#kame writes
kame-writes · 1 month
New Radio-Apple drabble uploaded to the A03 fic
Alastor and Lucifer drinking in the empty hotel bar. And for once, Alastor is open to taking a little about his human life
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dharmafox · 2 months
You see, the Medicine Seller embodies the sacred union of masculine and feminine as well as the sacred union of sweetheart and bitch.
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kame-artist · 5 days
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A new Au appeared unprompted into my brain, and I used it as an Excuse to do a little redesign of Lucifer. So meet Sin!Lucifer (info here)
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kamesama · 6 months
one-word prompts.
i really wanna do some writing, so i figured i could do one-word prompts to get back in touch. i’m still preparing for my exams, so i will take some time to get to them, but nonetheless, if you’re interested, send them in! i’m thinking of taking up to 10 of these requests, you know the drill, character name + one word. looking forward to it.
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makapatag · 8 months
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Our eyes fall upon the Five: petals trapped in a sunbeam, a square shaped flower with a single star in the middle. The Five Great Mandalas are the most expansive cultures of Gubat Banwa. At 100k, we will be able to explore these Mahamandalas with premium art and writing.
Each of them will have NEW Disciplines, NEW Professions, Folk, a slew of new modular Rules and Mechanics, cultures and folkways, deep dives into their societies, and Oracles!
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First will be the Rajanate of Gatusan zine, known as SPLIT THE SEAS AND SWALLOW THE SUN: a zine that expands on Gatusanon homelands, Mambabarangs, Professions, Folk, expanded Raiding Rules, Sea Battles, and Duels!
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Then will be the Confederation zine, known as WALKERS OF THE THREE BILLION BLADES, expanding on Apumbukid cultures, Kamuton polities, Geomantic Horoscopes, the War For Harmony, Folk, Saint Shields, and rules for cultivating homes--Animal Crossing Stardew Valley style
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THE MOON CLEAVING INTO THE EARTH will expand on the grand net of cultures of the Footsteps of the Gods, the clashing ideals of Agma Damlag, new Disciplines, Professions, warrior cultures, War Rules, Exorcists, Rituals, and grand Faction Rules!
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STARS SET AFLAME BY VIRTUE will cover rebellion stories, steeped in anti-imperialist rhetoric and class struggle, exalting armed struggles on the countryside, rules for urban games and urban activities, city community rules, Foldwitches, overland travel rules
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Finally, ONE THOUSAND ARMS TO GRASP THE WORLD will cover the grand kingdom: the various trading partners they have outside of the Sword Isles, alchemists, rules for crafting great artifices, Court Politics, Vocabularies, Merchant Routes, Astrologians, Sword Singers, and more!
That's just a taste of what we have upcoming. So if we you want a premium version of these products, with illustrious art and layout going above and beyond, help us reach our stretch goal!
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unfriendlyamazon · 8 months
kame valley (stardew au)
currently obsessed with stardew valley again and yes i can make everything about ygo so here's an au i started actually a long time ago
Title: Kame Valley
Characters: All of them, mainly Seto Kaiba
When Seto Kaiba is sent to secure Kaiba Corp's foothold in the small farming community that is Kokoro Town. His corporate goal get waylaid again and again, forcing him to get to know the local villagers, and maybe even engage with them once in a while. Rather than changing the valley, Kaiba finds himself being changed.
Spring, Day 1
Seto Kaiba nearly dropped his bags when he saw where he was staying for the next three weeks. Behind him, Mayor Pegasus seemed oblivious to his growing concern.
Seto’s voice strained when he said, “This is it?”
This was it. The old cabin had seen better days, the wood planks that made up its walls old and peeling. The red shingles of the roof threatened to slide right off. One morose window gazed out onto the small porch, and a lantern was hung over the wind beaten door. It had already been a hike from the one entrance into town, blocked partially by the broken down bus, down a dirt road, and now onto what looked to be a fair sized plot of land. Seto’s gaze swept over the rock ridden dirt. Trees rose up like their own little forest, and stumps were left at attempts to keep them at bay.
Seto breathed out through his teeth. It’d been a day of good omens.
“Unfortunately,” Mayor Pegasus said, singing every other syllable, “accommodations are somewhat limited in Kokoro Town. But the farm’s been unused for years, and everything still works. You’ll be very comfortable here.”
Seto looked at the mayor, whose attitude and style would kindly be described as “eccentric”. Silver hair fanned around his face, covering his left eye, and he wore a clean pink shirt and slacks. Seto had not spoken to him directly until he greeted him ten minutes ago, and already he was desperate to remove himself from his company. He was desperate to remove himself from this town. But Kokoro Town was the foot in the door to the entirety of Kame Valley that Kaiba Corp needed, especially if they were going to keep expanding out. The PR boost would help too. One small town transformed into a thriving marketplace thanks to Kaiba Corp. Noah had visited his office and told Seto that he was the one he needed to rely on to get this done. Seto had been suspicious, but now he knew for sure. Noah was torturing him.
Three weeks, he told himself. Then it’s back to Domino City, where they have hotels and paved streets and electricity.
“It’s fine,” he said, mostly to himself. “I’ll be spending most of my time at the Kaiba Mart anyway, which is…”
The mayor rifled through his pockets before providing a small printed map. “On the other side of town, I’m afraid. You’re lucky you’re here in the spring. It’ll be a brisk walk in the morning.”
“Walk?” he repeated and unfolded the map. Ra, they weren’t even large enough to justify driving. He wasn’t far from town center, but the mart was on the other side of even that, crossing a river to the furthest east it could be from where he was now. Seto didn’t consider himself an inactive person, but every day? Everywhere? He’d packed nothing but his clean business loafers and work clothes. His black shoes were already coated in a fine layer of dust.
“You’ll get used to it in time,” Pegasus said.
Seto hoped he wouldn’t have to. His fear that the inside of the cabin was worse than the outside was only mollified some by the presence of the nicely crafted furniture and small television set. The fireplace was warmed, suggesting someone had bothered to inspect the place before his arrival. He let his bags drop on the ground and side eyed the sheets on the bed that was pushed against the wall. At least it wasn’t a twin. The single room didn’t offer much by way of amenities, not even a kitchen, which wasn’t so much of a loss. It wasn’t as if he cooked.
