#just look at this earth-rise captured from the moon by one of the first people ever in space
nektaarr · 1 year
i know everyone on here is so obsessed with the moon, but have you ever thought about the earth and its beautiful colors shining so bright in an otherwise so deep darkness?
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nasa · 2 years
NASA Photographers Share Their #NASAMoonSnap
We’re getting ready to launch Artemis I, the first test flight of the rocket and spacecraft that will take future astronauts to the Moon! As we prepare for the lunar voyage of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft launching as early as Aug. 29, 2022, we would like you to share your excitement with us. Share all types of Moon-inspired content with us with the hashtag #NASAMoonSnap, and we will choose some entries to share on our social media platforms and during the launch broadcast. Get creative! We’re looking for Moon paintings, Moon poetry, Moon pottery, Moon latte foam art — the sky is not the limit.
Since we have the full Moon coming up on Aug. 11, we wanted to share our handy dandy Moon photography guide and inspire you with some of our NASA imagery experts’ stories on capturing the Moon.
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"The first rollout of the SLS rocket with the Orion spacecraft aboard was a really exciting moment to capture. I was photographing at Kennedy Space Center in an area where many of the employees that had worked on different parts of the SLS were watching. It was so great to hear some of their stories and see their pride in helping to build this amazing rocket and spacecraft. Once the mobile launcher with SLS passed the crowds to head toward the launchpad, people began to line up in their cars to leave. I decided to stick around and try to get a closer image of the Moon with SLS. It was fairly dark by the time I made this image, so there isn’t any detail in the moon, but it’s still moving to see them next to one another and know that SLS will be closer to the Moon than Earth very soon, and will one day enable humans to land on the lunar surface again!" — Aubrey Gemignani, NASA contract Photo Archivist/Photographer, NASA Headquarters
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“I set up this shot when I saw the Moon was lined up perfectly with the X-1E in front of the main entrance to Armstrong Flight Research Center one morning last year. What captured my eye about this scene was that it showcased the past and the future of NASA in one image. The X-1 was a key piece of early NACA/NASA history, and it is pointing to the Moon showing us where we are going next with Artemis. I still remember walking around on my first day at NASA and seeing all the places where history was made. I was in awe as I walked these hallowed grounds. I know that there is still a great deal of history to be written here as we strive to go higher, further and faster and I’m glad that I get to be here to document it.” — Joshua Fisher, Photographer, NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center
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“While out capturing images of the Moon, the memories of my first day as a photographer for NASA came flooding back. One of my first memories is going to the exhibits department and getting to hold an actual Moon rock sample. That day changed my perception of the Moon forever. That moment made the Moon more than just something in the sky. It became tangible and real, and my part in all of this became clear. The honor and privilege I feel everyday is overwhelming.” — Jef Janis, Still Imaging Specialist, NASA’s Glenn Research Center
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“When I can, I like my Moon photos to have a sense of place. The trick is finding a shooting position and a landmark that will fit in with the Moon’s very stringent plans for rising. I went out to shoot the Sturgeon Moon, which was also a rare blue moon, last August. As I was shooting the moonrise from the riverbank in downtown New Orleans, I was lucky to have one of the city’s iconic riverboats turn a bend and head upriver to pass beneath the Moon. Happily the river was low and I was able to scramble down the high bank to reduce the vertical distance between the quickly rising moon and the slowly passing riverboat.” — Michael DeMocker, Photographer, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“I was excited to try to capture a waning crescent Moon at dawn, even though it was late February, 20 degrees Fahrenheit and 6:30 in the morning…Nonetheless, I decided to photograph on-site at Lewis Field, and ended up using my telephoto lens to really zoom in on the Moon. In a race against the sunrise and the Moon disappearing, I was able to capture a cool shot of the Moon with a couple planes making an appearance as well (The Cleveland Hopkins Airport is right next door). Although is it me, or does one of the planes look like a rocket taking off…?” — Jordan Salkin, Scientific Imaging Specialist, NASA’s Glenn Research Center
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“I have worked at NASA’s Glenn Research Center since 1990 and have enjoyed every second doing what I do to support NASA’s mission. On my first day back to work onsite after 22 months of telework I saw this beautiful sunrise with the snow, the Moon, and the hangar. It felt good to be at work seeing the landscape I was so used to seeing. I had to take these pictures to share with my colleagues. ” — Jeffrey F. Abbott, Media Support Specialist, NASA’s Glenn Research Center 
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“In creating this Moon image, I almost felt pressured to find the ‘perfect location.’ The more that I thought about that prospect, the more I was drawn to using only natural elements, in my own environment. I wanted to find an image in my own backyard. This image was captured just as the Sun dropped below the horizon. I had a very short window of time when these colors would be possible. Two minutes earlier or later would have produced a totally different image. The almost abstract lines of a Maple tree in the earliest stages of budding seemed to be in concert with the waxing crescent Moon, both preparing for full bloom. Nature on display in its simplicity.” — Marvin Smith, Still Imaging Specialist Lead, NASA’s Glenn Research Center
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“The lighthouse in Lorain, Ohio, has been photographed by amateur and professional photographers for decades, but I have never photographed it before. When I calculated that the path of the Moon was going to go over and past the lighthouse with a reflection over the water, I decided to give it a try. I encountered four other photographers on the same pier with me that early morning. They were huddled in the middle of the pier and I was at the end. I think I got the best photo.” — Quentin Schwinn, Scientific Photographer, NASA’s Glenn Research Center
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
sort me!!!! when you get time/no pressure/if you want to do it!
Sun: Gemini, Moon: Taurus, Rising: Cancer, Mercury: Taurus, Venus: Gemini, Mars: Cancer
First glance:
Sun - Gemini - air - Ravenclaw
Moon - Taurus - earth - Hufflepuff
Rising - Cancer - water - Slytherin
Mercury - Taurus - earth - Hufflepuff
Venus - Gemini - air - Ravenclaw
Mars - Cancer - water - Slytherin
...I already sense this is going to be a tricky one.
Okay so you have 3 signs here. Which I always find fascinating because...the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) will never be too far from the sun sign. Because those planets will only ever be so far from the sun, yeah? But the moon shifts sign every few days, and the rising shifts every few hours, so for your moon and rising to both fall into that area is kinda cool! Not like...rare or anything, just happy happenstance!
This also means you're fairly balanced among the elements (we're only missing fire) and we have the full range of modalities (mutable, fixed, and cardinal!)
Let's just go in order and start with Gemini.
Gemini is the mutable (changeable, adaptable) air sign (intellect, sociability.) Gemini is curious, playful, charming. It likes variety! Gemini is the jack of all trades, and the collector of fun facts, as I like to say. New subjects, new hobbies, new interests, new places, new people. There's so much to see and do in the world, and Gemini wants to explore as much of that as it can!
So you see this energy in two places: the sun (core, ego) and Venus (love, pleasure.)
So in Gemini sun, we see a sense of self rooted in this very inquisitive, exploratory nature. A desire to see and experience and interact.
In Gemini Venus, we see Gemini in the realm of relationships (romantic and platonic) and enjoyment (hobbies and interests.) So a desire for fun and newness. People who can capture (and keep!) your interest, and people who can show you/teach you new things. This also shows in having a variety of hobbies and interests, and perhaps bouncing between various things. Especially for some deeper need to connect to others (air's social nature) and learning (air's thirst for knowledge.)
So obviously, Gemini has strong Ravenclaw leanings. And imo might be the strongest Ravenclaw sorting of the air signs.
Air Signs:
Libra - pretty Ravenclaw, but also gives me strong Hufflepuff vibes
Aquarius - pretty Ravenclaw, but gives Gryffindor vibes
Gemini - strongly Ravenclaw, mild Slytherin vibes
For me it's more that...the dark side of Gemini appeals to the darker side of Slytherin, if that makes sense? How Gemini's are stereotyped as being two-faced? Which is often Gemini leaning too hard into its variable nature to the detriment of others. But even in tamer ways, we can make an argument for Gemini's drive to see and explore taking a strong step towards ambition and resourcefulness (for the sake of learning), can look like pride (in all they accomplish), and maybe the sense of fraternity in Gemini's desire to connect with others. But the major point still goes to Ravenclaw, and bigtime.
Next up we have Taurus! (No wonder we get along so well!) Taurus is the fixed (stubborn, steady) earth sign (stable, practical.) Taurus is hard-working, but also values relaxation. Taurus is willing to put the work in to attain all of the little luxuries and pleasures that life is all about. Taurus is also very rooted in the physical world, as an earth sign, so can be quite sensual and, not necessarily materialistic (though they can be), but with a value for material objects.
So this energy is shown in your moon (emotion, subconscious) and Mercury (communication, learning.)
So for Taurus moon this gives a sense of...desiring inner peace. A need for security. There's a sense of romanticism and sentimentality here, particularly rooted in the material world (such as keepsakes, mementos, souvenirs, etc.) A strong desire for comfort and safety. Very loyal at heart, and also quite practical.
Taurus Mercury gives a very grounded, practical way of thinking. Probably a fairly sensible way of gathering and absorbing information. Very measured with how they communicate, and come across as being quite deliberate with what they say and how they say it. Potentially a bit sarcastic. Probably an inclination towards subjects that are both enjoyable and useful. "How does this benefit me?" Probably learn best through the senses (processing through the senses might help you retain information better, since Taurus is very of the senses.)
(Side note: Taurus rules the throat, and with Mercury ruling communication, Taurus Mercury likely has a pleasant speaking voice, so you know...if one were to say chat on a podcast about all their cool thoughts and knowledge, others would probably like to hear it... :D)
Bonus info:
Also...I don't often go into the luminary dispositors unless they're the chart ruler, but...I think you'll find this interesting!
So with the sun in Gemini, the sun is ruled by Mercury, so Mercury is the dispositor of the sun. And you have a Taurus Mercury. So, a lot of Gemini itself is colored by Mercury (remember: learning, communication), so with dispoistors you sort of think of how that blends together. So once you know how Mercury has an impact on what Gemini is, you can see how your specific Mercury might impact your sun. So you think of say...Gemini's variable nature plus Taurus' practical nature, and sort of gathering useful information. Or Gemini's playful nature plus Taurus' sarcasm. And Gemini's sociable nature colored by Taurus' very measured way of communicating.
Just some fun things to think about!!
But with that said, Taurus is obviously quite Hufflepuff! But also with a Slytherin lean? Tentatively. All of the elements I sort by their associated house (per element), and of the 3 signs in each element, I give them a minor in the other 3. Like above, with the air signs. And, as with the air signs, you can see that some of them have stronger leanings than others.
Generally I've given Taurus to Slytherin (thanks to Slughorn's influence tbh.) That sort of "working smarter not harder" mentality. But I can also make the case for a Gryffindor minor? If we think of Taurus' loyalty plus it's bullheadedness. This can come across as quite bold, perhaps. And (however rude this might sound), Taurus is a "younger" sign in the zodiac, so perhaps more prone to a sense of youthful foolishness that can look an awful like Gryffindor bravado or even chivalry. So much like looking at the darker side of Gemini and seeing the darker side of Slytherin, we can maybe see the darker side of Taurus resembling the darker side of Gryffindor? Hmmm.
(Especially if we think of Gryffindor = lion, lion = Leo, Leo a fellow fixed sign...)
And while Virgo is pretty solidly Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw, I think Taurus and Capricorn can be a tossup between Slytherin and Gryffindor, depending on the exact placement.
Idk let's table the "Hufflepuff minor" discussion for if we need it. (I have a bad feeling about this.)
Lastly, we have Cancer: the cardinal (forward-moving, action-oriented) water sign (emotion, intuition.) Cancer is the crab. Hard outer shell, soft innards. A bit reserved, defensive, moody. Quite sentimental. Big focus on family, home, roots. Creature of comfort, in a sense. But with big Mama Bear vibes. Sorta...we wanna be safe and cozy and chill, but ALSO I'm gonna go to war for the people I care about. Cancer is quite compassionate, and nurturing.
So we see this energy in your ascendant, or rising, which is how you react to the world around you and thus, how the world perceives you. We also see this in Mars, the planet of action and drive.
So Cancer rising gives very...hmmm. There's a sense of withdrawal, and shyness. So if we look at the rising as often being first interaction/first impression of someone, then we see the idea of Cancer in an unfamiliar environment, being wary, pulling back. And the aura being given to others being either very "unassuming and approachable" or...the opposite of that lol. Depending on if they're seeing Cancer's more compassionate, nurturing side or the claws are out.
Because Cancer Rising makes the moon the chart ruler, the moon might better color this. But that doesn't help much because...Taurus can be quite chill, or you get the bull with the horns, you know? Earth signs can be just as reserved as water signs.
Then we see Cancer Mars. So what drives you, what prompts you to action, are going to be those Cancer sensibilities. So it's a drive to protect and defend one's own. Very tenacious. Very moody. Very powered by emotion. Cancer is very sensitive (hence the moodiness.) The problem is, Mars is in fall in Cancer, which means it struggles when energized by Cancer. Mars is aggressive and assertive, and its slowed down a lot in Cancer. Cancer Mars is more prone to passive-aggressiveness. Cancer is less likely to be as direct as Mars wants to be. There's a need to be emotionally invested to really act on something. More likely to want to work on domestic duties, making the home a good space, focus on family (blood or chosen.) More willing to go to war for home and family than anything else.
So with Cancer we see a bit of Slytherin in that self-preservation (that comes from Cancer's emotionality, and thus vulnerability.) A sense of looking out for one's own that can look like fraternity. A focus on home can turn to resourcefulness. Cancer's cardinal nature can look like ambition. But there's a lot of Hufflepuff in Cancer, too. A sense of loyalty and roots and putting in the work and taking care of others. So Cancer in general is pretty Slytherpuff, but I get a stronger sense of Hufflepuff from Mars, maybe because it's in fall? Unsure.
So now...
The Moon: Reprise
Cancer Rising makes the Moon the chart ruler. What I failed to mention earlier is that the moon is exalted in Taurus. How Mars in Cancer is in fall, and thus its focus is a bit rattled, the moon is strong and happy in Taurus! So the moon gets a boost for being the chart ruler and exalted.
And because the moon is the chart ruler, I want to look at the dispositor of the moon. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so Venus is the moon's dispositor. Which is in Gemini.
So let's tally it up, by sign:
Sun: Ravenclaw/Slytherin
Moon: Hufflepuff/????
Rising: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Mercury: Hufflepuff/????
Venus: Ravenclaw/Slytherin
Mars: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
But now let's take other factors into account. Looking at the sun's depositor has given me new feelings about the sun. Knowing the chart ruler, and it being exalted, makes me want to determine the minor house. Also need to take into account Mars being in fall.
So Taurus' more Slytherin nature, I think, might shine more in say Venus or Mars. But the moon? Venus' focus on pleasure and Mars' focus on action sorta bumps up that vibe of ambition. But in the moon...being this space of emotion, in a very loyal sign. Focused on security. Does it look like Slytherin resourcefulness and self-preservation? Kind of. But it's loyalty and stubbornness can also look a fair bit like bravery, maybe even chivalry.
But if we take the dispositor into account, like we did with the Sun + Mercury. We're looking at the Moon + Venus. So emotion meets relationships and pleasure. Taurus moon's need for comfort, stability, sentimentality...plus Gemini Venus' connection to others, and learning, and exploring...Gemini Venus is very charming, flirty...they've got quite a bit of nerve, it could be argued...Hufflepuff/Gryffindor? Maybe? (Oddly, since Gemini is generally pretty Ravenclaw/Slytherin, but it's how it's coloring the moon...)
So I'm inclined to say maybe:
Sun: Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
Moon: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Rising: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Mercury: Hufflepuff/????
Venus: Ravenclaw/Slytherin
Mars: Slytherpuff
But if we went with my usual assignations:
Sun: Ravenclaw/Slytherin
Moon: Hufflepuff/Slytherin
Rising: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Mercury: Hufflepuff/Slytherin
Venus: Ravenclaw/Slytherin
Mars: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
So normal assignations, Slytherin would just nudge out Hufflepuff based on the minor sortings. But the primary sortings are pretty split. Even houses...while I don't know them, I'd hazard a guess that your Gemini planets are probably in the Twelfth house, which is a water house, which is more Slytherin energy...
I think there's a good case for Slytherin or Hufflepuff, actually, so you can go join Billie in Slytherin or Danni in Hufflepuff...at this point you can probably nudge the hat whichever direction you want. x)
If you want a better answer you can give me your house placements, maybe that will help. Or you can take the win of talking your way into whatever house you want ;)
(I can't tell if I overthought this one or if you're just that complicated LOL.)
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appears · 2 years
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It's Ayumi Hamasaki's birthday on October 2 and we're extending the celebration in true ego-maniacal, splashy celebrity fashion, by drawing out the festivities for an entire week! Each day I will briefly discuss a totally random item chosen (not by me) from my Ayu collection. Prepare for praise, disappointment, and controversial opinions backed by love and respect as we take a casual look back in this blurry snapshot of her career. Happy Birthday to our Party Queen, Ayumi Hamasaki!
Ayumi Hamasaki's Love songs-era is one of the most interesting and disputed in the singer's career. For many, it is the moment where Ayumi ceased to be an artist known primarily for her work in music (and to a lesser extent, fashion), and the moment she became a full-blown tabloid celebrity worthy of pity. The moment that all began was this single L, for which a music video was shot that featured the Austrian model/actor Manuel Schwarz who would become Ayumi's first short-lived husband after a whirlwind romance and spontaneous marriage in Las Vegas.
In hindsight, we know that L is one of the last physical singles that Ayumi would ever release, following only three more singles four years later, and the penultimate that would be released in a plethora of versions that featured varying content and jacket art. Released in September of 2010, the single is a triple-A side that features the ballad "Virgin Road," and the pop/rock tracks "Sweet Season" and "Last angel." All of these tracks are produced by legendary artists: "Virgin Road" and "Last angel" by Avex's forever-gold Tetsuya Komuro, and "Sweet Season" by beloved bad-boy and king of nostalgia, Noriyuki Makihara. But all of them bear the unmistakable imprint of Ayumi Hamasaki herself.
"Virgin Road" is incredible, one of the first Ayumi ballads I remember liking since 2009's "You were," which while not that long after, seemed like an eternity in Ayu years. I was fairly unimpressed with her previous albums NEXT LEVEL and Rock 'n' Roll Circus, and was looking for something that spoke louder to me. "MOON," "blossom" and "crossroad" were not it. But "Virgin Road" was. It's an opulent, orchestral ballad that, despite its rising crescendos, never erupts into the full-blown sound-saturated atmosphere of many Ayu ballads like "HEAVEN" or "No way to say." It's a bit more shy in that sense, relying on organic instruments over synths to produce a a warm-blanket kind of a song that somehow feels as simultaneously hushed and sacred and grand as a cathedral, or say, an entire centuries-old institution based on a bond between two people. The music video is the kind of cinematic PV a song like this deserves: a just-married couple cruising through the heat-waved desert robbing banks and convenience stores, partners in love and crime, as Ayu’s white dress picks up the dirt and grime of the Earth and of life itself, as they evade capture. The whole video is shot in a stark, violent black-and-white, all the more to bring out the rugged terrain and contrast with the final seconds that bleed into color. It's an improbable and totally fantastic take on what happens when two people vow to spend the rest of their lives (or 13 months) together.
