#its just my complete lack of confidence in these movies
oifaaa · 10 months
Hey, so I could get in so much trouble for this, because the guy who told me this BROKE AN NDA on accident, but I was at a conference today on comic writing, and one of our speakers is a major Damian Wayne writer, and he informed us that HE WAS CALLED IN TO CONSULT ON THE NEW SUPERMAN MOVIE BECAUSE DAMIAN IS ABOUT TO BE CAST FOR THAT MOVIE
I swear to fucking god that this is true, the only reason I'm not posting it myself if because I have no followers and no one would see. The staff at the conference actually had to go around and confiscated our phones to delete the video footage of his talk to try and stop this from leaking.
Please spread the word! I know this sound like spam or a lie, but its real!!!!
God I know I'm gonna sound really rude rn which I really am sorry about i don't mean anything mean about it I just man is this not really interesting to me I've not been keeping up with casting at all for the new superman or the new dcu bc like I just can't bring myself to care and we already knew damian was gonna be the robin in these movies which not hyped about (who's ready to see talia get bastardised on the big screen with a white damian) but also yeah we know damian was coming so obvious they'd be casting him
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galaxythreads · 2 years
i literally don't understand the mcu script writes who've bragged about never having seen the previous movies, like bro??? how do you expect that script to be consistent with the rest of the canon?????????
normally I'd laugh and be like Yeah, anon, these guys are insane, but you have bypassed Mental Breakdown part of my brain and now I am deeply, deeply curious.
Why is it that mcu script writers are so proud to be arrogant?
Warning for minor language.
So anyway, the person I thought of specifically as being Generally Terrible to the Franchise Lately was Michael Waldron, who wrote Loki, Dr. Strange 2, AND is currently working on Avengers: Secret Wars. (Yay)
So I did a lot of research about where this guy CAME from and how he's impacted everything because I swear to God I'd never heard of him before Loki. And now I see him everywhere, but usually only in loathing.
Michael Waldron, according to Wikipedia, is currently 35 as of 2022 and graduated from some Film School i haven't heard of and can't be bothered to remember. He is unmarried(?) and has been active in the film industry since 2014. (8 years, for those of you counting.) He started work on Loki in 2020(? unconfirmed).
The thing that struck me the most was how incredibly short his project list is.
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My man has six (6) completed projects. He had three before he started on Loki. And while this doesn't necessarily mean that he's bad, it does show a level of inexperience that baffles me personally.
For comparison, Kenneth Brangah, one of four screenwriters for Thor 1's list is this:
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And again, it's not like Brangah's list is enormous, but I do see a lot more experience under their belt before they were approached by MCU rather than Waldron, who had done three projects. Brangah had 20 years in sceenwriting when he went to work for Thor. Waldron had six.
And the amazing thing to me is that even the shows Waldron's executive producer on, he wrote like, two episodes for it? Then he handed it off to other writers. So he doesn't, as far as I can tell and I found, seem to have a lot of experience actually working the writing process, just supervising it.
(I could be wrong)
But here is his latest series Heels, for reference.
the section says "Written by" above the names, I cropped it weirdly.
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So we have a man who has, at this point, worked six years in the industry. He has worked on three shows. He was the assistant for one show, he did not write in the other one, and he has written for ONE show, total. Produced one show, was the executive producer for ONE show.
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What I am seeing here, is, from what I can see, a lack of experience. And it shows. Badly.
So why did Marvel hire him?
According to an interview Waldron did, where I'm drawing a great deal of this information, he has always wanted to work for the Big Leagues. He wanted to work on Star Wars mostly, from what I could see, but he didn't think that Marvel would be bad either. When he approached his agent about how to get working for Marvel his agent told him he needed to have written a movie.
Now you're probably wondering. I DID look at that list of projects he's been involved in, and there wasn't a movie.
You are correct!
Waldron wrote a movie called The Worst Guy of All Time and the Girl Who Came to Kill Him. It's on The Black List and was never filmed, to my understanding. But he sure did write that script. And that script, I believe, is where a lot of issues in Loki start to come to light, but we'll get to that in a minute.
"At some point the script made its way to Marvel as they were meeting people for Loki and that got him in the door to pitch and that pitch got him the job."
When Kevin Feige was hiring directors, Waldron walked in and "I thought I was going to get it, but that's my attitude, I guess, hopefully as unarrogantly as that can sound, but I think you got to be confident" (Waldron). Feige was apparently impressed and hired him on.
Which again, a bold choice that COULD have been great, to give a small name the chance to work on a project like this?? Incredible. Just not in this context.
I feel immensely confused that MCU, which is a multi-billion dollar industry, did NOT actually hire someone with years and years of experience like they did for Thor 1. Instead, they went with someone who, personally to me, didn't have enough experience to seem like he knew what he was doing.
So now Waldron is working in MCU. Things are going great for him. He has TWENTY WEEKS to come up with the plot, the scripts, and the story for the entire Loki series.
TWENTY. I cannot emphasize this enough. That is no time at all. They went from blank slate NO IDEAS to a full script in TWENTY. WEEKS.
So HOW then, did Waldron get approached to do Dr. Strange 2?
Apparently, Waldron and Owen Wilson were talking one day and Waldron got asked to do Dr. Strange 2 because it was just as chaotic as Loki was.
WALDRON: Yeah. By that time, I had been able to build the trust. We'd written Loki. Loki was in good shape at that point. It was headed into production. I was getting ready to go to Atlanta. Fortunately, the scripts were in good shape. One of our writers, a close friend of mine, Eric Martin, took my place and went and was the writer on set, which you've got to have, and he did amazing work carrying the show across the finish line, from a writing standpoint. And yeah, it was just, "All right. You did Loki. That was crazy. Come do Dr. Strange. This is going to be crazy, too." That was really fun.
And guess what! This is the instructions he was given FOR Dr. Strange 2.
WALDRON: It is purely, 100%, "Make the most kick ass Dr. Strange movie you can possibly make." There was no, "You got to get here. It's got to fit here."
Which, by the way, Feige stated that he had no plans for the Loki series beyond time travel, and Waldron was instructed to do whatever he felt like. A 100% most kick-ass time travel series, you might say.
Okay. So now that we have some background, I'm going to get onto my soapbox and explain why this man was a horrible, horrible directing choice and shows 0 understanding of the characters. This is going to go over Loki and Dr. Strange 2, for reference.
The biggest disaster I see with Loki is that the FIRST -- and I emphasize this, the FIRST -- thing that Waldron says about Loki in the interview is this:
Waldron: And I'd written a time travel movie about a character who was kind of a villain, and kind of a sh*thead, like Loki.
I think that the problem that Waldron suffered from the most in Loki is that Waldron didn't want to make a TV series about Loki. He doesn't like the character very much from what I can tell. Obviously, he calls him a sh*thead, but he never has anything nice to say about Loki as a whole either. He doesn't want to talk about Loki as a person, or Loki's story, Waldron wants to talk about the TVA. I seriously cannot emphasize this enough. Not once in the interview did Loki as a person come up. Loki didn't even seem to be a character to him.
The TVA is where Waldron seems like most of his time was spent, because that was, after all, what MCU wanted to do. I honestly, genuinely do not believe this man would have taken the job for Loki if it wasn't about time travel. Because Waldron could focus on the TVA and not Loki. Loki was an irritant he had to occasionally do something with.
And now we get to his script that was pitched to MCU.
Waldron: I sat down and I wrote a script that was a time travel action rom-com, is how I would describe it...because they [Marvel] wanted to make a time travel show. And I'd written a time travel movie about a character who was kind of a villain, and kind of a shithead, like Loki.
And the thing is, to me, sounds a lot like the TV series. A romcom, with time travel, and a sh*thead kind-of villain. That's the series we got. I do wonder how much of this pitch made it into the final series, because this is what Waldron had as a reference. (The director wanted to make a romance from what I understand, that was her vision of the series was this long-winding romance, and it doesn't look like anyone sat down in the writer's room and explained to them that the last thing that would fuel Loki's story forward was romance.)
And the thing is, Waldron doesn't seem to understand Loki as a character at all, if Loki is "kind of a villain and a sh*thead" because yeah, sure, Loki can be considered that, but that's not WHO Loki is. That's what people SEE him as.
Waldron at no point references having read the scripts for the Avengers, Thor 1 or the Dark World inside this interview. This doesn't mean he hasn't seen the movies or read the screenplay, as I often hear said about him, but it is strange to me that he makes so little mention of Loki.
This man is so focused on the TVA. Despite how much of a disaster the TVA ended up being. Here's some notable quotes:
WALDRON: What did I learn? Don't write one about time travel, because it's a pain in the ass.
WALDRON: ...A foundation of what constitutes a broken time law and what doesn't, so that we could then just, which is about Loki breaking a time law, and then you have to move all that stuff as far to the background as humanly possible, because you don't want the audience focusing on the rules of time travel during your show.
