#let me know if I should turn reblogs on (I'm sorry that I'm a coward)
I just had to read this in the notes of a political (calling to vote - for Biden) post, so you all (especially WHITE AMERICANS) get to read it, too: "Genocide at home or genocide abroad, take your pick"
Excuse me?
Yes, hi. Hold the fucking phone. Excuse me?
Have you all ever read a whiter/more privileged sentence in your life?
'Genocide at home' - do you know what has been happening to Indigenous and Black Americans for literally hundreds of years? Have you ever heard of forced sterilization? Do you know that it has happened to countless Black and Indigenous Americans (and Black and Indigenous people in Canada), specifically? Are you aware of the historic act by the state of removing Indigenous children from their families and communities and placing them with non-Indigenous families (arguably an offshoot/continuation of the government policy of "Kill the Indian, save the man"), or the fact that the U.S. foster care system overwhelmingly separates Black children from their parents? The sources I provided/linked to here were found via literally the most basic of Google searches, by the way.
The point is that 'genocide at home' has already been happening for hundreds of years, and we can, and should, protest that at every turn - even through voting, or choosing not to vote (because a vote, no matter how "harm reduction" it's supposed to be, is and always will be an endorsement of the state. And the state, of course, upholds and maintains these conditions at home as much as they do imperialistically, too). The point of the protest vote - only as a starting point and NEVER as a single/final action - is to acknowledge that we will not accept genocide anywhere, and we do not endorse the state's violent enforcement of oppression or its goals.
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candyredappledragon · 5 months
h-hi! the name is kieran. nice to meet you! ive been here for a bit and uhm.... sadly figuring out how to use this site! ( kind of afraid of interacting with others especially but im trying my best to not be easily scared ! ) i am not familiar with technology and or online things/words so please be patient with me. i know there are other kierans here too and honestly theyre pretty cool! ....d-dont tell them i said that. im not really a battler so if you are trying to look for one then im sorry to say that you will be disappointed but you can ask the others though. really sorry
..uh thank you for checking my blog— furret youre on my facEXSFDGCVHH
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🍎 Please no genuine anon hate, nsfw, or anything really bad. ( You can be mean to Kieran! ) Pelipper mail is okay ( but malice is off for now ). Sapient Pokemon or the likes of interacting are fine too, Kieran is too much of a goofball to notice it. Please don't give him Pokemon the thought is appreciated but if you do they'll turn into stickers lol.
Please don't be weird. I'm serious. As well PLEASE be patient with me and not be pushy. I'm trying my best!
This Kieran is in AU as to what happens if Florian doesn't lie to him about Ogerpon and whatnot! Kieran still doesn't get Ogerpon and is fine with it ( kind of, as in this made him feel inferior to having friends and will always be chosen over by other people. ) His way of thinking is that maybe he should try to be nice and kind to others so that will help him get friends as he sees Florian do this the same to others. ( The only thing Kieran thinks he's not good at is having a funny personality. He is very awkward in person. ) Blueberry Academy was hard on him as he was almost practically as ignored and students tend to forget he is the champion because of his cowardly personality. Florian took over later as champion. Okay there.
(By the way this is a summary please don't hurt me. 💔)
Plus I will try to draw for asks but they won't be the best but surely will motivate me to draw! If there are no asks then I'll just draw daily things with Kieran so it's a win-win for me!
💥 This Kieran doesn't like to get involved with stuff so feel free to drag him into antics! He isn't the one to approach people either so if you are wondering why I don't start convos with other blogs with asks that's why. ( I'm shy too. ) He's a bit of a coward online and in person but he won't shy away trying to be friends with others.
🍎 Posts are tagged to make things easier! Feel free to block one of them to make your experience smooth!
Art related: art tag , art reply , daily Kieran art
Text related: text reply/reply text , text ask , text post , ooc post , reply reblog
Other: long post
Anything you want to be tagged? Please let me know! :)
"Can we use your art?" Feel free to use the art or whatever! Don't need to credit and I prefer not to be credited. You can edit it too! Idgaf just no bigotry. :,] "What do we call you and do you have pronouns?" Uhm, you can call me Eight or any other version of the number 8 itself. [ Ex: Ocho, Hachi, Acht, etc ]. No pronouns! Refer me to by name or just call me mod or some other third thing lol. "What art program do you use?" Clip Studio Paint! "Are you okay with collabs?" Of course! Please feel free to message me anytime. :] "What time do you post art/responses?" Uhm....... anytime to be honest? My sleep schedule is ABYSMAL. I am very much online unless I'm busy doing comp. "Are replies time sensitive when interacting with this blog?" Nope! Take your time with your replies. I am pretty chill and everyone is pretty busy with real life. Fair warning I'm a ditz. :( "Why did you make this blog?" To draw Kieran a thousand times over until I'm dead lol. ( Even if it isn't posted on this blog!) And world build my stupid au. :u I'm just currently on a small burnout on drawing. I'm sorry. :c
"Is this a sideblog?" Yeah, you are never going to find out my main!! It's very cringe ( it has different media art ). I will interact with my other sideblog with thoughts and reactions at times. [ if you are curious @/hahahasquib ]
"Do you like Kieran?" No. ( Yes. A normal amount. )
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jerzwriter · 2 years
What would you do to make the fandom better?
How long do you have? lol No, seriously, I don't know what I can do to make the fandom "better" for two reasons:
"Better" likely has a different definition for each user, and
I can only control ME. I have no control over anything else, so what can I do? Very little. But you used the word "would," so I'm going with hypotheticals here. Let's call it my wish list.
It's long. Sorry. You asked. :)
Remove the anon feature. Yep. 100% GONE. Sure, some people are shy and don't want to say things publicly. But this is a place where the good doesn't outweigh the bad. The shit people feel they have the right to do and say because they can hide their identity is mind-boggling. Anon-hate is as pathetic as it is horrific. It's hurtful. It makes you start second guessing and questioning everything - your ability as a writer, your worth as a person, WHO is sending this to you - everyone is a suspect. Then there is another fun thing, newbies... people sending anon-hate disguised to make it appear that it's sent by someone else. The games and bullshit people play here are mind-boggling. No one came here for this. But these people are a bunch of cowards who wouldn't dare say these things publicly. So, yeah, I'd rid us of the anon feature.
Check your egos. Be a good person. Get over yourself. It's not all about you. It never was, and it never will be. Creating is a very personal thing, and everyone will have their own interpretations of characters, stories, etc. And that's OK. It's not a personal attack on you if they see things differently than you. You get to choose if you read/interact. Oh, and if someone doesn't read or interact with you, you don't get to pout about it. They may just be doing the mature thing by just not interacting with something that isn't for them - or maybe they're not... more on this later. Some writers, stories, and styles will be more popular. They may be writers, stories, and styles you don't like. And that's OK. This is life. If you see there is one approach that is more popular, and notes are all that matter to you, then change your approach. Give the people what they want. But if you're here for the joy of creating, then create and do what you want to do and ENJOY it. Yes, trust me, I know it sucks to pour your heart into something and then see it get minimal interaction. But to get angry at others for it - and that happens here all the time - is absurd, and it turns toxic fast.
Interaction. What makes Tumblr better than other fandom platforms, in my opinion? The social interaction. What makes it worse than other platforms? The social interaction. Tumblr is not A03. It's not drop a fic and disappear. It's active, dynamic, and social, and, in a small fandom that grows smaller, that aspect has diminished, and it leaves people feeling sad, lonely, unappreciated, angry, and a host of other things. We need an etiquette list, and the problem is, sometimes the advice is contradictory. Take reblogging/Commenting etc. A big issue in the fandom. Does anyone owe you a reblog/comment/like? No. Does a writer have to reply to a reader's comment? No. Should you feel obligated to do either of these things? No. But... Do you like it when people reblog your work? Do you feel good when you acknowledge someone, and they consistently ignore you? Will you miss your favorite creators if they see no engagement and decide to stop? Will you miss your readers if they decide to stop following you because you consistently ignore them? It's a 2-way street, and if you don't want to live on a 2-way street, then maybe this isn't the best platform for you. No one is REQUIRED to create. No one is REQUIRED to read. No one is REQUIRED to comment/interact in either direction - but some decency and respect will go a long way to keeping our fandom alive. This is common sense, people.
Stop playing games. I have had people tell me that they have read a ton of my work but never interacted. These are creators who know the value of interaction. I asked one (and no, I will not share names), and they said, "You were getting too many notes already." I had another tell me something very similar (early on), and they said, "I had to pay my dues first." Excuse me? If I read and love a fic, do I wait to see what its note count will be to determine if they are "worthy" of my interaction? Am I supposed to wait to see if the number of notes will impact my ego before I engage? If it is from someone who has written 2 works, I'm not supposed to refrain from celebrating them because there are "dues" to pay? Are we in Kindergarten? BUT THIS SHIT IS REAL AND HAPPENS MORE THAN YOU KNOW. "I don't interact with their work because they are friends with x, but OMG it is so good." "I used to read her work, but I don't anymore because she doesn't read mine." "I'm pissed off because she doesn't interact with my work anymore." "Do you ever interact with hers?" "No." "Do you see an issue?" Silence... How about this? How about reading a fic and, even if it's not the best thing you've ever read, even if you don't adore it... leave a freaking ❤️ because someone took their time to write a work and shared it with you. Leave a little comment - to show encouragement. It's not a horrible thing to do. How about interacting with people who will NOT benefit you. It's not a game of "well, if I like this one, then they will be loyal. If I RB this one, they will RB me." Just do it because it's a decent thing to do. How about ineracting with people who are NOT in your friend group? Right now, we're a fandom of about 30 - we should ALL be each other's friend group - I like that shit - that's getting posted separately because I am silently judging you if you have read all of this. But hey, the question was asked. The bottom line is that sometimes people can't read/comment/create because there is life outside. But I'm not a newbie anymore, and I've seen it all. The politics of deciding who will interact with whom and why is equal parts comical and sad - but it's real. I've done my best to interact with all. I have not done as much recently and have gotten anons asking why. Some were quite entitled and really pissed me off. Some seemed genuine. Truth is, I've been dealing with a lot in real life - work has been busy, personal life has been crazy - it's been really hard. It doesn't always afford me the time. And it takes time - and takes effort - to support everyone, and sometimes - you know - I'm human. Sometimes I feel like I'm really going out of my way to feed someone who wouldn't hand me a glass of water if I was strolling through the desert. I'm human - just like everyone else. So personally, I'm trying to strike a balance, and I don't know what it is yet - but I will always err on the side of trying to be kind and supportive - we're such a small group - if we don't we will cease to exist.
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kckt88 · 5 months
Three Hearts, One Breath.
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After kissing his brothers wife, Aegon tries to distance himself from his growing feelings.
However Vaeryna and Aemond have other ideas.
Warning(s): Language, Exploring, Body Worship, Kissing, Incest, Smut - F/M/M, Lactation Kink, Daddy Kink, Fingering, Oral Sex (M & F Receiving), P in V Sex, P in A, Double Penetration, Multiple Orgasms, Cum Eating.
Word Count: - 5063.
One Shot Take My Breath Away AU
Tag List -@immyowndefender, @fanficapologist, @wickedfrsgrl, @queenofthekeep, @kaelatargaryen
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
How could he be so stupid? Kissing Vaeryna like that, literally just after she’d given birth.
There was something wrong him, there had to be for him to do something so stupid like that.
This infatuation with Vaeryna had to stop, she was his brothers wife. Of course, his curiosity towards how brother didn’t help matters either.
The only immediate solution to his problem, was to actively avoid Vaeryna and Aemond at all costs, of course he had council meetings to attend to which would make things difficult with regards to Aemond, but he would avoid Vaeryna.
He would surround himself with guards and make sure no one approached, he would also avoid his favoured whores, indulging in his usual habits wouldn’t help, not right now.
As hard as it was to avoid his good sister, he seemed to manage it.
In the weeks since Aegar’s birth and her recovery, Vaeryna had tried multiple times to gain an audience with Aegon, they would usually have dinner together every Thursday, but he made his excuses, even his trips to the gardens were off limits as Vaeryna would often frequent them in the hopes of running into him.
