#li sui
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i found this textpost saved in my jianghu name da folder and realized we have good quality official art now so this was the only thing i could do
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ggardengirl · 6 months
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endlessmidnights · 5 months
They lie, it never gets easier
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pippuns · 11 months
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i think about the baby xuanyin elders all the time
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lopposting · 8 months
yo yo yo
Carlo is dead girl trope!!! in dead girl media!!
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character who influences the entire narrative, has an overwhelming presence in the story, but simply because their absence is so powerful that it shapes the entire work they're in (as opposed to their presence)
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go dead girl go
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gooperts-gunk · 5 days
tears in my eyes, WHY DON'T WE ALL JUST KRILL OURSELVES. WHY DON'T WE JUST- YOU KNOW??? YEAH. WHY NOT ;((((((( happy ending but why does it still hurt chatters
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perduedansmatete · 26 days
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discussion normale
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randomnameless · 1 month
Tiens, on est le 21 avril aujourd'hui?
Ca va faire l'anniversaire des 22 ans de Jean-Marie au second tour et où pas mal de personnes censées se sont rendues compte qu'il y avait toute une frange de cons en France : "moi pas content moi mettre coup de pied dans fourmilière alors moi voter pour vieux monsieur qui a formé son parti avec des anciens Waffen-SS et qui a torturé en Algérie et compare les homosexuels au "sel dans la soupe" parce que moi vraiment pas content "
Et depuis on a de plus en plus de cons à tous les niveaux - mais bon, je reste un blog fandom donc parler trop de politique ça va me transformer en bloc de sel géant.
Par contre, avec le fandom actuel sur Fodlan, ben je vois que c'est une tendance de fond apparemment, et ça dépasse nos frontières (ouais on est pas les seuls cons au monde! Youpi!) et c'est toujours aussi inquiétant - je ne parle pas des délurés dans leur caniveau dans un certain serveur de Discord(e) - mais juste un commentaire banal genre :
"J'ai vraiment aimé ta fic du coup j'ai écris la mienne!"
Je me sens un peu flattée qu'un des trucs randoms que j'avais posté ai pu rendre des gens contents ?
"Du coup j'ai aussi repris l'idée de Lycaon l'hybride Nabatéen"
Cool, enfin c'est pas juste moi, les demi dragons, c'est un peu une tradition dans FE et les mondes de fantasy, et puis Fodlan le sous-entend avec certains persos et dialogues et...
"Alors dans mon idée, les hybrides tombent tout le temps malade, jusqu'à que leur descendance ait moins de sang de Nabatéen parce que c'est ça qui les rend fragiles"
... Attends, quoi ??
(gros gros sel sous la coupure)
Moi dans mes délires c'est l'histoire clichée du "il a du sang de créature magique donc ça les rends plus forts/demi-dieux etc etc" avec l'analogie traditionnelle du "ben s'ils peuvent faire des bébés c'est qu'ils ont pas si différents et les deux peuples peuvent s'entendre au lieu de se foutre sur la gueule tout le temps" - il n'a jamais été question de "oui ben l'hybride est mal foutu génétiquement parce que le sang d'une des races n'est pas bon et il survit que s'il se débarrasse de sa partie "autre" " !
Et puis merde, je sais qu'on est dans une fanfic et une oeuvre de fiction, mais c'est super inconfortable de lire ce genre de trucs! Sans rentrer dans les "théories" à la con, ce genre de saloperies a été utilisé dans la vraie vie pour justifier de la merde!
Enfin quoi, on est sur de la fiction, mais on explique que "il est malade parce qu'il n'est pas de sang pur ??" Et ça c'est censé être, genre, normal, et pas un twist où en fait c'est un super raciste qui a "créé" cette maladie pour garder des gens "purs"? C'est juste, euh, "naturel"????
oui bon j'ai relu bleach récemment
Comment un de mes posts a pu inspirer ça?
