#jordy didn’t come to play!!
gathering-feelings · 4 months
oh she’s back!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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skipper1331 · 11 months
A Bronze // Esme Morgan
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Being Lucy Bronzes younger sister was fantastic yet hard at times.
Lucy was a loving, caring and proctective (!!) sister - she would do anything for you. You loved her with your whole heart and playing football at a professional level together has always been a dream of yours.
When you got your first call up, she was the first person you called. Same thing with your call up for the euros and same thing now with the world cup.
You were beyond excited. There was only one problem.
With Lucy being in Barcelona and you being in Manchester you haven‘t had the chance to tell her that you were in a relationship. It wouldn‘t feel right telling her through the phone - your excuse. At some point there was a (high) chance that she would jump into a plane and fly straight to you.
To be honest you haven‘t told her yet because you‘re scared. Scared of her reaction or rather of her behavior towards Esme. She would rip her head off. And you really-really liked Esme. Nobody besides a few of your City teammates knew about you.
"Not kissing you all day long will kill me" Esme whined as she pulled at the hem of your shirt. Your arms looped around her neck "Don‘t be so dramatic" you chuckled. Esme fake gasped while clutching her heart, making you laugh. Her favorite sound.
Arriving in camp was a relief. You and Lucy were glued to the hips, updating on your lives. It was nice to see and talk to her in person again. Until now you never realized how much you missed her.
The first few training sessions went smooth. Esme and you kept things professional - acting like friends. Yet sometimes you caught yourselves staring a moment to long at each other. You would sneak lingering touches when nobody was watching or kiss in empty rooms. You couldn‘t help it you were just so in love with one another.
"What would you think about if we told Lucy?" you asked as you sat down at the table. The table was still empty only Esme and you already sitting there with plates in front of you. "Tell Lucy what?" Said person asked. Esme chocked on her water. She didn‘t mind telling her yet she feared Lucy kind off. "Luce! Hey" you smiled through your nervousness. "Tell Lucy what?" her tone was rough. She hated when she didn’t know things- especially when they involved you, her little baby. "Oh nothing! No worries" smiling, you tried to convince the defender. Of course with no luck. "Y/n" she grumbled. "I‘m dating your sister" Esme blurted out. The whole dining room went silent. "Does she have death wishes?" someone gasped. Jordan was standing behind Lucy who was about to explode. "Come again?"
"I am dating Y/n" she took your hand to emphasize her words.
Something clicked inside Lucys mind. You dating someone? No absolutely not. "Do not touch her!" aggressivly, she parted your hands. "Y/n? Is this true?"
"Yes" you looked down, not because you were ashamed but because you felt horrible. You knew Lucys eyes would tell you that she‘s hurt because you didn‘t tell her. And you also knew that her eyes would be full of fury. "Lucy I-" abruptly, lucy shoved her plate to Jordan and grabbed Esme by the collar of her shirt. Even though the blonde was tall enough to have her feet on the ground it was still intimidating as hell. "Lucy!" you yelped. "You better leave my sister alone or you will have some real trouble. Understood?!" your attempt to break them apart was as successful as a shark trying to climb up a tree. pretty much impossible. "I'm not afraid of you" the audacity to talk only made Lucy angrier and made you smile bright. Nobody ever tried to fight your sister for you.
"That‘s enough!" Millie and Rachel grabbed Lucy and shoved her the other way. Lunch was over for her. "Fuck. Are you okay?" Worry laced your voice as Esme was free. Her hand rubbed her neck while the other one was shaking. "Ye-yeah" you pulled her down to sit. "Jordy, could you - you know?" Jordan gave you a nod before your attention was back on Esme.
Lucy was sitting in the gym trying to calm herself down. It was hard. You‘re her little girl how could she not be mad. She was hurt that you didn‘t tell her. She was mad at the fact you were dating someone. not because of a relationship but of the risk of you getting hurt. The worst pain for her isn‘t any physical, seeing you cry/hurt that‘s the worst pain.
One of your first matches for the senior team ended with you being hospitalized due a head injury. The cry of pain which left your mouth was horrific. It haunted Lucy for months. "Hey" a calm voice said. Jordan. "Here‘s your food" carefully, she sat the plate down. "Thanks"
While they ate in silence Lucy appreciated Jordan being there. "I‘ll tell you that because i'm your friend", the villa player started as they finished their meals, "that was such a shit move" which ended with a smack to the head for the Barcelona player. "It’s your sisters girlfriend"
"She‘s too young for a relationship" Jordan looked at her with her 'seriously?' expression. "Esme is not good enough" again, Jordan looked at Lucy with the same expression. "Well. Let‘s look at it from this perspective: would you rather have a total stranger to be with y/n?" No reply. "That‘s what I thought."
"Doesn't mean I approve it"
"You don't have to approve it, at least for now but for starters you can respect them."
Only a grumble was heard.
"For what it’s worth, I think they‘re good for each other"
"I don't"
The next few days Lucy didn‘t talk to either one of you yet she watched from afar. It stung. After not seeing each other for months she was now ignoring you for who knows how long. It made you sad and angry.
"You look hot" you said to Esme as there was a water break. "Than-" she started, her cheeks turning crimson. you didn‘t mean that kind of hot in the moment. Yes, Esme was hot in your eyes but - "Let me help you" with a quick squeeze of your bottle you splashed her face with water. "Hopefully, you don‘t become a mermaid" you laughed referring to H2O, a series you love. A loud gasp escaped the blonde who was chasing you by now. "Arghh come here" the defender smacked her arms around your hips, turning you around so you could face her "that wasn‘t nice, baby" she tried to have a stern face but was failing miserably. "ooopsie" catching her off guard as you pressed a kiss to her cheek, you entangled your body from her arms and ran away again.
Beach day with the team; while some of your friends were walking to the ocean others were talking or playing in the sand (tooney and lessi) whereas Esme and you sat in the sand enjoying the sun. The blonde was hugging you from behind as you laid your back on her chest. Under the sun rays she looked like a goddess. You fell in love with her all over again. "You should stare at the ocean not at me" your girlfriend whispered so she wouldn‘t ruin the vibe "you‘re way more beautiful" was your only reply. As she locked eyes with you you saw the way they lit up after your confession.
Even though you were with Esme and/or the team most of the time your heart was still broken. You missed your best friend. And your girlfriend could tell. She saw the way you would look at Lucy - she would never look back at you. She saw the way your mind was spinning, thinking about If you should approach Lucy. When Chloe (your roommate) told Esme that she heard you crying in the night the defender decided to take the problem into her own hands. It was hurting you - so it was hurting her.
"Lucy! Wait" the blonde pleaded as she saw Lucy alone. "What?" her voice wasn‘t angry or rough, it was normal yet her facial expression was stone cold. "Look, If you don‘t like me that’s fine but ignoring y/n isn‘t. It‘s her first world cup.. you should support her." Lucy didn't want a lecture so she turned around, ready to walk away. "Do you know she requested number 12 on her jersey because of you?" That statement made her stop in her track. "It was your number at the World Cup 2015. She admires you and it hurts her that you don‘t talk to her." Deep breaths, Esme, you can do it. What Esme was about to say took a lot of courage to say out loud but she knew she had to tell Lucy. "I love her, okay? I really do. She- she doesn't know that I do but I do. And I want to make her happy but she‘ll never be fully happy If you aren‘t in her life. So please.. just talk to her."
Lucy thought about Esmes words and how true they were (If someone asked her, she would never admit it). As well she talked to Jordan about them who agreed with Esme (like everybody would) and as the night went on Lucy was determined to work things out with you.
After training was finished the next day you found yourself sitting on the pitch, staring into nothing. You were exhausted. Physically and mentally.
As soon as you felt a presence beside you, you knew who it was. It was the one person you desperately wanted to talk to you. There was a silence for a few minutes. Lucy had to sort her thoughts before she could start her apology.
Esme was standing with Hempo, Chloe and Alex. Even though she knew that Alex was talking, she couldn‘t listen. She tried but her gaze kept glanzing to you. "Are they gonna make up?" Lauren asked as she saw Esme looking towards you. "I hope they do."
"I‘m so proud of you." the Barcelona player started "and i‘m sorry" she wasn‘t looking at you and you weren‘t either. You both stared straight forward. "You were a bitch" you stated. "All- all I wanted was your support" tears started to build up but you didn‘t dare to let them leave your eyes. "I know and i‘m truly sorry but you have to understand-"
"What?! What do I have to understand?! You should love me unconditionally! Not matter what," your voice started to get louder with each word.
"Stop right there! I won‘t be accused of not doing so. I was there when you had your first football match. I spent hours playing with you. I was there at every important game of yours." by now her voice was also loud. "It was me who was there every step of the way. It was me!" Well, the tears you tried not to spill were running down your cheeks faster than you liked. "Then what do I have to understand?" your voice was back quiet. Small. "I am your big sister. I need to protect you" her voice level back to normal. "Esme won‘t hurt me" you laid your head on Lucys shoulder while her arm went around your back. "I know. She‘s a good one" your gaze wandered to your love who was already looking at you with a smile on her face. "She is"
Maybe things weren‘t fully solved yet, but for the beginning it was a step in the right direction. And with the Bronze sisters back as a team and a World Cup ahead it could only get better.
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gay4abby · 7 months
Scents Shared !!
or in which you and jordan walk around the candle store smelling candles.
warnings, nooone, just holiday fluff. pairings, jordan li x reader. something very short n sweet while i try to finish my other requests lol i hope u like it :)
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The holiday season was something every obtuse bastard was anticipating as soon as a new year starts. Decorations littered from doorstep to doorstep, street after street (causing even more pollution than it already fucking is, like am I right?) that would have undoubtedly fed an entire town. However, the holidays aren’t the same for Supes. Many of them are either estranged from their families, killed them, or are in constant arguments so celebrating it wouldn’t even make sense. There’s many more things at play, but you get the gist.
Regardless of how it goes for other Supes, Jordan’s family never fails to make it a big ass deal. You have already met Jordan’s parents and although you were very skeptical, they warmed up to you rather quickly. Jordan themself was even surprised at how much they liked, no loved you. Always asking about your wellbeing whenever they call Jordan. “You might as well replace me for their eldest child, honestly.” They once told you when you both were visiting their parents for spring break. You told them to shut up.
With Christmas being around the corner, you both found yourselves roped into a family holiday. You didn’t mind tagging along as you didn’t really celebrate Christmas with your own folks and Jordan’s family always made it feel like a fucking Hallmark movie. I mean, come on who wouldn’t want to experience a Christmas like that? What made spending Christmas with their family better than their siblings. You knew Jordan was the oldest and you always watched him interact with his siblings in the most loving way. It always made your heart warm.
You both were walking around aimlessly hand in hand and in one of the shops at the resort Jordan’s family and you are staying at. After being with them for a total of 48 hours, you both needed some reprieve and alone time. As nice as it was a break was desperately needed. “Look at this. Snow scented candle?” You reached your hand out to waft the smell up Jordan’s nose, expression neutral. “It actually smells like snow, holy shit. How the fuck?”
“I know!” You were in disbelief at the way they managed to capture the smell into a candle. A fucking candle. You shook your head setting it down with a wide grin. It was exciting for the both of you to have this time together, it was so simple yet the intensity of the intimacy was incredible. You felt them swing your intertwined hands as they stood off to the other side picking up another candle for you to smell. “This is snickerdoodle scented,” they raised the candle to your nose after smelling it. Your eyes grew wide as you looked at them, biting your bottom lip to contain your excitement. “We have to get that. Do you know how good it’ll smell in your dorm? Jordy, I’d never leave. Do you understand me?”
Jordan looked at you with love filling their eyes, their free hand reaching out to pinch your cheek. They chuckled slightly placing the candle in the basket that was settled on the ground between the two of you. “Like I’d ever want you to leave. Is it okay if I keep you hostage when we get back to campus?”
“Oh, absolutely. I am as willing as Homelander was when he dated that nazi,” you paused looking at Jordan for a second before you both busted out laughing. “Was he willing, though?” They asked you as they pulled your arm through theirs to continue walking after picking up the basket. “I mean, they kinda had the same idealism? Right?”
“He’s a prick, I wouldn’t be surprised.” You laughed, shaking your head slightly. “Prick is nicely putting it for him.”
“Why are we talking about Homeasshole, we have to focus on the candles!”
“You’re the one that fucking brought him up!”
“As a simile! Granted a terrible one, but similar.” Jordan, completely disregarding what you say, pulls you over to the fruity scented candles, “You know how much I love mango.”
“I don’t think that’s a very Christmas-y scent,” you were sent a deadly glare, “but what do I know, right?” You said with a nervous laughter as you grabbed it from their hand to smell it. It was pleasant on your nose, rendering you to take another sniff. Without saying anything, you take the candle and place it into the basket. Jordan only eyed you with those big brown chocolate drops before pulling you along again. “What about plug ins? We can get the same scents and it’ll be like an inception.”
“I like the way you think. We’ll get those after the candles.”
“Can we get peppermint? I think I’d really like some peppermint candles.” You inquired as Jordan pulled three candles from the shelf, one being peppermint, another being sandalwood and the last being nutmeg with apple. “Hm, this one smells good.” They hold out for you to smell the nutmeg with apple, you immediately nodding. “We should get all of those and let’s add vanilla for the cliché.”
Jordan picked up a vanilla scented candle quickly depositing it into the basket before linking arms with you again. They felt their pocket vibrate, a loud groan emitting from their mouth. Pulling it out, they checked to see who it was that was cutting into their alone time, annoying them even more when they saw it was their mom. “My mom’s calling.”
“Tell her I said hello!”
“Babe, you saw her not five fucking hours ago?”
“So what! Just tell her I said fucking hi, jeez!” You both huffed, you immediately walking away to find other candles while Jordan spoke with their mom. Your heart filled with such joy at the moment. It was like having an out of body experience where you’re watching a very nostalgic moment happen before you, it feels right to be there and there’s been a longing for it to happen. You didn’t know what to name it, but you don’t think you have to.
The moment continued even when Jordan came up to you and said you guys have to hurry up since the annual hockey game was beginning and even if you’re sitting out, Jordan wanted you to be there to be their little cheerleader. “What other scents did you get?”
“Oh! This one’s called moonstruck, which is like a combo of like burning wood and cranberry. Then I found coconut and orange. I’m pretty excited about this one. Next is sugar cookies! I know you’ll love this one.”
“Oh my fucking god, give me!”
“It’s yours, baby. Don’t worry I picked up two for you.”
“Did I ever mention how much I love you today?”
“No, but make it more poetic.”
“You are the blood that runs through my veins, the compound v that keeps me going and my safe haven when all is lost in the world.”
“I love you.”
You both giggled like school girls before walking off to the plug in’s section to get matching scents for your candles before paying then heading on home.
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Wednesday Fandom :) We got a trailer! Some bits in is for our couple not a ton but I am intrigued what S6 will bring. This episode has me grinning the entire time. Just fluffy cuteness the entire time and I was so here for it. Kid talks and amazing moments. Good one. This ep Is comedy gold.
