#launch window
todays-xkcd · 1 year
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"Confirmed, we have to scrub." "Ugh, okay. I'll get the bucket and sponge."
Launch Window [Explained]
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serendipnpipity · 1 month
why are they leaning more towards plausible than deniability every day now
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After watching the phan twitter video I fear they are no longer soft launching guys
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17seven76 · 1 year
JUICE's launch has been delayed to tommorrow!
The good news is if you would have missed it this morning you have the chance to watch JUICE launch via livestream tomorrow morning! The launch will be 12:14pm GMT aka 8:14am Eastern aka 5:14am Pacific, and the livestream itself will be starting at 11:45am GMT aka 7:45am Eastern aka 4:45am Pacific
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simplydnp · 3 months
oooh my god why would they do that. they could have just. not posted shirtless stories. thank you for answering my question i will be thinking about this.
great question. they love riling us up. always have.
thank you and curse you anon for revealing my trash history 😔 all a girl has is her fake reputation on dnp tumblr. there is absolutely no way you could ever guess this information has been seared into my brain (<- says the girl who's reputation is spouting off specific and detailed moments from their past and waxing poetic about it in her own posts and the tags of others')
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afarcryfrommymain · 4 months
I don't know about everyone else, but both with my personal characters and just the actual in game characters I don't think if the protagonists in far cry 5 and new dawn swapped places any of that shit woulda happened.
John says one word and gets a buzz saw to the face. Jacob wakes up one morning, and the Captain has chewed through the bars. Joseph does not survive the bunker. The twins' compounds are gone in 3 days tops. Joseph has to deal with a not-truamatized deputy in New Dawn and gets his shit rocked. I know this in my heart of hearts, and I am right.
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sri-rachaa · 6 months
“baLduRs gAtE diDnT deServe tHe GoTY AwArd” I’ll bite you
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ganymedesclock · 1 year
What is your favorite incarnation of Princess Zelda in the whole franchise?
This is a little tricky to say, because I'll be honest; one thing I tend to do is take characters like Link and Zelda as kind of cumulative? Every version of Zelda has relevance and every version of Link has relevance to each other.
(this is why I can never get my brain around Linked Universe, though absolutely no ill will to those who create and enjoy it)
But all that said I'll stop waffling and point to Tetra from Wind Waker, and Breath of the Wild's Zelda, for very different reasons. I think this is in no small amount because for me, they are the First and Last Zeldas- at least, as of this writing. Wind Waker was the very first Zelda title I ever played, which makes it more formative for me than the deservedly iconic Ocarina of Time- I encountered OoT as an adult after having grown up with hours and hours of Wind Waker.
Tetra is, IMO, one of the most proactive Zeldas we get in the series. Even if she's a child, she seems more worldly and mature than even some of the young adult Zeldas. I love that cheeky wink that she has and I'd adore it to come back as a character quirk for Zelda, though I understand why not; ever since Twilight Princess we've had a run of Zeldas who pretty clearly haven't felt much like winking.
Tetra manages to be a spitfire without hitting too many "stereotypical girlboss" type qualities; she doesn't feel like she's proving anything about how a girl can fight or whatever. She's a powerful, authoritative leader; we watch her quickly and decisively make plans, and I feel like she sort of sets the prototype for the canny, calculating ally we get in Twilight Princess in Midna (who is, to this day, my all-time favorite Buddy Character)
The scene in the bomb shop where Tetra spots Link but pretends she didn't is a standout favorite, as is the conversation she has with him right before Helmaroc drops in- specifically, when she says, "don't you have something else to worry about?" and points upward. Tetra's casual relationship with danger, and her obvious astuteness and intensity is great. I like that she doesn't really feel like our friend until we've earned it- the same qualities that make her a good leader also make her kind of scary and aloof. Again, she feels like the prototype for Midna in a lot of ways and Midna's the only helper who has an unapologetically selfish agenda.
I don't think it's a good thing to just, bully Link (because he takes a lot of crap from his co-stars) but it's nice to feel like someone is actively setting standards with Link that he has to live up to.
