sleepysheepytea · 2 years
Day 12 - Invisibility - @/august-anon
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I never thought it would be so hard to draw invisible hands like compressing fabric but it was pretty cool to figure out fhhf
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 12: Invisibility
Lee: Sero
Ler: Hakagure
Sero has been tickling everyone all week to the point everyone has to watch there surroundings.
“Hey Deku!” Hakagure called.
“JEEz! Sorry sorry I thought you were Sero” Midoriya jump clutching his chest apologizing to hakagure.
“It’s okay speaking of him do you know where he is?” Toru giggled.
“Yeah I think he is in his room that’s the last place he said he was located” Midoriya told.
“Okay Thankyou!!” Toru thanked before leaving Midoriya in the Kitchen.
Toru knocked on Sero’s door asking to come in. Which he did she found him working on the project that Aizawa had assigned. The project was basically all about themselves.
“Wassup toru”
“Heyy you working on that project huh?” She asked.
“No wonder you haven’t been a pest to anyone this evening” Toru smirked.
“Hey! How dare you call me a pest little miss invisible” Sero chuckled.
“I’m just saying you’ve got everyone on their toes now so I guess that’s a bonus” she shrugged her shoulders.
“Whatever not my fault everyone is oh so ticklish” Sero scoffed.
“You are being too sassy for my liking let’s change that” Toru crossed her arms before squeezing at his sides.
“EEH tohoru nOhoO do nAhat”
“Hmmmm nope you’re being a sassy Sero” she said poking at his ribs.
“Ohoho come ohohon tohohoruhu”
“Yohohou ahahahre beheing ahaha invihisiblehehe JEHErkehe”
“I’m what— that’s it”
“Have you learned your lesson” toru asked seeing if he was going to be snarky
“AHAAha whahat whahat’re you dohoEEEEEEEH NAHAAHAHAHAA”
“Never said I was done DUDE” Toru smiled.
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yourllocalaroace · 8 months
DAY 10 - Ghost
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Ler! Hagakure
‘Everyone run! There’s a ghost in the dorms!’ Kaminari yelled in the common room. The rest of class looked at him like he was mad. 
‘What are you on about Spark-plug?’ Bakugo asked angrily.’ Have you finally lost your mind?’ ‘No I haven’t! I swear I saw it! There’s really a ghost in here!’ Denki insisted. ‘Denki I swear I’m gonna—!!’ 
Out of nowhere Bakugo stopped talking mid-sentence, and straightend up. His eyes went went and he was…smiling? The rest of Class-1A looked at him in curiosity at his wired gestures. Suddenly… ‘GAHAHAHAHA! FAHAAHAHACK WHAHAHAHAHAHAHT IS TAHAHAHT!’ 
The others looked in horror and the blonde collapsed on the ground in loud uncontrollable laughter. 
Kirishima came running up to him, ‘Dude are you okay? What’s wrong?’
‘STAHAHAHAHAP! NOHOHOHO!’ He begged as he felt the ‘ghost’ tickle his worst spot. Everyone stared speechless, unable to do anything. 
‘Hehehe! I’m the Halloween tickle ghost!’ ‘Run before you meet your doom!’ A giggle filled voice called out. 
‘HAHAHAHAHAGKURE??? SHIHIHIHIHIT STAHAHAP!’ She squealed and got off him. This was going to be fun. 
‘Woah, Hagakure? That was a great prank, you really got hi- ahahahaha! Whahahahahait! Kirishima laughed, folding in on himself.’ 
‘Don’t think you’re safe from me!’ 
Seeing this unfold, the other members of the class didn’t think to stick around and tried to run away. 
‘Hey! Don’t try and escape the Halloween ghost!’ She called out, beginning to chose them. 
‘Quick hide here Mina!’ Kaminari whispered, grabbing her arm and pulling her into a storage closet. ‘Thanks Kami,’ ‘I think we’re safe here.’ 
‘Yeah, I told you guys there was a ghost! Hey! Mina, why did you poke my side?’ 
‘What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything— Hey! why did you poke MY side?’ She replied puzzled. 
‘I didn’t-‘ 
‘Then who? Oh no.’ 
‘Hagakure plehehehehehase!’ 
‘That’s why you don’t try to escape me!’ Toru laughed evilly. 
Her next victims were Sero and Uraraka, who were taking refuge in Sero’s room. 
She snuck in quietly and watched them talk as they sat on Seros bed. 
‘Glad we got away from all that chaos.’ 
‘You said it Sero!’ 
‘Hey how about we play card game till this all dies down?’ 
‘Yeah I love card games! How about…. Uhuhuhuhuno! Ahahahahha! Huhuhuhuhuhuh!’ Ochako suddenly burst out into rich high pitched giggles, squirming around on Sero’s bed as her stomach was tickled. 
‘Sehehehehro hehehehehlp!’ 
Ihihihi wohohohohould buhuhuhut shehehehe gohohohot me tohohohoho!’ He crumbled as his own side was tickled mercilessly.
Bu the end of the afternoon, no one in Class-1A could escape the wrath on the ‘Halloween Tickle Ghost.’  
Hope this way good!🤍🫧
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rachi-roo · 11 months
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Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting: A little secret about Kirishima~
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Just finished this DISGUSTINGLY wholesome and comedic show again so now I'm feeding myself~ 😋 Highly recommended to those of you who also enjoy Spy x Family and Buddies Daddies!!! 12 episodes and all adorable with that kick-ass element thrown in 😚🤌
Summary: After the little lady, Yaeka is left with Suguhara and Takeuchi, she learns a very important secret about Kirishima that simply MUST be observed first-hand!
Lee!Kirishima, Lers!Suguhara, Takeuchi
Tw: Footer tiggles
------------{ ☆°•○•°☆ }------------
"Ticklish?" Yaeka's eyes lit up as she listened to her stand-in babysitters, Kei Suguhara and Shogo Takeuchi, as they spilt the beans on poor Kirishima whilst he was at a meeting with their boss.
Suguhara was laying on his side as he watched Yaeka drawing happily. He took another biscuit from the table, popping it in his mouth with a nod.
"Mhm. Kirishima is suuuper ticklish. It's his only known weakness~" He explained, wiping the biscuit crumbs on his jeans. Takeuchi, who was sat across from Yaeka, furrowed his brow.
"Hey," He started in a hushed tone. "Are you sure it's safe to be telling the little lady this? If Kirishima finds out through her, he'll know it was us who told her. He'll kill us."
The other blonde's face sank as he realised. This was bad. Of all the secrets they had spilt about Kirishima, this was definitely the one that would get them in trouble.
"Damn it, you're right!" He gasped as he sat up, frantically clinging to his partner's shirt. "What are we gonna do?! I'm too young to die, Takeuchi!"
"I-It's fine! It's fine! I'm sure Yaeka will understand how important it is to keep it a secret. R-Right, Yaeka?" The two looked at the doe-eyed girl with a hopeful smile. Praying that she was merciful enough to not let it slip. That she would find it in her heart to-
"Keep what a secret~?" The two blonde's hearts stopped as they heard the unmistakable, cold-toned, voice of the Demon.
They shuddered in their seats, listening to the sliding door behind Yaeka as it was pushed open. Kirishima stepped in and stood over the little lady, still wearing his black suit jacket that was only worn to official events. He smiled warmly at his little lady, before turning a grim eye to the others, he already knew they had done something that would warrant a beating.
Kei stuttered for his life, trying to come up with something. Anything that might save their butts.
"Uh! N-Nothing! Nothing at all! We don't keep secrets here! We're an open book, right Takeuchi?!"
"Right! We've just been uhhh, drawing! Drawing all afternoon~ Look how amazing Yaeka's drawing is! Haha, woooow!" Shogo held up one of Yaeka's crayon drawings, hoping it may act as a shield. "So talented!"
Kirishima raised a brow as he smirked, baring those shiney fangs of his. He loved watching his underlings squirm.
"They told me that you're ticklish." Yaeka's little voice spoke up as she looked up at her babysitter. The two blonde's all but died behind her, collapsing into a heap. They were finished for sure.
"Oho, did they now?" The silver-eyed man chuckled angrily, slipping his jacket off, and draping it calmly over a dresser, before loosenig his tie and cracking his knuckles. Yaeka set her crayons aside, gently grabbing Kirishima's trouser leg.
"I want to see." She smiled innocently at him, the blonde's suddenly being revived as they heard her request.
The cheeks of the Demon heated up a little as he stared down at her, shocked by her words. No. Surely she didn't just say-
"I want to see you laughing!" Yaeka smiled, bouncing on her toes. "It can be your atonement for not taking me to the park yesterday like you said."
"N-Now, little lady, I don't think that's very fair. It was pouring down with rain." Kirishima smiled meekly as he petted her hair, desperate to convince her otherwise.
"Are you reeeally going to deny the little lady such a simple request?" Suguhara said with a teasing smirk.
Kirishima grits his teeth at the snarky tone Suguhara used toward him. He knew damn well that Kirishima couldn't handle being tickled! He internally reminded himself where he left the shovel so he could bury those two alive later!
"Well, not necessarily, I just- I just got back from a job and, you know, I'm... Tired." Uh oh, Kirishima was floundering. This wasn't like him at all!
Yaeka folded her arms, puffing her cheeks as she just glared at him.
"Y-Yaeka, please. I-I really don't..." Kirishima sighed, realising he wasn't going to win this one. Yaeka would be grumpy with him if he didn't do this, and that's not what Kirishima wanted.
"Fine. Fine." He grumbled, sitting on the tatami matts with his legs crossed, folding his arms like a kid who'd just been put in time-out.
Yaeka smiled, shuffling to his side before being stopped by Takeuchi.
"Please, allow us, little lady. We wouldn't want you being injured~" He grinned, gently sitting her at a safe distance from Kirishima and his potentially dangerous limbs.
Suguhara sniggered, sitting beside Kirishima, with Takeuchi on the other. The Demon Wakagashira of the Sakuragi family allowing himself to be tickled for his atonement?! This was an opportunity too good to pass up.
"I'm going to kill you guys after this, I swear." The victim grumbled, tensing his whole body as he prepared for the attack, his eyes darting between the two sets of slowly approaching hands, each armed with their own teasing, wriggling digits.
"Worth it~" Suguhara chimed, wriggling his fingers eagerly, knowing very well that anticipation was Kirishima's kryptonite when it came to tickling.
Kirishima snarled at Suguhara.
"Worth it? Oho, you won't be saying that when I-Iiiieeeahaha!" Takeuchi suddenly poked at Kirishima's side, breaking the Yakuza's cold front in mere seconds. The purple-haired man quickly turned to grab Takeuchi's hands, immediately regretting his decision to go through with this.
"Noho! No, no, no. Nope, I've changed my mind. I'm not doing thiiii-ahaha!" A second attack from the other side made Kirishima squeak as he felt his partner's fingers spidering up and down his side.
"Hehey! W-Wahahait! Time out! I-I changed my mihihind!" Kirishima giggled through gritted teeth as he flinched and twisted this way and that as both his attackers took turns poking his sides, making him turn one way then the other, back and forth in a tickly trap.
"Atone for your crimes against lady Yaeka!" Suguhara chimed, his tickling fingers following Kirishima as he flopped onto his back, losing all composure against the devious attack.
Kirishima lost it, and so quickly, too! His loud, boyish laughter filled the room, spilling out into the hallways for all to hear. His ears heated up with a pretty pink glow, matching his rosie cheeks.
"Gehet ohoff! Get off! Noho! Y-You f-Ahaha!" A potentially bad word was cut silenced as his laughter suddenly jumped up in intensity.
"Watch your language there, Kirishiiima~ Not in front of the little lady~" Takeuchi chimed as his hand managed to find its way up inside the Demons cotton shirt that had come untucked in his struggling. Devious digits now pressing and pinching at Kirishimas' lowest set of abs, ripping a huge snort from his throat as he suddenly curled up like a woodlouse, pulling his knees to his chest defensively.
"*Snort* AAAAHahahaaah! NO! Jehehesus! NAAA!" He rolled to one side, hugging himself as his sunglasses slipped from the bridge of his nose and onto the tatami mats.