Tiens, ça me fait penser à cette autre fic qui m'intéressait bien aussi :
Guerre des Héros? Check
Willy ? Check
Lycaon est un hybride? Triple check
Et puis dans les notes de l'auteur "ah oui c'était compliqué pour l'élever en tant que bébé, mais une fois qu'il avait passé sa phase de nabatéen* ça passait"
*Ok, c'est de l'anglais et j'ai peut-être mal compris le "grew out of his nabatean traits" ???
Bordel ça commençait tellement bien, et ça finit comme les épinards de la cantine.
Encore une fois, on est sur de la fanfic alors bon, si quelqu'un écrit sur quelque chose ça ne veut pas forcément dire qu'il est d'accord avec tout ce qu'il écrit ou veut les promouvoir, j'entends bien.
Mais tout de même, je trouve que parler de ça, dans un fandom qui comporte des latrines comme ce fameux sous-serveur, et dont l'oeuvre principale est centrée autour d'une "waifu qui est en fait méchant mais trop kawaii alors tu te sens tristoune de la dégommer mais comme elle trop kawaii personne va lui dire de la boucler ou tout ceux qui le font sont dépeints comme des vilains pas beaux méchants qui à la fin trouvent qu'elle avait pas tort" dont le leitmotiv reste tout de même la volonté de débarrasser le monde du "sang de dragon" (Et personne dans le jeu ne tique ou ne remarque ça pour sortir - à l'époque ce que j'aurais appelé une tarte à la crème mais vu le fandom et les temps actuels ce n'est en fait pas si commun??? - "le racisme ce n'est pas bien" et que tous les persos mettent à leur sauce des "oui mais c'est vrai que le sang de dragon ce n'est pas bien"!) franchement c'est très très bof.
Est-ce que ces "théories racialistes" sur les "hybrides Nabatéens" c'est juste de la liberté littéraire dans le genre de la "darkfic" ou du "dead dove do not eat", ou est-ce que ce sont des effluves nauséabondes qui émanent des toilettes, ou des personnes qui ont joué au jeu et ne se rendant pas compte des énormités de Dedel - qui sont malgré tout passées sous silence par les développeurs et scénaristes eux-mêmes parce qu'il faut vendre des goodies ?
Ça me gonfle parce que normalement, je me dis toujours qu'il faut consommer des choses auxquelles on est pas forcément attirés dès le départ pour élargir ses horizons et peut-être apprécier d'une autre manière quelque chose - mais avec cet univers, avec un fandom (et des jeux) qui nous bassinent en long, en large et en travers "ouin ouin tout ce qui ne va pas dans le monde c'est à cause du sang de Nabatéens" et chie sur, ben, les persos Nabatéens eux-mêmes, une fic qui a part sur un postulat "les hybrides Nabatéens existent, mais ne sont pas viables/en bonne santé/gérables s'ils ont trop de sang Nabatéen", je ne peux/veux plus les lire/voir/écouter.
Comme pour l'utilisateur de Tumblr que j'avais bloqué, sans avoir jamais interagit avec cette personne, mais parce que j'avais lu un billet en mode "oulala rien que de penser à Dedel qui aurait du sang de Nabatéen [encore dans un contexte de demi-nabatéens] ça me rend physiquement malade!" parce que, non seulement, ben ça veut dire que cette personne n'a visiblement pas compris ce qu'est un Emblème dans le jeu, et surtout, parce que ce genre de trucs avec le fandom de FE16, avant même que je ne découvre le trou à fange qu'est le sous-serveur de la Discorde, c'est un gros gros signe que cette vision qu'à cet utilisateur du jeu et la mienne sont tellement incompatibles qu'on ne pourra jamais discuter sereinement dessus, donc blocage automatique.
Je vois le "fandom" comme quelque chose de relaxant où j'ai envie d'être chill et de juste, apprécier des trucs plutôt que de râler (j'ai déjà la vraie vie pour ça), mais là c'est juste, je pense, de la déception (une origo gentis sur les Hresvelg! Un des trucs sur lesquels j'avais déblatéré il y a longtemps! C'est tellement génial de voir que quelqu'un d'autre a eu l'idée d'en faire une! Si seulement il n'y avait pas eu ce foutu commentaire "et en fait les métisses sont malades parce qu'ils ne sont pas viables à cause du sang de l'un de leurs parents mais si ce sang se dilue ils vont mieux"...) et la simple coincidence qu'aujourd'hui on est le 21 avril qui vaut ce bloc de sel.