It pained him to cut her off, but he just couldn’t be around her anymore.
Which is why he found himself hiding in his chambers like a coward.
Gods, his mother was right. He was nothing more than a disgrace, she once said his carnal urges would be the death of him and she was correct.
Because once his brother found out what he’d done, he would kill him, admittedly it was odd that Vaeryna hadn’t told him yet, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t eventually.
As his heir Rhaegar wasn't old enough, upon his death, Aemond would ascend the Iron Throne with Vaeryna by his side as his Queen, mayhaps the crown of the conqueror would look better on Aemond than it ever did on-
A soft knock brought Aegon out of his reverie.
“W-Who is it?” asked Aegon, his voice shaking.
“It’s Vaeryna”
Oh shit.
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He could ignore her; he should ignore her. He’d made a promise to himself to stay away from Vaeryna and let go of his feelings for her.
He would stay firm in his decision to avoid her, he could tell her to leave him alone, he could even be cruel to her in the hopes that she would hate him enough to stay away.
Yes, that was a plan, open the door and tell her to leave him alone.
So, with that plan in mind Aegon opened the door and-
“What’s wrong?” asked Aegon concerned as he spotted Vaeryna’s tearful gaze.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” asked Vaeryna.
“I haven’t-“
“-Yes, you have, I called your name yesterday and you turned away from me, you won’t have dinner with me anymore and I never see you in the gardens” said Vaeryna.
“I-I just don’t-“
“-Is this because of what happened the day Aegar was born?” asked Vaeryna.
“You are such a bad liar Aegon Targaryen. Why are you treating me like this? What did I do wrong?” exclaimed Vaeryna.
“It’s not you-it’s me” replied Aegon.
“Then what is it?” questioned Vaeryna.
“What are you a fucking owl? Just spit it out” snapped Vaeryna.
“Aegon” gasped Vaeryna.
“I don’t know when or how long, but I do-I’ve tried not too, but I can’t stop” said Aegon.
“What if I don’t want you to stop?”
“WHAT?” asked Aegon.
“What if I want you to love me, what if I want you as much as I want Aemond”.
“Then I would think you were having a joke at my expense, there’s no way I would ever believe such a thing” replied Aegon.
“Well, believe it” muttered Vaeryna.
Aegon didn’t have a fucking clue what was happening, one minute he was staring at Vaeryna like she had three heads and the next-well, he had her pressed up against the door as he kissed her, their hands grasping at one another desperately.
It was only when Aemond appeared that Aegon reared away from Vaeryna.
“I-I can explain” stammered Aegon.
“You can explain why your kissing my wife?” asked Aemond cocking his head to the side.
“It was me-I came onto her; she isn’t too blame-I am” gasped Aegon.
“An admirable sentiment, however, you do realise that I was aware of the reason for Vaeryna’s visit” said Aemond, his arms folded behind his back.
“What?” exclaimed Aegon, looking at Vaeryna who blushed.
“Well, you see brother, your infatuation with my wife has not gone unnoticed, and of course that has been the reason for your avoidance these last few weeks” said Aemond closing the door and sliding the lock into place with a soft click.
“Oh fuck-“ muttered Aegon under his breath, this was it-the day he was going to die. He hoped his lady mother wouldn’t be too upset, well perhaps not. She always did prefer Aemond over him, mayhaps she would be glad that he was dead.
“My wife is truly one of my most precious treasures” said Aemond, advancing upon Aegon like a predator upon its prey.
“Y-Yes” breathed Aegon nervously.
“I will not concede her too you, but I am willing at times to share”
“S-Share?” asked Aegon.
“It’s ok Aegon-why chose when there is the option for both” said Vaeryna sweetly.
Aegon’s gaze shifted from Vaeryna to Aemond and back again, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing-surely, they weren’t suggesting some kind of threesome were they?
Wait-was he actually dead and this was some form of heaven because there was no way this was even remotely real.
“Yes- besides didn't mother always tell us to share” said Aemond as he began unfastening his leather doublet.
Oh fuck.
This was real, and it was happening.
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Aemond released Vaeryna’s mouth and bent down to lick her nipples.
“Oh” muttered Vaeryna as she flung her arms over her face, as pearly white liquid began to leak from her breasts, running down her body in rivulets.
Aemond ran his tongue over the milk that had dripped from his wife’s rosy nipples and delighted in the sweetened taste.
“Come Brother-You have one, I’ll have the other” growled Aemond.
Aegon leaned forward and slowly ran his tongue over one of Vaeryna’s nipples, his lips wrapping around the stiff peak.
His cock throbbed as Vaeryna writhed against the bed.
“A-Aemond, A-Aegon” gasped Vaeryna.
“Hm” moaned Aemond as he continued to lick and suck his wife’s breast.
Aemond looked over at Aegon as they indulged themselves in worshipping Vaeryna’s breasts, their gaze locked upon one another.
Suddenly Aemond reached around the back of his brothers head and took hold of his roughly shorn silver tresses, pulling him away from Vaeryna and seizing his lips in a brutal kiss.
Aegon could taste the mother’s milk upon his brothers tongue, and it drove him wild.
Aegon moaned at Aemonds rumbling hum, it used to annoy him whenever he did that during conversation but in this circumstance, it was fucking amazing.
Suddenly Vaeryna let out an adorable squeak, Aegon looked and noticed that Aemond had his fingers inside her cunny.
“You should touch her too” exclaimed Aemond as his mouth once again descended onto one of Vaeryna’s breasts.
Never one to back down, Aegon gentle ran his hand down Vaeryna’s body and had to recite some stupid faith of the seven prayer to stop himself from coming when he felt how wet she was.
“I-Is she always-“
“-This wet?-Hm-yes issa byka zaldrīzes, so sensitive” muttered Aemond (My little dragon).
“A-Aegon-please” whined Vaeryna as their eyes connected.
“Patience issa dōna nūmio” replied Aegon as his fingers began teasing her slick folds (My sweet pearl).
Aegon watched with awed fascination as Aemond expertly fingered his wife, the way he used his fingers and thumb in tandem with one another to tease her little pearl.
Aegon knew Vaeryna was close to her peak, he could feel her cunny fluttering around the finger he had inside her.
However, Aemond removed his hand and sat back on the bed, his singular amethyst eye darkened with lust as he pressed his fingers against Aegon’s mouth.
“Taste her” growled Aemond.
“Delicious” muttered Aegon as he swirled his tongue around Aemond’s fingers.
Vaeryna clearly not happy at being denied her peak, began to whine.
“-Now ābrazȳrys. I want you to sit on my face, whilst my brother sucks my cock” exclaimed Aemond (Wife).
Even though he was the younger of the three, Aemond had a naturally dominant personality, and if he wanted to be in control then Aegon was more than happy to submit.
Aemond reclined on the bed and smirked, his cock standing hard. Aegon’s mouth was watering just looking at it, his brother the absolute twat had truly been blessed.
The largest dragon in the world and a cock to match-no wonder he was so smug all of the time.
Vaeryna hovered above Aemond’s face, her knees splayed on either side of his head.
“Such a pretty cock sleeve" breathed Aemond as he ran the flat of his tongue along Vaeryna’s soaked slit, from bottom to the top, tasting her.
“Oh, my god” moaned Vaeryna her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
“That’s it Issa dōna. Let me hear you” (My sweet).
“YES. It feels so good. Don’t stop. Aemond. Please” begged Vaeryna.
“FUCK” groaned Aemond as he felt Aegon’s mouth around his cock.
Devouring his wife’s sweet cunny as she sat on his face was one thing, but to do it whilst his brother sucked his cock was other worldly.
Admittedly it was different from Vaeryna she was soft and patient, always teasing him to the brink of madness, whilst Aegon was firm and unyielding.
He enjoyed the feeling of Aegon’s mouth around his cockhead, his tongue teasing his slit, as the salvia dripping down his shaft.
"Delicious" purred Aemond as he began lapping at Vaeryna, running his tongue along every fold.
"More" panted Vaeryna "Please. I need more”.
Aemond inserted two fingers, sliding them in and out of her slick wet folds.
“T-That’s it, fuck-Aegon” breathed Aemond, as his brother wrapped a hand around his cock and began to move in sync with his mouth.
“Oh" whimpered Vaeryna; her chest heaving as she began to roll her hips against him.
“That’s it baby, ride my fucking face” groaned Aemond, thrusting his own hips.
Vaeryna was giving off a slew of loud swear words, moans, and pleas, that anyone passing the King's chambers would surely hear as Aemond’s nose bumped repeatedly against her pearl.
 Aemond’s fingers were soaking wet as they continued to pump in and out of her tight heat.
“I can’t wait to get my cock inside you. I don’t want to wait any longer, come for me baby, come for daddy” moaned Aemond.
Finally, he felt Vaeryna’s inner walls start to flutter around his fingers, squeezing them. Vaeryna’s back arched taut as a bow and she screamed her release.
Aemond pumped slowly and lapped at his wife’s centre as she came.
After a few minutes, Vaeryna moved off Aemond’s face and flopped down onto the bed beside him.
Vaeryna moaned quietly as she caught sight of Aegon sucking Aemond’s cock, she could feel herself getting wet again, she watched as Aemond placed his hand on the back of his brother’s head, forcing him to take more of his cock inside his mouth.
Suddenly a naughty thought entered into Vaeryna's head and before Aemond could stop her, she bent down and began running her tongue along the part of his cock that wasn't in Aegon's mouth.
"SEVEN HELLS" roared Aemond.
Aegon and Vaeryna shared a knowing look before they both began to take it turns slowly sucking Aemond's cock, taking him the brink only to stop.
"V-Vaeryna" groaned Aemond, he needed her, he needed her now.
"Yes my love"
“Come here” rasped Aemond, his chin still shining with her slick.
Vaeryna leaned forward and wiped her tongue across her husbands bottom lip before taking it in between her teeth and biting down gently.
“You naughty girl” muttered Aemond as he surged forward and pressed a kiss to his wife’s sumptuous soft lips.
One hand tangled in his brothers hair and the other in his wife’s.
“A-Aegon-enough-stop” groaned Aemond his hips stuttering, he could feel the urge to come building in his abdomen.
“Spoil sport” muttered Aegon as he wiped the spit from the corners of his mouth.
“I want to spill my seed inside my wife’s cunny”.
“W-Where will-“ asked Aegon looking around awkwardly.
“I want you to spill your seed inside me as well” whispered Vaeryna.
Aemond was sure his brother was about to blow his load right there, judging from the way his eyes rolled back into his head at every filthy word his wife spoke.
Vaeryna moved over Aemond’s body, her slick folds rubbing against his cock.
Gods he was so hard, it was bordering on painful.
Seizing his wife’s hips, Aemond surged up and ploughed his hard cock into Vaeryna’s soaked cunt.
"AEMOND!" screamed Vaeryna.
"Gods. You feel so good" rasped Aemond.
"Fuck me, Aemond" urged Vaeryna, her tone bordering on desperate as she rolled her hips against his.
Aemond started to thrust slowly, trying to prolong the feel of his wife squeezing his cock.
“Aegon-please” breathed Vaeryna as she felt his warm chest press against her back, his hands gently caressing her sides as he pressed a series of gentle kisses along the back of her neck.
“Do you want his cock as well Issa perzys?” asked Aemond, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips (My fire).
“Y-Yes, please. I want it-I want you both inside me” moaned Vaeryna.
“I’ll need to prepare you” whispered Aegon as he took hold of the small bottle of oil that Aemond discreetly pressed into his hand.
Aegon uncorked the bottle and poured a generous amount of the oil onto his palm, spreading it over his fingers.
After discarding the bottle somewhere on the bed, Aegon reached down to her arse.
“Hm-yes, I-like it” whined Vaeryna, biting her lip.
“Be patient” urged Aemond as Vaeryna began to squirm against him.
Vaeryna gasped as she felt Aegon’s finger on her little rosette, and it felt so naughty, it was good.
“Yes, or no?” asked Aegon.
Vaeryna didn't even have to think.
“Yes, Aegon” moaned Vaeryna as he slowly inserted his finger into her body.