Little Yaeka watched on from the side, smiling happily as she watched her usually stoic bodyguard turn into a pile of purple haired mush as he laughed freely.
"Aha! N-Nuho! Fwuah-AHA!"
"You're very loud." Yaeka giggled, quietly taking out her phone and taking a photo of Kirishimas toothy smile. His dimples and scrunched up nose would make a lovely contact photo for whenever he texted or called her.
"He is loud, ain't he?" Suguhara sniggered, clawing at Kirishima's belly, watching his higher-up vibrate with laughter.
"Dahahamn it! AHA! E-Enough!" In an attempt to free himself, Kirishima pressed his socked foot against Takeuchi's chest, trying to push him away. "Knock it off!"
A look of terror crossed Kirishima's face as he realised that Takeuchi had gripped his ankle and was staring at him with a menacing smirk.
"Don't. You. Dare."
"Don't I dare, what? Kirishima?" He smirked, moving his flexing fingers closer to the vulnerable foot.
"Tickle my foot."
"I can't believe you really just fell for that! Haha!" Takeuchi laughed as he attacked, scribbling his nails up and down the Demons sole.
"WAAHAHAIT! I-I sahahaid doho-HAHAHAA!" He couldn't handle it. His feet were ridiculously sensitive, and he cursed it every time he was reminded. Like right now.
"Gimme the other!" Suguhara chimed in, grabbing the other ankle and pinning it in an ankle-lock under his arm, starting to scratch at the heel.
"NAAAHAHAhahahaaa! Oho God! Nohoo! Nonono! Haaaaah-ah! *snort* AHAHA!"
Takeuchi and Suguhara looked at each other with a cruel smile before both starting to tease in union.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle~"
"Shudduhup! Shut up, shut up, shut u-AHAHAP!"
"What a ticklish little demon we have here~" Suguhara sang, scribbling under his toes.
"Nohoho! Stahahap!"
"Yes, very giggly and wriggly~ I bet the ghost tickles will last for hours once were done." Takeuchi added, dragging all five nails up and down the length of his foot.
Kirishima was a mess, tears streamed down his face as he tossed and turned on the tatami mats, his hands covering his face in ticklish agony, muffling his laughter. Unable to find the strength to pull his ankles free, all he could do was lay there and laugh, his chest heaving as he sucked in shuddering breaths.
"Mehercy! Plehehease! PLEHEEEEASE!" Kirishima leaned forward, managing to grab Suguharas shirt, trying to pull him back and free himself.
"I sahahaid-! RH!" In one swift movement, Kirishima found a burst of strength and pulled Suguhara back, using the momentum to pull Takeuchi over as well, the two ending up side by side on their backs with Kirishima straddling them both as he panted.
"-Mercy!" He panted, glaring down at his two underlings as they stared in terror.
"Um, K-Kirishima, we were just playing." Kei whined, holding his hands up in submission.
"Yeah! It was for Yaeka! We just wanted to make her happy!" Shogo nodded, looking behind himself at Yaeka for support.
The little lady giggled, walking over and gently placing Kirishimas sunglasses back on his face. "Are you okay? Did they tickle too much?"
"Hah, course' not, little lady. It'll take more than that to take me down." He smiled, gently petting her hair. "Now, why don't I show you how to really make someone laugh?" He asked, smirking down at the two cowering men beneath him.
"Wait, wait, wait! Kirishima! NOOOO-!"
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lovelymessybubbly · 2 years
hey Hope i didnt miss requests ! hm could ya do a torumina tickle fight its such an underrated ship!
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drawing the translucent toru was an incredible challenge, so apologies for any apparent mistakes (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ these two are very cute and, as anyone else, i love love love mina so they were a joy to draw.
hope you enjoy !
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May the music carry the spirit
Oikawa x marching band!reader
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Key because of a new POV replacer on Wattpad:
Y/N=your name (mainly first)
L/N=last name
f/c= favorite color
f/s/a= favorite stuffed animal
f/f=favorite flower
You are a 2nd year and Oikawa is a 3rd year and you play flute in this (yes I’ve played flute myself for 11 years now so… prepare for band nerd jargon) (also Oikawa's dialogue is written in blue, the announcer is in orange, and the section leader is in pink
anyway let's get started
I sadly got to start my day with my alarm blaring at full volume with my sheet music now doused in my 40 ounces of bang energy drink so I could practice all night (but that didn’t turn out well obviously). 
Jee i wonder how this day could possibly get worse
Oh yeah
We perform our indoor show today at one of our school’s volleyball games
And we don’t even get to sit with the other Seijoh students until after the show (which is AFTER the first set regardless of who takes it) and then play pep tunes the other 2 sets where I of course was given a solo and am on the mic everytime we play one certain song
But to add more insult to this mortal injury
Both teams would be watching us from the stands during our show to give more attention to marching bands indoors and because of an outrageously important audition for us
We had just gotten off the bus when Iwazumi came running up to me to ask if I knew where the director is (yes he knows me because we were almost on the same page academically.)
“Hey L/N do you know where the band director is?”
“Sadly I am not sure since he wasn’t on our bus, however I think he’s on bus…1 I think?”
“Oh uh thank you. And um… good luck? Is that what we’re supposed to say?”
“I mean you’re kinda close. We say ‘have a good show’. Have a good game Iwa-kun.”
“Have a good show L/N”
We walked into the entrance of the gym with our instruments while the percussion went and got the props and technology and the team went to the locker room but, on the way to our designated warm up areas
“Oh hi Y/N-chan you’re all good! Are you ok?” and he said this while i was looking for my horn
“I’m so confused what are you talking about”
“L/N it’s only 50 for you ms.soloist”
*sigh* “besides you have the most banged up flute anyway”
“Y/N-chan! You have to be nice to yourself! Iwa-chan has told you too!”
“Ok so here’s how it is Oikawa-san, I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO SURVIVES DEATH BLOCK NOW I can hold mine up perfectly for 30 minutes straight!”
“I better not catch you doing more than 10 push ups!”
“Whatever you can’t stop me meanie-kawa not even my section leader knows it’s good for me”
“ I’d be careful if I were you Y/N-chan~”
I walked away to the end and did 20 burpees right in front of Oikawa just out of spite and screamed back:
And of course he yells back at me:
I ran off to the warm up area while giving Oikawa a peace sign
I watched as Y/N-chan jogged away while holding up a peace sign and without her knowing I was blushing uncontrollably 
I can’t be thinking like this before an important game! We’re really good but that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down while playing Date Tech
I’ll win for her 
I’ll win for Y/N and cheer her on during her show
I went with the team to the locker room we shared with the band because they only put their band uniforms over their squad shirts and compression shorts 
And what did I see?
“178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185…” 
“Y/N-chan! Don’t push too hard, you'll hurt yourself!”
“196, 197, 198, 199, 200, DAMN IT OIKAWA I LOST COUNT NOW I HAVE TO START OVER >:( “
“Y/N-chan no just no. No more push-ups for you.”
I got up and looked him in the eye (which I never do) { hehehe author-chan never does this lol}
“If I push hard then I get better I thought you would know that too”
“Ok but I don’t punish myself harshly for something small”
“Look I understand this is important but I need to get in the head space to perform and I don’t want to burden you by clouding your mind and judgment with this because I know I don’t matter as much as your game. And I don't want you to think I’m doing this to be hurtful to you. I know how important performing in your sport is and how important it is to you. I don’t want to get in the way of that.”
“Your health is important too, you know. Iwa-chan taught me that and it made me a better player. I think it would make you a better musician if you took care of yourself too”
“I’ll see you later Oikawa-san I have to go warm up now. Have a good game!”
I clapped my hand on his shoulder and smiled a closed mouth smile at him and shook his hand
“I’ll teach you the woodwind handshake if you want me too later :) “
“Sounds great Y/N-chan!”
I walked and got my flute and started warming up on scales while walking away and then flexed by playing the solo from Carmen’s Entra’cte by Bizet and then Bach’s sonata in E major while backwards marching and giving him a wink
I just watched in absolute awe as she walked away playing like a pro musician.
“Oi Shitty-Kawa we’re going to warm up soon”
“Y-yeah I’ll be there in a hot sec”
Then he hit me upside the head 
“ I-I think I’m in love”
“Oh dear god.”
“Then play well for her if you want to show her!”
“I will then!”
As the boys were lining up and getting ready to play we started playing “The Greatest show” to hype up the crowd more (if that’s even possible lol)
And as we neared the end of the diminuendo and the song the captains shook hands and we went off the court out to prepare for the show after the first set
We may have not gotten to see them play but we were ready to show everyone what we were made of
We stepped out onto the court and were introduced
{a/n the flute solo is Bach’s orchestral suite No.2 in B minor, BWV}
As we were leaving and the boys were coming back to play OIkawa-san and I made eye contact for a mere millisecond and we both blushed and looked away and continued on our own path and then he stopped in his tracks turned around and said “Y/N-chan you were great! Can’t wait to see you up there!” “th-thank y-you Oikawa-san”
My heart sunk 
I was supposed to break 90
I didn’t
My solo score brought us down
I wanted to cry
I retained my composure as I went up to get my medal
Afterwards the team was able to come down to congratulate all of us and who came up to me?
Iwa and Oikawa
“Good job L/N-chan-”
“I scored too fucking low”
“I was supposed to break 90 and we could have made a better set of qualifiers”
“That doesn’t change that you were really good”
Then Oikawa chimed in
“Y/N-chan you did so well and this is only the beginning right?”
“True but I-”
“Y/N there’s no reason for you to be angry. You’ll beat them but you at least know where you stand right?” it was weird not hearing Oikawa using an honorific but I knew he was serious
“So don’t let this benchmark stop you. Keep going!”
“I guess?”
“You wanna know something else Y/N-chan?”
“I’m in love”
Holy crap
Did he finally fall for one of his fangirls? Who was lucky enough to be the one he had his eyes on?
“Who’s the lucky girl? Is it one of your fangirls?”
“No. no. no they don’t come close to this girl”
“I have no idea then Oikawa-san I need a hint”
“We should go out into the hall the next group’s coming in”
So we went out
“She’s smart, beautiful, kind, and her talent is incredible”
“Uhh….. I got nothin I actually know no person like that”
“Really? That’s quite tragic that you don’t see those things in yourself”
“Hold on WHAT?!?”
“That’s right. You’re the one I fell for Y/N…I love you it’s ok if you don’t feel the same I”
“I love you too Tooru” I went in and gave him a hug
“I’m still not gonna let you do your push-ups because I love you too much and I don't want your arms to fall off”
I looked up at him and slooooowwwly got out of his embrace took a step back and continued from 200 push ups from where I left off
“201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207…”
And so he of course got down to my level and laid down so his head was under mine and he kissed me when I went down for another push up
“Oikawa no I’m trying to do my push ups!”
“Well I think you should get a kiss for every push-up then”
“It’s supposed to be a punishment not a reward!”
“I don’t think my precious girl should be punishing herself period”
So I tried to move away but he just got up and moved to my location and squatted only to wrap his arms around my torso and just started tickling the shit out of my tummy and ribs
“You wanted to punish yourself right? So here it is! Best part is you’re smiling and laughing which makes me happy”
“That’s not very nice Y/N-chan! Now I’ll have to tickle you more!”
He moves his hands up to my armpits and somehow thinking ahead he flipped me over and sat all in one motion while keeping my wrists pinned under his legs and just going wild fluttering his fingers all over my torso and armpits with seemingly no intention to stop
“Wow, Y/N-chan you’re so cute and ticklish!”
“Ok ok ok I’ll stop now”
 He gets up off me and pulls me in for another kiss and a hug 
“I’m paying for dinner tonight by the way”
“No I’m gonna pay. I don’t care if you think you should. You won your game so it’s my treat”
“B-but I-I-I-”
“No buts I’m paying”
“Meanie I should be paying for you for performing so well :( “
“You can pick the place though”
“Do you want lessons for music because you seemed quite interested and dumbstruck during the woodwind feature”
“Sounds good to me! And I’ll give you volleyball lessons in return!”
