#its like 5 am rn and i know i understand why people would want them to and if u think that way then stand by it yk!
kevindavidday · 4 months
THANK YOU for your “andreil doesn’t actually need to say I love you bc their actions speak louder than words” tag bc I’m right there with you. They don’t *say* I love you, bc it has no meaning to either of them. They didn’t hear it growing up. But actions? Those have meaning to them both. And so it says I love you deeper than words ever could.
you're welcome alsjalkdkss i was so scared to type that cuz ik most of the fandom thinks otherwise which makes sense i mean its their perception but as someone who didn't grow up with a lot of 'i love you's' and the ones that i did hear were tinged with excuses for abuse i kinda understand why they wouldn't say it???
there's so many other ways to express love to say 'i care about you' or ' i DO care' or stepping up when times are rough, sacrificing sleep for someone just to stroke their hair after a nightmare, holding their hand, knowing also how alien the words would be to the other person in the first place
i always thought that actually knowing and accepting someone loves you deeply changes you more than just hearing the words would
i see their i love you as more of a reverse game? the way they confessed in the first place with neil's 'you like me' and andrew's 'i hate you' response it would be so much more meaningful to me if it's a situation where neil says "you love me" and andrew just stays quiet one day yk he doesn't deny it sure but he doesn't need to say it and that's alright!!!
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letgomaggie · 23 days
All my bridgerton thoughts, compressed:
1. The true love story is definitely Penelope and Eloise. No matter how hard they try, they cannot pivot away from the fact that friendship is the heart of this season. Be it between Penelope and Eloise, or Eloise and Cressida, or Penelope and Colin: it is that which drives this particular season.
2. To add to the above point: Colin may be Penelope's love interest, but it is Eloise who understands her. Eloise asks if Penelope seems despondent or sad - not just a simple is she okay but instead here are things she could be, which one is it? She knows her friend, no matter what. And Colin, for all that he is, does not find it all too startling that Penelope is suddenly looking for marriage. Eloise does. If Colin's eyes follow Pen across the ballroom, so do Eloise's.
3. Eloise has someone to talk to about the effect her friendship breakup is taking on her. Penelope has no one. I find Nicola to be an increasingly fantastic actor because she holds this tension so very well throughout the whole of Part 1. When Eloise comes to visit her, you see why she asked Colin what Penelope was feeling. Because Penelope is feeling that, has been feeling that ever since. Its so raw and on her face for the world to see but only one person ever looked and understood and read her like a book.
4. The two fingers while fixing her dress? Gag me god gag me
5. I have not seen the point of the Mondrich plot until this season which is where they are really using it to root the show to reality. There are conversations to be had that the society simply does not want to and Mondriches are the embodiment of it. Constantly knocking at society's door and making themselves be heard and fighting for a seat at the table but unwilling to compromise on what feels good and right. It's subtle and ita frustrating and I like that it's getting to people. You're going to get annoyed enough that the looking glass metaphor will play out in real life for you.
6. I see how unhinged Colin is being about Penelope and while I love that for her, I also get how fucked up her situation is rn. She does need stability. She has found her purpose. And I want her to be selfish in protecting that bit of herself. Instead of what she has been doing. She tried with Debling and yes, it was vexing to see how she ran after him but. I get it too? It's not always roses and camomiles. Cressida is the foil to this same narrative. The Bridgertons are foolishly romantic but that is just them. The show is through their lens but we can take a step back and see it for it is as well. I found Debling to be perfect and his reasons for ending everything were as well. If a little crassly done. Colin proposing to Penelope and falling headfirst in love just as she starts looking out for herself? My heart still needs to be sold on this idea, no matter how hot and sexy everything is.
7. The hair grab oh. Colin Bridgerton you slut. You whore. Colin Bridgerton would like to be pegged I promise. These two will actually be the couple who try out shit in the bedroom out of intrigue and discover a hidden kink. Colin finding the answer to his pent up ruminations when Penelope drags her hand tenderly through his hair vs Penelope close to tears because it is a dream come true and how many times has she imagined this and now its happening and its all that and more? Fucking yes
8. The diaries intrigue me. I shit you not I started this season with the firm belief that Colin had in fact NOT travelled lasts season because he was being all quiet about it. End of Ep 1 and I am now convinced he only really wants to talk if people listen and the only one who ever listened was Pen and if she's not there to hear him what is the point of speaking? He functions on 0 braincells because like. He has all the facts he's just not looking at them.
9. Someone talked of how they want to know more about Colin because he's been coming off as 2D and I agree. This is being told more from Penelope's view than Colin's and that is skewing the narrative a bit. I need more than 'pirate fashion-current rake-newly minted fuckboy' from him.
10. I like the yellow bedsheet.
11. The opening with the pining looks from Pen towards Eloise really set the mood and I'm so glad for it. For that matter I feel like Colin's apology for the comment last season was rushed and half hearted and I understand the hot and heavy vibes but they are friends first and that is the heart of the season and so much, so fucking much is left unresolved and I need them to have a couple of heated conversations PLEASE. express emotions fr!!! Beyond breathing hard!!
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 1 month
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thanks for tagging @jrooc
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I’ve always been an avid reader and as a kid I wanted to be a writer so that was the start. I’ve been reading fanfic since i was in highschool, and I’ve had many different barely started fanfics started over the years but last year was the first time I was able to actually finish anything/taken it seriously. I think it just came down to college teaching me the last bit of discipline in my creative practice
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Just Gallavich, but I’m very confident I will write destiel in my lifetime
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I published my first fic in September of last year!
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
it goes back and forth, when i enter a fandom i read fanfic voraciously but now i think i write a little more, its a balance between you can write the fanfic you want to read and you can read other peoples work to experience ideas you would never think of or just a different take on a familiar topic - both are good. I’m currently slowly going through and re-reading my old fics to get them ready to print and bind and its been a super fun process
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I hope i’ve improved a lot overall lol the main thing i always want to do well is portray the environment the way i envision it bc the worlds of my fanfics are rich and beautiful in my head so i just want to get better and better at pulling people into that
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Not a ton of weird research, a lot of google maps-ing to get a better understanding of the layout of Chicago and understanding how far away states/cities are from one another (i’m american, just a weird bicoastal one)
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
literally any comment, all of them are amazing and i can’t believe people read what i write and actually like it ?!? beautiful and very novel
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
um - i guess ABO, i was originally going to publish mine all mine anonymously bc it was very cringe inducing and still kind of is but tbh when i read it back i was like- wait this is good, even if it’s weird.
psychopomp is also a weird story, the way i thought/felt about it while writing was deeply weird and all the the themes of death and decay and devotion and consummation as an allegory for love were intended to be dark and just- weird
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Emotionally introspective fics that also really study the characters are really hard and i dont know why I keep fucking writing them - after finishing the fic im writing now i have to shift to something more plot focused
its really hard for obvious reasons but i also feel like i am an extremely logic driven person with a very particular worldview and all these characters are more emotionally driven than me. so i have to work very hard to not write behaviors from my pov and my decision making but from a studied understanding of the characters - which might be a good thing idk
um also idk if it needs to be said but brevity is not my strong suit, i should probably work on that
10. What is the easiest type?
Fluff, just cuddling and pillow talk baby i love that shit, also idk if i write smut well but it def goes the quickest for me
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Pages app on my icloud - I write after work some days, on my lunch break and on the train ride home. Every so often ill wake up early on a weekend and be in the mood to put on my noise canceling headphones and write for hours, but thats not super often
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
uhh - we’ll see. my true crime au is def one i want to write but all my ideas for the plot are just too dark rn, so well see if i can get it to lighten up a bit
13. What made you choose your username?
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tagging 5 writers: @callivich @mmmichyyy @iansw0rld @energievie @metalheadmickey
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leenaur143 · 2 months
right I don't wanna spend too much brain space thinking about THE video that came out today but I am quite angry right now and so flipping lost.
1) Firstly, please don't call your video 'breaking the silence' if you say NOTHING OF VALUE the entire video.
- Okay that's harsh, sure, but he didn't explain why he left
- could he be kept silent by contract? if so STUPID TITLE MATE
- does he just not want to share? why make this video then?? why now?
2) Secondly, he apologised 'to anyone he hurt' by his decisions
- sorry? sorry??? for leaving your entire team just before their comeback when they had everything set ready and prepared WITH YOU as a part of their plan and their family and you just LEFT
- sorry that was really biased, emotions are quite high rn but if you want my empathy you need to explain - i am not going to pity you or your situation without knowing the facts
- the fact is some stays were wrong (threats, etc) towards him, yes I acknowledge that, so I feel sympathy for that and only for that
- also I don't know about him but my parents raised me to apologise to peoples faces rather than whatever this bullcrap is.
3) Once again, why now?
- why release this video now? what is there to prove?
- it seemed like one long elaborate way to promote his new music and how he's gonna 'express himself through his music'
- I keep coming back to the title I'm sorry but IT'S SO MORONIC I'm so done with this PR crap that we've been fed for 5/6 years now, IT'S NOT OKAY.
4) What do you want from this?
- Okay you said you wanted people to hear your story through your music and 'clear up' everything (which nah you didn't) but what else?
- Do you want my members to reply? Are you inciting a response from them? The company? Who?