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THE "someone will die" - "of fun!" danmei couple
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monkiebois · 1 year
ive totally not been stalking your blog and noticed you have some actually good nezha angst content! which like nobody has ;-;
im sorry if you have already done this, but drop your angsty nezha hc's here? basically any angsty hc's for him you want ig
LOL THANKS, i actually haven't done that yet, just sprinkle ideas here ad there for people to read.
alright *cracks knuckles* angsty Nezha hc's here we go. buckle up cause theres gonna be ALOT.
TW--- mentions of child abuse, self-harm, suicide and violence. if u know Nezha's mythology then you know what im talking about. even if you dont Be cautious reading this i will highlight the suicide andself harm stuff in red. the child abuse is all the first half of this post
most of the first part is based off of Nezha's mythology in investiture the gods, some are creative liberties.
Nezha is literally a neurodivergent kid who has been told to stop doing the things he does bc there're 'annoying', 'rude', or 'weird'. which... their not. he just does things differently because he's neurodivergent.
no one was ever nice about telling him to do things differently. or...'normally'. he was always told off in a negative sense. it was straight-up child abuse.
of course back then it wasnt seen as child abuse much, since neurodivergancy wasnt a thing they knew about nezha was just a troublesome child, a burden. and in nezhas eyes no matter how much he tried, no matter what he did he was never enough. he was convinced that he was a mistake and a dissapointment. born with so much potential only to be thwarted by his "troublesome nature"
this "troublesome nature" was just normal neurodivergent things. normal kid things. but no one ever considered that, the only one that did was his mom. she was nicer then the rest of his family. not the greatest of course but compared to the others she understood that he was a child.
i heard its implied somewhere his father wouldnt let him out of the house for the first seven years of his life. Nezha had to sneak out and his mother would call him back inside whenever his father came back home.
one day while outside he met a man with orange hair, bright like the sun in the sky. A man with kind eyes a soft voice. the complete opposite of his father. the man stayed in the village for a few days. he kept nezha company and for once. nezha felt...safe.
but he had to leave sooner or later. even so the man promised to come back (it was wukong on his journey for immortality, disguised as a human)
his father was very picky on the way things were done, Nezha sometimes did things differently or hell probably forgot often. because ynow....hes a kid. but often that wasnt enough. there were times his father was angry, very angry. and instead of being a fucking adult about it he let it out onto Nezhas shortcomings. screaming fits, throwing things. and Nezha had to stand still, 'take it like a man' despite being a literal child. until his father was done poking and prodding at every little 'flaw' Nezha had.
all he wanted was to make his family proud.
then the dragon thing happened.
he just wanted to play with his friends.
he just wanted to protect his friends.
he just wanted to be a kid
he just wanted to do the right thing.
in a last-ditch effort to keep any blame off of his family, to keep his village safe from the dragon's wrath he took a sword at twelve years old and killed himself. offering his dead body as compensation.
he was 12
he was a child.
the man with orange hair came back and asked about Nezha. he was too late.
when he was reincarnated into a lotus body those scars remained. Scars on his hands from grabbing onto the blade and making his hands bleed. scars on his chest from....yeah, he has one on his left arm, stretching across his upper to lower arm and a shorter one on his right upper arm. both were accidental. and one on his neck.
the ones on his neck and chest were not accidental.
im not going into detail but....yeah.
His lotus body...its not exactly fit for him.
his powers i mean.
its too much.
remember how bai he's body started to crack and break due to being too weak for lbd's powers.
okay think of that but nezha in his god form.
if he uses that form for too long his body will crack until it finnaly shatters and nothing is left but a single lotus flower.
thats Nezha.
he's regenerating.
to keep this from happening too often he uses alot of weapons.
no one in heaven knows of this weakness.
Nezha began working in heaven after the whole.....trying to kill his father thing.
Context: his father destroyed a temple nezha's mother had built for nezhas soul to rest in so when nezha was reincarnated he wanted revenge.