And with that we were off to dinner 
But not before he got me a f/c f/s/a and a bouquet of f/f
I might make a part 2 I haven't decided
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giggly-squiggily · 9 months
Hey hey heyyyyyy
Can i request lee oikawa and lers iwa, mattsun, and makki? Fnfjdjs
Heyo! I'm really sorry anon, but I could not for the life of me find a way to fit Mattsun and Maki into this. I honestly can't remember much of anyone in that team besides Iwa and Oikawa these days. I need to rewatch Haikyuu hehe.
Still! I hope you like it! :D
CW: Swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo
The second the door shut, Oikawa was scrambling for freedom.
“Get over here you son of a-” Iwa’s words were cut off by the squeal of terror Oikawa let loose when he was grabbed from behind, arms around his waist as he was yanked back into the couch. “You thought you could pull what you did today and get away with it?”
“Iwa! Iwa wahahhahahhait!”
~~~8 or so hours earlier~~~
Oikawa was bored.
The one day off he finally lets himself have, and Iwa has to go to class! He wouldn’t even skip! 
“I can’t just skip class, Toru. What’s gonna happen when I really do need to skip?”
“You’re gonna go anyway cause you’re too stubborn to acknowledge illness.”
“Watch it…I’ll be home tonight. Just- entertain yourself until then. Take a nap, watch a movie, go on a jog- find something to do.”
Oikawa could really have done any of those things, but they weren’t nearly as fun without Iwa!
‘Come home?’ He texted an hour into the day, knowing how silly he was being but not caring one bit.
‘Later. Class is starting soon- love you, bye.’ Iwa’s text came back.
Oikawa rolled his eyes as he let his phone flop against his chest, groaning dramatically. He texted too much- usually Iwa would humor his back and forth for at least a few seconds. He was starting to learn his ways.
“Class is starting soon my butt.” Oikawa glared at the phone, switching to his socials soon after. Some scrolling here, some liking posts there- he left what he felt was a hilarious comment under Mattsun’s recent sunset photo, but gave up when Mattsun replied with a simple “???”. How tiresome.
He was about to call up Maki to see if he was available when a video came into his feed- one that made him stop and stare.
“Is it recording? Great! Hi, my name is Hinata Shoyo- and this is what I like to call: Tickle me Kageyama!” In the video the redhead turned to his friend, jumping on him and attacking his ribs with reckless abandon. Kageyama practically squawked, flailing in his chair while swearing every bad word he knew at him. Soon though- he was laughing up a storm, pig snorts mixing with endless bouts of laughter.
“Don’t swear so much, Shoyo’s sister might be watching!” He didn’t recognize the voice behind the camera, but he sounded very amused. A taller guy with a close shaved head waved at the camera before jumping in, further driving Kageyama up the wall. “Get ‘em, Tanaka! Hehehe!”
The video ended not long after that, the replay button taunting Oikawa like a flashing light. His body was tingling all over. God I wish that was me…
Panicked, he tossed his phone into the nearest pillow, shaking his head. No, no- don’t start feeling like that right now! Iwa’s not gonna be home for another decade! And even when he did get home…
When he got home…
A new idea came to mind, and Oikawa snickered in glee as he grabbed his phone, pulling up the texts…
~~~4 hours ago~~~
It was agony waiting until Iwa’s first class was over, but he knew his boyfriend wouldn’t be on his phone during class. He waited until he knew class was over before beginning his attack.
The first thing was simple. A picture of a heart, sparkly and pink. Eventually the text said ‘read’ but nothing appeared after. Oikawa could picture Iwa’s confused face as he looked upon the picture.
A moment later, he sent a gif of a shower of hearts, followed by ‘Does this make you think of anything?’
Bubbles. Then: ‘You’re having a heart attack?’
It took everything in Oikawa not to send a rolling eye emoji.
‘I’m thinking of how much I love you~’ He texted, followed by three pink heart emojis. He waited- then.
‘Stop it.’ Iwa wrote.
‘You know why.”
‘I’m on campus!’
‘And you told me to find something entertaining to do. <3”
‘Find something else.’
‘Can I find the words to say how much I adore you? How hot are you when you take things so seriously and finish what you start? How are you so strong- both physically and mentally? How I love just how in the zone you are when you’re doing something you love?’ It was devious and awful and terrible but Oikawa was kicking his feet like a school girl picturing how red Iwa must be looking right now. He could easily picture the others on campus looking at him wondering: “What’s got him so flustered?”
‘Yes, my sweet prince?’
‘Final warning.’ This was it! ‘Stop it or I’ll make you stop.’
Oikawa considered. Then he grinned. ‘Hey- guess what? I love you, Hajime.’ He wrote before sending it to Iwa. He waited, and waited, and waited…
‘You’re done for.’ And that was that.
Oikawa cackled, tossing his phone into the couch as he did a little jig. Laughing like a child, he sent a few heart emojis and a kissy face before turning off his phone, knowing seeing the time would make the anticipation worse.
All he had to do now was wait.
~~~Present time~~~
“You know- if you really want me to tickle you, you could have just asked.” Iwa growled in his ear, sitting on the back of his hips as he creeped his fingers up Oikawa’s shirt, scratching along warm skin. “No need to fluster me in front of my freaking adviser!”
“Whihihihiihihy whehehehre you on the phoohoohohone with yohoohohur advihihihisor? Aheahhahhahaha, Iehehehhehhewa!” Oikawa giggled out, pressing his arms against his sides as he tried to block him out. It didn’t work.
“He came up to me during your little game, shitty-kawa! I had to make up some dumb excuse that I doubt he believed!” He moved his fingers higher up, wiggling them along his ribs. “Let’s see- I think it’s only fair I make you as red as you made me today.”
“Iihihiihihiwa, aheahhahahhahhahahaha! Pffft- gehahahahahhaha, pleahhahhahahhase!” Oikawa cried, kicking his feet against the cushions. “It tiihihihiihihihckles!”
“No way, does it really?” Iwa asked, tapping along his upper ribs, just before his armpits. “Anything you want to say?”
“Mhmhmmhmmhmhhehehehehehe! HEheheheehehehehehehehe!” Oikawa willed the giggles down, daring a look back at Iwa’s face. “Dohohohoho your wohohohorst!”
Iwa tsked. Then he dug his hands into Oikawa’s armpits.
“AHHEHAHHAHHAH!” The setter squealed, thrashing about beneath him as he laughed himself hoarse. “OHOHOHOOHKAY OOHOOHHOKAY I’M SAHAHHHAHARRY! IIHIHIHIHM SHAAHHAHAHRRY!”
“Promise?” Iwa asked.
“Hm….okay.” The tickles came to an end, leaving Oikawa gasping for breath with his head pressed into the cushions. Iwa hummed before swatting him gently, climbing off his back and scooping him up. In a matter of minutes, they were cuddling on the couch. “You’re a shit.”
“Yohohoohu love me.” Oikawa pointed out, giggling when his side was poked.
“Nope.” Oikawa looked up at him, eyes kind. “And I’m not sorry for what I said! I mean every word.” Iwa tried to glare, but his face grew rosey and the undeniable love in his eyes glinted. “Though I suppose texting you during school wasn’t wise.”
“No, it wasn’t. But…I don’t mind.” Iwa mumbled, silencing Oikawa with a kiss. “But if you do that again, next time I’m not having mercy.”
“We’ll see.”
Thanks for reading!
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
Can I humbly request Ler!Hagakure and Lee!Bakugo? It’s a little unconventional i know. I can see Toru wrecking Bakugo for snapping on her like he does to everyone. Dude angry as hell for no reason he gotta chill lmao.
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Words: 2992
Fandom: MHA
Characters: Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Hagakure, Lee!Midoriya, ler!Ojiro
Summary: Bakugou and Midoriya against Hagakure and Ojiro. Turns out Bakugou needs to learn some manners.
A/n: KEIDUDU ANOTHER FIC OVER 2K WORDS I LOVE IT AHHH sorry btw, if this is the same person who sent this twice, I was doing it, hope you enjoy! ♡
It was another field training day. Everyone was in pairs and put against each other in their own areas. Much like some of their first field training with Midoriya against Bakugou, both teams were villains and both teams were heros.
Each group was left to their own devices while Mic and Aizawa went to go do some paper work. If anything got too serious, they'd know by the cameras they'd set up in office.
Each group was set to capture the other, they all had half an hour to do so.
Teams were simple, though today we're focusing on two teams; Bakugou and Midoriya VS Hagakure and Ojiro.
One team, heavily over powered yet nearly no communication skills though having grown up together. The other having great communication skills along with a good friendship since starting but limited skills to their bodies.
The two were placed in an abandoned city with two buildings to work with. Currently Bakugou and Midoriya both stood arguing about what to do, of course Bakugou wanting to kill his class mates while Midoriya trying to come up with a plan to defeat them.
In the other building Ojiro and Hagakure stood around chatting casually, hearing Bakugou's screaming from tens of meters away.
"Honestly, he needs to learn how to chill out!" Hagakure stomped her boot.
"Yeah, yesterday I saw him and Midoriya screaming about toast. Do they ever not argue?"
The two spoke for a bit and tried discussing different ideas to get the other two captured. The idea was to get both villians captured, if one was free then they lost. Simple as that.
There was a bell that signaled the timer had started, half an hour to capture the other team. Either a win or a lose. And Bakugou wasn't loosing.
"Kacchan..." Midoriya gave the boy a weak look, tired of fighting.
"We're gonna go find those extras and we're going to kill them!" Bakugou yelled, of course then storming off down the hall.
Midoriya followed along, not wanting their duo to split and get caught off guard.
"I don't know Kacchan- Hagakure and Ojiro are a really good team, they get along really well and have been training together more recently, I think if we-"
"doesn't matter! I'm the strongest. They're weaklings, I bet I could take them on even without you!"
Midoriya just rolled his eyes and followed along with the angry pomeranian.
"If we-"
"We don't need your stupid plans Deku!"
"But Kacchan!-"
Blah blah blah. The two bickered back and forth back and forth while walking down their own building. The team had nearly no communication skills, which came in handy for the opposing team.
"So what should we do?" Ojiro asked, a hand on his hip and looking to his invisible friend for answers.
"Im not sure... Bakugou and Midoriya are both crazy powerful!"
"Yeah but don't you remember half of their training sessions? Five minutes ago we heard them arguing about killing us!?"
The two went silent for a minute and just heard Bakugou screaming die over and over again. Giving each other a deadpan look.
"So no communication with them two"
"We can use that! We're great at communication!"
Ojiro and Hagakure then began to walk down their own halls, coming up with a plan to capture the other two. Granted their powerful, but they just needed a steady plan to stop them from using their quirks.
"All we need to do is handcuff them right?" Ojiro asked, holding up a pair of handcuffs. Hagakure held up her own pair.
"Yep! And keep them in their handcuffs for 3 minutes minimum!"
"Alright, so we'll need to distraction them somehow, Bakugou will definitely blow our heads off if we just walk up to him. We'll have to stop him from using his quirk at all" Ojiro thought aloud.
"and Midoriya is super quick!" Hagakure added, the two now walking down a flight of stairs.
Ojiro nodded and tried thinking for a moment without much luck. "For Midoriya, we should just try to be careful, he's really smart but if Bakugou won't listen-"
"Then they won't have a plan" Hagakure finished the sentence for her friend and slid down the banister of the staircase, jumping off at the bottom.
Ojiro ran down quickly, nodding with a smile at their quick and easy communication skills.
"So if we attack quicker, it would still be pointless, it's best we make a plan and go slower as Bakugou's more likely to do better if he pushed us into a head on fight"
The two talked about different strategies and ideas, only to be interrupted by a loud noise followed by a screaming Bakugou.
At first they though he had brought them into a headfirst fight, which in that case they would have most likely quickly lost, but instead they ran to the nearest window and saw a hole blown out of the others building. No doubt that it was Bakugou's temper.
"But Kacchan! I have multiple plans that could work-"
"But we don't need any of them because I'm going to KILL them!"