Komuro's other contribution is very different, relying on Ayumi's business-as-usual approach for "Last angel," with perhaps a bigger focus on synths. But despite those dance elements, what's most unusual is how un-Komuro this songs sounds, a credit that would seem almost phoned-in if the production itself wasn't so impeccable. Nevertheless, it's the least important new song here, with Makihara's "Sweet Season" the honeyed companion to "Virgin Road." "Sweet Season" is classic Makihara, from the mid-range tempo to the prominent acoustic guitars and ever-present piano chords, which you can really hear in the instrumental version. It's not quite a ballad, nestling into that comfortable soft-rock zone of wistful melancholy that he perfected at that stage of his career on a song like “Firefly ~ Boku wa Ikiteiku”. It's a gentle, raw-nerve of a song that Ayumi never lets get too treacly, mostly by exposing the vulnerability, and impossibility, of such earnestness with the music video's twist ending. It's all the more heartbreaking for its refusal to indulge too deeply, past the point of honesty.
All together, this is a real whopper of a triple-A side single, even if "Last angel" is a bit of a step back.  Unfortunately, the Type-B of the CD-only version (there was also a Type-A), has one of the worst track listings of all of them, opening (opening!) with an acoustic cover of TM NETWORK's "SEVEN DAYS WAR." Ayumi has done a few covers of TK songs throughout her career, not unusual as an artist signed to a record label that still feels it owes its existence to him, but it's a definite push to feature this as the first track on a triple-A-side single, one that seems like it comes more from contractual obligation, or some sort of ego-satisfying agreement in exchange for Komuro's involvement with not just this single, but the eventual album that it would end up on (I’m just speculating). The other CD-only version of this single features orchestral versions of the TMN song and "crossroad" (though not as the first track). All versions shuffle the order of the tracks.
At the time that this was released, all of the craziest drama was still to come, but in the mean time, we got three great songs, with two phenomenal producers that Ayumi had yet to work with in her long career -- can’t believe it took this long! Unfortunately, this also ignited my imagination, wondering what other sky’s-the-limit collabs would possibly yield (Ami Ozaki? Mariya Takeuchi? Tetsuji Hayashi?) Dream no small dreams!
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terrimotors · 2 years
Super pink moom
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#Super pink moom full
NASA provides this animation which explains how it occurs. Why is it called a Pink Moon The phrase 'Pink Moon' comes from Northern Native Americans, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac.
#Super pink moom full
According to Nasa, April's Pink Moon will be the 'most super' of the full Super Moons this year. A full moon meditation focuses on increased energy. A Pink Moon is a type of Super Moon, which occurs when a new or full Moon is unusually close to Earth. (There were 13 full moons last year, two of which were in October. Typical of a normal year, 2021 will have 12 full moons. This full Moon (in April of 2020) will be slightly closer to the Earth (about 0.1%) than the March full Moon was, so this will be the “most super” of the full supermoons this year.Īn even rarer event-once in every 18 years-occurs when a full moon is aligned in just the right way to cause a Supermoon Eclipse. People use full moons to describe natures changing seasons and cycles. A pink supermoon rises on Apin Worthing, United Kingdom. For 2020, the four full Moons from February to May meet this 90% threshold, with the full Moons in March and April nearly tied in size and brightness. How did it get its nickname and why is it so super The Super Pink Moon will glow in. The first of only two supermoons of 2021 rises in a Super Pink Full Moon tonight (April 26) and you have a chance to watch it. In practice, what catches the public's attention are the full Moons that appear biggest and brightest each year. Aprils full moon is known as the Pink Moon, but it wont really be pink. Pink supermoon is the first and one of only two supermoons of 2021. Under this definition, in a typical year there can be 3 or 4 FULL Supermoons in a row and (about half a year apart) 3 or 4 NEW Supermoons in a row. The term “supermoon” was coined by the astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979 and refers to either a new or full Moon that occurs within 90% of perigee, its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit. NASA tells us more about the naming of Supermoons: As the lower of these two images from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) depicts, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon during times when the Moon is full. When the Moon is full, in the Spring, it also has an impact on the ocean tides (causing them to rise). To see the Moon rise against such a backdrop is a spectacular event. The phenomenon was captured around the world, dwarfing the Shard in London and glowing over the Empire State Building in New York City. Traditionally called the Pink Moon, this full Moon is also the Paschal full Moon this year. When it occurs in April, a Supermoon is also called a “Super Pink Moon.” The Moon isn’t pink, of course, but it’s called “Pink” because of the pink moss- Phlox subulata-which blooms at this time of year. Super Pink Moon is the Biggest and Brightest of the Year ApDownload Image If you look up at the sky this evening after sunset, you will likely catch a glimpse of the biggest and brightest full moon of 2020. A SUPER Pink Moon lit up skies around the world tonight in a rare spectacle once linked to 'the end of days'. Aprils full Moon rises on the night of Saturday, April 16. The term Pink Moon refers to the full moon that. US moon-watchers should see it at its best this evening, whereas people in Australia will be treated to the Super Pink Moon tomorrow, according to Science Alert. This phenomenon puts the Moon in a perigee (closest-to-Earth) position and, when the Moon is full, it is especially bright and beautiful. Stargazers in the UK should spot the huge moon rising tonight before it reaches its brightness peak in the early hours of April 8. The Pink Moon goes by several other names that also signal the coming of spring, including the Egg Moon, the Sprouting Grass Moon, and the Fish Moon.Something amazing occurs in the night sky when the Earth is aligned between the Sun and the Moon. Community reeling after 13-year-old girl in Brampton dies of COVID-19Īpril’s full moon earned its moniker because it often corresponded with the early springtime bloom of a bright pink flower, called creeping phlox.Closed and closing soon: 3 Vancouver restaurants to say goodbye to.Ontario reports more than 3,500 new COVID-19 cases.Our celestial satellite will be its usual golden hue, albeit a bit bigger and brighter, due to its proximity to Earth. Get outside and look up, Canada – a Super Pink Moon is set to illuminate the skies tonight.Īccording to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, this month’s full moon – the first of two supermoons in 2021 – will reach “peak illumination” at 11:33 pm EDT on April 26.įor the best view, the Old Farmer’s Almanac advises finding an open area and watching as the moon rises just above the horizon.ĭespite its colourful name, though, the moon won’t actually be pink.
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astrobydalia · 3 years
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨Relationship observations pt. II💘
Hello guys!! In honor of Valentine’s day here’s a part II of one of the posts you loved the most which is relationship observations. This one is pretty long which is what you guys preferred. Hope you like it!
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
💘 People with pisces ASC/moon/venus, Venus in the 12th and Neptune in the 7th or conjunct the ASC-DSC axis: it’s so SO easy to make them feel guilty. The type of people to easily feel like it’s their fault when others mistreat them and bc of this they could be more prone to attracting abusive people and narcissists
💘 Also, nobody talks about this and I understand why bc Neptune can be very tricky planet but I think it’s worth mentioning that Neptune is a very spiritual planet that represents unconditional love and therefore can mean true love or a real soul connection so the ruler of the 7th house making an aspect to Neptune, Neptune in the 7th, Juno in the 12th, 12th house synastry etc. can mean true love and a real soul connection in marriage. HOWEVER true love and a real soul connection feeling can often be confused with delusions which is why this planet gets such bad press in relatioships and remember 12th house a lot of times is karma so PLEASE be careful
💘 Venus ruling the 7th, venus in the 7th or Venus aspecting the ruler of the 7th indicates a strong desire to marry for love. Very possible that the person won’t marry unless it’s for love. This also indicates good marriage life
💘 If you don’t have this it of course doesn’t mean you won’t marry for love or won’t marry at all so don’t worry. What I’ve seen in people who don’t have this is they are quite independent when it comes to relationships, they don’t mind getting married but they don’t mind not getting married or staying single either. While people who do have this Venus influence could be low-key obsessed with getting married or having a commitment/relationship
💘 Mercury ruling the 7th, mercury in the 7th or Mercury aspecting the ruler of the 7th indicates marring someone that is funny, someone you can always joke around with
💘 Don’t overlook Chiron in synastry. The house where someone else’s Chiron falls in your own chart could be where you feel like this person is a pain in the ass or where this person will help you achieve great potential
💘 Check Chiron in composite too, it represents where you may feel like you can never agree on or where you often agree to disagree
💘 Once you gain the trust of someone with Taurus Venus they are the absolute SWEETEST people ever
💘 Libra Venus love getting ready for someone special
💘 Check the ascendant in your Juno persona chart, it has some significance as to the energy around you meeting your spouse similar to a composite rising but more subtle energy. For ex. one of my friends has gemini rising in her Juno persona chart and she met her husband when we were in high school when she was about to be picked up by car and she was also holding books in her hands and when she saw him he was with his brother.
💘 The rising in the Juno persona chart also indicates appearance or overall vibe of spouse. For ex the husband of this friend I just told you previously (Gemini rising in her Juno pesona chart) has a very youthful and boyish vibe almost like a teenager he’s also very witty
>>>The actual composite rising you end up having with your spouse or the natal rising sign of your spouse doesn’t have to be the same as the rising of your Juno persona chart. I’ve seen this actually happening before but it doesn’t have to be
💘 In 4th house synastry specially with sun/moon/rising/venus, the house person will naturally see the planet person as a parent or a potential parent. Meaning, somehow the house person “judges” the planet person by deliberating how they’d be as a parent. With this overlay the house person naturally takes care of the needs of the planet person (said needs will be determined by the planet and sign in question) and that’s why the planet person will inevitably see the house person as a good potential parent
💘 There are lots of placements and asteroids that indicate your sexual turn ons but I think that the most potent ones are Lilith, Eros, your 8th house and the ruler of the 8th house. I’ve noticed that these represent specially erogenous zones for you and parts of the body you’re specially attracted to (aside from your kinks and stuff). For example Cancer: breast or nipple, Gemini: lips or hands, Taurus: waist and neck, Leo: hair or back, Sagittarius: hips or thighs etc.
💘 Mars can represent this too but what I’ve seen is that your mars represents more so HOW you like to have sex. It mostly represents how you like to physically approach the sexual act
  💘 8th house represents your sex style, the overall vibe or attitude you want in the sexual act. For ex you may like being dominant during sex with mars in Capricorn but want the sexual act to feel emotional and vulnerable with Cancer in the 8th or raw and fiery with Aries in the 8th
💘 Also, your 8th house is EVERYTHING when it comes to feeling satisfied sexually regardless of your kinks and turn ons. If you have sex that checks all the boxes for all your kinks/turn ons but doesn’t match up with your 8th house energy you will likely end up feeling low-key unsatisfied
💘 Couples with their moons in sister signs (or opposing moons) are either the perfect couple or a fucking disaster
💘 In my opinion, Sun-Moon, Sun-Sun or Moon-moon contacts in synastry are essential for a relationship to work out or last
💘 People with Juno retrograde are the MOST cautious when it comes to marriage, they could be a bit picky and often give the impression they’re not interested in commitment at all specially if it’s placed in Aquarius it gives huge Mr./Mrs Independent vibes
💘 Juno in a water sign gives player vibes, they are the type jump from person to person and likely have a long history of flings and flirting. These people have dated around A LOT and will only commit to that one person that truly manages to capture their heart deeply
💘 Juno in a fire sign are the type of people that wanna marry their crush two weeks or even days into meeting them. They often mistake “attraction at first sight” for “love at first sight”. The second they feel they have real good chemistry with someone they think it’s the love of their life
💘 Juno in an Air sign people need to feel like they really click with someone and they will want to commit only after really getting to know the person. They fall in love with the person’s mind first. They can easily un-crush someone in a second if they don’t like the person’s mind
💘 Juno in an Earth sign people are the most coutios when it comes to commitment. They migh deliberately delay marriage just to be SURE they are getting a reliable future and wanna be certain that it’s the absolute right time
💘 Before starting with the composite observations, you should know that synastry is the dynamic between two people but composite represents what the relationship really is, so that’s why on this post I’m focusing on composite
💘 I’ve noticed that the 2nd house in a composite chart indicates the “glue” or foundation of the relationship, its stability. Mars in this house could create a relationship based on sex for example, Venus a relationship based on love and affection, Saturn a relationship based on stability and compromise etc.
💘 4th house and moon in the composite represents the depths of the relationship. How you guys feel deep down about each other, how you make each other feel. This part of your relationship shows specially when you get true and honest with what are your real feelings
💘 Aquarius or Uranus in the 4th house, Aquarius moon or Moon conjunct Uranus in the composite creates a whole deal of emotional detachment for each other. Could be very emotionally cold to each other and one or both could see the other as insensitive specially if one of them has natal water or fire moon
💘 Aquarius Sun or risings in the composite however is huge best friend vibes regardless of the nature of the relationship. Moon conjunction Uranus can also get away with giving this vibe
💘 Virgos and Scorpios naturally find each other because they tend to have composite Sun in Libra :) So that togetherness and companionship energy is natural for them
💘 Aries moon in the composite chart is that type of relationship where any insult actually means “I love you”. Is that type of dynamic where one’s like “I love you, stupid bitch” and the other goes “🥰🥰” and then they both laugh
💘 Pisces moon in the composite is cute but also a bit tricky if afflicted, the couple could constantly feel they have to watch themselves in order to not hurt or offend the other, like constantly walking on eggshells. Needless to say also these relationships are very intuitive, if one or both are lying or hidding something (which often happens with this placement I’ve seen), the other just KNOWS
💘 Saturn in the 7th in the composite is very good aspect for staying together long-term but it can also mean that the couple is for some reason “forced” to be together or to see each other. They come together due to circumstances and not necessarily by choice (Saturn represents responsibilities, burdens or obligations). You have to look for indicators of love and romance otherwise it’s gonna be a relationship that stays together but more out of duty than real love
💘 Juno in the 4th house in the composite (specially conjunct some planet) is more indicative of marriage (or loyalty/compromise) than Juno in the 1st
💘 Vesta exactly conjunct South Node in the composite creates a STRONG soul-mate feeling and great devotion. These relationships are so long lasting the type where you just know you’re gonna be together your entire life
💘 Chiron in the 1st in the composite chart = feeling uncomfortable with each other, like you’re incompatible or like you don’t click together at all. Can also create a “can’t be together” vibe but not in a platonic Pisces way it’s more like there’s some incompatibility that can’t be salvaged and “stops” the couple from meeting/coming together or the relationship from taking place at least at first. Basically the relationship feels broken before even starting. The sign Chiron is in gives insight as to what’s the nature of this incompatibility.
💘 Saturn in the 8th in the composite = reluctance to have sex, one might have been sexually rejected by the other
💘 Chiron in the 10th in the composite = you don’t like working with this person. I have this with one of my best friends, we tried to run an IG page together and it was a disaster lmao
💘 Sun and maybe Venus in the 10th house in the composite indicates your relationship is source of gossip or at the very least everybody knows about your relationship
💘 If a composite planet or point falls in your natal 10th house then the relationship might affect your reputation
💘 The most harmonious and the most healthy relationships I’ve seen had empty 7th house empty 12th and empty 8th house in the composite. Literally 0 drama, 0 tensions, 0 codependency and surprisingly unbreakable (supported by other aspects of course)
💘 With that said the number 1 best house for synastry or composite in my opinion and based on what I have seen is the 9th house both friendship and relationship, also the 5th, 4th, 2nd, 11th, 3rd
💘 People who have your DSC sign as their moon sign will strike you quite strongly. Not necessarily their moon falling in your 7th or conjunct the DSC (tho this is stronger) I’ve seen that the fact that someone has your DSC sign as their moon sign is enough to create a little “crush” feeling or you feel like you can’t hate that person bc may see them as cute.
💘 The people I’ve seen that have gone through a harsh divorce mostly had in their natal chart: North Node in the 7th, Chiron in the 7th house, Saturn rx in the 7th house, Jupiter Square Uranus and planets or angles in Aquarius degrees (11°, 23°) specially if Venus or Moon are in these degrees or conjunct a planet that is in these degrees. These indicators can apply to breaking up a long-term relationship, breaking an engagement, etc. except probably Jupiter square Uranus. This one is particularly a divorce aspect specially in women’s charts. Also, side note, if Pluto or Uranus are involved, these people may have a devastating divorce or breakup 
💘 Composite planets in the composite 12th house can create a feeling like the relationship has an expiration date. One or both people are for some reason constantly anxious that the relationship might end. If they stay feeding these energy they’ll likely have a self-fulfilling prophecy
💘 Pisces rising in the composite makes for a very psychic bond. Could be the type of relationship where you’re thinking and wondering about them and boom they suddenly text you. These people are usually there for each other bc they intuitively know when to be
💘 This is probably a no-brainer but many life-long friendships I’ve seen had stelliums or planets in the 5th house-11th house axis or the 3rd house-9th house axis of the composite
💘 With Leo rising in the composite I’ve noticed these people always have very funny stories to tell about stuff they’ve been through and lived together. There’s a lot of “remember when...” followed by loud laughter. 
💘 North north node in the composite 5th house is a great placement
💘 6th house placements in the composite and synastry creates a dynamic where the two people and the relationship itself ends up feeling extremely predictable. The couple may find one specific routine or activity they like doing together or they always find themselves doing the same 3 activities every time they are together. This can be good or bad depending on what you want in a relationship, some people find it extremely boring or understamulating and others prefer it because it gives them a sense of stability or reliability
💘 Moon conjunct Chiron in composite is indicative of a healing relationship
Credit: Tumblr Blog @astrobydalia
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Part one. Master list for plus one can be found here.
Just a nice fic I decided to write for fun. Please enjoy!
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He was nothing but a huge, giant fucking ASSHOLE for the entire two years the two of you were dating and he decides NOW is a good time to break up with you?
Two days before your cousin's wedding and over TEXT MESSAGE?!
That fucking asshole.
He knew how you felt. Exactly how you felt about going alone to your cousin's wedding after your family begged to meet your boyfriend and teased you for "probably making him up." Which hell, he may as well have been made up considering how absent he was in the relationship. Using work as an excuse to come home late but forgetting to turn off his snap location when he showed up at the bar.
So you did what any rational woman in her upper twenties would do.
You drowned your sorrows in booze, tonight red wine as it was the only thing around, and you scrolled through your socials in hopes of distracting yourself from your suffering.
Alas the devil that is Instagram only amplified your sadness and irritation. Showing couple after couple, your friends on hikes kissing on the mountain top, kissing in the flickering light of candles at a fancy dinner or, worst yet, getting proposed to. The video showing her in hysterics screaming, "YES I DO I DO!"
And it feels terrible to feel this way. Especially about your friends, the people you love and want to support, still it stings. You hadn't told anyone about the breakup, you weren't even sure your friends even remembered that asshole's name.
A teardrop lands on your screen, magnifying all the magical lights of the led beneath the glad. You wipe away the tear and with that the feed refreshes. A new post has come in at the top, Res Riot's official account.
Kirishima stands with a fat white cat in his arms. He dwarfs the animal with his large stature that looks larger as he still has his Red Riot gear on. The caption reads something along the lines of "missed my precious baby."
Red wine is a dangerous thing as your body acts on its own. You go to his page to hit the little arrow to DM him. Typing out and backspacing your message as you struggle from the booze, you decide to say fuck it and use the voice memo feature. Before you know it your sniffling voice is playing back to you after you've hit send.
"My ex broke up with me before this stupid wedding. It's in two days and my family is going to roast me big time when I show up alone. They think I made that asshole up. I don't know why I'm even in your dms. Your account is probably run by some dick head who can't even capture your kindness. I guess I'm here cause my first thought seeing you on my timeline was Red Riot has always been my hero…"
Ugh totally fucking cringe.
