#its not even the time of the year where I gravitate towards music that could be closer to the genre/style that this album is so i cant even
jackleopard · 1 year
I need someone to explain to me why I love Epic Solete by The Tyets so much
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idcallmyselfhuman · 8 months
Xiao/Aether 👹⛅ Masterlist 2.0
A compilation of moments between Xiao and Aether through the years. The last revamp I did on the old post got nuked by Tumblr, so I just made a new one.
I tried to be as complete as I can, but there's probably some stuff I still missed. The shipping wiki is great for compiling stuff, but I felt it wasn't very detailed. Soooo here ya go
Lover's Oath (Lone Tower in the West)
Thank you @kristalijah for the reminder!
On Aether's journey through Liyue, he was tasked to inform the Adepti of Rex Lapis' "death". The Wangshu quest is the first time he meets Xiao in the game, and a certain detail didn't catch a lot of people's attention until the soundtrack got released a while later.
"Lover's Oath" is the song that plays in the background the very first time Xiao appears in front of Aether. On one hand, this could very well just be in reference to the place they were in, as the balcony of Wangshu Inn is known to be where lovers spend time together. However, this theme never plays for any other scene again, nor is it the background music for the balcony in general.
The only time this track is used again is during Tuned to the World's Sounds, an event in-game where Xiao and Aether duet this song on the very place they met, with Xiao playing a lyre, and Aether, a zither.
This theme has only every been used when they are together. So, Lover's Oath can be considered "their" theme. I adore this tidbit of information because it fits their future relationship so well, as the game constantly reminds us now of Xiao's promise to Aether.
Battle of Osial
If you're a fan of this ship, I'm sure you already know. This was the moment the fandom went, "wait a minute...", essentially the birth of the ship itself.
This cutscene is just [chef's kiss], its existence makes me so happy. The Aether community in 2020 has never been the same.
Aether's feet were already steadied. Xiao could have let go already, or let him fall as gracefully as Mountain Shaper did to that guard (I would have hated him). There was no reason to hold on. In fact, he had every excuse to release his hold the moment they got to safety because he was the one who kept insisting that contact with mortals, or even being near them was something he absolutely Did Not Want. But he didn't let go. No, even more— he tightened his hold, squeezing Aether's hand and telling him to be careful. HUH?!?!
Looking back on this scene also made me think of Aether's unique ability to purify things he touches, something that still hasn't been explained. I wonder if Xiao was already gravitating towards Aether because of it, finding comfort in his contact without knowing why, just yet.
Lantern Rite 1.3
I'm sure we're all familiar with this scene, right?
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The very first time Xiao promised Ae that no matter what, as long as he calls his name, he will be there. I think the game showed how special that promise is really well.
Moonlight Merriment
On the same year, they released Moonlight Merriment. The first time Aether summoned him was here, when Xiangling was looking for a 'customer' with mild tastes. While Xiao told Ae to call for him when there's trouble, it's really cute that he doesn't really mind what sort of 'trouble' it is.
Whether it be actual danger, or a small dilemma that Aether needs help with, he's there. (Though I guess you can see it as anything that is bothering Ae is considered trouble enough, no matter the scale :))
This scene also clarifies that the promise was specifically made to Aether, and no one else, not even Paimon. The fact that they went so far as to have Paimon call for Xiao multiple times only for nothing to happen is... so fucking funny. Aether says his name once and he's already there.
Just... your commitment is really subtle, Xiao. Keep at it.
Baizhu's Story Quest
The second time Aether summons him is during Baizhu's story quest, and I think this part is what really cemented the weight of that promise for me.
Every single time Aether brings up that he can contact our resident yaksha so easily, they're always surprised. The adepti are known for wanting to keep to themselves that even Changsheng thought it would be impossible for them to meet, but here Xiao was, just one word away for one special traveler.
It's an oath that was made with such... devotion? Loyalty?
It would have been a little more distant had it just been for protection, something like "when you're on the brink of death, you may call for me." but it isn't. This was literally a promise that whenever Ae needed him, Xiao will be there, "Anywhere. Anytime."
It's also sweet how Xiao's departing words are always a reminder to call him whenever needed, to the point where Aether has to say "Yeah, we know." If that promise had an expiration, it sure as hell doesn't matter because Xiao keeps renewing it anyway.
Perilous Trail (Interlude)
Unfortunately, there was one time where Xiao failed to get to Aether, but only because he physically wasn’t able to. The only time he couldn’t fulfill his promise was because he was stuck in a different plane of existence. But even then, once he heard that Aether was in trouble, he was persuaded to cross a literal fucking spacerift to get to them.
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You absolutely cannot tell me they aren't in love because you would be wrong.
Also Yanfei being perceptive enough to use Aether being in trouble to convince Xiao? Bless. Where else did we see someone pull out the 'Aether' card on Xiao recently...?
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god he's so fucking easy and everyone knows
Anyway, this quest also showed how protective Ae is of Xiao, constantly asking how he is or if he was okay, ignoring Xiao's warnings entirely.
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He even gets mad when Xiao brings up creating a will.
Just— a lot of things happened in this quest. While I can't add all of them, do yourself a favor and either play this or check it out in the archives. Yanfei knows what's up
Also there's a part where Aether looks over Xiao's sleeping face and wonders to himself if a person who's always wary is capable of dreams.
To finish off the Chasm segment, it ended with a conversation that had Xiao realizing a lot of things he was lost to because of his grief: that there are people who will always care about him, and in his words, "Even the darkest hearts have room for those they cherish.
"Will Xiao be ravaged by the unending war he wages and be plunged into despair? Or... will he meet someone who understands his sacrifice, and can shine a ray of light into his dark world..." —Dainsleif, Collected Miscellany - "Xiao: Conqueror of Demons"
I think... it was important for him to have had this conversation with Aether. Zhongli acknowledges this as well in the most recent Lantern Rite, but the beginning of the changes within Xiao started because of Aether constantly pushing him to see the light.
Bonus! Xiao being a dumbass
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Companion Voicelines
Aether: "How do you like it here?", "Want to chat?"
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To bring up Aether's ability to purify things again (Dvalin's Tear), it could be related to that. Or, maybe Xiao just gets so in his head about Aether in his presence that his Karmic Debt just gets insta-blocked. Who knows?
Aether: Is there anything you'd like to do?
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For the first and second Lantern Rite, Xiao was still adamant on not even stepping foot in Liyue Harbor, declining every invitation to go there because of how much he disliked being near mortals.
Yet in his teapot voicelines, once you reach a high enough friendship with him, Xiao actually takes the initiative to invite Aether to go to the city, if only to understand him better. Xiao explicitly says that his willingness to go to the harbor was for him.
This isn’t the first time Xiao brings up his wish to get to know Aether better. At first, he kept saying that he has no interest in human affairs, but in his voicelines, as the two of them get closer and closer, he says that he would like to know more about Aether.
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I also really like Shenhe's voiceline. Aether's effect on Xiao benefited not only him, but the people surrounding Xiao as well. It's shown in the way Xiao's become softer, and more open to being in social gatherings. We see it the most in Lantern Rite 3.4, Waterborne Poetry, and the biggest one that point towards the cause being Aether is Xiao's birthday letter of 2023.
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If Moon Carver's reaction is anything to go by, the old Xiao doing this for his birthday was unfathomable. As Xiao allowed himself to open up to the world, the people around him were also able to enjoy their old friend's presence as well.
Dainsleif said that the cost of his duty was perpetual solitude, but it seems that that's no longer true.
Fun little note: The fact that he went to Moon Carver first is funny to me, since Aether and Moon Carver are both voiced by Zach Aguilar.
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I was reminded by @comfortingnightmare that Aether was the first person to celebrate Xiao's birthday in a thousand years :>
Which brings me to another topic! Gifts!
Aside from the adorable fact that every character in the game gifts Aether something on their birthday, Xiao gives him a butterfly made from leaves in his voiceline.
From what I've read, butterflies supposedly mean conjugal love, freedom, and vulnerability of life in Chinese culture. I'm really no expert on this so take that with a grain of salt.
There's also the more obvious meaning, which is transformation in one's self. I really don't like tackling this kind of thing because it's very "the curtain was blue", but if we take their relationship in consideration, it fits.
Lucent Crescent
Big thank you to @spiderskull142 because I didn't even know about this.
In this year's TPRGT image, we see that Paimon is holding a red box—Aether's gift for Xiao. I didn't really pay much attention to it at the time since I thought it was just a regular gift box... and also because I was distracted by Xiao pretending to sleep. It's about the closest we can get to Xiao feigning illness to get pampered LMAO
Anyway, I looked it up and apparently those specific boxes are used to keep jewelry. I looked around Liyue to see if any other store used this box for anything else, but the only one that seemed to have it is Mingxing Jewelry, a boutique that specialized in an ornament called "Lucent Crescent".
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Note: The closest I could get to a box that was similar-looking were the red stacked boxes outside of random houses. No other store seemed to have them, so I can only assume that's where the box was from.
When you interact with Xingxi, the person who runs the shop, she tells you about the meaning of Lucent Crescents.
Xingxi: Have you ever heard anyone mention our Lucent Crescent ornaments? They are especially popular with young people. We produce a very limited quantity of Lucent Crescent – only ten per month. People say that if you manage to purchase one of them, you are sure to win the heart of your beloved.
As we know, Aether is very mindful with the gifts he gives every year. I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to think he would order something as valuable as this for Xiao.
And speaking of Aether's gifts...
Teyvat Food Notes: Sweet Dream, Adeptus' Temptation, Mint Jelly, Unagi Chazuke, Satisfying Salad
Alongside Xiao's birthday art are articles from the Teyvat Food Notes, where real-life recipes of in-game food are made, and it also has interactions between XiaoAe on his birthday.