Ojiro and Hagakure could see the two arguing by the massive hole created in the wall, Bakugou stomping his feet and Midoriya putting up his hands, trying to compromise.
Bakugou then turned around, luckily not noticing them in the window but still stomping and screaming, "YOU HEAR THAT EXTRA'S? IM GONNA COME OVER THERE AND KILL YOU SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAND YOURSELVES OVER NOW!"
Hagakure and Ojiro just watched silently from the window, not having been spotted but watching as Bakugou has another fit.
"Someome should really teach him some manners! And to laugh every once in a while!" Hagakure complained, crossing her arms. Ojiro turned to look at her, as much as he could look at her, and agreed. Nodding his head.
"I heard him laugh in training once and he's got such an evil laugh! His eyes were all red and glowing and he looked ready to kill!" Hagakure shook her hands, trying to get rid of the though in her head and squealed a little.
Ojiro put a hand to his chin for a minute though and laughed, "actually I heard him laughing the other day, Kirishima was chasing him and he actually has a normal laugh when he wants to- I guess he just likes murder?"
Hagakure turned to boy with a tail and raided her eyebrows in surprise, not that he could see, though somehow he still knew she was surprised. "Really? Why?"
"Oh Kirishima was just chasing him around trying to tickle him, the two ran into his bedroom and while I was taking plates back I heard them laughing" Ojiro thought back on the memory, shrugging it off as normal but also nice to know Bakugou wouldn't actually completely murder them.
"He was actually begging Kirishima to stop too, it was definitely something" Ojiro laughed as he turned around and continued walking down the many halls of the building. Hagakure looked out the window again to see Bakugou stropping like a child and then ran after Ojiro excitedly.
"I have an idea!!"
Midoriya had finally somehow convinced Bakugou to get back inside the building and try to come up with a plan. Not like the blond was listening much, but it was better than the constant screaming.
"That way if we- Kacchan what are you doing?" Midoriya looked up for a second to see Bakugou walking off down the halls without so much as a signal for him to follow.
"Im going to go win, you can stay here" Bakugou replied nonchalantly. Waving Midoriya off.
"Kacchan! We were finally getting somewhere!" The broccoli boy replied.
"No we weren't, you were going on and on about your stupid plan when I can easily win without it!"
Midoriya followed along, wanting to pull our his own hair and throwing his head back with a loud whine.
"Ahhhhh Kacchan! Hagakure and Ojiro probably already have a plan!"
Bakugou didn't care in the slightest though, making his way through the building to perhaps the 4th floor. Having started at the 7th, and blown up the 6th.
"Im going to go blow up them extra's, you're just waisting my time Deku"
Midoriya really just couldn't be bothered at this point, having only been 13 minutes in and already spent most of them arguing.
That's when something felt off to Midoriya. He looked around but didn't see anything as Bakugou droned on and on about how amazing he was and that he didn't need Deku's dumb plans that probably wouldn't even work anyway.
He couldn't spot anyone, but the feeling alone was enough to tell Midoriya someone was here. One opponent was quite literally invisible so he wouldn't put it past them to use it to the other teams advantage.
"What Deku?!"
"Someone's here"
"Huh?- sHiHit!"
And right then, the most unexpected thing happened. Bakugou burst out into laughter, but not his murderous intent laughter, no but his childlike normal human being I'm not a phyco laughter.
The blond jumped and made a strange move before doubling over into loud laughter, trying to stop the funny feeling on his torso.
Midoriya just stared for a moment, totally and utterly shocked at what was happening. He didn't even attempt to help Bakugou, he just starred at the scene.
"StAhAHaP! STOhOhOp It!" Bakugou couldn't help but laugh and yell, trying to look for the culprit who he couldn't see.
"I never knew you were so ticklish Bakugou!" Hagakure chimed in, her voice bright and bubbly with a hint of teasing.
The blondes face went a little red but ultimately began threatening the girl who just continued to tickle his sides and anywhere she could reach, forcing him to try to cover himself and unable to fight back.
"You should really learn some manners Bakugou, you're always so rude!"
"IHIHI WIHILL FUuhCkIhihN- STOHOP IT!" No one could see Bakugou's face as it was hidden by his hair and hiding in his chest, he dropped to his knees and tried to curl up to stop the tickling.
"im so confused" Midoriya stood on his own, watching as Bakugou was quickly taken out by a couple tickles. Of course he knew Bakugou was ticklish, but wow. This was the last thing he expected today. There would have been no way for Midoriya to prepare for such a random tactic.
Along with that though, he had no clue where Ojiro was, and didn't really want to get captured. Yet he couldn't leave Bakugou like this.
"WaHAiHIt! StOhOp!" Bakugou shook his head as Hagakure tickled his torso and up to his ribs, he didn't know he was so ticklish, sure he knew he was but it was so much worse having it been a surprise attack and not being able to see anything.
Bakugou couldn't even think, his head was so confused. Could he blow her up? Sure yeah but also it was like his body didn't know whether this was a game or a threat. So he kept his arms wrapped around his body and continued to laugh into he floor without control.
Then suddenly Midoriya jumped and pushed where he assumed Hagakure to be off of Bakugou, sending her to the floor and giving Bakugou just enough time to get up, though his wonky smile didn't crease, though he tried to wipe it off.
"She's dehead." Was all that he said, standing up and pointing one arm to where he believed she was, though she was totally invisible, without her gloves nor boots. A blast was sent but right after Midoriya began laughing himself, making Bakugou swiftly turn around to see Ojiro standing there, holding Midoriya captive while tickling his neck with his tail end.
Ojiro had a grin on his own face, Midoriya struggling but giggling and trying to pull his head away, ultimately failing being one of the most ticklish in the class.
"Waiait! Ojhijiro!" Midoriya's giggles were light hearted and joyful, more so due to his friend teasingly tickling him during a suppose to be serious training day.
Bakugou grunted, fixing his hair quickly as he watched Ojiro speak.
"You can come with us now or we can take you laughing- tickle Tickle" Midoriya giggled and laughed, held awkwardly in a headlock type hold, trying to escape by grabbing Ojiro's arm with his own but laughing from the neck and ear tickles.
Bakugou wore a nasty grin on his face, half from the tickles and half knowing he was gonna kill these extra's for embarrassing him.
"How about you die" he insisted, holding up a hand ready to blast Ojiro without caring that Midoriya might get a little hit too.
But instead of a blast, the boy jumped backwards and tripped, falling onto his back and pushing up at the thin air, laughing hysterically.
"Nope! Not until you get some manners and we win Mr Grumpy Pants!" Hagakure was really enjoying this as Bakugou tried to escape but kept failing as she would strike under his arms or his sides and even wherever she could reach his neck. His kicking legs really told the two all they needed to know.
Midoriya then felt Ojiro's other hand on his stomach which began scribbling, immediately he reached one hand down and quickly was placed into the handcuffs, along with more tickling following so he could barely even think about it.
Bakugou however was loosing it, Hagakure really tried to wear him out, which was a smart plan seeing as how quickly he managed to get back up to attack previously. Luckily his hero outfit left a lot out in the open so she was free to trace his abs, scribble into his armpits and run her hands up and down his ribs which made him burst out into loud giggles.
Admittedly, Ojiro, Midoryia and Hagakure were all taken a back by hearing Bakugou giggling, especially so loud and like that. He hugged himself best he could and struggled, feeling weaker than expected at the tickles.
Hagakure must have worked out that the surprise attack on his tummy would have worked well because he couldn't get a clear thought in his head. A large smile across his face while laughing at such a silly thing.
Due to his suit being so skin tight, it meant Hagakure was free to do as she pleased and it would feel as if it was on his own skin, so when a sudden raspberry was blown onto his ribcage the blasty blonde lost it and began screaming in laughter, shaking himself. He hadn't laughed so much and so hard in a long time, even Kirishima would have given up by now.
But Hagakure kinda needed to make sure Bakugou couldn't get back up or they'd all be dead. At least this way she and Ojiro can say they defeated Bakugou in a fight.
"PLEHEHEASE! HAHAHARGA- HAGAKURE! STOHOP IT I CAHAHANT!" Bakugou pleaded for the first and last time he ever would to anyone ever.
In a swift move Hagakure had him in his handcuffs but still didn't give up, just somehow managing to hold his arms above his head and tickle his ribs and armpits, making him almost cry with laughter while shaking his head, begging for her to stop as she placed more raspberries on his tummy and even managed to around his neck behind his hear costume.
The two boys were tickled for about another 3 minutes, both having given up at such playful antics and just giving in. Holding their stomachs or shaking their heads.
There was another bell that went off to signal that time had run out and Hagakure and Ojiro RAN out of the training areas, leaving the keys to the cuffs so that Bakugou and Midoriya could still get out without killing them.
"Sorry Midoriya, cya!"
"Bye Bakugou! Bye Midoriya! Don't kill us!"
Bakugou just lay on the ground whist Midoriya just tried to scramble what had happened together in his mind. He waddled over to Bakugou to see whether the blonde had actually died or not and unlocked both of them from their cuffs.
Back in the entrance, most of the class had already made their way there. Kirishima and Ashido saw as Hagakure and Ojiro ran out of the training grounds, turning back to see whether they were being followed or not.
Everyone had known each others teams, so the two stopped them.
"Where's Bakugou and Midoriya? Did they loose?" Kirishima asked confused.
"We heard a bunch of shouting and assumed they'd cuffed you, sorry guys, but are they okay?" Ashido laughed but still asked concerned.
Ojiro and Hagakure looked at one another, smirking and grinning in excitement but knowing they didn't want to embarrass their class mates.
Just then something came blasting through the air and everyone in class 1A turned to see Bakugou flying through the air at insane speeds, his hair was messed up and cheeks flushed pink. But the scariest part was the massive grin on his face while he screamed for the two to run.
Hagakure's smile wobbled on her face but she nodded at Ashido and Kirishima, "gotta go- bye!"
"Cya!" Ojiro grabbed Hagakure and the two bolted it as fast as they could. Bakugou blasting above everyone and following them ready to kill.
All the teachers at the time were stood in the staff room, watching one of the camera's. It showed Midoriya appologing and then scurrying off to join the others.
All Might looked at Aizawa and Mic, looking utterly surprised having just seen what had happened.
They were all speechless. Well, until Bakugou blasted past the windows and all of them had to rush out to stop him from killing his class mates.
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
Haikyuu!! Coffee Shots #101-110
A collection of the Haikyuu sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
101) Lee Oikawa, Ler Iwa
“I’ll do anything!” Oikawa squeaked, backing into the lockers in the clubhouse with wide eyes. “Just don’t – don’t tickle me, Iwa!”
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. “Stop being so dramatic. You know you don’t hate it as much as you pretend to.”
Oikawa growled, but he still proved his friend right by staying put as he approached despite having ample opportunity to get away. “I…I swear, I’ll do anything. Anything you want!”
“You just don’t want me to go for your bad spot.” Iwa wasted no time in clawing at his ribs, making him sputter out helpless giggles. “Right, Toru?”
“Plehehehehease!” The setter gripped Iwa’s arms but didn’t fight back yet, squirming against the hard lockers behind him, mixing discomfort and ticklish sensations together. “Iwahahahaha!”
“This is for smacking me in the back of the head with your crappy serve this afternoon,” Iwa grumbled playfully, squeezing up and down his sides. “And this is for refusing to help take out the gear this morning.” He dug into his underarms. “And this—”
“I gehehehehet it, I get it! I’m a hohohohohorrible peheheheherson!” Oikawa squealed.
“I never said that.” Iwa chuckled, stepped right up against him to dominate his personal space, and grabbed his hips. “This is for putting words in my mouth.”
“CRAP!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” The setter exploded into laughter, struggling and pushing against his assailant, squeaky cackles and embarrassing snorts interspersing his hysterics in a hilarious symphony of sounds. “GAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO!! STOHOHOHOHOP!! IWA!!”
“Will you still do anything?” Iwa teased.
“Then promise you’ll actually do good tomorrow. We have a game to win. We can’t afford to lose because you can’t serve worth a darn.”
At last Iwa freed him from his ticklish torture, allowing Oikawa to gasp for breath as he slid down the lockers to collapse in a heap, still giggling quietly.
