#just something im rotating on my mind rn
dekubreaksbones · 24 days
You know those old AUs where Dabi/Touya trained at the HPSC?
That, but with Natsuo.
Losing both his brother and mother leads Natsuo to have a mental break, resulting in a stress mutation of his quirk. Makes it stronger; currently thinking his ice becomes unmeltable, and certain parts of his body turn completely into ice, such as his arms and jaw. He can regrow the ice and change its formation on his body. The HPSC already had an interest in Endeavor's children, but only after this incident are they able to get their hands on one of them.
He's not the same as Hawks; the commission doesn't own him, it's more of a "boarding school" type thing, and after he becomes a Hero, he's only so on paper. He doesn't have an agency, doesn't patrol, is mostly unknown. He doesn't assassinate people like Lady Nagant and Hawks, they keep his business mostly legal. He's just,,, a hero working specifically and directly for the Commission, called in on certain raids or jobs as the HPSC sees fit.
Outside of that though, he tries to have a normal life. Moves out at 18, attends college, keeps his civilian and hero identities separate. He doesn't have many connections in the hero world; everyone knows he's a Commission plant.
Anyway. Just something i'm thinking really hard of rn. Will probably do some art later
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overrated-sheep · 2 months
head full of thotz about s8 sam’s shame and self loathing
his guilt about not looking for dean, for not being able to be a better brother, for not being trustworthy (again! :,< )
i like to imagine him punishing himself physically but finding some type of magic where he can feel everything but doesn’t take the actual dmg because he still has to have deans back when they hunt
also maybe selling his body so he can attempt to spoil his brother more (also tied up with the shame and guilt about his feelings for dean 👀 )
like the devotion?! very “i’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife” vibes 😋 yum gimme some
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dongiovannitriumphant · 10 months
feeling really intensely inspired for the first time in what feels like years and its like
a very awful little guy of a character who is barely integrated into any story
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mntcoronet · 2 years
me thinking about how I've always felt like one of the "odd"/more weird n solitary kids at school, most of my longest-lasting friends who I find easiest to get along with are neurodivergent in some way, and a lot of the characters I end up really vibing with in a "self recognition through the blorbo" way are also commonly interpreted as being neurodivergent for a lot of the same reasons that I relate to them about: "hmm this definitely doesn't mean anything. not at all. I am just bad at life and i just need to try harder"
#maggles ramblings#and yes i know none of this inherently means anything but i have been wondering about this kind of thing for... several years now#and i must say!! some of the coincidences seem a bit too consistent!!#luckily i am going to see A health professional in about a month's time. so hopefully they will be able to give me some thoughts#i just am not confident enough to say im even LIKELY to have anything bc if I'm wrong then I'll feel the absolute worst about it#> ignores the fact that my mum is literally staying in the mental health ward rn so if she has struggles I'm more likely to have some too#but yea it's like. well i have passable social skills... (bc i spend a lot of time quietly observing ppl instead of talking to them myself)#i did well at school ..... (but excelled the most in primary school when the worksheets were simple and quick to do -#and only got things done on time in high school bc of my fear that the teachers would be disappointed in me if i didn't)#some ppl are just easier to talk to.... (when i know they're more likely to say what they mean and not have any hidden expectations of me)#i don't have focus problems.... (i just find it tough to do things unless my brain decides i really want to spend several hours on it NOW)#surely my teachers would've noticed... (but i was good at the work and planned what to say to them so they didn't worry abt me)#im not as intensely interested in stuff though.. (i literally spend half my days rotating them in my mind i just don't want to bother ppl)#etc etc you get what I'm trying to say. brain has a million excuses as to why i just suck at life#also i literally only figured out the other year or so ago. that when asked how you're doing. you're generally meant to ask it back#I THOUGHT I WAS GREAT WITH MANNERS but whenever teachers would ask me i treated it like a. quiz or something#and sometimes i think i did that with other people too. so. apologies to anyone who has ever dealt with me answering that way#and not returning the question. i genuinely didn't know you were supposed to do that and idk how that slipped past me
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lovehateclay · 11 months
managing the impossible aka thinking very hard about the posabules
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
“look me in the eyes and say you don’t feel anything for me.” with our beloved tin can man din djarin
hi my beloved i am so sorry i didn't get this done last week but here it is!! this prompt punched me in the gut but i love it
words: 1,130
summary: you weren't supposed to get attached to the Mandalorian. But he was easy to fall for, and now you had to reckon with the fact that none of it was ever supposed to be this real.
din djarin masterlist
It's Easier to Lie (When You Don't Stick Around)
Sometimes you wondered what your life would be like if you hadn’t become a bounty hunter. Maybe things would have been easier if you had decided to remain on Tatooine and lived life as a clerk in a clothes shop or a vendor in one of the open-air markets. It would have certainly been easier on your conscience, there’s no doubting that. 
But as much as you occasionally wondered and daydreamed, there had only been one person who actually made you question your life decisions, and that was the Mandalorian. He was kind and gentle, and yet the way he would fight tooth and nail for the child that had become his in all but birth made you reconsider the pledge of solitude that this life forced you to live. 
It didn’t help that you had been traveling with them for a few rotations now. Unfortunately, it was a necessity, as he had something that you had been hired to steal, a priceless artifact that had been perceived as lost since the Clone Wars. And he wasn’t exactly going to just hand it over if you asked nicely (as he had been hired by someone else to ensure its safe passage), so you had to play a bit of a double agent. 
