#like a photobooth i’m crying
thursdayygrrrl · 1 month
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from the sidelines
⌦ .。.:*♡
characters: natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff (wandanat)
genre: fluff, slight angst
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood & guns, breakdowns/crying
summary: When Wanda comes into Natasha’s life, she gives the widow something to lose.
word count: 3,859
a/n: this is my first time writing for nat/something nat-centric and, technically, wandanat too! this was inspired by sidelines by phoebe bridgers because i think that song is suuuuper underappreciated and that it was a good fit for them (lyrics are in bold and italics). it’s been a while since i last wrote anything for fun and not for uni, so please be kind. i also don’t know much about gardening so some of the language might not be accurate. you can read it on ao3 (here) or under the cut. i hope you enjoy :>
I’m not afraid of anything at all
If there was one thing constant about Natasha, it was the lack of fear. It wasn’t inherent, but was a habit developed essential for her survival. She learned that pretty quickly. One moment of hesitance, no matter how short, could mean life or death. 
There were other times she felt brave without risking her life though. Like when she first dyed her hair. She chose the color blue because it reminded her of the sky. The horizon always looked limitless, a reminder that there could be more to life than what she had already experienced. She remembers making that choice and following through with it. It made her feel in control of something, amidst all the other things she had no power over.
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‘Cause nothing ever shakes me, nothing makes me cry
Not a plane going down in the ocean and drowning
One of her most vivid memories is flying the plane with Melina. The night was normal at first. She was playing tag with her younger sister until she fell and hurt her knee. Then, they watched the fireflies and went inside to help with dinner. Alexei arrived and they started eating. It all felt so nice, so normal until he said they were going on a big adventure. Her appetite disappeared. Yelena was excited, oblivious to what it actually meant. She didn’t have the heart or the chance to tell her.
The drive out was tense and quiet, save for American Pie playing in the background. She watched the scenes change outside her window from the suburbs to highways. They had to move fast, but she felt sluggish, overwhelmed with everything going on. She remembers holding on to a photobooth strip of her and Yelena before finally running to get on the plane after being urged by Alexei. The sound of sirens and the whirring of engines, her heartbeat hammering in her chest, filled her ears. Gunshots started sounding off. One hit Melina’s shoulder.
“I need you up here,” She said through gritted teeth. Natasha clambered beside her. 
She was wincing in pain while giving instructions to pull right. 
“Mom, you’ve got blood on you,” Her voice came out strangled, and that tight feeling came along with tears forming in her eyes. She didn’t cry often but she knew she hated the physiological sensations that came with it.
“It’s okay, baby.” Two more cars directly in front of them appeared in the distance. “Hit the accelerator there.”
She did as she was told, speeding the plane up. She faltered when a few more shots were fired at them.
“Hold it steady, hold it steady.” More shots, the headlights ahead were blindingly bright. “You’re gonna pull back at 55 knots.” They started counting in unison. Alexei popped one of the cars’ tires with a bullet, causing them to crash into each other.
“Pull back, you can do it! Pull back, all your strength...” Part of the plane grazes with the bottom of the now-upturned car. But they were finally off the ground. Flying. A sense of relief washes over her.
Considering the past few hours, the rest of the flight went smoothly. They landed somewhere remote, it felt like the middle of nowhere. Alexei carried Melina to a stretcher held by some soldiers she and Yelena ran after. After a short exchange of words with the older woman, she remembers wrangling a gun from someone, unwanted tears threatening to fall from her eyes again, and Yelena’s small form hiding behind her.
“I don’t wanna go back there.”
A needle was buried deep into her neck. She was then thrown into a shipping container with other girls. Masked people were pointing rifles at them, shouting and violently wrenching Yelena from her hold. There was a man, he knelt to meet her eyes. Rough and calloused hands held her face. 
“The Red Room is your home now.”
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Watched the world from the sidelines
Had nothing to prove
Natasha had just started getting used to being “normal,” just another child in midwestern America. She was going to school, being around other kids, having a family until it was all ripped away. Even though it was all a lie, she couldn’t say it wasn’t important to her.
Being back in the Red Room was a regimented, isolating existence. No one was able to speak to each other for long. Schedules were planned down to the minute. Excruciating physical training, including hand-to-hand combat, ballet, acrobatics, and weapons training, pushed them to their limits, sometimes even beyond. 
The mutilation, both psychological and physical, was the worst of all. They broke down each girl’s hope and willpower if any were even left. They were treated like objects, mere faceless weapons they could manipulate as a means to an evil end. The ones who survived were considered lucky, the prime of their batches, and given an operation. They called it “graduation,” but everyone knew what that meant.
At some point, she was able to get out. Her time with the KGB, then in S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers was filled with twists and turns. It was a lot of battles, moral disputes, and political agendas. There was even a time when she had to expose her own seedy past, much to her discomfort, but it was for the greater good. She didn’t mind as long as it was for the well-being of others.
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‘Til you came into my life
Gave me something to lose
Now that she thinks of it, the first time she interacted with Wanda was horrible. The witch inflicted a vision, memories that she was trying to bury and leave behind, when she was weakened and vulnerable. There were snippets of a conversation with Madame B. The graduation ceremony. It made her feel like a monster all over again.
The next time they interacted was in the Battle of Sokovia. She remembers regrouping with Steve, but not expecting the very same witch to make an appearance. Despite all the chaos, the jacket she wore looked familiar.
“Is that my jacket?” Natasha gestured at the younger woman, frowning slightly.
“She’s with us,” Steve said.
“That still doesn’t explain the jacket.” 
Natasha was persistent. She didn’t shop for clothes often, never dressing up unless she wanted or had to, so this red jacket was special. It was one of the first few things she bought for herself. Wanda, now awkward and unsure of what to do, ran off. The rest of the battle felt like a blur of robots and rubble.
Since then, Wanda joined the Avengers. The younger woman mostly kept to herself when not on missions, watching sitcoms in her room. Vision would talk to her sometimes. Other times, the widow herself would do so. Natasha understood she needed space and time to cope with everything she’d been through but didn’t want to leave her fully isolated. 
Their conversations, if you could even call them that, were awkward at first. Natasha would ramble on about whatever, trying to fill the silence.
“There’s breakfast in the kitchen.”
Wanda looks up from her book only to be met with a small, warm smile on the assassin’s face.
“It’s the usual American stuff. Eggs, bacon, sugary cereal, some fruit. Pretty sure Clint’s making waffles too,” Natasha points to the door with her thumb. “You should eat with us. Bond with the team, all that stuff that Steve goes on about. We’ll have training after.”
Wanda hums in contemplation. Then, she nods. It’s the slightest motion that one would miss if they didn’t pay enough attention. Natasha nods back and turns to leave the room. The witch’s voice catches her off-guard, though.
“I’ll come with you.”
It’s raspy in the best way possible, with a hint of her Sokovian accent lingering. It’s a sound that Natasha decides she would like to hear more often. Her smile grows ever so slightly as she gestures for her to walk together.
When Natasha started helping in Wanda’s hand-to-hand combat training, the two became closer literally and figuratively. In one memorable session, from when Wanda still wasn’t as skilled at combat as she is now, Natasha was able to pin her down. Her lithe fingers wrapped around the other woman’s wrists while she used her thighs to straddle. All to restrict movement, of course. The flustered expression on the witch’s face could not be more obvious.
Their sessions consisted of a warm-up, some rounds of sparring, and a cooldown. After barely surviving this particularly challenging one, Wanda lands on the bench with a sigh. “Fuck… You kicked my ass today, Tasha. No fair,” She says through heavy breaths, leaning back and wiping the sweat from her brow.
Natasha shrugs and smiles as she sits beside her, reaching for a bottle of water across from the younger woman. Her torso brushes with her thigh, making the Sokovian lose her breath all over again.
“Please. I went easy on you. Besides, it’s revenge for taking my jacket,” Natasha says as she sits back up and takes a sip of water.
Wanda stands on slightly wobbly legs while a breathy laugh escapes her lips. “You’re really still holding that grudge?” She raises her hands playfully, “In my defense, Steve threw it at me and told me to put it on. It was a hectic time, you know.” 
Natasha smirks and shakes her head as they both move to gather their bags and leave. The assassin offers her hand. 
“Let me carry your stuff. It’s the least I can do. Look, you can barely stand.”
“It’s okay, Tasha. I go—” 
“Come on,” The widow urges. A knowing look is on her face. 
Wanda’s face becomes flushed, more so than it already was. It looks like she hopes Natasha won’t notice, but she does anyway. She raises her eyebrow teasingly.
“Did the workout take you out that bad, Wands?”
The nickname doesn’t help at all. Wanda rolls her eyes playfully as she hands her duffel bag over. Natasha slings both bags over her shoulder and they start walking together.
“Remind me again why I have to keep doing the hand-to-hand stuff? I literally move things with my mind.”
“If you use your mind, why do you do the thing with your hands then?” Natasha tries to mimic the witch’s signature hand movements with her free hand. This earns her a lighthearted push. 
“Oh, you know I’m just kidding. We both know you can’t just rely on your magic all the time. I want you to be able to fend for yourself if anything happens. Yeah?”
Wanda groans exaggeratedly, “Ugh. Okay, yes, you have a point.”
She chuckles at this. The pair, now embraced by a comfortable silence, walks to the elevator of the compound. As they enter, Natasha wraps her free arm around Wanda’s shoulder. She squeezes slightly, firm muscles under her touch, bringing her closer and looking into her eyes. 
“Wanna have lunch with me today?”
Wanda raises her eyebrow, “Can we watch I Love Lucy while we eat?”
Natasha nods and hands over her bag. “Of course.”
They smile warmly at each other, parting ways to freshen up before meeting again later.
Natasha and Wanda have seen each other at different points in their lives. Happy, sad, and everything else in between. But the Lagos Incident was a whole other thing. Natasha herself was a witness to how Wanda had been doing so well before it. To watch the immense guilt, self-loathing, and depression come over the witch after the incident, after slowly building herself back up, was heartbreaking for the widow.
Old habits die hard. Wanda becomes a recluse again. However, instead of sitcoms accompanying her, it was the news. She couldn’t help but keep watching coverage of it as if being constantly reminded of this tragedy was helping anyone.
Steve already spoke with her, Natasha knows this, but she decides to give a different type of comfort to the person she’s grown to love. A silent one, one that speaks through actions. 
On days Wanda doesn’t leave her room, Natasha knows she isn’t eating so she goes up and brings food. Nine times out of ten, it’s a peanut butter sandwich because it’s all she can make without setting the kitchen on fire. Ten times out of ten, it’s returned with just a few bites taken out. It doesn’t matter, Natasha is just happy to provide her with even the littlest bit of sustenance.
On nights Wanda can’t sleep, evident by the faint light escaping from her room, Natasha stays up with her. She takes it upon herself to change the channels on Wanda’s television or switch it off. She puts on some music instead, knowing that noise is a welcome distraction to her spiraling thoughts. Other times, Wanda motions for Natasha to her bed. The contact of skin on skin, the physical reminder that she isn’t alone helps Wanda relax even if it’s only for a few hours. Most nights, the feeling of Natasha’s body pressed up against Wanda’s is enough to lull her to sleep. 
And when it’s not, when she falls into that spiral once more, Natasha’s always there to wipe away her tears and pull her out of it.
“So many people… All those lives lost because I-I couldn’t—” Wanda sobs, breaking down in the familiar hold of strong arms.
Natasha squeezes just a little bit tighter. She speaks softly, interrupting the younger woman, “I know, Wands. I know. But you have to stop blaming yourself, okay? We’ve all hurt people and we’ve all made mistakes. Even if we mean well. And you did mean well. It’s just sometimes things work out in ways we don’t anticipate.”