“Tch.” Iwa rolled his eyes, but he was smirking. He nudged his friend’s foot with his own before stalking off to his own locker across the room. “You really are a drama queen.”
102) Lee Daichi, Ler Suga
Daichi walked up to Suga, grabbed him by the shoulders, looked him dead in the eye, and asked, “Can you tickle me?”
“Wha-huh?” Suga stuttered, blinking several times. “Wait…what?”
“I swear I’m losing feeling in my feet and I do not want to have to miss god knows how many games if I’m actually infected with something.”
“You…might just be tired…?” Suga suggested, then realized what an awesome opportunity this was. “But yeah, of course, I’ll tickle some feeling back into you if you want.”
Daichi looked mildly embarrassed but mostly determined as he nodded and plopped to the floor, taking off his shoes. Suga was beyond shocked that this was even happening, but he wasn’t about to complain. “Okay. I’m ready.”
Suga smiled, held Daichi’s left ankle to the floor, and gently scribbled his fingers over his friend’s socked sole. He wasn’t at all surprised when the brunette burst into giggles and tried pulling his foot away, but Daichi certainly seemed to be.
“I swehehehehear I couldn’t feheheheheel anything else – okay, stahahahahahap, Suga!”
At this point, Suga’s smile became wicked. “You expect me to stop after just a little tickling? You literally asked me to do this; how can I stop so quickly?”
Daichi’s eyes widened. “W-Wait—”
Sugawara quickly straddled his shins to keep him from squirming away, dragging his fingers up and down both of his feet, enjoying the startled shriek he pulled from the team captain. “Seems like you still have feeling in your feet to me, but I think we should keep going a little longer just to be safe.”
“Sugahahahahaha! I can feheheheheheheel just fihihihine! S-Stop it! Plehehehease!” Daichi begged, falling back with heaps of laughter when his friend switched tactics and started squeezing his thighs instead. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA NO, WAHAHAHAHAIT!!”
Suga laughed along with him. “Sorry, Dai. I simply can’t stop at just one ticklish spot!”
103) Lee Suga, Ler Daichi
“Hey! Don’t do that!” Suga giggled, swatting Daichi away when his friend poked his side. “You know I’m ticklish!”
Daichi grinned and poked him again, snatching his wrist when he tried to fight back to keep his target open to attack. Suga squeaked and snickered, wriggling in Daichi’s grip desperately, trying to cover up his side with his opposite hand now.
“Stohohohohop! Dahahahahaichi!”
The brunette merely grinned at him and kept tickling.
“Why ahahahaharen’t you sahahahaying anything?!”
“Because you get so flustered when I stay quiet. You can’t handle being the only one filling the silence, especially when you’re being tickled.” Daichi chuckled, using the grip he had on his friend’s wrist to pull him closer so he could wrap his other arm around his middle. “Unless you’d like me to tease you with some of your favorite words?”
“Ah! No!” Suga dissolved into helpless giggles at the sudden light skittering across his belly, blushing bright red. “Thahahahahat’s not nehehehehehecesssary!”
“Tickle, tickle~”
“Gahahahahahahaha!” Suga tossed his head back against Daichi’s shoulder, gripping his tickling, hugging arms with what little strength he had. “Nahahahahahahaha!”
“Ticklish little Kou~”
“With his ticklish, ticklish…” Daichi found his navel and wiggled into it. “…belly button.”
Suga exploded with laughter, struggling fruitlessly for a few moments before his hyena cackles finally escaped him, his legs wobbling as he struggled to remain upright.
“Ouch! I suck? That’s mean. Guess I’ll have to keep tickling you until you learn to be nice, Sugawara.”
Suga laughed so hard at the combination of teasing and tickling that his hysterics went silent, followed shortly by his knees finally giving out. Daichi helped ease him to the ground so he wouldn’t hurt himself, finally letting up and ruffling his hair in the process. “Feeling better?”
“Shuhuhuhut up.” The setter let out some leftover giggles and sat up shakily. “Jeheheherk…”
Daichi chuckled and gave him a quick hug. “Sorry. I just couldn’t help myself.”
104) Lee Hinata, Ler Kageyama
“Hang on, let’s talk about this!” Hinata cried, struggling to pull his arms free of Kageyama, who had chased him out of the gym, across campus, and halfway up the nearby hill the team sometimes used for training before finally managing to catch up and tackle him. Really, the fact that he’d caught up at all was a testament to how determined he was to make Hinata pay for his prank.
“You replaced my milk box,” the setter growled, using his height and strength to his advantage to pin Hinata’s arms to his sides before straddling him, “with a strawberry milk box? Strawberry?!”
The redhead couldn’t help but giggle a little, recalling Kageyama’s horrified face when he first took a sip after practice, immediately spluttering it right back out with such vigor that Yamaguchi had panicked, thinking he was choking on blood.
“Come on, it was funny!” he tried, offering a wobbly smile up at his friend, who merely glared at him. “You can still have a regular milk box.”
Kageyama made a show of bringing his fists to his chest to crack the knuckles, preparing, Hinata assumed, to pound him to a pulp fit for his favorite orange juices.
Then the setter wiggled his fingers, and Hinata’s eyes went wide.
“Wait! Wait, no, it was just a prank! It was funny!”
“If it’s so funny,” Kageyama growled, his tone playful and eyes mischievous now, “then let’s hear you laugh, boke.”
Hinata yelped, shuddering when his friend’s wiggling fingers touched down on his ribs, biting his lip to try and stifle the giggles that came out of him whether he wanted them to or not. He lasted for all of five seconds before finally bursting into laughter, tossing his head back to let it all out unfiltered into the air.
Kageyama chuckled at the mess he was making of the redhead with just the lightest presses and pinches to his lower ribs. It was effortless for him to keep Hinata pinned to the ground, unable to free his arms to fight back, and so he decided he’d take his time finding ways to make him laugh even louder, beg even harder.
“Since you seem to like strawberries so much,” Kageyama replied easily, smirking at his friend’s boisterous, contagious laughter, “let’s see if I can turn you into one. It’s only fair, don’t you think?~”
105) Lee Hinata, Ler Kageyama
“Just because you’re taller than me doesn’t mean you’re better at volleyball,” Hinata grumbled as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. He and Kageyama were leaving the gym together as per usual, and somehow they’d gotten onto the topic of rival players and their skills, leading Kageyama to point out that most of the really good ones were tall, just like he was.
Hinata knew this already, and it bugged him that Kageyama felt the need to point it out.
“It helps, though,” the raven-haired setter said now, grabbing his gym bag and stuffing his hands in his pockets as they began to walk. “I’m not saying you don’t measure up to them; you know I know you’re good. But still.”
“Height doesn’t equal strength!” Hinata snapped, frustrated at constantly being the butt of short jokes. “I can be stronger than you. All of you!”
“Yeah, right,” Kageyama scoffed a laugh. Then he giggled for real when he felt a sharp poke to his ribs. His head snapped to Hinata, eyes wide as the redhead smirked at him.
“I can take you down easily enough if I tickle you, Kageyama~”
The setter dropped his bag and latched onto Hinata’s ribs in retaliation before either of them even realized he was moving. Still, when a loud screech filled the air followed by frantic hands clamping down on his wrists, Kageyama couldn’t help but grin in satisfaction.
“Maybe, but you’d have to tickle me first. We both know you always lose our tickle fights.”
“Nuh-uh! I wihihihihin plehehehenty of them! Lehehehehehemme go!” Hinata cackled, squirming desperately in his friend’s strong grip. “Kahahahageyama!”
“If you think you’re so tough, prove it.” Kageyama smirked. “Fight me off. Push me away. Tackle me to the ground and tickle me to tears. Oh, wait…you’d have to reach me first, wouldn’t you?” He expertly stepped as far away from the redhead as possible while still tickling him silly. “Too bad you’re such a shortstack.”
“I’ll mahahahahake you eat those wohohohohohords, stuhuhuhupid Kageyahahahahama!” Hinata cried, laughter rising in pitch with each failed attempt to wiggle away. “Juhuhuhuhust you wahahahait!”
Kageyama chuckled along with him. “Oh yeah? Come and get me then, Hinata~”
106) Lee Oikawa, Ler Iwa
“You’re blushing.”
“I’m not blushing.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not!” Oikawa insisted, turning his face away from his friend defiantly, crossing his arms. His cheeks were stained pink, but of course, he wasn’t owning up to that. “It’s just warm in here.”
Iwa grinned at him. “You’re a terrible liar.”
“I’m not—”
“All right, fine,” Iwa said, holding up his hands in surrender. “You’re not in a mood. I get it.”
Oikawa huffed but said nothing, still looking away from him.
“I won’t do it unless you ask me to. There’s no point in making you laugh until you don’t remember your name anymore unless you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Right.” The setter shifted, daring a peek at him. “Exactly.”
“So I won’t. Your ribs and sides and knees and feet and—”
“—especially your hips are safe from me today. No tickling you until you’re begging me for mercy. None at all.”
Oikawa was gradually turning even pinker, shifting anxiously in his seat. It was adorable, really, how obviously he wanted exactly that, but if he was going to be stubborn, then so was Iwaizumi.
“It’s fun to tickle you, but only when you want it,” the brunette continued easily, smirking, waiting for the inevitable cracking façade. “Your ticklish laugh is fun to hear.”
“Iwa.” This time it came out as more of a whine. “Stop teasing me.”
“Oh? I’m just enunciating my point. I won’t tickle you unless you want me to.”
Oikawa was silent for a long time. So was Iwa. The ball was in the setter’s court now. It was up to him to set it so Iwa could spike it.
After a long moment, Oikawa finally huffed again and turned to face him, eyes averted in a cute, sheepish kind of way. He mumbled something under his breath.
“What was that?” Iwa teased one more time. He couldn’t help himself. He cupped his hand around his ear. “I didn’t quite hear you.”
“I said I want it, okay? I want you to tickle me! Quit being such a tease and just do it already!” Oikawa snapped, flushing redder with every word. Almost as an afterthought, he tacked on a tiny, desperate, “Please.”
Iwa grabbed his sides, digging in viciously, all of that pent-up tickler energy coming out of him at once, making Oikawa screech in surprise and toss his head back with elated giggles. “Like this? You finally admit you want tickles, huh? Just like this? Does this tickle, Toru?”
Oikawa nodded, and Iwa plopped himself in his lap as his fingers traveled down to his hips, both of them laughing together at the silly playfulness of the situation.
Both of them got exactly what they wanted that day.
107) Lee Akaashi, Ler Bokuto
Akaashi’s eyes were wide and terrified, and Bokuto couldn’t get enough of it. He grinned mischievously and wiggled his fingers. “Hey, hey, hey, Akaashi~”
“Don’t,” was all Akaashi could manage. Annoying as his friend was, being on the threatened end of something like this was enough to override his irritation. He put up a hand defensively, looking very much like a crossing guard trying to stop an oncoming train. “Don’t you dare.”
“Go ahead, try to run,” Bokuto teased.
It was a trap. Akaashi knew this. Yet he turned and bolted anyway. He could hear his friend right on his heels, but even so, he reached the door of the gym with enough time for him to think he might actually manage to get away.
No such luck.
“Ah! Bokuto, no! Get ohohohohoff! Get away! Bohohohoho!” Akaashi giggled despite himself as he was dragged away slowly from the door and his escape to the safety of the outdoors. Fingers were wiggling into his sides from behind, followed by playful nips along his neck that had the smaller boy squealing in seconds. He frantically tried to smack any part of Bokuto he could reach. “You jeheheherk! Don’t dohohohoho that! That’s weheheheheird – aieeee!!”
“It makes you make funny noises, though,” Bokuto chuckled into his ear, quickly twisting around so that he could push his friend to the floor face-first and then sit on his waist to keep him there. He hummed. “Now, what to do with you?”
“Nothing!” Akaashi shrieked, wiggling uselessly under his friend’s weight. “I swear I’ll kill you for this, you idiot! Let me go!”