“It’s homey,” he said, in a way that was not a compliment.
“I’ll give Mr. Muto your regards,” the mayor said. “It’s his property. He’s too old to tend it now, and his grandson tries. He’s quite the fan of yours.”
His ridiculous drawl made it hard to tell if that was sarcasm or not, but Seto banked on caution. Kaiba Corp didn’t make many friends, and the nicely detailed report spelled out Kokoro Town’s resistance to any expansion here. It would worry him, if it mattered.
“And any adjustments that need to be made,” Pegasus continued, “the Ishtars are happy to provide. I should organize a meeting with all the business leaders for you.”
“I’m sure it won’t be necessary,” Seto said. He didn’t want to know what passed for a ‘business leader’ in this town. “I should check in with Kaiba Mart.”
“Of course,” the mayor sang. “And allow me to take you on a wonderful tour of our town as we go.”
Seto held in his groan as he followed him from the dirt path of the farm into town proper. Kokoro’s town center, at least, was paved with businesses huddled around the square. The buildings were unpatterned in their placement, with a medical clinic and general store sloped against each other, and a short ways away a spot whose sign read “Mr. Clown’s Saloon”. The rest were homes, including the mayor’s house, a little larger than the others with a full garden decorating the front. Pegasus pointed out a short path that led to the mountains, and a stone bridge that crossed to the beach. Two rivers crossed here, and the smooth current was alive with fish who snapped at the surface.
Seto didn’t bother to listen as Pegasus pointed out whose home belonged to who or go into a detailed history of every building. He didn’t bother to acknowledge the people that the mayor said good morning to. He removed his phone instead and went to message his brother and frowned when he noticed his inbox was empty. Mokuba usually sent him twenty texts before nine, but there was nothing since last night. He swiped over to his email, which only boasted a handful of unread emails. A sense of dread crept over him as he tried to refresh, only to get a spinning icon that rang with false promise.
With dawning horror, Seto said, “There’s no signal out here.”
Pegasus trailed off mid-sentence as he turned around to look at him. He noted the very expensive brick in Seto’s hands.
“Oh, no,” he said, as an afterthought. “There’s no towers for miles. I’m told in the mountains there’s more luck, but we still use the landlines around here.”
Seto stared at him. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m afraid so.” He let out a sigh. “Your office must have some work around, I’m sure. For now you’ll have to enjoy our rustic hospitality.”
He kept walking, crossing the short bridge over the river to where the Kaiba Mart sat, and Seto had no choice but to follow after. He clutched his phone in his hand like an injured baby bird in hopes that it would come alive again.
The Kaiba Mart sat in stark contrast to the picturesque nature around them. It’s white and blue walls were modern and clean, and its windowless exterior made it seem like an alien obelisk left behind. They crossed through the sliding doors, and at once the natural sounds of wind rustling through trees and the babbling of the brook and tweeting of birds were replaced with tinny elevator music and the hum of AC. Rows of shelving sat neatly with the fluorescent lights buzzing overhead. A bored looking girl sat at the register while a handful of employees restocked. It was practically busy compared to the rest of town, with people shopping up and down the aisles. Across from the registers was a customer service desk where a man stood to attention, making their way to them.
“I believe you’re in your world now, Kaiba-boy,” Pegasus said. “If there’s anything else I can do for you, I’m never hard to find.”
He ambled away before Seto could protest the sudden familiar nickname, and he was quickly accosted by the manager, who offered a thorough handshake he was forced to escape from. His suit and clean cut hair was closer to the Kaiba Corp goons he was used to dealing with. Seto tried to remember his name from the file and was saved the hassle.
“My name is Roland, sir,” he said. “I’m grateful for the chance to assist you.”
“Right.” Seto didn’t bother introducing himself. He glanced around the grocers and didn’t miss the interest a few employees were paying him. “I assume there’s an office I can set up in.”
“Of course. Right away.”
The back of the Kaiba Mart was roomier than expected, which Seto was grateful for. The employee area was clean and empty, a small TV next to a table playing the weather report. Roland’s office had a single window to look out at any slackers and free of any personal items except for a single kitschy palm tree from the Kuriboh Desert. The rest was storage, and then a room that had been cleaned out and outfitted with a desk and the usual Kaiba Mart motivational posters and metal shelves with binders and blueprints. A stark white light illuminated the space. It smelled faintly of bleach. Seto left the door open for fear it was not as well ventilated as it appeared.
Seto knew going in that there was a plan in place. A small version of KC’s headquarters would be built on land in Kokoro Town, which would open up all of the valley to expansion. Apparently finding the land to build on was the first roadblock. The woods were protected, the mountains deemed unsafe, and there was a full envelope of angry letters from one Solomon Muto in which he expressed with certainty that his farm was not for sale. The only viable property was an abandoned community center, which had a lot of legal red tape around it. Still, Kaiba Corp’s lawyers were fastidious and their pockets bottomless. Roland explained in excruciating detail the issues they’d faced in securing even a construction site, and Seto only stopped him when he got to the biggest sticking point.
“What the hell do you mean by ‘community leadership support’?” he asked.
Roland pointed to the legal papers amid the many files. “Because it’s the property of the town, Kaiba Corp can’t just purchase it. There are five community leaders that need to vote in order for them to give the property over to us. And right now only the mayor is giving us his support.”
Seto narrowed his eyes a the papers in front of him as though they were hiding their secrets. “So in order to get this entire project started, we need to convince four other people that letting Kaiba Corp into their town is a good idea. How do we do that?”
“I think,” he said nervously, “that’s why you’re here.”
Seto continued to focus his gaze on the items in front of him, even as weight pressed down on his chest. This hadn’t been in that nicely detailed file, which meant Noah wanted it to be a surprise. He sent him here, this remote town with no contact to the outside world, in order to play nice with a bunch of country hicks who managed to own enough property to be a thorn in his side. Seto prided himself on a lot of things--his work ethic, his bullheadedness, his ability to get things done--but his people skills had never been his strong suit. His usual methods of brute force and intimidation might not be the appropriate move here.