Nezha did not have a good time working in heaven. he was 12 and...well lets just say the lotus body didnt exactly look. godlike. so over the course of a few years he use glamor and transformation magic to change his appearance. to not only look more godlike but older as well. that way people would respect him. no one would consdescend him. no one would have a reason to yell at him or poke and prod at his weaknesses.
his body doesnt grow. he's stuck the same way he was when he died.
its not a bad thing.
its really not.
he can be the child he was never allowed to be.
but he doesn't let himself be that.
he works and he works and he works.
desperate to earn respect.
desperate for people to no longer look down on him.
so he pretends to be an adult.
on one hand theres nothing really wrong with his older form, its the reason he has it thats the problem.
he stays in his older form most of the time bc...well come on. being a kid isnt always great.
despite the fact that he doesnt grow he is mature.
thousands of years of living will do that.
hes still a kid but he has many years of experience.
so being in his older form isnt a bad thing, it helps him do things that would be harder in his normal form.
like reaching tall places.
(even though he is mature due to years of experience and transforms to look older my nezha is still a child please respect this)
or fighting.
he was there when swk was punished. he didnt like any of it. at first he thought swk was just a troublesome demon but then...then he started seeing what was really going on.
it reminded him too much of his own experience.
he didnt like any of it. and when the burning of ffm happened he only pretended to join the fight. he even managed to face swk for a moment.
only for them to finally recognize each other. Swk knew this was the child from a home of thunder and lightning. Nezha knew this was the man of the sun with kind eyes.
Nezha was injured and swk told him to run and where to hide for the time being.
after it was all over...Nezha was forced to watch as swk...the only man to ever show him true kindness. the only man he feels safe around...was tortured by heaven.
he hated every second of it and to this day it haunts his nightmares. all of it. ffm. the torture, the furnace. for the following 500 years he was under the mountain Nezha had nightmares about swk blaming him for not freeing him.
worst 500 years of his life.
so much guilt.
and he already has so much on his shoulders that he is still learning how to handle.
after the journey they met up again. Nezha could barely stand to talk to him. the guilt clawing at his throat and thumping in his chest.
swk seemed cheery as ever though.
nezha invited him to tea at his home.
he moved out of his families place bc "hes an adult"
he just needed to get away from his father.
swk accepted.
it was nice for a moment. just a little bit.
then swk mentioned the elephant in the room.
he saw nezha and how horrified he looked during...that.
he wanted to ask nezha if he's okay.
for a moment nezha was silent. couldnt bear to meet his eyes.
then all the glamors and transformations fell.
every wall he'd built and fortified over the past thousand years crumbled and for once he finally let himself cry.
like a child.
swk dropped whatever he was holding (poor teacup) and immediately held the poor suffering child in front of him.
Swk is dad
that day Nezha spent the rest of the afternoon letting out everything he had been holding inside. so much for someone so young.
that was the day swk adopted nezha.
nezha didnt know he was adopted swk just started showing up to his temple more often.
when swk told nezha, nezha laughed thinking it was a joke, then he got a little angry. nezha thinks he can take care of himself. he can...but he's not exactly very good at self care. swk told him he doesnt wanna coddle nezha. just... be there when he really needs it. be that person that nezha can run to when everything becomes too much.
nezha cried again.
so. yeah.
thats nezha.
he hides who he truly is from celestial eyes. working endlessly to become the perfect image of a celestial god. doing everything he can to seem perfect and untouchable. strong and unbreakable.
Swk has a room in every home he owns thats set up for Nezha to rest in whenever he needs.
Nezha and swk's dynamic doesnt exactly change much like in the show. Nezha doesnt exactly like how much Swk acts like a goofball. he's less tolerant of it around other people. then goes to ffm with him ranting about how swk is a king, a high ranking individual with alot of power. he should act more like it.
all, while he's in his true form and sits on swk's shoulders.
all while he and swk sit beside a river and lets swk braid flowers into his hair and then eat fruit on a cliff as the sun sets for dinner.
then nezha falls asleep on swk's side and she carries him home and tucks him into bed.