Sweet Dream (Almond Tofu)
Note: Both google translate and Papago seem to use Mandrill instead of Xiao, so... just know that’s who it’s talking about.
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This is where we learn that Xiao didn’t even make Sweet Dream; this dish was Aether’s thank you gift to him. Xiao’s specialty dish is a gift from Aether. I’m—aGH! ANYWAY.
Sweet Dream also makes an appearance in Childe’s birthday art in 2022. And— I’m really sorry to Tartaglia, but seeing that dish stole all his thunder I just couldn’t get over it.
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I like to think that Aether was so preoccupied with making Childe his birthday feast that he began to absentmindedly prepare Almond Tofu in the way he’s most used to (because of how often Xiao requests it.)
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Adeptus Temptation
This one in particular isn’t from one of his birthdays, but a special they put out for the first Lantern Rite, which includes every released Liyue character at the time. I was initially going to write it off, but I thought hey what the hell, what are the odds that there’s gonna be a XiaoAether moment in here?
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Of course there was. With these two, I should have known.
Note: “Fairy/Buddha Jump over the Wall” is apparently an actual Chinese delicacy that the Adeptus’ Temptation is based on!
A little more additional context, I added the part where Zhongli was going full English teacher at the beginning because everyone was spouting poetry so passionately with every bite of the dish. That’s why Aether wonders, “Do all Liyue people eat like this?”
That’s also why Aether asked Xiao to give him an evaluation of the food, hoping he’d be the same as the others. I found it really cute, especially right now as we just finished Waterborne Poetry.
From the very beginning, Aether caught a glimpse of Xiao’s affinity to being poetic (Isolation does that to ya, who knew?), which is why in the event, he encourages him to write poems. With enough encouragement, along with Xiao pondering over Aether’s words and advice, he eventually does write a poem.
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Frost-Coated Slime (Mint Jelly)
For this Teyvat Food Note (2021), Aether laments that he doesn’t really know Xiao very well when he realized that the only gift he can think of giving him is almond tofu.
“Although it is not impossible to continue to treat [Xiao] to eat almond tofu, there is a stubbornness in my heart that has been preventing me from continuing to serve almond tofu.
I don’t want to be the same as usual, I don’t want to give [Xiao] the same gift as everyone else.”
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Aether realizes that almond tofu has become somewhat basic, since everyone else gives the same thing, and it’s no longer a gift he considers to be special enough. He then remembers the mint jelly he once tasted in Mondstadt, and thought it was similar enough to the texture and taste of almond tofu. He decides that that’s what he wants to give him.
Once he meets with Xiao, Xiao gives him the ‘butterflies’ he caught (I assume this actually refers to the crystalflies he gives along with the letter?) Aether thinks wearing [crystalflies] on his head doesn’t suit him, but Xiao seems to expect him to wear it judging by his silence. This also fits his letter that year, where he admits he was actively looking for crystalflies for Aether to put on his hair, thinking it would look nice on him.
The last part of the food note is so heartwarming. After Aether has him help prepare the mint jelly, they finally settle down to eat it.
Xiao: It doesn’t look like I want to eat it. I’d better order almond tofu.
[Aether] grabs Xiao and explained that it actually tasted very good, and the texture should be similar to almond tofu.
Aether: The most important thing is that for Xiao’s birthday, I want to make something different as a gift...
Xiao stopped.
Xiao: I don’t worry about the taste of the food you cook. I just want to collect it.
They are so cute?!?!?!?!
Later on, Xiao confesses that he doesn’t like almond tofu just because he likes the taste, but because of the memories that accompany it.
Aether then looks at Xiao, but Xiao doesn’t look at him. Instead, he says “The jelly I made today is a special memory. Thank you.”
Unagi Chazuke
Thank you @dragon-type-nuggetz for sending this one because this is what reminded me that the other teyvat food notes existed aside from almond tofu and adeptus temptation lol
Last one for the Teyvat Food Notes! There’s none for 2023, because they seem to have discontinued it entirely after 2022. This one’s a lot shorter than the other ones, but no less sweet.
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Aether knows that with Xiao’s dedication to Liyue, he works non-stop to defend the nation and has never experienced anything as leisurely as going on a vacation for the sake of relaxing. So instead, Aether tells him stories of his travels, and he decides to cook a dish that gives the feeling of traveling with him.
Xiao also says something here that I found really funny.
“Let me start by saying that I have no interest in human food. Even if the food you make doesn’t taste good, I won’t eat it.” CAP. You’ve gone this long eating Aether’s food, who the hell are you trying to fool?
In the end, Xiao finishes the entire bowl to Aether’s shock, but he says he’s sorry as he can’t think of any words to praise the food.
Aether then says that the fact that Xiao finished it at all is the greatest compliment.
Satisfying Salad
This isn’t connected to the food notes this time, but just the dish in general. Satisfying Salad and Almond Tofu are the first dishes that Aether has ever given Xiao in-game to convince him to talk to them. I thought it was a pretty minor thing and didn’t think much of it at the time, up until Smiley Yanxiao brings it up again in Moonlight Merriment.
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Everyone around Xiao thought that almond tofu really was the only thing he can eat, only for Aether to prove otherwise. While he claims that he has no interest in human food, and the only thing he can possibly stomach is almond tofu, he has never denied anything that Aether offers him, even when the two of them didn’t even know each other very well yet.
So, for all of Xiao’s talk, he has shown in his actions pretty clearly that Aether is and has always been an exception for him. Whether that be for food, or anything else...
Lantern Rite 3.4
I am here to remind you all of a beautiful scene that should never be forgotten for years to come.
Regardless of Genshin trying to be mysterious and making us guess who saved Aether, the fact that they both came rushing over is incredible on its own. They know that Aether isn't a damsel in distress, and Paimon's acting was so on the nose, but they still couldn't allow even the slightest possibility of harm to come to him.
Xiao looking away and talking in circles just to say he really was worried is the funniest fucking thing.
As for the Lantern Rite dinner... well, first things first. We say thank you to Hu Tao for her services as a professional wing-woman (It's her side-job to advertise the parlor)
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Moving on! Remember when Aether told Xiao he'll bail him out of uncomfortable social situations? (Companion voicelines)
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There really isn't much I could say that I haven't already said before. For XiaoAether shippers, this was Hoyo spoon-feeding content on a silver spoon. It's Aether and Xiao at their most comfortable with each other, talking and spending time with the people they care about.
It's years of talking to each other, of Xiao realizing that he's at ease when he's speaking to Aether, of learning to talk more about himself to the point where he starts talking about his past and the people in it...
It'll be awhile until Xiao will ever be comfortable with large crowds, but as long as Aether's there who knows when it's becoming 'too much', he'll be fine.
Aether is also, in Xiao's eyes, the most distinguished guest among them all.
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I couldn't add it but Xiao also says "I trust Aether's judgement." in this scene.
This Lantern Rite is also where Zhongli acknowledges what Aether has done for Xiao :")
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(Suspiciously on the last screenshot, the perspective makes Zhongli look like a pastor wedding the two of them)
Waterborne Poetry
The catalyst for this post. The reminder of how lovely this ship is, and how far these two have come.
As we have all learned from Xiangling, Yanfei, Venti and Hu Tao, you only need to mention Aether's name to convince Xiao of whatever it is you're planning. The part where Aether and Team Chongyun were trying to convince him to come with them and touch some fucking grass was really cute.
This event and the previous Lantern Rite also had Aether and Xiao talking privately, only to get interrupted by Paimon/Xiangling (as well as calling them out lmao)
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And, of course, the scene that everyone freaked out over,
A short, but sweet moment where Aether looks at Xiao from afar and immediately gets inspired, performing a poem where the real meaning is shared only between the two of them...
And Xiao's smile.
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An expression that Aether had done so well to bring out.
Xiao in a Commission
One last thing! Xiao appears in the Liyue Commission "Uninvited Guests". It's very short, but cute
Xiao: Oh, it’s you.
Aether: What brings you here?
Xiao: I encountered these monsters by chance and defeated them.
Xiao: This area is not safe. So...
Aether: I’ll be careful.
Xiao: Right. I have other matters to attend to. See you.
...There are still things I couldn't add, but that's okay. I got mostly everything this time so I'm satisfied. Very grateful to the people who reblogged the old post to add more stuff :))
Some things I didn't add were trivia from the shipping wiki. For one, apparently Xiao's JP voice actor was told by the director to be gentler when speaking to the Traveler. There's also a small part of the Lantern Rite animation where as Xiao and Aether watch the lanterns side by side, Xiao turns to look at Aether right as Paimon blocks his head from view :")
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Astrology Observations : Placements who feel the most intensely.
The ones who feel the most and live really intense lives:
Sun/Pluto Moon/Pluto Pluto/Rising
2. Sun/Neptune Moon/Neptune Venus/Neptune
3. Moon/Jupiter Sun/Uranus Moon/Mars
For the first group its because they attract so much depth in their auras. Their magnetic and tend to pull things to them in their deep dark ocean. Every day is another day they are being reborn. They really dont get any breaks when it comes to letting go and having to shed more skin.
Second group feels things real intense due to them feeling everything around them. They are more open spirituality then other placements because the veil is thinner with them than most. Their imaginations can shapeshift and can make things appear real even when their not. Kind of sad when its in an unevolved state because its harder to get them out of that ball of imaginations that they convince themselves is real. They live intense lives because every day their not just feeling their emotions but they emotions of others. They can get drained more easily than others and can continuously be put in positions where they have to cleanse themselves more often because the feeling in their bodies is just too much. It can start to hurt them more then help.
3rd group is for a few different reasons since the placements show their intensity in different ways.
