#it's just fun when yaz gets to be mad i think
yaz was so fed up in halloween apocalypse i miss her so much
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically 25
I know I know, haven't done this in a while. Check the tag for past instalments
But it's 1905! One year on from all that Flux stuff, and while Jodie Whittaker is back as the Doctor and Yaz is here again we nonetheless have Graham and Ryan back too and no Dan, so who knows when all that's getting resolved. Meanwhile we're in New York meeting Nicola Tesla, who is played by Damien Moreau.
This is a painfully average episode. On the one hand it's fun and features space scorpions. On the other the companions do pretty much nothing this episode, so it's yet another example of "Why are these people here". Yaz comes closest to being relevant by convincing Tesla not to give into a scorpion queen while they're on her ship, but honestly, you could replace all three with sexy lamps and nothing would change about the plot.
Not a lot of plot happens really, and it doesn't happen for 45 minutes. Turns out Tesla has received a signal from Mars, which of course is currently full of Ice Warriors evicting the British Empire, so maybe that's what he picked up? Except everyone thinks he's mad, which is strange, since Britain literally colonised Mars to steal gemstones like two episodes ago. Honestly, it's almost like these episodes were filmed several series apart with completely different production teams.
Anyway Tesla signalled back, but it was asshole space scorpions, and now they want to kidnap him to make him upgrade their weapons or something. They have a queen who is fully humanoid and also played by Rani from the Sarah Jane Adventures. The rest of them literally just look like scorpions. This is a very Legend of Zelda approach to character design.
The episode is mostly a philosophical treatise about dreaming engineers who want to save the world being hamstrung by capitalism, so that's great, but tbh it's thin on character-work. There's a dreary bit where the Doctor phones the scorpion queen and says they aren't handing over Tesla so the scorpions should leave or else, and the scorpion queen says they'll kill the planet in that case, and the Doctor looks flabbergasted even though that was very literally what the scorpions had already said they'd do. I honestly do not understand the shocked reactions at this point. Then Tesla says he has to sacrifice himself in that case, and we get a more toothless rehashing of the Percy Bysshe Shelley vs billions of people debate that we had like ten episodes ago, and once again, lads, once again, I must stress that this is a STUPID way to watch this show.
Eventually they blow up the scorpion ship with the queen on board. How like a Tesla.
Very little in the way of meaningful events! There's a bit where the scorpion queen asks the Doctor if she's ever seen a dead planet and the Doctor says yes and looks a bit haunted. That's about it though. No answers to any of our hanging plot threads, but also no new questions, so we're Winning
Hanging plot thread list:
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole (And Nardole was “reassembled???”)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber Conversion?
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi.)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
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being-of-rain · 2 years
Lots of my spoilery thoughts on The Power of the Doctor! It was jam packed episode so there was a lot of things to have opinions on!
Overall, it was fun! A big action-packed blockbuster filled with cameos and fan-service, and that’s the most I was hoping for really! For me it was easily better than all of Thirteen’s season finales, and both of Sacha Dhawan’s other appearances as the Master. It feels like the plot held together better than usual too, mostly because basically all the nonsensical parts of the plot can be explained as ‘The Master did it for fun and laughs,’ which is entirely believable with this incarnation. I’ve always enjoyed Chibnall’s fun runarounds (eg. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship) more than any other Doctor Who eps he’s tried, and that fits with this ep, which really feels like a celebration. That makes sense since it’s the centenary special, something that I kept forgetting about after I had something else to call it because I just don’t care about the BBC itself jslkjsdfj.
Honestly, when I first heard the rumours that the Doctor was regenerating into David Tennant at the end I was like ‘I wouldn’t like that if it happened’- but because the rest of the ep felt like a cameo-filled madcap celebration, it actually didn’t feel out of place at all! I disagree with people who say the scene undercut Whittaker leaving (because to me it felt more at home than most other post-regeneration scenes do in their eps) or Gatwa arriving (because if he gets more than a 30 second filler scene in the coming special, it’ll be technically more of an introduction than any other new Doctor). But I can understand people not liking it from the point of view of Tennant just being brought back for the PR, or that he’s going to attract all the worst kind of fans. I’m just lucky that I have an easy time ignoring those type of people I guess.
What with all the cameos and returning characters, I was surprised to see that most of them got substantial things to do! Chibnall or someone else must have taken note of how bad that issue got in The Vanquishers. I’ve seen people say that the Cybermen attacking UNIT plot wasn’t necessary, but it made sense to me, and was positively vital compared to a lot of the plots in the last third of Flux. Though I can’t believe Dan got written out 10 minutes in, presumably to help avoid the problem of too many characters?? Can’t think of any other coherent reason to do that. He’s hasn’t done much or had much plot his entire time as companion and this was the funniest possible way to have him leave. I laughed when I started a rewatch and saw John Bishop get one of the top billings in the opening titles.
The only person who really badly fell victim to the unnecessary character syndrome was Vinder, who also had the least reason to be anywhere near this episode. He’s one of my favourite minor characters from the era so I was happy to see him, but literally the only thing he does is threaten to shoot the Master because he isn’t the Doctor’s companion so he’s allowed to. The most hilarious thing is that this is the one and only Thirteen episode that the Doctor explicitly gives a companion permission to use a gun, for exactly the reason Vinder uses it. And Yaz was right there. No one tell Vinder, he’ll be crushed. In any case, Vinder also gave Thirteen an excuse to put a welding goggles on, so he’s excused.
I was sad that Bel only got the smallest possible reference, since she was such an important part of Vinder’s character in Flux and I love her too. And even more so with Ryan Sinclair (who’s still probably my favourite of Thirteen’s companions)! Felt so weird that he was missing while all of Thirteen’s other companions were there- I hope it was because his actor couldn’t/didn’t want to, because if I found out Chibnall arbitrarily just didn’t want to include him I’ll be mad. Grace O’Brien didn’t get a reference either, which wasn’t strictly necessary but did irritate my liking of bookends in a series, considering she was such a huge part of Thirteen’s first episode.
But I did love who did return. Graham and the Martin Doctor got the biggest cheers from my brother and I while watching the episode, I was so hoping they would make an appearance. Shame that it was an AI Doctor rather than the real thing, but it was still an absolute joy to see her appear for what I assume was the most amount of time since her first episode (which is still a massive highlight of Thirteen’s era).
When the AI Doctors turned up I did worry it was going to be The Vanquishers all over again, but they worked really well as simple plot propellant and fan service with Tegan and Ace rather than completely overshadowing everyone. Weirdly the Five and Tegan conversation touched me a lot more than the Seven and Ace conversation, even though the latter is a relationship that means more to me (although Seven referring to Ace as his child was so touching). It was maybe because of the episode aggressively ignoring all EU (surprisingly even the SJA retcon of Ace running a charity, which doesn’t get a mention), which I saw coming and didn’t really bother me, but still made the Ace and Doctor relationship a bit less meaningful to me when they have SO much more history in whichever branch of the EU you want to accept. Also so many authors seem determined to say that Seven and Ace left on bad terms huh. I think they liked each other actually, and Ace went to Gallifrey with good memories.
The plot itself of the episode was great fun! Can’t wait to see all the Game of Rassilon fans to say that their podcast did it first, which is very fair jsdlkjf. So much of the plot seemed to be solely devoted to the Master getting to dance to the song Rasputin while dressed as Rasputin, and it was 100% worth it. Sacha Dhawan is just as fun as I could have hoped in this episode, and honestly steals the show. Him becoming the Doctor was a wonderful plan fit for a final episode like this, was executed very well, and given so much delicious flavour by the Master’s line “don’t let me go back to being me.” Plus I saw someone point out that it’s basically just the Master’s plan from the TV movie, which I’m always here for. And the “dress for the occasion” reference was icing on the cake. (Although here’s a nittiest of nitpicks: the Master described forced regeneration as “the ultimate sanction for breaking our laws,” when it clearly wasn’t. When they did it to the Doctor, it was after the Doctor bargained them down, and in the same episode they straight up erase some dudes’ timelines.)
Unfortunately the final showdown and mortal wounding of the Thirteenth Doctor was one of the episode’s weakest scenes imo with lots of missed potential. The quaranx is a generic mcguffin depicted as an unremarkable CGI light ball, and could’ve been so much more. Sounds like a lot of people including me drew a link between its child form and the Timeless Child- why didn’t it stay in its child form later to reinforce that link, which was a heck of a lot more visually striking anyway. The Doctor telling the creature to destroy the cyber-moon, something it could’ve done all along, could’ve been so much better framed as the Doctor convincing a child to embrace their power or fight their fear. And the Master suddenly taking control of the random laser beam wasn’t built up to either, which feels like something that should’ve been established considering the Doctor dying is rather an important part of the episode. Think of the Doctor being mortally wounded because she wouldn’t give up trying to save a little girl, even though she knew the risks.
Anyway, a touching end to Thirteen’s Doctor. I can’t honestly say I was moved to tears by her departure; I always felt like Jodie Whittaker could’ve done more with better scripts, and the fact that she was avoiding confiding things in Yaz this episode shows she didn’t too much over her lifetime (I laughed Tegan being faced with that awkward repression, because her Doctor was exactly the same). Although Yaz and the Doctor being so upbeat and hopeful at the end felt like a great pay-off to all this Doctor’s talk of hope for the future, and probably added to the reason I wasn’t so sad myself. I’m similarly touched but not awfully upset over Yaz leaving, sorry jskldfj (her showing off her firearm training sure is one way to end her run of avoiding any police discourse during the late 2010s/early 2020s, thanks Dr Who). But it was emotional to see them both agree that it’s time for Yaz to leave, because continuing just wouldn’t be the same for either of them. It’s nice that all of Thirteen’s companions have left because the time is right, after the RTD and Moffat eras seeming to think that the only possible exit was tragedy.
