#jaskier aiden friendship
shy-urban-hobbit · 9 months
"Lambert, you'd tell me if I'd done something to offend Aiden wouldn't you?"
"Tell you, yell at you, throw you in the nearest snow bank. All good options. Ask him yourself though."
"I did." Jaskier replied, throwing himself down on the low stone wall Lambert was in the process of trying to repair. "He says not, but I'm worried he's just saying that to try and keep the peace."
"Trust me Bard. Aiden may be a little more tactful than some of us here with what comes out of his mouth, but he definitely lets you know if you've pissed him off."
"Then why does he keep looking at me oddly?"
Lambert downed tools and turned to look at Jaskier, giving up on getting any work done for the time being, "Odd how?"
"Whenever I go to talk to him or start playing, he looks at me like..." Jaskier squinted, the expression making him look slightly haughty and Lambert had a feeling he suddenly understood the confusion.
"I don't want to possibly make it worse by bringing it up with him. I mean, how many times has the phrase you're looking at me funny not ended in a fight? I'm trying not to take it personally, but literally the only time people look at me like that is when I've pissed them off or I've got something on my face."
"You do. But that's not what that look's for." Lambert smirked at the squawk Jaskier let out as he started wiping at his face with his sleeve.
"Relax, Jaskier." Lambert said mussing the others hair roughly, "Means the exact opposite with Cats. Means he likes you. Probably doesn't even realise he's doing it."
"Yeah, confused the hell out of me too. The amount of times I thought he was looking to start shit in the beginning. Next time, do it right back."
"Just, trust me alright. Now, piss off so I can finish this."
Lambert entered the hall just as the others were settling down to eat. He was sore all over but at least he could now tell Vesemir that particular section of wall was done (and to fuck off if he was expecting him to start another tomorrow. Let Eskel do some of the heavy lifting).
He took his usual place opposite Aiden, Jaskier on the Cats right and chattering about something Lambert probably had no interest in but seemed to have grabbed Aiden's attention. The Bard met Lambert's eyes briefly before squinting his own as Aiden contributed something to the conversation. The result was instant. Aiden immediately shuffled closer to Jaskier so they were pressed shoulder to shoulder. Grabbing a couple of bread rolls and placing them on the table between them.
Lambert turned his attention to his stew unconcerned, not begrudging his partner a new friend. He knew Aiden's affections for him weren't in danger of wandering and neither were Jaskier's for Geralt.
He raised his spoon in salute when Jaskier mouthed "Thanks" at him. Ignoring Geralt's own perplexed expression from next to him. He was waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell his brother that, for all his opinions on Aiden's school, he'd unknowingly been doing 'love blinks' at him ever since the Cat's first year staying with them.
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headcanonthings · 1 year
Jaskier: He is not the love of your life.
Aiden: He is literally just a guy!
Jaskier & Aiden: Hit him with your car!
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artistsfuneral · 11 months
The Road to Kaer Morhen - p.8
this turned out longer than expected so most of it, the fanart and the vote are under the read more so people don't have to scroll past this for 5min
It was good that Cat Witchers were already considered a bunch of madmen, otherwise Aiden would've started to worry for his sanity as he watched Jaskier's blue eyes light up with joy. “Good, because I have already named them!” Of course he had.
Following the bard on wobbly legs to where the four horses grazed, Aiden almost forgot about all that had happened a couple of hours prior. Then he accidentally kicked his foot against a stray helmet and the clattering sound of metal reminded him of the fresh cuts across his chest and the awful ache in both his shoulders and he couldn't help but to stare at the back of the bard's head, wondering what exactly a protector was.
But then Jaskier turned and smiled at Aiden with such incredible warmth that his heart fluttered inside his chest and he found himself mimicking the smile without the all too familiar voice inside his head telling him, warning him not to and he suddenly understood that despite it all, despite the horrors of having seen what Jaskier could do if angered, despite not knowing and therefore not understanding how or what or why Jaskier was who he was- Aiden wasn't afraid of him. Aiden trusted him. Aiden, who – much like any other witcher – from the very first day of his training had been taught, no, had been drilled to never trust anyone on the path that wasn't one of his own brothers. He knew of the world's cruelty, had learned first hand not to seek comfort and friendship where he wouldn't find it, but Jaskier- Jaskier was different. How long had they been traveling together? A month? A month was a time hardly worth mentioning, passing in the blink of an eye for someone who would possibly live up to three, maybe four hundred years or longer. Sure, Aiden was on the younger side of the Cat school, only having followed the Call of the Path for around sixty or seventy years, but even compared to that a month was nothing. And yet-
“Are you alright, sunshine? Are you in pain? Should you have rested more before getting up? We can take it slow, you know, no pressure.”
Aiden chuckled, “I'm fine, Jask, no need to worry. Simply got lost in my thoughts for a moment.” Not so easily persuaded, the bard gave him a look that was eerily similar to Lambert's 'don't bullshit me' face. Thankfully Aiden knew how to deal with that. “You said you already have names for the horses?” Success. Jaskier's face lit up again and he took hold of Aiden's hand to gently pull the witcher along. “I have! Or at least for three of them, I'm not quite sure what to name the fourth one, but I still want to introduce you to them!”
The horses waited at the sidelines of the camp, heads rising curiously as the two men made their way over to them. Untacked except for their bridles they stood closely together, showing that they had been traveled together long enough to form a bond between them. Jaskier had been right, they were friends, given the way they bumped their heads together. Aiden hadn't owned a horse in some time now, so the prospects of riding again had him smiling, even if he still believed four horses to be excessive. Though, all complains he had went right out the window when they reached the small herd and almost immediately a soft nose bumped against his head, warm breath tickling against his skin. Jaskier laughed warmly and gently nudged the big horse head away from Aiden's face, so the witcher could properly look at it. “That's Sprout,” the bard dutifully introduced Aiden to the tricolored pinto. “I'd say he's the youngest, certainly acts like it, but from what I've seen today the others keep him in check quite well.” Aiden hummed, taking in the gelding's lively eyes. He was the smallest of the four, his mane and tail cut short like it was custom for military mounts. He was pretty, almost too pretty to be ridden by a soldier, not that that was the case anymore, but it still seemed a bit odd.
Next to them one of the two bay horses snorted at him, making Aiden turn towards it. Jaskier rolled his eyes fondly and petted her neck. “This feisty lady is Roachie.”
“You're kidding, right?” One truly had to be a fool these days to not know the name of the White Wolf's horse. Jaskier had written several songs about Roach after all. “Certainly not,” Jaskier grinned. “They share the same color, the same temperament and I think it is time I get a Roach of my own. Can't be the Witchers' Bard without a Roach now, can I?” Aiden hid his face in his hand and giggled like a child. It was so stupid, such a petty thing, but at the same time the most brilliant name Jaskier could've come up with. “Alright then,” he grinned at the bard, “Roachie and Sprout. Who's next?”