The consoling words fall on deaf ears. Wanda shakes her head and cries even harder while burying herself deeper into the embrace. Her voice is muffled, repeated pleas of repentance, “It’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault… T-tasha, it’s all my fault…” Unsure what to say now, Natasha resorts to her instinct instead. It has never failed her. She starts to rock Wanda gently, pressing a soothing kiss to the top of the younger woman’s head. A quiet, melodic hum resonates from her lips. She continues until Wanda’s breathing evens out and until sleep takes over both of them.
A soft stream of sunlight seeps into the room, awakening the Russian. She looks down at the sleeping figure in her arms. Wanda looks so peaceful right now, Natasha thinks. She would do anything to conserve this moment, this feeling of serenity for her. To take away all her pain, heartache, and afflictions. Realistically, she knows she can’t accomplish that. The best she can do is just be there for her. 
It’s been a few minutes since and she feels Wanda stir slightly, who immediately snuggles closer and remains asleep. A warm feeling settles in her body, first in her chest then it spreads all over. She recalls feeling this way many times before, but only ever with Wanda. It’s at this exact instance she finally fully realizes what this is.
I’m in love. 
She bites her lip in contemplation, quiet realization, as Wanda’s eyes flutter open. Hazy green eyes look into clear ones and a mumbled phrase reaches her ears. “Your thoughts are getting loud, Tasha. Are you okay?”
Broken from her trance, she looks down at Wanda. “Yeah, I am. Um. I just… I have something to tell you.” She shifts to lean against the headboard. Now is as perfect a time as any, she thinks. 
Wanda’s eyebrows stitch together in a frown as she rubs the sleep from her eyes. She sits up, mostly leaning her weight on the other woman, while trying to decipher the look on her face. The Russian waits for a sign of approval from the Sokovian. Wanda nods and hums.
“I’m going to be direct about this, Wands.”
She takes a deep breath in.
“I like that we’ve grown close, that we consider each other as friends. I like doing things for you and with you and I like helping you, giving you what I have. Time, insight, comfort, whatever. Watching sitcoms with you, sleeping next to you, and waking up in your bed. I like your voice and your ringed hands, how graceful they look when you use your powers. The way your nose scrunches up and your bunny teeth show when you smile. How your accent slips when you say certain words and how you say my name. The way you carry yourself. How you care so much about others… If you let me, I would care for you for the rest of time.”
Natasha finishes with a sharp exhale, only now realizing her rambling. Losing control was one of the things she never wanted to experience again, but this time was different. Finally letting these thoughts flow through and out of her felt cathartic. 
Wanda’s voice is quiet, “You would?” 
Natasha nods, “Always.”
She says it without hesitation. Because she is wholly certain that she has no other answer. Why would there be?
Wanda becomes silent. An unreadable expression appears on her face as she takes in Natasha’s words. Her posture straightens slightly. Tension is now in the air and a silence begins to settle. 
Natasha screws her eyes shut, willing the tears in her eyes to stop forming. She was just about to take everything back, apologize for even saying anything, before getting interrupted. She feels slim fingers gently hold her face. Wanda strokes Natasha’s cheek, her thumb moving in slow, circular motions while she speaks.
“Tasha, hey, please don’t cry,” Wanda looks at her pleadingly, leaning in closer.
Natasha blinks rapidly, brows furrowing together. “I’m sorry. I got nervous because you weren’t saying anything and I… I don’t want to lose you.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. I just had to take a minute because I didn’t realize you felt this way. Trust you won’t lose me, please.” She looks away. Her touch slows down and ceases as her hands fall to her lap. “I just don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
“You didn’t have to do anything, moya lyubov.” Natasha holds Wanda’s hands, “I mean everything I just said. I love you, Wanda.” 
She waits for a response with bated breath. Before she knows it, she feels supple lips capture her own. 
It’s tender yet electric. It’s everything she’s ever imagined and more. It’s simply perfect.
Natasha closes her eyes and deepens the kiss. She cradles Wanda’s jaw and feels the brunette melt into her touch. They pull away seconds later, foreheads touching as they catch their breath. Wanda says softly, “I love you too, Natasha. You don’t know how long I have been wanting to say that.”
───── ⴵ⋅ᗢ⋅ⴵ ─────
Now I know what it feels like
To wanna go outside
It was a calm morning, both women following a routine established over the past few months. Natasha would wake up early and then proceed to training, leaving Wanda to sleep in. By the time she’d be back, Wanda was up and just finishing preparing breakfast. They’d eat together, talk about their plans for the day, and decide what to do from there. Some days they’d spend together while, on others, they’d have separate activities. 
“Detka! Come here, please!”
Natasha was working on some reports when she heard Wanda call out. She looks at the clock and decides now is a perfect time to take a break anyway. She hums as she stands up and stretches her limbs before leaving the room.
Wanda had been tending to the garden in the compound for some time now. She started with small pots of herbs and then moved to random vegetables after discovering she had a gift for raising plants. Lately, she also added flowers and various houseplants to her catalog. Being out in the sun, getting her hands dirty, and nurturing these plants was hard work, but it was work Wanda loved.
Natasha makes a couple of peanut butter sandwiches and pours two glasses of cold water on a tray, then carries it over to the sliding door leading to the garden. She places it down on a table outside and her eyes immediately search for Wanda. It’s an irresistible sight, her beloved’s face beaming and surrounded by greenery. She even thinks she sees her talking to the plants.
She smiles to herself while appreciating the view until Wanda realizes she’s arrived. She gets waved over, “Tasha!” The excitement in the witch’s voice is barely contained as Natasha walks towards her. 
She wraps an arm around Wanda, bringing her closer and kissing her forehead, “Hi, kotenok. I brought over some snacks and water if you wanted them. What is it you wanted me to see?”
Wanda pulls off her gardening gloves, places them in her pocket, and brushes her hands over her pants. She mumbles a quick thank you before taking Natasha’s hand in one of her own and using the other to cover her eyes.
“Close your eyes. I want this to be a surprise.” 
Natasha plays along, using her free hand to help cover her eyes. “Okay. Just make sure I don’t trip, yeah?”
Wanda giggles as she leads Natasha by the hand, “Don’t worry, detka, I got you.” 
They walk slowly, up a few steps, and stop. Wanda takes a deep breath, “Okay, now.”
When their hands uncover Natasha’s eyes, she is met with vibrant blooms of various colors against a green background of bushes. It’s a masterful arrangement of asters, marigolds, hydrangeas, wildflowers, and many more. She gasps, breath taken away by the gorgeous sight. 
“You did all this by yourself?” 
The Sokovian nods sheepishly, “Yeah. I read somewhere that getting them all to bloom like this would be challenging, but I think I did decently.”
Natasha squeezes her hand, “It’s more than decent. It looks stunning, Wands. You did an amazing job.”
Wanda’s arm wraps around Natasha’s waist, her head rests on her shoulder. A satisfied sigh leaves her lips. They remain silent, basking in each other’s presence and the garden view.
“If you’re like this with plants, I can only imagine how well you’d be with kids,” Natasha muses. 
Wanda lifts her head and looks at Natasha, her shoulders raised slightly, “What if, at some point, you won’t have to imagine?”
Small smiles grow on both of their faces. They share a knowing look before assuming their previous positions. “Someday, lyubov, someday.”
Natasha used to feel the need to keep busy, keep moving because she thought anything too constant would be taken away from her again. Though she never admitted it to anyone, not even herself, the thought of settling down and starting a family of her own was terrifying.
But not anymore. Everything felt so much easier with Wanda. It now truly felt like anything was possible. The lack of fear forced onto her when she was younger came from a dark place of abuse and indifference. Now, it comes naturally. It comes from love.
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lvrcpid · 1 year
Need need need more of the modern au
ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. i made this in 10 minutes just for you 🤭
rockets and rollercoasters - modern!au
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includes : gn!reader, dad tsu’tey agenda AGAIN!, implied neteyam & ao’nung x reader , lo’ak being hilarious as always , use of (y/n)
at an amusement park with modern!avatar
— he wants to ride all the rollarcoasters
— but gets off crying after the first one
— eats hella junk food
— i’m talking cotton candy STAINING HIS FINGERS
— probably gets pissed off when it’s time to go home
— drags tsireya and you to that big ride where it drops you from like 50 ft in the air
— you’re enjoying it while tsireya and lo’ak are screaming for their parents 50 FT IN THE AIR.
— this sweetheart wins you the biggest bear at one of the stands
— he helps you name it ofc
— you guys name it rob.
— fuckin rob.
— attempts but fails to get his dad on rides
— he’s definitely a teacups kind of boy
— constantly making sure everyone is good
— poses for the pictures during the rollercoaster drops
— probably does the same ride over and over
— and he drags you along cause why not you know
— probably stops if you complain about feeling sick
— you weren’t you just didn’t wanna ride anymore TEEHEE 🤭
— probably didn’t wanna go , neytiri had to drag her to the car
— definitely wearing a sun visor like someone’s nana
— walks around the whole park listening to music
— my girl has a fanny pack and DOESNT CARE
— most likely got on a few rides with lo’ak to shut him up
— i see kiri as a churro girl so definitely spending all her money on churros and overpriced water bottles
— probably got a caricature just for funsies but really liked it in the end
— okay i’m stopping before shes longer than anyone here
— dragging jake to the kids part of the park
— “i’m watching baby” - a tired father who just wants a break and some water
— probably wore a swim suit under her outfit just in case the park had a water portion, which it did
— her seat was soaking wet when they got back in the car
— made neytiri buy her HELLA PLUSHIES CAUSE “i need them so my squishmallows don’t get lonely”
— our social butterfly made some new friends
— jake sighing cause he has to make new dad friends when he was content with tonowari and tsu’tey
— loves rollercosters
— and i mean LOVESSSS
— he just goes on the ones that are super high and go super fast
— you know how your stomach shifts when the drop happens
— yeah he lives for that feeling
— probably gets lost in the park and calls you all sassy and huffy
— “come get me damnit.”
— you hang up cause he DIDNT SAY PLEASE.
tsireya :
— probably just in the arcade getting scammed from a crane machine
— crying to her parents abt how she didn’t even get the plush she wanted
— doesn’t even walk near the rollercoasters
— why is she walking around with a turkey leg???
— someone please take that from her??????
— official mom of the group
— she has pain killers , sunscreen , aloe vera???????
— girl came locked and LOADED
— hung around with you until y’all went home cause that sun ZAPPED HER
— didn’t even wanna come
— your dad threatened to take away your phone
— you jumped your ass in that car so FAST
— you probably got lost too eventually and found ao’nung on your way
— probably eating 4 ice cream cones in 30 minutes cause it was SOOOOO HOTTTTT
— dancing to the music they’re playing cause why are they bumping tyler the creator at an amusement park??
— passing out on a rollercoaster
— okay maybe all of them
— you passed out on all the rollercoasters.
a.n// my first ask??? i love this for me??? just a quick reminder my requests are OPEN and i’m glad to see you guys like reading my modern au just as much as i love writing them . my next one has a LITTLE something to do with valentine’s day TEEHEE 🤭
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34saveme34 · 3 months
SMG3's Interactable Adventure - Chapter 2
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Previous chapter
[As you can see, we meet our host clearer this time. Forgot to include this before but
Word count: 4354
Vote by the end of chapter, choose Wisely :) ]
“The votes are in, boy!” exclaimed the mysterious figure with a cheerful tone.
“Votes for what?” 3 looked at them confused. He still couldn’t shake it off that something looked familiar about them. Though appearance didn’t do much, that voice was all too familiar. He swore he heard them somewhere before.
“The audience’s choice! To help you feel better in this odd situation!”
“So… I wasn’t the only one feeling it?”
“That’s right! Now here” the figure handed him the receipt.
“What is this? It’s… huh” 3 found it strange “What should I do with this?”
“Is it really fun if I told you?” the figure laughed, lightly punching him in the shoulder.