- If they were to even reply, I feel Channie would be the one to do so and my boy has been on red alert since Channie's Room ended so forget that even happening since we know what the company did the last time he spoke out (another situation I am still furious at)
- Also this must be so much, emotionally and mentally, for the members to deal with - they're tired now after their fanmeet and they should be resting but no they have to deal with this all now
If anyone can shed any light on this whole situation that can help me understand just the facts of the matter, that would be kindly appreciated, I am very open to listen (despite my passive aggression this entire post, sorry about that 😅). Spread love guys, I know its hard seeing all this resurface after so long but this too shall pass innit
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simcardiac-arrested · 7 months
Whats wrong with predator 2018?
it’s been like 10 days i’m tired but i CANNOT stay silent anymore The world deserves to know. you will not believe how awful this movie is
1. the moment the movie starts you just understand that it…is not going to be good. it was made in 2018 so of course it has that edgy self aware marvel humor of Uhmm he’s right behind me isn’t he ? (and then you check shane black’s other works and he directed iron man 3 and everything suddenly make sense) LIKE IM SERIOUS there’s just a scene in the first 10 minutes where this Woman In Stem character goes Lol why did we name this thing The Predator? it’s more like a Hunter or a Huntsman it’s more like a Bass Fisherman LIKE WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? WHAT AM I HEARING RN? it’s so fucking stupid and i hate this type of humor so much like CAN U BELIEVE WE’RE IN A MOVIE? ABOUT THE PREDATOR (DUMBASS NAME (LOL))????
2. i mention the Woman In Stem character specifically because she is. also not good. i’m not going to act like the predator movies have always been the best with female characters (even 1987 has its issues) but at least they were actually BEARABLE. The girl character in this movie is just like. this annoying 2010s smartass quirky girl archetype that we put in our movie because you wanted Women(tm) right? there she is we even made her quirky!!! we’re not going to give her a single likable quality though. we’re going to write her Bad . is this what u wanted ?
3. which is not trying to imply that the other characters are written Good . they’re all written Bad they all fucking suck. none of them have any charm or likable qualities and there’s nothing to get invested in. AND THEY DON’T HAVE ANY FUCKING DYNAMICS BETWEEN EACHOTHER!!!! it’s like they just exist in the same space and that’s It . they don’t get any interesting relationships or interactions . they’re all just so nothing
4. like halfway through the movie it just turns into unapologetic US army propaganda—which is fucking ironic if you know what the original predator was made for (commentary about american terrorism in central america in the 80s under reagan)—the main character’s wife just starts suddenly going off about how he’s so cool and doing so much for his country and he’s in the army waowww wowww We need to shoot everyone who’s worked on this movie and im serious.
5. i…..do not know who this movie was made for. like who is it supposed to cater to? one of its main things is autism and mental illness and yet it has the shittiest portrayal of both. But especially autism. like what if we made a movie about how autism is the next step in human evolution (?!) and autistic people are like superheroes basically (?!?!!!?) and the entire plot hinges on the fact that The Predator wants to become autistic by stealing the autistic character’s autism dna (?!?!?!?!?!?!?? WHAT? WHY ARE THERE EUGENICS IN MY PREDATOR MOVIE? IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS?) (and then the autistic character in question like. actually has unironic superpowers. look he gets overwhelmed by sounds but he can instantly understand and translate predator’s alien language!!!!!!!!) And then the next minute one of the characters says Lol isn’t it crazy how we can’t say the r slur anymore? Fucked up world. LIKE SERIOUSLY WHO IS THIS MOVIE FOR? I FEEL LIKE THIS MOVIE WOULD PISS OFF BOTH THE “WOKE” AND THE “EDGY ALT RIGHT” AUDIENCES EQUALLY . shane black probably thinks autism speaks is a charity i dont even know
6. too much predator in this movie. When i say that they should make a predator movie where every scene has the predator in it YOU SHOULDNT FUCKING LISTEN TO ME IM JUST AUTISTIC. a predator movie is a THRILLER The Fucking Predator himself should appear like. a few times at least until the climax. but nooo this 2018 ass movie just has the predator running around in every scene (btw this predator moves really fucking weird in a human way. Like they usually at least make him move semi alien-like and uncannily, but this movie didnt even bother with that) (also their design is uglier than the original) (also it suffers from the same problem as the 2010 movie by adding a Bigger Cooler Buffer Awesomer Deadlier New Predator LIKE WHO ASKED FOR THIS. WAS MY OG WIFE NOT ENOUGH FOR U) Anyway yeah if you didnt get it yet: this movie doesnt understand what impact or subtlety is. at all
7. the worst thing is with the finale. you see every predator sequel loves to reference the original 1987 movie because well, it’s iconic! it has a lot of meaningful moments and lines! Specifically in the ending of the original movie, where the main character asks the predator “what the hell are you?” and the predator echoes it back at him. Supposed to symbolize us army = monsters who kill without meaning yadda yadda u get it. anyway so in the 2018 movie finale they start to reference this moment too. the main character asks And what the fuck are you (ooo f bomb we’re SOOOO edgy and 2018core) and when the predator starts asking it back the main character just goes SHUT THE FUCK UP😂 and shoots him. it’s like. my hatred for this movie was indescribable at that moment. I’ve never actually genuinely watched a marvel movie so i just took people at their word when they said it was a genre of movie that fucking hated movies. but after watching the predator (2018) which is basically a marvel version of predator? yeah i get it. What if they made a movie that hated its source material and had 0 respect for it. and also hated its audience. and hated being a movie
8. they made the dogs ugly
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On a Rail episodes are next and I have SO much to say about those eps, those notes are gonna have more things to them but rn here's eps 15-22
Episode 15
“I last ate like, what? A day ago?” PLEASE EAT SOMETHING MY GUY
“Fucking hamdogs. That's racist.” He's worried about being racist to the literal aliens???
Casually picks up a shotgun off a dead security
“That is NOT a normal way to die!” The man violently ragdolled, that's definitely not normal
Episode 16
babygirl you've said fun 5 times too many
“I warned your kind what would happen if you jump me like that again.” I really don't think they can hear you
“A plain exposed door leading to where I need to be? Am I getting punked?” That door's always been there
“I wouldn't call 2 people a group.” What would you call them then?
“And by mental, I mean break down and cry.” I quote this way too much lmao
Episode 17
Logo change!!
Just, this whole beginning part. ‘Descent into madness schtick’
Just vent my man you need to </3
“The design for turning on the fan is balls.” It really is cause why is it under the fan blades??
“The amount of dead people in a single area may correlate to its significance. As dark as that may seem.” That is such a fucked up way at looking at it
“You know, I actually could go for a smoke right now.” Canonically smokes cigarettes (r.i.p man if the military doesn't get you)
“Now I have to look for scientists like they're lost 5 year olds. Fucking a.” He's a single mom 💔 (/j)
“They actually look pretty cute.” They're sleepy little puppy dogs ☹️
“Hopefully 2010 doesn't have me kickstarting the second apocalypse.” *que Half Life 2*
“But right now I am the judge, as well as jury, and executioner. With that in mind I hereby declare you all guilty!” He's losing it
Episode 18
“My autobiography isn't going to write itself.” THAT'S your biggest concern at the moment???
“Okay, fine, I'll do that. Since nobody would want to know what your condescending ass is here anyways.” YOU'RE BEING SUCH A DICK??
“I may not have the best sense of smell, but god this is rank.” ???
“I think they'd do well in the world of cinema.” For some reason I vaguely remember something about Mindrian wanting to be an actor or something. They should make a homemade movie together
“Jesus christ thats hot!” I hope fire is hot!
Episode 19
“I was originally gonna say that the guy who designed this ladder in particular should be fired. But that's a bit on the nose.” *ba dum tss*
“Guess I'm going the way of the radioactive road. Or the Seabird Street. The Transiuratic Turnpike. The Breckwell Boulevard.” I'm not putting all that bit here but you are saying a lot of things I do not understand (I also know I probably misspelled something)
“The n in fun stands for nuclear.” ??? that is not a saying my man
“That's uh… okay.” Again I just like the delivery he just, sounds small? you know?? Like shrinking down on yourself (I'm gonna shut up now)
Episode 20
“What are these? Cameras?” I have no clue what cameras you've seen but they do not look like cameras
“‘No smoking’? Thanks, I don't need any stress relief right now.” he's, such a dork sometimes
“Shame there's no rocket engine though.” I really don't think fire is effective against fire here
“Intruder spotter. *shoot* And subsequently eliminated.” God I hate him <3
“If you're really trying to kill me then try harder!” Don't hold your breath!
“I'm not taking your guns though, cause of blood and other bodily fluids.” But, the ammo that was also covered in that stuff is fine??
Episode 21
Give his ass a map please
I'm… not even going to attempt transcribing what he just said, boy I get it YOU'RE A SCIENTIST GOD DAMN
“Trauma doesn't have a beneficial impact on the human mind as far as I'm concerned.” Give him a therapist too, and a map
“Maybe I can stack dead aliens and use them as a ladder.” That's your first idea???