“Chicory!” Jaskier said and wiggled his finger in front of a sheer mountain of a horse. A kaedweni draft, if Aiden was correct. It had that distinct gray color that ranged somewhere between a dapple gray and a grulla silver. The soldiers must've obtained it somewhere along the border from a farm and used it as a carrier or cart horse afterwards. The name Jaskier had picked fitted the horse perfectly. “She's a mare too, definitely on the calmer side I'd say, but given her size she'll be able to handle the boys just fine.” Introducing himself to Chicory by softly petting her rosy nose Aiden was reminded of the horse he had learned to ride on. “Our caravans are pulled by draft horses, they're good animals, sturdy too. I always liked them better than other breeds,” Aiden admitted. Jaskier bumped their shoulders together in silent reassurance. The witcher hadn't told him yet what exactly was going on with the Cats, but from what he understood so far the school of the Cat was going through some disagreements concerning the leadership, fractioning it into two or three sides and a handful of witchers that preferred not to intervene and therefore split off with the rest of the Cats for now. Aiden was one of them.
Turning towards the fourth and last horse, the second bay that was almost identical to Roachie except for the missing blaze, Jaskier sighed. “And this is the little fella I couldn't seem to find a name for. He's a bit more careful than the others, needed some convincing before I could give him a treat, but nothing I came up with really fit him.” Aiden hummed in agreement, seeing the shyness Jaskier had spoken of, but also the strong legs and firm muscles underneath the gelding's timid character. Unlike the other three it was almost obvious that he was a military mount. The poor thing was, in a way, so horribly normal that he'd be entirely invisible surrounded by other horses and that thought made Aiden gasp. “He's Horse!” Jaskier slowly turned his head towards the other man and blinked in confusion. “Uh- yes? He's a horse, well done, Aiden.”
“No, listen, Jask. He's Horse, like Geralt's horse is Roach and Lambert's horse is Horse.”
“Lambert's horse-horse? Huh?”
Aiden slapped his hand against his forehead. “No, Lambert named his horse Horse,” he explained, over-pronouncing the name. Now it was the bard's turn to gasp for air. “That poor Horse!” The two men blinked at each other once, twice before bursting into a loud fit of giggles.
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After taking their time to get to know their new horses, Jaskier and Aiden tacked them up, going for the simple brown reigns and saddles and avoiding anything that looked too much like the redanian horse armor. They hopefully wouldn't encounter anyone else on their way to Kaer Morhen, but better safe than sorry. For now, Jaskier and Aiden would ride on Roachie and Sprout, securing their packs on Horse and Chicory. The plan was to swap the animals' tasks every few days, the rotation hopefully keeping their spirits up and prevent any sores or strains.
Jaskier's little looting session was thankfully providing them with everything they needed to take care of the horses for weeks, if not two months. Not that they planned on taking so long to search for the Wolves' keep, but you never knew. Aside from that Jaskier had scraped together whatever bits and pieces of armor Aiden could use in the future, some additional food and water skins and miscellaneous items like a bigger cooking pot and a nice set of knifes that would do them good. They stored everything in the horses' saddle bags, keeping just a handful of their belongings in their own packs. Jaskier of course, kept his lute close to him, just like Aiden refused to remove the swords from his back.
For a while the two rode through the underbrush of the forest, leading the horses in a circle to hide any possible tracks, then followed a well used deer trail further east until it came to a natural stop next to a small, rocky stream. Allowing the horses to drink, Jaskier turned in his saddle to find Aiden's eye. “How are you holding up, sunshine?”
Aiden, who's shoulder's had been aching for quite some time now, sighed loudly. “I'll live. Think, I will drink another Swallow and fight through it. We lost a couple of hours because of me, so we should keep riding until night falls.”
“I will ignore the fact that you said it like it was your fault Vizimir's toadies caught up with us and remind you that the sun will not set for at least four or five hours.” Jaskier replied, while Aiden fetched the reddish potion out of his sea sack and proceeded to drown it in one go. The bad rolled his eyes, “I mean it's not like our arrival at Kaer Morhen is expected on a agreed upon day, since we – you know – aren't expected at all. If Vesemir is at the keep at all. As stingy as Geralt is with details, I at least know that his father still hears the Call from time to time. So really, we don't need to hurry.”
Aiden gave him a deadpan look. “Have you forgotten why we're trying to find Kaer Morhen in the first place? We aren't looking for a summer house, Jaskier, we are refugees hoping the grandmaster of the Wolves will hide us from the rest of the continent. If not for you being- well, you, I'd still be chained to that tree right now. So can we just ride on and get enough distance between us and everything that's trying to fucking murder us? Please?”
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I gave up when it came to drawing the saddles, that shit just didn't want to be drawn, so use your imagination to make their tack more realistic pls 🤫
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2023 Writing Round-up
I wrote 33 fics this year.
Dancing Around His Feelings (Witcher, M, 1.5k)
Jaskier visits the Countess da Stael to help him get over his heartbreak. Implied Geraskier. Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
One Special Night (Witcher, E, 1.5k)
Jaskier gives Elihal earrings for a night on the town. It leads to a special night of sex. Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
A New Life (Midnight Mass, T, 1.5k)
Priley. John plans to ask Riley to run away with him, but it turns out he was too late to ask.
A Kiss Like No Other (Loki, T, 666)
Lokius. Alt S1E6 ending. Loki and Mobius meet again and share a passionate kiss.
The Real Treasure (Witcher, M, 3.7k)
Geraskier. Modern AU. Family fluff mainly. Jaskier sends Geralt on a treasure hunt, but it’s really a ruse to spend time with his family. Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
A Nice Afternoon (Witcher, E, 1.9k)
Geraskier. Modern AU. Smut. Jaskier and Geralt enjoy an afternoon performing a certain sex act. 69th Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
Sure, Big Boy (Stranger Things, T, 100)
Steddie. Steve is caught staring at Eddie.
Impatience (Stranger Things, M, 100)
Steddie. Eddie has Steve all tied up and waiting.
One On The Way (Loki, T, 3.8k)
Lokius. Canon divergence. Loki discovers he’s pregnant and doesn’t know how to tell Mobius. Gift fic.
Jaskier Sandwich (Witcher, E, 2.5k)
Geraskier/Lambden. Smut. Jaskier enjoys an afternoon sandwiched between Lambert and Aidan while Geralt watches. Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
The Temptation of Christ (Midnight Mass, E, 3.3k)
Priley. Smut. John celebrates Easter by stringing Riley up on a cross. For the Church of Priley Discord server's Easter event.
While The World Falls Apart (Loki, T, 1.3k)
Lokius. Pre S2. As Kang’s forces surround them with no hope of escape, Loki decides to kiss Mobius for the first time. Kiss prompt.