I love how "Loki breaking a time law" is supposed to be the center of it all and comes off as an afterthought.
"don't want the audience focusing on the rules of time travel in your show" YEAH. CAUSE IT'S GARBAGE. Maybe if he and the others had had more than a weekend (exaggeration, untrue statement) to work on how time travel works, we'd have something that didn't make me want to scream into a pillow for ten years.
WALDRON:  All over our writer's room, our white boards were just covered in timelines. And it's just, "No, time travel works this way," "No, time travel works that way." That was the great challenge of our show, it was because the Time Variance Authority is an organization that literally manages and polices all of time, we had to define what time is to them and what time is in the MCU. 
I think we can blame this disaster on the Russo brothers. ^
WALDRON: Those are all questions we had to ask and define for ourselves. I think that what's fun about the TVA is it takes something remarkable, like time travel, and really packages it in a very soulless, sort of bureaucratic way. That's what was exciting to me, as a writer, was to take something so magical and just make it utterly soulless. -- So what we have is a writer's room so focused on the TVA that Loki becomes a secondary concern and the lens from which we VIEW the TVA, and then it stops becoming Loki's series and starts to become the TVA's.
But no one seemed to realize this.
And also "That's what was exciting to me...was to take something so magical and make it utterly soulless" is a GREAT way to go about time travel. I also think he applies this to everything and it shows.
So again. Writer focused on the TVA. Appears to me to not care about Loki. Spends a majority of the interview discussing ANYTHING but the main lead of his show. Does not want to talk about growth or character or WHERE LOKI CAME FROM? WHY ARE YOU NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR LEAD?
But that's okay. Because we all know that the TVA was the main character of Loki, don't we?
Another interesting point, I thought, was how Waldron writes relationships. I watched a review of his TV series Heels, where the reviewer came to this conclusion about the main characters:
"...And that's just what made this show so fascinating, is that…all these characters, that in some way, treat each other horribly, but in other sense do care about each other, and they're all so entwined with trying to make this thing work."
and that sounded extremely familiar. Because this is the cast of Loki. Waldron seems to have discovered his Character Formula.
Thanks. I hate it.
I just...this man can't have been a bad writer in just Loki right, and this has to be a consistent theme across all his work? And honestly, he's worked on so little that I don't know. I can't have an honest opinion of him. From what he has worked on, terrible character chemistry seems to be the general vibe. Waldron does not seem to know how to write characters that you understand why they like each other.
Hence, Loki being abused by every figure of authority in Loki, and Slyive treating him horribly, but somehow they all like each other in the end.
Because that's Loki. The TVA series, Loki on the side, getting beat up. Because he's bad.
Dr. Strange 2 has a similar set of problems. It was written in a rushed time frame, there was no overarching idea for a plot and where the story needed to go, Waldron was just told to do what he wanted, and Waldron didn't seem to be too focused on character arcs.
Wanda, obviously, takes a devastating hit as far as arcs go, but I wouldn't say that Dr. Strange was spared, either. The two of them go through rapid flipflopping in terms of the growth they've incurred throughout the entire MCU, and it shows. Badly.
One thing that Waldron did say that absolutely baffled me was this:
WALDRON: I became good friends with Jac Schaeffer, head writer of WandaVision, while I was writing Loki. Her and I became good pals, because we were kind of in it together and everything...So, I had the benefit of just being able to call Jac and talk to her about Wanda's character and everything, because it was really important to me that I do right by her with what she did with Wanda as a character. And also, with Lizzie, who's a friend of mine. I really worked with her and made sure, "Okay, you guys just did this incredibly intimate show about this character that grew her so much. Let's make sure that we're doing that justice and telling a fulfilling next chapter of that story."
I am so confused. Waldron honestly appears to want to do right by Wanda, but Wanda's growth from WandaVision was destroyed in Dr Strange 2 (and I want to emphasize here that Waldron made no such comment about talking to Tom Hid. or previous directors of Thor movies) so then how did Wanda end up going through such a downward spiral? Waldron wanted to do right by her, and yet???
I think the biggest problem is that Waldron doesn't have to think long term. He's almost not supposed to. He said this:
WALDRON: Well, I think one of the joys of being a writer in the Marvel world is getting to make terrible messes and leave them for your predecessors
WALDRON: For instance, you write the Loki show and then you end up writing Dr. Strange 2, having to clean up your own mess and that can be a lot of fun.
WALDRON: And it will naturally connect to the MCU and it will naturally get the MCU to where it's supposed to go, in some ways that we expect and ways that sometimes you don't expect, and I think that's part of the fun.
Waldron was given the explicit instruction to write a good Dr. Strange movie, but not a good MCU movie. Part of the reason that Phase 4 feels like a bunch of puzzle pieces from different puzzles is that it was designed to be that way. Feige is just going with the flow to see what will happen rather than having any sort of idea of where to take the series.
"It will naturally get MCU to where it's supposed to go" is one of the most hilarious statements I've ever heard, by the way. As someone who has done original writing, and planned out a series, my 200+ page document of planning, background, and worldbuilding laughs at you. (And I still don't have it all finished, because I've had MONTHS to work on this). Maybe. Maybe they want to try and not publish the first draft of phase 4?
Waldron wasn't told to make a movie about Wanda, or how to progress Wanda's character in a way that made sense post her growth. And any problems that were there they blamed on the Darkhold, because it's someone else's problem to clean up. Very neat. Very good planning.
So overall, I don't think that MCU writers are proud of their ignorance, I just don't think that they see a problem with it. Writers are told to do what they want to, without there being any plans for character growth or plot advancement, so they do. They put whatever they want out on the sandbox and wait for someone else to clean it up.
Feige seems fully onboard with this plan. So the real problem, I think, is the fact that MCU is expecting writers to come up with complex, interconnected plots in twenty weeks, and the writer's don't have the time to write consistent character arcs, they just tell a flashy story because at least you get something out there.
I honestly don't imagine Secret Wars will be any different. Waldron has shown that he really really enjoys writing stories, but not characters. This is not to say that we should blame all of this on Waldron, because I don't think it's really his fault. I think it's more the fact that he's the byproduct of a system set to fail.
The writer's ignorance is someone else's problem in MCU, apparently. But don't worry. This will naturally get MCU where it's supposed to go. Just tilt your head and squint a little. Then close one eye. And then the other. Now you can see what brilliance Phase 4 is clearly.
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 2: The Jerrick Trap
(Not Rick, not Jerry, but some secret third thing)
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Spoiler alert ahead!
My Favs
The new voice actors:
I wanted to bring this up again because I think that Ian Cardoni has really evolved into his role as the new voice actor for Rick. It’s really hard to believe that Cardoni has only had this job for about month or two but is already playing this character like he’s been there since the beginning. It didn’t once cross my mind during this episode that I was not listening to Justin Roiland anymore. Harry Belden’s Morty sounds like a nice blend of Roiland’s Season 1 and Season 6 performance of that character.
Freaky Friday:
I appreciate that they didn’t do a clean body-swap but gave RickBody and JerryBody an amalgamation of the two minds in conflict with each other, but then evolving over the course of the episode into someones (or something) with its own identity.
I kinda have a soft spot for Chuxly. He’s just a mid-tier criminal who’s trying not to cause any unnecessary trouble. He doesn’t need any incompetent goons kidnapping the precious grandson of the most dangerous man in the universe and he’ll kiss as much ass as he can until his lips are ass-colored.
Your dad’s a gay assassin?:
It’s a spectrum
Conehead missle:
So gross but RickBody looked so happy! Also I get why RickBody and JerryBody would like that movie because it is so dumb and so weird in a good way.
Burger and Fries!
God I love their cute name for each other! Also, am I the only person who found them snorting crystals together as they remember their love for Morty weirdly endearing.
Rick and Jerry’s half-assed note to the family:
But they wrote a novel for Gene
Do you hear the symphony of atoms dying in space?:
I don’t blame Summer for wanting to listen to a podcast. I would want to distract myself from whatever that is driving the car.
The Stupid Rake Gag:
This joke is older than God herself and in hindsight I should have seen this coming. The inciting incident was due to Gene stealing a rake. It was all laid out for this to happen but it was so cleverly concealed until it happened that I was absolutely taken off-guard. God I love that Jerry and Rick were rescued from their monstrous Jerricky form by a corny rake gag.
Rick and Jerry care about each other. They really do!
Though they’ll never admit it.
Memory Rick!
He’s alive and well and kept Rick and Jerry from completely losing their minds to Jerricky. Sadly, he might be stuck in Jerry’s mind for awhile unless he can make use of springs and gears and only springs and gears. I imagine there’s going be an episode in the future about his escape.
My Not Favs:
He will haunt my dreams until my dying breath in which he will then greet me at the gates of Hell where he will orchestrate my torture for all eternity and a day. Personally, I wasn’t a huge fan of Jerricky and the final fight with him and why did they give it a six-pack? Neither Jerry or Rick have a six-pack. Who do they think they’re fooling?