He sunk his head into his hands. “There has to be some loophole.”
“I’m afraid not,” Roland said.
“Then there has to be another town,” Seto groaned. “One with bribable officials.”
“This is the only foot in the door Kaiba Corp has ever managed.”
Of course, Noah had chosen him for this job. All he had to do was make some friends.
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bakarrot · 5 months
calling all the dragon ball girlies
does anyone know an alternative to the dragon ball fandom page for like. character facts/trivia and written recaps for events
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thatsneakymedic · 8 months
October Writing Challenge Day 15 Pumpkin
With permission and the trust from Mother Nonou, Kabuto walks hand to hand with Aina as they head back to Aina's farm to go pick up some crops for dinner. Today it was Kabuto's turn to go with Aina to bring the food back as part of his lessons about running errands and learning basic math when it comes to money.
The other two nuns insisted that Nonou teaches Kabuto these things early as times like these when children need to learn quickly. Since even they might need to learn the value of chores and doing errands for their parents long after they get adopted.
Dragging the empty old utility grocery cart behind him with a handle, Kabuto looks around the trees and the cloudy skies. He's wearing his own warm scarf and his boots since the weather has been getting colder these days and Kabuto had just recovered from his own sore throat two weeks ago. He did however love how the trees and the leaves are falling about and decorating the ground with the red, yellow, and orange colors.
"I didn't know that you live just a bit far from us Aina. I can't believe that you walk from here to our place and then to Konoha. But it must really be tiring and stressful when it gets dark, rains, or snow. Winter is in a few months after all." Kabuto says as he does a little hop on the leaf to crush it under his foot to give it that good satisfactory crunch sound.
"Well, first it helps t' get up at th' crack'a dawn. Get all th' chores done you need done 'fore anythin' else. Which's why it's import'nt to go to bed early. Plus by now, I've done learned all th' shortcuts 'round this place. An' when a place's very far or I got a big load t' carry, I take my tricycle an' wagon." She answered as she leads the way to the farm, which is lucky that the wooden fence is the main clue that they're going the right way. On the same road as them, a couple using a large wagon pulled by a horse that carried quite a lot of vegetables on the back of the cart and they both were heading back to the village.
"Hello you two." The wife of the man greets them in a friendly manner as they pass through. And both Aina and Kabuto step aside to let them pass and they bow as they leave. As soon as they pass, Kabuto then tries to look on ahead when they're at least a mile from the farm.
"That man and his wife. They bought a LOT of vegetables! Like as if they're planning a large dinner or festival! I think we should hurry. What if all of the vegetables are gone by now?" Kabuto said as he is now slightly rushing towards the place, holding Aina's hand while also trying to drag the cart behind him too.
Aina though she's not too worried about the vegetables running out, she does notice that Kabuto was concerned so she decides for his sake to also hurry by walking quickly while helping Kabuto pull the cart.
The view of the small farm is now getting closer and closer as the brown fence is reaching the bend and towards the farm. Kabuto slows down his steps as he now looks around the small farm from the front. From far away, he sees a figure moving about before heading inside. Probably Aina's mom or another customer?
"Is that the place? It's a lot different than what I imagined. I thought that you guys would live surrounded by large fields of hay and stuff. Like in the pictures of story books or magazines. But it still looks pretty and comfortable."
She giggles but she's also glad that the boy isn't dragging her so much anymore and now they're able to walk at a normal pace, "Ahaha, oh, Kabuto. You mus' be thinkin' bout people with manors. Those farmers got much more land than we do. Yep, farms act'lly come in all shapes-n-sizes. But we're happy with ours. Ain't never let us down."
"And considering if that couple that passed us that might've bought the vegetables back there. That means that your crops must be really good, even if your place isn't as big. Different and all shapes and sizes... I like it. Since bigger isn't always better." He looks around the outside of the house as they get more closer till they are right at the doorstep.
Now not so much as in a rush since there's nobody there other than him, Aina, and the woman in the store. He is the first to knock on the wooden pillar to let her know despite that she had already seen them coming.
"Aina, is that your mom in the store? She looks a lot like you." He assumed that she would be as kind and friendly like her too.
"Yes she is." Aina nods, though she did worry about if Kabuto won't be intimidated by her personality since even she knew that her mother isn't as friendly as she is.
He stands in front of the various vegetables and he reads the numbers and the names on them. Though reading the list that he has, he looks around more for the other vegetables that were not on the display. Aina guides him to shed and his eyes widen as he sees the tomatoes and sweet potatoes that he needs to pick up.
But before he could move, he pauses when he feels someone staring at him and he turns to the dark skinned woman with the apron who was counting the money, even though she's already done and is now putting it away in a box, she is giving him a rather serious stare. Her attention however is on the Konohagakure Orphanage symbol on his kimono.
"Keep an eye on that child, Aina. Last thing I need is a troublemaker messing up my store. And leave that cart out since I don't want you hitting anything either." She said sternly while turning to Aina for a moment before looking back at him.
Great. Another child from that place and an unfamiliar one that is not the mature one with the hat and birthmark on his nose. She hopes that Kabuto isn't like the insolent girl from the Orphanage who tried to haggle with her with the prices on the strawberries. The girl called her an "stupid old hag" for not willing to deal with the outrageous cheap price and then kicking a display stand's wooden foot so hard, the foot broke and the fragile plums that she cherished herself all fell onto the ground, bruising and ruining the entire bunch. If it weren't for Aina getting between them, she would've not only beaten the girl, but also refused the money and dragged the snotty brat out of the store by the hair. Even if it has been months ago when it happened and Mother Nonou thankfully paid for the damages, it still left a bitter taste in her mouth.
"Y-yes ma'am! I promise that I won't cause trouble for you or Aina." Kabuto politely bowed to her despite being unnerved by her intimidating stare before turning around and gently putting the right amount of tomatoes in the bag and then with his fingers. Counting on the prices while also keeping his hands to himself. Kabuto was thankful that there was plenty of vegetables left even though it looked like it was just about to run out. While waiting, Airi noticed how Kabuto would casually put the produce in their right places and in order while looking around for the items he need when he didn't need to. Seems that this child knows how to clean up and organize.
