labyrinthinees · 2 months
and what if eddie dear had jon arbuckle’s voice and wally darling had garfield’s (1988)
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onlygenxhere · 6 months
Happy Juke Jeudi! I wanted to list a few juke Christmas themed fics for this Juke Jeudi for anyone that might be interested. I got a little help from @missjoolee and @preoccupied-educator. I’ve read most of these but not all. The following are listed in word count/size order, shortest to longest.
links under the cut
Peppermint and Chocolate   by  sanssssastark  rated T
He’s wanted to kiss Julie since he was thirteen years old and waiting three years to kiss someone leads to expectations of what that kiss might be like. Turns out, it was way better than every fantasy he ever had. Her lips were soft and warm and her hand clutched at his arm, curling around his bicep and he wished he’d worn a shirt without sleeves because he’d have given anything to feel her touch against his skin. The kiss was everything he imagined it would be.
He just never thought it would leave him this confused.
Christmas lodge by darylvdixon not rated but it’s G
Julie and Luke meet when both their families book to spend Christmas in a lodge on the mountains. It's love at first sight and they spend the whole of their holidays together.
Let Your Heart Be Light by MamiRugbee rated T
With Christmas approaching, Julie decides she wants to pay a visit to Emily Patterson. Unfortunately, Luke realizes things aren’t exactly how he remembers them.
call me babe for the weekend by blushandbooks rated M (and locked for ao3 members)
Julie Molina, Grammy-winning popstar and reluctant Seattle native, returns home to her family and old friends for Christmas - and also to escape rumors and drama back in Los Angeles.
Old friends include Luke Patterson: The ex-boyfriend she left behind for LA and the promise of a blossoming music career. Only, the music career is not what she wanted it to be, and Los Angeles has turned from a welcome escape to an unlikely prison, and the only place she wants to run to is the place (and the person) that knows her best.
At the end of the day, she'll just run back to LA and forget about Seattle all over again.
But the city, and Luke, have more of a grip on her than she expected.
Blame It On the Mistletoe by Courty rated T
In the two years since they met, Julie and Luke have been dancing around the connection between them, both too afraid they'll ruin the other's life they've worked so hard to build.
Good thing they have some friends who decide a little Christmas magic is in order.
all i want for christmas is you by ruzekhalstead rated T
when julie finds herself in a situation where she needs luke to come home with her to celebrate christmas with her family, he is more than happy to oblige. too bad julie's already in love with him, and not sure when she stopped pretending.
holiday au
"the entire family is getting together for christmas and she just assumed i was bringing my boyfriend and then when i tried to explain, she mentioned you by name and i just kind of blanked and basically, my whole family thinks you're my boyfriend and you're coming to spend christmas with me."
"cool. when do we leave?"
Ladder to the Stars: A Juke Christmas Story by SeaStarStories rated T
Julie books a quiet winter retreat, but a typo has her turning up at the wrong cabin. Then a major snowstorm forces her to stay with Luke, whether she likes it or not. The problem is she likes it.
'Tis the Damn Season (hear me out) by IMaketheMonsters rated M
There’s nothing like coming home the week of Christmas and discovering you’re still in love with a worm-eater.
OR: the Home for the Holidays!AU that no one asked for
those cold December nights by Labyrinthinee rated M
Sure, Luke's life hadn’t turned out exactly how he wanted it to.
If anybody had told his eighteen-year-old self, that ten years down the road, he’d spent a Friday evening at his friend’s home, not on stage at some shady club, rocking his heart out, Luke would’ve never believed them. But, he couldn’t say that he was unhappy. He had a good job, amazing friends and was invited to dinner at his parents’ place once a week. So, to be frank, he wouldn’t change a thing.
Of course, that's when Julie Molina stumbled back into his life.
the lucky one (i think it might be you) by itsagamefortwo rated T
“So you know who I am then,” it’s not really a question but Luke shrugs anyway, turning to glance at her quickly before looking back at the road.
“And you know who I am,” he pauses so long Julie thinks that’s all he’ll say on the matter but then he speaks again, and she can just make out the hints of a smile through the shadows on his face, “Reggie posts a lot on instagram stories. You’re in a lot of them.”