Moon Jupiter peoples can feel things all around them. Honestly I get a cute vision that these people can feel whats going on in higher realms to the point the intensity gravitates towards them. This is why their really good with art/music because when they're creating their getting information from the realms above them. The frequency they're on is dramatically higher than most. And all the frequency they're on can be 'lighter' it can also feel like their on a cloud and things are constantly moving. They can feel the shifts all through their bodies and this is a everyday thing.
Sun/Uranus have this lightening strike that is constantly hitting them every time they decide to sit down and get comfortable. This is not a life where they can just sit down and be too comfortable they HAVE to get up because Uranus is constantly jumping and needing something to do. They could be sitting down one minute and the next thing they know its 3 am and their on top of a mountain barefooted because they keep trying to relax and be in their turtle shell. Not going to work. The velocity that they are on is light years away from the rest of society, so they have to constantly keep moving or else they'll burn out their on energy.
Moon Mars peeps have intense emotions and when they are harbored inside of them for too long they can feel this strange fire in their bellies and this can be rather uncomfortable. If they do not have a healthy outlet this can hurt them from the inside. Exercise and expressing their emotions through some type of art (typically with words/opening their mouth) would do them justice.
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dreamerofasgard · 7 months
Hopes of The Thunderbird & The Dragon (Series) - Concept & Prologue
Draco Malfoy x F!Reader
Disclaimer: This is the first time I have written a whole series by myself, plus it's been a while since I wrote anything, let alone something for Draco Malfoy. This is a concept that has been in my head for a while and I haven’t seen anyone do something like it, well from at least what I’ve seen that is. I don’t see a lot about transfer students along with incorporating magical beasts. I plan on making this a long multi-part series that takes place through all 7 years at Hogwarts as well as a time skip.
Word count: 1.9k Pt1
Concept: I had been thinking about what if the reader was from America’s Wizarding School of Ilvermorny but was transferred to Hogwarts after their parents were transferred to the British division of the Ministry of Magic after a huge promotion. Father and Mother are Pure-bloods but they don’t particularly care, unlike other pure-blood families. Father has been working for the ministry for years after he graduated from Ilvermory and got a job as an Auror where he then met your mother who was working as an Investigative Assistant of Magical Beast Activity for the UK Branch. Your father Frederick Whitlock, the New Chief Auror in the London Ministry Office, and your mother Katherine Pierce-Whitlock, the New Head of the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures have decided that it would be best to have you transferred to your mother’s alma mater, Hogwarts. Being a proud graduate herself, she is overjoyed when she receives a letter from Dumbledore that you are allowed to transfer from Ilvermory during the second week of the semester. Y/n Whitlock has always loved to bring the joy of music wherever she went but what happens when the Slytherin Common Room becomes your escape. Y/n becomes friends with many people at Hogwarts along with gravitating towards a certain blonde boy as their friendship develops into something more over the years. Even with the growing darkness that seems to make its way into the halls of Hogwarts, there is always a way through with compassion and acceptance.
Tigger warnings: Pureblood. I think that's it.
Y/n paced around her new room in her parents' house as her mind raced about all the wonderful and nerve-wracking things to come at her new school, Hogwarts. From as early as she could remember, her father told her all the amazing stories about his alma mater, Ilvermory. Your father recalled how during the sorting ceremony, the older students would watch from the balcony on the next level, looking down with anticipation as the first years got sorted. The school would then wait for one of the four wooden creature carvings, which represent four houses, to react. When the Horned Serpent wanted a student, the gem set into its forehead would glow, while Thunderbird showed approval by beating its wings. The Wampus would roar, while the Pukwudgie raised its arrow into the air. The way your father described it was so magical that you could barely wait to get there to see it for yourself, and join your father’s house of Thunderbird. You had your wish for as your first week had gone almost perfectly, you were sorted into Thunderbird and made a few friends. But all that changed when you got a letter from your parents a few days later saying that due to their promotions in the ministry, you’d be transferring to Hogwarts within the next two days. Needless to say, you were heartbroken. You had just gotten here and now you were leaving them. 
Flash Back to 2 days ago
“I love my parents Rebecca but why can’t I just stay here and live with my aunt or you?” Y/n said as she talked with her best friend and roommate, Rebecca Madison, a short, brown-eyed, black-haired girl who had been your best friend since diapers. “Because your aunt is already busy enough managing your cousins and that little band of theirs. My parents can barely handle us when you come to visit. Just imagine what it would be like with you living here?” she replied as she giggled. “And besides Merlin went to Hogwarts. How cool is it that you’d be going to the same school that is home to many powerful witches and wizards like him.” Rebecca said as she played with her white and tan cat, Cinnamon, on her bed.  “You have a point Becky but we just got here.” You pouted as you fell back onto your bed. This was quite possibly the worst thing that’s ever happened, and if your cousins didn’t start their band then you could be living with them. Despite your current situation, you were actually the one who convinced them to start a band.  Christopher, Sarah, and Patricia were some of the most musically gifted in your family on your Father's side, other than yourself and dear old Dad. You've been planning music with them for as long as you could remember. Who knew that love for music that somehow backfired on your dreams of attending Ilvermory. “I know, that’s why I’m your bestie.” Rebecca says as she stands up and walks over to your bed while smiling, “Now you are going to write letters to me about the wonders of Hogwarts and we’ll see each other like we always do over the breaks.” All you could do was smile as you sat up facing your friend. “Time to start packing I guess,” you said as Rebecca smiled and extended her hand for you to take. “Let the packing competition begin!”
End of Flashback
“Y/n darling, your father is waiting in the carriage but I have something to give you first,” your mother says as she slowly opens the door holding a medium-sized cage with a cloth over it. 
“I wanted to surprise you with a little friend to keep you company at Hogwarts. I already got approval from Professor McGonagall though this creature is technically allowed, ‘better to be safe than sorry’ your father says” as she sets the cage down taking off the cloth to reveal a gray and black with emerald eyes Kneazle.
“Mom, they are beautiful. What’s their name?”  Kneeling down to let the creature sniff your hand and get familiar with you while smiling.
“Her name is Lux. Her mother is one of the Kneazles I was nursing back to health had a litter a few weeks ago. Plus I thought Ripley would like a friend when you are in class. You take care of them-” your mother says while smiling. “And they’ll take care of you,” you say as Lux mews cutely at you while you gently take her out of the cage and let Ripley your owl inspect her new furry friend.
“Let’s not keep your father waiting Y/n darling, Hogwarts awaits.” You look at your mother as she is proud and excited for your first year at Hogwarts as you take her hand and make your way to the carriage. On the way to Hogwarts you thought about the professors your mother told stories about, the dangers she warned you about hidden in the forbidden forest, how that next year she hopes you could play quidditch like she did for Ravenclaw, and that no matter which house you were placed in she would be beyond proud of you. 
Your parents have always wanted you, their pride and joy, to be kind and make your own opinions of those around you. Even though they came from Pureblood families your parents never understood the way most Purebloods thought, it always seemed so backward to parade around blood status like it was a huge accomplishment not marrying a person with muggle blood. So your parents did what other Purebloods would most likely hate, raise you around the culture of both the wizarding and muggle worlds. As you sat in the carriage for the couple-hour journey it would take to get to Hogwarts your father tapped you on the shoulder taking you out of your thoughts.
“I know your mom already gave you little Lux but I also have something for you,” he says as he hands you a medium-sized wrapped box.
“Dad, you didn’t have to get me anything but thank you” nudging your father as you unwrap the present you see a Walkman with several different albums on cassettes. 
“It’s a Walkman, I know we already packed up your record player and your guitar but I figured you’d want to listen to music while walking around the grounds after class. Plus we’ll send you your favorite bands' new albums while you’re at school.” Nudging you just as you did a moment ago while chuckling. 
“You sure do think of everything, don’t you Dad?” Smiling as you took out the Walkman and pulled out Journey's Greatest Hits album your father smiled with pride as he thought about all the new friends you’d make.
The hours passed by quickly with you listening to music and talking with your parents about all the different legends and secrets that Hogwarts held. It wasn’t until your house elf Winter opened the door that you all realized you had arrived at Hogwarts Bridge. 
“We have arrived,” Winter said as she smiled brightly as she looked at the youngest Whitlock.
You take a deep breath and stepped out of the carriage and take in your surroundings. You had visited Scotland before on family trips but the Hogwarts Castle and the Great Lake were certainly spectacular. As you took in your surroundings an older-looking woman approached with an older gentleman which you assumed were Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall along with four students you didn’t recognize, three boys and one girl, dressed in school robes one each house color you assumed.
“Katherine Pierce-Whitlock welcome back to Hogwarts dear,” Professor McGonagall said as she hugged your mother, “Now I know that this is a big change for your daughter Katherine. I can assure you and your husband that Y/n is in good hands.”
“Now let's give them a tour shall we,” Professor Dumbledore says as he motions the four students to come over and introduce themselves.
“Good afternoon, I’m Gabriel Truman, one of the prefects of Hufflepuff.” Said the tall brown-haired boy wearing a yellow and black robe before stepping back in line as a ginger boy around his height stepped forward.
“Hello my name is Percy Weasley, I am one of the Gryffindor prefects. I believe my mother went to school with yours.” He says as he looks over at your mother who smiles at the Weasley boy before he steps back in line for the boy in blue to speak.
“Ello Whitlocks, my name is Robert Hilliard, one of the prefects of Ravenclaw. It is a pleasure to see that the famous Blue Devil had a daughter. Your mother was a force to be reckoned with. Hopefully, you are just as good as your mother at quidditch” he smiles before saying quietly “And a Ravenclaw” The Scottish boy happily steps back to let the girl in Green robes step forward. 
“Welcome to Hogwarts Y/n, I’m Gemma Farley, one of the prefects of Slytherin house. We are excited to have you here.” The blonde girl says as she hands you a bouquet of flowers from the four houses, “I do hope that you enjoy your time here” smiling as she steps back and lets Professor Dumbledore talk.