8 tomatoes 3 cabbages 6 sweet potatoes 8 regular potatoes 6 carrots 2 cauliflowers 3 eggplants
Kabuto was careful with the costs of the items and even counted quietly on both money and the produce. Or at least he thought he did as he picked the biggest ones he could find and he put them on the cart.
His attention was caught on the perfectly shaped small pumpkin that was on one of the displays along with the other larger ones. He has been curious to know how pumpkin tastes like since Urushi told him that he has been craving for pumpkin pie the other day and how it's always delicious to eat around this time of the year.
Perhaps he could buy it for him and maybe Mother would be happy with it too? A small one of course, since the big ones were way too expensive and too big for him to carry home.
He looks at the cash in his hand and he counts what would he have left if he could buy it.
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Being so sure that he could get it, he picks up the one that catches his eye and he puts it on the cart. "I think I got everything Aina. I think I have enough money for an extra item too."
He smiles as he immediately heads to the counter with the money ready in hand. Aina then follows him and starts to take out the scale in hand, "Oh, oh wait. You gotta let us--ahaha, 'lettuce'--ah, let us weigh it. Our prices're ain't based on how many of a fruit or vegetable ya got. We figure it out based on how many kilos your pick weighs."
Kabuto's happy face slightly frowns, though he did catch the joke but he had no time to laugh at it, "What? I... I didn't know that. Oh no, I picked out the biggest ones I could find..."
"At least you'll know and be aware of that next time boy. And don't hold the money out in your hands like that. You're easy pickings for thieves to steal from you if you're not careful." Airi advised rather strictly while waiting for Aina to finish weighing the produce. Kabuto gulped as he puts the bills of money in his pocket quickly. Not that there was any need to worry since there was no one around other than the three of them.
Fortunately for Kabuto, he had enough money for all of the produce that was on the list, except for the pumpkin.
"You don't have enough for the pumpkin boy." Airi commented as she puts the pumpkin on the table away from the bags.
Kabuto frowned at that. "Oh no, I'm sorry ma'am. I'll go put it back for you once I pay you the money for these items." He sadly looks at it as he hands the money to Airi who slowly counts the money he gave her, just in case. Kabuto thinks about how he could take out at least two of the produce, but then that would mean less food for just one item and Mother did say to not try to buy unnecessary things.
Airi eyes Kabuto for a moment as he's trying to calculate on what to do even if he is willing to accept that he won't have to buy the pumpkin. She hesitantly sighs as she pushes the small pumpkin toward him, it's the least she could do for his good behavior and because she needed to get rid as much of the produce as she can for her and Aina's planned trip outside the village. "You can add this to the cart, boy. It's on the house and nice job putting the items back in their proper places for me."
Kabuto's eyes open and he slightly gasps as she presents the pumpkin he was holding to him, he was smart enough to know that not every kind act would get him free stuff. But he had no idea that she was paying attention to him cleaning up and putting the items back where they belong. Even though she was scary, she does seem nice after all.
"R-really? I can have it? Are you sure? T-thank you, ma'am!" He picks up the pumpkin and he holds it in his hands. Feeling the smoothness of the skin on his fingertips.
"Make it last, boy. Next pumpkin ain't gonna be free." She said while waiting for Aina to be done helping Kabuto put the items on the cart.
"Yes ma'am. I'll remember that. Thank you for the crops. Goodbye now." Kabuto politely bowed to her before adding the small pumpkin to the cart. Neatly right on the spot where it won't crush the other crops or fall off.
Before Aina could leave with Kabuto, Airi then calls for her to wait and she hands her an list of orders from other customers, "Oi. Kame. If you're gon' take that boy back to his place, go on an' take up that basket over there. Here's th' order list. Get these deliv'ries t' ev'rybody on this list, an' get back here 'fore dark. Got it?"
Aina nods, "Yes Mama!"
"Repeat back t' me what I done tol' you t' do." She crosses her arms.
"Take Kabuto home, make these d'liver'ies, get back here 'fore dark." Aina repeats with her eyes closed and with her hand clenched onto a fist while one hand counts the three things to do.
"Good. Now get goin'." She nods as she puts the money that Kabuto gave her into the money box.
"Thank you again, Ma'am. Have a nice day!" Kabuto said kindly as he also bows to her again before leaving with Aina while holding her hand and helping her pull the cart even though she got it covered. As if giving her extra strength to pull it.
"So Aina, I overheard that your mother wants you back home before dark, and I did see that there was some things put away like storage boxes. Are you going somewhere after this and would you guys be okay to travel when the weather changes? I don't think you should travel too much around this time of the year." The boy holds onto her hand a bit tightly as if to show her his concern.
Aina thinks as she helps him pull the heavy wagon for him while he follows her. "Well, ah, I wouldn' say we travel that much. S'only th' sea turtles we really care about in th' world outside Konoha. We go twice a year. Th' first in May, th' second in October." Her feet step over a few leaves on the path as she continued, "Me an' Mama go t'gether, jus' th' two of us. We camp as much' we can--which's actually very fun once ya learn how t' do it well!--an' rain never bothered me. We need th' rain t' live, don't you know! "Snow? Ahahaha! Well now, I ain't never been through a lotta snow! So I can't say how I'd cope if I did get caught in a blizz'rd. Hafta get back t' you on that."
"So this would mean that you won't be out in the winter then? Thank goodness for that! Aina, your mom even though she is scary. She sounds like a nice lady, especially when she gave me this pumpkin for free. I know that she won't give stuff for free, but I'm really happy that I can bring one since I've never eaten pumpkin before."
The walk back to the orphanage was a nice and peaceful one, and one that Kabuto would always remember when Aina's mother is mentioned in their talks.
A planned drabble with my friend @super-kame-love
Also tagging you @lunyraartistry
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plasma-sky · 6 months
I’ve been missing one of my old OCs terribly. The girl has been on my mind. So an old redraw of the first fully colored picture I had of her. Why not?
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A while back I had an au wherein only James went to LA. The problem with that NOW is that I'm not in the same, lowkey depressed state of mind that I was when I started it. I got the title from that song from Descendants 2, and it was ANGST CENTRAL. Some of it slapped tho.
