#life for sale
liesandbrokenhearts · 7 months
I’m reading Life For Sale by Yukio Mishima rn and as always I wish I had someone to talk to about all the themes and interesting lines I like
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daymarkist · 2 years
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Loneliness as an Ally: a Web
Adele; "Hold On" // Edward Hopper; Hotel Room (1931), Morning Sun (1952) // Yukio Mishima; Life for Sale // @worry__lines // Olivia Liang; The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone
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vll0101 · 1 year
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юкио мисима (yukio mishima)
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susiephone · 1 year
i got rid of my copy of “life for sale” because i didn’t think it executed its premise as well as i’d have liked and i didn’t think i’d ever read it again but tbh now i’m lowkey regretting that because i literally have not stopped thinking about that goddamn book since
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eunoia33blog · 5 days
People are most afraid of uncertainty, and as soon as a person has the thought: "Oh, that's what it is!" - the fear immediately flies away somewhere.
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letsdancethepoch · 5 days
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very-grownup · 3 months
How could he entertain himself this evening? A man who had managed to sell his life for one hundred thousand yen once would surely be able to sell it again.
Hanio was in no mood to do anything as mundane as having a drink. On a sudden impulse, he took out a stuffed toy mouse with a funny face from the cupboard. Some time ago, a girl who made this kind of handicraft has presented it to him as a gift.
The mouse had a pointed snout, like a fox, with a few wispy hairs at the tip of its nose. It was a rather commonplace design, with tiny eyes made from black beads. One curious feature was that the mouse was clad in a lunatic's straitjacket: a strong white sheet bound both his paws together tightly against his chest so that they couldn't budge an inch. On the front of the jacket were some words written in English: "Beware: patient prone to violence."
Hanio put the mouse's inertness down entirely to the straitjacket. Taking his reasoning to its logical conclusion, he decided that the very ordinariness and nondescript nature of its mousy face was actually proof of its lunacy.
"Right then, Mousikins." His words elicited no response. Maybe the mouse had a misanthropic streak.
This was not exactly the moment to dwell on the difference between country and city rodents, but he had the feeling this was a mouse from the sticks that had been tricked by some sly Tokyo cousin into changing its abode and had ended up getting crushed under the huge pressure of life in the big city. Worn down by its meaningless solitary existence, it had ended up developing a propensity to violence.
Hanio decided to share a leisurely evening meal with it. He sat the mouse on the opposite side of the table, tucked a napkin into the top of its straitjacket, and left it there while he prepared the meal. The demented mouse sat bolt upright as it waited.
After giving some thought to what he might serve the mouse, Hanio prepared bits of cheese and small pieces of steak that it could nibble easily with its sharp teeth. He also made a portion for himself and sat down.
"OK, Mousikins. Grub's up. Don't stand on ceremony."
Despite his encouragement, there was no reply. Apparently the demented mouse also suffered from an eating disorder.
"Hey, why no eating? After all the effort I put into the cooking, don't you like it?"
Sure enough, no reply.
"Maybe you need some music playing while you eat. You like your luxuries, don't you? Let me put on a quiet piece that might be to your taste."
He got up from the table and put Debussy's "La Cathedrale engloutie" on the stereo. The mouse remained sullen and tight-lipped.
"You're an odd one. You're a mouse, so you should be able to eat without using your paws."
No reply. Hanio suddenly flew into a rage. "So you don't like my cooking? Right then, this is what you get." He knocked over the small plate of steak and shoved the mouse's face into the food. The shock sent the mouse tipping back effortlessly over his chair onto the floor.
Hanio picked the mouse up in his fingers. "What's this? Are you dead? Doesn't take much to kill you. You're pathetic. Well? What have you got to say for yourself? Don't expect a proper funeral. I doubt you're even worth a single night's wake. You're just a mouse, an ordinary little mouse. Why don't you simply shrivel up into a husk in some filthy hole. You were absolutely worthless while you were alive. You're equally worthless now you're dead." Picking up the dead mouse, he threw it back into the cupboard.
He sampled the tiny slices of steak left by the mouse. They tasted delicious, like meaty sweets.
- Life for Sale, Yukio Mishima
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owilder · 7 months
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Recent Barnes and Noble book haul. I was a good girl. I told myself I could get one book, and I bought one book. I did also splurge on these adorable ghost stickers elsewhere.