FFM, is a safe haven for nezha when he needs it.
swk is a safe person. the only person who ever sees his true form.
when nezha was assigned to protect the samadhi fire he felt as if he finally had the respect he's been working towards.
he stopped visiting swk as often bc of his duties.
he still visited just. not as often as before.
even so, they are father and son. nothing can change that
for more info heres some links to other posts where i talk about nezha. its mostly for au's but alot of it is also within my own hc's and not just au's
im picking out the angst ones just for u
general hc's masterpost(wip)
Nezha and his Monkey dad
he's not good at self care
Picky eater
They didn't deserve you
anyways this was fun to make. thanks mercy ive been meaning to talk about all of this for a while now
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scenesandscreens · 1 year
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The Wandering Earth (2019)
Director - Frant Gwo, Cinematography - Michael Liu
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mazeofthemartyr · 7 months
les objets de jets sont tellement PUISSANTS j’te jure💀
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web-novel-polls · 4 days
Web Novel Women Tournament 
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[Please be kind and respectful in the notes. Anti-Propaganda is NOT allowed.]
Li Xian from Female General and Eldest Princess
"If you go fight against the enemy now, that is the best way to protect me."  - Li Xian, Female General and Eldest Princess, Chapter 25
Submission: Lesbian princess who is excellent at manipulating people and schemes all day every day. The girlboss of all time. 
Mod Propaganda: The Eldest Princess who’s (originally) trying to keep herself and her sickly brother, Crown Prince Li Zhu, alive during a fight for the throne
Zhao Qindan from Tai Sui
Zhao Qindan is a smart, generally talented rich girl that grows up extremely sheltered as a result of her family's power. When she's introduced, she's very much the naive rich girl archetype. Then, as a young adult, she's almost forced into a heinous arranged marriage, and the main character has to step in to save her. She's suddenly thrown into the real world in the aftermath as she flees her family, and she's utterly unprepared to deal with this.  But! Over the next nine years, once out from her family's thumb, Zhao Qindan grows up into an intellectual powerhouse. She takes up the cause of the poor and downtrodden, and she learns about the system of sexism that drove her to her own desperate situation (the arranged marriage). She becomes a renowned debater and public intellectual, and she later begins to write for one of the continent's first newspapers. She eventually becomes one of the most respected reporters on the entire continent, shaping public opinion near-single-handedly, and she helps dismantle the social systems that led to both her family's unfair privileges and her near-miss forced marriage.  She lives for two hundred years and never marries, reaching old age as an internationally beloved and respected author. She's unbelievably cool. Dandan ILY.
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thru-ur-alarms · 7 months
venigni midnight thoughts [ish], spoilers ahoy
content warning for discussion of unalive ideations. if you're uncomfortable with it, maybe don't read it. thank you.
i murdered arlecchino without regrets. it lived for too long. this act was one of justice. perhaps it was what it would've wanted, but fuck it. rot in hell.
i want to hug venigni. not romantically. just a platonic supportive hug. it's hell of a guilt to think that you murdered your parents indirectly. if it were up to me i'd say it was fate but. it's probably not what he wanted to hear. we use fate a lot for things that are inevitable, to shed off that guilt and blame it on a force of nature.
would he be a puppet hating bigot, would he be a despairing wretch, would he fling himself into the sea, that thing said. i feel like venigni thought of the last one several times. i can't blame him.
i think nowadays he can handle the burden better. whatever grief and guilt he felt is a bit lighter. he's successful, he's carring the family's legacy, he's being every bit the person his parents would've been proud to call their son. but the nightmares and the thoughts are still there. would people miss him if he just. disappeared one day. maybe into the sea's embrace.
some days, what a son wants is just the warm hug of his parents. to tell him he did well. that they're proud of him. it's upsetting to me [and perhaps to him] that he will never hear those words.
may his parents find peace in the afterlife. may he, someday, find peace with himself.
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kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: The Reincarnated Lovers (2023)
The poor girl married a bad man. 😭😭 #将嫁 #thereincamatedlovers #赵露思 #许凯 #shorts #minidrama
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zMyXVx9pAVs
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chapter 38
*holds the blorbos out to u* pls read jianghu name da
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