#jinora icons
marsnatblidaedits · 6 months
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❀ Jinora from Avatar: The legend of Korra.
❀ Credits to @𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗦𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗗𝗔 on twitter!
❀ Tips are appreciated: paypal.me/belenarias01 ♡
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animegirlsicons · 9 months
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Avatar icons
Like/reblog if you save or use
© @batgirlbarbg
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pridebicons · 11 months
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the legend of korra headcanon pride icons
korra: agender bi - they/he/she
asami: trans bi - she/her
mako: bi - he/him
bolin: genderfluid bi - he/she/it
opal: pan demigirl - they/she
wu: gay - he/it
jinora: nonbinary bi - they/she
tenzin: agender bi - they/them
bumi: gay - they/he
requested by anon for my pride event
like/rb if using + credit
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avatardits · 2 years
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{matching icons}
like/reblog | @spearbinsung
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godblessinternet · 1 year
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She's like a dream, isn't she? Some Kai and Jinora icons I made since I've got a little more free lately.
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appalesbian · 4 months
It was always going to come to this. Avatar Blunt Rotation Uno Reverso: which three characters are YOU picking to smoke with?
I should have known this day would come. I thought WAY too hard about this and eventually landed on the following:
Korra. Obviously. She'd be such fun, good, chill vibes. We could get takeout and watch bad horror movies and it would be a great time. The only issue I foresee here is that I might fall over and die if she like. Smiles. Laughs. Wears a tank top. But if that's how I go it will have been an honor.
Gran Gran. I love her so much. (We're ignoring the comics because they did her dirty and I don't want to talk about it.) But yeah, she's an icon. She's experienced with medicine and healing so you know she's got some good shit. And you know you need some good crone vibes in the circle. She would read me for filth but I think also make me feel empowered?
Jinora (once she's an adult ofc). She's so fucking cool!! She's so smart and perceptive and in tune with the natural world and the spirits, I feel like I would smoke with her and come out with a whole new perspective on life and the universe.
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For the DVD commentary, from My Brother's Girlfriend:
You see, Tenzin admitted that he was quite the romantic. He had a talk with his parents about it very early on in life. He told them that he didn't want to be the father of the air nation even though that would inadvertently be his responsibility. He wanted to give his children the same childhood he had: one where his parents loved him and his siblings the same: bending, warts and all. He wanted to marry for love: not to repopulate the world of it's airbenders. Aang had hugged his son tightly that night. At the ripe age of eleven, the boy understood what most of his older acolytes couldn't seem to follow. Yes, the world needed more airbenders. Yes, what happened to the airbenders was an atrocity. But it happened in the past. Neither can one dwell in the past, nor must they yearn for a future. What mattered was the present and what one can do with the gift of today. Aang always told his kids to do their best every day and if they did that, the universe had it's ways of rewarding them. That night, Aang promised his son that he'd be free to do as his heart desired. That the universe will settle the unbalance.
And then there were airbenders. His own brother amongst them. 
Tenzin's conundrum between choosing a man, woman, or bender he loved and his legacy was finally resolved. Even though his father and the Avatar had already given him the freedom, this was the universe's way of telling him he was indeed free to make his own choices. He liked to think that everything changed after harmonic convergence, but really nothing had. He still traveled the world and taught the principles of air nation alongside airbending wherever needed. He spent a total of two years at every temple, summoning more and more airbenders and introducing them to their element. Even though he was constantly surrounded by benders and acolytes alike, the experience was rather isolating. Aang and Katara would visit him from time to time, but his only loyal companion was his trusty sky bison, Oogie, who grew up with the young bender. 
No, but this was not about legacies or bending. 
Tenzin was displeased- furious even, at whom, however, he didn't know. But why? Clear as day. Because while he was searching far and wide for the love of his life, his unknowing brother slid right past and won her over with his unequivocal charm. He couldn't even blame her- not that he knew her or her type- to fall in love with someone like Bumi. For the longest time, Tenzin would wonder how he was actually related to this cacophony of a man and to think that now his whole purpose- his soulmate- was the very point of commonality between them. 
Coming to Chapter 2 of My Brother's Girlfriend, where the plot actually begins plotting: I like to think of the first chapter as kind of a prologue, with the second chapter being where to story actually starts.
This whole excerpt here serves as the "We are throwing all of canon into the trash and this is what's up" memo to catch the audience up with what setting this fic/ship is going to take place in.
As you all know better than anyone by now, I love a good "more than one person is in love with Lin and she's oblivious" trope. But, because of canon, I also LOVE a good jealous Tenzin fic. My guilty pleasure is those fics where Lin and Bumi are together and Tenzin is losing his mind from the moment he finds out.
