#jango fett x oc
purplefangirl42 · 5 months
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Someone (Jango) forgot to tell Marana that it rains all the time on Kamino.
Wonderful art by my lovely friend @sanagii for my future fic entitled "Mercy" about my OC Marana and the Fetts.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 months
Stars Above! | Cad Bane
Chapter 14
Explicit: Semi-slow burn, gratuitous smut /pwp, canon-typical violence, mildly dubious consent, angst, Tatooine Slave Culture.
This chapter: Flashbacks / nightmares, whump, mild-medical procedure involving a needle/dispenser and sedatives.
Word count: 5.3k+
Notes: It only took me TWO YEARS TO UPDATE. SORRY ABOUT THAT. I promise that I will try to update more regularly from now on.
[ Ao3 ] - [ Masterpost ]
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“Supposin’ us bein’ partners don’ mean nothin’,” Bane flippantly offered. Though feeling despondent, he masked it well. The two men were a lot alike in that respect; Bane hardly knew what went on inside the Mando’s over-complicated mind.
“You’ve learned everything there is to know, Cad. And what you don’t know, you don’t want to learn, even if given the opportunity.”
“What’s dhat even mean,” the Duros asked bitingly, throwing down the butt of his cigarra on the cold, hard ground. The two began to make their way, Jango sighing under the beskar helmet that hid his face, Bane trudging along behind, albeit slowly; he was freezing.
Vandor was an icy planet, located in the Sloo Sector of the Mid Rim, currently home to a target that had made his home in Fort Ypso, a snowy village that lay sequestered in the foothills of the Iridium mountains, only crossable by bridge. The wooden planks groaned under their feet as the pair of hunters ventured onward, Slave I left beyond its borders so as not to attract attention and give the game away.
“It means you are stubborn,” Fett returned, his voice carrying over the blistering wind. “Perhaps it is time for you to branch out on your own; be your own man. I am beginning to think I cramp your style.”
The Duros sneered, offended in more ways than one, fangs chattering even though he wore specialized gear meant to curtail the cold from leeching through to his very bones. “Says de man who don’ know when te turn down a job; if Ah had nips, dhey’d already be frozen off.”
“You didn’t have to come with me,” Jango informed him, his joke lost on the dour man. He wasn’t in the mood for Bane’s attitude, much less his complaints.
“As fer style, Ah got plenty,  naht countin’ dhis ridiculous ‘fit ye’ made me wear.”
Bane frowned despite himself, feeling each minor movement of his facial muscles; they were stiff from the frigid temperature, the younger man desiring to find a place of warmth. At least his body glove was able to retain some heat, otherwise he was sure to succumb to this positively ridiculous weather within mere minutes, seconds.
“Fine; maybe Ah should leave ye te it dhen; wait in de ship, if yer so keen on gettin’ rid of me.”
Then, his sour expression deepened, Bane’s footfalls ceasing as he came to a full stop. “It’s ‘cause Ah don’ agree with ye, ain’t it.”
“It’s not your life, nor your decision,” the Mandalorian shot back without delay, unable to hide his bitterness. “I know what I want, even if you don’t.”
Bane braced himself, realizing this was about to become more personal than he had bargained for, Fett having never bothered to explain his motives. All Bane knew was he had won some contest, proving he was the best bounty hunter in all the galaxy—a title he assumed might one day rightfully be his.
Fett had trained him, after all. More than that; he had become his friend, his confidant. Bane might go so far as to think he even loved the man, though never voicing those sentiments out loud; he buried them, like everything else he felt.
Perhaps it was fear that kept him quiet. Fear, or maybe anxiety. They both lived in the same place—inside his chest. The chest that currently housed a heart beating furiously behind a wall of ribs, even as Bane reached out to touched Fett’s shoulder.
What he couldn’t understand was why he needed a million of himself; Jango would be tasked to train an army for an unknown benefactor, an army of clones.
The idea sent shivers down Bane’s scales. He understood there were credits to be made, and lots of them. But even so, this was a line Bane himself would never cross—playing God by ignoring ethics, by ignoring quandaries he thought might only come about in science labs. Not in the field; not in the relatively short life of a bounty hunter.
“Ah know what Ah want,” he muttered softly, “de one of ye.”
The Mando whisked around, batting his companion’s hand away. He could not see his face, but Fett’s annoyance easily radiated out beyond his suit of armor. He thought Bane would never understand his hatred for the Jedi; the duty he had assigned himself that consumed half his personality. “Come off it.”
Bane hesitated. The sky began to darken; he thought he had been to this place before.
“You’re a fool,”Fett’s voice, a low baritone, seeped into Bane’s ears, in turn causing the Duros to tremble. It was not out of the coldness of the weather, but the coldness of his words, that Bane’s body involuntarily shuddered, wide, red eyes blinking away flecks of snowflakes as they floated toward the ground; they were gossamer, each one intricate by its own design.
“But Fett-”
“Shut up,” the Mando cut him off. Something wasn’t right. Bane gazed around himself, even as Fett continued. “You really think I care about what you think?”
Bane stared at him, a wounded look taking over his already glum face. Even so, he thought to follow-up, wondering if he had said these words before. “Just dhat-”
Flames were birthed from blankets of white snow, shooting up as pillars of an all-consuming heat, Bane taking a step back as he watched the fire cast a shadow on Jango’s beskar helmet. Those little flecks, those tiny snowflakes, were now tendrils of hot ash, the icy ground nearby the bridge they stood on a carpet of dirt and soot.
“Ja-Jango?” Bane stuttered out; the man approached, deliberate, even as his voice rose in his anger.
“You are nothing to me, Cad. You are nothing.”
The fire blazed more luminous than a main-sequence star; the heavens were black as pitch and no sun shone; Bane heard another sound, this one the creak of weakening ropes as the Duros realized the bridge they stood upon was near to collapse. It was old, rickety, and the only way into town.
“You are not my friend, and you will never be my family,” Fett assured, his vehemence laced with mockery. The Mando laughed, dry, and borderline sadistic; it was out of character for him. Bane grimaced.
“Fett, we gotta go back!” Bane ignored his hurtful remarks, noticing the bridge was starting to sink and give beneath their weight and the onslaught of the flames. The youth would peer over the side, eyes set to broaden as he realized the mountain valley was now nothing but a pit of hellfire.
“You are weak; pathetic; worthless-”
“-stop it!”
“-just a frightened little boy.”
“Enough!” the Duros shouted; he could hear the panic in his voice. He cursed himself, wanting to be brave; wanting to prove to Fett that everything he said was erroneous, inaccurate – but he was right; Bane was frightened.
Suddenly, Bane had nothing below his feet, just a gaping hole and a river of bright flames. Fett was hovering; he had activated the thrusters of his jetpack; Bane aimed to do the same, pressing a button on his wrist gauntlet, except his boots wouldn’t fire; they sputtered and died out.
He kept on falling.
“Jango!” He heard his voice crack, Bane reaching out and up toward the Mando. The man only laughed that wry, cruel laugh, even as Bane fell to what he knew would be his death.
With hands grasping, arms flailing, and legs kicking erratically, Bane yelled one last time as his body was engulfed, swallowed by the void.
“Ah’m sorry!”
“Oh, no!” Todo 360 articulated. “I was afraid this might happen!” the droid verbalized in a mild state of panic. He began zooming around the room, peeking into cabinets and pulling out various tools, utensils, and medical implements. It appeared to Zulara that he might be looking for something in particular, so hurried were his movements in his haste.
“Can I help?” she asked quietly, though eager, not sure what was even wrong or what it was she would be looking for. The girl had been seated on the floor, tinkering with one of Bane’s fancy vambraces; it was sparking.
The girl glanced to the bacta pod where Cad Bane slumbered, but something was amiss; his eyelids twitched. She stood, then approached with caution, peering down into the coffin-like contrivance – that’s when she noticed.
The Duros trembled, the muscles of his face distorting into what looked like fear, then pain. His head shifted back and forth from side to side, though not awake. Zulara’s heart ached for the man.
“What’s wrong with him?” she asked, turning to stare at the frantic Todo. He was too busy in his search to hear her, muttering his many grievances and even a few expletives.
“Todo?” she asked again, the concern apparent in her voice. She stepped forward toward the little droid, tapping him gently on his tiny shoulder.
Todo whirled on her, having forgotten momentarily that she was even aboard the ship, Zulara noting she had startled him by the widening of his citrine eyes.
“Do not do that!” he proclaimed, immediately taking back up the search. Zulara’s lower lip quivered as she turned on her heel, refacing the injured man; he at least seemed calmer now, which Zulara pointed out.
“He’s stopped moving,” she whispered.
Todo zipped on by, a cool rush of air tickling her arm. He observed his master through the glass, a pane of two-inch thick transparisteel.
The droid sighed a human sigh, then rounded on his thrusters. He stared up at the girl, finally managing to find the time to give her a halfhearted story of some kind.
“When in the bacta pod, Bane’s subconscious is left totally unguarded! He is vulnerable to whatever it is his mind can conjure up, and I will have you know these things are not pleasant.”
“He had a nightmare,” Zulara stated, though the end of her phrase had a questioning lilt to it.
Todo nodded in assent, then added: “He has a lot of those, I am afraid.” He wondered if he should be telling all Bane’s secrets. Was this a secret? Nightmares were common among organics. He was unsure.
Zulara frowned at him, then looked down at her boots. She often had nightmares herself, a reoccurring one; the one where she was stripped from her mother’s arms by her drunken father; the one where she was ushered off like chattel into a life of slavery.
Her gaze returned to Todo once she had repressed that bit of sordid memory. “Will he be all right?” she questioned anxiously.
“You are humorous, human. Mister Bane has endured much worse. But I must find this pneumatic dispenser! It holds a sedative we may need; it is only a precaution.”
“You are going to sedate him?” Zulara asked, perplexed.
“Well, it is better than what Bane would do!” Todo scolded, continuing his rummaging. “I, for one, do not wish to suppress my memories, but in all likelihood Bane will hurt himself in this state, and he is already wounded.”
Zulara seemed confused. “What do you mean?”
Todo was becoming irritated. If this woman was not present, he could work in peace! Just who did Boba think he was, leaving her with him! Granted, she seemed to care about his master, but she was still a nuisance! Perhaps the droid was now beginning to understand why Bane called him that on limitless occasions - and when he meant well.
He started to have a change of heart, though his metal shell was empty besides his circuitry; his own thought process set him straight. Todo simply sighed again, though trying to be patient. “Mister Bane seems to think that libations will solve his problems. Why, ever since Boba Fett shot him in the head, he has never been the same!”
Zulara’s frown remained fixated, though deepening. She had heard this mentioned once before as they had dragged Bane inside his ship. Why would the man that had helped to rescue him want him dead instead? It made no sense. She thought to ask, but wondered if the droid would answer her.
Todo seemed two things: high-strung and untrusting, though Zulara’s interest was not self-serving, she was only curious. It was hard not to want to learn all she could about the Duros, his history, and those things that made him tick.
“What happened?” she finally managed, fingers trailing a path down the outside of the convex, transparent glass. “Boba would not tell me how he knew Bane,” she added, studying the curves and angles of the hunter’s face despite the mask he wore that fed him oxygen.
“Because then Boba would be admitting to attempted murder!” the incensed droid piped up, rounding on her. He was flustered by the question, and even more so aggravated by the answer he was about to give. Young Fett was a traitor and a deserter in his opinion; a fly-by-night, disreputable scoundrel to say the very least!
“When one commits to a job, or when one is given a home and specialized training - for free might I add – with only the expectancy of loyalty, and then for that person to defect, to try Mister Bane’s patience after all he did for him!”
Todo scoffed, turning back around. He opened up a lower cabinet, somehow sticking his large head inside, so his words were muffled. “To question his authority is one thing, but to shoot him?!” Todo’s voice was elevated, despite being dampened within the cupboard he was scouring. “Simply because you do not agree with his methods!?”
Zulara watched Todo’s metal chassis shift back and forth as his upper half continued with its plundering, tossing things haphazardly behind him. The girl would lift one leg, dodging something sharp that vibrated—a sonic scalpel? What did Cad Bane need that for?
Zulara bent down to pick it up; she switched it off. Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about the head plate Bane always sported. “So, then Boba betrayed him? He shot him at point-blank range?”
Her thoughts drifted to the man whose comlink was in her pocket. The youthful face, the curly hair, the deep brown eyes – so soft and rich – she could not imagine him to be a killer, yet he was another bounty hunter. A bounty hunter like the Duros she had feelings for, the one who left her, the one who desired her dead for the sand she had thrown into his stark garnet eyes.
“Well, no,” Todo admitted. He had been there, after all, observing it all unfold. “There was a duel. It was a tie-” the little droid emerged to swivel toward her once again, “-but Boba cheated! A Mandalorian’s helmet is made of beskar! And while Boba is no Mandalorian, his -er- father was.”
Todo 360 made an irritated harumph. “A solitary clone should have been grateful to have Mister Bane mentor him! I know I  would be. Of course, he did owe Jango many favors, or so Mister Bane has said…”
His voice trailed off; Zulara realized something. It was no matter that this droid was comprised of ones and zeros, or its many servos. Something clicked inside her brain—Todo had no bolt, no way in which he was restrained. He loved his master, and to some extent, Cad Bane must love him.
She could only imagine this Fett harbored some kind of guilt, as well he should. If she ever saw him, if he ever commed her…yet it was not her business.
Zulara refocused her attention, “a pneumatic dispenser, no?” Her inquiry was soft, calming. Todo perceptibly unwound, as the organic’s voice was somehow soothing.
He was not used to women hanging around; he had only known those that Bane kept on retainer for one reason or another, namely Aurra Sing; she had not one gentle bone in her whole body. In fact, he might blame her for the way young Boba had turned out. While Mister Bane had a hand in it, it was not until he had been abandoned and thrown in prison thanks to the Palliduvan that his master had offered Fett his guidance.
“Yes,” the exhausted droid replied, returning to his work. He kept one eye on her, but he was thankful for the girl’s assistance, however wary. One could never be too careful.
“Boba?” Bane had heard the name, floating out in empty space, inside his mind, or spoken by a God. It lingered, the two syllables leeching their way into his cerebral cortex, even as pure darkness surrounded him, enveloping his cold flesh like a thickset, heavy blanket of unease.
His stomach lurched; he felt like throwing up. Instead, he sat upright and was faced with a nearly obscene brightness. Someone had unveiled the stars, but one shown more luminous than all the others; the one that warmed the desert planet he was now stationed on.
The Duros’ eyes rolled to his left, spying within his hand a bottle of dark liquor, Bane ascertaining this might be the reason for his sickness; the empty feeling that tarried in his guts. But still, nothing was making sense.
Bane dropped the bottle, glancing up. Some distance away was a teenaged Boba Fett.
How many times would the kid shout his name in anger? How many times would he have to remember his father’s face when looking into his? That armor, that helmet – all a cruel reminder.