Lessons In Self Discovery (Witcher, M, 1.6k)
Geraskier/Lambden. Spanking. Geralt watches Aiden spank Jaskier and Lambert, and learns something about his own desires in the process. Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
The Tears Of A Trickster (Loki, M, 855)
Lokius. Pre S2. Mobius tries to hide his arousal at Loki crying in front of him, but the trickster knows all too well how to use it to his advantage. Flash Fic Friday Challenge.
His Summer (Witcher, G, 888)
Geraskier. Fluff. Geralt realises he doesn’t want the summer to end because it means time alone from Jaskier. Flash Fic Friday challenge.
Afterwards (Loki, T, 978)
Lokius. Angst. Loki spirals after getting together with Mobius. They run, but Mobius follows them and provides much-needed comfort. Flash Fic Friday Challenge.
Fighting To Get To You (Witcher, T, 2.6k)
Geraskefer. Geralt and Yennefer fight tooth and nail to rescue a kidnapped Jaskier. Witcher Flash Fic Challenge.
All In A Day’s Work (Loki, M, 904)
Lokius. Smutty humour. HR manager Mobius is fed up with Loki being sent to see him every day for inappropriate comments, so he comes up with a creative solution. Flash Fic Friday Challenge.
The Start Of Something New (TLOU, M, 2.2k)
Bill x Frank. Smut. A deeper look at Bill and Frank’s first time together. Gift fic.
Watch It Burn (Loki, T, 3.4k)
Lokius. Hurt/comfort. Mobius doesn’t expect Loki to return after leaving him and Sylvie in the Void, but he does. Gift fic.
Keeping Hope Alive (Loki, T, 3.5k)
Mobius and Ravonna. Mobius is stuck on a mission going wrong when he bumps into Ravonna. They face the ruins of their friendship as well as the enemy. Gift fic.
Much Ado About Lokius (Loki, G, 1.9k)
Lokius. Humour. Loki and Mobius go on a mission involving a Shakespeare play, Loki in a dress and facing their inherent feelings for one another. Originally written for the Mischievous Scamp zine.
Silky Heat (OFMD, E, 3.1k)
Stizzy. Omegaverse. Stede discovers Izzy’s secret and helps him through his heat (consensually). For Knot In My Name event.
A Barking Dog Seldom Bites (OFMD, E, 19.5k)
Stizzy/Steddyhands. Smut. Izzy finally loses the rag about Stede always touching him and it results in explosive sex. For the OFMD Reverse Big Bang.
Drown Out All The Sound (Witcher, E, 2.7k)
Radskier. Smut/angst. Radovid has a special night planned for him and his lover, but heartache ensues in the end.
In Any Shape Or Form (Loki, E, 3k)
Lokius. Smut. Loki shifts form and now has a vagina. Mobius learns what to do with it. Gift fic.
What My Heart Just Yearns To Say (Witcher, G, 2k)
Geraskier. Geralt cares for Jaskier but can’t tell him how he feels until Jaskier forces the conversation. Kiss prompt.
The Words I Could Not Say (Loki, T, 3.3k)
Lokius. MCD. Alt S2E1 ending. Loki fails to make it back to Mobius. (First chapter is sad, follow-up chapter in the works).
Let Time Pass (Loki, T, 1.6k)
Lokius. Post S2. Mobius tries to settle down after Loki frees the timeline from the loom. Years pass until one day, Loki appears.
Dream of Me (Loki, E, 2.8k)
Lokius. Post S2. Smut. Mobius thinks he’s dreaming of sleeping with Loki. Turns out he really is and he leaves behind a little something.
The Things You Do For Love (Loki, E, 2.8k)
Lokius. Smut. Set S1E4. Loki turns to desperate measures when they think Mobius no longer needs them.
Need Your Discipline (Stranger Things, M, 15k)
Steddie. Spanking AU. Steve looks for discipline and finds it in the form of Eddie, but he also finds care and belonging. Prompt fill for Fandom Trumps Hate 2023.
Christmas Angel (Loki, G)
Lokius. Christmas family fluff, post S2. Loki is expecting his sixth child while also keeping the timelines alive and safe. Gift fic for All About Lokius discord server friend.
In My Arms (Stranger Things, T)
Steddie. College AU, enemies to lovers. Steve has nightmares and Eddie cuddles him to soothe them away. Prompt fill for Fandom Trumps Hate 2023.
Now I know why I wrote the most words in April because I was writing other fics at the same time as two big bang fics. Yikes.
Thanks for the tag @cha-melodius 💕
Tagging @underthebluerain @dancingwiththefae @rins-love-wins @mimisempai @pherryt @gleamingsilence @artaxlivs @definitely-not-iorveth @ialwayscomewhenyoucall @rauchendesgnu @flawney @buckybeardreams if you wanna do it.
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bluedillylee · 1 year
🔥 7, 8 and 12! >:3
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Aiden. This is sort of funny because there isn't any canon of Aiden in the TV show or the books, he's just in the video game to my knowledge. My dislike is absolutely petty and not actually anything about the character. I just kept seeing Aiden/Lambert pop up in ao3 and I got annoyed that there weren't more Coen/Lambert fics. Justice for Coen!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
that Jaskier had any opinions on the heroic qualities of witchers before meeting Geralt. My opinion is that Jaskier first approached Geralt because he looked interesting (and hot) and that he had prejudices and biases just the same as anyone else. I think a lot of Jaskier's morality is based around if he likes someone or not. He likes Geralt and began to see him as a friend and so he sings songs that praise him.
what's interesting about Jaskier is that essentially he is a selfish and hedonistic person who does things because he wants to but he's also capable of being deeply loyal. His friendship with Geralt adds this layer of complexity to his character that's very interesting to me.
I think it was all the time he spent with Geralt on the path, seeing people from such a varied walk of life that gave him the compassion to get involved as the Sandpiper and try to help.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
FRINGILLA!!!! everyone should be talking about her and I should be making more fanart of her!
She's fascinating. Her life is one tragedy and betrayal after another. She so obviously wants someone to be as loyal to her as she is towards first Aretuza and then Nilfgaard. And yet no one chooses her. Tissaia doesn't stand up for her when Yennefer charms the Vengerburg King. She's locked up in Nilfgaard and abused because she did the job she was given. Francesca turns her back on her after her baby is born, Emhyr turns on her and her Uncle insults and belittles her when she turns to him for aid. Her one friend is Cahir, the greasiest and smelliest looking little rat man!
I love how Mimi gives us these moments of vulnerability with her eyes. The ways she portrays Fingilla is perfect. I am desperately hoping we get a lot more Fringilla scenes in S3. I didn't get a glimpse of her in the trailer but there was a photo released and she looks so good!!!!