5x17 The Enemy Within.
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That theme I talked about last ep is how we start off. How adorable they are when they find each other at the station. Lucy speed walking to catch up to him. Tim with the biggest smile on his face. Like he didn’t just see her in roll call earlier. *heart clutch* Just happy to see his wifey at work. I love the effect this woman has on him. (Another theme in this ep). I just love S5 Tim in general. Happy and light seeing her come up to him. Making his day with her presence. Damnit I love them so much. Lucy starting off with him not hating her LMAO His smile dropping off asking what she’s done? Haha
Be more married you too my goodness. I do love how quickly they fall into step with each other as they speak. Seriously never had a couple with such good physical chemistry without even touching. The flirting here is amazing. We watch Tim not really be mad and fighting back a smile in the second gif. Once again the effect this woman has on him is incredible. She is beyond adorable with her retort of how he should reply. We all know Tim could never hate her. Angry, exasperated or annoyed. Yes ha But never hate.
We find out Lucy was playing the long game for getting back at Tim for something. Clearly before they were together since it was for a Tim Test few months back. He wants to know which one? She can't remember...It was bad enough to make her do this but not enough to remember which test. Oh Lucy. lol Angered her enough to do this then forget she'd done it ha Tim asks once again 'What did she do?' Lucy lets him know she signed him up to be a mentor... For make a dream.... Tim is exasperated af asking when she planned this? Lucy dreads the answer but tells him today….
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Lucy goes on that a 12 year old cancer patient named Jordy is on his way. Tim walks away from her and I LOVE her grabbing his arm. Making him stay put. Tries to put a good spin on it. Saying he would be lifting up a sick kid. What could be more important than that? Tim commends her for her answer. Telling her nice job boxing him in. Except he’s not going to let her get away with this. Did she really expect him to do this solo? LOL Sassy Tim has arrived and is throwing back her own words at her. Lucy doesn't have a leg to stand on. Just concedes and joins him. Fantastic start to a hilarious episode for them.
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Jordy arrives and Tim and Lucy couldn’t be cuter. The way they look at each other is precious. Also hello height difference I always welcome you to our screen. The way Lucy is looking at Tim while he talks to Jordy. Like she needed another reason to be in love with him. Getting glimpses into Tim as a dad. That instant ovary explosion. Don’t blame her one bit.
Tim couldn’t be cuter saying he heard he wants to be a cop. Jordy doesn’t seem as enthused as Tim and Lucy. Nonetheless Tim looks super cute saying they’re going to take him to processing. Lucy’s fully bodied shimmy is so adorable I cannot. She is very excited to play parents with Tim.
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They’re in processing and Lucy is trying to get Jordy to engage. Tim isn’t short on sarcasm in this episode. I’m dying it’s so funny. Telling him to look miserable LMFAO. Lucy’s face. Chiding her husband a little bit. But also realizing how unhappy this kid is. Love her walking up to him and sharing her worries as well. Tim noting he looks like he hates them. Lol Lucy doesn’t disagree….Saying maybe he hates his picture being taken? Or he’s miserable cause he’s tired from being sick?
Tim says they should just move onto the next thing then. They turn around and Jordy is gone. Had this kid for all of 20 minutes and they lost him already LOL This episode is so great. Had me rolling the entire time. I remember seeing a hilarious post after this premiered. Celina dealing with her sisters murder, Angela/Harper/Grey dealing with Elijah. And Tim and Lucy keep losing the same kid LMAO They are the comedic relief in this one for sure.
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Lucy is in a legit panic. It’s so funny. Saying she doesn’t know what she’s going to tell the foundation. Full on sarcasm saying she can’t wait to tell them they lost him. LOL Tim is so calm and chill. Saying they didn’t lose him... he’s just misplaced LMFAO. Oh my lord Timothy I’m crying I’m laughing so much. She is being the worried sick parent and he’s being the calm one.
I love them looking for Jordy whilst also talking about their future kids. Getting me all in my damn feels. Tim being so friggin chill about them finding him. Lucy saying when it’s ’OUR’ kids OUR. They’re so casual about it. I’m losing my damn mind. That when it is their kids he better take it seriously. Tim defending their future kids also making me feel things. Saying ‘Our’ kids would never pull a stunt like this.
Look at Lucy’s face when he makes that remark though. She is beaming watching him talk about their future kids. They’re trying to murder me in this ep and I’m very ok with it. I may need to go lie down but I’m ok haha Lucy gets caught up in the thought of them having kids. And is pulled back to the present with Tim’s sassy departure LOL Saying they’re doing great so far. Sarcasm king in this one and I love it so very much. Lucy's face when he leaves too funny.
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They run into Aaron and he has Jordy. Lucy looks so relieved. She asks what they talked about? Aaron says he kept asking him what his childhood pet was. Lucy looking confused as hell asks why? We see this kid stumble and get nervous for first time. Saying it’s for a report…Tim's face smelling BS but he isn't sure why. They’re trying figure what to do next. Tim suggests the war room? He doesn’t seem excited…Lucy mentions K-9 unit. Ask if he likes dogs?
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Tim is over this kid. Saying what kid doesn’t like dogs? (I mean he’s not wrong…) Lucy scolding him like only she can. Such a wifey scolding too it’s so funny. Tim makes the kid sit while they figure this out. Lucy says maybe the impound lot? This is where Uncle Tim comes in and I love it so much. Talking about his nephews and what they’re into right now. My heart. He seems very confused on what it actually is they like and it’s hysterical. Pop culture never been his strong suit and I love him for it. I'll be honest idk what ghosts on the toilet is either. LOL
Lucy is enjoying his explaining this stuff. Amused really. You can tell she’s cracking up as he goes on. Picturing him with his nephews and loving that mental image. They're so busy flirty they don’t see Jordy take off on them again. They turn around and he’s gone….They lost the kid again LMAO Back to being worried parents. They ask the most clueless guy in the building if he’s seen Jordy? Ha Of course he hasn’t…Nolan is lucky he knows what's going on in his own SL.
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They’re in Sally Port looking for Jordy. Legit looking under shops. Don’t hate the shot of Tim in this scene. Hello booty shot. His phone starts going off and he groans as he comes back up and says it’s a Grey. Lucy voices her irrational fear about Grey knowing they lost him twice. I’m rolling. Why would he know that Lucy? LOL Tim’s face is everything to this comment of hers. Loves his panicked wife and her ridiculousness.
Lucy is legit pacing back and forth while Tim is on the phone. Grey is asking him to run an OP for him. The last thing Tim needs on his plate right now. It is sexy how he coordinates it and says he’ll fold in later. Mmm. Then asks Lucy if she’s enjoying her revenge for his Tim Test? Lucy says she isn’t... Does a cute little love tap on his arm and has him follow. I love it.
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They find Jordy at a computer. Tim scares him and asks what the hell he’s doing? I love the in-sync head tilts. They see he is googling how to delete traffic tickets. Lucy goes off on a nerd rant about how those are processed in a different office. She catches herself and looks at Tim. He’s so used to her nerdy ways at this point doesn't phase him in the least.
Just backs what she’s saying. That even if he could do that here it’s a crime to do so. Poor kid folds. Says his dad told him to because they couldn’t afford the fines. Tim asks if he really has cancer? Lucy scolds him once again. I love this. He tells them yes that part is true. Lucy asks if he wants to be a cop? He says no they’re wack. Lmao The way the look at each other I cannot. The kid wanted a football game not this. HA
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Tim mentions if he’s googling this no way he’s a a hacker. Asks how he gained access to the computer? Jordy hands him the sticky note. Tim is so damn incensed I’m dying. Lucy asking did Smitty really need a sticky note? He couldn’t just remember this? I love the way Tim snatches the note and takes off. He is so very done with this day and this kid. Smitty's incompetence being the icing on the cake of his day. This episode is comedy gold I love it sfm.
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They bring Jordy’s father in. Telling him they could charge Jordy with a crime. That he had illegal access to a police computer. The dad starts to panic and says they can’t do that. He’s just a kid. He has cancer. Lucy says no one wants to charge Jordy. Him on the other hand… Mr. Yates starts to freak out more. Saying it was just couple tickets. Lucy mentions it’s 37....
Holy crap dude that’s a lot of tickets. That him using his son. A minor no less to help out makes it a felony. One that could send him to jail. The dad pleads with them. Saying his medical costs are crushing them. That if he doesn’t pay for the tickets he’ll lose his license and car. Saying he knows he messed up. He can’t go to jail his family needs him.
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Then we hit one of my favorite portions of this episode. Their silent communication has always been a glorious wonder. It hits new heights in this scene. Because the minute he looks at his girl he knows what that look means. It’s why he answers with a ‘Lucy really?’ He goes from you can’t be serious. To how am I supposed to say no to that? Lucy doesn’t have to say a damn word.
That’s the beauty of their connection. Says everything she needs to in that puppy dog look. Man is whipped and we all love it. Her empathy shining through and getting to Tim in this moment. I said it couple times in this episode. The effect this woman has on him is immense. It was continuously through out this one. In the best way possible.
That man has zero defense against that look she gives him. Absolutely zero. Can you imagine a little version of Lucy doing this to him? If they end up having a daughter. She’s gonna have this man wrapped around her finger. Just like his wife does. God help him haha All Lucy had to do was give him that glance and he was in shambles. As we all know Tim would do anything for that woman standing next to him.
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He came into this conversation ready to put that man in jail. But then the love of his life looks his way and it’s over. I’ll never be over how amazing their silent communication is. We are so lucky to have a couple this amazing without even saying a word. There’s that country song ‘You say it best. When you say nothing at all.’ If that ain’t them. Tim folds and says he’s not sending Mr. Yates to jail. I love how he looks at Lucy before he tells him that. Knowing she is the reason behind him is doing this.
It’s so good. Man is so soft for his girl and this scene is proof of that. Ugh I love it. Melissa’s and Eric crushing it per usual. Tim says he can go to Daddy and me Traffic school. There’s an arcade that Jordy will love it. As if Lucy needed another reason to love this man next to her. Mr. Yates asks how he can make it up to them? ‘Be a better father to your son’. Hot damn you tell him Tim.*fans self* Mmm. Yum. Got to be soft but still little authoritative at the end. I’ll take it.
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We rejoin them in the station. Tim done with his OP for Grey. Lucy coming over mentioning his how Daddy and me traffic school sounds fun. Tim replying 'Yeah Jordy will get 5 dollars in tokens too.' Lucy letting him know it was a really nice gesture. I love her coming up to him and letting him know this. Making sure he knows what a wonderful thing he did for them. That it was so sweet. This scene makes me squee for so many reasons.
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Tim letting her know he wanted to throw that guy in jail. You could tell when he entered that room he was ready to throw down. It wasn't sitting well with him Yates putting his son in a position like that. Lucy replying ‘But?’ Tim bestowing the best compliment he could on her. Touching on the theme of this episode I think. The fact she’s a good influence on him. I mean it exudes out of him now a days. She already was before they got together. Now it’s increased ten fold the effect Lucy has on him.
Lucy and her view of the world. A thing that used to drive him absolutely bonkers. So much so he tried to show her the underbelly of L.A. to dampen it. That same light and view has now rubbed off on this man. Soaking him in that sunshine she gives off. I can’t with how many feels this is giving me. And he’s telling her as such. He’s known for a long long time what a good influence she is. But he’s telling her in person. With heart eyes galore to boot. Such love and admiration on his face for her. *internally screaming*
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Naturally he complimented her so she needs to do one right back. Telling him with just as much adoration and affection might I add. That he’s going to be a great dad someday. We know that’s true. Also we know Lucy is already picturing him as that great father to their kiddos. I just love how causally they talk about their future kids. It’s a thing that’s just an eventuality. The level of comfortability around the topic just shows us where they're at. How serious they both are.
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Tim needing to tease her now that they’ve been soft. It’s so damn funny. Look at his pleased smile when he does it. Look at that man in the final gif. Could power a city with that smile. He so loves to tease her. Lucy is exasperated with him but still smiling regardless. She loves this infuriating man in front of her so much.
They couldn’t be happier or more adorable. It blows my mind still we get to have them together. Not only that but this level of ship goodness. Straight flirting, complimenting and teasing. They’re so in love I might pass out from all my feelings haha Such a good ep for them.
Side notes-non Chenford
I do love Angela getting to be the one to take Elijah out. So fitting. Also that scene with Charlie and Wes holy hell.
Thank you to all you amazing readers. For all the likes, comments and reblogs. We only have 5 left episodes in this season. Unreal. Shall see you all in 5x18 :)
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quinnlarrabee · 1 year
Palo santo 101
Before you click play on the audio recording and blithely ignore the written guide, be sure to review the important science-based charts and insight-rich visuals sprinkled throughout it.
If you’ve ever walked into a party hosted by someone under 40 in Brooklyn, Lisbon, California, Condesa or Roma Norte, or Venice Beach and not smelled palo santo, then you probably had covid. Over the past decade palo santo has become the official scent of good vibes. It is an olfactory assurance for anyone who recognizes the scent that conversation will be limited to polyamory, regional burns, and adaptogen supplements. Despite the fact that no one ever doesn’t want to smell palo santo, it’s important to know when to use it and when to relegate your surroundings to their default odor. This guide will ensure that you know exactly how to make the most of the palo santo you carry in the shoulder bag you purchased at the Sant Jordi flea market in Ibiza during the off-season.
Like most cultural appropriations, no one who burns palo santo knows what it is, where it came from, why they use it, or why it’s even called palo santo. Let’s uncover the facts. 
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Bursera Graveolens is a tree native to the dry tropical forests of South America. Its discovery by white people dates back to 1972 at a now defunct swingers resort in Quito, Ecuador, where a guest from New Jersey named Paulo Santonicola noticed a stick with a burning ember on the end of giving off a fetid, wispy trail of smoke. He pointed at the burning stick and asked the guy holding the cocaine tray, who would now be called a consent educator, “por que?”
“Plaga,” he replied, and gnashed his teeth and made a flapping-wing motion with the hand not holding the cocaine tray. Paulo brought the wood back to his central New Jersey home as a last-ditch effort to ward off the deer that were eating the tomatoes in his garden. He started burning the wood around the clock in the steamy summer of 1972, during which he and his girlfriend hosted dozens of play parties. 
“I didn’t care if people at my parties had a problem with the smell,” recounted Paulo. “Those frickin’ deer were jumping my fence and chewing through wire to eat my tomatoes. When I caught a whiff of that wood down in Quito, I thought, ‘they won’t come near my garden if I burn this shit.’” 
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Mr. Santonicola had achieved some level of notoriety in the adult film industry in the early 1970s, and his parties were well attended by neo-hippies, the disco elite and the first generation of yoga professionals. Over the course of the summer, a pavlovian association formed between the scent of the wood and casual sex, and his friends started asking him for sticks so that they could take the vibe home with them. At the sunset of his porn career, he saw an opportunity not only to rebrand his legacy, distancing himself from grainy adult films with problematic titles, but also to make oceans of cash: import the wood and sell it through his readymade network of yoga instructors under his stage name, Palo Santo. 
