommend)) also the format somehow got messed up so just ignore that)
   We arrive at dinner, I get out of the Vulcan and look at the building. “Wow, it’s so nice.”    He looks over and smirks at me, “only the best for my final four.” I take his hand as we walk inside. We take a seat, more towards the back for privacy.    I sit down and open the menu and a thought pops in my head. It’s been 3 months since the last time I was at a restaurant. “So, what looks good?”    “I’m usually a fan of the cheese ravioli here.”    I start laughing and roll my eyes, “you and your cheese.”    He’s confused, “what?”    “Don’t you like cheese?” I know we have had this conversation before.    “Yeah… I mean I like cheese just as much as the next guy.”    “Oh, I just remember you being very passionate about cheese when I said I wasn’t a fan.” I look back down at the menu.    “Well, you said string cheese was your favorite cheese! That’s not even a cheese!” Um rude, cheese is in the title and string cheese is fun and good.    “At least I didn’t say canned cheese. That’s just gross.” I could never do that to myself.    He laughs, “true. So what are you thinking of getting?”    “I’m thinking about the Alfredo, it’s my favorite.”    He looks up and smirks, “you know what’s in Alfredo sauce.”    I smile, “hmmm what?”    “Cheese.”    I act shocked, “WHAT! NO! REALLY?”    He gasps, “yes.”    I look back at the menu and loudly whisper with a pout, “I’m still getting the Alfredo.” The waiter comes and takes our orders. “So tell me if you could get any breed of dog, what breed would it be?” I love dogs, if he doesn’t like dogs this is over    “I think a husky.”    “Good choice, they are so cute.”    “What about you?”    “I have a pitbull who I love but I love English bulldogs, they have so many wrinkles.” Like, have you seen a bulldog?    “And you like that?” He asks with a look.   “Yeah… why?”    He shrugs, “just wondering if you like particularly like wrinkles on humans, too.”      “Hmmm, sure…?” Dom are you okay? Do you need help?    “Are you attracted to people with wrinkles? Like… old people?” Dom what the actual freak?! Dogs wrinkles and human wrinkles are very different.    “No, I’m not attracted to old people if that’s what you’re asking.” Why would I be attracted to old people, that’s like the opposite of a pervert.    “Mmmkay.”    “Why.” “Just wondering if I’m too young for your tastes.” Still Dom wtf. “No. I like wrinkles on dogs. Why would you even think that?” Like really, why. He starts dying laughing, “I’m just messing with you.” I chuckle, “why do you like old people? Am I too young?” “Nope, definitely not.” Well that’s good, no opposite perverts here. “What do you really want to know about me?” “I don’t know. There’s not really anything specific to ask… I mean I already have a pretty good feel for who you are as a person.” “Really?” Because I know nothing about you besides you like cheese as much as the next guy. He shrugs, “yeah, mostly.” “I’m shocked.” The food arrives and we eat the cheesy meal in silence. “Well that was a good meal, if I do say so myself.” says Dom. “It was pretty good for being cheese.” “It was excellent because it was cheese,” he goes to stand up, “ready to go?” “Yeah,” I stand up and take his hand. “So, ready to head back to the palace?” I look over, “could we wander around downtown?” “Uhh… sure.” “C’mon just show me your favorite places.” “I don’t really have a favorite place in the city. I don’t spend much time out of the palace and when I do, I’m at the beach.” “Then do you wanna wander there then?” Throwback to date one. “We’d have to drive.” “Okay,“ but in my head I’m thinking vroom vroom. We hop into the car and go vroom. I look over, “could you see me as your wife?” Wow look I’m being serious. “I don’t know.” We arrive at the beach, “here we are.”     I run out to the sand, I don’t know the last time I just stood in sand and watched the waves. I’m thinking, thinking hard. I heard Dom’s footsteps behind me and my thoughts just control me. I turn around slowly, “Dom, why am I here?”    “Because you asked to go to the beach?” Yup, Dom why am I standing in sand right now?    “No, in the Selection. You don’t seem to like me all that much. I’ve never been at the top of your lists but yet I’m still here. Like I actually thought I had a chance after our first date when you kissed me but after that you just didn’t seem to care.” A tear starts forming in my eye but I force it to stay there.    