So, it was only fitting to sorta re-do canon from the point where it became a problem for my first ship: Linzin. What if Aang led the Harmonic Convergence instead of it being a random consequence of the actions of Korra and Jinora? What if Tenzin stayed true to being an air nomad? What if the oldest two kids of the legends of the 100 year war got together?
Despite poking holes in the "plot" of canon, I wanted to keep the characters true to as they were written. And enter, Tenzin: a hopeless romantic. Inspired by his own parents' iconic love story, he feels almost entitled, if not blessed to the opportunity of true love. He plays by the book. He does his due diligence. And he knew the universe would reward him. He didn't need to marry and "breed" for the sake of is legacy anymore. In fact, it wasn't just him, he was sharing the weight with Bumi who had gained airbending through Harmonic Convergence (on that note: I also wanted to explore what Bumi would be like had he not had the whole "I am a disappointment because I'm not an airbender" thing going on. Would he still join the United Forces? If so, would he return home once he got airbending?).
In that regard, Bumi and Tenzin surely have a better relationship here than in canon- in the sense that they don't resent each other and their parents for their biases. But there's still some tension due to their polar opposite personalities, and furthermore, there's one-sided tension on Tenzin's side because he falls hopelessly in love with Lin, at first sight. One minute he's thinking of ways to ask Lin out without wasting any time, and the next, he is introduced to her as his brother's girlfriend.
Like canon, Tenzin can be pretty entitled. He strongly believes that Lin's with the wrong man. He doesn't seem care to think about Lin's feelings on the matter. He has this mindset that's like "if she could fall for Bumi, she could definitely fall for me with so much more ease." And because of that mindset, he is convinced at a very shallow level, that Bumi stole his girl.
I hope you enjoyed this commentary!
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kiki-strike · 5 months
10 characters 10 fandoms 10 (ish) tags!
thanks @transboyzuko and @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma for tagging me ^-^
1. Azula ATLA - she’s a tragic villain she’s a narrative foil she’s a style icon she’s a mean lesbian what more could you want (a redemption arc lol)
2. Geralt The Witcher - AUTISTIC KING i too mostly just talk to animals and myself. i picked up his “hmm” and it got me in trouble for a while until my mom watched it and realized i was just unconsciously copying him.
3. Jinora LOK - i haven’t seen all of LOK so im hoping she doesn’t turn evil or smth but. hooray for little girls who see Creatures by themselves in the woods and are probably hyperlexic and are smarter and know more than all the adults around them !!!!!
4. Sam Winchester Supernatural - he got out of his toxic family situation and then he Went Back. watched his brother die 111 times in one episode. got addicted to demon blood to save the world. literally born to be possessed by the devil. chronic third wheel
5. Charlie IASIP - nuff said
6. Eddie Brock Venom - hated big pharma so hard it made him a divorcee. really hot ex who i’m in love with and so is he. cool murderous parasite best friend. lobster tank enjoyer.
7. Beth Good Girls - i regularly dream about her despite not having seen the show in years. that’s my wife. badass perfect housewife who robs grocery stores and launders money in her spare time.
8. Bean Disenchantment - hooray for teenage alcoholics. has a personal demon meant to make her life hell and the demon ends up making it better because she’s just that miserable. “this is the bathtub, where Bean makes her bathtub gin. and this is the shower, where Bean makes her shower gin.” killed two fiancées in the first 20 minutes of the show. canon wlw.
10. Bender Futurama - his name is a pun. his face looks like 😬. occasionally behaves like a toddler/dog. unyielding devotion to homoerotic friendship. lives in a closet. was god once. alloaro.
i’ll tag: @ozais-lobotomist @waterfire1848 @tommyssupercoolblog @juniperhillpatient @kyoshigirl @autistic-katara @sukidude @averageinsomniac
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randomwritingguy · 1 year
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 22
Another chapter for you all!
Hope you enjoy! :D
The sound of the speeder rushing down the calm tides of the ocean floor was a soothing background noise that drowned out the Earth into obscurity.
Sat in the small speeder were three individuals. Three criminals. Three of the most dangerous people on the planet.
Members of the Red Lotus.
Zaheer had made tremendous progress since his escape from his imprisonment. In a short matter of time, he successfully broke the lavebender out of his specialised prison and together they rescued their waterbending friend. Now there was one left to go.
His beloved P'li.
Zaheer still remembers the desperate and pleading look on her features as the White Lotus dragged her away. He still remembers the tearful shouts of his name from her lips that echoed the halls. Her beautiful face still haunts his dreams. Her crimson eyes, delicately designed tattoo third eye, and jet-black ponytail. It had been so long. Too long.
But he will see her again.
What he hadn't expected was his airbending.