Rick’s mind was a bit overpowering:
Maybe this is because Rick is a character with such a big personality but I felt like the aspects that could be Jerry was a bit drowned out. RickBody and JerryBody acted mostly like Rick with sprinkles of Jerry rather than an even mix of the two.
A criminal lack of Morty:
Morty (or should I say, Rick Jr.) maybe turning into a little criminal but I would like to have some more screen time with him. There’re eight more episodes left so I’m not too worried about this but I think Morty is a little underutilized for a character who has some great story potential (and his name is in the title of the show). However, I’m glad we got to see more of him compared to the last episode. He is getting so confident and not waiting around for his grandpa/dad and dad/grandpa to get himself out of trouble.
My Thoughts:
I love myself a Rick and Jerry team-up episode and this episode was no different. Rick and Jerry may never admit it, but they are more alike than different and their minds meld well together ( as long as they don’t make a Jerricky). The Rick/Jerry dynamic has always been rife with conflict since the first episode when Jerry tried to convince Beth to put Rick in a nursing home because Rick pulled Morty out of school, repeatedly, behind their backs. In a sweet moment in the middle of the episode we hear them admit that Rick doesn’t believe Jerry is useless and that Jerry sees Rick as a friend. By the end of the episode, they are back to bickering at each other again but we know as an audience that it comes from a place of love for each other and their love for Summer, Morty and Daughterwife. This episode, in my mind, was much stronger than last week’s and oh so weird in the best possible way, except for maybe Jerricky. Jerricky was the weakest part of the episode with the fight scene being a bit lackluster for an otherwise bonkers episode. Though that rake gag killed me. They really did just sneak that in and thought I wouldn’t notice, which I didn’t so good job on their part. It absolutely felt like a classic Rick and Morty episode and I hope each episode continues getting better and better. Also, it was nice seeing Memory Rick again and,
“Yeah, Memory Rick, Rick totally got rid of you on purpose.”
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decepti-geek · 6 months
okay listen Aziraphale has basically NOTHING in common with Elle Woods aesthetically but besides that minor detail a Legally Blonde (specifically: The Musical au) would be PERFECT for Good Omens/Ineffable Husbands????
And I wanna make a distinction right off the bat - if we went by the movie, Crowley would proooobably be the only one who really fits Elle because she's the only one with a real fish out of water narrative. HOWEVER. Musical!Elle is more overtly like... fish out of water but still with some safety nets (ha) to fall back on, which are highlighted within the story. And meanwhile Emmett gets his own fish out of water story with the specific focus on his comparatively underprivileged background, and when you put those two together, Crowley feels a lot more Emmett to me.
Like, Aziraphale has the two key Elle qualities of a) lots of shit going unexamined because he's never truly lacked power/privilege before, and b) belligerent determination to do the right thing even when people are telling him it will cause him personal detriment. Crowley's whole dynamic with Aziraphale in the Job and Resurrectionist minisodes is basically just Emmett in Chip On My Shoulder if you swap 'navigating the heaven/hell dichotomy' with 'navigating law school.' GABRIEL IS A DEAD RINGER FOR WARNER. THE METATRON WOULD BE CALLAHAN. Serious and Blood In The Water fit them both so well post-s2 I'm just [clutches face] (the reprise for Serious is probably even more fitting for Gabriel than the initial version tbh).
Also, What You Want is just concentrated Aziraphale energy imo - "So! I will get into Harvard, impress Gabriel, win him back, and then marry him! Wait, you really think I need more of a plan than that? Can't I just... charge ahead and do it anyway?" In some ways I think I like this AU because it's effectively Aziraphale walking up to Crowley and going 'god says it's MY turn to be the absolute hot mess'
Beelzebub can a) be Vivian and b) stay together with Gabriel at the end, as a treat for Gabriel (Gabriel still drops out to become a model). This is partly because I find the idea of Beelzebub becoming Aziraphale's personal cheerleader towards the end fuckin delightful. The Brooke thing feels like it would take some finagling but I am confident it can be wrangled into a good shape with the right choice of characters (Harriet Dowling is legitimately a frontrunner right now but I think that could very easily change).
I can think of multiple directions in which to approach the Paulette and Kyle subplot, and honestly multiple couples who would fit if you changed up the surrounding circumstances a bit? I like the idea of Nina and Maggie in a very drifted version, maybe where they both still own their canon businesses, because then TECHNICALLY Nina as the one with the horrible ex would be Paulette, and it would be fun to switch around who is hopelessly pining after who!!
I am also playing around with Delta Nu roles BUT I know in my soul that Muriel is Margot if only because then they get her line like "Keep it positiiiiiive~ As you slap [them] to the floor! :D" Please take a moment to imagine Muriel singing that in full earnestness, it's a delight.
(And having decided this I kind of want the frat boys from the bit in What You Want to just be like... multiple Erics).
These are the edges of the idea, where stitching it together into something coherent starts to get a bit shaky, but at its core is Ineffable Husbands content along such lines as!
Crowley getting Emmett's little moment of delight at the end of Chip On My Shoulder when Aziraphale makes his first successful argument in class! ('Fell' rhymes with 'Elle' we can get some scansion going here with 'little Miss Woods comma Elle' I know it)
For that matter, the "Where are your law books?" bit in Chip On My Shoulder would be extremely funny if Aziraphale's dorm room is just the bookshop in miniature, and then still under all of that the textbooks are plastic wrapped and completely buried and unread becase they simply do not interest him the way an antique bible does.
Aziraphale in the playboy bunny costume and Crowley doing the "What's up?" [excruciating pause] "... Doc?"
The proposal right at the end where Crowley gets the repeated little 'oh my god's!
So many things about Take It Like A Man!
"Swallow your pride for me, just nod yes" is just such an Aziraphale @ Crowley line, generally.
THE CHORUS "Here you'll become what you're supposed to be/You think you can't but you can/Think of the guy you want most to be/Here's your chance to make it..." I will FIGHT people on how much this fits, Aziraphale has always wanted Crowley to have a place where he can inhabit the wants-to-do-good parts of his personality without fear or punishment, which Crowley is convinced he cannot have. This is the same idea!! (And in this AU, a more seamless role in the establishment is... legitimately the best that Aziraphale has the power to offer Crowley, tbh).
"Why can I never say no to her?" is basically just Crowley's canon inner monologue, c'mon.
"That's the best part/The outside is new/But now it reflects what's already in you/Couldn't change that if I wanted to" Again, I am prepared to Fight about this being a brilliant fit.
And then finally with this song, "Don't watch me change!" would have added embarrassed Crowley Noises which is wonderful to think about.
AND!!! The part of this whole stupid concept that so deeply compels me!!!!!
The duet part of the title song from either side of the door!!
"What about love/I never mentioned love/The timing's bad I know/But perhaps if I'd made it more clear/That you belong right here/You wouldn't have to go/Cause you'd know that I'm so much in love"-
"We both know you're worth so much more"
"If you can hear, can I just say/How much I want you to stay"|"It's not up to me..."
[in chorus] "You are the best thing about this place-"
I am going to be thinking about this last one for days.
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basslinegrave · 3 months
its always nice to come back to a ship after a "break" from it to be able to look back at things and look at everything with fresh eyes and stuff.
thinking about stobotnik (and shipping them romantically, to be specific) and how easy it is to look at them and go yep, theyre together. i guess partially because theres nobody telling me otherwise (or im good at avoiding those peeps online) and its all quite open, but from a new perspective i wouldnt even say its That toxic (if you ignore the fact that theyre literally evil) only thinking of jims words saying its abusive, hes like the only one i care about saying stuff since hes part of this. i have thoughts about that... but besides that - maybe its some weird copium but. to me, at worst it can be one sided, at best its literally anything. couple, "married", weird unlabeled Thing going on, i eat them all up. (i understand a lovey dovey bot is quite ooc, but thats not the only way to show love, and he definitely has his own ways)
my biggest thought lately is how in s2 bot is much nicer to stone, but i dont take it as "oh he changed and grew as a person while exiled and isnt abusive anymore" but rather "this is the norm" and him being awful to stone in s1 was literally just because of sonic. like this little alien thing is a completely new variable in the flow of things and it made him so frustrated, he already has a short fuse, so this is just what happened. also thinking about how hes a bit more collected normally (in s2 its also from the emerald, and some newfound false confidence, But in s1 before they find sonic you can see him going from stern but collected to just a shouting mess ), like this brought out this side of him or amplified it (a side which he absolutely would not hide around stone) it is also fun to think, oh he just bullies him. (but i obviously dont look at that as too bad, i guess in fanon you can play with the idea that stone fucks with it) but with them deleting all of those scenes for s2, for a few reasons ig, it tells a slightly different story to me... does this make sense? the way he talks to stone at the start in s1 and in the good cop bad cop scene is like quite calm to me for robotnik. thats how i imagine he would normally be around stone. smiling at him more often than snarling, showing off etc. the way the manifesto is written too, theres respect given to stone, and i doubt it was written inbetween the movies or last second. like that is something that he made x time ago imo way before s1, so the way he barked at him in the 'pin yourself to the wall' scene, to me thats just plain frustration and lack of emotion control taking over. plus how he completely switches that off once he notices the quill, no he doesnt hate stone, hes not angry at him, hes just angry. and stone was the closest person to take it out on. is that healthy? no, but it makes for the most fun dynamic ive seen in my fav media so i love that.