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inexplicifics · 2 years
inex, i’m absolutely HOLLERING at the budding friendship between Jaskier and Aiden 😭 of course our poor bard accidentally finds himself one of the sweetest witchers out there. I think the brother act is absolutely charming, and I’m glad aiden gets a bit of a reprieve from the unwelcome energy that usually comes with going into town. I’m excited to see where this fic goes!!!
I hope you liked the rest of it! Thank you so much!
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touchmycoat · 2 years
the Witcher fic recs (Nov 2022)
look I've seen at most 4 and a half episodes of the Netflix series, read two chapters of the first book, and seen three stills from the games. This is very much a fandom-first engagement for me. That being said I was talking to roommate about how much we love and miss fic rec lists, hence.
The Road Not Taken by sospes
Summary: Jaskier comes across an injured witcher in a backwoods town, months after the events of the dragon hunt. It all just sort of escalates from there.
Read this all in one breath; Eskel & Jaskier friendship, Lambert/Jaskier one-night-stand, Geralt's emotional constipation refuses to be relieved until close to the end. Love the Jaskier characterization where he's hurt but practical but vulnerable but capable. So well done, and I would rec the author's other fics too: the tattoo fic, the Jaskier gangbang series, this noncon fic, the wolf!Jaskier fic, etc.
lessons in mouse-catching by foghornjazz
Summary: They say cats have nine lives, but truthfully Jaskier has long lost count of his. Jaskier has always been very good at playing pretend. It gets harder after Geralt’s harsh words on the mountain. It gets harder still when he has to save a rogue Wolf and his Child Surprise from Nilfgaard’s gathering forces.
Dear god, immortal!cat witcher!Jaskier with all the delicious torture whump that this set-up necessitates. Very much a plot fic, super fucking well-written and haunting and kept me on my toes 'til the end—the reveal with the lake really took me out at the knees and had me weeping. Aiden!! Thematic!! Character arcs!! Cannot rec this series enough. Author also has a wonderful EMT!Geralt disaster!Jaskier fic and a delightful football!AU.
Too Much by kalamatri
Summary: Jaskier has always known he loves in a way that is too much. He gives too much of himself, and wants too much in return. Post mountain break-up, Jaskier starts to doubt his value, attempts to drink Novigrad dry and makes the biggest mistake of his life: getting back with his abusive shit of an ex, Valdo Marx.
Buddy, oh fucking boy. You wanna talk about the abusive relationships tag. You wanna talk about a well-paced and devastating descent into emotional, physical, financial, and sexual abuse and then the well-paced and devastating ascent back out. You wanna talk about a fic that blew my fucking mind. I love Lambert in this and how specific his dynamic is with Jaskier. Jaskier gets absolutely fucked up but makes his way back to life, he fucking survives. This fic is so goddamn good.
Emissary by Janekfan
Summary: The way north is being cleared for Geralt and Ciri. Geralt has to reconcile with some new truths about Jaskier.
viper witcher!Jaskier, in which even Geralt buys into age-old prejudice at first. The physical manifestation of the emotional angst is blistering, and I love that getting to Kaer Morhen wasn't the fix-all.
Soap, and the Scents of Home by round_robin
Summary: “Come to Kaer Morhen with me,” Geralt mumbled against Jaskier's neck. “Next winter, come with me.” He sat up, hoping Jaskier might see the earnest request in his eyes.
PORN REC. This whole series is just, chef's kiss. Fics where Jaskier develops relations with every witcher is my bread and butter, especially where touch-starved witchers are involved. Special shout out to the way this fic made me so hot under the collar with Geralt just openly banging Jaskier in the hot springs under the guise of "there's no privacy anyway," pretty much daring Eskel and Lambert to take some for themselves, hello.
Kill Me Softly by safiraneo
Summary: Jaskier isn't exactly happy to dig himself out of his own grave. In fact, he'd very much like to go back in it. Unfortunately, Destiny has other plans.
Dark humor with dead!Jaskier. Eskel takes him back to Kaer Morhen to figure out how to kill him permanently. I grinned and groaned at Geralt the entire way through.
for the rest of my lifelong days by twitcher
Summary: "Goddess," Jaskier says quietly, almost privately, except that his lips hover temptingly close to Eskel's. "You do look just like him, if it wasn't for—" "The disfigured maw?" Eskel adds helpfully, out of habit if nothing else. Jaskier puts a gentle hand on his cheek—the scarred one, gods save his soul—and Eskel leans into the touch involuntarily, like a dog starved for affection. "I was going to say the hair," Jaskier finishes with a hint of kind amusement, and winks.
Short-ish threesome fic that goes through all the emotional beats I want~ I've read a lot of fics that overdo the terms of endearment but this one works for me, I'm very very endeared, and I like the Eskel focus.
a soldier (who carries a mighty sword) by ghostinthelibrary
Summary: Fifteen years after Kaer Morhen became an independent city state and refuge for non-humans, Geralt— who somehow got elected its leader, despite his best intentions— is bewildered when King Vizimir of Redania suggests an arranged marriage between Geralt and his nephew. Eskel is a simple witcher who just wants to live out his retirement from the Path with Geralt. So when his lover gets betrothed to some Redanian viscount, Eskel dons a human disguise and decides to get away from Kaer Morhen for a while. Jaskier has no interest in becoming the husband of the infamous White Wolf; he just wants to be a bard. When he flees the guards escorting him to Kaer Morhen, he’s lucky enough to run into Eskel, a hunter who agrees to escort him to safety. But after only a few days in Eskel’s company, he’s half in love. When Jaskier is forced to go to Kaer Morhen to escape a bounty on his head, he finds the city nothing like the nest of monsters he expected. Meanwhile, Jaskier is nothing like what Geralt and Eskel expected.
Who doesn't love identity hijinks? The set-up is delicious; I'm obsessed with the "oh this man who saved me who is my hero at no benefit to himself is actually the lover of the lord I'm meant to marry, ah, he just wanted me out of the way" reveal that's not actually true but also not not-true enough. The whole series is very well-done!
A history of dragons in popular culture by deputychairman Innermost Depths by bomberqueen17
These two get recced together because they take on the same concept: where Yennefer & Jaskier become drinking buddies after the dragon hunt breakup bitch about Geralt and accidentally on purpose sleep together and instead of playing Despacito he writes a song for her not to make Geralt jealous you understand!
Yennefer/Jaskier makes me feel all sorts of things and these have such good dynamics.
The Path Ahead by EvanHart
Summary: Geralt knows almost immediately that he’s made a mistake when he sends Jaskier away on that godforsaken mountain. He just doesn’t wholly understand why, and by the time he does it’s too late to change things. Instead, he goes and finds Ciri, and together they find Yennefer, and only then does he realise he needs to find Jaskier, too. He hadn’t counted on Nilfgaard finding him first.