There is no surprise as you see the three normally ominous dots pop up, probably his social media manager about to ask you to stop your "advances" as Kirishima is too busy to date and he'd hate to block you or some other bullshit.
But there it is a surprise to see a little bubble with the play button and some vertical lines in various heights. It takes your sluggish brain a moment to realize you've been sent a voice memo. Odd. Your thumb smashes the screen faster than you can think and a deep voice rumbles through the speakers of your phone.
"Actually I run my official and personal socials. And I'm sorry to hear about your ex doll. He sounds like a real ass. I'll be your hero, I'll go with you to the wedding."
Your heart stutters, no way, no way in HELL this was Red Riot. You had read about the horror stories before or pervy account managers taking advantage of women who so desperately wanted to talk to their hero.
Hell, it's happened to Dynamight plenty of times.
You swallow quickly but the bile rushes up your throat. Not just from the anxiety of a possible con but from drinking an entire bottle of wine with nothing on your stomach after months of sobriety. Quickly you stumble to the bathroom, abandoning your phone on your bed. You barely make it in time to praise the porcelain Gods before you fall onto your back. Looking up at the light in your cramped bathroom, the orb doubles and spins as you feel the Earth turning on its axis. You curl into your side using your bathmat as a pillow as you drift off into sleep, totally forgetting about the voice memo on your phone.
As you sleep peacefully on your memory foam bath rug, Kirishima settles into his nightly routine. One giant hand grabbing strands of long dark red hair into a towel while another sits snugly around his Adonis belt and the thick, black happy trail that follows up the center of his abs before spreading out onto his chest. He tosses the towel over the open door of the bathroom before sitting in his favorite armchair with phone in hand. Diamond, his beautiful white cat he rescued a few years ago, jumps onto the arm of the chair, purring loudly when Kirishima's free hand scratches her ears absentmindedly.
He chuckles to himself as he realizes exactly what he's done. Acting on a feeling instead of logic all because he heard a "damsel in distress." Starting off his rare vacation with spontaneity starting with an impromptu date with a stranger. He really isn't sure what you look like and it's obvious your handle doesn't have your real name in it, just PrincessPeach with some random numbers at the end. He takes the time to scroll through your profile. Seeing pictures of food, of many sunsets, a friend's dog that guest appears often, your own cat and plenty of strays.
It takes him a while before he sees a photo of you. His heart stutters in his chest as he looks you over. Laughing with a friend, soft lighting from strings over head that blur like little fireflies. Your smile is wide, half hidden by your hands as your eyes seem to smile with you. Sparkling as if they held stars.
For a moment Kirishima forgets how to breathe, it isn't until Diamond jumps down from the armchair does he inhale. He smiles softly to himself before he drops his towel, puts his phone on charge and promptly falls asleep in his bed.
Kirishima rises before the sun even has a chance to filter through his blinds. He sighs softly, getting up to a sitting position disturbing a fluffy white ball that lays beside him.
"Mmrow." Moon stone eyes blink slowly as they look at the mountainous man hogging the bed.
"I didn't mean to wake you sweet baby." He says softly, going to pet the soft white fur only for her to get up stretch and give him her butt before plopping back down.
"I know, mean ol' daddy woke you up too early again." He says softly, his hand falling onto her back before he rises from the bed. Fishing for his running shorts, socks, headphones and shoes. He makes his protein shake, leaning on the counter as he drinks it, looking at how you read, or better yet, listened to his message but still no reply. It was late and there was a small slurring of your words, he figures you've passed out. He just hopes you're okay.
His run goes as usual, up before anyone else unless they were the normal avid runner. Passing by the usual array of people. An old man holding onto his youth by jogging through his daily five mile morning run, Kirishima knows he runs another five in the evening while the sun is setting. He hopes he can embody some of this man's commitment when he is older. Then he passes a middle aged woman, who gives him the biggest smile as she pases, jogging backward to send him a wink before plowing ahead. Occasionally he'll see a running group or a few teens training to be heroes, they always ask if they can run his route. "It's long." He always warns in a kind, warm voice. They assure him they will be fine so far only one other person could handle his 12 mile morning run. A young woman in her second year of hero courses at UA. Since then Kirishima put in a word with his boss and so every time internships roll around she's in the office.
By the time Kirishima is rounding back towards his high rise apartment, the city begins to stir. Slowly waking as men and women in business suits rush towards the train, parents flinging open the doors or curtains fussing at their children who cling to an extra few minutes of sleep before school.
This was always his favorite part of the run, not because it was almost over, oh no it was because he had a chance to glimpse at everyday life. Of nine to fives, of school hours and after school hangs outs at snack bars or the library.
What most would call the mundane but Kirishima would never call it that. It's why he worked so hard to protect it.
Diamond greets his sweaty form at the door. Glaring angrily with her moon stone eyes. Tail swishing before she goes to the kitchen by her bowl. Waiting impatiently.
"I'm not late, sweet cheeks." He coos, and she glares, "I know I know. You're hungry now."
He opens the fridge, gets out the highest quality food there is and places it on her dish, sure to keep it all in the middle or she'll claim her bowl was empty. He added a splash of water too since the weather was starting to get hot.
He sucks down a water or two, demolishes a protein bar and then heads to the apartment gym.
A few hours roll by and without hearing from you yet his worry over your well being begins to cloud the forefront of his mind. He pauses his music, picks up his phone and talks out a voice memo.
A loud DING echoes from your room and around your skull as you rise with a throbbing headache.
"Fuck." You hiss to yourself grabbing at your head as you shakily rise to your feet. Yanking the handle of the faucet to drink from the stream before looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Ugh." You grunt ignoring your swollen face and eyes, yanking the mirror door open to snatch at the bottle of aspirin. Swallowing THREE extra strength pills before slamming the door shut and turning off the faucet. You make your way towards your bedroom, more than ready to sleep the rest of your day away. Grabbing at your phone to charge it you see the push notification of an Instagram message from Red Riot.
The fucking Red Riot.
Internally you scream before it bubbles up your throat and escapes. You fumble to unlock your phone before looking that it's a voice memo.
Mortified you realize you sent one too. And first at that.
"Fuck MEEE!" You plop onto the bed. Nervous this second voice memo is probably about how you're a weirdo or something as you relive the memory of asking him to be your plus one.
Hesitantly your thumb hovers over the play button before you find the strength to press the cool glass. A soft thunderous voice plays out.
"Good morning sleepy head. I haven't heard from you yet, I hope you're okay. Be sure to drink some water and eat something greasy. Trust me, late nights with Denki and Bakugou taught me something. Since the wedding is tomorrow I'll need a picture of your dress for the color and style so I can match you Sweet pea. Contact me soon so I can know where to pick you up."
Did he�� did he just call you SWEET PEA? Your heart pounds in your chest before it registers he's asked for your dress color and lowkey asked for your address. This couldn't be real. It sounded like Kirishima, his voice familiar from interviews you've watched but it very well could be a prank. Defeated you hit the small microphone and reply.
Kirishima hears a sharp DING in his headphones over his music as he finishes his set. He wipes the sweat from his face on his shirt giving the few people in the gym a lovely view of his sweaty and thick torso. One woman trips on the treadmill but it goes unnoticed by Kirishima. He pauses his music and hits play on the little memo. Your beautiful yet groggy voice comes in through his ear buds causing Kirishima to bite his lip. It causes such a flutter of butterflies in his stomach he has to listen a second time to actually hear what you said. Although he understand, he cannot help but feel hurt by your reply.
"How do I know you're not just some pervy guy using Kirishima's Godly looks to prey on unsuspecting people."
Your phone chirps at you from the bed stand and you growl reaching for it. You had hoped your message would have been clear. An unspoken of you know they're a fucking creep taking advantage of their PR job.
"What can I do to prove it to you, Sweet Pea?"
You hate how that cute nickname sends your heart into a somersault and your stomach in delightful knots. Still your doubt pulls a harsh tut from your lips before you reply.
Kirishima doesn't need his phone to alert him that you've messaged him, he's been looking at his screen for far to long without having to restart his set. He listens to your voice as if it were music.
"Fine, you wanna prove it to me so bad. Take a picture of yourself shirtless with the word 'Sweet pea' you love so much and send it to me. No photoshop I know what my favorite hero looks like!"
For over an hour you don't hear back and you figure you showed that perv.
But now you can't sleep so you nurse a water, door dash a "greasy" breakfast all before cranking your shower as high as it can go. Your phone dings and you try to ignore it. You really do but as the saying goes curiosity killed the cat. Opening the message you see a classic guy mirror selfie. Kirishima is clear as day in the photo, his large hand pointing to his bare, hairy chest where sweat pea is scrawled in his adorable handwriting. He winks at the camera as his kissable lips wear a dangerous, almost cocky eyes travel down his bulk following his happy trail that dives under a pair of black shorts, the best part of the view getting cut off by the vanity. At first you try to rationalize that this was fake but damning evidence was sitting on the vanity. A fluffy white cat in a diamond and ruby encrusted collar sits on the counter giving her owner an odd look.
His cat Diamond that everyone knows he loves and adores. Slick begins to collect between your thighs and especially so after you listen to the voice memo that comes through shortly after. His normally friendly and soft voice comes out a bit dark, husky as he says in a playfully annoyed tone.
"Now send me a picture of that dress, Sweet Pea."
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kookingtae · 3 years
falling into you (pt. 8) PREVIEW
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pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 | pt 5 | pt 6 | pt 7
→scenario: Jungkook’s innocence is like a breath of fresh air in your wild life, and though you know you’re toxic for him, you just can’t seem to stay away.
→genre: college au, slow burn, mutual pining, shy/nerd jk + bad girl oc (mature themes)
→a/n: so i’m not finished with pt 8 yet, since it’s such a climactic chapter it’s taking a bit longer than i anticipated unfortunately BUT i dont want u guys to think ive forgotten about it!!! i know u all are waiting so patiently, and i cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart <3 i hope this preview keeps you excited for what’s to come!
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Jungkook could never face Y/N again.
God, how could he, knowing that he’d not only finished in five minutes like a pubescent teenager, but also in his pants while she was on top of him?
Embarrassment didn’t even begin to describe the mortification he felt. He’d never wanted the earth to swallow him whole as much as he did in that moment. Sure, he was aware of his slight social anxiety, the way he was constantly looking to bolt from uncomfortable situations—but this was different entirely. This was new territory for him; he’d never done anything remotely sexual with someone else, period, much less with the girl who hung the stars, moon, and sun in his eyes. What was he supposed to do? There was nowhere to escape to in his own bedroom, no running away from his problems that made him uncomfortable. No, he had to stand there with his head down and his crotch dripping wet while he practically begged her to leave. He had never been so ashamed of himself. He had never felt so pathetic.
But then Y/N surprised him like she never failed to do: she’d given him reassurance, another kiss even, while telling him that she actually enjoyed the experience—went so far as to say it was the best in her life. Now he knew she was lying to spare his feelings. Of all the men Y/N had been with, there was no way a virgin cumming untouched in his pants was the best of them. She was cruel to make him believe otherwise, to give him false hope.
He wouldn’t allow himself to think any differently. He couldn’t allow himself to get hurt.
Which was why he made it his mission to avoid her at all costs—something he’d gotten very good at over the past few months, and the past few weeks, specifically.
But in the same way he’d learned from the patterns of her daily routine and used them as a means to remain hidden, she’d also learned his and utilized them to her advantage as well. It was the only explanation as to how he was turning a corner inside the art building (about to take the rear exit, since she usually waited for him out front) and suddenly she was standing right in front of him.
He instantly skidded to a halt, heart rate shooting to astronomical levels and eyes widening on their own accord. “Y-Y/N,” he stuttered out involuntarily, the sight of her causing every single detail of their time spent together to come rushing back to him like a tidal wave ready to wipe him out.
As if he needed another excuse to think about the moment they shared that had changed him forever, about the way her moans sounded in his ear and her body felt on his lap and the way she touched his cheek, his neck, the way her lips felt on his skin, god help him—
Already he could feel the beginnings of a blush start to rise to his suddenly hot cheeks, and he cleared his throat and shifted his weight from one foot to the other to keep from springing yet another boner in front of her.
He slid his books in front of his waist, just in case.
While she usually approached him with the natural ease of self-confidence and charm, today she seemed worried, unsure. She chewed at her lower lip—something he didn’t think she really ever did, as he would certainly remember the way it stirred within him—and looked up at him beneath delicate lashes that framed her eyes.
He didn’t have it in him to keep from outright staring at her beauty.
“I… I missed you,” she finally murmured, and he felt the breath physically whoosh from his lungs to join his butterfly-filled stomach all the way at the floor.
It had been a few days since he’d last seen her, since she’d been in his room that night where they opened up about their past and confessed how they truly felt about one another and shared the most life-altering moment he’d ever experienced. He missed her too, god he missed her. He missed everything about her the moment she left his side—would picture her face in his mind as soon as she left his field of vision. But for some reason unknown to him, she was too kind to him, spared his feelings despite knowing what little experience he had. There was no way he’d be able to satisfy a girl—mentally, physically, emotionally—who could have anyone she wanted. Perhaps she pitied him. Either way, if she wouldn’t put a stop to it, then he would.
Or so he’d try, but alas, nothing ever went according to his plans where Y/N was concerned. And here she was, three simple words mumbled into existence and he couldn’t even remember his own name, much less why he’d been trying to fight this.
She seemed to expect he would say nothing—either that or she’d grown used to his silence—because before he had enough sense in him to even think about responding, she was speaking again. “How have you been?”
The question was asked with deliberate, genuine curiosity and concern; she really wanted to know if he was okay, how he was handling things after what had transpired between them. And no matter how hard Jungkook tried to fight this, fight her, fight himself, he was only human.
And so he stopped fighting.
“I– I missed you too,” he breathed out, and it was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and relocated to his gut. He tensed at his confession, mentally berated himself for his words even though she’d been the one to say them first. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, what with the way his throat locked up.
Though the second he witnessed the smile that sprang to her tantalizing lips, he felt as light as a feather floating in the breeze.
“You did?” Her eyes lit up, sparkled under the fluorescent hallway lights that still managed to capture all of her beauty despite the unflattering lighting. He didn’t think it was possible for any scenery, not even that of a dull and stuffy university building, to make her appear any less breathtaking than she always was.
“I was so worried after I left last week,” she continued without prompt. The mention of his premature finish had him stiffening in dread, though she didn’t let enough silence fester between her words for the anxiety to claw its way up his throat. “I didn’t want you to beat yourself up. I’ve noticed you tend to be too hard on yourself sometimes.” She glanced up at him with the hint of a sheepish grin dancing on her lips.
Her expression said it all: that’s an understatement.
And this shocked him to his core, because she was absolutely right.
Just how well had she gotten to know him in their time spent together over the last few months? And how? And why?
The last question would always boggle him until the end of time; he would never understand why she was interested in him. Why was he the one she had feelings for, when she claimed she never had feelings for anybody? Though he supposed he could ask himself the same thing: why did he feel things for Y/N that he had never felt for anyone else in his life? And the answer was quite simple, really: because it was her.
He didn’t know what about himself was so special to make him stand out in her mind, and as a result he still couldn’t help but be skeptical, even after her confession. But it wasn’t like he had any choice in the matter on what to do with that skepticism—not when his heart kept leading him back to her.
At some point after her accurate description of the inner turmoil that’s been plaguing his mind, his mouth had fallen open slightly. He couldn’t hide the surprise from his face even if he tried; he was speechless.
Y/N gazed up at him, not seeming in any hurry to rush the conversation along, and for that he was grateful. He’d never met somebody so patient and understanding before—just another reason to make Jungkook’s heart flutter with endearment. And it was no secret to himself anymore that he yearned to be in Y/N’s presence for as long as possible whether he was aware of it or not.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, you know,” she continued as if she could read his mind, and that was when he realized the way his eyes avoided hers and the fact that his skin was the color of tomatoes must’ve been dead giveaways. “I meant it when I said that was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Jungkook balked, practically choking on his spit at her forward, shameless words. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to the way she spoke her mind so openly without any fear holding her back. She’d gone through so much in her childhood, in her life—Jungkook not even knowing the half of it, he’s sure—and yet she was still so strong and brave and everything he wasn’t. He couldn’t help but admire the person she was today, despite all the prejudice and judgment he’d held for her when they first met.
He realized now that he was too quick to judge her, to write her off based on rumors and first impressions. He realized now that he was too quick to do that to a lot of people. Just how long had he closed himself off from others based on his skewed, morally righteous perspective? His whole life, if he had to say.
The epiphany that she was physically prying open his third eye with a crowbar, that he was now self aware and changing for the better for her—for himself—hit him all at once.
It was the most frightening sensation of his life, the introvert in him wanting to crawl back into his shell where it was safe and comfortable and dull. But deep down he knew it was also for the best.
“W-why?” He heard himself asking before he knew what he was doing. “Why do you keep saying that?”
He had to know why she insisted on standing by her statement that his mishap was not only hot, but the hottest ever. Why did she insist on lying to him, on giving him false hope? She spoke her mind in every other situation, or at least that’s what he assumed; why did she insist on sparing his feelings in this incident? Was he really that pathetic? Did she pity him that much?
She simply blinked at him once, twice, before: “Because I really like you, Jungkook.”
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As if in slow motion, you could visibly see his eyes expand to the size of saucers at your words.
You would’ve found the sight comical had the situation been any different. But the way he continued to disbelieve that you could have feelings for him, that you could be attracted to everything about him despite who he was, despite his inexperience—it made your heart break in your chest. You now knew from where this inferiority complex stemmed—he’d told you himself about his family situation—and if anything, it made you want to rebuild his confidence that much more. He needed to see himself the way you saw him.
But you also didn’t want to overwhelm him, either. And you were more than willing to walk that fine line with Jungkook no matter how long it took.
“So are we on for a study sesh tonight?” You continued nonchalantly, wanting to return things to normalcy for him as much as possible before he ran away mid-conversation as he’d done so many times before. You wanted to ease his self-doubt so he’d stop avoiding you—like he’d been doing the past few days—as much as possible.
Jungkook blinked as if trying to adjust from the whiplash of your subject-change. “U–uh… if you want?”
“Of course I want to,” you replied without missing a beat, not caring how desperate you seemed so long as he didn’t question where you stood. You took a step forward, unable to help the intangible, magnetic draw you felt to him as you gazed up at him beneath your lashes. “That is… if you want to.”
You watched in agony as a gulp slowly raked its way down his throat.
“I–” his voice was hoarse before he cleared his throat. “I uh, can’t tonight. I have to study for math.”
You weren’t even sure how one studied for math, but you weren’t about to question the expert. “That’s fine! We could… do it tomorrow?”
Jungkook chewed at his bottom lip, an action he always did when he was internally struggling with something before he finally nodded his head yes in a slow, hesitant manner. “N–not in my room though,” he added as an afterthought, and when your gaze snapped to his he had a pleading expression in his eyes.
A mix of emotions rolled through you. On one hand, you were horrified at the possibility that he thought the only reason you wanted to study again was so that you could get in his pants. Which—okay, you’re not going to lie, you would love to have a repeat of last week—but that definitely wasn’t why you wanted to see him. He meant more to you than just a means to get off, which was what you’d thought of flings in the past. You didn’t want him to be just a fling, though.
You didn’t want to think of the meaning behind that fact right now, either.
