#light shades of bd/sm
lesbianoms · 9 months
In the mood for some romantic safe vore between lovers
The pred has her beloved tied up and displayed out on the bed like a splendid feast, her eyes tracing every inch of the other woman’s body— every curve and rounded edge of soft skin that pokes out from the ropes…
She licks her lips and watches her preything squirm against her bonds, hearing her cute little moans. How she whimpers and begs to be sealed inside her pred. How adorable her face looks as the pred walks over and licks away her tears.
“Soon, love.” The pred presses a hand against her flat stomach, feeling a growl that shakes up her whole body. “You’ll be in my belly very soon…”
I like to think the pred starts slow. Sensually gulping down her lover feet first, enticed by the sweet and rich flavor. The prey begins to struggle, but not out of fear. Already the sensations are making her hot. As the pred continues to swallow her, the prey babbles incoherently, lost in the absolute bliss of becoming a live meal.
The pred casually works her way up, across her lover’s sweet form, moaning as she takes in more and more of her beloved— her belly begins to swell below as the prey slips deeper inside of her.
Finally she sits up as only the prey’s blushing face peeks out of her hungry maw; she is almost finished with her feast. Her gut is swollen and bulging, bubbling noisily. The kicks and squirms from her prey make her heart flutter, and she tilts her throat back for the final swallow.
“I… love… you…” mumbles the prey, a dazed and blissful smile playing on her lips. She stares out at the world she’s leaving behind— she doesn’t know when she’ll see it again— and she sighs, feeling content with her fate.
The pred’s mouth closes ceremoniously around the face of her prey. A thick and quiet gulp is barely audible throughout the room… her lover’s send off to the waiting stomach below is not particularly climatic.
She feels the other woman slide completely down her throat, and into her gut. Her belly is stuffed beyond belief, taut and round as all of the prey finally curls up inside. The pred’s ears are filled with the muffled squeals of her girlfriend, wiggling against the now slimy ropes, thrashing around from within…
Her tongue is out and she’s panting hot and heavy, drooling, flushed and humming in satisfaction. She rests a hand against her belly. The movement her meal is stirring up in there loosens a belch.
*OOURP*… “mmmmm, you feel so good in there, love~”
Meanwhile her prey is experiencing absolute heaven. Ceasing to be a human lover for now, reduced to a shifting, squirming weight deep in the gut of her pred. She feels the soft, fleshy walls closing in on her, hears the strained gurgles and groans overpower her senses from all sides. The stomach juices slosh lazily over her naked form and she cries out in ecstasy. It’s like being packed into an erotic, slime-filled sleeping bag… and god, she’d be just fine with being sealed away in her pred’s stomach forever.
On the outside, the pred rubs circles over her massive gut. She’s flopped over onto the bed, snuggled into the pillows, feeling her cute little snack move around inside her. Small and quiet burps escape her lips as she slaps the top of her stuffed belly.
Neither of them know how long they’ll stay like that. Could be hours, could be days. The pred’s stomach digests away all the ropes and the prey is free to get even more comfortable inside of the gut. The lovers experience each passing moment in a dreamy haze, their thoughts preoccupied by how amazing it feels on both their ends.
The pred only knows one thing for sure: her craving is satiated.
And from the sounds coming inside of her happy and full belly, her beloved prey’s is, too.
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alovesongtheywrote · 1 year
eddie munson would fucking hate 50 shades of grey, don't @ me.
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baby-dr1ver · 3 years
Jimmy Fallon Interview
let me know if I should do a part 2?
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Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Rating/Warnings: fluff!, mentions of sex
You and Chris sat on Jimmy’s navy blue couch as he welcomed you on.
“Welcome welcome Mr AND Mrs. Evans” At that, the whole crowd hooted and hollered while you blushed and hung your head in embarrassment. Chris chuckled and rubbed your back. 
“Thank you thank you, great to be here again.” Jimmy smiled.
“Great to have you both, so, both of you have new movies out, correct?” Jimmy questioned. 
“Yep yep, I think mine came out first and then hers” Chris answered as he looked at you, giving him a firm nod. “Now you both were filming at the same time s-so was that hard for the both of you? Considering you had just got married?” 
