#lady ise
manwalksintobar · 7 days
Sleeping With Someone Who Came In Secret (from Eleven Tanka) // Lady Ise
Speak of this to no one, not even in dreams-- and in case the pillow should be too wise, we'll have no pillow but our arms
(translated from the Japanese by Burton Watson)
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earlgreybocchan · 2 months
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the-jam-to-the-unicorn · 10 months
Not Volena-related. But I saw the Barbie movie tonight and I loved it. Funny, smart, and spot-on about the patriarchy.
Ooohhhh, good to know. Thanks! 🤗🫶
I've heard and read so many positive reviews at this point - looks like I have to go to the cinema. 😁
Btw ... had a bit of fun with the Barbie AI today. 🤗
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abri-chan · 4 months
Bring back who(re)ever animated these two scenes in particular for the Suicide Theater arc / Ise Household arc. So that Nanao can look good too, when she finally fights with her sword. And so that I can get a proper Shunsui and Sister in law scene, thank you very much.
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dailylooneys · 2 years
Hugh told me that Leon himself came up with the name "Looney Tunes," and later "Merrie Melodies." Could be, but at that time, the whole gimmick was music in cartoons. The main reason that Warners okayed the Looney Tunes deal was that they thought it would promote the songs they owned, from their movie musicals. When I started there, the rule was that we had to have a singing chorus in every Merrie Melodie. We'd have a great story going along, but then we'd have to stop and have the singing chorus.[...] The first few Looney Tunes shown in 1930 made such a hit that Hugh and Rudy started Merrie Melodies early in 1931, which was just as I joined them. And they gave me a number of secondary characters to animate in the very first Merrie Melodie, Lady Play Your Mandolin. We made the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies at Harman-Ising until near mid-1933, when they split with Leon.
Clampett on the true origin of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies 
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 900x1366 -- Spotlight on textless cover art to "Justice" Vol. 1 #6. August, 2006. DC Comics. Artwork by Alex Ross.
"My name is Ray Palmer. I'm the Atom. And for all I know, I'm the last surviving member of the Justice League of America. Hal Jordan is a friend of mine, and I can't imagine anything that could harm him, let alone keep him from answering my call. He'd receive it anywhere he was in our solar system. Aquaman went missing weeks ago. Our searches for him have found nothing. I don't even know if Manhunter's returned yet. Then I get shot. And by someone who obviously knows Ray Palmer is the Atom. Have our identities been compromised? I wonder what Batman thinks."
-- RAY PALMER, a.k.a., "THE ATOM" (script by Jim Krueger & Alex Ross)
Source: https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Justice_Vol_1_6.
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h0ttestgrlinm0urgu3 · 5 months
update on the ghost I anybody cared...
I'm listening to music in my room, right... why tf it sound like sumbody standing beside me whispering 'who's that lady' along with the song. like I heard it and my heart dropped 😭. went back to make sure it wasn't apart of the song.. it's not. anyway, whoever it is has great music taste.
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Goth artwork: Medusa by Robin Isely, Portrait of Wincenty Rapacki as Hamlet (1840) by Karol Miller, Portrait of an Unkowing Lady by Gustave Richard (1860).
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fuukonomiko · 3 months
BES Hollywood AU
I know some other fandoms have this AU (including Warhammer40k where I saw @mixuen and her most creative takes!) so I think it would be awesome to have BES have it too.
Someone mentioned this to @lillydrawsmizu and I apologize for forgetting who it was but hopefully you can see this too!
Some silly ideas (please feel free to make suggestions, or make art)
The actors for Swordfather Eiji and Seki were a comedy duo when they were younger. Think Abbott and Costello.
The actor who plays Ringo is a part time musician. He has his own Indie band and he is actually the lead guitarist. He brings his guitar to write songs during downtime. When his fans saw his role in the show they freaked out not seeing his hands. Mikio's actor has taken this role to move away from his image as a stereotypical Hollywood leading man. It's his first venture into playing a very unlikeable character. Abijah Fowler's star is actually one of the nicest and most professional actors on set! He brings baked goods and sweets for the cast and crew on hectic days with long shoots. Sometimes he even orders catering for them! Akemi's actress is in her first big role! She used to have minor parts in soap operas. She's excited for her big debut! The actor who played Ise actually read for the Akemi role too. Madam Kaji and Lady Ito initially read for the others' part. The casting director made them switch because they felt the other actress suited their respective roles better.
