#just to let me know that she forgives me! haha isn't that great!
archiephd · 1 year
old pastor's daughter just messaged me on facebook after having me blocked for 7 years lol
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planete777 · 10 months
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꒰ RED LINES .:. LN4 ꒱
( lando norris x fem!reader )
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IN WHICH. y/n finds her fate hidden within two red lines, and fears the demise of her and lando's relationship. [based on this ask]
pt. 2 .:. 'red hearts'!
WARNINGS. pregnant!reader, both her and lando aren't ready so there are discussions about potential abortions, mental break downs (i.e panic attacks, crying, you know the drill), angst, mentions of throwing up (no one does it i promise), attachment issues (like me fr), a little bit of fluff (because im not that evil >:])
NOTE. first non-high!lando fic!! i've never written a pregnancy fic, so like, forgive me if it's bad haha 🥲 i put so much effort into my banner, like i'm so proud of it lmao. anyways, enjoy reading luvs 💗
SIDENOTE. my askbox is open! feel free to send in any high!lando thoughts, scenarios and requests, or any other trope too 🤍
edited to add tag in banner
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y/n is almost blinded by it.
two bold, red lines.
she finds it completely comical how she didn't know it sooner, for the ink that runs down the result window is so palpable, it might as well have been written with a permanent marker.
the test taunts and mocks her as she stares at it in complete despair and confusion as she so sure that they had been careful. but now, she lets herself cry over spilt milk because having a baby, on top of mountainous piles of stress that came hand-in-hand with uni, was not a checkbox she would've liked to tick off amidst her status quo.
the bathroom pounds with an deafeningly eerie silence, as she stares, and stares, then blinks as tears flow, then stares again. her ears are swallowed by loud static and her vision fuzzes around the edges, making the test in her hand seem further away than it actually is, and she allows herself to completely fade out.
she feel utterly sick. like she wants to throw up, but the upcoming bile, instead, remains dislodged in her throat and presses immense weight into her chest. it shortens her breaths, she's hyperventilating as if she's been strangled, then panic completely overwhelms her. everything before her zooms in and out like a malfunctioning camera and the pregnancy test clatters to the ground as she digs the heels of her palms into her eyes.
she doesn't remember the last time she had a panic attack this severe, and neither does she know if she'll get over it solus. yearn for a presence beside her devours her brain and she wishes that lando–
the way her heart seems to squeeze in her chest is almost too animalistic to be normal, and it arrives at the thought of him being unacceptable of the baby. he's barely situated in one place, fuck, he basically travels for a living, and all her mind conjures is how he won't be there when she needs him most. she tries to wish it away, because just thinking about her makes her spiral even more and she knows she cannot survive with a child whose father decides to be absent.
codependency isn't great, that she's thoroughly aware of, but lando's presence brings a wave of comfort braided in the brightness of his smiles and the warmth of his embrace, and it has become her whole lifeline.
yet, the bathroom she's in feels too small and too cold to be anything other than unbearable, and her body feels to weak to remain upright, sliding down to the tiled floor. she sobbing and spluttering so much that lando can hear it from two rooms down, and he rushes into the en suite without a thought in mind.
he crouches down in front of her, hands flush against the skin of her cheeks. he's shaking, fucking terrified out of his wits, and his words are enunciated with a tremble.
"hey, hey, y/n breathe with me," he desperately takes her hands into his, and places it on his own chest, making exaggerated breaths as y/n's start to simmer. it feel like hours stretch by, the air surrounding feels tense with fear and devastation, and by the time she settles, y/n senses nothing but exhaustion.
"what's wrong, love? you're scaring me," lando gently asks, and she struggles to respond, mouth rid of any moisture as if it had been scraped dry. lando takes the initiative to look around in hopes that anything would give him a clue to his girlfriend's break down.
then he freezes.
the white stick lays there, gleaming and glowing like it's fucking sent from heaven, and he feels his heart plummet into the depths of his guts. he knows he can deny it all he wants, but it's undeniable, what he's seeing, yet prays like a grieving mother that what he thinks is not true as his quivering hands reaches for it.
two bold, red lines.
"oh fuck," it punches out of him, every inch of energy disperses like fleeing birds, "you're pregnant?"
it's so small, so timid that he almost doesn't see it, but she nods, and his arms fall like he's been shot and the test leaves his fingers. he swears he's drenched in ice cold water and he remains silent, bound by stunned numbness. his lack of response spurs y/n again, and she begins sobbing, pressing her face into her arms and wiping it furiously. all she thinks is that he doesn't want it, and out of sheer terror, she starts rambling utter shit.
"i can get rid of it, if you want, lando, just please i'm begging you, don't leave me."
he's crying himself now, doesn't know what to feel at the suggestion, but it makes him gag.
"get rid of it if i want to? fucking hell y/n, i'm not a prick like that," he fumbles out, words wet and hardly cohesive, "as long as you want to keep it, i want the baby too."
she looks up at him, eyes so full of hope that he immediately takes her into his arms.
"you sure, lando?" she's still hesitant, burying her head into his chest, and as further reassurance, he kisses her forehead, "as sure as i'll ever be."
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arvensimp · 2 months
YFSK Preview, pt. 4.1
I know i've been super duper quiet, but I promise there's a good reason. Please forgive me and accept this teaser for part 4.
“Hey! I dunno if you’ve been keeping track on your end, but Kiki is gonna be graduating from Blueberry, and I know it would mean the absolute world to him if you were able to attend the ceremony.” Carmine called, nearly out of the blue one day to inform you. Her brother had apparently been a part of a trial class that not only earned a high school diploma but also continued on for a few more years as part of a pilot Bachelor’s degree program in pokemon battling. From what you understood, it was basically like a feeder system to train new gym leaders and Elite Four hopefuls.
You look down at your ballooning tummy,
"Congratulations to him! When is it exactly though…?"
You wince and resist the urge to suck your teeth when Carmine gives you the date.
"Ahhh... I'm so sorry, I've got something at that time."
"For real? You can't just ask for time away from your league for even a weekend? This would REALLY mean the world to Kiki..."
"I'm sorry, but…I won't actually be allowed to fly by that point."
"Allowed? What kinda terrorism have you gotten into?"
You snort a laugh. "Pssh, nah. It's... It's medical actually. Here. Lemme, uh..." Without hanging up, you send over the most recent ultrasound photos. Your baby still kinda looks like a Munna in there, but she should get the point. Or, at least you assume she does when you hear the sound of crashing and fumbling on her end.
"You're having a BABY?????"
"Uh...haha, yeah. The due date is, like, a week after Kieran's graduation, so... I, y'know, can't fly. I'm really sorry. I'll be sure to send a gift though!"
"Yup. I can hardly believe it myself, most days."
"I didn't even know you were seeing anyone! Who is this guy? Why didn't you let your incredible Unovan friends suss him out for you?"
Another wince. "...About that. Yeah... He's not...um. In the picture."
"What? How? Why? Whomst would even dare? Do I need to kick some ass?"
"It's...." You still haven’t gotten used to talking about the subject. "It's a lot. Don't. ...Don't worry! Really! I have tons of support! It's fine. For real."
Carmine absolutely isn't buying it. "Mm. Fine. I guess I get why you can't make it to the graduation. Could we come visit afterwards though? Like I get you probably wouldn't want us there immediately after he graduates. But...maybe like a few months later? Give the thing a chance to develop an immune system?"
"I can't promise I'll be a great host, but... Well, it would be nice."
"Don't worry yourself none! I've changed diapers and stuff before if you end up needing a nap while we're around!"
So around the time Basil is 3 months old, the Kitakami pair head to Paldea.
