#jade daydreams
bellatrixscurls · 10 months
james potter who sleeps with his face against your pussy, nuzzling it <3 usually it happens whenever he is fussy, either due to a quidditch match or a stressful exam.
it’s warm and it’s puffy and... little secret? you always wake up in the middle of the night to him nosing at your clit, his tongue lapping at your cunt like a starved man would <3
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revasserium · 1 year
octavinelle #1 - cheek kisses
the first time you do it, it’s all he can do not to dissolve into a puddle of ink and heat and steam; though he makes a gallant show of trying to write it off, clearing his throat, taking a too-deep breath even as he fights the color he knows is rising in his cheeks. “ah — and… pray tell, what was that for?” he asks, pushing up on the bridge of his glasses, looking anywhere but at you though he knows you’re smiling, knows that if he were to turn, he’d be caught like a fish on a hook, by the steely, nearly wicked, look in your eyes as you cocked your head at him and smiled some more. “hm… you’re a smart guy,” you say, leaning back onto the lounge chair with a pleased sort sigh, “why don’t you figure it out?” and then, you make to stand up, but azul is nothing if not quick — and in an instant, he’s pulling you back down, a pout on his lips — childish and incongruous as he stares down at you. he huffs, almost petulant, and it’s it’s this more than anything that makes you laugh, makes your own cheeks tint with color. “don’t laugh at me…” he says, his voice lower now, pulling you close, and then close, “and don’t tease me either… it’ll make me sad…” you shiver at the texture of his voice, the lilt and dip of his words as his glasses flash in the dim light of the mostro lounge. “i’m not teasing — i’m just —” but your breath hitches at the way azul narrows his eyes, at the weight of his fingers, still wrapped around your wrist. “then…” his lips curl into a knowing smirk and you know you’ve lost, “are you going to finish what you started? or… shall i do that for you, hm?”
the first time you do it, he blinks and turns towards you, his expression implacable and you wonder if you’ve just royally fucked yourself over. it isn’t until he smiles, a sweet, soft, gentle little thing that something inside you bursts and you realize, a moment later, that oh — those things are called hearts. “ahh… now this is a dilemma…” he sighs, propping one arm on top of another as he taps his cheek thoughtfully, looking down at you as you lick your lips, feeling suddenly painfully self-conscious. “w-what do you mean?” you ask, but jade only hums, casting his eyes up towards the ceiling of the empty classroom, “we’re still working on this panorama for our beloved mountain lovers club and —” he slates a glance at the clock on the wall, “it’s due this evening but…” his eyes flicker back towards you and you feel pinned to the spot by the way they flash, his one golden eye gleaming with something that others might mistake for malice but you know quite well is just a deep-seated interest, an insatiable curiosity. and right now, the entire weight and full intensity is directed at you — like a focused beam of sun as he hones in your lips with a widening grin. “h-how is that a dilemma? we have plenty of time to finish —” “ahh… but you see, you’ve gone and done something that makes me want to spend the rest of our time here doing things that won’t be conducive at all to the finishing of this panorama… so…” he cocks his head as he takes a step forward, easily caging you back against a row of empty desks, “what do you propose we do about that…?”
the first time you do it, he merely turns with a lopsided grin and leans in to press his lips to your cheek as well, drawing out a squeak as your cheeks promptly go pink. he pulls back with a satisfied smile as you cover your mouth with both your hands, staring up at him but he only shrugs, “whaaaat? isn’t it good manners to a return a favor? or… something like that?” he lets his head fall to one side, watching you with those too-bright eyes of his, and you know that that’s not what he means but you swallow passed the lump in your throat and try to sound steady as you ask, “so, does that mean you’d give anyone a kiss if they kissed you first?” and at this, floyd lets out a sound that’s caught halfway between a sigh and a moan; it sends a cascade of shivers down your spine as he quirks a single eyebrow at you, his smirk going wider and wider and even wider still. “mm… i dunno… i never thought about it like that but…” he leans in, crowding into your space and it’s all you can do to hold yourself still, to let himself press in closer and closer, till there’s barely a breath’s distance between your lips and his. “i do know that if you kissed me again… i wouldn’t mind kissin’ you back — and maybe more than once. what’dya say, hm? wanna try it out?”