Chris let you answer. “Well, yes and no. We both always kept in touch, whether it was little texts throughout the day, or a phone call, whatever it was we always were checking up on one another.” The crowd awwed. Chris looked over to you with a sweet smile “Yeah it definitely was a difficult time for the both of us. Being separated for so long wasn’t something that uh we are used to so” 
The interviews went on like normal, Jimmy asked us questions about our relationship, and talked about our movies. “Okay so, last time Chris was here, we showed a clip of his movies but today, we have a clip of Y/N’s. You want to tell us a little about the movie first?” You shifted in your seat, unprepared to explain your movie. 
“Yeah! So, for those of you who haven’t seen ‘All about you”,  it’s not your typical fifty shades of grey movie.” Your face went red, you could see Chris eyeing you. 
“The movie dives deeper into the dynamic of a bd/sm relationship. The characters aren’t in a romantic relationship but end up developing feelings for one another. They have to go through the heartache and dynamic change throughout the movie. It was hard mentally because I had never uh, been put in that situation. Where I had to be in this headspace, if you will, and kind of, submit to everything my love interest said.” Liar. 
“Alright, here’s the clip from “All about you” Jimmy said before the lights dimmed and your voice rang out through the room. You cringed and covered your face. 
“This feel okay?” Your love interest asked. You gave a nod, too scared to voice anything. “Doing so good for me” You whined as he nipped down your stomach. The camera panned out to see your whole body, boobs and all. Your hands were tied to the bedpost, your love interest covering your intimate parts, as he moved farther and farther down. You made eye contact, your eyes glossed over, before he slowly licked you up and down. 
Your back arched, eyes rolled back, as he worked your body. 
The crowd started to clap. “Wow” was all Jimmy said. “A good wow I hope?” Everyone laughed 
“Yes a good wow. So Chris, how did you feel about Y/N doing this movie?” Chris tsked. “Her body her choice. Was I excited that the whole world was going to know what she looked like, beautiful obviously? No. But, it’s not my decision.” You grabbed his hand and pulled it into your lap with a smile. “So I’m assuming you also saw the whole movie then?” Chris nodded, ears turning pink. “Oh yeah, I saw it.” 
“It was embarrassing! He made me sit down and watch it with him! He said ‘I feel weird watching it alone!” You exclaimed. 
“Alright alright, and how did you feel Y/N, about his movie?” You looked at Chris. He kept his long hair, and kept up beard, which you loved. “Oh boy, uuh yeah it was amazing as always but uh, I mean I really fell in love with the character because you know he, he looks like this!” You put your hands out and motioned to his face. 
“He does look good doesn’t he?” Jimmy questioned 
“Oh stop it you guys!” Chris said, always gets shy when he gets complimented. 
“Just stating facts my love” At this point you tuned out Jimmy’s talking, and just stared into Chris’s eyes.
“Okay when we come back we’re going to play ‘Know your Fiance’!” 
That’s when you both came out of your lover's trance and waved to the crowd. Turning to Jimmy for the commercial break small talk. 
Part 2?
@tanyaherondale @white-wolf1940 @randomuser0917 @sea040561​
heres a link for the taglist form
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rosyandraw · 3 years
Could you do something with Damen and Nikandros both domming Laurent?? the way you write s*x is so crazy vivid i think if u wrote a 3sum id 💀 on the spot 🥵💜
Hi! Thank you, glad you like it!
I've literally got 100 WIPS right now and there are a few threesomes in there so thanks for the vote of confidence it's appreciated 💕
But the day I write Nikandros as a dom is the day I have officially revoked my membership to the kink community
I'm so sorry to tell you but if Nik is dominant in bed then 50 Shades of Grey is a shining example of what a bd/sm dynamic looks like in practice.
And I'm sure I've ranted about how much I hate that book, unless i'm thinking of one of my other sideblogs, which granted, I might be.
If Nikandros ever did decide to get crazier than keeping the lights on I absolutely promise you he's the one getting tied up.
I could go in for Sub-Nik. Or maybe an alpha-sub moment? But A-S is about as far as I can go with Nik trying to be dominant in bed, in all seriousness I find it genuinely hilarious trying to think of him as a dom i'm so sorry!
if you do that's fine, wrong, but a-okay 😂 No I'm kidding you like what you like B and that’s cool! Good for you.