Dom hesitates, “…I don’t know… it’s been hard. I just… I don’t know what to say…”    I actually lose it, “What’s so hard to say? That you’re sorry you don’t like me as much as you wish you did?” It’s out, Berk no taking it back now.    “No. I’m sorry that I chose to keep a final four even though it apparently gave you some false hope. I kept you in this competition because I thought there could be something there, but now I see there isn’t,” he takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair, “let’s go back to the palace.” He turns to walk back to the car.    “No, you stop right there!” No holding back tears now, “I’m saying all this because I care. I wanna be here. If I really thought nothing could happen I would have wanted to go home. But I stayed! I stayed because I still had hope!” I quickly wipe the falling tears from my cheek.    “And I’m telling you there is no hope. Come on, let’s go.” He yells.    I never knew I cared this much about him until I actually felt my heart drop, “wait what?”    The sound of sad leaves when he says, “just get back in the car,” and even sadder, “please.”    I wipe another tear, “why?” I cross my arms and think, it’s not like you even care.    I sigh leaves, “I don’t know. Something just… doesn’t feel right about this.” well no shit, “I’m sorry. Can you get in the car?”    I take a deep breath, “okay, fine.” We both get in the car and sit in silence. I just look over at him, and he sighs, “what?”    I don’t want to say one more word to him but I also feel like I have a thousand words to scream at him. I quietly whisper, “are you just giving up on me? Do you care about me at all?”    He looks over, “I care about you enough not to string you along when I don’t think it’ll work out.”    “Like no chance of us ever?”    “I don’t think so… I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t mean for it to end this way.” Yeah no shit, I think out of all the girls I have the worst “breakup” so far. I shake my head, “it’s okay.” We arrive at the palace after what feels like forever, at least I got to look out at Angeles one last time. A “we’re back” takes me out of my daydream. “Sorry that your night had to be like this. I didn’t plan for this but I’m happy that this has been said.” I get out of the car and start walking towards the door. He rushes out of the car, “do you want me to walk you to your room or anything?” “I don’t care,” I turn to walk more and look over my shoulder and see him, “sure.” “Alright,” and runs to catch up to me. I wipe another tear, “this is going to be cheesy but, can we still be friends or at least not hate each other?” He gives me the most sincere looks I have ever seen come from his male, “Berklee, I don’t think I could ever hate you.” We arrive at my door, “good night, Berklee” I turn to walk into my room, “can I have a hug?” Hugs are my favorite and always help me calm down. “Sure,” he gives me a nice hug. I look up, “thank you for this opportunity,” I open the door and walk in. “Bye,” he says as I walk in the door. I watch the figure walk back down the hallway. I leave the door open and go to my closet and put on my favorite hoodie and pull my hair into a messy bun. I look out the door and see the hallway. I walk over and look around this hallway, three months ago I looked at this hallway, shocked by everything. But now it’s normal, a new normal. I look across the hall at Jyn’s room, oh I’ve missed her. Then next to me at Annette’s, I wonder how France is treating my little pasta. Then at Vad’s, she’s the only person I can talk to right now. I run to her room and knock. The door opens, “Berk! What’s up?” I wipe a new falling tear, “I’m leaving and I just- I just wanted to say bye.” I couldn’t hold myself together, I curl my lips in. “WAIT WHAT?” yeah, my thoughts exactly, “I thought your date was tonight!” She opens her arms for a hug. I fall into them, “yeah, it was just awkward and I asked a stupid - stupid question and I got an answer and…” the tears are falling, and not stopping. “Honey, it’s okay. Come in. Let’s talk about this.” We sit on her bed. “Okay, so you said something about asking the wrong thing… so what happened?” “I asked why I was still here because like I felt like he never really cared for me and I got my reason…” I tuck my hands in the sleeves. “I’m so sorry to hear that,” she comes in for a big hug. I wipe my face some more, “no, it’s fine, ummm,” I stand up, “I should probably start to pack…” “I can’t believe you’re leaving,” tears start forming in her eyes, which just makes me cry more. “I know! It’s fine though, I have been getting a little