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personishfive · 1 month
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in which dialogue is exchanged
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funkylily · 1 year
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《Life for Sale》— 連三島由紀夫的大眾小說也在講「死亡」這回事
「Once the world has been transformed into something meaningful, some feel they can die without regret. Others feel that they exist in a world without meaning, so what's the point of living? But where do these two sets of feelings converge? For Hanio, both paths led to the same thing: death.」
《Life For Sale(命売ります)》是三島由紀夫在1968於《週刊Playboy》連載的作品。跟一般我們所熟悉的三島作品不同,《Life For Sale》並非三島的主要文學作品,而是一部大眾文學面向的作品。這部作品的結構不如三島的其他作品精密,但勝在充滿娛樂性。在讀這本書之前,並不想像過三島的作品可以如此通俗地有趣。
《Life For Sale》充滿著大量的娛樂元素:黑色幽默、諷刺、情色、懸疑、奇幻、諜報、偵探等大雜燴到同一個故事中。讀的過程中不禁感到故事十分怪誕。不過,無論是三島的嚴肅文學,到如他本書的大眾小說,甚至是三島由紀夫的生命本身,都離不開一個主題 - 死亡。
主角Hanio 是一位在東京生活的廣告從業員,生活中規中矩,沒太多煩惱���但Hanio並沒有在這種「不俗」的生活模式中找到人生意義,他感到的就只是生命的虛無。
「To say that human life had no meaning was the easy part. But Hanio was struck all over again by the huge amount of energy required to live a life filled with so much meaninglessness.」
Hanio隨機地萌生自殺的想法,就像想起「不如今日去野餐吧」般隨意。當然最後Hanio 自殺不逐。但每日面對沒意義的生活反而更耗損他的精力。對於生命沒有眷戀的他,忽發其想地在住宅附近的告示板掛上「Life for Sale」的廣告,將自己的性命出售。因為他想將結束自己生命這件事假手於人。
[Spoiler alert]
很快地Hanio就接到第一單生意。一位老翁來買下 Hanio的生命,因為他年輕性感的前妻Ruriko 因與一位黑幫大佬出軌而離婚。他要Hanio性誘惑前妻,讓那位黑幫大佬揭發後雙雙將Hanio和前妻殺死。在任務中,Hanio 打聽到一個名叫Asia Confidential Service的國際走私犯罪集團。最後Hanio完成了任務,卻被「黑幫大佬」放過了。翌日打開報紙,卻發現一則報導Ruriko離奇死亡的報導......
「It's only the desire to live as long as possible that makes everything seem complicated and mysterious.」
只是Hanio已經失去生之慾,對世間的事物並沒有包袱。其後Hanio 繼續接下幾單工作 - 被中年女圖書館理員買下性命,為幾個外國人測試甲蟲粉催眠殺人秘方作實驗品;一個小孩買下他的性命成為他母親的「男朋友」。但小孩的母親就是一個吸血鬼,每次與伴侶上床時都會吸吮伴侶的血令自己獲得力量,而其伴侶則最後會因嚴重貧血而死;兩位來自國家A的人來到購買Hanio的性命,因為國家A駐日大使用於收藏解密暗號的翡翠頸鏈被掉包,間諜貴一個一個在行動時被殺,決定找Hanio 頂替執行任務。荒謬但好笑的是,Hanio每次都留下自己的命以領取報酬。
「Why not try leading a carefree and luxurious existence for a while in this part of town? If it turned out that he enjoyed a life that just drifted along with no purpose, he could carry on as he was. And if he decided he would prefer to die after all, he had the option of restarting the business.」
「I don't consider life valuable. My life is up for sale. I have no complaint about what happens to me. But I do take offence at being killed against my will」
「Living and worrying were one and the same thing. Perhaps this was evidence that he had got his 'life' back」
「So anyone slightly different is human trash?」
三島由紀夫在這部作品描繪了人生意義﹑虛無與死亡之間糾纏不清的關係。生活的擔憂本來就是生命的一部份,只差這刻的你能否承受。沒有意義的人生令人失去生活上任何慾望,但對世間沒有留戀卻令人自由。而選擇放棄生命與否又是另一回事。《Life For Sale》除了是一部有趣的小說外,或者也反映了六十年代日本人心靈上的某種虛空,又或者是在大城市中生活的空虛和孤獨感,同時諷刺日本社會對人生的定型和對人的獨特性的恐懼。
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liesandbrokenhearts · 7 months
Life really does just feel like a newspaper with cockroaches for words
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bytebun · 5 months
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my piece for @thecodywanzine! thanks to the mods who let me go completely ham and cheese on this bad boy. this one's about living longer than you ever expected and not knowing what to do with it
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stay-close · 7 months
Sometimes people think they know you. They know a few facts about you, and they piece you together in a way that makes sense to them. And if you don’t know yourself very well, you might even believe that they are right. But the truth is, that isn’t you. That isn’t you at all.
Leila Sales
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0sbrain · 1 month
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stories-in-the-wind · 1 month
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Only the bravest of ridgebacks dare to fly over the sea in search of food.
He's sold
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ranidspace · 5 months
Half Life 1 is free on steam NOW until November 20th.
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Go play the one of the most influential video games of all time!!!!
here's another link to install it directly, put this in your browser: steam://install/70
steam:// is the url specification that says "open this url in the steam app". 70 is the app-id for half life (im unsure if this works as even on a 100% off sale where you don't buy it, you still have to "purchase" n the game first, if anyone wants to test that out please tell me if it works)
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