“Maintenance and pest control? I don't get paid nearly enough for this!” Well, you would if you didn't take a $150 bribe
Episode 22
“That's just a theory though.” A GAME- 💥 (The immediate explosion after makes me absolutely love this line cause man)
“I may have killed myself a while ago.” HEY?? 💔
“Anything to take down ‘The Free Man’ I suppose.” I cannot with him
“ Cut the bravado, you're not fooling anyone! It's just ME! I can HELP you! So either LISTEN TO ME, OR YOU'RE GOING TO-... going to… god damn it.” Anion when I fucking get you god damn
“I can't let you die. I won't let anyone else die, not again. Not now. Not ever. Please, listen to me.” ANION WHEN I FUCKING GET YOU
He ran for 5 seconds and he ran out of breath, fucking Alan Wake ass stamina
“TAKE IT ALL AND DIE!” oh my god
I don't know how to explain it, but there's like. A shift this episode? I don't know, this one and the On a Rail eps feel so different from the other episodes (in a good way)
The immediate laughter after killing something??? good for him
“The first act ends with not a climactic victory, but a somber progression.” God let him be happy
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pansyboybloom · 5 months
asking this off anon bc im going to try and sound as genuine and non-argumentative as possible because i just genuinely want to know your views and such, and im just trying to have an actual conversation about this instead of being a dick bc that helps nobody
in a reply to an ask you said that theres no "systemic" transmisandry/transandrophobia/etc- what would you call the specific act of trans men being denied reproductive care such as abortions/birth control/etc because of their "newfound maleness"? is that not a specific type of transphobia that only transgender men face?
another thing is that there have been black butches/trans men (@/doberbutts is someone who has been most vocal about it) who have expressed how differently theyve been treated when being seen as black women vs black men- im on mobile so its difficult for me to find rn but he had a post where there were dozens upon dozens of black folks sharing their stories about that experience. is that not an aspect of transandrophobia?
theres also the hyperinvisibility of trans men, the "little girls cutting off their breasts" rhetoric, jk rowlings entire terf wars essay which just misgenders and belittles autistic trans men, and thats just off the top of my head for things that specifically affect trans men
i see many people say that "transandrophobia is just transphobia" or "its just transphobia and misogyny" and it bothers me that instead of giving examples of targetted transphobia against trans men, a lot of folks who disagree with that will just say "well you saying that is transandrophobia!". which isnt an actual argument! so thats why i wanted to say something bc its not something i see brought up very often.
okay as i have said on every ask , i just like to establish first each time: i am schizoaffective and have a very hard time articulating myself, so i promise none of what i say is aggressive and if it comes off as so that is not my intent, my brains just fucked. im gonna break this down into chunks to hopefully make it easier to manage, as i can be uh. long winded haha. this got LONG so it's going under a cut!
in a reply to an ask you said that theres no "systemic" transmisandry/transandrophobia/etc- what would you call the specific act of trans men being denied reproductive care such as abortions/birth control/etc because of their "newfound maleness"? is that not a specific type of transphobia that only transgender men face?
so in a (non-mean! ) way i actually laughed at this one bc im dealing with this right now. i want to get my legal sex changed, but I've also been dealing with some down there stuff and a potential cyst and random bleeding despite like 5 years on t, so i need an ultrasound and repeated visits to a gyno. so, i need to use insurance, but if i change my sex, they won't cover it. and i have another, longer-term problem: i want bio kids, badly. but i also want phallo. to get phallo, i need to have lived legally as a male for a given number of years, but in getting pregnant, ill have to deal with much harder insurance problems with an M on my certificate. So, i understand that these are very, very real problems! However, medical malpractice and discrimination aren't a trans male-only issue.
Trans women also deal with medical things being denied to them. One particularly horrid example is cancer screenings. Trans women can get breast cancer and prostate cancer, but have a hard time getting screening, or even treatment, for one or the other (or both!) covered depending on what's on their birth certificate/legal sex. So, this is discrimination we absolutely share, just in different ways. That's why I would refer to it as medical transphobia as a whole.
Also, I would argue it is tied to misogyny, not 'misandery'. I think a lot of what trans men face is, as i call it, 'lingering' misogyny. Because we are still viewed as women by many, we are treated as such and are impacted by their sexism, like medical abuse and malpractice.
Now this isn't the same as transmisogyny. That particular term was coined by Julia Serano and means (this is a mouthful, get ready) "sexism [towards trans women] that arises out of a synergetic interaction between oppositional sexism [sexism that is rooted in the presumption that female and male are rigid, mutually exclusive, “opposite” sexes, each possessing a unique and non-overlapping set of attributes, aptitudes, abilities, and desires] and traditional sexism. It accounts for [...] why trans women face [a specific form] of sexualization and misogyny." basically, in layman's terms, a type of sexism that comes from the interaction between a very specific, binarist and essentialist form of transphobia and 'basic' misogyny.
(that's another reason why i dont like 'transmisandery/androphobia' as the 'opposite' or 'male form' of transmisogyny. transmisogyny doesn't mean misogyny trans women face. it is far more complex than that!)
another thing is that there have been black butches/trans men (@/doberbutts is someone who has been most vocal about it) who have expressed how differently theyve been treated when being seen as black women vs black men- im on mobile so its difficult for me to find rn but he had a post where there were dozens upon dozens of black folks sharing their stories about that experience. is that not an aspect of transandrophobia?
this is something i won't speak much on, as I am white, so i feel my opinion isn't really appropriate to give. but it does remind me-- absolutely not saying it's the same, or to the same degree of severity, just reminds me-- of how I've been seen differently as a fat person. i am treated with vastly different versions of disgust, sexualization, expectation, aggression, etc as a fat man now than i did as a fat woman-- especially in getting treatment for anorexia and bulimia. but i feel like defining that as 'male-specific fatphobia' creates a binary that grossly oversimplifies the culture and systematic abuse that causes fatphobia. once again, not the same as anti-Blackness, not the same degree of abuse in any way shape, or form, especially since there is a lot of cultural and sociological context there that i am not privy to.
theres also the hyperinvisibility of trans men, the "little girls cutting off their breasts" rhetoric, jk rowlings entire terf wars essay which just misgenders and belittles autistic trans men, and thats just off the top of my head for things that specifically affect trans men
i have talked about most of these and the narrative of the delusional little girl before, and have a quote by Julia Serano (and two other trans men quoted inside it) that i really like, so I'll post some of that here.
The quote:
There is most certainly a connection between the values given between men and women in our culture, and the media's fascination with depicting trans women rather than trans men [...] Although the number of people transitioning in each direction is relatively equal these days, media coverage would have you believe there is a huge disparity in the populations of trans men and women. Jamison Green, a trans man who authored a 1994 report that led to the city of San Francisco's decision to extend its civil rights protections to include gender identity, once said this about the media coverage of that event: "Several times at the courthouse, when the press was doing interviews, I stood by and listened as reporters inquired who wrote the report. And when I was pointed out to them as the author, I could see them looking right through me, looking past me to find the man in a dress who must have wrote the report and who they would want to interview. More than once, a reporter asked me incredulously 'You wrote the report?' They assumed that because of my 'normal' appearance, that I wouldn't be newsworthy." Indeed. The media tend not to notice, or outright ignore, trans men because they are unable to sensationalize them the way they do trans women without bringing masculinity itself into question. And in a world where modern psychology was founded on the teaching that 'all little girls suffer from penis envy,' most people think striving for masculinity is a perfectly reasonable goal. Author and sex activist, Patrick Califia, who is a trans man, addresses this in his 1997 book 'Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism'. "It seems the world is still more titillated by a man who wants to be a woman than it is by a woman who wants to become a man. The first is scandalous, the latter is taken for granted. This reflects the very different levels of privilege men and women have in our society. Of course, women would want to be men, the general attitude seems to be, and of course, they can't, and that's that." - Julia Serano (and quoted, Jamison Green and Patrick Califia) on the relationships between trans women and men's visibility in the media, as part of her essay, Skirt Chasers: Why the Media Depicts Trans Revolution in Lipstick and Heels, found in chapter 2 of her book, Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Feminism and the Scapegoating of Femininity (2nd. Edition)
The two posts:
in regards to that last quote: i think that comes down to why i don't believe the reason trans men are punished for 'becoming' men is because of hate for the masculinity they are becoming. a trans woman is punished for leaving behind manhood and treated with disgust for adopting femalehood because purposefully abandoning the ideal and powerful in society (men) to become the despised and weak in society (women) is 'unbelievably unnatural' and dangerous to the structure of society. the lamb eating the lion, the child killing the parent. not the same exactly, but i think it's a similar reason as to why feminine gay/gnc/etc men are called 'pansies' and 'sissies' and such, they are abandoning masculinity for femininity which is Disgusting and Wrong. Not the same obviously, but coming from the same general hierarchy.
trans men, on the other hand, are reaching for that 'ideal'. we are trying to leave behind the despised and weak, and that's so silly, so pathetic, you stupid little girl, you really think you can be the top in society? that's why radfems and similar 'feminists' say we are betraying our sex; they see it as leaving behind safety (women) for the enemy (men). to them, we are leaving them to rot in alone womanhood while we try to become the privileged ones stepping on their necks. this is also why the narrative surrounding trans women is predatory and sexual-- women only have power through sex, so a man would only want to leave manhood for sexual gratification-- while the narrative for us is that we are pathetic and tricked. women are stupid and delusional if they believe they could ever leave behind our oppression for privilege, so obviously it must be outside influence to give us such ridiculous ideas.
and like, building on top of last post: that's why i don't see me being discriminated against as a trans man as something uniquely tied to anti-maleness / misandery/ androphobia / etc, but instead, just a facet of transphobia and misogyny (as well as ableism and such for me personally, but im talking bigger picture). I'm seen as a ruined woman because i betrayed gender roles. to them, im not transitioning because i am, ya know, actually a man, instead, i'm purposefully clawing my way out of the pit and hightailing it to the top, which is threatening. society doesn't like when women (trans men) are suddenly trying to be a class that is protected and privileged. im not transitioning to get access to privilege, but that's what it looks like to a transphobe, be them conservative man or radfem. im scary because im rocking the boat, not because im masculine, and they hate me because im showing their binary and hierarchy are false, not because im masculine. im stupid and delusional and a failure and a silly little girl and a bamboozled idiot tricked by trans women as well as a ruined woman and a rotten woman because of misogynistic binary power structures, not because im a dude. ya know? anyways, what holds me back is the gender binarist, cissexist, transphobic, and misogynistic stew that affects all trans people, just differently on a systemic and individual level
like i said earlier, a lot of my beliefs boil down to, we are seen as women and therefore face 'lingering' misogyny, which combines with the sex binary, sex essentialism, and cissexism-- which make up transphobia, in my personal definition of it-- to describe our experiences. not as anything having to do with being male, simply not being female, shattering the notion of what a woman can and should be, and leaving behind a broken hierarchy along with deviant, rotten women who must be punished.
as for the autistic manifesto jkr went on, i know of it but have never read the whole thing and, frankly, as someone who is avoiding college hw right now by doing this, i really don't have the time to. im open to reading it in the future and contacting you to share my thoughts if you'd like? no pressure!