Of course, Basil is having a rough time of it, screaming his little lungs out as they're knocking on the door, so you can only hope that you don’t look as frazzled as you feel when you welcome them in.
"Hey! Hello! Please, come in, come in. Make yourselves at home.” You give the pair a hug at the same time, barely able to register them beyond the fog of ‘TAKE CARE OF BASIL, TAKE CARE OF CRYING PROGENY, TAKE CARE OF BABY’ that alarms through your brain. “I'm really sorry, but I just need to feed Basil real fast. That should hopefully get him sleeping and happy again."
You usher them in and invite them to sit on the sofa, the TV is theirs, and you hide away in the bedroom to nurse. A few minutes later, Carmine gently knocks on the door and asks if she can be of any help. You joke through the wood that the dishes need doing when she presses past the feeble ‘it’s fine!’ that you offer.
"Kiki! Take care of the dishes, yeah?"
"On it!" You hear, softer.
"Okay, what else?" She continues.
"No! Just. Just relax, please."
"Nah, I'm gonna tidy up. Kay? You just keep feeding the chonklet there, and we can catch up when you're done."
You come back out to the room, and it's not Clean, but it's definitely more put together. You also hear the hum of the dishwasher from the kitchen.
"You guys...." You start tearing up, and both siblings immediately swoop in to hold you. Carmine strokes your hair, shushing you. Now that you’ve got your child content, you have a moment to comprehend your guests.
Kieran is. Bigger.
"I... I promise I'm not this pathetic! I can handle this. Plus, I... I have folks here who can help... It's just hard..." You snivel, sounding way more pathetic than you mean to sound.
"It's okay that it's hard..." Kieran finally pipes up and his voice is definitely deeper since you last heard him. Not a bass or something, but there's been a change there. "This is more or less the hardest thing in the world, right? And we all know you're the strongest person there is, so...ya know. It's okay. You...you can do this. And you can feel overwhelmed."
They end up staying for about a week or so, and on the night before they're due to fly back, Kieran pulls you aside while Carmine is grabbing takeaway for dinner. He's fidgeting with his hair a bit, tapping his foot, but he's doing his best to meet your eye.
"I'm staying." He declares.
"What? Like you're gonna look for a job here?"
"Yeah! I know I'm not as strong as you, but I'm certain I could get a job in your league or...or maybe even at your alma mater, maybe. I... I'd need to do a teaching cert in Paldea for that, probably, but..."
"Wow! So you liked it that much here? That's great, Kieran. I can help you learn the language if you want. I can also see if Nemona has any real estate connections. We'll try to find you a place when you're ready to get back, and hopefully by then you'll have a job, and you can get started wi--"
"No! I mean... I'm. I'm not going back to Kitakami." One of his hands grabs yours and the other rests gently on Basil, sleeping soundly in your arms. "He needs...a...a father figure, y'know? I..." Kieran swallows thickly. "I can do that. I'm... I'm a man now."
"Kieran..." You shift slightly, freeing a hand from your bundle while keeping him balanced in your arms. You trace a palm along the older boy--no, man's cheek, your callouses having grown softer in recent months. You can feel where he's begun to grow consistent stubble. Wow... He really did grow up.
"I... I'm not going to keep you from reaching your fullest potential out there. You're welcome, more than welcome, to come visit any time, but... You're not thinking clearly about this. About what you think you're signing up for."
"I AM though!" He raises his voice, showing some hints of the anger he holds onto. "I'm READY for this! God, why can't anyone TRUST me?!"
All the yelling wakes up Basil, who cries, startled. Kieran quickly scoops him up and out of your arms, attempting to soothe the baby.
"Aw, geez... I'm sorry, little guy... I didn't mean to make you upset... Shh, shh... It'll be okay..."
The momentary flare of anger you felt at having your son torn from your grip is placated as you watch Kieran hold him so tenderly. Your heart melts... You lose all affection you may have secretly held onto in your heart for Arven, that loser.
Kieran is here. Kieran is capable. Kieran... Kieran can do this.
"Okay..." You softly tell him once Basil has calmed, the single word hanging in the quiet between you for a moment.
"...Okay?" He parrots.
"You... You can stay. You... You'll be his father."
Then y'all DO IT.
april fools :)
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archivalofsins · 2 months
Oh yeah the funniest shit ever-
Mahiru being entirely disinterested in Shidou-
2023/10/24 Shidou's birthday
Mahiru: Shidou-san, you have a family...right? Having family, having children, how does it feel...?
Shidou: ...Yes, it's a wonderful thing. Children are... Well, they're hope itself. When you have children, growing older becomes enjoyable. The more you age, the more your children grow.
Mahiru: Ah...how wonderful. It was my dream to become a bride. It may be a little old-fashioned but, I wanted to make it come true...
Shidou: It's not too late. I will keep you alive, Shiina-kun. Let's get out of here and make that dream come true. ...You still have your whole life ahead of you.
Meanwhile, with Futa-
2024/01/17, Mahiru's birthday
Futa: ......Hey, Mahiru. Are you...doing alright? Isn't there any way you can get better...?
Mahiru: What's wrong, Futa-kun? Yeah, I'm not feeling great... But Shidou-san has been taking care of me all this time. I'm sure if I keep getting treatment like this, I'll get better...
Futa: I see. Continue the treatment, huh... How can you truly be saved, I wonder?
Mahiru: Saved...?? Are you worried about me? ……That's nice of you, Futa-kun. Just thinking that way... Mahiru feels saved already.
Despite Shidou constantly helping her- She has a more positive response to Futa showing concern for her. When he tries to give encouraging words with an undertone of flirting. Since he said let's get out here and make that dream cone true crickets. Again probably because he's not her type and she's stayed this.
Mahiru: Shidou-san…… you’re really good-looking. Personally, I think you’d be better if you ate a bit more, but you’re slim and tall and well put together to boot…… You must’ve been super popular up until now, right?
Shidou: ……yeah, that’s true…… I did my share of fooling around in the past.
Mahiru: Oh~? That’s not the sort of answer I’d expect from you. I’ve got it! Somebody told you that if you replied like that people wouldn’t resent you so much, right?
Shidou: Haha, I’m surprised you guessed. ……it seems that no matter what guise I put on, it’s meaningless against a woman’s insight.
You know who's good with kids reportedly liked by Amane? Mahiru. You know who is a good communicator and on good terms with most in the prison? Mahiru. You know who was able to guess that what Shidou said was due to advice from his wife that helped him because he's usually careless when it comes to personal matters- Mahiru!
"Let's get out of here and make that dream come true."
Meanwhike despite that clear come on when Futa shows comcern someone whom she complained about as no good for being a bully. Well, she started really giving-
"I’m going to start relying on you if you’re kind to me, so please forgive me, thanks!"
Energy if I'm being honest.
"That's nice of you, Futa-kun. Just thinking that way... Mahiru feels saved already."
Meanwhile, Shidou proposing to start a new family like there's still time. Their are lives that need saving mine. I've accepted I can't bring back the dead but maybe I could just start a new family. Meanwhile, Mahiru is just here like "Sorry, I like reciprocity. I want to receive too. So, no... You're still too thin for me on top of that. Meaning I'm just going to politely ignore your advances." And going I already feel saved just from your concern alone to Futa.
These timelines have so many funny implications.
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itonashi · 1 year
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pairing: chigiri hyoma x fem!reader
genre: fluff, a little angst (i guess).
warning: manga spoilers! , grammars and lastly english isn't my first language.
note: used to write fanfics back in 2021. it was black clover haha. i was already on tumblr that time. i think i didn't really improved that much. idk tho. lowercase intended.
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"i have always loved your hair, hyoma."