It was yet another tedious and repetitive day in his torturous cell when he discovered his abilities. He was always fascinated with the culture of the Air Nomads since he was a child despite his lack of bending. He was still able to become one of the most skilled warriors in history in his pursuit for true freedom in the world.
But this?
This was a sign.
As much as he hated to admit it, as much as he refused to accept the feeling, as much as he was so determined to escape from the horrid confides of his cell that has become his home for over a decade and see his friends again, there was a trace. A flicker...
...of doubt.
He felt it. He was beginning to lose hope. He was beginning to accept the possibility, the mere idea, that he might never taste freedom in the physical world ever again. That he might never see P'li, Guzan, and Ming-Hua. In that moment, he felt the chilling embrace of the reality of the situation.
And then Harmonic Convergence happened.
And then he was gifted airbending.
And then everything changed.
That was when his hope had been restored. That was when his certainty of his place in the universe was confirmed.
Zaheer and the Red Lotus will eradicate the scum of the world. It will rid society of corrupt Queens, Fire Lords, and politicians.
And, finally, balance will be restored.
Zaheer opens his eyes and lifts his gaze to the starry night once more. He hasn't seen those tiny flickers of light in years that felt like an eternity.
Yes, balance will be restored. No-one will stand in their way.
Not the Earth Queen.
Not the Fire Lord.
Not the politicians.
And not Avatar Korra.
My hair blows against the wind as I stand on the top balcony gazing upon the upcoming destination we are about to arrive to. I see the iconic, or to some infamous, stretch of brick and heavily defenced wall that have only been at great risk once during the Hundred Year War.
Ba Sing Se.
I can't believe it. I'm actually going to be in Ba Sing Se.
I have read all about the city and some of its history in the books. I've read about all the crazy stuff that went down in the city during the Hundred Year War with Long Feng and the Dai Li. I've read how Princess Azula was able to effortlessly infiltrate the palace and take over the landmark with ease and seemingly kill Avatar Aang. That was the darkest moment of the war.
Thankfully, it isn't as bad as it once was. At least, I think it isn't as bad as it once was. Hopefully.
Glancing downwards, I see Jinora, Bumi, Eshah, and our newest recruit, Kai.
Much to our surprise and delight, just before we set off to Ba Sing Se, we managed to recruit another airbender. Around Jinora's age, he came to us after a, well, interesting performance done by the group as another method to persuade more to join the Air Nation. Admittedly the introduction was rough with him lying about his background and tried to run off with stolen goods, but I'm certain we can have him change his ways. We were all happy to have him on board except Mako. Though, I can't really blame him. Kai's actions probably triggered alarm bells in the detective's analytical mind. Bolin seems to be happy to have someone who can be a younger sibling to him.
But, much to my shock, the person who seemed to be the most thrilled to have Kai onboard was Jinora.
The memory is still fresh in my mind. I hadn't even got back onto the airship and I saw the young airbender stuttering and blushing to the newest recruit as she offered to train him. When I realised why I could barely contain the laughter. Why? Because now I can tease her about her crush on Kai! After all the teases she's done to me about my situation with Kyuni, I think I am perfectly justified.
And, from what I've seen, it seems like Kai has a crush on her too. Ah, young love.
"It's so exciting to be on a diplomatic mission to Ba Sing Se!" Korra exclaims to my right. I'm with my best friend and Tenzin on the top balcony observing the city. "What's the Earth Queen like?"
"I've never met her, but I've heard she can be quite...demanding." Our mentor replies uncertainly.
Demanding? Oh, great. Please don't tell me she isn't some stuck up royal who thinks she can do whatever she wants. I've had enough of corrupt and arrogant leaders as it is.
"Well, I hope she's at least charismatic." I bitterly reply. "From what I've read her father, Earth King Kuei, he seemed to be a decent guy."
"Indeed." Tenzin replied. "Although the relationship between Kuei and Fire Lord Zuko had a rocky start, the Earth King's cooperation was what helped create the United Republic of Nations. We can only hope his daughter will be just as collaborative."
I hum in acknowledgment. Yes, we can only hope. These days, though, I tend to be disappointed with how many leaders or authority figures end up being corrupt. First Tarrlok, then Hiroshi Sato, and then recently Unalaq. It just seems like most leaders are only out for themselves instead of the people. It's sickening.
"We've dealt with worse." Korra says confidently. "I'm sure she won't be as bad as ones we've met before."
"I envy your optimism on this matter, Korra." I tell her plainly. Then, I smirk and say "If you're wrong then you owe me."
She glances at me with an amused raised eyebrow and chuckles. "Owe you what?"
I shrug. "Don't know. I'll figure something out."