and the whole thing with him grabbing stone and shoving fingers in his mouth and what not, in all fairness your honor, he is literally innocent. he is neurodivergent and his love language is on the same level as people biting other people they like. its literally just that (reminds me of someone that i strongly believe had a crush on me in hs and they would ask to sit next to me in class and then push me off my chair and write on and tear my notes and it was cute to me. so im projecting that onto stone okay)
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as-i-watch · 8 months
in my opinion i think the opla did a very good job of trying to emulate the one piece manga and anime, but there’s a part of the anime that they can’t really convey through the live action. like… i think that the cartooniness of one piece, as well as the occasional emotional moments is what makes one piece one piece, but while the opla was able to get some of it, being a live action, it wasn’t able to convey all of it
it’s still wonderful, and i love it, but i like to compare it to the percy jackson movies. good live actions in their own right (still think opla did it WAY better) but compared to the original, it falls short (percy jackson a lot, opla a tiny bit)
i think the main issue for me is the characterisation. inaki did a very good luffy, but you can clearly see how it’s so inaki luffy instead of luffy luffy. still good, but still different
and i think mackenyu did zoro well, but in my opinion, it doesn’t fit him very well. zoro (while i still love him) isn’t as pretty as mackenyu is. mackenyu is too much of a pretty boy
i actually remember hearing in an interview that mackenyu grew up with anime, and of course one piece. i think he emulates zoro extremely well, and he tries his best to make it anime accurate, but he as a person just doesn't fit perfectly, the vibes are kinda off. still absolutely in love with him though
i think that it shouldn't have skipped so many parts of the original, but of course, it completely makes sense why they did
anyways, like i said, i think that if you don't compare them to each other, it's very good, and i do love how they did it (i'm also so happy that so many people loved the live action that they're actually starting to watch the anime!!)
I just finished episode 3 but i totally agree
My biggest fear when the adaptstion was announced was precisely that, bc one piece is so one of a kind, it can make you smile, it can make you sad, you cry tears of joy and of pain, and the anime takes the time to develope the charecters, the stories and the world, so sometimes the emotions are conveyed in such a subtle but effective way bc they took the time to make sure it did. Not to mention the tone and aesthetic. There's a lot that was gonna be difficult to translate to live action
That said, so far i think they did it great! I think they found a certain balance between the cartoonish and the 'real world' lets call it, and they took advantage very cleverly of cgi and practical effects to achive that too.
I agree the thing that perhaps lacks for me too is the charecters and also the pasing imo. But again, it was impossible to fit the storytelling way of the famously 'too long' anime in a 8 episodes per series format.
I too think Luffy feels the most different, i already talked a bit about that and i think it was just the result of it being a western production plus the complex charecter Luffy is. But Iñaki put so much love into his Luffy, you can feel it, its endearing
I dont have a problem with Mackenyu's Zoro funny enough. Sure, i miss how silly anime Zoro can be (but again, the tone thing) and they tried to make it too purposefully imo. Zoro is not edgy. He is badass and a maniac but he doesnt want to wear only black or cares about pressenting an "attitude". But there's a ray of hope for me (i havent finish the show so it might change my mind), the biggest stupid ass smile when he said he'd cut Helmepo's hair. He can be silly and less serious, so i hope i get to see more of that as he feels more comfortable in the crew.
Nami i like, im waiting for the Arlong park arc to make up my mind bc thats where her true colors shine either way. Really liking her dynamic with Luffy so far tho
Havent seen Sanji yet
And Usopp, i just met him and this might sound mean but this Usopp is too cool. Kinda like what you said for Zoro. I think this Usopp has more confidence in himself than anime/manga Usopp did back then and he is not that much of a coward. The coward part is important bc every time he stood up to fight it meant so much more. But again, is early for me to make up my mind this is just first impressions
But like you said, this is just bc of the comparison, on its own i think they are all doing amazing jobs and, so far for me, the writers managed to pull off something that to me was next to impossible and in a great way too.
Im curious to see how someone that hasnt watched the anime reacts to the mixed tone of live action meets silly cartoonish vibes, i hope its not too of context for a first time watcher
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nemmet · 7 months
Nem what do you think of the movie scooby-doo ! Shaggy's showdown (2017)
i love it, definitely a favourite of mine!! it has its pacing issues and the animation is a little rougher than usual, but it more than makes up for those things with the story, setting, monster and character moments!!
i love both this film and the phantosaur for the focus & little character arcs they give to shaggy in terms of his confidence!! his instant bond with tawny is so sweet, and it's interesting to see how he grapples with the dapper jack legend. speaking of dapper jack, he's one of if not my favourite scooby movie monster. everything about him from his design to his backstory is so fascinating and well thought out!! the twist regarding him gets me every time!!!!
the side characters are also great fun - i especially love buddy g, his sister who is trans because i said so, their parents and the guy who does every job around the ranch. and the gang themselves have some super fun moments to boot - shaggy's natural talent at being a cowboy, fred's complete lack of talent at being a cowboy (press f for his sprained ankle), scooby letting buddy g ride on his back, daphne getting so excited over her cowgirl outfit, and velma's ICONIC hatred of el kabong.
just a super fun movie all around with a uniquely wholesome energy to it, helped by a strong cast and a great mystery with a fun twist!!
in conclusion:
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blahpanblah · 8 months
Day 2: Surprise/Music
My Shut in Life Will Turn Into Rock
The microwave beeped every two seconds as it signaled its completion. Amy walks her way over to the kitchen and opens it. She takes out the popcorn bag, and a few kernels pop as she goes to her couch.
Today was a classic self-movie night for Amy Rose. She had bought a romantic comedy for herself, Love Win-Win, one that she heard was good and decided to spend her night watching it.
She grabbed her remote and pressed play to start the movie. As Amy wraps her warm blanket around her, she holds the bowl she poured her popcorn into. Her day was going great!
Dang it. Someone had knocked on her door. Great, there goes her me-day.
Amy walks to the door, stretching her arms and legs. She opens the door and sees a blue robot, about a foot taller than she was, waiting patiently behind the door.
“What do you want, Metal?” Amy asked, unamused and unshocked at them appearing at her house.
The two had become good “friends” with each other for about two years now. Friends are in quotes because that is not what Metal would call her. “Acquaintance Rose” was the closest Amy would get if she wanted them to call her a friend. Even though they would never say it. Amy knew they considered her a dear friend.
Their friendship started with both venting out frustrations to one another. Or, Amy was more to Metal than the other way around, seeing that they lacked a voice box at the time. But nowadays, with them having a voice, they could do it freely when the option was available.
“I need a hobby.” Metal’s words leave them, as they don’t even bother to say “Hello” or even “Greetings,” just going straight to the point. Which was common for them.
“Nice to see you too, Mets,” Amy says, rolling her eyes. Chaos, it was the middle of the night. Did she really have to deal with this now? “What do you need a hobby for?”
Taking her not closing the door on them as a sign for introduction, Metal walks into her house. “Sage has told me that hobbies are things to occupy their mind when you're not doing anything in particular. And I need something to occupy me.”
“Okay, and you want me to help you with that… Why?” Amy asked. She knew the answer: it was because they trusted her. But she would never miss an opportunity to make them admit that.
“Because you are my…” Amy perks up with excitement as those words become vocal, but Metal stops themselves at the last second. “... Confidant . And I trust your decisions.”
Well… That was probably the closest she’ll ever get. Guess she’ll just have to take it. “Fine, I’ll help.” Amy wraps her arm around Metal’s neck and brings them closer to her. “But only because we’re best acquaintances!”
Metal slightly pushed Amy out of his grasp. They weren't the hugging type. But that never stopped Amy from doing it anyway.
“Alright then, what do you want your hobby to be?” Amy asked, but she immediately had her answer. As she grabs her bowl of popcorn on the couch.
“No.” Metal immediately answers. “I will watch a romantic movie with you later, but not now.”
Amy groans, “You say that all the time. One of these days, you're gonna watch one with me.” She grabs a popcorn kernel. “Want one?”
They don’t vocally answer, but Metal’s deadpan face does it for them. “Right, sorry.” Amy pops the kernel in her mouth as she sits on her couch comfortably.
Metal sits beside her with their knees straightened, acting more like the guest in this situation.
“Mmm,” This might be an arduous task for Amy. Metal wasn’t precisely an opened-and-shut person. She might have to dig a little deeper into them. “What do you like to do?”