Instead, Bokuto placed his fingers at the hem of Akaashi’s shirt. Not doing anything yet – just resting there. The suspense was killing the smaller boy. He trembled in anticipation.
“W-What are you doing?” he asked nervously, gasping when the first scribbles along his lower back shot a strong, ticklish jolt through his body. He bit his lip, but the giggles came anyway. “D-Don’t – Bokuto, I swehehehear, you’ll regrehehehet this! I’ll gehehehehehet you bahahahahahahack for this! Wait! Wahahahahahahahahait…!”
Bokuto grinned and kept up his gentle, ticklish assault. “Sorry, bud. You’re just way too much fun for me to tickle!”
108) Lee Noya, Ler Asahi
“Really?” Noya asked incredulously and with mild disgust as he eyed the handheld electric massager Asahi had bought. “What happened to going to the spa?”
Asahi took the item back from his smaller friend and replied, “Who has the money to go to the spa after every rough game? I’ve already used this a couple of times and it works great. Don’t knock it until you try it, Noya.”
The libero rolled his eyes. “I prefer having a person massage me, not some machine.”
Asahi grabbed his arm and sat him on the couch beside him. “Just try it, all right? It works, I promise.”
Noya grunted and crossed his arms. “Fine, whatever. Go ahead.”
Feeling victorious and eager, Asahi switched on the little machine and gently began to let it work its magic on his friend’s neck and shoulders, smirking when the stubborn libero began to relax despite himself, relief evident in his body language.
“See? Feels nice, right?”
“Shut up.” Noya groaned. “Hey, could you try my lower back? It’s been bugging me lately.”
“Yes, your highness,” Asahi teased, but obligingly glided the massager down his back along his spine.
Noya jolted about halfway down, arching away from the massager, giggling a little. “Hehey, that tihihickles.”
Asahi paused. He pressed the massager against his friend’s ribs without thinking about it. “Tickles, huh?”
“Hey!” Noya squealed, arching away again, falling to the side. Before he could recover, Asahi was straddling his legs and fighting to grab his arms, the massager having been abandoned momentarily, pressed against the libero’s stomach. “Ahahahahasahi! Gehehehehet it off!”
“No way,” Asahi chuckled, finally managing to push both of Noya’s wrists above his head, leaving him wide open. He grabbed the massager with his free hand and returned it to the smaller boy’s ribs, watching in amused satisfaction as his friend threw his head back and laughed.
“I don’t know, Noya. They do say laughter is the best medicine~”
“YOU JEHEHEHEHEHERK!! YOU KNOHOHOHOHOW HOW TIHIHIHIHICKLISH I AM!! KNOHOHOHOHOCK IT OFF!” Noya bucked his hips and let out a scream of wild, uncontained laughter when Asahi pressed the tool to his inner thigh instead. “GOD NO PLEHEHEHEHEASE NO NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE ASAHI!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Asahi grinned, settling in comfortably to watch his friend come apart, pleased to have found another useful function for his massager. “Nah. I think you need a little more massage time, Nishinoya~”
109) Lee Iwa, Ler Oikawa
“Um. Oikawa?”
Oikawa glanced at Iwa, who was holding up a makeup brush with confusion and curiosity written all over his face. His friend looked at him, smirked a little, and said, “Why do you have makeup brushes in your house?”
“Don’t get the wrong idea, idiot,” Oikawa snapped, grabbing the item from Iwa. “My sister was here with my nephew this weekend and she left some of her stuff on accident. They’re not mine.”
“She left makeup brushes in the living room?”
“Yes!” Oikawa threw his hands up in exasperation. “I don’t know why.”
Iwa chuckled. “Sure, sure. Whatever you say.”
Oikawa glared at him. “I know you’re not laughing at me.”
“Me? Noooo.”
The setter growled, then smirked and waved the makeup brush around teasingly. “Fine. If you really think they’re mine, I must be good at doing makeup, right? Let me show you how good I am, Iwa-chan~”
“No way,” Iwa laughed, taking a step back and then booking it entirely when he realized his friend was serious. “Back off! You suck at makeup!”
“How would you know?!”
“I know you were helping the drama club with their production last year because you liked one of the girls,” Iwa called over his shoulder as he scurried into the kitchen and toward the stairs.
“I wasn’t doing makeup! That’s an insult to the ladies who were!” Oikawa yelled, chasing him up the stairs and into his own bedroom, where Iwa tried to lock the door behind him before the setter could catch up.
No such luck. Oikawa burst into the room after him and tackled him onto the bed, dragging the brush all over his face. “Ha! See that? I can do makeup! You look beautiful, Iwa-chan~”
“T-Tohohoru!” Iwa giggled, squirming and tossing his head back and forth, trying to escape the tickly bristles of the brush. “Stohohohohop thahahahat!”
“Aww, too ticklish to get your makeup done? Too bad~” Oikawa teased mercilessly, dusting the tool over the shell of Iwa’s ear, enjoying the girlish squeal he got for his efforts. “I have to prove to you that I know what I’m doing, so lay still and take it like a good, ticklish little Hajime~”
Iwa cackled, his face blushing red, but he knew he was stuck here now no matter how much he laughed and pleaded. “Tohohohohohohohohoru…!”
110) Lee Kuroo, Ler Daichi
A loud crash from within the gym’s storage room startled Kuroo out of his zombie-like haze of doing a final sweep of the building before locking up for the night. He faced the closed – and, he had thought, locked – double doors and waited for another sound, but nothing came.
He turned to where Kenma was waiting for him by the door of the gym, playing a video game. “Kenma?”
“Didn’t you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
Kuroo couldn’t decide if he was serious or not. “That giant crash from the storage room?”
Kenma finally looked up at him, giving him a quizzical stare. “Uh…no? There was no crash.”
They stared at each other in silence.
Kuroo sighed and fished out his keys. “Dang it.”
“You’re just imagining things. Maybe it was a ghost,” Kenma muttered behind him, but the captain was going to do his job and check it out anyway, so he didn’t bother raising his voice too much. He just went back to his game.
Meanwhile, Kuroo unlocked the doors, stepped inside, and fished around for the light. Before he could find it, though, something grabbed his wrist and yanked him further inside, the door slamming shut behind him.
“Ken—mmph!” Kuroo tried to scream, but a hand slapped over his mouth, silencing him, and then hot breath was on his neck and he couldn’t help but let out a tiny whimper, more terrified than he wanted to admit.
“Hey, honey~”
Kuroo breathed out a huge sigh of relief, his heart pounding. He was going to kill his boyfriend for this.
Daichi chuckled, unwilling to remove the hand covering his mouth as he drew his partner in closer, snaking a hand around his waist and curling his fingers into his side.
Kuroo jerked, giggles bubbling up but unable to break free thanks to Daichi’s makeshift gag. He squirmed and tried thrashing, but tickling was always enough to weaken him immediately, and between that and the scare he’d just had, he suddenly found he had no strength to fight.
“Let’s have a little fun, hmm?” The Karasuno team captain cooed into his ear, and Kuroo whined again, for different reasons this time
When the laughter finally became loud enough that even Kenma could hear it from across the gym, the second-year smirked to himself.
Get him good, Daichi.
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nekoma-not-lee · 3 years
RP Rules
I keep it strictly SFW, so you should too! Kissing and hugging/14+ stuff is okay, just nothing sexual or weird please.
Please do not kill off a character without permission! It gets really annoying!
I do rp with more than one person at a time as well, like group roleplays, so we can do stuff like Saioumami or Saioumota.
Please don’t spam the chat T^T
I like to make roleplays public, so you can send me an ask for an rp. If you’re anonymous, then put your @ down on the end of your ask.
I don’t only rp for the fandoms that I write for, I rp for a few more.
Please tell me in dms what your triggers are before roleplaying with me.
You are more than welcome to dm me :3 bc I won’t be able to dm you (social anxiety go brrrrr)!
Info Page
Card <3
Sentence Starter Prompt List
Tickletober Masterlist
Ler Leaning Ranboo Week Masterlist
Switch Sapnap Week Masterlist
YTTD Masterlist
Characters I RP As
Assassination Classroom - Gakushu Asano, Itona Horibe, Kaede Kayano, Karma Akabane, Nagisa Shiota, Rio Nakamura, Ritsu
Blue Exorcist - Amaimon, Izumo Kamiki, Rin Okumura, Renzo Shima, Shiemi Moriyama, Yukio Okumura
Boyfriends - Felix, Vincent
Creepypasta - Ani the Wight, Ben Drowned, Bloody Painter, Eyeless Jack, Homocidal Liu, Hoodie, Jane the Killer, Jeff the Killer, Lazari, Lulu, Masky, Sally Williams, Suicide Sadie, The Puppeteer, Ticci Toby
Danganronpa:Another Episode-Ultra Despair Girls - Izuru Kamukura, Komaru Naegi, Kotoko Utsugi, Monaca Towa, Nagisa Shingetsu, Toko Fukawa
Danganronpa-Trigger Happy Havoc - Aoi Asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenberg, Chihiro Fujisaki, Junko Enoshima, Kyoko Kirigiri, Makoto Naegi, Mukuro Ikusaba, Sayaka Maizono, Toko Fukawa
Danganronpa V3-Killing Harmony - K1-B0, Kaede Akamatsu, Kaito Momota, Kirumi Tojo, Kokichi Ouma, Maki Harukawa, Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara
Date A Live - Kaguya Yamai, Kotori Itsuka, Kurumi Tokisaki, Mana Takamiya, Miku Izayoi, Origami Tobiichi, Shido Itsuka, Tohka Yatogami, Yoshino Himekawa, Yuzuru Yamai
Death Note - L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Misa Amane, Near (Nate River)
Demon Slayer - Akaza, Enmu, Giyu Tomioka, Kanae Kocho, Kanao Tsuyuri, Kokushibo, Kyojuro Rengoku, Makomo, Mitsuri Kanroji, Muichiro Tokito, Muzan Kibutsuji, Nezuko Kamado, Obanai Iguro, Rui, Shinobu Kocho, Spider Demon (Daughter), Spider Demon (Mother), Tamayo, Tanjiro Kamado, Yushiro
Fate/Stay Night - Archer, Gilgamesh, Rin Tohsaka, Saber, Shirou Emiya
FNAF - Ballora, Bon Bon, Bonnie, Circus Baby, Funtime Chica, Golden Freddy, Jack-O-Bonnie, Lefty, Lolbit, Mangle, Nightmare, Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Mangle, Nightmarionne, Phantom Mangle, Phantom Puppet, Plushtrap, Puppet, Rockstar Bonnie, Roxanne Wolf, RWQFSFASXC/Shadow Bonnie, Springtrap, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Withered Bonnie, Withered Golden Freddy, Vanny
Genshin Impact - Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayaka, Barbara, Candace, Childe, Chongyun, Collei, Cyno, Diluc, Ei, Eula, Faruzan, Fischl, Freminet, Furina, Ganyu, Gorou, Heizou, Hu Tao, Kazuha, Kaeya, Kaveh, Keqing, Kirara, Klee, Kokomi, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Layla, Lynette, Lyney, Nahida, Navia, Neuvillette, Nilou, Ningguang, Qiqi, Razor, Rosaria, Shenhe, Sucrose, Thoma, Tighnari, Aether, Venti, Scaramouche, Xiao, Xingqiu, Yae Miko, Yelan, Zhongli
Voltron - Axca, Ezor, Keith, Lance, Lotor, Pidge
MHA/BNHA - Dabi, Denki Kaminari, Fumikage Tokoyami, Himiko Toga, Hitoshi Shinso, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Kyoka Jiro, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki, Toru Hagakure
Kingdom Hearts - Axel, Demyx, Naminé, Riku, Roxas, Sora, Xion
LOZ - Link, Midna, Mipha, Saria
Super Danganronpa 2-Goodbye Despair - Chiaki Nanami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Mikan Tsumiki, Nagito Komaeda, Peko Pekoyama, Sonia Nevermind
You and Me and Her - Shinichi, Aoi, Miyuki
Your Turn to Die - Sou, Keiji, Sara, Ranmaru, Midori, Kanna, Gin, Reko
Obey Me - Belphegor
Mystic Messenger - Saeran, Jumin
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice - Kiro, Victor
Tokyo Ghoul - Kaneki, Ayato, Juuzou, Hinami, Nishiki, Hideyoshi, Urie, Saiko, Ichika (Kaneki’s daughter)
Kagerou Project - Ayano, Ene, Konoha, Kano, Shintaro, Takane, Azami, Kuroha
Honeyworks - Haruki, Mio
The Wise Man’s Grandchild - August, Shin
Haikyuu - Sugawara, Nishinoya, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Oikawa, Iwazumi, Akaashi
My Little Pony - Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Gladion
Pokémon Journeys - Horus
Hunter x Hunter - Killua
Honkai: Star Rail - Stelle(female main character), March 7th, Dan Heng, Asta, Serval, Herta, Arlan, Himeko, Jingliu, Lynx, Seele, Natasha, Qingque, Tingyun, Clara, Bronya, Bailu, Yanqing, Jing Yuan, Silver Wolf, Blade, Kafka, Fu Xuan, Topaz, Huohuo
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srtabiancamelo · 5 years
Lolita, American Way of Life e protagonistas repugnantes
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O polêmico livro de Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita, de 1955, está há anos rondando minha lista de leituras. Finalmente consegui encaixá-la em abril deste ano para o Desafio da Tag Livros. A minha vontade de ler Lolita vinha da mais pura curiosidade. Por que tanta gente ama e detesta esse livro? Por que tanta gente elogia e repugna? Bem, posso dizer que encontrei as repostas para essas e mais perguntas – talvez elas venham em forma de ainda mais questões, mas espero me fazer entender.