But on another hand, you understood where Jungkook was coming from. Maybe it was because you’d studied him enough over the past few months to learn some of his behavior (for once you finally saw the appeal of studying), so you knew that level of intimacy was probably extremely overwhelming for Jungkook and he needed a moment to step back. Hell, it was even overwhelming for you, and that was saying something. Never had your senses, your heart, your body, your soul been attacked like that with such an abundance of emotional pleasure, and you hoped with all your might that Jungkook was feeling the same—that that was the reason he needed a breather from being alone with you, and not the fact that he just didn’t want to be intimate with you.
Oh god, had you misread the situation entirely? Had Jungkook hated everything about that night?
Suddenly you were feeling sick to your stomach. The thought of you misunderstanding his confession—or worse, him changing his mind completely—made you want to escape to a dark and desolate stairwell and cry in the hidden nooks of the windowsill again; the irony that not only would you be pulling a Jungkook by escaping mid-conversation, but that the stairwell was also the place the two of you had your first real conversation, wasn’t lost on you.
“M–my roommate is staying in, studying for finals.” The sound of Jungkook’s voice was like a breath of fresh air whooshing into your lungs after almost drowning underwater. You blinked out of your inner turmoil, focusing on him. “So he’ll be there, i–in my room, this whole week.”
And suddenly your heart was warming with relief, hope, appreciation, like flowers blooming in the spring after a torrential downpour. Just when you thought you had him figured out, this enigma of a boy continued to surprise you. It was usually easy for you to hide your emotions—you’d been doing so for years, always wore a mask around others so that they couldn’t see the real you—and yet somehow, Jungkook must’ve sensed them anyway. He sensed the doubt, the pain, the fear that you vowed never to cage you crawling up your throat and threatening to consume you whole, and he eased it. He didn’t want you to misunderstand him. He wanted to reassure you.
If anything, that was just a testament to how Jungkook had broken down your walls—how much you had let him in, how well he was able to read the emotions you wanted to keep hidden. Your mask had begun to break, the real you showing through the cracks, and Jungkook was still standing here. He hadn’t run away.
You fought the urge to grab him and slam your lips onto his.
“Not in your room, then,” is all you managed to breathe out beneath a fluttering smile.
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snarkywrites · 3 years
January 2021 Horoscopes
We closed 2020 with the Full Moon in Cancer on the 29th of December. That energy will carry over to this month, allowing 2021 to be a healing year for us. January sets the groundwork for the changes that will happen. Saturn and Jupiter are now in Aquarius, a change that shows that this will be a few years focused on the collective. This month begins with one of the biggest shifts and that is that Mars will finally be in an earth sign, Taurus after nearly six months in Aries. On the 6th Mars enters Taurus and will once again square Saturn but since these are different modalities, the impact will be different. Mars in Taurus likes to take its time, the moves are not as impulsive as Aries. This is a slow burn but when hot, you will need to run out of the kitchen. On the 8th, Mercury will be in Aquarius and Venus enters the sign of Capricorn our value system will be on the more practical side. We might be more inspired to save than to spend with Venus in this Earth sign. On the 13th, the New Moon in Capricorn has us changing our priorities to greater things. What we begin now will require a lot of hard work and dedication, but the payoff will be satisfying. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th and the month ends with a Full Moon in Leo on the 28th. The Fixed energy this month will be intense, and it is a breath of fresh air compared to the Cardinal stellium in 2020. Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.
Aries – New Year and you have the Two of Wands in your reading. This card is a powerful and inspiring lesson. This shows that chapters are closing, you are waiting for the new day and are ready to manifest change. You feel brave and are exploring potential options. Those hardships from the year before are coming to an end, especially with Mars moving out of Aries and into Taurus on January 6th. While Mercury enters Aquarius on the 8th, you are going to feel the need to reach out to your friends and associates to get you pumped up and motivated throughout the rest of the month. On the same day, Venus enters the sign of Capricorn, empowering you to further your goals and ambitions. You are going to feel a lot more confident in the spotlight now as you continue to make some great moves. It will be a good time to impress your bosses or professors. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th is a time where you will add onto the messages that this Venus transit has to offer. Another wonderful transit will be on the 28th, with the Full Moon in Leo making you feel a burst of confidence, drive, and passion. You are ready to throw yourself out there and are here to have some fun.
Taurus – One of the major events this month for you will be that Mars is finally moving in your sign after it is six month run in the sign of Aries. This is great for you because it will push you to be more goal oriented during the beginning of the year. As the King of Pentacles this month, you are starting things right by being levelheaded and extremely ambitious. When Mercury enters Aquarius on the 8th, this will have everyone take notice with what you have to say as well as your output at work. On the same day, Venus enters Capricorn, giving you the patience and grace to get what you want. This trine to your sign from Venus and Mars already in your sign will only add a double dose of motivation. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th, has you reaching towards the spiritual side of things or you might even contemplate planning a trip for the future (when traveling is safe again). Either way, this sparks a new journey in the works. The month closes with the Full Moon in Leo on the 28th, a good and pleasant transit that will have you focused on renovation or just relaxation from home.
Gemini – January is a month where you will see your faith in you grow. When Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius on the 8th, you are going to feel inspired to just dive into learning more. If you are in school, you might be contemplating many majors at once or just feeling more assured about declaring in a field. Venus will be entering the sign of Capricorn on the same day, a good transit that will allow you to evaluate your finances as well as find solutions to generate more growth. Any hurt you might feel will slowly heal with this transit as you gain strength from Venus. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th is a good way to focus on your own self-worth as well as your goals for the future.  When the Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th, you are going to be feeling more in sync with your thoughts and intellectual pursuits. Finally, the Full Moon in Leo on the 28th is a time where you are going to feel confidence as this transit will have you sharper and more spontaneous than usual. Justice is your card for the month. If you have been wronged, you will see things moving in your favor. Remember to be patient.
Cancer – Last month we experienced the Full Moon in your sign on the 29th. For the first two weeks of the New Year, you are going to be reflective and pensive. With the Five of Pentacles Reversed as your card for the month, this shows you are rising from a tough situation and finding your footing. This was an ego driven moon for you, as you noticed your needs and wants as well as the changes you need to make to flourish for this New Year. On the 6th, Mars will enter the sign of Taurus, changing your focus from work to friendships. This is a time where your circle will boost you to higher status. You will receive recognition and praise from bosses, teachers, or mentors thanks to Mars in Aries. Two planetary sign changes are happening on the 8th with Mercury entering Aquarius and Venus in Capricorn. Some more focus on love and relationships with these transits as you approach them with ease given that Venus is opposing your sign, boosting your confidence, which will have you be more vocal with what you want in romance. Another powerful transit for you this month will be the New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th is a time where you will continue some of the lessons from the Full Moon in Cancer.
Leo – Mars will be in the sign of Taurus on the 6th, a harsh transit for you since this will be squaring your sign. Remember to find the balance when things get stressful, so that Mars can work for you, not against you. This will be a beneficial transit for getting ahead and a reminder to keep powering through. Mercury will be in the sign of Aquarius on the 8th, making communication with business partners, friends, or romantic partners much easier. Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn on the 8th as well, creating a good routine for your road to the top. You are going to feel more inspired in school or at work, earning the trust of colleagues and creating a generally peaceful vibe. An epic moment for you will be towards the end of the month on the 28th when the Full Moon is in your sign. This will be a good time for you to congratulate yourself and think back on your accomplishments because what you started last year will finally begin to get the recognition it deserves. The Ace of Pentacles is your card for the month, a fresh start for this New Year and a good time to think about growth.
Virgo – For the beginning of 2021, you will be the Star, which is also your card for the month. A time to believe in yourself and capture the attention of others. This is the initiation of a good and joyful time if you are receptive to that energy. Mars will enter Taurus on the 6th, a powerful transit for Earth signs. Here you will be inspired to pursue as you have your sights on greater things for the next year. Whatever you work on now will flow easier. You will not receive as many blockages and may be more responsive to changes as well as upsets. Somehow you know you can make things work. On the 8th, Venus enters the sign of Capricorn, a lovely transit which will also give you a boost in romance and allow you to experience more fun with friends. While Saturn in Capricorn restricted your romantic prospects, love and romance will seem to flow easier for you this year. While Mercury moves to Aquarius on the same day, you are going to make changes to your day to day, focused on efficiency and productivity. This month will be filled with love and happiness for you, so enjoy it.
Libra – The Seven of Cups in your reading for the month is a reminder to be wary of the things happening around you. Not everything that looks good will be promising in the end, so analyze and weigh all your options before making any major decisions. The month begins with Mars entering the sign of Taurus on the 6th, a key time for you as you begin to evaluate your next moves for the year. You are going to be more willing to face anything that appears to be holding you back and might even find the strength needed to deal with challenges. On the 8th, Mercury will be in Aquarius, forming a trine to your sign. Flirty and rebellious will be the themes during this transit as you meet new people and charm your way into some romance. Venus enters Capricorn on the same day, another transit that will echo Saturn’s rule in Capricorn but with more manageability. You are going to be in peaceful mode with family and friends. Changes at home might be a thing but these will be due to aesthetics. Beauty will be on your mind during this transit and others will notice since you are going to radiate. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th will inspire you to beautify your surroundings and initiate changes for the next six months.
Scorpio – This month will impact your love life when Mars moves into Taurus on the 6th. You will see how you approach relationships and begin to see them transform. This transit is all about compromises and positive changes. Communication is key with these Mars transits in partnership houses, so make sure to listen. On the 8th, Mercury moves into Aquarius, adding some interesting dynamic to the home front. You are going to be more comfortable with your expression even if it might feel a little tense. Again, this is all about listening and making some compromises with friends and family, so keep that in mind. Preserve the peace and everyone will be happy. Venus will be in Capricorn on the 8th as well, making you more charming when it comes to your communication skills. You have everyone’s ear during this time, just make sure to listen to everyone else. With the New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th, this will be a good time to seek out friends and family, especially siblings and cousins through social media. The Full Moon in Leo on the 28th, will keep everyone focused on what you do. Impress those bosses and professors now to achieve success. Your card for the month is The Lovers, which is very fitting given the partnership themes. Remember to be there for your partner and to listen. If you are single now, someone might catch your eye and you could start a new relationship.
Sagittarius – As a fire sign, you are probably wishing for more inspiration this month, but it will be more rooted on practicality and patience. With the Five of Cups appearing in your reading, you need to lose the self-sabotaging thoughts and focus on what is ahead for you. See the positive and do not focus on the negative. Mars will no longer be in Aries, but it will enter the sign of Taurus on the 6th, moving your priorities from the imaginative to the pragmatic. You are getting things done now and must keep your eyes on the prize while you face the tasks ahead. Mercury will enter the sign of Aquarius on the 8th, a good time to focus on your planning as well as diving into learning things you have been interested in. Venus also enters Capricorn on the same day, a period where you will be diligent about growing finances as this transit makes you sensible about spending habits. A huge transit will be the Full Moon in Leo on the 28th which will give you the fire energy boost you are seeking. Leo adds a good ambitious dynamic to your busy bee self this month and most importantly, a confidence boost you will love.
Capricorn – We begin this month with a lot of planetary shifts that can be beneficial for you. Mars enters fellow earth sign Taurus on the 6th and this energy you will be welcoming since the harsh aspects Mars in Aries made to your sign might have left you exhausted from all the work you did in the last six months. This trine with Mars now will have you more flirtatious and willing to pursue romances. Sounds fun, right? On the 8th, Venus enters your sign, and you will be feeling yourself for the month’s transit. A lot of eyes will be on you as you get others to notice you with ease. More of that lovely attention will follow on the 13th of January when the New Moon will be in your sign. This is the perfect opportunity to start your year just right, setting those intentions and manifesting as you bring more of that self-love and care to you that you might have neglected last year. Either way, you are making others jealous or enamored with what you have to offer this month. Your card for the month is the Six of Cups, a sign that you are starting 2021 on the right foot, even if you are going to be feeling nostalgic for the past.
Aquarius – Lovely time for you with Saturn in Aquarius and now a few more planets will also be entering your sign this month. Mercury will be in Aquarius on the 8th, making you more sharp and feeling confident with your decision making. This Mercury transit also kicks of the first retrograde of the month, but that happens on the 30th. A memorable transit is Mars entering Taurus. This kicks off a time filled with ups and downs as this planet will be squaring off with Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury for the first half of the month. It will not be all bad since Mars will still have you motivated to succeed, even if it tries to slow you down. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th will bring you back to basics, opting for a more calming time so you can catch up and relax a bit before things get a little intense when the Sun enters your sign on the 19th. Mars will then cause some conflicts there too, but you are going to still radiate which is shown in your card for the month, The Sun Reversed. It is still a positive card; you just need to concentrate on the successes you achieve as well as boosting your self-esteem.
Pisces – An interesting time for you this month with the Three of Swords appearing in your reading. Do not worry, this is not bad but a sign you are going to be doing some great healing this month. This is a transitional period especially with Mars entering the sign of Taurus after six months of being in Aries. You now have the self-assurance to go and get what you want. Your words will hold some influence during this period, since you might feel inspired to write, draw or just create something else. Tapping into your creative side is going to be important now because this outlet will allow you to shine. Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius on the 8th and this is also an inspirational transit for you since you will be more focused on what your dreams have to offer, more fuel for your creative side. On the same day, Venus enters the sign of Capricorn and you will have a good support system cheering you on this month and making you feel special. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 13th allows you to set your sights onto greater things. Again, you can use your creative outlets to begin new projects and embark on new mediums of artistry.
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brooklynmuseum · 3 years
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Closing out National Poetry Month, our Spring Interns paired some of their favorite poems with works from our collection. We hope you enjoy!
— Jeffrey Alexander Lopez, Curatorial Intern, American Art & Arts of the Americas
Image: Suzuki Harunobu (Japanese, 1724-1770). Page From Haru no Nishiki, 1771. Color woodblock print on paper. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Peter P. Pessutti, 83.190.1
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from Citizen: “Some years there exists a wanting to escape...” [Excerpt] By Claudia Rankine 
I they he she we you turn only to discover the encounter
to be alien to this place.
The patience is in the living. Time opens out to you.
The opening, between you and you, occupied, zoned for an encounter,
given the histories of you and you—
And always, who is this you?
The start of you, each day, a presence already—
Hey you—
— Halle Smith, Digital Collections Intern Catherine Green (American, born 1952). [Untitled] (West Indian Day Parade), 1991. Chromogenic photograph, sheet. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of the artist, 1991.58.2. © artist or artist's estate 
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Ode to Enchanted Light by Pablo Neruda
Under the trees light has dropped from the top of the sky, light like a green latticework of branches, shining on every leaf, drifting down like clean white sand.
A cicada sends its sawing song high into the empty air.
The world is a glass overflowing with water.
Consuelo Kanaga’s black and white photograph captures a dazzling, yet fleeting moment from everyday life. Three textured glasses cast shadows whose patterns are almost kaleidoscopic in effect. We can imagine Kanaga passing by her kitchen table, as she is brought to a halt to take a closer look at, and ultimately to photograph, the simple beauty generated by the play of light and everyday objects. The close-up scale of this image emulates the singularizing framing techniques deployed by Surrealist photographers, who also took parts of everyday life and blew them up in the photographic frame, thereby encouraging their viewers to look at life around us from a different angle. It is a way of saying: Here, take a closer look. Viewing the world with wonder, along with the joy that this act brings, are encapsulated in Pablo Neruda’s poem Ode to Enchanted Light. The speaker observes the way light passes through trees and creates enchanting patterns. He not only observes, but feels the beauty in the simple details of life, from the way light falls from the sky, to the sheen of leaves, to the buzzing of cicadas. Approaching life through such a hopeful lens evokes a glass-half-full perspective. In fact, the speaker is so hopeful that he believes “The world is/a glass overflowing/with water.” I think Kanaga would have felt the same way. 
— Kirk Testa, Curatorial Intern, Photography Consuelo Kanaga (American, 1894-1978). [Untitled] (Glasses and Reflections). Gelatin silver photograph. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Wallace B. Putnam from the Estate of Consuelo Kanaga, 82.65.25
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Easter Wings By George Herbert
Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,
      Though foolishly he lost the same,
            Decaying more and more,
                  Till he became
                        Most poore:
                        With thee
                  O let me rise
            As larks, harmoniously,
      And sing this day thy victories:
Then shall the fall further the flight in me.
My tender age in sorrow did beginne
      And still with sicknesses and shame.
            Thou didst so punish sinne,
                  That I became
                        Most thinne.
                        With thee
                  Let me combine,
            And feel thy victorie:
         For, if I imp my wing on thine,
Affliction shall advance the flight in me.
Easter Wings by George Herbet and Martin Bach’s flower vase from the Brooklyn Museum’s Decorative Arts collection reveal the interrelationship between form and function. In Easter Wings, Herbert strategically varies the line length to create an image that enhances the meaning of the poem; when you turn the poem on its side, it resembles the wings of a bird, of which are symbolic of the atonement of Jesus Christ. In doing so, the author is not only telling us his message, but he is showing it visually as well. Similarly, the vase takes the visual form of its function. Its floral design amplifies the meaning of the object, as the vase is meant to hold flowers. In both instances, we see how aesthetic properties of a work echo the meaning and function of the work itself.
— Amy Zavecz Martin Bach (American, 1862-1921). Vase, ca. 1905. Opalescent glass. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Mrs. Alfred Zoebisch, 59.143.16. Creative Commons-BY 
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I am the Earth (Watashi wa chikyu) [Excerpt] by Kiyoko Nagase, Translated by Takako Lento
I am warm, moist soil  I am a single supple stalk  I draw my life  all the way up into corollas of wild berries on the roadside 
I am amazed at  a breast of water welling  to flow into the inlet of a muddy rice paddy  I am amazed at  myself being  hot steam blowing fire and sulfur up  from the bottom of the great ocean, deep indigo.  I am amazed at  the crimson blood flow  covering the earth’s surface in human shape;  I am amazed that it swells as the tides ebb and flow, and gushes out monthly under distant invisible gravity … I am the earth.  I live there, and I am the very same earth. 
In the four billionth year  I have come to know  the eternal cold moon, my other self, my hetero being,  then, for the first time, I am amazed that I am warm mud.
The vivid imagery conjured up by Kiyoko Nagase’s poem is beautifully visualized by Emmi Whitehorse’s painting. The emphasis on deep Earth tones and abstract corporeality in both the poem and the painting really creates an intense metaphysical link between the environment and the self.
— Amanda Raquel Dorval, Archives Intern Emmi Whitehorse (Navajo, born 1957). Fire Weed, 1998. Chalk, graphite, pastel and oil on paper mounted on canvas. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Hinrich Peiper and Dorothee Peiper-Riegraf in honor of Emmi Whitehorse, 2006.49. © artist or artist's estate
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Seventh Circle of Earth by Ocean Vuong
On April 27, 2011, a gay couple, Michael Humphrey and Clayton Capshaw, was murdered by immolation in their home in Dallas, Texas.
