inusecretsanta · 6 months
❅ HOME PAGE (You might have to scroll some to read all the information in the tabs) ❅SIGN UP PAGE (It might take you a few minutes!)→ Please note that in the “What are you not comfortable with” box, this also pertains with you not being comfortable making something for a specific ship or character because you yourself feel you are not capable of creating content for them. It does not necessarily have to mean it’s a ship or character you dislike. I for example have a terrible time writing Koga, but I love Koga. However, I would put that I don’t feel comfortable gifting Koga to someone because it would be inadequate.→ If you have any trouble filling out the form for any reason at all, please reach out to me!→ Things that have changed from previous years: now you can elect if you want your gift receiver to remain anonymous! You can create your gift pressure-free and ask the mods to be the messenger for you between your recipient and you should you have any questions.
❅ Important Dates:
☛ November 07 - 14 : Sign up!Please make sure to sign-up before the deadline!
☛ Nov 19 - Nov 20: Assignments are handed out.
☛ December 18 - December 24: REVEAL WEEK!
If you don’t get a gift don’t be sad! Message me and I’ll organise things so that by the first week in January my wonderful helpers you get you something!✽  Message @iyfss for any further questions/doubts/discussions/discourse/love❤ Feel free to also leave questions on the blog, in case there’s something I haven’t already covered.☃ Please Reblog!
This year the contact will be mostly with my lovely helpers, they'll reach out to you! I almost didn't make it this year because Life, but they gave me courage.
But if you're into a real rarepair, and have a second favorite, plesae let us know!
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IM HAVING THE HARDEST TIME TAGGING YOU BUT MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Sorry I’m late. I didn’t realize that reveal week ended yesterday.
Either way! Here is your gift!
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@iyfss @pipistrellee @inusecretsanta
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yumanichan · 1 year
🎅🎄Happy Holidays🎄
@gaykagome (it won’t let me tag you for some reason..)
I was your Secret Santa this year!
I hope you like this domestic moment between Inuyasha and Kouga!
There is also a second part which I upload a little later, as it wasn’t planned to be included here but I ended up liking it a lot 😅
Thank you @inusecretsanta for organizing this event!
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shikonstar · 1 year
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When Kagome returns to the past, a love-starved hanyou is hoping for some words of affirmation.
Rated: T
Merry Christmas! This is my @inusecretsanta gift for reesebee570. Sorry I never found out your new name--hope this finds you! @iyfss
The conversation that swirled around him was as meaningless as bird chatter to his ears. Only one thought ran through his mind: she was back. She was back. She was back!
The years of endless waiting were over, and it was as if, for the first time in his life, the gods had decided to look upon him kindly. He took deep, even breaths, but not to calm himself. Like that was even possible. No, he was taking in each glorious note of her scent, filling his lungs with it as if he might never smell her again.
As if there were any way in hell he’d let that happen.
Kagome was pressed tightly to his side, and he was aware of every inch of warmth that connected them from shoulder to knee. One of her arms was slightly behind his, and his sleeve hid the fact that her hand was tucked in the crook of his arm, her fingers rubbing slow, gentle circles as she laughed at something the twins were telling her.
Suddenly, it was too much; his senses were on overload, and energy hummed through his body, demanding release. As if she felt the tension in the rigid cords of muscle under her hand, Kagome paused in her conversation and leaned closer to whisper in his ear, “It’s okay if you need to go for a run. I’ll be here when you get back; I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
He looked at her with a fierce expression, but she only smiled, knowing that it wasn’t one of anger. He gave a sharp nod, and careful not to hurt her as he moved, he was soon darting through the door.
A few pumps of his legs had him into the air and moving through the trees at a high speed. The world passed by him in a blur, but he wasn’t out here to admire the scenery. He was here to let loose the joy and relief that her presence had brought; he could almost howl with happiness, but the thought of the villagers hearing him kept his lips tightly shut.
Without realizing it, his path had circled him to the hut he had built for himself in a more secluded part of the forest, close enough that he could be in the village in case of emergencies but far enough away that he could avoid people if he didn't want to see them. He looked at the building critically. It was larger than most homes, and in truth, it was far too big for him alone. Then again, he had never intended for it to be just him living there. In the months after the well closed, he had spent most of his time working feverishly, determined that there would be a home worthy of Kagome when she returned.
Tamping down on his nervous energy, Inuyasha slid open the door and stepped in, surveying the space with a judgemental eye. While it couldn’t come close to comparing to the luxuries that Kagome was used to in her time, he didn’t think he had done too badly. He had considered each piece carefully, bartering mercilessly after every extermination job with Miroku. In the beginning, he tried to hide what he was doing, but he had underestimated the perceptive nature of the monk.
Inuyasha stood at one of the stalls that was slightly separate from the others. Material was draped temptingly over tables, and he was torn between two. One was a deep green with falling leaves embroidered at the edges, and another was a pale pink with scattered silver blossoms. In his mind's eye, the wearer was beautiful in both.
He was so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed the monk’s approach until the man was standing by his side. Inuyasha tensed, his ears flattening to his head. Would there be ridicule, or pity? He knew how this looked. He was well aware of the pathetic figure he must make.
“I believe she will look best in the green,” Miroku said thoughtfully, a small smile on his face as he patted Inuyasha’s arm before casually moving to the next stall.
Clawed hands gripped the fabric tightly as some of the heaviness left his chest. Miroku had said ‘will.’ That one, small word was all the difference between sympathy and pity. It gave him reason to believe that just maybe he wasn’t a complete idiot to nurture the fragile seedling of hope he kept hidden in his heart.
After that day, Miroku would casually point things out for him to consider. Sango took to sewing up the material into clothing, and also managed to slip him a list of household items and things to look for in each. He had been grateful for that, since he only had a very limited idea what he was doing. He hadn’t lived in a home since he was a small child, and he certainly had no clue what a woman would want. All he knew was that he wanted Kagome to have it.
He glanced around once more, satisfied that everything was in order.
Almost everything.
With an odd sort of caution, he approached the futon. He had only laid on it a handful of times, and he wondered if it wasn’t pushing things to have it set out when he brought her back to show her everything. He bit his lip, then scowled at his own indecision.
“Hell with it,” he growled under his breath, giving the bedding a small kick. She could always use the damn beads, but after three years he wasn’t about to dance around his intentions anymore. He’d done that in the past and all it had left him with were regrets.
The need to be near her again crashed over him in a wave, and he left the hut at a lope. He wasn’t ready to sit with the entire group; his nerves felt all exposed and dealing with that many people was just going to set off his temper. Instead, he decided to get close enough to scent her until he could get her away from the others without risk of being followed. Doing his best to suppress his youki, Inuyasha leapt from tree to tree until he was near the back of Sango and Miroku’s hut. He had somehow managed to time things just right, because it looked like they were coming outside to sit and talk while Shippo kept the twins entertained.
Inuyasha stretched along one of the wide branches, resting his chin on his crossed arms. His gaze was fully trained on Kagome, noting all of the tiny details that had changed. She was a few inches taller, but still a good head shorter than him. Her hair was only a little longer, but just as wavy as ever. Her eyes, though, were the same. Still full of that same gentle warmth that had pulled them into their depths three years ago.
It had been a bit of a jolt to see her in a different outfit. He was most used to seeing her in that thing she always wore to school. Still nice and short though, he thought with a smirk. And the close-fitting nature of the top half wasn’t too bad, either.
He made a mental note to remind himself to try not to shred those.
“Shouldn’t Inuyasha be here?” Sango asked as she settled the baby on her lap.
“There was a lot of noise inside earlier. You know how he gets,” Kagome answered easily. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”
Miroku sat down next to his wife, letting the baby play with the fingers on his right hand. “I see you haven’t forgotten how our friend works in the time you’ve been away,” he said with a knowing smirk.
Kagome blushed and twined her fingers into the hem of her skirt. “Ah, no. How could I forget?”
Inuyasha didn’t bother to fight back his grin. After all this time, she still understood him.
Kagome’s brow wrinkled as she thought of something. “Of course, it’s been so long, so I suppose he might have changed.”
Miroku and Sango exchanged a pensive look, which Kagome immediately picked up on.
“What? What is it? Is he okay?”
Inuyasha glared at the others; what the hell were they thinking, upsetting her like that?
“No, Kagome! Nothing like that,�� Sango was quick to assure her. “Inuyasha is fine, and he hasn’t changed—not really. It’s just that….”
“These years have been hard on him,” Miroku continued. “He’s been quieter than what you remember. But who can blame him? Hope is hard to cling to even with greater odds than he had. I’m sure you know that better than anyone.”
Kagome stared down at her lap, her eyes reflecting the sadness that she had carried since she had been separated from Inuyasha. “Yes, it was…it was hard. In many ways it was harder than anything that happened while I was here.” She looked up then, and the smile that spread across her face chased away the shadows that had lingered in her eyes. “But somehow, I knew I would see Inuyasha again. We were meant to be together.”
Inuyasha closed his eyes briefly; isn’t that what he had said while they were trapped in the jewel? He had believed it then, and he had clung to that conviction in the years since. Knowing that she had done the same, hurt the same, made the pain a little more bearable.
“Girls, slay the kitsune a little closer to the house,” Miroku called, noting that Shippo and the twins were closer to the forest than he would like.