The Nilfgaard torture fic where Geralt refuses to believe Jaskier has anything more than a childish infatuation with him (despite 20 years on the road). He hears "Her Sweet Kiss" and kind of goes through it. Yennefer portals "somewhere safe" and that's apparently into Jaskier's care. A classic & well-executed genre of Witcher fic.
A Tale of Two Bards (and also a Witcher) by ForestWren
Summary: Maglor has been wandering the shoreline for literal millennia. He hadn't heard another voice in almost as long. He is, understandably, quite disoriented when a loud human interrupts his perfectly peaceful brooding. After the disaster of the Dragon Hunt, Jaskier goes to the coast on his own. Things don't really go as planned, but who cares? Peace is overrated anyway. In which there are language barriers, found family, guilt crises, several long-overdue realizations, and, eventually, a very confused Geralt.
Silmarillion fans will get a lot more out of this fic than I did but I already enjoyed it so much. The linguistics exploration was super fun and this was the fic that got me listening to The Amazing Devil. Very much a songfic in essence, executed with full character arcs for Jaskier, Geralt, and Maglor.
out in the pouring rain (down on your knees) by SummerFrost
Summary: "Hello, Julian," Yennefer says coolly. "Listen carefully. We are only having this conversation because it’d make Geralt happy and I'm the best wife in the fucking world. You and I should have sex." Jaskier says, "I'm going to need you to elaborate." Or: Geralt's biggest fantasy is to watch someone else fuck his wife. What kind of best friend would Jaskier be if he didn't lend a hand?
I know I already recced this but it's SO. FUCKING. GOOD. HI THANK YOU.
Last but not least, shout out to the Geralt Is Sorry collection that I'm still making my way through. Doing the lord's work.
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Signups are now open!
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Signups open: November 1st-15th 2022
Reader and fic pairings announced: December 1st 2022
Time to comment: until January 15th 2023
Follow us on @witcherrarepaircommentexchange
You will be submitting your rarepair fic(s), and commit to leaving a comment on someone else's fic(s). The event will match people based on fic tags and your preferences/DNWs.
Comments: Comments need to be at least 100 words long. Anything you quote from the fic doesn't count towards that. If you want only to comment and not submit a fic, you are welcome to sign up!
Fics: Submit at least one oneshot/chapter with a wordcount of no more than 10k. You can submit up to three so there's a better chance to match readers and fics.
If you have participated before and submit more than one fic, please submit no more than ONE fic/chapter you have submitted before! If you submit one fic/chapter, it should be a new one.
Signups: via Google Forms until November 15th. If you need help filling out the form, we have an example here, or you can ask
If you have suddenly forgotten everything you like/don't like to read, the Fisstech & Succubi Eskel Exchange has an excellent list to help you get started here
The rarepair must be the focus of your fic. We count everything as a rarepair with less than 1k fics on AO3, so everything except:
Geralt/ or & Jaskier
Ciri & Geralt
The pairing can be romantic or platonic/friendship.
This event welcomes darkfic, WIPs (the submitted chapter must be published on AO3) and OCs. As long as the fic is tagged correctly, you can submit whatever you want. The flip side of submit whatever you want is that we will not tolerate bashing of submitted fics.
If you end up paired with a fic that is in hindsight not your cup of tea for whatever reason, please contact the mods before commenting to be paired with another fic (there's no need to tell us why). Don’t feel obliged to read material you'd rather not, and do not send the author negativity.
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leverage-ot3 · 11 months
Proudest moment?
bro I wrote this but I have no idea honestly
Favorite thing about yourself?
I’m passionate about helping others! And my tattoo plans are to make my body a garden which I love 💖
What are the fanfics you’ve ever read?
okay so this depends on fandom!
the witcher
we are known by the stories we share (geraskier, witcher!jaskier)
Watch Me Burn (geraskefer, yennefer stayed nilfgaard court mage au)
The Likes of You (geraskefer, fake marriage au, jaskier’s family)
Rivers Run Series (geraskier, river god jaskier)
Dead Weight (jaskier x lambert x aiden, banshee jaskier au)
Love’s Worth Running To (jaskier x geralt x eskel, au)
and i plan to be forgotten when i'm gone (yes i'll be leaving in the fall) (geraskier, cursed jaskier au)
Sing for Me, Little Lark (geraskier, bdsm club au)
Kiss a Frog (When He's Your Witcher) (geraskier, spy jaskier au)
The Red Prince (geraskier, fae jaskier au, witcher god jaskier)
the only way to breathe is to scream (geraskier, separate worlds au, famous singer jaskier, jaskier’s family is mafia)
Belong (geraskier, x men world au, teacher jaskier)
for she has done mischief (geraskefer, jaskier fucks a god and gets a baby out of it, jaskier’s family, parent trapping)
Business Partners (geraskefer, ice skating au)
if i'm good will you come back (geraskier, jaskier reincarnates au, heartbreaking and beautiful)
stranger things
How A Resurrection Really Feels (steve harrington x eddie munson)
Paradise By The Dashboard Light (steve harrington x eddie munson)
Good Ol' Fashioned Sexuality Crisis During the Apocalypse (steve harrington x eddie munson)
Touch and Go (steve x billy- lowkey though, I do not like billy and do not ship them but this was done really well; pre-steve x eddie; crossover with black phone)
The Idea of Something Binding Us Together (steve had powers au, steve & eleven are siblings)
The Future Mrs Harrington (steve & robin friendship, fake relationship; time travel au)
Look Right Through Me (steve was taken before will, steve & will friendship, steve & hopper)
Sanctuary (steve x eddie, steve goes missing in 1985 au)
Hearts Wrapped in Clover (leverage ot3, eliot never joined leverage au)
Ten Prides in Portland (leverage ot3, ten years of pride months in portland, a beautiful fic)
kids (aren't) alright (leverage ot3 teen au)
red notice
I Don't Care About Anyone (nolan x sarah x john)
In The End, She Appears (darcy x bucky, darcy is a banshee au, unfinished)
Daughter Of Athena Series (darcy x bucky x steve, darcy is a demigod au)
Red Threads of Fate (steve x bucky x fem!harry potter, soulmates; SO GOOD)
In Search of Elysium (darcy x bucky x steve, no avengers au)
The Super Soldier Job (leverage x marvel crossover, leverage team helps bucky after tws, leverage ot3 obviously)
Birds of Desire (darcy x steve x bucky, soulmates)
This Is My Hand (darcy x steve x bucky, soulmates)
Tread Softly, Angels (darcy x steve x bucky, soulmates, one of my first beloved fics)
Irreverence Is My Superpower (darcy x steve x bucky)
Here And Where You Are (darcy x steve x bucky, darcy has powers)
Surrender My Bones (darcy x steve x bucky, apocalypse au, unfinished)
bewitched, bothered, and bewildered (darcy x steve x bucky, darcy is a witch, THIS FIC MY BELOVED, unfinished)
the fortune teller (darcy x steve x bucky, immortal fortune teller darcy)
Of the Northmost Winds and Skies (jack frost x hiccup, don’t judge me I was curious and then it altered my brain chemistry)
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Hello! Welcome to My Blog!