“Now that introductions are out of the way I do believe we can give you a proper tour of the castle while the students are at lunch. Wouldn’t you agree, Minerva?” Dumbledore asked as Professor McGonagall nodded and led the way with Dumbledore by her side, the students and your family not too far behind.
“Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin'' she began as you walked across the bridge seeing a few Hippogriffs fly overhead, thinking you could get used to being here.
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burlveneer-music · 2 months
Ola Kvernberg - Monolith - a teaser for his forthcoming album Steamdome III: Beyond the End. Still straddling the prog rock/jazz border, with an even larger ensemble this time, adding the Trondheim Symphony
Three years have passed since the critically lauded 'Steamdome II: The Hypogean' etched its mark on Norwegian music history. Now, Kvernberg amplifies his sound with the addition of 60 musicians from the Trondheim Symphony, ignites the graviton train, and sets his sights on catapulting us into the stratosphere - Beyond The End. The premiere offering is 'Monolith' - the symphony's climactic movement: — When I embarked on the symphony, I surprisingly started with the finale. In my quest for a pivotal moment, I found myself gravitating towards a musical critical mass. This emerged through an airy but weighty, off-kilter and breakbeat-inspired drum groove, one that resonated harmoniously with the boundless spectrum of instruments at my disposal. This unique confluence of sounds and rhythms didn't just provide a setting for individual brilliance but, more significantly, fostered a synergistic environment where the band and the orchestra could flourish together. In the upcoming album 'Beyond the End', Ola Kvernberg blends rhythmic vitality with symphonic force in a composition that defies every music genre norm. "Monolith" is the culmination of three movements, where Kvernberg extends an invitation to the classical domain for a modern dance amidst electric squalls and symphonic surges of adrenaline. 
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carbkaiju · 1 year
Didn't expect to see any kind of LISA news, but here we are. I love the games, but it sucks I can never revisit them or really engage with the fandom. Personal babble below
(cw; suicide, abuse, self-harm, etc.)
LISA is a special but incredibly tender piece of art for me. It's a true and unguarded representation of abuse, the closest thing I have to fully illustrate the horrors I've lived through. (see also: Hereditary) To a curious friend who may want to understand what it's like, what kind of headspace I live in, I can point to LISA and say, "There it is, really soak it all in." And I absolutely cannot experience it again, which is unfortunate, because it's a masterpiece.  From its music, to its characters, to its insane juxtaposition between peak comedy and human atrocities, it is everything. Shows everything.
The characters are where it all comes together and how it tears me apart. I see myself in every one of them. Brad, Buddy, Dustin, Buzzo, Lisa, Terry, Marty, the mutants - all of them. I see the ripples of abuse and desperation, inadequacy and failure, all fractured out from one horrible father to the next - and it's an ugly, honest mirror. I still don't know how I would respond to Brad, yet I ask myself that question to this day. "Did I do the right thing?"
With that level of emotional charge, I can't reasonably engage with any part of the fandom, as much as I may want to. The fanart is so poignant and beautiful at times, a part of me feels comforted that I may be understood just as thoroughly some day. Appreciated just as much, ugly flaws and all. Thank you fanartists.
But Im also aware of a weird subsect of the fans, ones which gravitated towards the games in late 2016, and rallied around it with their neo-nazi bullshit, seeing the games as some reflection of what society should be. But Dingaling denounced them so hard that he had to leave twitter for a few years, and Im glad he told those people to fuck off.
But there's another branch of the fandom, perhaps there's some overlap, that are very vocal about Lisa and Buddy being villains. How they are awful, horrible people who passed their traumas onto the men in their lives...
And the fandom reminds me that as an afab person, I have no right to be upset. What was done to me was horrible, but I have no right to brandish my weapons. I have to be the bigger person, wiser, and in control of myself. And a reminder that even if I chose to take my own life, my pain wouldn't be my own, my pain wouldn't be acknowledged. It would only be seen for how it affected those around me.
What a tragic thing it is, that a piece of media wholly and vividly presenting abuse has a fanbase so disconnected from what that actually means. How horrific it is to carry on, and make the wrong choices, because there was nothing else you could do.
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rozieramati · 5 months
wow. it's 2:30am, i can't sleep because i was crying a shit ton, reflecting on the end of the year, just feeling really alone. but then this happened.
i was looking for some old lyrics in my notes app for my (unreleased) album and stumbled upon this diary entry i wrote in May 2017:
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it's super long so i can't screenshot the whole thing but here it is below copy & pasted. i can't believe how far i've come. i just want to hold her tight and tell her she did it.
The year of 2016 is well known as the “year of realizations” and to be honest, I could not agree more. 2016 was a very transformative year for me; I experienced my first high level rowing competition (and did very well) I experienced love ( beyond what I could have ever imagined), I went to UC Berkeley for a rowing camp (eventually getting recruited), and within all of my successes I had downfalls, many downfalls. In regards to my unexpected suaray with love, it was the first time I had encountered someone that encouraged me to embrace my artistic side. He was very artistic himself, a poet but, for some reason, we connected through music. His passion for his writing inspired me to find what it was that truly gave me purpose because, going into senior year, I felt beyond lost. The fact that I did not know what made me truly happy, that I did not know who I really was or where I would like to see myself in the future, was something constantly on my mind and my anxiety around it completely overtook my life. I became very depressed because I realized I had lived my whole life to please others and their expectations, I had lived seventeen years of life not really living. Coming into this, I changed my lifestyle pretty quickly and once I did, I could never go back despite the possibility of disappointing other people in the process. I remember very specifically when everything shifted, it was as if life was forcing me to go down a different path, my own path. It was really hard and took a huge toll on my mental health but I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. The day I came back from rowing camp at UC Berkeley, I went to morning practice ready to get better and set a new PR for myself. I was erging (rowing land machine) our usual workout but I increased my intensity because I had gotten stronger from my time at Berkeley. By the time I had reached the second set of the workout I blew out my back. I figured, since I had injured my back earlier that summer, I would just need physical therapy and the pain would subside. The next day I went to practice in immense pain, but not enough to where I couldn't row so I pushed myself, as I tend to do. The next morning, I could not move. The pain had gotten to a point where getting out of bed was an almost impossible feat and simply walking around my house brought great distress to me. Even still, I believed that my back would be better within the next two months as the season started and Berkeley would still be an option for me. I did not give up, I went to practice everyday, I could not participate in a lot of exercises so I did extra physical therapy workouts. I did everything I could to get back in the boat, but when August turned into December and my back still remained in its condition, I had no other choice, financially that is, than to stop rowing. The whole time my back was injured, however, I had more time to be myself and not get caught up in other things like sports. I never really loved sports I just happened to be good at them so it was something that I naturally gravitated towards. Often I feel this is what people do, they settle for what they are good at and I, admittedly, was one of those people. I just let life happen and I was okay with it because I did not know any other way. Although a very traumatic experience, my back being injured was probably the best thing to happen to me. It was because my back was injured that I needed to do something with my spare time. I'm so used to having hectic non stop schedules that when I had this spare time, I NEEDED something to do. This is where my major life shift happened and I made my main focus something I had always loved but never imagined to make a priority in my life; I started writing music. 
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manysmallhands · 7 months
FearOfMu21c #31
Kero Kero Bonito - Time Today
Released - May 18, 2018
Did not chart
Spotify streams to date - 7,963,867
One thing that I’ve noticed from going thru these songs is that, with a few exceptions, most of my pop picks aren’t really all that popular. Partly that’s to do with how altpop acts will often gravitate towards more comfortable sounds from the past: ultimately I’m getting to be an old man now and yes, it will soon be time for my nap. But also, as a recovering indie snob, I tend to find myself drawn towards acts who have an “oh, you don’t know them, they eschew commercial success in favour of staying true to their artistic vision” aspect to their music. While its shifted a bit in the last couple of years, my picks largely reflect the habits of an earlier era and consequently that bias towards the relatively obscure covers this list like a rash.
All of which brings me to Kero Kero Bonito who, unusually in the modern era, started out as a viral pop sensation who then turned tail and picked up guitars. One of the more curious elements to their sound is how they criss-cross with all sorts of unexpected scenes: KKB actually headlined the final Indietracks festival and, much like The Go! Team yesterday, seem to embody all the youthful energy of DiY while coming to it from a completely different angle. Time Today is a case in point: it sounds like video game music made on a Bontempi keyboard but its cheap and cheerful charm and Sarah’s everygirl vocals have a distinct Bandcamp indie vibe that even the untrained ear could detect.
The other thing that makes them stand out is the quality of their songwriting. There’s something of Burt Bacharach about Time Today’s melancholy twists and turns, while Sarah’s regretful shift in tone halfway thru sets the apparently chirpy mood entirely on its head. Ultimately, what this song does so well is to take the vibes of throwaway ephemera and turn them into something that feels remarkably poignant. While a lot of my picks take a fairly obvious route, the great strength of KKB is that they never quite go where you expect them to, something that’s especially true here.
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your-sweet-cookies · 11 months
What is your preferred name?
What are your pronouns?
How old are you?
What is your zodiac sign?
How would you describe your aesthetic?
What are your favorite hobbies besides roleplaying/writing?
How many languages do you speak?
How long have you been roleplaying?
What is your favorite band/music genre?
What is your favorite food?
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Munday Questions Meme
1. What is your preferred name?
Answer from Mun: I won't go on to disclose my actual name (since we are on the internet after all), but I usually go by the nickname that's the shortened, cute form of my name: Sabi (sometimes with the variation of Saby with the "y" at the end because it adds a little something extra to it).
2. What are your pronouns?
Answer from Mun: She/her.