Casting for Taigen took forever as none of the dozens who auditioned was convincing enough for the role. The actor they finally cast was a last minute find when he dropped out of a sci-fi series. After wrapping up season 1, word has it that the actors playing Mizu and Taigen actually became a couple
Discussing this insanity with @kaladinkholins :D And just saw an actor AU from @doughnutshi
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Headcanons : Reiatsu Descriptions for Female Shinigami
This is a companion piece to my other headcanon post where I describe what the reiatsu of different male shinigami feels like. Thanks to everyone who reblogged that one, but @lesbianrenjiabarai said they would love to read about what lady shinigami reiatsu would feel like, which is what inspired this post. 
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Momo Hinamori: 
When calm: This sweet little woman is like Christmas. Fresh gingerbread, the warmth and comfort you get from being with family, and that small zing of joy in the air. It’s a feeling of togetherness, happiness, and sincerity. 
When at battle: A mother grieving the death of a child. Despairing, swirling misery and rage that the little life you treasured was taken away from you so suddenly. It consumes everything, leaving very little to see in the future. Saddening, scary, and unpredictable. 
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Rangiku Matsumoto: 
When calm: That feeling you get when you wake up on a lazy Saturday morning and realize you don’t have to be responsible for anything or have to stick to a routine. You can get up at leisure, make some pancakes for yourself, maybe spend some ‘me time’ and just do as you please. Enticing, pleasurable, and indulgent. 
When at battle: Sand storm in the desert, but everything is obscured so thickly that you can’t figure out what’s up, down, left or right. You’re lost, fumbling desperately with your senses trying to find a way out before you suffocate from sand inhalation. 
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Rukia Kuchiki:
When calm: Cat purring on your lap. That low content rumble of happiness, the weight of the cat’s body as it nestles against you. Calm, happy, and satisfying.
When at battle: Imagine the worst blizzard of the millennia, but a thousand times colder. The wind howls through the trees like a wild animal as your vision obscures from the snow that’s falling around you, preventing any escape. You can’t see your enemy but there’s a lingering sense of doom as the frostbite overtakes you and your blood chills in your veins. Unseeing, deadly, lonely. 
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Nanao Ise:
When calm: An empty library. The peace and quiet, the smell of book pages, and the joy in knowing you could spend hours here, poring over every tome, absorbing new stories and bits of information. Peaceful, calming, serene.
When at battle: Lightning strike. The kind that hits you without warning. It’s sudden and ends mercifully quick. You do not want to prolong it. 
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Isane Kotetsu:
When calm: A comforting mug of hot chocolate. Sweet, enticing, and calming. 
When at battle: That feeling of terror when there’s a missing child. Confusion, fear, and a feeling of despair of losing something you can’t get back. 
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onthr-dream · 11 months
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Character: obsessive!Ada Wong × reader(y/n) × Leon S. Kennedy
A bloodthirsty monster has been appearing and kidnapping people on the village. And then there's y/n l/n, an unfortunate girl who happened to catch the monster's eyes.
Tw: poly relationship, curse word, excessive ise of y/n, gore, cannibalism, toxic behavior, obsessive Ada, monster/fantasy stuff, Ada and reader being a monster, grammar/spelling mistake, reader's parent being irresponsible :D
Notes: i know i said i'm quitting writing but i need to write this sooooo bad. Also please tell me if i have any mistake or tw to add :p
3k+ words
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"John went missing? That must be that monster's fault, gosh when will it stop" said y/n with a tone filled with annoyance.
"You all must be carefull okay? Especially you y/n! You live alone!" The old lady chime in and y/n only nod to indicate that she understand.
Y/n l/n, an ordinary girl who live in a small village. Her parents left her alone in the village once she turned 10 and the kind old lady always take care of her. Currently, she works at the old lady's bakery to repay her kindness and finance for her own life. Seems like everything went well right? Yes, until some people went missing and they got discovered with only some of their body parts, leg, arm, even only their head is left. This of course, concern the villager. Some assume it was a monster, some assume it was the bear, some assume it was a psychopath, no one really know. Y/n? She assume it was a monster. She hate hate hate it, not only did it destroy the village's peace, but it -or should i say, she- keep appearing near her. She always there in her dream, whether she was gutting people or showing her some body parts that later can be found on the forest nearby her village. She also saw a lady just like her near her house or inside the wood. She felt uneasy because of that, y/n was dead terrified.
Damn, what if i was her next victim.
Y/n couldn't remember her feature, all she know is she always wear red dress that hugged her body nicely and a short black hair. She's mesmerizing, she can admit that, but the fact that she gutted one of the villager is your dream is just weird. It must've been just a weird dream...right?
"Y/n? You okay there?"
A voice snapped her out of her deep thoughts. Oh, Leon, Leon Scott Kennedy, her best friend and the old lady's grandson. He was the only boy who was nice to her when she was a newcomer, while the other boy mock or teases her.
"You surprised me!" She nudge him in the arm lightly.