Anything else? Obviously, seeing all the past Doctors was a real treat, and Seven and Eight bickering made everything worth it. Like I said, the episode felt like a celebration, and the next episode being part of the 60th anniversary makes it feel like the celebrations just keep going! Only thing I have to be bitter about is that the 50th anniversary was an emotional tale about restoring Gallifrey, and now we’re going into the 60th with it destroyed again (still easily the worst story decision in Thirteen’s era). And it’s a shame to wait a whole year for more Doctor Who, but I’m really hoping that after that the waits between seasons will become more regular.
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bendarius · 2 years
THE MERMAID AU SOUNDS SO FUN whats the basic premise?
ok the funny thing is the only thing i have that caused this is that in here…bumpy is an isopod. if anything maybe the kids get stuck as mermaids instead of a killer dino island! and have to figure out all the logistics of surviving and living down under. but yeah ben finds bumpy who is a baby isopod and :3 maybe someone is bringing back ancient marine mammals like the megalodon or something and when the kids get caught up in that sort of madness boom h2o moment. but i just spun all that up on the spot im just thinking about isopod bumpy bc its perfect. as for fish that the tails would be based on.. sammy=sunfish, yaz=swordfish, darius=betta fish, ben=koi, kenji=blue tang (literally just googled fish to fill up this ask but swordfish fits yaz so much anyway yeah mermay anyone)
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I'm officially up to date with Doctor Who! (Well New Who)
Assorted thoughts on season 13:
This season was so much better!
I don't know if it's having less companions to get to know (plus already being acquainted with the doctor and Yaz) but it felt more real somehow. Maybe Dan feels a bit more charismatic than Graham? He is a bit of a saint, but he doesn't come across as holier than thou so maybe that's why it works.
With Flux I liked the longer form story (but I will admit I ended up having to rewatch the whole thing because I got to the end of it and couldn't possibly tell you what happened). But! Stuff happened, it was fun and not too serious and definitely felt more like doctor who! (Don't ask what stuff, still not sure I could tell you)
The two stand alone eps are a bit weird on their own after that, but they were both far more enjoyable than maybe anything in season 11?
Yaz's arc was a bit confusing - that she's in love with the doctor sort of came out of nowhere for me? It doesn't really strike me that Yaz knows very much about the doctor, and some of that is that this doctor is a bit reticent but you don't really get the impression they talk that much about anything? I guess it comes back to they are telling me she's in love with her but there's not a lot that goes on to show me that she's in love with her.
I loved the Power of the Doctor. There's an awful lot of threads going on so I'm not entirely sure it all made sense but it was fun and doctor who-ey and pretty.
I thought it was interesting to get rid of a companion at the start of the episode. To be honest they should do this more often - if you don't have anything for them to do in the ep, don't just drag them along! Write them out!
I sort of loved the Yaz-Master dynamic in this and I wish they'd spent some more time playing with it a bit. In fact, they should have laboured it more in the Spyfall eps when he was still O - this would have been so compelling when he tried to get her to be the companion later on.
Side note to this: why on earth does no one say anything in response to him explaining his plan? I would be terrible companion material, but there were at least 3 points in that scene where I would not have been able to stop myself from blurting out 'but why though' and I cannot fathom how Yaz managed to avoid doing it.
Also I still don't get why they didn't go hard with the Doctor & Master. He literally did his whole plan essentially cause he's obsessed with her? Why are they wasting this? Let her flirt a little bit, come on.
I'm not quite sure I understood the forced regeneration as a thing but I'll not worry too much about it.
I think my new fave in this is Ace, who I was aware of but had never watched an ep with. The scene with the Seven hologram made me a bit teary and I didn't even know the context of how they left things.
Also I love Eight, I didn't really know what was happening in that scene but I love him anyway.
It was a shame Ryan was missing it all in Patagonia.
Yaz must be super strong to carry the doctor like that at the end. It was a bit weird that all the rest of the companions sort of left her to it, but I guess she managed so it doesn't matter.
I did find it a bit ironic that the power of the doctor seems to be that she can make friends, when what we actually see of this incarnation is her struggling to deepen these relationships to a level further than acquaintance because she is unwilling to communicate beyond the superficial with any of them.
Also why on earth does she take so long to regenerate? We'll grab an ice cream and chill and then I'll drop you home and then I will go away on my own to die.
It did feel a bit like she just ditched Yaz here, I assume that Yaz got the hint from Ace and Tegan off but it would have been nice to see her make the decision to leave more overtly. (Or is she coming back? I assume not with the Doctor Anonymous meeting). I did love the Croydon reference though.
Do you know what I'm still mad about? The BBC spoiling their own stupid show on the fucking news bulletin the morning after this aired. Like I know I would have been spoiled at some point given how far I was behind, but honestly, I was so irate the next day. If you worked nightshifts you would not have had time to watch! I would argue it has absolutely no business being in the news bulletins anyway.
But despite that sour taste in my mouth, gosh isn't it cosy and warm seeing your fave* back as the doctor? 😍
That his clothes regenerated was lame tho. The Master wore them so why not put Tennant in some natty dungarees for a few seconds. Get a grip.
In conclusion, I really liked thirteen in this ep and I guess this series too; I'm a bit sad she's leaving just as I feel she was finding her feet. Basically season 11 was such a waste, and it annoys me that that was our introduction to a female doctor.
*Ily2 Capaldi.
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yazthebookish · 2 years
This is your occasional Yaz post about the shipwar since there is no escape but one manages to keep a safe distance.
Like, I don't understand why some people get so mad about others liking Gwynriel and thinking it's going to happen?
Ship what you want but don't invalidate other shippers.
I get why Elr*els ship Elr*el, it doesn't appeal to me and I don't think it's happening but I'm not gonna jump at every person that ships them and say "stop clowning yourself it's not happening" or get triggered every time I see someone says "I ship Elr*el" or take a screenshot and call over my clique to slander those individuals publicly "I'm not only talking about myself".
For example, Vass*en doesn't make much sense to me because as far as I have noted, there was not one romantic coding for them and last I checked, Lucien was staring at Elain with longing so I'm not sure how Vassa would feel about someone she is intimately involved with looking at another person, his mate, with longing. But, I'll not jump at those shippers and say your ship doesn't make sense don't ship it.
Shipping is fun until it isn't or people stop making it fun because it gets too personal.
There are some annoying Gwynriels I have to admit, especially some Gwynriels on Tiktok which is why I avoid Tiktok and the ones on Instagram that write unecessary comments under any Elr*el art. Each group has bad apples on its side but also each group makes sure that such behavior becomes less and not enable more of it? For example, my friends and the gwynriels I know do not agree on the "womb argument" because it's ridiculous and harmful whether the author intended it or not. So, when someone whether it's a Gwynriel or casual reader uses that argument we do have a little chat about why it's wrong to use such argument to make others stop using it to prop up a ship.
Just because you shipped a couple for months or years or you believe they had build-up in more than one book and the author can't back off now doesn't invalidate other ships and doesn't mean that they are endgame. If there is anything about Sarah is that if she wants something to happen or she wants her story and characters to go on a different route she will make it happen. We are talking about the same author that retconned Mor not being at Sangravah to her being there in ACOSF during Gwyn's rescue "for a reason" and then you have her retconning Lucien meeting Papa Archeron and an already freed Vassa on his way to the continent to ACOSF mentioning that Lucien was there with Papa Archeron at Koschei's lake to bargain with Koschei for Vassa's freedom "for a reason".
It doesn't matter whether a couple had or did not have build-up, it does not guarantee endgame. You know who is Azriel's endgame when you get his book or if Sarah mentions it in the synopsis. I personally think it's Gwyn for reasons I already stated many times before and I'm confident it's her based on how Sarah wrote ACOSF and Azriel's bonus chapter.
The only couples Sarah ever spoke about besides Feylin and Feysand were Nessian and Elucien. That's not speculation that's a fact because there is evidence of her saying it. She never spoke about Elr*el, Gwynriel, or Vass*en. Does that mean any of them do not have a chance? No, Sarah has her own rules but she'll even make new ones if she wants to.
We can argue and disagree on theories and opinions but it doesn't mean we get to keep chasing people or make fun of them to stop them from shipping a couple you personally think won't happen but let's not kid ourselves, anything can happen at this point. I was a casual reader once so I didn't ship Gwynriel out of spite of any ships, I wasn't a shipper of anything in ACOTAR, I just picked up on the crumbs and it made sense to me.
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redrosesartcabin · 3 years
Kenji x first perspective female reader:
Things happened
(Hey, how is it going peeps! This was requested by @xxno-0xx . I hope you all, and especially the requester, like it. Only one warning: It involves some swearing, so if you don’t like that don’t read. If the requester doesn’t like it, please tell me and I’ll edit the story! Also: The story plays somewhere either between season 2 and 3, or somewhere around season 3. Though not in a canonical episode)
It’s crazy how things sometimes happen.
A very vague description, I know, but it’s the only way I can convey how I feel.
Things happened that made me have the opportunity to go to Jurassic Worlds Camp Cretaceous.