Some song lyrics...idk why, but they're there:
"Yeah I remember what I said
The morning that you left
I said I’d be strong
Said I’d move on
Said I’d do it for you, for me, for them
But now I’m here crying on the phone
Wishing I could beg you to come home
But I can’t"
And lines like:
LA would kill Kendall before he could decide what to make of himself; he couldn’t move there.
Where the Hollywood sign had once been a neutral monument in a way-too-big city, it was now just another reminder of something he’d messed up.
The number of collective hours he and Logan had spent trying to convince Carlos to put the box down, no you cannot keep the skunk was too many to count.
Kendall knew he remembered their names wrong, if he did at all, but he did remember this: no matter what season, any time of the year, this handful of constellations could be seen every night, if you knew where to look. He remembered that part because it reminded him of himself and his friends. Like the stars, they’d always be there. They would always be able to guide him when he was lost, or just needed to think; whether he could see them or not, they were still there. Maybe the distance between Minnesota and California was like light pollution.
K: “Home is where you’re happy, remember?”
J: “Yeah? Well maybe I’m happy next to you. Did you ever think of that, dumbass? I know, blah blah blah, this place made me famous and everything, but I can’t hear that sentence without hearing your voice echo it back. Maybe I don’t even want to fucking be famous anymore if it means I can’t see you everyday. You gave up so much for me, and then you act like you’re the one that’s selfish. I’m the one that left you in the dust. I’m the one that couldn’t fly in for your birthday. Every time you called me at 2 am, and your voice broke like it shouldn’t, and did you ever stop and think about yourself even once? Because you’re it. You’re home. You’re what keeps me going on the worst days, and it shouldn’t have taken me two thousand fucking miles for me to realize that. I need you, okay?”
It would be so easy to just lean in, but while gravity and unspoken feelings tried to pull them closer—to just close the gap—the distance looming over them, guaranteed in the near future, was keeping them separate. Hydrostatic equilibrium until everything collapsed.
I don't know how to make it make sense, but I keep poking it in its glass enclosure in my farm of WIPs just bc its pretty
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foxynali · 2 years
11, kam/dame 🌈
"I think... I've never been happier..." Dame says in a whisper as she looked down at Kam laying her head on Dame's chest. The heat coming from her body making the tall girl relax cuddling with her girlfriend in this breezy spring afternoon, her fingers lazily caressing Kam's hair.
"Really, mon amour?" The blonde girl asked, looking up to glance at Dame's eyes, kissing her chin as she hugs tight the brunette's waist, moving closer to her body, wanting to feel every possible part of her girlfriend in this hug.
It was a thing they did, lay down in sunny days on Kam's bed with the gentle wind entering the window with the sun hugging them as they hug each other. Just relaxing to the sound of the noisy Paris and maybe a little music if they are feeling fancy. Enjoying every second they had each other as if it was the last.
Dame laughted almost with no sound, her deep voice making her chest vibrate under Kam's cheek as she nods positively at her question, staring at the blonde's face like it was a piece of art.
"Actually, no."
"No. I don't think I've never been happier. I am sure I've never been this happy in my whole life." She said in a low volume, losing herself in Kam's eyes as she curves herself to kiss the tip of her nose. "And you are the reason I am this happy, mon petit ange. I love you. So, so much..."
Kam felt her eyes getting wet for a second, closing her eyes with her girlfriend's kiss before pulling her closer to kiss her lips with loads of love, opening a big smile as she opens her eyes again to look into Dame's. "I love you too, mon bonheur géant"
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kame-writes · 1 month
(Asks open for any questions and/or requests for anything on the list)
((Shipping Drabbles are open for requests of ANY ship))
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wrymbloods · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @swordcoasts — thank you sm dee !!! <3
She proceeded to pull her camise over her head and toss it to the side, pulling her arms up just a breath away from covering herself. This wasn’t the first time she had exposed herself in front of another person and yet, something about it felt different. The nervousness she felt turning in her stomach as his eyes trailed over her figure was not something she was used to and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She felt his hands before she saw them, her breath getting caught in her throat as they landed on her hips, his left thumb gently running over an old scar.
“You needn’t hide from me, love.”
She looked up to find him intently watching her, her face heating up as she realised that once again, he was able to see past any wall she tried building.
“I… I’m sorry. I do not know why I’m feeling this- It’s…” It’s different. Never before had she been so painfully aware of every inch of her body. Of every scar and burn, of every hair and scale, how her skin folded and breasts sat, all on display for the man she loved so dearly. She couldn’t help but scrutinise every last detail, wondering if she was enough for him.
And yet, there was something about the way he looked at her, the way he so gently regarded her in a way no one else had done before. He placed a hand on the soft curve of her jaw and directed her towards him, each kiss he pressed to her lips helping to erase her doubts. She let out a relaxed sigh against his lips and leaned her forehead against his.
“Forgive me. I am alright now.”
“Remind me, what is it that I should be forgiving you for?”
Snorting, she rolled her eyes at his quip.
“Are you sure you’re fine?”
Her answering nod earned the most darling of smiles from him before he leaned for her lips again, his hands roaming down her body before settling under her thighs, easily pulling her onto his lap.
tagging: @arklay, @avallachs, @aartyom, @steelport, @morvaris, @montliyets, @brujah and anyone else that has anything they wanna show off!
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kame-artist · 1 month
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The girls
Im having fun with my Media Overlords au over on @kame-writes these two being sisters in chaos brings me joy
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cosmicsully · 10 months
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aged up!Neteyamx aged up!human(f)!reader
Summary: In which…. Neteyam crosses paths with a human, but what is that sudden obsession with her, where did that need to protect her come from?
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: fluff, Y/N’s personal space is quite literally violated by Neteyam, Y/N is the first Human Neteyam has ever seen, Neteyam barely speaks/understands English, kissing, slight make out, lowkey unrealistic storyline lmao
My Masterlist <3.
What are you called? = fyape syaw fko ngar Stay calm = mawey beautiful: (of people) = sevin take it off = kämunge tsal I want to see = Oe new ne kame hurry up = win säpi nefä so soft = nìftxan 'ango
I hope you enjoy! If you do, feel free to reblog, I might consider writing more parts to this :) <3
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I can still remember how it happened. The day that I met Neteyam still lingers in my mind, the young Na´vi boy consuming my attention at all times.