Now, that plan was all falling into place. The Mandalorian and his child were both asleep, and you knew where he kept this artifact. There was a small part of you that felt bad for taking it, but you knew that he did well enough for himself that his child never went hungry. And besides, when you lived this life, you couldn’t afford to be soft. 
Soft, like you could feel your mind becoming every time you looked at him. It didn’t make sense, why you were so immediately drawn to the Mandalorian when you hadn’t known him all that long, but it was the reality you were faced with. And it certainly didn’t help that you had used the feelings that you would usually push down and try to ignore to your advantage, and things had gotten a little out of hand. 
You didn’t know what he looked like, but you knew that his lips were soft, softer than you’ve ever felt before. You had no idea what color his eyes were, but you knew he was a passionate and committed lover. What hurt most of all was the fact that you kissed him knowing that there was no way you’d be sticking around, that all of this was simply just a means to an end. 
At first, you thought he would understand. 
Then you heard him moan your name quietly as he slept.
Things were getting too real too quickly, and it scared you to no end. If he had asked you to forsake your previous life and travel with him until the end of the galaxy you would have said yes in a heartbeat, and that was not okay. It was bad enough that you had already stayed three assignments past when you had said you would leave, and you were starting to wonder if taking this priceless artifact was really worth the inevitable pain of leaving, and having him realize that you had betrayed him. 
But an angry communication from your employer had opened your eyes to the truth, and now all you wanted was out. You wanted to leave him before you did something rash, before you threw away your future and your reputation for something that you weren’t even sure was anything but infatuation. You wanted to return to your life of solitude before you allowed him to tempt you into staying. 
You had just slipped the artifact into your bag when you heard his voice. “Stop right there.”
“I don’t want any trouble Mando,” you said, drawing your blaster. “I promise it’s nothing personal.” 
“I don’t know, it feels pretty personal.” 
“I promise-” you started to say, but he cut you off.
“Was any of what we shared real?” he asked, and you could hear a hint of hurt in his voice through the modulator of his helmet. “Or was it all just a ruse to get what you wanted?” 
You hesitated, which gave him the answer he needed. “I meant what I said, you know,” you said, casting your thoughts back to the conversation you had shared with him when you first came on board, about how you were afraid of love because you’ve never known what it felt like, and that the life of a bounty hunter was the only life you’ve ever imagined yourself succeeding in. “I’m sorry, but it has to be this way.” 
“Does it?” he asked. “Look me in the eyes and say you don’t feel anything for me. Was it really all just business?” 
It was the closest thing to pleading that you had ever heard from him, and you gulped quietly, not knowing if you could truly commit to his request. It scared you so bad, the idea of admitting your feelings to the object of your affection. But as much as wished things could have been different, you knew that you were here because you had a job to do, and you didn’t intend to leave it unfinished. 
“Nothing we had was ever anything more than business Mando,” you said, the chilly edge to your voice hiding the way your heart broke to speak those words. “I thought you of all people would understand.” He didn’t say a word, and due to the helmet on his head you had no idea what expression he wore as he registered your words.  
You expected him to put up more of a fight, you expected to have to prove your worth if you were to leave with this artifact, but that didn’t happen. The Mandalorian stood to the side as you walked out of the ship, and even though you couldn’t see his eyes, you knew they were watching your every move. You almost would have liked it if he had tried to stop you, because this was so much worse. 
When you finally got back to your own ship, you sent a comm to your employer, telling him that you had acquired the artifact and where to meet you to get it. This better be worth the credits, you thought, as you set course for the rendezvous point, your mind still fixated on what (and who) you left behind. 
Maybe one day you would meet again, and you could beg for his forgiveness. 
Maybe one day you would allow yourself to feel the things for him that you were currently ignoring. 
Maybe one day you could be a family. 
But right now you had made your choice, and you had to live with it. 
- the end -
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i-am-church-the-cat · 2 months
After watching 2024 ISU Montreal, Logan as a figure skater has been on my mind for the longest time.
god...aaaa...im rolling on the floor rn, i can't handle it
the years of my life invested in YOI and figure skating aus is unstoppable, i can't hold it back, i must type-ity-type
Logan's father introduced him and Dalton to ice skating through hockey. Even living in Florida, they had been fans of any and every sport. Football was a favorite, of course, as was basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, sailing, surfing, skiing, and golf. High-contact sports were the most compelling to boys of their age, so when they learned that there was a sport where guys slammed into each other with knives on their feet, they had to check it out.
But starting hockey wasn't what made Logan fall in love with the ice. The first time he'd ever skated had been with his mother on a lake by her childhood home back up in Ohio. He'd been so small, stuck to her side like a barnacle, a mama's boy since the beginning.
The smooth glide of his feet across the clear surface was revelatory. The weight of himself was no longer holding him down, gravity was easier to fight on skates instead of shoes. The thin white lines they left behind them were entrancing. Logan never worried about getting lost because he always knew where he'd been.
Hockey was fun but it wasn't what Logan wanted. The ice wasn't made for chipped teeth and blood-soaked spit. Something that was safety and grace, as dangerous as it was beautiful, deserved more respect than that.