"is that so?" his grip on the water bottle tightens. he never thought he would meet you again after the u-20 match. he thought his 2 weeks break will be great. he had only finish his hangout with his blue lock friends.
you're still pretty even after a long time. your medium length hair now becoming a long length. your beautiful eyes and supple skin. how he wished to kiss you.
"i'm sorry for that time. i didn't mean to moved school without you knowing. please forgive me, hyoma. i missed you."
"why are you apologizing? i was the one who cut off contact with you. [name], never once have you made a mistake to me. i was the one frustrated because of my injuries that time. i thought you left me but i was the one who misunderstood the situation."
why were you even apologizing? why didn't you just left him like the others did to him. he was the one who shut you off first but yet here you are; talking to him first, apologizing to him first. you're just too kind for him.
you looked at him with sincere eyes. you really wanted to apologized to him. beg him to forgive you. on that day, the day he suddenly blocked you. you thought you did something wrong. you wanted to text him on other social platforms that you could but he blocked you on all of it. you were disheartened.
this time, you would not let chigiri hyoma go for the second time. you would hold him tight. tighter than before.
"can i hug you?" he asked you. he wanted to hold you. the time you were best friend, you were never touchy with him and he appreciates that. he appreciates how you respected boundaries. this is the first time he will ask you this.
you couldn't keep a straight face when he asked you that. chigiri hyoma asking you? to hug? him? the cold guy you befriended in school? you saw a blush forming on his ears, cherry red. you felt like you were going to burst because you still liked him. no, loved him.
without answering him, you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him closer to hug him. he was shocked that you were the one who initiated the action first. he hugged you back.
"sorry." he mumbled.
"it's okay now, hyoma."
the both of you pulled back from the hug. he saw your red face. she's blushing, he thought. you were just so cute. he couldn't resist you. maybe just maybe the two of you could hang out tomorrow.
"can i have your contact number back?"
"of course!"
ah, your bright personality. how could he forgot? you were so bright. that's the kind of person you are. but, you're now so elegant. the kind nature you hold. how lucky is he? having you by his side now.
he didn't mind riding the train with you. if it means spending time with you today? he would do anything. walking side by side. accompany you to your house. he loved you.
and you loved him too. of course, the two of you didn't confess to each other yet. soon enough, it will happened. you knew yourself that you would be the one to confess to him first. before all the moving school happened, you have always been the person to teased him in school because that's the person you are. saying everything that would make him blush.
you just loved his reactions.
"chigiri, did you know?"
"what is it, [name]?" he was packing his bag after a practice and you were there watching him. accompanied by something to do, he doesn't noticed your face smiling mischievously.
"you're very pretty, chigiri. much more prettier than me." he malfunctioned when you said that. he was used to hearing that by other people but hearing it from you? it was rare. you never told it to his face directly at all. it was the first time.
"yeah yeah."
remembering the memories of you teasing him, you giggled quietly. he raised an eyebrow at the sudden giggling. he never know what's on your mind 24/7. he want to know.
loving you was never a mistake for him.
you can always guess what's on his mind. he was too easy to read or maybe you're just good at reading people? but the new him. it was hard for you to know.
but even though this is the new him.
loving him was never a mistake for you.
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notes: hope you all loved it. tbh.. this is making me blush ngl. haha. enjoy!! first oneshot fanfics works on tumblr lol. the wordcount? idk ...
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brujitaadinbo · 6 months
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For today; I just want to reflect on the latest statement from The Mandalorian actress (Katee) that there were no romantic conversations between Brendan (actor in this cast) and her and that they were just jokes. It was obvious that they would deny something like that and it is partly logical; The season makes them come together and walk together, get to know each other more intimately, we return… with all that material, winks, elements, signs, etc etc etc that make them both synchronize and despite their differences, be one and the same in this adventure, together with little Grogu. Don't forget that he is a witness to all this that is happening with these "tough Mandalorians" Definitely for a romance to cook and one that is worthwhile, that is not only superficial or physical (because of course physical attraction is needed) but for this to flourish and be future, as I said, the bases are needed: respect, support, union, intention, companionship, commitment, longing and forgiveness… never deny it… there was
"enemies then lovers" and leaving them as that friendship that has just been born with that wink and that possibility that they are closer and that they can… they definitely know what they are doing… is a very obvious clue. It was obvious that they would deny it and even more so when the spoiler got out of control haha ​​I love Katee because she didn't want to and in the end she told us everything, they let her continue and when they saw that this grew… well obviously, she must respect her work and the contract. And I don't judge it on the contrary, here the ones who started to take us to this ship are the same writers, producers and directors. For some reason the great Carl (actor who plays Greff Karga and has directed The Mandalorian in some chapters) came out to say what he said "I see something else, lust" yes well that was also seen in the Mandalorian way but it was seen. Clearer, neither the water
Katee expressed her opinion and if you can tell me "that doesn't make it objective, rather it's her preferences and it's not fair." Well, I'll tell you; I also expressed something very important. Working under Filoni's guidance for Katee is a delight and he doesn't do things just to do them, Avatar the Last Airbender shows a magnificent piece… she herself says "we worked on the scripts and what he told you and they move the pieces" casual right? No, definitely not…. A connection between Din and Bo that will go from being people who don't get along at all and judge each other to ending up being friends with that complicity… mmm it smells like something is brewing. The best things, what is worth it, even if it is late, the reward is always worth it and no matter the sacrifice or time. I predict it for DinBo
You don't talk just to talk.
Katee also expressed something that everyone considers meaningless or meaningless; the fact that that scene evokes emotion, an emotional and very intimate moment between them. and coincidental the location, the moon as clear and evident symbolism, not just any moon, the moon of Concordia, even the music itself played an important role. But I love this Noise! He is a closed man, with wounds, who little by little comes out of his emotional shell, thanks to Grogu, the new path he has taken, the friends he has created. A man who IF he DOESN'T want to do something he doesn't do it, if it isn't born to him he doesn't do it… few words but a lot of action
Well, he unites all this, with his words; I tell you that this season Din spoke loud and clear. The fact that he reacted and knowing the truth about what happened with Bo katan, Gideon and the saber. He knows he shouldn't have judged her, don't expect an apology as such, but the fact that he came to her and acknowledged that he was wrong and judged her, the fact that he spoke to her in an impersonal way, first mentioning what his tribe thought and then what he thought and felt about her. Mention all the qualities that you see in her, that it is not just the sword or his position, that he was always willing to follow it and now serve it (and I recommend that you look carefully at the meaning of serving, I tell you, it is not just for something how you work or how you pay, serving also fills our hearts when we do it with love, with respect, with those around us, with our most intimate or closest friends, or with anything else) Well, put all this together,
And he adds that he has expressed it this way, in addition to telling her that he would be with her, until the end of her path. Well if this is not Arthurian or romantic without falling into the cliché of “typical” Words can definitely move worlds. That they deny it is really pathetic to me. And well, I don't think I say "platonic", someone who talks to you like that would never be serious because they plan to stay in the shadows ohhh nooo… We know many romances or platonic moments and this one is not pigeonholed into that.
And well, if you wanted to pigeonhole it in that sense, believe me, this would make your relationship more overflowing, that your desire and need to have each other would be stronger… so… What did I tell you; we never lost… on the contrary, they give us more reasons to support this shipp. The best thing was Bo Katan's reaction, it evokes feeling relieved, shocked, surprised, comforted, happy, interested in why this man has so much faith in her? Why do you think dear hahaha?
They also want you to fall into that typical situation, we all see it except you, wake up, unite and be happy!!