“I don’t want it to be fun”
“Well that’s not very entertaining” they shook their head “Alright, off you go, you’ll figure it out. You’re pretty creative and smart afterall… or so I’ve heard” the figure teased him as they disappeared, then with a snap of fingers that seemed to come from all directions, he was back. Back in the forest. It was dark.
“3!!! 3, where are you??” 3 could hear an all too familiar voice. 
He still hid, still wary… Why did 4 kiss him then? Was… Was the 2 of them being in a relationship really true? When did they get together then? The idea that this could be an elaborate prank made his heart sink. It reminded him of how in school no one really wanted him like that, and when he was asked out, it was for a joke or a bit. 
He shook his head, he did not have time for this. 
He snuck around 4, as best as he could, avoiding him and finding his way back to his cafe.
He entered his cafe, the light illuminating inside standing in contrast to the outside. His current situation felt similar to it. He looked around the cafe, it was mainly the same… just with a few different touches. He had pictures of his friends on the wall, and his employee of the month wasn’t Eggdog… it was 4. He was working here? Since when? Well, he worked there once but then 3… sort of got the hang of it. At least he thought. It got hard over time, which was… pretty prominent on his mind. It felt weird seeing his cafe doing well. Though it was nice, it filled him with warmth he had been missing. This was nice.
He went back to his room, also looking around more clearly now. He found his notebook. He started flipping through it… It looked different from how he remembered it. His doodles, his thoughts seemed to easily soften on 4. He found ideas on how he should confess to him, with silly sketches to accompany them. He would lie if he said he didn’t think about stuff like this but he didn’t remember actually drawing these. He was never… that open. But he knew, these were true. More true than he could ever bare. He felt tears again. He yearned for this so much. He needed this kind of honesty in his life. It kind of made him feel nice. Although he still couldn’t shake off the oddness… maybe it was just the fact that he couldn’t remember, for some reason. That must be it.
As he flipped through the notebook, a strip of photos slipped out, one you would get in a photobooth. It had him and 4, being happy, being close… in one 3 pulled him in for a kiss and… 4 looked so content, just the image sent 3’s brain to a different world. He felt so flustered. He put it back into the notebook and put it down. The evidence around truly suggested that he was remembering things wrong. Since… this would be a lot of effort just to fool him. 
He went back out to the cafe, running into 4. 4 looked worried but he was glad to see him.
“Hey, you’re back” 4 spoke softly, clearly being careful. 3’s heart melted with how careful 4 was clearly being. He was so in love.
“Yeah… I’m sorry, 4… I’m sorry I did… all that”
4 chuckled.
“It’s not everyday my partner runs off crying so yeah… yeah I got worried… What’s up?”
“I… well, promise not to freak out?”
“Of course, I won’t!”
“I… don’t remember too much, as I found out”
4 blinked, not sure how to react.
“As you found out?”
“Yeah… I don’t… I don’t remember being in a relationship or… hiring you for real” 3 chuckled, looking anywhere but to 4.
“Oh, uhm” 4 looked down at his feet, trying to think “Do you… mind it then?”
“No… I…” 3 sighed, knowing the truth and know he had to speak the truth “Even without remembering, I know that I love you”
4 smiled, finding it lightly amusing how red 3’s face became over this.
“You really don’t remember… It’s been so long since I saw you so flustered”
“No no. I missed it” 4 walked close to 3, then wrapped his arm around his waist “And I love you either way too”
3 felt so happy hearing these words. It felt so weird. It felt so weird for him to be this vulnerable but he never felt so great. It was hard, his body was fighting him but he never wanted something this badly. He leaned into 4’s touch, seeing 4 smile at that only made him feel even more flustered.
“Now you’re just too cute” 4 joked and booped 3’s nose. 3 giggled, he was just too lovestruck. Then 3 remembered something.
“Hey, 4” 3 started, 4 looked at him curiously “I… got this receipt”
He handed 4 the receipt he was given by the stranger figure back in that void. 
4 stared at it for a bit before recognition showed in his eyes.
“Hey, this is from our first date” his smile was comfortingly warm “It was at this one restaurant… it wasn’t too fancy but it wasn’t one of our usual places… That’s pretty special, I didn’t think I could see this again, I thought we threw it away!”
“Huh… I guess not”
“Where did you get this?”
3 wasn’t sure if he should actually share how he got it.
“I found it while looking around after I got back”
“Huh! And I thought I was sentimental” 4 laughed, kissing 3’s cheek. 3 was so very flustered once again.
“Heeey…  didn’t know I had it so I wouldn’t know!” 3 laughed right back. The vibes were nice.
4 yawned.
“Hey, what if we sleep here? If… you’re still okay sleeping beside me that is” 4 looked at him a bit sad, although obviously willing to give 3 space.
“No, I’d rather you sleep with me”
4 hugged 3, his happiness clearly showing. 3 was so so happy… 4 showing this joy just because of him. He could get addicted.
The 2 went to his bed. 4 went to take a shower, 3 stayed back, for which 4 seemed to stop for a second, shook his head then went to the bathroom. After a bit, he was back, he had shorts on with a simple but comfortable T-shirt. Maybe 3 was looking in places where he shouldn’t but he was getting quite flustered at the sight.
“What’s on your mind, 3?”
“Oh uh-” 3’s face became so red, he could match the Ugandan Knuckles.
“You know” 4 grabbed 3’s face, clearly teasing him “considering you don’t remember, I didn’t ask you to but… we actually showered together a lot. I was about to ask before but then remembered…” 
3’s mind was a mess.
“I-I’ll go shower” 3 got up and hurried to shower. His face was almost unbearingly warm.
The shower calmed him down a bit. At least he could be alone with his thoughts for a bit and adjust to the fact that 4 showered with him before. That was crazy to think about… Well, guess he had a lot of things he had to get used to now.
He went back, 4 waited for him patiently. As soon as 3 reached within 4’s reach, 4 pulled him in by his waist, basically slamming him in bed. He didn’t let go afterwards.
“Not gonna lie… I didn’t know you were so clingy” 3 joked, which got 4 to chuckle.
“Only with you”
3 tried not to think about it, but the thought wouldn’t escape him.
“Only with me?”
“Yeah… you’re my…” 4 pulled enough out of the hug to face 3, very close at that “special boy”
3 didn’t even know how to react to the petname. He was screaming internally.
“Hehe..” 4 laughed “was that too much for you to handle?”
“H..Huh… no, I’m… I’m strong enough, you can’t beat me that simply!”
“I’ll believe when I’ll see it”
3 thought for a second before pulling 4 in for a kiss. 4 leaned into it so much. He loved it.
3 pulled away, feeling warm again but at least not as flustered as before. He couldn’t believe he just did that.
“Heh… nice, maybe I underestimated you” 4 spoke softly into 3’s ear. 3 felt so much.
“Yeah, you bet” 3 yawned “Hmm.. we should sleep”
4 turned the light off in the room.
“Night, love” 
“Night, 4”
They both fell asleep.
The room looked cold. It was dark. It would’ve been fully dark if not for the bright screen. The bright screen was obstructed by the figure in front of it. They could be heard mumbling. It was hard to make out what they were saying but they didn’t sound calm, that was for sure.
There could be knocking heard, then words. It sounded like words of concern, from a familiar voice. The mumbling from the figure in front of the screen got louder, then suddenly quiet. They seemed to answer the voice outside then go out. Leaving nothing but the darkness and the screen to look at. It was hard to figure out. 
“Hey, what is this?” a familiar figure came, this time the voice was clear to be heard “How did this get here…” 
The figure looked at the screen confused. They had fair skin, long, gray hair, tied into a ponytail, their bangs obscuring one of their eyes. However their other eye was very visible, it was a vibrant green. They seemed to eye something curiously.
“This place looks similar to… wait” they seemed to take the thing with them. As they left the dark room, it was revealed… they were inside SMG4’s castle. It was a lot brighter outside. They looked around but saw nobody.
“I’ve… got a bad feeling” the person who took the camera spoke softly, although they weren’t in the frame anymore, even without seeing their face, you could tell they were nervous.
As they looked they seemed to spot someone.
“Hey! Who are you?” the voice was heard but not having time to look, we didn’t even get a chance to look ourselves. The person ran out of the castle, fast at that, their running making rather strange noises… as if they were… slithering metal? How is that possible?
“Oooh shiiit” their voice sounded distorted. 
“HEY, GET BACK HERE!!” the same voice from before could be heard. Then everything went dark.
3 woke up before 4. He thought for a bit, thinking about the strange dream he had. What did that mean? Did it mean anything? The stress of figuring things out just probably got to him, that’s all! Although he couldn’t fully shake it off, something felt so… odd about it.
3 got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. It felt nice and cold. Refreshing. He needed that. He couldn’t help but gaze at himself in the mirror, empty thoughts rushing through his head. It felt like his head was empty. Something about looking at his own reflection, staring into his own eyes captured him. As if the world was only him and nothing else. The thought put a weird taste in his mouth as he shook his head, splashing water in his face again.
He went back to 4, seeing he was still asleep. Just looking at him so peaceful… He couldn’t help but lie right back next to him, snuggling up to him. He really liked being beside him. His warmth really grounded him.
He didn’t know how long he had been there by then, just embracing 4’s closeness. He could feel 4 stir awake.
“Morning, handsome” 3 said to him in a soft voice. 4 smiled at him.
“Greater morning to you, my special man” 4 reached for 3’s face, which got rather warm. Being called special seemed to be his weakness. Like… him, special? One of a kind? Out of the ordinary? His heart melts.
“Am I really that speci-”
4 quickly kissed him on the lips. It may have been short but it still left quite the impression on 3. 
“Hey, I was thinking” 3 started, after processing the kiss.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“What if… we went to that restaurant, where we had our first date… maybe it could help me remember or something…”
4 thought for a bit.
“Honestly, why not! I know it’s not the type of restaurant where you need the appointment so… it could work whenever really”
“That’s nice… so like maybe after we’re done with the work day?”
“I’m sure we can leave it to the others for today”
“The others?”
“Yeah! You actually employed a lot of us”
“Good… to know”
“But yeah, we could go if you wanted to”
“I’d… I’d like to yeah! I have to make it up to you for… forgetting us” 3 looked away kind of sad.
“Don’t worry!! We’ll be fine, I promise”
“Are you sure?”
“More than sure”
4 notified the others, who were more understanding than 3 thought they would be. It felt… odd. They were truly… friendly? He kind of liked it, he couldn’t lie. It felt nice to be cared about.
They both got ready, 4 was wearing something similar to his spy outfit but instead with a comfortable light jacket instead of the vest. 3 wasn’t sure what to wear for a bit but then decided to match 4. That was… such a fond memory for him. The whole heist. It may have happened due to something he wasn’t so happy about but it was nice to work together with 4 like that. 
They got going, their friends waved them goodbye then got back to work. 4 used his own portal powers to open one and they were right in front of the restaurant.
“You can just do that now?” 3 looked at 4 confused.
“Oh- Yeah… you actually helped me practice”
“Huh… Heh, nice… me teaching you… I wish I remembered”
“I’ll see if I can find some stuff from that later” 4 put a hand on 3’s shoulder. 
The amount that 4 cared almost made 3 nauseous. He loved it.
They went in and found a table that wasn’t taken. They had a nice time talking, 3 could truly feel it… That they’ve been there before. Everything just felt familiar in a strange way. And even through all this, it was really hard to take his eyes off of 4. The man enraptured him. 4 noticed it. He smiled but took a bit to comment on it.
“Am I that great to look at?” 4 joked
“Absolutely” 3 said without much thinking. Though it didn’t take him much as his response settled in his brain, his eyes went wide, face red… He really said that. He looked away, 4 giggled at the reaction.
