#labradorite skies
labradorite-skies · 9 months
Bungo Stray Dogs Masterlist
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❈ Drabble - ✢ ❈ Oneshot - ⁂ ❈ Headcanon - ✾ ❈ Fluff - ✤ ❈ Angst - ❇
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✧・゚: * Doppo Kunikida
❈ Less Than Ideal ~ ✢ ✤ ❇
❈ With an S/O who’s weak to cold~ ✾ ✤
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Finals Week ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Edgar Allan Poe
❈ With an S/O who’s weak to cold~ ✾ ✤
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Osamu Dazai
❈ With an S/O who’s weak to cold~ ✾ ✤
❈ With an S/O who’s touch starved ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Where do babies come from? ~ ✾
❈ Dazai with an S/O that’s Chuuya’s twin ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Atsushi Nakajima
❈ With an S/O who’s weak to cold~ ✾ ✤
❈ Where do babies come from? ~ ✾
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
❈ With a Clingy S/O ✢ ✤
✧・゚: * Chuuya Nakahara
❈ With an S/O who’s touch starved ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Dazai with an S/O that’s Chuuya’s twin ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Finals Week ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Edogawa Ranpo
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Finals Week ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: *Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Howard Phillips Lovecraft
❈ Pretty Boy - Bungo Stray Dogs ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Kenji Miyazawa - Platonic
❈ Where do babies come from? ~ ✾
✧・゚: * Kyōka Izumi - Platonic
❈ Where do babies come from? ~ ✾
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nekrophoria · 5 months
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OC Obscure Associations - Mel and Mabon
Thank you @bool-prop for tagging me <3
Animal: Fox || Scorpion
Colors: Black || Red
Month: June || October
Songs: Here || Here
Number: 13 || 7
Plants: Mimosa || Stinging Nettle
Smells: cigarette smoke, must
Gemstone: Labradorite || Cinnabar
Time of Day: Night || Dusk
Season: Fall
Places: grungy subway stations, city bathroom stalls, cemeteries, rainy streets || autumn forests, shady clubs, darkrooms, abandoned railway tracks
Food: None
Drinks: Whiskey Cola || Black Coffee
Element: Air and Water || Earth and Fire
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Seasonings: Cinnamon || Black Pepper
Sky: cloudy night sky with a few stars shining through || dark, cloudy red skies at sunset
Weather: Rain || Fog
Magical Power: Invisibility || Endurance
Weapons: Pens || Knives
Social Media: MySpace || Reddit
Make-up Product: Eyeliner
Candy: Chocolate || these fucked up jelly beans that can either taste like buttered popcorn or rotten egg, depending on your luck
Method of Long Distance Travel: Train
Art Style: Impressionism || Expressionism
Fear: himself, past mistakes catching up on him || loss of control, being hurt again
Mythological Creature: Ghost || Changeling or Demon
Piece of Stationary: Notebook || Stamp
Three Emojis: ☹️🖤💀 || 👿🖕🍂
Celestial Body: Black Hole
If you want to do this for your OCs consider yourself tagged!
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fairy-writes · 2 years
And the event is such a fun idea!!! Could I maybe grab Perfect by Ed Sheeran with Kunikida? 🥰
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: labradorite-skies
Fandom(s): Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing(s): Kunikida Doppo x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Genre: FLUFF
This is for my 700 followers event! Check my pinned post for more info if you want to join!
This one-shot mentions a female in the lyrics but is written as gender-neutral.
ALSO, THANK YOU!!! I also listened to the song “Perfect Symphony” by Ed Sheeran feat. Andrea Bocelli, while writing this! It’s pretty much the same song, just with some Italian in it :)
It was quiet save for the soft murmuring of the guests in the background. But that didn’t matter. All that mattered was the man in front of you, dressed in pristine snow white. 
You were dressed in all white, the hem of your white trousers twirling softly against the ground as the two of you danced gently over the dance floor. The music was quiet overhead, just loud enough to be heard but not overbearing. 