Dallas Voice
As if my finger, / tracing your collarbone / behind closed doors, / was enough / to erase myself. To forget / we built this house knowing / it won’t last. How / does anyone stop / regret / without cutting / off his hands? / Another torch
streams through / the kitchen window, / another errant dove. / It’s funny. I always knew / I’d be warmest beside / my man. / But don’t laugh. Understand me / when I say I burn best / when crowned / with your scent: that earth-sweat / & Old Spice I seek out each night / the days
refuse me. / Our faces blackening / in the photographs along the wall. / Don’t laugh. Just tell me the story / again, / of the sparrows who flew from falling Rome, / their blazed wings. / How ruin nested inside each thimbled throat / & made it sing
until the notes threaded to this / smoke rising / from your nostrils. Speak— / until your voice is nothing / but the crackle / of charred
bones. But don’t laugh / when these walls collapse / & only sparks / not sparrows / fly out. / When they come / to sift through these cinders—& pluck my tongue, / this fisted rose, / charcoaled & choked / from your gone
mouth. / Each black petal / blasted / with what’s left / of our laughter. / Laughter ashed / to air / to honey to baby / darling, / look. Look how happy we are / to be no one / & still
Ocean Vuong’s “Seventh Circle of Earth” has persisted as one of the great, affective moments of poetry in my life since I first heard Pádraig Ó Toama’s gorgeous reading and discussion of it on his podcast, Poetry Unbound. I decided to pair Vuong’s poem with Mary Coble’s Untitled 2 (from Note To Self) because both works are urgently immersive into the violence and experience of LGBTQ people in the U.S., and for how each work uses text and physicality to address presence, pain, and erasure. Vuong’s poem is actually footnoted to a quote from a news article about a gay couple murdered in Texas. The page is thus blank, absent of text. The reader has to sink below the main stage, the accepted space of word and story, to find the voices of this couple and the depth of their story’s tenderness, eroticism, and utter devastation. Coble’s piece foils the structure and effect of Seventh Circle of Earth by taking what was subverted by Vuong—text and the narrative of violence—wholly to the surface. Her photograph captures her own legs tattooed without ink with the names of LGBTQ individuals victimized by hate crimes. I cannot help but think of Franz Kafka’s short story “In the Penal Colony,” in which prisoners’ “sentences'' are inscribed by the needle of a “punishment apparatus” directly onto their bodies. I was struck by how the curator’s note for this photograph describes Coble’s artistic endeavor here as “harrowing.” The needle in Kafka’s short story is indeed called “The Harrow”. The noun harrow is an agricultural tool that combs plowed soil to break up clumps of earth and uproot weeds and clear imperfections. The verb to harrow means to plague, and in the story’s original German the verb for “harrow”, eggen,  is also translated as “to torment”. Kafka and Coble conflate these definitions of “the harrow” in their respective works: they use a needled device, like the true noun definition, as an instrument of torment because of someone else’s idea of punishment and justice. Here, violence is brought to the surface, intimate in as much as we are brought right up to the artist’s skin and into the presence of her and her community’s pain. Together, one can see how each creator physicalizes their respective artistic space to tell the stories of LGBTQ people, of what is tender and harrowing, below the surface and written into the skin. 
— Talia Abrahams, Provenance Intern, IHCPP Mary Coble (American, born 1978). Untitled 2 (from Note to Self), 2005. Inkjet print. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of the artist, 2008.10. © artist or artist's estate 
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To my daughter Kakuya   by Assata Shakur  
I have shabby dreams for you   of some vague freedom   I have never known.   Baby   I don't want you hungry or thirsty   or out in the cold.   and I don't want the frost   to kill your fruit   before it ripens.   I can see a sunny place  Life exploding green.   I can see your bright, bronze skin at ease with all the flowers   and the centipedes.   I can hear laughter,   not grown from ridicule   And words not prompted   by ego or greed or jealousy.   I see a world where hatred   has been replaced by love.   and ME replaced by WE   And I can see a world replaced                                       where you,   building and exploring,   strong and fulfilled,   will understand.   And go beyond my little shabby dreams. 
This poem is featured in Assata Shakur’s memoir, Assata: An Autobiography. It details her hope for a better world that  her daughter can grow up in. This poem is positioned in the book when Shakur is facing increasing prosecution as a result of her  activism and affiliations with the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation army. Being written more than 30 years after this picture  was taken, the poem summons me to think about the trauma that many Black women face and how much of that trauma gets passed  down to their children. The black and white photo of a mother and daughter provides a nice visual to the poem. “The image of a Black  mother and child sitting on their luggage reflects the little-discussed history of segregated transportation in the northern United States. Through the 1940s, Penn Station officials assigned Black travelers seats in Jim Crow cars on southbound trains” (Brooklyn Museum). The photograph of train passengers waiting outside of Manhattan’s Pennsylvania Station especially echoes the verse “I don’t want you  hungry or thirsty or out in the cold.” The overall optimistic tone of Shakur’s poem alters our relationship to the image as we imagine  the mother pictured above hoping for the exact same things
— Zaria W, Teen Programs intern Ruth Orkin (American, 1921-1985). Mother and Daughter at Penn Station, NYC, 1948. Gelatin silver photograph, sheet: 13 15/16 × 11 in. (35.4 × 27.9 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Mary Engel, 2011.22.3. © artist or artist's estate
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Crunch.  By Kailyn Gibson 
I retch as a mass of sinew lies between my lips.  The sensation is unbearable.  Fortunately, the jar of flies has gone missing again. 
Slowly, surely, and yet never sure at all,  the quiet of buzzing rings through the in-between. 
It is a symphony wrought from blood and bone. 
Saliva drips from bleeding, hungry gums,  And the crunch of glass echoes the grinding of molars.
If I proffered a sanguine smile, would masticated shards look like teeth?  Would they gleam just as prettily?  
The flies ring,  and the rot calls. 
— Kailyn Gibson Edgar Degas (French, 1834-1917). Portrait of a Man (Portrait d'homme), ca. 1866. Oil on canvas. Brooklyn Museum, Museum Collection Fund, 21.112 
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Excerpt from Autobiography of Red A novel in verse by Anne Carson
7. If Helen’s reasons arose out of some remark Stesichoros made either it was a strong remark about Helen’s sexual misconduct (not to say its unsavory aftermath the Fall of Troy) or it was not.
8. If it was a strong remark about Helen’s sexual misconduct (not to say its unsavory aftermath the Fall of Troy) either this remark was a lie or it was not.
9. If it was not a lie either we are now in reverse and by continuing to reason in this way we are likely to arrive back at the beginning of the question of the blinding of Stesichoros or we are not.
10. If we are now in reverse and by continuing to reason in this way are likely to arrive back at the beginning of the question of the blinding of Stesichoros either we will go along without incident or we will meet Stesichoros on our way back.
11. If we meet Stesichoros on our way back either we will keep quiet or we will look him in the eye and ask him what he thinks of Helen.
12. If we look Stesichoros in the eye and ask him what he thinks of Helen either he will tell the truth or he will lie.
13. If Stesichoros lies either we will know at once that he is lying or we will be fooled because now that we are in reverse the whole landscape looks inside out.
This excerpt comes from Appendix C of Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red, a novel in verse. A translator and classicist herself, Carson mixes fact with fiction in her unconventional retelling of the myth of Geryon and Hercules, beginning with a roundabout introduction to the poet Stesichoros. Autobiography presents a captivating example of recent Queer projects that take up Classical material as their basis. A fascination with the Classical past has pervaded our modern conception of sexual identity politics, down to the very etymology of the word “lesbian.” In this fascination, I see the same desire to capture Classical imagery as cultural heritage which has also pervaded American museums, albeit with significantly different aims. The fresco pictured above comes to mind, which passed through many collectors and was even purchased by the museum before anyone pegged it as a modern piece—not an original Roman fresco. John D. Cooney, a 20th century curator of our Egyptian, Classical, and Ancient Near Eastern Art collection, wrote that “the unclad and somewhat winsome charms of the lady [probably] diverted objective glances.” Both in the case of the fresco and Carson’s novel, the “unclad and somewhat winsome charms” of the Classical past shape and reshape our understanding of history.
— Kira Houston, Curatorial Intern, Egyptian, Classical, and Ancient Near Eastern Art Modern, in the style of the Roman Period. Part of a Fresco, early 19th century C.E. Clay, paint. Brooklyn Museum, Ella C. Woodward Memorial Fund, 11.30.
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Late Fragment by Raymond Carver From A New Path to the Waterfall, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989.
And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.
— Shori Diedrick Brackens (American, born 1989). when no softness came, 2019. Cotton and acrylic yarn. Brooklyn Museum, Purchased with funds given by The LIFEWTR Fund at Frieze New York 2019, 2019.12. © artist or artist's estate
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Jaguar By Francisco X. Alarcón
some say                                    dicen que ahora                  I'm now almost                           estoy casi extinto       extinct in this park                      por este parque    but the people                            pero la gente who say this                               que dice esto don't know                                 no sabe that by smelling                          que al oler   the orchids                                 las orquídeas in the trees                                 en los árboles they're sensing                          están percibiendo  the fragrance                             la fragancia of my chops                              de mis fauces  that by hearing                          que al oír the rumblingc                            el retumbo of the waterfalls                        de los saltos  
they're listening                         están escuchando          to my ancestors'                       el gran rugido   great roar                                  de mis ancestros
that by observing                      que al observar     the constellations                      las constelanciones     of the night sky                         del firmamento 
they're gazing                           están mirando at the star spots                       las motas de estrellas    on my fur                                  marcadas en mi piel that I am and                            que yo soy always will be                           y siempre seré the wild                                     el indomable
untamed                                  espíritu silvestre living spirit                               vivo de esta of this jungle                            jungla
While the author of the poem speaks about animals, their words can also speak on behalf of the erasure of indigenous peoples in South America. Much like the jaguar, indigenous traditions and culture are very important to life in South America. Despite their marginalization, Indigenous peoples throughout the Andes used coca leaves to help with the altitude. The use and cultivation of coca are criminalized throughout most of South America despite it being essential to indigenous cultures. This vessel was used to contain lime which would activate the coca leaves.  Much like the jaguar, indigenous traditions are also faced with endangerment despite being woven into the fabric that is Latin America. Through the opposite man and woman figures, the vessel shows the duality that is important to the Quimbaya people which is still relevant to Colombians today.
Aunque el autor del poema habla sobre los animales, sus palabras también comunican el sentimiento común de la supresión de los indígenas en Suramérica. Con la mención del jaguar, se puede entender en el poema que la cultura y las tradiciones de las personas que son indígenas son sumamente importantes para la vida en Sudamérica. A pesar de su marginación, los indígenas en Los Andes utilizan la hoja de coca para ayudar en la altura de las montañas. El uso y el cultivo de la hoja de coca fue criminalizado (penalizado) a través de Sudamérica, aunque su uso para los indígenas era vital y esencial para su cultura. Este recipiente que se utiliza contiene limón lo que activa la hoja de la coca. Similarmente al jaguar, las tradiciones de los indígenas siempre estaban en peligro aunque estuvieran entrelazadas en las telas de lo que sería Latinoamérica. A través del hombre opuesto y las figuras de mujeres, el recipiente muestra la dualidad de lo que es importante para las personas que son Quimbaya, algo que todavía hoy es relevante para los Colombianos.
— Jeffrey Alexander Lopez, Curatorial Intern, American Art & Arts of the Americas Quimbaya. Poporo (Lime Container), 1-600 C.E. Tumbaga. Brooklyn Museum, Alfred W. Jenkins Fund, 35.507. Creative Commons-BY 
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melzula · 3 years
The Gift
pairing: Zuko x Princess!reader
notes: this was requested by an anon!
summary: Zuko and Princess celebrate the opening of her new water bending school
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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You rise before the sun to prepare for the busy day ahead of you. You’d only been crowned Chief two months ago but already you found yourself busy with countless tasks and duties assigned to you by your people. However, you gracefully took each challenge head on, and despite being home for such a short time you’d already accomplished so much.
With the help of your friends you’d managed to dethrone Koa and begin a new era of peace and rebuilding in the South; there was much to do and no time to waste when it came to helping your people, and with assistance from Pakku and members from your sister Tribe you were able to begin the period of growth in no time. Aid had been sent out to the smaller tribes who were being looked after and rebuilt by the men who wished to rectify their wrongs after turning against their Princess in support of the former advisor. Leading them was Hakoda, Sokka and Katara’s father as well as your new advisor. Already the outer tribes were beginning to grow, and with that growth came the discovery of the next generation of water benders.
Before his departure back to the Earth Kingdom Sokka had helped you construct the plans for your new water bending school, and with two months having come and gone the structure was almost complete. Another day or so and you’d be ready to begin your teaching— both younger children of your tribe and a few migrants from the South would be your students, and with Master Pakku’s help you had no doubt your school would be a success.
Many sleepless nights and countless hours of work came with being the Chief of a tribe that was attempting to rebuild itself, yet you still made sure to send letters to Zuko whenever you could. You swore to him before his leave back to the Fire Kingdom that you’d reply to his letters and inform him of any more trouble you faced, and so you found yourself writing back and forth with your boyfriend at least three times a week thanks to your shared messenger hawk. You would have preferred to meet in the secret tunnel, but both of you were much too busy now to escape to your hideaway, so you settled for communication through scrolls.
The sun is just beginning to rise as you adorn the Chieftain necklace and allow the Water Tribe emblem to fall proudly against your chest. Your father would have been proud, and you wish he could see all the things you’ve accomplished for your people.
You slip on your parka and give a wistful glance at the portrait of Zuko that sits on your dresser (a portrait that is accompanied by the doll he’d given to you long ago) before making your way towards your office to get started on the plans for the day. The early mornings were always reserved for scripts and scrolls, it made things more organized and helped the plans ease along nicely, and it also allowed you some quiet time to yourself before you were pulled every which way throughout your day.
You’re not sure how long you sat with your nose buried in paperwork, but by the time your mother steps into your office the morning sun is high in the sky and your people have begun their tasks for the day. She smiles fondly and approaches with a cup of tea in her hands, the cup being a part of the china set Iroh had sent Zuko with months before.
“Well you’re up awfully early,” she notes while carefully setting your tea before you.
“I have a lot to catch up on before the opening of the new school. Pakku brought me a list of possible students and I’m going through each and every one to make sure their needs will be met if they choose to participate in lessons.”
“About that...”
“What?” You prod, immediately looking away from your paperwork and towards your mom. She has a giddy smile on her face and a glint in her eye that she fails to hide from you.
“Would you like to go for a walk? I think we should go for a walk,” she replies, quickly changing the subject and hoisting you out of your seat before you can even comprehend what’s happening.
“Mom!” You try to interject, but she simply brushes off your comments and concerns.
“It really is so nice out today,” she hums gleefully. Guards gift you friendly smiles or respectful bows as you pass, and outside the palace you are greeted with excited commotion.
“What the flameo is going??” You say exasperated. Your gaze settles upon your school in the distance and a confused frown etches itself across your features at the sight of a crowd around the building. You weren’t exactly expecting any students just yet, and the school wasn’t meant to open for another day or two. You also weren’t sure why exactly there was a blanketed structure in the courtyard of the school; you hadn’t authorized any additional features, so what was it?
“Took you long enough,” Pakku greets you both with a smile. Little children stand around him and look upon you with pure glee and excitement. You recognize a few of them from your list, but you hadn’t even reached out to their families yet to ask for permission for their participation in your water bending lessons.
“Can someone please tell me what’s going on here?” You plead desperately. Pakku and your mother grin.
“Why, we’re celebrating the opening of your new school, of course,” he says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“The opening? But nothing’s ready!”
“Actually, everything is ready,” your mother corrects with a smile. “You’ve been so busy running around trying to get everything in order, so Pakku and I took it upon ourselves to finish up the school for you. All you have to do is say the word and your water bending school will officially be open!”
“Well, we did have some help from the Fire Lord...”
“Zuko?” You retort with furrowed brows. “How did Zuko help?”
“You’ll see,” your mother replies giddily. “Are you ready to open your school?”
It takes you a moment to process the whirlwind of information that’s been given to you in a matter of minutes, but you can’t deny the relief you feel at knowing that the work has been taken care of for you. The first promise you’d made as Chief was to restore water bending in your tribe, and to know you were mere moments away from completing the task was a weight lifted off of your shoulders. All the little children look upon you eagerly, and it’s with a confident smile that you look to your people that have gathered around the school and proudly hold your head up high.
“As Chief of the Southern Water Tribe, it is my great honor and pride to announce the official opening of our school for water benders,” you announce. Your mother beams with pride at the sight of your first big accomplishment as Chief as she gives an agreeing nod to Pakku.
“And to celebrate this great achievement, we have a gift for Chief y/n,” he adds. Your brows furrow in confusion.
“A gift?” You repeat, watching as he pulls a scroll from his coat and begins to read off of the paper.
“I, Fire Lord Zuko, would like to show my excitement and support for the rebuilding of the Southern Water Tribe by offering this gift for Chief y/n. I know it’s impossible to capture her real life beauty, grace, and compassion, but I believe this gift does a pretty good job of displaying her greatness for all to see.”
The blanket is removed from the structure, and all including you gasp in awe at the sight before you; a statue in your likeness stands in the center of the courtyard. Your face holds a warm and benevolent smile, your head held high with a fire lily neatly tucked into your hair, and your hands are held out before you right on top of left as a circle of water swirls in between them. You look regal, elegant, like a perfect Princess and water bender.
“I... I can’t believe it,” you murmur in awe. Your mother smiles.
“Zuko sent me a letter a few weeks back to tell me he planned on commissioning a statue for you— a gift for your accomplishments. I told him it was a wonderful idea and agreed to have it sent here the moment it was finished to celebrate the opening of your school.”
“It’s beautiful,” you say with a teary eyed smile.
“You know, that Zuko is quite the catch. Does he know you’re of marrying age?” Your mother asks with a sly smile.
“Mom!” You exclaim embarrassed. She laughs.
“What? It doesn’t hurt to ask.”
“It’s a little too early for that,” you reply with a sheepish laugh. “Besides, I’ve still got a lot of work to do.”
“You’re right about that,” Pakku says, pulling you aside. “Are you ready to meet your new students, Chief y/n?”
“Actually,” you reply with a coy smile, casting a glance towards your statue, “it’s Sifu y/n when class is in session.”
“Sifu y/n it is,” he agrees with a smile before guiding you into the school to begin training your new students.
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @simpinforsukka @sirkekselord @protect-remus @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @zukh03s @taeeemin @user12345321 @just--artemis--with--ghost @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @neighborhoodpansexualdisaster @noodlesfluffy @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch |
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philliamwrites · 3 years
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Albedo / Aether
Tags: #kissing, #morning softness, #fluff
Words: 1.6k
Summary: “Don’t,” Aether laughed, rising his shoulders to hide his skin from Albedo’s hungry mouth. “I’m stinky after yesterday’s battle.”
“No.” The tip of Albedo’s nose grazed his sensitive skin. “You smell like the sun. Always warm. As if the sun loves you. As if it wants to cling to you as long as possible.”
Notes: A birthday present for my lovely friend. This pairing just butters my biscuits, fam.
Also I'm still taking commissions for anyone interested! Just write me a dm!
»’cause you’re so lovely, you’re so lovely, i can’t help but fall for you, love when you love me, it’s so lovely loving you
    When Aether awoke, he was all alone.
    He opened his eyes in a sleepy daze, and as his hand reached out to his left, he found the crumbled sleeping roll empty and cold. Immediately, he startled fully awake as if struck by lightning, his mind clearing from sleep and dreams that tasted like ashes on his tongue.
    “Lumine?” he said out loud—the first name he remembered ever speaking, and the last he wanted to be his dying breath. But when usually his sister would come to his aid, trained to respond to the sound of his voice from childhood, to rise from bed when Aether cried, to run to help him when he fell down, now he was all alone inside the tiny tent.
    No. Not quite alone.
    It’s his first day in Teyvat all over again after he’d regained consciousness and called out for her, and had found Paimon in her stead, drifting in the ocean stretching before Starsnatch Cliff. Now, her little snores filled the suffocating quiet and coated his throbbing heart in a soothing balm labelled companionship.