“You should have been there.”  That’s what the boy had said that fateful day.
Bane stood, gazing out. He was supposed to say something, words that had been repeated time and time again. The outcome would never be any different, he suspected, but the hunter was caught in a web of his own delusions. Maybe this time he could make it right; maybe this time Bane would not lose his self-respect or his dignity to a fourteen-year-old brat.
“Ah wouldn’ be so-” Bane’s voice dropped; he said the rest quietly and to himself, “-hasty now, boy…”
No. This wasn’t at all accurate. This had happened once before. Bane studied his surroundings, noting the placement of the buildings, a fire that burned in the distance, wisps of dark-colored smoke emanating in tight curls.
There was a fire.
He had fallen.
Boba turned his head; Bane followed his lead, spying C-21 Highsinger and his faithful droid companion. Held prisoner in their grasp was a white-haired old man. The child - Fett’s offspring - demanded that he be released along with all the other hostages.
What hostages.
“Let them go, Bane.”
What had he done? He could not remember, the Duros craning his hat and head to stare down at both of his blue hands.
“This isn’t their fight anymore.”
Bane knit his brow in thought, his gaze returning to the boy. He took a new approach, or at least he thought. He was unsure, second-guessing, caught in a place that resembled reality, yet Bane was positive none of this was real.
“Yer daddy ain’t here, boy. Ah knowit. But ye gonna go ‘head an’ bite de hand dhat feeds?”
Bane took two steps forward, somehow knowing what came next. He had always wondered if there was some other way than this, something he could have done to change Fett’s mind. But in the end, he had it out for him; it was a part of history that could never be rewritten. Boba had got it in his head that Cad Bane was his enemy, and the sole executioner of the people here, as if he was the only one who was unscrupulous among those present.
“Yer gonna wind up poor, or dead, out on yer own – dhis galaxy is harsh. Ye think Jango was perfect? Ye think he wouldn’ do whateva’ it takes te get de job done?”
“Shut up! I am not my father!” Boba scolded beneath his helmet; Bane ground his teeth as he glared at him, his expression full of venom. Always such an impudent, brazen child.  He hated Jango then – all of them – and his clone army; his poor decision.
“No more innocent people are going to die, or be locked up, or live in fear,” Fett reiterated, brandishing a finger. It was ironic, all this talk, when Boba Fett was supposed to be a bounty hunter.
“Did ye ferget what profession ye’s in? We’re hunters, Boba. Unless ye ain’t one. Maybe yer just soft.”
A poor choice of words, considering the circumstances. Bane was sure he had only made things worse. He did not have the time to contemplate anything beyond that, for Bossk and Embo had arrived.
At least they were fairly trustworthy, the Kyuzo only second to Bane himself. Bossk knew how to take directions, even though he had connections, strong ones, to the Guild. Bane had thought, incorrectly, that they might back him up and take his side, but the blood that ran through Boba’s veins was a testament to his skill and to his mounting leadership, despite his age and stature.
Bane smiled a crooked smile. “Looks like yer lil’ insurrection has failed.”
Boba looked behind himself and to the others; Bane’s smile faltered. He glanced around as the thin shroud separating this world from the next shimmered and disjoined. He saw stars; realspace; a depthless abyss of nothing, like a curtain had been pulled back to reveal the stage, and he was the main character.
“I say we give the kid his shot,” he heard the Trandoshan rasp.
Bane dug his boots into the sandy earth. There was a suction pulling him, like a vacuum, toward a gaping hole that now stretched so wide the entire town was gone. The only thing that remained were the other hunters; Bossk and Embo had stood down, and Boba was rounding on him.
Bane realized they did not seem to be affected; it was like none of this was happening. He knew what he was supposed to say, as if only reciting his own name.
“So, dhat’s it – just ye and me dhen, Boba Fett.”
“I guess it is,”the boy would reply.
Their eyes met, or at least he thought they did. That damned bucket was in the way, Bane mentally cursing its utility – it’s why he hated them – it was a place to hide.
And kark the others; their loyalty was forfeit, Bane reminded of a most important lesson: he was alone, and he always had been. Always would be, save his droid for company.
A sharp wind picked up, yet Bane’s hat did not fly off—not yet. He fought with all his might against an invisible adversary, even as his fingers danced above one LL-30 BlasTech pistol. If he could only be a fraction faster, if he could only put this disgruntled adolescent in his rightful place, his anger, his heartache, his headaches—they all might vanish.
His quick draw was the cause of his notoriety. To be outdone - to lose to a snot-nosed kid - it would be an embarrassment, though highly understated. The only thing he had left to him was his reputation, and Fett was out to steal it from him, albeit fair and square. He couldn’t – wouldn’t – let that happen.
Bane pulled his weapon; he squeezed the trigger. Simultaneously, another shot was fired. Superheated plasma - imbued with an explosive quality - transferred kinetic and thermal force to the armor plating that lined his signature bolero.
It was not enough to stay the bolt; he felt a searing pain on the left side of his head, radiating across his brow and the upper part of his domed skull. He fell back flat, staring up at a now starless, barren sky. He was out of breath, and he thought this is where he ought to die.
Bane would close his eyes, legs stretched out and arms taut at his sides. He had no idea the outcome; that it had been a tie; that Boba Fett had saved himself from his demise by wearing that accursed beskar, yet the young hunter’s aim had not betrayed him.
“Mister Bane!” he would hear his droid call aloud in a worried tone. He had repeated it three times now, though the Duros found he could not move. The only thing he could perceive in this state was a scathing ache; an excruciating, endless throbbing, right where the bolt made contact with his hat and ricocheted.
The plasma had been so hot, so volatile, it had dissolved his scales clean off and scorched him to the bone—the durasteel panel had dented inward before his hat rebounded off his head and fluttered to the ground, molten metal boring easily through flesh and osseous tissue, slowed only partially.
Tears welled behind shut eyelids, as in that moment, he wished the boy had killed him.
Zulara, hours later, had traversed Mos Eisley’s streets. She had been looking for something, something good to eat. While she was not hungry, she imagined Bane would be the moment he awoke. The girl had not strayed far in her search for the right ingredients.
She aimed to concoct a Twi’lek dish, though she would modify it. Her palette did not enjoy the fungi that accompanied the rycrit meat. She would add carrots and potatoes, along with various other root vegetables, to cook a hearty stew, a thing to keep Bane’s strength up and paid for with her own meager credits.
Todo had confirmed there was nothing much edible aboard Bane’s ship; she had found out shortly that its name was the Justifier; curious, though she would not mention it. Once they had found the lost dispenser, Zulara made it her new objective to prepare a home-cooked meal for the healing Duros. Perhaps he would be appreciative and would not mind that she was here, doing her best to look out for him.
To think, she could still be napping in Ohnaka’s arms if Fett had not sounded the alarm. It was something more complicated than a mere regret; she did not feel that way. In fact, it pleased her. It had scratched an itch Cad Bane had left behind. Still, she had been hurt, a stupid thing, as the youth had asked how long she had known this man; her answer proved unsatisfactory, even to herself.
Why? Why care? As if his attempt to free her was not enough, though Bane had made her feel things she had never felt before. Maybe Zulara has naïve, a woman with no sense, but what sense could she have considering her circumstances? Some might call it a learning curve, though that did not mean she was not harboring intelligence.  In this case, she was thinking with her heart and not her head, but she could not help it; all she cared for was Bane’s good health.
Zulara absentmindedly stirred a pot; it was something she had located in a cabinet by the conservator. It barely appeared used; she wondered if Bane ever liked to cook, or if his starship had come equipped with those things he needed, whether utilized or not.
Once the rycrit stew was at a simmer, she lowered its heat setting and placed a lid on top of it. With this accomplished, she thought to find Todo and pose another question: where was there a workroom, a space with tools? She had it in her mind to fix Bane’s gauntlet, wanting to feel useful.
Now, just where had that droid gone off to?
Glowing embers of crimson red bothered to open up again as Cad’s body began to move of its own volition.
No – it was the wind, that suction. It had gained momentum; it was stronger, rolling him like a tumbleweed toward the open maw of nothing!
The hat went first, vanishing beyond the veil. Bane grimaced as he dug his fingers into the pliant earth. There was no stopping it, head pounding as his legs thrashed violently. He was like a fish out of water, surrounded by only grit and sand. Death, once more, seemed imminent.
The Duros panicked.
Zulara heard a crash, like something falling. She rushed back to where Bane rested, Todo’s mental state in a disarray as he had dropped something. Her eyes traveled toward the pod; Bane was seizing. The girl would gasp as she ran for the tank at lightspeed.
It wasn’t that the droid was clumsy, he had simply moved too quickly. Seeing his master at the mercy of his nightmares had drawn out all his worry; it must have been preprogrammed, but by who was an unsolved mystery—unless it was Vertseth Automata. Surely, Bane would have preferred a model with more strengths than weaknesses, but he had his purpose. Currently, it was to act as nurse, though he was not one; he had been built for techo-service.
By the time Todo arrived, Zulara had already pried open the bacta pod. Bane was coughing, sputtering, even while unconscious. The girl tried lifting him, cupping his upper back as he broached the surface; the sticky gel still held him, her face strained with the effort, though Zulara kept him aloft, fighting the weakness of her arms—Bane was too heavy for her alone.
“Todo, do something!” she pleaded, though she needn’t ask. The droid had readied the dispenser that housed the sedative mid-dash.
“I am sorry, Bane, but this will only hurt a moment!” he said in warning, still somehow afraid of incurring his master’s wrath, no matter that he was incapacitated. He aligned the needle and pressed with all his might; the medicine was injected directly into the site; it would disperse and travel throughout his bloodstream, suppressing his dark memories to the best of its ability.
Todo sighed, dropping his hand and arm. He let the empty dispenser fall onto the floor. Bane had noticeably relaxed; his breathing evened out. Zulara finally felt convinced enough to lie him back down within the healing gel.
“Is-is that it? Will he settle now?” the girl asked fretfully, adjusting Bane’s breathing mask for him; it had become somewhat crooked.
“I do believe so, yes,” Todo stated, though his confidence was shaken. He backed up a foot to let her work, watching how Zulara tended to his master carefully.
It was then Todo wobbled on his axis, believing himself to be tuckered out. For a droid to feel this way was like when organics suffered from lack of sleep. He could not remember the last time he had plugged in, knowing that his power supply was finally dwindling. “I do not feel so good,” he reluctantly admitted.
“What?” Zulara appeared alarmed, turning now upon the droid. He placed his feet down on the ground - too much time spent hovering was another drain on his internal generator – knowing he had only a few minutes left.
“It is not..hi..ng…to worry a..bo..ut,” Todo’s speech came out garbled and slowed down, “I am in need of a re..ch..ar..ge…There is a sta..tion…do..wn the ha.ll.”
Bane’s companion’s eyes flickered, like two glowing yellow fireflies, flashing her at intervals. What would she do without him? What if Bane woke up again? She ran to his aid as he began a make his way, albeit awkwardly.
“You can’t leave me! What if the tank malfunctions, or what if Bane has another nightmare!” Zulara begged of him.
“Bane will most likely be remain un..con..scious for se..veral hours n..ow,” he tried to reassure, his tiny, robotic hands trailing the wall to his right side; his eyesight was no longer reliable, and he had to feel for it: the door that would lead him to his charging bay where he would gladly sit and wait to be replenished. “Do not wor..ry, he is safe. You can always ca..ll… Bo…ba.” He could not believe he was saying this.
“Are you sure? But I don’t want to call him!” Zulara argued, watching as Todo ambulated toward another room. It was the place with all their tools, the one she had been searching for. Todo had nearly made it to his recharge station when he stopped dead.
“Todo?” Zulara whimpered.
There was no response; he had lost all power.
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Two Souls Entwined
Part 4 (Eventual) Captain Rex x oc
A/N: HOLY SHIT GUYS IM BACK. I COOKED UP A STORM THIS TIME. These are my personal headcannons so if you don’t like them you’re welcome to leave 🤩 feel free to criticize I love criticism. Not beta read (as always) 😆
Word count: 2883 (went way overboard)
No warnings unless you’re scared of mean Kaminoans
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“If you’re thinking of leaving, Kal, you know the deal. Su’cuy, Niva,” a voice says from beside the pair of stunned mandos. 
Jango Fett stands before them, looking out the window as well. 
“Jango, you said-”
“I said you’ll be training special ops troops. They just happen to be growing them.”
“Clones…” Niva says before Jango can answer Kal. “Clones of Jango.” 
“I knew you were the brains, ad’ika,” Jango chuckles, grinning at the girl. 
“How the fierfek did you get involved?” Kal asks. 
“A good five million and a little something special. Don’t look so surprised, you would do the same.” Jango looks between Kal and Niva before gesturing for them to follow him down the glossy corridor. Niva’s senses are overwhelmed as she looks between the toroids. 
She blinks rapidly as thoughts spiral in her brain. They aren’t her own and they change as she looks between the towers. It’s like the fetuses are speaking to her. She pauses and looks at one tower specifically, squinting slightly as her gaze lands on a certain tube. The fetus floats in the translucent liquid, an umbilical cord abnormally curling around its leg. 
“Niva, c’mon,” Kal shouts from down the hall. Niva hesitantly pulls her eyes away from the baby to jog back to her adoptive father. 
If something was wrong, the Kaminii would know. They would know. The baby’s fine. 
“You’re both dead now, don’t worry about it, Kal,” Jango says. Niva must’ve missed a bit since they’re both mid conversation about something. 
Right… I’m dead. 
“So, Ilippi threw your sorry shebs out?” Jango asks Kal, who’s expression softens slightly at the mention of his ex-wife. 
“Told you, you should've married a Mando girl. Aruetiise don’t understand the mercenary way.” 
Niva’s eyes narrow involuntarily as Jango brings up Ilippi. She refused to let Kal take their 8 year old sons into war with him, and soon, Kal’s family were no longer waiting for him to come back. 
Didn’t let those kids go into battle, what an outsider! I turned out fine, Niva thinks. 
“Ko Sai said something wasn’t right about the first batch of clones. They’ve been tested and I don’t think they’ll make the military grade, but I’ve told Orun Wa we’d look at them before… you know,” Jango explains. 
“I don’t. Please elaborate,” Kal says. 
“You’ll see.” Jango leads them down the hall, ushering them into a nearby room. 
“Welcome, gentleman,” says Orun Wa in his peaceful monotone, not even addressing Niva, with a gentle tilt of his head. The Kaminoan has a bony fin going down the back of his head and to the nape of his neck. 
“So the first batch have been confirmed as below the accepted standard?” Jango asks. 
“These units are defective, I admit there was an error made while enhancing the genetic template.” Orun says, craning his slender neck to call out to someone in the corridor. “Bring them in.”