About a week ago, I can still feel the soft breeze of air flushing against my legs, I remember smelling the green plants that had just been drowned in the heavy rain the previous night. The loving light of the warm sun embraces my figure as I walk across a muddy path, trying not to step on any kind of animal. I was outside although I was not allowed to leave the lab. Secretly slipping out of the back door, the mask that is pumping oxygen into my lungs well secured on my face, as I made it my new goal to explore Pandora further.
It is a memory I cherish. The adrenaline that runs through my veins as I took one step after the other, putting as much space as possible between me and the lab.
With the feeling of well-secured safety and no one having caught me fleeing from my home, I slowed my steps, taking in my beautiful surroundings. All kinds of exotic colorful plants surround my form, my eyes darting to one and then another, trying to see everything all at once. My ragged breathing slowed down as I sprinted across the mud, my feet now slightly covered in it.
I can’t help but feel joy consume me whole.
The beauty of Pandora yet again swallowed me, pulling me in. I let my feet work on their own, deciding on taking a small walk to find new interesting and unexplored corners. My fingertips glide against a pulsating bluish plant, as it vibrates against my hand in return, letting myself smile at the uncommon feeling.
This world is so alive.
It is beautiful, I hope its owners treat it well, with respect and cherish it just as I do. Although from the stories I have been told, Na’vi are very spiritual species who inhabit these forests. And now that I think of it, I have never truly seen a real Na’vi.
Dreamwalkers don’t count.
Not letting my mind linger on the thought of facing a real Na’vi, I continued my exploration, It felt like mere minutes, but because it was slowly becoming darker around me it must have been at least a few hours. The only sound that reaches my ears is my breathing from behind the thin glass that is covering my entire face, and the nature that I’m currently moving in. Deciding that I have seen enough for today and that Norm is most likely worrying about my well-being, I take a turn and walk to the path I have been walking all along and slowly but surely make my way back to the lab.
Just as I took a few steps, I heard a quiet huff and leaves moving behind a tree a few feet away from me.
Midway through me turning my head, a blue figure emerges from the bushes. There he stands. A tall male Na’vi. His stripes-covered skin glows underneath the small amount of light that is still falling on Pandora.
He is beautiful.
So beautiful the nature around me is no longer on my mind. All my focus and attention is now drawn to him as I see his fist tightening around a weapon that is firm in his right hand.
With quick movements, he is pointing an arrow at me.
“Wait- Wait- Wait-“ I start as his face wears an angry expression, his frown-covered face facing my direction. I can see his ears perk up at the words that left my mouth. The foreign language fills his head as he decides on killing or spearing me.
“fyape syaw fko ngar?” he hisses, flashing his fangs at me. His white teeth sparkle in the sun as he takes a big step closer to me. His sudden movement made me trip over, my backside making contact with the now slightly dried ground. Him now towering over me even more, his height is scary.
“I- I’m sorry I don’t understand you, please talk slower,” I say, trying to speak slowly, he probably doesn’t understand my words. He tilts his head in confusion, his eyes widening as he takes in my form. Here I am, halfway sitting up in the slightly muddy forest of Pandora. My eyes are fixated on the Na’vi that is towering above me.
“fyape. syaw. fko. ngar?” he repeats, now trying to talk as slow as I did. His pronunciation is now much clearer, his eyes squinting close as if he can see the wheels whirring behind my eyes. This situation throws me back multiple years, remembering the Na’vi lessons we were put through at the mere age of ten. He must have said something about me. Asking about my age? No that would not add up to the situation I’m currently in. Maybe he asked what my name is. That makes way more sense, him emerging from the forest, probably taking me in as a threat.
Slowly, I raise my hands on either side of my head a little, to show that I have no weapons on me, and don’t mean any harm to anyone. At my gesture his ears stand up, their previous position flattened against his head long gone. While doing so, his curiosity must have grown, he lowers his weapon, no meaning to harm me for now. The unknown Na’vi male lowers himself into a crouching position, as he fixates his bow on his back and secures the arrow back in its holder. With me still staying put on the ground, he starts to crawl over my much smaller form to take in my face.
His expression is still confused, but the curiosity must be getting a hold of him. He slowly makes his way above me, his face getting closer to mine, I can feel his warm breath hitting my cheek, his sparkly yellow eyes boring into my own. Pupils now grown bigger and bigger with each second that passes.
“What are you doing?” I whisper, my questioning tone must have shown him that I asked a question. He shakes his head in a way to tell me that he has no idea what I just said, but he doesn’t leave his current position, instead, he’s only inching closer to my body. His face slowly moved to the left side of my face, flattened nose touching my cheek and slowly moving down to my neck. His way of moving and actions remind me of an animal, I can feel him take a deep breath through his nose when it hits my pulse point. It’s like he’s taking in my scent, trying to burn it into his brain to never lose the smell of me.
His actions makes a shudder run down my spine, a shaky breath leaving my mouth only now realizing that I have been holding my lungs oxygen-free for the past minute, them now aching and burning for more.
He breathes me in again, this time with eyes closed, my scent filling his nostrils. My breathing stays unsteady, his presence making my heart quicken in my chest, he seems to notice that, his eyes now fixated on my chest, watching it rise and fall again. When my eyes caught his never leaving my chest, a frown forms on my face, my mouth gaping at him and my arms moving to cover my chest. Slightly uncomfortable under his stare that is on one of my most intimate parts.
He quickly shakes his head and uses one of his three-fingered hands -that is at least twice as big as mine- to move them away, his now gained free access to my chest making him move his head closer, the side of his face making contact with me, his ear hovering above my heart. My heartbeat echoes in his head, its beating pumping hot blood through my veins. Although he does not seem to have the intention to hurt me in any way, my heart doesn’t slow its fast beats. His heavy head makes contact with my chest, I can feel him resting his head completely.
He stays put for a few seconds, the sound of soft breaths leaving his nose hit my ears. My heart still hammers in my chest, continuing to reveal my unsure feelings about the moment and this stranger who is quite literally breaking the definition of personal space. He stirrers up removing his ear from my chest, now much softer yellow eyes meeting mine.