What can I tell you friends, until the end in this union, let's say no more…
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godsofhumanity · 10 months
I meant hera and demeter sisterhood hcs loooool
oooohhh lmfaoo sorry haha, WHEW! i was worried someone read my hc and was like "yeah that's romantic".. ewww they are SISTERS in the sibling-sense.
so, Hera and Demeter are like two sides of the same coin to me.. Demeter physically looks like Rhea, but Hera has a lot of Rhea's personality.. so they kinda balance each other out. like, Rhea's whole character gets embodied between the two girls (im not talking about Hestia in this post haha).
anyways, this is important to me because, in my hc's, Rhea sticks around with Kronos for a REALLY long time before she finally puts her foot down.. and i mean, she goes through A LOT. similarly, Hera also sticks around with Zeus for a REALLY long time.. and unlike Rhea, Hera never gets to finally be free of her difficult husband.
now, naturally, i think Zeus and Kronos are on different levels, and there are reasons why i think it was necessary that Kronos x Rhea didn't last, but Zeus x Hera do, but i won't explore that here... my point is that i think Rhea has a hugeee heart, and was extremely forgiving (note: she's not a pushover, she doesn't love Kronos, but she forgives him for all the pain he causes her because she's just the bigger person)... and i think that's similar to Hera always opening her arms to Zeus every time he betrays her heart. Hera inherits Rhea's forgiving nature.
meanwhile, Demeter is wayyy more rigid. she doesn't stay on Olympus because she knows the absolute dogs many of the gods are on Olympus... and she hates the environment. she hates the debauchery, the competitiveness, the corruption. she saw it once, and she will never give Olympus another chance. that's why there's no question that Persephone will be raised away from Olympus... Demeter is unforgiving.
this is where the sisters balance each other out. Hera teaches Demeter to open her heart a little more, Demeter teaches Hera to stand up for herself and fight harder. in this way, both learn the right time to wage war and the right time to end it.
my classic example is the Persephone and Hades myth. we all know how pissed off Demeter was when she learnt of Hades and Zeus' secret arrangement.. in my version of events, after Persephone spends time in the Underworld and learns of a future where she could be a great goddess on her own, not under the shadow of Demeter, she decides to seize that opportunity (she does not love Hades at that time, she just has ambitions and wants to make the most of her godhood), however, when she learns that Demeter's gonna starve the world to death, she decides that she should go home because she doesn't want everyone else to suffer. in Olympus, Zeus, Demeter and Hades are all arguing about what should happen to Persephone, and Hera is the one who is like, "hey let's listen to what Persephone wants"... and by doing that, i think Hera helps Demeter to forgive not Hades, but Persephone.. she helps Demeter let go of her daughter and understand that Persephone isn't leaving her and isn't betraying her.. she kinda opens Demeter's heart up a little.. idk if i explained that properly.
anyways, my point is that Demeter and Hera help each other develop.
i imagine Demeter to be Hera's closest confidant in all the affairs that go down in Olympus. i like the idea of Demeter being the one who encourages Hera to put her foot down to Zeus, and i like the idea of Demeter being on Hera's side for all of those mini-(failed)-rebellions that we see Hera lead against Zeus in the myths. to be clear, i don't think Demeter encourages Hera to abuse Zeus' mistresses-- that's Hera's own thing. but i do think Demeter helps Hera to be a little tougher.
i think Hera spends the most time in Demeter's company, like on her farm... i think both women appreciate being away from the buzz of Olympus... i imagine that in their youth, when the second generation of titans and the Olympians were on good terms (i.e., before the punishment of Prometheus), Demeter and Hera would have gotten away from the busyness of Olympus by hiding out on Asteria's island (which was forbidden to all gods/men), and they would spend their time with the other girls; Hesione (Prometheus' wife), Metis (this would have been before her death), Asteria, Styx, Eos, Selene, etc., dancing, frolicking in the fields, making flower crowns, sparring, etc.
and then after the titans left Olympus when relationships broke down, Hera and Demeter were kind of the only ones left... that's how they started hanging around Demeter's farm instead of Asteria's island.
anyways. they are super tight and are essentially each other's best friend <33
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final-girl96 · 1 year
"Where are you taking me?" I asked, looking out the window. "Don't worry about it. You'll see when we get there," Eddie said. Even in the dark I started to notice where we were. "Are you taking me to lovers lake?" I asked. "No, I am not taking you to lovers lake." Well, that was the way we were headed, so where could he possibly take me. "Skull rock? Please tell me you're not taking me to skull rock, Eddie!" He chuckled and shook his head. "No, I'm not taking you there either."
I sighed and looked out the window. Eddie made a left turn onto a dirt road and the confusion grew more. "You're not going to kill me are you?" I asked jokingly, but also kind of serious. "Maybe. Maybe not. Guess you'll just have to find out." He looked over at me with a smile on his face and gave me a wink. "Funny. Haha!" It's only been not even ten minutes since we left the little burger place.
Eventually we came out into a clearing after having nothing but trees on both sides of us for almost a mile. Eddie pulled off of the road and drove out into the middle of the clearing. As we got closer I saw an overlook. You could see the whole town from up here. The lights shined down below from businesses and houses. The van came to a stop and Eddie put it in park.
He swung his door open and hopped out, going around to the back and opening the door. "Well, come on," he said, pulling the blankets out and slamming the door closed. I grabbed the bag of food and our milkshakes, after opening the door. Eddie laid one of the blankets out on the ground, dropping the other one on top of it before coming over to me and taking the bag and his shake. I walked over and sat down on the soft blanket with my legs under me.
"So, you bring all the girls here?" I asked. As he handed me a burger. He took his out and then dumped the fries into the bag for us to share. "Nope. You're the only person I've ever brought up here. I like to come up here when I need to be alone and think." I hummed, unwrapping the burger and taking a bite. "Oh! This is really good!" I said, covering my mouth full of food. Eddie laughed and nodded his head, "I know."
"So. What made you want to bring me to the place you come to, to be alone?" I asked. He shrugged, "I like you. And I know you like being alone more than being around other people. Figured it would be better than taking you to a restaurant." I chewed my food getting ready to reply but he beat me to it. "And it's a good place to kill you. Nobody would hear you scream."
I looked at him with wide eyes. I could tell he was trying to keep a straight face before he burst out laughing. "Your face! Oh, my god!" I hit his arm, not able to keep my own smile off my face. "Shut up! You're such a jerk!" I laughed and threw a fry at him.
The rest of the night went like that. We T out food, talked, and laughed. We both laid down on our backs at one point and looked up at the sky. The stars were shining brightly above us. "Thank you for tonight. I had a great time," I said, quietly. I turned my head to look over at him to find he was already looking at me. "Thank you for forgiving me," he said.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked, sitting up. Eddie sat up and nodded his head. "You don't have to ask me if you ask me something," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and then took a deep breath. "Um…Stacy…she was the girl you stood me up for, isn't she?" Eddie put his head down before grabbing my hand.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I was a fucking asshole for doing that. For letting my dick do the thinking. But, look, it's not going to happen again. I'll admit I'm not one to just settle down with one girl. Hell, I'm not the kind of guy that gets into a relationship. But you're–you've changed that. I want more with you. I don't just want sex. I mean, I won't lie…" his eyes roamed over my body for a few seconds before continuing with what he was saying.
"I do want to have sex with you. But I don't want to pressure you into doing it. I'll wait until you're ready because you're worth it. I wasn't expecting to see Stacy here. Hell, when I saw her, I couldn't even remember her name. She told me she was just visiting her dad. Never thought I'd see her again. She means nothing to me. So you have nothing to worry about."
Nothing to worry about. That's about the biggest lie I've ever heard. But Eddie wouldn't know that. He wouldn't know that it was a lie because guys don't understand how girls are. It was clear she wanted him, and it was clear that I would have to worry about her. Just looking at her told me she always got what she wanted. I mean she's fucking beautiful, like really really beautiful. There is no way she gets rejected that often.