homesick anyway,” I start laughing because I’m crying, “it’s crazy to think 3 months ago there were 35 girls all strangers to another.” She laughs, “a lot can change in three months. I’m grateful that I’ve gotten to know you Berk. You have my number, call me when you arrive home.” “Don’t worry I will. I’ll probably leave in the morning. Also, you’re going to win.” She shakes her head, “everyone’s been telling me that, Berk… but,” her face becomes real sad, “what if he’s not the one for me?” I laugh, “then just say no.” “I’m just a little scared, Berk. Who am I kidding? I’m not even sure that he likes me that much. I’m having my date with him tomorrow, I’ll tell you all about it soon.” “You’ll have to FaceTime me then, just like the first time we ever talked.” I start crying again. “We’ll be FaceTiming a lot, I promise. Even if I’m going home back to Hudson.” “Good. But you’ll stay here! And I’ll visit all the time! Or you could come to Tammins, we have mountains.” “Do you want to sneak to the kitchen and get some midnight snacks? I’ll make you waffles and nuggets. They’ll cheer you up.” “Yeah, I guess so,” I wipe my face with my sleeves, “I’m more sad about leaving you now.” “I don’t want to see you go either,” she starts tearing up and wiping her face, “but come on, to the kitchens we go.” And don’t worry I got my nuggs, and I ate them all.    
((so i’m now elimated and i will sometime soon post about what happens next in berk’s life. thanks to everyone for this experience, i can’t believe i made it this far. love y’all))
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iamsaha · 4 years
Cold are the floors of the museum that Robby’s mom works in. However, due to her insistence that he wear shoes whenever they leave home, Robby’s feet remain blissfully ignorant of the freezing tiles. But his knees and hands are very aware as he was currently running a toy car over the tiles whilst making “vroom vroom” noises. Ideally the car on his iPad would be making those noises as he raced the computers, but Robby’s mom was loath to take the tablet out of their home if Robby was to be the one to take care of it. He was a good kid and wouldn’t lose anything on purpose. But he was a kid. They lose things. 
Unlike adults, though, kids tend to lose things that can be replaced. An iPad can be replaced with a warranty. A loss of faith in humanity cannot be bought once lost. There are no warranties on kindness. Once an adult loses that… Well. Take a look at the world. You can see for yourself what happens when an adult loses kindness. A child can be selfish and not yet understand the merits of sharing. They are young and must learn. But if you ever meet a child that has fully lost their humanity, you likely have an adult you can blame for that atrocity.
So Robby played with his toy car that was easier to replace than an iPad while his mother worked. She was a curator and that meant she… curated? He wasn’t entirely sure what she did. What he did know is that she picked out pretty paintings and put them in the museum. He asked her if any of her paintings would be in the museum. She had laughed and said that she only got to pick other people’s paintings. Then Robby had asked her if any of his art could be in the museum. To that, she had smiled and said perhaps when he was older. An adult would understand that to mean that his art wasn’t very good (it really wasn’t). A child, which is what Robby is, would understand that as a promise. Content that his paintings would eventually be in the museum he had stopped asking his mom questions about what she did for a living. 
He pushed his car a little too hard causing it to zoom away and crash against the pedestal of a statue. He looked over to his mom to see if she had noticed. As she was talking to her boss, she had not. Robby walked to his toy car, occasionally looking over his shoulder to see if he was being watched. When he got to it, he sat down and resumed playing with the car.
“Mmm.” He said, not paying attention. He cared more about the smiling demon in the painting next to the statue. It was tall, broad shouldered, had two arms, two legs, and grey skin. Upon its forehead were two curved horns and on its back were two tattered, leathery wings. In its right hand was a yellow flower. 
Its other hand was waving at Robby. 
“I’m stepping into Mr. Dunning’s office. Stay here, okay?” She said. As the museum was closed for the day, she wasn’t worried about someone taking her son. As far as she knew, she and Mr. Dunning were the only ones around. 