This is my Witcher side blog with the main focus being everyone's favorite bard. Let's enjoy it while we can!
This blog includes reblogs, incorrect quotes, correct quotes, Pixlr edits, memes, headcanons, fanficton, and anything else Witcher related that I like or can think of.
In this house, we ship Jaskier (Netflix) / Priscilla (The Witcher III), and we stan Joey Batey and Madeline Hyland's band: The Amazing Devil.
Welcome aboard!
Fanfiction I Wrote (Ao3)
He's a Bard, Remember? In which Jaskier and the Kaer Morons are low on funds. Jaskier does his job, but the witchers forget he's a bard. Jaskier/Priscilla
A Buttercup By Any Other Name In which Jaskier is spending the winter at Kaer Morhen when he talks about his past, and the others discover his other identities including Julian, Professor Pankratz, Viscount of Lettenhove, and The Sandpiper. No pairings (except minor Yen/Geralt) but mainly focuses on Jaskier & Ciri friendship.
Welly Boots In which Jaskier spins a "fake" story about a runway viscount named Julian and his love Priscilla. AKA, the muses give Jaskier the idea to share his past, but he phrases it so the others don't know it's about him. Jaskier/Priscilla. Includes major character death.
Building Friendships To Watch Them Burn In which Vesemir, Lamber, Eskel, Coen, and Aiden befriend Jaskier and get mad at Geralt for abandoning him.
Other Fanfic Recs
Rec List #1
Rec List #2
Rec List #3
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shy-urban-hobbit · 2 months
Have some Aiden & Kid!Jaskier interaction!!
"It's you!"
Aiden turned his attention towards where Jaskier was sat by the fire alongside the wolves, the bard's face a strange mixture of disbelief and elation, as was his scent. Aiden crinkled his nose slightly as he fought back the urge to sneeze or cough at the unfamiliar combination being directed at him.
"Yeah, it's me. Happy to see you too?" Aiden ventured, despite the fact that it couldn't have been more than an hour since they'd last seen each other. Aiden had gone back out into the courtyard after dinner to run some drills, despite the harsh weather, and get rid of the excess energy he could already feel building up. Vesemir was gracious enough to refer to it as 'extra training' and not act like it was a necessity if they all wanted Aiden to avoid getting so restless he literally started climbing the walls.
"No! I mean...I didn't realise before now until I saw you silhouetted like that with your swords and everything, but it's you!"
Aiden suddenly found himself with a limpet of a bard hanging off him, determined to cling despite the rainwater which now soaked both of them.
"Jaskier, I-"
"Oh right. You probably don't remember, what am I saying, of course you don't - Jaskier you fucking idiot. It's been thirty years, no doubt you've lost count of how many humans you've dealt with in the meantime. But-"
"Jaskier." Lambert huffed out from where he was dozing on the fur which acted as a hearth rug, not even bothering to open his eyes, "Let Aiden go dry off and then maybe some context to go with your twittering, Birdie."
By the time Aiden returned, Jaskier's excitement was enough that even the Wolves were giving him their full attention as he re-entered the main hall. Eskel and Geralt's books lay abandoned on a side table while a now awake Lambert was sat leaning against the wall by the hearth. He pulled Aiden down to sit next to him, the fire hot stone through his thick, wool shirt creating a pleasant warmth against his back.
"Alright then." Jaskier started from where he was sat cross legged in one of the old armchairs, leaning forwards as he once again addressed Aiden directly, "Before I start, do you remember anything about a night in Lettenhove thirty years ago. At the Viscount's estate."
Aiden shook his head, although something about this was starting to niggle the back of his mind.
"Name of Panktratz. Little boy, around six years old?" Jaskier continued, eyes growing sadder as it became clear this memory was potentially very one-sided, "Somehow convinced you to-"
He wasn't sure if it was the name or the wide-eyed look the man was throwing him, but Aiden felt something suddenly tumble into place. "Wait, I do remember that night!"
Aiden fought back a growl as he took in the various toys littering the floor, the miniature four poster bed...whose occupant was an even smaller lump under the covers.
That son of a bitch! That slimy twat had hired him to 'take care' of his nephew so he'd be next in line for the title instead, implying the whole time that his relative wasn't exactly deserving of the title. Aiden had accepted the job - what difference did the inner squabblings of Nobility make to him afterall.
In hindsight he probably should have asked more questions but he didn't have a copper coin to his name and this guy had paid upfront; enough for him to be able to eat regularly and maintain his gear for the foreseeable. He started planning after his employer graciously provided him with a blueprint of the estate and pointed out the targets rooms. He'd failed to mention however, that said target looked to be scarcely old enough to wield that wooden sword properly, nevermind any degree of power.
Fuck it. He should stay as far away from this potential mess as possible. It was bad enough when their employers pointed the finger of blame at them when they assassinated an adult, but a child? That was a complication none of them needed. Mind made up, he turned to climb back out of the window (which had been concerningly easy to coax open from the other side), making sure hood and mask were still firmly in place.
Aiden froze. Speaking of complications....
Rookie mistake! He'd been so caught up in everything else he'd forgotten to keep one ear focused on the other heartbeat in the room. He ran through possible scenarios: he could do what he'd been paid to do, but now the kid was awake there was every chance he'd scream and alert the house before Aiden could even lift a finger. Same potential problem if he tried to leave. He could always cast somne...
"You're a Witcher aren't you? I can see the shape of your swords!" Aiden's nose twitched at the boys scent. Strange. Even through the cloth covering the lower half of his face he could tell the boy didn't smell afraid. He smelled excited, happy even?
"I know all about Witchers. You keep us safe from monsters. Is that why you're here, is there a monster in my room?" The small voice turned slightly fretful as a faint whiff of fear started to sour the air - yet more strangeness in the fact that it was due to imagined monsters rather than him.
Aiden dared to turn and look, something about this child's initial boldness piquing his curiousity (who the hell starts questioning a stranger in their room instead of screaming the place down?). A small boy stared back at him with large eyes as he clutched the soft looking sheets to him like a shield as he curled up in the centre of the bed. "My Uncle Desmond says that monsters like to come out at night and eat little boys. I don't like him. He's mean."
Aiden gave a bittersweet smile at the pout he could see on the little face.
'Oh. You have no idea just how mean, kid.' He thought to himself.
"No, no monsters here. Go back to sleep."
The boys pout turned into a frown, "You didn't even look."
"Because I don't need to."
"Please, Mister Witcher." His bottom lip wobbled in a practiced tremble as his eyes grew even bigger.