Niva turns as the door opens, glancing at Kal. He gives her a small nod, putting a hand on her shoulder. Six pairs of footsteps enter the room. Niva notices: the footsteps are close together, shorter strides instead of longer ones that would fit an adult. 
Kal turns, his eyes widening as he looks down. Six identical boys - maybe four, maybe five at the most - walk into the room. 
These are children, not soldiers… not droids… not units… little kids. 
All had identical curly black hair and dark blue tunics and pants. Both Kal and Niva expected grown men, not… 
“Kids… Kal’buir…” Niva can’t take her eyes away from the boys as she whispers to Kal. His hand leaves her shoulder as Jango inhales sharply. The boys huddle together, one of them holding his arms back like he’s shielding his brothers from Orun Wa, two boys clutching each other as they look at Kal with their big, dark, unblinking eyes. 
Oh… He’s defending his brothers… 
It rips at Niva’s heart, reminding her once again of her brothers. She figured out fast that Kaminoans didn’t tolerate anything that doesn’t meet their society’s principles of perfection. Maybe they don’t know that it’s often imperfection that gives humans an edge?
She hears Orun Wa, Jango, and Kal talk about the boys, but she can’t bring herself to tune in. Not that she understood most of what they said, anyway. Her Basic wasn’t as up to par as she’d like. She spoke with a slight accent, just barely there, pronouncing some letters and words differently than born Basic speakers.  
Three of the boys look up at Niva with their big round eyes. Niva tries to smile and give them a wave, but all three flinch as her hand raises, making Niva immediately put her hand down. 
One of the kids mimics her wave, his scared expression softening a bit. Niva grins at him and he bares his teeth in an attempt of a returning smile. 
“What do you mean by reconditioned?” Kal says, drawing Niva back into the conversation. She obviously missed a lot. 
“In this case, termination. These units cannot follow orders and are simply too unreliable, failing to meet the personality profile required,” Orun Wa replies casually. 
“Terminated? They’re children!” Niva says, gesturing to the boys.
“Niv…” Kal mumbles, placing a hand on her shoulder again. Evil is supposed to be dark and menacing… not soft-spoken.
Then Kal registers what they meant by terminating. Within a second, his clenched fist is at Orun Wa’s chest. “You touch any of those kids, you gray freak, I’ll skin you alive and feed-” 
“Steady,” Jango says, pulling Kal’s arm back. 
“This is uncalled for, we only care for our customer’s satisfaction,” Orun Wa states. Niva watches with wide eyes, instinctively stepping towards the boys. Kal hears his heart thundering in his ears, yanking his arm out of Jango’s grip, stepping in front of the kids, who were silent. His eyes never leave Orun’s yellow irises. 
Jango grips Kal’s shoulder hard enough to hurt. Don’t. Leave this to me. 
“We could do with a few wild cards,” Jango carefully says, stepping between the Kaminoan and Kal. “It’s good to have a few surprises for the enemy, no? How old are they?”
“Two standard years.” 
Niva’s jaw literally drops to the durasteel floor. The boys look older, though. Kal slowly puts his hand back to place his palm on the head of the defending boy’s head. But small fingers clasp onto his calloused hand instead. A helpless gesture. Kal swallows hard. Two years old.
“I’ll train ‘em. What’re their names?” He asks, looking between Jango and the Kaminoan. 
“All units are numbered,” Orun Wa starts. 
“We can… give them names… right?” Niva speaks up quietly. All three men look at her. Kal gives her a discreet hand signal: later. 
“Anyway, our quality control designated them as Null class and-” 
“Null? As in, no di’kutla use?” The veins in Kal’s neck have never been so prominent. 
“Kal, leave this to me,” Jango breathes. 
“No, they’re not units, Jango.” The little hand was holding on for dear life. Another boy comes up and wraps his little arms around Kal’s leg. 
To Niva, the next minute goes by so fast. Before she can even blink, the boy thrusts his fingers into Kal’s boot, taking out the hidden blaster, tossing it to the boy who’s holding Kal’s hand. 
The boy caught it cleanly and pointed it at Orun Wa, his little fingers just barely holding the blaster steady. 
“Osik,” Jango sighs. “Put it down, kid.” 
But the boy held the weapon at the perfect angle, left hand steadying the right, eyes focused on his target. Niva looks between the men, flabbergasted at how calm Jango is. 
I couldn’t protect them… so… maybe I can protect these boys…
“Hey, bud,” Niva says, gently putting a hand on the boy’s arm as she kneels down beside him. “Put it down, yeah? No need for shooting anybody, kyr’ika. Give me the blaster.”
He doesn’t budge, barely blinking.
“You’re safe, lad,” Kal’s voice is soft as he squats down beside the kid, nodding to Niva, a silent indicator that he’s got this. “Come on… put it down. There’s a good lad. Now give me the blaster.”
The boy lowers his arms slowly, “Yes, sir…” He hands the blaster to Kal, who scoops him up. 
“Good lad…” Kal lowers his voice to whisper in the boy’s ear. “Nicely done, too.” 
A small hand tugs Niva’s, making her look down. Two pairs of big eyes stare up at her, one boy mimicking the wave she gave them earlier. Niva grins and waves back with her free hand. She crouches down so she’s eye level with the boys. 
“Hi, I’m Niva,” she holds out her hand. The boys stare at it and then one of them shakes her hand with his little fingers. 
“I’m N-7 and that’s N-10,” he says, meeting her gaze. 
“Pleasure, boys. We’ll work on names later, yeah?” Niva keeps up her smile. N-10 looks at N-7, nudging him with his elbow. Niva can barely hear under his breath as he whispers to N-7, “I wanna shake her hand, let go.” 
Niva lets out a small laugh, N-10 now holding her hand and meeting her gaze just like N-7. These were little boys but were so much like grown men. She’s aware of Kal and Jango speaking behind her. 
“What kind of armor is that?” N-10 asks. 
“It’s made out of beskar. It’s Mandalorian - do you know what that is?” Niva replies. Both boys shake their heads. “Well, I’ll teach you.” 
“You talk funny,” N-7 chimes in.
“So do you, little man.” The boy’s eyes widen as he looks at N-10, who gives him the same wide eyed look. Niva can see N-7 mouth silent words to his brother, We talk funny? She smiles at the pair’s sudden realization. 
“Ad’ika, let’s go.” Kal looks down at his daughter, the little marksman who pointed the blaster at Orun Wa on his hip. Niva nods and stands, her hand slipping from N-10’s much smaller one. 
Niva doesn’t even need to help Kal take the six boys to their quarters. The tiny soldiers silently march behind the two Mandos. 
The walk back to the room was eerily silent. Kal occasionally tried to make simple conversations with the boys, all attempts ending in one word answers from various kids. 
Niva could hear the boy’s thoughts and felt their emotions. Not a clear thought, though, just a jumbled mess entangling with her own thoughts. Multiple voices spoke to her as she walked beside her father figure, some small and quiet, others prominent and deafening. 
As the group walked down the sterile halls of Kamino they passed lines of other clones, all the same age as the Nulls, marching in the opposite direction. One of the boys caught her eye, his shaven head differentiating him from his brothers.
He caught her eye, his amber irises following her green ones as they passed each other. His thoughts melted into her own. The bridge of Niva’s nose pulsed with a deep ache, silencing her overcrowded mind. 
“Ad’ika… Niva, are you okay?” Kal’s voice broke her trance. 
“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine. Headache, ‘s all, Buir.”
“Mm… Have you ever finished that story of yours? Remember, the one you wanted to write before we met?”
”I remember. No, I haven’t done much with it since then. Should I?”
”Maybe. Just find something inspiring, like these little lads.” Kal reaches back to ruffle one of the boy’s hair. 
“In… In what?” 
“Something that gives you ideas, ad.” 
The first night with the boys was… something. Niva hardly slept with two little four year old boys clinging to her all night, their little fists white knuckling her sleep shirt. 
Kal settled on names for all six of them, taught them a bit of mando’a, filled their little bellies with uj cake, realized how traumatized they were, and knocked out with Ordo - N-11 - on his lap.
N-7 and 10 - now Mereel and Jaing - clung to Niva as if she were their lifeline. They held her pant legs tightly in their little fists when they walked down the corridors or just to the ‘fresher. Whenever she’d ruffle their mops of brown curls they’d look up at her with a confused look, not aware it was a sign of affection. 
The first time she did so, Mereel looked terrified, his pools of amber going wide, like his eyes were taking over his little face. 
What did the kaminiise do to you boys… 
Niva eventually worked up enough courage to begin wandering the halls of Tipoca City in her spare time, finding training areas and barracks under construction for the millions of clones that will eventually call this sterile place home - or as close to home as possible. 
On her fourth day of exploration, she saw the kaminioan. Of course there were kaminiise everywhere, it was Tipoca City, but this one was different. She sat on a tall bench - built specifically for kaminioans - overlooking one of the few functioning training areas. 
Her skin, a sickly gray, shined in the light. Her large black eyes with blue-gray irises were focused on the cadets through the glass. Niva was intrigued by her, the way she looked at the cadets like they were roba up for slaughter. 
Niva made a habit to walk past her on her walks since the kaminioan always sat there at the same time everyday. A couple days after first seeing her, she spoke up, not looking away from the cadets. 
“Can I help you, Ms. Niva Veen?” She startled Niva, stopping her in her tracks. 
“How do you know my name?” 
“I read your file, Mandalorian. May I ask why you’re always walking about instead of training our troops?” She still didn’t look up. 
“It’s my free time, I finished training one standard hour ago,” Niva says as she walks up to the kaminioan. “What’re you doing?”
“My job.” 
“May I ask what your job is, then?”
“I am Chief Scientist Ko Sai’s assistant. I’m here to study the Generation Ones, seeing what should be improved and changed in later Generations,” the kaminoan answers in the same monotone Orun Wa used several days prior. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Nala Se.” 
“Nice to meet you.”
“Why do you always come here?” Nala Se asks with a sigh, seeming to be done with Niva. 
“I’m-” Niva couldn’t think of the correct word. “You’re just always out here. You look sad sometimes.”
“I am allowed to feel emotions sometimes, Niva Veen.” 
Niva cocks her head. “I’m good at reading people. You seem more than sad, like you’re focused on something important to you, something to prove to someone.” 
Nala Se finally looks away from the cadets, her massive eyes meeting Niva’s. “You’re correct, actually.” She leans back slightly and pauses, her eyes widening as she realizes something. “I need a trainer. Not for myself, but for… special ops troopers. You seem qualified, for a sixteen year old.” 
“I can train troops. I know what I’m doing,” Niva replies, narrowing her eyes slightly. Nala Se hums an acknowledgement, standing and turning her back to the girl. 
“Follow me, then,” she says. 
The private tubing system fascinated Niva, her face nearly pressed to the glass as she zoomed past the water and its inhabitants. 
“Have you never seen an ocean before? It really isn’t that intriguing,” Nala Se says. 
“Not this close…” Niva replies as she unfocuses her eyes to see the water streaming past her. 
The lab was just as sterile as the rest of Kamino, but the dimness was a mixture of soothing and eerie. They entered through the floor, directly in the center of the lab. 
“You remember how the six other Null ARCs were disposed of?” Nala Se asks Niva. 
“Yes…” Where is this going? 
“I saved them. Orun Wa and Ko Sai didn’t think they’d last in combat, you see. One was smaller than the rest, one stockier, two very thin, one a female. The female and one of the lankier cadets had poor eyesight compared to the average clone,” Nala Se explains. 
She walks to a panel on the wall, opening a hidden door. A hidden door in a hidden lab. What else lies in these walls? She continues, “I was tasked with the extermination of those six. Yes, I directly disobeyed orders, but once I show the higher ups, I’ll be rewarded. I will surpass Ko Sai to become the next Chief Scientist.” 
Niva watches as the hidden door leads to a brighter corridor. The hallway leads to another door, small noises can be heard from behind the transparisteel. 
“CT-9903 and the female would’ve never lasted. I’ve done all I could to preserve their eyesight but not much can be done. Both require glasses. In addition, I modified the entirety of the batch so they can’t be traced back to the Nulls.”
“Wait,” Niva says, “CT? Not ARC?” 
The door at the end of the hidden hallway behind the hidden door in the hidden lab opens to reveal six clones, the same age as the Nulls, sitting on their respective six bunks, dwarfing them. 
“Clone Force 99, this is Niva Veen. She will be continuing your training from now on.”
Mando’a used:
Kaminii means kaminoan (the se at the end of certain scenes is just plural as in kaminoans)
Fierfek is just some random curse I think
Aruetiise means traitor
Shebs means your rear
Ad’ika is a term of affection for a kid (ad means the same)
Buir is father/mother (no gender in Mando’a)
Taglist: @fionajames @sevdidntdie @dangraccoon @hellhound5925 @skellymom @angie-is-silly (why did you change your fucking name dude 😭 you gave me a stroke trying to find you)
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jillianfahey · 16 days
Bad Batch Crosshair - Modern AU (Family is Annoying in any Universe)
A short look into the reception for Crosshair and Lyni's marriage.
Crosshair felt joy in his chest waking up next to Lyni. So much so that he dreaded his next deployment because it meant he had to take a break from being next to her. But Riyo promised that by his next leave the adoption papers for the twins Brutal and Shadow would be though then he could take all three to get military IDs.
And after the adoption goes through we'll take a vacation just the four of us, he promised himself. It was a promise that was keeping him from murdering many of his family members at this reception. They were testing his patience with the entirety of the Fett clan turning out to meet who one of their party boys was settling down with.
Looking around he could see his brothers talking to their cousins Cody and Rex, with a few of their brothers standing close by. Wolffe with his eye patch was giving stern stares at anyone who was headed his way so most steered clear of him. Shadow and Brutal were playing with some of the younger members of the clan, and Lyni was keeping a watchful eye on them.
Soon Jango started walking over, and Crosshair could feel the anger build up in him at the sight of the man. Most of his brothers had a strained relationship with their father, who was rightly called a dead beat. Jango had done little to raise them, preferring to leave them with the women that he slept with only to turn up later with gifts to try and mend the rift. One of the reasons Crosshair had slept around so much was because he was tired of fighting the expectation with Jango Fett as his father.
Lyni's slender hand slipped into his and Cross felt his anger melt away with her touch. Turning he smiled at his Riddur, his wife, and tried to ignore the man coming towards them. Jango had not gotten the hint, "Crosshair, why didn't you tell me you had such a lovely Cyre?"
Because my sweetheart is none of your business he wanted to say but didn't. Instead stating, "You have never been interested before."
Lyni squeezed his hand with her left as she extended her right, "It is nice to meet you Mr Fett, I'm Lyni."
Smiling the flirtatious smile he turned on all of his children's partners Jango answered taking her hand to shake, "What a lovely name for a lovely lady."
Raising an eyebrow, "A compliment that will never be returned to you sir." Crosshair snorted at the look on his fathers face but Lyni gave her practiced smile, "Now if you excuse us I have other members of the family to meet." Giving him a short nod she and Crosshair walked away and continued meeting members of the family.