He worked in silence for a while, easing his finger in and out of her arse until she could take it easily.
Aemond began teasing her pearl with his fingers, his cock throbbing inside her.
Pulling out, Aegon added a second finger and brushed both around her hole.
“Yes, or no?” Aegon asked again.
“Aegon. I want you take my arse, I want both of you to fuck me until I scream out your names. I need to come, please. Do not deprive me any longer” begged Vaeryna.
Aegon let out a breath of air, but no words. Silently, he breached her arse once more.
Vaeryna screamed, and Aegon panicked. He started to back his fingers out, but she begged “No, no, oh god it feels so fucking good I can barely stand it”.
Aegon continued to work his way into her tight space, his cock was like stone, and needed nothing more than the odd stroke to keep him there. When his fingers were fully inside her, he put his lips to her ear again.
“I'm going to take your arse” whispered Aegon, pumping his fingers slowly in and out.
“Yes” gasped Vaeryna as she pushed against Aegon’s talented finger’s.
“I'm going to breach your arse with my cock and fill you all the way up. It's going to feel so good, love, I can't wait for you to come around Aemond’s cock in your sweet cunt, whilst my cock shoved in your arse”
Vaeryna’s teeth were gritted, and she grunted low in her throat each time his fingers surged in.
“Yes” moaned Vaeryna loudly. Aegon slapped her buttock, and she wailed again.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir” moaned Vaeryna. She was pushing back against his hand, so he spread his fingers inside her, accommodating her to his size. At last, she was ready for him.
Aegon pressed the head of his cock to the entrance of her arse, and Vaeryna moaned in need, he pushed through her entrance and past her sphincter muscle, swearing loudly as it gripped him unbelievably tight.
“Oh gods. Oh yes” moaned Vaeryna, flinging her head back. Aegon eased himself slowly into her tight anal passage, trying not to pass out from the sheer fucking bliss of it.  
Eventually, Vaeryna took his entire cock.
The three of them remained unmoving as Vaeryna got used to having both Aemond and Aegon inside her.
“I-I’m ready” whispered Vaeryna.
“We’ll go as slow-” muttered Aemond as he placed his hands on his wife’s hips.
“-as you want” said Aegon as he placed his hands on top of Aemonds and entwined their fingers together.
“OH-MY-“ shrieked Vaeryna as both Aegon and Aemond began to move, finding their rhythm and thrusting gently.
Both brothers moving in tandem with one another, a slow sensual pace, that drove Vaeryna to the brink of insanity.
"Faster, please" begged Vaeryna.
"Patience, Issa zaldrīzes. This is your first time doing this with both of us" chided Aemond (My dragon).
“I-I’ve taken you there before” admitted Vaeryna softly.
“Fuck” groaned Aegon at Vaeryna’s admission.
“I know but you’ve never taken us both at the same time” replied Aemond as he gave a quick deep thrust.
“Yes, Aemond, just like that-" panted Vaeryna.
Her hands ran along his arms, over his shoulders and down his chest, digging her nails into his pale skin.
“Gods, Vaeryna" grunted Aemond, speeding up slightly.
“Y-Yes, fuck” muttered Aegon.
"Fuck me, Aemond" whispered Vaeryna "Fuck me with that big, cock of yours. You feel so good inside me, filling me up. Give me what I need. Make me scream, make me come. Give me your seed. I want it”.
Aemond knew exactly what Vaeryna was doing, and he couldn’t help himself.
Vaeryna wanted faster and he was going much faster now; so much for having the control in the situation. His pace had increased with every filthy word that dropped from his wife’s luscious lips.
“Fuck Aemond” groaned Aegon, the force of his brother’s thrusts moving Vaeryna on his cock.
“A-AEGON-“ screamed Vaeryna as she reached behind her and wrapped her hands around the back of his head.
She craned her neck back and dragged Aegon’s head towards her, she wanted to feel his lips on hers as she took both of their cocks.
Aegon released his grip on Aemonds hands and slowly caressed her skin until he reached her breasts, both hands squeezing them as his tongue moved against hers, his cock thrusting inside her.
Aemond watched with a hooded gaze as his wife kissed his brother, he thought he would feel jealous knowing that his wife was finding pleasure with someone who wasn’t him, but in truth he found it incredibly hot.
Both of them were cock deep inside her and it felt glorious, it was just a shame they’d waited so long to do this.
“Faster-I can take it-I can take both of you-please” stammered Vaeryna as she released Aegon’s hair from her grip.
Aemond and Aegon shared a quick glance before nodding.
Now they were both quickly thrusting in and out, the force of their combined movements shaking the bed, the headboard banging loudly against the wall.
Vaeryna was meeting them thrust for thrust.
“Aemond-Aegon! I’m going to come. Oh, fuck!” screamed Vaeryna; not caring if anyone could hear them.
Vaeryna always looked amazing when she came. Her head thrown back in pleasure, her amethyst eyes alive with lust, and her pale skin shining with sweat.
Vaeryna clamped down around Aemond’s cock so hard he could hardly move. That, combined with how glorious Vaeryna looked, pushed Aemond over the edge, the heat shooting across his abdomen.
“God. Vaeryna” groaned Aemond as he exploded. His cock throbbing and twitching as he spilled his seed inside his wife’s wet heat.
Aegon followed not long after, his cock twitching as he spilled inside Vaeryna, his head falling to her shoulder.
His chest heaving with every breath he took; he had never come so hard in his life.
“Aegon-“ whispered Vaeryna as he gently pulled his softened cock from her.
“You were so good” replied Aegon as he laid on the bed next to Aemond.
“Hm-so perfect for us” said Aemond as he also pulled his cock from Vaeryna and moved over so she could lay in between the brothers.
Their sweaty bodies pressed against one another as they came down from their high.
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Aegon opened his eyes at the feeling of the bed shifting.
“Did you really think that we were finished brother-I want you to clean my seed from wife’s cunny as I fuck you” growled Aemond.
“Aemond” gasped Aegon as his brother flipped him onto his stomach.
“Be a good boy and clean up the mess I’ve made” cooed Aemond as he reached for the bottle of oil.
“How are you so hard this quickly” exclaimed Aegon not sure whether he should be impressed or not.
“It’s a gift” replied Aemond smirking as a generous amount of oil coated his fingers.
Aemond manoeuvred Aegon so he was all on all fours and began to prepare him for his cock.
Aegon groaned as felt Aemond’s fingers breaching him, obviously this wasn’t his first experience with a man, but Aemond was significantly larger than anyone he’d taken before.
“Do not neglect my wife, Lēkia” said Aemond (Brother).
Aegon moved in between Vaeryna’s open legs and moaned as he saw the seed leaking from her.
“Go head and clean her up-“ ordered Aemond as he coated his cock with oil.
Aegon grunted with mild discomfort as he felt his brother’s fingers withdrawing from him, only to be replaced with his cock.
“Fuck-Aemond” groaned Aegon, closing his eyes as he took every inch of his brother.
“Do not leave my wife wanting-or I will punish you” snarled Aemond, as he gave a rough deep thrust.
“Yes-“ groaned Aegon as he leaned forward and pressed his mouth against Vaeryna’s cunny.
Ravenously, he pressed into her core with his tongue, in and out.
Vaeryna clutched at his head with one hand, her other hand grasped at the sheets.
Aemond withdrew from Aegon and surged forward again, setting a brutal pace as he watched his brother lick the seed from his wife’s cunny.
Aegon lashed hard at Vaeryna’s pearl with his tongue, pulling on it with his lips. He was hard and fast, alternating between her bundle of nerves and drinking deep from her cunt, the taste of Aemond’s seed mixed with her delicious ambrosia.
Vaeryna ground down on Aegon, hard; his tongue speared deeper inside her, and she felt the warm curl of her peak approach.
However, she shoved Aegon’s face away from her and smiled widely.
“I want you inside me” whispered Vaeryna as she shimmied slightly down the bed.
“Go on brother-give her what she wants” exclaimed Aemond as he thrust forward, his hips slapping against Aegon’s.
Aegon slid into Vaeryna immediately, aided by how wet and open she was for him. He sighed into the crook of Vaeryna’s neck, slowly building up the pace. 
The feeling of Aemond inside him and Vaeryna around him was heavenly.
Initially when he had pulled off his tunic and breeches, he was apprehensive as to what Vaeryna and Aemond would make of the burn scars that covered the majority of the lower half of his body, especially his cock, it still functioned as normal, and he could produce seed, but he wasn’t fertile, not that he minded anyway.
But Vaeryna and Aemond had still welcomed him into their relationship, and it made his heart soar, and the way Vaeryna had gently kissed everyone of his scars made him want to cry with happiness.
Vaeryna’s tits bounced with each thrust, as Aegon was driven into her by the force of Aemond’s thrusts.
Vaeryna moaned and cried beneath Aegon, his pelvis rubbing against her swollen bud with each thrust he gave.
“You going to come? I can feel you gripping me” huffed Aegon, watching his scarred length disappear into her wet folds.
“Please” wailed Vaeryna, her hands gripping the sheets.
“That’s it-come for us baby” moaned Aemond, his pace relentless, the sweat dripping down his chest.
Aegon took pity and slid a hand down to Vaeryna’s pearl, rolling it in time with his thrusts,
“Come on then. Cum on my cock”
It took four sharp thrusts before Vaeryna screwed her eyes shut, as she came with an earth-shattering cry.
Aegon fucked her through it, his hips and hand not once still until Vaeryna was a sobbing and slick mess beneath him.
“Give him another Issa jorrāelagon” grunted Aemond (My love).
“Fuck-Aemond” moaned Aegon, his face pressed into the crook of Vaeryna’s neck.
“That’s it-fucking take it” snarled Aemond.
Vaeryna squirmed to get away from Aegon, but it was no use, and Aegon ripped yet another peak from her with precision.
Vaeryna’s head lulling to the side tiredly as her body was thrust up the bed with the combined force of Aegon and Aemond’s thrusts.
Vaeryna laid limply beneath him as he continued to fuck her.
“Fuck-going fill your cunny” moaned Aegon.
Vaeryna nodded weakly as Aegon continued to thrust his length into her.
“You want me to fill up this pretty cunny with my seed?”
Vaeryna nodded her head again, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes as Aegon continued to rut into her.
Vaeryna’s brain went blank as ecstasy shot through it.
Aemond was close as well, his thrusts had grown sloppy and uncoordinated.
Vaeryna heard Aegon’s loud groan as he spilled his seed deep within her.
Then nothing as darkness embraced her.
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It took a while for Vaeryna come back to herself, and when she did she was in Aemond’s arms, with Aegon pressed behind her.
She felt warm, safe, and completely exhausted. Vaeryna shifted to look up at her husband, watching as his eye opened to look down at her.
“So good you blacked out?” mused Aemond softly, watching as his wife weakly smiled at him, nuzzling into his chest, the sparse hairs tickling her nose.
“D-Did you finish?” asked Vaeryna, craning her neck to look at her husband.
“Yes I did-“
“-All over my back the dirty bastard” retorted Aegon.
“I didn’t hear you complaining at the time” snarked Aemond.
“I need moontea” whispered Vaeryna.
“There’s a cup waiting, freshly brewed” said Aegon pointing to the silver trap on the table.
“H-How long was I blacked out?” wondered Vaeryna.
“A while-“ mused Aegon as he climbed out of bed and picked up the cup of moontea.
“Thank you” replied Vaeryna as she took the cup from Aegon and drank the concoction in one gulp, grimacing at the bitter taste.
“Don’t mention it-“ said Aegon as he pulled on his small clothes and went to pour himself some wine.
“Are you ok?” asked Aemond quietly.
“I’m fine, are you ok?”
“I’m ok, gaomagon ao gīmigon skorkydoso olvie avy jorrāelan?” replied Aemond (Do you know how much I love you?).
“I’m not sure, mayhaps you should remind me” teased Vaeryna.
“Tolī than glaeson, ao issi se ōños isse issa zōbrie” (More than life, you are the light in my darkness).
“In that case, avy jorrāelan, issa idaña perzys” replied Vaeryna (I love you, my twin flame).