“So I definitely see what has kept the two of you so busy,” Kagome said with a nod to the kids. “But what about Inuyasha? I feel like if I ask him, all he’ll do is point at Miroku and grumble something like, ‘Keeping this idiot out of trouble,’ or something.”
From his tree, Inuyasha smirked. Damn, but she knew him well.
Sango threw her head back in a laugh. “Well, that would probably be because that’s exactly what he does!”
“Excuse me?” Miroku asked, the picture of affronted dignity. “It’s a mutual arrangement, thank you very much.”
At Kagome’s raised eyebrow, Sango explained, “Inuyasha helps Miroku with exorcisms and other demon related problems. Now that I’m training the girls, I usually stay back to protect the village while they're gone.”
“Does he still make a fuss about having to travel slowly for weak humans?”
Miroku groaned. “He’s worse, if you can believe it. When Shippo said he checks the well every three days, he wasn't joking. The man insists that anywhere is only two days away from the village if you try hard enough.”
Just because you're a slow-ass human doesn't mean you're gonna hold me back, Inuyasha thought with a snort.
A flash of sadness crossed Kagome’s face at the mention of the well, but that part wasn't what she wanted to focus on.
“But you can't be gone all the time. What does he do when he’s here?” Kagome was deeply curious to know what Inuyasha’s life was like; she was relieved that he still had Sango and Miroku, and that he hadn't completely forgotten her, but she would hate to think his days were filled only by sitting near the well.
Amongst the branches, Inuyasha sat up, eager to see her reaction. For three years, he had worked fucking hard. Once the first wave of shock and depression had passed, he had been determined to live a life that would make her proud. It hadn't been easy and there were times he hadn't seen the point in continuing and wanted to give up, but the memory of her face kept him going. At night, or whenever he was alone, he had found himself pulling out the things Kagome had said to him during their time together--the way she had always believed in him; how she always thought he was capable of so much more than the rest of the world gave him credit for. He had turned the words over and over in his mind until they were tattered and faded, the edges raw and fraying. Like a dog that had performed a complicated trick, he was desperate for words of praise.
“He keeps quite busy. He’s taken over a lot of the hunting for the village, and has shown the other men better methods,” Miroku told her.
“Yes, and he keeps the wood supply stocked as well. He patrols the surrounding area, and he’s even been known to do some repairs on houses for the villagers, Although he’s still not social enough to enjoy doing that unless it’s really necessary.”
“He’s also been joining the men in the fields more,” Miroku added. “I don't think they would have made the harvest last year without him.”
Inuyasha wiggled impatiently on the branch. The monk was doing a surprisingly good job of talking him up, but Kagome had done little more than smile and nod. He needed to hear what she was thinking! Didn't she know that his heart was starving for just one little word from her? Alright, so she didn't even know he was there, but still.
“And of course, he’s been really great with the girls. They love their Uncle Doggy, although I think He’ll be happy when they're old enough to call him something else,” Sango giggled.
Kagome had almost fainted earlier when the girls had referred to Inuyasha by that title. It had seemed like more of a miracle when he responded like it wasn’t a big deal.
“I suppose we’d better break them of it soon, though. It wouldn’t do for your children to pick it up and start calling him Daddy Doggy, eh, Kagome?”
She blushed brightly, but couldn’t make herself disagree. “I have a feeling he would prefer just plain daddy.”
Claws dug into the trunk to keep him from falling out of the tree. If he’d been harboring worries that she wasn’t staying or that her feelings had changed, they had just died and lit their own funeral pyre. She was planning on kids! His kids! Populating the village was one of the few duties he hadn’t performed, but he was ready to make up for it and fulfill his role as an upstanding citizen.
Upstanding, lying down, I’m not picky about the position.
But he was getting ahead of himself. Before all of that, he wanted to get her alone to see if he could at least get a verbal pat on the head away from the others. They’d had her to themselves more than long enough, anyway. He pulled his legs under him and pushed away, launching himself into the air to land at her feet.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome yelped, her hand reaching out for a bow that wasn’t there—something she was going to have to remedy soon; just because Naraku was gone didn’t mean this time was safe.
“Gotten a little jumpy, wench?” He snickered, smirking down at her.
No, he’s still definitely Inuyasha, Kagome thought drily, toying with the idea of using the beads for old times sake.
As if reading her mind, his face became serious and he reached down to pull her up. “C’mon, they’ve had ya long enough.”
“Wait, what? Inuyasha—“ Kagome protested half-heartedly, wanting to go with him but not wanting to be rude to their friends.
“We’ll see the two of you tomorrow, Kagome,” Miroku said with an understanding smile.
“But Shippo—and I haven’t even seen Kaede!” Kagome said over her shoulder, even as she was climbing onto Inuyasha’s back.
“They will also see you tomorrow, Kagome,” Miroku answered, cuddling the baby to his shoulder with one hand while helping Sango to her feet with the other.
“Hold on,” Inuyasha gave the short warning before dashing for the woods, not even bothering to say goodbye to the others.
“We’re not going to see them at breakfast, are we?” Sango mused, smiling happily after the rapidly disappearing pair.
Miroku shook his head with a laugh. “My love, we’ll be lucky if we see them at dinner.”
Kagome clung tightly to his shoulders as he ran, feeling his muscles contract and relax in an old, familiar pattern. She kept her head tucked next to his, not even bothering to take in the scenery that was little more than a multi shaded green blur.
“I've missed this so much,” She said, not attempting to raise her voice, knowing he would be able to hear her.
“Not the only one,” he replied, giving her thighs a light squeeze as he came nearer to the hut.
As he arrived at the edge of the small portion of land he had cleared, he slowed to a stop and let her slide from his back. He was pleased when, instead of moving away, she stayed by his side and reached for his hand, lacing their fingers together.
“I'm guessing this is yours? Somehow, I couldn't picture you wanting to stay in the village full time,” Kagome said, peering curiously at the building.
“Not likely. They might not hate me as much anymore, but someone is always wantin’ me to do one damn thing or another,” he grumbled, unpleasantly reminded that one of the store houses needed repairs soon. “C’mon, I didn't bring you all the way out here just to stare at the outside,” he continued, tugging her to follow.
Both were nervous as they stepped in. The implication of Inuyasha bringing Kagome here was lost on neither of them. This wasn’t like three years ago, where they had to hold back on their feelings for one reason or another. Three years of longing and waiting were enough to burn away any desire to be hesitant now.
Kagome stepped inside, her eyes working to adjust to the dim light. There was a fire burning low in the center of the room, and Inuyasha left her side to light lamps to make it easier for her human senses.
“Inuyasha, this is amazing! Did you do it all yourself?”
He gave a jerky shrug. “Most of it. Miroku and a few of the men came out to hold some of the larger parts while they were braced. I’ve got strength enough on my own, but there’s only so much you can do with one set of hands.”
“I wondered what had kept you busy for so long—this had to take up a good part of it,” Kagome commented as she wandered around, peeking into all the corners, and noting that there were two doorways that led deeper into the house.
“I did it in my free time. I do a lot besides just hang around here, ya know,” he said, wondering why she hadn’t mentioned anything else he had done. She had always been on his case to help people before—now that he was doing it on his own, couldn’t she even acknowledge it?
“Miroku and Sango did say that you take care of quite a bit,” she agreed with a smile, trying to hide her puzzlement at why he sounded irritated.
“It’s not the same as when you left. Exterminations. Hunting. Repairs. Hell, even workin’ the fields,” he listed off, growing even more frustrated when she just nodded along.
“Well, I didn't think things would stay exactly the same—not after so long. I’m really glad.”
Inuyasha had fast been approaching the limits of his patience, and at her final statement, he hit the edge and went screeching over. Fuck, even the brat got a pat on the head for the shitty little new tricks he had learned!
“Is that all you have to say, Kagome?” He exploded, rounding on her with a glare.
Shocked at the outburst, Kagome reared back. “What? I just said--”
“Yeah, I heard. You're glad,” he snapped out, the quote dripping in sarcasm. “I don’t know why I even thought that after all this, that maybe—“
At the look of confusion and hurt on her face, Inuyasha deflated. What the hell was he doing? She’d been back less than a day, and he was already hurting her. Just because he wanted a few pats on the head like the dog he was. How pathetic was that?
While he was lost in his thoughts, Kagome had slowly approached him, raising one hand to tangle in the front of his haori.
“Inuyasha? What’s wrong?” She asked quietly, trying to get him to meet her eyes. But he kept his head turned to the side, his bangs hanging low to help him avoid contact.
“I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me!” She said, with a bit more desperation this time.
“I just—I just thought…maybe you’d be surprised, or somethin’, he said, his voice not much more than a hoarse whisper.
Kagome was suddenly reminded of Yuka’s dog, who would get upset if you didn’t praise it after it had performed a trick. It would sulk, and somehow manage to ignore you even when it was angrily shoving its head under your hand to get its ears scratched.
“Sango and Miroku both told me you've been doing a lot,” Kagome began, feeling his muscles tense against her hand. “You've done so much for their family--the girls adore you. You've helped the village and become an important part of the community. It’s the life of a good man.”
He started to relax at her words; that had been all he wanted! Just a tiny bit of--
Her hands reached up to gently cup his face, turning it so that she could look into his eyes. “It’s the life of a good man,” she repeated. “So why should I be surprised to find that’s the life you're living?”