I will write you a threesome but it would not be Nik domming anyone. So if you’ve got something that fits that and don’t hate me for bursting your bubble then by all means send it my way!
Also side note: I literally love you all for starring out letters in "naughty" words. It feels really wholesome when there's a naked tied up lady a few posts down on my blog and I write explicit/graphic scenes on here every week. You are all so considerate and I love that so much? You guys are all so lovely I can't even.
Stay golden you incredibly sweet people 💕💕
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silkyvamp · 5 years
Commissions (11.8.19)
Hello! My new job is not giving me many hours and I have finally gotten my muse back for art, so please consider commissioning my work! I am on a Hazbin craze so I would prefer to draw those sort of drawings but I am okay with other things as well such as anime, furry, etc.
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Adding color: +$2 simple color, +$5 shading
+$3 per extra character
I will draw:
Shipping (OCs okay)
NS///FW (only +18)
Light Gore
I will NOT Draw:
Backgrounds (sorry i suck at that)
Underage NS///FW
Extreme Gore/Guro
Fetishes (light BD/SM okay)
Offensive things (racist, sexist, etc.)
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For Aggretsuko Edits, if the character is simple enough, I can go down from $20 to $5 per character depending on how detailed it is.
PM me if you are interested! I accept Paypal or ko-fi! Thank you for checking!
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littlelivvie101 · 5 years
Plots *don't use*
Dream: Four teenagers (two boys, two girls) go into a lab, morgue like place that is dark and shaded. They open one of the doors inside it and they see 7th graders who were forced to choke themselves.
"There's always rumors about someone. But it wouldn't be true if I said that they weren't caused by the "others". Everyone has a dark side, called their "other form." My other is called "Other Mochi." It's like I'm not in control when Other Mochi is active. She's always active at 3 am, if I'm ever up then. Other Mochi works with voodoo. She keeps a list of those who have opposed her, and makes voodoo dolls of them. Nobody knows how they came and how they go, but I sure wasn't expecting it when he didn't have an other. My name is Mochi and I'm an aspiring Actress. I'm famous around school for my amazing acting. But he doesn't have a talent like everyone else. I don't know who he is, but he suddenly showed up one day to school, claiming he was new. He's so queer, so strange. That's why I want to dig into his secrets. Because I can do that through voodoo dolls, right?"
"i took the wrong path and now I'm stuck as the last side in the cursed love triangle" -The weak side of the triangle
fonts: Hui font | underside font size:
"I am a medium stuck in this small village. People are being killed left and right by the wolves. I and my fellow villagers must kill them before we all die." - It's kill or be killed
fonts: rocksalt | underside font size:
"I don't have emotions. But I take medicine to help me act like a real person with real emotions. Everyone around me is dumb enough to not know of my daily rounds of medicine in the morning, in the afternoon and at night." - Emotional Elixir
fonts: Nemoy Light | underside font size:
"I have hanahaki. it is a disease where one throws up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. I love him, but he loves another girl. it hurts to be around him." - Broken Dreams
font: PatrickHandSC-regular | underside font size:
"I'm clingy. I can't leave anything behind. When I move to a rural town, I am forced to leave behind what I love and bare my scars of the past. But my claws are stuck and they'll just ruin the memories." - Scarred Memories :replaced:
font: Clear-typewriter | underside font size:
"My emotions come to me like waves of electricity in my bloodstream. It hurts to feel, so I've dumbed it down to the simpler things." - Burning Blood
font: Reenie beanie | underside font size:
intro song: https://youtu.be/2QT5eGHCJdE Youth
main char: Charlotte ~ ♀️ ♓
intro song: https://youtu.be/V5M2WZiAy6k Natural
main char: Blythe, Mark, Harlow, Niko ~ ♀️♂️♀️♂️
Blythe - ♑
mark - ♐
harlow - ♈
niko - ♌
intro song: https://youtu.be/rfrFT_3GP4A Holy
main char: Vivienne ~ ♀️ ♒
intro song: https://youtu.be/UusVMvxjzQw Bittersweet Tragedy
main char: Sumire ~ ♀️♍
intro song: https://youtu.be/m0ch8Lur42U Isabelle
main char: Lorelei ~ ♀️ ♊
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