You rested your forehead against Doppo’s, a brilliant smile crossing your face. Doppo pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you.” You whispered and saw his cheeks flush red. 
“I love you too.” He murmured, and you laughed gently. 
“We just got married, and you’re still embarrassed?
I found a love for me.
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.
You sat at the table of your choice, eating slices of cake and talking in quiet tones. Doppo kept an eye on Dazai to ensure he didn’t cause a disturbance and you were enjoying your cake. It was chocolate, Doppo’s favorite. You laughed as Dazai started to tease his friend, hands on his hips and a smile on his face. Doppo flushed red again but didn’t refute whatever the brunette had said. 
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine
You two met as children, you having moved into the house next door with your parents. You met the seven-year-old boy with blonde hair and glasses during the move. He was reading a small chapter book that you didn’t recognize nor could read. You were only six, after all.
After asking your mom, you scampered over to the young boy and took a seat next to him on the grass. He looked alarmed, pushing his glasses up his nose. 
“Hi! What book are you reading?” You also said your name, and the boy blinked at you, looking genuinely confused.
“Kunikida Doppo… The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Wait, why are you over here?” He asked, and you shrugged,
“I don’t have any friends. I’m moving in today. I was hoping you could be my friend!”
Kunikida again looked confused. 
“Why do you want to be friends? Nobody wants to be friends with me.” He said matter of factly, and while you were still young, your heart broke for him.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark.
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it,
Darling, you look perfect tonight
You asked Doppo—now that he allowed you to call him that—out on a date when he was seventeen, and you were sixteen—ten years after meeting each other and becoming the most unlikeliness of friends. The minute you asked him, his face erupted into shades of crimson.
But he hadn’t said no.
Well, I found a woman stronger than anyone I know.
She shares my dreams; I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
Doppo had proposed when you were twenty, and he was twenty-one. After a year of engagement, you had finally planned your wedding and gotten married. 
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl; I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
You were still in love with your husband three years after getting married. You still danced in the kitchen, shared a cup of coffee in the mornings, or in his case, a cup of herbal tea. You helped him tie his tie every morning before sending him off for work at the Armed Detective Agency.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark.
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress
Looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this
Darling, you look perfect tonight
The call that Doppo was in the hospital made your heart drop to your stomach. Dazai hadn’t even ended the call when you were out of the apartment. You were down the stairs and in the car. 
His injuries were severe, his hands gone. A bomb had blown them to bits, and they had to be amputated. Unfortunately, Yosano was unavailable, so he couldn’t be healed right away. 
You cried at his bedside, holding what was left of his arm. They looked more like a club at that point with the number of bandages. He tried comforting you,
“But your Ability—”
“I don’t care about that. I’m just glad you weren’t caught in the fight.” He whispered.
No, no, no
You had kissed him desperately then, making sure not to aggravate his injuries. You hoped he would be okay. You loved him too much to lose him.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark.
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight.
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buffalojournal · 11 months
Two Poems by Morgan L. Ventura
A Brief Synesthetic History
When I look around it could be said we are living in dark times, the walls & skies & sea & clouds & spaces within me, obsidian smoke, pitch tar, pooled oil. It tastes of ash & petrol & mould & the edge of a boiled knife & I hear the whooshing whooping of distant stars – black holes – ebony arias bending, twisting vibrations. What’s true is I want brighter times, amber & magenta times, spirals of smiling roses & giddy peonies, & detonations of laughing citrine. Times that carry the blush of wisteria, caramel popcorn, earnest eucalyptus. I was born in green times – aventurine smiles & verdant yards blooming viridian jewels, emerald & jade hanging from low branches, wistful and content. The 80s rainforest transmutes blue. Periwinkle times, the 90s breathed cornflower winds and bluebell gales, husked sapphire on metal plates, glimmering robin eggs on cedar porch chirping an unearthly jingle piercing aquamarine eyes of my father who knew only sadness. The sky only spoke rain, it was falling sea, shredded wave, lacerated labradorite, cascades of troubled cerulean. Shocked like glaciers arguing, raging because all’s spilled into red. A time of crimson, furls of fuchsia in the tide of blood after flames across New York, after strikes in Chicago, after death in the family. The 2000s were carnelian, lay the bead beneath my tongue, the rubies on my eyes, enshrine me in magma, encrust me in this livid tomb. Vitrine of vermillion, what is a body but stained glass, medieval sun never modern. The next era’s violet, arched, mutilated candy blossoming from irises in the back. In the evening light it all shivers purple, bruised lilacs yammer & portend a luminous love. Amethyst troves in the attic squirm & emit warmth, simmering with snapdragon & grapes, pisco vineyard from a decade ago, time punctured by lazy lost lagoons. Take me now into what seems like blank times, off-shades of pale peeling into crystal pears & glass shards as we wait, & the iridescent soul in the body of the future, the cloud high above spitting quartz & splitting mirrors, declares these are rainbow times, & I have to tell you, I love all the colours, I want all the colours. World, let me bathe in your prisms & drink your light. This marbled soil, this striated sky. I’d be no one & nowhere without.