Aiden bit back another smile. Kid was good, he'd give him that. Such audacity deserved some sort of reward.
"Alright. One very quick monster check, then you go to sleep. Deal?"
The boy nodded enthusiastically, "My name's Julian, by the way."
"I don't care."
"...are you going to tell me yours?"
"Can I see your swords?"
"How about your-"
"How about no talking until we make absolutely sure there's nothing waiting in your wardrobe?"
Turns out the only monstrous thing in Julian's wardrobe was a few hideous combinations of frills and lace. Behind the curtains yielded nothing, as did underneath the bed.
"Ok. Now you hold up your end of the deal and go to sleep."
Julian scowled at him in response from where he was now stood up on the feather mattress to watch rather than huddled under the sheets, arms crossed expectantly.
"You're supposed to say sweet dreams."
Aiden blinked at him before replying "Sweet dreams." Monotonously.
"Tuck me in?"
Aiden cast the sign for somne, Julian's body flopping down before he'd even finished. Cheeky little fuck would've been wanting a lullaby next. Still, it wouldn't do for him to get cold, there was no fireplace in this room after all. He grabbed the quilt from the bottom of the bed, not bothering to straighten it as it fell haphazardly over the small body before doing what he should have done thirty minutes ago and taking his leave back through the window.
"I told my parents about you the next morning. They didn't believe me of course. Said it was probably just a dream and that if there had been a Witcher in my room I'd be dead. Although, I suppose that explains why my Uncle Desmond looked apoplectic when I came down to breakfast. I never knew he'd hired you to, you know." He flicked a hand across his neck in a throat cutting motion. "Why didn't you by the way? Not that I'm saying I wish you had or anything. I was a human child, you could've killed me multiple times as easily as scratching an itch but you didn't. Why?"
Aiden's features settled into a frown, "Oh trust me, if your Uncle had waited ten more years it probably would've been a very different outcome. As it is, once I had all the facts, I just decided against accepting a contract on a kid. The one who offered me the contract however..."
Jaskiers eyebrows shot up as he shuffled further forwards, "Are you saying you offed my uncle? He did just sort of... disappear."
"Not exactly. I merely broke back in and left evidence of what he'd planned somewhere I knew the current Viscount would find it. What he chose to do with that I had no involvement in. If he just so happened to be on the lookout for an assassin and I was coincidentally still in the area, well...no Witcher is ever going to turn down such well paying jobs so close together."
Jaskier laughed, causing the wolves to look at him in shock, "Oh don't look like that. I didn't learn the extent of it until I was older but besides trying to murder me he was an absolute cock. Definitely not somebody you'd want in charge of anything!"
"The ones that desperate for power usually aren't." Eskel mused, Lambert raised his cup in agreement.
"You know, I'm so happy that Geralt ended up being the Witcher I ran into in Posada. But when I started out from Oxenfurt, I was actually looking for you."
Aiden straightened up in slight surprise, "Why?"
"Because I wanted to do this." Jaskier got down on the floor and once again wrapped his arms around Aiden, the Witcher returning the hug this time.
"Thanks." Jaskier muttered, "For humouring a scared, probably irritating as hell, little boy."
Aiden tightened his hold slightly, "You're welcome, Julian."
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kuripon · 2 years
let me fall
Written for @thepassifloradiscord​ Team Bingo Event for the ‘date night’ space. Check out @dapandapod​ and @fawnnbinary​ for their spaces on the card!
– Geralt/Eskel | 788 words | G | Geralt and Eskel are going out for their first date. Yennefer and Jaskier offer their help. –
Geralt looks into the mirror, straightening his collar. He didn't often wear button up shirts, but for Eskel he'd dress as nicely as he could tolerate. Jaskier sits on the bed behind him, a glass of wine in his hand.
"It looks good, Geralt, stop fussing," Jaskier pipes up.
Geralt huffs, making sure his cuffs are buttoned and set just right around his wrists. "I don't know why you're so nervous. You've known each other for ages. You practically grew up together!"
"That's not the point, Jask." He turns away from the mirror, and goes into his top drawer, looking for the perfect cologne. Eskel's nose could be just as sensitive as his own, so he knew to pick something subtle.
"Really?" Jaskier is clearly amused at Geralt's fit of nervousness, Geralt can tell. "Then what is the point?"
"Well, we... It's just..."
"It's just?"
He hears snickering as Yennefer re-enters the room, her glass of wine refilled. A glance in the mirror tells him that she probably found that bottle of Toussainti red that he had hidden. He loves his two best friends, with all of his heart, he swears.
"He still hasn't admitted he's nervous?"
"Right on the money as always, dear witch."
"Poor Geralt," she says, perching next to Jaskier, forming some sort of evil, catty peanut gallery. "Imagine what Eskel would say if he saw you now."
"I mean, we'll find out soon, won't we?" They snicker together.
"Did you text Lambert or Aiden to check in on Eskel?"
Jaskier shakes his head, pulling out his phone to scroll through his notifications. "I haven't heard from them though, so I imagine it's the same exact experience over there."
Meanwhile, Geralt is tuning them out, so used to their chatter. He pulls out several ties, wondering which would go best with his shirt. He considers asking the two behind him for their opinions, but he knows that'd only be adding fuel to the fire.
"Neither, Geralt. Put them back." He can feel Jaskier standing behind him, looking over his shoulder. It's times like these that he's so conveniently reminded that he and Jaskier are of a height.
... He and Eskel grew up at almost exactly the same rate. He was only taller than him for about four months when they were 15 years old.
He lets out a soft sigh.
Yennefer laughs behind him. "That was definitely his 'I'm thinking about Eskel' sigh."
Jaskier takes the ties from his hands and sets them aside. He takes Geralt by the shoulder and leads him to the bed, placing him between Yennefer and himself.
"We've teased you long enough, darling. Let's go over the facts again," he says and nods to Yennefer. "You've known Eskel for...?" she prompts.
"You've seen all of the good...?" Jaskier takes his turn.
"The bad, and the awkward," Geralt finishes.
"You've loved him since...?" Yennefer takes a sip of her wine after asking.
"At least middle school." Geralt smiles softly.
Jaskier strokes the back of his shoulder, sharing a smile with Yennefer behind Geralt's back as he feels Geralt relax between them. "But...?"
"Friends for so much longer."
"Bravo, Geralt. Passed with flying colors," Yennefer offers, her voice fond as she leans against Geralt's shoulder.
"So, in conclusion, you are head over heels in love with him, we're ninety percent sure he's the same for you-
"One hundred percent, and you know it!" Yennefer interjects.
"Hush you," Jaskier says, reaching over to tug at her hair. "Now, as I was saying, your friendship is solid as a rock, you've been through thick and thin with and for each other already. You two talk almost everyday, so you know each other's minds well. A failed attempt at romance will not ruin what you already have, I know this."
