made-ofmemories · 1 year
Thank you @ladydorian05 and @firefly-party for the tags!
rules — shuffle your “on repeat playlist” and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people
Just Pretend- Bad Omens
Golden- Barns Courtney
Fake Out- Fall Out Boy
Sorry- Nothing but Thieves
Heartbreak Feels So Good - Fall Out Boy
So Called Life - Three Days Grace
Stick season- Noah Kahan
Can You Feel My Heart- Bring Me The Horizon
Particles- Nothing But Theives
Cryin'- Aerosmith
I was tagged twice so I'm going to do another 10 under the cut
Dream On - Aerosmith
The View Between Villages - Noah Kahan
Love From The Other Side- Fall Out Boy
Northern Attitude- Noah Kahan
Let You Down- Zach Bryan
Something In The Orange- Zach Bryan
Heaven, Iwoa- Fall Out Boy
Sweet Child O'Mine- Guns N' Roses
LosT- Bring Me The Horizon
Happy- NF
No pressure tags: @agirllovespancakes @panicatthediaz @javisjeanjacket @spideyharrington
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surprisegents · 1 year
so approximately 1000 years ago @a-murder-a-queer-crows tagged me in this:
you’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. who/what is it?
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so uh. a film adaptation of the play seared except the grouchy, bisexually-lit chef is mentoring a mouthy irish-american kid and her weirdo friends are there and i'm just some guy feat. raúl esparza & the derry girls cranberries
tagging (no pressure no worries etc): @teatraysandtypewriters @javisjeanjacket @cyronite @maliro-t @delunesnumberonefan but if anyone else is interested pls go forth <3
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happy-beeeps · 1 year
God this is so cute tysm for the tag @honeydjarin 🫶
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I got a tiny bit screwed because I had to scroll past about 47 pictures of Alex turner but we made it work (and snuck an arctic monkeys one in there for good measure hehehe)
NPT: @ghostofskywalker @rinwritesfics @javisjeanjacket @wreckers-wife
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x-wings · 1 year
🐉 Daemon Headcanons 🐉
Merry Christmas buddy! 🎄🎄 At the time of starting these headcanons Daemon still had you in a chokehold so hopefully that's still the case now, if not, forgive me (though I don't think I have much to worry about 😌😏). You know I've not watched the show and all I know is what we've talked about, what I've seen on Instagram, and some browsing of the wiki, but what is canon to headcanons anyway? A skeletal structure at best �� ANYWAY, I hope you enjoy these 🥺💕 @javisjeanjacket
When you're amongst other people he likes to be touching you in some way, whether that's with his hand on the small of your back, your arm hooked through his, his hand on your leg beneath the table. He knows what his family and the court are like and so he wants you to know he's right there for you should anything turn south (when neither of you are in the crossfire though, he'll pull you aside so you can watch the chaos from a safe distance, murmuring remarks by your ear that force you to stifle your giggles).
He didn't know about his cowlick until you mentioned it to him one day, early in your courtship. It was the first time you ran your hand through his hair, in an attempt to tame the rogue lock of hair, and he was never the same since that moment. If he can have your hand in his hair then he will, more often than not when you're in bed, him leaning against you while you play with his hair, maybe talking and catching up if it's before you both fall asleep. He does now suspect however that his cowlick has remained because you love playing with the ends of his hair, but he's definitely not complaining.
You have absolutely no need for your handmaidens in the mornings to help you get dressed. Daemon will happily help you with your stays (featuring some gratuitous drags of his fingers over your skin as he does) and dress (featuring him asking whether you could forgo it for a day and stay in bed with him), and then he's there to help with finicky necklaces, clasping them at the back of your neck and leaving behind some kisses along with it. Once you're fully dressed you'll you turn in his arms and he'll appraise you with such obvious love and adoration in his eyes, no one could blame you for stealing a kiss.
Consider: hand kisses. Him raising your knuckles to his lips, maintaining eye contact all the while, when you're at massively formal events. As husband and wife the formality isn't expected as much between the two of you, but he does love the blush that overcomes your cheeks when he does it. Then of course there's the kisses to the pads of your fingers and to the inside of your wrist alongside the kisses to knuckles as one of his ways to show his appreciation and worship of you and the hands that love him so.
He loves that Caraxes and you get on so well, which shouldn't come as a surprise when Caraxes feels everything that he feels, but still. On one occasion, when he could not find you anywhere and no one could tell him where you were or when they last saw you, the dragon pit was the last place he went, though he went there with the intention of taking Caraxes out to search from the skies - some panicked, half-baked plan, but by that point he was desperate. He found the two of you curled up together, Caraxes' neck wrapped around you, doing the dragon equivalent of purring while you scratched over his face, in those places that were hard for him to reach. Daemon was too relieved to have found you that he just bundled you up in his arms. Caraxes then started nudging him because he wasn't finished receiving scratches and didn't appreciate the interuption.