She would be a problem for me. And Eddie said it himself; he isn't the kind of guy to be in a relationship. Wait…does he want to be in a relationship with me? Do I want that? I've never had a boyfriend before. Hell, I've never been kissed before until tonight. There is no way he'd be okay with waiting until I was ready. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Eddie snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"You okay, sweetheart? You spaced out there for a minute." I nodded my head, "yeah. Sorry, I was just thinking," I said, looking down at the blanket. "She has nothing on you. And don't say she's my type. Sure she likes the same music and all that. But you do too. Fucking hell, sweetheart, you're dad is in one of my favorite bands! Not that that's the reason I like you! Actually, I've always noticed you."
I looked at him confused, "what?" I asked. "I've always noticed you. You think you make yourself invisible and maybe you do to some people, but not to me. I've been called a freak damn near my whole life. I wanted to talk to you when you first came to Hawkins but I was too scared to. And then it just pushed away, and I became who I am now. I sell drugs out behind the school to those assholes who torture me every day."
He took a deep breath and looked away from me as he continued. "And then I started sleeping around with girls from the bars where my band's gigs were. That turned into fucking girls in our school. Who in turn pretended it never happened. But that also helped spread a rumor around to the other girls that I could give them a better time than their asshole boyfriends. Misty was one of them, but I want to put that behind me. I was actually excited when Mrs. Adler said you would be tutoring me. That meant I'd actually get to talk to you."
He looked back up at me, and I moved closer. "So, you have a crush on me. Is that what you're saying, Edward Munson?" He cringed at me using his real name. "Well, now I don't." I laughed and pushed him slightly. Then I made a bold move and straddled him. He suvked in a sharp breath, hands going to my hips. "This is a dangerous game you're playing, sweetheart." His grip tightened on me, and I bit my lip. "Shut up and kiss me, Munson." He didn't need to be told twice. His lips connected with mine at the same time he changed the position to where I was on my back, and he was on top of me.
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'Help' Chapter 10. (part two)
"And what?" asked Macaque. The king wiggled his fingers and said, "I think it worked, come give me your hand so I can get up." The warrior did. The king got up. He was finally able to stand on his feet. He took a few steps. Of course, he was leaning on the warrior's shoulder. Wukong's steps were still  wavering and unsteady, but the important thing was that he was able to do it. He looked at his Liuer with joyful eyes and a smile. The warrior also smiled.
"Then are we going ?" asked the king. He was so happy and confident that he let go of Macaque's arm and started to run, but he almost fell. But in time, he was grabbed by a dark-haired monkey who glared at him and said, "Wukong, take it slow, take small steps."
"Fine," replied the king, and grabbed Macaque's arm again. They left the room. When they entered the PIF and DBK were already at dining hall. On one side of the table sat DBK and on the other side his wife. Wukong and the warrior sat next to each other in the middle.
"And yet you can walk," said PIF.
"Now yes," answered the king. "Forgive me for my behavior before, I was unable to move."
The servants brought the first course.
"So we're listening, what did you do this time?" said DBK.
“How to say..hm..this time I messed with the Emperor again..” Wukong said.
"Aha.. that's nothing new.. haha" DBK laughed.
"You must have upset him a lot to see you like this," PIF said, looking at the monkey with a raised eyebrow.
''As for that... it wasn't quite like that...''
''Well, how it was, as far as I know, it takes a great deal of power to get you to such a state, brother, that you couldn't move, and here it should be noted that I've never seen the mighty Sun Wukong in such a state before. Isn't it?” said DBK. "What was it about this time, I guess you didn't want to defeat the emperor alone again."
''It almost happened if it wasn't ... well, but that wasn't the main intention. I just wanted him to keep his word and..."
''He didn't keep..'' finished PIF.
''I got carried away a bit and it turned out as it turned out''
"Wukong, how many times do I have to tell you that it wasn't your fault," Macaque said. PIF and DBK were a bit surprised at this statement.
“What did the Emperor promise you?” asked PIF.
“Freedom?!” DBK almost choked on his wine. "Come on, don't be ridiculous, how could he take away your freedom?" Wukong pointed his finger at the crown.
"Ah.. that's it," DBK added.
''Yes. As you know, Wukong has this crown and it was supposed to be taken off after this whole trip, only that the emperor didn't want to take it off at all. Worse, he wanted to control him by making Wukong serve him.” Macaque said.
"And that's why you got upset?" she told PIF.
"I'm not surprised by him," DBK added.
''I got a little angry away then...''
''It's a bit of an understatement. You know what would have happened without Guain's help,' said the warrior.
''I know, but.. yeah''
“Was it that bad?” asked PIF.
"Unfortunately," replied the warrior.
The servants brought the second course.
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s9e9 holy terror (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad bruckner)
embarrassing but even though i've read a lot of fic for seasons i haven't watched yet, i didn't even consider until that recap put those bits side by side (angels conning people into saying yes + ezekial) that the angel inside sam was like. up to no good in some fashion?? LOL. me n dean. i think i even know the bad angel's name because i've definitely seen it mentioned in fic 😂🤪 this is like how i was kind of on sam's side about ruby, like i know she's up to something but we can make this work!! haha
SAM No, it's more than Vesta! I mean, this kind of thing's been happening to me. Like, like, there are chunks of time just … missing. Like there are times when I'm… not here.
💔 sam has a lot of reasons to worry about the state of his mental health, mad at dean, mad at the show. etc etc.
DEAN Yeah, because … damn straight the trials. They whacked you, man. You're not up to warp speed yet, okay? But you will be. Would I lie?
more mad at the show/dean. like, why make him say that. why make sam feel that way, doubting himself and trusting dean when he shouldn't. a pal said it was the righteous man's turn to fuck up now and dean's doubling down
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literally just yelled "oh COME ON" i forgot about this. it was in the recap, but i already forgot. dean made that face and i was like, did he lie about something? i can't remember that either.
heaven politics have my brain glazing over yet again
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other than giving dean the much needed turn to fuck up and need to grovel and beg for forgiveness, the only thing i like about this ezekial situation is dean's increasingly flustered reactions to him popping in
CASTIEL It is so good being together again. You know, this is my first beer as a human. I hope it's okay, me joining you? SAM Why wouldn't it be okay?
i'm happy that sam's happy to have cas around, and i feel like he'd have reason to be not happy with cas but honestly i have no idea where things were left between them. i lose track when it's a plotline every several episodes.
EZEKIEL-IN-SAM I told you. When I chose to answer your prayers and heal Sam, I chose sides. That means I'm not in good standing with certain angels. DEAN Okay, well, you know what? Cas isn't in good standing with any angel, all right? But here he is, ass on the line, fighting the fight. So tell me, what makes you so special?
what indeed! dean and i are both idiots 😂
METATRON Well, I'm really looking forward to this. EZEKIEL-IN-SAM Excuse me? METATRON Oh, please. I know who you really are. And it isn't Ezekiel. NOT-EZEKIEL-IN-SAM looks constipated.
got another funny transcription, thank you. gadreel reveal??? i'm going to be way less impressed with myself when it's someone else
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CASTIEL You said the angel, Ezekiel, helped heal him. DEAN (looks down, avoiding the question) Look, I got to do anything I can to get him back. Now, if that means that we keep our distance from you for a little while, then... Then I don't have a choice. I don't feel good about it, but I don't have a choice. It's great to have your help, Cas. Okay, but we just can't work together. CAS looks sad.
understatement! good job dean, made him make the sad wet kitten face.
METATRON And yet you spent countless thousands of years locked in Heaven's darkest dungeon. And now you're hiding in this human, posing as Ezekiel.
i did not know that! i know nothing about gadreel just bad+sam. lol (and yet that wasn't enough of a clue!!)
