#sorry for the novel I just have A LOT OF FEELINNGGSSSS
skinnyscottishbloke · 10 months
Top 10 Heartstopper Moments (including books, if you've read them)
Oh lorddddddd you’re really out here asking the hard questions huh. Ok. I’m gonna go from the show because while I have read the books it was only once last fall and at this point the show is ingrained in my brain so it’s easier to reference. Also these aren’t really in order of importance because I love all of them. A lot.
1. The first kiss scene!! Omg the tension, the stares, the pinky touches, the toe scooch, Charlie being SO BRAVE, jesus every single thing was so top tier and SO. WELL. ACTED. Insane. It’s insane!! I literally can’t sit still while watching it. Even the music placement was perfect. And the animations of course.
2. The kiss/convo/hug in Charlie’s bedroom This was one of the scenes that won Kit his Emmy I s2g. The actual kiss (hands!! tippytoes!!), the confusion after, Charlie’s reassuring look and comforting hug, all of it was, again, so well acted and emotional and uhhhhh I can’t with these two!!!
3. Nick’s speech to Charlie in the hallway Quite possibly the most perfect romantic declaration of feelings speech in any show or movie maybe ever??? And I love the parallel from earlier; instead of Nick making a move to stop the nervous stream of consciousness chatter from Charlie, it’s Charlie reassuring Nick and kissing him to stop Nick’s nervous babbling. Just shows how perfect these two are for each other 🥰
4. The photobooth scene They’re just soooo cuuutteeee and the pictures are ADORABLE; Charlie finally getting the date he’s always wanted is so important and honestly the whole beach day is precious.
5. Tara and Darcy’s kiss (and Nick’s reaction) This one hits me right in the feels. There’s so much joy and love and happiness in this, with the perfect beat drop and the rainbow animation. And Nick’s face!!! He wants what they have!! He knows he can get it with Charlie!! It’s a fantastic moment for Tara and Darcy and a wonderful motivator for Nick in terms of plot progression.
6. The bowling alley/arcade party This one might be cheating cause it has 4 of my fav moments but we’ll lump them all together anyway. First, the shot of Nick smiling at Charlie during bowling. Boy is literally the definition of heart eyes. Then, the hug. Charlie’s face goes from sad to happy so perfectly and the animations are lovely. Then there’s the gift giving and “that was just one of my favorite days ever” 😭😭 Finally there’s the kiss. So soft and sweet and fluffy. THEY MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS.
7. Charlie running after Nick/the kiss in the rain Charlie literally being like “hi, *cheesy line*, *kiss*, okay bye!!! 😄” and running off. I love him so much!! It’s a perfect capture of butterflies and being impulsively in love, and I have been OBSESSED with What’s It Gonna Be since I first watched it. Actually I’ve been obsessed with the whole soundtrack lbr haha.
8. Nick’s talk with Imogene in the park Another Emmy winning moment. Kit played it SO. WELL. It’s not really a coming out, per say, but to have him phrase how he’s been feeling in a way that Imogene can also identify with in terms of not really fitting in with their group of friends anymore is GENIUS. Alice you amazing writer you.
9. Nick’s coming out scene We knew this one was gonna be on here. God it makes me cry every time. IMPECCABLE acting from both Kit and Olivia and so so important to a lot of people out there, including my bisexual self.
10. The first hug The “you look so cuddly like that” and subsequent hug at Charlie’s house KILLLLL MEEEEEEE. I’m a sucker for hugs anyway so to have it be so soft and slightly awkward followed by Tori’s “I don’t think he’s straight” is PERFECTION. Sheer and utter perfection.
Bonus 11. Handholding/movie theater moments Yes Ep 7 was ROUGH but the “Char” moment, Nick’s face (again!) as he stares at Charlie with heart eyes, and all the pinky and hand holding during the movie was a nice bright spot. My husband Nick (yes Nick, I know lol) and I call each other dork all the time so Charlie leaning up and whispering “you’re a dork” with a giant grin on his face was extra special for me. Also the gay nerd and rugby lad teasing. They’re such good friends and that’s another reason I love them as a couple. They genuinely like each other and find comfort in each other’s company.
Oh jesus I didn’t mention the snow day, or the rugby training montage (Charlie’s little giggle and Nick’s flushed cheeks get me every time), Charlie’s little dance after getting asked on a date, the milkshake cafe, Nick and Tara’s friendship, Tori hugging Charlie, Tori just in general with her older sister magic and snarky comments, running up the stairs at the party, Nick punching Harry, Nick telling Charlie he told Tara and Darcy about them and Charlie’s utter joy at hearing that, the wanting to hold hands on the couch, Nick’s “what? what’s up?”, or about a bajillon other things that make this show my favorite of all time. Seriously how can I pick 10 (or 11 lol) moments??!!!! Everything about this show - writing, acting, music, cinematography, the animations, guh everything is just toooo perfect.
Ask me my Top 5/Top 10 of anything!!!
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