He is so so soooooooooooo excited the day he comes to you with a dragon egg, intended for you. He sets it up nestled in a blanket by your side of the bed so you're likely to be close by when it hatches (because Daemon is certain that it will, despite lack of proof), and when it does hatch you then have a little baby dragon on your shoulder or on your arm at all times. They might be a little feisty when Daemon leans into you for a kiss, already protective and territorial, but they'll warm up to him once your bond begins to strengthen. Through the whole process Daemon will be a Nerd and tell you everything he knows about the process of dragon hatching and rearing, as well as tales from when he claimed Caraxes as his own. He smiles so much as he recounts all this information that you might end up just a little distracted by watching him as he talked.
Before you have your own dragon and they are big enough to ride, Daemon would ride with you on Caraxes. He would have you sit in front of him, his arms secure around your waist and you holding on tight to him, and talk to you with his lips pressed close to your ear. He may or may not be a bit of a bastard and have Caraxes dive down from the sky, though the act is forgiven when it leads to you flying so close to the water of Blackwater Bay that the claws of Caraxes' legs send up spray behind you as you weave amongst the boats coming and going. Daemon will convince you to stretch out your arms at this point (still with him having a secure grip on your waist), and he'll cherish the cry of delight you let out you do so and feel the wind beneath your arms.
Daemon brings you back gifts and trinkets from his travels across the narrow sea, which starts during your courtship and might include jewelry, luxurious fabric from which dresses could be made, and anything that might have reminded him of you, like a jewel the same shade as your eyes. On his last trip before your wedding, he brings back a beautiful species of flower and plants it at Dragonstone so that it could flourish along with your love.
Daemon will steal you away from King's Landing whenever he can to places where the two of you can have some peace from court and royal life, plus he likes having you to himself for a while. He might borrow Dragonstone (dependent on the politics), or he'll take you elsewhere where you can hide away and just spend the days in each others company... take that how you will...
He'll start referring to you as 'princess' not long into your courtship, at the point when he knows for sure that he'll marry you (if you say yes, but of course you will 😌). The first time he calls you that is the most flustered he's seen you up to that point and he takes great joy in producing such a reaction from you with one word. It then becomes 'my princess' once you're married and you thought you were used to his flustering antics by then, but he always finds new ways to surprise you.
Daemon gains a new appreciation for tourneys when it comes time to undressing and it's you doing the undressing back in your rooms because, bastard that he is, he'll start moving to undress you while you're trying to unbuckle his armour. But then he has the advantage of having less to work with and already being well versed in how your dresses are done up, so undoing them is no hassle at all. You might whine his name when you've only managed to remove his pauldrons in that time but he'll just chuckle and distract you some more by tilting your chin up so he can kiss you (and then undo the rest of your dress while you're distracted).
He loves the days you can both relax out in the gardens, basking in the warm days, Daemon leaning up against a tree trunk while your head is in his lap. He'll play with your hair, and would undo any intricate hairstyle in order to do so, and you might find yourself dozing, utterly content, when you're in such a position. If a history book exists which can be held in one hand (you know they'd be tomes more often than not), he'll read through it while he dotes on you like that. If you remain there for a while you might choose to take his hand from your hair so that you can simply hold it, though not before pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
If you're ever ill, even if you're just stuck in bed feeling under the weather, he'll attend to you himself because he wants to ensure that you have the best care possible. He'll stay with you and soothe any fever with cold cloths to your forehead, or call for more blankets to be brought in if you're cold. He'll sing softly to you as he brushes hair away from your face if that's what helps you fall asleep and he insists on you getting as much rest as possible. If there's any pressing work to be done he'll do it while you nap, but the moment he hears you stir or meekly call out his name he's back by your side in an instant.
If you slip out into the city for some adventure and exploration he'll keep your hand in his the whole time and lead you through throngs of people as you take in the city and all its activity. He'll watch your reaction to street performers and as you peruse market stalls, buying stuff that catches your eye while your back is turned to then surprise you with them later. Maybe the last place you stop by before returning home is a bakery where you'll pick up some sweet pastries which leave sugar granules on your lips and Daemon, gentleman that he is, will kiss them away for you, hand cupping your cheek as he tastes the sweetness of the pastries on your lips.
He's an excellent swordsman on any given day, however he's even more adept on the days you watch him train. He'll add little flourishes to his swings, move in a way that has greater aesthetic value than practical, and he loves to turn towards you after his opponent has conceded to catch you watching him, seemingly indifferent to his demonstration but he knows you and can see how affected you are by your eyes. He'll smirk at you and offer a little bow as if it were a tourney while his opponent readies for another round before turning back to do it all again.
On tourney days he of course always has your favour and will wear your favour with pride while he competes, whether it be your handkerchief tucked into his armour or something else. On the rare occasion that he's knocked from his horse or injured, he'll always look to you first to let you know that he's ok since he knows you'd worry until you knew (and worry afterwards, but he does what he can). You would then insist on taking care of him, redressing any wounds, rubbing salve on his bruises and those areas which hurt to move. Of course you'll kiss those injured areas better too, and can you believe how grievously injured his lips were during the competition??