Tetra feels like she's using that aspect of Wisdom for her own designs, and until Link earns her trust, it'll actually work against him. Even if their goals are similar enough they don't really compete, if not for the curse Tetra would absolutely have made good on her word and blasted the back off Outset Island and demanded Nayru's Pearl for herself.
Which makes it brutal when Tetra absolutely gets the knees kicked out from under her by the revelation of- almost literally- the one piece of wisdom she couldn't have. The smart, seafaring tough girl is completely laid low by the revelation she "is Zelda" and has to be "as Zelda" and it takes the entire second act of the game and a kidnapping for her to rebuild that confidence.
It's why I always felt deeply disturbed by Spirit Tracks Zelda and how she's scared of rats and so obviously sheltered, has been led to believe that it's "a family tradition" for Zelda to wait passively for the hero as if her own grandmother only waited because she was forced to, and regretted it the second she got her feet back under her. It feels like Cole's manipulations, or, worse, that Tetra's children betrayed what she stood for and things only even worked out as well as they could because despite everything, Cole couldn't completely crush Zelda's spirit.
And speaking of crushed spirits...
BotW Zelda is just about the opposite in every way. While she's no less intelligent than Tetra, she's running in survival mode. And that, I think, is the kicker- I don't think any version of Zelda is stupid. I think many of them are just doing the best they can with a horrible situation.
BotW Zelda lived most of her life in futility. The brilliance that makes Tetra a shrewd, calculating person is reflected here in the most destructive way possible. I'm endlessly haunted by the cutscene of her standing at one of the shrines, musing in frustration that there has to be some kind of backdoor, there always is- a cutscene we only see after we know that Ganondorf was able to level Hyrule in this game because of the existence of that exact backdoor.
Zelda reached out and knocked on the walls of Ganon's prison long before he ever moved to attack, and thought nothing of it, because she is just a stupid girl who can't do anything right.
Where Skyward Sword Zelda is broken by the memory of Hylia, and how Hylia does not appear to have perceived any meaningful distinction in where she ended and Zelda began, BotW Zelda yearns for that cruelty. She begs the statue of Hylia to at least "tell [her] what's wrong with [her]", while being brutally cut down by her father at every single turn.
(Sorry, Rhoam. Whatever your intentions or fears, what you did to your daughter was abuse, flat-out)
If Tetra knows exactly who she is until the floor is dropped out from underneath her, BotW Zelda is the opposite; she spends so long mired in doubts and misery that the ultimate culmination of her power is the saddest possible epiphany- it's just being in so much of a crisis that nothing she does matters anymore. It's the soul equivalent of hysteric strength and I cannot begin to imagine the muscles she tore within herself to maintain that for a hundred years.
And even then, it's clear in her telepathic communications to Link she is still so sorry, still feeling so pathetic and helpless. Swimming in the Malaise, seemingly largely without lucidity, she might as well still be kneeling in a shrine begging a stone to talk to her; just instead of a statue, she's across from a screaming, wrathful, self-ascended god not speaking any language she understands.
But when I say "I think Zelda is cumulative" it's with the fact of, no matter how different Tetra and Zelda seem from each other... Tetra would make so much sense to BotW's Zelda. Everything Zelda wishes she was- such a badass you don't even take a lack of power for granted. There IS a backdoor, and it's called having a fuck-off galleon with big old fuck-off guns and a bunch of burly men who will heed your word. Despite being "a nobody" who forgot her royal lineage entirely to survive, Tetra rules like a queen on the high seas- besides the ghost ship and a few sunken wrecks we don't see a boat anywhere near the size of Tetra's pirate vessel and a portrait in Hyrule Castle unsubtly paints her crew as directly analogous to the retainers and court that her ancient ancestor commanded. She fearlessly requisitions one of the most expensive shops on Windfall Island and faces no consequences.
If Ganondorf pities her, it's that she's the queen of such a small, empty world- subtextually threaded into his comments to Link, how much he sees himself in both of them at that point, as he was also once the highly-skilled sovereign of a wasteland that hampered his ambitions like a tiger in a cage.