Aemond hummed contentedly as he drew Vaeryna back into his arms and held her close.
“You do realise these are my chambers” groused Aegon as he climbed back on the bed.
“-Your point?” asked Aemond.
“After sex I like to sleep”.
“So, do I” whispered Vaeryna as she took Aegon’s hand and pulled him closer, her eyes closing as he snuggled behind her.
Soon Vaeryna fell asleep, safely ensconced between her two silver dragons.
“What’s wrong with you?” muttered Aemond.
“I wasn’t sure what this would mean-you know for us now that-“
“-We’ve fucked you mean?” said Aemond quietly.
“Well, yes. It’s not everyday you fuck a wife at the same time as her husband, and then fuck the wife as the husband fucks you” mused Aegon.
“Like you didn’t enjoy it” quipped Aemond.
“Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed it-mayhaps next time you’ll let me fuck you”.
“Absolutely not-I’m a top” replied Aemond, looking down at Vaeryna to check that she was still asleep.
“Nothing wrong with being a bottom, you should give it a try”.
“Do you want a slap?” asked Aemond frowning.
“I might like it-daddy” said Aegon smirking.
“Your incorrigible” muttered Aemond shaking his head.
“So, I guess you and Vaeryna discussed boundaries prior to her arrival earlier on?”
“Yes-we agreed to have you together, no separate encounters, it’s both of us or nothing” replied Aemond.
“Hm, of course this will not be an everyday occurrence, as I still wish to have my wife to myself at times” said Aemond sternly.
“Of course-so how often, will we you know-“ mused Aegon.
“Once a month if you’re a good boy-“
“-And if I’m not?” mused Aegon curiously.
“I’ll tie you to a chair and make you watch as I fuck Vaeryna” said Aemond smugly.
“Sounds delightful-anyway I must say your wife is a fantastic fuck, are you sure she was a maid when you first laid with her”.
“Forget the slap-I will slit your throat if you carry on” groused Aemond shifting slight as Vaeryna moved in her sleep.
“I was joking-not about the fantastic fuck thing though, even your performance was very satisfying brother”.
“Are we really going lay here and discuss who satisfied who the most or who’s the best fuck because that’s just childish and at any rate-I’m the best” said Aemond as he laid down on the bed.
“I’ve had more practice than you” argued Aegon.
“Having more partners than you’ve had hot dinners doesn’t mean your good in bed. I’ve only had sex with three-“
“-Four people. I’m counted amongst that number now” said Aegon smiling.
“You’ll never counted amongst it again if you don’t shut your mouth” snapped Aemond.
“-Stop talking, need sleep” muttered Vaeryna.
“Shh-it’s ok, go back to sleep dōna hāedar” whispered Aemond (Sweet girl).
“Jorrāelagon ao issa zaldrīzes” mumbled Vaeryna (Love you my dragon).
“Is she aware she drools in her sleep?” asked Aegon.
“Shut the fuck up” hissed Aemond as he closed his eye.
Aegon simply smiled and snuggled against Vaeryna who sighed in her sleep, he placed his hand on her waist and jumped slightly when he felt Aemond’s fingers touch his own.
“Next time-” muttered Aegon.
“-Next time” replied Aemond softly.
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
Hi Jen, I hope you don't mind me asking this. Really need some advice on how to cope in this fandom. Idk why people keep yucking other people's yum. The other day I just quoted "Louis is such a goofy dad" and I received my first K-Word myself in my anon inbox. They stated "Louis is a MILF and a slut!! go k-word urself" and I'm just in shock? Idk people keep wanting a certain narrative to be true. Can't we all have opinions? Have funsies? I just stated he's a goofy dad and I get this? Any advice?
OH MY GOD, oof, yeah, having had this "fun" experience before, I'm truly sorry you got this message, I mean, I'd feel like that about literally anything anyone's posting on social media in the year 2022, but especially anyone posting about One fucking DIRECTION seven years after they broke up. He absolutely IS a goofy dad, you're right, you should say it, I wonder which dumdum blouie's gonna come send me this kind of garbage, I'll leave you in the dogpile of my inbox with the other tragedies sharin' a sad wank in the clowncar that is this fandom, I'm sure your fave is real proud! Ahem. Anyway, the sad truth is that a bulk of people still living in the 2012 era have a hard time reconciling the differences between 1D fiction and 1D reality on just about every level (the hot takes I have on this one, so spice, and it's not just the BL "paradise" crowd), so there isn't a lot you can really *do* about it, but maybe these ideas will help?
1. Ignore. Just ghost and don't respond, don't block it, don't vague it, pretend you never got it...odds are they aren't even following you, they're just looking to start some shit. Pro: if they're a real person following you, they'll keep comin' back, lookin' for that sweet sweet release that will make them feel relevant yet will never, ever come. Con: they might keep coming back to harass you in your inbox, which is fucking annoying.
2. Block. This is somewhat effective but not entirely. My stinky traffic dropped off when I went hunting for that circle of monsters and proactively blocked them all BEFORE they could send it--search for something like who are your fave BL blogs or whatever, and go to town on block city. (I would take a look at the op of the post you added your tag to as well, maybe check out recent notes) Pro: you will magically prevent a lottttt of horseshit from coming your way. Con: you will catch glimpses of a hell you will never unsee.
3. Report. Especially in this case! I haven't seen if it actually works or not, though, so I don't really have a good pro/con answer here, and it could suck MIGHTILY if it turns out a favorite mutual sent this your way. (Which reminds me: check who's following you and do some preemptive blocking work that way, too.)
4. Turn off anon. I swear to god, this works, jesus, they're such cowards.
5. Firehose. Depending on how petty you're feeling, BURY your feed in dilf Louis content. There are blogs that specialize in spank hands daddy Louis, goofy drunk bbq dad Louis, actual dad Louis--reblog the FUCK out of all of 'em, give it a fun tag if you want (for my special anon who's into milfs), just spray a virtual firehose of daddy louis content until this person blocks YOU. Pro: you will jettison a lot of people, hopefully including whoever's lurking. Con: you will jettison a lot of people who probably enjoy other content you put on their dash, but oh well! There's a price to pettiness, always, so weigh that one out.
God, I wish people would get over the weird pearl-clutching fear they have over Louis's dad antics on ANY level, so I secretly hope you drop this bomb and let me know how it goes! But real talk, I hope you feel okay in the aftermath of getting this kind of shitty ask--if you ever want to message me directly, I'm here!
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mintelepathy · 3 years
"Now is when you kiss me"
neighbor!hoseok x reader/oc
word count: +1.5k
genre: fluff
warnings: none
summary: oc never imagined that her neighbor would confess his feelings for her after waking him up in the middle of the night to ask him for help to kill a spider.
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Why did bugs and all that kind of small living beings had to scare you so much? It's been more than an hour since you spotted a huge spider on the ceiling of your bedroom, and now that you knew that the creature was there, you wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully in its presence. You tried to be brave and don't give it too much attention, it wasn't like it was going to suddenly appear on your bed or something like that, was it?
Still staring at it, you thought that maybe if you tried to think positive about spiders it would be easier to let the scariness go away, or maybe if you named it you could actually become close friends and have it as your roommate from now on.
Ok, that was ridiculous. You really needed to find a way to kill it, because otherwise you would spent the rest of the night with your eyes fully focused on your little new pet.
After debating with yourself, you decided to get up and make your way to your neighbor's front door, you'd ask him to kill it, he'd do it fastly, and then you'd be able to sleep at peace.
You met him the same day you moved to your apartment, coincidentally he was moving to his apartment the same day as you, so both of you ended up helping each other out. Since then you've been good friends, you didn't spend a lot time together because he was occupied most of the time when you were off work, but every so often you'd end up having dinner with him and talking for the rest of the night at his place and vice versa.
You knew quite lot of personal issues about him, and he knew almost everything about you, even though you didn't spend a lot of time together like you'd want to, you could definitely say that he was one of your closest friend, you just knew you could trust him everything no matter what.
"Hey there, is everything ok?" he really took his time to opened the door, and you noticed right away that it was because you just had woken him up.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't think you were sleeping, you can go back to sleep if I'm bothering you" you really felt bad for interrupting his sleep.
"Don't worry, do you want to come in?" he said as he make you space to let you in.
"Actually, would you mind helping me with something?" there it was when you realized how dumb you'd look once you tell him the specific reason why you were there.
"Anything you need" You gave him a smile and he followed you to your apartment, more specifically your bedroom.
"This may sound ridiculous but there is spider right there and I'm too coward to kill it myself, can you help me?" you said as you pointed at the place where the arachnid was, luckily it hasn't moved a bit all this time.
"Oh" that was all he said when he spotted it. "I've never told you this, but I really hate spiders"
Oh god.
"Then there is no way you can kill it right? I mean I completely understand if you can't, I should be the one dealing with this"
You felt so bad, first you woke him up and then you ask him to kill a spider for you when he hates them just as much as you. Maybe other person would cursed at you for doing all of that, but thanks god your neighbor was hoseok, there was no way he would get pissed at you for this.
"Look, what if we both try to kill it together? it could be less scary, don't you think?" he was no longer looking at the spider but you now.
"I think that's a great idea" you said as you nodded. "How do we do it then?"
He meditated for a moment and then said "Listen, I have a plan and I think it'll work, we need two mops, tape and a shoe. wait here, I'll bring a mop from my apartment" he made his way out of the bedroom and you stayed there just like he said.
You really wanted to know his plan because you couldn't really tell what he had in mind.
"I got it" he came back a minute later holding the mop with his right hand and a roll of tape in the other. "I brought tape too just in case you didn't have" he sat on your bed and took one of his shoes off.
"I'll go to the kitchen to find mine" you had used it to mop the floor today so you knew exactly where you left it.
Once you got it, you return to your bedroom and you found hoseok fully submerged in his creation, he was taping his shoe to the end of the mop stick.
"I'm really curious about this, would you mind telling me what are youdoing?" you chuckled at the sight, the scene was somehow funny to you.
"This is what we're gonna do, one of us will use the mop you have there to touch the spider, then it'll fall to the ground, once we have it on the ground the other will kill it with the shoe, thanks to my great invention we won't need to get close to it to kill it" it was actually such a good plan.
"Your mind amazes me, I think you can make great money with that invention of yours, I'd buy it" he smiled proudly.
"Who's going to do the dirty work then?" he asked but you didn't answer because something was wrong.
"Hobi, the spider is gone" you both were now staring at the ceiling with your mouths slightly opened. "I think the spider felt we were going to do something, you know?" he turned his attention back to you.
"It was a great idea though" he said disappointed.
You couldn't kill the spider but at least you got to spend some time with him. No one knew it, but you like him, and a lot.
You just can't believe how someone could be such a good person. For you, there wasn't anything bad about him, he is so kind to everyone, always offering help to other people, even if he didn't try it he just made everyone's day better, and you could keep on going with the list all day.
"Oh shit" he said as he touched the back of his pants as if he was looking for something.
"What happened?" you said getting a bit closer to him.
"I left my keys inside of the apartment when I went to look for the things" he had both of his hands grabbing the sides of his head.
"You can stay here tonight if you want" you said shyly. The thought of him staying at your place for the night made your cheeks turn red, even if you were going to sleep in separate room.
"Are you sure? Yoongi has a copy of my keys, I can ask him to come and bring them, you don't have to worry" you know he said that because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable or something like that, but something he didn't know was that you actually wanted him there.
"I insist, stay here" you said as you grabbed one of his hands without thinking twice, it was the first time you did something like that with him, and you could feel the butterflies in the stomach, you felt like you were fifteen again.
He didn't respond right away so you realized that maybe he was the one feeling uncomfortable right now. You let go of his hand and took a step back "If you don't want to stay here I can wait with you until Yoongi arrives with the keys" maybe it was too soon to ask him to stay for the rest of the night.
"I'll stay, I want to stay here with you tonight" you didn't expect him to grab your hand but he did, look how the tables had turned. "Can I tell you something?" he asked almost whispering and you nodded. "I like you" he said all of a sudden.
Ok, you were definitely not expecting that at all. You were perplexed, you didn't know how to react to his confession, it actually felt like you were dreaming.