Daemon is strong and he is dangerous, which makes it all the more special when he is soft and tender with you. He'll cup your face, brush calloused thumbs over your cheeks and give you gentle, barely there kisses that feel more like air on your lips and leave you pulling him back in for more. He'll play with your fingers when he's bored and press kisses to your temple out of the blue just because he was thinking of you
You see more of 'The Rogue Prince' when someone disrespects you and he would fight for your honour until his dying breath if need be. He'll draw his sword and his expression will darken as he glares at whoever was stupid enough to insult you and he WOULD take someone's head off if they grievously disrespected you. No one should be stupid enough to do so when it's clear to everyone how much he loves and cares for you, but he wouldn't hesitate were someone to try it.
If you take to swordfighting and ask Daemon to teach you, he'll be a big flirt and a tease about it. First because you're too impatient to wait for any appropriate clothing to be sewn, so you'd borrow his, leading to him to tease you about wearing his clothes. Then of course he needs to guide you through the motions of the swing, show you how it should feel and how your weight should shift at each point, meaning he's stood behind you pressed up against your back, murmuring instructions lowly in your ear. And on the first occasion that you best him, he'd look so delicious with a blade close to his throat, smirking at you and murmuring his praises to make you blush.
In the lead up to/preparations for a big Yuletide/Christmas-esque festival, Daemon might not outwardly care for or be bothered by it, but if you're excited by it all then he'll fondly smile at you as you exclaim about decorations or activities you want to do (skating if lakes freeze over? Hot drinks galore?), and he'll indulge you with whatever you want to do with him. He does have a soft spot though so come the day of the actual festival, he'll slip out of bed after the two of you have shared some kisses to retrieve the sword he had made for you, the first that is your very own. It would be made of Valyrian steel, beautifully crafted, and its sheath would be just as beautiful.
And some final treats 🥰
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javier-pena · 3 years
Astrid does Babygirl ever take boudoir photos for Javi???? 👀👀
- @javisjeanjacket
you notice pretty early in your relationship that javi likes to take pictures of you. often it's just during everyday moments, like when you're drinking your coffee in that small coffeehouse you stop on a whim or when you're watching the ocean from his yacht or when you're pulling your shirt over your head (that earns him a swat or two on the arm). at first, you're not totally comfortable with it, mostly because you don't much like to have your picture taken, and also because even though you know javi pretty well, you don't know what he's gonna do with the pictures (especially those of you in underwear).
but soon you realize he takes them to remember the moments when you were happy together, the moments you looked relaxed and content, the moments you let down your guard and were entirely yourself around him. and he revisits them often when he's away from you, not so much because he's scared of forgetting what your face looks like, but because you're his safety, and whenever he sees you smile he feels at home.
but then there's this one business trip a few months into your relationship where javi is gone for three weeks. and you can't be with him because you have your own job to think of and because he will be travelling a lot and working a lot and he won't have any time to be with you and he's worried you'll get bored. so one night, when you're bored at home (alone), you decide to try and take some spicier pictures, just to see what it feels like, and you bought a new lingerie set that day and you figure why not, and you don't take the pictures with him in mind at first, but there is something about the low lighting and the dried salt sticking to your phone's camera lense that make the pictures look dreamy and also kind of dirty, like someone was taking them without you realizing. so before you can change your mind, you pick up your phone, send him a few, and ask, all innocently, "baby, what do you think?"
and javi? he's ready to fly back home right this second. he would do it, if he wasn't at a very important business dinner. he has to excuse himself though, for a few short minutes, and hide in a brightly lit bathroom so he can look at the pictures in more detail and so he can call you and growl against the shell of your ear, the vibrations shooting through your body as if he was right there with you and not thousands of miles away. and he doesn’t even have to say it, you know exactly what the pictures are doing to him, and you swear you were just innocently asking for his opinion but now you want more of him like this, more of his voice in your ear telling you how gorgeous you look, how he can’t wait to get home and put his hands all over your body and the expensive material covering it, and how he will take a very close look at the pictures later in the privacy of his hotel room.
a few days later, when a parcel arrives for you with a small note that says, “put it on and show me”, you get the idea for the boudoir shoot. you want to do something nice for javi to surprise him for his birthday, and it’s actually quite hard to keep it from him, not because he snoops around but because you’re so excited to show him the final product. but it’s worth the wait because when he opens that small envelope and sees the note that says “for your eyes only” (a reference to you both enjoying james bond movies), he forgets all about the dinner you cooked for him and the fire safety regulations, he just leaves the burning candles on the dinner table without any supervision and carries you into the bedroom to show you how much he enjoys his present.
and of course this becomes a thing between the two of you, him buying expensive lingerie for you and you posing for him in it so he has something to remember you by when he goes away on one of his business trips.
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didn’t know if it would be a hindrance or helpful to send more than one at a time but I also want to recommend @javisjeanjacket ‘s deepwater sea god Din Djarin series. It’s din/reader and so far it’s 4 parts with some extra bits as well. This series is like. Covering yourself in love. The love the read and din feel for each other is so strong I feel it in my bones when i read this ok yall. Oh and Hailee made this Din tatted as well so *chefs kiss*
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Fic Rec Love Ask:
Deepwater Series by @javisjeanjacket (sea god Din x reader fic, in progress)
[ Send me a fic rec and help spread the love for my 1,111 followers celebration!! ]
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First of all: thank you for sending in fic recs! You're welcome to send them in when/however is easiest for you.