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Palo santo’s ubiquity today grew from its two foundational use cases: repelling pests and masking the odor of too many naked bodies in poorly ventilated New Jersey basements. Palo santo is still used today as a repellent of sorts to ward off bad vibes and people who do not use the word vibe in place of most nouns at the end of a question, such as scene, weather, temperature, culture, menu, rules, culture, law, opinion, suggested attire, relationship status, sexual proclivity, net worth and so on. It is also still used during group sex, but only when the group sex is intentional and/or ceremonial. There are many other ways, however, that you can improve the vibes of the world through the smoke of this wood, which was recently added to IUCN’s Red List of “near threatened” species, making it even more important to burn palo santo as a way of calling attention to its growing scarcity. 
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For a brief, blissful period during the pandemic, the only people who traveled were intrepid hipsters who had already contracted the virus and been instrumental in scaling it to global significance through music festivals, long-distance polycules and global nomadism. Commercial airlines from the spring of 2020 through the summer of 2021 were basically private air travel for people who know to always ask if party buffet chocolate is psycho-active. Air travel today is a much lower vibration experience, and it’s important that assertive restorative steps be taken by conscious travelers to make flying chill again. Hanging a dreamcatcher from the back of the seat in front of you and burning palo santo on the tray table is a great way of making a public flight experience feel more private. Be sure to light your palo santo only after the aircraft reaches cruising altitude, because tray tables must be stowed until then. 
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Other people’s parties
Not everyone with whom you may socialize is aware of how critical palo santo is to creating and maintaining a vibe. Some less experienced hosts try to make do with incense from India, Japan or other countries that have been annexed by Brooklyn or with candles from La Labo, and it may be up to you to rescue the vibe. Back when people consumed alcohol, bringing a nice bottle of wine was a way of showing a host your appreciation, but these days bringing palo santo, immediately lighting it and waving the stick around like Harry Potter on quaaludes is the optimal way of saying thank-you to someone who has invited you into their home.  
While palo santo has not been proven by any form of science to deliver the healing benefits touted by people who sell or use palo santo, be assured that it does all of the things people say it does. Burning palo santo creates smoke, and smoke is pretty to watch and - like cardiovascular exercise - creates a healthy challenge for your lungs. Medical facilities are places where people go to heal, and bringing palo santo to visit a recovering friend is a beautiful contribution to not only their journey back to health but also the recovery of every patient within a twenty to fifty foot radius. 
Conscious uncoupling ceremonies
Modifying your relationship trajectory in a direction that disappoints the person you are with might seem like a low vibe experience, but you can make it a high vibe experience by burning palo santo. While explaining that the rules that you set last week for your ENM pairing have become too confining, burning palo santo will deflect negative reactions and in some cases even seduce your partner into being amenable to a situationship that has absolutely no structure, rules or expectations. This can add to your sexual abundance and also serve as a pillar in your temple of confidence that helps you acquire new lovers at floor parties. If, rather than just undefining the relationship, you are certain there is no future with the person to whom you have exposed particles of burning wood, palo santo will prevent your ex-partner from making an opposing case or lingering too long after you have had uncoupling sex. 
During sex with someone you don’t want to fall in love with you
In a rare moment of cultural relevance, Science has proven that pheromones strengthen the bonds of attraction between two or many more people during sexual activity. Sometimes, though, it is undesirable to strengthen bonds with a sex partner. Sometimes, it is optimal to maintain a totally impartial, unattached, stoic distance between the person who you are inside / is inside of you, given that attraction can lead to unintended expectations. Burning palo santo is an excellent way of muting the potency of pheromones, leveling the olfactory playing field and creating a piney through-line for all the people participating in a sexual experience. 
Any kind of intentional wellness space
Because the smell of palo santo is so potent and distracting, burning it during intentional experiences (e.g. yoga, journaling, meditation, tantra classes, tantric sex, facials or any kind of PRP therapy) compels participants to step up their intention-setting efforts. It forces deep focus and concentration, kind of like how the deafening emo whines of RY X at a RY X concert force you to lean in, cock your head and make that weird squinty-eyed, mouth-agape listening face to be able to hear the unsolicited story of how literally anyone you happen to be standing next to was in an intentional polyamorous relationship with RY X.
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Ancient actually sacred genuinely authentic real cultural events that were not invented by white people to extract money from other white people
Many people who attend Burning Man have begun to explore other intentional gatherings outside of Nevada that don’t involve metallic gold body paint. Some of these gatherings are thousands of years old and are led by people who have trained their entire lives to uphold traditions that have been passed down for generations within their culture. Particularly if a gathering takes place in its country of origin (rather than being exported, diluted and branded, like an ethnic fast food franchise), you may encounter native smells that don’t smell like palo santo. In these cases, it is not only permissible but even advisable to add palo santo to everyone’s experience, which you have probably been very reluctantly allowed to attend. Burning palo santo will communicate to the religious or cultural leaders of the gathering that you are on their level and (despite having never read anything about the gathering other than first few words of the top Google result you saw while standing on the Premier Access line into your Delta flight at JFK / LAX / SFO) have a deep respect for whatever they are chanting in a language that you cannot understand while you record the most intensely sacred moments for the Instagram story that you will post at the appropriate time in your home time zone so that everyone will know that you are an internationally intentionally spiritual person who gets access to authentic cultural events. 
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Despite its countless unproven benefits and its universal appeal within a very small circle, there are certain times when palo santo should not be burned. Palo santo can trigger flashbacks for people who first encountered the scent of it during acid trips. If someone walks into your container, smells the palo santo you’re burning and begins behaving erratically, just ask them to immediately return to their own container, lest they harsh the vibe you’re cultivating. The only other times that do not call for burning palo santo are when you’re alone, and no one else will see you lighting the stick and waving it around the room, bringing it within inches of everyone’s face whether they’ve invited it or not, while making awkwardly long eye contact with them, nothing but the winding trail of smoke in front of your your vulnerable gaze, thus communicating to them that you are a spiritually endowed person and care deeply about them knowing that you are a spiritually endowed person. So, a helpful rule of thumb is this: as with masturbation, you should always and only be burning palo santo when someone is watching, otherwise what’s the point.
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
Where you are know as one of the best prodigy on the Barcelona female team. One day, they host a Barcelona event for the male and female team, to which you get really drunk and end up having a make out session with predi. However, what you don’t realize is that you guys were recorded and was later posted on the internet making it a huge scandal. But in an interview Pedri decided to defend your name saying “I can’t kiss my girlfriend” you may end it with a fluff and/or smut where they both end up together.
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A/N: I combined these two because they went together. Hope you like it.
No warnings.
-I wish the boys weren’t coming.- said your friend, Alexia, as your car drove pass all of the cameras into the restaurant. You rolled your eyes. -They’re not all that bad.-
She laughed. -Because you have the hots for Gonzalez.- You gave her a smack on her shoulder. -Be quiet. I don’t. I just think he’s a great player.- 
-Says one of the best players in the Barça women’s team.- She scoffed back. You shook your head. The car grew quiet as the car approached the entrance. Alexia got off first then you followed. Once out you realized a car behind you was also unloading. You saw Gavi get out and behind followed Pedri. You smiled his way, he looked at you from head to toe and he winked sending you butterflies to your stomach. Before you could smile back or actually do anything the cameras were already on him and his friends. 
You and your friend walked into the restaurant and were escorted to the private room where the event was going to be held. You looked around but the boys weren't in yet. As you were spaced out you felt a hand on your thigh, you turned around and saw Alexia. -I saw that wink.- You laughed and rolled your eyes. -He winks at everyone.- 
-You know him so well yet you’ve never said more than hello to him.- Alexia teased. -I did congratulate him for a match once.- You add which causes Alexia to laugh. -Okay, you know so much about him yet you've only ever said 'Hola' and 'Good game' to the man.-
The room quickly began to fill up. More of your teammates showed up and the rest of the Barça boys did too. Despite belonging to the same club you guys didn’t mingle a lot and it was nice to finally see some of them. Some of them were always so rowdy and annoyed your teammates, like Jordi. The night continued and the dance floor opened up. You danced with some of your teammates and had some drinks. 
As you returned to your table you realized a few of the boys were heading your way, Jordi leading them. -We are going to play a game.- you looked over at Alexia and laughed. -We are not playing Jordi.- He interrupted you. 
-Just a quick drinking game. To see who’s better, you or us.- he said. You rolled your eyes and noticed Pedri was in the group, he laughed at Jordi. -If they don’t want to play it’s okay, Jordi. They forfeit. We are better.- Said Pedri taunting you, and your competitive side.
You turned your attention to him, Jordi was about to turn around and walk away. -Hold on, let’s go. Let’s play, we know we are better.- the boys smirked.
Pedri walked over closer to you. -Hola, ready?- He said. You smiled and nodded your head.
You were horrible at the game and ended up drinking more than what you had planned. As it turns out, Pedri was horrible too. Jordi, of course, played magnificently almost as if he spent his days practicing this instead of soccer. -Jordi won, Y/N and Pedri are the losers here.- said Ferran.
-I just need some practice.- you said causing them all to laugh. -I don’t think any practice is going to help you.- added Alexia. 
You weren’t used to drinking and this was way over your limit. You felt warm and somehow stumbled your way out to catch some fresh air. After walking through the garden to the side of the restaurant you found an empty bench and sat down. You could feel everything moving around you. You were so glad the next day was a rest day because you could already feel the hangover you were going to wake up with. As you sat there questioning your decision to play the stupid drinking game you saw a shadow approaching you. You looked up and saw Pedri standing in front of you.
-Pedri.- you smiled.
-You know my name.- he walked over and sat on the bench.
-Who doesn’t.- 
He smirked. -And I know your name, Y/N.- You smiled. 
-You did great in there.- You joked. His cheeks were red and he began to warm his hands up. -You weren't so bad yourself.- You both laughed and sat there soon silence taking over you.
-You - you are amazing out on the field.- You said to him somewhat nervously. -Don't let Jordi hear you admit this or you will never head the end of it.- He said quickly adding -And thank you. You're amazing.-
-Thank you.- You smiled and once again allowed for silence to take over.
He interrupted the silence.
-And I guess we have more in common, we both suck at drinking games.- you raised your eyebrow at Pedri.
-What else do we have in common?- he smirked.
-We both play for Barça.- he shrugged his shoulders as you giggled.
-Duh, of course.- he shook his head and gave you a smile that sent shivers down your body. The way he looked at you, it was the type of look that made you want to leave everything for that person. You looked down at the floor.
-I hardly drink.- you confessed.
-Same here, maybe that’s why we suck at the game.- you turned over to him. -You think?- You said sarcastically causing him to roll his eyes at you. Your eyes locked with each other and before you could say anything you felt his hand going up to your head and gently placing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
-I think sometimes alcohol makes you do stupid thinks.- he explained. You nodded. -But sometimes it also gives you that extra push you needed.- you added. 
He giggled. -You mean liquor courage?- 
He bit his bottom lip and stared at you intrigued. -What would you need liquor courage for?- he whispered as his body got closer to yours. But you couldn’t respond. Instead before he had time to say anything else your lips attacked his. 
The little voice in your head was telling you to stop. You hardly knew him. You were out in public. But your body was telling you the opposite. You were letting your intrusive thoughts get the best out of you. Doing what you had wanted to do ever since you had laid eyes on him. Doing what you wanted to do every time you saw him out running with his teammates, when you saw him celebrating his goals on the pitch.
You felt as one of his hands grabbed the back of your head. The other cupping your face. He reciprocated every kiss you gave him. His lips were soft and plump. He left delicate kisses on your lips that were also full of desire and need. 
Finally the two of you pulled away to gasp for air. His eyes fixated on yours. He touched his lips with his hand and smiled. 
-I-I’m sorry.- You stuttered.
-Don't be. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to do that for? He asked causing you to blush. 
You heard voices approaching you and eventually the light of a camera flash. You stood up from the bench and without saying a word to Pedri walked away leaving him there, alone. 
The night ended in you and Alexia going back home. You stumbled into your room and managed to take off your makeup and take a quick shower before getting into bed. 
You woke up the next morning to Alexia knocking on your door. -Wake up!- you opened your eyes and looked over to your door realizing you had locked the night before. 
-My head is killing me.- you said as you opened your bedroom door for Alexia and began to walk back to your bed. -Have you checked your phone?- she asked. -I just woke up.- you explained. Alexia sat on the bed and took a deep breath. Well prepare yourself because this might just make your head hurt more. 
She handed you her phone and you began to scroll. The paparazzi had been waiting around the restaurant to catch anything and unfortunately they had caught yours and Pedri’s makeout session. Instagram was full of pictures of the two of you kissing. Of course all of the posts blamed you, the narrative was that you got so drunk you had roped him into a kiss. 
-So much for having the day off.- you scoffed. -I have this horrible hangover and now this.- You threw the phone onto your bed and let out a loud scream into the pillow. 
-Calm down Y/N. I’m sure this will simmer down by tomorrow.- you rolled your eyes at Alexia. -You know how the fans get, specially when its him or Gavi. I’m basically a slut in their eyes.- 
-But you’re not.- 
-I shouldn’t have kissed him.- you said regretting last nights choices.
-He wanted to kiss you too. This would be completely normal for two people your age if you weren’t Barça’s prodigies.-
You spent the rest of the day in your room. Occasionally looking through Instagram only to be bombarded with more and more posts of the same pictures. Each one with a different narrative, but you always the one to blame, him the victim. Pedri had been quiet the whole day on his account, of course since nobody was blaming him. 
You had finally taken a siesta when once again Alexia woke you up screaming. -Y/N!-
You grunted. -What?-
-It’s Pedri. Him and Xavi just finished their pre match press conference. Here.- She handed you her phone and you pushed play.  After they had finished asking the two questions about the match one reporter decided to ask Pedri about the pictures. 
-Pedri, Pedri one last thing. This morning the pictures of you and Y/N have taken over social media. Eye witnesses say Y/N was completely drunk and throwing herself onto you. What are your comments on her behavior?-
Pedri shook his head and looked over at Xavi who offered him a half smile. They were all waiting to see what Pedri was going to answer. 
-I’m not sure who these eye witnesses were but I think you all have to get better ones.- Everyone began to laugh. 
-Y/N wasn’t any more drunk than the rest of us. We enjoyed some drinks.- He added. 
The reporter interrupted him. -And what about this kiss Pedri? What kind of example is Y/N setting for all those little girls who support her? She just threw herself at you and-
Now it was Pedri who interrupted him. -I’m not sure what the problem is, my girlfriend can’t kiss me? 
-Your girlfriend?- You could hear the commotion amongst the crowd.
-Yes, my girlfriend. And I would appreciate if we stopped all the rumors and name calling.-
You stopped the video and turned over to look at Alexia. -Why would he say that?- She shrugged her shoulders and laughed. -Does it matter? He defended you Y/N.-
-And what’s going to happen when they all find out it’s not true?-
-And what if he wants it to be true?- asked Alexia. 