He had it wrong. He’d taken what she said--and what she hadn't said--and run with it in the opposite direction. Hadn't Kagome always had a freakish amount of faith in him? She had always believed the best of him. Even when he actively tried to prove her wrong. Even when he couldn’t bring himself to believe it. Kagome wasn’t surprised at his life because Kagome hadn’t been afraid that he would revert to the way he had been before he met her. Kagome didn’t think that her presence was the only thing that made him try to act halfway decent. All of the things he had done, all of the progress he had made….Kagome believed that he was capable of that on his own.
And she had been right.
And so wrong.
To Kagome, being surprised would have been an insult to him—it would have said that she had been expecting less of him.
All of this passed like a flash through his mind, and his arms, which had been folded tightly in front of his chest, shot out and pulled her towards him, his larger frame engulfing her. He felt Kagome’s arms reach around his back, and he clenched his eyes shut as he buried his face in her hair. This was what he had missed; the way that when everything felt like it was going to shit, Kagome could say just a few words that had his heart lighting up brighter than one of those bulb things in her time.
The wound left by her absence was scarring over and healing even as he held her. The crushing weight of loneliness slipped off of his shoulders, and he felt as if he could—
“I do have one complaint about your life, though.”
He had forgotten how the woman could ruin a good moment with that mouth.
“And what’s that?” He asked suspiciously, giving a growl of discontent as she leaned away from him to look him in the eye.
Kagome ran her hands up Inuyasha’s chest, skimming over his neck to rest along his jaw, her thumbs gently stroking his cheeks.
“For three years, you’ve lead the life of a good man—but at the end of each day, you had to live it alone.”
He couldn’t help but give a slight flinch at the reminder. She had only been back a few hours, but the years without her felt almost as if they had happened to someone else—surely he hadn’t been able to last that long without the feelings she stirred to life inside him?
“I asked you something a long time ago, and I want to ask it again one last time,” she continued, a slight quiver in her voice.
Golden eyes widened, and a pair of ears pricked forward in an effort to catch her every word. Could she be saying what he thought she might? Could he be that lucky? If any gods or ancestors would just grant him this one thing….
“Can I stay by your side, Inuyasha?”
Kagome held her breath as the seconds ticked by, worried by his silence that she might be moving too fast. Just as she was about to move away, his lips began to turn up in a smile, which soon lit his entire face. It wasn’t a smirk or a grin. It was the kind of genuine, heartfelt smile that Kagome had seen fewer times than she had fingers on one hand, but it was the exact smile he had given her the first time she really knew she was in love with him.
Tilting his head forward, he leaned into her until their foreheads were touching.
“As if you were born to be anywhere else.”
With a laugh that contained more than a hint of a sob, Kagome pulled his face closer until their lips met, as if sealing a promise. They broke away only briefly, before being irresistibly drawn into another kiss, and then another.
There would be time for conversations and the working out of details later; for now, they were content communicating in a language that both hanyou and human heart could understand. .
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jeremymarsh · 1 year
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“Excuse me, what?” Kagome looked at her best friend with eyes as big as saucers, lips parted, and her mind replaying what he had said a moment before – trying to find a sense but to no avail. “You heard me.” Inuyasha scowled, looking down, arms crossed and lips pouting, just like he did every time he didn’t like the topic at hand. The problem was he had started it this time. “Yeah, I did.” Kagome shook her head and inhaled deeply before she continued. “And that’s why I’m asking you to repeat yourself since I’m having problems believing that certain sentences left your mouth.” “I said,” Inuyasha started through clenched teeth, still not meeting her gaze, “come to my family Christmas dinner this Sunday.” He stopped, ran a hand through his silver mane, closed his eyes, murmured something unintelligible and then added: “As my girlfriend.”
Where Inuyasha tries to fool his parents and miserably fails.
Read on Ao3. 
Merry Christmas to you all and especially to @shikonstar : this gift is for you ❤. I hope you like this silly modern version of Inuyasha and Kagome.
And thanks to @inusecretsanta @iyfss for organizing everything. I had a blast!
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heynikkiyousofine · 1 year
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Happy Holidays! @clearwillow​ I was your Secret Santa this year. I hope you are having a wonderful day and I hope you like it!💕
Family Traditions
Summary: Moroha’s favorite holiday.
Careful of her sharp claws, she carefully placed the tape along the edge of the cheerful green wrapping paper, brushing her bangs away from her face after. Humming to herself, she sorted through the small pile of bows covered in glitter, deciding on a bright red one, much like the one on her head and stuck it right on top. Letting out a high pitched squeal, ten-year-old Moroha held up the present, admiring the prettily wrapped gift for her mama. It looked absolutely perfect to her. I really hope she likes it!
continue reading on ao3
@blairex​ ; @mamabearcat​ ; @enchantedink-ag​ ; @splendentgoddess​ ; @mandirox89​ ; @sailorlolo​ ; @mustardyellowsunshine​ ; @hny-moroha ; @knittingknots​ ; @yukinon-writes​ ; @clearwillow​ ; @keichanz​ ; @serial-doubters-club​ ; @malditamigs​ ; @zelink-inukag​ ; @shinidamachu​ ; @bonny2323​ ; @banksdelivers​ ; @that-one-nerdy-gal​ ; @sarahk21​ ; @dchelyst​ ; @anisaanisa​ ; @lavendertwilight89​ ; @otaku-108​ ; @sailorbabydoll92​ ; @inukagbot​ ; @queerkagome​ ; @bluehawaiicat​ ; @chit-a-to​ ; @liz8080​ ; @lightmidnight​ ; @shikonstar​ ; @soliska​ ; @iyfss​
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petri808 · 1 year
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@rikareena Happy Holidays! I was your secret Santa :) Hope you enjoy. @iyfss
“Eh?” Kagome’s head snaps up in confusion looking from the invitation she held to the cousin that handed it to her. “But I’m not of noble class, Kikkyo, I can’t attend a ball at the palace!”
“It’s a masquerade ball,” Kikkyo retorts, “and you look enough like me to hide amongst the guests.”
“But why?”
Kikkyo waves her hand nonchalantly in annoyance. “All you do is work and go home and never have fun. So, go! Drink! Eat! Dance! If you really hate it, stay a couple hours, and leave by midnight, I don’t care. I’m just tired of seeing you look so… so plain.”
“Eh?! But I—”
“Just show up at the courtiers, I’ve already ordered your garments.” Kikkyo starts to walk away, then stops a moment and looks back over her shoulder with a smile, “don’t worry cousin, you’ll thank me one day, I’m sure...”
A month later, finds the twelfth and final new moon of the year blanketing the evening in darkness. The night of the winter ball has arrived and as Kagome steps out from the carriage, she pulls the fur wrap tight around her shoulders. She closes her eyes to the crisp clean air of the snowy night and takes a breath, opening them to see the white mist of warm wispy air. Only a light flurry of powdery snow falls over the arriving guests, with twinkling through the air from the torch lights bouncing off snowflakes. In front, rising tall is the gleaming palace lit up with lanterns to guide them along the stone walkway. She sighs, and steels herself for the night ahead. Oh, why did she succumb to her cousins’ whims?
Every fiber of her being stands on edge, feeling the stares from all around as she slowly makes her way through the large ballroom. Whether it’s all in her mind or not, feeling like a fish out of water is an understatement, for Kagome is unused to the world of aristocracy. Her parents are well-to-do merchants but hold no title, whereas Kikkyo’s branch of the family had married into the noble class. Just because Kagome’s mother had schooled her in education and manners, it didn’t help her to feel any easier in such a high-class environment. 
She takes a deep breath. ‘Breathe, just breathe Kagome and mingle for a couple hours.’ That should be enough to make Kikkyo happy. Then, her mission complete, slip away back into the snowy night. She picks up a glass of wine with a courteous smile to the wait staff, then makes her way towards the balcony.
The ballroom is brightly lit and decorated in festive winter flora. Each column wrapped with green woven fabric, interlaced with red winter berry branches and white Pieris bell blooms. In the arched entry ways leading to the balcony, white sashes are draped in two, half-moons with a large bough of pine and holly juxtaposed by tiny white or red berries hanging between them. In one corner, a band plays lively instrumentals to regale the dance floor, while along a wall are tables covered in sweet and savory delicacies. Spirits fuel the boisterous crowd, beautifully dressed, they laugh with merriment, hidden behind gilded masks.
The dress Kikkyo commissioned for her is a gorgeous full length ball gown of soft white satin, with a sweetheart corset bust, and hourglass waistline before flowing freely to the floor. It is trimmed in silver patterns that resemble snowflakes along with inlaid blue gems all to attract the gaze of a suitor and lead their eyes to the prize. The accoutrements compliment the dress perfectly. A masquerade mask of azure blue with silver filigree, elbow length gloves, white satin heels, and a white fur shoulder wrap for warmth. To finish the look, Kagome’s raven hair is done half pinned up in curled tendrils and half cascading waves down her back. The hairpins have the same blue gems of her dress which sparkle when the light hits it just right. Kagome certainly looks the part of a courtier.