3. How old are you?
Answer from Mun: 22 years and 9 months old. I'll be turning 23 this October.
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Answer from Mun: I'm a Libra. Should've been a Scorpio, but my doctor decided it was a better idea for me to be born one week earlier than the original due date.
9. How would you describe your aesthetic?
Answer from Mun: I guess something chill, classic, cute and zen. I usually gravitate towards pastel colors when formatting/editing stuff, because I find them more easy on the eye and pleasing to look at and I do incorporate a lot of cutesy and 'kawaii' elements into my things, so that's something too.
11. What are your favorite hobbies besides roleplaying/writing?
Answer from Mun: Drawing and coloring, listening to music, watching shows and movies, reading, going out for walks and chit-chatting with my friends.
13. How many languages do you speak?
Answer from Mun: 4 including my native language. In terms of foreign languages, I can speak English fluently and partly French (since I studied both of these during my formative school years, but French didn't really stuck much with me) and aside from these two, I know a bit of Japanese too (studied like 1 year of it in middle school as an optional class).
14. How long have you been roleplaying?
Answer from Mun: I've been roleplaying online since age 11 (okay, the first time I ever RP-ed I didn't even know that's what it was called, but I enjoyed writing stories with my friends on one of these gaming sites for kids and it stuck with me). So it'll be 12 years this year since I've started roleplaying.
16. What is your favorite band/music genre?
Answer from Mun: My favorite music genres are pop and rock and I've had many favorite bands over the years: One Direction, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Green Day and Three Days Grace and now more recently I've got into Black Pink, BTS and Stray kidz (expanding my horizons to the beautiful world of k-pop).
17. What is your favorite food?
Answer from Mun: I don't have a favorite food, but I do enjoy pizza and pasta a lot.
18. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Answer from Mun: Probably New Zeeland. It has some of the most variety in landscapes of all sorts and it was the place where the LOTR and Hobbit sagas were filmed (to give you an idea of how vast its geographic variety is, so you wouldn't get bored easily).
20. Who is your celebrity crush?
Answer from Mun: When I was little, my celebrity crush was Johnny Deep. But now as an adult I don't really have any celebrity crushes.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering if maybe you could tell me why so many people believe there was a breakup in 2018? I try to steer clear of rad blogs because their language upsets me, but is there any particular post or something where all of the evidences pointing to such a thing can be found? Or is there any reason why you feel that way too? Thank you.
I’ll just provide a summary from memory because most Rad blogs have me blocked.
Rads agree that Louis was at some of Harry’s shows during his first solo tour. I’ve often seen Harry’s performance at MSG cited as a last ditch romantic gesture. There’s a receipt about Louis flying to LA that summer for the sole reason of spending time with Harry, only to be stood up. Louis was upset because he made the trip only to see Harry and not to, like, spend time with his child who lives there and basically called it quits around that time. Rads would also say that Walls and Fine Line are both breakup albums that do not point to a happy, healthy, ongoing relationship (this is a fair point if you think Harry and Louis’ music is describing their relationship).
A lot of Harry’s behavior towards Louis and Larry seemed rather bait-y and vindictive - Eroda and “Louis the Fish,” the Euphoria episode. Likewise, Louis’ behavior seemed to suggest that the relationship was over - covering “7” which is not a romantic song, wearing an H shirt while performing Walls for the livestream (and standing in the middle of a target for some reason).
And some comments in interviews seemed to point in the direction of a break or breakup, too. (Here I might even include Harry’s comment about the fish being “on a gap year.”) In 2019, Louis said the following about his relationship with Harry:
One of real respect. Honestly. And I mean that from all my heart. One of...one of real respect, definitely… Look, the reality of the situation is, there’s always going to be better relationships in the band, and you’re gonna gravitate to other people more. But I feel like....and kind of what I was saying before about needing to get older and more mature, I feel like with...with that relationship there, I think there’s a...there’s a....there’s a real mutual respect. Definitely. But I think, you know, we spent a lot of time together so we had to kind of graduate to that, in maturity. You know what I’m saying?
And to me, that statement read like: “Yes, it was real. We respect each other, but the relationship is over.” It’s how you’d talk about an ex, not a current partner. I actually think it’s the closest we’ll ever get to Louis saying Larry was real - they had one of the better relationships in the band and spent a lot of time together. But the talk of mutual respect and maturity reads like a breakup.
Whatever is going on with Harry and Louis right now, I agree that some kind of breakup occurred around 2018 (I might even push it into 2019). I think most of Rads’ points in that regard are fair. There aren’t many rumors or receipts about Louis with other men, except Mr. O (which was sent off-anon, so I’m skeptical about its legitimacy). But Saintqueer received a series of (very entertaining) anons from the same person who claimed they were friends-with-benefits with someone in Louis’ circle. Louis’ friend said Harry and Louis broke up in 2019, Louis uses Larry fan service, and was getting serious with another man.
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In between a rock and a hard place
On this installment of “Alice Writes to no one”she vents about her stupid friends
I bet I’m not the only one who has grown apart from a friend. Either you just don’t see each other often and don’t care, or become too different to be friends, etc. Take that, but make it both reasons, and make it 14 people. That’s the 411 baby.
Growing up in middle school, I was a really quiet kid. I didn’t really fit in with many people, (baby queer I was), but kinda naturally gravitated towards the nerds/gamers. And there became my friend group for the next 6 years. They’re a curious bunch looking from the outside in: the movie nerds, the psych rock dweeb, the one who actually studied, the metal head. Then there was me, the unidentifiable. Sure, I fit into some of their niches, I liked a few video games, (Pikmin 3 my muse), despite being pretty bad at them, and I kinda liked music at time, (although I would get way into it later). Mostly I was just happy to have friends that liked me, even if I didn’t really fit in very well.
Of course there were bad things. The way cishet boys always objectify women has icked me from the get go. And it’s not like I’m not attracted to women, (lesbian moment), but the way where they’ll unabashedly comment on a cute girl’s tits or ass, is just uncomfortable. I don’t care who you are, keep those thoughts to yourself. And also the way where they’d just say the r-slur out of nowhere, or use gay as an insult. But they’re totally not homophobic or ableist, they’re just “joking around”. And I just stewed in this discomfort for effing years.
And then the summer before my senior year happened. And I was no long a cishet boy among cishet boys. I was an outsider among insiders. A girl among casual misogynists. A queer trans person among straight people. I won’t go into details about my coming out or transition at the moment, but the important part is the ripple effect.
Of course they told me nothing would change, (which is both good and bad in its own right), but when your whole foundation is uprooted, change is inevitable. They knew I was queer before, but I don’t think it ever set in for them until I came out. Just like that, there was this unspoken tension whenever I would hang out with them, an even stronger feeling that I shouldn’t be there. But what was I supposed to do? I’ve always sucked at talking to new people, and even if I could, cis girl are scary to approach when you appear as a cis dude, and same with most gay people. So at least for the time being I was stuck with them.
Fast forward about a year and here I am. Still stuck. Albeit because of different schedules the most I interact with them is though discord, but even that is enough to make me wanna cut all contact. Every once in a while, one of them will say something homophobic that pisses me off, or say something that shows they don’t think of me as a girl. Or when I say something in a chat after not talking in a few days, and they immediately say something passive aggressive about me not being active or ignore me if I post a nice selfie. It tires me out to no end.
I hope I have the courage to put the discord server in some folder and not open it again.
Next up- talking to people
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wintcopy · 2 years
The residents theory of obscurity
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Unlike other music documentaries that try to dig up the personal side of the artist – a side that is rarely found while they perform onscreen – Theory of Obscurity tells a story that is still clouded in mystery. Showing on the first day of the 15th !f Istanbul Independent Film Festival, the Theory of Obscurity: A Film about The Residents is a documentary about a masked band who have kept their identities secret for almost 40 years, since their first album was released in 1974. “If you’re hiding behind something,” Hardy concludes, “you can really be whatever you want to be.Cast: The Residents, Matt Groening, Penn Jilette, Jerry Harrison, Les Claypool. Theory of Obscurity does an even better job of delving into that murky history, and in the end Hardy’s right – the names behind the masks wouldn’t be nearly as revelatory as the commitment and artistry that’s allowed such an off beat group of artists to survive for more than 40 years. Hardy hooked up with the band just in time for their 40th anniversary tour, during which they took the rare opportunity to look back and tell stories, however shrouded in half-truths, from their past. The film also includes interviews with such famous fans and collaborators as Penn Jillette, Simpsons creator Matt Groening, Primus’ Les Claypool, and members of DEVO and Ween. In a coup for longtime fans, he conducted interviews with Cryptic co-founders John Kennedy and Jay Clem, who broke with the band following the financially disastrous Mole Show tour. Hardy was only vaguely familiar with the Residents when he was connected with the band, but rapidly became fascinated with their work and gained the trust of the Cryptic Corporation. I don’t think the Residents have ever or will ever think about things in those terms.” I think we’re so driven in our culture by the end result, which could be winning an Academy Award or getting a million hits on YouTube. Especially in the early days, there was a sense of fun and, as Homer Flynn says in the film, naïveté, where they didn’t know what they couldn’t do. “They tinker with technology and sound and visuals, and it very much is a collective approach where there’s no bad ideas. “They’re almost like scientists,” Hardy posits. They’ve been early experimenters of technologies ranging from videotape to laserdisc to CD-ROM, often undertaking ambitious projects doomed to the rapid obscurity of their formats. Over the next 40-odd years, they recorded mutated pop songs ( The Commercial Album), deconstructed rock and roll ( The Third Reich ‘n Roll, The American Composers Series), created an imaginary folk music ( Eskimo) and a multi-part opera about warring cultures and their pop idols ( The Mole Trilogy). Hardy digs up archival footage showing the band’s irreverent invasions of folk-club open mic nights, already sporting aliases and disguises. What is known about the Residents is that they originally hail from Shreveport, Louisiana, and that they struck out for the Bay Area in the late ‘60s in thrall to such idiosyncratic creators as Captain Beefheart and Harry Partch. It’s more about a collective spirit that I gravitated toward.” “The further I dug into the archives and interviewed the people that they’ve worked with for all these years, it became clear pretty quickly that who they are isn’t really all that important. “I never really thought that would be something I’d want to do,” Hardy says about revealing the Residents’ identities. The true story of the reclusive creators is left to be glimpsed between the lines of their ever-evolving mythology. As always, the band is spoken for by Homer Flynn and Hardy Fox, co-founders of the Cryptic Corporation, friends of the band who’ve managed their careers and maintained their public faces from the beginning. 27, doesn’t go so far as to put faces and names to the Residents. It’s not really spoiling anything to reveal that Theory of Obscurity, which will have its Philly premiere at International House for a single screening on Wednesday, Jan. was inevitably asked whenever he told people that he was working on a documentary about the legendarily mysterious Residents was, “You’re going to reveal their identities, right?” In most minds, any film purporting to tell the four-decade story of the anonymous Bay Area weirdoes had only one possible ending: the unmasking of those top-hatted eyeball heads. The first question that filmmaker Don Hardy, Jr. Theory of Obscurity poster | designed by Casey Howard
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skippitydippity · 5 years
there is no constant sense of self. find me one time that the human experience has been consistent - emotionally, psychically, mentally. everything humans do is temporary, for all of our lives. that's how it is.