"Not my fault you're spacing out. Grandma told me to gave these eggs to you, where should i put it? Are you making macaroon?"
"Oh! Put the eggs on that corner. Wanna have a taste?" Y/n offer the macaroon to him and he happily agree. He approached y/n and take a bite of the macaroon in her hand, and oh gosh, he does look heavenly. His blonde hair paired with blue eyes and seemingly soft lips touching her gloved fingertips lightly, y/n can feel her stomach filled with butterfly. She wished he know about her feelings towards him, she cherished him, she loved him, she adored him with all of her heart, if only he know.
"Oh wow, good as always. Grandma makes no mistake when she hire you hm?" He gently wipes the side of his mouth and excuse himself to leave the kitchen with a slight smile. He could've gave her a heart attack, no no, he gave her a heart attack already.
Y/n stacked the macaroon into the display case and carry them into the store, then opening the bakery. After hours of working and lunch break is finally here. Y/n decided to ignore her stomach and sleep off the lunch break since she can barely sleep due to that 'lady in red' she calls. Sleeping felt so short after she got woken up by the feeling of someone is watching her. She opened her eyes and she swore she saw a short haired woman with red dress in front of her face. She quickly snap her eyes fully open and check her surrounding, nobody's there. She got up and look around, nothing. She looked outside the bakery, nothing. She stand in the middle of the bakery completely frozen, confused who that person was and why she looked awfully similar to that 'lady in red' inside her dream. She stared into the wall until she felt a hand caressing her hair, she whipped her head around in surprise just to find Leon behind her.
"You sure you're okay? You've been running around the bakery and stared off into space, you don't even notice me being here"
Oh shot he saw me!? God that was so stupid. Do i look so weird just now?? God what the hell "um yeah..haha no worries, sorry i was having a weird dream"
"Did you ate yet? I uhh..bought some food for you and me..soo...wanna eat together?" He showed her the paper bag he has, probably containing food he meant.
"Sure! It's been a long time we didn't eat lunch together!"
Leon and y/n sat down on one of the bakery's seat, happily chatting with each other completely forgetting whatever happened just now.
Night fall upon the village, everyone is ready to be asleep, unless y/n. She's currently sitting on her bed reading book even though she can't read them as her mind is focusing on something else. That damn 'lady in red' keeps her mind occupied, it felt like she need to find her, she need to know who is she. She felt her body move on it's own, her mind is occupied with 'lady in red' to notice that she has been walking deep into the wood behind the village. Then, she heard a loud scream and knowing it must be a bad sign she tried to ran to the opposite direction she's standing. Until she saw someone kneeling on the ground.
I think i can ask her for a help!
She approach her and the person stand up, looking back at her. My face draws an absolute horror towards her, her blood covered mouth and red dress, just like 'lady in red' huh? And more scarily, her hand holding an organ. Just beside her is a dead body with some of her organs missing. I think i fucked up.
"Ah sorry for the bad first impression, dear y/n" the lady speak.
Fuck, she knew my name. I fucked up so bad this time.
"Don't be scared y/n i won't hurt you, ever. Name's Ada Wong, you catch my eyes y/n l/n. Let me keep you forever hm?" She said while approaching me. I know i should've run, but i think my body became frozen, it felt just like when i was in the bakery this noon. She dropped the organ she held and took out a little tube with syringe, she held my face with her bloodied hand and caress my cheek. She looked at me with adoration in her eyes while she inject me with the strange liquid she held. Y/n felt a soft lips against her forehead before she fall unconscious.
Y/n woke up on a comfortable bed, feeling her head being hurt so much. Everything seemed to be blurred, and she felt a warm hand caressing her head. She looked around only to found that she was in a bedroom belong to God knows who, she looked to the right and found 'lady in red' -or Ada Wong she said- beside me, remembering what she did last night scared y/n to death and made her jumped out the bed, running into whatever door she could find. Ada seemed to let that happened and smiled thinking to herself.
So you wanted the chase game? Okay then y/n
Meanwhile y/n was running downstairs and into seemingly the main door. She ran there until a figure blocked her way.
"Ah ah ah, no sweetheart. You'll regret it going outside" she held y/n by her waist to not let her running away more. Y/n struggled to let herself go but seems like she's stronger than she looks.
"P-please let me go" y/n felt her eyes pricked and her heart beating fast.
"I would love to, dear. But if i did, you'll do something you don't want to" Ada seems unamused by how y/n writhe against her, but y/n didn't gave up and keep trying.