“Mmm.” He said, still not paying attention. He was waving back at the demon. Happy to receive attention, the demon waved harder. Then the demon reached out of the painting, beckoning to Robby to come closer. 
Had the museum been occupied by guests, Robby’s mom would have brought her son into the meeting. There, Robby would have been forced to sit still as Mr. Dunning did not have patience for children going “vroom, vroom” in the background. He had lost his patience somewhere between age 30 and 32 and hadn’t been able to find it again. No warranty. Since the museum was empty, Robby was allowed to behave like a child and play with his toy. 
Since the museum was empty, Robby’s mom was able to lose her only son.
Robby had stepped closer to the demon. And since Robby had not lost his innocence to things like ‘distrust’ and ‘being careful’, Robby had taken the demon’s hand. Into the painting he went, a small, fleshy hand clasped tightly by a large, clawed one. His car fell to the floor and since no one was there to hear it, it made no noise. 
“Hello, there.” The demon said. “How do you do?”
“Good.” Robby looked around and saw that he was in a vast expanse of dirt. Strange. The painting had shown a field of flowers. It had shown fruit laden trees with swings attached to their boughs (two of those trees to be exact). Those trees were now barren and the swings were broken. It had shown a bubbling stream. The stream was now dry. It had shown little children playing. The children were nowhere to be seen. The only thing that was in the painting that actually showed up, was the demon himself. Or herself. Itself? “How are you?”
“Not very well. As you can see.” The demon gestured at their surroundings. 
“Yeah.” Robby nodded. Did demons count as strangers? He had been told not to talk to strangers. “Can you take me back?”
“I could.” The demon nodded. “But I would like some help first. If you don’t wish to help me, I will take you back immediately.”
“What do you need help with?”
“The stream has gone dry, and with it my flowers are gone.” The demon sighed. “This one in my hand is the last one. I would like for you to bring the stream back.”
“I’m not sure.” The demon shrugged. “But you can find the answer up the stream.”
“Okay.” Robby nodded and began walking. This seemed like it’d be more fun than playing with his toy car so he had agreed. He decided that if he got bored he’d just ask to be taken back to the museum. “What’s your name?”
The demon made strange noises from its mouth, a few of which sounded like a sneeze. 
“I don’t know how to make those sounds.” Robby giggled. “I’ll call you Achoo.”
“I am not fond of that.”
“Sneeze.” The demon pondered for a moment, scratching its chin with a claw. The leathery skin did not get cut. “Yes I like that. You may call me Sneeze.”
“My name’s Robby.”
“Hello, Robby.” 
“Are you a boy or a girl?”
“Oh.” Robby said. He didn’t get how you could be neither a boy or a girl. He also didn’t care enough to find out. He began walking in the direction that Sneeze had pointed. Robby wasn’t sure why Sneeze thought he could help since he was just a kid. As far as Robby knew, kids weren’t that useful in helping adults. But maybe Sneeze wasn’t an adult and that’s why they had asked for help. “Are you a kid?”
“I am 200 years old.” Sneeze said. They seemed to be smiling, though it looked very threatening due to the numerous sharp teeth. Robby wasn’t looking.
That was the oldest age Robby had ever been told so he took that to mean that Sneeze was an adult. Strange adult, asking a kid for help. Maybe it was like when Robby’s dad asked him to help fix the sink but all Robby had to do was hold the flashlight. His dad had insisted it was necessary. Robby had wondered later, when the plumber arrived to do the job properly, why his dad hadn’t held the flashlight in his mouth like the plumber had. “I don’t get why I have to help you. My mom could help more than I can.”
“You have certain things that adults do not.”
“Like what?”
“You believe in strange things.” Sneeze said. “An adult in your world would be so convinced that demons like me do not exist, that they would not have seen me waving at them. Would have called it a trick of the light and forgotten me a second later.”
“Okay.” Robby nodded. That made sense. But it didn’t explain why Sneeze couldn’t fix the stream. “Why can’t you fix the stream?”