“Mawey.” he whispers. His soothing voice makes it seem like a sweet gesture, the way he talks, the way his eyes move from me to my chest, no, to my heart, its like he wants to tell me to relax. The next thing that catches his attention is the oxygen mask that covers my slightly blushing face. With one of his fingers he taps against the glass, the tap rather harsh as it shoots through the glass and right to my ears echoing softly.
"Neteyam." he speaks up, the pronunciation lingering in my mind. As he speaks, he points the finger that just tapped my mask to his chest, gesturing to himself, it seems to be his way of introducing himself to me.
"Y/N." I say telling him my name. His ears perk up as my voice hits him.
"Y/N…" he tries to pronounce my name just like I did, but fails miserably. I can´t help myself but let a giggle slip past my lips at his terrible attempt at pronouncing my name, squinting my eyes closed in the process. He doesn´t exactly laugh at my reaction, but what seems to be a small smile makes its way across Neteyams face. I like the way my name sounds when he speaks.
"Sevin." he whispers pointing at me again. His hand glides downwards to my own and he takes a look at it, his eyes fixated on my little finger. He slowly but surely wraps two of his fingers around it, completely engulfing my pinky with his. His hand is huge compared to mine. If he wanted to, he could cover my entire hand with his and nothing of my hand would be visible.
"Sevin?" I ask, questioning his last words, why did I barely pay attention when we were told simple words that are commonly used by Na´vi?
"Beautiful?" he now repeats, his accent thick as he tries to translate his words.
"You mean me?" I ask a little unsure, it is not unknown in the lab that Na´vi and humans don´t usually interact with one another, let alone find any interest in each other. He points his finger against my chest again, still trying to get me to understand that he thinks I´m pretty.
I can´t help but blush at his actions, not quite used to being complimented by someone.
"You´re beautiful too" I answer, already aware of the fact that he probably doesn´t understand what I just told him. So I point my finger at his chest just like he did to me and say
His eyes fall to my pointer finger that is currently resting against his chest, his hands now following his eyes, a blue hand yet again engulfing my own. I feel a certain warmth spread through my chest.
Am I supposed to feel like this?
Probably not.
No, definitely not.
Then why does his presence feel so good? Why do I feel this special security with him? When his warm eyes meet mine?
His attention is now back on my face, the way he is now directly in front of me, allows me to take a closer look at his facial features. His yellow, big, cat-like eyes are pulsating with warmth and softness, his slightly flattened nose wrinkling when he senses new smell. He seems to be studying me just as I do him.
"kämunge tsal" he whispers, now again tapping against my oxygen mask.
Although I could not exactly translate his spoken words in my head, it must have been something about my mask. I shake my head hastily, if his intentions are about me taking it off he can forget it.
"Oe new ne kame" he urges me on, his eyes filled with curiosity and desperate pleading.
"Off," he says quickly his demanding tone fitting to his accent, his hand already finding the bottom of the mask and lifting it off of my face. His sudden actions make me gasp and quickly breathe in, to catch another wave of oxygen.
The mask is now all the way off, Neteyam places it on one of his muscular tights, but his vibrant eyes are darting across every moving muscle on my face. He studies me carefully as if he is afraid of breaking me with a grip that might be too firm for my body.
His left-hand moves to the right side of my head, the warm palm of his softly meeting me. His palm swallows half of my skull, it’s like a puzzle fitting, his piece connecting with mine. A few seconds later I have a sort of ticklish feeling against my upper thigh, his strong tail curling twice around it. The movement makes me blush, I feel my cheeks and half of my neck warming. It’s like Neteyam is trying to be as close as possible, though I can not really tell why.
His face inches closer to mine, he’s so close again that I can feel his breath on my lips, his eyes dare to look at them for a quick moment but just as he meets them he averts his gaze again. I can’t help it but copy his movement, my eyes darting down to his lips.
I can feel the atmosphere between us get turned upside down within one quick glance at his lips, a sort of tension building up.
What I’m doing here is insane.
I should be home by now.
Just as I can feel him getting even closer, the need for oxygen is growing and growing, my lungs aching for relief. My eyes shoot down to his leg hastily grabbing the mask that my body so desperately seeks. The moment it hits my face I take a deep breath, my heart beating at a quickening speed. Neteyam groans in response his hand falling from my head, instead both of his hands land on either side of my waist. As I try to steady my breathing, he pulls my smaller form into his lap.
"win säpi nefä" he lowly whines, making my eyebrows raise in confusion at his whining. He waits a few seconds for my chest to raise at a normal speed again, his eyes boring through mine as if he is asking for permission, although I can not quite tell for what.
"Enough" he orders now quite needy ripping the mask off my face, but before I can respond in annoyance, warm lips are pressed against my very own. My eyes widen at his sudden actions, I can`t hold back the quiet unexpected sigh that sounds like a soft moan leaving my lips.
Neteyam responds eagerly, his tongue now parting my lips ready to claim my mouth, the taste of me lingering on his tastebuds, he pulls me closer by my hips, the close proximity making him groan. The kiss quickly becomes feverish and passionate as his desire for more keeps growing. His hand moves to the back of my head keeping me in place to continue his almost assault on my lips. His rough palms skim down my waist to hook around my hips, pulling me flush against his chest.
It is something I have never felt before, the adrenaline coursing through my veins making my head dizzy. Or maybe it was the lack of oxygen that was making me feel lightheaded.
I can´t help but try to pull away from him, his much stronger grip on me only tightening in response, in order to gain focus again I let my fingers tangle into his braids, softly tugging his lips away from mine. Neteyam growls in protest, chasing my lips with his but I lean back and reach down to put the mask that dangles down my body back on my face. As I keep filling my lungs with air, I look up through the thing glass with heavy-lidded eyes, my chest still heaving and my heart thrumming in my chest.
Neteyam pants softly, just as breathless as I am.