“I recognised your hat. From your christmas card,” she offers and feels her own lips pulling into a smile at his bark of laughter.   aka julie needs to get the hell out of la for a few days and finds herself in a small town with a familiar face just as a snow storm rolls in.
While You Were Sleeping by ICanSpellConfusionWithAK rated T
AU of the romcom While You Were Sleeping.
Julie doesn't have a lot going for her other than her fantasies about Nick, the cute guy she sees at work and her dreams of marrying him one day. When she saves his life only for him to end up in a coma with his family thinking she's actually his fiancee things get really complicated really fast. They get even more complicated once she meets his brother Luke and the two start to fall for each other. Julie just needs to wait for Nick to wake up and get back to her normal life only things are never that simple. It's time for Julie to decide what...and who...she really wants.
Merry Ex-Mas by Bluefire510 rated T
The one thing Julie Molina hates more than Christmas is Luke Patterson, her former boyfriend and current pain in the ass.
But when her little brother and his best friend embark on a journey to the North Pole for Operation: Save Santa, she's forced to team up with her ex to wrangle them back home in time for Christmas.
It goes as well as expected...
Inspired by the book 'Ex-Mas' written by Kate Brian.
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juke-fic-recs · 3 years
write it down by @serendipitee [Labyrinthinee]
Teen And Up | Multi-Chapter | 67.5k | Complete
Select Tags: Alternate Universe, Set in 2020, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, kind of season 1 re-write, Underage Drinking, but very moderately, Alive Alex Mercer & Luke Patterson & Reggie Peters, Bobby is Not Trevor Wilson
Luke has been struggling with writing songs ever since their first tour finished. In a month he's supposed to have an entire album ready which just seems impossible right now. Running away from his bandmates, Luke decides to go back to where it all started.
Julie has been struggling with playing music ever since her mum died six months ago. Playing in front of Mrs Harrison for music class ends in another disaster. Hiding away in her mum's studio afterwards, Julie just wants to be alone. She definitely doesn't need an upcoming rock-star there with her.
Anonymous says: I love this fic so much!! It’s so well-written and it’s a really great semi-famous alive AU take on the first season. It’s sooo good and re-reading it lets me feel like I’m re-watching the show while also pretending the boys are alive.
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serendipitee · 3 years
It was after midnight when Julie made her way down to the pool house. The door was ajar, the quiet voices of the boys drifting out onto the lawn.
“Can’t sleep?” Alex asked as he spotted her first.
Julie shook her head. She turned on the lights, stepping into the room. Reggie was sprawled out on the couch, feet dangling off at a weird angle. Alex was sitting by his knees and Luke was aimlessly picking at his guitar on the big lounge chair.
“Welcome to the club,” Reggie said, earning himself a tired chuckle by her.
She sat down on the floor next to Luke, resting her head against the big cushion. “Today’s been- a lot,” she said around a yawn, the presence of the three boys around her suddenly letting her eyes droop.
“You look tired,” Luke observed gently, his fingers starting a soft melody that Julie knew.
“Hey, my mom used to play that whenever we couldn’t sleep.”
Reggie hummed. “Ah yes, I taught her that.”
“No, you didn’t,” Alex quickly shot back.
“Yes, I did!”
Read the rest on ao3.
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wandawxdow · 4 years
The 100 fic recs
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As you can see, I’m a sucker for angst and acknowledging Clarke’s trauma.
Canon + Canon Divergence
The Price of Peace by ChaseTheWindTouchTheSky
Atone by ChaseTheWindTouchTheSky
We Fit Together Like Two Broken Pieces of a Broken Heart by GodricSalzaar16 & prdshan
set fire to the time by carrieevew
This House Is Not A Home by ChaseTheWindTouchTheSky
Set The Dark On Fire by theinvisibledisaster
until the sun makes the hills its grave by meliebee
Crash and burn by bellofthetolppl
i’m on my knees, you faith in shreds by stoneage_women
Mother of Victory by jennifercharter
First, Do No Harm by interlude
darling, dearest, dead by madiigriffins
It’s somethins sinister to love (without regard for dear tomorrow by ICanSpellConfusionWithIK
and i’ll love the world, like i should, for all of the time that i never could by meliebee
you were clearly meant for more, than a life lost in the war by meliebee
Nothing fucks with my baby by chants_de_lune
i’ll look after you by depressionkitty
it should’ve been someone else by immortalcockroach
If You Were the Last Man on Earth by PurpleRaven93
begin again by Labyrinthinee
cold as the wind blows (so hold me in your arms) by Kacka
Chopping Down A Tree Instead of My Boyfriend by tempestaurora
Like Real People Do by bitscrawford
Lookin’ Up by honestlydarkprincess
the only dinner for two by caramelle
sugar pie, honey bunch by caramelle
You’ll be in my heart by not_a_total_basket_case
let's see what develops by AshesAndDrums
Neighbours by SydneyRaineOfficial
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findmykin · 8 years
I'm a Frisk from True Pacifist looking for anyone! As far as memories I don't have many, other than visiting Napstablook! Please no doubles, and no one over 16! Thank youuu~ Please message me via chat!