“Because I do not know what is wrong with it.” Sneeze said. “I asked Gwendolyn and she ignored me. She lives up the stream.”
“What if she ignores me too?”
“Then I would send you home and wait for another child to ask for help.” Sneeze said. “But I do not think I will need to. Gwendolyn likes children.”
Even though he was wearing shoes, Robby could tell that the dirt they were walking on did not feel very nice. Dirt made a noise when you stepped on it. But it was a gentler sound than the crunchy noise this dirt made. It was as though he was breaking the dirt into even tinier pieces with each step. Hopefully if Robby managed to get the flowers to come back, the dirt would feel nicer to walk on. If it didn’t feel nice even then, he wondered how the children were able to play in the field. They looked like they had been barefoot in the painting. Barefoot on crunchy dirt? Robby shuddered. His shudder was interrupted by the loud sound of crashing water. It had been slowly building and Robby had finally crossed the invisible border for the sound to be extremely audible. He looked up at Sneeze. “What is that?”
“We are near Gwendolyn’s home.” Sneeze said. “Come.”
Robby followed Sneeze to a small cabin. Its walls were covered in vines and those vines were covered in a variety of flowers, with red being the most common color. The dirt around the house felt nice to walk on and was even covered in grass. “Is she inside?”
“Likely not. She only goes into her cabin to eat or to sleep.” Sneeze walked to the left of the cabin. Robby went right behind them and was completely shocked by what he saw behind the cabin. A waterfall was flowing out of thin air and crashing down onto a massive pile of dirty plates. “There she is.” Sneeze raised their hand and waved at a pale, brunette woman sitting in front of the dishes. She appeared to be washing them. “Gwendolyn.”
The woman did not look up.
“Ah. See?” Sneeze sighed, their wings sagging until they dragged against the ground. “Ignored once again.”
“I don’t think she can hear you.”
“Are you sure?” Sneeze frowned. That looked scarier than their earlier smile. “I can hear her just fine. She’s humming.”
Robby looked at Gwendolyn and saw that she was in fact making the face people make when humming. But he couldn’t hear anything. “I can’t hear her humming.”
“You’re silly, Sneeze.” Robby laughed and walked towards Gwendolyn. He did so fearlessly because Sneeze had said that Gwendolyn likes children. She looked up when Robby got close and raised her eyebrows in shock.
“Oh hello there!” Gwendolyn abandoned her task and approached the two companions. “Who are you?”
“I’m Robby.”
“Nice to meet you, Robby.” Gwendolyn smiled then looked at Sneeze, still smiling. She asked them what they were doing here. It shocked Robby to hear Gwendolyn say Sneeze’s actual name.
“I came to ask why the stream has stopped flowing.” Sneeze held up their flower. “All my flowers are gone. This one is all that remains.”
“And you recruited help just for that?” Gwendolyn laughed. “You could have just asked me!”
“I did this morning.” Sneeze said. “You ignored me.”
“I did no such thing.” Gwendolyn shook her head. “I did not even know you came here.”
“You didn’t hear Sneeze.” Robby said. “Sneeze said your name and you didn’t hear.”
“Sneeze?” Gwendolyn raised an eyebrow. Then smiled in recognition. “Ah Sneeze! Clever. Well…” She looked at Sneeze. “I didn’t hear you, Sneeze! Why would I ignore you?”
Sneeze shrugged. “Perhaps you were mad at me. I ate your share of the dessert yesterday.”
“No need to be so insecure with me, Sneeze. I’m not that petty!” Gwendolyn giggled. “You were enjoying yourself. I didn’t mind at all.”
“I see.” Sneeze said, then sighed at Robby. “Seems as though I brought you here for no reason.”
“It was cool.” Robby shrugged. “Where are Sneeze’s flowers, Gwendolyn?”
“I borrowed the stream to do the dishes. There are a lot after yesterday’s festival.” Gwendolyn pointed at the comically large pile. “I asked the Miller boy to tell you, Sneeze, that I would be doing so and that the flowers and trees would disappear until I gave the stream back.”
“The Miller boy did not tell me anything.”
“You took a whole stream to do dishes?” Robby asked. “Don’t you have a sink?”