"This is why you caught my eyes y/n. You never gave up and always try your hardest, such a sweet little human. I wanna keep you for myself, can't i?" Y/n didn't answer and keep trying. "Fine, you can go, but i'll warn you y/n l/n, as soon you stepped out there you might change into...something you didn't want. You'll come back to me eventually." She let go of her hands and y/n ran as fast as she can outside. She found herself in the middle of the unknown place, but she trust her instinct to run to the left and soon she found herself back to the village. As soon as she got there, Leon notices her first and went to hug her.
"Where have you been!? You've been missing for half a day! Did you got hurt? Did you meet something unusual? Are you okay?"
"L-leon, i'm completely fine. See not hurt! I'ill explain to you later..i felt a bit unwell"
Leon only nods in understanment and guide y/n into my house not far ahead. Y/n felt weak, her head is spinning around and she felt the urge to tore her skin apart. Yet she ignore it either way and just rest upon the bed until she fell asleep.
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Y/n woke up in the middle of the night with a moonlight shining through the window of your bedroom. You walked out of your room just to find a food on the table with a note 'from Leon :)'. Your heart flutter at this discovery and began to eat the soup as you felt hungry, probably from not eating the whole day. Finishing eating, she put them on the sink and decided to take a walk outside.
Who know, maybe it's just a dream?
Breathing into the fresh air, y/n heard a sound calling for her. She whipped her head left and right to find who it was and no one is really there, no one unless a little deer looking at her from the distance. Y/n stupidly followed it, she thinks the deer is going to show her something. 5 minutes of running and they're in the middle of somewhere inside the wood. Y/n was tired, she felt like she wanted to tore her skin, that feeling was so great that y/n couldn't help but tore the deer's skin with her bare hand. The deer screech in agony and y/n felt a relieved over that sound, it's like a lullaby to her. She wanted more. She tore more of the deer's skin and breaking it's bone. Y/n felt happy, it's been a long time she didn't feel this level of happiness. She started to devour anything she can see from the deer's inside, heart, stomach, liver you name it, anything that could quench her thirst. It's a strange feeling. How come she felt this way?
"Y/n darling i think you've ate enough off that deer. Look at it, it's empty now."
A familiar voice snap y/n out of her cloudy thought. She looked down only to find her hand is soaked in blood and a dead deer in front of her, she jumped in surprise and back up from the dead deer.
"I told you to not go outside. And i guess you have to found out the hard way."
"Wait Ada, what just happened? Did you do this?" Y/n said, trying to stand up but her legs seems to gave up.
"Me? Very funny. It was you, obviously."
"The fuck? No way! I would never kill an animal, i just...can't"
"Yes way, honey. You've turned into one of me, 'a monster', 'a psychopath', whatever you called it. Let's go back to my house yes? I'll tell you more about it there. Beside, how did you will explain this to those villager?" Ada extend her hand to help y/n up and y/n gladly accept the help.
"R-right, but what about th-" y/n pointed at the dead deer.
"Leave it there and let nature do it's work"
Ada lead the way to her house while y/n is not far behind her.
The walk there filled with a slightly uncomfortable silence and a little squeak from animals around them. And finally they both arrived at the traditional modern house owned by Ada Wong herself. She let y/n in and sat her down in one of the couch with her sitting awfully close to y/n, she even put her head on y/n's shoulder.
"So, i know you have a thousand question. Ask me and i'll answer them" Ada started while gazing lovingly at y/n.
"Um..but can you like...not getting to close to me? I'm sorry, i'm a bit...uncomfortable?"
"But i'm your master, can't i be close to you? And before you ask, yes i turned you into a 'monster' like me, don't worry buttercup you're not fully turned yet. Maybe tonight you will.."
"What do you mean!? I don't wanna be a psychotic monster who destroy someone's life like you! And master!? Do you think i'm a pet or something!?" Y/n backed up, terrified of her discovery.
"I know it's shocking, but i wanna keep you forever with me and those villager are just a pest to us. So me turning you into monster are just for our own good and about that master thing..you can't get to far away from your master or you'll turn crazy, remember those deer? Poor little deer have to suffer from your own selfishness, soon it may be human."
Ada got closer again to y/n, inches away from her face. "It's your choice now, stay here with me or left and harm your loved one" Ada left and goes to the kitchen, leaving y/n blushing mess on the couch.
Holy shit that's hot. Fuck no! You can't fall for her, she's a monster, she even kidnap you!
"Y/n did you eat yet? Come on i'll show you your room, you can eat there since i know you wanted an alone time" Ada grab y/n's hand lightly to pull her up from the couch. Y/n suddenly went to hug Ada.
"I'm scared..i don't want to kill people. Please *please* keep me from hurting people."
Ada could feel y/n body trembling a little.
"Darling, you won't. As long as you stay with me, as long as you're being good for me. Do you think you could do that?"