Before she can respond, however, Bolin lets an excited squeal. "Ba Sing Se, here we are!"
We finally reach the Outer Wall of the city and begin flying over the Lower Ring and I finally get a good look of the area with my own eyes.
It looks...dreadful.
Trash and litter littered across streets and alleys, buildings on the verge of collapse and full of rust and dirt, civilians sleeping on the pavements. It looks like hell!
"Uhh, the Lower Ring looks terrible." Korra comments with disgust and shock.
At the corner of my eye, I see Bolin holding his nose to block out the stench from below. "Yeah, I can smell it from here. No wonder Dad left."
While my friends seem disturbed by the sight, I am enraged. How can the Earth Queen allow this to happen?! These people are suffering! They deserve better!
My grip on the metal bars of the balcony tighten so hard that it almost hurts. "This is monstrous! How can the Queen allow this to happen?!"
I hear a sadden sigh near me. The heaviness of it resembles the tense nature of Tenzin.
"Unfortunately, some leaders choose their own needs before others." The airbending master melancholy replies. I can hear the sadness in his words. "Even the positive influence of my father and Lord Zuko couldn't change that."
My heart skips a beat at my surprise. Not my surprise of Tenzin's words. I knew this sad reality for years but my surprise that, for the first time ever, my mentor's words leave me...unsatisfied.
"Why hasn't anyone done something about it?" I ask with bewilderment as I turn to Tenzin and Korra. "Why isn't anyone doing something to help these people?"
My words appear to have struck the wrong chord as I see Tenzin frown slightly and Korra's eyes washing with concern. Did I say something wrong?
"I am frustrated and saddened by this as much as you are." Tenzin tells me with a hint of gentleness. "However, we can't just force the Earth Queen to rule her kingdom the way we want her to. It is not our place."
Again, Tenzin's words leave me unsatisfied. No. Not just unsatisfied. Frustrated.
"That sounds a lot like giving up to me." I mutter bitterly, turning my gaze from the two of them to observe more of the city.
How can we just sit back, clap our hands, and call it a day? How can we just sit back and let innocents suffer because of these corrupt, horrible, vile people? I haven't even met the Earth Queen but the sight of the Lower Ring already tells me everything I need to know about her.
Despite having the gift of the air shared by the bisons, the rage within my form feels like the firebending of the dragons. I can feel the rageful dragon desperately trying to break free from the shackles created by my heart, mind, and morals and force me to do something about it. To end the suffering of the many and restore peace, freedom, justice, and balance to Ba Sing Se. For a moment, I humour the temptation.
A moment after, however, the gentle touch of a hand on my shoulder draws me back from my mind and I return to the here and now.
I glance to my left and see Korra giving me a worried and concerned look. Her all too familiar ocean eyes wash over me and vanquish the dragon's fiery breath within me.
"Y/N," she begins, her voice gentle and so soft. "I don't like it as much as you do. But Tenzin's right."
The last sentence catches me off guard and I can feel the embers inside begin to rise.
If Korra really cared as much as I did, she wouldn't give up so easily.
What am I thinking?! I'm sounding like Tarrlok or Unalaq!
Shaking my head to rid me of those horrible intrusive thoughts, I turn to my best friend and give her a sad smile. "I know."
She sends me a smile back. "How about I mention it to her when I speak to her?"
I feel my hopes lift from the suggestion as my smile wideness, sadness replaced with relief and gratitude.
"That would be great!" I tell her. I quickly wrap her in an embrace, arms wrapped around her waist tightly. I can feel her let out a short "oh!" in surprise only to reciprocate the hug.
"I've never seen you so passionate of this." Korra notes with curiosity.
I nod. "I just hate seeing innocents like this. It reminded me of when Tarrlok was trying to arrest all the non-benders during the Equalist crisis."
I can feel and hear Korra humming in acknowledgement. When we pull apart, I see her smile is still present. "I know how you feel. I promise, I'll have a word with her about it."
Before I can respond, I hear Asami's voice from the inside of the airship. "We have arrived!"
Oh, crap. Really?
Ripping my gaze away from Korra, I turn to see the Royal Palace. It's big, bold, and screams of power.
Welp here goes nothing.
Walking down the ramp of the airship, we are all greeted by an old but well-dressed man who appears to have a high status in this sector.
Bowing respectfully, the man gives us a welcoming smile. "Avatar Korra, Master Tenzin, it is a pleasure to welcome you and your party to the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. I'm Grand Secretariat Gun."
Korra bows in return. "Thank you."
Bolin, being Bolin, begins sniffing furiously. "Ah, it's got that Upper Ring smell."
Oh, Bolin. Never change.