There was Alpha and his generation, Colt and the rest of the uncles, Cody and the rest of the older cousins and then Tup and the rest of the younger cousins. Not to mention the spouses and partners of many of the older ones. Colt wife Shaak Ti stepped forward and took Lynis hands into hers, "Do not worry young one." With one of the tougura woman's gentle smiles, "Everyone will fall in place given time." Lyni just nodded and followed Cross some more.
Finally they had mad the rounds and settled at a picnic table for some lunch. Lyni relaxed a bit when Shadow and Brutal joined them with Wrecker following. He had also been playing with the kids but stopped when the twins wanted to rest. At this table for a moment they were just the Bad Batch and the Dathmarian trio. Lyni leaned her head on Crosshair's shoulder and sighed, "Is it always like this?" Her hand motioned to the chaos of the family unfolding around them.
Crosshair wrapped an arm around her shoulders while Hunter patted her shoulder comfortingly, "Only on a full get together. Otherwise there are less people." Lyni nodded once but sat up with with her practiced smile on her face when others joined the table.
I'm sorry if it did not have as much interactions with the clones as wanted and/or expected. I am just trying to stay writing on a regular basis and this is what came out.
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my-sun-m00n-and-stars · 5 months
First two chapters of the next installment in my Cad Bane series is out on AO3
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itsagrimm · 2 years
The Confusion
Tumblr media
Cad Bane X she/her able-bodied reader
Beta read by the amazing @queenquazar
CN street clothes on bed, blood, fantasies of violence against a loved one, painfully bad communication skills a la toxic masculinity Bane, food, mentions of not eating enough, mentions of food insecurity and poverty trauma, fear of getting murdered and attacked, firmely saying no to the sexual assault tropes but characters vaguely think about this as something happening and existing in the galaxy, guns and gunfight, mentions of sex, fighting, more blood, injury, the bounty hunters know how to tussle, homicidal droid, general note about trandoshans and hutts being antisemitic stereotypes
8k words
You woke up, once again, to the humming sounds of a spaceship. Surprised, you looked around, checked yourself and tried to recollect how you got here.
You were in a bunk - Bane’s bunk?!
Kriff. Okay.
You were still in your clothes, yet barefoot with a huge bacta patch on your neck.
The bite! The memory of Bane rushing at you with gleamy, hungry, predatory eyes and then him with blood - your blood - running down his chin from his barred fangs flashed before your eyes.
That ass of a bantha.
If you could get your hands on him you would - you stopped, remembering how he always towered above you with red eyes, sharp teeth and terrifying strength in his lanky body.
You grimaced.
Your options about what you could do with your hands alone were rather limited in regards to Cad.
 You meant Bane. Not sure you two were still on a first name basis after everything.
You rolled over and screamed your frustrations into the pillow before turning again and taking a few calming deep breaths.
What a mess.
When you were younger you remembered dreaming about someone stepping into your world and changing your life. Now, as it happened, you felt nothing but anger and annoyance for being taken away from your everyday comforts and safety, your home, your income - your life. Yes, anger was good. It was better than the disturbing feeling of powerlessness creeping up in your belly. Rage felt better than resignation.
You got up.
Time to deal with this. Time to tackle the zillo beast. Grab the Zabrack by the horns. Stare the Duro in the Eyes.
What was it now? Another kidnapping? Another mildly veiled threat? Another day without caf and the morning news holos..
Remember - anger, missing caf with a passion.
The outside of the bunkroom was calm. Quickly, you moved around the ship into the cockpit. You needed to know where you are and how you got here. The cockpit was a great place to start with the first.
The dim little area was illuminated with its usual lights from the buttons and screens. You halted in your steps. Through the viewport in front of you, Nar Shaddaa, the smuggler's moon, could be seen. The sight of a fully urbanized celestial body still seemed implausible, a view you struggled with after seeing it before.
Someone knocked.
You turned around, anticipating Bane or another attacker, kidnapper or other bane on your existence but instead it was TODO 360, the droid. A different kind of bane.
“Master Bane instructed me to let you rest and ensure your well-being.” He squeaked, “I had objected about taking up the tasks of a nanny droid. But master Bane insisted on you being more comfortable with a droid than him due to your incapacitated state. I’m glad this is over, for now I can return to my more important duties.”
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I am sure I was not much of a hassle while I was out,” you deadpanned.
“You don't sleepwalk. I heard some of your species do that,” TODO continued. “I would have used a stun shot on you if you’d done that.”
Your mouth went dry. A thinly veiled threat kind of day it was then.
“Well, I feel so cared for by you. Thanks. Where is Bane?”
“Master Bane is doing some maintenance on the hyperengine generator.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I am sure Master Bane will be most pleased with you being helpful while keeping me safe.”
The droid stared at you before turning around leaving you alone without any more words. Maybe his memory storages were overflowing with his artificial adoration for Bane and he had no capacity for being nice to you.
You took one last look at the magnificent sight of Nar Shaddaa. It was breathtaking, helping you to calm your confused thoughts and ground yourself in the here and now. You were one little human in this inconceivably big galaxy full of wonders and horrors like the populated moon before your eyes. You would deal with whatever awaited you however you could, taking it in stride instead of panic. It was all you had left now, anyways as you headed down deeper into the ship.
The engine room was a space you had never visited before during your previous  encounters with Bane. It simply wasn’t where one naturally gravitated to when looking for a space to fuck. So it took you a few moments to find it, wandering around the ship and past places where Bane had bent you over, or against, or pushed you down before.
You shook your head. This wasn’t the moment to think about what you had done to each other. How he tasted. That gruff sound he made when he came. Or, how it had felt when-
“You’re awake.”
Banes' curt greeting snapped you back into reality and you turned around. He was shirtless, marked in grime from working on the engine, a handful of tools in his hands with his discarded shirt lying on the floor. Stars, he looked good as he stared down on you, the hat making him appear even taller.
“I ‘ad started to worry about ya’ dying on me due to blood loss. Took you a long time to get up.”
Still as caring as always then.
“Well, I’m alive.” You managed to reply. The machine oil on his dark blue skin glinted distractingly.
He nodded.
You shifted awkwardly, suddenly not feeling angry or annoyed, but hyper aware of how out of your element you were.
Bane cleared his throat.
“There is some caf powder upstairs,” Bane said,his raspy voice felt liberating from the oppressive silence. “Take a sonic and some of ma’ clothes. I’ll just finish up here.”
You grimaced.
“Do I look that shitty?”
“No. That’s not-” Bane stopped.
Both of you stared at each other.
His red eyes burned into your skin and you felt yourself getting hot under his heavy gaze.
“Sonic sounds good,” you huffed, stepping away.
He hummed and your eyes fell onto his chest again, drawn in by the deep vibrating timbre.
You remembered being pressed against a wall by that chest, scratching over it in excitement, tracing the ink and scars on it before falling asleep.
Firmly, you turned around and marched to the refresher while collecting a few pieces of clothing on the way.
The door of the refresher unit slammed behind you, as if you did not put thin plastisteel between you and the rest of the world, but solid granite scratching over the floor.
Alone, you closed your eyes and leaned against the door.
Everything on this ship reminded you of him and of the lovely little trysts you had. Bane pushed you away, though, then caused you to get kidnapped.
You wanted to forget those delicious memories, wanted to be angry for what his presence had brought to your life.
And you were.
Void, you would hammer against his pretty blue grime covered chest first chance you got with your little fists if that would help. But it didn’t.
You stripped out of your clothes and turned on the sonic, washing yourself mechanically. What you needed was regaining control over your life. Not some fantasies about a man you once thought of saving you. And you would start conquering back control now.
Bane bared his teeth at the engine. He heard her steps,the movement of clothes around her body, as he continued his work. He had kriffed up again. He wanted to be considerate, show her he wanted her to be fine and well after everything he’d caused her. But instead, he made her even more uncomfortable than she was. Her lost gaze roaming over his body as in wonder if he would expect some kind of payback for his service. He shook his head in disgust. Bane remembered being powerless and lost, at the mercy of others. He had been kicked down most of his life. Which is exactly why he became who he was now. He would be damned to do that to her.
But his rough attitude helped little when he tried -and failed at- comforting her. Maybe at least keeping her safe and well, would make up for everything. Maybe the hot sonic would alleviate some of her stress, run down her body, her back, her ass, the back of her legs as she closed her eyes and-
He hissed as he accidentally cut himself on the sharp fan blades of the cooling system.
He needed to avoid thinking about her that way.
The droid trotted around the corner. “Yes, master Bane?”
“Finish up here. It needs to be patched up again.”
The droid nearly pranced at the outlook of doing the work of a techno service droid for once.
“I will not let you down, master Bane! It will be done in no time. I will-”
“Yes.” The Duros hissed and patted the little droid absentmindly on the head. Maybe he should return to the Twi’lek technician and tweak TODO’s personality as she recommended. Maybe seeing her friend again could cheer up the lil’ lady.
“Oh,” Todo sighed. Bane looked down, noticing his head on the droid's head. If TODO could blush, Bane was sure the droid would.
Bane lifted his hand.
For once in his silicone based life, the droid stayed silent without being told to - just staring up  with his big, loyal, visual sensors.
“Gotta go,” the bounty hunter growled.
Upstairs in the little kitchen area, he disinfected the cut on his hand. It was minor but in his line of work, he needed his hands to be in healthy condition. A wound infection, even a small one, could get dangerous when on the hunt.
While waiting for her to finish in the refresher unit he cleaned himself up at the kitchen sink and got a fresh shirt before making caf. She had looked tired. And, if he remembered correctly, she enjoyed a good cup of the warm liquid before work. Not that something like “morning” existed up in orbit where time became an abstract.
The door to the refresher unit hissed open. Bane closed his eyes with her smell, now faint, covered by the scent of the soap, allured him as always. He opened his eyes again as he heard the fabric around her ruffle and rustle around her hips as she stepped into the kitchen.
“Sorry, I didn’t want you to keep you waiting,” she muttered.
He was willing to wait for her years if needed be. But he could hardly say that.
Instead, he just nodded.
“I made caf,” he grumbled, passing her a cup.
She leaned against the kitchen counter in front of him and pursed her cute little lips to blow over the hot caf to cool it.
Bane wanted to kiss those lips and feel her breath on him again.
Instead he took a sip from his cup and nearly burned himself.
“How are you feeling?” Cad grit out, ignoring the pain of the burn.
She halted her movements.
They both sipped from their cups, only the clanking sounds of TODO working down in the ship breaking the awkward silence. In all his years as a bounty hunter Bane never felt so tense about saying something wrong. Why was this so hard?
She took another sip from her cup, him mirroring her action.
Shit, speak!
He opened his mouth and closed it. What was he supposed to say? He’d rather walk through the tatooine sea of dunes instead of feeling this clueless.
She stared at him expectantly, looking so good in his shirt.
Looking so angry at him. He closed his mouth.
“Do I get anything after getting abducted, insulted, and attacked due to you?” she asked. “Do I get anything after being attacked by you?”
His mind went blank with her eyes gleaming at him, the rage simmering below her irises. How was he supposed to fix this?
Frustrated, she slammed down her cup and turned around to leave.
“Good talk,” she hissed.
You marched into Cad’s little bunk room to calm down.
Bane, not Cad.
Getting rescued like a stray tooka was a surprisingly positive turn. But he was aloof, laconic and confusing. It drove you mad.
Quackling of a man.
Why did he bother to save you if he was going to turn around and ignore you? What was the point? You stalked around the little space, massaging your temples while hating the confusion raging in yourself. Since you came aboard his ship, he had kept his distance, always making sure to leave an arms length between you and him, even tasking TODO to care for you instead of doing it himself. If it was out of consideration, you very much appreciated it as a polite and charming gesture. But knowing Bane and how he had broken off, it was because he wanted that distance. You were nothing but an ex-lover to him. Most likely he saved you out of convenience, hurt ego or maybe a smidge of guilt. The Duros was a loner - prideful and uncommunicative, not even bothering to tell you why you were here.
Maybe he just saved you to use you for information. What else could he gain from you now?
You choked on your next breath.
What if he throws you out of the air lock as soon as you lose whatever value you held for him?
As sob escaped your mouth. Your hands catching any other sound of weakness you couldn’t afford right now. Apparently you survived the sarlacc pit only to die in the dune sea. 
You looked around for an escape.
On the crate with Banes stuff was a holopad. Maybe he had forgotten it there. You had to find something about Duro’s anatomy or this ship or TODO or anything that could help you escape.
You turned on the holopad and established a holonet connection.
Nervously you drummed on the frame with your fingers before typing in Cad Bane’s name.
Back at home on Trask you had avoided doing this. Who could blame you? Now, you stared at countless entries. A barrage of red flags you were not sure what to do with.
Dank Ferrik.
Fascinated and scared, you scrolled through a few articles.
“Bane, the Bane of the Underworld.”
“Infamous Bounty Hunter Cad Bane Terrorizes Galactic Senate!”
“Some have a bone to pick with him, others want to bone him - Cad Bane and 8 things we know about the mysterious dashing gunslinger”
“Jedi Killer on the Loose”
For a split second you considered reading the article about the mysterious dashing gunslinger, your mind trying to find comfort in the absurd before turning serious again. Luna had been adamant about Cad Bane being dangerous and a Jedi Killer. And back then, in the safety of your house, you had pushed her concerns aside. Now, heavily reliant on ‘the Bane of the Underworld’ and hoping he wouldn’t kill you at his first convenience, you had to reconsider. You turned off the holopad and leaned back to fight back the rising panic.
Those articles made it very clear that Bane was not just any bounty hunter. He was a dangerous individual to be around. Memories of him on Nar Shaddaa and other bounty hunters like him flashed before your eyes. Instinctually you reached for the bacta patch on your neck with your hands.
Those hands - you had fought too. And you had set fire to the cantina, possibly hurting and killing everyone inside. Nausea threatened to rise up in your throat. You took a deep calming breath. It was self-defense! And Cad, probably had reasons too-
Kraytspit. Bane! His name was Bane.
You froze, feeling the cold wetness of your tears only after they had trailed down your face. No pushing aside all the pain and fears, no rational, no thoughts, no words.
What was even left to say.
TODO had finished the repairs about an hour ago and was running tests to ensure the ship's safe operation. Soon, Bane would be forced to make a decision. Where would he go from here?
No, they.
It was two of them now, only the lady had appeared to be less delighted to share air with him.
He bared his teeth.
Damn woman.
What was he supposed to say? That he was sorry for everything that happened to her? That he did not want her to be harmed and that he would make sure she would be safe? And that he really had missed her, so much so that he honestly considered how he felt about somebody else except himself for once? He growled in frustration.
He should have said all that.