Even the atmosphere of the restaurant was nice. The lights were soft enough but not too dark, overall giving the place a comforting orange glow, contrasted by the outside light. It felt like 2 different worlds. 2 different worlds…
That’s when 3 remembered the weird dream he had. He almost started forgetting about it but he could, and he… only seemed to remember more. 4 noticed the sudden change.
“Did something happen?” 4 asked, reaching out for 3’s hand, squeezing it.
3 thought for a bit… He could trust 4, he should just tell him!
“So… I had… a weird dream…”
“A weird dream?”
“Yeah it’s… kind of hard to explain… I think it took place in your castle”
4 hummed.
“Do you remember anything else?”
“Sort of… it…” 3 looked down, not wanting to face 4 “It kind of reminded me of your 100 hour livestream… The darkness with nothing but the screen…”
4 didn’t comment on it, only squeezing 3’s hand. They sat in silence for a bit as 3 calmed down.
“I’m sorry I reminded you of that, 4”
“It’s okay… It’s not your fault… That’s in the past anyways, you know? We’ve become stronger since” 4 smiled at 3 full of hope. He really needed that. 
“That helps actually, thanks… It’s almost like you always know what to say”
4 chuckled then let go of 3’s hand. They continued the meal, now more peacefully
They finished and paid for the food then left. 4 seemed to be lost in thought… 3 couldn’t help but comment on that.
“Something on your mind?”
“Yeah… I was thinking about going to another special place”
“Oh? Where?”
“It’s a secret… and a long ride, if you don’t mind that”
“Can’t use portals for that?”
“It’s… unlike the places where portals could take you”
“Well! Colour me intrigued then” 
4 summoned his RV he was living in before. Surprisingly, he still kept it clean. 3 was impressed.
“Hey, nice that you still keep it in good condition”
“It’s not like it became junk once I had a place to stay”
“True that but I thought you wouldn’t”
“You think I’m that lazy?”
3 just shrugged, close to chuckling at his own remark. 4 just rolled his eyes.
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that” 4 sat in the driver’s seat. 
3 now couldn’t help but laugh as he took a seat beside 4.
He always liked looking outside the window, watching everything go past them… Just like the opportunities in his past… Times when he could’ve done better, times when he could’ve done worse. And how much different he would’ve become. These thoughts kind of scared him. The idea that there could’ve been so many opportunities where he could’ve killed 4- and where he would be now. If 4 wasn’t around, he… he didn’t know what he’d do. Sure, he has flaws, lots of it but… He cared. He cared too much.
He sighed, seemingly loud enough for 4 to hear.
“Something on your mind again?”
“Just thinking about what my life would be if you weren’t around”
“Just- That bluntly, you’re gonna say it that bluntly?” 4 looked at 3 a bit too long, he quickly looked back at the road. It seemed to really upset him.
“If it makes you feel better, I definitely wouldn’t be happy… I don’t even know where I’d be without you”
“You’re strong yourself, don’t worry… I’m sure you would be okay. So another reason I’m glad you’re here with me now” 4 calmed down then reassured 3.
“You really think so much of me…”
“It’s hard not to” 4 giggled. 
“You know, back then… I always thought you thought of me as lesser”
4 frowned.
“If… that were to be the case, we wouldn’t have been rivals you know”
“Oh! I… I see what you mean”
“I’m glad”
“Still… I’m sorry I tried to kill you before… and tried to take over your channel…”
“And I’m sorry I’ve ruined your dreams a lot! See, we both did bad things! Don’t worry”
“Huh… When… when you put it that way”
“It changes everything”
“You’re stealing my words now?”
“No! Well… yeah. You said the exact same thing when we had a heart to heart… I remember you having a bad day. And I wanted to help”
“Oh- and I’m guessing it helped.”
“It did, maybe it worked a bit too well… I think it was one of the first times I started thinking… maybe… maybe I have a chance to well- date you… That I could be good enough for you”
“You were always good enough”
4 was very flustered by that. It was hard focusing on the road.
“Well, I’m- I’m glad” he chuckled nervously.
“Didn’t think that would get you like that. Your power over me weakens” 3 imitated an evil laugh over his silly revelation. 4 could only chuckle.
“Tch, well maybe, but I have tricks up my sleeve… and other places, things you’re not ready for”
“Other… places?”
“I’m not going to just tell you! I gotta keep you on your toes after all”
“Unfair honestly, considering my state of not remembering much”
“Yeah yeah, don’t care, didn’t ask plus I’m a bit of a troll”
“Wow!! Rude! Guess we are still rivals, huh?”
“I just like messing with you, your reactions are amusing”
“They make me love you even more”
“H… Huh… you… you” 3 was struggling “You’re…” he was stumped. There was just no way he could counter that. If they were to be like what he remembered… Oh, they would fight now. But things were different. 
“See? Tricks up my sleeve”
“Yeah… yeah… you are… so gay”
“Kind of, yeah, took you long enough to figure it out”
“Did it actually?”
“Yeah.. honestly I wasn’t sure myself. Feelings can be… odd”
“I get that… feelings will do that. I should know”
“Cuz our rivalry made you gay?”
“Hmmm” 3 thought for a bit “I think it’s the other way around”
“Maybe, I didn’t think too much about it then”
“Yeah, your mind only had place for memes”
“Hey now! It has space for my friends and you as well now. And the memes, I would never abandon the memes”
“Do… Do I get a special space?” 3 asked softly, you could hear him almost plead for that special space. 
“The most special of them all” 4 teased 3, who in turn giggled about it. My man… His once-cold heart was like a cup of tea now, so warm, so sweet… Who knew a man could butter him up so much?
They spent the rest of the road relatively similarly, with some playful words to get reactions out of the other. It was nice… Although the day was getting long by then. The sun was setting. 4 yawned.
“Hey, we’ve been going for a while now” 4 said, looking tired as all hell.
“Yeah, should we rest for a bit?”
“Yeah… a nap in your arms would be nice right now”
“Wow, in my arms specifically?”
“Don’t you want to rest as well?”
“I do I do- I was just playing”
“Well, I was almost planning to just nap by myself then”
“No no- I want to join, I want to join, okay?”
“You’re clingy”
“You love it”
“You’ve got a point”
The 2 took off their shoes and jackets, putting them aside, then got on 4’s rather tiny bed.
“I’m gonna have to press you in there if I don’t want to fall off” 3 commented.
“Feel free to, I can’t object to being pressed”
3 raised an eyebrow at 4 but decided to shrug it off. He was not ready for that conversation right now. It didn’t take long for them to fall asleep.
It was dark. All dark again. A darkness he was rather familiar with at this point. 3 got up and looked around.
“What is it now?”
“Um-” 3 heard a familiar voice.
“Hiiiiii, how are you, SMG3?”
“I’ve… never been this good honestly, thanks for asking”
“Yeeeaaah…” they were clearly nervous about something.
“... Is… something wrong?”
“Nooo, what makes you ask that, nothing is wrong!!” 
“So… what am I here for this time then? Last time you gave me the receipt… and it came pretty handy! Thanks for that. I had such a great day because of it”
“Yeeeeaaah so… you don’t mind if I um- make them vote again on something-”
“I… I don’t really care? Just don’t let it interfere with my plans with 4. I wonder where he’s taking me”
“Yeah yeah yeah!! Uh-”
“I’ve… I’ve been wondering… what’s your name?” 
The figure proceeded to stare into 3’s eyes, seemingly frozen. He never really paid attention to it, but although one of their eyes is obscure by their bangs… they have really bright green eyes. Like… the person in his ‘dream’... 
“Wh… What are you?” 3 further questioned.
“I’m- I’m… you can call me Annie, I usually… go by that name in non business settings”
“Non… business settings?”
“Didn’t take you for a business person…You’re dressed pretty casual”
Sure enough, the combination of their comfy looking purple scarf, their white tanktop which was tucked into kind of fancy dark green flare dresspants. It was… actually a rather odd look. How did 3 not realise this before?
“I-... I do business while comfortable-”
“Sure thing”
3 chuckled at the odd behaviour. It was strikingly different from last time he saw them.
“Anyways… I… I’ve got to let them choose between things again… It is… uh… part of the story”
“Yeah- we’re basically playing choose your adventure right now”
“Oh… OH??? WHAT?? The hell you mean choose your adventure??”
“Yeah! I don’t know how you got here, I was just told to moderate it. They… can’t choose for you to die for example!”
“Well they better fucking not!!”
“Okay um, I’ll present them with their choices now! You… still can’t see them. It’s part of the rules that even I’m not allowed to break”
“Please… Choose wisely”
They manifest 2 items.
The first one was… Nothing? It was literally nothing. 
The second one was an envelope, it was a bit crumpled but it was still sealed. Presumably the person who put their letter in there struggled with it a little. Skill issue or something like that.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy X A Tale of Thousand Stars Ep 4 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Yesterday, we transitioned into the A Tale of Thousand Stars portion of this crossover, and the mood shifted to match. There’s been a lot of consternation about the episode, and whether it represents a weak outing from Aof and friends. I have decided that it doesn’t matter for me, because it mostly worked for me. I understood the intention of having these characters get lost in the woods repeatedly no matter who they were with. I’ll have more to say this weekend, I’m sure.
Not these two coming for my man Phupha’s back during their roleplay!
I’m glad Pat and Pran got to have a cute montage before they left.
We will finally be free of the Our Skyy 2 theme.
I like that Pran made a friend out of Tian on this trip. Pran has so few friends, and I’m glad he was able to make one on his own.
Pat, please never stop terrorizing Phupha.
Unsurprised that Tian broke first on the apology, but glad to see Phupha getting flirty.
You just knew he was going to sign. I’m not even worried about the conditions. He wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t force you to meet him where he is.
I really hope tourists don’t tarnish this waterfall.
It’s not time for Only Friends yet, so we can’t have someone fondling tiddies yet on GMMTV. Mark, Neo, and Book, you are to be our champions.
Ah, Oishii tea is here. We can relax now.
Okay, I’m having fun with flirty Phupha.
We’re finally acknowledging the mosquito net as foreplay!
Finally, we the people have received what we needed. I wanted them to kiss so badly the first time they were here, and I’m finally sated.
Tian is wearing the Nong Nao sleeping mask! This is not a drill!
They did the Bad Buddy score scene. Few things make me happier than seeing older gays learn something from their juniors. Good for Phupha to get flirty in the morning.
I don’t think I mind Phupha surprising Tian in Bangkok, since it’s always seemed like a long drive. I get Phupha wanting that time to collect himself and put on his best face.
“People here let their cameras eat first.” I hate this description, but he’s correct.
GAYS IN A PHOTOBOOTH! I’m just going to pass out now.
Yes, Tian. Please upgrade this man’s fit.
Phupha is being so brave about how nervous he is about new clothes and their costs.
I’m so glad we’re getting to play dress up with Phupha like he’s a Ken.
Oh, I’m crying a little bit. Asking that Pat and Pran portray them feels like the exact restriction Phupha would apply. He would want their story told by people who know them and who they can trust a bit. I think Pran definitely gets Phupha.
Mix has such an incredible way to shift his face slightly and be suddenly so smitten.
Ink and Pa are at the play!!
This play was cute. I loved this.
Not the reversal on the finger suck into a genuinely decent kiss once again interrupted by Pa!!
White cameo!! I hope he continues to pop up in BL for the next 60 years.
Phupha and his surprises. I’m okay with it for today, but I hope his next step is being more forthright.
I love that Tian’s parents led the conversation for Phupha. He needed their approval, but respects them too much to ask for it.
His errand was a ring for a proposal. I forgive him for everything.
“We finally have a thousand stars now.” Okay, gonna lie down and cry. I don’t know what it was, but something old in me just snapped.
I really like Mix and Earth as a pair. They play their dynamic differently with each couple. Tian and Jim kiss differently than Wen and Jim.
Yes, give us the same unhinged outro that Pat and Pran gave us in episode 12.