BotW and Wind Waker are both apocalypses, but they seem to reflect different forms of apocalypse. Wind Waker is an apocalypse of clarity, arguably; Tetra is nearly a fully-actualized Wisdom Bearer and one of the most bold and powerful Zeldas despite a lack of holy magic- she quite frankly doesn't need it, and uses the light arrows Link himself acquired elsewhere. The sacred regalia is just another treasure to plunder from a blind ocean. More than in any other game, Ganondorf speaks to Link and Tetra, and explains who he is- and wonders who they are, even in anger. Before the final fight, he even expresses a willingness to leave them alone if he's able to restore Hyrule- a pretty strong statement considering his curse voiced in OoT and echoed (preempted?) by Demise in Skyward Sword. There was so much clarity at the antediluvian end that the cycle very nearly stopped there, with the end of Ganondorf's anger.
BotW, despite being a fuller, more 'flourishing' world in all ways- the bounty of Hyrule's landscape even in decline is a direct contrast to the fishless Great Sea- is an apocalypse of amnesia. Zelda doesn't know who she is. She has no foundation to operate with confidence on. It's not a lack of intelligence, and it's not a lack of skill, and it's not a lack of craftsmanship. It's some intangible thing that she grapples furiously with and even at the end of the game she tiredly communicates that she has no control over it, and calling it once in a blind panic that somehow lasted a century without aging her means nothing- that power vanished and left her just where she started.
She remains a flower that can't be saved, such that the only thing that can be done for it is abandon it and hope, which is exactly what happened during the calamity. And yes, that flower was strong enough... but at what cost? It came with no understanding. Ganondorf is absent for BotW, acting by proxy from somewhere deep underground. We are faced with distorted, faceless echoes of Ganondorf, the Calamity and Blights, shadows in the water, and his thinking and his motives are completely ambiguous. With the name of the triforce being seemingly forgotten entirely in BotW, all of its bearers are lost in different ways:
The identity, autonomy, personality, of the bearer of Power has been buried and subsumed such that his blood boils out of cracks in the rock screaming that it will not be subjugated but the contents of his words are lost.
The bearer of Courage fatally overtaxes himself, because in a do-or-die moment he dies anyway, and cannot accept it, surviving at the cost of almost everything else that matters. At the end of it all, the person he spent everything to save timidly asks him if he even remembers who she is.
And the bearer of Wisdom, thwarted by an inability to put the pieces together, not because she's any stupider or weaker than her predecessors but because so much of the puzzle has been destroyed she can't know what's missing. Who knows, Zelda! Maybe, like Tetra, you have only half of the triforce of wisdom and should be tearing all over creation looking for small golden triangles! You can't know that, because you don't seem to know what the triforce is anymore or what that light in your hand means!
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finniestoncrane · 3 months
I love your writing but I am in constant fear that your going to be struck by the fanfic writer curse and have a giant piano fall on you or something
kjjkhkjhasd thank you lmao this reads like a thinly veiled threat from a silent movie villain and those are the vibes u-u also don't worry!! i don't usually go outside, and the only piano in my workplace is below me, so there's more chance of me falling on it!!
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thunderboltfire · 3 months
I've tried to run BG2 again (I need to finish my modded playthrough) and my laptop is in such a bad state it prectically lags BG2. BG2, which could be run on a determined microwave, on a laptop that has 8GB of RAM! It is heavily used and it has a lot of apps, but I've uninstalled everything I didn't use and cleaned the registry awhile ago. I suspected the antivirus, but the system manager shows it actually doesn't consume a lot of resources. It's not the disk space, since it's got plenty. It turns out it uses 100% of its disk all the time, and the main culprits seems to be.... *drum roll* system and Windows telemetry service! I now have to spend the evening elbows deep in frankly confusing system settings to find a way to turn the telemetry service off, and it may or may not improve the situation.
Once I finish this playthough, I'm definitely switching the laptop to Unix.
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
There are some differences that are funny.
His teeth are sharp, for example. And he bites into anything like an apple.
Onions. Lettuce. Wikis. Cauliflowers. Nanabs. Whole pieces of raw ham. Kebias. (He likes Kebias a lot now. Emmet thinks they taste like nothing.) Tamatos.