He re-adjusted his hat and leaned back into the pilot seat. Maybe he would tell her that - later. It wasn’t his fault she had marched out of the kitchen like a furious tooka. When she wasn’t sulking and angry and - Bane cocked his head, his sharp Duros hearing picked her up, silently sobbing, trying to muffle the sound.
The corners of his mouth twisted downwards.
Damn woman.
Damn smart, witty and oh so kriffing beautiful woman.
He really could not stand her being in pain. With a sigh, he got up and followed the sound.
He found her sitting on his bunk with her knees pressed to her body and her arms hugging around her legs. She stared at the wall with fearful, teary eyes.
He knocked at the door frame.
Startled, she jumped up, quickly recovering and putting up a neutral face.
“Can I come in?” He rasped.
“It’s your ship.”, she managed with a nearly steady voice.
“That’s not an answer.”
They stared at each other, Cad unsure of what to say. His eyes wandered down to the holopad, a photo of him below a headline he couldn’t read.
“You looked me up.”
“It scared you.”
She nodded weakly.
Wordless he slowly moved in and settled next to her, close enough to talk but far enough to give her space and leave at any moment if she wanted.
He leaned forward onto his knees, the silence thickening the recycled air. He summoned all his courage.
“I cannot remember having a’ honest conversation with anyone since I was a hatchling,” he offered quietly.
She turned her head and looked at him as he continued.
“At this point, I don’t really know how to have one.” He practiced those words to himself moments ago, yet each syllable had to be forced out just to be whispered. “I am sorry for everything that happened to ya’. It wasn’t my intention to cause you harm.”
She hummed and looked up in the air as if thinking.
“This shit is kriffed up,” she finally said. “I can’t believe that a semi-regular cantina hook-up got me into this.”
She looked at him with the same look bounties had given him before.
“Will you kill me?”
He couldn’t help but stare at her in surprise. He was Cad Bane. Infamous bounty hunter and best one in the galaxy. A murderer for hire. He had done heinous things, spilled so much blood he would have been able to drown in it.
But harming her? 
Not considering his every move just not to spook her? Hearing her sob?
“Never,” he admitted.
She lowered her legs from the bunk and turned her full body towards him, “It's a bit hard to believe. Is it a trick?”
“If it would be a trick, I’d hardly tell ya’,” he argued with a low rumble in his voice.
She smiled, a sad smile on those pretty lips.
He wanted to reach over to her to hold her, keep her safe from all that scared her and show her how little she had to fear from him.
He did nothing.
“I am sorry for losing my patience in the kitchen,” she said, breaking the silence. “It's all a bit much.”
“Ya’ did surprisingly well for a beginner. Saw the arson,”He nodded approvingly, happy to move into more familiar waters.
Her nervous smile turned genuine. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Her voice was steady, not angry or teary anymore.
He nodded.
“What’s with the bite?”
He regretted agreeing to the question. 
“Lil’ lady, you really cut right down to it.” He considered his next words carefully, grimacing. “Crossed ya’ path by accident on Nar Shaddaa and it struck me as odd to see ya there. So, I followed a bit. Ya’ seemed to be doing just fine and I was about to leave as I heard Bossk, Aurra and Boba talk about ya. I figured it would be in both our interests if they didn’t catch you; so, I got to you first. I had to rely on my duro’s hunting instincts for that. They got the better of me for a moment.”
“Wait. You stalked me? Like prey?”
His mouth went dry and he tilted his head, the brim of his hat exaggerating the movement.
“Another question,” She declared, “What now? Unless you change your mind about throwing me out of the airlock, I imagine you don’t want your one night stand to stick around forever.”
Yes, I would very much like that.
“We need to figure out why they were searching for me,” He replied instead. “Same thing could happen to ya’ again, otherwise. After that, I can get you to any place in the galaxy. Whatever ya’ want, lil lady.”
“Really. If I wanted to force you to stay here on this ship, I would lock you up in the holding cell. But ya’ run around as you please, right?”
She considered his words.
“Right,” she finally admitted, dragging the word unwillingly along.
Relief washed over him as if he had managed another senate hostage situation or broke into the Jedi temple a second time. She hadn’t cried again because of him. And she had stopped staring at him like a tooka seeing a massif for the first time.
Maybe he was a doomed man for caring about that.
They settled on Tatooine as their next destination. If one could talk about a “they”. It would be a few days until they arrived on the desert planet where Cad Bane planned on fixing this mess with Jabba the Hutt. Apparently, Cad had worked for Jabba a few times, counting on his former employer to have enough patience to explain why the Hutt Clan collectively placed a bounty on him. You shrugged off what sounded like a suggestion. Intergalactic criminal politics weren't your cup of tihaar and you knew too little to object, nor did you feel you had any actual say in the matter.
Traveling with Cad was uneventful.
Bane - traveling with Bane was uneventful. 
Bane kept to the cockpit, even sleeping there while you mostly stayed in the bunkroom he had retreated from. You avoided meeting the Duros, still unsure of what to make of this situation and if you had any chance to survive it.
At least he fed you. 
You hadn’t quite figured out why, but the value you had was enough for him to spare some rations, keep you free to roam the ship, and not object as you borrowed his clothes or used his holopad.
“You need to finish the ration pack,” he growled from across you during meal time, one of the few situations you did see each other. “You did not finish the last one, either.”
Without any joy you poked around the rehydrated nuna and beans meal, searching for your will to finish it.
“If ya’ keep eating morsels, ya will lose strength,'' he added.Bane had finished his portion, always eating with a gusto and speed as if starved and someone could steal his plate at any second.
“I’m not particularly hungry, maybe I can finish it later,” you explained, puttingt down the cutlery.
Bane hissed in disapproval. “Later, there will be more for ya’ to eat.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Will I need my strength for anything in particular? Are you preparing me for something? ”
He crossed his lanky arms in front of his body.
“I did not save ya’ only to watch ya’ waste yourself away. We are traveling to Tatooine and not back to Trask. Y’a need every bit of energy ya’ can get. Planet ‘s harsh.”
You grimaced, looking at the unappetizing meal in front of you.
“Listen,” he continued, “I’m not traveling with a woman for a few days only to have her collapse first thing after gettin’ off ma’ ship.”
“Yeah, what would the people think?” She questioned sarcastically. “Someone harmed on Cad Bane’s ship? The scandal!”
“Funny,” he hissed, ”It’s as if you know what I do for a living.”
“I have my moments. Life’s too short to waste them.” You crossed your arms, mirroring his pose.
“If you won’t finish the food, I will,”he hissed, already reaching over the table as he returned to his original point.
“How nice of you to ask and wait for my answer,” you hit back, annoyed about being lectured by what felt like your second kidnapper.
“Better than wait and waste food like you do.” Bane glared back at you, while finishing your meal in record speed.
“There wasn't even that much left. Why do you care?”
“Hate throwing away food.”
You studied Bane as he finished your portion. Despite finally knowing what he did for work and spending quite some time together now, you hardly knew anything about him. It was one thing to know what face they made when cuming, but another thing to know what they liked and where they came from. And one of those things was significantly overestimated as ‘personal’.
You figured you’d dare to ask.
“Why do you hate throwing away food?”
Bane put down the bowl, meticulously empty from scratching out even the tiniest amount of food, and looked at you.
“I know what it's like to be hungry, so I hate throwing away food. It’s a luxury to be fed regularly, to have a choice, what and when ya’ eat, lady.” Hee paused, his eyes strangely unfocused for a moment, as if in thought before continuing softly, “Next time, finish ya’ meal. Yes?”
You nodded as he got up to clear the table to retreat back to the cockpit. Bane shared something with you he clearly valued a lot.
“Yes,” you rasped before he left.
You started to tiptoe more around the ship, venturing from the security of the bunkroom. There was little to do except for lounging around, reading or watching holos. So, you started pitching in with chores. It wasn’t that different from running a cantina and better than being bored.
There were food and drinks to worry about - meals for Cad and you, energy recharges for TODO, the occasional sip of water for the hydroculture plants in the ship's air filtering system.
Things to repair or keep clean - at one point when looking for a clean shirt you found a stash of old clothes and started tailoring them to your own needs while waiting for the sonic cleaner to finish.
Unpleasant beings to be around yet had to be endured - TODO, mostly TODO. The little droid managed to give you the dirtiest looks despite relying solely on a pair of sensory units for it.
“Is that master Bane’s jacket?” TODO enquired with an oddly sour tone for a droid.
“I found it broken, I repaired it,” you answered while going through the collection of meal kits.
“I see.”
You looked up.
The droid was still standing in front of you, silently staring at you.
“Anything I can help with, TODO?”
The droid blinked.
“I was ordered by Master Bane to inform you that we will reach Tatooine soon. You are hereby informed.”
You waited for the droid to say something more or leave.
“Thank you, TODO. You can leave now.” you replied as nothing came of the droid.
“I’m glad you will leave soon too.” The droid declared and waddled away.
You grimaced.
The menacing little companion stoked your fears you had managed to keep down by occupying yourself. Yet, he was right. You would leave soon, still not entirely sure if you’d make it out unharmed.
Swallowing down that possibility, you picked the most delicious sounding meal kit.
Yes, raid your possible attackers fridge. Make it count.
You fished out an interesting sounding soup as Cad strode in.
BANE! By the glaciers of Hoth, Bane.
He nodded as a greeting, his hat as always accentuating the movement before grabbing his own meal and starting to rehydrate it.
“Ya’ ever been to Tatooine before?” He asked in his usual growling low voice.
“No. I haven’t traveled much. Not everyone has a ship or can pilot.” You got out the cutlery, set the table and sat down to wait for Bane to finish with his food.
He growled, “Should have told me before. Could have shown ya’ how to fly The Justifier past rotations.”
Puzzled, you reached for the bowl he handed you. Why teach a hostage how to get away?
They started eating. Despite your best efforts, you didn’t manage.
Banehissed in disapproval, finished with eating in the blink of an eye, as always.
“These are Duros portions. Not human portions.” You felt defended yourself from his hot red glare as he reached over the table in familiar fashion for your bowl, “Also, how do you eat so fast?“
“That is the most not-informing-answer. Obviously it’s a habit.”
He put down the bowl, slowly blinking through his glare
“Yeah? Want me to tell ya’ a story about ma’ harsh childhood with lots of siblings on a poor Durese satellite city where food was scarce and ya’ hadda’ eat quickly before someone stronger could snatch it away?”
“Yes, tell me about that.”
“I just did.”
You swallowed your remark, exhaling a soft.
“Oh,” your voice flat and deflated. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Better than coming from Trask.”
“Hey! I’m not from there. I’m from Naboo. I kind of accidentally ended up on Trask- and it’s not that bad!”
“Yeah,” the Duros snorted. “If ya’ like fish, sailors, and sailors who smell like fish.”
“Don’t be mean. It’s a job. I’m sure bounty hunting is not that appetizing at times either.”
He paused.
“Gotta point there, lady.” He reached behind his back and drew a blaster, laying it flat on the table.
You froze, your breath catching in your throat. This was it. This was the end. You had outlived your usefulness for Bane and now you would die.
“I know ya’ can use that ol’ blaster ya’ had back on Trask, but can ya’ use these?”
You blinked.
“Loth cat got ya’ tongue?”
“Uhm,” you swallowed. “Not sure. They look fancy. Never had one like these in my hands.”
“Of course ya’ haven’t. They’re custom. I got nothing else lying around that would fit ya’ otherwise. I can’t have ya’ run around with a heavy rifle ya’ can hardly carry, but also can’t have ya’ unarmed on Tatooine.”
Your head spun around to pull out at least one useful thought as you reached for the pistol. It was heavy and violent, yet scary and beautiful.
“Don’t lose it. The LL-30 is part of a pair.”
“I-, I am not planning to,” you managed to speak.
“Good. Or I’m having ya’ neck otherwise.”
You gulped as he rose from the chair.
“Gear up and get ready for landing. Tatooine is business.”
Tatooine was in fact business. But not for you. Cad landed the ship outside of Moss Eisley, one of the bigger settlements on the planet, showed you how to use the LL-30, and tasked you to guard the ship and TODO.
As fascinating as it had been to watch the ship approach the planet, it was now inadvertently boring to stare into the dusty horizon. You wondered why you had to gear up, dressed in long sleeved and covering clothes to shield from the sun, when all you did was sit around in the ship's shadow.
“Anything on the comms?” you called into the ship.
“Master Bane has not contacted me. I am instructed to inform you and follow your commands when I receive news.”
You raised an eyebrow. You could order TODO around - no wonder the droid sounded even more pissed than usual.
Instead of getting on the droid's synthetic nerves, you opted for a little stroll around the ship. It was a short-lived pleasure. As soon as you left the shadow, you felt like every bit of strength burned out of you. Maybe you needed a hat too for a bit of shade? Or something similar to the tusken’s traditional head coverings for your head. Obviously, unlike you, the local sentient population was clever enough to dress for the doubly sunny occasion.
Bored and sweaty, you retreated back into the shadows and took a seat on the little stairs leading into the ship.
If you wanted to run away, this was your chance. But looking at the endless dunes in the oppressive heat, and having TODO behind you, right next to the controls of The Justifier’s canons, you quickly discarded the idea.
Maybe this was okay?
Maybe you could slip away in a more survivable environment later. Or maybe Cad did plan on letting you go at some point. He had been …nice. You had expected something different, like getting locked up … or other things.
You shock your head, refusing to follow that pattern.
Instead, Cad had given you a gun and every space you needed away from him.
The many memories of him back on Trask, the articles about him as a dangerous bounty hunter, the holding cell in his ship, the many weapons, the groans and hissed sounds of chasing pleasure, the little talks during meal time, him biting you and glaring down at you as your memory faded away, his smell on the clothes you wore, his gun in your hands as you waited for him to return - it all swirled into one shape.
Cad Bane.
Confused, you buried your face in your hands.
The darkness of your closed eyes and shielding hands was comforting, the stairs below you piercing into the flesh of your thighs grounding you - and moving?
You opened your eyes the second the stairs drew back, throwing you into the ship and closing the hatch. You landed on your back with a yelp. Rolling over, you struggled to press to your feet, stumbling against the  ship's inside wall.
“TODO! What’s going on?”you yelled over the noise of the starting ship.
“Oh, you are inside.”the droid sounded disappointed. “Thought you didn’t hear my call. We got a message from Master Bane. He requires back up.”
“Fucking Hoth, TODO! I swear I’ll flatten you into scrap metal myself as soon as I get my fingers on you!” You hissed while staggering into the cockpit.
“Who else would fly the ship then?” the droid replied calmly while pressing a few buttons.
You slumped next to him into the co-pilot's seat.
“You better do it well, TODO! Your homicidal tendencies might be appreciated by Bane, but they are very much not welcome by me and I’m tempted to give vengeance a try. Yes, even if that means that I'll walk.”
The droid flew a long curve, zoning in on a large bastion like building in the middle of the desert. 