Behind Neteyam I can see his tail swaying with excitement from side to side, his own heavy eyes now focused on a part of my neck. He quickly connects his lips with my neck, softly coating it with open-mouth kisses. With his other hand, he gently tugs on my hair to expose my neck to his mouth. Not caring about the noises that could slip out of my mouth, I let a soft moan leave my lips at the feeling. That seems to urge him on further, his lips traveling from my neck, to my collarbone and lastly to my pulse point. It is the place he breathed me in earlier, he growls at the memory, lips quickly working at sucking on my delicate skin.
I close my eyes at the feeling of his soft but rough lips as they work against my sensitive skin, my mouth slightly agape at the pleasure that is shooting through every inch of my body.
"nìftxan 'ango" the Na´vi male moans against my neck, at the sound of a twig breaking somewhere in the distance, Neteyam quickly breaks away from my sensitive skin. His tail tightened around my thigh in a protective manner.
"Come" he hushes at me, now raising to his feet and full height, With one swift movement he claims my wrist in his hand sneaking around it in a soft grip. He pulls me up in no time as if I weigh nothing to him. I can feel myself hovering over the ground for a split second before he lets go of my wrist now fully placing me back on the ground I was laying on only minutes ago.
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neteyamssyulang · 6 months
Day 2
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Pairing: Neteyam aged up x Fem tawtute reader
Summary: After dating the olo’eyktans son for awhile you decided to take things up a notch in your relationship.
Warnings: Dom reader, Sub Neteyam, Innocent Neteyam, Oral (M receiving), Mommy kink, P in V, Belly bulge.
Word count: 823
Translation(s): Sayrìp -> Handsome, Paskalin -> Honey, Yawne -> Beloved, Oe rä'ä kame -> I do not know, Sna’lo rutxe rä'ä ftang -> Just please don’t stop.
A/N: Bit short but was fun to write, im sorry this came out late I kept debating on if it was good or not🥲
Taglist: @hey-hey-26 @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @bessos4him @ntymavtr @puddle-nerd @zafrinaxyz @neteyamswillow @ikeyniofthetayrangi @bubblebaththoughts @skywonder @km-ffluv
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Dating the olo'eyktans son wasn't as bad as anyone thought, even if you were human and he was na'vi.
He chose you, out of all the girls in his clan who'd throw themselves at his feet he wanted you as his mate.
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You sighed turning around in your chair to face your boyfriend who was sprawled across your bed laying on his back, Norm had been gracious giving you a giant bed so Neteyam was comfortable if he ever came over.
Standing up you walked over to the na'vi climbing ontop of him to straddle his waist "Teyammm" you pouted.
"Yes syulang?" He spoke softly looking up at you "What is wrong?" His huge hands moved to your thighs rubbing soothing motions on them.
Leaning down you pressed a soft kiss against his lips "I want you" , the tips of his ears along with his cheeks turned a light shade of pink "I..I don't know what you mean.." his voice quiet as his looked away.
Placing your hand on his cheek you turned his face to look at you “Do you trust me sayrìp?” , the omaticaya gulped softly before nodding his head.
Your eyes narrowed slightly “Words baby” , “Yes mommy, I trust you.” Smiling you leaned in kissing him softly “Good boy~”
Neteyams tail swished happy at your praise, he watched as you leaned back to reach for the ties in his loincloth. Once you untied his loincloth pulling it off his hands went to cover himself.
“What’s wrong baby?” You asked tilting your head slightly , Neteyam’s eyes looked anywhere but at you “I am just nervous..”
“It’s ok paskalin, you’ll enjoy it I promise” finally turning his gaze to you he nodded slowly hesitantly removing his hands placing them by his sides instead.
Your mouth watered once you saw the size of him, long and very girthy with beautiful patterns of tanhì littering his cock.
Slowly you leaned down licking from the base to his tip, a sharp gasp left your boyfriends lips as you took his cock in your mouth.
Neteyam’s eyes rolled back as you began bobbing your head taking more of him, his hips started bucking up shoving more of his cock down your throat.
Tears pricked your eyes but you weren’t about to quit now, while you tried focusing on bringing your beautiful boy closer to the edge one of your hands reached down to gently massage his balls.
Your boyfriend hissed as he pulled you off his cock, thick spurts of bioluminescent cum shot out covering your clothed chest and thighs.
Panting Neteyam’s eyes widened “I’m sorry..i’m so sorry..” you only chuckled softly looking down at the mess he made “Don’t be sorry yawne it’s fine.”
The na’vi just shook his head “But I m-” he’s cut off as you grabbed him by the chin “Paskalin, do you think I’d do something like this if I wasn’t prepared to get a little messy?”
Neteyam was quiet for a bit after that but still unsure about the whole thing “What if I can not pleasure you that well?..”
“My darling boy.. I will still love you either way, besides I’m sure you’ll feel amazing inside of me~” with that you slowly began to undress throwing your clothes off the side of the bed.
Your boyfriend couldn’t help but blush as he watched you, his eyes roamed down your body now actually seeing it for the first time.
Straddling him you lined his tip with your soaked entrance before slowly sliding down onto him, whimpering Neteyam squeezed his eyes feeling your gummy walls sucking his cock inside.
Fuck he was huge.. by the time you took him to the hilt there was a small bulge in your stomach, cupping his face you leaned in kissing his nose “Open your eyes darling.”
Neteyam’s eyes gradually opened , “Good boy” you praised, slowly you began lifting yourself up only to drop back down onto him coaxing out the most beautiful sounds from your boyfriend.
As you picked up your pace he became a whimpering mess underneath you, his tail curled around your thigh while he leaned his head back against the headboard.
Seeing the opportunity you leaned in leaving sloppy kisses and hickies along his beautiful azure skin, “M-mo-mmy rutxe..” he gasped bucking his hips up.
“Please what, darling?” Grinning you leaned back looking at him, his ears are pinned back against his head, eyes rolled back with his mouth slightly agape.
You knew what he wanted, you just needed to hear him try and say it.
“Oe” he panted “Oe rä'ä kame” tears rolled down his face as he got closer to the edge again, your own orgasm was approaching fast.
Wiping his tears away you spoke softly “Well if you don’t know, how is mommy supposed to give you what you want?”
Sniffling he looked at you through his still teary eyes “Sna’lo rutxe rä'ä ftang..”
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