We had won the league as the best female Baseball team, with the price being -besides the typical golden trophy and some media glory- a trip to Camp Cretaceous for one of us. And as the team leader, I was chosen as the one who can go.
“Oh no it’s fine!”, I had said. I already had a funny feeling about the trip. But they all had insisted, “it’s fine”, they had said, “it’ll be cool” they said.
Oh and weren’t they just so right. I am super peachy.
Practically prancing through the jungle and killing Dinos with my little finger-
Ok that’s enough, I think y’all got the gist: The shit had hit the fan.
Things happened, that made everyone be gone, and suddenly it was up to us to survive on this pretend Prehistoric nightmare.
At least my beloved baseball bat had survived the fall of the Camp Cretaceous building. After that discovery I didn’t let go of it anymore. I took it everywhere with me, hitting every living being that even dared to breath in my new found friends direction.
Friends… I had never thought, before the evacuation of Jurassic World and all that crazy stuff happened, that I’d ever call any of them that. I hadn’t really found any of them to be friendship material. I love baseball and building things out of wood in my free time and had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. The only person in the group who had come close to that was Yaz, but she had been so closed off, that I couldn’t really tell before we became a group that fought for their survival. Darius also had been ok, but I was older than him and we didn’t have anything in common, so that checked itself out. Everyone else sort of annoyed me in one way or another. Especially Kenji’s pompous ass. He had appeared very full of himself and just generally narcissistic, or at least painfully self centered and pretentious.
Now imagine how surprised one might be, when one figured I was crushing on the guy.
Let’s just say, that things happened that made me see Kenji in a completely different light.
Turns out he has a good enough sense of humor to catch my drift when I speak “in sarcastic” as he likes to call it. Turns out, he was a loyal and fun friend. Turns out he was just a lonely soul, neglected by a father whose work is more important to him than his own son.
Everything turned out different than it appears about him. He still sometimes annoyed me with his pranks and especially when he wouldn’t shut up about his wealth. The latter however became very apparent as the means to show that he was someone, although he didn’t need to prove that anymore. But of course he would think that’s how people would like him, his father had taught him no better.
The first thing I mentioned somehow makes me love him even more. It annoys me, gets such a rise out of me, that it’s somehow funny again. It gives me a spark and Kenji seemingly seems to enjoy seeing that spark. And him enjoying that spark makes me somehow happy as well. It would start with a cat fight and ended in rigorous laughter.
“Why so serious?”, he would sometimes ask when I’d respond with a glare towards him when he’d steal my bat for what felt like the fifty millionth time.
“You’re getting so creative. I barely saw it coming”, I answered dryly and one could practically see the words alternating between being written in small and big letters.
“Well then you should have no problem finding your sweet baby bat then”, he cooed. Looking deep into his dark brown eyes and almost devilish handsome grin made me both want to punch and kiss him, which may have made me irritable and even madder.
“Finding? Why should I find anything if I have a living and breathing treasure map. Come here!”, I demanded with a creepily sweet grin as I’d walk towards him. Then he’d run, I’d run, we wrestled for a second on the ground only to break into a laughing fit, rolling on the floor, crying tears, resolving this nonsense prank and then getting back to either relaxing or fighting off Dinosaurs… again.
I didn’t think, however, that anything could happen between Kenji and me.
For many a reason, though only two are essential: For one, we were busy surviving, one barely had time to get downtime with the group, yet alone for themselves. Secondly, I didn’t really know, or couldn’t really tell, if he felt the same. Maybe it was my own insecurities coming to light or something, but I just couldn’t really believe it.
Seemed unlikely.
But then things happened.
Kenji and I were on the run from an especially nasty, big Dinosaur. We had been collecting some water in big canisters and wanted to head back to camp when it sneak attacked, unexpectedly.
It snared at us, opening its huge mouth, showing a row of thin, long, sharp teeth.
“Fuck off, you tooth pick mouthed asshole!”, I hissed back at it, flailing my bat at it in panic.
The reason for my irrational action was mainly, that we were stuck between two huge rocks, backed up against another rock with no way out.
Maybe hills or mini-mountain were a better description, but it’s also not important.
All that I could think of was that we were stuck and that little fucker wanted to eat us.
“Calm down, y/n, this isn’t making anything better!”, Kenji tried to reason with me. I was close to shouting some obscenities at him or a dry ‘got a better idea, genius!?’, but this time his dark brown eyes, that often had a mischievous twinkle, calmed me, instead of creating the usual spark. I crawled closer to him as we were pressed to the stone wall.
The Dino however wouldn’t give up. Vehemently, it pressed its ugly snout between the walls, stretching its uncomfortably wet tongue towards us and exhaling a nauseating breath.
I was paralyzed, as I looked at that thing, not knowing what would happen next.
Suddenly, I felt my bat being taken out of my hand. I watched as Kenji took on a fighter stance, the bat positioned over his head, ready for the hit.
“What are you doing! Didn’t you just tell me that we should calm it?”, I asked. He turned around, a frown adorned his face, “I said you should calm down”, is all he answered before he darted towards the animal.
“NO!”, I heard myself scream. I had never heard such a sound come from my throat. It was shrill, loud and all in all I couldn’t recognize myself. I was terrified, even more than when I first caught sight of this beast that had brought us into this situation.
Everything seemed to pass by in slow motion as I saw Kenji swing the bat towards its snout. At first I thought it was over for him as the Dinos mouth opened, the teeth seeming to scrape Kenji’s head, that’s how close it was to him… but then I saw Kenji swinging the bat again, directly hitting its head so that it flew against the stone wall. The beast wailed in pain, seemingly backing up, and just like that, it was gone.
“I… I made it”, Kenji first whispered, before he laughed, repeating, “I made it!”, even louder, jumping into the air and forming a victory fistbump in the air.
“That was awesome! Did you see how- Y/N?”, Kenji’s joy subsided as he looked into my angered expression. With a swift motion I took my bat back, glaring at him as I pressed out, between gritted teeth “let’s just go, hero”
Kenji seemed to have caught the sarcastic undertone of me calling him a hero, because I could physically feel his mood shift closer to mine, “hey what’s with that attitude? I just saved our lives!”
“By doing what I also wanted to do. Great!”
“You were panicking! I don’t know if you would’ve gotten a good hit by panicking. Besides, I couldn’t risk you getting hurt!”, he explained.
For a second I could feel my heart flutter, but that didn’t help my opinion on what just happened.
“But you were ready to risk yourself?”, I asked, my tone bitter.
“Why are you so mad?”, he asked, “we are safe, what more could you want?”,
“I-“, I stopped in my tracks, thinking. Yeah: What was I so mad about? He was right, I had panicked. Panic never helps with concentration and right decision making. I found it impressive, that he had the courage and the focus to fight the Dino off. But I just couldn’t fight off the thought of it going wrong. What if he would’ve been eaten?
“What-“, I wanted to repeat what I had been thinking, but could feel a hiccup, breaking the tear flood inside me. No- I was not going to cry. I took a deep breath, looking directly into his confused visage, “- what if it would’ve gone wrong, I’m just… I- I wouldn’t have known what to do without you. I can’t imagine being without you anymore”.
I saw and heard him gasp, his glance unfreezing from his confused state.
“I didn’t realize I was that important to you”, he answered.
I chuckled, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes, “everyone is important to me from the group, I wouldn’t have liked any of them to risk their lives for me but- but especially not you. I- I can’t believe I’m going to say this - I had vowed to take this to my grave ya know-“
“- Get to the point”, Kenji urged me.( I wasn’t looking at him, but he later told me he had smiled whilst saying it, I however thought he was getting annoyed and was almost too scared to continue. Stupid how that sometimes works)
“- I, eh- I’m in love with you I think. Or at least I definitely feel very strongly for you”, I confessed, “there! Now you have something to use against me. Finally got something you can laugh at again on this miserable Isla-mpf”, my self deprecating monologue was interrupted by soft lips catching mine. It almost took my breath away, but then I leaned in, still not believing this was happening, though it definitely was.
“I’m not going to laugh, I love you too. I wouldn’t be stupid enough to risk everything if I didn’t”
“That’s cheesy, but I appreciate the honesty”, I said, wearing my usual shit eating grin as I regained confidence back.
“Oh look who's talking now”
“Oh shut it!”, I laughed and just like that, I found myself kissing him again.
“And here I thought I had to worry, but you two just ran away to make out”, I suddenly heard Darius in the background, half serious, half amused by the moment he found us in.
I quickly broke away from Kenji, grinning sheepishly, “You know how it is Darius: You get chased by a Dino, and then you need a kiss to make the boo boo go away… just so happens I got a bit of a chap on my lips, and Kenji wanted to make it real good again”, I explained, earning a silent chuckle from Kenji.
Darius rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hold back a smile either, “let’s get you love birds home”
And so things happened. Did we have much time to enjoy us being a couple? Not really.
Did more things happen, making everything crazier and tougher?
Did the rift between Darius and Kenji make me anxious as I was sitting by Kenji’s side, as he, with an expression that was too serious for my liking, drove the yacht?
But I know, that at least he’s by my side still, as am I, and we will make things happen so that we can finally be free from this place.
Hopefully, we’ll make it.
Depends on what the Dino on the yacht has to say about it...