"Am I dreaming right now? Are you real?" you gently touched his cheek with one finger.
"You are not dreaming at all, and the real me just told you that he likes you" he was looking at you so adorably.
"So if this is real, I'd love to tell you that I like you too" you could feel your cheeks turning red again.
"My hands feel cold, excuse me" he said that just as an excuse to hold your face with his hands and you couldn't help but smile.
"My lips feel cold" you seriously didn't know where was that confidence coming from.
"I think I can help you with that if you let me" he knew what you wanted but he just wanted to make sure that he had your permission.
"Now is when you kiss me" you slowly placed your arms around his neck and before you noticed he was already pressing his lips against yours.
You've always wanted to know how his kisses would feel, and now you can totally say that you won't ever get tired of them.
I hope you liked this, I really want to make a part two of this and I'd like to know if you want it too.
A like or reblog is always appreciated :)
buy me a kofi?
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“Half the World Away” (l.h) 
Pairing: Luke Hemmings X Reader
Summary: Based on the unrealeased song “Half the World Away” by One Direction. Luke is missing you, but he knows he fucked up. Could a drunk call make everything right between the two of you?
Warnings: The reader uses She/Her pronouns, I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, it was not my intention to do so. Angst. Language. Mentions of Smut. Mentions of Alcohol. Maybe a few grammar mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 1.6 k
Author’s Note: It’s so late but I couldn’t get the song out of my head and I needed to write this, so I hope it’s good 😅 Reblogs, comments and feedback are always appreciated! I love to hear about you guys 💕 You can find my other works HERE including my recent Ashton fic and the first part of the Entangled series. Hope you like it and Happy reading 🦋✨
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Another sleepless night in a hotel room of a city he doesn’t really know much about. Another night of turning around in the bedsheets trying to find the comfort he so desperately needs, a comfort he knows he is not going to get. Not from you, not tonight and probably not ever. 
He regrets how he left things off with you. He never intended to say those things but he just couldn’t help it as they came bursting out his mouth and before he knew it, it was already too late. 
“You are not my girlfriend, Y/N” He said in a harsh tone, already tired of the conversation that has just started. 
“Don’t pretend that makes us nothing, Luke” You spatted those words like venom. 
You were exhausted of being Luke’s therapist every time he fought with one of his flings. Every single time he called you were there to dry his tears, listening to him talk about yet another heartbreak or another conquest gone wrong, depending on the night, and it always ended up the same: with you tangled up in his bedsheets between his arms, wondering if you could ever be enough for him. 
It hasn’t started that way though, you were friends with Luke since he moved to LA a few years back, always hanging out with the same group of friends and actually becoming besties in no time, finding out you had a lot of things in common. You didn’t know when your feelings towards him changed, however. Maybe it was the third or fourth night he called you, surprisingly not to comfort him, but just to hang out. Maybe it was the way he held you tight while you watched that movie with the time-traveler, or maybe the words of reassurance that came out of his mouth were to blame. It could also be the way that he makes time pass you by without even noticing, the way his voice sounds as he sings sweet tunes to you while you are cuddling with Petunia. He made falling so easy, but he never promised you he’d be there to catch you. 
“Every time you call I’m here” You stated calmly, though the tears falling from your eyes made it easy to see how upset you actually were “I’m here listening to you talk about every girl that comes your way. I’m here to wipe your tears or hear about the unknown bitch that never called you back and for what? To feed your ego? To supposedly make you feel better so you could just fuck me after like I’m some sort of consolation prize? I’m breaking, Luke. Tell me something that I can hold onto, something that makes it stop hurting” 
Luke knows he should’ve said something to reassure you that you were not, by all means, a consolation prize. That you were the only constant thing he had in his life, the only person he could trust besides his bandmates and the only person that could make him feel like he was actually worth something. He should’ve told you that more times than not he creates fake heartbreaks in order for you to come and be with him because he is afraid that if he ever admits that he needs you, you would just walk away. You meant more to him than you could ever know, but that night he couldn’t find the right words, the right thing to say. Blame it on the stress of leaving in the morning, blame it on the drinks he had that night, blame it on his stupidity and fear of you breaking his heart. Blame it on everything that happened that night where he broke your heart. 
“You can leave if you don’t like it” He said coldly, not looking into your eyes “We are nothing, Y/N. I don’t need you to stay” 
The memory of that night haunts him wherever he goes. As of right now he could still hear you slam the door on your way out, he could still see the silent tears make their way down your cheeks as you let those harsh words sink in, letting all the love you had for him disappear from your eyes. He needed to quiet down his mind, so he started walking to the mini bar, hoping some cheap whisky could drown his regrets. 
His thoughts, however, did not stop. The alcohol running through his veins burned like a thousand suns yet his only comfort was the thought of you. You and your pretty laugh, the look in your eyes when you got sleepy, the feeling of you wrapped around his body as you cuddled into the night and the sound of voice saying his name. 
He needed you. He needed to hear you. So he did the best and worst thing he could ever do, he called. 
You jumped when you heard your ringtone echo through the empty room, waking you up from yet another dreamless sleep. You were about to curse the person who so rudely started calling in the middle of the night, but all of your coherent thoughts went out the window when you saw his name lighting up the screen. 
You doubted, not knowing if you should answer. Not knowing if you wanted to answer. But your feelings got the best of you as you slide your fingers across the screen, fearing something must’ve happened for him to make that call, aware that he must hate you.
“Luke?” You said in a sleepy voice, trying your best to fully wake up.
The line was silent on the other half. But you knew he was there, his breathing being the only thing you could hear. 
“Luke, is everything alright?”
“Say that again” He pleaded, a melancholy tone whispering in his voice “Say my name again”
You sighed “Luke, are you okay?” 
He stayed silent for a while, you debated on whether you should end the call right there and there, but before you could move your finger he said “I missed you” 
“I was missing you and… And I started drinking. I don’t know half of what I’m thinking, I’m deep in. I’m scared I’ll stop breathing if I didn’t hear from you” 
Your heart beat loudly inside your chest. Your feelings were all over the place, your common sense urged you to remember the hurt he gave to you, begging you not to believe a word he said. But your heart, oh, that sick bastard was telling you to keep listening to what he has to say, you couldn't deny that you missed him too. 
“I’m gonna sleep alone tonight and if-” He choked “if you were a good friend you'd always be there when I need it, cause I'm on my knees and babe I'm bleeding” He cried into the phone, unable to hold the tears any longer “But you were never a friend, Y/N. Never. You were always more than that and I knew, I always knew but I pushed you away and it kills me that you're not around” 
You stayed silent, knowing better than to interrupt him when he was pouring his heart out. You could feel the tears welling up your eyes and clouding your view, confused about everything at this moment. 
“Tell me you don’t miss this feeling. That you don’t miss me like I miss you. Maybe it’ll be easier to calm the guilt I’m feeling. I was a fucking coward, Y/N. I was so scared of you walking away from me that the only thing I knew how to do was pushed you away when all I wanted to do was hold you closer and closer” 
“Luke, what are you saying?” You stated with a broken voice “Cause if this is just another one of your tricks to get me falling for you all over again just to get hurt then don’t even bother. I'm starting to see who you are and I don’t like it” 
You heard a sniffle coming from his end “I messed up”
“You’ll be fine” 
“No!” He cried “No, I won’t because you are not here with me! Don’t you get it, Y/N?” 
You didn’t answer, allowing him to gather his thoughts. 
“Cause there's a time, there's a place and I'm always gonna hear your name wherever I go. You are always with me and it fucking hurts that you are so far away at the same time. I get that there's a right, there's a wrong and now I see that all along I was the only one holding myself back to tell you how I really feel, because I love you, Y/N. I’m so in love with you and it terrifies me” 
“What are you so scared of?” You asked after a moment of silence.
“I thought that-” He breathed “That things were never going to be the same again, that you’ll end up hating me and…”
“I could never hate you, Luke” You quickly reassured him “I’m just disappointed”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry” Luke cried again “I never meant to make you feel that way. I fucked up and I don’t know how I could ever make this right to you… I walk to you 'till my feet hurt if I have to, even if you tell me that that's not good enough. I’ll do everything in my power to prove to you just how much I love you, in hopes that you love me too. Because I don’t know what I’ll do without you and I’m losing my mind cause you’re half the world away and I need you.”
“You need me now?”
“I’ll always need you. In more ways than once. I want you around, Y/N” He said “Always”
You smiled.
“I want you around, too”
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nashibirne · 3 years
Safe Haven - 8
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Regarding the non-existant reactions to the previous parts, I'm quite sure nobody reads this story and I know I'm much too late for the fandom, but I'm gonna post the parts I've written anyway. *shrugs*
Previous parts can be found here: Masterlist
Safe Haven
A Maze Runner Fan Fiction
Pairing: Thomas / female OFC Setting: After the end of ‘TMR - Death Cure’ Summary: Thomas is dealing with the aftermath of the events since the glade and learns that falling in love can be painful. In this part he's runs right into Anne after Kasey's turned him down and he really needs to vent.... Warnings:  smut/sex/porn, swearing, mentioning of death, traumatic experiences, violence, sexual frustration, promiscuity, homosexuality, daddy-kink, oral, nsfw, 18+ readers only Credits: TMR-Characters don’t belong to me / are based on the books by James Dashner and the movies. All pictures I used for the moodboards/headers are from pinterest. If I violate any copyright please let me know and I’m going to remove the pictures. Beta by the wonderful  @hell1129-blog​  Thanks for your support! xo
Comments, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
It took Anne less than five minutes from meeting Thomas at the sanitary shack on his way home to winning him over for a hot make-out session behind the wooden building. His vulnerable emotional state and his hurt pride made it easy for her. Her back pressed against the wall he kissed her hungrily, caressing her crisp little tits. His Ex may have ditched him because she considered him to be a bore but she still appreciated his skills as a lover. And so, from time to time, they had a little fun together - no strings attached. 
A loud moan escaped Thomas' mouth when Anne massaged his rock-hard dick through his trousers.
"Shush, silly. We don't want someone to interrupt us, do we." Anne giggled, laying a finger on his lips.
"It's your fault. You make me moan." Thomas replied, his voice thick with arousal.
"I'm sorry." Anne kissed him, her hand still on his cock.
"Get him out." Thomas whispered in her ear. "Touch him."
"You don't have to tell me twice." Anne grinned before she unbuttoned his jeans, shoving them down his legs together with his boxers. She started stroking his cock skillfully.
"Anne..." Thomas groaned. "Be a good girl and suck me off, okay? Daddy really needs it tonight." "Sure, daddy. Whatever you wish." She looked at him with big round eyes, batting her long eyelashes innocently, falling to her knees right away. She was into daddy kink and he knew which buttons to push to make her do what he wanted. And what he wanted right now was to ease the tension and get rid of all the frustration inside of him. In short...he needed to get off. He hadn't had sex in a while. Since he'd fallen for Kasey he just didn't feel like shagging some random girl. So it had been less fucking and more jerking off in the shower since then, but tonight he needed something more.  He needed to get Kasey out of his system. Turned out it wasn't that easy.
Thomas leaned back, his head resting on the moist wood of the wall, his eyes closed, his breath going fast.
When he felt her tongue on the tip of his dick, circling the head seductively, it wasn't Anne's tongue. He couldn't help but deceive himself by imagining it was Kasey's pretty little mouth that was wrapped around his member. Tight and wet and eagerly sucking his dick. When he opened his eyes, bending his head slowly he imagined seeing Kasey's full lips, sliding up and down his length. It was her honey blonde hair, he grabbed, burying his hands in the thick, soft silk, not Anne's short whiteblond strands.
"Fuck...you're doing great, baby girl. Go on, make daddy cum." he moaned, his voice hoarse and demanding.
She sucked him harder, pumping his dick faster, squeezing his balls. Damn, the girl knew how to give a blow job. He imagined Kasey would do it even better, maybe deep throating him.
With this picture on his mind he came hard, spilling a hot shot of cum into Anne's mouth.
"Kasey!" he grunted breathless, thrusting his hips, shoving his cock deep inside her mouth, savouring the last waves of his orgasm. 