Y/n went quiet for a second before nodding her head. She made up her mind, she will live here and never go out again, if possible lock herself up so no one especially Leon got hurt by herself.
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And that happened a year ago, now, y/n has fully adapted on her way of living and Ada Wong. They even started to date each other around a month ago and that strengthen their bond more. But one particular person catches Ada's eyes one more time. It was this boy that y/n has a crush on, Leon Kennedy. At first Ada don't understand what's charming from him to the point that her beloved y/n fell for him, but she understood now.
"Y/n what do you think about bringing Leon Kennedy into our pact?"
Y/n's face lighten up with the mention of adding another person into their life, she has been dreaming about it since forever and the fact that Leon was the one that will be there, she was more than happy.
"Oh. My. Gosh. You're kidding!? Of course i would love to!" Y/n went to hug Ada, radiating happiness to anything around her.
"But you never told me how to do it though? Will it hurt?"
"Maybe a little. I just need to bite him while doing a little mating ritual, that's all, just like what we did a month ago." Ada winked at her, happy to see her all red and flustered.
"Stop mentioning that one! What about me? What am i gonna do?" Y/n let go of her, earning a little displeased grunt from Ada.
"Sit there and look pretty of course. What? Do you want to bite him too? Hm, i didn't know my baby is kinky" Ada teases, earning a light slap on her arms.
"But won't he be upset if we force him to do it?"
"Don't worry about that one, i have my own special way. Now go back inside, i'll go hunting for some food" Ada smiled to herself as she watched y/n goes back inside. And if you're curious of her 'special way' it was just a spell that Ada use to manipulate someone's mind, she has been using it for as long as she can remember, mostly to lure her victim, but now she always use it to make y/n stay with her.
It's for your own good
Ada thought as she left the house. Little did y/n know, Ada was going to her underground lab not far from there, that was the place she made injection and practices spells. After 2 hours without Ada, y/n felt bored and decided to take a walk around, letting her mind wonder off. Unknowingly, she walked a bit too close to the edge of the woods.
"Y/n?" A raspy male voice calling her from the distance.
Shit! Y/n ran off as fast as she could, unfortunately the male ran after her into the wood.
I can't run into the house, he'll know about Ada Y/n decided to turned around and face him.
"Leon! Stop!" Y/n said with heavy breathing. "L-listen, I-" her words halting as Leon fall down into unconsciousness with Ada behind him, holding a now empty syringe.
"What did you get yourself into, little y/n?" Ada kneel down on Leon and check his pulse.
"I'm so so so sorry to fuck this up! I was wandering around too far and he saw me!" Y/n explained in panic.
"Well, i guess we don't really have to kidnap him from the village. Consider this as a bonus, maybe? Come on let's go back and claim this handsome boy" Ada said as she picked him off the ground and walking off, y/n walking just beside her.
Leon woke up in a strange bedroom with a (h/c) colored woman cuddle up against his chest.
"Oh you woke up?" Ada put down the glass of water on the bedside table.
"I'm sorry, where am i?" Leon tried so hard to remember anything, but he got nothing.
"You seriously didn't remember? You got drunk last night, thankfully your girlfriends was there to help you up." Ada helped him sit up and gave him the water.
Right...i was getting drunk with Ada and y/n. Gosh that was fun "Mind join us cuddling, Ada?" Leon said while lifting the blanket for her to get in, which Ada happily do.
"So, are you ready to make a pact with both of us tonight?" Ada let out her smirk and Leon was blushing like crazy, knowing full well that what she meant is the mating ritual. Ada let out a lighthearted laugh, knowing that she succeeded on tricking those 2 humans into loving her. So easy to fool.
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yamayuandadu · 5 months
Do you know why Amaterasu was seen as a male in medieval times by some scholars?
This is something I’ve hoped to properly figure out myself while working on the recent Amaterasu two-parter, but sadly I’m incapable of providing a single comprehensive answer. 
More under the cut.
The most direct treatment of this matter I found is Allan G. Grapard’s Of Emperors and Foxy Ladies - I have some issues with this article in general, but here is the relevant section:
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Bernhard Scheid in an article published on his website in 2001 argues male Amaterasu was the most common sort of depiction through the middle ages (though he does note actual pictorial depictions are rare), and speculates the perception of her as a female figure in general was in decline. He cites the example of Amaterasu as a youth - presumably the phenomenon of depicting Amaterasu in the guide of Uho Dōji, discussed here. However, this is a much more complex matter than just “male Amaterasu”, and the identification in fact caused controversies at Ise, to put it lightly. Also, the two were initially perceived as entirely separate, as seen here. While there are cases which match Scheid’s general idea (ex. Tenshō Daijin Giki), as I pointed out in the two-parter in some cases Amaterasu’s usual gender was reaffirmed in sources explicitly identifying her with pretty firmly male figures like Brahma, for instance in the Watarai books. It seems there is no universal answer, tbh.