 Internal Monologue of an Anthropologist in Paris
My mother said if I fail on my new adventure I can live in her closet.
My French roommate has shit in my bed after having a midlife crisis at 29.
On television I look like an idiot. Even smart, floral blazers from the 10th Arrondissement make me look like a cartoon character because I’m very small.
They want to hire me as a curatorial fellow at the Musée du Quai Branly but then I have to stay here and oh, how I know the Parisians suffer.
Every Thursday there is a voracious vacuuming in the flat above me at 6am and I am suddenly murderous. I strike the ceiling with my broom and the ceiling strikes back.
My life is an Antonioni film. At the Sorbonne, I’m asked to describe my unwritten doctoral thesis in front of four medieval historians and a self-proclaimed spiritualist who spends most of his time at Père Lachaise by the grave of some important figure whose name I can’t remember. I whirl around in my seat and quip, “It is about nothing with precision.”
The community in Oaxaca wants me to ask the Mexican government to return the collection it stole but I’m merely an anthropologist, when did we ever hold power?
Margaret Mead was barely 5’0” and carried a walking stick taller than herself, which she’d use to intimidate men. That’s power.
I’m invited by the History Channel to appear on Ancient Aliens after my undergraduate advisor, a certain Mayanist, declines and thinks it would be hilarious to give them my personal email. “We will pay you $300,” they tell me. I think seriously about it.
Pseudoscience is absurd but my life is absurd. My next-door neighbour smokes cigarettes naked while his parrot shits on the patio. A colleague informs me they irrationally hate my surname.
“Would you like a career in anthropology?” my PhD advisor asks me after I tell him about the invite. This, coming from a man whose faculty headshot features him sacrificing a chicken.
Anthropologists don’t deserve careers, I think. But I sure enjoy all the grant and fellowship money, society’s conviction that we are worth something because “we are scientists.”
I don’t want a career, I conclude.
Over lunch in the EHESS cafeteria, my friend says everyone here complains too much and that the Parisians are insane and create their own chaos.
My brother texts me because my mother is in jail. She should stay there.
I go for coffee with an artist in Le Marais. The owner comes out to scream at all of us who dare to use their laptops and take up too much time – or space.
Claude Lévi-Strauss helped found UNESCO. Franz Boas died in his arms. Claude’s a structuralist and I despise structure. Will I die in the arms of anyone?
When Bronislaw Malinowski died, we all found out that he was a pervert. His field notebooks were festooned with scribbles of his interlocutor’s boobs.
“Anthropologists are very interesting, no?” asks the barista I’ve befriended at perhaps the most hipster café I could find.
I don’t know, are we?
Am I?