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it-fits-i-ships · 3 years
Combing through every single episode of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous for Yasammy moments to write meta analysis about part 2 (parts 1, 3, and 4)
After Yaz breaks her ankle we have this moment of Sammy expressing her gratitude and admiration, Sammy wants to let Yaz know she sees how strong, brave, and deeply caring Yaz is but, as Brooklyn points out, Yaz isn’t in a place to hear her and needs time and space to process her feelings about Sammy’s secret double life as a spy, she goes into self-defense mode and pushes Sammy away again Just as a side note, I find it really interesting how Brooklyn reaches out to Sammy to give her advice about Yaz, Brooklyn is the one who caught Sammy spying and it’s Brooklyn’s phone that Sammy stole and accidentally broke so I think it’s very cool of Brooklyn to step in because she can see that Sammy is hurting over her fallout with Yaz and is in desperate need of a supportive friend Sammy definitely backs off trying to talk to Yaz but continues to show her care and concern in little ways like asking the group if there is another way to get to the dock besides going on foot so Yaz doesn’t hurt herself more, on the monorail when Ben gets carried off by Pteranodons and they assume that he’s dead it hits all of them really hard, Sammy starts to panic and Yaz forgets for a moment that she’s supposed to be mad and instinctively comforts her before remembering all of their circumstances, Sammy can’t help herself when she sees Yaz fall as they’re running for the dock after the group has to abandon the monorail and rushes over to check on her, Yaz is clearly still angry and refuses Sammy’s help, but by the time they actually reach the dock we can see that Yaz has realized she really does need Sammy’s help and support (both physically and for emotionally) and that there are worse things that could happen than Sammy telling some lies for her family’s sake, at this point we can see that Yaz has decided to work on forgiving Sammy and trusting her again because she initiates contact with her by casually placing her elbow on Sammy’s shoulder at the dock This trend of re-establishing their bond continues as the show enters season 2, in which the group is still stuck on the island and has to find the emergency beacon, we can see Yaz and Sammy huddling together for comfort and to keep each other safe when they have to hide behind a fallen tree from some dinosaurs, we also see Yaz lean on Sammy and give a relieved sigh once Darius gives the all-clear and she stays there for a while, when Yaz accidentally brings up Ben we can see that she’s still processing how much his apparent death has affected her and the rest of the group, Yaz is now clinging to Sammy not because she is afraid Sammy will stop liking her or talking to her like she was in season 1 but because she needs the positivity, support, and encouragement that Sammy brings to her life in order to help her through all of the emotional turmoil that being on the island is putting her through Also, Sammy helping Yaz up, helping her walk, and otherwise supporting her in any way she can is just so sweet, I know Sammy is a very positive and helpful person and she does what she can for everyone in the group but she has always gone above and beyond when it comes to Yaz, she even convinces Yaz to stay at camp and rest while she, Brooklyn, and Darius go look for supplies (with such a gentle tone and soft expression that Yaz has no choice but to embrace the love and care that Sammy is putting out there), Yaz clearly wants Sammy to stay with her but I think Sammy realizes that it’s not good for Yaz to only depend on her so she gives Yaz a warm smile before she goes but she still leaves with the others so Yaz can grow and Sammy can contribute to the whole group, this sets up the beginnings of a much healthier dynamic between Yaz and Sammy in which they can have their own lives and friendships outside of each other Yaz has clearly forgiven Sammy at this point as we don’t see any kind of bitterness in their interactions at all and after the group makes their tree fort and they have some time to rest and relax away from the pressures of constantly running from dinosaurs I think Yaz really starts to
process her deeper feelings for Sammy, she wants to spend more time with Sammy and get even closer, we can see how eager she is to join Brooklyn and Sammy on their venture out into the jungle to locate the weird frozen flower patch that Brooklyn stumbled upon a while back, Yaz definitely strikes me as the type of person who has never been in love before so with everything else going on (and with her mind full of much stronger fears of losing the others in the group, especially Sammy, which I will talk about more later in this post series) her feelings are bound to manifest strongly We can see that Yaz is now actively playing that question game with Sammy, getting to know her better, and exchanging witty banter back and forth, obviously Yaz cares about all of the people in the group on some level or she wouldn’t have been so upset when they thought Ben died but notice how she is much more interested in talking to and learning about Sammy than she is in talking to and learning about Brooklyn, however she does try her best to loop Brooklyn into the conversation once Sammy cues her to Can we just take a second to appreciate the silent conversations that Yaz and Sammy have? I’m a sucker for some good non-verbal communication because it means that the characters are very close and feel connected with each other, there’s also the fact that since Yaz wants to be around her again Sammy spends so much time making physical contact with her, touch is clearly one of Sammy’s main love languages Yaz goes to help Sammy when the gun case falls on her only to be stopped by Tiff (who tries to prevent Yaz from running away to get help) and Sammy tackles Tiff to the ground to get her to let go of Yaz, honestly I know that Sammy realizes that Yaz getting free is their best chance of getting the help they need but I think it’s really telling that she went so hard, Yaz is clearly her favorite person on the island and Sammy isn’t about to let Tiff hurt her, I also find it really telling that when Yaz sees Sammy and Darius on the security camera monitors she looks relieved and excited and then we get a set of shots that imply she’s looking just at Sammy, this is followed by such a soft, warm, loving expression from Yaz that it melts my gay heart, and of course she’s incredibly concerned when she sees Tiff and Mitch approaching During their organized stampede, Yaz has to abandon the Jeep and, without hesitation, she leaps from the car into Sammy’s waiting arms, this is a mark of a great amount of character growth for Yaz because she not only trusts Sammy now but literally trusts her with her life, we also get an adorable moment when they are dismounting in which Sammy helps Yaz get down and holds both of her hands, when they all go in for a group hug we see Yaz place her hand on Sammy’s waist (as I mentioned in part 1 of this post series, that seems like an unusually place to put your hand on a friend and neither Sammy nor Yaz do that with anyone else in the group), when Sammy is listing her favorite people in the group as she and Kenji are hanging out in their gondola she mentions Yaz first while in Yaz's own gondola she is visibly longing to be over with Sammy (especially seeing how much fun Sammy and Kenji are having pushing on the sides of the gondola) instead of having to face Brooklyn and the fact that they are not close at all, just like when Sammy left Yaz with Kenji this feels almost like a deliberate move on Sammy’s part to get Yaz out of her comfort zone and forming closer bonds with the others (though I think it’s also an excuse for Sammy to spend some quality time with Kenji who definitely seems like he’s become a brother figure) We also get this moment a jealousy in which Yaz seems a little salty that Sammy is hanging out with Kenji (though on the surface it is about how they are messing around instead of helping, Yaz’s comment is definitely tinged with jealousy), this feels very much like the reaction of someone who has romantic feelings but doesn’t have the experience to properly interpret them and who has not been able to
talk about them or put a name to them, she clearly wants a closer relationship with Sammy but Yaz is unable to thoroughly define the relationship she wants which leaves her feeling like her needs aren’t being met in situations like this, in that sense she has fallen into a bit more of an insecure attachment again, she feels threatened by Sammy’s other friendships because she and Sammy haven’t differentiated their relationship from that of the friendships they have with the others I would just like to point out the lingering hug they share in which Yaz is clearly nuzzling Sammy’s neck and the fact that Yaz goes over to stand next to Sammy when she moves to hug Brooklyn, there’s no heterosexual explanation for that, or the way Yaz holds and comforts Sammy after pulling away from that dinosaur (if you look closely you can see Yaz rubbing Sammy’s arm with her thumb) And the scene where Yaz explains that Bumpy likes her so much because she keeps snacks in her pockets and then shares some of the snacks so Sammy can feed her too? Absolutely precious, we love to see Yaz being so soft with Sammy, like the way she calls out to her when part of the group goes to search Kenji’s dad’s penthouse for gas to put in the boat, or the way Yaz checks on Sammy while Ben’s siphoning gas from the limos in the penthouse’s garage, it’s clear here that Yaz also wants Sammy to be able to rely on her sometimes, to confide in her, Yaz doesn’t have time to respond in that moment because of yet another dinosaur attack (I also think that she was having a hard time responding because on some level Yaz is also afraid to go home) but the fact that she asked in the first place shows a lot of character and relationship growth, she even goes to check on Sammy later once they’re back on the boat, Sammy does the talking then and uses Yaz more as a sounding board but the gentle smile Yaz gives when Sammy walks away with the solution to her problem is absolutely priceless
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riversofmars · 3 years
Prompt - - Post Library River coming to live in the Tardis with 13 and finding everything a complete mess or things just not done properly. (bonus if you do something about the waste tanks on deck 7)
Thank you for a brilliant prompt, hope you like it! <3
Word count: 1500
Rating: G
Call For Help
“Ah there you are, hello Swee… what the…“ River stopped mid-sentence as she closed the door behind herself and looked around the TARDIS. The TARDIS gave an unhappy wheeze and whimper and River was utterly dumbfounded.
“Right, okay, I see why you called.“ River gave the TARDIS a reassuring smile as she stepped over a large pile of tools. The console room was a mess, there was stuff everywhere. Tools, equipment, books, sheets of paper, blueprints, charts, messy notes… “Has she gone full on mad scientist now?“ River asked as she picked up some notes. The TARDIS just hummed helplessly. “Where is she?“
“How did you get in here?“ A voice sounded at the far end of the control room and River looked up.
“Oh, hello there.“ She greeted Yaz with a smile. “Door was open.“
“You can’t just walk inside the TARDIS.“ Yaz stated, unsure what to make of this mystery woman.