Final Verdict: 10, Highly Recommended (Primarily for Gay Reasons). I understand a lot of the complicated feelings everyone has about Pat and Pran, but I personally loved all of this. I respect Aof telling something mildly dissatisfying with Pat and Pran, because that is honestly at the core of their dynamic. They are constantly subject to outside influences that make it difficult for them to be happy the way they want to be, and that is most evident in Pran. I really liked them crossing over to meet Tian and Phupha, because we got to see both couples really face who they are.
Part of the big difference here is that we are still seeing Pat and Pran in the middle of their story, and Pran especially still has things he needs to sort. With Tian and Phupha, we’re seeing them after their show ended. We’re seeing them face themselves with the help of the Chaos Gays that showed up on their doorstep. As a result, everyone got to see themselves differently, and we the audience got some of what we needed from both shows.
For me, I just love that both of these couples are “in repair” and are trying to be present for each other. Like Uncles Cheep and Dej said, once the infatuation fades, it’s about trust and commitment. I like that we walked away from this with me feeling like that’s the goal for both of them.
Shoutouts to @shortpplfedup @lurkingshan, @ginnymoonbeam, @waitmyturtles, and @wen-kexing-apologist for talking through episode 3 yesterday. 
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damianabsinthe · 2 months
Psychic Sobriety Chapter Four
Here we go!
Words: 2,458
Sunlight streamed down from the sky and through the windows of the apartment, only to be stopped by Leon’s face. He blinks lazily, in a drunk haze. He rubs his eyes and wonders why he didn’t draw the blinds last night. Oh right, because you were crying. He made you cry. He feels guilty about it, but not as guilty as if he had taken advantage of you while in that state. He tried to be polite- say it sober.
            It wasn’t as hard to say no as he thought. Seeing you there, desperation in your eyes, proclaiming you were desperate to feel something, it made him feel a certain way. Seeing you in distress puts desire to the back of his mind. At the forefront was help. Any other situation, sober and wanting and less… disturbed, he would have pounced on the offer. He wanted you, truly, ideally sober, and clear headed, and well aware of what you want. 
            And what if what you want isn’t romance? Maybe you were attracted to him but didn’t want to date him, but rather just to fuck? Did you want him to fuck the attraction out of your system?
Drunk actions are sober thoughts, his brain said. Leon shook his head to clear it away. Then he heard rustling in the other room. You had woken up, and made your way down the hall and into the kitchen. He sat up slightly straighter in his chair. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” He greeted. You gave a halfhearted smile. 
“There’s coffee.” He offered.
“Thanks,” you responded, walking over to the counter, and pouring yourself a cup. You sit down across from him in the vacant chair. Of the four chairs, only two are ever in use. You chose which one was your favorite the first day you came over and plopped yourself in it. Whenever he invited guests home, he made sure to keep that chair tucked in. It was yours, after all. No amount of searching could replace you. 
            Not that he didn’t try, of course. Once he kept a relationship going with someone that looked similarly to you, only for a few months. It was good sex, and they didn’t seem to mind that he liked to look at pictures of you on his phone while they did it. The relationship abruptly ended when they saw a photobooth picture of you two together on his wall and connected the dots. He felt like shit for a few months, and stopped going out as often. Nobody deserves to feel like a second choice. 
You sipped your coffee.
“It’s weak.” you complained halfheartedly, no touch of malice in your voice.
“You like things bitter.” He responds.  
“Bitter and with whiskey. Got any?” You ask, as if he didn’t always have a bottle around his house somewhere. Leon stands up and goes to grab it for you. He sets it down and pours a generous amount in your coffee, before pouring an even larger amount in his own. He wasn’t being selfish- he knew your tolerance by now. He didn’t want you getting drunk for this next conversation. But he felt you both needed something to ease the inherent discomfort of your post horny ramblings. 
Leon didn’t sleep last night. He couldn’t- not when you were so close. He was well beyond the years of whiskey putting him to sleep, and knew any morning wood would segue into inappropriate topics. It’s time to put aside how ridiculously horny he was, and talk. 
”I’m sorry.” You say, before he could think of a way to start. “I shouldn’t have come onto you like that.” 
“Which part are you sorry for?” Leon asks, hoping you will say for not saying anything sooner, for being so drunk when I asked for it. You don’t.
”For putting you on the spot, mostly.” You say instead. “And- I don’t want to lose you.” You continue, quieter. 
“You aren’t going to lose me through sex.” He responds.
”Aren’t I?” You ask. He shakes his head.
”Why did you ask? Why now?” He questions, trying to keep his voice light.
”Because… listen, Leon, I’m not great with my words. And I don’t know how to ask for what I want. But I want you.” 
“You have me.” He murmurs.
”You know what I mean… Oh god, this is going awfully. Please tell me what was going through your head.” You blubber. But Leon didn’t play cards like that, didn’t lay them all out on the table where anyone could see them. 
“What was going through my head…” he murmurs. “I like you. I think you’re gorgeous. If you were interested in sex, I wouldn’t turn it down.”
”Unless you had a good reason.” You respond. He nods.
”You were drunk. And sad. It’s not that I don’t want you, or even that I want you a certain way. It’s that I want you to be sure of what you’re doing.” You shake your head and smile.
”Am I ever fully aware? Is there ever a moment where we can understand the extent of our actions? Life can only be understood backwards but lived forward.” He nods in acknowledgement.
”A good start to being aware is to be sober.” He says. You roll your eyes playfully.
”You’re one to talk.” You say, but there is no malice in your voice. You were both drowning in the same waterlogged boat. 
”You’re sober now,” he says, “What do you want?” You looked down at your coffee, taking a small sip, before looking back at him.
”I want you.” A thrill ran down his spine. He thanked the gods of yearning fools. “Here I am, mostly sober, telling my best friend I want him. But what I want most is your reply.” 
“I...” He trailed off. “I want you too. But I want you to be sure. Because… I think you are amazing. You are beautiful, intelligent, and you make me feel like there is light in the world.” You blink. Your gaze was indecipherable. Panic flared in him. Did he lay out too many cards?
“I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first time you took off your shirt around me.” You say to him. 
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first night you tip a sip of my drink without asking,” he replied.
“That long?” You ask.
“I could say the same thing about you.” He grumbles. He tries to remember the first time he changed shirts around you. It might have been after you spilled an entire glass of pink whitney on him, or when he was trying to seduce you after realizing your touch was lingering far too long.
“You’re kind of slutty sometimes.” You say, as if you can hear him.
“And you? You were shamelessly flirting with me until suddenly you weren’t, then you no longer want to touch me.” 
“I- I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way.” You murmured.
“I was greeting you at the door half naked and you were wondering if I felt the same way?” He asked. You cocked your head to the side- it was a fair point, and you knew it.
“I didn’t want to lose you.” You look into your coffee. He softens.
“I don’t want to lose you either.” He says. 
“So, what are we going to do, then?” You ask, shrugging your shoulders.
“Dinner would be a good start.” Leon takes a sip of his coffee, savoring the warmth. 
“I’d like that.” you smile. 
“I know a good place down by the river.” He suggests. “They make a great steak.” 
“Sounds fun. You’re really okay with this?” You ask. 
“Okay with what?” He asks dumbly.
“Me. The way I started this, the way I kicked you out of your own bed last night, the way you can’t look me in the eye.” 
“First of all,” he sighs. “You didn’t kick me out. I couldn’t sleep.”
“Was that because of me?” You ask. He looks at your chin. Not your eyes.
“Yeah,” he says, “But not because I didn’t want you there, it was because- I don’t know, I guess it just hurt to have you too close.” 
“Oh.” You say, looking down. He had hurt your feelings. Damnit. 
“Because I want you so badly.” He said it too quickly. Save it, Leon. “And because when I’m close to you, I just feel this pressing urgency, like I need to do something… it’s not, uh, very relaxing.” 
“I think what you’re describing, Leon,” He loved the way his name sounded in your mouth. “Is sexual frustration.” He laughs humorlessly.
“Yeah, exactly.” 
“You want to fuck me that bad?” you ask innocently. He nods.
“Only if you’re okay with it.” He says.
”Last night doesn’t say I’m okay with it?” You asked. 
“Last night could have said anything. I just wanted to make sure.”
”Sure about what? I think I was pretty clear. Unless it was only the drinking?” You ask.
“I just wanted to know if you wanted to be fucked or if you wanted to fuck me specifically.” He mumbles. “And you know I don’t have the heart to fuck a drunk person. Especially you.” 
“Why especially me?” You ask.
”Because…” talking about his feelings was a lot harder than he thought it would be. “Because if I touch you, I want you to know. I want you to want it, and I want you to understand.” 
“And other partners,” you say, a touch of jealousy in your voice, “Were they sober?” 
“They were as drunk as I was.” He replies. “I’ve made a lot of bad decisions, but I’ll be damned if I touch someone without their consent.” 
“That’s the problem, wasn’t it?” You murmur. “The lack of consent that came with drinking.” He nods. 
“When you came onto me... I felt excited. Even though you were drunk, and about to cry. And I feel… awful for that.” How could he not? The love of his life wants to touch him- while drunk and begging to cry. Any other situation and he would have pounced on you immediately. 
“Why feel awful? I might have been drunk but I made the decisions I did.” He shook his head. 
”I’ve been drinking far longer than you. I know your limits, and you were well past them. I just didn’t want you to regret me.” You shake your head.
”Leon,” you say, voice low and serious. “I could never regret you.” 
“How do you know? You don’t know what I’ve done, the things I could do, things I want to do.” He says.
”I know who you are.” You say. “And I know how you treat the people around you. Please don’t cut me out for this.” 
“Cut you out? Is that what you’re worried about?” He asks. You nod. “You mean a lot to me… I wouldn’t. Not for sex. Not for being drunk. The only way you’re leaving is if you want to.” He jokes. Your mouth twitches slightly. 
“You were always leaving,” You say, “For your missions. And I understand that. But when you came back, you were always different.”
”Different how?” He frowned.
”You acted so… closed off. You wouldn’t talk to me, but you’d touch me more.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be. The way you decompress is up to you. But this reminded me of it. I don’t want you to close me off again. I don’t know what horrors you were facing but- I don’t want you to face them without me. Metaphorically, I would definitely die if you took me with you.” He nodded.
” I didn’t know I was doing that.” He murmured. Was he really that closed off? Did he really touch you without knowing? 
“It’s okay, Leon.” Your voice saying his name soothed him. “You’re always you.” 
“That’s what I’m worried about.” He replies. 
“Worry after you’ve done something. Not before.” You say. “Although, that’s what I did last night and now we’re here.”
”I’m glad to be here, with you.” He says.
”Thanks, I guess. Can’t help but feel like I made a mess of this.” He shakes his head. 
“We came here exactly as we should have. Heh, to think I was going to bring you flowers and say this right… I couldn’t have. I’m glad to know what you want. I’m glad to have gone on this adventure with you.” 
“The adventure of being awkwardly flirted with.” He nods. 
“I wouldn’t have missed your drunken little plea for the world.” He replies. 
“I think I could have lived without it, honestly.” You huff. “I really should have waited for flowers.”
“That doesn’t mean I won’t give you any.” Leon was a coward. “It just means I wasn’t quick enough.” You smiled. There it was. No matter how horrible the moment he always wanted to make you smile, even at his expense. He made a mental note to buy you flowers soon.
“Why haven’t you dated?” You abruptly change the subject. 
“What?” Leon was taken aback. 
“Well, you’ve fucked a lot in the time that I’ve known you. No judgment, of course, it’s okay to be slutty,” Leon frowned. Was this how you saw him? With a feminine pejorative nickname? Although Leon was hesitant to call anyone a slut. If anything, those with high sex drives bring joy wherever they go. He’s dated a few in his lifetime, and he definitely enjoyed them. 