While there are cases which match Scheid’s general idea (ex. Tenshō Daijin Giki), as I pointed out in the two-parter, in some cases Amaterasu’s usual gender was reaffirmed in sources explicitly identifying her with pretty firmly male figures like Brahma, for instance in the Watarai books. It seems there is no universal answer, tbh. Mark Teeuwen in A Social history of the Ise Shrines: Divine Capital notes that while there are sources where Amaterasu is clearly male, gender in this context needs to be seen through the lens of esoteric Buddhist literature of the middle ages, where opposites can be presented as an unity - whether it’s genders, enlightenment and ignorance, or even Buddha and Mara.
The matter is obviously complicated by the existence of a theory that Amaterasu was originally perceived as male, and it was female Amaterasu who constituted an innovation. Teeuwen himself suggests that initially Amaterasu might have been seen as a male kami similar to Onamuchi, based on analogous descriptions of their activity in early sources. The fact that the sun corresponds to yang and thus is “masculine coded” is also frequently brought up as an argument; yin-yang principles were obviously well known in early Japan, so in theory Amaterasu’s gender does seem somewhat unusual. How did the change originally occur if we were to accept these arguments? Teeuwen points out there is a well established theory that the myths focused on Amaterasu and Ninigi and the unusual transition of authority from grandmother to grandson reflect a unique political event, the reign of empress Jitō. She had a son of another of Tenmu’s wives eliminated to secure the throne for her own son, but he unexpectedly passed away, so she had to be succeeded by a grandson. Since these events coincided with the compilation of Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, Teeuwen suggests female Amaterasu first developed as a mirror of Jitō to justify this unusual maneuver.
Anna Andreeva in Assembling Shinto. Buddhist Approaches to Kami Worship in Medieval Japan cites a similar theory - “originally a male sun deity (...) worshipped by local fishermen at Ise” -  but doesn’t go into detail. The source is Atsumu Wada’s article The Origins of Ise Shrine published in Acta Asiatica in 1995; sadly I cannot access it to compare how it differs from Teeuwen’s proposal.
Since the familiarity with Amaterasu outside the imperial family was limited prior to the middle ages I do not think there is a case to be made for medieval male Amaterasu constituting some pre-Jitō relic, though. Ultimately, as I said I can’t really give you a single coherent answer. I think there is a need for a full academic synthesis of all this information, perhaps covering the matter of Toyouke’s gender and how the different views on the connection between them might have shaped this aspect of their respective characters.
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ducktracy · 4 months
I’ll never understand the logic behind making Daffy and Speedy sworn enemies. Daffy is a duck. Speedy is a mouse. Speedy is an unabashed hero, Daffy is (at least, prior to these) an anti-hero at worst. There is nothing about Daffy that makes him the perfect villain for Speedy cartoons especially since Sylvester (Y’know, a CAT) already has been pitted against Speedy. Do you have any theories on why they were paired up?
BIZARELLY ENOUGH, there is an answer to this! technically multiple! BUT:
the meat and potatoes of it has to do with TV broadcasting rights. Warner famously sold off their entire catalogue of color cartoons (with the exception of the black and white Merrie Melodies from the Harman-Ising years, with Lady, Play Your Mandolin! being an exception to that) predating August 1948 to United Artists in 1956. all of the remaining pre-48 B&W films were sold to Guild Films/Sunset Productions a year before in 1955.
discounting two WW2 era shorts (Daffy the Commando and Plane Daffy, which i assume weren’t getting much airtime due to them being so dated), Warner’s lost access to 29 color Daffy cartoons. iiiiiinterestingly enough, there are 29 Daffy cartoons made between 1965-1968, leading to the assumption that they wanted to make up for their losses that way.
likewise, Daffy and Speedy were both very popular characters at the time. more flexible/outstanding characters like Bugs and Porky were mercy killed (…well, Bugs was mercy killed anyway) in 1964 and 1965 respectively, so they weren’t available to be pinned together or against Daffy either. thus! the Speedy and Daffy dynamic was born—make up for lost assets AND pin two of the most popular characters together! a win-win! Speedy was likely an added excuse to meet the quota, as i’m sure it probably would have been much more difficult for them to meet said quota with Daffy by himself/a less mindless formula to rely on and milk.
but YEP, essentially the shorts exist purely for obligation. and watching them, it ceeeeeeertainly shows!