    Aether thought that with time, missing Lumine would become easier to bear. That he’d simply grow dull and time numbed his feelings. Clearly, he was wrong, and Father Time was not that kind.
    He crawled outside the tent, quietly so he wouldn’t disturb Paimon, and emerged into the early sunlight winking through the tree crowns. Their little campfire from yesterday night had lost its battle and died hours ago, and Aether shuddered when a light breeze stirred its ashes into the air.
    That was when he spotted Albedo sitting at the top of a slope. He hadn’t noticed Aether waking up, his eyes fixed on the horizon where clouds had gathered in the east, and the rising sun lit them in brilliant shades of reds and corals and violets. His hand, holding a fine brush, danced across a canvas, trying to capture that ephemeral beauty with lithe fingers Aether knew were capable of much more than painting. His chest tightened when he thought of yesterday night. Their quiet voices and hushed whispers as they tried not to wake up Paimon even though all Aether had wanted to do was scream Albedo’s name when he finally came as Albedo’s rough thumb had grazed the tip of his member. Thankfully, Albedo was kind enough to swallow all of Aether’s moans and gasps, leaving his mind completely fogged and drunk on his kisses.
    Aether tried not to think too much of it as he went up the slope where Albedo sat, overlooking the vast valley stretching out under them.
    “Why didn’t you wake me up?” Aether asked. He stretched in the morning’s light, delighted by the early warmth and slight breeze on his skin. “I wanted to see the sunrise with you.”
    Albedo’s eyes drew lazily from his canvas to Aether’s waist, watching how his shirt rode up and revealed more of his skin without allowing his hand to stop once as the brush mixed reds and blues. “I tried. But you just drooled.”
    “That’s a lie.”
    A smile crept up Albedo’s face. “True. But you looked too lovely to wake up. Like you had a good dream,” he said so seriously, Aether felt heat rise to his cheeks. His arms dropped back to his side. He couldn’t handle Albedo’s honesty first thing in the morning.
    Albedo rose an eyebrow. “Am I wrong?”
    Aether did have a dream. A dream about Mondstadt’s Windblume Festival where all his friends had gathered around a table in Angel’s Share, and in the centre, like the sun holding its own universe, sat Lumine, beaming at him.
    “Happy birthday, brother,” she’d said, intertwining their fingers just like on the day they were born.
    “Happy birthday, sister,” he’d said, touching his forehead to hers just like during their days spent inside their mother’s womb.
    How much he longed to be with her again.
    Aether exhaled. He hadn’t realised he’d been holding his breath until that moment. Albedo must have heard him, for he raised his head and his gaze met Aether’s, and he wondered how much of the endless black hole that his grief cut into his heart Albedo could see.
    The corner of his mouth pulled up into a rueful smile. “No, you’re right,” Aether said. “I had a dream. A good dream, indeed.”
    Albedo stopped painting. His eyes were the colour of the ocean after a storm, clear and bright and deep enough for Aether to drown in them. He wanted it. Aether wanted to be swallowed whole. Become tiny, pocket-sized, perfectly fitting in Albedos’ palm and be devoured. Be completely consumed until nothing was left, and all of him belonged to Albedo only. What a wonderful mess that would be.
    Quickly turning his eyes away before he dropped to his knees and begged Albedo to take him right here and now in the open, Aether tried to douse his desire by gazing out at the sublime scenery. A flock of birds took flight from a nearby tree, their song echoing through the valley. Clouds drifted over their heads on their lazy journey over fields and rivers, taking unrecognisable shapes as they told stories about every place they’d seen. Aether envied them.
    “You know, in the world where I’m from, it’s always night,” he said. “Sure, it’s beautiful, we have so many more stars than you guys. And moons. But it’s the same. Wherever I looked, it was always the same. But this—” He waved his hand at the sky above them. “Your sky changes every day. It’s always different, the colours, the clouds. Dawn, dusk. I didn’t know words like that existed when I first came here. It’s beautiful.”
    Albedo followed Aether’s gaze, considering the landscape in front of them. But his eyes—suddenly ablaze, a roaring fire—drew back on Aether as he said, “It truly is beautiful.”
    Aether didn’t feel beautiful. He’s pretty sure his bed-hair was still sticking to all sides and his clothes were rumpled. But Albedo never failed in making him feel wanted, desired. Be that in the early morning hours without having his face washed or teeth brushed, or on the battle field with blood and grime spattered all over him.
    Just like now, Albedo was able to make Aether come undone with a single gaze of those piercing, ocean eyes.
    “Let’s go back before Paimon wakes up and throws a fit because she thinks we’ve left her,” he said and turned around before this would turn into an unholy, filthy ceremony out in the open not even the Archons should witness.
    Aether didn’t come very far. Halfway down, Albedo caught up to him and in a flash, seized Aether’s wrist. He pulled him to a nearby tree, and a second later, Aether felt rough bark against his back. Albedo closed the distance between them in one step. His hands cupped the back of Aether’s head, his mouth slanting down over his, hot and sweet as tea with honey. Aether ran his teeth lightly across Albedo’s bottom lip, and he made a guttural sound that raised the hairs along Aether’s arms. He pressed his body hard against Aether’s, lowering his head to kiss his throat, to lick and suck at the pulse point where he could feel the beating of his heart.
    “Don’t,” Aether laughed, rising his shoulders to hide his skin from Albedo’s hungry mouth. “I’m stinky after yesterday’s battle.”
    “No.” The tip of Albedo’s nose grazed his sensitive skin. “You smell like the sun. Always warm. As if the sun loves you. As if it wants to cling to you as long as possible.”
    Aether’s knees buckled. How could simple words like that make him forget his own name. In Albedo’s hands, he turned to clay, left at Albedo’s mercy for he was the potter and Aether would become anything to please him. Albedo’s fingers traced his curves, the dips and hollows of his body as if he were describing a painting in gilt and ivory with each rush of his hands. Aether raked his hands over Albedo’s body, trying to find purchase before he completely turned into a puddle and dissolved between Albedo’s fingers. His hands caught on the belt strung across Albedo’s chest, and they both halted for a second as they waited for a heartbeat that didn’t come.
    Albedo exhaled softly as he lowered his forehead to Aether’s. “If I had a heart, it would hurt for your burden.”
    “It’s fine,” Aether said. He took Albedo’s hand and put it over his own heart. “Mine is enough for both of us.”
    Albedo smiled. He pressed Aether’s knuckles to his lips, and murmured against his skin, “And what a magnificent heart it is.”
    Aether held onto Albedo so much, just a little more and they’d become one. It felt like they were the only two people on this earth, just the two of them off to see the world and all its wonders. Aether wouldn’t mind. He wouldn’t mind if tomorrow came and all of Teyvat’s people fell into an endless slumber, and eventually completely disappear. Until recently, Aether hadn’t know it was possible to love someone this much. That if the world were to end tomorrow—if Aether were to have just one wish before it would all end in darkness, it’d be to wake up to Albedo’s sunkissed face in a quiet place they called home, built with their own hands. If that wasn’t love in its truest form, then every fairy tale Lumine used to tell him was a lie, and it was up to Aether to write his own story in which he’d make sure to burn so bright by Albedo’s side that even stars envied them whenever they come together to create a whole new universe.
please drop by my ko-fi if you enjoyed my writing!
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star-consultant · 3 years
Bright are the stars
You need a Beatle song that perfectly encapsulates your sign? Of course you do. (Spotify playlist) 
Aries—“I Saw Her Standing There” 
One two three FOUR! An eager and intense song for an eager and intense sign. Aries falls hard and fast, with a tendency to rash vows that everyone doubts they mean—but Aries doesn’t doubt. Paul (who later styled himself as a "ram” at a key point in his creative development) makes good on the Cardinal Fire vibe with his exuberant vocals, and John of the Aries rising contributed the street-smart innuendo that utterly makes the song: And you know what I mean. Fittingly, this song kicked off the group’s first album, which itself has plenty of Aries “HELLO I AM HERE TO MAKE A MARK ON YOUR WORLD! (like me plz ok? this is my heart and i am Doing My Best??)” energy. 
Taurus—“All I’ve Got to Do"
A song that takes its sweet time but burrows deeper than the average ear-worm into your consciousness. It’s a patient song that is unassuming but knows exactly what the hell it’s doing. The intensity builds bit by bit, so that you’re unaware when the power of the bridge comes crashing down. Describes the Taurean romantic ideal: lazy, loyal, cozy, constant, tender, and ever-so-true. Also, “All I’ve Got to Do” is featured on the second album, With the Beatles, which has plenty of other Bullish touches, noticeable even with a casual glance at the tracklist: “Don’t Bother Me,” “Not a Second Time,” and “Money (That’s What I Want).” 
Gemini—“She Loves You”
Paul is a Gemini Sun, and throughout his catalogue it shows. But perhaps he never topped the Twinniness of this energetic, optimistic, breathless, gossipy classic. It was composed “eye-to-eye” with John, a truly dual-authored song, and one the rare Beatles numbers where the two lead vocalists double up on every single line, in true (Nerk) Twin fashion. Also the first but definitely not the last of their many “third-person narratives,” Paul’s novelistic instead of confessional slant being distinctly a Gemini thing. The speaker in this one couldn’t be more enthusiastic about this relationship if it were already repaired, and he couldn’t be more enthusiastic about it if it were his. Love is great! People reconciling is great! You should be glad, dumbass! But the real corker? What makes this so Gemini that it hurts? Yoko has confirmed that in the early 70s, during her separation with John, she actually had Paul play agony aunt. Then, during that meetup in L.A. where they were last photographed together, Paul urged John to “apologize to her” and get back together... which he did. That’s right. "She Loves You” is not merely a Gemini’s song: it’s a Gemini’s life. 
Cancer—“Octopus’s Garden”
Ringo the Crab’s musically-complex fantasy about an underwater sanctuary where children are “happy and safe,” he and his lover can be together, and there’s “no one there to tell us what to do.” George (a triple Water sign himself, probably not-so-incidentally) always insisted that his best mate’s song Had Depths, and he himself supplied a lot of them: check out his lead guitar lines. They function as emotional counterpoint. When Ringo’s vocal line is especially wistful, the guitar is bright; when Ringo ends on a confident note, the guitar is quirky, ironic, even stiff-upper-lip pessimistic. Result: a shifting kaleidoscope of FEELS. The Moon approves. 
Leo—“Good Day Sunshine” 
Paul perfectly expresses his own Leo moon with a sublime, vibrant ode to laughter, love, and pride on a cloudless summer day. The bit in the lyrics about she knows she’s looking fine and I’m so proud to know that she is mine? That’s not marring the high tone of the song: that is part of the tone. Hear us roar! And by “roar” I mean "laugh and canoodle, coz Leo is about living the good life, bitches.” 
Virgo—“Please Please Me” 
What’s fair is forkin’ fair, mate! A exemplary blend of Virgo’s Mutable passive-aggressive sensitivity with its Elemental directness... half-critical, half-begging... plus the very sign-typical humblebragging. About their sexual prowess. Damn, Virgo. People forget how Earthy you really are sometimes. But here we are. In very Virgo fashion, instead of ditching the girl he’s decided to harangue her. On a more meta note, the Beatles were still studio virgins when they first began crafting this song, and it took several passes and incorporation of George Martin’s feedback before it became the bursting pop hit as we know it now. There’s that Virgo work ethic paying off.
Libra—“Strawberry Fields Forever”
The imagery of the title suggests an eternal harvest. But the star sign resemblance goes deeper than that: Always, no, sometimes think it’s me, but, you know, I know when it’s a dream. I think, er, no, I mean, er, yes, but it’s all wrong... that is, I think I disagree. Did you just hear your Libra roommate rambling after a joint, or did you listen to verse three of “Strawberry Fields”? Same difference. The song is absolutely lovely, as anything associated with the child of Venus should be, and innovative, as befits a Cardinal sign. Most of all, even in all of Libra Sun John’s weighing and weed-wandering, he knows one thing: he’s got to take someone else along with him. A companion, stat! 
Scorpio—“While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
George of the Scorpio moon and Scorpio ascendant had to really lean into this side of his nature to even get this damn track properly recorded. He resorted to the social power play of inviting Eric frickin’ Clapton into the tense post-India studio just to get Lennon, McCartney, and Martin to give his song proper Beatle recording magic. Which it deserved. The dark drama of the hard-won arrangement is the perfect Scorpio accompaniment to the moody, reflective lyrics about “all the love there that’s sleeping” in this weary world. There’s tender, horrified pity here for those who are stifled into inauthenticity: I don’t know how nobody told you how to unfold your love. I don’t know how someone controlled you; they bought and sold you... Bonus points for the Watery ‘just can’t even’-ness of not being able to so much as pick up a damn broom. 
You’re asking me, will my love grow? I don’t know, I don’t know! A deeply instinctual lover knows that Cupid has done hit a bullseye. He remains emphatically ambivalent about the future, but he knows what he feels in this moment, and in that moment is romance and wonder that is as deep as the earth is from the heavens. Sags are intense, but of all the Fire signs they are most far-seeing and detached (due to their Mutable quality, which makes them see the world a bit more like an Air sign does). “Something” keeps trying to capture that je-ne-sais-quoi, and despite the speaker’s happiness he can’t help but circle back again and again to take another shot at that the mental target. A philosopher even when in love. Ultimately, however, he doesn’t want to leave her now... which for a restless Sag is already saying a ton.
John let his unfashionable midheaven Capricorn off the leash with this blunt, pointed savaging of radical and violent revolutions. (Given the tanks on Tiananmen Square and the millions dead on the killing fields of Cambodia, I can’t say that his cautionary note about “destruction” and “minds that hate” was unnecessary.) Few things are more Capricorn than ‘Oh, you want my money? Yeah, first show me that you’ve done your fucking homework, mate.’ Bonus Earth points for the fact that he somehow worked sex—a lot of sex—into this political track. 
Aquarius—“Come Together”
John of the Aquarius moon’s decidedly loony attempt to write a political campaign song in order to stop Reagan. (The result was too weird for Timothy Leary, whose reaction was pretty much ‘wtf? I don’t think even I have enough residual acid in my system for this one... ’) John invokes the ideal of collaboration, but his call to solidarity is built around fantastical lyrics that no one can comprehend: He wear no shoeshine, he got/Toejam football, he got/Monkey finger, he shoot/Coca-Cola, he say/I know you, you know me... Oh, right. The lyrics contain exactly one discernible message: One thing I can tell you is you got to be free. How Aqua. Also in true collaborative Water-Bearer fashion, the arrangement really makes the song (special mention to the tight, tight work of the rhythm section). Bizarre genius that attracts a true team effort—it doesn’t get much more Aquarius than that.
Pisces— “I Want to Tell You”
The wall of sound builds up thickly enough that soon the words seem to be traveling through the sea to reach you: I want to tell you my head is filled with things to say... But when you’re here, all those words, they seem to slip away. A gorgeously, emotionally tongue-tied song... about being tongue-tied. Written by George, a Pisces Sun, this absolute mystery of a lyric is all emotion and no logic. If he seems to act unkind, it’s only him, it’s not his mind. Okay, Fishboy. Good thing the track is compellingly lovely and utterly relatable. Which suits the Pisces life exactly: ‘I don’t know what I mean, but it’s exceedingly beautiful and I want you to share it with you very, very much.’ 
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paullicino · 3 years
Ten Years
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Taken from my Patreon.
Ten years is a long time. It’s long enough for many things to change, but also long enough for everything to remain the same.
I remember ten years ago as if it were yesterday, as if it passed by in the blink of an eye, with light and shadow, textures and taste all as familiar as ever.
A morning after. Shocked faces. A phone call. Events barely believable, yet all too real.
Ten years ago, my then partner and I were living in a top floor flat off Tottenham High Road. It was sweltering in the summer and the downstairs neighbours played dance music at four in the morning. But the views out the back bedroom window were of valleys of rooftops, sprouting television aerials and summited in the winter by the briefest dustings of snow.
The sun was for the front of the flat. The moon shone into our bedroom.
I remember that sunlight in the afternoon, sparkling through the shifting foliage of the tall trees outside. And I remember summer most of all. August.
We had a tap. A faucet. A great, overwrought thing that our landlady was obsessed with. It was the best tap ever, she said. It was large, curved and heavy, the pharaonic headdress worn atop a newly-fitted kitchen of which she was so proud. Wasn’t it exciting that we had such a good tap?
We just wanted our bed repaired. Our home wasn’t finished when we moved in and we slept on the sofa for weeks. When the mighty tap was finally installed, it was too heavy for its fitting. It teetered. Along with poorly-mounted cupboard doors with handles that prevented other cupboards from opening, its practicality was an afterthought.
The walk up Tottenham High Road took me to the only two locations I ever really visited, the supermarket and the job centre. The supermarket provided us with affordable food (though I’d watched the price of many staples almost double over five years) and the job centre provided me, an unemployed person, the money with which to buy that food.
The job centre, which was now extra special and had been rebranded Job Centre Plus, did not provide anyone the means with which they could get a job. It spent almost all of its time providing people with unemployment benefits. Most of the thousands of Tottenham residents who poured through its doors would’ve taken a job if they could’ve found one, but the listings at the centre itself were usually out of date, irrelevant or in some other way misfiled. Most employers don’t want to list their vacancies at the Job Centre Plus because they don’t want to employ the kind of people who go there.
Out of the Job Centre Plus and the supermarket, which one do you think burned that August?
I have written before about my strongest memory of the Job Centre Plus, but here it is again. It was of an old foreign woman and her daughter trying to speak to a clerk. The old woman didn’t speak English, so her daughter was attempting to explain that the woman was looking for work and thus registering as unemployed to gain unemployment benefit. The clerk was trying to explain that the woman was too old to work and should also be on disability benefit. The daughter was trying to explain that they had tried to navigate those systems and that they were obtuse and broken. Her mother just needed money. To live.
(Ten years before, in the summer of 2001, I’d first looked at the cost of moving out. I looked at rents around my Hampshire town, at the cost of housing and at the wages I needed to earn. England was expensive, I decided. It sure cost a lot just to live.)
Everyone was trying to explain everything. The job centre mostly wanted to give people their money and get rid of them, because there were many more lined up behind.
My strongest memory of the supermarket was of the man outside with no legs. He sat there panhandling in his wheelchair almost every day of the year. Britain had just launched its latest Astute-class nuclear submarine, each of which costs over one and a half billion pounds, but it was still a country where a man with no legs had to beg outside a shop.
I thought about that man long after I left Tottenham. I think about him here, now, ten years on.
My partner went abroad to see family and I spent some of the summer restarting my career as a freelance writer. I was fortunate with the connections and opportunities that I had, none of which would ever be found at a job centre, and I spent a lot of my time writing either to find work or simply for practice. I was writing on the night my street burned.
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It began before dusk and I came home to find enormous police vehicles parked outside, the sort that are mobile command headquarters. Chains of armoured riot vans surged north. I heard there’d been a protest outside the police station and that a car or two had been burned. I checked the news occasionally. It didn’t have much to add.
Police vans kept coming, though all other traffic had stopped. The roads were closed, blocked by the police, and the latest news told me that petrol bombs had been thrown and a bus set alight. The reports were sparse.
The police in England are really good at responding to riots. They turn up in great swathes, on horses, in vans, or on foot and armed with batons and shields. They have all kinds of exciting equipment to help them. A year before, they’d kettled schoolchildren protesting the huge increase in university tuition fees, surrounding and slowly crushing hundreds of them in Trafalgar Square and on Westminster Bridge. Footage emerged of them beating the shit out of kids or dragging people out of wheelchairs. Here they were now in Tottenham, ready for more.