“Master Bane is in there.”
“What is that? Did he say anything more?”
TODO pressed a few more buttons and readied the guns.
“That is Jabba's palace. He might need bacta.”
The walk through the desert was tedious. But it was better than landing the Justifier with her next to Jabba’s goons. So instead, Cad Bane clenched his fangs and walked. The Tatooine suns and sandy surface were harsh. Only a fool or a fierce warrior would walk the desert by foot. Bane wasn’t sure which of those he belonged to anymore.
He remembered his time with Jango. He had called Bane a fool.
Mostly for kriffing up something during hunts. But not always. Sometimes it was a different kind of foolishness Jango attested in Bane - a sweeter, more tender kind of foolishness. During down time between contracts or in the safety of hyperspace after Bane had shelled Jango out of his damn armor and after they had caught their breaths again, Jango had called Bane a fool before kissing him.
Jango had been right. Somehow, the old Mandalorian Merc had kept a distance, leaving Bane behind without any warning like the fool he was.
Back then, as Jango vanished only to get himself killed after leaving behind a horrific amount of clones with his face and voice to haunt Cad, Bane had been furious at Jango for shutting him out. Furious and hurt. Now, after figuring out how to kill the clones as quickly as possible, Bane did not think about dead Jango much anymore.
Who was the fool now, Jango?
Kriff, it’s still me. I am walking through the Dune Sea just to make sure she is safe.
He adjusted his hat for more shade and kept on walking.
Fool or no fool - he could wallow in old memories and self-pity when he got off Tatooine. The coarse sand already chafing his skin under his clothes and adding to his sullenness as he marched on, surveying the horizon for treats. 
Reaching Jabba’s palace  entrance portal and annoyed from the tedious walk, he pounded against the thick metal.
“Let me in, Jabba! Ya’ know this has been comin’ a long time!” he bellowed before Bib Fortuna or any other of Jabba’s underlings could do something so stupid as to ask what he wanted in the middle of nowhere.
“Who are you?” One of the gamorrean grunted through a little window in the portal.
“Take a guess, son.”
Instead of an answer, the portal opened for Cad Bane to step through. Bib Fortuna, the Twi’lek advisor to Jabba, greeted him before asking him to leave his weapons.
“Bib Fortuna, ya’ know as much as I do that I am no less dangerous without my weapons. I will not part with them. Skip the formalities and let me through. I am not in the mood for chit chat.”
The Twi-lek just shrugged his shoulders, “You will be escorted then.”
Fortuna turned around to walk up the palace stairs to the throne room as strangely familiar faces circled Bane.
“Bossk, Aura- good to see y’all,” Bane growled as they moved.
“Likewise,” Aurra replied with a devious smile while Bossk only grunted.
“Tell me, who is the kiddo in ya’ tow, wearing Jango’s armor?” Bane continued as they all strode up the stairs.
“Don’t think that’s any of your concern, old man,” the kid hissed with a young Jango voice. 
Must be another Clone then.
“Behave, Boba,” Bossk snarled.
Bane filed the information for later. He had to face a crime boss for now. They reached the top of the gloomy stairs and stepped into the throne room.
Many different species and people holding various professions populated the room, as always. An inattentive observer would think it a strange choice, or born out of need to socialize for Jabba to have so many guests. Bane knew better. This was politics and he better treaded lightly on the courtly floors.
Gritting his fangs he lifted his hat, and bowed deeply in front of Jabba, the lord of Tatooine and master of this palace.
“I greet you, Jabba,” Bane declared loudly for everyone to hear. Next to him, a protocol droid shuffled in place and started translating what Jabba, the huge slug-like creature from the throne, declared.
“The honorable Jabba is most pleased to finally see you, Cad Bane.” The droid’s yellow eyes flickered hazily.
“Likewise. May I ask why ya’ and ya’ fellow Hutt placed a bounty on my head to bring to ya’ alive? I’mma here now without anyone forcing me to. Could have just asked.”
Jabba laughed and the droid dutifully translated.
“The honorable Jabba was saddened by the bounty on your head after you, a close confidant, were lost for a few rotations.”
“But, he is willing to convince the council to lift the bounty from you and restore the trust between us.”
If Bane were a less controlled man, he would have cursed the Hutt right then and there. Instead he replied, “That would be very appreciated. I assume ya’ want me to do ya’ a favor as well?”
Another raucous laugh from the mighty Hutt up on the dais.
“The honorable Jabba applauds your way with words. Yes, the honorable Jabba requires a favor from you for his help.”
So like a job, but I’m not getting paid for it. 
“Go on,” Bane growled, unwilling to suppress any more of his distaste for this whole charade.
The Hutt waved him to step closer and Bane obeyed.
“Koose je myo nephews killer. Koose je sy snootles dead mo alive um u are free.” (Bring me my nephew's killer. Bring me Sy Snootles dead or alive and you are free.)
Bane bared his teeth.
“Pay me, Jabba, and I’ll do it.”
“Mee'm paying gee myo good will tah lift doe bounty of u. Um mee'm gifting u gee doe life of do cheeka.”
(I'm paying with my good will to lift the bounty on you. and I'm gifting you with the life of your woman.)
Bane bared his teeth, but Jabba already leaned back with his raunchy laughter as his court mocked Bane with an echoed laugh.
“The honorable Jabba knows you will do him the favor,” the droid continued his translations through the noise and laughter. “Until then you are dismissed.”
Bane clacked his teeth, feeling the need to bite and scratch and spill Hutt blood. This had been a trap. He had become an enforcer for an internal Hutt family matter.
And he wouldn’t even be paid for it. Jabba knew about her and there was little Bane could do about that. Her safety was Jabba's security for Bane’s loyalty.
He hissed and turned around to march off.
On the stairs he stopped.
Jabba's court was still highly amused by his misfortune. However, Bossk, Aurra and the kid called Boba, trailing after him instead of staying with the Huttese court.
“Whaddaya want?” Bane growled. He wasn’t in the mood for more games.
“Isn’t it obviousssss?” Bossk replied. “The bounty on you issssn’t lifted. Sssstep out of the palace and you are ripe for harvesssst.”
“Over ma’ dead body,” Bane bit.
Bane turned and studied his soon to be opponents.
Aurra and Bossk were capable fighters, but Bane was faster. And the new kid moved like a fighter but he likely was a beginner. It was tempting to go against them, to work off some of his frustrations.
He pressed his comm instead. He had other things to worry about. “TODO, get the ship here. Plan 7.”
Aurra chuckled, “That’s a new low for you, Bane. Are you running away from a fight?”
“Is this ya’ attempt to pressure me into a fight? I’ve seen you do better, Aurra.” Bane countered and started to slowly descend the stairs towards his soon to be arriving ship, with canons. 
And a little droid without an ethics check module behind the controls.
He just had to make it to the ship and with his blasters-
Shit, he was down a blaster.
“Go on, Bane. Leave the palaccccce. Sssstep out of the protection of Jabba’sss court.”, Bossk hissed as Bane approached the portal, the ship visible from afar yet still a few klicks away.
Bane’s fingers twitch into fists.
This was dirty play and he hated being on the receiving end of it. But, he could be patient.
“Tell ya’ what. Y’all need to shut up. We all know how this will go, so don’t waste ya’ breath.”
“Awwww,” Aurra teased. “Will you really just run away into the safety of your ship like a coward?”
“I’m not in da mood, Aurra. Cut it,” he deadpanned, leaning against the frame of the open portal, certain no one would attack him as long as he was in the palace. Yet, guards and servants started to back away, feeling the rise of the tension as the ship kept getting closer and closer and closer.
“Guess my father Jango was wrong about you being one of the best hunters he ever met.”
It was the young clone's voice, modulated by Jango’s helmet.
It cut through the hot air like a blade, hit right at that one spot close to Bane’s heart he had learned to carefully avoid. Checking for the approaching ship one last time, Bane turned around.
“Ya need a handful, son. And then-” he hissed with rage dripping off his fangs as he drew his pistol and fired, “-ya need to shut up about Jango!”
The kid in Jango’s armor flew back from the hit in the chest, instantly passing out from the impact on his protective beskar chest armor. Aurra raised her rifle but the huge weapon was unhandy and slow in close combat. Bane’s next hit caught her in the leg, making her pass out from shock.
Good, not out for blood among colleagues.
A furious cry erupted, drowning out even the fearful cries and grunts by the servants and guards. Bane swirled around only to be knocked over by Bossk. The trandoshan had drawn a huge knife and Bane barely avoided it by knocking it out of Bossk’s hands.
The trandoshan laughed, using his bigger body mass to his advantage as they rolled over the floor and fought for the upper hand. Bane growled with rage, clawing at Bossk’s eyes while the trandoshan aimed for Bane’s neck as a shot fired right next to them into the sand.
They stilled, looking for the origin of the shot.
The Justifier had finally made it.
“Get off me, Bossk.” Bane hissed, “This has been fun but I gotta go.”
The trandoshan loosened his grip on Bane while Bane retracted his claws from Bossk’s face. 
“Yesssss. Ssssee you around,” the trandoshan answered as they both got up and fixed their appearance, little drops of blood falling into the sand as they pretended not to be in pain.
“Tell Aurra to get well soon and that I’m mildly sorry. And that kid to shut up or I’ll shoot him dead next time.” Bane added before turning around and walking to the ship.
Bossk chuckled as he reached for his knife.
“Will do, Bane. Will do.”
would you like to be tagged in the next chapters too? send me a message.
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ryder-s-block · 2 years
Jaig Eyes (Ch 87)
Jaig Eyes (87/?)
Kida, a former slave who now thrives as a bounty hunter, finds herself sucked into the war she advised Jango Fett against. Now that she’s involved, she has to finally mourn the loss of Jango, seeing his face in the clones that man the GAR. What happens when she allows herself to get attached to one, not for his resemblance to her former mentor, but for his heart?
Chapter Eighty-Seven: Boba
“Relax,” I hummed to Boba, who sat beside me in the cockpit. “They won’t give us any trouble.” He still shifted anxiously, watching the comms as he waited for my clearance codes to go through.
If anything, I was feeling the opposite of him. I was relieved to finally be getting him and Bossk off Coruscant. The Jedi Council had been watching me even closer since news of Boba’s escape circulated. They came to me first, after all.
“We will be searching the premises,” Windu announced, arms folded across his chest and expression sour. 
“Will you, now?” I responded with snark, mimicking his stance. “That’s hardly respectful of my contract with the Republic. What’s this about?” I fully knew what this was about and he was aware of that.
“Don’t act stupid. Boba Fett escaped from the Coruscant prison last night. It’s most likely he came here, looking for you.”
I laughed at him, Anakin’s expression dark over his shoulder. I could tell it wasn’t at me, though. “The last time I saw Boba, he had me kidnapped and tortured. The only reason he’d come here is to kill me, and I’d shoot him dead first.” Anakin seemed surprised at my words before Windu spoke again.
“I remember how you parted ways, Miss Fett,” Windu said evenly, but I could feel his frustration. “He would seek you for assistance.”
“You’re very sure,” I teased, leaning against the polished bartop. 
“I encourage you to step aside.”
Continue Reading: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13221379/87/Jaig-Eyes
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andy-solo1 · 1 year
Bounty Hunter’s Tale
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Words: 1521
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They say that as you die your life flashes before your eyes. It’s like floating out of your body and watching everything you have done, every mistake, every victory, every heartbreak. How would I know this? Simple, I’m dying. 
Lying here on the ground, the noises around me are muffled as my vision of the world I feel I will be leaving soon fades around me, I find myself wondering, why. 
Why did my life lead to this? Is this all the galaxy had to offer me, after everything else it had put me through, this is how it ends?
I once pictured I’d go out in a bang, some way to cement my place and make sure people never forgot my name. I knew enough men like that to think it was possible for me too, but it seems the galaxy is very selective on who gets that honour. To the people of this world, I’m nothing, I'm nobody. 
Except, I wasn’t always a nobody. I used to be someone, I used to be known. I used to be loved. But, you wouldn’t know any of that, so maybe, this is why my soul still lingers for a few moments more, to make sure that somebody knows my story. 
My name was Dax Leopold, and this will be the story of love and loss, the story of how I died. 
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I’ll start our story at the beginning, not the very beginning, but the start of war. The start of when things in my life began to change. I was a bounty hunter by day and a smuggler by night, I never stuck around anywhere or anyone for long. Only connections I had were for jobs, but that day, that day set my life in motion. 
Dax sat in the cockpit of his ship, feet propped up on the dash as he stared out at the lights of hyperspace passing by. He always found the lights calming and enjoyed the peace of it all. However, his peace was interrupted by his comm beginning to ring. He let out a sigh and answered it, grinning when he saw the blue holographic figure appear. 
“Jango Fett, what can I do for you?” Dax asked the hologram. 
“Dax, I have a job for you if you’re interested.” Jango replied. Dax arched a brow in interest.
“Well you know I can never turn you down Jango, what’s the job?” 
“That’s more information than I’m willing to give out over a comm channel, meet with me at these coordinates and we’ll talk then.” Jango replied, Dax’s navigation computer lighting up moments later with the coordinates. 
“Well then, see you soon.” Dax quipped, turning off the communications before changing course. “Not like I had anything else to do today anyways.” The pantoran mused. 
Soon enough, Dax was landing his ship down next to one that was almost as famous as its pilot. Making his way off the ship, Dax made his way to the rendezvous point, a small cantina on the edge of the small town. 
Inside, it was easy for him to find the mandalorian so he sat himself down across from the warrior. 
“What was so important I needed to come here for?” Dax questioned, tilting his head at the helmeted man. 
“My employers have someone they need brought in, and you’re the best one for the job. I have my own work for them I need to handle.” 
“Alright, fair enough, but why specifically me? You have your network of hunters, including Cad Bane. And you know how I operate.” 
“I know, but you’re best for this because the person they want brought in is hiding out on Pantora. You’d blend in easier than I would, and this person has a habit of running off.” Jango supplied. Dax made a pained expression at the thought of going back to his homeworld, but he did understand that he would blend in better than any other hunter on the planet. 
“Alright, so where exactly am I bringing this person to once I get them?” Dax inquired. “Because you know I won’t kill them.” 
“I know you won’t, which is why you’ll contact me once you have them, and I’ll let you know then where to bring them to.” Jango replied. Dax nodded, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair. The bleach blond strands mixed with the pink of his roots that were starting to grow out, messing up his normally neat hair style. 
“Sure you don’t got anything that doesn’t involve me going back home?” Dax questioned halfheartedly. He already knew he’d take the job, but still didn’t hurt to ask. 
“Unless you’ve changed your mind on killing people and are willing to assassinate a senator, then this is the only job I have for you.” Jango replied. Dax nodded and rose up from his seat.
“Send me all the data you have on the bounty then, I’ll contact you shortly once I have them.” He said, nodding a goodbye before turning on his heel and leaving.