Gun, rather than amused by the earthbender's actions, is panicked as he notices Pabu on his shoulder. "Oh no, the queen hates animals." He then notices Naga and Oogi and his panicked look intensifies. "You'll have to get them out of sight."
I tilt my head in confusion. The queen doesn't like animals to the point we have to hide them? That seems rather dramatic.
After coming up with a compromise that involves Pabu going undedr the earthbender's shirt, we begin walking to the quarters we will be staying. Despite my criticisms, I cannot deny that the Upper Ring looks beautiful with brilliant, architected homes and bridges. As we walk, I hear Gun rambling to Korra. He appears to be very nervous with his shaky voice and sweat on his face.
"Now, when you meet the queen make sure you bow low enough, that's very important, and don't look her in the eye, she can't stand that. If any food is served, don't eat before she eats. Well actually, I have to taste her food first, then she eats, then you can eat. Better yet, just don't eat."
What am I hearing?
A standard to how low you bow? Don't look her in the eye? Don't eat before she eats? This is absurd.
Korra seems to share my opinion. "Seems like an awful lot of rules."
"It's ridiculous." I mutter under my breathe.
Beside me, Eshah hums in acknowledgement. She leans slightly toward me so Gun can't hear me. "My mother was a big fan of the queen. Loved her strictness."
I snort. "Based from my meeting with her, I can't say I'm surprised."
She chuckles. "Yet another reason I am glad I got airbending. Best thing that ever happened to me."
I frown slightly at her words. Eshah and I haven't spoken much since she was welcomed aboard on the airship. She was busy getting to know everyone else. And, yet again, she expresses how easy it was to leave her mother behind to pursue her dreams and goals.
My circumstances are much different. While Eshah and her mother seemed to have a strained relationship from the start, mine with my parents was great. It definitely will be harder for me to leave them behind if I choose to pursue the career as an Air Nomad.
"I'm glad to hear it." I reply, trying not to sound fazed. "For most it would be hard to leave their old lives behind."
She hums in acknowledgement. "I can understand that. Was it hard for you?"
I clench my fists at her question. Shit. I didn't think about that.
"The next time we talk, you better tell us you are not joining the Air Nation. If not, don't contact or visit us ever again."
I hesitate for a split second. Then, I take a big gulp. "Something like that."
"Oh." She mutters. I think she understands what I mean. "Sorry about that."
"Sorry about what?" Mako asks from behind with a curious tone.
"Nothing!" I exclaim. "We were just talking about, uh, all of the stuff that happened back in the Spirit World a couple weeks ago, that's all."
I send him a toothy grin in hopes the firebender would buy my lie. He narrows his eye slightly, analysing my story like the true detective that he is, and shrugs. "Okay then."
Phew. That was a close one.
I look back at front and I see Eshah giving me a slightly stunned look. I shake my head a little and change the topic and start to bring up the environment. Knowing this, she relents. For now, at least.
When we finally reach the Swanky, I am rather impressed with the interior. It's a rather fancy accommodation if I do say so myself. Two floors, with the second having a balcony around it, a table in the centre of the room that is a smooth and polish brown and there are multiple rooms. Well, at least the Earth Kingdom has taste.
As the others venture around the place to explore I stay near the entrance to marvel the whole scene before me. Then, from behind, I hear Gun.
"Avatar Korra, if you'd follow me, we don't want to keep her majesty waiting."
I quickly turn back around to send Korra a smile. "Have fun with the Queen."
My best friend gives a sheepish smile of her own as she walks away. "I'll try my best."
I chuckle and as Gun and Korra walk further and further away, I turn to Tenzin who was watching them depart too.
"You think she'll be fine dealing with the Earth Queen?"
The airbending master hums in thought. "I'm sure she'll be fine as long as she's patient with the Queen's...demanding...personality."
I hum back in acknowledgement as I think about to Korra's training in airbending. While her patience has improved substantially since then, it's still one of her greatest faults. "Patience has never been Korra's strongest suite. You and I know that more than anyone."
The wise man nods in agreement. "Indeed. I have faith Korra can get through this, however."
"So do I." I tell him, glancing back outside. Gun and Korra are gone. "So do I."
There's nothing to worry about. Korra has got this.
What's the worst can happen?
And that's it!
I hope you enjoyed it!