As she sips her wine quietly, Kagome can’t help but feel a sense of sadness while watching the partygoers enjoying themselves. All these beautiful clothes and accoutrements, the refined and polished world of the nobility. Who wouldn’t wish to just once be treated like a princess? It looks like a lot of fun… but there is the worry that someone will realize she doesn’t belong. What is Kikkyo thinking making her come here? Kagome sighs aloud, maybe one dance wouldn’t hurt…
“It hurts to see a beauty so melancholy. Perhaps I may lighten your mood?” The deep voice whispers behind Kagome’s ear sending a shiver down her spine.
Kagome turns to the voice to find a handsome male with long flowing black hair and dark eyes piercing through a golden mask. She quickly looks away to hide the instant warmth on her cheeks. “Please do not worry about me kind sir, I will be okay.”
The man gently turns her chin, forcing her to look up at him. His eyes lower in a heated gaze with a grin that makes her heart flutter. “Nonsense, my lady, as prince my pride would never allow me to ignore someone in distress.”
Her eyes flash wide in the revelation. She never saw his human side before! “Prince Inuyasha?!” Kagome immediately bows her head and averts her eyes. “Y-Your highness, I am just a lowly courtier. I do not deserve such attention.” 
“A beauty such as you are always worthy of my attention.” He forces her to look at him again. “And besides, it is only fitting we follow tradition.”
“Tradition?” her head tilting slightly in confusion. 
With grin widening, Inuyasha points above their heads to the decorations. “Mistletoe.” He has been watching her from across the room since she arrived, curious of the raven-haired beauty he’s never seen before. So, when he saw where she stopped to watch the festivities, it was the perfect opportunity… to pounce. 
Kagome’s eyes flash wide. Mistletoe! Why hadn’t she noticed earlier?! Is he serious?! The prince… kissing… She swore she could feel even more eyes boring into her from around them. “Y-Your highness, truly I am not worthy—”
“I beg to differ.” Inuyasha swiftly covets Kagome’s lips before she can retort, with one hand cradling her head and the other gently holding her waist. Such soft lips… He lingers the kiss as he takes in the light floral fragrance of her hair and natural scent of her body… even without his preternatural abilities it’s an arousing scent that quickly take him by surprise. Who is this woman?! And why hasn’t he met her before?   
She squeaks from the sudden action, but whatever concern Kagome held, melted the instant Inuyasha’s lips stole hers. This is her first kiss! So, gentle… and the warmth of his body so close... ‘I can feel his heartbeat…’ His strong hands holding her steady… Her heart flutters wildly as a wave of heat flushes over body, building the longer the kiss lingers. It feels like being hit with a magical spell! Wait! No, no! She must not fall under his spell! 
Kagome quickly breaks the kiss and pulls away. “Your highness, I-I need to go. I’m sorry!” She steps back to rush for the exit, but he grabs her arm.
A shocked and panicked look flashes onto Inuyasha’s face. “Wait! What do you mean leave?!” He grips her wrist. “You can’t—”
But Kagome manages to wriggle free from his grasp when her glove slips off. She runs for the exit, leaving the stunned prince behind to the fading clicking sounds of heels and tears building and blurring her vision. As she runs from the palace, all the sounds…The light of the party fading away into darkness the farther she goes. Why does her heart hurt so much! They’d never even met before, and yet Inuyasha’s mere presence mesmerized her. A hanyo’s energy is so much stronger than she’s known. But yes, this is for the best. Kagome steels herself further into the darkness of the night. She can’t risk her identity being found out!   
By this point, the ballroom has fallen silent except for the murmuring of the guests filling the air. It must have been a shock to all in attendance to see anyone dare to shun the prince, for any woman would kill to be in Kagome’s position. 
“What the fuck are ya’ll staring at!” Inuyasha growls at the crowd who quickly evade his glare. “Anyone know who that woman is?!” But all he receives are shaking heads, no. “Fuck!” He stomps out of the room, heading in the direction she has gone. 
When he gets outside, Inuyasha realizes she’s nowhere to be found. Damn his human night! He can’t track her scent! He looks down at the blue glove clutched tightly in his hand. It is all he has of the mystery woman, but hopefully it will be enough to track her down. “Fuck!” He grits his teeth and stomps back to his bedroom. The faster this night ends, the quicker the chase begins!
Fearing the prince or soldiers have given chase, Kagome reluctantly cuts through a forested area that lay between the palace and her home on the other side of the city. With no moon to provide any light, it’s like walking through a treacherous gauntlet. Bushes and branches tear at her gown while dirt stains it’s hem. The heels on her feet are useless against a forest floor of rocks and leaf litter hiding its pitfalls. But all she can do is trudge forward clutching the fur wrap tightly against the cold winter air. 
‘Stupid mistletoe! Stupid prince! Damn you Kikkyo for making me do this! Thank you, yeah, bullshit!’ The blinding tears trickle down Kagome’s cheeks, mixing with the freezing wind to burn icy hot against her skin. Too many emotions stir within her. Anger at her cousin for putting her in this predicament, and fear of getting into trouble by the court. What punishment will she receive for talking back to the prince? But also… sadness. This is the first time she’s ever felt such a twinge in her heart. Is this what love at first sight feels like? A moment, even just a second where time stopped and all she could feel was the burn of his lips against her own… Now it’s all over. 
It takes Kagome three hours to reach her home and thankfully her parents are already asleep. She sneaks in, quickly shedding the formal wear and bundling it into a sack. Such a sad ending for a beautiful gown, but she can’t let anyone see it and be recognized. ‘Hopefully Kikkyo doesn’t ask me about it…’
News travels quickly, and by the next morning the gossip around town is already in full swing. As Kagome leaves for her work at the local school, she overhears some customers in their store talking about the runaway guest at the winter ball and how the prince didn’t return from chasing after the woman. They also mention that no one seems to know who the mystery woman could be. Does that mean she’s in the clear? Kagome lets out a sigh as she reaches the school and puts on a brave face. The children are sure to make her smile and send away her troubled heart. 
But while Kagome may think she’s eluded trouble, at the palace, the prince is nowhere near giving up. At the crack of dawn, he orders his advisor Miroku along with a servant named Shippo to visit every courtier in the area. But by midday, half of the courtiers have been checked with no luck. In frustration, Inuyasha meets them at the city’s main square to regroup. 
“Do we really need to check the rest?” Miroku whines, “because I don’t remember any of those houses having a dark-haired female in the family.”
“Maybe it’s a visiting cousin,” Inuyasha interjects. “That is common when we hold such gatherings, ‘cause I’m not giving up.”
“Perhaps we could show the glove to couturiers in the area,” Shippo suggests. “Someone may remember it.”
“That’s actually a good idea—” Inuyasha’s voice cuts off as something catches the princes attention. “There!” He points, shouts, and takes off in a sprint, quickly followed by a surprised Miroku and Shippo. It’s a dark-haired woman with similar hair!
When Inuyasha reaches the woman, he grabs her shoulder to stop her from walking, then spins her around. “It’s— not…”
“What the— wait, prince Inuyasha?” Kikkyo’s eyes flash wide in shock. 
Inuyasha quickly lets the woman go, his eyes going from bright to lifeless in an instant. “S-Sorry, forgive me I thought you resemble someone.”
“It’s okay, but is something wrong your highness,” Kikkyo questions. 
“You look like the woman who ran away last night from the winter ball…” Inuyasha’s nose picks up on something. “You even smell a bit like her.”
“Oh! I heard about that— wait, she looks like me…” Kikkyo’s voice petters out when the realization hits. 
At that point, Miroku holds out the glove. “Do you recognize this?”
“Yes... I believe I know who you are looking for. Is she in trouble?” Kikkyo questions hesitantly, praying that her cousin won’t be in trouble.
“You do?!” Inuyasha blurts out. “But no, no, I just want to find her!” He clasps her hands excitedly, golden eyes shining, begging. “Please I lik— S-She’s not in trouble, so please tell me where I can find her!”
The Higurashi’s store is on the opposite side of the city area from where they’re standing. So, Inuyasha dismisses Shippo and Miroku to return to palace while he follows Kikkyo. As they walk, Kikkyo explains why her cousin was at the party and apologizes profusely for the misunderstanding and trouble caused. 
When they walk into the store, Inuyasha’s ears perk up as the gloves familiar scent fills his olfactory senses. “I can smell her…”
“Huh?” Kikkyo is about to question him when her aunt comes to the front after hearing them come in.
“Oh, Kikkyo, what brings you here— and your highness!” Mrs. Higurashi bows. “What brings you to our little store?”
“Aunty, is Kagome here? We’re looking for her.”
“Eh? Well,” Mrs. Higurashi gestures towards the east, “she’s working at the school over on sakura lane. Is something wrong?”
“No, no,” Kikkyo waves her hands to allay her aunt’s concerns. “We just need to talk to her.” She starts ushering Inuyasha away. “Thank you, aunty, we’ll find her there.”
It doesn’t take long for the prince and Kikkyo to make their way to the school. When they arrive, Kagome is outside in a small courtyard playing with the children, so they move to a spot where she cannot see them. Inuyasha could feel his chest tighten and heart flutter at the scene before him. The sun’s rays reflecting off Kagomes raven-hair… her beautiful smile as she laughs along to the children’s antics… Not only is this woman gorgeous, but the warmth radiating from her stirs a feeling in Inuyasha he’s never felt— Kagome’s motherly instincts are on full display and certainly not lost on the prince.    
Inuyasha’s head lowers, his eyes glazing over in thought with a small smile creeping over his face. “I no longer require your assistance, Ms. Kikkyo. You may leave.” He directs in a soft but firm tone.