Anne rose to her feet abruptly, drops of cum on her lips, fuming.
"Kasey? Are you serious?" she shouted angrily, wiping her mouth. "You cry out the name of another woman, coming in my fucking mouth? Am I a joke to you, Thomas?"
"I'm sorry, Anne...I don't know what has gotten into me." He reached out for her but she shoved him away.
"Don't touch me, asshole. Ever. Again." she hissed, her eyes shooting daggers at him.
"You are so pathetic." she added with a disgusted grin. "Fucking all those girls but too chicken to make a move on her? Or probably you hit on her and she turned you down."
"Anne..." getting his dick back in his pants, he tried to interrupt her but she wouldn't let him.
"I mean...she's well out of your league, Tommy, you know that, huh? Kasey is classy. She wouldn't want a sissy like you."
"Please shut up, Anne." Thomas said pleadingly with a threatening undertone. But she just crossed her arms in front of her chest, not willing to stop her rant. "Everybody knows she's anxiously waiting for Parker anyway. He's the one she wants. And I understand her. He's awesome. Hot as fuck, smart. Tattoos all over his shredded body. A real man, not some whimpering boy..."
"Stop it, Anne." 
"And he's her age. You are too young for her. Do you really think she wants a 20 year old bore when she can have a 25 year old man of action? A leader, not a grunt..."
"Shut up! Shut your fucking mouth. You don't have a clue who she wants and what's going on between us." Thomas shouted, raging with fury.
Anne jumped, looking scared for a split second, but regaining control fast, when it dawned on her. "You love her!" Anne laughed almost hysterically. "This is hilarious. You love Kasey." Thomas stared at her, unable to say anything. Unable to deny the obvious. 
"Well, Tommy, Karma is a bitch, right? Of all the single women in this camp you choose the only one you can't have because she's too smart to fall in love with a moron like you."
"Fuck you, Anne."
"No...fuck you, Thomas." she said, showing him the finger. "Fuck you and never talk to me again." And then she went away, leaving him frustrated, angry and desperate.
When Thomas stormed into their hut ten minutes later, slamming the door behind him so hard it almost took off its hinges, Minho woke up with a jolt, his hammock rocking like crazy.
"Jesus, Tommy, what the fuck?" he mumbled sleepy, rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry, man. Didn't mean to wake you."
"Didn't work." 
"Yeah." Thomas said with a deep sigh, plopping down on his bed, taking off his boots and his trousers before sliding under the sheets.
"What's up? You look like shit. Everything all right?" Minho asked with a frown.
"Let's just say I had a rough night, okay?" 
"What's happened? You were fine when you left like what...two hours ago?"
"Nothing. I'd rather not talk about it, okay?" Thomas turned around to face the wall, closing his eyes, hoping his friend was going to leave him alone.
"No, it's not okay. You should see yourself, you look like a zombie. Just fucking tell me what happened, shank." Minho insisted.
"You wanna know what happened?" Thomas jumped out of his bed, starting to pace the little room like a lunatic with a grim look on his face. "I'm gonna tell you what happened, okay?" his voice was vibrating with emotion now. Minho wasn't sure whether his friend was about to burst into tears or to throw a tantrum.
"In the last one and a half hours I had a very emotional conversation with Kasey, then I kissed her and she kissed me back, making me a happy man but then she changed her mind and turned me down, 'cause she knows I'm nothing but a cheap fuckboy. And being the stupid asshole I am, I couldn't find the words to tell her I love her, before Quincy showed up out of nowhere, interrupting us."
"Wow, Tommy..."
"Oh no, man. Keep listening. I'm not done yet. Instead of asking Quincy to give us a minute and talking to Kasey, I just left like a bloody coward. Five minutes later I ran into Anne and what do you think...I had nothing better to do than try to get rid of all that sexual and emotional frustration by letting her give me a blow job behind the sanitary shack. And if that wasn't bad enough I accidentally called her Kasey, my dick balls deep in her mouth, which caused a huge fight between us. That's what happened."
Minho gaped at him, speechless for seconds, that felt like hours for Thomas.
"For heaven's sake, Minho. Say something."
"Yeah...well...shit, Tommy. That's the worst I've heard in a while."
"Oh great, thanks my friend." Thomas rolled his eyes, sinking down on a chair, tired and exhausted.
"Sorry, that I'm a little taken aback." Minho replied sarcastically. "I didn't even know there's something going on between you and Kasey. That you like her...well at least not like this."
"Yeah. I do..."
And then Thomas told his friend the story properly, right from the beginning. From the day he fell for Kasey Miller head over heels to tonight's events by the campfire.
"You know you have to talk to her first thing in the morning, right? Tell her how you feel and tell her what happened behind the sanitary shack. Before Anne does." 
"You think she would?" Thomas' eyes widened in shock.
"Maybe. You know she can be a crazy little bitch sometimes."
"Right." Thomas sighed. "Do you think Kasey loves me too?" he added almost whispering.
"To be honest, mate. I don't have a clue. But she kissed you, right? And we know she wasn't just looking for a shag. So she must have kissed you because she likes you. I would say you have a real chance."
"Thanks, Minho." Thomas said stifling a yawn.
"Anytime, Thomas. That's what friends are for. And now let's try to get some sleep."
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succubused · 5 years
Hey Claire, I just wanted to say I'm sorry this is happening to you and the other mods. I don't know if I got it all, but for what a understood, the twitter posts were saying how it's bad that minors are stating their age/tumblrs on the open server, when it probably would be safer for them to say it directly to one of the mods privately. While I agree with their point, they really should have talked to you/mods through asks or maybe sent you a message on discord (1/-)
instead of claiming the event to be unsafe right away. That was a coward/disrespectful move on their part (I also saw that they are still on the server? Maybe with a different name? I don't use discord so maybe I got it wrong). The one I found awful was the person that posted it on tumblr. Not only did they state openly to support ak*rok*, but they don't even tag what they reblog from that a/m ship because they know it's wrong. I really hope you and the mods can reach out to (2/3)
whoever is needed to clear this up. I also hope that most of those that reblogged that post are just angry a/m supporters, and not actually people who wanted to participate but are now confused. If the original Twitter poster reads this, I hope they just try to justify themselves or make themselves known (since they said they followed you idk) to show that they actually care about the minors, and aren't looking to cause discourse. I'm just sorry this is happening, hope the participants are ok.
The first thing that I need all of you to understand is that no one is being forced to post anything. The ages and tumblrs are in the intro section for people who want to put them there. The intros section itself is there as a screening process so that people can’t do what that person who infiltrated it tried to do, which was get screenshots of our conversations and post them online. We don’t let a user into the actual text channels until we’ve read their intro and determined that they aren’t some kind of mole. If anyone in the server, minor or otherwise, expressed that they were uncomfortable with this, we would change it. 
Every single server I’ve been in has had an intros channel with that exact same information; the difference being that the rest of them didn’t have to set the rest of the server to private to ensure that we didn’t get harassed. The fact that we even have to worry about this in the first place is absolutely fucking obscene.
The second thing that I need you all to understand is that the person who posted that “callout” did so out of a petty desire to see me take the fall for it. They are not genuinely concerned for the minors involved, and they did not post those tweets in good faith. If they actually gave a shit, they would have messaged one of us privately rather than posting the younger members’ words online. The younger members who, by the way, have expressed to me that they are deeply uncomfortable with having their messages posted publicly in an attempt to prove some kind of point.
The original twitter poster is an individual who has been sending us anon hate since before we even had a discord server, and who had been sending it to me specifically even before that. They had been repeatedly checking my blog in order to complain about me on the nova blog. The anon hate they sent us never had anything to do with supposed “concern” for minors; it was mostly focused on calling me unprofessional and rude, and calling the project an “embarrassment” and telling us to “grow up.” We stopped posting them, because we didn’t want to give them the attention, so they turned to another method. You may ask, Claire, how do you know it was the same person? I know because they posted a fucking gif of them proudly sending their last anon hate message to the nova blog IN their twitter callout thread. if you would like to see the anon hate they sent, please click here for the post with the screenshots.
Let me reiterate that this individual did not do this out of concern for the safety of minors, particularly not the ones involved in our project, and I honestly doubt that the twitter poster and the person who put it on tumblr are two different people at all. They conveniently neglected to mention that the reason the nova exists at all is because the other project they advertised at the end initially refused to condemn p*dophilia at all, initially was going to allow a/m relationships as long as it was PG-13. I know they changed their stance, and I’m glad they changed their stance. I have largely left them alone since they changed their stance. My participation in this discourse post-them changing their stance has mostly been directly in response
Apparently they’re still in the goddamn server spying on us, which is not only pathetic, but fucking scary. And to that person: I know you check my blog because you talk about it all the time. I know it’s me you have the issue with. Stop dragging them into this. Leave them alone.
Leave the server, DM me if you have something to say to me, but LEAVE. THEM. ALONE. 
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Hi, I just saw your post about having legitimate complaints about TLJ... I haven't seen it yet, but was wondering what your complaints were (and whether it's worth me spending my money going to see it). I'm not bothered by spoilers.
good evening dear! to make things easy, i’m just gonna make one hugeass post and do a bullet list.
no consistency to story-telling
you wanna add new force powers? fine! great! but keep them consistent!
yoda appears to tell luke that the jedi are garbage & should end ( yoda???? of all people???? instead of someone who would actually think that given personal experience, like, y’know, ANAKIN )
also somehow yoda can call down lightning and cause real-world damage to a tree by setting it ablaze? why hasn’t yoda or obi-wan or anakin literally just come down and stop the order by doing something like this if they can literally control nature from the afterlife????
someone ( leia )…. with no proper force training…. can somehow defy…. dying in space? and also project themselves through space while barely conscious?
rian seems to want to keep this narrative of ‘evERYonE caN HAve ThE foRCe’ but when given the chance to make one of three kids force-sensitive, one kid being a black boy, one a white girl, and one a white boy, in a series where we have leading white female and black male protagonists and a white male villain………. somehow rian decided it was best to give the white boy the force? in a trilogy where the leAD CHARACTER IS A FEMALE AND ONE OF THE LEADING MALES IS A BLACK MAN?????????? GROUNDBREAKING
snoke connected rey and kyle via force skyping, but if his whole goal was to just……….. get rey to come to the supremacy after he manipulated her to believe in kyle’s redemption, like….. why do all that shit. why not just….. read her mind. clearly he can influence people and affect people from long distances so what the fuck why would he bother with that weird force bond shit. like if vader can fucking force choke a guy over a video conference, i don’t see why it’s that much more of a stretch to just have snoke read rey’s mind or manipulate her without using kyle
luke fucking astral projecting himself onto crait, despite not knowing they were on crait, after shutting himself off from the force like 10 years prior to tlj– somehow he’s able to hold a long-term projection of himself to taunt kyle and buy time for the fleeing resistance? and then, at the end, he just….. gives up and dies? becomes one with the force? ???????
lame foreshadowing/repetition
so, when kyle and rey’s first skype session goes live, kyle makes a point of asking rey if she was causing this, this almost astral projection skype convo from light years away, only to say ‘no….. the strain would kill you.’ cue the end of the movie, where it’s revealed luke was just projecting himself all along, and…. he dies.
there’s also this scene where luke asks rey what the force is, and being inexperienced in it, she makes a comment about it being about making things float. luke says no, everything you said is not-true– its not about making rocks float, ( which is then brought back as a concept at the very end of the movie, when rey has to float rocks to free the resistance from the caves they ran into, again, bad foreshadowing. ) this is then brought back later when astral luke is facing off with kyle, and kyle says something about destroying the resistance and the jedi…. only for luke to, verbatim, say what he said to rey about every word he said being not-true.