“Fair enough, she let me in, let’s say it was a call for help… looks like I got here just in time.“ River gestured to the mess all around.
“The TARDIS called you?“ Yaz frowned. She had never seen the woman before but so far, she didn’t appear dangerous.
“So where’s the Doctor hiding away?“ River asked with a kind smile, trying to reassure her. She realised that this was probably the first time Yaz was meeting her. Life as a time traveller was complicated, she couldn’t be sure. “Is she okay? Because this doesn’t inspire confidence… what happened?“
Yaz hesitated for a moment. It was obvious that this woman knew the Doctor and that the concern in her voice was genuine. The TARDIS’s encouraging humming convinced her to answer at last:
“Well, some of our friends decided to stay back on Earth and stopped travelling with us… she didn’t take it too well. I think it reminded her of the people she’d lost before now… But she keeps saying, not all those endings were final and there are some things she could fix, given time… so…“
“She threw herself into all sorts of research trying to undo past mistakes?“ River concluded and the TARDIS wheezed with confirmation too.
“I guess… We were meant to go travelling but she got sidetracked…“ Yaz help up the mop and bucket she was carrying. “Now the only travelling I’m doing is down to Deck 7 to clean up…“
“Waste tanks?“ River asked with a compassionate smile. “She always forgets those are down there…“
“Got emptied during some experiment or other… how do you know that’s what’s on Deck 7?“ Yaz frowned, feeling like she needed more information about her.
“The TARDIS and I go way back.“ River answered with a chuckle.
“So you’re a friend of the Doctor’s?“ Yaz confirmed.
“You could say that.“ River smiled. “Like I said, the TARDIS called for help, so here I am.“
“Are you going to get her out of her funk?“ Yaz asked hopefully. The Doctor had been very hard work the past few weeks.
“I shall certainly try my best.“ River confirmed. “Care to show me where she’s hiding?“
“This way.“ Yaz smiled and gestured for her to follow.
River followed Yaz and even the corridors along the way were messy. Things had been dropped, left for later or simply forgotten about.
“Doctor?“ Yaz called out as she opened the door to what River knew to be one of the many on-board laboratories.
“Not now, Yaz, really critical phase here, if I don’t get this to the right frequency it won’t work against the Vashta Nerada and you and me will be very sad looking skeletons.“ The Doctor retorted working some sort of huge transmitter.
“She keeping going on about this, really incredibly cheerful subject.“ Yaz sighed to River who just shook her head in disbelief at the state she was finding the Doctor in. The lab was even worse than the rest of the TARDIS. Equipment and books were stacked high, left over and forgotten about food and drinks was scattered everywhere. There were about five open packets of custard creams and amongst it all, the Doctor was wearing huge goggles to complete the messy scientist look. It seemed as though she hadn’t left this room in days.
“And once you get past the Vashta Nerada, what are you going to do then?“ River called out but the Doctor didn’t look up, she didn’t even seem to register someone else apart from Yaz being there.
“Well, there are several options, android body, clone, download to my phone for the time being if anything else fails.“ The Doctor replied with a shrug. “Damnit!“ She exclaimed when the transmitter she was working on suddenly started sparking and shut itself down.
“Or you could arrive a bit earlier than planned, before the Vashta Nerade swarm the place and destroy the body. You know Timelords, even ones that don’t have any regenerations left, take forever to die…“ River suggested watching in amusement how the Doctor still hadn’t realised she was there.
“My regenerative energy, theoretically my supply could be limitless…“ Her suggestion seemed to have reached the Doctor as she seemed to be contemplating it. “If she’s not dead yet, I could give some to her and… Yaz, that’s brilliant!“ The Doctor exclaimed as the penny dropped.
“Wasn’t actually me that suggested that…“ Yaz replied and River chuckled:
“You’ll have to forgive her, she’s probably not slept in days.“
“More like weeks…“ Yaz sighed.
“What…“ The Doctor turned towards them and took her goggles of, staring at them in shock.
“Yes, dear, I’m not a figment of your imagination. The TARDIS is rather concerned about you and I can see why…“ River smirked and gave her a little wave. “Love what you’ve done with the place…“ She looked around shaking her head at the mess in front of her.
“River…“ The Doctor spoke softly, not knowing whether to believe her eyes or not.
“Hang on, you’re River? River is who she’s trying to save!“ Yaz’s head whipped around as it occurred to her that she never bothered to ask for her name.
“It would appear so.“ River grinned.
“River, how are you here.“ The Doctor stepped closer and nearly fell over a pile of plates.
“Spoilers.“ River chuckled with a wink. “The TARDIS thought you might need a bit of cheering up and to show you that, yes, you will figure this out.“
“You just told me how to save you!“ The Doctor exclaimed as she skipped over the last obstacle and flung herself at River. River laughed and hugged her tightly.
“Did I?“ She feigned innocent. “I’m pretty sure you just figured that out for yourself. Secret to a successful marriage, Yaz. You put ideas in your spouse’s head and make them think they were their ideas all along, works every time.“ She winked at the young girl next to her as she let go of her wife.
“You’re… married?“ Yaz asked in surprise. The Doctor hadn’t exactly been forthcoming with information about the mystery woman she was so keen to save.
“Not even death can do us apart.“ River smiled and the Doctor tried her best to cover up the effect River’s sudden appearance was having on her. With a little sniff, she quickly wiped her face, trying to compose herself.
“You let your wife die, Doctor?“ Yaz crossed her arms in front of her chest and frowned at the Doctor accusingly.
“I didn’t know she was my wife at the time…“ The Doctor replied averting her eyes in embarrassment. “And I’m trying to fix it, okay?“
“Yes and maybe you should also try tidying up around yourself every now and again, hm?“ River suggested playfully. “Eventually the TARDIS will kick you out… Like the last time you exploded inside her, she tipped you out.“
“She told you about that?“ The Doctor exclaimed.
“She tells me everything.“ River shrugged.
“Who’s side are you on?“ The Doctor called into the laboratory.
The TARDIS gave a wheeze and a hum that made River grin and the Doctor groan. Yaz laughed, the answer was pretty obvious without her being able to understand her like the other two seemed to.
“Get tidying, Doctor.“ River chuckled and hooked her arm around Yaz’s. “Let’s have afternoon tea, Yaz, get to know each other. You come join us when you’re done, Doctor!“ She waved goodbye to her wife and set off down the corridor towards the kitchen with Yaz.
“Do I not even get a kiss?“ The Doctor called after them.
“Not until you’ve tidied up your mess.“ River called back and Yaz laughed. She was sure that having the Doctor’s wife around would prove to be fun.
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moon-in-daylight · 4 years
Jealousy / Dhawan!Master x reader
Summary: When Missy died, you thought it would be a good idea to travel with The Doctor to keep yourself busy and your thoughts away from the one you had lost. Now that you encounter The Master’s new incarnation, you have a decision to make, and The Master a few questions for you.
Words: 3116
Warnings: Jealousy, teasing, dirty talk? (Nothing too graphic. In fact, it’s not really dirty, let’s say suggestive instead)
A/N: So I’ve been out of inspiration for a week or two but I finally got myself to write something. I’ve not edited this so probably it has some mistakes, sorry for that.
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The moment you saw the humanoid-shaped aliens hover over The Master, you quickly took a step forward and tried to grab his hand. You knew it was a stupid thing to do, considering that he was probably mad at you for helping The Doctor and blowing his plan of destroying humanity. You were fighting on opposite sides now, but that would never stop you from try and helping him if needed it. Yet, deep down you knew your little act of bravery was useless. It was obvious that you couldn’t prevent the Kasaavin from taking him, and by touching him you would only be giving the light-made aliens the chance of trapping you in their parallel universe as well, putting you in unnecessary and senseless danger. Not that you really thought or care about your well-being in that moment. You weren’t thinking rationally as you extended your arm towards him, as you tried to make sure he knew you were still by his side. Truth was, you hadn’t been thinking straight at all that day. Not since you had discovered O’s true identity.
All that mattered to you in that precise second was to help The Master, even if it was only by grabbing his hand and showing him your support and affection. After all the time you had been apart, and just by seeing the painful look in his eyes after being stuck on Earth for 77 years, it was clear that he needed it more than ever. It was painful to think about all the time he had spent alone, to think about all those nights that you had spent mourning him while he still was alive. Now that he was in front of you, you weren’t planning on letting him go again.
But before your fingers could reach his, you felt yourself being pushed back by a sudden grip on your wrist. After watching the Time Lord disappear in front of you with a blinding flash of white light, you turned to The Doctor, whose hand held you tight in place.
“Let me go!” You struggled to let yourself free, willing to throw yourself to the Kasaavin in hopes of getting reunited with The Master. Chances were you wouldn't even end up in the same place he was sent to, but you were willing to take that and any other risk now that you had the chance of getting him back.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” The astonished voice of Yaz called your name.
None of the other companions knew the history between you and The Master. You had never trusted any of them enough to tell them your backstory, and since Missy had died long ago, you had never thought it would be necessary for them to know any of it. After O’s reveal in the plane, you supposed it would have been the time to mention something to them, but after giving it a little thought, you finally decided it was best for them not to know about your feelings for him. The last thing you wanted was to create an uncomfortable ambient between you and the rest of the group because of your little ‘conflict of interests’.
None of that mattered the slightest now. You had the chance of going back to him and you no longer cared about what they thought of the fact that you were in love with The Doctor’s best enemy.