“We don’t have those here.” Gwendolyn said. “Besides. I like doing dishes this way.”
“Are you a witch?”
“No that’s my sister.” Gwendolyn shook her head. “I’m an enchantress.”
“Oh.” Robby didn’t know the difference but he believed her confidence in their being one.
“I enchanted the stream so I could do the dishes.” 
“Do you need help?” Robby asked. “So Sneeze’s flowers and trees come back faster? The dirt feels weird too.”
“I’ll have Sneeze help me.” Gwendolyn said. “After you are sent home!”
Robby frowned. Well that was anticlimactic. Robby didn’t know that word. But that is what he was feeling in his heart. He’d realize it after he got older and thought back to this first moment he had with the world of magic. “Can’t I stay longer?”
“Not while your parents may be missing you.” Gwendolyn shook her head. “But you can come back whenever you want in the future. Just paint me or Sneeze.”
“That’s it?”
“Many of your world's paintings are doorways to other worlds.” Gwendolyn explained. “Artists think they’re imagining them but it’s really just a world melting into their mind and creating a portal.”
Robby didn’t get it. Again, he just took her word for it. “So if I paint you or Sneeze, I can come back.”
“Yes.” Sneeze said. “I will bring you in. Or she will.”
“Yes!” Gwendolyn smiled. “And perhaps I can teach you to be an enchanter! Then you wouldn’t always need someone’s help to visit other worlds.”
He looked at the waterfall flowing out of the air. It would be cool if he could do something like that. “That would be cool!”
“Yeah?” Gwendolyn held a hand out. “It’s a deal then, Robby! I’ll be your teacher!”
Robby took her hand and shook it. Red and white flower petals burst from their clasped hands, circled around and around as if caught in a tornado, then burst away. The blast of wind caused their hair to blow up for a second before settling down. “Cool!” 
“I will take you to your world now, Robby.” Sneeze said. “Sorry for wasting your time.”
“It’s okay!” Robby smiled. “I had fun!” He waved to Gwendolyn. “Bye, Gwendolyn! See you soon!”
“See you.” Gwendolyn smiled back before returning to her dishes. “Hurry up, Sneeze.”
Sneeze picked Robby up by lifting him by his armpits, then stretched their arms outwards. Robby looked down and saw the tiles of the museum. In front of him, Sneeze’s hands were sticking out of the painting. “Bye, Sneeze!”
Sneeze set Robby down, waved, and pulled their arms back. The painting looked just as it had before. Robby wished he could have seen the flowers come back but knew he’d see them in full bloom in the future. He picked up his car that was lying right where he had dropped it and resumed playing with it, making “vroom, vroom” noises. In his mind, he was dreaming of going home and painting Sneeze and Gwendolyn. What would Gwendolyn teach him first? Would she show him how she had enchanted the stream? 
“Robby!” He looked up. His mom was running towards him, her panicked expression slowly fading into relief. “Where were you?! I told you to stay right there!”
“I went to the bathroom.”
“Mr. Dunning looked in the bathroom!” She said, standing over him with her hands on her waist. “Did you go to a different one?”
Robby noticed that there was a bathroom nearby. “Yeah. It smelled bad.”
“You should have told me. I was going crazy thinking something had happened.” She was done being angry now so she hugged him. “Ready to go home?”
Robby nodded, taking her hand as they walked. “I want to paint!”
“You still want to be in my museum?” She laughed.
Robby looked over his shoulder at the painting of Sneeze. “Yep!”
0 notes
anneedmonds · 5 years
Life Update: Christmas Is Not A Holiday
Happy New Year everyone! I wasn’t supposed to be back at work until at least the 7th January (preferably the 14th) but then I remembered that my life update goes out on the third of every month and my superstitious nature won’t let me bend the rules and postpone it.
So here I am, popping back, most likely for a rant about Christmas hospitality and the pointlessness of turkey but also to tell you how many times my children have sneezed and/or coughed directly into my mouth since we last spoke on the 23rd December.
Seven times.