the most important and influential people (teachers, family, adults) telling me, in middle school (the worst years of my life and that is not a joke), all of my interests are just a passing fad, an emo phase? of course I'm going to idolize the musicians who make me feel like me, the musicians who make me process complex emotions to realize what i enjoy and do not enjoy.
"emo phase" is just another phrase to make people feel shitty, because god forbid those cringy kids have an interest, like fortnite or mcr or something. because kids totally aren't people and don't deserve the exact same amount of respect as adults.
there is no time in human history that we have been "constant" and the phrase emo phase exists solely to make people feel ashamed for their interests
#skippy shut up#i was so ashamed of listening to all time low or my chemical romance for like. two or three years!#because my mom still teases me about how i cried about gerard way or alex gaskarth or something#but it was also a time when i was realizing that i wasnt cis#it was a time when i was realizing my father was a monster and i had never really truly known his personality#despite spending five days a week with him#it was a time when adults treated me like a kid even though i was going through more trauma than most adults within their lives#of course i was going to idolize musicians.#because they were the only thing keeping me stable and telling me my emotions werent irrational or insane.#fuck that. fuck the phrase emo phase.#middle school fucking sucked. of course i was going to gravitate towards things that gave me hope for the future.#gerard way! still a massive inspiration. he went from a basement dwelling addict to a successful artist#to a talented musician and writer and author!#alex gaskarth! the person who singlehandedly encouraged me to learn healthy ways to deal with my anxiety!#if he could go on stage in front of thousands with crippling anxiety i could go to school. i could talk to people.#if anything that 'phase' taught me moderation#because i had a spam acxount with 1.3k followers where we all fed into each others interests#and i developed an unhealthy desire to know everything about everything i was interested in#who all the band members were. who their parents were. their entire backstory.#now i can enjoy things without knowing everything! because its okay to only listen to music and not care about whos behind it!
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firefly-in-darkness · 2 years
Head & Heart
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Pairing → Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Characters → Captain Syverson
Summary → Will you give in to your heart or follow your head?
Warnings → A little bit of angst...
Betas → @princessmisery666 - thank you as always // all mistakes are my own.
Prompts → Mistletoe for @winter2112rose Christmas Event challenge…
A/N → I'm a little out of sync with the posting schedule for the event. But I'm getting back on track to share their story - if you’d like to be added to the tag list then drop me an ask ✨
PREVIOUSLY // A Captain’s Christmas Series List
Firefly’s Masterlist
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Your body tingled with anticipation of what was to come. The excitement and desire of what the night could lead to was palpable in the small space of the cab of Sy’s truck. Yet the moment you stepped into his apartment, it morphed into nervousness and uncertainty. You peeled off your coat and scarf, hanging them on the hooks by the front door while your body, heart and mind fought over what you should do next.
Tentatively, you followed Sy into the apartment and towards the kitchen where he grabbed a couple of beers by their necks and removed the caps with a simple twist. His arms flexing under the black Metallica t-shirt. The want for him was growing as he handed you the bottle, and you took a gulp while he nodded towards the lounge.
Do you give in to your desires? Or do you just walk away now before anything further could happen, spare your heart of its inevitable break when Sy returns to his post in the Middle East? Your stomach dropped at even the thought of walking away from him, you would never do that to yourself, let alone him.
You knew you were being quiet and that he’d picked up on it. He was too hyper aware of people and their surroundings to have not noticed. Years of being in the army had taught him that, who to trust or to make split-second decisions that could be costly. There was no denying you had marvelled at the man that had reclined on the couch, his arm resting across the back, open for you to join him when you were ready. He was powerful yet gentle, a mixture of sarcasm and self-control, a man of impeccable taste in music and had been very, very, attentive to your needs.
There was clearly something between you, even after all these years. You had pushed down your feelings and hoped they’d disappear over time, yet it’s clear that you were drawn to one another. And like a gravitational pull, you had taken the seat beside him.
The fear remained as to whether you could handle the hurt and loneliness that was sure to follow whatever transpired between the two of you, platonic or otherwise.
A large hand cupped your face and brought your gaze to his. “We don’t have to do anything, darlin’.”
You smiled and leant into his palm, relishing in his touch. “I’m not sure right now, Sy.”
“Well, ‘cos of Christmas tradition, can I at least get a peck on the cheek?” He smirked at you and pointed upwards.
You spotted the mistletoe hanging off a photo frame of Sy and his army buddies, just above the couch. Your heart soared at the sight, it was as if fate, or Christmas magic, was helping you make the decision, overriding the turmoil in your head.
With a smile, you leant forward. “You’re worth more than a peck on the cheek.”
Sy pulled you closer, his arms wrapped around your torso in a warm embrace. Soft and chapped lips met in a delicate kiss; your hands braced on his broad shoulders. The whiskers of his beard scratched deliciously across your skin and the kiss was an exchange of passion and longing filled sighs. You pulled back, breathless, and rested your forehead against his cheek, basking in the scent and heat that emanated from him.
“Much better than a peck, darlin’,” Sy chuckled deeply, the rumble in his chest flowed through to yours. “How about we watch a movie?”
You looked up at Sy and nodded, he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips and then leant away to get the remote from the coffee table while your heart swelled tenfold at his tenderness. He pulled the blanket from the back of the couch over you both and he tucked you under his arm and you instinctively rested your head on his muscular chest.
Your heart had won this time.
To Be Continued...
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A Captain’s Christmas Tag List
@littlefreya @sillyrabbit81 @eldarwen333 @little-brattyangel @identity2212 @hail-horror-queen
Everything Tag List
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sinner-as-saint · 3 years
‘Till We Bleed Out - 2.
Vampire!bucky x reader AU
Part 2 of this series. 
Run-through: Your car breaks down on a deserted road on a rainy night. You have no other option but to seek shelter from the nearest house you could find; the mansion, which happened to be the talk of the town for its mysteriousness along with its equally mysterious owner, Mr. Barnes. The universe can be tricky sometimes but the fact that you found yourself at that mansion’s doorstep at that time was no simple coincidence. That one night changes everything forever - quite literally. True love, past lives and creatures from folklore; turns out it’s all real. 
Themes throughout the series: vampire!bucky, fluff, smut, angst 
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You woke up realizing that you had surprisingly fallen soundly asleep last night, after the strange dream about the handsome man; who was kind enough to let you take shelter from the storm in his home. 
Speaking of the storm, you got out of bed and walked over to the window, pulling the curtain aside. You noticed that the weather was even worse than last night. Heavy rain, and nonstop thunder. Although, it seemed like a very cozy day to just stay inside. You sigh with a soft smile on, perhaps you’d get to know more about Bucky today. 
You turned back around and noticed something you hadn’t last night. Roses on the nightstand, as red as blood and just as hauntingly beautiful. Your smile grew; there was something enchanting about red roses. A bunch of it looked like the embodiment of poetry and there was no other way you could explain it. 
You approached the flowers and inhaled their fresh scent. Oh how you loved them! How come you didn’t notice they were on the nightstand? Anyways, you walked into the bathroom and brushed, showered and were about to change into another pair of sweatpants when you noticed more clothes in the closets. A sundress caught your eye and you decided to wear it. It fit you perfectly. You twirled in front of the mirror, checking yourself out when Wanda walked into the room. 
“I see you’re up, Miss.” she smiled at you. And you noticed she had the same look in her eyes, like Bucky did. That of sadness, or helplessness. But you tried ignoring it. 
“Good morning.” You gave her your best smile and noticed how she took in your appearance. 
“You look lovely. Anyways, I came to let you know that breakfast is ready. Mr. Barnes is waiting for you downstairs in the dining room. Come down whenever you’re ready.”  
Wanda left and the brief mention of Bucky brought back the memories of last night’s dream. It was definitely weird that you had such an explicit dream about him, but the weirdest thing was that you were not feeling the slightest bit guilty about it. 
You took a deep breath and stepped out of the room. You made your way downstairs, leisurely. Taking in more of the décor and the paintings on the wall. These must have cost a fortune, you thought. 
You found Bucky in the dining room, sitting at one of the ends of the large table. You had to admit, even the furniture in this house seemed pricey. Bucky set the newspaper down upon seeing you. He let his eyes roam your frame quickly and his smile broadened. “You look lovely,” he commented. 