METATRON And so … Plan "B." Rebuild Heaven as the place God envisioned it, only with a handpicked few. No more anemic functionaries like Bartholomew. And no more stupid angels. (consideringly) Maybe some funny ones.
i'm not down with calling cas stupid, and i don't know if this was meant to be a little shade on cas per se, but i did appreciate it nonetheless. because cas consistently makes the worst decisions. but he was funny there for a bit! let's go back to that
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LOL this framing he looks like the big robot
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the day the earth stood still (2008)
GADREEL-IN-SAM Humans do seem chaotic, Metatron. METATRON Which makes them fascinating, but... All that emotion. Geez. And the wasted energy. It's just... exhausting. GADREEL-IN-SAM I know. Sam Winchester... It is a mess in here. And the brother – I do not know where to start.
low hanging fruit but i'll take it
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pretty shot
wanna know a secret? i force myself to pay attention to the goings-on with cas and make sure i include bits of it whenever he's around only because he has such a large presence in fandom's mind. otherwise i kind of tune him out like i do the political machinations. he's around more than people like jody, his storylines never make much sense because he just makes the most batshit decisions, they talk about his relationship with dean more than they ever show it. it's such a weird combo. it's like we're all pretending he has a bigger part in the story than he ever does on screen. but we (the show) talk about it, and the fandom talks about what the show talks about. i may be too high for this thought process
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see i forget about kevin too! and i like kevin. i love how completely fucking over this all he is. but he keeps plugging away, forgotten, somewhere.
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no pressure. just a bunch of kids died too.
was cas trying to get caught? i'm confused
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????? okay. needed to fill that torture quota
CASTIEL I've explained in detail. I don't know how Metatron's spell worked. Therefore, I can't assist in reversing it. I was an unwitting accomplice. MALACHI Ohhh. A dupe. The great Castiel. Valued and trusted Castiel. Top-of-the-Christmas-tree Castiel. No more than a dupe.
MALACHI Just following your example, Castiel. How many did you kill in Heaven? How many in the Fall? Oh, you didn't know? A host of angels died when they fell – Azrael, Sophia, Ezekiel
i was like, he got you there, cas! about the following your example thing but now cas finds out about not-ezekial, ok
i am so confused. cas sucking this dude's grace out
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very domestic and sweet.
CASTIEL I… I did what I had to. I became what they've become. A barbarian.
i mean, not the first time, amirite
all right, dean and i got with the program, not-ezekial==bad.
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DEAN You're gonna have to trust me, okay, trust that I told you everything that I can for now. Can you do that? KEVIN I always trust you. (DEAN nods.) And I always end up screwed. DEAN Oh, come on. Always? Not always.
cute cute. kevin's fun
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i compulsively screenshot the bunker too because i'd like to try to understand the layout but i'm useless at it. i should just cheat and look it up. anyway, what's up with the weird bathroom vanity sinks in not-bathroom rooms. one in the kitchen, one in the war room place
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s8e15 (mentioned it here too :p)
DEAN (hurriedly) No, you don't. I mean messed you up like almost dead. No more birthdays, dust to dust. Well, that messed me up, so I made a move, okay, a tough move about you without talking it over because you were in a coma.
oh, dean.
DEAN I tricked you into saying yes. It seemed like the only way. SAM (sighs) So... Again. You thought I couldn't handle something, so you took over! DEAN No, I did what I had to do! You would've never agreed to it, and you would've died. SAM Well, maybe I would've liked the choice, at least. DEAN We can do this – later. You can – you can kick my ass all you want. Right now, we got bigger problems.
i can feel that longstanding frustration-rage bubbling up that's so particular to a familial relationship
oh, gadreel fooled me too. i thought maybe he popped back in because dean was too slow.
and i knew kevin died (only recently read something that mentioned it, i generally avoid stuff around the time period i'm watching when reading but oops) but like. anticlimactic? :\ and as always, ALWAYS just when i start to really enjoy a side character they get killed off. womp womp. at least i didn't cry, that's something
instead i just sighed because "trust me, kevin" and "i always end up screwed :)" so now dean's gonna feel guilty. he's already feeling guilty enough, did we need that too? when they push too hard on the excessive dean whump, i get annoyed. like the whole 4 months=40 years, i enjoyed torturing people, etc. edgelord bullshit :P
the single tear of man pain has returned
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bring it on (2000)
what i think of every time
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bcofl0ve · 2 months
this is a question that's always interested me, so forgive me if you've already been asked this. but in another universe*hypothetically* if v and aus were still together do you think everyone would actually like, like them together? even with knowing that she probably didn't treat him all that nicely. how do you think our fandom would look??
speaking about the public at large and not just *my* personal opinion...i think it would've been not great for public perception. like i joke about how he was probably relieved he was #free during the whole "wellll people are gonna dieeee buttt" covid thing but. i think it is gen for the better he is still tied to someone who is like problematic-lite, and like, problematic publicly lol. though granted if they kept up the pda to the extent that it was amped up in older pap photos then maybe ppl would be willing to forgot about that haha. one thing stan twitter loves is pda pap photos of cute actors!
if she *wasn't* problematic in the ways she is i don't think i'd mind her. she's a pretty gal, and i can't knock her being WooWoo or anything like that bc i too am a woowoo girlie. i actually caught shit on here before the whole 'crying' comment debacle/the talk about her not being nice to him bc i was so neutral on her that i bordered into defending her a smidge. i know how it can "look" for fandoms of ppl of the male gender to really go to the mat against a woman in their life. but at this point, i think disliking her and disliking her *publicly* is just fine and not like, misogynist.
in terms of our fandom specifically? i think at large, if she was the same problematic girl is now that we'd mostly ignore her and that there'd be a lot of "well austin isn't her, she's her own person" talk whenever she did something dumb. with some more intense discourse if the stuff about her not being nice to him came out while they were still together.
but if this was in an AU where she's without any issues, i think the same people that are really gung ho about hating kaia would hate her too. ive said this before but while *some* of the shit k gets is directed at her individually re: her parents/her being a nepo baby...anyone he was with would have ppl who want him single up in arms for one reason or another. off topic from vanessa, but it always makes me giggle when (moreso on twitter, not here) ppl who i know are anti-kaia go on and on about missing auslivia/fantasize about them getting back together. likeeeeee. babe be fr. you would be in line to burn olivia at the damn stake if those roles were really all swip swapped. i love olivia to death, but she's objectively somewhat of a messy figure in austin land. i can vividly see all the hypothetical "austin is pushover for letting her get away with blah blah blah, she's clearly manipulating him, poor austin! boo privileged australian rich girl!" posts from the anti-girlfriends if they had worked out or gotten back together lololol. (and before someone fusses at me over even these hypotheticals, i know it'll never happen! i am a lot of things, but not completely delulu)
something something the grass always looks greener on the other side...