And ooooh! A sea god AU, huh? 👀👀 That sounds really interesting!! Def going onto my to-read list!
[Edited to Add: all recs now compiled on the Fic Rec Love List!]
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cl0udberries · 2 years
𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙡 𝘾𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙋𝙩3 [𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱:𝟲𝗮𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮]
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𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴! 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴! 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗰𝘂 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁. 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗽𝘁𝟭 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝘁𝟮 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴!
𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗶𝗴 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿:
blood loss [fluff, tiny angst] @wtfobiwan
beautiful woman [fluff] @scarthefangirl
my forever valentine [fluff] @milkiane
staying in [fluff] @takenbypeter
i'm one lucky man [fluff] @magicalxdaydream
late night baking [fluff] @keziahwrites
our thing [fluff] @softie-rain
𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁 𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿:
be here [tiny angst, fluff] | surrender [angst, fluff] @javisjeanjacket
closer [fluff, tiny angst] @pickabetterusername
shut up and kiss me [fluff] | mini murdock [fluff] @leossmoonn
always be back [fluff, tiny angst] @hufflepuffs-and-hozier
not focusing [fluff] | smiling between kisses [fluff] @matt-erialgirl
sick day [fluff] @foxe
don't [tiny angst, fluff] @whiskey-bumblebee
losing time [fluff] | uncomfortable [fluff] @mlmxreader
skin [fluff] @pariahsparadise
redemption [fluff] @modern-vellichor
fight [fluff] @darling-i-read-it
study distractions [fluff] @tiredbeebo
the right words [fluff] @sarahisslytherin
i think i love you [fluff] | moving in [fluff] @multiharlot
migraine [tiny angst, fluff] @abelcross
𝗯𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘆 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿:
my girl [fluff] @cosmicloki
smile [fluff] @i-am-a-bad-influence-writes
hiding their face in the other's neck [fluff] @dailyreverie
𝘀𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿:
illustrate [fluff @earlgreydream
you forgot something [fluff] @mad-elia
dorm room [fluff] @buckyswintersoldiermask
𝗸𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿:
drawings [fluff] @emily0013
boyfriend, pt2 [fluff] @bishopfics
𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿:
crush [fluff, tiny angst] @lula-loves-life
dear mr. right [fluff] @rednights
caterpiller on a night walk [fluff] @eunoiathewriter
comfort [fluff] @steverogersenthusiast
𝗱𝗼𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿:
morning darling [fluff] @foxfics
"i hate you" "no you don't" [fluff] @dedeimagines
𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗺!𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿:
long day [tiny angst, fluff] @bartxnhood
pretty girl [fluff] @tomsparkyr
love love [fluff] @disartrous
crush [fluff] @ptersparkers
tulips to kiss you with [fluff] @scandalous-chaos
skateboards, the force, and a lack of pants [fluff] | i hate everyone but you [fluff] @damnedparker
musings on the guitar [fluff] @s-r-writes
puppy love [fluff] @the-amazing-simp
show me love [angst, fluff] @softtdaisy
tippy toes [fluff] @blooming-violets
just waiting on you [fluff] @buckybgal
three words [fluff] @wwinterwitch
first date [tiny angst, fluff] @luveline
keyboard clicks [fluff] @theonly1outof-a-billion
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hellskitchenswhore · 2 years
This is a really specific brand of hurt/comfort. I'm using this tag to cover fics regarding all kinds of mental health issues in the reader - depression, anxiety, self harm, eating disorders, etc. Read at your own risk and treat yourself with kindness. See #abusive relationship for anything in that vein, past or present
➸ 100 Days by @amchapel - tw self harm
➸ Imagine Matt calming you down after an anxiety attack by @randomimaginesblog
➸ Flicker by @galaxysgal - Matt comforts #depressed!reader
➸ Stay by @trashmagines
➸ i'll be in good company by @mattmurdockspainkink - You aren't feeling so well so Matt stops by to help
➸ "Stay in Bed" Day by @nelson-et-murdock - Your anxiety is bad today and Matt takes care of you
➸ Chamomile by @bucky-murdock-moans - Matt helps with your anxiety. Gentle angst, kind of fluffy
➸ Scars drabble by @titan-sl8yer - Matt finds your self-harm scars
➸ safe and okay by @mattmurdockspainkink - You're spiraling and Matt comes to comfort you
➸ "I'll take care of you" by @mattmurdocksscars - a pre-smut drabble with anxious!reader
➸ Stay by @cellophaine - depression, suicidal ideation
➸ You think Matt deserves better by @pastafossa - #breakup
➸ can you manage by @mvtthewmurdvck - #anxiety attack
➸ matt comforting stressed reader by @mattmurdockspainkink
➸ Triggered by @slutobrien - you wake up to a panic attack
➸ Your Anchor by @reaperintheroses - #depression and #anxiety
➸ Guardian Devil by @peterman-spideyparker - everything finally becomes too much but Daredevil talks you down, tw suicide
➸ Good Enough by @19mrs-barnes17 - Matt stops by on a bad day
➸ with time, and with help by @familyvideowithsteve - it's pouring rain, the day has been hard, Matt's arms bring the warmth and hope you desperately need