I have also been ridden like a horse whilst trying to scrub stains from the living room carpet, had my eyes poked when I’ve least expected it in a new game that seems to be called “EYES! MOUTH! MAMA!” and accidentally stuck my hand into a nappy filled with yellow poo.
Why do we ever think that Christmas is going to be a holiday? A break? Christmas is not a holiday.
Yes it’s different, because it’s noisy and pine-scented and we have visitors and it’s all jolly and festive and we get to spend unadulterated, unbroken time with our families or children; but at the same time it’s actually harder work than being at proper work. It’s noisy, it’s pine-scented, there are visitors, constant streams of them, and we have to spend unadulterated, unbroken time with our families or children. Hohoho.
I’m bloody knackered, I tell you. I’m knackered and I just want to go to the toilet on my own for more than eighteen seconds. Some things just can’t be achieved in eighteen seconds and it starts to play havoc with your insides. Especially if your insides are formed of 76% hard cheese and 24% Lindt. And that’s another thing; it’ll take me virtually until next Christmas to be able to wear any of my normal clothes – I’m currently housed in a maternity kimono because I can’t pull on my trousers past my knees and all of my jumpers and tops suddenly look (very unfashionably) cropped. I’ve been hovering over the “buy” button on Me+Em because they have loads of slouchy tracksuit bottoms in the sale but really I should just stop eating chocolate truffles for lunch (eleven truffles = substantial energy boost) and then I could just wear the stuff I already own. Which would make more sense.
The thing is (whispers): I don’t even really like Christmas food. A bit of turkey with some cranberry sauce and gravy all floating within the world’s biggest Yorkshire pudding and that would do me. And before you all gasp in horror that I would dare to have Yorkshire pudding on Christmas day and not strictly with beef then let me remind you that a Yorkshire pudding is pretty much the only element of a roast dinner that’s worth eating. Everything else is just boring old fare you could have at any time – carrots? Oh, woo-hoo. Brussel sprouts? Don’t even get me started on them. They’re a form of punishment and not a vegetable.
Red cabbage is just a fancy, more prettily-coloured way to dole out cigar-flavoured slop and I can’t honestly see the point in slaving away over roast potatoes, spooning goose fat over them every six-point-two-five minutes precisely (Mr AMR) and then triple-roasting them in a colander with a blow-torch and a fire extinguisher or whatever it is that goes on. I’d rather have mash. In fact, next year that’s what I’m going to have. Chicken and mash. The chicken will be juicier than the turkey, the mash will require less effort than the roasted potatoes (although Mr AMR will actually divorce me) and we can have some garden peas on the side. Job done.
Less washing up, at any rate. None of the trays and dishes and gravy jugs and other bits and pieces that you don’t use at all for the other 364 days of the year ever fit into the dishwasher, which means that you actually have to use the sink, and the trays and dishes and gravy jugs just keep on coming. The grease! The burnt-on bits of stuff! It’s enough to make you want to have a long lie down…
I have to say though; Angelica and Ted have been an absolute joy. Even at the meltdown times when we’ve all had cabin fever and got a bit shouty, they’ve been great value for money. Angelica understood what Christmas was this year – including the part about Baby Cheeses, which I think must be Baby Jesus, which is something they must have discussed at nursery at great length because she knows all about a thief in the market being a bad man and Baby Cheeses being a good man.
Any man called Baby Cheeses is going to be a good man, to be fair; you’re not going to be a villain with a name like that.
“Bow down before me, mortals!”
“Oh God, Simon, it’s that dark overlord the angels warned us about! The one who’ll lead us into temptation and basically get us all killed!”
“Bow down before me and prepare to meet thy destiny, wretched, putrid people of the earth!”
“Oh Simon, what are we to do? He’s hideous! His face is a mass of worms and his arms are made of snakes!”
“Rub your faces into the soil, mortals, and brace yourselves for an eternity of pain and suffering, for I am Baby Cheeses!”
It just wouldn’t work.
Other malapropisms from Angelica:
“Mummy, please warm up my pyjamas on the alligator.” / “Mummy I’ve dropped my colouring book down the back of the alligator!” And my favourite of the moment, “colesnore” instead of “coleslaw”.