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rpking99 · 1 month
DC- Batman
Batgirl II/Black Bat/Cassandra Cain
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Cass Cain. Second Batgirl, also goes by Black Bat. Raised as a weapon by her father David Cain. She is the daughter of Lady Shiva, adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne/Batman. She is the deadliest hand to hand fighter in the DCU, refuses to kill. Is equal parts chaotic grimlin and every criptid. Not a fan of talking
Spoiler/Robin IV/Batgir III/Stephanie Brown
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Steph Brown is the third Batgirl. But before that she was the fourth Robin, the only (canon) female one as well. But before even that, she was the Spoiler. Her father is Arthur Brown, the ClueMaster, a D-tier, maybe even E-tier, villain and a Ridder knock off. A real asshole, Steph became a hero to 'spoil' her father's crimes. She is a spunky girl who takes no shit with a smart mouth
Oracle/Batgirl/Barbara Gordon
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Barbara Gordon. The First Batgirl, also goes by Oracle. Daughter of Commissioner Gordon, badass crime fighter and a computer genius. When not kicking ass in the streets, she's hacking into any villains entire set up while lying in the sheets
Batwoman/Kate Kane (because of comic lore, where she is a lesbian, she is a female and futa only character)
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Kate Kane, Batwoman. Kicked out of the military because she was a lesbian. Bruce Wayne's badass cousin on his mothera side.
Huntress/Helen Wayne
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Helena Wayne, the Huntress, is a heroine from another world. Earth-2. She is the daughter of that world's Batman and Catwoman, she was trained with her parents skills before both of her parents died. And she ended up on Earth-1 soon after, the main world. She is a bit grumpy, very serious. But with her own sense of fun
Black Canary/Dinah Lance
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Katana/Tatsu Yamashiro
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Selina Kyle, Catwoman. Sexy, confident, highly stealthy. She is oh so skilled and stealthy, she will rob you dry
Poison Ivy
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Posion Ivy. Also known as Pamela Isely. The woman of the Green. Killed by a a man called Jason Woodrue, she was reborn with powers over plants and with phermones powers. A mistress of seduction, a defender of the earths plant life itself, she is also a brilliant scientist
Harley Quinn
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Harley Quinn, Halreen Quinzelle. Manipulated by the Joker, went through torture, this ball of spite and energy is here to cause trouble and laugh in your face about it.
Lady Shiva/Sandra Wu-San
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Lady Shiva. The deadliest woman alive, mother of Cassandra Cain. Cass is a better fighter, but Shiva fights to kill. Robbed of her innocence, in every sense of the word, by David Cain, Shiva is a roming warrior. A force of nature some worship like a god. She kills as she sees fit, for profit or because she was annoyed
Talia Al Ghul
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Punchline/Alexis Kaye
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Dee Dee Twins/Delia and Deidre Dennis
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10/Melanie Walker
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Total Muses: 16
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asknarashikari · 1 month
Hi, I stumbled upon your content while I was binging franzfan23's Toku Group Chats series. You've added so many new ships to my gallery (mostly Magine/Rekai, and I thank you for that)
Anyways, I wanted to request a minific with the prompt of Magine and Reika being mothers (either via magic baby summoning or adopt, maybe just be born from an egg like Ise) I just want those two to be happy, meanwhile Decade and Marvelous are just taking bets on if the kid will end up being a Rider or Super Sentai
Aw, thanks! The gcs actually started off as stuff Mana (@askrikkaiandhyotei /franzfan23) requested from me and it has since took on a life of its own lmao.
I haven't actually done minifics in a while, I kinda got burnt out after all the requests and life keeps happening so I don't really have the time to do them anymore lol. I'm not going to reopen requests again for the meantime, but because you asked nicely I'll try my best to do one this time~
"So, I suppose you've heard the news from through grapevine, huh?"
The pirate captain snorted as the intruder made himself at home, lounging on the couch opposite his seat at the helm of the ship. "Yeah, Gai wouldn't shut up about it." He rolled his eyes heavenward. "That kouhai of yours, what exactly can't he do with that sword of his?"
"Who knows?" Tsukasa shrugged. "Though, that serious sword lady and her robo girlfriend seemed happy enough, and the doc gave her a clean bill of health, so no one's really complaining." He absently tapped at the shutter button of his camera, as though he were itching to snap a photo.
"Her name's Magine," Marvelous said absently, twirling the key representing her team's leader in his hand. "I still don't get how the guy managed to make a half-human, half-Kikainoid baby."
"He's Book Jesus." Tsukasa said as if that explained everything. "He's already remade two worlds, I suppose this is practically child's play to the novelist." He laughed at the unintended pun he made. "Not to mention how his own kid was born." He stretched out, putting his feet up on the coffee table. "I think they're gonna split their time between universes, though I heard the sword lady's brother was trying to get them to stay with them at that base they have in Antartica. Weird place to raise a kid, but whatever."