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 Dax landed his ship down into the pantoran spaceport and looked around with disdain at his homeworld. He hated coming back here. He swallowed down his disgust and headed off the ship. One thing he enjoyed about being hired by Jango, the man was thorough. The information he’d transferred over to Dax told him everything about the target, including his favourite bar to frequent in the area. 
He knew these streets like the back of his hand, so finding the bar was the easy part. As he walked inside, he was glad he’d had the insight to change from his usual outfit of a worn brown jacket, work pants, and combat boots. Now he still wore his boots, but he wore just a simple pair of shorts with just an undershirt on, the collar unbuttoned. 
Eyes turned to him as he entered the bar, exactly like he’d wanted. A quick scan of the room, and he found his quarry easily, the Neimoidian standing out easily in the crowd of mostly pantorans. He caught the gaze of the man and threw a wink his way before heading over to the bar and sitting down. 
“What can I get you?” The lady behind the bar asked, flashing a smile at him. 
“Whatever’s got a strong kick darlin’.” Dax replied, flashing a smile back at her. She giggled and went off to get him a drink. Once he had his drink he took a few sips to take the edge off before making his way over to his target. 
“Don’t see many of your kind around here.” He greeted once he reached the man’s table. “Especially sitting here all on your own.” He added a flirtatious tone to his voice, which worked as the neimoidian gestured for him to take a seat. 
“Well not anymore.” The man replied. Dax grinned, sat down and got to work. 
It took him no time at all to flirt his way into getting the Neimoidian back to his ship, where once there, he stunned him unconscious and took off from the planet. Once he’d changed his outfit back he called up Jango. 
“Caught your bounty.” He said in way of greeting once the mandalorian appeared. 
“Didn’t expect any differently. I’m sending you coordinates now of where to take the target to. My employer will meet you there to take him off your hands and pay you.” 
“Understood. Got your coordinates and headed there now.” Dax replied before shutting off the comms. 
The fly to Serenno was short and soon he was just above the planet, passing his entry codes through to a droid before getting clearance to land. The Count’s home was a prominent and easy place to find as Dax soon landed his ship down. 
He walked off of the ramp and looked up at the Count himself who stood waiting for him. 
“My, all this fuss over me, I wasn’t expecting a full royal welcome.” He purred, grinning at the Count, “Your man is up inside the ship.” 
Dooku looked unamused by the pantorans jests as he sent some of his droids inside the ship to collect the Neimoidian. 
“You are just as good as Jango claimed you are.” Dooku conceded. “Your credits for getting the job done.” He gestured and a droid came forward, handing a case to Dax that he gladly took. 
“Pleasure doing business with you your lordshipness.” Dax grinned, giving a mock bow. “If you ever need me again, you know who to call.” He purred, turning and heading back into his ship, intent on heading off to enjoy his newly gained funds. 
I didn’t know it then, but Count Dooku would play a large role in my life. Not long after I had completed that bounty, word spread fast through the hunters guilds that Jango Fett was dead. I thought at the time with Jango gone, so too were my connections to the separatists and Dooku. But with the war now upon the galaxy, Dooku reached out to me again with an offer I really couldn’t refuse.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette | AO3 Link
Original Post
His Princess (Jango Fett x F! Reader)
Just Breathe (Wolffe x reader)
One Meal (Hunter x reader)
The General (Cody x f!Jedi reader)
Our Dance (Din Djarin x reader)
Kayily'ika (Rex x reader)
Look at the Stars (Echo x Jedi reader)
I'm Here (Wrecker x reader)
The Only Reason (Crosshair x medic!reader)
Alone (Tech x Jedi!reader)
Can't Keep Doing This (Wolffe x F! reader)
Friends (Wolffe x F!reader)
Time With You (Crosshair x F! reader)
I Love You (Hunter x reader)
The Lullaby (Howzer x reader)
I'm Sorry (Hunter x reader)
Get Away (Hunter x f!reader)
See Me (Crosshair x reader)
Hang On (Tech x f!reader)
Promise (Crosshair x @kavecika's OC)
Too Close (Hunter x reader)
Just a Dream (Tech x F!reader)
The Job (Jango x F!reader)
The Return (Ezra Bridger x reader)
Not Your Fault (Hunter x reader)
Can't Lose You (Hunter x reader)
Encrypted Communication (Mayday x reader)
My Heart (Mayday x reader)
The Plan (Ezra Bridge x reader)
The Kiss (Rex x reader)
Warmth (Mayday x reader)
Misunderstanding (Echo x f!reader)
Never Abandon You (Wrecker x reader)
One More Chance (Howzer x reader) THANK YOU!!!
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purplefangirl42 · 1 year
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vodika-vibes · 11 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist version 3.0~
Well, actually, it’s a masterlist of my masterlists! I apparently had too many links for one masterlist and Tumblr said “lol, no.”
Anyway! Thank you for your patience while I sorted this whole mess out, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Also! You can now give me a tip if that’s what makes you happy! But I certainly don’t expect you to do so! 
❤️❤️❤️ - Vod’ika
Vodika-Vibes 650 Followers Event Notice
Rules - please read me if you're new!
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Writing Prompts
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OC x Canon Characters Masterlist
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Captain Keeli x Reader Masterlist
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Other x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist currently consists of: Droidbait, Hevy, Sinker, Hound, Gregor and two of my own clone OCs
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Clan Skirata x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist is currently made of up Darman, Mereel, Ordo, Atin, Prudii, A’den, Niner, Kom’rk, and Corr Skirata
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Delta Squad x Reader Masterlist - Sev, Boss, Scorch, and Fixer
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Mandalorian x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel, and Mij Gilamar
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Alpha-17 x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Alpha-17, poly Alpha x Reader x Fordo, Maze (Alpha-26)
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501st x Reader Masterlist - currently consists of Echo, Fives, Rex, Tup, Dogma, Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase
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TBB Masterlist - consists of Hunter, Crosshair, Echo and Howzer
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Commanders x Reader Masterlist - currently comprised of: Wolffe, Neyo, Thire, Fox, Thorn, Monnk, Bacara, Cody, Bly, Doom, Colt, Mayday, and Gree
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Multi-Character List
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Magic and Knights AU Masterlist - Consisting of: Wolffe, Jesse, Fox, Fives, Cody, Gregor, Hound, Tup, Boba, Howzer, Rex, Kix, Echo, Hunter, Dogma, Alpha-17, Fordo, Keeli, Bly, Neyo, and Crosshair
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Ahsoka Travels to the past AU - Part 1, Part 2
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Follower Celebration Jan-Feb 2024 - Consisting of Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Dogma, Jesse, Wolffe, Alpha-17, Tech, Wrecker, Hound, Crosshair, Sev, and Fixer
500 Followers Event: March-April 2024 - Consisting of Fives, Kix, Rex, Clone Assassin, Hunter, Crosshair, Howzer, Tech, Keeli, Ezra Bridger, Fox, Tup, Dogma, Sev, Jesse, Echo, Wrecker, Jango, Cody, Boss, Alpha-17, Fordo, Darman Skirata, Scorch, Fixer, Colt, Wilco, Atin,
650 Followers Event: May - June 2024 - Consisting of Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Fox, Tup, Wrecker, Rex, Wolffe, Sev, Jesse, Cody, Mereel Skirata, Clone OC: Misfit, Fives, Hunter, Ordo Skirata, Dogma, Prudii Skirata, Crosshair
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Chapter 1 - Modern Star Wars AU - Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, and Captain Gregor are trapped on an island where the rules are a little different than what they're used to.
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thatwriterrosefics · 9 months
Rose's 2023 Kinktober List
I have done it! I have finished all of my kinktober prompts and this is the official list of what prompts and who they're about each day. These will be posted on my Ao3 which is ThatWriterRose. I will make daily posts with a link to each fic but this post will also have links to each fic as I post them. I hope you all enjoy!
1. Hair Pulling - Jonathan Byers x OC
2. Roleplay - Larissa Weems x OC
3. Hate Sex - Eddie Munson x OC
4. Breeding Kink - Steve Harrington x OC
5. Office Sex - Foggy Nelson x OC
6.  Double Penetration - Jonathan x OC x Argyle
7. Semi-Public - Randy Meeks x OC
8. Face Sitting - Oscar "Spooky" Diaz x OC
9. Sex Toys - Boba Fett x OC
10. Edging - Oberyn Martell x OC
11.  Cunnilingus - Johnny "Coco" Cruz x OC
12. Mutual Masturbation - Robin Buckley x OC
13. Reunion Sex - Adult!Natalie Scatorccio x OC
14. Shower Sex - Stefan Salvatore x OC
15. Anal Sex - Din Djarin x OC
16. Pegging - Gerald of Rivia x OC
17. Fancy Clothes - Yennefer of Vengerberg x OC
18. Taping Sex - Adult! Van Palmer x OC
19. Caught in the Act - Stu Macher x OC
20. Morning Sex - Jango Fett x OC
21. Aftercare - Evelyn Hugo x Celia St. James
22. Car Sex - Eddie Munson x OC
23. Sex Dream - Lottie Mathews x OC
24. Lingerie - Jim Hopper x OC
25. Quickie - Jaskier x OC
26. Corruption Kink - Henry Creel x OC
27. Dacryphilia - Fennec Shand x OC
28. Marking - Jackie Taylor x Shauna Shipman
29. Phone Sex - Argyle x OC
30. Virginity - Ethan Landry x OC
31. Possessive Sex - Steve Harrington x OC
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Finally - Jango x FemaleOC
Smut oneshot
This is an excerpt from my fic on AO3, but I thought I'd post this scene as a one-shot for all of the Jango girlies out there. OC is a bounty hunter doing undercover work in Death Watch for Jango.
Here's the link if you want to read the full series.
Kiara walked briskly through the darkness to the cave where Slave One  resided. She had to deliver the information while the images were still fresh in her mind. It had been easy to slip out of the camp at night. The real challenge had been extracting herself from Gar Saxon’s arms; he had had her in a vice grip.
The night chill did nothing to cool the blood pumping throughout her body or quell the heat that still resided between her legs. Saxon had been good, but not the best she had ever had. Her body burned for more.
She resolved to dissipate her arousal by maintaining a brisk pace through the forest. If she was quick she could deliver the information and be back in Saxon’s bed before the sun rose. 
She reached the cave a little over a half an hour later. To her dismay Bane was outside working on the ship’s hull. She was suddenly very conscious of the fact that she was wearing thin linen pajamas. It didn’t help either that she was still terribly horny.
“I have information,” she announced. He gave her an appraising look, taking in her appearance. He opened his mouth to respond but for some reason hesitated.
He tasted the air with his tongue. Her whole body went flush. The squint of his red eyes from under his hat stated plainly that he knew what she had been up to.
“Don’ tell it t’me. He’s inside,” Bane said dismissively. Eager to escape his scrutiny, Kiara eagerly climbed up the ramp into Slave One.
“Jango?” She called out.
She had never seen a ship's interior like it. Almost everything she saw was modified, down to the internal lighting systems. She could hardly even call it a Firespray class craft anymore.
I gotta tell the mandos to spruce the Dragonsbreath up a bit.
A door down the short hallway to the left slid open, and Jango stepped out, steam unfurling behind him. He was shirtless, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He must just taken a shower.
“You called?” He replied casually, rubbing his hair with a smaller towel, messing it. Kiara bit her lip.
“I–yes, I learned some information about the prisoners.” She cleared her throat. He nodded and swallowed, his throat bobbing up and down. She could have sworn that he looked her figure up and down. She did her best not to return the favor.
“Follow me.”
He turned and led her down a hallway deeper into the bowels of the ship. His bare back was exposed to her. It was broad, and well-muscled with pale scars littering his otherwise brown skin. He paused in front of a door and opened it for her, allowing her to enter the room first. 
She nearly stopped in her tracks. It was his private quarters. They were spartan, but unmistakably his. His armor rested on a display in the corner. Weapons and trinkets were everywhere, but it was all orderly and neat. A small holophoto sat on a cabinet next to his cot, a small boy with a very familiar face. 
“Your son,” she realized aloud. 
“Yes,” Jango chuckled in reply.
Kiara studied the picture, studied the boy's face.
“He looks just like you. You must be proud.”
“I am.”
Kiara looked away from the photo and smiled at Jango, who smiled back. But damn  it, he was still in that towel. She sharply inhaled and looked away from him. She pressed her thighs together. She needed to focus on business.
“Death Watch dealt with a zygerrian man by the name of Ashar Romar. But apparently the deal went sour. I was told that the man stole the prisoners away from Death Watch,” she detailed. Jango stroked his chin and sat on his cot, reclining against the wall. 
“Ashar Romar… never heard of him. But the prisoners being stolen away from Death Watch checks out. Despite their questionable tactics, Death Watch are still mandalorians, and I couldn’t see them selling their own people out,” he said. “Did you learn anything more?”
“Yes. I know what Romar looks like, I saw his face.” Kiara closed her eyes and imagined it again. 
“Excellent. How did you obtain this information?” He asked. Kiara opened her eyes and gave him a sly look.
“Let’s just say I took a bit of your advice, and a bit of Aurra’s.” 
“Maker help you, then.”
“It wasn’t so bad.” Kiara laughed. 
Jango smirked, and he looked over her attire a second time. She crossed her arms. “Getting cold there?” She asked with raised brows, nodding at his bare chest.
“I’m hot, actually,” he rebuffed. “Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?” He asked softly, standing up from his cot and approaching her. Her mouth ran dry. Her nipples stood pert against the constraints of her pajama shirt. She looked anywhere but at the behemoth of bare muscle before her.
“Not at all,” she croaked. She took a few paces backwards to put distance between them. He enclosed it again, and took it a step further by taking her chin between his thick fingers, forcing her to look at him. The heat in her body was nearly unbearable, sweat beginning to form on her brow and down her back. 
Jango had no shame or subtlety when he looked at her this time. His eyes locked onto her lips, before traveling south to take in the sight of her breasts bulging against the too-tight and too-thin shirt.
What the hell is happening?
“You seem a bit hot yourself in that stuffy clothing,” Jango commented, idly trailing his finger down from her chin to the collar of her shirt.
Alarms of every kind blared in Kiara’s mind. What about Zam? What about what Aurra told you? He’s your employer! 
The arousal between her legs was unbearable. Coherent thought became impossible. She looked up at him demurely through her lashes. It was all happening so fast.
It was his final straw. He took her by the shoulders and kissed her, hard. She met his lips earnestly, wrapping her arms around his neck. They didn’t waste time with soft kisses; within seconds their tongues were entwined, tasting each other’s mouth. He pushed her up against the wall, his arms dropping from her shoulders to her waist, pulling her tight against him, sandwiching her between his hot body and the cold metal wall.
Their lips broke apart and he began planting kisses along her jaw and down her neck, leaving a trail of fire behind him. She yelped and giggled when he nibbled at the sensitive spot just behind her ear. His hands roved up and down, back and forth across her waist and stomach, feeling the taut muscle.