You spent the rest of the night thinking of what Pedri had done. 
A few days later you were getting ready for a match. Your teammates had already left out to the pitch for warm up and you were running towards the tunnel when you ran into him.
-Hola.- he said.
-Pedri, I- I had been meaning to reach out to you and thank you.-
-Thank me for what?-
-Lying, telling them we are going out, it stopped all of the rumors and- He interrupted you.
-I hate when they start to name call, I couldn’t let them do that to you.- You smiled. -But I don’t know about lying.-
You giggled. -What do you mean?- He took a step closer to you, now his body extremely close to yours. He was nervous. -Maybe we don’t have to lie.-
-We hardly know each other.-
He shrugged his shoulders. -I know enough to know I like you.- he smiled. 
-Y/N!- one of your trainers called from the end of the tunnel for you to hurry.
-I have to go.- you told Pedri as you began to jog away. 
-Wait.- he yelled out stopping you.-Can you at least think about it?-
You smiled and turned back continuing to jog. -I’ll keep it in mind Gonzalez.- 
The match was crazy, against Lyon a tough contender. It was tough but your team won. You scored a hat trick, each goal giving you more life than the last. You couldn’t believe what a game you and your teammates had. 
After the game you were named the best player of the match. You stood in front of reporters and you were thankful that Pedri had shot down all of the rumors because you got to enjoy the moment. They all praised you. 
-Y/N, who were those goals for?- you smiled and looked over at the stands spotting Pedri who had stayed for the match. He winked at you. 
-For my boyfriend, Pedri.- You answered.
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lucy90712 · 1 year
National champion- Pablo Gavi
WC: 2.0k
When your country makes it to the final of any sporting event it's a big deal but when your boyfriend is competing that makes it even more of a big deal. Tonight is the nations league final and my boyfriend Pablo is part of the squad for Spain. A few days ago he played in the semi final and sadly I couldn't make it as I had go to work and I wasn't even sure if I could make the final as I didn't think my boss would let me have the time off. After a few days of constantly bugging him my boss finally agreed to give me a few days off and you best believe I didn't look back from that I booked my flights that minute as I was going to make this final if it's the last thing I do. That night I packed my suitcase as my flight left early in the morning and went straight to bed so I don't look like a zombie at the game.
On the plane I was so nervous and excited. I was nervous for the game as its a final which means all the players will be feeling the pressure and if they lose it will just be heartbreaking but on the other hand I'm really excited as Pablo doesn't know I'm coming so I get to surprise him. It's hard to believe that this is Pablo's second nations league final at just the age of 18 I mean I've barely done anything with my life during the week I go to my university classes and then I work most weekends but he's playing for his country which is just amazing. For the entire flight I was thinking about how happy Pablo will be if the team win, it would really just top off the amazing season he's had. Part of me is worried as Croatia are a tough team but I believe in Spain and I know that they can do it.
As soon as my flight landed I raced through the airport and got a taxi to the hotel where I was meeting Pablo's family. They already flew out the other day but they offered to meet me before the game so we could catch up and then go together which was sweet as I was definitely going to get lost without them. When I got to the hotel I quickly changed into my Spain jersey and sorted myself out before heading to the lobby where his family and some of his friends were waiting for me. It was so nice to see them as I haven't got see them in a while with being so busy and they are like a second family to me so I missed them. Aurora and I caught up and gossiped about what's been going on in our lives which we always make seem like a tv show but in reality it's not that dramatic. Sometimes I think Pablo hates how close I am with his sister especially when we whisper things to each other whilst he's in the room but I know deep down he likes that we get along so well.
We pretty much all headed straight to the stadium and found our seats with the other players families. I didn't really know anyone else but Pablo's parents started a few conversations with other people so I just joined in when necessary and then texted Aurora to ask who the people were. After a while more nerves could be felt around the stadium and it almost became eerily quiet as fans went through a last minute panic before they get ready to cheer for their country. I was feeling the nerves too as I haven't talked to Pablo all day so I don't know how he's feeling and I haven't been able to try and take away any doubts in his mind like I usually would.
"Y/n there's a bit of time for you to go and see Pablo before the game you should go" Pablo's mum said
"Are you sure don't you want to go and see him?" I asked
"No you go I saw him earlier plus I think he would prefer to see you" she said
With that I rushed off and found my way down the tunnel and to the locker room just as the players beginning to head towards them. First I saw Jordi who sent me a smile and then Pablo and Ansu came around the corner. Like usual Pablo wasn't paying attention but Ansu was so he elbowed him for me and pointed in my direction. As soon as he noticed me his expression changed and I saw his eyes light up which made me smile knowing that I was the one that made him that happy. He ran right over and picked me up into a big bear hug which was so tight I almost couldn't breathe but I would never tell Pablo as I love getting these hugs from him. Eventually he put me down and quickly kissed my lips as we both prefer not to kiss in public too much but he still had an arm around my waist so that I was stood close to him.
"I can't believe you're here how did you convince your boss?" He asked
"With a lot of begging and just generally looking miserable so I don't think I can get more time off for a while or I might lose my job" I joked
"Well I'm just happy you're here" he said
"As much as I want to stay here forever you should go and get ready to be amazing out there like you always are" I said
"Thank you amor I will see you after we win" he said
Watching the match was incredibly stressful as it was just back and forth the entire time but neither team had great chances. Pablo had a shot in the first half but it was difficult for him and he sent it just wide. When Pablo came off I could sense the disappointment that he hadn't scored and the nerves as he could no longer make a difference to the result. By the time extra time was over everyone was feeling the pressure as the team don't have the best record with penalties recently and no one wanted a repeat of the World Cup. I don't think I've ever been more nervous in my life as I watched each player come up to take a penalty. Once two of the Croatian players had missed it was Spains chance to win but I couldn't watch so I hid behind my hands until I heard cheers and I knew they'd done it.
Pablo's family and I all hugged each other and me and his mum wiped the tears from each others eyes. I don't think either of us knew we were crying we were just so happy and proud that the tears were inevitable. We laughed with each other about how pathetic we were being and vowed not to mention it or Pablo would definitely make fun of us for a good few weeks. Being the amazing girlfriend that I am as soon as the celebrations started I pulled out my phone and filmed the whole thing as I know Pablo won't remember everything and he will want to look back on the time he won his first national competition. It was difficult to keep a steady hand as I was just so excited but I think I mostly managed it.
We watched all the celebrations from the stands and cheered for every player and then again when the team lifted the trophy. For a while they celebrated on the pitch before families were finally allowed to get out there and join the players. Pretty much as soon as my feet touched the pitch Pablo started running in my direction until we met somewhere in the middle. He had so much momentum that I nearly fell backwards as his arms went around my waist but luckily Pablo was steady enough on his feet to hold me up. While he was hugging me he took one arm off from around my waist to signal his family to join us so we ended up in a giant group hug with me stuck in the middle but it was still a great experience. Eventually they all let go and I was free again but that only lasted a few seconds as Pablo wanted me by his side so I stood next to him as other things went on around us.
Once everyone had congratulated Pablo he wanted to take pictures so we all took loads of pictures some with his family, some with his friends and some of just us. Pablo wanted me to be in all of the pictures but I managed to convince him to let go of me to have a few with just his family as I know his parents will want pictures like that. One he had those pictures he came right back over and dragged me with him to go and look at the trophy. I was with him when the team won la liga so I have seen and held that trophy but when Pablo handed me this one it was much heavier than I expected but luckily he still had hold of it so I was able to adjust my grip before he actually let go.
It was really cool holding the trophy but it did mean that there was suddenly loads of cameras on me and Pablo as they just wanted pictures of all the players with the trophy. I don't really like having the cameras on me especially when it feels like half the worlds media is taking your picture at once. Pablo knows I hate all of the attention so he gave the trophy to one of his teammates and we tried to get away from the cameras but a few followed us to the other side of the pitch clearly wanting more pictures of the golden boy. He wasn't happy with this so he took the Spanish flag I had around my shoulders and and held it above us so no one could get a good view of us. He used this opportunity to press a few kisses to my lips which obviously I returned. For some reason I felt a rush of adrenaline as we kissed in front of all those people but without anyone able to see it was like I was hiding something in plain sight.
Once we had been left alone Pablo took the flag away from over our heads but he then gave me one corner for us to hold over our shoulders as we finally went to leave the pitch. When we were out of sight I couldn't stop smiling as I thought about everything that happened tonight and how it's going to change the future of this version of the national team. Looking over to Pablo by my side also made me feel all warm inside as I am just so proud of him and everything he has achieved this season as not only does it give him more confidence but it proves all the people that hate him wrong even if they will never admit it. It's hard to believe that the shy teenager who just wanted to play football I met a few years back is now a La Liga, supercopa and nations league winner and not to mention the youngest goal scored for Spain at a World Cup. As much as Pablo has a lot of titles to his name he hasn't changed one bit he's still quite shy and always wants to be playing football.
We walked down the tunnel together but when we reached the locker room I gave him a kiss and told him to go and have fun with his teammates. He promised not to be back too late but I told him not to worry and with that he ran off and started jumping about with the team looking incredibly happy. I then left with his family to head back to the hotel and wait for my champion to get back so we can spend some time alone together.
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
Shiver With Anticipation (Inej/Kaz)
Summary: As the couple grows more comfortable with physical affection, Inej finds out that Kaz is ticklish. Instead of striking then and there, she promises to remember that information for later, putting him on edge. (So...I accidentally deleted this fic off my blog, lmfao. Still not sure how, must have been in a 2am haze or something. Anyway, this was originally written for Day #1 of @august-anon‘s TickleTober prompts.)
Slowly but surely, Kaz and Inej were growing used to physical touch. It started with holding hands, first with his gloves, and then without. The first time they hugged, it had ended in mutual panic, but they had since gotten the hang of that, too. They even managed to kiss on occasion, but it was saved only for special moments, like when Inej first docked her ship back in Ketterdam after a few months away, or when she was about to set off to sea once again.
They could share a bed as long as they used separate blankets. Sometimes they woke up cuddled together, and most times, it didn’t put their mornings off to a bad start.
Inej’s issue was more with being touched, but she didn’t mind doing the touching. It made her feel in control of the situation. A reminder of her freedom. Kaz was the opposite; if someone else was touching him, he could feel the heat of their skin, the movement of their body, their pulse. Proof of life.
And so, Kaz kept his hands to himself and offered himself up for Inej to initiate touch, as long as he knew what she planned to do. First, she wanted to play with his hair, which he had enjoyed immensely. Then, she tried pressing soft kisses to each of his knuckles, bruised after a fight. It had been such a tender moment, Kaz could have cried.
Before her last departure, she had asked to try massaging his shoulders.
“You always seem so tense,” she explained. “I thought it could help.”
Although his pride wasn’t thrilled at accepting the offer, he found that it was hard to say no to Inej, especially when she had to be so goddamn kind about everything. Of course she would ask permission to help relieve some of his pain. That was just the kind of girl she was, and it was one of the many qualities that made him fall for her in the first place.
So, he had sat on the edge of his bed and let her kneel behind him, her hands coming to rest on his shoulders. Her thumbs pressed little circles into the muscle, and Kaz couldn’t help the small sound of pleasure that left him.
“Is this alright?” Inej asked.
He nodded. “I thought you said you’d never done this before.”
“Well, I may or may not have asked Nina for some pointers,” she replied.
As she worked the knots out of his back, he found himself relaxing into her touch more and more. He shut his eyes and listened to her hum a tune he didn’t recognize. It wasn’t until her hands moved up towards his neck that he felt goosebumps rise on his skin, but it wasn’t from a flashback. No, there was no nausea or panic, only the way that his nerves suddenly seemed on high alert, and the strange urge to…smile?
Well, shit. He thought he’d grown out of that. No one had roughhoused with him in such a way since Jordie died, and he had assumed that after a decade of being stony-faced and constantly pissed off that being ticklish had somehow escaped him.
Apparently not all weaknesses could be tackled so easily.
Inej’s fingers accidentally brushed against the side of his neck and sent him flinching away.
“Are you alright?” she asked, retracting her hands immediately. “I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?”
He shook his head. “No, no, you’re fine. Just wasn’t expecting it.”
Inej knew pretty much all of his secrets, but there was something so embarrassing about telling her the truth. He knew she wouldn’t tease him too harshly, and she definitely wouldn’t attempt to tickle him any further without asking, but it just felt vulnerable and childish to admit. His ears burned at the thought, and he prayed to the Saints he didn’t believe in that the blush would go unnoticed.
“Do you want me to stop?” Inej asked.
He turned to look at her, with her big, worried eyes and cursed himself for being entirely susceptible to the kicked-puppy expression. “No, you can continue if you’d like.”
She perked up, and it made his heart soar to know he had caused that happiness. He managed to keep still for a bit as she started to massage once again, but his nerves were alert and Inej’s touch was becoming far too ticklish for him to ignore. She had moved from his shoulders to his upper back, and her thumbs kneading into the muscle made him feel as though fizzy bubbles of champagne were running through his veins.
“The point of a massage is to be relaxed, you know,” she said. “If you aren’t enjoying this, I can stop. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Kaz sighed. “It’s not that I’m uncomfortable. I just…”
Inej scooted over so that she sat beside him rather than behind him. She didn’t speak, didn’t try to pry his words from his mouth sooner than he was ready to speak them. She just sat, waiting. Sometimes, the things that they tried just didn’t work out. They never shamed one another for needing a break or putting an end to it entirely. However, not speaking up in those moments was something that both he and Inej took very seriously. The last thing they wanted was to upset the other, to send Kaz back to the water, or Inej back to the brothel.
Yes, Kaz was a cheat and a liar and a pretty big asshole, but ever since he let his walls come down around Inej for the first time, he found it hard to put them back up. If Inej thought he was hiding his discomfort, he would feel as though he was betraying her trust.
“Don’t laugh,” he finally said. “And if you tell anyone about this, I will take the ship back.” It was a thinly veiled threat, but she got the message anyway.
Inej raised her eyebrows at the comment, but the words that followed were gentle. “I would never laugh at you.”
“You were tickling me,” he said, trying to ignore how warm his ears had become.
Inej didn’t laugh, although he swore that the corners of her lips tugged upward for just a second. “And so instead of telling me to stop, you were just going to hold your breath and try to ignore it?” she asked, voice thick with amusement.
Well, it sounded pretty stupid when she put it like that. “I didn’t want to interrupt you. You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
She did laugh then, giving a fond shake of her head. “You know you can always ask me to stop.”
“I know.”
“Well, maybe next time I’m back from sea, I can find out where else you’re ticklish,” she said.
“Okay,” Kaz replied after a moment. Perhaps love had really made him an idiot.
Inej looked at him, clearly surprised that he had agreed to her half-joking suggestion.
The rest of their night went by without incident. They simply fell asleep beside each other, just far enough apart on the small mattress to be barely touching, only their fingers were lazily interlaced.