There was a kid on the team between his and Dalton's, Lance. He was cool in a weird sort of way and didn't care that Logan never knew when to speak and when to stay silent. They didn't hang out often and they've fallen out of touch since, but it was his fault that Logan became who he was.
Or, more accurately, his sister's.
Chloe wasn't very graceful but she was an artist and she loved the ice. If Logan got to practice early enough, he could watch the tail end of her figure skating practice. Mr. Stroll always rented out the entire rink for Chloe and her private figure skating coach, only the best for his daughter. So a lot of the times it would be just her, dancing on the ice, her coach, shouting critiques over her chosen music, and Logan, sitting lonely and enraptured in the stands.
It took him almost a month of watching Chloe before he got up the nerve to try out some of the things he had seen. The choreography wasn't that hard, though Logan's rhythm wasn't the greatest at nine years old. But the jumps were hard, and the jumps hurt, and he couldn't figure it out.
But something always made him get back up and keep trying. He couldn't stop once he got something stuck in his mind and the leaps and twists of figure skating jumps were stuck like flies in amber.
The first jump he ever landed was a toe loop. Not that he knew what it was called at the time, and he barely finished a whole rotation, but he stayed standing which was better than he had done in the couple weeks he'd been trying any time he could steal some ice time. When Logan had hit the ice, wobbling but not falling, he'd let out a shocked, delighted laugh. Instead of being sated, his fascination with figure skating just wanted more.
"You're a little old to not be landing singles."
Logan whirled around at the unexpected voice. He'd thought he was totally alone, the rink on the edges of closing. But there was Chloe Stroll's figure skating coach, looking at him with calculating eyes. Logan tried to hold himself up taller, to look more secure than he felt.
"I- I've never tried before," Logan had admitted. He'd felt embarrassed and then felt mad for feeling embarrassed. The coach had looked considering.
"Have you ever tried ballet? You might want to start there."
Logan, even at nine, had recoiled at the idea. It had taken all his courage just to practice figure skating in private, in steps and moments he could steal. But ballet was- his dad would never want him to do that. Dalton would laugh at him, the couple friends he had would think he's weird. He couldn't do ballet.
But he couldn't give up the ice, either. Even when his hockey season ended, Logan was at the rink every day, begging his mom to take him after school. He was older than most kids were when they started and he didn't have a coach or any proper training. If he wanted to do the kind of things Logan wanted to do on the ice, he'd have to push himself further, train his body more, practice for hours on end. A few hours every week wasn't enough.
It was nearing the summer time when Logan worked up all the courage in his little body to ask for ballet lessons. He'd done research, used the family computer to look up ballet teachers in the area, ones that specialized in training athletes for other sports. He had his arguments, his bargaining chips, his promises and dreams all held in the palm of his head.
Logan worked up the courage to ask.
And his father had laughed.
So had Dalton. The only one who didn't laugh was his mother, who saw the heartbreak Logan tried so hard to hide with his fake laughter. Of course, he was only joking. That was the only possibly explanation for why he would say such a thing.
Logan's dreams died that night. He resigned himself to copying jumps he saw on YouTube, stolen moments in the ice rink that felt safer than his own home sometimes.
But the next week, when his mom was taking him to the ice rink, Logan realized they'd made a wrong turn. When he mentioned it to his mom, she'd just shushed him. He'd been left in confusion all the way up to the small, squat building. He'd picked out the words on the sign in front of him like a crow picking out gems from the refuse.
Ayliah's Ballet School
Logan's dad was mad when he found out about the lessons a few months later. In response, Logan had brought all the figure skating magazines he'd been hoarding down from his room and showed them to his parents. The pages he'd bookmarked, the sketches he'd made to try and figure out a skater's pose, the torn-out descriptions of an intricate step sequence. He'd looked up at his dad with big, desperate eyes, willing him to understand the inextricable draw figure skating had at him.
By the time he started fifth grade, Logan had a ballet teacher and figure skating coach. By the end of fifth grade, he had landed his first triple jump.
At 19, Logan was the most anxious he could ever remember being. He was also more excited than he thought physically possible.
It was his third year in the senior series, and for the first time, he'd been invited to two ISU grand prix. He had an actual chance at the world championships, something he hadn't had since he won the junior series at 16.
Logan's choreography that year was good, really good. He'd put way more work into his presentation after what an opposing skater had said to him at nationals last year.
"Your jumps might have won you one championship, but everyone can jump in the senior series. Stand out, Logan, or get out."
For Logan, who had never cared much what music he had or what step sequences he did as long as it got him enough points, it was a rough wake up call. He was proud of his jumps, the technical perfection he'd spent years and years honing. He could now land the the quad toe loop, quad salchow, and quad Lutz consistently in competition. But his artistry left something to be desired, and it hurt his program scores in the long run.
He'd changed that this year. He'd worked with his choreographer for months to find the right music, the right transitions, the right spins and steps. Logan had even reached out to a figure skater he'd skated with in the junior leagues who always had the best costumes about his stylist.
The first thing he'd noticed about the ice was that it was a canvas, a glistening field just awaiting someone to paint it in soft white stripes. He'd fallen in love with the danger of it, the allure, but he had neglected the emotional appeal. Madame Ayliah would surely be disappointed if he saw him.