➸ Be Here by @javisjeanjacket - Matt helps you through an anxiety attack
➸ Matt comfort request by @djarintreble - Matt takes care of you after a depression day in bed
➸ right here by @little-miss-dilf-lover - matt comforts you through a depressive episode
➸ My Own Worst Enemy by @courtforshort15 - Each mark on your skin is a testament to a sense of pain and desperation that you’re unsure how to talk about, #self harm
➸ Ache by @xxeycisxx - you feel really bad and matt holds you
➸ Useless by @farfromstrange - Mental illness can be a cruel bitch sometimes, but Matt always takes care of you
➸ Like Real People Do by @amhrosina - Matt wakes you up from a nightmare and cuddles you until you fall back asleep
➸ Cigarettes out the Window by @inkareds - When the smell of smoke starts sticking to your skin more and more, Matt takes notice, #addiction
➸ Peace of Mine by @cellophaine - its been a horribly anxious day by the time Matt gets home
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athalien · 3 years
🐟Frankie “Catfish” Morales Fic Recs Part 5🐟
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
**Well I lied last time, I’ll probably keep doing these. Sorry in advanced if ambush you with notifs 😅
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Being updated (some may be on hiatus)
Quarantine au @mellowswriting
The Night Shift @aliwritesfic
Miller Morales mechanic shop @pascalpanic
Fixer upper @givemethatgold
We all deserve a fairytale @winter-fox-queen
My side of the fence @missminkylove
Forest ranger frankie @the-ginger-hedge-witch
Feel the rhythm, feel the heat @the-purity-pen
I’m on fire @jedifarmerr
To you my heart I surrender @icanbeyourjedi
Frizzy universe @wyn-n-tonic
Fix you @astoryisaloveaffair
Near the water’s edge @paisley-print
Domestic fluffy Frankie @queenofthefaceless
Calling home @littlepadika
Afterglow @forever-rogue
Wonderful tonight @theewokingdead
Sunday morning @criticallyacclaimedstranger
Daydreams @javisjeanjacket
Begging @letterfromvienna
Completed series
The alewife @wardenparker
Lovefool @heythere-mel
Grouped fics
Basement 89
I’d give you my world
Trick r treat
Snowed in
Sunday morning
Going back home
By the fire
The one (being updated)
There can only be one (Frankie’s side)
Pleasant surprise
Nothing in the world (being updated)
Kissing in the rain
The one
Meddling friends
Self Conscious
Slow Dancing
Frankie gif story
Can’t get enough
Do it again
Red string (being updated)
** (These are not all of the fics I have read, just some that I felt subconscious to comment on [I tend to get in my head and overthink what to comment] or forgot to… the rest of my recommendations are on #celery and rosé queue)
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dameronology · 2 years
it's my 2 year tumblr-versary
honestly i only know because of my snap memories but hell, it really has been a whole two years
like many people, i started using tumblr a lot during the first lockdown - writing & reading fan fiction became a literal crutch for me during those very hard times and coming back to this blue hell-site was one of the best decisions i made. i've met some of my best friends here and joined a community of talented, insanely creative writers who continue to blow me away with their work.
i literally just started this blog as a little outlet and i never expected to get any followers and now there's almost 5000 of you and that is fucking insane to me. i'll never be able to put into words how grateful i am for the support on my work, and the appreciation i have for other writers who share their work.
i love u all so much and thank u for the best 2 years!!
tagging a few mutuals who i appreciate v much (even if i haven't spoken to some of u for a while): @karasong @wolffescadet @megmeg-chan @anakinni3 @labyrinth-runner @rentskenobi @kybercrystals @cherrykenobi @jedi-valkyrie @disastersim @dindjarindiaries @agent-catfish-kenobi @interwebseriesfan24 @javisjeanjacket @phoenixhalliwell @starryeyedstories @writefightandflightclub (and so many more)
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surprisegents · 1 year
tagged by: @a-murder-a-queer-crows - thanks crows!
currently reading: i'm in between reads but just finished the fifth elephant by terry pratchett. (the watch books <3)
favourite colour: bleh idk the green of leaves rustling in the wind in late summer, the blue of the sky on an impossibly bright day, the white of crisp sheets drifting on the clothesline in the breeze
last song: nothing stays the same - luke sital-singh
last movie: ... top gun: maverick
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet
currently working on: between procrastinating all the catch up work i have to do for my classes, i'm trying to get back into carving stamps
tagging (if you want, no pressure): @maliro-t @allthethingamabobs @impossibletruths @delunesnumberonefan @javisjeanjacket @wh-audens @disgruntledcleric @mythmotel
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crimsonheart01 · 2 years
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Saturday April 2, 2022
Alright my loves! Here’s the round up for this weeks fic recs! A reminder to everyone that my blog houses 21+ content. This post isn’t any different. I’m not adding in the specific tags or warnings for each rec here but know that they can house adult content as well. 
✨ If you are under 21, please do not interact.✨
1.  cool for the summer by @queenofthefaceless
A lovely indulgent and fluff fic for our boy Javi Gutierrez (featuring a F!Reader). I love that this movie hasn’t even been released yet but there’s still such amazing content out here for Javi already. 