(also, seasonal depression is kicking my butt and im not sure if doing so would be great for my mental health at the moment. reading 'the transgender craze seducing our daughters' almost broke me lol. like i said, ill read it if i can and get back to you. don't want to speak on it if i haven't read it, ya know?)
Anyways, I hope this helped some? I did my best haha. if you have any other questions, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask
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grahamcarmen · 9 months
Have a lot of asks and takes so just gonna dump them all here:-
opinion on chase and dexter.
you know i really want carlotta to meet the faculty and coach brunt and gray.
carlotta is gonna get such a biased version of gray that it cackles me up.
I can just imagine carmen telling her about gray and her response is "so you inherited my taste in bad boys".
you know, i understand why people think that if el topo killed someone he'll feel really guilty nut like he's the one to remind crackle that no witnesses should be left behind he's a cinnamon roll who can kill you.
rn i'm giggling at the idea of someone catching carmen and grey making out.
Commander is adorable.
1)i like them! Chase i maintain has the best line about the trufffles in his brain in s2. vivid imagery. poetic. and he gets such a solid and clear arc so congrats dude!! i really also like in s1 where he doesn't really buy that mimebomb is important but does have a tactic to keep tabs on him . tenacious, resiliant, and really intelligent sometimes. a lot of fun to watch and occasionally hear the out of pocket things he can say, he starts out abrasive but seeing him soften up and do what he can do best is fun and rewarding
dexter we don't get much but he was literally so!!! for getting only barely caught on cameras dating carms mom (which he refused to stop doing heck yeah <3) and doing his best to long con his way OUT of VILE for all of their sakes. and as a VILE agent? he was so smooth like steal those jewels, fly away, get paid for minimal teaching...ajsdnfasdkfn cool. RIPERONIS you were pretty cool
i really hope that carmen gets told by her mom that she has her dads eyes it was such an awwww moment when she said it. :( + just ugh can you imagine the conversations if she gets even more hints of similar things between them...ughhhhh carmen would really hold that dear...
2) hmmmmmmm like i really am into maybe her mom wanting to occasionally help carmen and that could happen VIA that (faculty and brunt) as for GRAY...
3) asdkjfnaslkfdjasd ok carmen gives literally all of gray's good points in such heart eyes and happy voice that the context of how carmen knows this just like makes her go "WAIT WAT" but lmao the idea of them falling for bad boys who are actually so soft and will do whatever it takes and actually turn over a new leaf <3 [i do think she might be a little harsher in her opinion on gray at first because thats her baby >:( waddyumeanyou! but like
:(it was everything...it was literally everything he held dear for carmen to exist and ugghhhhhhhhh i can't with them.
and like a changed person who her daughter has so much love for and obviously loved her enough to do that?? plus her mom runs an orphanage like i want to see him try to wiggle his way in the middle of respectful and being called out for old habits he can't shake yet and not being used to her brand of warmth. or her just asking him to keep watch the kids so she and carmen can have a day together mijo :((((((
and him being decent at corralling all those kids...not great he almost lost a couple but decent (he is good at charming distractions but gets snippy at the troublemakers if any...he's the only troublemaker allowed there<3) + always my evidences that he was the one who split up carmen and sheenas fights, the boys looked at him when they needed help at the tunnel, lmao he actually did have a decent distraction of codenames at the ready, and he's a head patter with a chill laid back disposition he projects...he can distract them with candyland for an hour...i think he can catch their attention like lmao he has such de facto group leader energy even if its not what he primarily does/the role he always wants...can he hold it tho...
or even a seriousish conversation after with gray realizing that was her trusting him lol + just long way round is still the way around conversation
5)...is that a thing? i mean el topo initially felt really bad about carmen because they were friends and might* have felt bad for shadowsan because he was his teacher but le chevre just tells him to focus on the bad parts of his class to get over it. old man in the desert who he has no attachment to? crackle remember to kill him + next time le chevre/ el topo both get over any lingering attachments and el topo even captures carmen with a smile and an ho-la. cinnamon roll who can kill.
7) COMMANDER ...is cute <3
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shreya11111 · 2 years
This ask contains Byler doubt, just letting you know before I begin just incase you don't want to see discussions of Byler doubt rn <3
So like... being a Byler Truther with anxiety sucks so much, because I get a slight bit of doubt and my mind goes "Oh, yeah, I'm being stupid thinking this is gonna happen" and then I try to protect my emotions, because I don't want to spend 2 years attached to this idea and growing more and more confident just to watch season 5 and have that moment of "Oh..." when I realize it all meant nothing, all the proof, and ideas... they didn't have a meaning
But the idea of the feeling I would get if it becomes canon, the joy I would feel if they pull it off properly, keeps bringing me back, which makes it even worse, because I know I believe it... I just wish I didn't, because I keep thinking "Queer people don't get stuff like this" and it's so stupid because I like other shows that have LGBTQ+ relationships, but none of them are built up like this, none of the stuff I've watched would be like this, its built with the subtlety of any straight love triangle trope, but with the realism and feelings of what a queer person in an oppressive society would go through
I'm just... I can't wrap my head around something like this being a thing that can happen, and I know I'm taking this too seriously, but this is so important to me for so many reasons, and it would mean so much to me, and I know how all the Byler proof being unintentional wouldn't make sense, and how it would be weird for them to bring up Will's story now and not have it be resolved with Mike liking him back, and how much it would suck for the writers to use Will's feelings as fuel for a straight relationship, but it's just... hard to have faith is queer media being handled properly, you know?
i understand what you're going through...despite having so much confidence and faith in byler now, i have this nagging voice at the back of my head sometimes just going "what if none of this means anything? what if it is just too good to be true? what if we ARE being delusional??"
the build-up of this queer romance is definitely unlike anything i have ever seen before...and for them to pull it off would not only be amazing – it would be extraordinary.
definitely them not going through with byler wouldn't make sense...and i mean this logically speaking. they have sprinkled so many little details in the show, and even confirmed things that back up the details WE found!
to further emphasize on this point, here are the things they have confirmed in the show that could point to byler build-up, with links (from what i can find at least):
they confirmed that lighting is intentional in the show in this video
noah schnapp confirmed that the van scene essentially took the entire day to film
^ to follow up on this, here is an article in which the duffer brothers confirmed what noah said, AND added how important it was to "get right", including the fact that they had to carefully shoot all the angles
this very interesting video on costuming in this season that you should check out!
this article with shawn levy which basically confirmed that they put a lot of thought into their characters and any pieces of characterization that we discover while watching is likely "no accident"
i cannot find the link atm but i can recall that it was said there is a lot of thought put into the rooms of the characters so the details present are likely all intentional
the duffer brothers have also said before that details are important to the show
those are just some i could think of right now, but there is a lot more that has come up over the years. i just don't understand why the duffers would hammer in the point of details being important in the show so much if the details WE have found won't amount to anything. i am certain that byler will be endgame, just because i am 100% confident that there is no way we are being queerbaited. like i've said before, there are much easier ways to queerbait the audience without it taking up so much time (plus the fact that there is literally no need to queerbait in general...this show already has a HUGE fanbase + a huge queer fanbase already so wtf is even the point of it lmao).
i know that there can be a lot of pessimism involved when it comes to queer representation in media, and that is completely valid. but i genuinely don't think that 2 years from now we will discover that we were queerbaited...
i do think you should stay cautiously optimistic if you are worried about how you will fare 2 years from now...if you are scared of being queerbaited. anxiety can make it really hard to deal with, i can understand...and i just want you to know that i am always here if you ever need to vent!<3
tysm for the ask and i really hope i could help, even if just a little <33
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spade-club · 1 year
Ive been off tumblr mostly for a few days and had the best week of my life (fri-wed)
Anyway, my friends and I are the absolute cutest. We played spin the bottle, just the five of us, and kept going around and around (to be fair we made some fucked up rules so not all of us even kissed eachother really. Others of us kissed 7 times o.o) And idk. I wish I could explain how much fun ive been having this week but its all so blurry and I may or may not have been high for the past 4 days straight which is not a feeling I've felt at all, before about four days ago. Which sounds like addict behavior, and it is, but it'll go away until it comes back later! Later me's problem! No one will be here to give me endless weed in literally two days, and im not here for the hunt, so whateves.
btw this paragraph is tmi sex stuffs ewwie look away if u dont want to know. But yea, I'm like, really understanding why people do these things. I mean, I am still a trauma sponge, so my enjoyment is very closely tied to how sober I am, but I am still understanding and craving rn, two things I didn't know I was capable of! I have never really Got The Point of sexual interactions, but no one has ever made me Feel Like This so uh, hehe, I'm starting to get it. Endlessly, I am grateful for my person <3 I am also so glad they're so understanding and kinda always the right amount of involved when I tell them things. They take what I say at face value and dont assign extra reasoning to things. If I say, "I got triggered during sex but its not your fault, and its okay," they go, "okay, thanks for letting me know!" And that's that!! Now, they sometimes ask me for pain updates during and also take those answers exactly in the way I mean them!!! & then they adjust accordingly and we move on!!! They dont let their insecurity or fear make me feel bad! And they dont make shitty assumptions on my character for no good reason!! I might be falling in love with them... but that's another tangent. I could go on about them for ever and ever
My friends and I have decided that the five of us are a "mostly platonic polycule," which has absolutely short circuit my brain bc that's all I've ever wanted, really, and it's really nice?? We all adore eachother and we paint together, and we kiss eachother, and go on five person dates, and have sleepovers, and cuddle in the back seat of the car while the other two jam to the music, and refer to a group as 4/5 or 3/5 if someone is missing. Idk, it's just nice, I know it's to be short-lived as we would not survive as a couple without the friend who came to visit (and may not be back again for months.) We will fall apart without her. We're all still good friends tho and im excited to see what does happen next!!