Como prefiro focar em uma temática específica, resolvi ir além dos estereótipos de “uma história que retrata a pedofilia de um homem contra uma menina” do qual tanta gente já falou por aí, e me prender aos significados que transcendem essa narrativa sobre Humbert Humbert – o protagonista e narrador-personagem, que prefere se colocar sob um pseudônimo – e sua amada Lolita – Dolores Haze, uma menina que, com apenas 12 anos, se tornou objeto do desejo doentio de um adulto.
Apesar de não ter conseguido adquirir muita empatia por Humbert ou por Lolita, não pude deixar de sentir certa melancolia pela situação em que eles se encontravam. De Lolita por estar envolvida em uma relação sem ter clareza do que estava de fato acontecendo, por estar presa às vontades de Humbert, por não ter perspectivas sobre seu futuro e por ter sua infância perdida. De Humbert, por sua total consciência do erro que cometia, e ainda assim, chegar a um ponto em que não quis mais evita-lo. Ao longo da narrativa, Humbert parece genuinamente triste por Lolita, mas seu lado doentio acaba falando mais alto.
No fim das contas, a relação fazia mal a ambos, mas é sempre importante deixar claro que a culpa recai totalmente sobre as costas de Humbert, que nunca nem ao menos tentou isentar-se dela. Pelo contrário, desde o início ele deixa claro: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Isso não evita que forneça visões totalmente distorcidas da realidade, como quando afirma que há meninas que são mais que meras crianças, são ninfetas que vivem num mundo encantador cheio de magia, seduzindo homens tristes e de coração fraco como o dele.
Muitos encaram essas partes mais "oníricas" como uma tentativa que ele utiliza para se eximir da culpa e enganar o leitor. Mas não consegui ver dessa forma, acredito ter sido mais como uma tentativa de Nobokov de nos aproximar dos pensamentos pedófilos do personagem. Quando nos deparamos com histórias que tratam sobre esse tema, é comum que seja mostrado apenas o lado da vítima, e Lolita nos propõe o contrário: uma história sendo contada pelos olhos do criminoso. Considerando todos os parâmetros estéticos da escrita de Nabokov, tenho que afirmar que o livro é realmente uma obra-prima e ele merece todo o mérito – especialmente por não romantizar, e muito menos erotizar, a relação entre o homem e a menina. Além disso, também possui um dos primeiros parágrafos mais conhecidos e marcantes da história literária:
"Lolita, luz da minha vida, fogo da minha carne. Minha alma, meu pecado. Lo-li-ta: a ponta da língua toca em três pontos consecutivos do palato para encostar, ao três, nos dentes. Lo. Li. Ta".
Mesmo sendo dominada por pena de Humbert em vários momentos, e às vezes rindo de suas tiradas sarcásticas (com bastante culpa, claro, mas foi o que fez dele um personagem mais digerível), não pude deixar de considera-lo desprezível. Estar “na mente” de um pedófilo pode ser muito perturbador, mesmo sendo apenas ficção. Diversas vezes pensei em abandonar a leitura. Havia algumas cenas tão fortes e absurdas que tive de fechar o livro por alguns instantes e tentar absorver – como quando ele faz Lolita transar com ele mesmo ela estando doente e queimando de febre.
Não é a primeira vez que me vejo diante de um protagonista repulsivo, é que Humbert ultrapassou todos os limites, a ponto de me fazer questionar esse curioso fenômeno de desgosto por um protagonista que narra toda a história e está presente em cada ponto da obra. Outros que já estiveram nessa mesma situação – ao menos do meu ponto de vista – foram Heathcliff e Catherine, de Morro dos Ventos Uivantes; Sérgio, de O Ateneu; Toru, de Crônica do Pássaro de Corda; Ethan e Lena de Beautiful Creatures; etc.
É difícil se adaptar a narrativa de um personagem que você não gosta, mas, pelo bem da leitura, se vê tendo que suportar. Nunca havia parado para pensar sobre o assunto, mas é interessante observar que aí existe um paradoxo, que, ao contrário do que fez Nabokov (sem dúvidas com a intenção de realizar uma afronta por meio do personagem de Humbert), pode não ter sido proposital da parte de outros escritores.
Com certeza muitos pensam em criar um protagonista ideal, que se encaixe perfeitamente em sua história. E nem sempre isso dá certo. Mas alguns, mesmo quando não costumam agradar os leitores em geral, acabam se encaixando tão bem em suas posições detestáveis que é quase impossível largar a leitura – mais pelo contexto em que eles estão inseridos do que pelo personagem em si. É nesse ponto-comum que Humbert e os outros protagonistas que citei acima se encontram.
Outro detalhe interessante é a personalidade enigmática de Humbert. Aquilo que conhecemos sobre ele é apenas o que ele permite que conheçamos. Um personagem assim é realmente confiável para contar sua própria história? É quase como o dilema de Bentinho em Dom Casmurro: será que a acusação de Bentinho sobre a traição de Capitu tem mesmo fundamento? Será que Lolita realmente queria seduzir Humbert? Ou será que a única resposta possível para essas perguntas se encontram na mente doentia de personagens tão claramente perturbados?
Sei que há aqueles que batem de frente com os personagens e buscam sentido além da narrativa. Eu, pelo contrário, prefiro deixar a objetividade para os textos documentados e me perco totalmente no universo de fantasia que os personagens da ficção me apresentam – mesmo sabendo que ele pode estar mentindo descaradamente. De toda forma, Humbert me ensinou que é possível fascinar-se com um livro mesmo abominando seu protagonista.
“Ela era Lo, apenas Lo, pela manhã, um metro e quarenta e cinco de altura e um pé de meia só. Era Lola de calças compridas. Era Dolly na escola. Dolores na linha pontilhada. Mas nos meus braços sempre foi Lolita”.
Europeu, conservador, reservado, intelectual, culto, irônico, experiente. Essas são algumas características que descrevem Humbert. Enquanto Lolita pode levar outras, como americana, ingênua, despreocupada, imediatista, birrenta, ambiciosa, sonhadora, jovem. Vladimir Nabokov nasceu na fria Rússia, e quando mais velho, mudou-se para o caloroso Estados Unidos, onde finalizou Lolita. Muitos estudiosos veem os dois personagens como um retrato da desgastada e velha Europa (Humbert), que se aproveita da enérgica e jovial América (Lolita).
Durante a maior parte da história, acompanhamos Humbert e Lolita viajando pelos Estados Unidos, conhecendo as mais diversas culturas e tradições. Considerando que Lolita foi lançado em um contexto de pós-guerra, onde a revolução e a liberdade sexual ainda iriam eclodir na sociedade estadunidense, ele conseguiu acender a discussão sob diversas faces: desde aquela garota extremamente liberal com seu corpo e sua forma de pensar, até aquela que arregaça as vulnerabilidade e mazelas de uma sociedade doente.
Lolita é uma obra que, quando lançada, desafiou conceitos e tabus, pondo a sociedade diante de um lado obscuro e perverso. Hoje o termo “Lolita” é tido como algo comum e até estético, estando em nome de marcas, de músicas (hey, Lana del Rey), de perfis nas redes sociais, etc. Mas Lolita permanece sendo um clássico que ainda divide opiniões e pauta discussões. Independente de divergências críticas sobre a obra, Lolita é brilhante na limpidez de sua escrita, e  na perspicácia da construção narrativa e de seus personagens. 