You smiled, just a little shy and whispered a ‘thank you’. As you took a seat on his left, he spoke again. “The storm intensified. Looks like you’re not going home today.” he said with a genuine smile. You began to oppose naturally but he insisted. “You’ll be safe here.” 
You agreed. You picked a few food items from the large trays and took a few bites while Bucky got back to his newspaper. The silence was comfortable, the two of you seemed perfectly alright with sharing the space without feeling the need to fill the void with any conversation. It felt like this was part of your routine almost. 
You sipped on coffee and discreetly lifted your eyes to look at Bucky. He munched on a piece of fruit while focusing on some article in the papers. His body language made him look like an older man; eating while reading his newspaper. But his face didn’t look a day over 35. The contrast made you giggle and that caught his attention. 
He turned to face you with a raised eyebrow. “Something funny, miss?” he sounded like he was teasing you, politely. 
You shook your head and set your cup down, and upon doing so you noticed the red roses in a vase in front of you, again. The sudden urge to ask a question took over you, “Your wife, did she like red roses?” 
“They were her favorite.” He seemed unfazed by your sudden curiosity. 
“What was she like?” you asked again and the smitten smile on his face gave away how much he loved her. Love like this was rare, and you felt just a little envious of the late woman. She was so lucky, you hoped she knew. 
“Like the answer to all my prayers. Beautiful. Every little thing about her was so, so beautiful. She was kind, smart and funny, and fierce. She made me a better man. She was delightful.” You noticed he looked you right in the eyes as he spoke. His answer gave away that he worshipped that woman. 
“I hope she knew how much you love her.” 
He gave you that soft smile again. “I made sure to remind her every single day.” 
You never knew rainy days could be so lovely. After breakfast Bucky offered to show you his library because of course he owned one. And you had the time of your life just walking around and running your fingers over some of your favorite books. 
You noticed red roses on the coffee table as well, by the couches in his study room/library. While reaching for a copy of Pride and Prejudice, your hand brushed with his and your whole body felt like it was electrified. You pulled away sheepishly, but he held it up to you and you took it with a smile, admiring the front cover. 
“Your favorite?” he asked. 
You nodded, excitedly. He let out a little laugh. “You can have this one. I have plenty of other copies.” 
You smiled so big your cheeks hurt. “Thank you, Buck.” you were so excited that you walked past him, hungry to explore the other side of his library - without realizing what you just called him. 
Meanwhile Bucky was both surprised and elated. Buck… no one called him that except for-
“What’s in there?” he heard your voice and turned around immediately. You were pointing at the partially hidden door at the end of the room. “That’s where you hide all your secrets?” you teased, using the same tone he did this morning. 
He laughed and nodded. “Yes, you caught me.” 
You two shared a laugh and then he insisted that you should see the piano room. You agreed and just as everything else in the house, the grand room was equally as breathtaking. White couches, brown pillows, plants, full of light even with the stormy weather and a large balcony adjoined to it. Perfect. 
“It’s beautiful,” you said as you admired the room. You could hear the heavy rain hitting the window panes, it was comforting. You noticed the well-maintained piano right by the door which led to the balcony, “Do you play?” you asked and he gave you a dramatic look which gave away that you had just bruised his ego. 
“Miss Y/N, how dare you question my skills?” He answered with a smile on, then proceeded to play the most melodic tune you had ever heard. You weren’t much of a musical person, but you knew a melancholic tune when you heard one. It was, as most things in this house, hauntingly beautiful. Even the music carried a sense of nostalgia, and homesickness. 
You closed your eyes for a moment, getting lost in the music which filled the room effortlessly. Familiar, very familiar. Then it hit you - this was the same song being played at that ball in your dream. You opened your eyes immediately, baffled at the weird coincidences taking place lately. 
You found yourself gravitating towards the bench, and eventually you sat beside Bucky. He looked at you for a brief moment, then resumed playing somewhat of a softer tune. You smiled at him and suddenly it all felt like a déjà-vu. Like you’ve lived this exact moment a hundred times before. Sitting next to him, your elbows brushing, him looking at you lovingly, yet with sad eyes. His cologne, the slight gray in his eyes, the weather - it felt like a forgotten dream was coming back to you. 
You had to find something to say otherwise you felt like you were about to lose your mind. “You said you worked all day everyday. So is today your day off?” you tried to lighten the mood. 
He let out a little laugh. “Like I said, I rarely get visitors. I’m just making the most out of your company.” 
He was drop dead gorgeous, and he could make your heart race with just a few simple words. A dangerous combination really. 
He kept playing as you walked around the room, taking in every little detail. This was the only room in the house which had white roses in the vase, instead of dark red ones. Well, the white ones matched the interior better here. Your gaze fell upon something interesting next. 
“Vinyl records?” that seemed to catch his undivided attention as he stopped playing and turned to you. 
“Oh yes. It was one of my… old hobbies.” He answered. 
You giggled. “You say old hobbies like you are over a hundred years old.” 
He chuckled and got up from the bench. He walked over to where the records were kept, picked one out and carefully placed it down on the record player. A soothing tune filled the room again. Much lighter and happier than the piano earlier. A stark contrast to the gloomy weather but it still, somehow, fit perfectly. 
Bucky extended his arm out in front of you, out of nowhere. “Dance with me.” 
You didn’t hesitate for a single and took his hand immediately. Bucky held you close; his hand at your waist pressing your body to his gently. His other hand held yours delicately. Your arm placed over his shoulder as you stared into his deep, piercing eyes. And just like that, you two swayed slowly to the sweet, slow music. Effortlessly, gracefully and without any awkwardness or hesitation. Almost like you’ve danced a thousand times before. 
You giggled as he twirled you around and pulled you closer almost immediately. And when you looked back up into his eyes, it felt like a déjà-vu again. Only this time, you knew where you had experienced something similar to this - in your dream last night. The ballroom, the gown, the way you danced. Just like this. 
Your body tensed up and you weren’t blinking, Bucky caught the change in your behavior. “Don’t think about it.” he murmured. 
“About what?” you used a much softer tone as well. You and him were so close you could whisper and you were sure he would hear you perfectly. 
“Whatever it is you’re thinking about.” He spoke as he swayed you gently. “You’re here, with me. I don’t want you to think about anything else.” It sounded more like a plea than a request. There was something else he was trying to say; inexplicable, hidden in between the lines. Somehow you caught it. 
You nodded. “I’m here.” You spoke without paying much attention to what you were saying or doing. “With you.” All that mattered in the world right now was that you were in his embrace. His ocean blue eyes were the only thing you could make sense of. 
You felt it then. The warmth, despite his cold hands. The sparks flying around, despite the dark and gloomy weather outside. He started leaning in and you met him halfway. 
His hand moved up to gently cup your face. His lips brushed against yours briefly as he paused and waited to see if you would pull away. Seeing you didn’t, he pressed his lips to yours. You shivered at how delicately he caressed your cheek with his thumb. Kissing him felt natural. Like a habit. His lips were soft and familiar. He tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you closer. 
Your hands instinctively slid into his hair, he moaned under his breath as you tugged on it gently.  Bucky tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss, nibbling on your lips and gently stroking your lower lip with his tongue. You felt giddy and warm. And safe. 
He pulled away just a second before Wanda stepped into the room. “Dinner’s ready.” 
Bucky told her you two would be downstairs in a minute and you caught that look on her face. A look of pure joy and satisfaction. You didn’t understand why. 
When Wanda left, you faced Bucky again, now just a little nervous. “I.. I didn’t-,” 
He silenced you by gently holding your chin in between his fingers. “Shh sweetheart.” His gaze spoke volumes; he was perfectly alright with this kiss. “We should go downstairs.” 
Dinner was perfect. Lovely conversation, lovely wine, the same stormy weather outside but inside Bucky’s home; all was well. He told you that you were more than welcome to use his library if you wished to do some light reading before bed. You agreed. 
You grabbed a book and curled up on one of the couches and he did the same, sitting right across you. You found yourself re-reading the same sentence over and over again because you couldn’t focus. Not when you could physically feel his eyes on you. You even caught him staring a few times and giggled whenever he seemed flustered after being caught. 
There was ease between you two. And the next two hours went by comfortably. 
“It’s late, I should go to bed.” You spoke as you stood up. He did as well, and when you looked into his eyes you began wishing that this storm outside lasts forever. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He whispered, leaning in and kissing you at the side of your mouth. 
You tossed and turned in bed. Somehow, falling asleep was a little harder today because you couldn’t help but think about how it felt when Bucky kissed you earlier. The sound of the harsh storm echoed inside the house, but it was still comforting. 
The loud roar of the thunder was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep; dreaming again, this time of red roses, blue eyes, balconies and paintings… 
Arms wrapped around you from behind, embracing you in a tight hug. “Do you like it, my love?” the silky smooth voice asked. You looked down and you smiled at the sight of the wedding band on his finger. 
“I love it.” You looked up at the frame hung on the wall. It was a painting of you and your husband, delivered to you that morning itself. “We’ll keep it here forever.” 
You heard a soft chuckle, then felt a pair of lips kissing your neck softly. “Even longer.” 
You turned around and came face to face with Bucky, with slightly longer hair, tied in a low, neat ponytail. Behind him was a very familiar door. You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. “We should get going, else we’ll be late.” 
The surroundings faded, and you were now inside a dimly lit ballroom. The grand chandelier was mesmerizing, but not more than your husband’s eyes. He was gorgeous, your man; even with half his face covered by the masquerade mask he was still perfectly able to take your breath away. 
He smirked, as though able to read your thoughts. He leaned in, and the rest of your surroundings was suddenly a blur. “Do you wish for us to go somewhere more private, sweetheart?” He whispered in your ear. 