But not this year. Not with a short program as bold as the one he had this year, not with a free skate this spellbinding. Logan had even started drafting ideas for a exhibition state, caught in the draw of expressing his emotions on the ice. He was never good at being vulnerable but this year, the ice demanded it of him. He demanded it of himself.
The US could send three men's figure skaters to the World Championships. Three out of thousands. Logan was going to show why he deserved to be one of them.
One day, Logan would lay on the ice, bleeding and broken, and know its cruel love had run out. But today, it welcomed him home.
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dwarfsized · 2 months
things that i would like to know about my fellow writers!
tagged by @aevallare thank you my looovveee
i will tag @simon-says-nothing and @raccooncrimes!
Last book I read: 
i am stalled on The Witch King by Martha Wells, not because it isnt good but just because. lmao. If im reading, i cant be writing. or sewing. or or or. The last one I remember finishing was This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, and i loved that.
Greatest literary inspiration: 
I put part of a Mary Oliver poem on my graduation cap. Also genuinely quite inspired by Tamsyn Muir.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
I dont know if I'd ever try my hand at a modern au but i adore aevallare's pour one out.
I certainly wont write no-magic or all-human aus (I like tieflings a normal amount, she says, lying) but I'm sure someone could do something cool with those.
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: 
:') i already think this about my work but i write it anyway. who wants to read astarion stuck in a druid grove when he's [redacted]?? well, i do, so now we have eldath's mercy.
i am working on a story rn where kira is a ghost haunting the szarr palace. do i think very many people will be interested in that? i dont know! but I want to write it, and at least one other person probably wants to read it, so. eventually, it will go up onto ao3.
id love to do something with a focus on minthara. she's going to matter in true colors but that's not going to happen for a while. for now i rotate her in my brain.
You can recognize my writing by:
7000 word chapters where fully half the words are the characters thinking sooo hard, mid-chapter pov shifts, asides about tiefling/druid culture that i've made up whole-cloth, tail mentions.
My most controversial take (current fandom):
if you mod anyone in the game to look younger/more conventionally attractive i am putting you in the oubliette in my mind-palace. why cant you like these characters as they are. i thought we enjoyed this game
if you mod gortash clean or mod away a character's scars, i am putting you in the oubliette inside of the oubliette in my mind-palace.
Current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut):
2 babeyyyy, but if i could instead shelve all the current wips and start wip #15 id be at an 8. alas! i cannot do this.
Top three favourite tropes:
in no particular order:
when a character's specific past experiences lead them to a wrong conclusion that is soooo wrong but like, ohhh sweetie. of course you think that.
magic that has a cost, even divine magic, and cannot fix everything
you were not selected for this. anyone could have been the person in this position. but you are here now, and you have to do the task. get to it.
are these even tropes? do i know what tropes are anymore. help
Share a random frustration:
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binch-i-might-be · 3 months
oh god. i cant. like. i have so many thoughts in my head rn. i need to choose just one to rant to you about. but my god. know i have SO MANY
and no bc i am constantly thinking about how they have to hide. how theyre so fucking in love but nobody can ever know. how their love is so fucking pure and sweet and yet nobody can ever see it, but the unhappy arranged marriages are flaunted for the world to see.
yk whats on my mind constantly? how nobody came to their wedding. because they couldnt. it would be too dangerous. not even the people who know. because it was already so dangerous, even when it was just them and the river and the stars.
and the LINE. "you can share your life with the man you love without fear and thats a luxury i will never have" lives in my brain. just constantly. like my god. you pulled out ALL the stops in that fic. that line tore me APART. like okay. what if i just sobbed.
god. im just. im cradling them in my hands. these poor poor boys.
- 🐥
give them to me ....... send them ALL 🌀
dude it literally rips me apart. that's one reason I'm so obsessed with the reincarnation au, because finally finally finally they get to hold hands and kiss and be silly and young and in love. they're constantly in each other's arms, touching at every chance, to make up for the 45 years they had to hide
NOBODY CAME TO THEIR WEDDING! it was just them and it was so special but. they didn't even have an officiant. because no one would have married them :(
THANK YOU. I loved that line, I loved that John was the one who got to say it to Martha. he needed that. he deserved that.
actually you mentioning the wedding and Martha reminded me of a little bonus fic taking place during Green Eyes that's been rotting in my drafts for like two years now, I'm gonna put a lil snippet under a cut!
yeah. cradling them kissing them tucking them in nice and tight and protecting them :(((
“Alex, dear, I- would you mind telling me a bit about that wedding of yours?” she said, brushing her thumb over a chip in the smooth porcelain cradled between her hands.
She had asked George about it after Alexander had left last night, but he hadn’t been able to tell her anything, either. He had not been present for it; on some level, she had been glad, even if that was petty, perhaps.
It was just hard for her, sometimes, to realise Alex felt he could be open with his father while he so obviously treaded on eggshells around her, even giving a warning every time he was about to mention the man he wanted to share his life with.
To know George hadn’t been involved in that wedding was a bit of a consolation.
Alex snapped his head up and regarded her with wide eyes. “Really?” he said, and there it was again, that guarded expression, as though he expected her to launch into a lecture about sodomy and the fate of his immortal soul any minute now.
Martha ignored the dull pang in her chest that came every time she was reminded her sweet little boy distrusted her on some level now, and forced a smile. It felt stiff on her face, and she knew she had raised a very sharp young man, so she hid it behind her cup.