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winterbunnie · 5 months
New Friend? 🪼 (Tweels + OC interaction)
Floyd: "I like you, let's be friends!"
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Urie: "?"
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Floyd: "High five if you wanna be my friend :D"
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Urie: "..."
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Urie: (High fives)
Floyd: (Gasps in eel)
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Jade: "My my, how interesting"
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Video ver below
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windy-trickster · 2 months
Okok so you've smoked outta a pumpkin stem as the weirdest thing you've used to do your thing. But Psiloc, what's like, the funniest/strangest (not worst) thing you've ACTUALLY smoked?
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"aaaaa fuckin' uhhhhh.... clown horn. y'know. them fuckin' honka honka things." -> The mimics the motion of honking a clown horn
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shitouttabuck · 8 months
also i must know about the mamma mia au pls 🥺🎶🕺
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@rewritetheending asked too! i rewatched both mamma mias with my best friend a couple months ago and was like WAIT A MINUTE YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD SLAP lmao anyway this is exactly what i have saved in my drafts from sometime in august.
the very very loosely based mamma mia au:
where chris’s mum has never really been in the picture in his memory and the diaz family never talks about her because she left / they never knew her. so chris doesn’t ask many questions because no one wants to answer them he’s barely a teenager when he finds eddie’s diary from the year before he was born. and there are three women eddie writes about romantically: s, b, and a idk maybe something at school about parents day and he’s thinking about mothers and writes them all letters to the addresses eddie has scrawled in the back of his diary idk to let them know they live in LA and not texas anymore, in case they ever want to meet. but writes as eddie, not chris and he gets a polite letter back from a, saying she’s with someone else but hopes eddie is happy and doesn’t hear back from s and one day when eddie’s at the corner store the doorbell rings and. a large tall man is on the other side. very confused at the sight of christopher. but taking it in his stride. and he doesn’t come in because chris is all of thirteen and alone at home but. eddie catches sight of this ghost as he’s walking home with a bagful of groceries and eddie and chris talk about shannon because eddie knows she died a little after she left, not long after chris was born. and how much he loved her and she loved them both even if she had to leave. it’s not her fault she wasn’t able to come back. it wasn’t because she didn’t love chris. and it’s good, it’s so good to talk to each other about this, about her. but also—this guy, because b is a guy, kind of just? sticks around? he’s going to leave, eyes big and smile tight when he sees chris, but chris makes him leave his number and eddie—eddie texts him and it’s not that there was a gap in chris’s life, a hole needing a parent or something, but. having another person love you this much, this fast, this completely? like a friend and a dad? without ever needing the biological connection chris’d been counting on to make a convincing case for having a relationship? it’s pretty fucking sweet
have not actually thought about the buck and eddie of it much... just buck falling in love with chris instantly
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psychostuck · 1 year
hai mousetrap<3 can i request a umm. MADD jade daydreaming? maybe about prospit and/or hanging out with her friends :]
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ID in alt text
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ketchfantrolls · 2 months
HEY YISTEA. I heard you're in uh... Quite the chaotic neighborhood. Mind telling me your opinion on some of your neighbors?
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YISTEA: I live in a semi-large neighborhood primarily composed of BLUEBLOODS. If I had to give my opinion on some of the other residents, I would try to be as.. Polite, as possible.
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YISTEA: For example, I enjoy CERVIN DULCHA's company, he's very intellectually stimulating in conversation. I can tolerate SHERCO CERADE, but I would prefer not to be alone with him. POISIO PINPIK is someone I hold some measure of respect for, but I haven't interacted with him much.
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YISTEA: I like JOANNA ATHENI the most. She has a certain earnest quality about her that can be a breath of fresh air after particularly taxing days.
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periodicparadox · 7 months
Mimosi - Care to please share a memorable moment between you and Seo?