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shatter-song · 1 year
hi, im going to rant about my hunter and viney brotp headcanons to cope with the end
ill put it under a read more because it could get long
viney was the one who kept in contact with him after ASIAS. i always felt like he had to keep in contact with someone and viney felt like the right choice
she demanded pictures of flapjack in exchange for giving her emotional damage
now they send each other pictures of their respective palismen being cute
viney definitely gives him puddles updates because how funny she knows it is
hunter only manages to be a little annoyed
after viney got a little more comfortable around him, she talks to him about her friends and how the others on the team are doing
she does encourage him to reach out to at least someone else and it ends up being skara
after intial and warranted distrust, she and hunter eventually come together to write ruler's reach fanfiction
viney: yeah skara's great! she's been helping a lot with the animals here she's so good with bard magic like wow she's so pretty too she's so smart she's very fun to hangout with and puddles likes her too-
hunter: yeah
jerbo and barcus kinda freak out over the fact that viney is regularly texting her kidnapper but she waves them off
barcus and jerbo: WHY are you texting him, he's literally the GOLDEN GUARD
viney: I Suddenly Cannot Hear Anything
its even more funny when you realize that Jerbo is canonically anti gov/Belos
and the fact that that all 3 of them despise covens
regardless, viney really comes to enjoy his company and vice versa
it's nice for like 2 weeks or smth
then it's just. not
hunter ghosts viney for a week which causes the witch to worry. things weren't perfect but it was all starting to get better
the illusion covenhead shows up at the end of that same week and who does her and skara see knocked out? Hunter.
needless to say Viney easily knocks out the scouts carrying him and take him back to the healing homeroom
i hc that viney didn't defend him because well. the whole kidnapping situation wasn't just kidnapping. being forced to join a coven, her palisman taken away?
she forgives him because he shows that he regrets what he did and took action to let them go but trust? that takes time
but that trust is earned by beating the shit out of coven scouts with her
after kicking the Emperor's Coven out, hunter ends up living with viney for a week
she was the only one he kept contact with after ASIAS. plus her family isn't quite as well known or as seen as gus' dad is and willow did show up at eda's petrification
workout buddies! viney is buff as hell for a reason
hunter trains viney on how to fight. at least what he can teach in like a week
actually, viney being a healer and beastkeeper means being more on the defense, like hunter
at the end of the day, viney is more than willing to say she cares about hunter
they both care. SO MUCH
like not even just about each other but just in general. they're so naturally gentle and kind, with wildlife and others and are so willing to do anything in order to keep those important to them safe
like. UGH /pos
anyways that's all I got, thanks for reading
what if you were to... ask me about grimwalker hcs?? haha jk... unless?
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oletus-manors-log · 1 year
Hello there! Can i send a letter in for some general relationship headcanons (romantic) for Mary/bloody queen and grace/naiad? Your rules aren't posted yet so I'm not sure if this is against them or not, if they are though I'll change my request! Make sure to not rush yourself dear and I hope you have a great day!
“ Relationship headcannons for the two ladies, hm? How interesting... I'll be sure to give these two justice, my guest. Oh, and no need to worry about the rules- you hadn't even broke any, haha~
Anyway, if you need to see them, you're free to check them here. I do hope it isn't too complicated to follow. I'd feel bad if any future guests get confused- the Baron would have my head if he found out... ”
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General Romance HCs for: Mary & Grace
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Romance is... Quite an elusive thing to Mary.
She hasn't really thought much of romance after what had happened to her and all, and the only time she was in a romantic relationship was with another woman of royalty.
But after what had happened, it's scarred her enough that she became wary of her future significant others in fear of being betrayed.
Though, that doesn't mean she wouldn't treat them right— she's just a little more cautious than most think, believe me.
That aside, if she is in a relationship with someone, she'd treat them like royalty.
Madame Red would nothing less than the best for her lover, after all!
She also likes to call them by various nicknames and pet names, but has a preference to simple ones: love, King/Queen, jewel...
She doesn't really like calling her lover such... Grandiose nicknames. Its such a mouthful to pronounce when she can just call them her King or Queen, you know?
Surprisingly enough, she actually likes being less... Flashy with showing her love for someone.
Having to share those intimate moments with her lover behind closed doors is something she loves, and she hates it when someone snoops in to see them be all intimate.
In some cases, however, she does show those intimate gestures outside of the room if for a brief moment.
It can be just a gentle kiss, a smile that looks so sweet and intimate, or even just a simple brush of her hand against her lover's.
It can even come down to those indirect kisses you'd share over eating some pastries or even from drinking from the same cup.
Little things makes Mary's heart feel like it's beating, even if she is dead.
People think she may be a little... Insufferable due to her attitude, but with her lover, she knows they wouldn't dare judge her.
And she feels more confident in that aspect, knowing that the Queen can never be far from the King.
“ Oh, you're here, my love. Just in time for our afternoon tea as always. ”
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Ah, love... Something that Grace has absolutely not been graced by the Gods when she was once human in the village.
She hasn't even known how it really feels like, to fall in love. How is it like? Is it like the things she saw with Ada and Emil, where they'd be so touchy or even act so... So lovey-dovey?
Poor, poor Naiad... She has no clue how to comprehend such a thing.
Forgive her if she becomes a little confused and lost on romance. She has yet to really experience these things fully and immerse herself in it, so if she acts a little odd, then you know why.
Patience is needed when it comes to Grace— she's the last person to comprehend about what romance is like, but she's learned quite a bit from the others in the manor, so she isn't a complete lost soul in the matter.
However, should she be in love with someone, she would be in a myriad of emotions.
Mixed and unable to pinpoint on what she wants to do, she becomes... Nonverbal, if that makes sense.
She may just let out a few frustrated grunts before lowering herself onto her lover, grumbling about how she wants to express her undying love for them, but... But it's hard. And it is annoying!
That aside, though, she does slowly learn how it works and opts to take on the less speaking route when expressing her feelings on a romantic sense.
She would often gather shells and even a few trinkets from Lakeside Village as a way to show her love, only giving it on special days while quietly explaining what each shell or trinket she got from the depths below.
The fish that follow her when she dashes? Yeah, they actually grow affectionate and wouldn't mind having to rub their faces towards her lover.
She actually enjoys spending time cuddling with her lover, not caring too much on the location— all she cares is that it's private and only she and her lover are the only ones in the room.
She has fantasized having to let her lover swim with her from the depths of the village, showing them what she sees underwater, especially when it is night. At that time, she lets her lover enjoy the sight as she sings songs that is incomprehensible to the human tongue, but sounds so enchanting to anyone who hears it.
She actually doesn't call her lover by any nicknames, particularly because she doesn't see the point of it. And besides, she may not be the best to articulate her feelings, she knows that her lover would know that she loves them.
She just has a different way of showing it.
“ ... You're here. I thought you wouldn't make it, especially since it's so late... But it's alright— you're here now, and that's all that matters. ”
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parvuls · 1 year
ted lasso thoughts and HEAPS of spoilers
current fave eps: ep2 > ep4 > ep1 > ep3. although, honestly? not enjoying this season as much as the other two. we're DEFINITELY in the dark forest.
taking it from the top: this week we're obviously dealing with anger and when it's healthy or unhealthy to express it.
ted first. loved his obsession with sassy telling him he's a mess. I feel like everybody tried to shake ted this season, but it was the wrong approach - ted doesn't respond to being told he should be angrier, or that he has to win. it's not who he is! but ted does respond to people calling him out on not having it together, and the way that translated in this ep was great. he still hasn't cracked open the nate box, but sassy and beard did drive him to finally talk to michelle. although I would've loved him to be more angry, and actually call her out on the unethical aspect of it and how SHE SHOULD'VE TALKED TO HIM ABOUT BRINGING A PERSON INTO THEIR CHILD'S LIFE, and even hear her response - I'm happy that we got some reaction out of him at all.
next up is the team, which, honestly? my favorite part of the season so far. that scene they glare at nate in a row is FUCKING GOLD!!! and yeah, that anger made them play like shit, but I liked that honestly. I think with the whole zava thing and ted falling apart we've veered too far from The Lasso Way. playing just to win or out of hate isn't supposed to work out for you in this show, because the whole point is that being a good person reaps rewards. loved that they kind of took a hit because now we know there's definitely some well earned wins coming their way!
aaaand rebecca. certainly close on the team's heels as this season's star. her choice to express her anger to ted in HIS words (being uhhh a bit too supportive and optimistic haha) was SO good. and her choice not to go to bex to immediately hurt rupert spoke so much about her and what she's been through. her reeling her anger in to tell him to get his shit together for someone else's benefit? incredible, amazing, 10/10.