“How could you?!” You ignored everyone else in the room as you looked at The Doctor in the eye, your features showing nothing but hatred and frustration. “You told me Missy died!”
“I did believe she was dead.” She assured you under the confused looks of the rest. You gave her a suspicious look, not being sure if you could trust her anymore. “Y/N, I would have never told you that if I hadn’t believed it was true.”
You felt tears forming in your eyes as you remembered how The Doctor’s past regeneration had brought you the news that had shattered your entire life. You hadn’t been with Missy more than a few months, not as much as you would have liked to, anyway. It had been a short but intense time, traveling in her TARDIS and assisting her in any other mischief she planned.
Chaotic, fun and passionate… But ephemeral. That’s what your relationship had been like, what you still hoped you could get back.
You had spent more time apart than together now, but you remembered how special the bond between the two of you were. How it had taken so little time and effort to make her a very important part of your life, if not the most.
When she was taken away from you, you felt like a part of you had died with her too.
You felt deeply lost, trying to picture what the rest of your life was going to be without her. You supposed you had no option but resign yourself to go back to Earth, grieve her and then try and keep on with your life. You weren’t sure you could get over her, especially on your own, but then the past incarnation of The Doctor offered you a place in his TARDIS. It wasn’t ideal, but it was best than staying home crying all day. And, even though you had a rough time adjusting to the companions that came and went and to the way she managed certain situations, you had eventually learned to travel with her. More than that, you were even starting to enjoy it.
You were quite fond of her at this point, but not enough to choose to stay with her if you had the chance to go back with The Master.
“Let me go to him.” You insisted, looking at the aliens that remained in the room. They were disappearing one by one, and with them your only chance of finding him again.
“Y/N…” The Doctor stared at you in disbelief when she understood what you were still planning to do, realizing how desperate you truly were. She had figured when The Master had revealed himself that it would affect you somehow, but not until the point of sacrificing yourself for him. Now, she realized that you were not over Missy at all. “You’re taking a step into the unknown. It’s not safe to-”
“I don’t care about safety!” You quickly cut her off. “I wouldn’t be doing this if you hadn’t let them take him!”
“Y/N, he’s not the person you once knew.” She warned you, repeating your name once again to try and make you see reason. “This incarnation may be previous to Missy. He may not even know you yet… And even if she survived and regenerated into him, it only means he decided to never come back for you. He may not feel the same for you anymore.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you took into consideration The Doctor’s words.
No, he wasn’t previous to Missy. You could tell by how he had looked at you, by the way his eyes had lingered on you more than necessary when introducing yourselves, by his incessant attempts to get closer to you while still being undercover as O. He had been especially interested in you since the first moment, taking any chance he could to go talk to you and showing a particular interest about the nature of your relationship with The Doctor. You had first mistaken those signs as an effort of innocent flirting by the shy agent, but knowing his true identity also exposed his true intentions. He was trying to find out how you had ended up in her oldest enemy’s TARDIS.
He did know you, but then again, The Doctor did have a point when she said he might not feel the same for you anymore. At least, that would explain why he had practically ignored you since his reveal, leaving you to die with the rest on the plane crash. If he still wanted you by his side, he would have rescued you from that situation and taken you with him, wouldn’t he?
Maybe he thought you had betrayed him by travelling with The Doctor, or maybe he just had gotten over you already.
“Nothing changes what I feel for him.” You clarified, finally letting yourself free from her grip. Taking a deep breathe, you organized the ideas running through your mind, focusing only on one particular feeling. “I love him. I always have. I’m going to stay by his side because that’s how I feel and nothing in this universe will make me change my mind. I don’t care if he doesn’t recognize me or if he doesn’t love me back anymore… That doesn’t change anything.”
“Please don’t do anything stupid…” Your friend unsuccessfully attempted to stop you once more. You could see desperation in her eyes as she tried to talk sense into you, to make you stay safely by her side. She meant well, but both of you knew it was useless to try to dissuade you. “He would never do the same for you!”
“I know.” You sighed, giving a final look at The Doctor and her companions. This was your goodbye. “Still don’t care.”
Before The Doctor or any of the others could say anything else, you rushed yourself to one of the few remaining Kasaavin, reaching your hand to the creature and fading away in a white light explosion.
When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself in an unknown, hostile place. It was the Kasaavin’s dimension. Judging by Yaz's reaction of when she had come back from there, you had supposed it wasn't going to be a friendly place, but you had pictured something very different in your head. You had imagined that place to be full of blinding white lights, but it was way colder and darker than you would have figured just by looking at the aliens who resided there.
The first thing you noticed were the wire-like structures that ran sparks of light through them. There were thousands- No, millions of them around. They slightly reminded you of trees, they were all around and each of them looked exactly the same. There was no way of developing any sense of orientation there. It almost felt like you were in the middle of a forest at night, lost and having no idea on where to go.
You had to admit that throwing yourself into an unknown dimension without any plan or guarantee of getting out hadn’t been your brightest idea.
Just when you were beginning to regret your impulsiveness, you heard a frustrated scream and, recognizing the source of the sound, you rushed in the direction where it had come from. You didn’t quite know this regeneration of The Master yet and his voice still sounded a bit unfamiliar, but you recognized his characteristic exasperation of when something didn't come out as planned in his shout. It had to be him. Plus, who else could be trapped there besides you and him?
Luckily, you found The Master standing not far from where you had landed, his back facing you as he didn’t seem to notice your presence. You tried to calm your breathing before getting closer to him, trying to figure out what to say to him. After losing Missy, you never thought you would have this opportunity. Him, standing in front of you in the middle of such a strange place felt like something come out of a daydream. For a second you even considered the possibility that everything was only happening in your sleep, and you feared that you would suddenly wake up alone in your bed or that he would fade away before your eyes.
Before you could find the courage to say something, he turned to you.
“What are you doing here?” His eyes observed you with surprise and curiosity during a few seconds. That confusion turned itself into bitterness with his second question. “Don’t you travel with The Doctor now?”
“Well, you know me-“ You tried to act smooth, but you were sure he could sense the nervousness in your voice. “I can’t help myself when it comes to helping a damsel in distress.”
Seeing him chuckle at your little remark helped calm you down. He definitely was the same person you had fell in love with, only different. You had never understood what that meant when Missy tried to explain you the regeneration process, but seeing The Doctor change had helped you comprehend the concept. And now, looking at this new incarnation of him, you were completely sure that, even though he looked different, nothing had really changed.
“Not a damsel anymore, love.” He pointed out as he stepped closer to you. Well, almost nothing had changed. “Is that of any inconvenience for you?”
“As long as we’re still getting in distress…” You softly shook your head, a smile spreading across your face when you watched his smirk getting wider.
“Oh, we’re going to.” His preying eyes examined your body with amusement, sending a shiver down your spine when you realized how he had perceived your initially innocent comment. “I can assure you that.”
“You’re going to need to catch me up on a few things first.” You did your best to hide your increasing blushing as he got even closer to you, invading your personal space and barely giving you room to breathe. Trying not to get distracted by his proximity, you looked at him in the eye. “The Doctor told me you died.”
The Master sighed and took a step back when you pronounced his childhood’s friend’s name, as if he was repealed by it. It was no secret that he wasn’t her biggest fan, but as he backed away you saw something in his eyes you couldn’t quite decode, something different from his usual hatred.
“I was left to die alone.” He clarified. The resentment in his voice more than obvious as he spoke, and hearing him say those words did nothing but break your heart. Trying to show him that you were there with him, you carefully caressed the side of his face. It was strange to feel the light stubble against your skin, but you kind of liked how it looked on him. Softening under your touch, he let out another sigh, a more relaxed one. “Almost had to regenerate twice. That damn corset.”
“I liked that old thing though. It looked good on you.” You complimented him, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.
“It looked good on you too.” The Master’s eyes left your face to look down at your body, his stare tracing the curves and edges of your body as he remembered the several times you had stolen his clothes and walked around his TARDIS wearing them. That memory brought a sincere smile to his face. “We had some good times, didn’t we?”
“The best of times.” You nodded your head in agreement, a little smile forming on your face as well.
“Oh, but I’m sure you had a great time with The Doctor too…” The Master’s face suddenly got dark, the smirk disappearing from his face as he looked away from you. His harsh tone confused you for a second, trying to understand what was going on inside his mind and the reason behind his sudden change of mood. He surely was an emotional rollercoaster. “You seemed to be having so much fun playing spies with her…”
When you finally interlocked your stare with his you understood why the innuendo on his voice.
He was jealous.
“Did you?” He inquired as he stepped closer to you again, his hot breathing hitting your face. “Did you have fun with her?”
“I only agreed to travel with her because I couldn’t stand being on my own without you.” You tried to justify yourself, feeling your knees weakening under his cold stare.
“That’s not what I am asking.” His voice was rough as his eyes shifted through your face. “You seemed close to her… Did you feel anything for her?”
“Of course not.” You quickly assured, but it didn’t seem to be enough for him. Placing both of his hands on each side of your hips, he pushed you against one of the wires, his weigh pinning you against the alien structure.
“Did you think she could make you forget about me?”
He ran his tongue through his lips, making your body squirm slightly and your breathing unsettle. You shook your head as he got even closer to you.
“Did you think she could make you feel the way I make you feel?”
You shivered as his hands slipped down your shirt and caressed the skin of your lower back. Closing your eyes, you tried to steady your breathing. It had been years since you had felt his touch, the way his fingers slowly explored your body. That simple gesture was all he had to do to have you at his complete and utter mercy. And he knew.