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labyrinthinees · 11 months
feeling like the third monkey who fell off the bed and hit his head
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labyrinthinees · 11 months
who am i if not the strangest and most off-putting in the room
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labyrinthinees · 11 months
in moments like these, the loneliness seems vast, consuming, even. isn’t it strange? how one can feel so completely alone, despite being in the presence of others? i often wonder if it’ll last forever. like i’m caught in some wasteland and the signals are too weak to reach out for those who are painfully close but yet, just out of the grasps of safety. is it that i’m scared of the loneliness - or scared of what i’ll be left with once i’ve overthrown it. uncomfortable but familiar, i feel often as if i’ll never leave this place. entrapped within a fortress i created with reinforced walls. a prisoner of myself. my own hostage. loneliness is not a lack of people around you; it’s a lack of yourself.
the cobwebs in the corner of my room continue to collect dust as they grow a larger home.
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serendipitee · 3 years
There was loud music coming from the house already, a few of their classmates passing them by. The sudden buzzing filling the air around them was so familiar, that Julie didn’t even startle anymore as the boys materialized beside them a moment later.
“Did somebody say ‘party’?”, hollered Reggie, hooting loudly.
Julie rolled her eyes. “Let’s go,” she said to Flynn just as much as to the boys.
Alex immediately ventured towards the dance area near the pool, while Reggie flitted around the room saying hello to everybody. Flynn was gone the moment they stepped onto the patio, calling a goodbye out over her shoulder.
She watched her cousin go with a frown on her face. Something was up with her, Julie was sure about it.
“Drink?” Luke asked then, grinning down at her disarmingly.
Julie sighed. “You can’t drink.”
“Semantics,” he waved it off, following behind her towards the makeshift bar at the other side of the pool.
Find the rest on ao3.
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serendipitee · 3 years
Julie wasn’t surprised to see the ghosts lounge around the pool house, when she stepped in. She had been right to assume the instruments were theirs, too.
Luke had one of the six-strings across his lap, strumming mindlessly while Reggie had stretched out on the couch, head and feet hanging off at the ends as he fiddled with something in his hands. Alex spotted her first, rising from behind the drums.
“Julie,” he greeted her, twirling one of his drumsticks between his fingers.
“So, you’re actually a band?” She asked, crossing the arms in front of her chest.
Luke’s eyes traveled up and down her body, getting caught on her cardigan for a moment, but he didn’t deign her question with an answer, instead focusing back on his instrument.
Reggie sat up, nodding excitedly. “Yeah, we are– or well, we were…”
“That’s awesome!” Julie grinned.
“Do you play, too?” Alex rounded his drums and sat down next to the other boy on the couch.
“Of course, she does,” answered Luke brashly before Julie could even open her mouth.
Shortly, their eyes met, green and brown, before he dropped his down to his fingers, working through a variation of chords meticulously.
Find the rest on ao3.
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serendipitee · 3 years
“You promise, you won’t mess anything up?” She asked, her eyes flitting up from her brother to the three boys for a moment. “No weird… stuff?”
“I don’t think she’s talking to him,” stage-whispered Reggie then, leaning over to Alex.
The blond rolled his eyes. “Oh, you think?!” To Julie he said, “We won’t haunt anybody or anything like that if that’s what you’re worried about.”
She squinted her eyes at them, especially at Luke who suddenly seemed very interested in the blue rabbit’s foot dangling off the chains on his pants.