this almost bashing it into our heads notion of ‘kill the past, it’s only holding you back’ that’s mentioned by kyle, that seems to be the central thread– the past is just that, the past. it’s time to completely ignore it and never look back. it’s time to wipe away the misty-eyed wonders of your hero worship of your childhood… the reality is that people fuck up and your heroes are nothing and in the end we all die, jan. ( what a fun, hopeful message. )
but with this message, this idea of all your heroes are dead and don’t even think of people as heroes because that’s just unrealistic and you’ll be disappointed when they fuck up because we’re all human :))) – with that message we’re then meant to leave the theater somehow emboldened because luke took up the mantle of being a legend in the end…. even though there’s no reason he should be considered one when the only people who witness this astral fight technically are kyle and the first order– the resistance didn’t watch because they were trying to escape through the base’s tunnels with the time luke was buying them. so we’re supposed to treat luke as a legend now….. or are we supposed to hate this idea of hero worship? i’m getting mixed signals.
literally everything built up in tfa…. rey’s parents/backstory, snoke’s history/why the resistance even knows about him, why kyle became evil, why rey was able to call the lightsaber over him, why luke exiled himself but left a map………… so many questions to be answered! and tfa laid out a beautiful table for johnson to sit down at and serve dinner.
only johnson decided to say fuck you, fuck your dinner, fuck everything you thought about this movie because it doesn’t matter
rey’s parents? nobodies– drunkards. sold their daughter into literal slavery for drinking money.
snoke’s backstory? doesn’t fucking matter if we hyped him up as more dangerous than vader or palpatine– he’s dead now because he apparently couldn’t sense kyle about to kill him. the man can bond two people across light years of distance, but he doesn’t notice the lightsaber that’s slowly being turned towards him? hm.
why is rey so strong with the force? because it belongs to everyone and not the elite skywalkers who literally came from slavery so fuck you for that too
luke’s exile? because he felt bad about considering killing his nephew when he probed his mind and felt he was completely evil. luke skywalker considered killing his nephew, the son of his twin sister, son of his best friend– let that sink in.
kyle’s evil…. but he’s good, right? there’s good in him? or not. for someone who rian says we can all relate with ( sorry but i don’t relate with fascists :/ ) he made it pretty clear that he wanted kyle to be the end all be all villain by the end of 8. so ??????
also why is kyle so obsessed with vader? what the fuck? guess what? you don’t get to know. fuck you again.
character assassination / regression
luke was……… not luke. clearly. mark hamill has said it’s not luke. that’s more than a bit telling.
rey’s whole story literally revolved around following luke around ahch-to while learning jack shit only to then follow kyle around trying to say there’s still good in him. ( another fun fact rian……… luke only was willing to forgive vader when he realized that was his dad. why would rey feasibly trust her abuser / han’s murderer / man who put finn into a coma so quickly unless maybe they had a prior connection, particularly familial? )
finn was turned into a joke, called a coward, called selfish, tased by rose, slapped by hux……. like finn had literally no character progression at all.
poe went from well-decorated commander of the resistance, former officer with the new republic, to hot-headed flyboy who doesn’t take orders and just needs to learn from his white superiors :)))) like……………… do i even need to say it
leia was practically non-existent, and when she was, she slapped poe and later shot at him, stunning him. which, she…. y’know………. never did to han.
chewie and r2 were literally there as props, don’t even try and tell me otherwise. r2 showed luke leia’s hologram back from anh as a means to like…. spur him into action, but??? luke literally did nothing as well even after that?
lack of lando. can i include that? rian said he ‘wanted’ to include lando but he ‘wouldn’t work’ so i think rian just owes me money for having to even try to comprehend his bullshit
hux??? y’know, the fascist general with that terrifying speech before he decimated an entire star system? that hux? he’s just comic relief now. :)
he even has a ‘your mom’ joke thrown at him which is super funny when you remember he’s a bastard and never knew his birth mom so like #goodwriting
kyle is redeemable now!! even though he’s shown no remorse and has already been offered the chance to redeem himself but he took the opportunity to say ‘fuck you’ and kill han so…. ignore all that, ignore the fact that he’s a fascist leader and massacred children and countless others………….. his uncle tried to kill him so he must be in the right :)))
phasma…. you liked phasma? strong villain woman? yeah, well, watch the most unsatisfying fight that ends in finn winning purely by luck because she falls down into a firey pit. mmmmmm that sure was satisfying? :/
regular star wars rules need not apply?
bombs can just be dropped in space because gravity exists in the vacuum of the stars apparently
but a body on a blown-open bridge can remain on the bridge instead of getting sucked out into space….?
a slow-speed ship chase where one ship is running out of fuel? cinematic gold, apparently
for some reason the first order ships chasing the resistance couldn’t have just….. sped up their ships a bit and plowed them over / took them out with tie fighters for no other reason but….. it wouldn’t be convenient that way?
there’s a lot more than this but i’m tired and should have gone to bed hours ago, so i’ll probably just reblog this sometime tomorrow and add more, but here’s this for starters!
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nashibirne · 3 years
Safe Haven 7
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Safe Haven
A Maze Runner Fan Fiction
Pairing: Thomas / female OFC
Setting: After the end of 'TMR - Death Cure'
Summary: Thomas is dealing with the aftermath of the events since the glade and learns that falling in love can be painful
Warnings:  (in this or in upcoming chapters) smut/sex/porn, swearing, mentioning of death, traumatic experiences, violence, sexual frustration,  promiscuity, homosexuality, daddy-kink, oral, nsfw, 18+ readers only
Credits: TMR-Characters don't belong to me / are based on the books by James Dashner and the movies. All pictures I used for the moodboards/headers are from pinterest. If I violate any copyright please let me know and I'm going to remove the pictures.
Beta by my pretty badass -  @hell1129-blog​  Thanks for your support! xo
Comments, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Please don't use my work or parts of it without my permission.
Previous parts:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
In Part 7 Thomas and Kasey finally share their first kiss! But don’t get too exited...no happy ending yet.
Thomas was surprised to see someone sitting on the tree trunk besides the glowing remains of the campfire at this late hour. Usually he found the place abandoned when it was one of those nights again he couldn't find some sleep and tried to get his mind straight by staring into the peaceful dark void at the ocean. When he came closer he realized the person sitting there, deep in thought, was Kasey. His body reacted in the usual way, his heartbeat speeding up, his palms getting sweaty, butterflies buzzing in his stomach. 
"Hey" he said softly to avoid giving her a fright but he made her jump anyway.
"Timber...you scared me." Kasey gave him one of those smiles that made his heart melt. "Wanna sit with me?" She patted on the empty space next to her.
"Sure." Thomas sat down on the short trunk, his thigh brushing against hers. He had never been so close to her before and it felt so good that he already wished this moment would never end. He turned to her and noticed that there was something in her eyes he had never seen there, something dark. It wasn’t sadness or worry, it was melancholy. A kind of tristesse that was very untypical for her.
"You're all right?" Thomas asked softly.
"Yeah. I just need a moment alone from time to time. And I love the special atmosphere at the beach at night."
"Yeah, me too. It's so peaceful. I come here often, when I can't sleep."
Thomas looked at her. Her skin was glowing golden in the fading light of the fire, shadows of the flickering flames dancing over her face.
"What keeps you awake?" Kasey asked with a frown, concern showing in her eyes.
You, he should have said. I can't get you out of my head. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't think of anything else but you, because I love you. But he didn't because he was a fucking coward. 
"I don't know, it's all and nothing. I just can't turn off my brain." he said instead.
"That's not a surprise with all you've been through. You still have a lot to process."
"Everybody here's been through a lot."
"Thomas, you fought WCKD, freed Minho from their headquarters, made it through the storming of the last city, discovered that your blood can cure the flare, lost your best friend and your girlfriend and you got shot. You almost died." she said sympathetically, touching his arm, sending shivers down his spine.
"Yeah, I know. I'm a hero" he said bitterly.
"You are." Kasey looked him in the eyes, her hand still on his arm. "You are a hero even if you don't want to be one, but still. And I know it's hard for you."
"It's just a lot of pressure. Everybody expects me to be a leader....but I'm not. Not yet. I'm not ready."
"Of course not. Just take your time to heal, Tommy. To get whole again. Step by step. Step one was to give up your career as a lumberjack and use your brain again." she winked at him. "Step 2 is working in the library with me. And maybe someday you'll be ready for the next step. Maybe someday you will be a leader, if you want to. Life goes on and time will show."
"It doesn't go on for all of us, Kay." 
"I know. Believe me...I know." she gave him a sad smile and he took her hand, squeezing it lightly. She didn't pull back.
"I think that's the hardest thing for me." Thomas sighed. "Thinking about the ones we've lost, I mean. Not only Newt and Teresa but all the others. Alby, Ben, Winston, Chuck...and so many, many more. It haunts me at night that I've made it and they haven't. I'm not better than them, not stronger, not smarter, not more important. Just luckier." He fought back the tears building in his eyes, staring into the darkness.
"Yes, I can relate." she said. "We lost so many good men and women along the way. It all seems so unfair and senseless ."
"You lost your boyfriend." Thomas said quietly. "Vince told me." 
"Yes, two years ago. Cole fought a crank to save my life. He didn't make it, was eaten alive by a mob of these monsters. I still hear his terrible howls of pain in my worst nightmares. But it's true what they say. Time's a healer. The scars remain but the pain gets better."
Now it were her eyes that were glistening. Without thinking about it Thomas wiped away the single teardrop that rolled down her cheek with his thumb gently, letting his hand slide down her arm then, taking her hand in his again.
And then there finally was the moment he'd been waiting for. The moment he looked her in the eyes, deeper than necessary, longer than necessary and this time she didn't look away, she held his gaze and seemed to look right into his burning heart. He leaned in slowly, looking for the slightest hints of resistance in her eyes. But to his big relief she didn't hesitate, she leaned in too, her eyes straying back and forth between his eyes and his lips. It was obvious that she wanted this as much as he did. He closed his eyes and their lips met in a tender, sensual kiss. He cupped her face with one hand, his other hand wandering to her waist, sliding carefully under her shirt, feeling her soft skin. Deepening the kiss, he entered her mouth with his tongue slowly, meeting hers, the kiss getting so intense, heated and erotic, it made both of them moan.
He felt his dick getting hard and his heart racing wildly, beating heavily against his ribcage, almost exploding with happiness. The moment of joy ended abruptly when Kasey suddenly pulled away. 
"I'm sorry, I can't do this, Tommy." 
"What? Why? Have I done something wrong?"
"No! No, of course not. It's not your fault. But I shouldn't be doing this." Kasey stammered.
Thomas just looked at her. Speechless. Disappointed. Embarrassed.
"You and me...it can only go wrong."
"Why would you say that?" 
"Tommy...girls talk a lot. The girls in this camp talk a lot. Especially about men...about you pretty often. So as a matter of fact I know your creed. You don't do relationships. See and I don't do one-night-stands. That's why it wouldn't work. You like sleeping around and that's perfectly fine, but it's not what I'm looking for. I don't want to be one of many. I don't want to be just a notch in your bedpost."
Thomas didn't know what to say so he simply stared at his feet, ashamed that she knew he used to screw anything with a heartbeat, realizing that his worst nightmare was coming true. She was turning him down.
"I see." He whispered in a hoarse voice.
"I'm not saying I'm not attracted to you, Tommy. I am. And I like you. A lot. You're handsome and sexy, smart and funny. I'm sure physically it would work out great between us. But I need more than sex. I need someone who wants to be with me. Someone who loves me" 
Thomas' head shot up realizing what she needed to hear from him and he was just about to tell her that he needed exactly the same, how much he was in love with her, how much he wanted to be with her, how sick he was of meaningless fucks, but before he'd sorted out how to say it, they heard footsteps behind them. Thomas turned around to see who was coming. It was Quincy who was raining on his parade. "There you are, Kay. I was starting to worry because I couldn't find you anywhere." he said when he was in earshot. Kasey got up from the make-shift bench hastily.
"Umm...yeah...Thomas and I've been talking. Why have you been looking for me?"
"Nothing special, just wanted to have a chat. I hope I'm not interrupting something?" Quincy asked uncertain, suddenly sensing the tense atmosphere.
"No, absolutely not." Kasey said, avoiding to look at Thomas and he knew their conversation was over. He'd wasted the chance to confess his feelings for her.
"I should get going." He got up, smiling at Quincy.
"You don't have to..." Kasey looked at him with a mixture of disappointment and relief.