I have so many more songs to relate to now lol
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oh my fucking god im 18 in a week
god i was about to write some sappy shit and it just it me and its over im no longer a child ever ever again after this and im crying im fucking sobbing its 2:29 in the morning and i have school tmrw and my jaw is shaking because i cant stop sobbing. this is the end. the final nail in the coffin of childhood. i cant do this im not ready please take me back im so sorry i know i wasnt a good person but also maybe i was 15 for fucks sake im so sorry ive hurt so many people and i cant take it back i cant even do mothers day right for gods sake my mom has to deal with me so much im so so so sorry mom i love you so much and i cant even show it properly god i cant do this i can barely do mondays god im losing myself im losing myself so much. ive been a wreck on legs for a decade and im getting slower i cant do this anymore i cant do anything properly by myself anymore i am so fucking bad at this i had so so so much more i wanted to do by the time i hit this for some reason magic number 18 and god im such a fucking failure. im so so so sorry. why am i so wrong. jackie has to put up with me my friends just deal with me i can see it when they instantly tune out they dont care anymore because ive been too high around them too many times they instantly think i have nothing useful to say or they just dont care and i get it i fucking get it i beg and beg and plead for change but i just cant do it its too much to handle and its too much to do and i cant handle it because im fucking useless. everyone around me is going to these universities and i feel like im losing myself even after having a plan. i dont know what to do. i has supposed to do more things than ive done and im so lazy and useless and shes going to leave me once shes had enough of my bullshit and no matter how much i care i can never show it properly never take the actions to do it properly. why is everyone else always doing it better, why do they seem more put together. i cant do this anymore. what wall am i behind that im missing just how horrible am i at everything god im so fucking bad at this. it took a very long time to understand just how deep the hate for myself goes. im battling myself. im so so tired. i need help and im still never going to ask for it in the way i need, that would be too much out of someone. i cant do this anymore, my body is tired, my mind is tired, i want to wither away. all of my desperate reaches to be noticed, to be a mark on the world is overwhelmed by not wanting to be a burden onto the people around me. i can barely show the right love back to the people who love me, the people who care about me. if im going to be worth nothing, then i shouldnt be taking up this space and time and become nothing. I WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT HERE. I TRIED TO END IT 5 TIMES BUT OUT OF PURE SPITE OF DEATH I REMAIN HERE. I LIVE. I LIVE!!! I LIVE AND I LOVE AND I BREATHE. I REMAIN HERE TO LOVE. PLEASE READ THIS. PLEASE REMEMBER ME. PLEASE ASK ME HOW IM DOING AND ASK AGAIN WHEN ITS OBVIOUSLY THE WRONG ANSWER. PLEASE ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM. IM SORRY I DONT KNOW HOW TO BE THE BEST PERSON OR FRIEND OR PARTNER OR SON BUT IM TRYING IM TRYING GODAMMIT WHAT IS THIS FOR IF NOT TO TRY AND TRY AND TRY. I REMEMBER BEING 12 AND THINKING I MIGHT NOT MAKE IT TO 18 BUT IM HERE I FUCKING MADE IT OH MY FUCKING GOD IT TOOK SO MUCH BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS AND IT MEANS FUCKING NOTHING BECAUSE THE TIME WOULDVE PASSED ANYWAYS BUT WE'RE HERE WE DID IT 15 YEAR OLD ME. DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN 18 WASNT EVEN A POSSIBILITY BESIDES IN PROMISES TO PEOPLE WE CANT EVEN TALK TO ANYMORE? IM FUCKING HERE AND IT SUCKS OH MY GOD IT SUCKS SO FUCKING BADLY BUT IM STILL HERE AFTER ALL OF IT. I CANT EVEN IMAGINE GOING THROUGH SHIT RN FOR 6 MONTHS BUT I LOOK BACK AND IVE BEEN SAYING THAT ABOUT SHIT FOR YEARS AND LOOK WE'VE BEEN STAYING MOVING FORWARD. ITS SO HARD TO CONTAIN IM SHAKING AND SOBBING MY EYES OUT BUT WE DID IT WE DID IT IM PROUD OF YOU I HATE YOU SO MUCH BUT WE MADE IT HERE. REMEMBER THAT EVERY SINGLE DAY. THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. BUT ITS HERE IN SPITE OF IT ALL
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urbfsecretgf · 3 years
omg love this fic alr pls keep updating <3
thank y'all for giving me the motivation to write more. here you go :) Pt 4 of: The Boy Next Door
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a/n: i didnt think i was gonna continue doing this series but i do appreciate all the people who enjoy it. thank you <3 also idk how well i corrected my spelling errors so my apologies for that.
(everything is made up, arguing, dirty minded things)
it was a cold Monday morning and you and jack are standing outside waiting for the bus to arrive at your house.
"its 6:50 the bus should be here already" jack groans
"i know im freezing my ass off its so cold out" you say as you are shivering
the bus finally pulls up to your drive way after what feels like an eternity. you've been at school your new school for about a week now, you know where all your classes were and where your locker was and all of that stuff.
when you get to school the first thing you do is head to your locker and put everything in your locker.
*New Message From Vinnie <3: y/n where are you???*
you look at it and ignore it. vinnie and you got into a big argument last night and youre still not happy with him.
while putting books in your locker you hear someone start yelling your name
"y/n! has anyone seen y/n? y/n!!"
its vinnie.
"oh gosh" you sigh
"does anyone know where y/n is bro please tell me someone knows"
someone points to where you are, and you try and walk away and pretend not to notice him.
"Y/N!! IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU LITERALLY EVERYWHERE!!! OMG!" he says sounding excited that hes found you.
"haha yeah oops. i gotta go uh bye"
you dont really wanna be around him rn. he upset you pretty badly last night
"vinnie you do this literally EVERYTIME!! STOP!"
"no you act like it was bad that i was late i said sorry so its your fault we are arguing right now."
"vinnie i told you if we were late we would miss it. youve been late the past, hmmm, 3 dates? uh yeah i have every right to be upset with you. out of the 5 or so dates you've been on time or early to only 2 and one of those we didnt even get to go to because of the storm. i dont know whats gotten into you recently vinnie but i dont like it so you need to change that or something is going to happen and neither of us are going to like it"
"y/n youre literally overreacting about this. im sorry i was late weve been over this 100 times bro and its just a date we can go on more some other time"
"vinnie you dont understand. those dates mean the world to me. i love going on them with you. i love seeing you all dressed up and coming over so we can go out to a movie or whatever it is we are going to do. they arent 'just dates' to me"
"whatever y/n. this is so stupid. youre freaking out over nothing. ill talk to you later or something idfk"
"sorry vin i really gotta go"
"but the bell hasnt even rung yet we still have 8 minutes till class start wym?"
"yep i know bye"
vinnie grabs your arm and gives you a serious look. he knows you hate when he does this look because it makes you feel guilty and like you did something wrong.
"y/n? why are you avoiding me? you didnt answer my texts, you didnt say good morning to me, you hid from me when i was looking for you this morning, whats going on? did something happen? did I do something wrong?"
"vinnie im fine, okay? just leave me alone please."
"im sorry y/n. im sorry about last night and everything i said. i didnt mean it and i dont mean to be late im doing something at home which runs late sometimes and thats why im late. i also dont think to tell you im going to be late either, and im sorry. i really am"
what vinnie says to you makes you tear up a little. you look at him and walk away without saying anything.
"y/n wait! stop y/n come back please"
you love vinnie a lot but he takes it too far sometimes and last night was one of those times. you dont want anything to do with him right now.
the bell rings dismissing you for lunch.
"finally" you thought. you were starving.
you go to your locker and grab your lunch. as you were grabbing your lunch box you hear someone crying on the couch in the lounge area.
"i dont know what i did wrong bro. shes been avoiding me all day, she hasnt answered any of my texts ive sent her, and when i apologized to her this morning she walked away. i dont want to loose her bro, it would crush me."
being the curious george you are, you walk over to see who it is, and to your surprise its vinnie, crying, at school, and his friends shoulder.
you decide to walk over to there and you hear his friend austin comforting him
"its okay vinnie, i understand how youre feeling and its normal man. you like her a lot"
"like her a lot??? i dont just like her, im literally in love with her bro."
you startled him. he didnt see you there or even notice you were there. he wipes his tears from his face on his sleeve and clears his throat.
"oh hey y/n" he says while still sniffing up his runny nose trying to hide that he was crying
"were you crying?"
"what me? no ofc not"
"i heard you crying vin"
at this point all of his friends left the lounge and let you two be
"nah i wasnt haha"
you knew he was but you decided to let it be.
at the end of 4th hour, vinnies friend austin comes over to your locker and tells you what happened
"so he was crying?" you ask
"yeah it was bad, ive never seen him like that before"
"what was it about?"
"did you not hear him?"
"i mean i did kinda but not really"
he looks at you like you're crazy
"y/n he was crying about you. like he literally broke down while sitting on the couch with me and the boys."
hes never cried in front of you before so hearing that he cried in front of other people makes you feel weird. almost a jealous feeling which is weird but you dont really know how to feel.
you brush it off and decide you'll just text him and ask about it later.
its now the end of 6th hour, only one more class to go. while walking out of gym class someone runs up to you
"hey, y/n right?"
"um yeah? do i know you?"
it was a guy youve seen around school a few times today. you only have gym class with him but he seems to be pretty well known since everytime youve seen him hes had a big crowd of people around him.