“Destruction.” Metal answers without missing a beat. That wasn’t a clear answer Amy wanted; what could she do with that?
“Okay, what in particular?” The robot raises a finger, but Amy waves it away, “Before you say it, we’re not counting Sonic.”
Metal grunts, which were basically just a low bleep. “In that case, I’m not so sure.”
“Oh, come on, Mets.” Amy puts her hands on her face. “I can’t help you if you don’t help me here.”
Metal’s red eyes look down, and they think to themselves. “I suppose I am intrigued by the sound of it.”
“Okay! Okay, that’s something.” What to do with that, though?
Sound… vibrations… tunes… melodys… Music!
“I could get you into music!” Amy shouted, bringing her fist down to her palm.
“Music?” They perked their head, “Why music?”
“You like the sound of destruction, right? So you should like the sound of music and instruments and stuff!”
“...I believe that is a leap in logic.”
Amy crossed her arms, irritated. “Look, do you want my help or not?”
Metal rolled their eyes. Amy was the one person they trusted with this, and this seemed like the only way she’d help. “Fine.”
Cut to the two now sitting on the rug. Amy scrolls through her phone, trying to find the perfect song for Metal but coming up short. “Dangit.” She muttered.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just trying to find the right type of genre that would fit edgy robots.” She sticks her tongue out to Metal. She had the gut feeling they would do the same, seeing how they squinted at her. “Screw it. Let’s just try every genre and see which one you like.”
“Fine with me.” They shrugged.
“Let’s hope my neighbors don’t wake up with the noise.”
Metal remembers something as they then take Amy’s phone. “Hey!”
After a few seconds, they handed it back to her. “There, now the audio will only be heard by me.”
Amy looks through her settings and sees it’s now connected to something called ‘NeoMetal.’ “...You have Bluetooth?”
“Of course, It would only make sense that I would have something like this, wouldn’t it?” While they might usually sound condescending, they said it like they were asking a genuine question.
“I don’t know, maybe? Geez, do you need to be charged at night?”
For a few seconds, they didn’t say anything. But Amy immediately knew the answer to this question. She snickers. “Oh my gosh, really?!”
“Just play a song , please.” If they could blush, it would be obvious to see.
“Why? Are you almost out of batteries?”
“Yeah, okay, okay.” She scrolls on her phone again. She presses play on a song. “Alright, here’s some acoustic stuff. Y’know, guitars and all that.”
Metal sits still as they take it all in. Amy ate some of the popcorn from the bowl beside her as she watched their reaction.
After a few seconds, they shake their head and pat their ear, presumably pausing the music. “No, I don’t like this.”
“Is the song even over?”
“No, but the music isn’t exactly one I enjoy, or at the very least one I find a “Bop.””
“Alright, fine,” Amy scrolls again and finds another song. “How about some orchestra?” She says as she presses play.
It takes a shorter time for Metal to tap their ear again. “I don’t like this one either.”
“Oh, come on!” Amy groaned, “We’ll be here forever if you don’t make up your mind. Could you at least tell me what you didn’t like about it?”
“Mmm,” Metal ponders for a moment until they come to their answer. “It was too slow.”
“Slow . Dull even. It’s nothing I want to spend my time listening to.”
Alright, that’s a start, she supposed. Amy wondered what Metal could enjoy until she snapped her fingers and pressed play on another song.
As the song slowly starts, Metal looks at the hedgehog. “What genre is this?”
“Pop.” She says, all smug. “I’m sure that’ll help us get to the right song sooner or later.”
“I suppose.” Metal listens to the song longer than they did the past two. Not giving Amy a clear answer as to whether or not it was sufficeable.
But after a while, Metal taps their ear again. “Well, what did you think?!”
“Better. But not good for my taste.”
“Taste?!” Amy sputtered, “What, do you have a specific liking to a genre you didn’t know existed an hour ago?!”
Metal crosses their arms, “It’s not my fault that you choose poor music decisions that I find awful.”
“Awful!?” Now they are insulting her music taste?! That is something you never do to Amy Rose. She scrolls on her phone to find the best song she thought she had. “I’ll show awful!”
The robot’s ears perk as Amy raises the volume of the music. For a moment, it seems as though they might have bad opinions over it. But their emotions show they are starting to enjoy it.
They tap their ears nonetheless. “...What genre is this?”
“J-Pop.” She responded, now haughty. “You like it, don’t you? I have yet to come across someone who doesn’t like it.”
Metal thinks it over and comes to an answer. “It is good. However, I feel as though it is missing that specific something. It’s still not in the best tone I want it to be, if that makes sense.”
Amy thinks to herself, what could be that certain something? Oh, wait! Amy scrolls on her phone once more and plays a song that is so loud that she can slightly hear it out of Metal’s ears.
For the next three minutes, Metal was silent as they listened to the song through their ears. Any word they wanted to say was cut off by the music.
As the song ended, The robot still didn’t say anything. It was unknown whether or not they liked it or not. “Mets?” Amy waved her hand to Metal’s face. “Hellooooo?” She sits back down, looks at her phone, and sees another song playing. She pauses it and exits the app.
She then looks up and sees that Metal has gotten close to her face. “Ah!” Amy’s back lands on the floor as the robot leaves her startled.
“What genre was that?” Metal asks unblinkingly.
“Uh, J-Metal? I figured that you like destruction ‘n stuff; I figured something as hardcore as metal would be more of your liking.”
“Fascinating.” They say, still unmoving. A sudden thought comes to their mind. “Bands have performances, yes?”
Metal walks over to Amy’s laptop, picks it up, walks back to Amy’s side, and drops it on her lap. “Ah!”
“Can we go to one?”
“Ugh. Metal…”
“Please! You are my friend. Is that what you want to hear!? Please take me to one!”
Amy sighs. Guess this is going to be her whole night, isn’t it?
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monimccoythings · 6 months
Eddie Brock & Symby headcanons part II
I love them so much, they are my cringefail hyperfixations and deserved way better in the series. I just think they are neat.
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Sometimes when Eddie sleeps, he has nightmares. Of his past, of the verbal abuse he suffered at the hands of his father and Jameson and of that time he spent in a coma completely helpless. The symbiote tries to comfort him as best as it can, but given its naivieté and young age he has barely any grasp of humans emotions other that Eddie’s preferred anger and self hate. So it decides that the best course of action will be to wrap itself around Eddie’s body like a cocoon reassuring him of its presence through their shared bond. It may seem a simple gesture, but it really means more to Eddie than anything else.
Even if their diet consists mostly of junk food and coffee (which is probably the only thing they can afford) Eddie is constantly working out to keep fit. Given his symbiotic partner, the normal amount of weightlifting is nothing to him, so he has to ask his other to turn off their increased combined strength so he can improve his not so regular human powress.
I saw someone headcanon that once Eddie and the symbiote were fully merged a lot of body horror would be commonly happening in Eddie’s body, and boy they were absolutely right. Sometimes it’s extra white eyes all over his body, other times it’s a second mouth full of sharp teeth on his torso… These random transformations keep happening even when he is in human form, though they doesn’t seem to be bothering him at all and just accepts them as part of his daily life.
Eddie rarely smiles, given his gloomy view of life and low opinion of society. However there are two rare occasions were he allows himself to do it: one is when he feels is other wiggling playfull inside him; his lips quirk upwards in a soft smile full of tenderness; the other is when some bitch that has been annoying them is about to get it, that smile is wide, full of pointy teeth and devoid of any tenderness. It’s diabolical and menacing.
Eddie is a very determined man, and sometimes he tends to surpass his own limits, which drives dear Symby nuts. A healthy host is a happy host and an even happier symbiote, so they constatnly have to remind Eddie to sleep, eat and even shower when they are in the middle of a very intriguing case.
Despite being very vulnerable to fire and loud noises, the symbiote loves fireworks, they are entraced by the magical colorful lights illuminating the skies. They make sure to watch them from a safe distance though, no matter how pretty, fireworks are still very dangerous for symbiotes.
The symbiote also loves movies, Symby is fascinated by the storytelling and the acting of the characters. Their favorite genre are romantic comedies and dramas where everything turns alright in the end, they are a very sappy go. I think Eddie would also be interested in cinema, but more than the actual product he is more invested in the process of making a movie. Eventhough he likes to act though and uncaring, the symbiote can feel when one of their favorite sappy movies has touched him.
They may have been bonded to Eddie for as long as they can remember, but the symbiote has little no none idea about human culture and etiquette, and given Eddie’s lack of social skills they don’t have much to learn. That’s why sometimes they misinterpret some festivities (e.g. In St. Valentines they tried to take someone’s actual heart to give it to Eddie, thinking it was the meaning of the holiday.And Eddie thought it was the most romantic thing ever, they really are two idiots made for each other)
Given that now they have each other to rely on and being bonded gave them a massive boost in confidence, Eddie is less willing to take shit from anybody. If anyone tries to pull the same stunts on him that Jameson pulled it won’t end good.