I absolutely adored this oneshot. I know for sure that my bucket list has always had a “steamy makeout session with a hot bachelor at his yacht party” on it. Being able to read made me jump it up in the ranks on “to do”. 
Also the banter between the friends is perfect. The quip when our reader says “If you say boat one more time, I am going to smack you.” had me chuckling out loud. It’s a perfect anecdote. 
2. Sea Breeze by @moralesispunk
This is a comforting, slow paced story about Fisherman!Frankie and tbh, I didn’t know I needed Fisherman!Frankie in my life until I came across this. Now, I need it more and more. I need it all! 
There’s so much that I love about this series, but most of all, how refreshing and realistic it is about small coastal towns. When our reader hops into his truck at their first “meet-cute” I was like, yes! This is how they do it! Happy to help anyone in need. The fears of city living no where in this fic. 
3. i can’t let you go by @manndo
Jheeeze this one, let me tell you. Another Frankie and F!Reader. The angst and hurt in this one is palpable. You can feel - no - you can taste it! It’s heartbreaking but with an ending that leaves the right amount of hope that things will get better for our two characters here! 
4. The Last Blockbuster: Double Feature by @blueeyesatnight
Another Javi Guiterrez and F!Reader one. my favourite thing about this one is how perfectly our writer captured the seemingly, wide-eyed innocence's of Javi and his love for all things film and cinema. It’s almost pure boyhood wonder. The way he shares his love with our reader, ugh it really shot my right in my feelings. I read this several times over because of how warm and fuzzy it made me feel! 
5. Mon Cheri by @javisjeanjacket​
Being woken up by Javi G, only for him to take you on a flight to an undisclosed location and then shower you with all the fancy things in life? Where do I subscribe to this in real life? I want to be spoiled like this, right here right now! 
6. Between the Raindrops by @jazzelsaur​
I have a very specific post queued up for this one because of how important this story was for me. But, everyone needs to read this. Seriously. It’s a masterpiece. A work of art. It’s Frankie and a Reader/OC hybrid. It’s beautiful. 
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javier-pena · 3 years
Astrid hello!! I've heard tell that you want people to talk to you about Javi G and uh ... I just can't get the image of him driving the two of you somewhere and having to pull over to fuck you in the car because he's so worked up out of my headdd 😌 (feel free to delete if you don't want to/can't answer!! I totally understand!)
- @javisjeanjacket
Hi! Okay, anyway, writing this nearly was the end of me, but I hope it's what you were looking for!
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Rating: it's so explicit that I'm thinking about getting a new identity actually
Summary: the ask says it all, but car s*x
Warnings: fingering | multiple orgasms | spanking | a bit of butt stuff | public sex | masturbation (male) | cum eating
Notes: "i am simply ready to lose my mind. you warned me about this but was i prepared? no." - Dani @javierpcna
The leather of the backseat scrapes uncomfortably against your knees, you feel your skin stick to the warm surface. Sweat is forming on your brow, your arms, your legs. Everything is hot and sticky and heavy. Your pants fog up the window in front of you, and the landscape behind it appears murky, despite the late afternoon sun, despite the light dancing over the glistening waves below. If you raise your head slightly, you can even see the next bend in the road.
But you don’t lift your head – you can’t. You press your forehead against the glass, your nails scraping against the rough, leathery surface of the door, while you’re being pushed forward over and over again by precise, well-timed thrusts, by three fingers focused on one spot, three fingers that are your entire world.
I just wanna show you the view.
Javi wasn’t lying when he said that, when he pulled the car over. You are looking at the view, but you aren’t seeing it, not really, not in a way you were meant to be seeing it. Because the minute he stopped the car, his hands were all over you, under your skirt, on your chest – squeezing, holding, teasing. You couldn’t blame him because you had been feeling much the same, had felt an ever-growing itch during his week-long absence, one phone calls and expensive toys hadn’t been able to scratch. And when he had suggested taking you out to dinner after getting back from the airport, you’d been slightly disappointed. Yes, you enjoy the build-up, the tension, the teasing, but tonight you need it hard and fast and dirty.
You hadn’t made it to the restaurant.
Javi was impatient in the car, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, his foot like lead on the gas pedal. The second your hand found his thigh, the muscles tense like steel, he pulled over.
I just wanna show you the view.
The words were slightly slurred, and the next thing you heard was a ripping sound when he tore your panties, tore them right off you, like impatiently unwrapping a gift. He found you hot and wet and wanting, he all but lifted you onto the backseat and here you are now, your skirt pushed up, your backside exposed, your slick dripping down your thighs.
“Baby,” you moan after a particularly rough thrust. You bite your lip when he does it again. “Fuck!” It’s breathless, it’s quiet, it barely scratches the surface of how good he makes you feel.
His other hand lands on the soft flesh of your backside with a crack and you gasp, your forehead knocking against the glass. Your legs tremble as you push yourself back towards him.
“Again,” you groan. “Do it again.”
He does, and the pain turns into searing hot pleasure so intense that when he thrusts his fingers into you next, you come all over them, coating them with your slick, with wet, hot release, trembling, spilling, screaming his name. Through the haze you hear a new sound, you hear how he pulls down his zipper, you even hear his hand pushing aside the fabric of his expensive dress pants, the dark green ones, the ones you love the most, followed by a sigh of relief.