"oh im sorry, im trevor, you can call me trev tho, thats what everyone calls me."
its kinda weird to have a guy come up to you at school. at your old school no one talked to you.
"haha its nice to meet you trev"
"yeah same to you, uh what are you doing tomorrow night?"
"theres no way he flirting with me, i have a boyfriend, everyone knows that right?" you thought to yourself
"oh um probably just homework and studying, why?"
"just wondering, do you need any help with any homework at all?"
"no i dont think so haha."
"alright well if you need any help heres my number."
trevor grabs your hand and writes his number on your hand.
"oh im sorry i-"
your phone goes off. its a text from vinnie
*New Message From Vinnie <3: meet me by the locker room lovely ;)*
*New Message From Vinnie <3: Image Recived*
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you stare at your phone for a minute, in shock. hes never sent you something like that especially at school.
"y/n? are you okay?" trevor asked seeming a little worried
"yeah you seem good now wow."
you decide not to keep vinnie waiting any longer so you decide to end the conversation with trev and go to the locker room "hahahaha yeah okay well i gotta go!"
"alright talk tomorrow?"
"uh maybe" you say as your run off towards the locker room "bye trev'
you get to the locker room and theres vinnie, standing there looking good just like usual
"hey y/n"
"hey vinnie whats this all about?"
"bro im so like... yk.. rn"
"we are at school vin.."
"not even quick?"
not even thinking about it you walk to the family restroom. (and ill let you imagine the rest ;))
its the end of the day and the bell rings to dismiss you. trevor stops by your locker and starts a conversation with you.
"hey y/n"
"oh hi trev"
vinnie sees someone at your locker and decides to walk over
"how was your day?"
"it was alri-"
"hey y/n" vinnie interupts, "trevor?"
"vinnie? what are you doing here?'
you can already tell this isnt going to end well so you decide to try and walk away.
vinnie gives trevor a dirty look, "no y/n stay here, dont leave, i wanna know what tf trevor is doing with my girl."
trevor gives the same dirty look he got from vinnie right back to him
"your girl? dont you have like 15 other ones? come on bro, i seen you flirting with bailey like yesterday. you clearly dont care about y/n"
"wait, vin is that true...?" you could never imagine vinnie doing that to you. never. not after what yall have been through, what yall have told eachother, everything.
he looks at you and he can see the sadness on your face, he holds your cheek, "no y/n i love you i would never do something like that to you i promise, go home and we talk about it later after i deal with trev okay?"
youre on the verge of breaking down, your voice is soft, but you manage to say okay.
as soon as you get home you run upstairs to your room and throw everything on the floor. you just wanna break down and start baling your eyes out.
you decide to text both trev and vinnie.
*To Trev: hey its y/n did you actually see vinnie flirting with bailey?*
*To Vinnie <3: you didnt actually flirt with bailey did you?*
you set your phone down and just wait. you wait for a response from both vin and trev, wanting answers. you dont wanna believe trevor but you dont know if you can believe vinnie either. youre not trusting either one until you hear both sides of the story in full detail.
your phone goes off
*New Message from Trev: Yeah I did, yesterday during 2nd hour. They were holding hands, he was hugging her, and that's really all i saw. I'm sorry y/n. You deserve better.*
you burst into tears, how could he do something like that to you?
your little brother jack hears you crying from down the hall and he knocks at your door.
"y/n...? are you okay?
jack and you are really close. you tell eachother everything.
"idk jack."
"did something happen between you and vinnie?"
"whos that?" jack asked
you look down and see its vinnie
*New Message from Vinnie <3: y/n idk what trevor told you but its not true. he does this all the time to the girls he wants to hookup with. even if it was true i promise you, he wouldnt want anything but your body. i love you more than i love myself y/n. ask austin. i sat on the couch in the lounge today crying about you bc i thought i was going to lose you all bc of the stupid fight we had last night. i love you so much y/n. trevors told me about how hes felt about you from the day you came to school. he told me about how he thinks your hot and about how he could 'steal you away' from me.*
*New Message from Vinnie <3: y/n i remember our first everything. the first time we met, hung out, hugged, held hands, our first kiss together, first time meeting each others parents, everything y/n. youre the only girl i love. i promise. ill walk over to your house right now if you need me.*
jack was reading the messages from over your shoulder.
"what happened? also invite him over"
after telling jack what happened today you text vinnie and tell him to come over
"jeeze y/n. you got boys fallin harddddddddd" jack says trying to enlighten to mood.
you give him a dirty look and he says sorry.
vinnie knocks on your bedroom door and you go running to him.
"im sorry vinnie, im sorry i didnt believe you. i love you too. way more than you think. i get scared when other people mention you and another girl because as much as i trust you sometimes i feel like you will leave me for someone prettier."
"y/n look at me. i promise you, we are going to get trevor back. im going to do whatever it takes and i have a plan on how we are going to do it."
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kaistarus · 3 years
Mistexting Mayhem
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Pairing: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 1.6K
Summary: You accidentally send Nishinoya a text that was meant for Yachi and now he’s knows secrets you were hoping he never found out
A/N: If you think this fic is anything but crack you’re wrong lmao I’ve always wanted to write a fic with this style and Noya is great for the chaos i needed. It was fun
[6:40pm] idiot⚡: look y/n without adhd id be too powerful
                         i could beet god himself in handtohand combat
                         god was afraid of my raw fuckin awesomeness wen i bursted from the woom
[6:41pm] y/n: there is so much wrong with what u just said
[6:41pm] idiot⚡: i have absoltly no clue wat
[6:43pm] y/n: put those 3 brain cells to work. I believe in you
[6:43pm] idiot⚡: but theyve reached their daily quota
                          plz there so tired and overworked
You snorted, a dopey smile on your lips as you laid surrounded by textbooks and homework, swinging your feet in the air behind you. You focused intently on the cell phone in your hand doing everything you could to procrastinate the schoolwork around you.
[6:44pm] y/n: noyas so stupid
[6:44pm] yachi❤: i thought you liked him?
[6:45pm] y/n: jeez Yachi. dont come for my throat
                       i cant help that i have bad taste 🙄
[6:46pm] yachi❤: if it helps he tripped over a stray ball today
                               maybe think of that till you don’t like him??
Unfortunately, the image of Nishinoya waving to everyone then biffing it only had you smiling like a dork. How you’d gotten to a point that Nishinoya being an idiot made you swoon, you’ll never know.
You raised your eyebrow suspiciously at the new notification on Snapchat from ‘Tanaka’ and after swiping it open you nearly dropped your phone. Looking back at you was Nishinoya, his head tilted and eyebrow quirked in confusion with a gari-gari kun shoved halfway down his throat. The caption at the bottom reading ‘daaaammn look at your prince charming go 😩’.
You frowned at the picture, letting out a frustrated groan at how your heart accelerated against your ribcage. You quickly tapped out of it and reopened the messenger app.
[6:57pm] y/n: we have to kill Noya
[6:57pm] idiot⚡: we??? what kind of mission is this??? 😤
[6:58pm] y/n: i like him too much. he has to die. its for my own good
You waited impatiently for her response and almost debated doing your homework since it took longer than you felt necessary. You supposed you had suggested murder to Yachi, but still…
When you finally received a response your entire body froze.
[7:11pm] idiot⚡: U LIKE ME?!?!? 😍
                          UR KILLING ME?!?! 😢
                          IM SO CONFUSED......
                          and a lil turned on ngl👀
Your hand covered your mouth in horror as you processed what the hell you had just done. This didn’t happen to people in real life. Mistexting was stuff people made up when they created fake texts for social media to get likes. You didn’t think people actually went through this.
You opened new notifications to escape the hell that stared you straight in the face.
[7:15pm] Tanaka💪: Yo, whatd u do. Whys Noya having a panic attak
[7:16pm] y/n: I accidently texted him instead of Yachi and told him i liked him 😣
[7:16pm] Tanaka💪: O wtf thats hilarious 😂
[7:17pm] y/n: ITS NOT HILArIOUS
[7:18pm] Tanaka💪: Hes askin if its a prank. Wat do i do?
He stopped responding and you banged your head against your pillow anxiously.
[7:23pm] idiot⚡: THIS ISNT YACHI!!!!
                           HOLY FUKC U DO LIEK ME!!!
You screamed into your pillow. Were you fucking kidding? This could not be happening.
[7:25pm] Tanaka💪: dude, twice? i cant save u now 🤪
[7:25pm] y/n: betraying me in my time of fucking need? i’ll remember this asshole
[7:26pm] Tanaka💪: so vulgar 👀
You growled at Tanaka’s uselessness and bravely peeked through one eye as you went back to your conversation with Nishinoya.
[7:26pm] idiot⚡: 1
[7:27pm] y/n: what is this twitch chat? fuck 
[7:28pm] idiot⚡: your heeeeererererreee 🥰
[7:29pm] y/n: soooooo………..
                        clearly there has been a misunderstanding
[7:29pm] idiot⚡: oh nonono. I understand PERFETCLY. u LOVE me
                         its ok. this is a safe space. we can discuss feelings 😌
[7:31pm] y/n: there are zero feelings to discuss
[7:31pm] idiot⚡: then y did u say u like me too much so i have to die?
[7:34pm] y/n: i am filled with rage 🤬
[7:34pm] idiot⚡: rage over how much u liiike me???🥰🥰🥰
[7:36pm] y/n: definitely not
You racked your brain for some kind of reasonable sounding excuse, eventually landing on:
[7:36pm] y/n: It was autocorrect
[7:36pm] idiot⚡: HAH????? FROM?????
[7:38pm] y/n: HAH???