Alex, following her gaze, nudged his friend in the side.
“Yeah, no, nothing to worry about it.” He grinned and Julie didn’t believe it for a second.
“I swear to god, if I hear about any cold spots or weird electric jolts, then—”
“What are you talking about?”, cut Carlos in, frowning at her, controller lying forgotten in his lap.
“Uh… nothing! No, nothing, you wouldn’t do that, right?”
Luke huffed a laugh. “Honestly, you need to get better at this.”
Julie wanted to stick her tongue out at him, but she refrained, instead stepping aside so her brother could resume his video game. Reggie was immediately intrigued again and even though Alex refused to say it, his eyes were glued to the TV.
She caught Luke still staring at her as she turned to leave the room. For the fraction of a second, there was the hint of a smile on his face. It was quickly wiped away, though and maybe she had just imagined it.
Find the rest on ao3.
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serendipitee · 3 years
Flynn pulled out the toolbox underneath their bathroom’s cabinet and Julie leaned against the doorframe, watching her friend rummage through it.
“Do you even know what you’re looking for?”
“Oh, believe me, Mom made sure, I could name everything in here before I started school.” A moment later, Flynn pulled out something that looked like a gigantic nail clipper triumphantly. “There it is.”
Julie stepped forward, eyeing the tool and was about to say something, when the door behind them closed with a loud bang.
Both of them jumped, a scream might’ve ripped from Flynn’s throat and Julie’s heart was beating rapidly in her chest.
“What the hell?”, breathed out Flynn, reaching for the doorknob. She tried opening the door but it wouldn’t budge. Waving Julie closer, they both pushed against it. Without any luck. “It can’t be stuck, right?”
Julie shook her head. In the back of her mind a half-formed thought tried to push to the forefront but she ignored it in favor of squinting through the keyhole. “There’s nothing outside.”
Suddenly a gust of wind blew directly into her face and she could’ve sworn, she heard somebody giggling. Straightening quickly, she frowned at Flynn but her friend’s face was impassive, staring right back at her. “Did you just giggle?”
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serendipitee · 3 years
There was a knock on her door that evening, making her look up from her phone. An arm was floating inside her room, the familiar lack of sleeves giving away who was waiting on the other side.
“Come in,” she called out, fighting a smile.
Luke took a step through the door, his eyes widening shortly when he saw her lounging on her bed before his lips drifted into a cocky smirk. “Hey.”
Julie locked her phone, sitting up and banning her curls into a bun, as she gestured for Luke to sit.
She didn’t miss the small hesitancy or the tenseness in his shoulders when he settled down at the edge of the bed. “You good?”
He nodded jerkily, fingers moving around the rabbit foot in what Julie had picked up on a nervous habit. It was somehow comforting to know that the nervousness she felt running through her veins wasn’t alone.
find the rest on ao3.
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serendipitee · 3 years
“I am sure we ended up on a lot of girls’ bedrooms walls. In them, too,” Reggie added with a wink.
Julie raised an eyebrow just as Alex said, “You wish.”
Sputtering, Reggie was shoved to the side by Luke. “People loved our music. We had that connection we always wanted. They sung our lyrics back to us! It brought them together, there was this one couple who had their first dance to one of our songs, remember?”
“You wrote love songs?” Julie had to ask because she couldn’t really picture the boy in front of her singing a ballad. He was always a hundred percent, not one to go soft and rasp out romantic lines.
“What- no!” The indignation was almost comical. “It was the song they first made out to.”
“That’s- okay,” Alex sighed, “maybe not the best example but yeah, we got pretty big.”
Julie chuckled. “And my mom was there for all of it?”
They all nodded.
Find the rest on ao3.
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serendipitee · 3 years
Julie exploded. She rushed forward, getting up into his face. Luke’s eyes widened. “I counted on you guys. I trusted you. You knew how important this was for me, how excited I was to actually sing in front of people again and ‘your old stuff’ was suddenly more interesting?”
“Julie…” Luke’s voice was quiet, his eyes flickering over her face. He tried to take her hand but Julie quickly stepped back.
“No, no.” Shaking her head, she looked at the three of them. “I really thought we were friends.”
Maybe even something more, her heart whispered, breaking a little as she caught Luke’s eyes.
“We are,” he said helplessly.
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