I kept trying to find news. The police had cordoned off most of the High Road, which meant the journalists that were arriving had no ability to find what was happening inside the riot. Distant footage of fires was the best most of them could provide. As I remember it now, the BBC had one van inside of the police cordon and couldn’t broadcast out because its dish had been damaged. I also have memories of a single journalist, almost in the thick of a mob, asking rioters to give them a moment to explain why they were protesting, or wondering why on earth they might want to block a BBC camera crew who were trying to film them.
What an inane question.
I found the news I wanted. I found it via Twitter and social media. And it was terrifying.
Broadcast news had described a riot not unlike any other. But the still relatively new sphere of social media was overflowing with witness statements, photographs and the kind of low-quality video that phones captured back then. People across Tottenham were panicking as they described growing crowds on the High Road burning not only vehicles, but also shops and businesses. They were breaking into commercial properties. They were looting. They were starting more fires. This had begun half a mile away from my home and it was spreading outward. The post office burned. Landmark businesses burned. Local shops burned and, with them, the flats and homes located above.
The updates kept coming and it’s almost impossible for me now to try to describe to you not only the sheer volume of panic and distress that waterfalled down my feed, but also the sense of utter hopelessness that came with it. People beyond the High Road described not just the violence spilling into their streets, the fights and the hundreds of looters, the fires and the damage, but also how there was no one who could stop this. No emergency services responded. Their phones went unanswered or the lines were jammed.
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I read update after update that echoed the same, basic fact, something which I still struggle to comprehend even now, something I’d describe as barely believable: No help was coming.
But the social media updates kept coming. Looters were turning up with empty vans and loading them up with everything they could take. Buildings were being destroyed. A whole estate was being evacuated.
The news provided by the BBC and its peers remained limp and languid, so I spent all night reading these updates, discovering more nearby shops were being gutted, or how the retail park near me was looted to the point of emptiness, and I watched as even my own view out the window became broiling crowds of countless restless and angry people. I remember one man walking off into the darkness with brand new flatscreen televisions under each arm, the police vans now long gone. The night was regularly punctuated by shouts, screams, thumps and sometimes what might have been explosions. The sirens were always distant. The helicopters came and went.
I don’t know where the police cordon had gone. It felt almost as if they had given up and let Tottenham run rampant.
The sun came up and from that back bedroom window I saw smoke rising. I hadn’t slept. The news was full of irrelevant speculation and so, at five-thirty, I put on my shoes and walked the High Road. What I saw was barely believable. Sometimes I met the stunned gazes of other people doing the same, sometimes I avoided any eye contact. I have kept a diary for a long time now and this is what I recorded (slightly edited):
“This morning at about 5:30, as the sun rose, I tried to wander through Tottenham to take some pictures. It became one of the scariest walks I've ever taken.
The atmosphere was tense and unpleasant. Columns of smoke snaked upwards and the High Road and several other streets were blocked off or packed with police vehicles, many more of which were endlessly arriving, some from as far away as Kent.
The nearby retail park was littered with debris and many of its shopfronts were smashed. Groups of people, perhaps gangs, loitered everywhere. While some areas were busy with police officers, others were neglected and patrolled by hostile looking young men.
I didn't end up taking many pictures. I kept moving. Depending upon where you walk, Tottenham looks like a cross between a blitz bomb site and the mess after a chaotic festival.
Something still feels very different. Tottenham has hardly been rosy at the best of times, but today the sunshine can't seem to dispel a strange chill in the air. I myself can't stop thinking of all the homes that burned last night. It might not be immediately obvious to many people, but above a great deal of those shops set ablaze were flats, often family homes for very poor people. Many of those who had little now have less.”
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A day after those first riots hit Tottenham, they went nationwide. London wasn’t done and, for a week, many major cities in England played host to their own riots. Tottenham was totally locked down, but it was far too late. The disorder had moved elsewhere.
I remember telling a colleague I worked with that I wouldn’t be finishing something that weekend. He laughed at the news and imagined it would all blow over. He was from a much wealthier background.
Then, everyone started trying to explain everything.
The BBC caught up with events the way a great-grandparent catches up with technology, fumbling and frowning. Goodness me, they said, in their middle class, broadcast-trained voices, and they joined in with the three broad lines of discussion that emerged. One asked how this could happen, one asked why this had happened, and one was about how this would never happen again, because the law would be firmer than ever, the punishments and prosecutions authoritative and absolute. The police were ready for more. They were going to get water cannons. I imagine those work particularly well on kids and wheelchairs.
There was a lot of talk about punishment, including from the Prime Minister, who decided to stop being on holiday in Tuscany only after England’s third night of rioting. I wonder if he had imagined it would all blow over.
Sometimes there was talk involving the people of Tottenham themselves, but it was more likely to be talk about them. A lot of people in Tottenham are Black and have families that trace back to the very first Windrush immigrants of the late 1940s. One Black Labour MP said it was important to talk about their experiences in London, their economic situation and their history of treatment by the police. After all, the spark that had set these riots alight was a protest outside the police headquarters, subsequent to the suspicious shooting of Mark Duggan, a Black man, something that called to mind a similarly suspicious death of a Black woman that also precipitated Tottenham’s 1985 riots.
For some people, the discussion became about how Black people had started the riots and been the chief participants. This wasn’t reflected in anything I saw either on social media or with my own eyes, in person, on the night. But nobody was stopping to ask me what I thought or what I saw.
Not long after that first riot, my partner called me to check I was okay and to ask if those barely believable things she’d seen on the news were really as bad as they seemed. They were. I rode the bus up the High Road on my way to Wood Green, then later to Walthamstow, both of which offered me temporary job centres that took the overspill from ours, thoroughly gutted by fire and then looted of all of its copper piping. The bus crept past burned-out shops and homes. I don’t know where those people have gone.
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Later that year, my partner and I discovered that our income was low enough that we were eligible for housing benefit. It took us so long to try to apply for it that we moved home before any progress was made. When I found enough work to support myself, I visited the job centre to sign off, as we called it, to close my file. I asked a woman at reception what I needed to do. “Nothing,” she said, as the line behind me wound down several stories of stairs and out into the grey autumn street. “Just stop coming. Stop coming.”
Winter came and things rustled in the walls. There was a long, tall hedge along the High Road and I would look out the window to see men using it as a urinal. I only had to live in Tottenham for around a year and a half and I have good memories from that flat, but I also remember a stifling and sad place to live, from which I was lucky to move on. Tottenham was never my home and I never had to stay there, but I certainly feel that I came to get a sense of the place.
After moving out, our ex-landlady complained that we hadn’t left the oven as clean as she would’ve liked. She hiked the rent 9% while we were staying there. She never fixed anything that broke and provided excuses instead of solutions.
I found more work. I taught games and narrative for a semester at a small institution in East London. One of the things I asked my students to consider was the stories and the experiences of people who weren’t like them. I asked them to share how often they had been stopped and randomly searched by airport security. “Not just at the airport,” one student reminded me. “On the tube. On the street.”
My life continued to improve in many ways, but I still remembered the man in the wheelchair. The BBC and many other media outlets continued to talk about poverty and race, but not always to poor people or to people who weren’t white. In 2014 I wrote On Poverty and one of the most surprising responses I repeatedly received from people was “I had no idea that it was like this.” A friend of mine tried to apply for support for chronic health problems and documented her many struggles, including being required to explain exactly how many times a week she suffered from migraines (“You said it was two or three times a week. Well, is it two, or is it three?”). The news regularly reported growing homelessness, rising use of food banks and the inevitable deaths of people who weren’t just failed by broken systems, apathy and a lack of understanding, but also simply too poor to be alive.
I feel like some of the people I knew didn’t like how I kept returning to these topics. I feel, even more, that they didn’t at all understand. I remember some of these people waiving off the Brexit referendum as it approached, certain the country wouldn’t vote to amputate itself from the European Union. I don’t think they understood and I don’t think they’d seen the unhappy England that I had, both as a child and as an adult. I think they’d only seen, and been, very comfortable people.
I think these people would call themselves open-minded, progressive and keen to make the world better. I’m sure they could explain those views. At length.
If I think of those people now, I’m quite sure they are all still very comfortable, ten years on. I also think there is still a good chance that man is sat in that wheelchair outside of that supermarket, though he could also be dead by now, again simply too poor to be alive. No longer able to watch the sun sparkle through tall trees, see roofs dusted with snow or catch the moon peeping through his bedroom window.
Such things aren’t for poor people. We still get frustrated when we give them benefits or find out they own mobile phones.
Ten years on, Tottenham is almost a dream, a memory where the details have faded and the edges have softened. I have moved countries, had the privilege of travelling through work, enjoyed many different creative opportunities and benefited from free healthcare that has addressed difficult, long-term health issues. I have rationed my life according to a tight budget, but I’ve never had to face the overwhelming, unending hardships of others that I’ve shared neighbourhoods and postcodes with. I cannot ignore these people because they have so often been one street away, visiting the same shop or riding the same train. They are not an abstraction, they are right there, ready to tell us all about their lives.
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Ten years on, Tottenham has one of the UK’s fastest-growing rates of unemployment, the latest statistic in the region’s long history of joblessness and poverty. Many of its residents, like poor people across the country, live paycheck to paycheck, at risk of financial ruin should they experience a single upheaval. Ten years on, the most reliable predictor of success and financial stability in the UK (as in many developed countries) is now considered to be the circumstances of your birth. The idea of social mobility is more irrelevant than ever, with much of your destiny decided before you are even born. Ten years on, almost a quarter of the population of the UK lives in poverty.
Ten years on, continued austerity, government apathy and cuts to social services has meant that, yes, ten years really is enough time for everything to stay the same. Without change, the problems people face become generational, systemic. Some people tell me that the 1980s were like this for certain families, regions, populations. I didn’t know. We were doing okay. Perhaps I didn’t get it, didn’t notice it, didn’t want to think about it.
Ten years on, Mark Duggan’s family filed a civil claim against the Metropolitan Police and were awarded an undisclosed sum, after his death was officially ruled a lawful killing in 2014. Lawyers for the Duggan claim commissioned this in-depth report on the shooting, which illustrated many problems with the official police version of events.
Ten years on, the UK government is trying to curtain the right to protest. It commissioned a review that concluded that the country has no systemic racism. It wants to limit the powers of the Electoral Commission and has considered conflating the concepts of whistleblowing and leaking with spying, meaning those who leak information could be treated as criminals. It is increasingly intent on punishing those who might express dissatisfaction.
And ten years on, as we all know, wages have not risen to match the rising costs of rent, food, utilities or transport. It sure costs a lot just to live.
Finally, in 2018, the UN Special Rapporteur on Poverty and Human Rights visited the United Kingdom and did speak with many of its poor. The resulting exhaustive and damning report concluded that “statistics alone cannot capture the full picture of poverty in the United Kingdom” and that “much of the glue that has held British society together since the Second World War has been deliberately removed and replaced with a harsh and uncaring ethos.” It described harsh, ill-conceived and out-of-touch support systems devised and doubled down on by a government that not only failed to understand poverty, but that couldn’t even measure it accurately. It also predicted that these things would only get worse, and without any consideration of the effect of extraordinary events, such as a global pandemic.
The government described the report as “barely believable.”
I don’t think any help is coming.
There’s a question that sometimes bounces around social media and it asks people this: “What radicalised you?” As if there was some moment that changed a person’s political beliefs and rearranged their perspective on the world.
Here’s the thing. I feel like my perspective is from the floor, skewed and sore after I fell between two stools, always unable to find an identity amongst wider British culture. I grew up too comfortable, too spoiled and too well-spoken to call myself working class, but I was easily alienated by schoolfriends with multiple bathrooms and university-educated parents. My interests and my sentiments aren’t supposed to be working class, but many of my life experiences and even philosophies are. I know what it’s like to memorise Shakespeare and to explain themes in Romantic-era art, as much as I know what it’s like to fight government systems that are ostensibly supposed to help, to be unable to afford your own home, to walk into a supermarket and look at staple foods you still can’t afford. You think about Descartes and then you think about which dinner provides the cheapest way to keep your body alive.
When I was a kid I remember going to friend’s houses where they were too poor to clean the carpet, or seeing them lose a parent to lung cancer, or the time someone showed me a gun hidden in their brother’s car. As an adult I wrote to my politicians to ask them what they were doing about poverty, about education, about the cost of living. I went to protests and signed petitions and supported charities both practically and financially. I suppose I was trying to articulate some of the skills I’d learned from in some situations to articulate the experiences I’d had in others. Surely you have to do something.
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I both resent and appreciate aspects of both classes and I imagine I’ll never work out who I am or what I’m supposed to call myself. But I do know there are vastly different worlds and vastly different experiences within British culture and that many continue to be overlooked even when in plain sight. And it’s what I find most frustrating.
If there was one thing I learned, if not one thing that radicalised me, it wasn’t simply that poverty never goes away, it’s that it always needs to be explained. There are always, always people who don’t get it, who don’t notice it, who don’t want to think about it or who will puzzle over it from a distance as if it were some transient mirage they can never hope to touch. Those in power will continue to make decisions about poverty that they do not experience, in spite of the fact that making financially comfortable people the authority on money is like making able-bodied people the authority on wheelchair access, like making men the authority on women’s bodies, like making white people the authority on racism.
And so, ten years on, here I am again, writing about Tottenham, about class, about poverty and about ignorance, and only from a slightly different angle. I will write about these things more, not least because I’ve already started another work on these themes, but mostly because I will always need to. I don’t imagine that, during my lifetime, the explaining will ever stop. I don’t imagine that our societies will give up on punishing people for being poor in a world where it is so often simply too expensive to be alive. And I don’t imagine I will have any more patience for people who imagine it will all blow over.
I refuse to let you middle-class your way out of this.
I don’t have any solutions to these enormous and complex problems. I don’t have exhaustive lists of who exactly to blame or where precisely everything has gone wrong. But here’s what I believe: If we don’t talk about poverty, and if we don’t listen to those caught inside of it, it will never go away, and there will be infinitely more Tottenhams.
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rastronomicals · 2 years
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Well, I saw that big-low-t just came up with a post with some of his favorite album artwork, and as far as I'm concerned, there's no idea so good that it's not worth ripping off, you know what I mean?.
So, then, like big-low-t said, these are just ten nine that I came up with quickly; I could be missing some, and I would probably come up with a different list tomorrow. But the real issue, for me, anyway, is separating the cover from the music. Just reviewing, I considered Pink Flag, and it's a good cover, even better than good, but am I overrating the cover some, just because I happen to think it's, like, the-second greatest album of all time? Should I not be surprised that I like the cover to Soft Machine's Third, the music attached to which I think is probably the only thing better than Pink Flag?. Or, moving down the line a bit, is the cover to Let it Bleed really that good, or am I letting the ace music influence my graphic judgement?
These are a bunch of rhetorical questions, I know.
So what I ended up with is a list of some really good albums, but with maybe none among my absolute favorites, just because I wanted to try and focus on the art.
Sepultura - Arise: Michael Whelan is here to tell you that if you're an artist and you've captured the respect of the sci-fi paperback people, well, then, you're *definitely* good enough to do album covers. After Sepultura used Whelan's "Nightmare In Red" second hand, after at least two science fiction/fantasy books had already done so, for Beneath the Remains, Roadrunner commissioned the cover for Arise directly from the artist. It's Sepultura's best album, and their best cover, too, which is to be expected given Whelan's involvement.
Paul McCartney & Wings - Back to the Egg: This album definitely doesn't get the respect it deserves, but even the people who (wrongly) dislike the music recognize that the cover is great. It was the famed design studio Hipgnosis who were behind it, and the reason it's great is the juxtaposition of the warm, rich, comfortable Scottish castle with the cold, metallic, blinking spaceship porthole hidden under that tartan weave carpet. The interior of Lympne Castle would have been good; a view of Earth from space just as good; but the combination is jarring enough to stick in the memory forever, pretty much.
Sonic Youth - Bad Moon Rising: This is another cover that derives its strikingness from a dichotomy. This one's not tradition vs. technology, but rather rural vs. urban. Really, it's the Led Zeppelin IV gatefold, done American style. A scarecrow against the New York skyline. Plus, you know, fire, which should really never hurt an album cover.
Elton John - Captain Fantastic & the Brown Dirt Cowboy: I am of an age such that this record was my first experience with a great album cover; I just so happened to be ten years old during the year when Elton John outsold the rest of the music industry combined. And what a package he and his people put together for his hundred million fans: count them, two, booklets, a poster, and that gatefold cover that made my pre-teen jaw drop; not only the glimpse of a well-proportioned bird-woman's pubic hair, but a roly-poly record player taking a dump. Amazing stuff associated with this rock 'n' roll stuff, huh?
Fuzz: Ooooh, stars and bright colors and that space-monster looks fuckin' *stoned*, man. There's a vibe to this that reminds me of the series of Samorost games from Amanita Design. Yes, the music totally reminds me of fuckin' Blue Cheer, but in this case I am sure that I'm not being unduly swayed by that: the art, by Tatiana Kartomten Compton, so you know, is that good.
Free - Heartbreaker: Tremendous title track that you need to hear if you haven't, by the way, but if you thought that the cover image is a little boring, I might almost understand. This was the last of Free's studio albums, and the band had seen the end coming, too, so the front image (done by an Island Records midlevel functionary named John Glover) was probably fashioned deliberately to suggest an evaporation, a vanishing-in-progress, as the band transitioned from something that existed to something that did not. As their guitarist moved towards death, it must be said. But the idea of gradual reality extinguishment my own sci-fi brain brings to it from there may not be there for everyone else, I realize.
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is another one about disintegration. I like the album okay -- "Two Headed Boy" is good, and so is "Holland, 1945" and the use of theremin will always get some respect from me --but it's not the music that may be influencing my appreciation of the artwork. What may be influencing it is this idea that used to float around, and still does to a lesser extent, that bandleader Jeff Mangum is crazy. I once read a long, horrifying, account of Mangum's many encounters with ghosts, and one, OK, but many I gotta say sorta equals crazy to me. So when I see that fin-de-siecle image they dug out, but with the gal empty where her head should be, I just think of the disintegration of self that comes with insanity.
The Beach Boys - Surf's Up This is a weird one for me, because I've never heard the album. But the title is so Beach Boys, and the art is so clearly not. The cover painting is based on a sculpture called End of the Trail by someone named James Earle Fraser, and it is so evocative of defeat, of simply having had all your lifeblood sucked out, it creates an amazing contrast with the former sunshiny image of the band. And makes me, frankly, a little afraid to listen to the record.
Arab Strap - The Week Never Starts Round Here: I first became aware of this Scottish mopecore band when they backed up Jason Molina on The Lioness, and dug this out, their debut, for the People song "Kate Moss." Yet the album is not a favorite of mine. But I think you'll have to agree the cover is beautiful. It reminds me of the paintings Clive Barker did for his Abarat series.
Already, I can think of one I missed, or would put in next time, or whatever, which is Slayer's Reign In Blood. But this is long enough for now, don't you think?
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Emp-ire “The Angel On My Side.”
Hope everyone is having a good day. And I hope you all like seeing Ramirez a little more because he is going to be present a lot in these next stories. I hope you find this fun because I had fun writing it :)
“Relax would you, you look like…. Well you look like you're sitting in the dentist's office waiting for a root canal.”
Adam looked up from his hands as the shuttle rocked from side to side, “Sory, I just generally prefer to drive. This guy keeps dipping too shallow and it's making me nervous.”