[7:38pm] idiot⚡: Who TF is nora???? 😡
[7:39pm] y/n: someoe i like obviously 😏
[7:40pm] idiot⚡: so u like them but u use my name so much it autocorrected to me? 🤔
[7:45pm] idiot⚡: i pull them out for special ocasions 😌
[7:45pm] y/n: well how bout you pack those up and put em away
[7:46pm] idiot⚡: how bout two people who LIKE each other SAY something so they can DOOOOOOOO something bout IT 🙄
You began typing a frantic message about how it was none of his business until you processed the message. Then you read it over several times before letting out an audible, “what the fuck.”
[7:50pm] y/n: YOU LIKE ME
[7:50pm] idiot⚡: I FLIRT WITH U ALL THE TIME WAT DO U MEAN yOu LiKe Me!?!
                          FUCKING OBVIOSLY
[7:51pm] y/n: literally when. name one time.
[7:52pm] idiot⚡: I WALK WITH U EVERY MORNING!!!
[7:53pm] y/n: I thought that was a coincidence???
[7:54pm] idiot⚡: I BRNIG U SNACKS DURING LUNCH!!!
[7:54pm] y/n: I thought they were leftovers??
[7:55pm] idiot⚡: …....I call you cute and invite you to my games.
[7:56pm] y/n: you call everyone attractive and i thought there was like a audience quota or something........?
[7:57pm] idiot⚡: ….i cant tell who i should be upset with rn but i think its u 😑
[7:58pm] y/n: WAT WHY!?!
[8:01pm] y/n: whoa. slow down. I hate math 😣
[8:02pm] Idiot⚡: ===WE SHUD GO ON A DATE!!!
[8:02pm] y/n: HAH!? i think you started multiplying that addition problem buddy 🤨
Your cheeks were beginning to ache from how wide your dopey grin was. You couldn’t help but tease Nishinoya-it was second nature at this point-even if you now knew your feelings were mutual.
[8:04pm] idiot⚡: i suk at math but thats NOT the point
                         point iiissss i think deep down u want to hang out and cuddle and fall in love
                        maybe even..... 😏 kiiisssss
[8:04pm] y/n: WHOA WHOA WHOA
                        WARN ME BEFORE YOU GET NSFW
                        i would never premarital eye-contact. let alone k🤢ki-🤢🤢kiss🤢🤮🤮
[8:05pm] idiot⚡: well we would have socks on 🙄
[8:06pm] y/n: oh. well if there’s protection
[8:06pm] idiot⚡: Im not a maniac
[8:07pm] y/n: i suppose as long as you dont do something stoopid
                        like faceplant in public
                        that would be humiliating
[8:08pm] idiot⚡: I-
                          who told you that 😠
[8:08pm] y/n: i have spies everywhere noya
                        youre never safe
[8:09pm] Idiot⚡: kinda hot 👀
                         makin me fear for my life like that👀
[8:10pm] y/n: i hate that i like you
                        It kills me inside 
                        i feel braincels leaving with every conversation
[8:12pm] Idiot⚡: fan behavior 😏
                          so am i taking u to eat tomorow or wat?
[8:14pm] y/n: if I HAVE to 🙄
[8:14pm] Idiot⚡: No u GET to
                          I am a fucking delite 😤
[8:15pm] y/n: whatever helps you sleep at night
[8:15pm] Idiot⚡: nothing helps me sleep at night. this mind never rests
[8:16pm] y/n: thinking 24/7 and still not a smart thing comes out of that mouth 👀
[8:17pm] Idiot⚡: yas, bully me more 😫
[8:19pm] y/n: ok thats as much as i can handle for one day......
                       im gonna pretend to do homework
[8:20pm] idiot⚡: okie... good luck my sweet baby pogchamp 🥰
[8:20pm] y/n: no
[8:20pm] Idiot⚡: 😘😘😘
[8:22pm] y/n: 🙄✋
[8:23pm] Idiot⚡: oh FUCK yas 🥵 shut me UP
[8:25pm] y/n: suddenly all i feel is endless regret
[8:26pm] Idiot⚡: i have that effect on people
                          See you tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰
[8:27pm] y/n: unfortunately 😘
[8:27pm] idiot⚡: 🥵
You flung an arm over your eyes and let a small giggle bubble up from your chest. Nishinoya was probably the biggest idiot you’d ever met, but you couldn’t help that thinking of spending time with him had you kicking your feet with excitement.
You supposed you should actually get started on your homework. You reached forward when a notification popped up from Yachi, asking if her idea worked and you had stopped liking Nishinoya.
...you should probably break the news, huh?
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blueberry-beanie · 2 years
4, 5, 11, 25, 35, 48!
4. Is there a song you love but don't like its music video? Omg so many... I'm very peculiar about music videos (though it has become better with time). I used to not watch any music videos at all when I had strong feelings about a song. Let's use EE videos as an example. I love Supernormal and Breadwinner, but Jonathan has a special taste for very weird videos that are just disturbing at times haha, so these are not my faves. I have a strange dislike for Coldplay's Charlie Brown video and I also hate the one for Adventure Of A Livetime.
5. Is there a song you don't like but like its music video? Damn, this is a difficult question. I don't think I can answer it because why would I watch the video in the first place if not for the song... I'm sure there must be an example, but it doesn't come to mind rn.
11. Favorite songwriter? Damn, difficult again. I think it's often hard to point out for bands because each member usually contributes something. For example, Yannis said in a live stream that he gets to play the guitar part Jimmy came up with in a song. So how to distinguish that? On the other hand, we know that Yannis comes up with all the lyrics and I am so in love with most of them. He's a poet. Also, for bands there are just crucial things people contribute. Imho, a Coldplay song that deliberately excludes as much as possible of Jon's genius is not a good song. He is the magical ingredient in all of their music. When it comes to solo artists, I think Aurora is a genius. There is nobody like her and nobody has such a strong artistic vision (and stubbornness, rip to her management... only Magnus can deal with her). Her lyrics and the unique soundscapes she creates are just astonishing. Florence has a great way of transforming everyday, human and mundane themes into something universal and big, make personal problems and experiences into hymns that should be sung by a big choir and performed with a huge orchestra to call out the gods tbh (not being poetic here) so that's definitely a talent.
  25. Is there a song you used to like but can’t listen to anymore because you associate it with someone you don’t like? No, I don't have a song that I shared with a friend, family or a loved person that I no longer like. However, I do have a lot of songs that carried me through very dark times. I feel like they have soaked up my sadness and hurt and now they are drenched in these memories. Part of that is why I moved on a little bit from being a Coldplayer. Though I still enjoy the band and keep a blog and participate in the fandom; I rarely listen to their songs anymore. Especially Ghost Stories and AHFOD carried me through some of the worst times in my life. 35: A song you like in a language you don’t speak? Haha... I got to say most of the music I listen to is in English, with extremely few German songs (mostly from my teens/childhood) and some very old Russian songs (also childhood memories) and I do speak all of these languages. What immediately comes to mind is this funny gem by Coldplay. Some songs of course have parts in another language that I don't understand, especially songs on Coldplay's Everyday Life Album, like Arabesque and Bani Adam بنی آدم I also watched that one documentary about Olympos and it had this song called Έρημα βουνά. I have absolutely no idea what it's all about and it's definitely not what I normally listen to but it got stuck in my head. Some of the first music I ever had were the example songs that came with my version of Windows back in... maybe 2008 or so? To this day I still like I Ka Barra (Your Work) and Din Din Wo (Little Child) by Habib Koité and Bamada.
48. Who’s an artist you think it’s criminally underrated and deserves more recognition? *inhales* *screams* EVERYTHING EVERYTHING!!! They are so amazing, it took them one day to completely convert me into a huge fan, tbh. N and I fell into the EE rabbithole almost a year ago when we wanted to see/hear more of Jeremy, because there was not enough of him at the Foals concerts for our liking. N already knew their albums and I knew Night of the Long Knives because of Mark Owen's Spotify playlist, but when we started watching their concerts we realised that they are an absolute gem. Each member is so goddamn talented, their sound is catchy as hell and yet absolutely unique. Everyone go watch Everything Everything, become obsessed, join the Get to Heaven cult etc. A few links for anyone who wants to check them out:
EE live from Granada Studios
Violent Sun
No Reptiles
Night of the Long Knives
Distant Past (Lollapalooza Berlin)
Thank you so much for asking, N! <3 I've written WAY too much, so thanks everyone who read this, hope you found at least 42% of it interesting.
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dangermousie · 2 years
CFC 165
Soooo, we got to the part of the narrative where I am terrified to open every new chapter. Good times!
1. I am sorry, Nangong Liu, your wig has been snatched (tm @hamliet) LSZ didn’t just only tell the boss of her evil org about He Yu being with XQC as soon as she got the information, she literally forwarded him the videos. Let me repeat, the woman sent x-rated videos of her own son having sex with someone just so as to back up her tattling. She is a p2rn distributor of videos of her own kid. Let that one sink in for a second as to the kind of violation that is.
2. Bwahahahaha I love evil org boss going “Your kid’s porn tapes are boring, thanks, not my thing.” I laugh so I won’t punch things. The thing that is interesting to me about this exchange is twofold though: (1) Duan is evil but he’s also smart unlike the utterly dumb mother - they want He Yu’s cooperation not forced participation otherwise they’d have taken him long ago. Which is why he told momster to get affectionate with her kid and draw him in; not become a sex video distributor! (2) the reason they want He Yu’s cooperation is because he would be nice to have but is not necessary to them and if he cavils the value of benefits from him is not worth the trouble. He is (relatively) safe in not being that important - they have other means to simulate his blood gu (with obedient water) so they are waiting and seeing with him (in part also to see if his power gets greater and then they would be more interested.) It’s an interesting set-up and turns on its head my theory of org forcing He Yu in by threatening XQC. Unless He Yu’s powers get stronger, they simply don’t care enough.