“Slutty?” He interjects. 
“Yanno,” you twirl a hand in the air. “Whorish. In the best possible way, of course.” 
“I-” Leon was not expecting the way his body reacted at you calling him a slut. ”I guess.” He concedes. You nod.
”It’s cute.” You say. “You’re always looking to get yourself off,” Your voice gets lower, quieter. “As if there hasn’t been someone here waiting for you the entire time.” 
“And?” He asks. “If there has? What are they going to do about it?” 
“Whatever you’d like. That’s up to you.” You respond, shrugging your shoulders. 
“You’re playing a very dangerous game.” He says. “You don’t know what you’re asking for.” 
“Sex?” You ask innocently. He shakes his head.
“Me.” You nod.
“I want you.” You say. And how could he have reacted to that? How could he have heard your explicit consent and done anything other than stand up and walk closer to you?
            Leon was far too close to you. Your sign of reciprocity spurred him on, only allowing his hindbrain to react. He wanted you. He took your hand and pulled. You allowed him to push you to your feet before his lips were on yours. The kiss was full of promise, of what he would do, and of how he feels. 
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Hey everyone! Here is my submission for the Dan and Phil Phasquerade Tumblr Event! First off, as a surprise, I made not one, but TWO songs for the event!
The first one is the main theme song for the event as requested by @wdapteo! 生き甲斐 (Ikigai)! It’s not fully orchestral but I put a bit of strings and horns in there, so I guess it counts lol! I decided to go with a theme that was mainly based around guitars and synths. I also put in a few Asian instruments such as the koto to represent their trips to Japan. The title “Ikigai” is a Japanese concept that refers to one’s sense of purpose or reason to live and is a combination of the words “iki”(to live) and “gai” (reason). This concept can include people such as friends, families, and partners, as well as activities such as one’s hobby or pastime. It basically means that one can find joy in their life by being aligned with their purpose. I thought this concept would be perfect for the phasquerade because Dan and Phil’s ikigai or reason to live is each other. 🥰
As for the background image, I found a picture on Adobe Stock Photos of two masquerade masks that looked PERFECT for Dan and Phil. (The black one is Dan’s and the white one is Phil’s, obviously, lol 😂) Phanartists, feel free to use those masks in ur art! 👌🏻
The second song I made is an orchestral ballroom version of JVKE’s Golden Hour! It took me around two days to do, along with constant listening to the song to get the chords right and then add my own bits on top of it 😂 I’m really proud of this version because lemme tell ya, making orchestral music on Garageband IOS is harder than it looks 😭😅 I still can’t believe how far I’ve gone with making music on this app bc I started using it in 2018 and back then, I had a hard time navigating everything but I slowly worked my way up to where I am now, and tbh I still have far more to go! The background image I used for this is another stock image I found on Pexels that fit the vibe of the song! (Also the two men in the picture looked like Dan and Phil haha 😂)
Anyways, here's a little introduction of me: I’m Kristy, aka @nothoughtsonlytrance. My pronouns are she/they and I am pansexual! (Fun fact, I found out I was pan around the same time that Dan and Phil came out in 2019 lol) I’ve been watching Dan and Phil since around 2012/2013 (so when I was around 12 or 13 years old) because that was the time when I really started watching YouTube and eventually found their channels. I vividly remember watching the Photobooth Challenge video and crying with laughter because it was so hilarious. I continued to look forward to seeing their videos after school and finally got to see them on stage in 2018 for their Interactive Introverts tour when they came to Richmond, VA. (didn’t get VIP tickets for the meet and greet tho so I still have yet to meet them in person 😭🤞) It continues to be one of my favorite memories of them and I remember crying when seeing them on stage. Their videos mean so much to me and I even made my quote for my college graduation cap “Embrace the void and have the courage to exist” because their videos got me through the last two semesters of college!😎👌🏻(Which got noticed by Dan and Phil in their Phan Twitter Memes 2 video!) Words cannot express how proud I am of them, especially after their coming out videos and how they feel more free to be themselves! And I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them! (And also us haha)
I think the song that will be playing when I take the stage is “Once Upon a December” from the musical Anastasia! It is one of my favorite musicals and I even got to see it in NYC with my family a few years back! Also, as someone who was adopted from Russia, this song really speaks to me personally. I don’t speak Russian fluently, only a few basic words and phrases that my parents taught me that they learned when they were adopting me, (I only speak English) but I’ve been trying to learn the lyrics to the Russian version of the song so I can sing along with it too. (Pronouncing Russian isn’t easy haha)
Anyways, here’s my post for the phasquerade! Hope you all enjoy the music! I had so much fun being a part of this and thank you so much to @serendipnpipity for planning and organizing this!
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gorgeousklaystels · 1 year
All I can taste is this moment
(And all I can breathe is your life).
There he was again. Somehow Calvin fucking Harris had managed to piss Harry Styles off more times than he could count. Which was strange considering he’d only met the guy for two seconds and had one civil (ish) conversation with him. 
And he was not a fan. 
He was biased. I mean, how could he not be. On the surface level, it was hard to compete with such a great guy who was not only successful but also didn’t have a crazy, immature fanbase that gravely interfered in his personal relationships. 
And as grateful as Harry was, from where he was sitting, that seemed like a pretty killer deal. No wonder Taylor was happy with him. 
But he doesn’t know. Something about the guy rubbed him the wrong way. 
“Can we leave now, for crying out loud?” Harry said, coming back to the bar, absolutely having no energy left to deal with this whole situation.
Louis, seeing his best friend’s face, simply nodded. “Of course. But, just… hold on a second.” With that he got up and rounded up the gang. 
Harry thought about joining him, but if he was being honest with himself, the night had pretty much drained him. And he just needed a minute to himself.
Eventually, he saw Kendall in the distance again and she made his way over to him and they continued talking. 
She asked him where he went earlier and he simply told her that him and Taylor took a walk and had just started talking.
She doesn’t push it even if she doesn’t completely believe it.
“Jesus Christ, Louis, where in hell did you disappear to?” Harry asked, once he saw Louis stride towards him. 
“Sorry, mate. It’s just… Niall and Ed really wanted to take one last picture in the photobooth and—”
“—Without me?”
“Harry, did you honestly want to be smushed up against Taylor and her boyfriend making out for the 50th time?” He inquired, annoyed. 
That stung. A lot. 
“No. No, I really didn’t.” He said, completely serious. 
“What I thought. Alright, listen, just get in the car outside, I’ll round up the rest of the guys.” Louis said before running off. 
They got to their hotel rooms that night. Niall was absolutely buzzed. Liam and Louis — slightly better — had helped Niall up the stairs after much struggle. 
Small moments like these really made Harry realize that they were one member short. He could picture the moment in front of him. Zayn and Harry silently laughing to themselves about having to drag up one of the guys. 
He woke up the next morning, and he could definitely feel the hangover. 
More than that, he could also remember them. And God, he hated this. He hated this constant state of misery he was in. It was downright pathetic. 
Harry got up that day, reluctantly, ready to take on the world.
Maybe not in the conventional Happy-Go-Lucky Harry fashion, but it was a start.  
New York. He was in New York. 
And from what he’d heard, so was she. It was like he just couldn’t escape her, even if he wanted to. 
It had been a month since the BBMAS and Harry was holding up fine. Better.
But with them, it was like a cycle, wasn’t it? Some way, somehow, he’d be getting over her and then he’d see her at an award show they were attending. 
And it’s just impossible to resist her pull. Not just as his ex girlfriend who he genuinely adores but as an artist. At what she does. It’s hard not to be pulled in. 
But that same spotlight held him back from trying to get her back or heck, even interacting with her in public. 
Harry woke up that day as he had rehearsal with the band along with a writing session too.
When he arrived at the recording studio, he saw the boys as well as the sound technicians, the producers and all. But he also spotted their manager in a not so friendly conversation with some of the guys. 
“—All I’m saying is that you should have at least talked to him about it beforehand—”
“—this is a great opportunity for the band, Louis. We can’t let it slip.”
“Yeah, but there’s no point if Harry isn’t in on the plan, is it?” Louis replied. 
He fixed the collar of his shirt and simply responded. “Well, he’s just going to have to cooperate.” 
And with that he left after a few instructions here and there. 
Harry glanced around the room, looking at Niall, Liam and Louis. They looked at him but they didn’t tell him anything. 
“Hey. Um, what was that about?” Harry asked, casually. 
“Oh. Uh. You know how Jeff is. He’s just a little harsh in his ways. But he means well.” Louis told him, patting his shoulder. 
“…okay. D’you want to get to work then?” He asked, unsure. 
“Yeah, let’s do it.” 
“She’s here.” He heard Louis whisper.
“Who?” Harry inquired.
“Niall, Liam, a minute?” Louis requested.
“What are you guys doing? Does this have something to do with what Jeff said?” He stood up, irritated with the weird secrecy. 
“—Hey, guys.” A voice interrupted. 
Not just a voice. Her. 
A/N: sorry! ik this is extremely short, but i wanted to see if you guys were interested in the direction i was thinking of making this go, so i would LOVE some opinions and i promise i’ll be more active ! i’m on vacation hence the slow update <3
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onlyswan · 8 months
okay art angsty feelings aside hahahaha let's look back at the first cheek kiss at the photobooth mcdonalds hair clips baby cough syrup date of jungkook and oc while listening to clairo's softly hahaha it is so jungkook coded during the early days of their relationship its so cute Is it alright To feel this way so early? And in my blood All the sweet nothings fallin' in love overnight this reminds of the part where jimin asked "does she even know that you're courting her?" Didn't mean to get so close And I know that I should probably go But I got this feeling Tell me, girl, I gotta know them almost kissing but got interrupted by his manager and oc sending him home and he was like "nope you cannot send me home yet" And all my life Been wanting this forever, oh And in my mind Think of ways to ask you, "Why don't you come over sometime?" this part reminds me of the texts he send to oc after their date he is so sweet and cute and so so so genuine with his feelings despite being so nervous 80% of the time thats my favorite drabble ever, it speaks on how and what kind of love they have for each other despite it just blossoming like you already know what they have is something that will last
omg anonie your favorite drabble ever??? 😭🫶🏼 glad someone’s on the same page as me hehehe i loved writing it and i love reading it myself too i think the hopeless romantic in me was at its peak fr
the first cheek kiss at the photobooth mcdonalds hair clips baby cough syrup date of jungkook and oc
i’m crying seeing it summarized like this make it sound soooo adorable 🥹🥹🥹
them almost kissing but got interrupted by his manager and oc sending him home and he was like "nope you cannot send me home yet"
the most endearing stubborn babie ever
it speaks on how and what kind of love they have for each other despite it just blossoming like you already know what they have is something that will last
oh my heart is bursting oc and jk are u hearing this!!! enough with the we might be doomed to fail nonsense!!! (shakes them aggressively)
oh anonie listening to the song currently and it’s so pretty and well, soft :") i lovelovelove how you associated the lyrics with the drabble i’m so emo let me give you a forehead kiss <333
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boozles · 9 months
Yet again, I did my live blogging in my notes app before dumping it here 🙃
Okay. I’m trying to put my thoughts together about episode 4, but this was highly emotional for me from the start.
First off, the way Mew’s instinct was like, “I’m not picking you up if you’re drunk,” when Ray was literally in the middle of a sxicide attempt broke my heart. He thinks he’s a burden and should just ‘leave’ and his ‘emergency contact’s first reaction is to basically treat him as a burden. Like, I’m so glad that Mew realised what was going on, but the fact that this happened and two years later his whole friends group (including Mew) still call him a drunken burden…that hurts my soul.
Khaotung’s performance broke me. That was a scene that was too realistic and a bit triggering. I had to pause the video and have a little cry because I was not emotionally prepared (which is silly because I should have known P’Jojo would call us out).