“Yes, really. Of course, I have attended some weddings in my time, but I do think yours might have been very… special.”
Alex huffed a soft laugh and cut his gaze away, his eyes finding the gently shining ring on his finger instead, and a blissful little smile conquered his features. “You could say that.”
Well, that distraction had worked quicker than she would have thought.
“So?” she prompted, careful, and nudged her knee against her son’s thigh.
“Um,” he said and slowly turned his cup between his fingers, an old habit he had picked up from George, who liked to absentmindedly rotate everything from wineglass to teacup when he was lost in thought. “What would you like to know?”
“Let’s start with something simple,” she said, and Alexander chuckled. “The date?”
“June sixth,” he responded at once, smiling softly to himself.
“Oh, a summer-wedding? That must have been nice," she said in an attempt to show him he had nothing to fear right now, that he could be honest and open with her as he was with his father. "Your father and I got married when he was on leave in January. The snow was beautiful. Awfully cold, though."
Her first wedding had been in autumn, but Martha tended not to dwell on that chapter these days.
Alex snorted a laugh and took a sip of his tea; he wasn't tense, and he didn't seem suspicious of her intentions anymore.
It was a start, she thought.
"It was… a little different from your wedding, I think," he said. His eyes were so soft and happy, not even a trace of his earlier tears in sight, and Martha wished she could understand it all. What drew her son to that boy, and what drew Laurens to her son, and how they fit.
It just seemed so odd to her.
"How so?" she prompted gently after a beat.
Alex flushed a bit at that, didn't meet her eye. "Well, it was… private. Just the two of us, out under a tree at midnight. The- the moon was full that night. Cloudless sky." He took a slow breath, and his smile slipped a little, gained an almost sad note. Martha shuffled closer and squeezed his arm. "We went down to the river and said our vows under a willow."
He turned back to her, his smile returning full force. "It was perfect. There's not a single thing I would have changed."
Martha hummed, thoughtful. She couldn't help but wonder about the stricken look that had flickered across his features just now.
"You mean that, love?" she said, and Alex nodded, let his eyes slip back down to the ring he twisted around his finger–Martha had to bite back a fond smile at that gesture, something she herself had done for over twenty years now. Perhaps Alex hadn't only picked up his habits from his father, after all.
"What was that frown about, then?"
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chonnysinferno · 2 months
tumblr deleted my ask :( anyway first n most importantly, could you listen to bopgil https://youtu.be/rORI1sZM-9I?si=wwaYyY82DnO9VLHk
anyway can i send you odd asks more often
anyway anyway i thought that was a completely one sided thing like. yeah. sometimes i just rotate people in my mind for a bit n then stop . pokes you with stick
juke’s towers of hell is a tower styled obby game. while you may be cascading down the social spiral, perhaps you will be able to ascend one of these trauma inducing towers
my head hurts so much but i got fries i think it’s because of malnutrition i don’t eat enough
fuckin like. i made a vaguepost about you. just two star crossed tumblr users. i guess that’s probably weird whatever
at first i saw cjshippers on your dni and i was like ok. goodbye then. and then it’s just like that one time you horribly interpreted my post about aro mind which i definitely said in a way liable to misinterpretation when i maintagged it aka i should’ve known better and then someone i admired at time took your misinterpretation n that was so fear and then i avoided you and now you are just like. oh it’s that person again. in my notes. on occasion. youre a cryptid tawa mi… i spin my pencil sometimes. badly. so sometimes when i am thinking now i get the urge to spin my pencil and i am thinking abt it right now. spinning fry gets fry seasoning in my hands so. i wrote loveless aro heart but it’s in a fic i definitely didn’t intend platinically. it’s this thing right. shipping is so weird because i’m aromantic and when it comes down to it, the difference between romance ala romance just seems like wording. a label. cause friends can do everything that partners can and there’s no depth difference so like wh huh? i call it a shipfic but it could be considered as just thing different than how i usually write thing like. i make them kiss. whatever. i focus on how close an intimate they feel. but i could also do that when romance li lon ala. so. allos are so weird to me. still figuring out what i think of the word love but still. allos……. ? ? ? anyway writing relationships where it not being love ISN’T A FLAW is so so enrichment i should do it more
pokes you with a stick pokes you with a stick pokes you with a stick hiiiii hi hi hi hiii
it’s like the mutual i would usually send writing asks has established it likes ‘weird violence’ and complicated dynamics n such so i can send stuff w/o fear i know it a little bit however i don’t know. what is up. with you. i literally saved something i sent to it so i could just put that here however that feels like cheating and or betrayal. you turn the corner to your kitchen and i’m standing there. consuming ice very loudly and aggressively. recklessly even. ‘so do you think about the transient nature of any positive hms relationship’, i ask. what do you do (also i have plugged my own ice maker in btw)
also i’ve already convinced three (3) mutuals to watch centricide so if you do i will feel even more powerful like ohhhh wawa mi li kama suli…. surprisingly they didn’t eviscerate me very cool
it’s like showing up to the function like oh so you rbed that post you like those types of relationships. writes something down. ok so can i write about [paragraph redacted cause i realized maybe there’s a reason you shouldn’t put gore and cannibalism in someone’s inbox without permission. so can i put gore n cannibalism in your inbox :3]
NEW CENTRICIDE THEORY: radcen is called the ringleader of the centrists cause he
i forgot the joke fuck