Feedback is always appreciated! :D
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thewildmother · 1 month
so the besties got me to watch atla+lok for the first time with them and i had a fun mini-game of ranking characters after each book (with lok, forgot for atla and only did a full one after finishing lmao) to track how i felt about character development and such, then i found a tiermaker that combined both shows into one so here's a post to preserve my 100% factually correct opinions feat. bestie-named categories. i kinda treat the tiers as a gradient up until emergency meeting, there's some crossover to be found and a few people who could probably swap if i spent long enough thinking on it but who has the time
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+ some ship opinions bc i saw this one while searching for the others
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a little bonus for fun since i still have the file: lok after b4
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assorted tidbits:
asami was in S tier for each korra book simply bc i liked her vibes but i couldn't keep her there for the overall rankings bc i feel like the writers did her wrong. she is my daughter tho, i adopted her
meelo went from C > B > A > S thru each book bc he's the icon that kept on slaying
emergency meeting explanations: general iroh is the og bc i heard his voice and screamed impostor / wu i simply could not stand and i wanted to throw him out of an airlock / that's not my katara it's not who took my daughter and did this to her
i only started to like varrick during that last book, so i technically wanted more screentime w just that version of him lmao
i was assigned jinora stan before we started lok and it was correct. she's my actual daughter, i gave birth to her myself, actually
kuvira would be S++ if i'd liked her ending more
mako was the top of C for the entirety of his run. i saw the vision but it was not made real
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airteacher · 3 months
2, 11, 15
Questions for Muns
2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
Yes. It gives me anxiety the way talking to a stranger gives me anxiety, but sometimes it can be interesting.
15. icons, or gifs? you can only pick one, and cannot say ‘neither.’
icons, although I've thought about making icon-sized gifs.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing.
*cracks knuckles* Okay here we go.
The short of it is Tenzin dies of old age. However, there are a few things that lead up to his death. Knowing that his time is near, people take their turns saying goodbye. Pema stays by his side practically non-stop, only being pried away from him for self-care needs. He spends some final time with each of his kids. Jinora goes last. She offers to try guiding him into the spirit world one more time. All previous offers were turned down because he had found contentment despite not being able to fulfil that desire. However, this time he agrees. Pema holds his hand during the whole process. So Jinora guides him, and because he is finally relieved of all his worldly concerns and responsibilities, they succeed. In the spirit world, their spirits take the form of their pasts -- Tenzin back as a young father, and Jinora as his little 10-year-old daughter again. They spend his final moments there. Then he tells Jinora it's his time to go and that he's never truly gone. Then he fades away. Jinora wakes from her meditation with tears. There's a contented smile on Tenzin's face. She looks at Pema and shakes her head. "He's not coming back," Jinora tells her. Tears in her eyes, Pema nods understandingly. Afterwards, Jinora carries some guilt, believing it was her fault he left. She wonders if he would have stayed longer if she hadn't taken him to the spirit world. Breaking down in her mother's arms, Pema reassures her that it was not her fault -- that it was his time to go, and she had gifted him one of his greatest dreams. And that's how it goes.
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sugarqueen-katara · 2 years
Kataang week day 5 - Power couple
I absolutely love this prompt for kataang, because they really are a power couple.
First off we have Aang… I mean it’s pretty obvious he’s the avatar. What makes him powerful though is that he deals with avatar duties while sticking to his morals.
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Now Katara… she often gets overlooked, but I firmly believe she is one of the most talented waterbenders. We see her waterbending get so much better in such a short time. Just with a little guidance she was able to improve quickly.
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Not to mention she also knows how to heal, bloodbend and my favourite sweatbend.
These two icons make my favourite power couple.
Not to mention they also have a powerful family:
Bumi -> military commander and later on airbender
Kya -> master waterbender
Tenzin -> councilman, airbender mentor and instructor
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We also have the airbender kids
Jinora -> her special connection to the spirit world and it’s spirits
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Ikki, Meelo and Rohan are a bit young but still special nonetheless.
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
top 5 atla characters? top 5 lok characters?
ooh this is a fun one!! sorry if i end up writing way too much here lol
1. Zuko - So much of my taste in fictional characters has undoubtedly been influenced by him, lol. An angsty boy who was abused and indoctrinated and who struggled so much, but broke free and realized the truth? Who went from trying to capture the avatar to joining him in achieving peace and balance for the world, and who revealed that underneath all of that anger and pain he's really a kindhearted, socially awkward dork? His growth is just amazing and I love him so much.
2. Katara "I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me" of the Southern Water Tribe is such a great character and I love how her rage at the world's injustice fuels her empathy, compassion, and drive to do as much about it as she can. She fought against misogyny to become a master waterbender. She saved an impoverished Fire Nation village from tyranny. And she's just so loving and optimistic despite everything she's been through.
3. Azula - Delivered SO many of the most iconic villain lines ever. "Don't flatter yourself, you were never even a player." "Maybe you should worry less about the tides, who already made up their mind about killing you, and more about me, who's still mulling it over". "I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child." She's such a fun villain. She's also fascinating to me because, as many people seem to forget, she is younger than Zuko and was raised in the same horrible environment as him. I love seeing her character be explored more in fics.