But the thing I firmly believe in is that since they are bonded, their mental health has improved. They may be terrible influences over each other; yet Eddie is definitely happier than he was before (even if he remains a grump) and doesn’t feel like a failure anymore and the symbiote has someone who they can connect with and pursue a mutually beneficial relationship.
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rye-rice · 10 months
Bungo Stray Dogs: An Essay on the Parallels of SKK and SSKK? IDK anymore (Spoiler Heavy?? Thread Carefully)
Before writing this essay I have watched the anime up till season 4, read the manga in its entirety up to chapter 107, read the manga version of beast, watched the dead apple movie and read storm bringer. So a pretty substantial chunk of the BSD universe but not the entirety of it. I might get things wrong because I have a shitty memory and the last time I watched the BSD anime in its entirety was like in 2021. Originally, I had written an essay detailing the SSKK fight with Fukichi on the ship to my friends. Today I will further explore the themes that were addressed in that essay.
Issue 1: Their First Meeting
It is evident throughout the BSD series that Dazai thought that Atsushi and Akutagawa would be great working together and saw them as a second generation of what him and Chuuya were once. In the earlier episodes of Season 1 there is a scene in which the ADA showed Atsushi a picture of Akutagawa telling him to stay away from him and to run if he was spotted. Later on when outside with the Tanizaki siblings is the first meeting between the two. They fought and Dazai stopped it using No Longer Human. To me this seems like a somewhat parallel to SKK's own first meeting which involved Chuuya also not having the best impression of Dazai and wanting to fight him.
Issue 2: Their Trust
Unlike in SKK, SSKK does not have nearly the same level of trust if any at all. All of them working together is to please Dazai or for some other ulterior motive that does not exactly require them to have a substantial amount of trust in each other at all. However to say that they are completely devoid of trust in one another is entirely inaccurate. Atsushi struggles in his belief that Akutagawa will protect him where Akutagawa is completely confident in Atsushi's skills. That's why he's willing to give Atsushi his coat during the fight in Cannibalism against the Earth Ground Monster thingy underground. By giving Atsushi his coat, Akutagawa makes himself vulnerable as he is unable to use Rashōmon to defend himself (later we find out he can actually still use rashōmon but he probably prefers not to).
In dead apple, I feel that it is implied that Akutagawa had full faith in Atsushi that he would figure out that Byakko is his. And would thereafter gain back control of his ability and later join them in Mukurotoride (Skull Fortress the stupidest designed shit ever like who even designed it it looks like it could fall apart with a small gust of wind? Also the foundations are way to slim not to mention how parts of the building itself are held together with impossibly narrow beams we can discuss this later) Which honestly, that's crazy I would not have had that much faith in Atsushi personally. Especially since he is known to lick his own wounds. Though I could have misinterpreted the action and Akutagawa just genuinely thought that he could fight Shibusawa and win but you know what it's okay to be delulu.
As previously mentioned, the scene of which SSKK are fighting Fukichi. Fukichi mentioned that the reason they failed was due to Atsushi's lack of trust in Akutagawa to protect him. Dazai originally probably saw him and Chuuya in the two of them and therefore insisted for them to work together. However he miscalculated the fact that they might not be able to learn to have the same trust in one another as SKK has. Chuuya's strength is his loyalty. He's loyal to the sheep, he's loyal to the mafia, that very same loyalty is also extended to Dazai. Chuuya has the very simple faith that if he uses corruption, Dazai will use his ability to prevent him from dying. Trust is not exactly a strong suit of either part as of SSKK though.
Issue 3: Fighting/Bantering
Do I really need to explain this? (I dont but I'll still do it) Something that is unique to SKK and SSKK dynamic I feel is the fact that they seemingly hate each other but at the same time would help each other out. I won't even hesitate to use the word hate to describe their relationship because in Storm bringer, Mori told Dazai that he would save Chuuya simply because if he dies Chuuya would die too. Dazai then has a whole reaction to the fact that Chuuya would die with him and how horrible it would be. At the same time though, Dazai was willing to help Chuuya figure out whether or not he was a real human or if he was really just 2383 lines of code. (I love love-hate relationships you dont understand)
In SSKK, the two are seen constantly fighting each other because they didn't like something about the other. For example, Akutagawa doesnt like Atsushi's self pitying despite having everything that Akutagawa would ever want and Atsushi just disliking the way Akutagawa is able to just hurt others. They don't have the same mutual understanding as SKK because they are in two different organisations that although are under truce, were for the longest time opposing with the Black Lizard coming to attack the agency every few months for I guess shits and giggles? However when Atsushi made a promise with Akutagawa, Akutagawa didnt break it, really not killing a single person for 6 months and even after being turned into a vampire refused to hurt Aya because of this promise.
Issue 4: Circumstance and Fate
This part isn't really on a parallel but it's relevant.
We know from beast that if SSKK had met under a different circumstance that they would have been able to get along fine. This leads me to believe that their hatred was really a result of circumstance rather than an act of fate. There is also the fact that beast is a canonical au to the bsd main universe being one of the many worlds in the book. Thus, it is also safe to assume that in every world, SSKK would eventually end up as partners due to Dazai's direct intervention. But, what about the worlds in which Dazai did not influence them? I believe that they would have still ended up getting to know one another, whether it be under a better or worse circumstance.
Since there are so many parallels already within SSKK and SKK, it is also safe to say that the same could also be true for Dazai and Chuuya. Despite the universe, they might have still met each other. That the dislike they hold for each other could be circumstantial.
There are definitely parallels between SKK and SSKK but as many parallels as they are, there are also aspects unique to each one.
More on Mukurotoride's stupid design:
I wonder how someone even gets to the top and like the place where fyodor, shibusawa and dazai were all sitting and discussing and shit seems like the very top and like shibusawa got the whole collection up there too? Is it not heavy? How did this thin ass building not collapse yet??? Also why are the windows stain glass? I dont think anyone is regularly using that building let alone enough to warrant such fancy windows? Also this thing is next to Suribachi city. Ain't no way anyone spent resources to build that after the Arahabaki shit Chuuya pulled wayyy back and like no way it survived it either? Yeah you know what maybe let's not question it.
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pillsarchive · 2 years
A few random head cannons I have for Edward Nashton <<33
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His favorite book is house of leaves you cannot change my mind - its filled with mysteries and he loves that he can re-read it and find more little puzzles to solve every time.
He watches documentaries like a crazy man. He has a lot of unhealthy tendencies and behaviors, one of them is wallowing. Watching documentaries that make him sad or angry gives him an almost perverse sense of pleasure - its confirmation. Yes, the world is as terrible as you think it is. If he's not using them as a depressant he's watching them to learn. Understanding more about niche topics helps him write better riddles.
He's a punk. The music was one of the things that got him through his time at the orphanage, even as an adult one of the only times he feels sort of good is when he's at shows. Thrashing around and taking out his aggression via moshing. He's never felt the need to dress loud (probably due to self confidence issues, I have a feeling once he breaks out of arkham and he has no reason to hide his identity anymore he'll come into his own and put himself together better) but he does admire people who are alternative in some way a whole lot.
He has graphomania (an impulsive desire to write or draw). It started as a nervous habit as a child, writing down riddles or thoughts or bible quotes to get anxiety out, then it spiraled into writing anything - one word over and over again, nonsense, it doesn't even have to be legible.
He has always wanted to go back to college and get more degrees. He has a bachelors in accounting of course, but he wants so many more. He loves learning, he is sort of a humanitarian at heart (even though his rage stifles that sometimes - revenge is a hard thing for him not to want) so he greatly enjoys the atmosphere of college campuses too. When he went, even though he was still mostly shunned for being neurotic and strange, people were nicer to him than normal. In the classroom he felt at home - he's sort of a genius and other students had a hard time keeping up with him. His professors pushed him to pursue a more advanced degree but he couldn't afford it (and the arkham programs for getting the cash he needed were lacking, to say the least).
He's trans and on the spectrum.
He's a true crime nerd. He likes to read books on it more than watch podcasts or docs - he finds that reading about cases is more informative and less exploitative (as much as he maintains you should care about the victims more than the killers, it is kind of just talk. He has a huge fixation with murder. ) This mf is an encyclopedia when it comes to the zodiac killer - has he spent months trying to solve the ciphers? Yes.
GRAVITY FALLS GUYS. He loves - LOVES gravity falls. He is a children's cartoons enjoyer.
He burned down the orphanage.
He's a cryptid mystery girly. He loves ghost hunting tv shows and he's super into random mystery junk. He has solved kryptos. He does brag about this accomplishment to his fans. He does reveal what it means to spite the CIA.
Collects something weird and small like buttons or bottle caps or stamps.
Bilingual! He can speak the King's and latin.
Loves rats. In the orphanage they were scary, they stole stockpiled food which could mean starvation, they chewed on you and gave some kids infections, they were horrible. Now that he's out and living in his own place he finds a lot of catharsis in taming them and befriending them.