i am so sorry im like. drawing funny objects (when im not supposed to0 be but SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH shhshshshshhb) and watching centricide rn sodfsdfkjkljddmklslmk im like. really scatterbrained im sorry HGAHAHGHAS yea im already watching it btw feel more poiwerful in return you should watch hfjone if you havent tho. like a trade of interests i get into yours you get into mine >:-)c sorry for like. misinteruptting that one post that one time. hides away i n shame i think that was like. the time i actually knew you existed. for a negative reason ^_^''''''''''' i try not to think about it cause i dont think ur still mad at me for that. hopefully this is goign to be like not arranged in the order of the ask (aka im not reading this in the way this is written. things are being answered in a way that makes no sense) PLEASE SEND ME ASKS even if they are odd. actually the odder the better im going to be honest with you i do not get much interaction askwise so. it brings me joy it wasnt a one sided thing LMFAO i guess i can see why ud see that. no its weird idk whats going on anymore. hi tho!!! is continously poked with a stick. youch. twitches like a bug uhjhmmhmhmhmh ill try jtoh i rememebr you ranting about it sometime but i dont rmemeber any of it i am so sorry also dont vaguepost about me. coward /JOKE that is funny thjo HAHAHAH also eat more. or i will find you. dont malnourish yourslef /silly idk about the shipping thing. i dont get shipping either im going to be honest with you romance is like. just not understandable to me??????????? i cant comprehend why this happens. what is romance continues to be poked more. stares at you i dotn know whats up with me either maybe someone else knows. i dont know much about myself so ^_^ being called a cryptid is probably the best way to describe me i feel. yeag put anything you want aslong as its not. nsfw or smth. ill smite you also can i have some ice pls ice is great wdym by relationship do you mean like. platonic??? romantic????? what do you mena byt his i think ive answered everything i keep having 2 scroll up LOL also edit (once again i know) i did enjoy the video link u sent thank u
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Ive complained about this before, Rhysand being known as Death Incarnate because he kills a lot of people i guess makes no fucking sense, its just this forced attempt to make acomaf and feysand feel more like a hades/persephone type thing and I know its an incredibly minor detail and Im petty for caring so much about such an insignificant little detail, but idc it pisses me off and Im gonna kill someone for no reason, and then you all get to call me death incarnate
Anyway, for some fucking reason my brain started storming some nicknames/titles for Rhysand that piss me off less, and I ended up on Death's Lover as something that makes way more sense for a guy who doesnt actually seem to have any death-related powers and is just kinda a guy who kills a lot of people and then that made me think of my current obsession, Elisabeth: das Musical wherein they have this guy
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as the personification of death and now Im kinda rotating the idea of Rhys/this specific portrayal of death in my mind cuz its like. idk, in the musical hes also a personification of suicidal thoughts and dread and other very bad feelings and I think itd be neat to have him around Rhys as a manifestation of his guilt over all his "morally gray" actions as well as a manifestation of how a ton of people die in the night court every day through his inaction and then they almost kiss, but only almost cuz you can only kiss Death when youre dying and Rhysand is very alive
honestly, i just need Rhys to be more affected by his guilt in order to stop hating him bc rn its like. okay so, in my humble opinion, if SJM wanted Rhysand to be a fun cocky flirty bastard he shouldve been a guy who had little to no qualms with the morally gray shit hes doing, like he thinks its all worth it and justified and he doesnt worry about it too much, and if SJM wanted him to be an edgy boi who did morally gray things because he thought that was the best course of action at the time but is now all angsty about it he should be actively being eaten alive by guilt in acomaf. But SJM wanted both, so now hes this insufferable combination where hes a cocky flirty bastard most of the time and then whenever he does something fucked up or Feyre brings up some fucked up shit he did in the past, he suddenly starts projecting all the guilt hes ever felt over anything (and his trauma that otherwise doesnt seem to affect him) which really makes it feel like hes being manipulative, but its clearly not being done on purpose and Feyre just takes him at face value so its just fucking annoying
Anyway, i kinda lost track of what this post was even supposed to be. tldr: i hate rhys but he has some potential, i think he should get his slutty little waist grabbed by death and I think they should do some Mayerling Walzer shit together
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twelfth-dykector · 7 months
maybe maggie and/or nina are demons?
i've been rotating this in my mind for AGES and i need to talk about it, so welcome to my very unorganised ramblings :D
i've seen abit of stuff on this (there might be tons i just haven't noticed) but im rewatching good omens and it struck me as abit odd when aziraphale was reading the note from maggie about the rent and there was a specific bit where she spelt something wrong. i know that's very normal and i didn't think much of it until crowley said that demons can't spell; that just seems too specific to be a coincidence, especially as neil gaiman is an evil genius (lovingly).
another thing is how maggie reminds me abit of muriel's lack of knowledge about how humans talk, for example when she made the "stripperdeliveroogram" joke, (aswell as nina's "you must made that up" response). it just felt really forced, like maggie was testing the waters with making human-like jokes. however, i am autistic so these might actually be funny jokes im just not getting.
also, even though neil gaiman said the people who play maggie and nina being the same people who play the satantic nuns is just a coincidence, WRITERS LIE!!!! (at least i think it was him who said that, it might not be idk)
i am aware this is PAINFULLY surface level, i really wanna go on about how maggie and nina mirror aziraphale and crowley but im too tired to do that rn
thank you and well done if you got this far, i hope you have a lovely day :)
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Hey friend, I am absolutely rotating the HECK out of Hunger AU rn. I just binged all of the tagged posts and I'm going FERAL! Watchers being like parasitic wasps? Listeners being like fungi? Absolutely based takes.