In the morning, Inej quickly pecked his lips before getting onto The Wraith and sailing off, leaving him on the dock like a wife watching her husband go off to war.
Inej was due to come home tomorrow, and the anticipation was eating Kaz alive. Yes, he was excited to see her. He was excited to kiss her, to see her smiling face. He had missed her terribly, all of the Dregs had, but he hadn’t forgotten her proposition in the month she had been gone.
It seemed that the universe was taunting him with it, as he watched Jesper squeeze Wylan’s knees beneath the table, or Nina prod at Matthias when they thought no one else was watching.
He had even tried to replicate the feeling on himself, running gloved fingers down the expanse of his own side, but it didn’t give that same goosebump-inducing sensation.
As Kaz tried to sleep, his mind was reeling. What if he hated it? What if it reminded him too much of Jordie, and sent him into a panic? What if he wasn’t half as sensitive as he thought, and Inej was disappointed? Or, what if he was twice as sensitive as he thought, and couldn’t handle it?
He felt ridiculous. He was the leader of the Dregs, Dirtyhands, the Bastard of the fucking Barrel and he was losing rest over a little tickling. When he finally willed his brain to shut up, he fell asleep and dreamed of Inej with mischief glinting in her eyes and a smirk curled on her lips.
The Slat was all aflutter the next morning, everyone buzzing in excitement for Inej’s return. Kaz, along with Jesper, Wylan, and Nina made their way to the docks when the sun hung high above the streets of Ketterdam.
It was a joyful reunion, as usual. Inej departed her ship with a glow about her, all the confidence and bravery of Captain Ghafa not a wavering mask, just who she truly was. She hugged Nina first, then Wylan, then Jesper, and then she reached Kaz, and her smile grew just a little wider.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hi,” he replied.
She gave him a quick kiss, which still never failed to surprise their friends, and they were off to spend the day celebrating her return with drinks and probably a bit of crime.
Kaz found himself watching her hands all day: The way that she held her glass, fingers curled, almost poised in a claw. How she picked a lock, the precision and speed with which she moved. She would surely be the death of him, but he would be alright with that fate.
As the festivities died down, Kaz retired to his room. Usually, Inej spent her first night back in Ketterdam with Wylan and Jesper, so he began changing into his bedclothes and was startled when Inej’s voice came from his window.
“Please, don’t stop on my behalf. You never had a problem being half-naked in front of me before,” she teased.
Kaz’s ears turned pink. “I thought you’d be staying at Wylan’s tonight.”
Inej shrugged. “I can, if you want me to.”
He shook his head. “Stay, please.”
She didn’t need to be told twice.
As he finished changing, he handed Inej some clothes as well, respectfully averting his gaze to the papers on his desk as she put on the much-too-big clothing. The sight of her nearly swimming in his shirt made him smile.
“How was your trip?” he asked, placing his cane beside the bed before sitting, relieved to have the weight off of his leg after a long day.
“Productive,” she replied, sitting at the opposite end of the mattress. “Rewarding, you could say. But I’ll spare you the details this evening.”
“I can’t wait to hear,” Kaz said. “If you want to sleep, I can grab an extra blanket.”
“Trying to get rid of me so soon?” she asked. “If you’re tired, we can rest, but I still feel wide awake.”
“What would you like to do then, my darling?” he asked.
“Talk to you,” Inej replied. “Maybe hold your hand, if you’re feeling scandalous this evening.”
He chuckled. “Both of those are well within my ability tonight,” he assured her, reaching out his hand, gloves sitting on his desk a few feet away.
She took his hand and interlaced their fingers. Her skin was warm and smooth, save for the callouses on her fingertips.
“There is something else I’d like to do, if you’re up for it,” she said.
He had almost forgotten, but her words quickly sparked his memory. The feeling of anticipation set in almost instantly. Still, he played dumb. Nonchalant, if you will. “What did you have in mind?”
“I’d like to try tickling you, if you’re okay with it,” she said. Even she looked a bit flustered at the concept, which made Kaz feel slightly less silly.
He cleared his throat. “Have you been thinking about it since you left?”
Inej nodded. “You rarely let yourself laugh, or have fun. I think it might be nice to witness.”
“I have fun all the time,” he replied. “I find heists quite fun.”
That made her laugh, that carefree laugh that made him feel intoxicated. Perhaps he understood why she would want to hear the same from him.
“Have you thought about it?” she asked.
He nodded. “A bit.”
If she knew he was selling it short, she didn’t comment on it. Instead, she moved closer on the bed, so close that their knees brushed through the safety of cloth. “Well, where should I start then?”
It was rare that words failed Kaz Brekker, but Inej had a carefully crafted way of rendering his brain and mouth entirely useless. “I don’t know,” he replied. “Wherever you like, I suppose. I assume in a normal situation, I wouldn’t get much of a say in that anyway.”
“Is there anywhere I can’t touch?” Inej asked.
Kaz considered it. “My bad leg. And stay above the clothes, please.”
“Of course.”
The tension was thick enough for Inej to cut it with one of her many knives, and Kaz wasn’t sure if his emotions were better described as nervous or excited. The perfect middle ground between the two, perhaps. Gently, Inej coaxed him to lie back on the bed, and she sat beside him, cross-legged, seemingly scanning his body for a place to start.
Her hands slowly reached out and hovered a few inches above his stomach, making him instinctively suck in a breath. Time seemed to move in slow motion as she brought her fingers down and experimentally wiggled her fingers.
Kaz’s breath caught in his throat. The fabric of his shirt did little to dull the sensation, but the barrier was appreciated for reasons unrelated.
“Is this okay?” Inej asked.
He nodded, because if he opened his mouth, something embarrassing was going to spill out. Like a giggle, and Kaz Brekker did not giggle. His lips were already attempting to curl into a smile, but he sucked his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, refusing to give in so soon.
Her touch was still semi-bearable, more like an annoying itch than anything hysteria-inducing.
“I guess you aren’t too sensitive here,” Inej said, and he could hear the smirk in her tone. She was clearly enjoying herself, and Kaz…Well, he would die before admitting that he was too.
Fingers scampered over to his side, and the new spot sent him squirming away in surprise, a little huff of laughter escaping him. He opened his eyes with the intention of glaring at her, but he only managed to look stern for about a second before she picked up the pace, blunt fingernails scratching at the bottom of his rib cage, and the laughter spilled out before he could stop it.
It had been a long time since he had laughed like that, hard and without concern for seeming weak, or for keeping up the tough face of Dirtyhands. He felt youthful when he laughed that way.
Inej smiled down at him, bright and genuine. If it took making a fool of himself to see that smile, Kaz would become a jester for the king of Ravka. He would fumble every game of cards, let Jesper tease him more often, do cartwheels through the streets. All to make her smile.
Her fingers brushed a sensitive spot by the top of his ribs and the noise that escaped him was much higher in pitch than he thought he was capable of. To save what little amount of dignity he had remaining, Inej did not comment on it. However, she did hone in on the spot, searching for the sound again.
Kaz brought a hand up to cover his face, hoping to both muffle his laughter as well as hide the color rising in his cheeks.
“You don’t have to hide from me, Kaz,” Inej said softly. “I love hearing you laugh.”
Her words were enough to make him melt. Tentatively, he let his hand fall from his mouth, just for a second, so that she could hear the raspy sound of his laughter.
Inej only tickled him for a bit longer, not wanting to wear him out. The sound of her laughter intertwined with his residual giggles and attempts to catch his breath.
“Was that alright?” she asked.
Kaz nodded, because he didn’t trust himself to speak truthfully if he opened his mouth. It was hard for him to admit things, sappy or flustering things specifically.
She grinned and leaned down to kiss him, softly and he returned it.
They did go to sleep then, the spare blanket pulled out of the closet and the two of them curled up on the mattress. Kaz fell asleep with a smile curling his lips, secretly hoping that Inej would do that again soon. He had waited so long for her to follow through on her words, so he figured it was only fair to indulge in the act some more. And besides, she had plenty more spots to find.
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Twitter Famous (Jason Sudeikis x Reader) - Chapter 10
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wc: 2.1k
Story Page | Story Tag
Andie tried to congratulate you when you made your way back over but you were too busy craning your neck around for Jason. “Where’d he go?”
Andie looked at Jordy and then they both shrugged at you, “I just thought he went to the bathroom, I don’t know.” 
“What did you say to him? He had kind of a strange look on his face,” you didn’t want to sound accusatory but you had to trust your gut that something was off. 
“I don’t know, nothing crazy, I was just like ‘thank god for you, these songs sucked when they were about Ryan.’ I was just trying to be funny,” Andie said apologetically, her eyebrows lowered in concern. 
“Andie, he’s going to think I just sang a bunch of songs about my ex-boyfriend at him while making direct fucking eye contact,” you groaned, throwing your head back. 
Jordy cringed and Andie’s eyes went wide. “Oh fuck dude, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think about the way that sounded. Is Jason the jealous type? Do you want me to go explain?”
“No, he’s really not…at least I don’t think he is. It’s just a misunderstanding, it’s all good,” the next song was playing loudly behind you as you reassured her and Jason still hadn’t come back. “I’m gonna go talk to him, if he’s still here.” 
Your heart fluttered at the sight of Jason just outside the door, his head tilted up at the dark sky. You followed his line of sight but there really weren’t any stars to see here in the heart of LA. Looking at him now, the sharp line of his nose and the determined set of his jaw, you realized how much the two of you didn’t know about each other. You didn’t know if he was upset, if he was jealous, or if he was just out here sneaking a cigarette and you didn’t even know that he was a smoker (okay, you knew he wasn’t, but still). But instead of scaring you it only sparked a deep wanting. You wanted to know everything. 
You stepped down onto the concrete next to him and he just hummed a little, a reassuring sound. “Darn, I thought I'd make it back in before you noticed. I’m not jealous,” he said automatically, his tone even and a little wistful. You believed him. 
“I would hope not,” you responded a little teasingly, “you’re too old for silly things like that.” He looked at you finally, giving you a little half-smile. “So what’s the deal then?”
“Andie, she—I didn’t know you wrote all those songs about Ryan. And yeah, obviously that makes sense, and the songs are so so good, they really are, but I guess it just hit me that this album is going to come out and everyone is going to guess that those songs are about him…and they’re not going to know anything about us. I’m not jealous of Ryan, I’m just…”
“You’re bummed that he’s the one who gets to publically say ‘she wrote that about me.’” 
The door opened behind you and the sounds of the next song spilled into the street around you. Jason winced when he realized both of you should be in there. “That's silly, isn't it? I’m sorry, that sounds so childish. We can talk about this later, I just didn't want you to see me looking disappointed because—”
“They’re wrong.” 
Jason looked at you, puzzled. You took a small notebook from your pocket. It didn’t have your finished songs, it was the one you carried around for ideas and Jason had one just like it for jokes. “If they think those songs are about Ryan, they’re wrong.”
You handed Jason the little navy blue notebook and watched him turn the pages, tracing his fingers over scratched-out lines and rewrites. He hovered over one spot in particular where you changed an eye color from green to hazel and you saw his lips tilt slowly into a smile. 
“As embarrassing as it is to fall in love in a month, the album is about you.” His eyes shot up to yours, searching your expression and finding only bashful honesty. “And if you want people to know that it’s about you, I can fix that right now, but I only need YOU to know.”
Jason handed you back your notebook, and you had only barely gotten it back into your pocket when he tugged you into his arms. He pressed his lips to your temple, resting his chin on the top of your head and swaying gently in the night air. 
“I love you too.” 
You loved being on tour. You loved watching people sing along to your music, you loved surprising the audience with deep cuts and jokes. But you also loved your boyfriend and you missed him like crazy as you bounced from show to show for 5 long months. 
You could tell Jason missed you, not only because he texted you “I miss you” five times a day but because he started liking more and more tweets about you; pictures of you onstage, clips of you singing and meeting fans. The speculation about your relationship hit a new fever pitch, especially when people connected the dots in your lyrics and realized that your album couldn’t possibly be about Ryan. People regularly tagged him in tweets about you and he managed to like most of them, even as his own schedule picked up.
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Over FaceTime, you reminded him that the two of you didn’t owe anyone an explanation and that he was free to ignore your fans, but it made you smile to check his Twitter and see your own face in his likes. 
It was stressful trying to keep up with each other long distance but Jason came out to a few shows when he could. You took your long breaks from the tour in New York when it made sense, any string of 3 or more days spent never leaving Jason’s bed. You felt bad about not being able to spend as much time with Andie, but she was just as tied up with Jordy—the two of them stood in the wings at your LA show, swaying to your music before getting papped on their walk to the bar after. You thought Andie might cut and run with how far away she’d gotten from casual, especially now that the media was involved, but she just shrugged. 
“Turns out sometimes it's worth it. But I don’t need to tell you that, do I,” Andie smiled leaning into Jordy’s shoulder as the three of you drank cheap beer and ignored the sneaky glances from fans. “When the tour is over, you, Jason, me, and Jordy have a date with expensive Italian and like 6 bottles of wine.” 
“Deal,” you smiled, and you felt loved as much as you felt longing. 
Toward the end of the tour you had an interview and performance booked on Late Night with Seth Meyers and you were so hopeful Jason would be able to make it, especially considering he and Seth were close, but the timing didn’t work out—Jason would actually be in LA. You pouted in private, but you only wanted to be supportive even though you missed him like crazy. 
Jason: I love you, baby! Good luck tonight. See you soon? 
Y/N: I fucking hope so!! Love you too 😘
You were still looking at your phone when you hustled into the green room, only noticing someone else was there when they cleared their throat. 
“Fuck, Jace, what are you doing here,” you asked but it was half-muffled as you’d already thrown yourself into his chest. 
“Surprise, baby,” he said softly, peppering your face with kisses. You were so excited to see him you didn’t stop to close the door behind you. Of course, Seth happened to choose that moment to welcome you to your first time on the show, knocking on the doorway of the room and jokingly covering his eyes. You laughed, embarrassed as you separated from your boyfriend to say hello but Jason looked much more calm and confident as he stood up and hugged his friend. 
“This a thing,” Seth asked casually, pretending he had no idea as he gestured between the two of you with a smile. 
“Yeah, Hollywood’s worst-kept secret,” Jason joked, looking at you for validation, and you winked at him. “But it’s a thing.” 
“Congrats!” Seth turned to look at you. “So asking about the whole Twitter thing, that off the table? Whatever you’re comfortable with.” 
“Oh, no feel free,” you laughed, “I would expect nothing less. I honestly can't believe this will be the first time I talk about it.” 
The lights were hot when you joined Seth on stage, but his presence was soothing and the seats were comfy and you tried to relax. After a few questions about the album and the tour, he switched gears. 
“So you went viral last year for tweeting at an old pal of mine, Jason Sudeikis…” Seth held up a card with your tweet on it and you laughed, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. 
“I did,” you confirmed with a nod. 
“And you really did go on that date.”
“We did, in fact, go on the date,” you worded your response carefully and the audience clapped accordingly.