(Actual gif of me watching this scene)
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I think this also explains why Ray will drop everything for Mew; it’s not just because of his feelings, it’s because he promised to always be there, because Mew was there for him when he needed it most.
Oh no. Something feels very wrong that Ray let Mew wear the POOR BOY shirt. No, Ray. That’s for you and only you.
RAY NO. NO KISS MEW. BAD KITTY! THAT’S NOT ALLOWED. Although, at least he’s honest?
I’d like to use this scene as a comparison to Boston and Top, however; Ray was VERY wrong to kiss Mew when he was trying to sleep, but Ray dropped it after Mew warned him off. Boston NEVER backs off when Top tells him no (to the point he manipulated, coerced and gaslit Top into sex - sorry lads, I’m still not gonna blame Top for that completely, but it was a form of assault).
Top. A photobooth? Again?
Okay but Sand telling Ray to open himself up to new music and bands is literally a metaphor for Ray needing to move on. THIS FUCKING SHOW.
Gosh, I love Boston but every time he shows up I roll my eyes and glare XD
Haha Top now seeing right through Boston. Hindsight is 20/20 my friend.
OH HOLD UP NO IS TOP SLEEPING AROUND AGAIN NO BABY I CANNOT DEFEND YOU WITH THIS ONE - this has actually genuinely hurt me. The Boston thing I was dealing with, but the rando ex? No, that’s not something my little black heart can handle. OKAY I NOW KNOW ITS NOT CHEATING THANK THE GODS
Boston, you trying to be careful for your dad’s sake is making me laugh like hell. The shit you get up to and you’re worried about a photo?! (Although I think this sets up a future episode with a photo or sex tape leak.)
Oh, this episode is really showing Top’s nasty side. The thing is, I genuinely believe he was becoming a better person with Mew by his side and Boston has poisoned him right back to being how he was. Ugh. My heart is shattering.
‘I have nothing to hide’ SURE YOU DON’T TOP. WE BELIEVE YOU.
So, Top is into the nose candy. Is it bad that I prefer him on drugs rather than cheating? (Also, is it bad I want them to show Ray doing cocaine? I feel like Khaotung would do a very convincing job.)
Aw, why was the TopMew sexy times cut short? We can see Top, Nick and Boston being nasty but not Mew, Sand or Ray? XD
Ray starting the episode with Mew as his emergency contact and ending it with realising that maybe he needs to move on is perfect and the flow of this episode is just *chef’s kiss*.
(Shout out to P’Jojo for introducing me to another great Thai band, Selina & Sirinya)
Ugh I cannot handle this 7 day wait between episodes. This show is making it more difficult than any other, I swear.
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skinnyscottishbloke · 11 months
Top 10 Heartstopper Moments (including books, if you've read them)
Oh lorddddddd you’re really out here asking the hard questions huh. Ok. I’m gonna go from the show because while I have read the books it was only once last fall and at this point the show is ingrained in my brain so it’s easier to reference. Also these aren’t really in order of importance because I love all of them. A lot.
1. The first kiss scene!! Omg the tension, the stares, the pinky touches, the toe scooch, Charlie being SO BRAVE, jesus every single thing was so top tier and SO. WELL. ACTED. Insane. It’s insane!! I literally can’t sit still while watching it. Even the music placement was perfect. And the animations of course.
2. The kiss/convo/hug in Charlie’s bedroom This was one of the scenes that won Kit his Emmy I s2g. The actual kiss (hands!! tippytoes!!), the confusion after, Charlie’s reassuring look and comforting hug, all of it was, again, so well acted and emotional and uhhhhh I can’t with these two!!!
3. Nick’s speech to Charlie in the hallway Quite possibly the most perfect romantic declaration of feelings speech in any show or movie maybe ever??? And I love the parallel from earlier; instead of Nick making a move to stop the nervous stream of consciousness chatter from Charlie, it’s Charlie reassuring Nick and kissing him to stop Nick’s nervous babbling. Just shows how perfect these two are for each other 🥰
4. The photobooth scene They’re just soooo cuuutteeee and the pictures are ADORABLE; Charlie finally getting the date he’s always wanted is so important and honestly the whole beach day is precious.
5. Tara and Darcy’s kiss (and Nick’s reaction) This one hits me right in the feels. There’s so much joy and love and happiness in this, with the perfect beat drop and the rainbow animation. And Nick’s face!!! He wants what they have!! He knows he can get it with Charlie!! It’s a fantastic moment for Tara and Darcy and a wonderful motivator for Nick in terms of plot progression.
6. The bowling alley/arcade party This one might be cheating cause it has 4 of my fav moments but we’ll lump them all together anyway. First, the shot of Nick smiling at Charlie during bowling. Boy is literally the definition of heart eyes. Then, the hug. Charlie’s face goes from sad to happy so perfectly and the animations are lovely. Then there’s the gift giving and “that was just one of my favorite days ever” 😭😭 Finally there’s the kiss. So soft and sweet and fluffy. THEY MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS.
7. Charlie running after Nick/the kiss in the rain Charlie literally being like “hi, *cheesy line*, *kiss*, okay bye!!! 😄” and running off. I love him so much!! It’s a perfect capture of butterflies and being impulsively in love, and I have been OBSESSED with What’s It Gonna Be since I first watched it. Actually I’ve been obsessed with the whole soundtrack lbr haha.
8. Nick’s talk with Imogene in the park Another Emmy winning moment. Kit played it SO. WELL. It’s not really a coming out, per say, but to have him phrase how he’s been feeling in a way that Imogene can also identify with in terms of not really fitting in with their group of friends anymore is GENIUS. Alice you amazing writer you.
9. Nick’s coming out scene We knew this one was gonna be on here. God it makes me cry every time. IMPECCABLE acting from both Kit and Olivia and so so important to a lot of people out there, including my bisexual self.
10. The first hug The “you look so cuddly like that” and subsequent hug at Charlie’s house KILLLLL MEEEEEEE. I’m a sucker for hugs anyway so to have it be so soft and slightly awkward followed by Tori’s “I don’t think he’s straight” is PERFECTION. Sheer and utter perfection.
Bonus 11. Handholding/movie theater moments Yes Ep 7 was ROUGH but the “Char” moment, Nick’s face (again!) as he stares at Charlie with heart eyes, and all the pinky and hand holding during the movie was a nice bright spot. My husband Nick (yes Nick, I know lol) and I call each other dork all the time so Charlie leaning up and whispering “you’re a dork” with a giant grin on his face was extra special for me. Also the gay nerd and rugby lad teasing. They’re such good friends and that’s another reason I love them as a couple. They genuinely like each other and find comfort in each other’s company.
Oh jesus I didn’t mention the snow day, or the rugby training montage (Charlie’s little giggle and Nick’s flushed cheeks get me every time), Charlie’s little dance after getting asked on a date, the milkshake cafe, Nick and Tara’s friendship, Tori hugging Charlie, Tori just in general with her older sister magic and snarky comments, running up the stairs at the party, Nick punching Harry, Nick telling Charlie he told Tara and Darcy about them and Charlie’s utter joy at hearing that, the wanting to hold hands on the couch, Nick’s “what? what’s up?”, or about a bajillon other things that make this show my favorite of all time. Seriously how can I pick 10 (or 11 lol) moments??!!!! Everything about this show - writing, acting, music, cinematography, the animations, guh everything is just toooo perfect.
Ask me my Top 5/Top 10 of anything!!!
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moon-ursidae · 1 year
okay i’m watching w a friend again so this is gonna be all over the place
her lil smug ass shrug i love her
15 stitches HAHAHA
aw riley’s bed :(
“her name is bethany and i already fucked her up.” SLAYYYY ELLIE WILLIAMS
ellie and her obsession w guns bro jesus
ugh the juxtaposition of them being so fucking young but joining militia groups and wanting to hold guns uugghhhhh
the innocence and not innocence if it yknow?
and also the way ellie chose the keys path, and now her bff joining the fireflies
thisbis gonna be so slay
lmao them not understanding the tech
this is so sad
“tonight’s my last night in boston” 😭😭
their performances are fucking amazing so far
“you mattered to me first” AHHHHHHHH
HER LITTLE “don’t go.”😭😭😭😭
“we can be all poetic and shit and lose our minds together” FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK OFFFFFFFFF
fucking amazing episode
as always
i love this series so goddamn fucking much
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breesays · 1 year
I don’t know about you - but this is 2022
We moved. I studied Spanish. I got sober curious. I put color back in my hair (purple). I screamed IM NOT OKAY when I saw MCR @ The Forum and also when they did it for karaoke at my office end of year party. I did a lot of "hurry up" hikes in the morning - at Wildwood and Wisdom Tree. I kind of love that I can see Wisdom tree from my place. Sometimes on a cloudy day I show Desmond and say, "If mama was hiking right now, I'd hike right into a cloud!" Never underestimate your book club. Not only did my witches of echo park assemble like the gd avengers after I got asked for a divorce, I also have the promise of some new friendships in my 2nd book club. I really look forward to digging into a good book attached  the end of a day, and my favorite book of 2022 was Pet by Akwaeke Emezi. 
I spent a good chunk of time (while driving?) digging to identity but some of it made me angry and some of it made me sad so I refocused on meditation and philosophy a bit. I've felt ambivalent about my body - recognizing I've been a jerk to it for many years despite its strength, despite all it did for me. I am not in the best shape of my life but I've been working on getting my mind in fighting form as a priority. It actually has a heavier workload than my body. I'm also hyperaware that I'm a 24/7 role model. My attitude toward food, toward movement, toward myself is perpetually radiating outward onto Desmond's malleable mind.
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I saw Paramore at the Belasco and just wanted to BE Hayley Williams. I screamed "Brick by Boring Brick" at the top of my lungs. I put in my ticket request for their 2023 tour. Remember when I saw them at the (now dead) Knitting Factory? And also at some random phone store? I also crowdsurfed out of one of their pits with like thousands of dollars of camera equipment in my backpack. Good times.
I realized Lorde may have quietly outranked so many other artists, personally. I interviewed her in 2013 and saw her live and loved her then, but I felt a few of her songs very deeply this year, and wish I would've seen her on tour. Fortunately, she's not a legacy artist (yet) and her touring future is bright.  
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I think. It felt really good to be a part of a few group chats. Thank you to my bestie for inviting me. It's a small thing but it made me laugh a bunch and made me think and it felt so much better than throwing thoughts and questions into the abyss that has become Twitter and FB. Am I unintentionally promoting Mastodon here? IDK.
I haven't had any themed birthday parties in years, and I do miss it. The opportunity to dress up (even weirdly) the curation of the theme and its photobooth and party favors.... but most of all, the warranted request that all my favorite people gather in one place. In my 2022 state of mind, the level of connection I could have with each friend in a 4-hour window while probably drinking... with the COVID precautions, not entirely worth it. But  I would love to hike with you, talk books with you, get coffee with you, watch Wednesday with you, go to Emo Nite with you, make fancy popcorn with you, spill our guts, find our flow, laugh cry, write and talk about it, share a meal, throw some axes, share some space.
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Omg your first ever pit concert and you saw stevie nicks??!! Makes sense that you were crying and had lots of fun, that's good to hear
And yeah I just hung out with Gary yesterday, plus my brother and another friend. We were celebrating our 1 year anniversary, which is later this week but we celebrated yesterday bc of his work schedule. It was lots of fun just going from place to place, we took some cute pics in a photobooth so I'm really happy cause I think photobooth pics are so cute and it's physical pics I have with him. But it's really crazy that it's about to be a year
And yeah I'm excited for summer, it's been good so far. My trip's gonna be a little bit later this year bc I'm gonna be a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding!! We grew up together so I'm really honored and excited for her wedding
What have you been up to?