I'm very much a fan of the emotional realism going on and I'm so terrified of Angry!Mumbo. Like. Bro doesn't get all that angry that often those folks are the scariest properly pissed.
And I relate far too much to the Search Party tbh. Something about the themes of mental and physical illness, wanting to help but not knowing how, the one you want to help not wanting help at this point, the resentment that causes on both sides of that stalemate... yeah I've been there.
Also, I am insanely curious about the ecological niche that Watchers and Listeners fulfill. Like. There has to be a reason they are the way they are. I'm insanely curious about what the environment they evolved in looked like, and even more curious as to what they provide back to the universe in return.
Like. Irl most wasps are predatory insects, controlling the population of pests and invasive species, but the tidbits you've given us about how they feed on emotions and the groups they feed on put me more in mind of, like, herding dogs. Yknow? Does that make sense? Gathering players together and moving them away from half abandoned worlds to let them dissolve back into the greater code. Maybe interviening in virus-infected worlds or virus-vulrable worlds, encouraging those players to move or perish.
And Listeners, well, fungi occupy so many diverse niches they could do just about anything, really. It's very fun to think about and I am rotating them vigorously, thank you for feeding us so well <3
(May I be 🐸 anon?)
This is such a sweet ask i am so 🥺🥺🥺🥺 abt it, im really pleased that you're enjoying the emotional realism ive committed to for this fic, because thats just such an important aspect for me-- my goal here is to depict a deeply emotional, moving, and messy situation about illness and recovery where no one's feelings are punished or demonized by the narrative. Its just so, so important to me that the Search Party (and later on, the other hermits) get their emotions properly respected and explored. Its not just about Grian, even if he is the ultimate focus-- everyone else deserves varied, emotional responses to an ugly and terrifying situation where theres hurt on all sides. This is the kind of realism i love putting in all of my writing, and the kind of justice i want to do for all characters in stories like these!!
Its a little funny how this au originally started with me brainrotting absently about Watcher biology because i wanted to explore the idea of Grian pretending to be an avian and finding certain aspects of it deeply uncomfortable. And then it just. Snowballed into this!! And now i am chewing on worldbuilding for breakfast DKXNSJDJ im really glad you enjoy the Watchers and Listeners lore!!! I need to make a proper post on Devs (or dev crystals, as theyre actually called), as well as general code structure, bc they are both so fucking cool as well
I absolutely love your herding dog analogy, and its giving me some great ideas because for the longest time i couldnt quite figure out what exactly a Watcher's ecological niche was beyond predator to Players and prey for something else that's extinct. But now im really looking at the connection between Watchers feeding habits and Players' biological need for play (or dreams, if you want to get into the minecraft end poem of it all), and theres something there that i really wanna take some time to tease out before i give a concrete answer. I need to update my hunger au masterlist LOL i am saur behind 😭
Anyway this was such a lovely ask to sink my teeth into!!!! Thank you so much for sending it, and ofc you can be frog anon!!! This was a really stimulating conversation for me so thank you again for getting my brain whirring :D i hope to see you in the inbox again!!
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MAC I HAVE A QUESTION. VERY IMPORTANT. what on EARTH is the suckening. i have seen posts on ur blog with blood and such tagged jrwi suckening and i am so so intrigued i love blood and gore and fucked up homoeroticism <3 pls pls pls tell me what the suckening is i am on my knees begging rn
oh dude holy fucking shit . so. u know i have been posting about jrwi it has been my main thing since like november. well. in case u do not know. its a dnd podcast run by charlie slimecicle, grizzlyplays, condifiction and bizly. their main campaign is called Riptide and its the one with the fish guy and all the pirates. WELL. they have a patreon and on their patreon they sometimes do mini campaigns! let me preface this by saying i have never even REMOTELY had an interest in paying for ANYTHING on patreon only because i fuckinf hate subscription payments and also im usually hesitant about paying money for fandom things especially in the content creator sphere etc etc you know how it is . HOWEVER. god their pther campaigns are so fucking worth it dude. the long running secondary main campaign thats been going along around the same time as riptide is called Prime Defenders and its a superhero themed one! i am just at the beginning of season 2 rn its so good william wisp my absolute beloved. (something else rlly cool is that they rotate being the dm for each of the campaigns and i think that makes each of them really fresh and unique bc everyone has a different dm style and a different way of telling a story. god i fucking love dnd and collaborative storytellint its incredible)
ANYWAY IM GRTTING SIDETRACKED. so during hiatuses from riptide and pd they sometimes run limited campaigns that only go for a handful of epsiodes. one of this is. regrettably. called the Suckening. its run using the vampires: masquerade ttrpg setup and ruleset which is. obviously. centered around vampires. CHARLIE SLIMECICLE is the dm and i fucking love it because god that man has a mind for horror. (he also ran blood in the bayou which was a 4-epispde mini campaign using call of cthulu and ive listened to it like 3 times now bc its got nasty bug body horror in it hooooly shit its so good) ANYWAY. um . its not *as* homoerotic as the fanart makes it out to be. just a warning. but there is a scene where two homies drink each others blood (one is a human one is a vampire. theres this think in the masquerade called blood bonding and its like. if you get a human to drink your blood on three separate occasions they become your servant basically. really homoerotic stuff in theory) and when the vampire is scolded for it he goes "well he already loves me. hes my boy" and they generally have that dynamic going on. fizzfangs i lvoe you.