You clench around his fingers at the prospect of his next move, anticipating how he will fill you up, first with his cock, then with his release, and it feels as if you didn’t just come, and maybe you haven’t because when he starts moving his fingers again, you tumble towards another edge at alarming speed.
“Need you--,” you groan through gritted teeth, “--inside, please, God, please, please, Javi, I’ve missed you so much, I’ve missed your …,” you swallow hard, “your cock, please …”
He huffs, and suddenly he’s hovering above you, his fingers on your chin, pulling so your head disconnects from the cooling support of the glass. His palm hovers in front of your face, and without hesitation you lick it, tasting leather and sweat and him. He allows you to suck two fingers into your mouth, to feel their heavy weight on your tongue before he pushes them slightly deeper, making you gag, making you feel full on both ends, before pulling them out. His hand disappears and the wet sounds that follow, mixed with his low grunts are like a heady soundtrack to your own pleasure.
You listen, and imagine his face, his hooded eyes, his reddened cheeks, his curls sticking up in odd places, and suddenly you find yourself yearning for how he looks when he’s fucked out and glowing and sated. You cannot wait to give that to him, so you try to pull yourself off his fingers to turn around, but he stops you with a harsh command.
You follow his orders and listen to him fucking into his own fist, thinking about how it could be your cunt instead, and he knows you’re thinking it, too, that’s why he teases you like that, that’s why he makes you listen to his pleasure, why he keeps you on the tip of his fingers where he can feel you clench in time with his hand moving over himself.
“Did you think of me?” you ask with the last bit of strength you have left.
A grunt is all you receive as confirmation. But he does pull out his fingers and you tense because you know what’s about to happen.
His hand is so wet, covered in your slick like this that when he grabs a handful of your ass and squeezes, he leaves cooling imprints against your hot skin. He slaps you again, does it two times more – grab, slap, grab, slap. You whimper, a pitiful little sound that makes him snarl.
“Harder,” you demand.
This time, your wish remains unheard. Instead, he buries his index finger between your wet folds, then moves it up, leaving a wet trail in its wake, until he reaches a destination you both have only talked about visiting without making the actual trip. But when his wet digit probes it carefully, you want it, want him so much it makes you light-headed, makes you feel fuzzy and high.
His deep voice cuts through the blanket of lust surrounding you. “You’re so tight”, the tip of his finger slips past the firm ring of muscle, “… tight little hole for me to fill.”
He holds you hooked on his finger, like a fish caught, while he continues to stroke himself frantically. You hold your breath, listening to the obscene sounds his hand is making, listening to his pants and moans, and you wish you knew where his eyes are, but you think you can guess. Then something shifts, he shifts, and he’s closer now, also deeper inside of you, while his thumb is buried between your folds again, and your entire body clenches with need.
His thumb finds your clit and it’s over, you come with a scream that echoes around the stuffy car – it might be his name, it might be a curse – but you pull his index finger deeper inside of you as your orgasm rips through you, and he gasps in surprise, deep and desperate. He tries to wait until you’re done, but you won’t stop shaking, your cunt won’t stop fluttering like a butterfly caught in a storm, so he pulls his finger out of you while you’re still coming, making you mewl at the loss.
You feel it, hot and heavy and hard, as he drags his cock through your drenched folds, up until it brushes against where you want him inside of you, but his hot release is already coating your back, your thighs, your over-sensitive center.
You both need to come back down to reality and you need to do it now before someone finds you like this. “We’re gonna be late.”
“Late for what?”
God, his voice! Hearing it after he’s just come makes your legs feel like jelly.
You swallow. “Dinner.”
“Oh, did I forget to specify what kind of dinner?” he teases.
Both of his hands hold you in place as he leans down over your back and drags his tongue over your skin covered in sweat and his own release. When your high giggle turns into a deep moan, he whispers against you.
“I have all I need right here.”
Javi G tag: @badbatches | @darksber | @doin-stuff | @filthybookworm | @for-my-satisfaction | @frannyzooey | @javigutierrez | @karkii | @maziken | @pann-malii | @pedrostories | @raspberrymama | @silksaddle | @skeletonstwins
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grogusmum · 3 years
grogusmum’s favorites!
Milestone Celebration Rec List
because I decided to write a little on my thoughts about each fic, its taking longer than anticipated to get this completed (I am trying to deep dive into what I’ve been enjoying since climbing into the world of fan fiction, four months ago, not just the fics I’m thinking about right now). So, I’m going to keep adding to it. I’ve started with my favorite Space Cowboy, Din...
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SERIES: All of these are on going
Losing My Religion by @oonajaeadira This series is, hands down, my favorite. For all the subjective reasons a person may connect with a story. I love Adira's take on the inner life of Din, and Little Bird feels like "me" in ways many "readers" don't (again that is one of the subjectives that no one can plan, it just happens or not) The things that hit with me personally aside,  the writing is gorgeous and expressive. The unfolding of the story is unhurried and exciting and the world building exquisite. It’s full of sincere love of the source material with deep dives into lore. It also is full of fluffy goodness and when it gets to sexy times, the writing is breathtakingly poetic, based in emotion. (great cameos from beloved characters too!)