“Let’s just pull up some reactions to this whole thing,” Seth pulled out a few cards with tweets from fans about you and Jason, reading them aloud, and you chuckled along with the crowd at some of the more ridiculous sentiments.
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“And Jason liked almost every single one of these,” Seth ended the bit and the audience laughed. “So what’s the deal with you two now?”
There was a sneaky glint to Seth’s expression, and you made a considering face, tilting your head as you thought of how to word your response. 
“We’re close,” you answered coyly and the audience oohed like schoolchildren. 
“So he couldn’t possibly be backstage right now?” 
You laughed, deflecting, “Wouldn’t you know if he was?”
“I would,” Seth said seriously and the two of you stared at each other, smirking. The audience whooped and whistled before he finally broke and sent the show to commercial. He leaned in to whisper as you took a sip of water. 
“Hope I didn’t tease you too hard.” 
“No,” you smiled, “all in good fun. Seriously, if people haven’t figured it out by now…” 
Between the interview and the paparazzi catching Jason leaving Late Night with Seth Meyers, the relationship was finally as officially confirmed as you and Jason planned to make it. You were in Jason’s bed the next morning, his bare chest pressed to your bare back as you scrolled through Twitter. Half of your notifications were “of course they’re together, anyone who didn’t think so is dumb” and the other half was full of genuine surprise. Jason’s chin was hooked over your shoulder, reading tweets along with you. 
“Ohh, retweet that. It’s cute,” he murmured, nudging you to stop scrolling on a video timeline of your public relationship complete with all the tweets and photos. 
“Oh my god, stop micromanaging my Twitter,” you nudged him back with a laugh. 
“Fine, I’ll retweet it myself,” Jason snarked, rolling onto his back to reach for his own phone but you tugged his arm back down, draping yourself over him. 
“You wouldn’t dare. Plus, once you start you’ll never stop. Not tweeting is so much better.” 
“You’re right,” Jason agreed, stroking a hand along your side, “what would I tweet anyway? ‘@yournamelastname is my celebrity crush’?” 
You pushed yourself up off his chest and squinted, but you couldn’t keep the smirk off of your face. “You makin' fun of me?”
Jason grinned, showing off those dimples you could never be mad at, “Never. Oh, what if my first tweet was ‘@yournamelastname will you marry me?’”
Your heart thundered so hard in your chest, you were sure he could feel it. Your mouth dropped open in surprise, but he was just looking at you, his face open and loving and patient. 
“And when would you tweet that,” you asked, your voice shaky with anticipation. 
Jason leaned over to his nightstand again, but instead of grabbing his phone, he pulled open the top drawer and retrieved a ring box, “I guess right about now.” 
Hours later, after you'd called your family, his family, Andie and Jordy, Daisy and Otis (who immediately claimed their roles in the wedding and made you swear they'd see you soon), and *ahem* celebrated in bed, the two of you were finally dressed and having breakfast. You couldn’t take your eyes off your ring and Jason grinned every time he caught you looking at it. 
"I can't believe you proposed while we were naked," you said suddenly and he laughed.
"I proposed in our natural habitat!" You rolled your eyes and Jason slipped his phone out of his pocket, holding it at an angle that you couldn't see.
“Don’t make it your first tweet,” you requested, bumping him with one shoulder.
“Will you stop reading my mind,” he laughed. “Would you rather let people find out on their own, because I’m good with that too.” 
“Mmm, I think I’ve got it covered,” you smirked, pulling out your phone instead, tapping out a message, and sliding it over to him. 
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Jason liked it immediately. 
AN: That's all she wrote! Loved, loved, loved writing this one and special shout out again to @carmylasso for helping workshop it. I'm gonna miss my babies 🥺 Thanks for everyone that read and enjoyed and said such nice things!
✨taglist✨: @tedlassostan @ruecinema @halfofwhatisayismeaningless @my-soupy-brain (and @tedssweaters you got a tweet too hahaha)
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darkwaveho · 2 years
Curses and broken cabinets
Stranger Au
Summary: Things take a turn for the worst when Jordyn has a bad day.
Parings: Natasha Romanoff x Black!reader
Warning: Cursing, Violence, Angst, Fluff, Hurt comfort? Slight DarkNat!👀
Part 9| part 11
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After what happened at the diner you left the topic of divorce alone. Hoping things would mellow out for a bit. Clearly you were hoping for too much.
“Fix your face.” Jordyn sits in her room with a scowl on her face as you scold her for her behavior this evening.
“When I ask you to do something I expect you to do it without giving me an attitude.”
“I want my mama” she stomps her foot
“Yeah? well mama is busy. Do you think you want to check the tone in your voice while speaking to me?”
“Sorry” she holds her head down in shame
“I know you two were supposed to have a special day today and I’m sorry that it’s not happening but that doesn’t mean you take your anger out on other people.”
“Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand”
“Good, and make sure you apologize to Skyler.”
‘What? Why do I have to say sorry?” She whines and sticks her bottom lip out even further than before, if she stayed like this any longer, you’re sure she’d have a permanent scowl on her face. “Because what you said to her was not okay Jordy, you really hurt her feelings.”
“I just wanted her to leave me alone, I just wanted my mama” 
it was true she just wanted to be left alone. Natasha was supposed to take her to her favorite arcade today, but she cancelled last minute. So, Jordyn was already having attitude issues when Skyler arrived, she tried to cheer her up like she normally does when this happens, but this time was different. I guess Jordyn really wasn’t in the mood for anyone today except for her mama, and the persistence in Skyler got the best of Jordyn until she said the unthinkable. “Will you please leave me alone you bimbo bitch!”
“Like I said before that’s not an excuse and you can’t take your anger out on people. Let alone using curse words.” you give her a stern look
“Where did you even hear that from?” you have your suspicions, but you want to hear it from her. Jordyn was apprehensive about telling you. but you always told her the importance of telling the truth. “Mama.”
“Of course.” your suspicions were correct. you turn back to Jordyn with a stern look. “You let me hear you say something like that again to anyone and you’ll be grounded until you’re 50.″
“50?!? I don’t want to be grounded until I’m all prunie.” she kicks her feet adorably while playing with her hands. “Well then do as you’re told without attitude, and no more cursing.” you stop her from fidgeting with her fingers and tilt her chin up.
“Okay, I’m sorry mommy.” you kiss her cheek and make your way to her door. “I’m going to check on dinner, when you come down you make sure you remember what we talked about okay?”
“And one more thing. I’ll be taking care of this until I feel like you’ve earned it back. Got it?” you grab her Nintendo switch from her dresser. “Yes ma’am” she looks like she wants to protest but decides against it. you close her door behind you and prepare yourself for the confrontation that you’ll be having with Natasha. Jordyn thinks for a moment after she sulks, you took her Nintendo switch, but she still had her ipad she could play with. she moves from her spot on the bed as soon as she thinks it’s safe enough to make a move for it. 
You open the door before she even has the chance to ring the bell you’ve done most of the yelling and arguing through text messages, but you needed the face- to-face scolding more. “I can’t believe you said that in front of her!”
“It’s not like I was having a full-on conversation with my daughter trash talking your- whatever, the point is I was on the phone. She doesn’t pay attention to me anyway while she’s playing animal crossing, I didn’t think she was listening.”
“You’re missing the point why are you even talking like that with her around period?”
“Freedom of speech? Good judge of character?” she shrugs her shoulders while crossing her arms.
“You know what? just hurry up and go speak to your daughter so you can quickly get the hell out of my house.”
“Oh, wow look who’s cursing now?” she gives you a smug look before she makes her way upstairs to Jordyn’s room.
You make your way to the kitchen where Skyler is currently sipping on her glass of wine.
“Hey.” you slide behind her wrapping your arms around her waist.
“Uh, hey.” she’s tense at first and relaxes a bit after you pull her into you more.
“Listen she didn’t mean anything she said she’s just-”
“Upset? Yeah, I know. It wasn’t the first time she’s been upset about being neglected but this is the first time she’s blown up at me.” She moves out of your hold and finishes the last of the wine in one go. Placing the glass in the sink.
“I know I’m just as shocked as you are. It’s not her at all.”
“Yeah well, the real source is Natasha. Honestly who says things like that in front of a child? Who knows what else she’s said in front of Jordyn?” Her back is still turned towards you.
“Believe me I just chewed her out at the door”
“That’s not enough.” she quickly turns around finally look you in your eyes.
“What do you mean that’s not enough?”
“I just think she has bad parenting skills and that you shouldn’t let her take Jordyn anywhere unsupervised. Honestly, why not just finalize the divorce and get this over with?” you were too annoyed to even notice how the two things didn’t correlate. what the hell does Jordyn saying a curse word have to do with the process of finalizing you and Natasha’s divorce? 
“We went over this Sky-” you massage your temples suddenly feeling a migraine coming. Today’s antics was enough no need to make it anymore chaotic.
“Yeah, Sky we went over this.” Natasha interrupts the conversation. how long has she been standing there? you’ve definitely lost your touch as an agent.
“Natasha don’t.” you say in a warning manner, you know what ever is about to come out of her mouth isn’t going to be pretty. today was a rough day already you don’t want more chaos right now.
“No, Y/n let’s.” she ignores your request and steps further into the kitchen now eye to eye with Skyler. “You seem to have a lot to say regarding me and my family. You have the nerve to suggest taking my daughter away from me? In case you didn’t know I don’t like you. I don’t like you feeding her mind with these things all because of your insecurities.” Natasha steps forward quicker than Skyler can counter, she stumbles backwards until her body hits the edge of the countertop.
“You try taking my kid away from me and see how your life ends up. You don’t know me; don’t make me revert back to my old self. I’m sure you’re not ready to see what I’m capable of.”
“Is that a threat?!?” she takes a defensive stand. Natasha rolls her eyes and truly wonders how and why you chose her of all people to date and share you, life with. “You really don’t have a brain in there do you? No wonder Jordy called you a bimbo bitch.”  she mumbles the words under her breath.
“Are you hearing her right now? This is what I’m talking about you need to have someone supervise her visits with Jordyn.” she turns to you for back up, but you’re at a loss for words at the moment until she speaks again.
“She’s an unfit mother!” she practically shouts the words at Natasha. you pray to the heavens that Jordyn is still in her room staying occupied. she knows when something is off and right now if she saw her mother in a different light, she wouldn’t know how to process those emotions.
“Skyler!” before you have time to truly scold Skyler you feel a light breeze across your face, and you see a knife lunged into your wooden cabinet just a few inches away from Sky’s face.
“Wait, Natasha!” she stalks towards Skyler while having another knife in her hand that was certainly not part of your Martha Stewart collection. She lifts Skyler off the ground and slams her against the cabinet. manages to shove Skyler’s head making her hit the cabinet. you quickly step in between them to create some kind of distance. which probably won’t be any use since she could’ve just taken sky’s eye out from across the kitchen.
“You say those words again and that’ll be the last thing you say before I rip your tongue out of your fucking mouth!” Normally if you were ever this close to Natasha, she’d be focused in on you completely. you were so close to her basically breathing the same breath she released. She’s looking at her over your shoulder while still having the knife raised to sky’s eye level. all you can see is rage and anger right now.
“Natasha! Stop! Jordyn is still upstairs and if she sees you like this she’ll probably never recover. Please just put Skyler down and put that damn knife away.” you place your hands over hers giving her a pleading look to do ask she’s asked and put the knife away.
She releases Skyler and lowers the knife, putting it back in her jacket pocket
“Yeah, because Jordyn will know her mother is a fucking psychotic monster!” you whip your head around faster than you’ve had to since working as an agent. “Skyler what the fuck? Why would you say something like that?” Natasha charges at her with her balled fist forgetting the knife throwing this is getting serious. judging her as a mother and calling her a monster? that’s an automatic way to cause your family to search for caskets. You react accordingly this time to stop Nat from bashing her face into more areas of your kitchen. or so you thought you did. Nat having quick and sneaky reflexes caused you to miss something. she went back to square one when the conversation started to really take a turn.
“Natasha, no!” before you have time to stop her again, she throws another knife in Skyler’s direction forcefully hitting the cabinet this time. Now that one was definitely part of your collection. you move Natasha with all your strength holding her against the counter. “Look at me, stop!” you see the struggle of her relenting, but she complies with you and stays in her spot near the sink.
“You know what just leave Sky!” completely over this whole situation you try to defuse it the best way you can and right now that’s making your girlfriend leave.
“What?!? You’re kicking me out?” shock and anger expressed on her face. “I should be calling the fucking police. She threatened me and assaulted me!” she points her finger towards Natasha. 
“She said she wants you to leave” Nat gets irritated with her not listening to your demand of wanting her out of the house. “Y/n?” Skyler searches for your eyes you can’t look at her right now.
“Leave Sky.” you raise your voice, and she finally moves and storms out of the kitchen with you right behind her. you’re upset with her as well for even trying to provoke Natasha in that way you don’t know what’s gotten into her. she was a completely different person. “Sky! What the hell was that?” 
“I should be asking you the same thing! you stood there and did nothing, you saw what she did, and you kick me out?” she pulls her phone out with haste. “I’m pressing charges.” 
“Sky don’t do that.” you reach for her phone and keep it away from her grasp. “Think about Jordy.”
“Are you fucking serious? she threatened me and assaulted me!” she huffs out a frustrated breath. “She should’ve thought about Jordy when she did what she did in the kitchen and any other time she lets her down with broken promises, I can’t believe you’re still married to that!” she points to the door with an exaggerated motion of her hands. you don’t know if it’s the way she described Natasha as a thing other than a person or if it’s the fact that she brought up old wounds that never healed. 
“You aren’t exactly so innocent either Skyler!” you slam her phone into the palm of her hand. “You know what? I’m not doing this with you, you knew those words would get to her, you knew! you’re not going to play victim when you threw the first stone.”
“Don’t press charges.” you plead once more and she absolutely hates it, she hates the way you still defend Natasha even when she’s clearly wrong. this was one of the many reasons why she wanted you to go through with divorce. she thinks on it for a moment, she really cared about you and Jordy. putting her mother away in jail would destroy Jordyn and she most likely resent Skyler for doing it. “Fine, I won’t press charges, but I need time to think on things. about us and our relationship.” she leaves no room for you to say anything as she leaves you standing alone. you don’t move from your spot until she’s pulled out of the driveway of your house. it seems like Natasha was making things more difficult for you in the last few weeks than she has in a long time, and it angers you. it angers you that she won’t let you be happy without her.
Walking back into the house you storm into the kitchen not letting Natasha off the hook so easily. “What the hell were you thinking? Do you want to be locked away in jail or something? Do you have any idea how that could’ve affected our daughter?” the whole time you scolded her she had her back turned towards you. “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” you were too busy chewing her out to notice her expression. “Nat…are you okay?” you sigh making your way closer to her.
She shrugs with glassy glazed over eyes. She’s not okay. 
Monster of a mother keeps hitting replay in her mind. you reach out for her, and she only gives you a light shove each time you attempt to comfort her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was capable of saying anything like that. I don’t think of you that way and most importantly Jordyn doesn’t think of you that way, and she never will.” she avoids eye contact with you not believing a word you’re saying at the moment.