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hyunebear · 2 years
do u ever associate someone with a color, scent, sound, feeling or just anything rlly and it all happened so unexpectedly too?
because lavender, sunflowers, crescent moons and warm oversized hoodies remind me so much of hyunjin; unbridled happiness, the distinctive smell of coffee and chocolates, sunsets at 5 pm, honey, the color red of jisung; the early morning mist, cat keychains, the color indigo and jasmine of minho; the color yellow, my favorite fleece blanket and labradorite stones of felix; cloudy skies, freshly-laundered clothes and baseball caps of seungmin; the jet black sky, lights reflected on a window at night and mint of changbin; amusement park rides, fluffy things, the color teal of jeongin; and pillow forts, the nostalgia a song u haven’t listened to in years brings, the color black and the stars of chan.
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Name: Mw. Sina Delany Color: Ferrari #Ff2800 Symbol: robot Strife Specibus: clawkind Handle: abjectGirl Animal: ostrich Pronouns: yre/yre/yre/yres/yreself and kye/kyne/kyr/kyrs/kyneself Age: 62 Birthday: 129th day of the year Sexuality: Fond of Men Interests: snorkeling and machining Dream Moon: derse Classpect: Heir of Rage Land: Land of Labradorite and Sound, a bilious place, with bad Brown Basilisk (Striped or Common) consorts. It is a place full of clouded skies and tracks. Iapetus is in pain. Instrument: kit
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pleasegetadiary · 1 year
Skies are labradorite and bronze
My little dark age is finally done
The egg pushed from the nest just to
Crack upon impact
The newest alien creature in an animals body
Just to gain consciousness in the Red Roof Lobby
Lose it again, crawl into the bed, watch imaginary strangers in windows playing pretend
Jump from the roof without landing gear so I can do it all over again in a year or two
I’m almost certainly over you
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roll-a-troll · 1 year
Name: Miss Tongva Tritoh Ancestor: The Surgical Strife Specibus: candlekind Blood Color and Sign: Gold; Gemsces Handle: absoluteGardyloo Lusus: duckdad Pronouns: they/them Age: 22 sweeps Interests: electronics and running Sexuality: it's a secret Class: Mage Land: Land of Labradorite and Monsoon, a dreary place, with crazy Gray cat snake consorts. It is a place full of clouded skies and canyons. Rhea slumbers. via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/2HxISmz, do as you please
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0nlinejournal · 1 year
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We were on the shore of a lake, surrounded by an electric green. Groups of young girls bathed their faces, hands, and feet in the clear water. There were no trees. The lake was so blue it almost looked like a pristine pool in the middle of the green hills. The girls were wearing white, their hair was long.
I was wearing white, too. I went to go bathe my feet.
I didn't understand what was going on, I never do in my dreams. I just observe what my dream self is doing until I can deduce what's happening. Sometimes I get a bad feeling, but I can't control anything, I just have to bare witness.
The adults were standing by while we bathed, not necessarily watching, but standing near enough to keep an eye out on us as they conversed.
Later that evening while chatting about whatever one chats about in their dreams, all the girls around me began to hide. They ran down hallways into small crawl spaces, behind curtains, under beds and into cabinets. I didn't know why. There were no adults present. I managed to slide under a twin sized bed just in time to witness a girl on the bed opposite be pulled into the air by what appeared to be a mechanical squid tentacle. The tentacle was so long that I couldn't see the being it belonged to.
She didn't scream. I felt like she was chosen.
Two girls had been chosen. The adults didn't talk about it. I considered that maybe they worshiped the tentacle-being.
I was scared. I kept a look out for where I could hide. There was no warning I could observe that let me know when to hide. Soon, maybe days later, the girls ran to hide again and I again followed the behavior. I found a trunk in the front yard of one of the houses nearby. It looked like children's trunk. Maybe Fisher Price? I crawled inside and hesitantly laid amongst a layer of dead roly polies.
There was a handle shaped cut out at the front of the trunk, where I could not only see outside, but also a banana spider suspended amongst it's edges. I hate spiders. I hate them in my dreams, too. But I had no time to dwell, because past the spider I could see one of the mechanical tentacles heading straight for me inside my Fisher Price trunk.
It didn't open the trunk, it just wrapped itself around the entirety of it. I couldn't get out even if I wanted to. Through the handle cut out, behind the spider, I saw the sun. I was being pulled toward the sun.