(He almost puked after that. Understandable. A whole mouth of Tamato Berry feels more or less like an incredibly tense job interview with Arceus. In a room where everything is on fire. And that room is your mouth. Emmet didn’t stop him because he thought it would have been funny as hell. It was! For the first five seconds. Then he started suffocating, so he helped him.)
Sometimes he will eat out of a hand. Without asking. Just assuming it’s for him. Many snacks have been lost to this. Elesa called it Zebstrika behavior.
Also the climbing. He can climb anywhere now. If Emmet points somewhere and goes, can you climb that?, he will just go and climb that. No hesitation at all. Absolute chaos.
Some differences are small.
Fidgeting with his wrist. Drawing circles on his shoulders. Praying. (They didn’t use to pray. The Dragons aren’t prayed to. They are invoked. It’s different). Saying things in another language. Making jams. Or pickled foods. Idioms nobody else has ever heard of. Sudden melancholies.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing. I simply derailed my train of thought.”
(Emmet understands. In a way.)
Small smiles.
Some differences aren’t fun at all.
The brace for his back. The shortness of his breath. The holes in his memory. The strained muscles and pained joints. The food intollerances.
The scars.
(Emmet hates seeing them, but when he does he cannot look away. He hates it. Do they still hurt? It’s a stupid question, but he can’t help asking. The answer is always a wave and a half smile, a reassurance: No, no, they’ve all closed long ago - there’s nothing to worry about. Sometimes they do still hurt, though. Sometimes Emmet sees him gritting his teeth for them. There’s medicine for chronic pain in the bathroom cabinet. Emmet hates it.)
These are the things Emmet hates the most.
His brother does not have these problems. His brother should not have these problems. He should have come back and everything should have gone back to normal and settled back into what it used to be. Perfectly slotted onto the rails. But it’s different. Mostly for the worse.
(Emmet does not blame his brother, of course. He blames what caused all this. His brother is alive and happy for the most part. That’s good. Emmet is still angry at whatever ruined his brother’s health and body forever.)
Emmet is different, too. Mostly for the worse, too. Emmet did not use to have auditory hallucinations. Or difficulty sleeping. Or anxiety attacks. Or intrusive thoughts. Or eating disorders. Emmet did not use to bite the skin between his thumb and index hard enough to pierce when he felt angry. Or get so nauseous he couldn’t help but throw up when he was tense. Or hyperventilate to the point of fainting when he was somewhere he didn’t know with too many people. Or start screaming uncontrollably when he was scared. Emmet did not use to have his emotions linger so much and so strong after he was done feeling them.)
But Ingo is happy.
Even if his brother is more of a handful than he already was.
(Don’t ever say that again, Ingo warned him: Don’t even try to.)
Ingo doesn’t think it’s a burden, not at all - his brother is still himself, even if maybe parts of him are hurt irreparably just like he himself has been damaged, and he still loves him terribly; so he kisses his head and squeezes him tight in a hug when he doubts himself, and eases him back down from the exhausting intensity of his moods, makes sure to be his anchor to reality, to monitor his health just like his twin does for him.
And if Emmet has to lay on the cold kitchen floor with him to finally catch up on some sleep, so long as he has a pillow to sustain his bent spine with and a blanket to lay on so he doesn’t freeze to death, Ingo will not hesitate to oblige and narrate at length of his warden days until they both forget all their pains and changes as they doze off laughing softly.
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the-six-that-thrive-if · 10 months
Yall act chill.
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zer0expektation · 11 months
I haven't seen what 'Every' is (and I don't intend to until I've watched the entire new season and won't get spoiled) but last night i had a dream that the 'Every' thing was about the end credits of the final episode where its revealed that IT from the book and movies IT was just,, there? for some reason?? and then like, ate a woman on screen
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lovelaceisntdead · 27 days
northern lights outside my window rn.
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bibuddie · 1 month
i’m now going to the library on a fucking saturday because this project’s due monday and i can’t fucking FOCUS AT HOME 😭😭😭
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Dogs are the worst. And don’t look at my window sill the dogs have ruined it and my life!!
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