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CT: o--o Oh hell yeah. One timme mme and Seo were at his old hive and we went outside while his dummbass stupid neighbor was out, we got all the guy's windows and door hinges stuck with duct tape and somme strong ass adhesive we found in his workshop. o--o
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AI: se7ves him 7ight fo7 being 4 bitch. it w4s funny 4s hell.
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idsb · 7 months
I just saw a TikTok that was like “friendly reminder, you can do anything you set your mind to! you can move to a new country or quit your job or switch career paths” blah blah blah and I’m like well actually you can’t because no amount of determination or good will or skill or research can prevent every waking moment in that country from being a fucking nightmare
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knavestrolls · 8 months
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Fanartober day 6! Alkine from @jaded-daydream! I'm always weak to a fish
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dog-violet · 1 year
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hbd to me and also egbert ig. some jade cos photos since i never posted any here 💚
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bonus selfie from the con cause you can see the eyeliner better and i was so proud of it
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bellatrixscurls · 9 months
james potter x reader,,
but reader is a Slytherin and also bellatrix’s best friend, so sirius tries to keep them away from his friends as much as he can. obviously, bella always comes and makes snarky remarks about sirius and reader is always there, sharing timid glances with jamie <3 james’ a sweet boy so he’d never judge reader based off what sirius or others say.
and so, they bump into each other one afternoon. the sun is about to set when he sees reader sitting alone for once under a cherry tree, and approaches her, and then things happen iykyk (‘:
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nerdyqueerr · 1 year
Good news ive just formulated my first concrete thought about disney+ willow
Either Jade or Kit should've had a shield
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Was listening to a song from the Life Is Strange: Wavelengths soundtrack tonight and a verse from Local Native’s song “When Am I Gonna Lose You” struck out to me as Jade/Ghost muse, interpreted as Ghost’s thoughts on Jade during shared leave shortly after they become a pair:
“I remember you closing the shutters/ And laying down by my side.
And the light that was still slipping through/It was painting your body in stripes
I remember the trees summoned down like an archangel choir.
And the ocean was all we could see/And I knew that I wanted you.”
And now I’m just jonesing for some fluff 😭😩😂
Just fell off my freakin' chair at this ask. CUZ I LOVE SONG SUGGESTIONS!! 😭😭😭😭😭
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Used to watch some gameplays of Life Is Strange but I wasn't aware of the song. Now Idk what hit over you but this song's an absolute banger. I can jam with that definitely when I'm working on a Ghost/Jade thing.
The weird thing is I just, JUST, recently found another good song that I found that screams Ghost/Jade. It's called "we'll be fine" by Luz. It's kind of a mellow song but this is the song that I think of when... *ehem* they have their first kiss *ehem* along with "The Light" by Sara Bareilles.
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windy-trickster · 20 hours
Cervin - 2, 7, 13, 24, 39(for the funny hehe)
2. Do they wear perfume/cologne? If so what scents do they prefer? A: He does actually! He prefers lavender or vanilla scented perfumes/sprays :> 7. Do they have any unusual fears? A: No, not really. 13. Do they enjoy poetry? A: Cervin loves poetry and has written a couple poems himself in the past! He's not the best but they're still good. 24. Do they have any enemies? A: I mean- He prolly does. Does he care about their existence? Nope, not really. He'll gun 'em down if he has to. [Alithm is one of them lmao] 39. Would they ever crash a wedding? A: No, but he knows people who'd accidentally and/or on purpose crash a wedding.
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recordsystem · 2 years
Idk what part of my wonderful mishmash of neurodiversity this is but like. It really was strange growing up and realizing that like. Sure most kids were eagerly waiting their Hogwarts letter or some equivalent but no one really wanted to go as badly as i did. Like even before some of my main traumas i was always sort of just waiting to find that magical door that would sweep me away from this world and into a better, more exciting one. I basically spent most of my early life just... Waiting. And then i realized it wasn't going to happen and that fucking broke me.
Like now I have really wonderful people in my life who i adore and a place to live of my own but i still long for an escape from here every fuckin day. I hate it here, i don't wanna be here, i don't belong here. I just wish i could take my favorite people with me but they. Like it here???? Which almost makes me feel guilty for wanting to leave. Idk I just don't get it.
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