In my universe he was in a mook adjacent band that broke up because he couldn't work well with the other bandmates.
He did NOT FLOOD THE CITY. I feel like in the movie this was completely off the wall, imu he doesnt ever make a plan to flood the whole city. What he does imu for the finale is a surprise >:].
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everything and nothing
Hello, everyone, I've received three words from you again. So, let's write a story today. The three words are "loneliness," "many friends," and "depression." Please note, if these three words don't resonate with you, you should skip this story or read it with a trusted person. As always, I hope I can entertain you well, and I'm confident, as always, that I can surprise you.
What you would do when you have friends, a family, yet still feel completely alone? You're probably thinking, "How can that be?" Well, that's the thing. You have a good life, friends, and family, but everything is just superficial. You laugh, you talk, you spend time together, and yet, you feel an endless loneliness. You know this is genuine loneliness. If you were truly alone, you'd feel lonely because you are, and you could do something about it - find friends, make connections, even if it's difficult. The hope would always be there, saying, "Once I find friends, I'll feel better, I won't be alone anymore." But what if you have everything, yet you feel like the supporting character in your own movie, where you're supposed to be the star? When nothing feels real, and you're actually all alone with yourself. Everything you have is a wrong role in a movie that isn't yours, and you're just watching as everything around you is one big lie. You should be happy, right? You have good family relationships, friends, work is going well, everything is absolutely in its best place. If you need help, you get it. If you want to do something, you make a call, and you can meet and have fun with various people. Isn't it perfect? Who could understand me if I told someone how I feel? After all, everything is exactly as everyone wishes. I lack nothing - i have money, i look pretty fine, i have a lot of loyal friends. I had a good childhood, good parents. So if I were to tell someone that I can't sleep at night, that I feel lonely,that i cry in the verry first moment´s when i am alone, that everything feels like a charade, they would say, "Imagine others have nothing, no home, no money, no friends." But what if I didn't want anything? What if nothing makes me happier? What if nothing gives me hope that I can change my situation? But here I am with everything, and everything is so perfect, and I can't do anything about it and this kills me .
I hope you enjoyed my story. Perhaps some of you can relate. But remember, you can change anything at any time, and you don't owe anyone an explanation. In the end, it's your life, and you're the protagonist. You can shape your life the way you wish and make yourself happy. That's your privilege as a human. Feel embraced until next time :)
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a-force-dyad-in-space · 11 months
I'm still not allowing myself to be excited for the One Piece live action but after having seen the trailer a few more times I'll say that as long as the pacing is good (bad pacing trips me up so hard) and the show captures the essence and spirit of the story, I won't hate it.
I just hope the rest of the writing is better than that "Not a crew" scene, I'm still not very happy with that. Sure, a lot of the comedy from the manga and the anime doesn't translate very well into live action but they can still bring out the silly parts without relying on the same kind of 0815 quips that are used by every action adventure movie since the beginning of the MCU.
Something I didn't learn until today is that Oda himself was heavily involved in the adaptation, including greenlighting the cast, which I guess gives me a little more confidence that the show won't be a trashfire.
I really like the cast (and now that I know Oda gave his okay for Nami's and Sanji's actors I'm putting my earlier reservations to the side), I like their energy, I highly appreciate their love for the One Piece universe, so I have a feeling they may be my favorite part of the adaptation.
Something that's also been pointed out is that the characters are wearing a lot of outfits from color spreads from the manga, which is really cool, I like that a lot, it gives them realistic costume changes while still staying true to their designs.
As for some of the criticism I've seen float around the tag:
"WHY ISN'T LUFFY WEARING FLIP FLOPS????" I was a little put off by that at first, too, but I honestly doubt that we'll pay a whole lot of attention to his feet when we watch the actual show (and who knows, maybe they'll show up at some point)
"WHERE IS SANJI'S CURLY BROW??????" This is probably completely a Me thing but when I watched the trailer for the first time I didn't even notice that because I was honestly much more worried about his hair before the trailer was released; I totally get that him not having the curly brow is a little disappointing and leaves out some of the greatest bickering between him and Zoro, but it's still possible that they'll bring it into the show some other way, even if he doesn't have it all the time; same goes for the smoking (which, given that it's an American production that is aimed at kids, isn't really surprising, since smoking/tobacco is its own content warning on American TV), we might see him light a cigarette here and there but we were never gonna see him chainsmoke the way he does in the manga/anime
"WHAT ABOUT USOPP'S NOSE????" Okay, let's be real here, had they given Usopp his Pinocchio nose through either CGI or VFX make-up, everyone probably would have complained how stupid and cringe it looks translated into live action; Jacob has a very expressive face that more than makes up for the lack of the Pinocchio nose in my opinion, but maybe that's just me (Jacob was also the first cast member I was fully on board with from the start, so maybe I'm biased, but that's how I feel)
"BUGGY LOOKS TOO SCARY" Guys, we only got one shot of him and we don't know the context for it; maybe this is his introductory shot, maybe this is a special dramatic shot, maybe this is how other people describe him, we just don't know; just wait until the show is out
"THE FOOTAGE IS TOO YELLOW" While it is likely that this is the final color grading, it's also possible that the final color grading wasn't done by the time they put the trailer together (like, some of the shots look like the yellow isn't as strong), they still have more than two months until release, they could still be doing final tweaks until then; and maybe they wanted to emphasize Luffy's sunny personality, who knows, the cinematography probably looks different in emotional scenes
Also, and this is only of interest to my fellow Germans, the German anime voice cast is dubbing the show, so I might actually watch it both in the original version and with the German voices because the nostalgia is reaaaaaaaallll
Be still, my heart, so you won't be disappointed, but be hopeful, be so so hopeful 🥲
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dearestones · 1 year
Death Note Matchup: Mikami Teru
Warnings: Fluff. 
Anonymous Request: Hello, I would like to request a Death Note character matchup. I am new to this, so I apologise in advance, if I mess something up.
I am quite an emotional and empathetic person with analytical mind. Neurodivergent. Prefer to have a few friends, but don’t mind to occasionally discuss something with a total stranger (when I don’t feel anxious).
Deeply love beautiful things, such as art, nature, architecture. Admire diversity in people’s appearance. Deeply attracted to the combination of inner strength, wisdom and kindness.
I love history, walks in an old city. Deep movies. Linguistic jokes and dark jokes. Cross-stitching, drawing, puzzles and games. Occasionally write poetry or thoughts. I have a hunger for understanding things.
I prefer dark heavy music and classical music. My favourite band is Dir en Grey and favourite classical composer is Rachmaninov.
My worst characteristics are: I am very insecure, although I am building up my confidence. I have trust issues. I am very likely to oversleep and be late. I am also jealous at times.
I would like to have a romantic matchup with male character. Thank you very much!🖤
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After going through your description, I believe that you best pair well with Mikami Teru!
First of all, Teru is a man who believes in the sanctity of justice and the deliverance of retribution. As a criminal prosecutor, he looks for righteousness and an upstanding position in the community. He finds that both your emotional and empathetic personality is a wonderful combination that pairs well with a mind that is analytic. There are many people in this world who can be emotional and empathetic, but lack objectivity. Meanwhile, there are plenty of people out there who could be cold and analytical, but lack the humanity in thriving emotions and empathy. To him, you are a culmination of humanity’s best. 
Like you, he’s more of a loner, often preferring to have few friends that understand him on a deep level rather than many with shallow interests. With you, he feels that your bond is something that can’t be forged twice: you’re special and Teru wants to hold that close to his heart. 
Teru appreciates that you love beauty in all its forms. Ever since he was a child, he has witnessed the horrors of humanity and had thus become more or less jaded and cynical. Once you integrate yourself into his life, he begins to open his eyes and realize just how beautiful life really is. If you let him, he’ll take you out for long walks in nature, out into the countryside where you can observe the temples, or even spontaneous visits to whatever suits both your fancy. All he wants to do is make you happy and listen to your thoughts on what you think about all sorts of beauty. 
As for humans… Teru will admit that he has mixed feelings concerning humans. There are many humans that are not innocent of the many atrocities that plague this world. He finds it commendable that you think humans  are interesting, even if it is attributed to the diversity in people’s appearances. 
Teru hopes that he can compete with your standards: although he is hard on himself and is a disciplined individual, he’s not quite sure if he is wise or even kind. With you, though, he might try harder to improve himself. 
Please share with Teru all of your hobbies. It’s not like him to express too much interest in many things outside of his line of work, but he finds that he wants to participate in what makes you happy. He’ll enjoy listening to your dark jokes while imparting his own and he might even buy you some puzzles that will challenge your mind and a few that the both of you could complete together. 
Your taste in music is actually quite interesting. Perhaps while he’s busy doing research for current court cases or completing mundane tasks, the both of you could be in the same room while some classical music is playing. With you so close and not having to rely on verbal communication to fill the silence, Teru becomes relaxed. He hopes that you will also be rejuvenated by this domestic intimacy that he rarely encounters in his everyday life. 