Vencuyanir by @oloreaa
This is another story that takes its time, focusing on Elana (OC caretaker).  Following faithfully the episodes but inserting the Elena's story quite seamlessly, doing a great job at adding more dimension to characters we know, while keeping them in character. (Including Omera! who is wonderfully written and in her glory!) Excellent world building as well. 
The Stowaway by @sprout-fics
I am a fan of the slow burns I guess, another story that builds patiently, with 3 arcs. Beautifully written, excellent action sequences and fantastic world building like the other two.  Particular highlight, the Rishii children kidnapping arc! Activate Protective Din! 
The Caretaker Series by @firstofficerwiggles Wonderfully descriptive and great dynamics, tons of fluff, angst and yearning, and the Chapters on Angel One, is a highlight! Less of a slow burn, through probably only by comparison and it becomes explicit  at chapter 6, then the sexy times just keep coming... um... yeah, you know what I mean. 
Everything & More by @dincrypt​ Okay, so out of the gate, Sugar Daddy/Baby is not my thing. I’m personally uncomfortable with it. BUT here in the capable hands of Lynx, this fic goes at it in a way that is wonderful without being unrealistic. Acknowledging how the dynamic can be problematic and uncomfortable and then showing how it doesn't have to be. The writing is excellent. Shocker it’s slow burn despite of the stated dynamic, they are a couple of idiots who are truly growing all sorts of feelings and haven’t done a thing about it yet!
Deepwater by @javisjeanjacket
Sweet and heartbreaking story of Seagod!Din and the land dweller he falls for. This is a evocative portrait of loneliness. Hailee's prose has poetry.
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over300books · 3 years
Interview tag game!!
Thank you for the tag, @alifletcher2012 !!! I really loved doing this one 🥰 (I made a new post bc that was already very long)
Nickname: Estelinha (aka little Estela in portuguese) or Nephila (in my college, people are baptized with a new nickname when they enter, mine is the latin gender of a huge spider who lives all around the campus and I got it because I'm terrified of spiders lmao)
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: gemini
Height: 1.59 m (i won't convert to feet bc I'm lazy)
Time currently: 8:05 am
Birthday: june 20th
Favorite groups/bands: Paramore, Queen, X Ambassadors, Anavitória, Panic! at the Disco, Barbatuques, Pentatonix...
Favorite solo artist: i have no idea dhshsjsk probably Pabllo Vittar or Bruno Mars at the moment
Song stuck in my head: Amarelo, Azul e Branco by Anavitória
Last movie you watched: Zack Snyder's Justice League
Last show you binged: Brooklyn 99, again 😅
When you created your blog: i don't remember, but i think it was in 2011/2012
Last thing i googled: where to buy a Kirby glass, but sadly it's only available in Japan :(
Other blogs: nope
Why I chose my url: I've always loved reading and back then I was at the exact age to love showing off to my friends, so I made a list of all the books I had read so far and it was more than 300, and i created a tumblr to see fanarts of books, so that's that
Do you get asks: a few, but always treasured 🥰
How many people you are following: no idea hdhsjsksk probably over 1k accumulated over the years
How many followers: a little over 400, i think? But i do believe most are porn bots smh
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 when I'm lucky, anxiety and insomnia are bitches
Lucky number: 4 or 11, both were my numbers on my volleyball team
Instruments: does my voice count? Other than that, I know how to play one (1) song on the guitar and one (1) on the piano, but I would love to learn to play drums, bass or the cello
Currently wearing: Felix the Cat summer pjs
Dream job: dhdkslskd i wish i knew, probably book editor or scientist 🤷
Dream trip: literally anywhere since I've barely left my house in more than a year, but I'd love to know Germany atm
Favorite food: stroganoff 😋 or brigadeiro
Favorite song: changes too often for me to keep track lmao probably today's is Leave the Door Open or Gas Pedal
Top 3 fictional worlds to live in: ??????? I literally have no clue, i find life in this one hard enough already without any magical creatures or monsters other than men hdjsjakal
Tagging (no pressure!!!): @oloreaa @thewayshedreamed @javisjeanjacket @dincrypt @mndalorians @bestintheparsec @pedropascaldice @keeper0fthestars @corvueros @dinthisisthe-wayson @flightlessangelwings plus anyone else who wants to (I'd love to know all of my frens better, and i have the memory of a goldfish, so that's it)
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mitchi-c · 2 years
Playlist Meme
Rules: put your “on repeat” playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play. Tag a few people while you’re at it
Tagged by: @saucerful-strange ❤️
1. Celebrity Skin - Doja Cat
2. A Thousand Bad Times - Post Malone
3. Vicious - Tate McRae
4. Besitos - Selena y los Dinos
5. I’m Tired - Labrinth, Zendaya
6. Middle of the Night - Elley Duhé
7. My Therapist Told Me - Xana
8. That’s What I Want - Lil Nas X
9. Go to Hell - Clinton Kane
10. Enemy - Imagine Dragons
No pressure tags: @mndalorians @javisjeanjacket @oloreaa @xxlumos @queenbbarnes @queenofthefaceless @moonlight-prose
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