3. Fffffff...of course evil org knew about He Yu x XQC already. I am so grossed out. But also, the fact that Duan says XQC is not allowed to be killed - tormented yes, killed no - freaks me the hell out - because that might mean org knows he’s the first emperor (or at least connected to him) and !!!! But on second thought, it doesn’t feel like that either - it feels like a more emotional connection perhaps. Is he Chen Man’s older brother? Some other thing? I should stop guessing, Meatbun always shocks me anyway. But also - does this mean Duan knows XQC is dying? He seems to know a lot of stuff. And if so, does he plan to do something about it?
4. But Duan tells momster she can hurt XQC if she wants just not kill. I hate them ALL!
5. Oh God, Anthony is all “let’s watch the p@rn again, I would have thought XQC would be the top” and seriously we knew Anthony was sent by evil org to be the doctor but the sheer level of violation of everyone in HY’s life who is supposed to be closest/he is supposed to be most vulnerable with etc being like that! This is the level of “everyone is out to get me” but true. (Yes, it’s a violation of XQC too, of course, but at least it’s not gleefully done by people who are supposed to be closest to him but (to him) randoms.)
6. Also, Anthony was the one who wanted XQC and HY die in the reservoir?!?!?
7. Why is HY’s mother so stupid? She seems to have the same understanding of human relationships and emotions as a malfunctioning robot. Her genius plan:”break XQC and HY up, then HY will turn to me.” UMMMMM - I am not talking about cruelty (she wants to remove his supports so as to become his support and manipulate him) because it’s like discussing Sartre with a dog -pointless as far as she is concerned. But how does one lead to the other? Even if HY was single, he’s 20, that’s not the age for someone to get closer to his mom after a breakup. Like - what?!
8. XQC secretly hoping to see HY again but then feeling sad because HY is outside in the rain with no umbrella :( And he feels something and starts typing come and get an umbrella but stops before he hits send and he sees HY just stand there stupidly in the rain waiting because he sees the sign that XQC is typing and this honestly guts me so much. And then he finally walks away with face wet from rain or tears and XQC can’t sleep all night. GRRRRRRRR I can’t!
9. Chen Man (who is always so boring to me omg) is about to confess but he went to park the car and XQC walks to his room to find drunk HY outside and this is gonna be fun!
That was a hell of a chapter!
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michelemoutons · 3 years
and at last, the post that maybe three people maximum have been waiting for...
em's comfort retro rally videos: a masterlist!
in a much-needed return to this blog's roots, and as an antidote to all motorsport- and life-related chaos, i now present to you: the first edition of em's favorite retro rally videos!
general disclaimer/info: these videos mainly come from the group B era of the world rally championship (wrc), which generally speaking was in the '80s. i am only human, so expect a lot of bias toward my personal favorites...which will become very apparent as you read this list hehe. also i'm not even gonna pretend to be an expert on this or anything. a lot of these are literally just based on Vibes
table of contents
i. my top 5 rally coverage videos
mainly coverage for television, recorded on VHS and uploaded to YouTube by some truly incredible people
ii. honorable mentions
not rally coverage, but retro rally videos nevertheless
often documentaries, mini-doc features, interviews
for all videos, i have indicated the language (most are in english fyi); if any links fail or videos disappear, send me an ask or DM and i'll remove the culprit/find an alternative link.
and now, onward!
(TW for occasional flash photography in many of the night sequences of the videos, as well as a gif included in this post)
i. my top 5 rally coverage videos
in which my bias toward audi sport, mouton/pons, mikkola, toivonen, and vatanen are put on blast for all to see 🥴 i am not an expert in anything i am just very good at research and a whore for aud—[SNIPED]. for the sake of brevity, i narrowed my favorites down to 5. maybe another time i will share all the rest!
also, a general note about the commentary: sometimes, the commentary around michèle and fabrizia can get... weird. keep in mind, they were the most prominent female team partnership around that time, and the first to nearly clinch a wrc wdc, and to modern ears, the commentators really didn't know how to act around them. personally, it wasn't horrible for me, i just ignored the weirder bits, but i understand if others might find it off-putting. also for the sake of your sanity don't read the comments.
5. Rally of the 1000 Lakes, 1984 | finland
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: vatanen/alén/toivonen (full final results)
comments: this was definitely a rally for most of audi sport's drivers to forget: bar stig blomqvist, who came quite close to the podium finishers with a 4:14:01 to henri toivonen's 4:12:57! both hannu mikkola and michèle mouton had to retire from the race, which may lead you to wonder: why does this rank among my favorites? well, it's always fun to watch group b rally cars sailing through the air against picturesque scenery, and this video also contains an intriguing (at least for me!) look at the scrutineering process, with drivers at their most casual.
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owie :( they were fine though!
4. Lombard RAC Rally, 1981 | britain
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: mikkola/vatanen/blomqvist (full final results)
comments: hannu winning by 11 whole minutes even after rolling his car in the middle of the forest is actual legend behavior! anyway this was michèle's first wrc outing in britain, and even though she and fabrizia had to retire, they still did quite well, consistently running high in the leaderboards after the first few stages. and that's considering the fact that michèle had a bad cold for much of the rally and had to ask fabrizia to drive the car to service park for her at one point bc she was so tired. which fabrizia did... with a pencil in her mouth. lot of big names in one video—also, jean todt makes an appearance as a co-driver!
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shamelessly poached off of one of my text post edits
3. Marlboro Safari Rally, 1983 | kenya
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: vatanen/mikkola/mouton (full final results)
comments: ok can i just say how stunning the video presentation is?? the opening sequence is just!!! the shots of the wildlife! the sprinting giraffes! wow! anyway the visual of drivers in deck chairs just tickles me for no reason, and michèle please tell me what you ask for at the hairdresser's and also where you got that orange blouse (this is obviously not just specific to this rally, she always eats and leaves no crumbs). this was michèle's first entry and only finish in kenya (and of course it was a podium mwah). it was also her last wrc entry in the A1 quattro, as she switched to the A2 for the rest of her program in the '83 season. also this is one of my favorite podium pictures ever.
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lksdjffnnkd there's almost too much to unpack... fabrizia somehow surviving in high waist jeans in a hot car... michèle's do-it-yourself shorts... this podium picture was the subject of a very frantic video chat conversation between myself and a friend at 2am a few months ago
2. Rallye de Portugal, 1982 | portugal
links: short recap (eng) | overall coverage 1, stuck in the middle of two other rallies. timestamps in descrip. (eng) | overall coverage 2, very vibey with cool music (ita... also peep walter röhrl speaking italian)
podium: mouton/eklund/wittmann (full final results)
comments: GOD I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH AAAA! michèle's first podium of '82 being a win? this rally being the one where there's footage of her going shopping with fabrizia afterward? (more on that later) them winning by 13 whole minutes? and that's not even considering THEE most poetic victory ceremony of all time! in fact let me talk about that bc the racing and the win aside, that's why it's so high up on my list! literally poetic cinema! it's night, they're standing on top of the car and floodlit and surrounded by cheering crowds but they may as well be the only ones there in their own little world, laughing at each other and barely even having to look to each other when they're raising their hands—like god! shut up! we get it you're besties 😭
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and now... last but certainly never least...
1. Lombard RAC Rally, 1982 | britain
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: mikkola/mouton/toivonen (full final results)
comments: firstly, if you were to ask me about my dream podium, this would be it. hands down, across all series of motorsport, my comfort podium would be hannu, michèle, and henri in any order. (there's such a cute picture of them from this rally on pinterest, standing in order on a staircase. henri is not looking at the camera because he is laughing at something michèle is saying and it's such a Vibe but i cannot find it wah). the battle for second between michèle and henri ran down to literally the last stage, and their times are separated by seconds, which is just wild to me. the context of this rally deserves another post, which i honestly don’t have the energy to make rn, but just take my word for it that it threatens to destroy me if i think about it too hard! anyway this is just such an awesome rally and i’ve watched this video so many times haha
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i love this rally so much that i actually had a character in a story i was writing attend the ceremony captured in this picture as a small child and made it a formative moment in her life. no, there is nothing wrong with me.
ii. honorable mentions
(is it obvious who my faves are? yikes)
'Group B - Avec Michele Mouton' (eng) - taken from a longer feature presentation about group b, a segment specifically about michèle. a friend once described its vibes as ‘a synth wave edit of an 80s anime set in a cyberpunk world about racing’
'1983 Audi Sport National Rally with Michele Mouton' (eng) - in which michèle takes journalist sue baker as a co-driver for a spin in an A1 and a rally win. fun behind-the-scenes video
'Intervista a Fabrizia Pons, la Regina delle Note' 1, 2, 3 (ita) - very thorough interview which is mostly fabrizia telling all sorts of stories, including the very entertaining story of how she found out she was going to be michèle’s co-driver. also what a badass title
'2008 Otago International Classic Rally' (eng) - THE BESTIES REUNITE THE BESTIES REUNITE!!! michèle and fabrizia reunite for a rally that fabrizia convinced michèle to join, they suffer some problems but there are plenty of wholesome bestie moments to be had
'Michele Mouton hurls Group B Audi Quattro up Goodwood hill' (eng) - i mean, self explanatory. the sound of the chirping tires? asmr could never. very short watch if you want a quick pick-me-up
'1990 Louise Aitken-Walker feature' (eng) - a video featuring a female rally driver from scotland and her point-scoring run at the rallye monte -carlo. i am convinced that louise was john finnemore’s inspiration or at least an influence for the character of linda fairbairn. no my hat is not made of tin foil what are you talking about
hannu rocketing around michigan back in 2017 (eng)
hannu flying around goodwood in 2015 (eng)
sometimes i listen to fabrizia's recent onboards (yes, she's still at it!) and this one is one of my favorites, from 2016 (ita)
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