Para ler Lolita não é preciso apenas ter estômago de ferro, mas também um olhar pronto para captar a beleza artística de um livro que marcou gerações.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Back to the Future, Be Like, and Beer: lyrangalia Folow prokopetz experience bizarre malfunctions wih such overwhelming frequency isnt just an artefact of the television serial format. Rarer, ศ3 because the Federaoon as a cuture are a bunch of deranged hyper-neophiles, tooling around in ships packed ful of beyond-cutting-edge bech they don't realy understand Endlessly trustraing t you have to fight them, because they can puil an efectively unlimited number of bulsht space-magic countermeasures out of their arses but they're as lkely as not to give themseves a lethal five-dimensional wedgie n the process. All those rampant holograms and warp core maunctions and ncidents? That doesn't actualy happen t anyone else, rs lteraly just Federaion vessels mat go off the rais ike that And they do so on a fairty regular basis So to everyone else in the galaxy all humans are basically Doc Brown prokopetz Alens who have seen the Back to the Future movies ineraly dont realise that Doc Brown is meant so be funny Theyre just ike yes, mat is exactly what at human sclentists are lke in my experlence" THE ONLY REASON SCOTTY IS CHIEF ENGINEER INSTEAD OF SOMEONE FROM A SPEC ES WİTH A HIGHER TECHNOLOGICAL APTITUDE IS BECAUSE EVERYONE FROM THOSE SPECIES TOOK ONE LOOK AT THE E ROOM AND RAN AWAY vulcan science academy why do you need another warp core humans we're going to plug two of them together and see t we go twice as ast vsa last time we gave you a warp core you threw k into a sun to see if the surn humans hahaha yeah s IT EXPLODED humans it exploded twice as fast I love this. Especially because of how wel plays with my headcanon that the Federation does so much bemer against the Borg than anyone else because beating the Borg with mitary tactics is nigh-impossble, but beating them with wacky supersclence shenanigans works as long as they're unique wacky Yeah, I love this. Reminds me of the thing I wrote a whle back about Humans in high fantasy realms- they're basically Team Fuck it Hold My Beer I Got This Impulsive, passionate to faut the social structures they build to try and regulate this hotheadedness ironicalty creates even greater levels of sheer buill-headedness. Even their "cooler heads take action in monng or weeks Al their great heroes of the past were impossbly rash by galacoc standards Humans Just Go With It, which is ther great flaw but also their greatest strength roachpatiol Ingons: okay we dont get vulcan science academy get what ingons: you vulcans are a bunch of stutfy prisses but you're also tougher stronger, and smarter than humans in every single way ingons: why do you let them run your federation vulcan science academy look ukan sdience academy: this s a species where you give them two warp cores they don't do experiments on one and save the other for if the frst one up ucan science academy: this is a species where you give them two warp cores, mey wil ask for a third one, immediabely plug all three into each other punch a hole into an artemate universe where humans subscribe to an even more destructive ideological system, fight everyone in R because theyre offended by that, steal meir warp cores, plug those together, punch ther way back here, then try to burn a nearby sun into a torus because that was wha neir initial scientric experment was for and they dien't want to waste a trip ucan science academy: they did that last week we have the weite-up right here. it's getting published in about six hundred scientific jounals across two hundred aiterent discipines because of how many established theories their dculous Ittle expednon has just caled into question. also, they did turn that sun into a torus, and no one actuaily knows how vulcan science academy s i why we ler mem do whatever the hee mey ingons..can we be a part of your federation the-real-seebs Come to think of it, I mean. Look at the Trst human warp drive thing in the movie. That was. Not how Vuicans would have done t you know what the best evidence for this is? Deep Space 9 amost never broke and back, sure almost none of the truly welird shit hat befel Voyager and all the starships hat imtated O'Bnen to Enterprise what was the weirdest malfunction 09 ever had? the senior stat geting brapped as holosuite characters in Our Man Bashr, and that was because a human decded to just dump the transporter buter Into the station's core memory and hope everything would work out somehow which is a bt like swapping your compuner's hard drive out for a memory card from a Play Station 2 and expecing to be able to play a game of Spyro the Dragon with your you know what I'm not done wth this post let's talk about the Pegasus the USS Fuckng Pegasus, testoed for tme first Stameet cloaking device. here we have a handful of humans working in secret to develop a cloaking device in olation of a treaty wh the Romulans they're playing catchup trying bo develop a technology other species have had for a century and what do the do? do they decide to duplicate a Romulan cloaking device precisely, just see if hey can match what other species have? nope. they decide, hey whle were at it, while we're building our very first one of these mings just to find out r this s possibie, lers see we can make mis thing phase us out ofnormal space so we can fy through planets wnile we're invisible but wihy said the one Vulcan in the room because that would fucking rule said the humans, high-hving each other Red Bul mere must be like twenty dfferent counseling groups for non-human engineering students at Starfleet Academy, and every week in every single one of them someone waks in and starts up with a story ke 'our assignment was o repair a phaser emitter and my one human classmate buit a chronometric- tux toaster that toasts bread aner yourve eaten it MacGuyver" is the equivalent of Vulcan vintage human horror belevision during orientation at a human coliege, vulcans are presented with a ist of what is the word tuck for," the innocent young ulcans want to know. "surely mere are more logical intensty moaitiers yeah, yourd think so. say the weary jaded vulcan professors. "youd real)y here is a phrase in vulcan for the particular moment you understand what he This is why the Federation is the only organisation to ever stand a chance The Borg can adapt to the brilant miltary strategies of the Romulan Star Empire. the koingons and even the cold logical imellectual prowess of tme The Borg weren't prepared for a starship captain to hare them, into his 50% nor detective holo-novel and then machine gun them to death with a weapon made of hard light
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
ᑌᑭ ᑕOᗰIᑎG ᖴIᑕᔕ
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*If it just says Ler, Lee, switch that means I haven’t Decided on the title yet
*Also if the title keeps changing or there are numerous titles… I’m indecisive 😭😭
Last Updated: 5/31/2023
Ignorance: Lee Nagisa Ler Karma
Silent treatment: lee Nagisa Ler terasaka
Let us help: Lee Isogai Ler Maehara & Meg
Lee Isogai & Maehara Ler Karma & Nagisa
Crack a smile: Lee Karasuma Ler korosensei
You have muscles!!: Ler ymir lee Sasha
Did you just giggle?!: Lee Midnight Ler Aizawa
We’re helped too!: Lee bakugou Ler baku rescue squad
You’re beautiful no matter what!: Lee toru Ler Mina
Random thoughts: Lee shigaraki Ler self inserts
-Demon slayer/KNY
Agree to disagree: Switches Tanjiro & Giyuu Ler nezuko
Positive attitudes only: Lee tanjiro Ler Rengoku
Laugh for me!: Lee Giyuu Ler Rengoku
Big brother Antics: Lee tanjiro Ler siblings
More cuddles please!!: Lee Reader Ler Obanai
We all make mistakes: Lee Yams Ler Tsukki
Lee natsu
Daycare debate: Switches Sun and Moon
Old member: Lee Sejirou Ler Rin, Sosuke, Aiichiro
-Spy x Family
Play Date: Lee Loid Ler Damian
Time for bed: Lee reader Ler loid
-Teen Titans
Lee Raven Ler Starfire
Be happy: Switches Raven and Starfire
C’mere kid: Lee kid reader Ler yuuri & victor
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etudoacabou · 3 years
Papéis Selvagens – 20/07/2006
Papeis Selvagens: A literatura não vale nada.
O leitor da Papéis Selvagens provavelmente ficou sabendo em algum jornal ou mesmo outro blog de literatura – cada dia surge um novo –, que estão para chegar as traduções dos primeiros romances de Haruki Murakami. Vendido como o grande nome do círculo/circo literário do Japão, ele chega ao Brasil já com muitos anos como escritor e uma penca de livros publicados pelo mundo todo.
Mas o que esperar? Fala-se muito que é bom, que é novo, que você tem que gastar seu dinheirinho na edição que provavelmente não vai sair das mais baratas (quem sabe passa a marca dos 50 reais!); dizem que o escritor seria o representante de um novo tipo de realismo mágico, mais urbano, mais cosmopolita. Mas um certo tom de propaganda domina o espaço da recepção.
Pensando nisso, nós do Blog Papéis Selvagens, resolvemos traduzir uma parte de um ensaio que foi publicado sobre o Murakami e seus livros. O texto foi publicado no Wattpad por um tal de Emilio Joyce, não fazemos ideia se é um pseudônimo, mas acabou sendo encontrado por vários outros blogs que acompanhamos; e, na hora, percebemos que esse texto, chamado We need to talk about Murakami é a melhor forma de lançar o leitor selvagem na jornada dos livros do autor.
Obs. Como tudo nesse blog, não vimos porra nenhuma de direitos autorais, de direito de publicação, mas achamos que, como o texto está só num site, perdido entre as redes da internet, não daria problema nenhum. Mas permanece o pedido para que o leitor não contate as autoridades por via das dúvidas.
Fica aí pra vocês um gostinho do texto.
“Precisamos falar sobre Murakami”.
Disponível em: https://www.wattpad.com/story/128979348-we-need-to-talk-about- Murakami
Texto por Emilio Joyce, tradução de José Landim.
Hoje de tarde me peguei olhando para a estante da minha casa, pensando nos livros que já tinha lido, nas pessoas que já fui e por aí vai. Me peguei pensando em uma frase, em particular, não me lembro quem, que dizia que os livros importantes da vida são aqueles que nos lembramos claramente de estar lendo. Por essa lógica, mais do que a história, a narrativa, os livros importantes deixariam conosco a própria memória do ato de ler. Passava os olhos pelas estantes caóticas aqui de casa, um livro em cima do outro, em cima do outro, em cima do outro, pensando em qual livro despertava, pra mim, essa memória.
Evidentemente tinham vários. Mas, não sei o que aconteceu. O tempo quase parou quando prestei atenção no cantinho dos livros do Murakami. A sensação de ser adolescente em um domingo quente, sem muito o que fazer, você no quarto, até mesmo pegar o telefone para pedir um almoço é um trabalho que ninguém da casa está muito disposto a fazer. Mas você não se incomoda com isso. Você está lendo Em Busca do Carneiro Selvagem ou 1Q84 ou Crônica do Pássaro de dar Corda, talvez até Norweigean Wood; esses livros tem uma capacidade de fazer parecer – e me desculpe o clichê neste momento – que o mundo é ao mesmo tempo gigante e minúsculo, que a própria vida de todos nós é um mistério que precisa de várias resoluções pra ser vivida.
Para o Murakami, o mistério a ser solucionado era sempre o de como viver a vida num mundo caótico. Algo que já ressoava com quase todos nós que vivíamos o fim do século XX, mas que desde o 11 de Setembro, a Guerra do Iraque e o fim do fim da história tornou-se ainda mais importante.
Agora, enquanto olho os volumes enfileirados na estante preta de metal que começa a enferrejar, não consigo deixar de ter a sensação de que um pedaço de quem acabei me tornando está naqueles livros. Talvez, afinal, eles tenham sido os meus romances de formação, depois que esses viraram uma coisa impossível.
Me vem à mente a personagem principal de quase todos os seus romances, o próprio Murakami, usando um outro nome como quem segura uma máscara: Toru, Aomane e Tengo, (...). Todos e todas [all of them], personagens que de certa maneira encontram-se perdidos diante do caos do mundo e que ao longo da história acabam por não “encontrar seu lugar no mundo”, mas de aceitar a desordem, reconhecer o caos e todas as coisas incompreensíveis que orbitam em alta velocidade ao nosso redor. Diante do caos do mundo, Murakami me ensinou que às vezes é necessário descer até o fundo do poço – literalmente – para que seja possível ver alguma coisa.
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
Tama u scare me /lighthearted /not mean
R u…ever gentle with ur tickles?
ahehe, ahm, i an definitely partial to attacking lees with everything i’ve got… so my art tends to reflect that. for this event in particular, i was planning on going all out for each piece, just because that’s my preference. so, i am sorry if that is not really your cup of tea !! (;´∀`) but there should definitely be more gentle/playful style tickling drawings from me in the future; i do enjoy both. i just tend to lean towards the torture side of things…
in any case, i have linked some older and slightly kinder art, if you would like to take a look at them (。◝‿◜。)
lee!tengen, ler!wives
lee!obanai, ler!mitsuri
lee!oc, ler!nagito
lee!tamaki, ler!mirio
lee!midoriya, ler!ochako
lee!link, ler!sidon
lee!toru, ler!mina
lee!reigen, ler!serizawa
lee!tamaki, ler!kyoya
lee!kuro, ler!mahiru
lee!link, ler!zelda
lee!alphonse, ler!edward
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omundodamarina · 5 years
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“O árduo caminho para o mangá hentai!! Se você não ler isso, jamais se tornará um artista. O método completamente alternativo revelado!!” ▬ CONTEÚDO PARA MAIORES DE IDADE. ▬ Talvez esse seja um título um pouco polêmico. Acho que pra ler, precisa de uma mente aberta e entender que esse mercado editorial é bem diferente do ocidental, caso não entenda ou tenha problemas, não leia, simples assim, pq essa leitura pode incomodar. ▬ Para começar, o que deu a entender com o quadro “A Estrela do Editor” o autor foi convidado para publicar na Young Comic, mas ela é uma revista erótica e ele nunca tinha feito um hentai antes, então surgiu a proposta dele fazer uma mangá sobre fazer hentai e é isso que temos em mãos, um guia completo de como fazer um hentai. ▬ Na 4ª capa diz que essa é a parte teórica. O que vamos aprender nesse vol.? Aprendemos a desenhar peitos e mamilos. Aprendemos a técnica do esconde-esconde, a arte da sedução e do clímax. Aprendemos sobre a importância das onomatopeias. Aprendemos sobre a coluna do leitor, uma ferramenta interessante para quem quer mostrar a sua arte e conhecemos o Toru Mitsumine, um artista de 20 anos de carreira, que publica seus desenhos e cartas nas colunas de algumas revistas. Aprendemos a desenhar bundas e descobrir que desenhá-las é como fazer alquimia. Aprendemos sobre o Hâo! A importância das falas e gemidos. Aprendemos sobre o grande mundo dos fanzines/doujinshi. Aprendemos talvez a parte mais importante que é desenhar vaginas e suas censuras. E por fim aprendemos sobre o gozo. . O Verme Desprezível aprende todas essas técnicas com uma mulher misteriosa que apareceu na casa dele. Não sei se podemos dizer que ela é sua assessora/editora... Ou é só alguém muito loca, mucho loca, que entende de todo o processo da putaria... Ela está transformando-o em um zero a esquerda e em um zero a direita, será que o Verme Desprezível vai aprender a fazer um hentai de sucesso? No fim posso dizer que foi uma leitura muito divertida e educativa... ▬ Parceiros marcados nas fotos, não deixem de irem lá conferir o trabalho de todos ♥ ▬ #aestreladohentai, #morihitokanehira, #editoranewpop, #mangasnewpop,#manga, #leitura, #quadrinho, #gibi, #comic, #hq, #viciomangas, #otaku, #instamanga, https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQzIySjk8o/?igshid=idit2yedbqeh
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