4. Sokka - The best possible way to write a comic relief character! He has so many hilarious and memorable moments. "Can your science explain why it rains?" "My first girlfriend turned into the moon". The fucking cactus juice. But he's also strategic and intelligent, and Sokka's Master is such a great episode for showing how the gaang would be incomplete without him. He has such great dynamics with all of them and the scene in The Runaway where he talks with Toph about Katara filling in the void that was left by their mom makes me so emotional.
5. Kyoshi - Okay, I won't say much about her because not everyone has read the novels and they're 95% of the reason she's up here for me. But seriously, her story in the novels is so cool and she's such a good character in them. She's every bit as fierce and badass as we see in the show, but we also see that she's compassionate and doesn't want anyone else to suffer the same hardships that she has. She has her own struggles and growth before becoming the badass that killed Chin the Conqueror and founded the Kyoshi Warriors. And she's bisexual and has a girlfriend!
...Okay, I won't write an essay here like I just did for ATLA. Partially because I don't really have the same passion for LOK as for ATLA, but I do still love the characters! I think my top 5 would be:
1. Korra - Idk how people can hate her, her personality reminds me so much of Zuko and I love her for that. I also think she manages to have the best character arc in the show, and she's a bicon!
2. Bolin - He's just so fun and I love his dynamics with the rest of the krew! And lavabending is so damn cool and I wish it had been explored more. I also really wish we saw some flashbacks of his and Mako's backstory because it's such an interesting concept.
3. Jinora - Something about her is just neat, her personality feels so unique among the LOK cast and I'm so proud of her for becoming an airbending master.
4. Asami - No way I could leave out the other bicon in this series! I feel like she did kinda get done dirty by the writing and, like with Bolin, I particularly really wish we got some backstory flashbacks for her. But I do enjoy her arc with her dad in books 1 and 4 and love how intelligent and creative she can be.
5. Kai - I really wish we saw more of him in the show, his backstory and personality are great and he and Jinora are so cute together.
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l2bbocsstuff · 11 months
Take On Me
Here is a drabble from the discord I belong to.
Korra was excited.  She’d never been to an arena concert before.  Sure, her parents had taken her to see puppet shows and children’s singers when she lived in the South, but now that she was in Republic City she was bouncing up and down like a kid waiting for Christmas as she moved in line to enter the stadium.
Jinora looked back to her semi-adopted older sister and took her hand.  “Calm down, Korra.  We still have to pass through security and give them our tickets.”  Korra took a calming breath and tried to settle the butterflies in her stomach.  It took another ten minutes but the pair finally arrived at their designated spot.
“I guess it’s a good thing sometimes that your dad is on the council.  It was lucky he got us tickets for this show.”
“Today it’s a good thing but sometimes Dad being a high and mighty muckity-muck is just a pain in the ass,” Jinora answered, “some people just think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.”
Korra gave Jinora’s hand a squeeze, “That’s cause they don’t know how hard your whole family worked to get to where you are now.” Korra smiled at her semi-little sister and Jinora smiled back.  “I’ve never been in a building this large.  Even the hockey rinks back home don’t have this many seats.”   They looked around to see many other people arriving.  Korra checked the time on her phone and relaxed.  They got there early and they got really good seats.  Third row on the floor, right in the middle of the stage.
Since the three bands playing tonight all were 80’s icons, both Korra and Jinora agreed to dress up.  The girls knew that they looked utterly ridiculous being dressed in their 80s outfits.  Their big hair was backcombed and their fluorescent nylon track pants screamed retro.  Korra was wearing a muscle shirt with a photo of ‘The Breakfast Club’ and Jinora was wearing a t-shirt with ‘Boy George’ on the front.  The girls felt relieved that they weren’t the only ticket holders who wore outrageous clothes for the occasion.  They received lots of thumbs up from other people streaming into the place and gave lots of thumbs up back to others.  Both Korra and Jinora had grown up listening to 80’s tunes because both sets of their parents were fans of the decade.
There were still five minutes before the show was supposed to begin.  The lights began to dim and the crowd began to clap and whistle.  A roadie stepped up to the microphone at the centre of the stage. “Test, test, one, two, one, two,” came over the speakers.  Another voice answered back, “The mike seems fine.  I think we’re good to go.”  The crowd applauded again.  Just then Korra looked to the empty seat beside her.  She hoped that whoever was going to sit there showed up quickly.  At that moment she looked down the row and an extraordinarily beautiful girl with ebony hair was walking towards her. Korra was stunned and thought “Amazing!!! She wears green lipstick like a fashion icon.”  Korra knew she wasn’t completely straight and she quickly flashed to a fantasy of having this girl underneath her.