Geralt nods, glad for the unconditional support of his best friends. "And... And if this doesn't go perfectly, it'll be something to laugh about in our future."
"Exactly," Yennefer says, raising her glass to Jaskier for a cheers.
Geralt laughs as they down their wine in sync.
The doorbell rings. He's here.
Almost instantly, Geralt feels himself tense up again, but he shakes his head and takes a deep breath. Feeling the new tension drain out of him, he makes his way to the front door as Jaskier and Yennefer hang back.
He takes another deep breath and opens the door. Eskel is standing there, a small bag from Geralt's favorite bakery clutched tightly in his hands. Geralt can see Aiden and Lambert waiting a bit further down the sidewalk out of the corner of his eye, but he can't take his eyes off of Eskel.
And honestly? Won't ever want to.
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drop-dead-art · 2 years
It just hit me that i have to wait another year and a half for season 3 of The Witcher
how am i supposed to live without Jaskier’s shenanigans for that long. His and Yennefer’s friendship? Lambert’s shitty jokes and fiery attitude?
also reeeeally want them to bring Aiden into it
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magdelanesingerin · 10 months
Session 7: Accountability
(A life Alone, Chapter 3) -3017 words, M
 “How did your conversation with Jaskier go? Did you get a chance to say the things you were hoping to say to him?”
 Geralt sits back against the now-familiar couch in Nenneke’s office, arms crossed over his chest, and can feel his brow furrowing as he considers his answer. He’s feeling a lot of things after his conversation with Jaskier.
 “It was…fine. A relief. I got to apologize for the things I did and said, and he was willing to hear me out.”
 “I’m really glad; that was excellent work you did getting to that point, and taking the risk to be vulnerable and honest,” she says, and he fights the urge to flinch. He feels like she’s being condescending, but six weeks of appointments have taught him that she’s being completely serious in her praise. It’s hard to take.
 “Hmm. Um. Thanks. We talked for a long time, after. That was…good. He agreed to– we’re going to try to be friends. Just…just friends,” he says haltingly.
 “That’s wonderful, I’m glad that he was receptive,” she says, before she leans in a bit with narrowed eyes. “Now, I think I know what you’re trying to say, but I heard the word ‘just’ sneak in there, and I want to be clear– you know that a platonic friendship is not of inherently greater or lesser value than a romantic or sexual relationship, yes?”
 “Yeah, I just meant that–I wasn’t good at–” Geralt sighs heavily, shaking his head as he struggles to put the words together. “I didn’t allow us to be friends, really. The first time. Not for long, anyway. I want this to be different.���
 “Hm, good,” she nods, leaning back in her chair again. “I think it will be. I’d like to explore that experience, if we can. I’d imagine that conversation was…difficult for you, in a number of ways. It probably brought up a lot of emotions, and it’s a good opportunity for us to continue to work around identifying and anchoring those emotions. Let’s start here: what are you feeling right now, and where is it in your body?”   ___________________________________________________________
     Geralt paused for a minute in the doorway watching the three of them together clustered around the end of the long dining room table. They looked completely at ease, despite having met only a few hours before. Aiden and Meg welcomed Jaskier into their after-dinner conversation like he’d been there for years. The fireplace crackled behind the trio, Aiden lounging back with his long arms behind his head, and Meg with her legs sprawled across two chairs. Jaskier leaned forward with his elbows resting on the glowing wooden table as he told the other two some animated story, beautiful and backlit by the glow of the flames. He could hear Eskel and Lambert in the living room arguing happily and laughing about something. It was a perfect evening.  
     This had been so easy to include Jaskier, for him to fit into Geralt’s family. To be treated like one of their own.  
     Geralt felt suddenly overwhelmed; this was supposed to be a fling. A fun, straightforward dalliance with a hot guy he picked up at a bar. Nothing serious. He wasn’t supposed to be standing there in his family’s house thinking about a future with this man. He retreated back into the kitchen, leaving the lights off, to lean his palms against the cool porcelain of the sink for a minute while his mind whirled and his breaths came fast and shallow.  
     Eskel appeared with a stack of dirty dessert plates and forks, adding them to the pile of dishes on the counter that they’d have to deal with later. The clatter of ceramic and silverware sounded impossibly loud in Geralt’s ears and seemed to go on forever. He closed his eyes, gritting his teeth against the sound. Eskel paused, leaning over to look at Geralt’s face bent over the sink in the near-dark. “Uh-oh, I know that look. What are you panicking about right now?”  
     Geralt clenched his jaw and shook his head, not looking at his brother. “Nothing. I’m fine. Just a headache.” It was a bad lie and he knew it. His eyes flickered to Eskel’s face for a second, seeing a slightly cocked eyebrow and a tilt to his head that confirmed he hadn’t bought a word of it. “It’s fine,” he repeated stubbornly, knowing that the growl in his voice made the lie even more obvious.  
     “Sure, ok.”  Eskel backed off with a resigned shake of his head. He knew better than to push his younger brother. He’d talk when he was good and damn ready, and not a moment before.  
continue on Ao3
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aardthebard · 3 years
I feel like, "The Other Side" from the Greatest Showman would be a good Aiden and Lambert song.
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darkverrmin · 3 years
*Lambert and Eskel after meeting Jaskier for the first time*
Eskel: So, Jaskier? Seems like a good human, I like him.
Lambert: Looks really good, too.
Geralt, blinking: What?
Lambert: What "what"? Don't tell me you can't see it.
Eskel: Yeah, I agree with Lambert on this one.
Geralt: He looks... Nice.
Lambert, laughing: Nice? Huh, if he wasn't your friend, I would definitely-
Geralt: Please stop talking.
Lambert: Don’t lie to me that you've never thought about it.
Geralt, glaring: He's just a friend.
Eskel: ...Lambert and Aiden were just friends, too.
Lambert, smirking: And what a beautiful friendship it was.
Geralt, rolling his eyes: I am not going to sleep with my bard.
Lambert: "My bard". Eskel, can you believe this moron?
Eskel: I really do think Jaskier is very nice. He has a good heart, he's sharp, funny. Seems to care about you a lot, too.
Eskel: If he was your type, you could've been good together.
Geralt: What do you mean if he was my type?
Eskel: Well... I've only seen you with certain type of lovers.
Lambert: The I'm so fucking intimidating, I'm may rip off your balls kind of type. *cough* Yennefer. *cough*
Geralt: I do not have a type.
Lambert: Yeah, you do. Admit it, Jaskier is too sunshine and rainbows for you.
Eskel: Lambert, maybe we shouldn't-
Lambert: You just wouldn't be able to stand someone who's actually nice to you.
Geralt: Well fuck you, because I've been in love with him for years!
Geralt, softly: ...Fuck
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