You bit your lip and nodded, only then realizing that you were wearing a mask as well. Bucky smiled, tugging on your hand and dragging you along to wherever it is he was taking you. 
The room around you morphed again and you found yourself running up a staircase with Bucky, giggling and holding onto each other for dear life until you finally made it to the top. You found yourself on a balcony. 
“Where are we?” you asked. 
Bucky stepped closer, pushing you gently against the balustrade. “Home.” He leaned in and kissed you. His mouth moved against yours gently, passionately. His hands were on either side of your waist as he pressed you further into him. Your hands instinctively went to his neck as you gently pulled him closer.
As you closed your eyes and cherished his touch, an image of the painting from earlier flashed in front of your eyes. But you forgot it just as quickly as it came because Bucky’s touch took over all your senses. His hand slipped under your dress, and went right to your wet core. 
You giggled into the kiss as his knuckles brushed faintly against your core and you moaned at his touch. He cupped you in between the legs and the palm of his hand pressed against your throbbing clit. His mere touch was driving you insane. His lips left yours and he kissed his way to your neck; sharp teeth nipping at your skin. At the feel of it, your own canines sharpened out of nowhere. 
Surprisingly, it didn’t feel like it was the first time that it happened. You seemed comfortable with the sudden change. 
Bucky kissed all the spots which made you weak in the knees; he knew your body by heart it seemed. While he kissed your skin, his fingers moved slightly against your dripping core. You moaned, tugging on his hair just a little. 
“Be quiet for me, sweetheart.” he mumbled against your skin as he slipped two fingers past your folds. He curled his fingers inside you immediately, and stroked your walls gently. You moved your hips against his hand as you chased your orgasm. His thumb rubbed your swollen clit furiously as you bit your lip to keep you from moaning. 
“Buck…” you were breathless, each nerve ending on fire as pleasure washed over you. 
“Shh sweetheart,” he quickened his actions and slipped his fingers in and out of you incessantly until he felt your walls clench around him. “Cum for me,” he whispered. You moaned, biting your lower lip as you came all over his hand. 
Once you recovered, he pulled your dress up, making it bunch around your waist as he stepped in between your legs again; kissing you like his life depended on it. He undid his pants and hoisted you up his own body. You wrapped your legs around his waist quickly for better balance and he leaned the two of you against the balustrade once again. 
You felt his hard cock pressing against your skin as he kissed you hungrily. His hand dipped in between the two of you and he guided the tip of his erected cock over to your dripping entrance. The brief friction caused you to moan into his mouth. 
“Be quiet for me, yes?” he spoke against your lips, almost as breathless as you were. You nodded frantically. And with that, he pushed himself inside you quickly. You felt all of him once he was completely buried in you. His cock twitched inside you and you bit your lip to prevent a moan from escaping your lips.
He held your hips, and your hands gripped his shoulders desperately as you tried to keep your voice down. You pushed your face into the crook of his neck, nibbling on his skin with your sharp fangs as he rocked in and out of you. You moaned quietly against his skin as his throbbing cock sped up into you. He pounded into you relentlessly, earning more and more moans and gasps out of you. 
He growled when he felt you clench around him. “Bucky…” you moaned and he immediately placed his lips on yours to stop you from making more noise. He loved how you lost control under his touch. He loved the sound of his name leaving your lips. 
“Shh, sweetheart. Quiet,” he mumbled against your lips as he felt your walls milking him perfectly. “We can’t get caught fucking in our own balcony while we were supposed to be hosting a party downstairs.” He ended with a chuckle. 
You whined. “Well if you weren’t so insatiable,” you teased. He scoffed, holding you at the curve of your ass, hands under your dress as he occasionally squeezed your butt cheeks, making you giggle and moan at the same time. 
“Says the one who lures me in like a seductress every moment of every day,” he sassed back. He slammed into you relentlessly while you tried your hardest to not to scream out loud. You felt a pressure building between your hips, and it seemed like he felt it as well because he dipped his head into the crook of your neck and swore under his breath as he sped up again. 
Your thoughts became cloudy, and all that you could focus on in that moment was the force of his thrust. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you found yourself unable to form proper thoughts. Your clit rubbed against his pelvic bone each time he filled you up.
Your body moved along with his like a rag doll as you could no longer keep up with his thrust. Soon, you felt the warmth taking over. And a familiar tingle went down your spine as your walls clenched around him. You gushed out all over his cock with a loud moan… 
 You woke up gasping, shocked that you had dreamt such explicit dreams two nights in a row now. You looked around and realized that it was still night time. You could still replay the dream in your head like a vivid memory. You closed your eyes and took deep breaths. 
The painting. 
The painting seemed so real, so detailed. You wondered if- 
Wait, that door you dreamt of. You’ve seen it before, haven’t you? Large, dark wood with beautifully detailed carvings on it, golden doorknob… 
You gasped again. It was the door in the library. Your heart raced. Could it be… ? 
You didn’t think twice before getting out of bed, grabbing the robe Wanda had left you earlier you stepped out of the room. Your breaths got shallower and shallower as you reached the library. 
It could very well be just a weird dream, right? You jumped at the sound of the thunder, and realized that you were already inside the library. You stared at the door. This was the exact one you dreamt of. 
Fuck it. You walked towards it, blocking out any thoughts which told you to turn back around and get back in bed. You twisted the doorknob and it was unlocked. You pushed the door open, stepping inside you found a secret room. About the same size of the library, or maybe slightly more spacious. 
It looked like a more modern and luxurious version of a drawing room. With the usual, couches, carpets and… and paintings. For a moment you almost didn’t want to find it. You didn’t want to find that painting of you and Bucky; which you had just dreamt of because if or when you do, what then? 
You looked around, the light from the two chandeliers illuminating the room just right. There were regular paintings one would find in an expensive mansion like this one; views of countryside, mountains, rivers. There were some paintings of people you couldn’t recognize but you knew, deep inside, that they seemed familiar. 
You almost let out a sigh of relief when you didn’t find the painting from your dream. 
But then you saw it. The largest frame in the room. Right above the golden fireplace, mounted on the wall perfectly straight and right in the center of the room. 
It was the painting you dreamt of. The one of you and Bucky. 
“What the hell?” you whispered as you approached the fireplace, craning your head up to look at the oddly familiar painting. 
You two seemed so happy. You were in a rose gold gown, and Bucky was well-dressed in navy blue. A lovely moment in time, captured in a beautiful painting. You weren’t quite sure what to think as you looked at yourself in the painting. 
Your eyes instinctively trailed down to the bottom on the frame. And in cursive black painted were written the words which gave you goosebumps: ‘Mr. & Mrs. Barnes. 1872.’ 
“What the hell?” you repeated. 
This time you heard a voice speak up, from behind you. “You should be in bed, sweetheart.” He said softly. 
You turned around and found Bucky leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed and a look on his face which you couldn’t quite decipher. You turned to look back at the painting, and then back at him again. He hadn’t aged since 1872 it seemed. 
Your heart raced again. 
It couldn’t be… could it? 
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi, Charity! Sorry to bother but would you give me your thoughts on my type (MBTI), please? Recently I've been really confused about my own understanding of the functions and, for that, about my type.
My main focus through all my life has been myself, my inner landscape and my emotional response. My mind is always on, dissecting my feelings. For instance, if I don't want to meet up with a friend two weekends in a row... Why? What does that say about me? Am I a low-energy person? Or is it because I find this person boring? If so, why? Why I tend to avoid most people or find reasons to do it? Everything adds up. With time and an intense introspection, I have created a little world inside me full of depth and heavily layered. Each question, each answer sculpts it with more detail. <- a really lovely description of Fi-dom / IFP.
I act accordingly to what I believe. Through the years, I built a filter which everything, small and big decisions, must pass through. I don't take anyone word on anything, I must ponder it myself. If I make my mind about not lying, I would not do it even if someone is asking me to, I hurt someone or at expenses of my own life. In a similar manner, if I don't like fried chicken, I won't eat it. <- Fi-dom.
Most of the time, I am not a social person. People drained me and I want to be left alone. However, from time to time, I get really 'on' with a person, or even daily basis with my partner, and I want to chat. My conversation is chaotic, to say the least. My very first question could be your thoughts about cocodriles (it happened), which could progress onto my opinion on how humans would be if we would evolved from them or other animals instead, then to a brainstorms of invented rituals and after the topics change its colour a hundred times ended up talking about social media and its impact. This also happens in my writing. I may want to write about my feelings but I see the possibility of a short-story and it is transformed into a whole new thing. <- strong Ne / INFP.
I see artistic expression as a necessity. I gravitate towards photography (especially symbolic and abstract-esque), poetry and music. I don't want to make a career out of it, because that would pollute my relationship to it. I create for me, to find myself through the process. It is the moment, or one of the moments, where I find more real. <- more Fi-dom.
I respect people's lives and paths, as much as I want others to respect mine. My biggest pet peeve is people asking me to response or do the same that they would do in the same situation. I may critize others, but I don't try to force change on them. <- Fi-dom.
My whole aesthetic, mentioned before, it is build around the things that since I was a child I was inmediately attracted to. Certain places, vibes or experiences bring me comfort such as the places found during road trips, night driving, ... all of that is a major thing for me.
I don't know if this is too long or not enough to tell. Anyway, thank you for your time.
You give more evidence for Fi-dom than your perceiving functions, but I would say a 9w1 INFP. What you said in the last example about being drawn to places that bring you 'comfort' and having a 'complex inner world' indicates the inner workings of a peace-seeking 9. I assume INFP 9w1 over ISFP 9w1, since in the deleted portions you mentioned sensory over-stimulation (it can happen with low S and a sensitive, wrapped up in my thoughts 9).
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