The girl looked behind her and said, “Opal, our seats are right here.” The raven-haired woman was dressed like Madonna with green eye shadow and her friend was wearing a Cyndi Lauper outfit with purple lipstick and eye shadow.  The two sat down and Korra just couldn’t look away.  
The first girl turned to Korra, “Is there something wrong?  You’re kind of staring.” Not that I mind one bit.
Korra reflexively looked down and rubbed the back of her neck, “Oh Spirits, I’m sorry.  I was just looking at your outfits.  They’re awesome.  Sorry if I was making you uncomfortable.”
Those arms are amazing.  The girl thrust out her hand, “No worries.  I love what you’re wearing too.  I’m Asami.”  I’d love to see you out of those clothes too.
“I’m Korra and this is Jinora,” she said as she shook Asami’s hand.
“Nice to meet both of you. This is Opal.  My best friend.”  
Opal said her hellos and remarked, “Man, these are great seats.  This show is gonna be so rad!!”
“Nice 80’s vocab, Ope,” Asami remarked.  At that moment, the house lights went off.
The crowd erupted in cheers and the first band, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, took the stage.  Their set was fantastic.  The second band, A Flock of Seagulls, was just as good and the third band, A-ha brought the house down.
The show ended after three hours and by that time all four girls were a sweaty mess from singing, dancing, and cheering.  Asami leaned over to Korra and Jinora and said, “Man, that was a great time.”
Korra agreed telling Asami and Opal that it was her first arena show.
“Do you want the fun to continue?” asked Asami.  She thought to herself, “Smooth, Sato, really smooth.  Opal gave Asami a knowing smirk.  Opal knew her best friend was attracted to Korra from just her body language.  “I know a great place that’s close where we can get some food,” Asami declared.
Korra looked at Jinora for confirmation and she nodded. Korra explained, “Food sounds great right about now.”  And you still look good enough to eat.
“Food sounds great to you anytime!!” Jinora quipped while winking.
Korra gently punched Jinora on the arm, “Hey, I resemble that remark.”
Opal looked at Jinora and Korra, “You two sound a lot like Asami and me.  Chucking shit at each other all the time,” Opal turned to Asami, “You said something about food.  Lead on lady, I’m hungry too.”
Asami gracefully led the three others up and off the floor of the arena to the mid-level and headed straight to an elevator. Korra and Jinora were confused but didn’t ask questions.  They trusted their new friend after spending the evening together.  All four women entered the elevator and when the door opened at their destination, they walked into an expensively decorated private box on the top floor.  They could see the stage directly across from where they stood, through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Jinora gasped and Korra just gaped as the server spoke.  “Miss Asami, all the food you ordered is ready to go.  Would you like me to serve now?”
Asami answered quickly, “Yes please, Shen. That would be lovely.”
Korra didn’t understand what was happening.  “Asami, what’s going on?  Where are we?”
“It’s my private box.  I told the staff I was coming back up here after the show for some food.  It’s perfectly fine for us to be here.  Ask Opal.”
Korra swung her head and Opal just shrugged her shoulders, “It’s fine Korra.  She does this all the time.”
Both Jinora and Korra still looked confused so Asami went on to explain.  “This arena belongs to Future Industries.  It’s called The FI Centre.  The Republic City Rangers play hockey here during the winter.”
“I know that,” remarked Korra, “but I still don’t understand how you have a private box with a staff.”
Opal smiled and Asami grinned.  “I’m Asami Sato.  The CEO and owner of Future Industries,” Asami paused, “does it make more sense now?”
Jinora and Korra looked at each other still a little bewildered.  Korra spoke first, “It’s our honour to meet you.”
“Oh no.  It’s our honour to meet the two of you.”  Asami took Korra by the hand while rubbing her other hand up and down Korra’s bicep. She steered Korra to the table filled with more than a few delicious-looking dishes.  Opal escorted Jinora to the table also.  There was a very pleasant conversation between all four during the meal with Asami sliding closer to Korra every chance she got.
When their meal was over Asami called for her limo driver to take each of them home.  Once the car stopped by the ferry to Air Temple Island, Asami stated “We really enjoyed spending time with you guys tonight and I hope that we can become even better friends.” She gave Korra her best bedroom eyes and her cell phone number.
The only thing running through Korra’s head was the word – SCORE!!  
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petalpatches · 3 years
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A new spiritual age icons! 🦋 with school starting again I’ll be busier, so I’ll try to post more icon sets in the meantime just to keep the blog alive lol (so if u have requests I’m happy to take them!! 😊) Image id in alt text as usual, click for better quality!
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nostalgicartoons · 3 years
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Jinora icons ☆
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