“That she could ever make you this desperate for her?”
“No…” You mumbled under your breathe.
With a proud smile he lent closer to you, his lips gently brushing the skin of your neck as the harsh but pleasant feeling of his stubble against you sent goosebumps all over that area. Stopping himself right next to your ear, he left a soft kiss on your neck before whispering.
“Have you forgotten who your Master is?”
You shook your head again, but he didn’t seem pleased with your answer.
“Say it out loud.”
“Only my Master could make me feel this good.” You muttered as you still felt the tip of his fingers roaming through your body, his breathing against the particularly sensitive skin of your neck. “No one else could.”
You supposed he was satisfied with your answer this time when he took a step back to smash his lips with yours.
He was even more passionate than you remembered, his mouth moving eagerly against yours as his arms wrapped around your waist trying to bring you impossibly closer to him, as if he was afraid of letting you go again. Your whole body trembled as you tried to keep his pace, placing one of your hands on his shoulder for support as the other caressed the side of his face gently.
“Good thing you still know who you belong to.” He smirked as he stepped away from you, your body immediately missing the warmth of his touch. “Now, let’s find a way to get out of here so I can show you just how much I’ve missed you.”
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sophfic27 · 3 years
The Mysterious Watch (You know the one)
Read on AO3
First, Previous, Next
Chapter 4: Drinks at the Hotel Bar
Word Count: 1,382
One more car ride later, Yaz found herself in the hotel bar sitting on a stool next to Jo. It was just after five o’clock, but Yaz felt exhausted, which seemed strange considering, as Jo loudly lamented, the day had been largely uneventful. Well, outside of the whole “her alien friend is suddenly human, and acting like a completely different person” thing. She’d all but adjusted to the events of the day, and she was tired out.
She sipped at her water and looked over at Jo who downed the last half of her ginger beer Shirley Temple in nearly one go. Yaz chuckled slightly at her companion, who glared back at her playfully. “I’m serious, though. I mean,” she pushed away the empty glass so she could gesture with her hands without knocking it over, “I know it might be a little unreasonable to expect results from the first place we check, but I mean, come on!” she rolled her eyes, “curtains? Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I’ll bet you he already had money, probably from family,” Yaz mused.
Jo looked at her quizzically. “What makes you say that?”
She took a drink from her water before going on, “he had to pay for the warehouse somehow,” she cocked her head for effect, “and I guarantee no one is buying those curtains. I mean the room was practically full, and those boxes had dust on them. And he said they’d been in business for a few months.”
Jo stared at her for a beat, before dropping her head back in laughter. Yaz smiled, feeling as though Jo’s joy was somehow infectious. Jo finally stopped laughing to say, “I don’t doubt it, those curtains were hideous!” They both chuckled again. “Brilliant observations,” Jo added, “I didn’t think about the dust.” She cocked an eyebrow at Yaz, impressed.
Yaz blushed at the compliment, “it was nothing.”
“And the way you took over the explanation like it was nothing so that he would talk to us?” She was angled toward Yaz and held her gaze as she took a sip of the new drink she had apparently acquired, “as I said before. Police skills. Thought they might come in handy,” Jo said with an easy grin.
Yaz froze slightly at the look the Doctor—Jo, not the Doctor— gave her. She looked away and focused instead on her water as she replied, “thanks, yeah, I guess that did come in handy.” She avoided looking at Jo, but she could still feel Jo’s eyes on her from out of the corner of her eye.
“Gotta say, Yaz I’m glad we got paired up on this,” Jo said frankly. Yaz finally looked back at her and saw that Jo was now turning the condensation coated glass around in her hands. She looked back up at Yaz and continued, “always nice to have a partner you can rely on to be helpful,” she said and glanced at Yaz up and down again, “and that you like. Not always that lucky,” she smirked and winked at Yaz, and turned away to drink some more.
Yaz stared at her for a few seconds. “Yeah, I get that,” she finally got out. It wasn’t much, but she was having trouble finding anything more competent to say given that her brain was somewhat short-circuiting over that wink.
They sat a little while longer at the bar, chatting and drinking until eventually opting to head back to the room and make a plan for the next day. By then it was after six, and Jo pointed out that people were likely to already have gone home, so there was no point in checking out another location that day. Yaz added that Jo might be too inebriated to continue interrogating anyone. Jo tried to argue, but almost immediately tripped over a plant near the wall of the corridor which she adamantly claimed she did not see there. Yaz laughed at her. “Okay, but that might be worse,” she said, to which Jo responded by sticking her tongue out. She relented but insisted that she could still work through files with Yaz with little issue. They reached the room’s door after a short ride in the elevator, and Jo let Yaz in before her.
Jo got to work showing Yaz around some of the more detailed files and reports they had skipped over earlier in the day. Jo showed Yaz the four remaining warehouse lease forms they had copies of. All of them had been rented out in the past few months, and none of them had particularly specific descriptions of the reason for the rental. One said “shipping for a small business,” another simply read “building.” Jo explained that she had combed through many more leases, most of which went into more detail about whatever they were storing or selling, some even including names and social media handles for their businesses in the descriptions. She had thoroughly checked out those businesses and decided they seemed to check out. These five were the ones she had a feeling would house the aliens’ work unless they had broken into an empty warehouse, in which case the search would probably become even more tedious, and she was just hoping this would work out first. After hours of going over everything they could, Yaz felt like an expert on the previous arrival of the Ralmaeth and anything that they could throw at them now, and both Jo and Yaz were ready to collapse, wanting to get an early start to the second warehouse in the morning.
It was then that Yaz realized that she didn’t have a change of clothes or any pyjamas. She opted for just sleeping in her clothes but wondered if Jo had any luggage, mainly because the Doctor always wore virtually the same thing, and she wondered if Jo was the same. Jo helped Yaz pull out the sofa bed and put sheets on it before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. Yaz sat on the bed to go back over the events and revelations of the day.
She sat there processing everything for what must have been the fifth time, but just so much had happened. After spending half the day with Jo, she was starting to like her. She felt conflicted knowing that she was still the Doctor, and would ultimately turn back into her —by Yaz’s hand no less— but for now, she was someone completely different. And it felt strange because she missed the Doctor too. She was her friend, maybe her best friend.
And if she was being honest with herself, she even wanted her to be more than that. But she was the Doctor. She was an alien, apparently thousands of years old, and functionally immortal, not to mention probably completely out of her league. She was brilliant and kind and mad. Yaz got distracted thinking about her. That seemed to happen quite often. And now she was different. Human. Jo was almost nothing like the Doctor. She made snide remarks and drank. She flirted with Yaz. The Doctor never did that. And now that Jo had, she wondered…
Just how different was Jo? Her personality and memories were different, but what about her feelings? She seemed to share the Doctor’s affinity for adventure, and she was definitely brainy. But what did the flirting mean? Was she just flirting for fun? Some people were like that, Yaz supposed, they just flirted with no real intention behind the words. It could be just part of her personality. But what if it wasn’t? What if she did like her? Was that something she shared with the Doctor? Or was that just Jo? And what if it was just Jo? What did that mean for Yaz? If what she felt for the Doctor was returned by Jo, what happened when Jo disappeared? And what would the Doctor remember of this?
Yaz obsessed in circles. She waited for Jo to emerge from the bathroom before they both got ready to go to sleep. When she got into bed, she found herself laying down, staring at the ceiling, and continuing to obsess, the woman who was the object of her obsessions lying in the bed just a couple meters away.
What fun.
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She’s the Master
Whittaker!Master x reader
oh wow, oh wow, everyone's art of this has driven me into a frenzy, but, thank you to @spoonlesss-artbook​ in particular for this piece of wonderful and genius artwork for which has partly inspired this fic.
(a fun game for anyone reading - see if you can spot which point i started fantasising about whittaker!master stepping on me)
I may still have prompts to get through, but I definitely won't have any complaints if you send in Whittaker!Master (Dhawan!Doctor too) requests xx
The TARDIS was manic, each passenger shouting in turn over the screeching and the bleeping, the Doctor attempting to manouver around the console despite the violent turns and swerves. At one point, your feet definitely lifted off of the ground, knuckles turning white under the sheer pressure you were exerting onto the railing next to the stairs. At least, you assumed they were turning white, any sense of colour perception thrown off by the flashing red.
You slammed your eyes shut.
"Everyone doing okay?" The Doctor practically screamed.
Graham made a completely undecipherable remark, Ryan made a noise, and Yaz gave a quick, "Not really!"
"Y/N, what about you?"
"I'm fi- "
Your head slammed to the floor, arm twisting to at least attempt a softer landing, bringing about a groan inducing ache in the process. Your head was panging with a certain stabbing pain, sharp and repetitive, hand clenching to push it back.
Barely opening your eyes, you let out a choked sigh of relief and the sudden lack of flashing. Still red - ominously so, actually. No noise though.
And no talking.
You rolled onto your back, very much back into a panic. Brilliant. Never any time to relax. Across from you, someone was pushing themselves up. You assumed it was the Doctor, the woman having a tendancy to get up no matter the situation - a bomb could go off and she'd take it in her stride.
The unease still remained.
It was when she stood up fully, still turned away, that the unease managed to flair into a slight fear. Of course something wasn't right. Why would it be? Why wouldn't you land yourself in a threatening situation. No lilac coat, but rather a fitted black blazer, maybe purple - the deep red was making it hard to tell - and much shorter hair.