ANYWAY UHHHHH. the first ... four? five? episodes are up for free on YouTube and theyve got a fun little visual novel style to them with the official character art :] heres a link 2 the first ep!!
the rest (there are 8 episodes as of rn!) are totally on patreon but if u end up listening and liking them enough to want the rest hit me up because ive got those download links i can share with u bc ur my beloved mutual and i love sharing things with my friends so they dont have to pay for them <3
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hermannsthumb · 11 months
got any good writing advice? im really deep into writing a fic and im hitting a bit of a block rn and figured id ask to see if youve got any tips and or tricks!
ooh that'a a really good question! when I get hit with writer's block for a fic I usually
1: jump to working on a separate fic entirely, since I usually have at least 4 or 5 WIPs rotating in my brain at once like a little microwave. the change of pace can be helpful, especially if I go to a WIP that's a wildly different genre, because I can be like 'oh I wasn't out of ideas I was just in the mood to write something angsty rather than silly/the next chapter of this instead of that/etc'.
or more commonly 2: I just jump ahead in the fic itself! I realized that when i'm really stuck on a fic a majority of the time it's because of i'm stuck on the current scene in particular. when that's the case, I make a few quick notes about what I want to happen in the scene (just a quick little summary blurb, maybe a piece of dialogue I wanted to incorporate if I have it in mind) and then jump ahead to the next scene. I also sometimes do this if I have a scene i'm REALLY excited to write and don't want to rush through the rest of the fic to get to it. it works for me at least most of the time! and I feel like it makes finally going back to complete the skipped scene a little bit easier since I know what happens after, like it flows better. (this is also 100% how I write academic papers sometimes too lmfao)
I've also recently started bullet-pointing entire fics before I get into writing them which unfortunately helps a lot :/ bullet-pointing OR just writing lengthy summaries actually, it's handy not just for organization reasons but also making sure I don't forget what I want to happen for longer WIPs or WIPs I haven't worked on in a while. and doing it by hand helps even more somehow, but I think I just enjoy writing things out in cursive lmao, it feels so official
and 3: sometimes I simply do not want to write. in this case I check out a bunch of books from the library so i like remember how words are supposed to go/go to the movies/get really into designing houses in the sims 3 for like four days. I used to feel bad when I didn't get a lot of writing done but i've realized that my stuff is usually better when I don't push myself to get stuff done when i'm burnt out or stuck on something
OF COURSE these are just things that work for me, not universal rules by any means, results may vary!!! I hope this helps though!
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bright-and-burning · 1 month
Ooooooooh perhaps a WIP question, if that’s adequate enrichment:
What’s your biggest struggle in ur current WIP?
how weird it feels to write the word cock /j
no but hm. i think it's just like phrasing things? wow eve that's literally all of writing. lol. basically. the problem is that the way i write is kind of. recipe-y? script-y???? (this got medium-long so i threw in a cut. tldr translating visuals to words Hard)
like, i write down the steps. the bare bones. the "he does this. she does this. he says this." sometimes there'll be a random stroke of genius so you'll get something fully fleshed out right before a sentence that is literally just "more description of making out." sometimes i have a slice of baby genius and it'll be more detailed but it will still be Steps and it'll be written like "perhaps uh. [highly specific action or description of a sound that Feels Right] ykwim." this is especially a problem bc when i write i think very visually? so then i have notes that are like "idk rephrase u know the visual." which is actually helpful for me remembering what's going on (i DO know the visual thank u prev eve!) but not helpful for turning it into prose lol
a loooot of the notes i've got littering my wip are like . "[he’s hard now. but phrased more cleverly]" or whatever. bc in MYYY mind im like duh i can See it. i am literally rotating them around like they r in blender studio rn or whatever. i don't need to SAY he's hard or say it Well it's visually obvious! but when i write i have to turn that into FEELINGS. i have to be like ok yeah he's hard. what is he Feeling. is his skin warm. are his toes weirdly numb. is his head swimming is he a little desperate with it is he surprisingly Not desperate with it, whatever. and Right Now i am at the stage where i have to fill in the surrounding bits with Feelings, and then flesh out those simple instructions into something that combines the Feelings and the Actions into like real person sentences.
so i guess like, taking it from glorified choreography and making it prose lol. im always worried that bc i kind of add in the actual descriptions of feelings practically in post while letting the actions flow w a kind of instinctive idea of what's pushing them, that it feels disjointed. so rn it's a lot of Hard Thinking about how to perfectly phrase things so the Feelings and the Actions feel Cohesive.
side note (this is so fucking long sorryyyy) it is actually very interesting how some ppl commented talking abt my writing feeling like, cinematic or evocative, given the above-described writing process fkdjsflaj. maybe it's not because im kind of translating a mental picture but it's an interesting uhh correlation or whatever!!
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