I felt like I was being dragged inside that box for a while, but I hadn't moved much when the tentacle released the box and retreated empty handed toward the sky. I considered there being a time limit. Now I'm considering that maybe someone was taken before me.
I ran into the house that owned the yard I had almost been snatched from. White carpet. Clutter.
Rummaging through drawers I found a strange collection of objects that I believed had to do with whatever was going on with the mechanical creature in the sky. While holding the objects, a woman's voice narrated.
A copious amount of large labradorite earrings:
They were on the rage when I was a girl. We all had them. Oval was the most popular in shape. Although, some did try a teardrop or a circle. I might have a few in there, but there's mostly oval.
A slew of near black-out sunglasses, and ski goggles:
For the migraines that come later.
She must've been a girl that went through whatever we're going through now. She must know why the girls are getting taken. I wanted to find her, and ask her what everything meant. Why did the girls wash themselves in the lake? What is the tentacle being? Why are they being taken? Why is no one acknowledging them being taken? Why the labradorite? What brings on the migraines?
But I woke up.
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thecreakingdoor · 1 year
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Did I tell you I saw 6 shooting stars during the last Geminids meteor shower in the middle of December? They were heading north, straight past Orion's Belt and really took me by surprise as I was letting Jeanie out for her late night business. It was a spectacular moment. Which reminds me of today's new listing in my Etsy shop. With origins in the northern hemisphere, Labradorite is inextricably linked to the magic of the night skies. Legend has it that one of the greatest natural shows on earth, the Aurora Borealis, were trapped inside the rocks of Labrador and lay awaiting discovery by the Beothuk people. . . . Labradorite orb in a decorative sterling silver band to remind you of the beauty of the night skies, available in my Etsy shop - The Creaking Door. . . . #northernlights #auraborealis #labradoritenecklace #pooloflight #pooloflightorb #nightskies #geminidmeteorshower #labradoritejewelry #meditationspace #sacredspace #wiccanjewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSZMk_tzp6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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labradorite-skies · 9 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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❈ Drabble - ✢ ❈ Oneshot - ⁂ ❈ Headcanon - ✾ ❈ Fluff - ✤ ❈ Angst - ❇
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✧・゚: * Kento Nanami
❈ With an S/O who’s touch starved ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Pretty Boy - Jujutsu Kaisen ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Satoru Gojo
❈ With an S/O who’s touch starved ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Pretty Boy - Jujutsu Kaisen ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Junpei Yoshino
❈ Water Fountain - ⁂ ❇
❈ Pretty Boy - Jujutsu Kaisen ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Megumi Fushiguro
❈ With an S/O who’s touch starved ~ ✾ ✤
❈ Pretty Boy - Jujutsu Kaisen ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Toge Inumaki 
❈ Pretty Boy - Jujutsu Kaisen ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Yuta Okkotsu
❈ Pretty Boy - Jujutsu Kaisen ~ ✾ ✤
✧・゚: * Yuji Itadori
❈ Pretty Boy - Jujutsu Kaisen ~ ✾ ✤
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~Rules~ | ~About Me~ | ~Masterlist~ | ~Character List~ | ~Taglist~
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brennan42connor · 2 years
Twilight Breaking Daybreak Bella's Wolf & Heart Bracelet Prop Replica Jewelry For Sale Online
The sterling silver Y necklace is punctuated with beads of onyx and garnet in addition to cultured freshwater... Sterling clouds frame blue skies, forming patterns of florid beauty. This irresistible pendant necklace from Ali Mohammed exudes West African type. It contains a tiny replica of a wooden drum as a pendant, full right all the means down to the leather drum head. Learn more about thejewelry museums which encourage uson our weblog. wikipedia belt Be the primary to listen to about new designs, campaigns, and presents. There is nothing worse than opening up your jewelry field and seeing that a few of your fashion jewelry has chipped as a result of it was rubbing together. It means that now you’re going to need to pay extra cash to have it recoated. This might not have occurred if you’d saved your jewelry correctly. "Damasquinado de Oro" or "Damasquinado" as an artwork kind has been round for some 4,000 years. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Japanese had been known to have practiced this artwork type. Today, Toledo, Spain is and has been the world's leading middle for fantastic Damascene artwork production since the ninth century - nearly 1200 years. Damascene is the art of adorning non-precious metals with Gold and Silver in decorative patterns. Perfected by the Arab artisans of Damascus, Syria, Damascene was dropped at Spain in the course of the Moorish occupation and has remained nearly unchanged over the centuries. The crowning piece of any royal garb, our tiaras and crowns will high of your ensemble with style and beauty. The Round Brilliant Diamond Engagement Ring is subtle, beautiful and symbolic. This fabulous engagement ring has the best fantastic minimize of a diamond on the market. With its enchanting brilliant-cut diamond within the center hooked up to 4 shiny prongs which are flawlessly secured to the shanks – crisp craftsmanship even for a reproduction ring. Shop for greatest faux designer jewelry of Harry Winston’s Round Brilliant Diamond Engagement Ring at DHgate. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/hermes-belts-replica.html Labradorite glows in sterling silver earrings bathed in 24k gold. By Khun Boom, this delightful design replicates the treble clef. The necklace is composed of three significant items attached together, proving Cartier’s ravishing style of design. We all want to possess an beautiful piece of knickknack from well-known brands. On the opposite hand, their high price is always a difficulty for many people. Pipa.vc welcomes you the place yow will discover a fabulous number of high-quality and exactly crafted jewelry gadgets which are an exact clone of original Louis Vuitton products. These copy Louis Vuitton jewelry items could be a excellent gift possibility for all. To know extra about these products, please have a look at the under section. Evoking the wealthy songket textiles of Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, Dewa Arimbawa replicates the textures in an beautiful pair of earrings. Balinese grasp silversmith Buana presents an intriguing necklace featuring crimson garnet beads. Serving as the pendant of the sterling silver Y necklace is a duplicate pis bolong, an historic coin... Crafted of sterling silver, the face of a balam, or jaguar, is depicted in a pre-Hispanic fashion. Nicte Migliozzi of Guatemala handcrafts this dramatic pendant bracelet, circling the wrist with a band... A design once reserved for princesses, this bracelet captivates with majestic class. Hot colored gem stones has been going on for many years, and this year is much more hearth scenario continued! Yellow diamonds, Pink diamonds, Blue Diamond, coloured diamonds are not seems as a single naked stone, was designed as a big Piece of luxurious jewelry there. On this foundation, gradients, color shade games are broadly, reflects the brand highly effective gem sources at the similar time, also reflects the designer’s requirements. The ring is finely crafted in 18k yellow gold and silver With heart stone ruby weighing roughly whole of zero.80 carat and diamonds . Alon Diller replicates the distinctiveness of the cactus pad, with its flowers and spines growing textures etched by hand. The pendant is crafted of sterling silver featuring engraved details and polished...
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fairy-writes · 11 months
Last Line Tag
RULES—share the last line you wrote for your WIP, and then tag as many people as there are words.
thank you to the lovely @kedsandtubesocks for the tag! 
“I’ve died too many times to count.”
i feel like this is a lot of people to tag, but i’ll try my best!
no pressure tags!: @seanait | @cheeriecherrymain | @wonderinghawkinsindiana | @slapphapp1 | @studiobeebo | @labradorite-skies | @itoshisoup
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Name: Mir Shay Sheedy Color: Night Shadow #1c1c1c Symbol: skull Strife Specibus: cordkind Handle: thirdAesthete Animal: whale Pronouns: they/them Age: 30 Birthday: 355th day of the year Sexuality: yeah Interests: rafting and entertaining Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Muse of Breath Land: Land of Tea and Labradorite, a wrong place, with foreboding Monoculate cobra consorts. It is a place full of clouded skies and clouded skies. Cetus has a choice for the player to make. Instrument: shakuhachi via homestuck-human-generator https://ift.tt/C9KWfx7
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astralwaifu · 2 years
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End of hiatus event!