“As you wish, your highness.” But before Kikkyo leaves, she advises the prince. “Please wait until school is over so the children are not affected. Their classes end in a couple hours.”
“I understand and thank you.”  
Why does time seem to slow down when you are waiting for something? After watching Kagome for a little longer, Inuyasha returned to the palace to make a few arrangements. There is no way he’s letting her get away again! 
“I’ll see you tomorrow!” Kagome waves to the parent and child as they walk away. She wipes at her brow. “That’s the last one,” time to go home for the day. 
After locking up the building, Kagome goes out through the gate, pausing to secure the hasp. But she’s so focused on her task, she fails to realize she’s no longer alone. When she turns around, she immediately flinches when her eyes land on a chest?… wait it can’t—
Eyes widening in shock, Kagome quickly bows, “Your highness! I’m sorry I did not see you there. I-Is there something I can assist you with?”
Inuyasha lifts her chin as a grin takes over his face. “Why yes there is!” He pulls out the glove from his pocket as he speaks. “Excuse me, but I’m looking for the owner of this glove.” Taking an obvious whiff of the glove, “and your scent seems to match it perfectly.”
If only she were still wearing the mask because Kagome’s face flushes brightly, giving her answer away so she covers her face with her hands. “I-I— please! I know I shouldn’t have been there, and I’m sorry for running away!”
Inuyasha gently peels away Kagome’s hands, forcing her to look at him. “You’ve got a lot of guts to have disobeyed me Ms. Higurashi, and that demands punishment.”
Her shoulders drop lower as her vision clouds over with tears. Kagome’s voice cracks. “Please have mercy.” 
“Your punishment is…” 
At that moment, a royal carriage pulls up beside the pair. Kagome closes her eyes, she knew it, it’s off to the dungeon…
“… to become my bride.”
“Eh?” Kagome’s eyes pop open. Did she hear that correctly? “Bride?” She blinks in wide-eyed confusion. “Did you say bride?!”
Inuyasha smiles, caressing Kagome’s cheek as he speaks. “I said bride. You caught my interest that night and today you captured my heart as I watched you with the children in your care.”
“I-I don’t understand, your highness, I am not from nobility. Don’t you have to marry from a higher class? I’m not suitable…”
“The choice is mine, and I choose you.” Inuyasha steps back, taking Kagome’s hand, and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. “Do you accept?”  
A stray tear trickles down Kagome’s cheek as she stares at Inuyasha’s face. Time slows around her, and she feels like she’s under a spell again. ‘Is this really happening?’ Her heart flutters wildly, body heating up under the prince’s golden gaze. ‘Should I accept? He seems earnest, but it’s hard to believe… don’t these things only happen in fairytales?’ Kagome sucks in a breath. “Why… your highness, tell me why me?”
“Why not you?” He teases back lightly while thumbing away the drying tear trail. “You’re a beautiful woman Ms. Higurashi, breath taking to look at so of course I would take interest. And I must admit you’re running away only spurred my instincts to chase you. But when I watched you today playing with the children, your affection for them, and their affection for you—. His eyes glaze over as if seeing a vision in his mind. “It was like seeing the future… our future.” Inuyasha kneels still clasping her hands causing Kagome’s breathing to hitch. As she gazes down at him, he smiles softly. “I knew then and there you’re the only one I want to spend my life with.” 
“Prince…” tears well up in Kagome’s eyes from the happiness blooming within her soul. How could she refuse such sweet sentiment? Maybe fairytales exist after all. She squeezes his hand with a smile. “I accept.”
Inuyasha stands and wipes away the few happy tears from her cheek. He then takes something out of his pocket and holds it above their heads with a grin smoothly morphing onto his lips. “Shall we continue where we left off?” 
As Kagome looks at the mistletoe hanging over her head, to the man holding it, she can’t help but laugh. Oh, this man! “Well,” she pulls him down by his collar, “it is tradition…”
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First letter of every footnote?
Looks like it was only at the start that there was anything there and he just put his own name twice. How rude.
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lostlunaticprincess · 2 years
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~ Sassy ~
Here's my @inusecretsanta gift for @oitreewrites :) 🎁
I hope you have nice holidays and a great new year!✨
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inusecretsanta · 6 months
Hi everyone!
All prompts have been sent, so if by any chance you didn’t get one please check if your privacy settings are not set to get inbox only from your mutuals and send us a message on @iyfss
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eternalnight8806-3 · 2 years
A Midnight Gift
So I’m a horrible person and this is SUPER late, but I hope you can forgive me for that @clearwillow
Surprise! I’m your Secret Santa! I wanted this to be so much better for you than it turned out, but I hope you still enjoy it, love! 
“Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!” Kagome sang the old tune joyously as she moved about the apartment, decorating every square inch with garland, lights, tinsel and what ever else she could fit into the small space. Unbeknownst to her, her husband leaned against the doorway between the hall and the living room, his arms crossed over his chest and a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips. InuYasha truly enjoyed watching his wife get into the holidays like she always did, though admittedly this year she was going a little more overboard than normal since this would be their daughter's first Christmas.
Moroha was 10 months old but despite the young age, Kagome had purchased no less than 75 presents for their little girl. She had proclaimed with each one that this would be the last, though InuYasha knew better. He didn't mind, though. He wanted Kagome to be happy and if showering their baby with endless gifts on Christmas morning would do that, then by God he wouldn't let anything stand in her way, least of all himself. He continued to watch her move about the room, completely oblivious to his presence, all the way up until she was struggling to reach the spot above the faux mantle that she always placed the sprig of mistletoe.
Her toes were stretched as far as they would go and she still couldn't quite make it. Pushing himself away from the wall, InuYasha came up directly behind his wife, reached up to pluck the plant from her hand and placed it in it's designated place. Without turning around, Kagome asked, “And just how long were you standing there watching me?”
Wrapping his arms around his mate, InuYasha replied, “Oh, just long enough to know that you can't live without me.” Kagome giggled and turned to face her husband. Her caramel colored eyes met his amber and just like the force of two magnets coming together, their lips met in a sweet and tender kiss full of all the love the couple shared. The spell was soon broken by the sound of Moroha waking from her nap with her typical loud wail, demanding that she be paid attention.
Pulling away just slightly, InuYasha whispered against his wife's lips “I'll get her, you finish up in here,” before planting a soft kiss on her forehead and turning to tend to the newly awakened child.
Kagome watched her husband go, admiring the view of his backside in the form fitting jeans that hugged him in all the right places. Shaking herself free from the hold that her hanyou always seemed to have over her, Kagome returned to her decorating, humming various holiday tunes as she worked.
After about an hour more of continuous work, Kagome was finally able to stand back and admire her handiwork. The tree was in the corner by the window surrounded by beautifully wrapped gifts of all shapes and sizes, garland hung from the walls, lights twinkled, and she couldn't help but smile to herself that she had created this beautiful setup as a backdrop for tonight's little gathering. Their best friend's, Sango and Miroku, were coming with their three young children to spend Christmas Eve with them and Kagome couldn't be more excited for this tradition to start with their baby girl. Speaking of which, Kagome realized it was entirely too quiet in their apartment, especially since InuYasha had been with Moroha for over an hour and she hadn't heard a peep from them in almost that entire time.
Making her way down the hallway to their daughter's bedroom, Kagome stopped at the barely cracked door and peeked inside. The sight that met her eyes made her put her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from bursting out laughing. In the middle of the room Moroha was sitting watching her father, absolutely captivated by what he was doing. InuYasha had tied one of Moroha's blankets around his forehead, his shirt lay forgotten on the floor and he was using the baby's toy broom as a sword, pretending to fight off hoards of demons. He held the broom in both hands, facing the closet with a very intense look on his face. “Come face me, demons!” he said with false anger. “No one is going to hurt my precious little girl!” Swinging the 'sword' wildly, he moved into the closet and attacked the hoards of demons pretending to be baby clothes. Moroha squealed in delight and clapped her hands together.
No longer able to hold her laughter, Kagome snickered loudly, causing her husband to step out of the closet. He turned and looked at her, his eyes holding a gleam of mischief as he pulled one of Moroha's onesies off of his head. Kagome just laughed even harder, leaning against the wall to support herself as the hilarity of what she had witnessed tore through her. Moroha turned to face her mother, giggling when she saw how red her face had gotten. Slowly, Kagome brought her laughter down to just a light snicker every few seconds and InuYasha used this opportunity to confront his wife.
Using his demon speed, he was in front of her in the blink of an eye, a move that never seemed to fail to steal Kagome's breath away. His eyes narrowed down at her in mock anger as his fists found their way onto his hips. Biting her bottom lip to stop herself from beginning another laughing fit, Kagome looked up at InuYasha's face and feigned innocence. Instead of keeping up the game, InuYasha fell into his own laughing fit after seeing that look.
Kagome never budged as she waited for the hanyou to compose himself, which he did almost as slowly as she had. “Are all the closet demons slain?” She asked him in faux seriousness. Smirking down at her he replied, “Yessum, all closet demons have been properly disposed of and Princess Yashahime is free to move about.”
Moving to lift her child into her arms, Kagome turned and said, “Good, because this Princess is supposed to help mommy make Christmas cookies in the kitchen.” She lightly poked her little girl's nose and Moroha giggled. She stopped to give her husband a quick peck on the cheek as she passed by him on the way to the kitchen.