the whole keeley arcs this season are actually really disappointing me. I'm not a fan of this disjointed storytelling. first there's the roy breakup, which keeley STILL did not get the chance to grieve on screen, and then there's barbara, which seemed like it was going somewhere for a hot sec but in this episode it's like it didn't happen? and then there's shandy, which??? like, yeah, she majorly fucked up now, there were hints this was coming, but WHERE IS IT GOING, one minute she's doing well and one minute she's fucking it all up? and now jack is just another directionless character (although loved the twist of more women in charge). and keeley/jamie????
some interviews almost explicitly stated there'd be more keeley/jamie this season and that it'd become "less clear who should be with who", but, I'm sorry, I'm really let down by this writing. keeley/jamie are obviously not endgame and if somehow they are, this is HIMYM syndrome and the writers are deaf to their audience. which means jamie is just a device to further the keeleyroy drama and it's TIRING, and it's annoying, and he's been doing so well and deserves better. like yeah jamie is more accountable now? but also he and keeley are muuuuch better off as platonic, as evidenced by the growth they've had SPECIFICALLY when not fucking.
last but not least before we touch on nate - the trent slow burn with all the lingering looks on colin are a nice touch. I think the way they toned down the drama from last episode's cliffhanger really puts things into perspective, and lets the viewer observe locker room homophobia from an outsider's pov.
nate, my behated ♥️ the decision to let nate be awkward and fumbling and remorseful again was SO WELL DONE. his transition into a west ham baddie was too extreme, and I simply could not see them come back from it - so letting his soft sides show was just the right call. like, fuck if I forgive him for all his shit? man needs to get some fucking therapy and take accountability for his actions. and ted needs to get the fuck over his trauma and CALL NATE OUT. but this way, with these glimpses of the old nate showing, and his willingness to apologize so early on even before the illusion breaks, I can sort of see how a redemption arc could be possible.
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invisiblegarters · 8 months
Dangerous Romance Ep 8
Last week, Kang tried to make Sailom's friends forgive him for all that bullying and treating them like shit, mostly successfully as it turns out. But only really because they are great friends and they can see that Sailom likes him. Auto was very relatable and steadily climbed the ranks into becoming my favorite character, and Guy and Nawa were dumb with alcohol.
Also Saifah got Grandma to hire him. I'm sure that'll go well with absolutely nothing being stolen and no one being arrested and no repercussions for Sailom at all.
See? Sailom doesn't trust his big bro either. We all know.
Pffft yes Kang. Sleeping next to Saifah will totally make you smarter. Well, he knows what genre he's in, at any rate.
Just for tonight, Sailom says. That's how it starts, my friend.
Kang reminds me of my cat. I'll be minding my own business and then I'll just feel eyes on me and I'll look and sure enough, there she is staring fixedly at my face like 👀. Little creeper (affectionate).
Sailom is being really loud.
Guy and Nawa are so ridiculous. I can't take anything they do seriously.
Well I have to say Saifah has rich kids pegged. Will Sailom figure that out, though? Doubtful.
Oh wait I'm watching a different show. I forgot that Sailom is nothing like Sand. Literally the only thing those two have in common is that they're poor and in love with richie riches. And the fact that he went off without so much as trying to get an explanation pretty much guarantees that Kang's reason for not making it isn't just that he's a spoiled shit who didn't feel like it. He's not Ray, either. Gotta remember that lol.
Okay but he still could have called? Was his phone magically broken too? It just shows a certain level of thoughtlessness I dislike.
I just want to take a quick moment to say I really appreciate the trend of letting the inevitable female love rival be a real person and not just a plot device, or a villain who keeps trying to break up the main couple.
Oh that's sweet. But Saifah is not going to care Grandma. I just do not trust that face at all.
Now that the BL sheets have been mentioned I can never unsee it again.
Okay I do love Sailom. He really goes all out when he decides to do a thing, doesn't he.
Product placement!
Uh oh. And we have an injury that's gonna mess up try outs and then dad will step in and pay off coach, yes?
I have to say that this does feel a little different. Usually the rich kids have to learn the lessons of working for a thing and they don't already realize just how little it does for them to get it all from money. In these shows I mean in real life I don't think they give two shits ever haha. But Kang already seems to be very aware of this - he's aimless because nothing is expected from him and he resents it. Maybe I'm wrong though.
Huh. So he was asking for expensive stuff, not taking. I assumed he was taking. I still wonder if he stole that watch though.
Uh oh. I don't like the way Grandma asked that. I'm suspicious of everyone!
Is "I'll deal with him alone" code for makeouts? Because I believe that these two want to kill each other like I believe the sky is neon green.
Two point five please be serious.
Pfft I kind of love how chill Max and Auto are. Like I don't even care anymore it's just funny to me now.
Oh here we go with the blushing maiden shit. It's okay if these guys want to do sexy things to each other, show.
"I'm not just a spoiled rich kid anymore, right?" Oh no it's really gonna suck when you find out dad took care of this for you, kddo.
Dad what are you up to? You are so slimy right now that you're practically oozing.
Oooh he's going off. And there it is. I always knew Dad had that in him.
And hey, this is actually a good use of flashback.
Aw okay this is actually really sweet. I don't know if I'm a diehard shipper yet (so far I enjoy Nawa and Guy more overall), but do like this. I always enjoy a good "us against the world" moment.
Bro you are literally dating why are you asking if he likes you.
Lol oh dear that preview.
I'm getting better with this show. We're vibing now. I'm a little sad it took me eight episodes to do that, but at least we're here, right?
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autisticasgore · 2 years
Does Asgoriel count as pr0ship/problematic? Cause people say it's abusive and is it actually?
I've heard people say it's problematic, but I've never even heard people say it's proship which is a bit of an oddball term to me because like -- Asgoriel is probably the least unproblematic ship out there in my opinion lmao.
I don't really ship Asgoriel myself, but I do like the concept, and I'm friends with many Asgoriel shippers. The main appeal of the ship, from what I can understand, is that it's two people who once loved each other finding each other again and healing together after centuries of loneliness without the other.
Asgore and Toriel's situation is far more complicated than people making it out as if Asgore abused her or something. She has a right to be angry with him because of what he did. But it's not like she's necessarily afraid of him - in fact, she's easily capable of blowing him across the entire battlefield with just a single fireball. And in the rest of the dialogue before Flowey intervenes once more, he stays hunched over. She very quickly puts him in his place, haha.
In my personal opinion, I feel like Asgore would benefit from being with someone who understands him and cares about him, and Toriel would be just fine being a single mother. But I also don't see it as a problematic ship for this reason - because that's just the way I interpret it as a ship. There's a lot of different ways you can interpret Asgoriel, even if it's not necessarily canon post-game. That's the fun of being in a fandom - no one's interpretation of characters and ships are the same, and it's silly to call something problematic just because it's not something you ship personally. I can see why people call it problematic because they are no longer in a relationship post pacifist - but the concept of two people getting back together and working out their issues in a healthy way isn't really a new ship trope.
I will say I dislike it when people vilify or demonise Toriel in the ship, or have something where Asgore just immediately forgives her (or vice versa) and they live happily ever after. Most relationships take time, and realistically, they both need therapy. Asgore immediately forgiving Toriel for the way she treated him is probably close to canon but it's not healthy because it means he doesn't know what healthy boundaries are and is letting himself be walked all over - something which I can imagine was a big part of their relationship.
Idk, they're both great characters. I really don't see how it's a problematic ship even if I don't ship it, personally, and I don't think people should harass or go out of their way to demonise such a harmless pairing. There's also objectively worse pairings tbh.
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