Ted (a month shy of being two years old) is making a hell of a lot of racket but there are no new properly-formed words yet – we have Dada, Mama, Gaga (Angelica), Bear (Mr Bear), Woof Woof (Dexter) and Vroom (car), but everything else is still a bit of an aural blur. Weirdly, Angelica seems to know exactly what he’s saying at all times and so acts as a translator, even though she’s learnt to bend her translations to suit her own needs.
“What’s he saying, Angelica?”
“Ted says he wants to share a gingerbread man with me Mummy!”
Life with two small children seems to sometimes be a relentless carousel of providing snacks, mopping up spilt drinks, shouting “I said DON’T CLIMB ON THAT!” and picking Paw Patrol stickers from the woodwork. When some friends visited just before Christmas with their own children, I realised that the adults were all dancing around the children’s dinner table like medieval servers or jesters. Passing cups, wiping spills, fetching more meat or distracting one of them so that the other could retrieve their fork or spoon without starting a small diplomatic catastrophe. Even the dog slunk around under the table catching bits of fallen bacon fat or potato, looking like a baron’s hound returned from a hunt.
But I have to say that as I saw in the New Year (entirely sober, on the sofa, eating a Mint Magnum) I realised that there isn’t a single thing I want more than this – I have absolutely everything I need within the four walls of my house. Of course, to stay sane and for personal fulfilment there are scores of work goals and other bits and pieces I’d like to manage (and obviously we need money to keep the four walls around us from crumbling down and to eat) but on a fundamental, “meaning of life” sort of level, I had a kind of epiphany. The children were sleeping upstairs, Mr AMR was flicking between Netflix, Amazon Prime and Now TV in the annoying way that makes me want to smash him over the top of the head with a griddle pan and the dog and cat were lying in front of the fire, and I just had an overwhelming sensation of calm. This is it, I thought. This is what I’ve been waiting for.
Anyway, then I got a text from Google saying that someone from Milton Keynes had attempted to access my Youtube account and then I suddenly realised I’d left the damp washing in the washing machine for six whole days so that killed the mood somewhat, but for a few seconds, everything was completely right with the world. My stars had aligned, or whatever the phrase is. Hopefully my Dad was up there with the stars, aligning them, probably really moodily, shouting at them in his broad Scottish accent (“Get tae f*ck ye stupid stars with ye stupid bright blindin’ lights!”) and I would have preferred for him to have been somewhat closer, but you can’t have everything you wish for. No matter how hard you wish for it.
Right, that’s me until next week. This was just a brief pop-in because a) I can’t ever be late with a Life Update  post and b) I didn’t want you all to forget me. Our nanny started back today (I’ve actually increased the days from two to three days a week for a few months because I have a huge project I’m finishing off) and so I’m going to do really relaxing things like tidy and sort out the airing cupboard and find the missing statements that my accountant needs. I’m actually missing Ted and Angelica, even though I can hear them in the distance, bashing the ride-on plastic car into the kitchen cabinets and slamming the doors – isn’t it funny how you can feel so overwhelmed one minute, desperate for just the shortest of breaks, and then so needy and guilty the next?
Tell me about your Christmas “breaks” and “holidays”: has anyone actually managed to relax? Because I’m beginning to remember Christmas life pre-kids and that wasn’t any less hectic either: as the most portable, flexible adults, we were required to do what was known as the Festive Tour, which meant driving around the UK like lunatics stopping off at various friends’ and relatives’ houses to sleep on camp beds and sofa pull-outs. And loads and loads of sustained, low-level alcohol consumption, rather like at a wedding, so that we were never fully pissed but just always kind of groggy and blurry and tired. I used to get to January 2nd and feel as though I needed to take a bath in Berocca and now I feel the same but for very different reasons! Tell me all: I await your anecdotal material with a level of enthusiasm that’s not quite proper.
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Life Update: Christmas Is Not A Holiday was first posted on January 3, 2019 at 12:05 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Life Update: Christmas Is Not A Holiday published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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