One thing that you should know about Teru is that while he is also ruthless and willing to toe the line of morality in ensuring that those who break the law get punished, he is quite soft with you. So what if you have your faults? That doesn’t mean that you are instantly a horrible person that deserves to be wiped off this earth. As long as you are willing to learn from your mistakes and work hard to improve yourself, then Teru approves. 
Teru will help you build your confidence by gently guiding you and giving you advice on how to better believe in yourself. In addition to that, Teru is also unfailingly loyal. He’ll keep your trust and make sure that you have no ammunition to feel jealousy. If you ever happen to feel jealous, he’s always willing to reason with you and provide logical arguments as to why you’re wrong. There’s only one human out there who is the closest to the paragon of virtue and that’s you. If you still don’t believe him, that’s quite all right. He’ll provide enough evidence to convince you otherwise. 
While the both of you are flawed human beings, that doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy and satisfied with your match. Teru is a man of his word and his morals are his backbone. Yet, while he may seem unyielding and cold, he will treat you gently and cherish you with all of being. Just don’t push him too hard. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'The newest queer movie to have turned the internet upside down has finally been released in the UK, leaving those who see it in floods of tears at screenings around the country. The question is: do tears equate to quality?
All of Us Strangers follows Andrew Scott’s Adam as he attempts to write a screenplay about his parents (Claire Foy, Jamie Bell), drawing him to his childhood home where his parents appear to be living just as they were on the day they died 30 years ago. All the while, Adam begins a relationship with his mysterious neighbour Harry (Paul Mescal, Aftersun).
Andrew Haigh opens by showing us Andrew Scott’s protagonist as he goes about his life; laying on the couch all day, attempting to write a screenplay about his parents, and eating last night’s leftovers. He is completely debilitated by the past and his inability to move on from it. Living in his new block, Adam is surrounded by the vast emptiness of his apartment building, which no one else has moved into. Other than Paul Mescal’s Harry, that is. The pair meet at Adam’s door after spotting each other during a fire drill. Harry has a whiskey bottle in hand and is reeking of desperation. Mescal sways brilliantly between confident and vulnerable, with a genuine charm to him that he plays subtly enough to allow us to see through his plan to get into the apartment. Just as we are somewhat charmed by him, it is clear that Scott’s character is too, hiding smiles here and there whilst being a little intimidated. In a final attempt at gaining company, Harry quotes lyrics to “The Power of Love” he heard through Adam’s walls, claiming “There’s vampires at my door.”
The opening lines to Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s “The Power of Love” reverberate throughout the film. “I’ll protect you from the hooded claw. Keep the vampires from your door.” The song is essentially the anthem of this story, with the opening lyrics used to evoke love in all of its forms, for better and for worse. Though the song is referenced in this introductory scene to signify the lack of love within Harry’s life and the loneliness that awaits him at home, the lyrics and what they can signify constantly evolve as the film goes on. This illustrates the excellence behind Haigh’s writing and directing. Although this film’s visual language can get a little overbearing at points, his use of the Frankie Goes to Hollywood song provides little doubt so far as his talent goes. Using the song early on in the film creates a motif that permeates, constantly changing all the while providing an emotional weight to much of the tale. It’s a stroke of brilliance on Haigh’s part.
Equally, the writer-director takes some fairly difficult material – with its boundary-defying, time-hopping story of love – and makes it easily digestible through its close study of its four characters: Adam, Harry, and Adam’s parents. The close attention paid to the smallest, intimate details of the characters’ relationships not only draws us in on an emotional level, but it also allows us to focus on these characters rather than getting bogged down in any plot detail.
As for those who bring Haigh’s screenplay to life, the performances are simply superb. Particularly, the chemistry between Andrew Scott and his characters’ parents is beautiful, with all three capturing the complicated relationship that can exist between a child and those who raised them; that type of unconditional love that can remain almost unspoken within a family, and all of the repressed emotion and trauma that comes with it. Paul Mescal, even more impressively, continues to prove why he is the greatest actor working today. Never overstepping the spotlight of his co-stars, Mescal takes his handful of moments and brings the house down with the faintest of looks or the most heartbreaking of line deliveries, providing exactly what is needed of his character and then some.
Although each of these individual elements are excellent in their own right, it is when they work in tandem with one another that All of Us Strangers truly exceeds expectations; the music, direction, writing, and acting all elevate each other to heights that many other movies could only dream of. In the process, All of Us Strangers crafts a beautiful story of love, grief, loneliness, and the past, which ensures there isn’t a dry eye in the house come the credits.
With his latest release, Andrew Haigh brings us a devastating new love story that overwhelms with emotion from start to finish and will stick with you for days. Although the acting and directing are excellent, it is the story that many will find themselves fixating on. Bring tissues.
Score: 22/24
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lindsaywesker · 7 months
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Philophobia is the fear of falling in love.
Will Smith's first name is Willard, not William.
Loneliness is both physically and mentally damaging.
Napping for just six minutes can help improve your memory.
In the 1940s, butt plugs were marketed as a headache remedy.
In Switzerland, you can be denied citizenship for being too annoying.
Google has a database of 25 million books that no one is allowed to read.
You are 8 times more likely to be killed walking drunk, than driving drunk.
A survey of Americans from 2008 found wellbeing peaked at around age 82.
According to a new study, Finns have the longest weekend lie-ins in Europe.
A new study finds delays in texting responses may indicate the other person is lying.
The first copy of Rolling Stone magazine came with a free roach clip to hold your joints.
You're more likely to be killed by a vending machine related accident than to win the lottery.
A vital part of the mixing of ocean waters comes from huge masses of anchovies having sex.
On D-Day, J. D. Salinger fought with six chapters of ‘The Catcher In The Rye’ in his backpack.
In 2004, a boat in Texas capsized because everyone ran to one side to look at a nudist beach.
Being called ‘Baby’ has a positive effect on the female brain, causing instant emotional stress relief.
51% of Americans use subtitles all or most of the time when watching TV shows and movies.
In order to protest against a lack of cemetery space, the French town of Sarpourenx made it illegal to die.
Penn Jillette, of Penn and Teller fame, has a patent for a hot tub with a clitoral stimulator, called The Jill Jet.
The world’s deepest hole is about 7.5 miles deep. It was made by the Soviet Union just to find out what was down there.
At the start of World War Two, Soviet intelligence employed more graduates of British universities than MI5 and MI6 did.
McDonald's ended its 40-year relationship with Heinz in 2013, after the condiment company hired Burger King's former CEO.
George Clooney used to refund the cost of a cinema ticket to anyone who mentioned to him that they watched ‘Batman And Robin’.
New research suggests that drinking alcohol doesn’t make others seem more attractive, but it may give the drinker the confidence to approach people they already find attractive.
Switzerland hasn't had landfills since 2000. All municipal waste is either recycled or incinerated. 50% of the waste is recycled, and the other 50% is incinerated to produce electricity.
In France, it's illegal to completely disinherit one's children. French law mandates that a specific portion of a deceased person's estate, known as the "réserve héréditaire," must be allocated to their children.
Paul McCartney wrote ‘Hey Jude’ to comfort John Lennon's then-five-year-old son, Julian, who was upset about his parents' divorce. Paul wanted to encourage Julian and give him a hopeful message that life would get better.
After years of drug abuse, Ozzy Osborne vowed to never take acid again after he engaged in an hour long conversation with a horse. “In the end, the horse turned around and told me to fuck off. That was it for me, enough was enough.”
After going on a trip and returning to find that his wife had died and had already been buried, Samuel Morse was inspired to work on the telegraph. He wanted to find a way to deliver messages promptly, so others wouldn't have to feel that kind of pain.
Hikikomori is a phenomenon in which people withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement. The term is most commonly used in Japan, where an estimated half a million youths and a comparable number of middle-aged people live as hikikomori. They often refuse to leave their parents' house, avoid work or school, and isolate themselves for more than six months at a time.
Tokaido Shinkansen a.k.a. The Bullet Train has carried 5.6 billion passengers since it first opened and daily ridership has soared from 61,000 in 1964 to around 420,000 today, making it by far the busiest high-speed line not only in the Japan but also the world. The Tokaido Shinkansen cost Yen 380 billion to construct or £377 million at 1964 exchange rates. To date, the unfinished HS2 has cost taxpayers £100 billion.
A travel influencer who has been to more than 121 countries has branded the ‘penis village’ he found – complete with phallus murals and decorations – as the strangest destination he’s visited. Daniel Pinto, 25, discovered there was no shortage of items shaped like male members in Sopsokha, Bhutan. The village is located in the western part of the landlocked Asian country and has many penis symbols adorning buildings and sculptures on display. Mr Pinto, from Viseu, Portugal, said: “It’s a very beautiful traditional Bhutanese village surrounded by rice fields. But the closer you get the weirder it becomes.”
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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