An hour later, Kagome was lifting Moroha up out of her high chair and informing InuYasha that he would be bathing her and getting her dressed for the party set to begin in just over an hour. Staring down at his flour, sugar, and lord knew what else covered baby, InuYasha simply smiled, tucked his daughter against his side, gave his wife a peck on the cheek and turned to do as she had asked. He had seen the state of the kitchen after her experiment with making Christmas cookies with a 10 month old. He knew when to just shut his mouth when it came to his fiery tempered wife.
Surprisingly, InuYasha managed to get his daughter and himself bathed, dried, dressed and presentable just in time for Kagome to burst through the bedroom door, one hand holding the towel around her body and the other attempting to keep the towel on her head in place. He silently took Moroha to the living room and placed her in her playpen. Kagome had never been good at time management, but he knew she would somehow still manage to make herself ready by the time their friends arrived in roughly 15 minutes.
Sure enough, 15 minutes later she stepped out and InuYasha couldn't help but stare at the woman before him. She stood in the doorway to the living room putting her pearl earrings on. The tea-length emerald green dress flared out from her waist forming a delicate A-line figure, the straps hung off her shoulders, framing her neck for the simple rose pink jewel on a silver chain she always wore. Her long, ebony locks hung beautifully in loose waves around her shoulders. He knew she was wearing makeup, but it wouldn't be anything more than mascara, blush and lipstick. Kagome liked to keep things simple but she still knew how to make his heart stop in his chest.
Smiling at him, she took in his own appearance, having not noticed on her rampage to finish getting ready. He wore dark jeans, something she knew she could never have talked him out of, but they were his nicest pair. The long pure white hair she had always found to be among the most beautiful things in the world was tied high on his head in a fashion he only wore on special occasions. His shirt was a long sleeved button up in a color of burgundy she had always liked on him, though he had already rolled the sleeves up to his elbows and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, revealing enough of his chest to ruin the effect of his 'nice clothes' appearance. But Kagome didn't care. She honestly kind of wouldn't have minded if he just slipped that shirt right off so she could run her hands all over his chest while he held her in his arms and pressed his lips firmly down on hers.
The sound of Sango knocking and calling through the door to them broke Kagome from her daydream. She shook her head once and giving InuYasha a knowing look, made her way to the door to let her best friends inside. Sango greeted her by wrapping her arms around her and holding her tightly for a moment. Kagome had always adored that her best friend always seemed to want to show affection, so she accepted the hug as Miroku made his way in behind his wife with his 18 month old son slung over his shoulder and his twin 3 year old daughters each holding one of his hands.
InuYasha shook his head at Miroku as he snatched Hisui from his shoulder and greeted the boy with a high five before placing him in the playpen with Moroha. Before he could turn around, he felt his legs become trapped by a pair of arms wrapped around each one. He looked down and saw Kin'u and Gyokuto staring up at him.
“Uncle Yasha, daddy says you and Auntie 'Gome got us presents and we can open them up!” Kin'u asked excitedly. Bending down and grabbing a girl in each of his arms, he replied, “Oh he did, did he?” The girls nodded in unison. Chuckling, InuYasha whispered to the girls, “Well, your daddy is right, but you have to wait just a little longer to open them up. Can you girls be good and wait so your Auntie 'Gome and mommy can talk a little?” The girls faces fell slightly. “Tell you what,” he whispered to them, “if you two can wait a little while and let your mommy and auntie have some time together, I'll give you each a Christmas cookie before dinner. Deal?” The girls both smiled and nodded emphatically.
He carried the girls into the kitchen and set them both on the counter next to the sink. Reaching up onto the breakfast bar where Kagome had placed the plate of cookies, he snatched up three of the biggest cookies on the plate and gave one to each girl while taking a sizable bite of his own. The girls giggled at him as they enjoyed their treat. Their attention was drawn by their father walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cookie of his own.
Miroku leaned against the counter across from InuYasha and looked at his friend before speaking, “I see my two troublemakers have already conned you into an extra cookie,” he said, smirking at his daughters knowingly.
Waving his hand dismissively, InuYasha just said, “Bah, it's Christmas Eve. They can be spoiled a little, can'tcha girls?” he asked the pair as he winked at them. They only giggled in response. Miroku snatched them off of the counter and set them both on the floor.
“How about you two go play with your toys we brought in the living room until dinner?” he told them. “Ok daddy,” they said in unison and trotted off to do as they were asked. Miroku shook his head at the sight and stood to face his best friend. He clapped the half-demon on the shoulder and spoke quietly, “Those two are simultaneously the cutest little angels and pure demon spawn, I swear it.” Letting out a deep laugh, InuYasha joked, “Well, they are yours, so that explains the demon spawn!” Miroku glared at his friend, but only for a moment before he gave a light chuckle. “I suppose I could've been a bit of a hellion in my younger days,” he admitted.
“I think your mother would definitely agree with that assessment, considering she had to deal with your endless string of horrible phases in high school and your obsession with every girl you crossed paths with until Sango knocked some sense into that head of yours.”
“Some sense is right,” was the surprise response from the doorway. The men turned their heads towards Sango as she continued, “Some days I look at him and wonder what the hell I was thinking, but then I remember that I love the idiot so I just shrug and keep beating a little more sense into that thick skull every now and then.” She smiled up at Miroku as she stepped in and planted a kiss on his lips. “You two go do something useful and set the table while Kagome and I finish up in here.” She said as she shooed them out of the kitchen with the tableware in their hands.
Before long, both families were seated around the dining room table, joyously sharing their holiday meal with eachother, sharing stories from their past, and reveling in the miracle that was their children. Kagome felt like she was the most blessed woman on the planet to have such beautiful people to share her life with. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she watched her family laugh and smile. She truly could not have asked for a better way to spend the holidays.
As the evening progressed, the children each got to open one gift, as was tradition in their families. The twins each got a new doll, Hisui got a toy truck, while baby Moroha received a white stuffed cat with twin tails and red eyes. She immediately latched onto the toy and refused to let it go, all the way up until she fell asleep next to Hisui in her playpen, holding it in her tiny arms.
The adults spent a few hours talking and enjoying the quiet after the twins also fell asleep in the reclining chair in the corner of the room. But before long, it was after 11 and they began to say their goodbyes to eachother. Sango hugged Kagome and InuYasha and wished them both a wonderful Christmas before she lifted her son into her arms and carried him out to the car. Miroku hugged Kagome and InuYasha as well before he grabbed a daughter in each arm and started out to the car with them. InuYasha opened the door for his friend and watched as he walked down the hallway. He closed the door behind him and silently began helping Kagome clean up. The pair worked in companionable silence for several minutes until the apartment was back in order. By the time they were finished, it was nearing midnight.
Kagome stood in front of Moroha's playpen holding a small glass of wine, just watching her daughter sleep. InuYasha came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. “Everything was so perfect, InuYasha,” Kagome said quietly as she leaned back into her husband's embrace.
“Oh?” he whispered. “Well, then I guess I shouldn't give you this then,” he said as he held a small navy blue velvet box in front of her. Kagome gasped and turned to face him, holding the box in her hands.
“What is this?” she asked him.
InuYasha kissed the tip of her nose and simply said, “Open it.” Kagome opened the lid and stared down at the object inside. It was a simple silver banded ring with a rose pink jewel in the center that matched her necklace perfectly, on either side was a jewel, one emerald and one ruby, which she knew represented InuYasha and herself. On the inside of the band was engraved My red string. Tears brimmed Kagome's eyes as she looked back up into the face of the man that she had loved for more years than she hadn't.
Taking her face into both of his hands, InuYasha wiped the tears and spoke softly, “Kagome, you and Moroha are my everything. I would marry you everyday if you'd let me, but I'll settle for you saying yes to renewing our vows. Marry me again, Kagome. Marry me forever.”
Smiling through her tears, Kagome responded, “Oh, InuYasha, of course I will!” as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with every ounce of love she had for him. Without breaking the kiss, InuYasha lifted her up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom, preparing to show her just how much he loved her well into Christmas morning.
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heeydrienne · 3 years
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Happy Inuyasha Secret Santa 2020! I don’t know who my secret santa is but I hope you enjoy! This year has been kind of blue overall, and that got me thinking about drawing the gang in Canadian tuxedos...? 😅 I hope that despite everything there were many warm highlights in your year 💙
Thank you to the admins at @inusecretsanta / @iyfss for organizing!
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Secret Santa Gift
Sango rested her head against InuYasha’s shoulder, gazing at him out of the corner of her eye. The sun had long since set, but she couldn’t bear to go home without letting him know exactly how she felt. 
“You’ve been unusually quiet.” His voice was like a wool blanket, scratchy and comfortable and she sank into him. “What are you thinking about?” That was her chance. She knew it was, but her tongue felt heavy as she considered actually saying the words aloud. How was she supposed to explain away years of waiting patiently for his attention to fall on her? 
She’d been his best friend forever, and -when it all came down to it- she found that she couldn’t do it. “You actually decorated. I’m just surprised is all. You usually say ‘yule is a spiritual thing’.”
The smile in his voice sent butterflies through her center. 
“Yeah, well, you went through the trouble of sending me that color chart so...” She felt his shrug beneath her. “I figured I’d put it to good use.”
