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Grazie duolingo per insegnarci l’arte del gaslighting
“È solo la tua immaginazione”
“It is just your imagination”
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sayitaliano · 3 months
i need help to learn italian in 2 years do you have suggestions
i have italian friends im bothering but yk
sono è un idiota :/
Ciao! Okay first of all I cannot guarantee you can make it in two years: it depends on the level you want to reach, and how much you'll be able to study&practice/find time to schedule some Italian in your daily (or at least weekly) time. This said, for sure you can become a beginner if not even an intermediate... it depends on what level you are now as well. It also depends on what you need to do in two years: I mean, if you for example want to come here on vacation, it's perfectly fine to be a beginner and talk English as well when necessary.
Now, you can find all the resources I have in the various masterposts on @sayitalianohome: there's grammar, vocabularies, audio/reading/apps resources and especially suggestions on how you may want to try to study on the daily.
I can already suggest you to go slow and don't rush things: I understand you "only have two years" and you already want to speak Italian fluently but rushing won't take you there, ever. It will just make you more confused. Learn easy vocabularies (animals, colors, forniture, food... things you see on the daily + how they change in gender/number) and verbs conjugation first, starting with the auxiliary ones: eg. from your last line, "sono" or "è" un idiota? Who is an idiot? You (io sono) or one of your friends (lui/lei è)? Try to start translating easy sentences (as this one) word by word: subject, verb, and eventually direct complement. Longer more complex ones can wait for when you'll know more vocabs and own the basic grammar of this pretty complicated language.
Best of lucks, here I am if you need further help/infos!
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What I've learned today in Italian through watching Minecraft (1)
Video itself
20 Italian words
Da quanto tempo - long time (no see), been a while, when was the last time (...)
Stare - stand (still), stay (there)
Gigantesco - gigantic, huge
L'oggetto - thing, subject, item
Ovviamente - of course, obviously
Gradito - pleasant, welcome (gift), appreciated
L'incantamento - enchantment
Ufficialmente - officially, formally
La roba - thing, stuff, something
L'attacco - an attack
Comunque - in any case
Inoltre - in addition, furthermore, besides
Il nemico - enemy
Nemico - hostile, enemy
La somma - sum, amount, result, outcome
Eccettera - etc.
Il fuoco - Fire (including fire the element, fire the disaster, flame, stove, campfire, gunfire)
L'eroe - hero
L'ampolla - ampoule, vial, flask
La sfida - challenge, contest, match, showdown
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fritalianblr · 16 days
Okay I've found out that some of my childhood cartoons are being uploaded on YouTube and even if they're probably only available in France I'm pretty sure using Invidious can pass through the restrictions. So I need to make you a post about french cartoons soon.
My scholar year is nearly finished. I have a 2 week holidays then one last week of exams and it's done ! I have pretty good grades and having fun (though it's a LOT of work dammit) :) After that I'll have around one month to relax and I'm working this summer... I hope I'll be able to post some stuff here from what I've learnt this year !
Hope you're all good there~
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ari-learns · 11 months
For some reason, today I was compelled to learn how to say thank you in 15 languages total.
Ones I can remember easily: English, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Chinese, Italian, German, Japanese, Taiwan Chinese Mandarin, Hawaiian.
Ones that I pretty much have, but need to practice: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, ASL.
Ones that I’m struggling with a bit: Russian, Hindi.
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amynessblog · 2 years
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📍 tuscany, italy
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chaoticdionysian · 1 year
Ciao! Mi chiamo è Kaz. I'm a 20 year old dude who is learning Italian with his fiancée. The goal is to reach b1 at least, b2 at best - hopefully I'll reach one of them by the end of the year.
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lumiy-a · 8 days
quando sono ancora in ufficio alle sette di venerdì sera e mi chiedo perchè, mi ricordo che è per avere in tasca quel po’ di milioni da spendere in gelati patatine pop corn e noccioline come m’ha insegnato pippo franco
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prettypinky-butterfly · 5 months
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First day 🍓
Tomorrow is my first day and I hope that by posting this I’ll be more invested and motivated, i made a little list of everything that I wanna do that envolves:
🎀 Going to the gym
🎀 Doing my morning skincare ( my skin is having some breakouts and since I introduced a lot of products at once I don’t really know what caused the reaction so I’ll be using only a moisturizer)
🎀 Study italian (I’ve been wanting to learn some languages and criated a little system to make it work for me) so after that I will do at least 15 minutes of duolingo for dutch
🎀 I also really wanna learn about programming, so I also want to take about an hour or two to start
🎀 Read 30 pages of a book
🎀 Do my night skin care (also just moisturizer)
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Italianblr, è stato mer(d)aviglioso, domani stessa ora stesso posto, a trent'anni non ho più l'età
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Capodanno / New Year
VOCAB LIST: Italiano English
Buon anno! Happy New Year!
Duemila ventiquattro Two thousand and twenty four / twenty twenty four
Festa Party
Festeggiare To celebrate
Fuochi d’artificio Fireworks
Gennaio January
Mezzanotte Midnight
Salute! Cheers!