Marvelous nodded, accepting the rather ridiculous explanation- it's not like he's heard of (or indeed, witnessed) crazier things than these claims. "So, what do you reckon the kid would be like?"
Tsukasa raised a brow at his counterpart. "Already wanting to take her Grand Power for yourself? She's not even two days old."
"You say that as if you aren't curious to see what a Kikainoid- or a half-Kikainoid in this case- would have for a Final Attack Ride," Marvelous rebutted. "So, how much do you put on the kid being a Rider?"
Tsukasa thought for a moment. "Ten thousand dollarks," he said. "And I clean the poop deck of the Galleon and the other mechs for a month," he offered. "How about you, what do you put on the sprog being a Sentai?'
"I'll match your amount," Marvelous countered. "And I'll take the blame for your shenanigans for a week."
"Just a week? My offer was a month!" Tsukasa pointed out in outrage.
"I know what you get up to. I'm not insane, Kadoya." Marvelous replied. "That doctor guy scares me, and I'm not keen on getting arrested by that copper, either."
"Fine. I agree to your terms." Tsukasa relented, but his face was set with a knowing, triumphant grin. "May the best man win, pirate."
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lostwoodstarryskies · 10 months
Epithets of Hyrule
The Golden Goddesses
Epithets are “an adjective or phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.”
(Thank you Oxford Languages for the definition!)
Epithets are used in multiple religions, including christianity, hellenic paganism, norse paganism, kemetic paganism, and even in celtic paganism. People have used Epithets to denote the specific aspect of a deity they want to invoke.
However, I have not seen many people discus the epithets that could appear in pop culture paganism, and in this case specifically, Hyrulean Paganism.
So here are my current ideas for epithets of the Goddesses.
(Note, epithets that are most closely related to a specific race/species is denoted by a color or symbol. Goron, Gerudo, Rito, Zora, Hylian, Sheikah)
Lady of the Red Earth, Earthbreaker, Earthmaker, Foundation of the World, Lady of Power, The Gerudo Mother, The Desert Mother, Din of the Forge, Kingmaker, King Mother, The Sandstorm, Of the Wastes, Of the Burning Hearth, Torch in the Night, Sister of Courage, Sister of Wisdom, Brother, Fire of Gorondia, She who is cradled in Death’s Maw, The Desert Wind, of the Fury, Autumn Harvester
Din, for me, is associated with Fire and Earth, Gerudo and Goron, and thus some epithets are more species specific.
Din of the Forge is also common with smiths of all species.
Lady of Wisdom, Lady of Justice, Mother of Law, The Arbiter, of the Sea, of the Rain, She Who Watches, of the Deep, of the Storm, of the Fury, of the Cascading Falls, of the Hidden Waters, Queen Maker, of the Burning Cold, Knowledge Keeper, All-Knowing, the Teacher, the Shield, of the Gentle Snow, Owl-eyed, Sister of Power, Sister of Courage, Winter Keeper
Nayru is associated with water, ice, justice and knowledge. She is most closely associated with the Zora, and Hylians, but some other races have epithets for her as well.
Lady of Courage, Lady of Life and Death, Sword Keeper, Hero Guide, Mother of Life, Mother of Monsters, Secret Keeper, Lightning Rider, of the Storm, of the Fury, the Whispering Wind, of the Roaring Wind, the Verdant, Dragon Chaser, the the Joyous One, the Dancing Wind, Spring Bringer, the Huntress, Protector of Children, Will O’ Wisp, of the Cutting Wind, of Lost Things, of the Lost*, Path Walker, of the Wind, Sister of Power, Sister of Wisdom
*while this is the only epithet the Goron use, it is not Goron Specific.
Farore is my matron. I tried to keep things equal, but I will naturally favor her. I do actually ise quite a few of these epithets when I write prayers or blessings, and occasionally I will feel the urge to write a blessing invoking one.
Guardian of the Triforce, Light bearer, of True Aim, the Winged One, Queen-mother, Queen-makerMother of Hylians, Bane of Demise, the Great Vanquisher, She who Carries Summer, of the Burning Light, the Arbiter, She Who Watches Over Time, Hero Maker, the Song Writer, the Hearth Light, Torch Against the Night, Scourge of the Undead, She Who Favors Wisdom, the Sacred Dragon, the Gentle Healer, She Who Seals the Darkness
Hylia is the last one I created epithets for at this time. She is dear to Hylians, and thus has many Hylian epithets.
I will eventually write all of this in zonai, ancient hylian, and common hylian (or I will at least try) and thus ends this post!
Merry met, and blessedly go!
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