Sango reached up, tugging on the hastily placed table runner. The amount of blue he’d used was alarming--but now that she knew he’d done it knowing full well what it implied? She dug her fist into his side. “What are you trying to say?”
“That you need therapy.” 
Too many moments passed before their laughter died down and, when it did, she felt almost confident. “InuYasha?”
“Happy Yule.”
He snorted. “Yeah. Happy Yule. Coward.”
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Secret Santa for @boflicker​ I couldn’t wait for tomorrow and since it’s not actually a Christmas gift, but a yule gift and yule is ongoing--it is technically right on time. Enjoy your InuSan 
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witchygirl99 · 3 years
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Hi @fantasizingmyfantasies, I’m your Secret Santa for the @inusecretsanta​! Hope you enjoy :)
Pairing: InuKag
Rated: G
Summary: Professor Naraku, in a fit of rage over Inuyasha’s insolence, has given every House an assignment on a nearly impossible undetectable poison. Two Gryffindors and two Hufflepuffs solve it anyways, with interesting results.
Note Regarding Witchy Banner Below: Shoutout to @neutronstarchild​ for making this for me :) She’s the absolute best. Inspiration for the banner comes from @dangerouspompadour​ and her wonderful creative to let you all know to keep reading ;)
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“Are you sure?” Jinenji asked, tugging his long, swirling robes tighter around him as they bustled through the arched hallways of the castle. Students were everywhere, both fleeing into and out of the library. With O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s so close, wizards and witches at Hogwarts had settled into an almost zombie-like state of mania, complete with the muttering of enchantments and funny hand twitches as they fake-casted spells. As a third year, Jinenji was thankful he still didn’t have to worry about those. At least, not yet.
“Have some faith in me,” his best friend, Kagome, argued. Her dark brown eyes looked up at him, somehow glimmering off the yellow inner lining of her robe, peeking out while they hurried to their destination. Jinenji had met Kagome back when they were both first years, both assigned by the Sorting Hat to Hufflepuff. They had become fast friends and for the most part, the two of them managed to partner on most important projects. “Miroku already finished the assignment. Apparently, his guardian was always going on about different poisons, especially those that could be hidden in a drink.”
Jinenji hummed, believing her. He had never talked to Miroku before but Kagome was a good judge of character. If she trusted the Ravenclaw, then he did, too. “I’m surprised we were given this assignment at all. Aren’t we supposed to discuss undetectable poisons, not create them for homework?”
“Well, we have Gryffindor to thank for that.” His best friend pushed through the grand wooden door of Hogwarts’s library, a hush befalling them, like the outside noise of the castle was cast away. Immediately, they could feel eyes on them, though no one visible stood behind a desk. That was likely because the library was ruled with an iron fist by Mister Myoga, the head librarian and also a flea demon. He used his virtually non-existent height to sneak around and ensure students were treating the books with care or remaining quiet. “I heard,” Kagome whispered now, “that Professor Naraku was so angry that he kicked some Gryffindor out of the classroom and then proceeded to make three Slytherins who cheered cry.”
“You’d think he’d have enjoyed that,” Jinenji mumbled back, trying his best to keep quiet. “Professor Naraku is kind to the Slytherins.” His friend hummed at him, leading them further and further back into the library. Jinenji trusted her to know where they were going, and exactly what they were looking for. “Seems unnecessary that this is our assignment, too. Gryffindor and Slytherin had class yesterday. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw today. Why give it to us, too?”
“It’s Professor Naraku, who knows?”
That, at least, was a fair point that Jinenji couldn’t argue with. Not that he was one to argue much at all.
“Come on,” Kagome whispered, hand tugging on his robe. “There’s a potions book – almost like an encyclopedia – by the greatest potioneer ever, Mukotsu Inada. Terrible wizard. I’m pretty sure he’s been in Azkaban for the last ten years. But!” She waved a hand at Jinenji’s look of horror. “The greatest potioneer ever. If there’s no details on this undetectable itching poison in there, then it’s nowhere.”
Jinenji hid his expression, knowing Kagome was right. At this point in the library, he was completely lost, but his friend had no such issues. They turned a corner at one stack of books before zagging in the other direction, muffled voices coming from not too far away. He watched as Kagome frowned, dragging him still, and when they came to what was clearly supposed to be the right spot, he spotted two other students scouring the shelves: Gryffindors.
“You!” Kagome exclaimed, surprised.
Jinenji blinked, surprised by the outburst, and then finally took a good look at the wizard and witch before them.
It was Inuyasha and Shiori. The Troublesome Twosome of Gryffindor.
Oh no.
Inuyasha Taisho was already in a sulking mood, not that he would ever admit as such to Shiori. “Are you sure it’s here?”
“Where else would it be?” Shiori snapped at him, violet eyes a little crazy. She’d been looking that way ever since Inuyasha and Professor Naraku had it out in yesterday’s Potions class, and Shiori had been saddled with taking down the notes for their joint assignment on undetectable poisons without him. Potions was already the bane of Shiori’s existence; she was far more about actions and spell work, leading the Defense Against the Dark Arts grades. Inuyasha’s snarling outburst at Professor Naraku’s stupidity, followed by his dismissal only twenty minutes into class made Shiori have to do double the work. He owed her.
Still. “And you swear you heard the name correctly? You’re not just making shit up?”
“For the love of Merlin, Inuyasha, shush,” Shiori hissed. He was lucky her wand wasn’t out, or he was sure she’d have cast something on him by now. A silencing spell, if nothing else. “I overheard your Hufflepuff girl in the hall. I’m sure it’s correct.”
Inuyasha couldn’t help himself. He turned unimpressed golden eyes at her. “She’s not my Hufflepuff girl!” Ever since their first year, the two of them had been having this argument. Inuyasha didn’t understand why Shiori couldn’t let this go. So what if he thought the Hufflepuff girl was cute? That was normal. She was quick to smile and friendly and basically the opposite of Inuyasha’s entire existence. But it wasn’t like they had spoken or anything, which meant that there was no way Kagome Higurashi, Hufflepuff darling, could be considered in any way ‘his.’
“Whatever,” Shiori replied, kicking him lightly in the leg. “I guess your forlorn staring at her in the Great Hall every evening at dinner means nothing. Fine. Help me find this book!”
Inuyasha sighed. Best friend or not, Shiori was quick to call him out on anything deemed bullshit.
Immediately, Inuyasha glared at the intruders to their little library stack, hating being surprised. It was only then that he realized, like some kind of nightmare, that the exact person they were talking about was standing before them. Kagome stared at them in shock, Hufflepuff robes fluttering around her, with another hulking Hufflepuff wizard right behind her looking rather uncomfortable. “What?” he asked, the question coming out far ruder than he meant to.
“Oh, just—” Kagome frowned a little, brow furrowing as she looked between both him and Shiori. Her dark gaze landed on his friend, curiosity taking over her features. “You were listening in earlier!”
“No,” Shiori argued immediately, shaking her head. It didn’t help that the book she was shielding herself with was, in fact, the Great Book of Potions by Mukotsu Inada.
“Just because we’re not in Ravenclaw doesn’t mean we’re stupid,” Inuyasha barked, crossing his arms defensively. “We go to the library for research, too.” He knew that he had a reputation at Hogwarts, and that by association, Shiori did too. Very few witches and wizards ever dared to challenge them at anything. This was almost refreshing.
The Hufflepuff wizard stepped forward then, looking between them and his friend before trying for a smile. He was so tall, his head was the same height as the top of the stacks. If he wasn’t in Hufflepuff and known around Hogwarts as a gentle giant, Inuyasha probably would have been worried about a fight. “We don’t think that at all,” the wizard said quietly, voice shockingly small. “It’s good that you found it. I’m Jinenji and this is Kagome. You’re looking for the itching poison too, right?”
Inuyasha couldn’t help but look at Kagome, swallowing down the words that he already knew her name a long time ago. She smiled back at him despite his unwavering scowl. Inuyasha was begrudgingly endeared even more than before. Shiori could never find out.
“We have Potions class tomorrow and if we don’t complete the assignment tonight, Professor Naraku will have our heads,” Shiori said then. “Specifically Inuyasha’s.”
“Where’s the lie?”
Inuyasha scowled and looked away. “Whatever. We need the book more. We can give you back the book when we’re done.”
“No way,” Kagome argued, smile slipping. “We have far too many other assignments and this is hard enough that doing it last minute would be terrible.”
“Well then you can copy the book right now.”
Kagome plastered on a smile. “Since I was the one that led you here, you should copy the book.”
Inuyasha eyed Jinenji, the giant Hufflepuff, watching him deflate. “No,” he retorted, just to see what Kagome could do. How far could a Hufflepuff go in friendliness? “We got here first.”
“I have an idea,” Kagome interjected, still friendly but oddly firm. “Since we all want to do the same assignment tonight, why don’t we do it together? That way, we get all the information we need, we all complete the assignment on time and everyone is happy.” Inuyasha opened his mouth but she shot him a sharp look, smile gaining an edge and quelling his argument. “This is the best plan.”
“That’s fine for me,” Jinenji replied quietly. Inuyasha noticed that despite his size, he almost shifted behind Kagome, as if hiding from the confrontation. “Where will we do it? We can’t practice in one of the classrooms at this hour or we’ll be caught for sure.”