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Valentine's day/Love vocabulary
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l'amore [n.] = love amore [n.] = love (as a nickname: *my* love, use no article in this occasion) innamorato/a = sb in love, lover la passione = passion un bacio = a kiss un abbraccio = a hug una carezza = a caress l’attrazione = the attraction la relazione = relationship la felicità = happiness la gioia = joy (also as nickname when without the article) la passione = passion la dichiarazione *d’amore* = *love* declaration
amare = to love innamorarsi = to fall in love uscire con qualcuno/frequentare qualcuno = to date someone tenersi per mano = holding hands sedurre/tentare = to seduce/ to tempt tradire/ingannare = to cheat/ betray someone scaricare qualcuno = to dump sb flirtare = to flirt (pronounced as in English + Italian "are" at the end) avere una cotta/un debole per qualcuno = to have a crush on sb (also: you like sb = ti piace qualcuno) adorare = to adore abbracciare = to hug essere fidanzati (ufficialmente) = to be engaged fare l’occhiolino/ammiccare = to wink chiedere di uscire/chiedere un appuntamento = to ask on a date baciare = to kiss someone/something baciarsi = to kiss each other sposare = to marry essere sposato/a = to be married sposarsi = to get married slang: limonare = to make out
il matrimonio = wedding  l'appuntamento = the date [noun] il cuore = heart i cioccolatini = praline, chocolate candy le rose = roses i fiori = flowers un mazzo (un bouquet) di fiori = a bouquet of flowers un regalo, un pensiero = a gift la fidanzata, la morosa = girlfriend     il fidanzato, il moroso = boyfriend il compagno/la compagna = girlfriend/boyfriend (mostly for adults) giorno di San Valentino = Valentine’s Day civetta = a girl who likes to flirt (not used very much anymore) cascamorto = a boy who likes to flirt cupido = cupid l'amante = lover (secret, cheater/3rd party in particular)
caro/a – dear, beloved (adj. as well as a nickname) bellezza, bello – cutie, handsome (to a male) bello/a – beautiful, handsome tesoro, dolcezza – darling, sweetheart (adj. and a nickname) dolce = sweet (also as noun: dessert) tenero/a = tender romantico/a = romantic
mi piaci = I like you ti amo, ti voglio bene = I love you mi manchi = I miss you ti amerò per sempre = I will love you forever. amore a prima vista / colpo di fulmine = Love at first sight. non posso vivere senza te = I can’t live without you Buon San Valentino = Happy Valentine’s Day festeggeremo con una cenetta romantica = We’ll celebrate with a romantic dinner un pensiero per te = A gift (thought) for you
More nicknames (no articles):
tesoro = *my* treasure cucciolo/cucciola, cucciolotto/cucciolotta = *my* pet, little pet topolino/topolina = little mouse (mio) caro/(mia) cara = (my) dear/darling piccola/piccolo, bimba/bimbo = little one, baby bambola = doll biscottino/biscottina = little biscuit micino/micina, gattino/gattina = kitty maialino/maialina = little pig tigrotto/tigrotta = little tiger momo/moma from “amoro” and “amora” (”amore” in a made up male/female version) = *my* love (in a cute way) ami/amo (or “amy”) = diminutive of “amore” (still cute) tato/tata (patato/patata, patatino/patatina) = dear (potato) orsacchiotto/orsacchiotta = teddy bear
… and I guess most of the cute animals’/cookies’/sweet stuff’s diminutives, as far as your imagination can take you! (The first 4/5 words work also in mother/son or grandma/nephew relationships, while probably the others are mostly used among partners)
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Words One Piece fanfiction helped me learn today (P4)
25 Italian words
schiavo = slave
quindi = then, therefore, hence
sicuro = safe, secure
pericoloso = dangerous
vendere = to sell smth
dappertutto = everywhere
cancellare = cancel, remove, delete smth
Re = King
capire = understand
guerra = war, warfare, conflict
signora = lady, madam, woman
equilibrio = equilibrium
cucina = kitchen, cooking, cuisine
aria = air
foschia = mist
blu = blue
grosso = big, huge, large
indovinare = guess smth
labbro = lip
zigomo = cheekbone
sedia = seat, chair
cubo = cube
buco = hole, gap, cavity
culo = ass, butt
veloce = fast, quick, speedy
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fritalianblr · 11 months
🇫🇷   Je retourne à la fac en cursus de langue italienne !! Je suis prise en LLCER (Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Étrangères ou Régionales) pour septembre !
Donc je pourrais sûrement réalimenter ce langblr ✨ 
🇬🇧 I'm going back to university in italian cursus in september !! I'm taken for the "Foreign or Regional Language, Litterature and Civilisations" cursus :)
That means I can probably post new stuff in this langblr again ✨ 
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gatheryepens · 2 years
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14/02/22 : Day 14 of February productivity challenge.
Day 14: What's a youtube channel you really like?
I don’t really watch a YouTuber religiously. I’m more of a watch a bunch of YouTube shorts kind of person but since I really enjoy cooking I watch a lot of Lisa Nguyen and other people she collabs with, apart from that I’m not that big on YouTube. I did have a phase when all I would do is watch YouTube but I am definitely past that.
🎵 Lover - Taylor Swift
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