I finally escaped this stressful period I had and I have some free time before exams start, sooo…. I’m not on hiatus anymore!
I want to write again, so send in your favourite songs about love and your fav character and I’ll write some quick drabble (200-300 words) based on it!
I will only write character x reader.
I can and will write spicier things if you specify , but not full smut. I will not write angst. I can write wlw. I can repeat characters!
You can request like this: “I’d like Adore You by Harry Styles + Eren Jaeger please”
Fandoms: Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, Chainsaw Man - check this first!
I have 8 slots available for this! - 7/8
"Shame on Me" by Avicii + Gojo ( @labradorite-skies )
“Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros + Nanami ( @gojosgigi )
“Stand by Me” by Ben E. King + Kamado Tanjiro ( @gloryofroses19 )
“Maria” from Westside Story + Rengoku Kyojuro ( @thel0v3hashira143 )
“Between Two Points” by The Glitch Mob + Yuuji ( @literotica )
“My Kind of Woman” by Mac DeMarco + Yuuta Okkotsu ( @ghoulshroom )
“Dècalcomanie” by Mamamoo + Tomioka Gyuu ( @luckydog251616 )
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eclecticcollectics · 2 years
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Each of these unique hair accessories is crafted with a delightful array of nature-inspired charms & beads to help you bring out your inner faerie~
⇢ Only 1 of each available! ⇠
Which is your favorite?
I. The Faerie & the Fungi 🧚‍♂️💜🍄
↬ This piece is adorned with three lovely Silver charms, a lovely Faerie charm, little Mushroom & Butterfly, real Peacock butterfly hindwing that’s been preserved in laminate, along with Amethyst crystal & faceted Jade beads to tie it all together
II. Sunflower Frolic 🌻🐸🐚
↬ This piece has a darling, bronze Sunflower charm with teal colored leaf accent, a brown Frog bead made of Czech glass, along with pinkish, pearlescent Shell beads, & faceted Apatite beads to accentuate the teal color in the leaf
III. The Archeologist 💀🌵🥾
↬ This piece features a little laced-up Boot charm, yellow bead made of stone carved into a Skull, silver blooming Cactus charm, along with beads made of Amber & yellow, glass Heart beads to compliment the other colors
IV. Butterfly Tea Garden 🫖🦋🌸
↬ This piece is adorned with two gold-rimmed Teacup & Saucer charms made to look like real China, a silver Butterfly charm & baby Butterfly bead, two Heart-shaped, pearlescent shell beads, along with Rose Quartz & faceted Peridot beads to accentuate the rose & leaf design on the teacup
V. Summer Skies 🦋🪶⛅️
↬ This piece has a golden Butterfly charm with teal-colored accents, a silver Feather charm & silver Butterfly bead, along with several faceted Amazonite beads & nugget of Turquoise to really bring it all together
VI. Astral Traveler 🌞🌚✨
↬ This piece features a purple, glass Heart bead, silver Sun charm, bronze Crescent Moon charm with silver plated-Hematite Star dangling off of it, along with star-shaped Tiger’s Eye beads & faceted Labradorite beads with sparkly iridescence to compliment the celestial theme
VII. Afternoon Tea Time ☕️🐸💕
↬ This piece includes a pinkish, glass Heart bead & black, glass Flower bead, a green Frog bead made of Czech glass, silver Butterfly charm, bronze Teacup charm & faceted pink & green Ruby-Zoisite beads to accentuate the other colors
VIII. Desert Dweller 🏜🔫🧡
↬ This piece has an ornate, metal Revolver charm with dangling stone ‘bullet’ bead & green, enamel Cactus charm along with several nuggets of reddish-orange Carnelian beads to bring this desert-inspired piece to life
↳ Each of these hair accessories comes attached to a snap clip barrette, as shown in photos. Any of these pieces can also be put on a large lobster clasp keychain (shown on bottom left in photos) for an added $3 🙏
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