“The girls’ Gryffindor bathroom,” Shiori said suddenly, finally speaking up. “No one goes in there, not even the prefects.”
“That’s perfect,” Kagome encouraged, nodding. “Great idea.”
Too nice. She was far too fucking nice. At least she wasn’t smiling anymore, menacingly or sweetly.
Jinenji hummed. “Should we go now, then? Meet up in ten minutes so we can get our scrolls?”
“Works for me,” Shiori answered, her elbow digging into Inuyasha’s side.
He huffed. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Wonderful,” Kagome concluded.
Inuyasha watched her and the giant Hufflepuff walk away, mouthing the word wonderful incredulously. Who even said things like that?
The Gryffindor bathroom was haunted. This was very likely why no one came in it, Kagome thought, staring up at the ghost floating in front of her.
“You must be the Hufflepuffs,” the ghost whispered, eyeing her and Jinenji in turn. He was a squat little thing, a toad demon with massive eyes and a permanent frown. While non-corporeal and clearly transparent, the ghost still took off the hat on his head and scratched, assessing them. “You shouldn’t be here,” the ghost warned.
“Leave them be, Jaken! You’re never supposed to be in here anyways, and yet.” It sounded like the Gryffindor girl Kagome had caught hanging around her in the hall earlier that day, right after the disastrous Potions class with Professor Naraku. Kagome wasn’t the suspicious kind, but she had noticed the way the girl had stopped and fiddled with her bag for an overly long time, those violet eyes looking up every once and a while like Kagome wouldn’t notice.
Well, she had. Kagome didn’t mind that she was being listened to, but wouldn’t it have been so much easier if the Gryffindor had just…come to her outright and asked?
Suddenly, Shiori poked her head around the corner and flashed them a smile. “This way! There’s enough room by the stalls for us all to sit.” She eyed Jinenji as she said it, only a brief glance, but Kagome was grateful that the two of them had at least considered her friend’s bulk. Jinenji was too kind-hearted to ever complain and it drove Kagome nuts every once and a while.
A cauldron sat in the middle with numerous jars and bags surrounding it. Seated on the far side was Inuyasha, glowering at it. Kagome tried for a smile, sitting down beside him. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out so Professor Naraku can’t pick on you.”
Inuyasha blinked at her, looking confused for all of a moment before his nose scrunched up. “Pretty sure we could get perfect on this and he would still pick on me.”
“He is, after all, the reason we were even assigned this horrible homework,” Shiori grumbled, sitting across from Kagome. She elbowed Inuyasha and shot him a sympathetic glance. “In fairness, Naraku was being a huge jerk.”
“Whatever,” Inuyasha grumbled, and Kagome watched as he peeked at her quickly before returning his glower to the cauldron. “Let’s just get this over with. If we miss curfew and I get caught again, I’m fucked.”
“We wouldn’t want that,” Kagome agreed.
“I can read out the ingredients,” Shiori offered then, holding the book. “Inuyasha can do the cutting—”
“Actually,” Kagome interjected, smiling to soften the blow of her interruption. “Jinenji is the best with preparing the ingredients. He’s saved so many of our potions I can’t even keep count.”
Inuyasha shrugged, looking like he didn’t particularly care. Jinenji, as expected, turned red at the praise, big hands fidgeting with each other. Kagome knew this would make him the most comfortable though, and pushed over the various ingredients already collected. “That’s fine with me.”
“We can work on the potion itself,” she said, reaching out to get Inuyasha’s attention back. He startled again and Kagome felt helpless but to do anything other than smile reassuringly. “What’s first?”
Shiori gave Jinenji the proper instructions for the ingredients. Some things were quite simple, like pouring in a certain amount of the powdered porcupine quills, but other ingredients required some finessing. Kagome was pleased when Inuyasha and Shiori watched, entranced, as Jinenji deftly prepared the aconite flowers, big hands somehow managing to cut up the petals while only touching the safe stems. He gave Kagome the tiny board he had brought filled with the sliced petals, prepared as always, and Kagome carefully held it over the cauldron while Inuyasha transferred them into the mixture.
They let it heat for a minute, the four of them quietly watching the ingredients mix together. Jinenji, smart as always, started to crush a few of the remaining herbs using a pestle.
Inuyasha tapped on the floor of the bathroom, golden eyes seeking Kagome’s the moment time was up. “Now what?”
Shiori, leading them all, was the one to answer. “The effectiveness of the poison is determined by the length of brew. Great Potions tells us what the consistency is supposed to be, so I think as long as we record it on our scrolls, we’ll just have to hope that by tomorrow morning we’ll have the right result. I can bottle it up first thing, one for each of us to deliver in class.”
“Here’s the last of it,” Jinenji interrupted softly, offering what was in the pestle.
Kagome took it and just like their usual routine, Inuyasha made sure it carefully was put in. She nudged gently at his knee, gesturing towards her own wand. “You do the honours and then I’ll stir?”
The Gryffindor blinked at her for a moment before shrugging, grabbing his wand. Inuyasha waved it above the cauldron, and the deep purple mixture bubbled into a dark blue.
“That’s it,” Shiori exclaimed, excited. “Matches the book exactly.”
“Thank god,” Inuyasha groaned, making Kagome laugh. She double-checked with Shiori before putting in the long spoon and stirring seven times exactly, watching the blue liquid swirl around. It was bubbling quite rapidly, despite the low heat, and when she removed the spoon there was a tiny burst of it, popping out of the cauldron and landing right on the chest of Inuyasha’s clothes.
For a long moment, the four of them were silent, staring in disbelief.
“The itching poison—” Jinenji started, but was cut off immediately by Inuyasha’s heavy sigh.
“Why does this always happen to me?” he grumbled, undoing the tie of his outer robe. The problem was that the blue liquid could clearly be seen on the shirt underneath, closest to his skin. The itching poison was supposed to be quite horrible and she really didn’t want to have to take them down to St. Mungo’s.
“Hurry,” Kagome insisted, getting worried. If Jinenji had started to bring up the itching poison, it could only mean that things would go bad quickly.
The Gryffindor scowled at her. “I am hurrying!”
“No, not—” And then Kagome was forcing her way in front of him, pushing at his robe before grabbing onto the buttons of his shirt underneath. “If this touches your skin, you’ll be itching for a month, at least, and you’ll never be able to make it through class tomorrow—”
“I have it!” Inuyasha argued, even as Shiori tugged the robe from behind him. “It’s fine, it won’t—” But then he got somehow impossibly tangled. Shiori wasn’t letting go, pulling even harder, and Inuyasha flailed backwards.
“Oof!” Kagome, her hands on his shirt still, was dragged down with him. It was an ungainly sprawl with Kagome embarrassingly ending up straddled above his prone form, lying on the ground.
She stared at him for a second, horrified, while Inuyasha looked at her with something akin to fear.
And then she saw the blue liquid on the collar, having moved from the fall, and it was so close to his skin. “Off!” she yelled, tugging furiously.
“You’re not undressing me!” Inuyasha shouted back, even though he, too, was trying to avoid the poison.
“You have to!”
Behind them, Shiori crawled over until she was side-by-side with Jinenji. She stared up at him with big violet eyes, trying and failing to suppress her smile. “Should we tell them?”
Jinenji sighed but he looked just as amused as she was. “That the effectiveness of the itching poison doesn’t begin until at least an hour of brewing?”
“Yeah.” Shiori nodded and then stared at Inuyasha and Kagome, yelling at each other and somehow both trying to accomplish the same task. “That.”
“I already tried.” Jinenji shrugged. “It’s not like they can actually get hurt.”
But just as he had spoken, Kagome had finally managed to successfully tug at Inuyasha’s shirt, hauling him up into a sitting position and whipping off the material from the side. They both twisted, and Shiori could only watch, like a train about to crash, as Inuyasha’s and Kagome’s faces collided.
To call it a kiss would have been excessive. Both turned extremely red anyways.
“What are you doing?” Inuyasha yelled.
“Me? What about you? Why would you lean so far forward?!”
“It was that or you were going to dislocate my shoulder!”
“No, I wouldn’t have,” Kagome argued.
Shiori nudged Jinenji, even though her elbow barely made it past his huge legs. “If you and I are going to have to watch this play out for the next four years, we better get an Outstanding on this stupid assignment.”
The giant Hufflepuff smiled down at her. “I’m sure we will.”
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fantastiqueparfait · 3 years
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It’s here! My @inusecretsanta gift for @petri808! This one definitely spiraled a little bit; I originally planned for about 2k words and ended up with twice that. I really hope you enjoy it!
This is a continuation of Fluff Prompt 78.
Rating: G Summary: Kagome adjusts to her new reality. Set during and immediately after the separation.
Tags: @hopidoodle, @cstorm86,  @meggz0rz, @dangerouspompadour, @dis-gruntled-beast, @inupotter, @umacaking, @laurenintheskyy, @lavendertwilight89, @doginabirdcage, @ideasthatbuildcities, @theinuyashareader, @willowandfog, @kazeinori, @ruddcatha, @bluejay785, @witchygirl99, @saraneth86, @smmahamazing, @keichanz, @fawn-eyed-girl, @nsr0716, @heyy-ahriii
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eliza-faust-diary · 3 years
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Hello @katerinu ! That’s my @inusecretsanta gift - Miroku for you and your OC! I hope you enjoy that drawing) Happy Holidays!
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