"Nah...I really should get some sleep, I'm tired." he lied. "See you tomorrow."
"Sure. Have a good night, Thomas."
She watched him leave and couldn't help but feel bad. She liked him so much more than she wanted to admit to herself.
"What was that about?" Quincy asked, confused.
"I was clearly interrupting something. What was going on leaving both of you so flushed?" he eyed her suspiciously.
"It was nothing."
"It didn't look like nothing. Come on Kay, don't leave me in the dark."
"If you really have to know...we kissed, but...."
"You kissed? Oh wow, Kasey, I didn't know there's something going on with you and him." he interrupted her excitedly.
"Quince...if you'd ever let me finish my sentences...we kissed, but then I chickened out and turned him down." Kasey sighed.
"Well, his friends call him Casanova for a reason, you know. And I don't need a Casanova in my life. You should hear all the girls swooning and gossiping about him. I know a lot of things, I don't even want to know. From his dick size, over how loudly he moans, fucking them to the fact that he absolutely never does relationships. Only one-night-stands."
"I see." Quincy took her hand, giving it a sympathetic squeeze.
"Is he big then?"
"Quince!" Kasey couldn't help but laugh.
"What? It's an important question, isn't it. I bet he's big. It's always the still waters that run deep. The ones exuding big dick energy often have tiny wieners, I can tell you. I had this huge guy once, looking like a wrestler and his dick was so small I needed a magnifier to find it." he grinned.
"Oh my god, too much information, Quincy!"
"Okay, okay, but am I right?" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"Well, from what I've heard so far he is very well armed." Kasey cringed. "I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you."
"And is he a good kisser?"
"Yeah." she sighed. "He is. Very sensual. Very sexy. Very soft lips."
"And you find him attractive."
"Of course...I mean, just look at him. Those cheekbones, those lips, his smile and his eyes. I've never seen such beautiful brown eyes before. The color is so special, like liquid chocolate or a very old Tennessee whiskey, when the sun shines through the bottle. And don't even let me start with his body...he likes to work shirtless and I can tell you he has some fine abs..." Kasey said, blowing a chef kiss in the air.
"Don't start drooling, honey." Quincy smiled at her. "So you have the hots for him and he seems to be a nice guy. Why not give it a shot?"
"No, Quince, as I said. I don't want a fling."
"And what do you want? Parker?"
"Yeah, maybe. I don't know."  She got up from the bench and wrapped her arms around herself. "I can't think straight 'cause of this fucking kiss." 
"You're in love."
"No, I'm not." she lied. "Just...I don't know...physically attracted." 
"Ok...so you're horny."
Kasey made a face at him, sticking out her tongue, but she couldn't help but grin.
"So what are you going to do?"
"About being horny?" Kasey said with a smug smile.
"About Casanova, silly."
She sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "Pretend nothing's ever happened and go on with business as usual, I guess."
"Well...good luck with this, then." Quincy said with a frown.
I hope you liked this chapter. Let me know what you think!
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nashibirne · 3 years
Safe Haven - 11
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Pairing: Thomas / female OFC Setting: After the end of ‘TMR - Death Cure’ Summary: Thomas is dealing with the aftermath of the events since the glade and learns that falling in love can be painful. In part 11 (got the wrong number in the moodboard, sorry) Kasey has a date with Parker and she meets Anne... Warnings:  smut/sex/porn (in some chapters), swearing, mentioning of death, traumatic experiences, violence, sexual frustration, promiscuity, homosexuality, 18+ readers only Credits: TMR-Characters don’t belong to me / are based on the books by James Dashner and the movies. All pictures I used for the moodboards/headers are from pinterest. Face claims: Blake Lively, Parker Hurley. If I violate any copyright please let me know and I’m going to remove the pictures. Beta by the wonderful  @hell1129-blog​  Thanks for your support! xo
Comments, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
"Kay, why are you sitting here with me?" Parker cocked his head, looking at her with a frown. They were sitting on a pile of mattresses in the corner of the room that functioned as a substitute for a couch, enjoying a hot chocolate as kind of a dessert.
Kasey was a little confused by his question, that was coming out of nowhere in the middle of a rather easy-going chat. The whole dinner had been very nice, relaxed and natural, the conversation flowing without awkward moments of silence. In the beginning Parker had been pretty flirtatious but to Kaseys relief he'd started getting more casual, switching from flirt-mode to friends-mode during the evening. They talked about everything under the sun just like they used to do when they were nothing more than good friends and Kasey was beginning to hope that it wouldn't be necessary to talk about their relationship explicitly. That Parker's feelings had changed too over the last months and that they both silently agreed to staying just good friends. No more flirting, no dating. So his strange question caught her off-guard, making her feel unsure.
"Umm...because you invited me over? For dinner?"
"Right, and we decided to call it a date, didn't we."
"Yes, I guess so."
"So, let me ask you again, Kay, but with another accentuation this time...why are you sitting here on a date with me?" he asked, overly stressing the last word now, increasing Kasey's confusion.
"Is that a trick question, Parks?" she grinned, trying to laugh it off because it was dawning on her what he was getting at.
"No, it's not a trick question." He didn't join in laughing and Kasey was starting to feel uncomfortable.
"I don't know what you want to hear from me." her voice was sharper than intended.
Parker turned to her, taking her hand, his voice soothing now.
"What I want to hear from you is that you wanted this date as much as I did. That you've missed me as much as I've missed you. I want to hear my name slip from your lips again and again, because all you can think about is me. But unfortunately all I keep hearing is Thomas, Kay. Thomas did this, Thomas did that, Thomas is so funny, so brave, so nice, so smart. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas…that's why I'm asking why you're sitting here with me and not somewhere on a date with him." 
Kasey stared at him shocked and embarrassed.
"Oh my god, Parker. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I really didn't realize I talk about Tommy that much." She buried her burning face in her hands unable to look at him now.
"Well, you do. Almost non-stop."
"Okay, okay...I get it. I guess it's because I spend so much time with him. And he's a good friend...so…" She didn't need Parker to tell her how lame this excuse was but he told her anyway.
"You haven't mentioned Quince or Joe or Marjorie or any of your other friends just once, Kay. So I don't think that's the reason."
She didn't know how to respond, just shrugging her shoulders instead she gave him a sheepish smile.
"Just tell me, and please be honest, you and him...is there something going on? Something physical?"
"No." she replied truthfully.
"But?" Parker looked her in the eyes and she knew the moment of truth was there. She needed to be honest with him and with herself. Taking a deep breath she started to talk.
"But...there is something going on emotionally. I'm in love with him, Parker." she blurted out and to her own surprise she burst into tears. "I'm so sorry" she sobbed. "I don't know how it happened, at first I just liked him but then he was so...so...perfect. It suddenly hit me somehow... like lightning. I swear I was missing you, Parks...the months on sea, separated from you, I was so looking forward to this.." she said pointing at him and her and the remains of their dinner "but then Thomas came stumbling into my life and I fell for him. It just happened. Accidentally. I don't know..."
"Hey, hey, hey...princess. Calm down, okay? No need to cry." He took her in his arms, cradling her gently till her crying fit was over.
"I'm sorry." she said again, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand.
"Would you please stop apologizing, Kay?"
She nodded, staring at her feet.
"You should have told me right away. I mean...if I hadn't mentioned it...would you have said anything at all? What was your plan? To date me, secretly yearning for him?"
"No! Of course not. I was planning on telling you how my feelings have changed but then you stopped flirting and I thought maybe you're feelings have changed too and there is no need to talk about it at all…" Kasey still didn't dare to look him in the eyes.
"I stopped flirting because you wouldn't stop talking about him…" His voice was hoarse and the smile he gave her didn't reach his eyes. When Kasey finally looked at him, it didn't take much to tell how hurt he was.
"To be honest, Kay, I already had a notion earlier at the beach. I saw your little exchange during the lunch break and I had the strange feeling that you and the guy are already closer than we have ever been. And when you got angry because I called him a greenhorn, I knew he was special to you. But I hoped it was just feelings of friendship."
"I wish it was." she sighed. "I'm sorry. I really don't know what else to say, Parker."
"It's all right. It was me who wanted us to wait in the first place. We separated as friends and I don't deny it, I expected us to become more than this after our return, but you didn't make any promises and neither did I. So there's no need to justify yourself or to apologize."
"You're not mad at me?"
"No, I'm not. I know you didn't do it on purpose or to hurt me. We don't choose who we love, do we?" he sighed.
"And please don't be mad at Thomas, okay? It's not his fault."
Parker raised an eyebrow. "Are you scared I'm gonna kick his little ass?" 
"You wouldn't!"
"We'll see." Parker grinned causing Kasey to slap him on his leg. 
"Okay, okay, I promise. I'm not gonna touch a hair on his head."
"Good." Kasey smiled, stifling a yawn. She was so tired. The lack of sleep, the hard work all day, this conversation, the crying…
"So you love the guy. What about him? Does he feel the same?"
"No, I don't think so."
"How's that?"
"Let's just say he's not looking for love, okay?" Kasey was way too exhausted to tell Parker the whole story. She slowly sank down on Parker's lap, stretching out on the mattress, yawning.
"But he looks at you with a lot of love, Kay."
"No he doesn't…" was all Kasey managed to mumble before falling asleep, missing Parker's answer.
"I think you're wrong, princess."
The next morning she found herself on the mattresses, wrapped up in a blanket, blended by the sun, shining through the window right into her face. She raised her head, looking for Parker who was lying in his bed, smiling at her.
"Good Morning."
"I didn't have the heart to wake you up, so I thought you can just as well spend the night here with me."
"Thanks." she smiled at him gratefully. "I really appreciate that. Not only that you let me sleep here. Everything. Your understanding, your reaction. The way you handle this situation. I know I hurt you and I hope you know that's the last thing I wanted to do."
"Of course. I just want us to stay friends, Kasey." He got up and put on a shirt before he went to the stove, putting the kettle on.
"What about breakfast?"
'No, thanks, Parks." Kasey got up, straightening her clothes. "I don't want to abuse your hospitality. And I need some time to think." 
"Sure." he nodded. "And Kay?" Parker turned around to look at her. "I want you to be happy, okay? And if he's the one for you...then I'll be fine. I just want you to know…"
Kasey smiled and walked over to him, hugging him tightly. "Thanks. This means a lot to me."
When Kasey left Parker's hut, she unfortunately ran right into Anne, who was on her way to the laundry shack. 
"Uh-huh...you really don't waste any time, do you." Anne greeted her, a smug smile on her face.
"Excuse me?" Kasey decided to play dumb, hoping to avoid a longer conversation. But Anne wasn't willing to do her the favor.
"You and Parker I mean. There were rumours going round that you and him are a thing and obviously it's true. I'm dying to see Tommy's face when he finds out. He's gonna be so pissed and disappointed."
"What?" Kasey didn't even try to hide her annoyance.
"You don't have to act stupid." Anne snapped, her eyes cold. "Our little Casanova is in love with you and I'm not denying it...it's gonna be lots of fun to see him die from jealousy. The big player losing the most important game."
"Wait...what are you talking about, Anne? " Kasey couldn't believe her ears.
"Ooohhhh....you didn't know. He hasn't told you. What a fucking coward." Anne let out a contemptuous snort.
"Anne, I'm really not in the mood for some stupid games, okay? Thomas doesn't do love, just sex and you know that."
"Yeah, that's what I thought until the day before yesterday, when he called me by your name."
"He confused your name with mine...that doesn't mean anything." Kasey crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"He called me Kasey, cuming in my mouth, screaming your name when he orgasmed." Anne said, her voice sharp. "And when I confronted him about it, telling him he loves you right in his face, he didn't even try to deny it. So you better believe me."
Kasey stared at her speechless, unable to think clearly.  "It's gonna be a little awkward to work with him from now on, don't you think?" Anne gave her a triumphant and malicious smile before turning around and walking away without another word, leaving Kasey dazed and confused.
It took her a few minutes to think straight again but when she'd finally managed to compose herself she knew there was only one place she could go now. There was only one person who was gonna help her, listen to her, and talk to her with unabashed openness. The only person who really knew her, maybe better than she knew herself. 
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