Ramirez rolled his eyes and kicked back to take a look at the pamphlet he was reading, “Listen to this. I picked this up back on the station and it's  pretty interesting read.” He cleared his throat, “Within the last eighteen months GA xeno planetary analysts have green lit twenty potential colony planets for human habitation. According to xeno-scientific experts, these planets are all perfectly habitable, and unlikely to ever produce sentient life of its own. Each of these planets has a suitable climate for a large population though xeno experts will be  strictly limiting colonization in an effort to not destabilize the planetary ecosystem. Each colony will be heavily monitored by members of the xeno colonization taskforce. Efforts will be made to keep the natural landscapes of the planet as intact as possible. For these reasons the use of technology, and natural gasses are being strictly limited by the Interplanetary Energy Association. Some experts postulated that these limits on technological use might have a hand in deterring colonists, however this theory has proven to be false as slots for planetary habitation fill up quickly. Furthermore xeno cultural experts have been stunned at the sudden and rapid development of micro cultures within the colonies. The term they are using is called Rapid Microcultural Evolution, often these cultures are very specific and very niche to each planet often based on dead or outdated human cultures from history largely influenced by popular media.”
He set down the pamphlet, “Isn’t that cool, I was reading in here at it seems like there are “themed” Colonies now. Like the one we are going to is like wild west, but there is also a sort of greek/roman style one that popped up in the milky way, and even a victorian one out somewhere in andromeda.” Adam tilted his head, “Guess you and I are going to have to start a colony.”
“Alright, what theme are we gonna pick, can’t be sci fi because we live in that.”
Adam leaned back in his seat, “You ever stop to think that we only consider it sci fi because I watched too many space movies from the 2000s. Technically it's not sci fi its sci fact. I have a house on the moon, and fly a spaceship.”
“Good point.” He walked to sit over next to Adam, “So what time period do you think is cool.”
Adam tapped his foot on the ground, “how about…. Renaissance?”
“I was thinking vikings or WAIT Aztec.”
“Mmmm some of my ancestors were viking.
“And twenty bucks says some of my relatives were Aztec.”
Adam shrugged, “Just mix them together and make Aztec vikings and ‘bam’ you have the craziest space culture ever. Big ass viking men who drag you back to the ziggurat to pull your beating heart out of your chest for a good Maze harvist.”
The two of them laughed for a second until the shuttle dropped into upper atmosphere, and then the two of them went relatively silent as they prayed to make a safe landing as the shuttle rocked and bumped through the upper atmosphere. The sky on the planet was a very vibrant blue, almost more so than earth, and as they descended towards the barren open desert, they thought they might have seen a oup of horses riding north over the barren, rocky  landscape.
When they landed, Ramirez stumbled from the shuttle and out into sunlight throwing a hand up to protect hi face. 
It was hot, and the croaking of strange alien insects rose up around them. The site they were at was arid and mostly deserted with a single wooden building before them and a shiny new set of train tracks.
The two of them stared, “Awesome.”
Looking around, they could see miles and miles of open plane, mostly desert, but some tufts of strange looking scrub brush and more than a few rocky plateaus rising into the sky.
Then they looked around at the people.
They were not disappointed.
Men and women alike in jeans and suspenders, with wide brim hats and gun belts. Some of the women had on long skirts and decorative hats or even bonnets on a few occasions. There were a few horses tethered to the side of what they assumed to be the train station.
“I think we are a bit overdressed.” Ramirez said, leaning over to whisper to Adam.
He nodded, lets go change and then buy some train tickets to the capital. We have to find somewhere to get horses if we want to make this any sort of experience.”
Ramirez frowned as they made their way towards the train station, kicking up dirt in his wake, “Wait, horses, hold on I thought we were just going to kick up around town, go to the saloon, get drunk and maybe hit on a couple of bar maids or something.” 
Adam snorted, “Please we can’t go to the cowboy planet and not put our equipment to use.’
They shoulder their way through the double doors, their feet clattering on the wooden flooring. A few faces looked up at them from the waiting benches, but mostly they ignored the two strangers.
Adam motioned ramirez towards the bathrooms and the two of them made their way over, Glad that this was at least one modern convenience that they got to keep. Ramirez took a little while to get his gear on, and when he stepped out of the bathroom Adam was already waiting for him. 
Waiting for him leaned up against the wall, the brim of his hat low over his eyes. Ramirez was a bit surprised at how well the other man fit into the role. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, and a black vest over that, his hat was black and he had blue jeans tucked into black boots. A brown leather gunbelt hung at a canted angle on his hips.
When he looked up Ramirez grinned And adam shook his head, “You dumbass, do you even know how to put that on.”
Ramirez looked down, “What!”
Adam walked over, “I thought you lived in texas.”
He grabbed Ramirez by the shoulders and began adjusting his clothes, “Come on, If you are making me spend time with you, the best you could do is not look like a dumbass.”
Ramirez held up his hands Grinning as Adam grabbed the pistol from his holster and adjusted the belt.
“Hey Adam, is that your gun belt or are you just happy to see me.” 
Adam looked up at him with a withering gaze, “I hate you you know that.”
Ramirez grinned, “I know.”
Adam flipped the gun around, “Holster Like this if you want to be authentic, now quit being a dumbass or we are going to find out what it feels like to get a bootheel to the balls.”
He didn’t see the short side handed slap that came for the side of his head but still felt it was worth it as he tugged on his hat.
His poison of choice was a white shirt and no vest with brown boots and the light tan hat from earlier. He thought he looked sexy as hell. In fact he would go so far as to say the both of them looked  pretty hot. Two eligible bachelors out on the town…. Well one eligible bachelor and a slightly less eligible bachelor with huge baggage issues still hung up on his one and only love, but that was more of a mouthful.
Adam left Ramirez standing by the door and walked over to buy some tickets, which were also being purchased using credits as anywhere else. When he walked, his boots clomped over the floor and jangled lightly. No one bothered to look up as he went past making it clear just how common that occurrence was around here.
He came back later with two train tickets and sat on the bench next to ramirez leaning his head back against the wall.
Adam crossed his arms over his chest and pretended to be asleep, while some alien insects buzzed around the room rather annoyingly.
It was hot and Ramirez tugged at the collar of his shirt.
They were there for probably thirty or forty minutes before a distant train whistle jolted the two of them back into wakefulness.
Adam stood and so did Ramirez, the two of them jogging noisily outside onto the wooden platform in order to watch the train.
Though the train had wheels and ran on tracks, big, black and impressive, it clearly wasn’t run on coal or natural gas. However, whoever had designed the thing had clearly put great emphasis into making it look as realistic as possible, and the thundering roar as it rolled over the tracks was something to behold, vibrating in their bones in a way that just wasn’t captured by the maglevs of earth.
“Damn, that is cool.”
Adam smirked a little, “hey think the train will get robbed on our way back to town.”
Ramirez grinned, “If we don’t, I want my money back.
The platform around them started to fill up some, and they stepped back as the train pulled to a stop, urged back by a few conductors as a couple of passengers stepped out carrying bags. Some of them were cleary tourists, though there were a fwe who looked like citizens.
Stepping onto the train, the two of them were ushered into a car in the back and sat in an uncomfortable wooden bench as they watched the other passengers slowly filter onto the train. No one even looked at them twice, except, Ramirez noticed, a very pretty cowgirl who stepped o second to last and sat a few rows behind.”
He grinned and elbowed Adam in the ribs, who looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I think this planet is going to really benefit from….. A latin lover.” he whispered seductively.
Adam punched him in the leg.
He yelped, “Ouch, dude, no sense of humor.”
“I don’t know, I thought that was pretty funny.” The two of them shared a laugh as the train began to chug forward over the tracks, slow at first and then faster and faster until the landscape was rushing by below them.
The ride was rather bumpy and sort of loud, but they were ok with that. 
The sun inched towards the horizon as the train moved, and the sky faded from blue to a delicate violent towards the horizon.
At some point Adam drifted off at his side and ended up slumping against the window.
Ramirez let the poor guy sleep and sighed.
It had been a rough time for the crew, and for him, but he hoped he was doing the right thing by coming out here and taking him on some sort of adventure. Sure he had selfish motives, and wanted to see cool things, but he liked to think this was mostly for his friend.
The entire sky was almost purple now, and the light of a distant city sprung up before them.
He nudged Adam awake, and the other man sat up blinking owlishly as he looked around. Little lanterns on the carriage had been lit, illuminating the interior of the train with dim yellow light. The train began to slow, and then pulled to a stop as they got to their feet and stepped off.
Walking off the wooden planks of the train station and down into the muddied dirt road of the Bramble Colony Capital: Two Sun.
The streetlights had already been lit though horse drawn carts and carriages were still being pulled through the streets.
Dogs barked on occasion and voices rose up from houses and establishments on either side of the wooden boardwalk street.
“Where to?” Adam wondered/
“The Saloon!”
“You are such a dumbass.” Adam said, shaking his head, but he followed after Ramirez. Walking down the street their boots clattering voer wooden boards and through mud the leather of gun belts creaking slightly as they walked.
“Dude I feel like such a badass.”
Ramirez turned to look at Adam eyebrow raised, for the first time since their trip started, he seemed genuinely excited.
“Glad I’m not the only one!’
The two of them drew to a halt in the mud turning to the side where they spotted a man sitting on one of the wooden porches. Ramirez’s eyes widened as he saw the shiny golden star on the left side of the man’s chest, “Sheriff!”
The man Raised an eyebrow probably not used to being greeted so enthusiastically.
“You two new around here?”
The two of them grinned at each other as the man’s exaggerated rural drawl fell over them.”
The man narrowed his eyes.
“Yes sir, just visiting.”
“Well you see this building behind me.”
“Yes sir.”
“You two fools get into any trouble and you'll be behind bars faster than a thoroughbred from the starting gate, you hear me.”
Ramirez jumped up and down in his boots turning to look at Adam, “Wild west jail.”
“Not a tourist attraction Ramirez.” He turned to look at the Sheriff who was still eying them and grabbed his friend by the shoulders steering them clear, “We’ll keep our noses out of trouble Sheriff.”
Ramirez was still grinning as they made their way down the street, “Do you have a death wish?”
“He won’t kill me, but wouldn’t going to cowboy jail be a great story.”
“Getting dragged would also be a great story when all my skin pealed off.”
“Old west form of punishment where you get dragged behind a horse till dead.”
Ramirez shook his head, “I will go with a no on that one, also not a big fan of hanging, but I could do a firing squad as long as I was allowed to make a really bad pun before I go.”
Adam snorted with some amusement as they made their way towards the loudest building on the street. From the sound of the out of tune piano on the inside and the drunken singing , they were in the right palace.
Adam Grabbed Ramirez by the back of the shirt and dragged him away from the swinging doors, “Hold on, hold on.”
Ramirez stopped, “What.’
“Ive always wanted to do ths.”
“Do what?”
Adam cracked his neck and his knuckles before stepping towards the door and pushing both open. The clatter of his boots was loud on the floor and Ramirez waited for that expected moment when all of the sound would stop and everyone would turn to look at them.
That…. Did not happen.
In fact, no one noticed the two young men as they made their way inside the hot, cramped room smelling of liquor and sweat.
“My disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined.” Ramirez whispered.
Adam frowned, “yeah my expectations were, well, expecting something better than that.”
Together the two of them made their way over to the bar, both leaning against it in exaggerated nonchalance before bursting into laughter. The bartender, a stern looking redhead walked over, “And what do you boys want.”
Ramirez patted Adam on the back, “me and my friend are looking to get very drunk very quick, think you can help us.”
The woman sighed, but ducked behind the bar.
Adam tilted his head at Ramirez, “I thought you didn’t like it when I drank.”
“When you drink alone, yes, but when you drink with me, we have a party.”
“Sure we do.” Adam snorted 
The woman came back a moment later with two shot glasses and bottle which she set on the bar, “This will get you drunk.”
Adam flipped over the bottle to take a look, “Shit, Ramirez, this is practically paint thinner.”
“Tastes like to too.” The woman said as she poured two shots of the stuff and slid it over to them.”
Adam took it gingerly like it was a snake about to bite him.
Ramirez raised the glass, “Ready when you are, cowboy.”
“Don’t call me that.” Adam said raising the glass, and together they kicked it back bith grimacing and sputtering as they came back up to set the shots back on the bar. 
Adam wiped his eyes, “Damn, Like…. Rubbing alcohol.”
Ramirez waved a hand in front of his face “Makes my eyes burn just thinking about it. Another!”
“Sweet heavens above.”” Adam Implored, but slid his glass back to the bartender, who seemed very amused.
“Are we going to end up in jail by the time this is over.”
They took another shot.
It was about ten or so minutes later when Adam started to feel the warm fuzzy sensation inside his chest. Ramirez had already vanished somewhere tryin to woo the local population. No one was safe.
He took a seat at the bar head down staring at his glass.
Why was he thinking about Sunny all of a sudden.
“Someone break your heart.” The bartender said dryly. When he looked up, he expected her to be wiping at the same greasy spot of counter with an even greasier rag, but she was simply leaned against the bar staring at him.
“That obvious?”
“Nine out of ten times its the best guess, besides, most of the time two shots from that bottle can lighten anyone’s mood.”
“You got something….. Strong but like…. Good tasting?”
“You mean something brightly colored and fruity?”
“Yeah, something brightly colored and fruity.” She Smirked, “You're braver than most men at this bar.”
“I knew we were dressing as cowboys, but I didn’t know the 1800s let us borrow their views on drinks too.”
She laughed, and returned a few second later with a martini glass full of bright green liquid, “There that should do for yah.”
He sipped at it a little, and satisfied it wasn’t going to peel the first layer of his insides began to drink.
“So, this girl of yours… she leave you.”
“No uh…. I sort of left her.”
“You some kind of simpleton…. Idiot maybe/”
He sighed and slumped down in his chair. “That’s what I’m told… I left her…. So I wouldn’t hurt her. I don’t think she understood but….. I’ve been pretty messed up since the war.”
“A soldier huh.”
“Not much of one.”
“ANd your friend over there, the one dancing on the table, is he a soldier too?”
Adam turned around to look towards where Ramirez was standing on a table and dancing around like a moron to the flight of the drunken crowd below, “He sighed, do you know what a synonym for moron is?”
“A marine.” He stood, “Hold on a second while I go get him, “ 
He walked over to the table hands on hips and looked up,”Ramirez, Get down from there.”
“Or, or you could come up here.”
“Or I damn well won’t.”
He turned around in a circle stamping his boot and clapping his hands.
“Come on! Have some fun.” off in the corner the piano was going loudly getting faster and faster.”
“If you don’t come here I pull out the shoe.”
Adam looked back at the bartender who looked more amused than she did annoyed. So he sighed and held up a hand, “help me up.”
Ramirez grinned and grabbed him by the hand, helping to haul him into the table, where the two of them linked arms and began dancing around in a circle in some horrible tandem rendition of square dancing mixed with swing dancing. The table wobbled dangerously back and forth threatening to tip over as their weight distribution swayed around and around. Laughing and Drunken chanting started up as the piano started to go faster and faster.
Those who were able to sing along in time with the words, soon stumbled over them, their lips tripping over the words that spilled from their mouths.
Adam and Ramirez stomped their boots and kicked up their heels in a wild tornado, both of them having surprisingly good rhythm. The piano grew faster and faster and faster until they were simply spinning around in a wild circle.
And then the door slammed open.
The piano cut off, and Ramirez went tumbling into Adam causing the two of them to pitch backward off the table and hit the floor with a loud “thud”. The room was dead silent except for the sound of boots rattling over the ground.
Adam ad Ramirez groaned rolling into sitting positions as they looked up at the intruder.
The man they saw was…. Greasy and unkempt with a snarled black beard and a pockmarked face. He wore a tatty black leather jacket and grimy fingerless gloves. His clothing was travel stained and filthy. When he walked into the room, his smell was just as present as he was.
“Don’t stop on my account.” He said, “it looked like we were just getting to the fun part.”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing back here Louis.” the bartender snarled,”I thought we made it very clear that you weren’t welcome last time.”
The man raised his hands innocently, “Oh please, I am just here to/...collect charitable donations.”
“Get out! Or we call the sherif.”
“Sheriff is busy…. Chasing outlaws outside of town.”
Adam and Ramirez exchanged looks as they slowly got to their feet.
The man reached towards his belt, “You boys stay right where you are.”
Adam raised his hands, “Woah, no harm done.”
Adam glanced towards Ramirez, giving him a look as he began to inch quietly to the side. Adam moved strategically in the opposite direction keeping his hands up.
He tried to look as shifty as possible to keep the man’s attention, “I think you should leave like the lady said.”
“Oh ho so one of the twinkle toes dancing boys thinks I should leave.”
“I do, so i am going to ask politely first.”
“And then what.” his hand inched down hovering over the grip of his gun. Adam did the same, though his fingers had gone numb. He was a good shot, but dueling! He knew he would fumble! He just knew it.
“I’m going to stop you.”
He laughed, “Oh you wil,l will you.”
Adam stared hard at the man’s face watching Ramirez move into position behind the man’s back, “I will…. I have the angel’s on my side.”
The man started to laugh.
Ramirez struck, grabbing a bottle from the nearest table and cracking the man across the back of the head with it. The man went down hard but Ramirez doubled over clutching his hand,”Fuck….. My hand! I thought those were so supposed to break! Shit.”
Adam leaped forward pinning the man to the ground.
A few other men and women rushed forward to help and soon enough they had him hog tied on the floor.
He stood up heart beating with exhilaration.
Ramirez rubbed his hand and groaned in pain.
Adam pressed his knee into the man’s back.
The bar tender came around from behind the bar, “That was a dumb move boys brave but dumb.”
Adam looked over to where ramirez was still nursing his wound, “yeah, I think that describes us pretty well doesn’t it. I got this guy, the rest of you can go back to drinking.” 
The bartender shook her head, “You buys drink free tonight.”
Ramirez grinned, “how can I say no to that! Drinks on me!”
Adam ignored the cheering of the bar for a moment, as he pulled the guns from the mn’s belt, and…. A very large knife. He noticed the decorative handle and, out of curiosity, pulled it out. It felt heavy in his grip, with good heft. He tested the edge against the hairs on the back of his arm, and they fell away smooth.
“Not bad.” he muttered.
Sunny would like…..
He paused
Looked down, looked around and then back down fighting with himself internally before.
Discreetly tucking the knife into his own, empty, knife sheath.”
Looking up he saw one of the serving girls staring at him.
He blushed and held up a finger to his lips.
She smiled, ruby red lips parting slightly, and winked at him, turning away exaggeratedly as if she hadn’t seen anything.
The door crashed open again a few moments later, and the Sheriff came barging into the room huffing and puffing like a bull, covered in dust, fingers stained with cordite. He paused in te doorway frowned at the scene before him and walked over, “Louis Grey.”
He looked down at Adam, and then Over at Ramirez who was taking advantage of his momentary glory.
“Thought I told you not to get into trouble.”
“You never told us not to stop it.”
He grunted and motioned to a few men to help him drag the body back to the jail, “Guess this is a thanks I owe you then. He has outstanding warrants in several counties, can never catch him though greasy little weasel.”
The unconscious man was dragged away only just beginning to stir. The sheriff shook his hand. “You boys be safe, and try not to do something so dumb next time.”
Adam touched the brim of his hat. “Yes sir.” He reached down to touch the knife at his belt, “We will make sure of it.”
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