“You’re not a monster, you’re a huge softie despite your hard outer exterior. You are the corny mom who recites lines from bond movies, A superhero kids look up to no matter how many times you try to convince yourself that it isn’t true. And most importantly you are Jordyn’s mother, and no one is going to take that away from you. You hear me?” you softly grab her cheeks and direct her face in your direction.
“I would never take Jordyn away from you, you know that right?” She nods her head as tears slowly fall from her eyes.
“Can I hug you?” You didn’t want to do it before asking, not knowing if she’s calmed down all the way.
She nods again seemingly avoiding using her voice.
You bring her in a much-needed tight hug. She holds you back just as tight and silently cries in the crook of your neck. You don’t want her to hold any emotion in you want her to be able to feel and release it in a healthy way.
“It’s okay, Redd you can let go. Okay? You hear me?” When she starts to release everything; all you do is hold her tighter. She’s shaking and suddenly loses all strength in her legs to stay standing you settle her against the kitchen cabinet. Waiting for her to calm down you don’t know how long the two of you stayed in the position on the floor it’s not until you peek at the window seeing the process of the sun setting that you know how late it’s getting. it was so easy to get lost in each other. 
“Do you want to stay for dinner?”
“Really?” she leans away from you to see if you’re joking.
“Yes, it’s a way to make it up to Jordy.” after today this would be the perfect way to make it up to Jordy but this would also be a way for you to keep an eye on Natasha so she wouldn’t do anything stupid. 
“I’d really like that.” she wipes her tears away, sniffles and turns away from you. she was trying to clean herself up before Jordyn appeared and questioned the state of her mama. luckily Natsha’s eyes weren’t red to give it away that she’s been crying. when she’s done cleaning herself up, she turns around and gives you a small smile.
“Okay, let’s get our asses up and start on the macaroni.” you both stand up from the tiled floor. “Macaroni? Maybe you should call Yelena to help, you know this is her favorite meal.” She was lucky you were even letting her help in the kitchen with her cooking skills. smiling you try to lighten the mood. “That’s actually a good idea, you don’t have to stay now.”
“Wait no! I was just kidding” her eyes widen with shock and her smile falters. did she really just put her foot in her mouth? 
“Relax I was also just kidding; I’d rather not have a whole bottle of hot sauce magically appearing in the pot” you both laugh at the memory of Yelena ruining the dish when you first met her, the lighthearted moment is interrupted by Jordyn rushing into the kitchen.
“Mommy, I’m ready to apologize to Sky now.” she’s fidgeting with her fingers, she nervous.
You and Natasha move quickly on the same accord trying to shield the broken cabinet, it was evidence and Jordy would ask a million questions about what happened. Natasha beat you to it pressing her body firmly against the wooden frame door to keep it from falling.  “Hey baby, um actually she isn’t here anymore she had to leave. Maybe next time you’ll get the chance.”
“Oh, okay” she looks relieved. you don’t know if it’s because of her nervousness or if she’s glad she didn’t have to apologize at all.
“Mama? You’re still here?” her eyes light up with excitement when she sees Natasha standing in the kitchen.
“Yes, I’m still here Jordy!”
you know you shouldn’t be rewarding her for her actions, but you could sense that she needed this. she needed this moment to ease her mind, and you weren’t too enthused to let her out of your sight right now, knowing her temper was unpredictable when she was enraged like she was moments ago. “Mama’s staying for dinner.” you chime in giving your daughter a warm smile, knowing how much she wants to spend more time with Nat. More time as a family. Natasha turns to you with shock on her face and a look of uncertainty. 
“Really? You’ve never stayed for dinner mama!” she gives you both a curious look silently asking why this clearly hasn’t happened before. “Yes really! How about you go help by setting the table.” Natasha finds her words and quickly ushers Jordyn to leave the kitchen to give her something to do. you both agree on keeping Jordyn out of the kitchen for the rest of the night. 
“Okay, and after can we watch a movie and have ice cream? Please?” Jordyn shouts from the dining room as she sets the table carefully. Natasha looks to you for permission, it’s not what you wanted her to feel. she never needed permission with you to spend time with Jordyn. maybe that situation with Skyler was affecting, her even more than you thought. this isn’t a serious request it was just a movie and ice cream. “You know if you don’t answer her, she going to annoy you all night for an answer.” you bump her shoulder playfully to bring her out of her mind and back to the present. 
“Are you sure?” she bites her lip and plays with her fingers anxiously. she’s still unsure of you giving her this privilege, now anything she did with Jordyn was seen as a privilege. something that could be taken away. you place your hand on top of hers to stop her nervous ticks and you untangle her fingers from within each other.
“One hundred percent.” you nod once for confirmation. “Now go keep our daughter company while I finish up with dinner.” you squeeze her hand once for reassurance and prep things for the macaroni. Natasha watches you with a gracious smile on her face before she’s shouting a reply to Jordyn and joining her in the dining room. “You can have anything you want tonight, Goober!” now, you didn’t say that. Natasha was always spoiling Jordyn. you were about to deny the part about her having anything she wanted knowing she could get carried away sometimes, but as you replay the words in your head and every so often look back at the broken cabinet you decide to let it slide. Just for tonight.
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lilisouless · 2 years
I already posted this, BUT season 2 is coming next year and i need and updated version, rebbloging the old one is not enought
Don’t-harrass-the-actors-or-crew 2.0 (A lot of this is the same text as before, but updated)
If Ben Barnes likes Darklina ,no bashing ,no calling him an abuse apologist or anything like that (again)
If Jessie Mei Li likes Darklina,Malina , Nikolina, Genyalina,Zoyalina, Alina/Tamar or even single!Alina, it´s their experience as an actor,their perspective ,their opinion and must not be treated as a “feminist traitor” or something like that. NEW: Also leave alone conspiracy theories that when they shows liking for Darklina,they are being genuine but if they speak in favor of Malina, they are being manipulated by netflix (yes, people already did that)
If Archie Renaux likes Malina, don't bash or harrass him (AGAIN)
If you don’t like Mal remember, Archie didn’t wrote the script
If you don’t like Alina, Jessie didn’t wrote the script
If you don’t like the Darkling,Ben didn’t wrote the scripts (you get the idea)
And since fandom (not this in particular,just any fandom) will take any excuse to do girl hate: Don’t  hate on Sujaya Dasgupta as much as you could dislike her character. NEW: She didn't wrote the script (something people doesn't seem to get)
NEW: Whatever they do with Nikolai: Patrick didn't wrote the script, and he wasn't the one who had a hand over being choosen over Robert Wilde, he only auditioned.
Also, take in count Patrick probably had to do chemistry tests with Jessie but not Sujaya AND he will spend way more time with the first one. So there is a high chance he may ship Nikolina over Zoyalai and thats okay! there is no need to hate him for that.
As much as i want Show!Tolya to be canon aroace and for Leigh to confirm it as canon after all those hints: If Lewis ships Tolya with someone, or if the show gives him a LI (we don't know if Vanessa Grace is actually playing a character, the imdb is incomplete since it doesn't have Adrik nor Jordie) don't hate him for it, since is not completely confirmed on the books and the blame would be on netflix for wasting representation material.
Have you seen people giving Amita, Freddy,Kit or Dani a bad time, for bad things that were done with their characters and focussing the critism on the script and/or casting directors? Also: Freddy,Amita and Kit all support Malina, have you seen people attaking them? (other than a couple of joke responses to Kit)? Well, you can do the same! Not harrasing people doesn't hurt. I have the feeling this is because everyone knows the SoC part of the fandom won't let them live if they touch any of the crow actors (reason i am not too worried about Jack). The only i have seen is that person who put down Amita´s acting in order to highlight Ben´s , which fortunetaly was just one person and even Ben Barnes fans called them on that one. If you can show decency to them, you can do it with the other actors.
And Kuwei hasn't been casted yet but i´ll get ahead: don’t bash on his actor ,even if they cast someone who ships Kuwei and Jesper, he´ll deserve respect.
I know there are more new characters but, i am mostly sure no one will have a problem with Anna &Joanna and/or Kit & Jack liking their character´s ships , nor that Zoyalai shippers would come after Alistair for Adrik´s canon crush on Zoya.
Oh yeah, almost forgot: Don't give Joanna a hard time for reemplacing Gabrielle
We are never going to agree in a lot of things,but lets not be that fandom that harrases real people over ships or characters. NEW: Lets say the fandom was mostly tame, but the toxic behaviour should not be "low" it should be "zero"
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femboykaz · 2 years
hey! do you have any autistic! kaz headcanons?
Oooooo hello autistic Kaz my beloved. I will Attempt (going behind a cut because this got long) :
he of course wears his gloves because of his touch aversion, but also for other sensory reasons (leather is a Safe Material, and gloves provide a barrier so he’s less likely to have direct contact with Bad Textures/Sensations)
This child climbed all. The. Time. He likes being high up and it’s not just for the extra privacy. Da and Jordie used to joke that when Kaz was older, he could take over all the roofing work, he was known to hide up in the hayloft of the barn and even tried to convince Da to let him sleep there at night instead of in the house, and there was not a single tree in all of Not-Lij that he hadn’t climbed (and hanged upside-down from a branch) at least once before he and Jordie left.  If not for his leg, he would be silently begging Inej to teach him to walk the highwire and do trapeze post-CK. And once he gets his act together and fixes his and Jesper’s relationship and they just hang out together at the mansion, Jesper takes to sitting on the floor a lot because ADHD while Kaz frequently lays on the countertops, desk, tables, etc... The other crows are confused by this and at first keep trying to offer them both a seat (“nobody’s using the settee, you know” and “the chairs won’t break if you use them”) but quickly come to understand that they are both much more content like this, thank you very much, and it becomes a perfectly normal part of their time together
I adopted @randomcat1832 's headcanons that he uses smaller magic tricks as a subtle stim, and that birds are a special interest (this one is essentially canon though, isn’t it? 😂)
He ALWAYS has several jobs of varying complexity up his sleeve and ready to be pulled off at the drop of a hat. He tells nobody about these until he decides to actually do them. This is so that when he has a shutdown or meltdown, he can mostly hide away in his rooms for days if needed to regulate, and make everyone think he’s just been busy figuring out a job
He’s studied facial expressions and body language almost obsessively for as long as he can remember, trying to learn how to Be Like Other People, and used everything he could find to practice it himself (puddles, windows, mirrors, he even tried to use his shadow for body language when nothing else was around). He actually got very good at this and it’s helped him a lot with things like monitoring the gambling halls, predicting when something’s about to Go Down, and running cons, deciding on a mark, etc.  That mirror he bought with his first payment in the Dregs was used for learning magic tricks but he also used it to continue practicing his expressions and body language
He always has a reason. By which I mean even as a child he adamantly refused to do something if he didn’t know (what he considered to be) a valid reason for doing it. It drove people crazy sometimes but Da also loved how inquisitive he could be sometimes because of it, and constantly encouraged his curiosity and need to know how things work and why things are the way they are.
He was extremely punctual as a child. Da told him to be in bed at 8 bells, or be in the carriage to go to Lij at 6? He was there when that bell chimes and not a second before (but he definitely spent at least 10-15 minutes just hanging out nearby, fully ready and doing nothing else, just to make sure he wasn’t late). He’s still very punctual when he’s older but he absolutely shows up to things early for safety, preparedness, and/or control/power-play reasons. But if none of those apply, he sticks to timelines/schedules perfectly. (This annoys/annoyed Per Haskell to no end and Kaz takes some satisfaction in that. Like "boy I know you've been back for an hour why didn't you just report back to me sooner", Kaz, internally grinning because he is a cheeky bastard (affectionate) "You told me to report back at x time :) " )
While he’s great at adapting to changes in his schemes as he’s pulling them off, a lot of it is because he’s thought out so many ways things could go down and has prepared himself for all these outcomes way ahead of time. Unexpected/unanticipated changes throw him off and exhaust him so much more, even if he is able to get it together enough to make it work out (this is basically canon too, right??)
Sometimes he misses how much less noise/activity there was back in Not-Lij. The Barrel is chaotic and loud and there's constant stimuli that's harder to get a break from than on the farm. He also secretly misses the more structured routine of taking care of the animals and helping with the crops when he was younger, even though he’s very attached to the Barrel and the life he has there now
Speaking of being attached… He doesn’t let himself get attached much but when it does happen, those attachments are very, very strong — whether it’s with objects/belongings, animals, or relationships. He still has his first set of lockpicks even though half of them are broken now. He claims to be annoyed by the crows Inej feeds outside his window but he would actually be completely devastated if they stopped showing up, and it’s not just because he knows Inej likes them. He shut down and wouldn’t talk to anyone for days after he lost a little stuffed toy his Da had saved up to buy for him (he also never, ever let that toy spend the night not in his bed, and cried if he woke up to find it had fallen on the floor overnight). And we’ve all seen how much he secretly loves the other Crows, yeah? He's also just generally very particular about his space and belongings, specifically in terms of other people messing with it/them (also canon?)
Unusual perceptions of, and responses to, pain? Maybe? I dunno I just see him more as the kind of person who ends up going deathly silent when he’s in pain, and it takes more than ‘average’ to get an obvious reaction (or on the other end of it, things that wouldn’t be considered painful or induce much of reaction for others are agonizing to him) and I’ve been told this is apparently an autistic trait so. On the list it goes 😂
There’s canon evidence that he was probably at least somewhat religious (or was raised to be) as a kid (ie: the line that’s something like “he thought this must be heaven”), but I headcanon that while he may have believed in the values of whatever religion (assuming related to Ghezen because Kerch?) he’s never fully believed in any god(s) or afterlife because it’s such an intangible concept and he’s never seen what he considers to be sufficient evidence of the existence of either  (have also been told this is a somewhat common autistic experience so it can be on here too)
Reluctant to call this a headcanon because I haven’t thought it through like. At all. But there might be something there with the concept of ‘autistic sense of justice’ and that playing into Kaz coming to terms with all the things he does in the Barrel in order to avenge Jordie…? Maybe? Idk
I know I have more — and some that are more blatant in their autism flavor — but much like when someone asks “so what music do you listen to?”, I have forgotten every thought and bit of knowledge on the topic that I have ever possessed 😂
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Chenford + what Tim test...your fake proposal to Ashley 💔
I combined this one and other one I got 💘. Also I was hesitate to do this one because I already did one about the fake proposal but I decided to do it from Tim’s POV!
Chenford + what Tim test...your fake proposal to Ashley 💔 + Chenford + Tim sees Lucy’s reaction to the fake proposal. (They talk about it)
Honey without all the exes fights and flaws, we wouldn’t be standing here so tall.
“What Tim test was it?” Tim asks Lucy later that day after they release Jordy to his dad. They are back at her apartment and she’s in the kitchen getting dinner ready. The question still on his mind. He knew she had done it out of revenge, but it must of been a pretty harsh Tim test to get her to do what she did. He tries to think back to all the Tim tests, to everything he had put her through. But nothing was coming to mind.