“I’ve been waiting for this, cyar’ika,” he whispered into her ear.
“I know,” she replied with a breathy smile.
His hands traveled to the small of her back, and then lower as they continued to kiss again. He gripped her ass with his hands, feeling and kneading the squishy flesh through her linen pants, occasionally traveling even lower to grip her thighs. He groaned in appreciation into her lips. She fumbled with the tie just above her pelvis before dropping her pants to the ground, leaving her in only her shirt and underwear. 
His hands immediately gravitated to her crotch, but seemed to think better of it and instead gripped her hips. He grinded against the outside of her thigh, his erection barely contained by the loosening towel around his waist. She teased her fingers just around the top of the towel, tracing the V framing his pelvis, enjoying the feeling of his abdominals tightening in reflex. 
She took time to massage and feel every muscle on his body as she had longed to for so long. She had spent so many months imagining what was under the armor, and now she was finding out.
He broke apart from her again, and dug his fingers into the hem of her shirt. He looked into her eyes, breaths heavy, waiting. She nodded, and he wasted no time in pulling the shirt swiftly over her head. Her breasts bounced at liberty in their new freedom, and Jango took a moment to admire them, panting lightly.
Agonizingly slow, he took them into his hands and palmed them gently, flicking her sensitive nipples with his thumbs. It was too much for her; she blushed furiously, the red color traveling all the way to her chest.
Without warning he put one into his mouth, extracting a soft moan from her lips. As he swirled his tongue around her nipple he gave her other breast equal attention with his hand. Kiara leaned against the wall for support, relishing in the metal’s cooling effect.
In her hazy mind she found the initiative to pull the towel away from his waist, allowing it to fall to the floor. She couldn’t see his cock from her angle as his head was in the way, still focusing all of his attentions on her breasts. She opted instead to roam her hands down his back, giving his buttocks a faint squeeze as he sucked at her tits in earnest.
Finally he pulled himself away, and she was able to see his cock in its full glory. It was a bit longer than average, but thick. It pointed straight at her, pre cum dripping from the tip.
She sank to her knees before him. He smiled at her, and she smiled back, before taking him into her mouth. She took him in all the way to the hilt, eager to please. He hissed and braced himself with his arm on the wall behind her. She formed a suction with her lips, and then released him, excruciatingly slowly.
“Kriff,” he cursed. She repeated the movement several times, teasing him. “Have mercy on me, cyar’ika,” he laughed breathlessly, digging his fingers into her hair but not pushing. She hummed in amusement around his cock, earning another moan from him.
She began to bob her head more quickly, maintaining the suction seal around his member with her lips and swirling her tongue along the underside of his shaft before circling it around his tip, repeating the pattern. His grip in her hair tightened, and she braced herself against his thighs with her hands.
“Fuck, that’s it Kiara, use your mouth just like that,” he instructed, his voice becoming ragged. She obeyed, picking up the pace even faster, focusing on not activating her gag reflex as his tip brushed the back of her throat over and over.
I’m going to make you cum, Fett.
She could feel the muscles around his pelvis tightening, his breaths becoming shallower. With a grunt, he ripped himself from her mouth, leaving a trail of saliva between his tip and her mouth. He wiped it away.
“Don’t want the party to end before it starts, gorgeous,” he murmured huskily, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Kiara nodded, and took the hand he offered her to stand back up. She laughed as he pulled her straight up into the air into a bridal-style carry, setting her down on his cot a few paces away. He clambered over her immediately, his form hulking. He settled his gaze on her panties. To her embarrassment they were already clearly soaked-through. 
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked gently, thumbing over the waistband.
“I just had your cock in my mouth Jango, I think we’re past asking those questions.”
“I suppose I should return the favor then, eh?” He laughed in reply, before tugging her underwear down over her hips. She kicked them off. 
I’m so glad I shaved for Saxon.
He planted kisses on her face, before trailing them down her body, going down on her. He planted a kiss on her pelvis, before pulling her legs apart, baring her to him.
He licked a stripe all the way from her slit up to her clitoris. She bit her lip, propping herself up on her elbows to watch. He winked at her, before diving into her pussy mouth-first. 
She cried out as he attacked her clit with his tongue, circling it and flicking it from side to side. At the same time he sunk his index finger inside her, curling it back and forth against her G-spot. He continued different combinations of different moves, watching her form and her reactions closely.
Her whole body jolted at a particular moment where both his fingers and his tongue found just the right angles, pleasure shooting up her body.
“Just like that,” she moaned. He groaned in response into her cunt and continued his ministrations exactly as before, building a rhythm. A hot coil began to tighten in the pit of her stomach, slowly growing tighter and tighter. She balled the sheets in her fists, her knuckles white. He continued to maintain his movements, his eyes locked onto her face. Her breaths grew shallower, more rapid, a flush taking over her entire body, her toes curled and back arching—
Kiara cried out as she came, throwing her head back into the pillow. Jango lapped up her new juices eagerly in long strokes of his tongue. She came down from her high, twitching and jolting at his every touch of her sensitive sex.
Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, he came to hover over her. She looked up at him, panting, sweat beading on her forehead. 
“You all right, Kiara?” He asked, stroking her locks of blonde hair. The way he said her name made her melt into the sheets. She ran her hands up his forearms, settling them on his biceps.
“I’m impatient, that’s what I am,” she breathed. He chuckled, and sat back on his haunches, directing his attention to their nether regions. He settled himself between her legs and threw each of them over his shoulders, planting a quick kiss on the inside of her calf. Cock in hand, he aligned himself with her entrance.
He rubbed the tip up and down her wet slit. She whined in anticipation, bucking her hips towards him. He pushed her hips down firmly, putting her in her place. 
“Behave now, cyar’ika.”
He pushed himself inside. Kiara gasped, adjusting rapidly to his girth. He growled in pleasure, hilting himself within her and resting for a few moments, steeling himself. He began to thrust, starting slow, allowing her to accustom to him, before picking up the pace. The angle with her legs on his shoulders was deeper than Kiara was used to. She bit her lip as he grew more vigorous, stretching her walls over and over again. 
He grasped her ample tits in his hands once more, holding on to them as they bounced with the movement. Her arms fell beside her head, becoming limp. 
For several minutes there was nothing but the sound of skin slapping skin and Kiara’s moans as Jango set a punishing pace, breathing hard, his gaze flitting between her face, her breasts, and the place where his cock met her pussy.
He leaned forward, her legs folding back and deepening the angle extremely as he settled onto his forearms, pressing into her body. Kiara grit her teeth as he hit a new place deep inside her that was both pleasurable and painful. He quickened his pace, pistoning in and out of her, chasing his high. He was moaning too now, a deep, lustful sound.
The sound triggered something within Kiara, and she could feel another orgasm building. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, drawing him closer, deeper. He hit the same spot inside her over and over again, building the pressure within her.
It burst forth like a damn. She dug her nails into his back, stifling her scream in his shoulder. He spasmed and twitched as he pulled out just in time, his cum unfurling in spurts on her stomach. He let out one last groan as he did so, his head lolling down.
They breathed hard in silence, recovering. She grabbed him gently by the face and kissed him again. 
“That was a long time coming,” he sighed.
“It was,” she replied with a twinkle in her eye. Aurra be damned. Bane be damned.
“I’ll get you a towel,” he offered, extracting himself from her to retrieve one. She was sorry to have him leave her arms so soon, but cold hard realities were starting to crash in again
“I need to get back before sunrise, or I’ll be missed,” she stated, waiting patiently for his towel. She held out her hand for it when he returned, but he completed the job himself, wiping her clean. She sat up next to him on the cot, planting another kiss on his cheek.
Jango pulled her into his lap carefully, wrapping his arms around her waist a final time. They kissed passionately, but briefly.
“Until next time,” he promised her. She beamed at him, before starting to gather her clothes for her return back to camp.
Next time.
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fandom-friday · 5 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
✨ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: ✨ Poets and Painters (Early Morning) (Commander Wolffe x gn!Reader) by @frostycatblr-fandom-files ✨ A Twisted Fantasy (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @rexxdjarin ✨ I Need You (Commander Wolffe x OC Sadhbh) by @ulchabhangorm ✨ Lean on Me (Kix x f!Reader) by @the-bad-batch-baroness Wreck My Plans (Fives x f!Reader) by @purplefangirl42 ✨ Golden Hour (Commander Fox x f!Reader) by @wizardofrozz ✨ Invisible Barriers (Fi Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino The Ties That Bind Us by @saggitary Adjustments by @ace-oreos
The Bad Batch: Tech-ology: Vol. II - Purgilltory by @apocalyp-tech-a
Rebels: ✨ One Last Chance (Rebels!Cody x f!Reader) by @wings-and-beskar
The Book of Boba Fett: The Daimyo's Dream (Boba Fett x f!Reader) by @pickleprickle ✨ An Honest Day's Work (Contractor!Boba Fett x f!Reader) by @daimyosprincess ✨ Biscuits and Beskar (Boba Fett x OC Kaylee Manu) by @marierg
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: My Choice (Jango Fett x f!Reader) by @vodika-vibes
Star Wars Original Trilogy: As the Water Wills (OC Kyga x OC Jol) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: ✨ Opals for Roses (Jannah x Rose Tico) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Batman: Tooth and Claw by BrickSheep (AO3) Mama's Gonna Buy You a Mockingbird by @blazonix
Marvel: ✨ Why Don't You Do Right (Bucky x Sarah Wilson) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Crossover AUs: Bound in Blood (Miraculous Ladybug/Batman Crossover) (Ladybug x Dick Grayson) by @newdog14writes
The Clone Wars: Jedi Were Not Meant for War by @amarcia OC Zeeta Art by @rexxdjarin Commander Wolffe Art by @bianvers Long-Haired Fox Art by @jupiterky
The Bad Batch: Commander Mayday Art by @hootydoot Sunkissed by @the-rain-on-kamino Echo Art by @pinkiemme Echo and Ahsoka Reunion Art by @chedaar21
Crossover AUs: Echo and Echo Art by @blessyo4
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ryder-s-block · 2 years
Jaig Eyes (Ch 86)
Jaig Eyes (86/?)
Kida, a former slave who now thrives as a bounty hunter, finds herself sucked into the war she advised Jango Fett against. Now that she’s involved, she has to finally mourn the loss of Jango, seeing his face in the clones that man the GAR. What happens when she allows herself to get attached to one, not for his resemblance to her former mentor, but for his heart?
Chapter Eighty-Six: Vod
When the elevator doors hissed closed behind the escaped inmates, I let out a long, hissing breath. I could swear my skin was steaming, I was so angry.
“What did he say?” Rex asked gently beside me. My private elevator from the back rooms was small, making more than three people pretty uncomfortable. And with a Trandoshan…I elected to send Bossk and Boba up ahead of us. Besides, I needed a moment to collect myself.
And we had a facade to keep up.
I turned and began leading Rex back down the hall toward the staff door. “He was speaking Huttese wasn’t he? I know Jango spoke it.”
“Yeah,” I replied gruffly. 
Rex stopped me before I went through the door, turning me to look at him. “Hey, are you okay? I’m not going to turn him in.” Admittedly, the concern had crossed my mind, but I had assured myself I’d convince him to keep quiet. I guess I didn’t have to, and I was actually surprised. He must have read it on my face, giving me a small smile. “I’m not thrilled, but I’m not about to turn in your only family.” He shrugged, his grin turning teasing in nature. “You’d never forgive me.”
“You’re right,” I teased back, relaxing in his hold. He felt it, his hands dropping to rest on my waist.
“Do you want me to leave? It’s okay if you want to be alone with him.”
I scoffed. “Alone with him and Bossk, you mean. No,” I leaned up, kissing him softly on the cheek. “I’d like for you to stay. If you’re willing to put up with Boba being a jagyc to you, that is.”
“He really doesn’t like clones, huh?” Rex asked with a quirked brow.
I pulled from his grasp, pushing open the door as I muttered, “Yeah, something like that.” He doesn’t like you, in particular. I wanted to tell him, but I was strangely embarrassed. Was it my brother’s behavior? It certainly wasn’t that I was with Rex.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 3 months
[ original post ] [ dividers by vodika-vibes ]
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Updated: 03/10/24
Where's Mommy? 2 chapters - by Steph
Skin to Skin - Cad Bane by Candy
An Honest Day's Work - Construction Boba eyyyy e////e
Goodbye, Little Soka - by bart1607
Feast - OC Talia x Wolffe oneshot?
Olom SFW Alphabet - Crystal's OC
Crack Angst with Fox, Wolffe, Plo.
Babymaking with Rex by clone-anon-after-dark
Not Letting Go - Fox Fic by kenzie
Life-changing Rodian fic #2 by @spicedrobot
Valentine Ask for Wrecker by Freesia
Post - Julie
Love It When You Hate Me - by wizardofrozz
Under the Same Night Sky - Julie / rexxdjarin
Cad Bane Alphabet - by my-sun-m00n-and-stars
Feb Prompt (had my eyes on this last time) - by JJ / @lamaenthel
Suffering In Silence - Wolffe Angst
Helpless (Boba Fett, Jango Fett)
"You Weren't Supposed To Get Hurt" (Jango Fett, Boba Fett)
Too Weak To Move (Ailyn Vel, Boba Fett)
All @sinisterexaggerator's
BDSM with the boys
TLC post-work with the boys
Whump Death with Cad Bane
Feelings with Cad Bane
-> Sex, Drugs, and Blasters - Cad Bane by my-sun-m00n-and-stars
Lifeday - by Crystal 9K
Fate's Right Hand (3) - Cad Bane by Candy
Mimi Mirage's Memoir - Moonie ♥
In This Planetarium with You - Darth Fett
Poets and Painters Masterlist - (redo read for multichaps)
The Wolfpack Queen - OC Talia x Wolffe by reader6898 / Kayla
Where Angels Fear To Tread - plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows
Queen of Hearts - Steph 14.5k
Penguins - Saren Fluff fic?
The Vakarians (Castis Vakarian Fic)
Rain on Distant Shores - ContinuousSpec
This entire Masterlist because holy fuck do I want to read dinobirds fuck nasty - Castelau / Ao3
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Note to self:
The lack of Turian fic in this bitch is appalling. <- Fixed, updated with an entire masterlist of nasty dinobird fuckenings.
Please finish the list before getting more.
Update your to-read list bookmark.
Generate a proper tagging system / Abandon sheet tracker
Maybe fix your Masterlist? <- - Harr. Harr. Harr.
-> Word of the day: canoodling
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•◘• <- Alt + 7-8-7 || To read / list
•○• <- Alt + 7-9-7 || idk but I like it <-
•▲• <- Alt 7-30-7 || To do / get done
Okay, I think this is all I have on my plate before I once more lose all inhibition and self control and add more.
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