- 🍓
Omg one year already? Thats crazy 😭 I feel like just yesterday were still planning on you making moves 😭
I’m excited to hear about your trip! I bet you’re super super excited and omg you’re going to be an amazing bridesmaid! That’s so fun!!!!
I haven’t been up to much, I just got back from a trip and I’ve been prepping for my first crochet market! It’s Saturday and I’m terrified lol
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eloxino · 8 months
Being like ‘wtf was I doing with her’ to my friends’ is ironic when I am still stuck having to brush you out of my mind 50 times a day. Crying when I realise the photos of us in Denmark are live and I can hear you laugh on them. Throwing a full bottle of softener away because I realised the new scent I decided to try turned out to be the one you used, and now I’m left tortured by my clothes smelling of you. Torturing myself by voluntarily smelling them each time I pass my room. Wondering what the upside down photo stuck under my shelves was, for it to be us kissing in a photobooth, only an hour before the last time we spoke. I know we were a mismatch and we didn’t love each other enough, but there’s something about our softness I worry I’ll never find again. I think I’m trying to talk of your flaws to people to hide how much I miss parts of you, to overcompensate for the fact it all still hurts. It just waits for the evening to hurt now rather than as soon as I wake up. I feel hollow the way I try and talk bad of you, even though you deserve it. I try and use your betrayals to be venomous about you and hold contempt towards you but my attempts are pretty feeble. I’m pretty certain you don’t miss the tender moments as often as I do, in the same way that I do. When we were together I knew you didn’t feel things the same way I did, although I think you loved me more for the most part, ironically. I definitely loved you more towards the end, a flaw of mine I guess. It must be nice to be the one who wasn’t left with parts of the other hiding around your home. I know it isn’t true but sometimes I wonder if you left your books on my shelf and your clothes here knowing they’d taunt me once you’re gone. For all I know you have a new girlfriend now, I expect it as I know how quick you move to new people. You’re probably your version of ‘in love’ again whilst I’m turning inwards. You’ll never see this and we will probably never talk again but I will stay wondering. I’m sure it’ll fade eventually, as all things do.
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
Deer in headlights | Short stories: The Photobooth in the office
Bonten x Reader | 1.2k+ words
Warnings: Fluff, jealousy, nonsense, humor, grammar/spelling mistakes, no beta and not edited.
A/N: I’ve seen a lot of kpop fans around so a lil something for y’all :3 (it doesn’t have to be kpop tho! J-pop albums have first press photocards too! And some anime mech too).
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Escape, run, don't let them catch you. You keep repeating those words as you zigzagged through the cars in the parking lot. Your life depended on it.
The only sound you were able to hear was your elaborated breathing. You had to concentrate in order to listen to their expensive dress shoes hitting the cement, but if you got distracted just for one second, they could get the upper hand.
Like right now, you saw from the corner of your eye a flash of pink to your left, then a flash of purple to your right. “Fuck,” you cursed under your breath. Suddenly, a tall figure rose from a car in front of you, a pair of large arms shot your way, trying to trap you—you dodged them. The man saw you dip down and tried to follow, only to lose balance and fall on his back.
For being your first persecution, you weren't doing half bad, you thought. However, such an idea costs you a heavy price. They have caught up.
You weren't expecting them to jump on top of the cars, nor were you expecting a newcomer. You let out a shriek of terror as the four men came running your way—now surrounded, your heart leaped in your chest as you hugged the square object you so much strived to protect. You closed your eyes and waited for the impact. And you felt roughly being pick up.
“Rindou!!! Put me down!!!” you cried as you made yourself a ball around the object. “I won't give it to you!!”
“I can't believe you made us chase you through the whole parking lot,” Sanzu took off his jacket as the heat of the race got to him.
“At least you didn't fall on your ass,” chuckled Kakucho as he eyed Ran dusting his dress pants.
“Shut up,” grumbled the older Haitani, “Okay, little lady, pass that album here,” he stretched out his hand.
“Hell no!” you were still kicking in the arms of Rindou, “Don't be so jealous! For god’s sake!! It’s just a photocard!!”
“Of a man that you’ve been gawking for hours? And not to mention your wallpaper, and you were gonna put that piece of paper on the back of your phone, don't lie to me.” Rindou said as he struggled to keep you from slipping away.
“I was not!”
“Oh, you were so gonna do that!” Sanzu attempted to wiggle his hand between your album and you, only for you to bite his arm. “Y/N!!!” more than pain, the scream was out of surprise from your uncommon behavior.
“Yah, that's it, Kakucho, help me,” Ran was planning on helping the pinknette, but your face changed to a one of pain, and abruptly, tears fell down your cheeks. Kakucho and Ran stopped dead in their tracks. Rindou panicked as Sanzu fastly went to held your face.
“Sweetcheeks, I- I’m sorry! Did we hurt you?” Sanzu’s eyes frantically moved all over your body, looking for a sign of an injury. But you kept crying.
“Baby, Y/N,” Kakucho was about to cry himself; he would never stand the thought of hurting you, “we’re sorry, you—you can keep that card photo or whatever,” and your hiccups ceased.
“For real?” You batted your eyelashes at the three men in front of you.
“Yeah, just don't be making those dreamy faces at a piece of paper,” Ran had both hands on his hips as he looked up and huffed in annoyance.
“And don't put that thing in your phone case; people will think he’s your boyfriend or something,” Rindou hasn't lowered you down, but you tried to nod without hitting his face.
“I have an idea,” you excitedly said.
“Get in!” Rindou pushed his brother.
“I’m trying!” Ran pushed Sanzu.
“Stop fukcing pushing! Kakucho is already using half the space!” Sanzu blamed his fellow scarred man.
“Just sit in someone's lap!” You spoke from inside the photo booth.
“We could have done photocards of ourselves, you know?” Kakucho added
“No!” you and the other three males responded.
And you ended sitting on Sanzu and Rindou’s legs while the two of them were on top of Kakucho and Ran.
“Sanzu, the hell is wrong with your ass; it hurts,” Kakucho winced in pain at Sanzu’s bones poking him. Meanwhile, the haitani brothers were in a war of their own. Rindou had accidentally elbowed Ran on the ribs.
You laughed at the bickering pairs, and that's when the camera began to snap your pictures. Nobody noticed as it continued to take pictures, the four men quarreling and you giggling at their antics.
“I don't like them,” Sanzu held one of the strips that came out from the machine. “Not you, Sweetcheeks; you look lovely! these three buffoons ruined it.” And the bickering began again.
You, on the other hand, folded the strip a couple of times before cutting one and placing it in the back of your phone. You cleared your throat to call their attention, and once all eyes were on you—you showed them your phone. “Ta-da!! It looks nice, right?”
Kakucho would have cried if they weren't in public; Sanzu cooed at you as he hugged your giggling figure. Meanwhile, Ran and Rindou didn't know what to do. Such a simple gesture made them weak on their knees, just like Kakucho; their hearts could jump out of their ribcage any second. They all couldn't believe how proud you were of being with them.
“Fuck, let’s go already,” Rindou turned around, blinking fast as he tried to hide the threatening tears.
“Awww, you’re gonna cry!” Sanzu couldn't help but tease the purplenette.
Now back a the office, you were on your phone playing some games to pass the time—when you felt an intense gaze on you. Looking around, you saw Mikey chatting with Mochi about some seasonal sweet; Takeomi was perched on a window smoking, and finally, you connect eyes with an accusatory gaze.
“I-is there something wrong, Koko?” you were kind of scared. He had an intense gaze focused on you.
“What’s that in the back of your phone?” He calmly said. But his eyes showed a whole different feeling. “Let me see,” he beckoned you over.
You made your way to his desk, and you proudly showed him your phone. “A photo strip! Isn't it pretty?”
“Why am I not there?” Koko grumbled as he typed some stuff on his computer and fastly pulled his phone to make a call, “Hello? Yes, I would like to order one of your Photobooths. Hmm, yes. I will send you an email with my information. Yes. Thank you.” you must have had a bewildered look on your face because Koko chuckled as soon as he saw your face. “What, I wanna be there too.”
And that's how Bonten’s office building ended up with a photo booth next to their coffee machine.
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Fun facts:
You ended up taking pictures with Takeomi and Kokonoi.
Koko wanted to be alone with you, but you had dragged Takeomi already.
The only one who got to be alone with you was Mikey.
Mochi gave you his ID picture... He said he looked good there.
All pictures are on your phone case now.
The booth stayed there, and sometimes you took pictures for fun, only for them to be snatched by them.
Takeomi has one in his wallet.
Kakucho, Ran, and Rindou wanted to get one of your pictures tattooed, you panicked.
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onlyswan · 11 months
you spoiled us rotten with this drabble artemis. IT’S TOOOO SWEEET. with a pinch of angst :’)
except jungkook is worried. at home and at work, he has many people fussing over him when he’s not feeling well. most of the time, you only have yourself to rely on. he doesn’t like thinking about your past boyfriends, but he hopes that they took care of you when you would get sick. as for the future, he hopes that he’s there.
*sigh* i really and i mean reeaally love him and his attentiveness 😔🫶🏻 made me think of when he wiped the blood on oc’s thighs and that soft and quiet “let me”… made me full on tears. it was peak attentive for me 😭🤚🏻 he just gets it. and of course all of his other acts of care for oc <3
nooooo he really loves taking photos of oc 😭 he has been doing it since this early stage of their relationship 🥹 i love this little detail :’)
jungkook, what do you mean “sit here?” SIT? HERE? ON YOUR LAP? curse him indeed. you really are a menace jungkook. a sweet one.
curse him and his hand on your neck and his soft lips pressed to your cheek.
back at it again with the cheek kisses T-T♡ got me internally screaming and giggling and blushing and kicking the air.
i know you said that there’s jimin cameo but stil… i went “eekk!!!💥🥰🫠✨” a little tmi, jungkook was the first one that got me into this bangtan sonyeondan shit and my first bias, and jimin was the one who locked me IN. i got jim-IN💀🫶🏻
i love that you make the pace of the stages in their relationship just right. not too fast that there would be no chemistry (that sometimes can make the characters’ feelings for each other would not make sense) and not too slow that it would be annoyingly painful. the pace perfectly fits their personalities so much like not rushing things because they were thinking about each other and weren’t stalling / wasting time because they knew what they wanted.
thank you artemis, this really made my day! a really sweet pick-me-up after all the angst dabbles and a fresh breeze after the steamy ones :D ✨ have a lovely weekend my love ♡
hehe can you guys tell i have a sweet tooth 🤧
nonono not that scene omg it also makes me want to cry when i remember it because he’s so sweet 💔😭 actually what was wrong with me when i wrote that!!!
from the very start oc really fueled his love language of acts of service >:( your honor i adore him wholeheartedly
nooooo he really loves taking photos of oc 😭 he has been doing it since this early stage of their relationship 🥹 i love this little detail :’)
🥹🥹🥹 i’m so happy that you noticed this thank you
JAJAJSJAHDH no bcs the photobooth part was so freaking fun to write i was giggling every time i had to type the word ‘curse’ like yeah oc i understand!!! what a menace what the hell 🫠
hehe yay so glad you liked the cameo 🥰 and you’re so real for that pls jimin’s charms are just SO deadly. him in the bst music video… yeah… i couldn’t look away again…
i love that you make the pace of the stages in their relationship just right. not too fast that there would be no chemistry (that sometimes can make the characters’ feelings for each other would not make sense) and not too slow that it would be annoyingly painful. the pace perfectly fits their personalities so much like not rushing things because they were thinking about each other and weren’t stalling / wasting time because they knew what they wanted.
tulip anonieeeee ☹️ oh my god you have no idea how relieved i am to hear thisjdksjkskskjf this is definitely one of writers’ biggest worries and i always wondered what the readers thoughts on this are. this was very comforting thank you for making my day too and i love you :") i hope you have a wonderful week ahead my beloved! 💕💕💕
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