Lucy looks up at him and tilts her head to the side before going back to cutting up the onion.
“It doesn’t matter now.” She says quietly and Tim knows her well enough to know she is avoiding answering the question. She knows exactly which one it was. And by the way she is avoiding telling him it must have been a pretty bad one.
“Lucy.” He probes her gently. He wasn’t ready to let this go yet. It had been bugging him all day. “What Tim test was it?
Lucy sighs and puts down the knife and looks over at him.
“It’s stupid. Okay? It’s when you fake proposed to Ashley. I wanted to put a curse on you but I didn’t so I sighed you up for a Make-a-Wish kid instead.”
Tim stares at her a little stunned because that was not what he was expecting. He opens his mouth to speak but Lucy beats him to it.
“Look I thought things had changed between us after we danced and you said I deserved to be recognized. I know I was annoying that day and you did it to get revenge on me but I don’t know Tim, my heart kind of broke that night even after I found out it wasn’t real.”
Tim sighs and closes his eyes. He really didn’t know how to explain this one to her. Things had changed after Nyla’s wedding and sure she had been annoying that day but he didn’t actually mind it. It was what made Lucy well Lucy. The truth was he could feel his relationship with Ashley falling apart because the only person he wanted to be with was Lucy. He stuck with Ashley because she was nice and they looked good on paper. But she didn’t challenge him, she didn’t tease him, she wanted him to change for her and not because he wanted to change. He wasn’t really himself when he was with Ashley. He was like a version of himself that he thought he wanted to be. The version that everyone expected him to be. But it just wasn’t him, and he kidding himself if he thought it was.
When he was with Lucy though, he was himself. He didn’t have to worry about changing for her because he was the best version of himself with her. She never expected him to change either.
When he fake proposed to Ashley it was to get back at Lucy, he didn’t actually want to break her heart. He saw her watching them, he just wanted to be funny. He wanted them to be able to laugh about it in the future. He thought she would laugh too because they were always playing these kinds of jokes on each other. The banter, the back and fourth it. It was what made them.. them. He didn’t realize she had such a strong negative reaction to it.
“Luce.” He says gently and he walks around to where she is still standing. “It was all all a joke. A stupid joke. But a joke.”
Lucy nods but she still isn’t looking up at him. He sighs
“You said you could yourself marrying her. And you were going to Hawaii together.”
Jesus. Tim thinks. He remembers when Lucy asked him if he could see himself marrying Ashley and that was before he knew Ashley didn’t even want to get married. He said Yes because he couldn’t say what he really was thinking. That he wanted Lucy, and Ashley was all wrong for him. But he didn’t say that, he couldn’t say that at least not at the time.
“Ashley never wanted to get married or have kids.” He says. “She told me that night I fake proposed. Everything changed after that at least for me.”
Now Lucy does look up at him. “She said that?”
“Yep. And then you kissed me in your apartment and I knew what I was feeling for you was real. And I was just with Ashley because… well I don’t know.”
“It was safe.” Lucy mutters. “I get it. I was with Chris for the same reason.”
Tim nods and pulls Lucy to his chest. “I am sorry Luce. I never thought it would upset you as much as it did.
“I know.” She mutters into his chest. “It doesn’t matter anymore. We are exactly where we are suppose to be.”
Tim hums in agreement. The thing is he can see his future with Lucy right now laid out in front of him. The date nights, the fights, the discussions, the eventual house and getting married. The babies and the dogs and growing old together. If anyone asked if he could see himself marrying Lucy. His answer would be Yes. Yes. Over and over again. Because unlike with Ashley, he really did mean it. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Lucy and he couldn’t wait for forever to begin.
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feilien · 6 months
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{♚ x @thiefofcrows x} Continued from here
 Honestly speaking, Kerch’s holidays were still somewhat alien and confusing to Matt, and he still didn’t quite understand the origins of Nachtspel, but that absolutely did not stop him from enjoying it nonetheless. And while he no doubt missed the food from Shu Han, he had to admit that he’d grown fairly used to Kerch food over the past couple of years. Perhaps even started to enjoy it. Especially the holiday-themed food and drinks. While he was fond of food at any given time, it just seemed that little bit sweeter and tastier during the holidays. Although he suspected that sharing it with the person he loved might have something to do with it, as well.
 Despite his own, nearly child-like excitement, however, he hadn’t failed to pick up on Kaz’s melancholic mood at times. He hid it well, but not well enough. Still, like so many times before, Matt didn’t pry even if he had a vague idea of where it stemmed from. Instead, he simply dialed up his own enthusiasm and redirected Kaz’s attention whenever necessary. In the end, it had been, by all means, a successful day and Matt was almost unwilling to return to the Slat and let it end just yet. But the prospect of hiding away in Kaz’s room for the rest of the night with no one else around was enough to convince him to leave the festivities behind.
 He was humming quietly to himself as they walked —some melody stuck in his head that a couple of musicians had played in the streets— and, for once, wasn’t really paying too much attention. So he was a little confused when they didn’t enter the Slat, but stopped short of the entrance and remained outside instead. The confusion didn’t last long, however, and he knew what Kaz’s intentions were as soon as he leaned the cane against the wall. So he offered no resistance when he felt an arm around his waist and gladly let himself be pulled into a kiss.
 Even now, it still made his heart leap out of his chest and his knees grow weak, despite it being a fairly common occurrence nowadays. He was also acutely aware of the fact that they weren’t in the safety of their own four walls, and although there was no one around at the moment, it didn’t mean it was going to stay that way. Holding hands out in the open was one thing, kissing quite another and he had to admit that he was genuinely surprised by it. But… he sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about it.
 Whenever they broke apart, Matt let out a content sigh as he cupped Kaz’s cheek and caressed it with his gloved thumb. He’d never grow tired of it. Of this. Of Kaz, of the way he made Matt feel. It wasn’t just happiness, and excitement, and comfort, but also like home. Like he finally found the place he belonged after spending his entire life feeling out of place.
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 Opening his eyes as the other spoke, it took Matt a second to place the name. Jordie. His brother. “Of course, he would’ve liked me. Everybody likes me,” he grinned, but it didn’t last for long and quickly transformed into a soft smile instead. “I hope so. I’m sure there’s nothing scarier than a big brother looking out for his little brother. I hope he thinks I treat you well enough and doesn’t feel the need to kick my ass.”
 Pulling away from Kaz, he leaned against the wall, then reached out to pull him close once more. His hands reached up, one pulling off Kaz’s hat, the other combing through his hair, before coming to a stop in the back of his neck. “Is that why you seemed absent from time to time today? Because you were thinking of Jordie?”
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corvuserpens · 1 year
Okay. I’ve given it some thought, so here’s my two cents for the fandom:
Overall, I enjoyed season 2. I did. I binged the whole thing in less than two days, it was THAT good. And I’m rewatching it while I still can bc I won’t have Netflix anymore at the end of the month (thanks for ending the password sharing bullshit Netflix, y’all are losing five clients in a single go, congratulations). So just listen.
I had so much fun watching this, through and through. I laughed, I mourned, I aww’d, I nearly ripped my hair out at the character shenanigans (looking at you, Kaz). It was GOOD, it was cool. The changes, though... I’m not entirely sure I’m all about them. I’ll speak for the Six of Crows and King of Scars duologies because I’ve read those, I haven’t picked up the Shadow & Bone trilogy so I won’t touch up on those plots much because I have nothing to compare them to. I thought they were fine, it was fun watching it all play out and how it ended.
The good stuff first, then. The characters are all PERFECT. In fact, I think what held this show together so well was the characters themselves and seeing them all interact. WhiCH MEANS I NEED MORE TOLYA AND NINA BONDING OVER FOOD AND NIKOLAI AND KAZ TRYING TO OUTSMART EACH OTHER AND INEJ AND JESPER DYNAMICS AND-- You get it. 
I guess I’m just... disappointed that it was all so rushed. Like, when I realized we were watching basically the whole plotline for Crooked Kingdom BEFORE Six of Crows, my whole heart dropped to my feet. It was like “woah, what?” What does this mean for the Crows’ future, then? And the reason why I’m disappointed is because I was expecting it all to come MUCH LATER when we have Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom as it’s own show, just like the books.
This feels like... ew, it feels like fanservice. Like they didn’t know what to do with the Crows until they became relevant for the Shadow & Bone plot so they shoe-horned CK into it to play for time, and it made all those delicious scenes that were carefully built up in the story fall flat due to lack of context. Examples:
They killed Heleen off-screen so Inej won’t get to screw her over and get much deserved payback for being trafficked into sexual slavery; 
We don’t get ANY Helnik development that culminates into that heartbreaking last scene, and in fact we don’t even get to see Nina and Matthias interact except for a couple of scenes from a distance and Matthias’ horny daydreaming;
We don’t get to see how Wylan not being able to read affected HIS ENTIRE LIFE until he ends up with the Crows;
We get a snippet of Jesper’s backstory but THAT’S IT; 
Wesper was CUTE AS HELL I LOVE MY TWO LITTLE GAYS SO MUCH AAAAAA but again, I was looking forward to the slow burn;
Matthias allying with Pekka Rowlins in prison is kinda cool actually, I’m interested to see where that’s going plus the fact we’re not done with Rowlins yet, but I swear if they butcher Matthias’ arch for something more action packed and exciting, I am going to physically vomit;
Kaz breaking into the Slat to beat up Per Haskell’s gang as a one man army running on THE POWER OF TEENAGE HORNINESS, one of my most favorite scenes in the book that I was looking forward to, makes no sense because we never see the Dregs in the show again (that I remember, we’ll get back on that after a rewatch) so what was the point?? 
We got Kaz’s backstory, but it was spedrun through so it ends up not having much of an impact. I know if I had gone in blind without all I know from reading the Six of Crows duology, it wouldn’t have mattered much to me no matter how much I loved the character. We don’t even get to know Jordie much, and knowing a little about him is what makes his demise and Kaz’s story so crushing and compelling. This is one of the core rules of character writing, for fuck’s sake! I’m no professional but even I know this! If you don’t get to know the character, you can’t connect with that character and so anything that happens to them is just “oh that’s sad. ANYWAY.” Without having read the books, the whole thing falls apart! Can you tell how much I detest fanservice? I went into this show knowing basically nothing about it and I loved it because the story’s pace and the character moments and the twists were SO WELL CRAFTED AND PUT TOGETHER. Hell, this show is what got me running to the store to buy Six of Crows and devouring it all the way to Rule of Wolves, so again, and I cannot stress this enough, what the fuck is going on here??
Individually, the scenes related to Crooked Kingdom were great. Pretty decently adapted, and like I said, perfect character emulation. The only one I didn’t enjoy as much was Kaz helping Inej with her arm because the baggage that was supposed to build it up is missing, so it got watered down to him just cleaning that cut instead of battling through his touch aversion and winning just long enough for him to actually bandage her and treat her wounds and even managing to kiss her neck! It feels like such a victory in the book before it all comes crashing down because we got A BOOK AND A HALF worth of mutual pinning and learning how crippling it is for Kaz to even think about skin-to-skin contact. The scene I read over and over again for days, cut down to a couple of minutes of basically not much. Sad.
Also they’re setting up for Tolya to fall in love with Inej (which I can’t blame him for, I mean, it’s Inej) and I’m like “uh, NO?” Not just because Kanej is THE SHIP for me, but because... Okay, no, I admit it’s just because Kanej is THE SHIP for me, but that’s my fault. Who knows, maybe they’ll make something interesting with this. I mean, they wouldn’t permanently break up one of the most iconic couples in literature just for the giggles or (dreaded) subversion of expectations, right?... Right..........?
For the rest of it, because I read the King of Scars duology, I’m kinda mad at some of the things they changed because I was expecting Alina and Mal to have a happily ever after taking care of their 500 orphans in Keramzin? I was expecting Genya to have SOME happiness before David is killed, just cut this girl some slack, would ya??? And Mal becoming Sturmhond?? Where did THAT come from??????? WHAT ABOUT INEJ GETTING HER OWN SHIP FROM KAZ AND FOLLOWING HER NEW-FOUND DREAM OF BECOMING THE SCURGE OF ALL SLAVERS?? Sure, she’s gotta find her brother first and then they gotta find their family and all, that’s fine I guess?? At least were giving THAT some room to breathe!!
*Sigh* Look. I got a couple of theories for why this is happening.
One: as previously mentioned, Leigh Bardugo and the rest of the team didn’t know what to do with the Crows so they put in the plot of Crooked Kingdom to buy time for them. I believe it’s well understood within fandom that Shadow & Bone couldn’t have gotten as big of a deal as it did if it weren’t for the Crows, but the Crows would have stood on their own easily enough without Shadow & Bone, so they needed to give them screen time from episode one forward to keep the audience, like they did with season 1. 
Two: Leigh Bardugo and the rest of the team don’t trust Netflix to renew the show to conclusion OR green-light the Six of Crows show (which, y’know, fair), and their faith is so shaky they decided it was best to have Siege & Storm and Ruin & Rising put into a single season (heard book readers say this is what happened), plus bring in the Crooked Kingdom plot to at least give the book fans a consolation treat while still leaving enough loose ends to continue the story IF they do in fact get good news. And since I trust Leigh Bardugo to write a good story because she can, I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt and willing to believe the second case is true, because that at least makes SOME sense. If the show gets cancelled and Six of Crows never comes to life, I can live with that.
All in all, it was a hell of a ride and I enjoyed myself. It’s not what I wanted, but I had fun and that’s all that matters in the end. I give Shadow & Bone season 2 a solid 7/10. Yup.
Crow out, or... something.
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ninacarstairss · 1 year
these are my incoherent thoughts just about the first episode and i didn’t even include all the screaming
nikolai being introduced IN THE SAME ROOM AS KAZ BREKKER?? this is a fucking dream come true
all the doubts about paddy playing nikolai faded as soon as he smirked like that. that’s sturmhond
JESPER’S SECRET?? i don’t even know how to react. kaz seeing everything as usual, noticing all the details, and jes never telling him before. i couldn’t wait for this moment
i’m like ten minutes into the episode and kaz is in a wagon full of prisoners having a panic attack, feeling skin around him and remembering jordie. i can’t do this. i can’t cope with this pain
i love that they added the meaning of “zowa” to the show. i thought it was never going to make it in
“what happens to saints is up to fate. what happens here is up to us” YES KANEJ IS GOING SO STRONG
so this is basically crooked kingdom?? pekka is turning the whole barrel against the crows, framing them for anything he can come up with and leaving them with no home? it’s genius.
“you were with the funny guns and the angry hat” this is how we’ll refer to jesper and kaz from now on okay?? also NINA AND INEJ NINA AND INEJ AODNWKNSJAJA WE FINALLY HAVE OUR NINEJ TOGETHER ON SCREEN
inej saying “he does this” to nina when kaz orders them to follow and just goes. this is so crow coded i’m crying
“the barrel doesn’t belong to kings. it belongs to bastards” KAZ IS ABOUT TO RECLAIM HIS MOTHER KETTERDAM
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