You could tell it was her. Or not her necessarily, but definitely someone that looked like her; she was unmistakable even from behind, even in drastically different attire.
In an attempt to move yourself in a position to stand, you leaned on your shoulder, the sudden burst of heat drawing out a wince and a sound that sent your head spinning.
The sound of movement soon overlayed that, eyes opening to see a very different Doctor looking down on you. Her foot landed on your chest before you could even make an attempt to get up, grunt passing your lips when the heel of her boot digged in. Very different Doctor. Red tie- or purple - god, you really couldn't tell, but it was undountedly ominous, a pocketsquare to match and a crisp white shirt, unbuttoned just slightly to almost expose her collar. Hair quiffed, flowing over to the left side, framing eyes that suddenly seemed a lot more... well, for lack of a better word, mad.
"How did you get onto my TARDIS, and what have you done to it?" The Yorkshire accent was sharp, close to resonating in a growl.
An eyebrow arched, lips quirking into a sort of gleeful anger as she pushed down further on your chest, your lack of breath bringing about a sudden round of choking coughs for air. The pressure was painfully constant. "Doctor? Has he finally ruined one of his pets into madness?"
His. Okay, okay, so either this is a past or future incarnation, which seemed incredibly unlikely, or you were somewhere else altogether. You took a glance to the TARDIS console. It seemed ever so slightly off, uncomfortably different. Much sleeker, with the red ingrained into the walls.
Please don't be, please don't be, please don't-
Her eyes were wider, smile deeper. The change from this, however, was instant, leaving you no time to contemplate anything as she dragged you up by the collar and pushed you onto the stairs, one hand wrapping around your throat as she leaned over your sprawled form.
She seemed to look you up and down.
"The last time I saw you- "
"I've never met- "
Her thumb pressed down briefly onto your windpipe, hand clamping your mouth shut with a precise ease. That maddening grin you'd occasionally seen the Doctor wear in the face of an enemy flashed over this Do- the Master's face. "Hush now, Daddy's talking."
You squirmed in her grip.
"You look different," she said, "And you clearly don't recognise me, but you know my name, and you crashed into my TARDIS - which," she growled, "We will get back to. Not many people would have to guts to mistake me as the Doctor either, and if you even try that again, I promise to tear out your throat and beat your body beyond recognition."
Her eyes were practically glazed over. You, on the other hand, were so tense it was nearly as uncomfortable as every time she increased the grip on your neck, ring digging into the flesh.
"Different universe." She released a hand from your mouth, pushing your head haphazardly to the side to take a look. "Your pilot isn't taking very good care of how she drives her ship."
"I need to get ba- "
"No no no, you don't get it." Her voice was still jarring, the Yorkshire accent still settling a deeper sense of discomfort in your stomach. Even some of the mannerisms of tone seemed the same. "Why would I try and let you go back, hm? What use would that be to me? What fun would that be?"
"Your own universe too small for you now, or- "
A very swift backhand to the face and she'd interjected you with ease, the sharp sting increased by her unrelenting hold on your neck, keeping your head in place as you slumped down, curling up ever so slightly. The ring on her finger had caught your lip, the result being a slow trickle of blood down your chin.
"What the hell was that- "
The same action was repeated, your focus suddenly on holding onto the involuntary tears glossing your vision. A very quiet swallow and you resolved to maybe shut up. You wouldn't stop usually, questioning and insulting until the very last breath, but this was so different. You'd only shrunk back on yourself, the attention this version of the Master was paying you somehow close to making you glad the Doctor tried not to get too cosy with any of you.
Her thumb pulled down on the cut on yout bottom lip, seemingly giving her some sense of satisfaction at the visible sting it caused.
She was off you again in another instant, leaving you very much vying for breath, the tears of catharsis falling unbidden as you slumped back on the stairs, chest heaving up and down at an uneasy rate.
She only leaned back on the console, arms crossed and glare suddenly back to cold. "Stand up."
You didn't look to her, only debating the situation as it appeared. You should do as she said. Slapping you across the face was the least damage the Master could give you, and although ready to take that damage if needed, there was nothing at stake but your own life. Resolve weakened, you pushed yourself up to stand on what seemed like uneven ground with the unsteadiness of your own legs.
"Now kneel."
No way. It wasn't even just because it was the Master - she looked and sounded like the Doctor. Your mind was still flicking between the two, and, really, you didn't need two reasons not to be able to look the Doctor in the eye - fear, and the weirdly sensual subtext that came along with kneeling. One of them you'd much prefer.
Your eyes still fixed elsewhere, she stalked up to you, ears almost pressed to your ear. "Kneel for your Master," she practically spat.
Clenching your eyes shut for a moment, you obeyed, dropping one knee down after the other until you were situated directly in front of her feet.
"Since you've broken my TARDIS and taken away any form of entertainment, I think it's only fair that I get to have some fun, don’t you?”
You didn’t take the risk of responding, not even shifting as your knees dug into the floor.
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cofficionado · 3 years
The Dizi Tag Game
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag people you want to participate! (Also tag it #The Dizi Tag Game so we can see everyone’s lists)
I was tagged by @aslibekroglu! Teşekkürler canım!!!
1. Your first dizi & how you discovered Turkish dramas: That answer has 2 parts: I first stumbled on a scene of Kiralık Aşk of season 2 on youtube through a google search that was basically begging the algorithm to give me a romcom since I felt like I had watched everything Hollywood had to offer. It was 2016 and I couldn’t find any subtitles but I fell in love, I saw it had a huge season 1 so it took me a while to find the subtitles to watch from the beginning. By then Erkenci Kuş was being promoted, people in my country fell in love, and because of that there were subtitles from episode 1, so I feel like both of those series are my answer for that question, because when I watched the one episode of EK, I watched KA episodes during the whole week I waited for a new EK one.
2. Show(s) you’re currently watching: ooh boy, here we go: sen çal kapımı, menajerimi ara, hercai, arıza, sadakatsiz, son yaz, I was watching sol yanım but it got cancelled, I began içerde two weeks ago and I have yet to finish 50m2 cause there are like 3 episodes left.
3. Your favorite genre of dizi (romcom, mafia show, contemporary drama, historical/fantasy, etc.): it’s always romcom, it was why I got into this, why I’m studying a whole new language I probably won’t ever use in real life, and even though the path almost all of them choose to go after episode 20 something pisses me off and makes me want to drop everything, like it’s happening with sen çal at the moment, I’ll always go here.
4. The show you rewatch (parts of) the most: Kiralık Aşk, I always rewatch it, it’s my safe place.
5. Favorite Turkish actor and actress (feel free to pick multiples): are you mad? How can I choose among my children? Off... tamam, I’ll pick multiples and this is not an order of who I like the most: elçin sangu, barış arduç, çağlar ertuğrul, demet özdemir, tolga sarıtaş, hande erçel, aras bulut iynemli (the man is a legend best actor of his generation to me), çagatay ulusoy, ahsen eroğlu, too many to name but those are the ones that come to mind now, I know I’m going to regret this.
6. A show you quit before finishing: I was about to drop Erkeci Kuş when they announced the ending because I could not handle Can after the memory loss, and I did drop Afili Aşk after Kerem asked Ceyda to be his bride, they ruined a perfectly good character for nothing, in my opinion.
7. Favorite song(s) you’ve discovered in dizis:
Zeynep Bastık - Her Yerde Sen
Güliz Ayla - Olmazsan Olmaz
Elçin Sangu ve Barış Arduç (Mutluluk Zamanı) - Bu Su Hiç Durmaz
Başak Gümülcinelioğlu - Sen Çal Kapımı
Afili Aşk - Aslı Demirer
Koş Koş Koş - Menajerimi Ara
Karya Çandar - Bir Anda
Karya Çandar - Başa Sardım
Kenan Doğulu - Tencere Kapak
8. The show whose plot disappointed you the most: Aşk Laftan Anlamaz, Afili Aşk right there at the ending and now Sen Çal Kapımı.
9. A show that was cancelled too soon / ran too long: Şeref Sözü, I mean 4 episodes was just absurd, yeni hayat, I wanted a bit more of Her Yerde Sen, I feel like they left us too soon and Sol Yanim had more to tell us too / Erkenci Kuş ran too long, and to me they could have ended Afili Aşk a little bit sooner just so I didn’t have to watch ceyda and that circus at the end.
10. Favorite Character(s): ömer iplikçi, kerem yiğiter, ayşe yiğiter, hülya çamoğlu cevher, eda yıldız, serkan bolat, selin sever, sanem aydın, can’t remember the rest.
11. Your favorite romantic pairing(s): DefÖm, CanEm, AyKer, EdSer, ArHal, HülKer, DocBar, SelDem, ReyMir, SerSel, and it goes and on and on...
12. Favorite side character(s): Cey Cey (Erkenci Kuş), Melo (Sen Çal Kapımı), İbo, Vedat, Ayda and Azmiye (Her Yerde Sen), Koray (Kiralık Aşk), I’m gonna be so mad because I can’t name the others I know I’ll remember later.
13. Best kiss: I usually love the magic of the first kiss in dizis, they usually make it very special moments, so I like the first kisses in Kiralık Aşk, Sen Çal Kapımı, speaking aesthetically I think Demir and Selin’s first kiss is really beautiful, that’s in her yerde sen, and also serkan and eda’s iconic sana deli gibi aşık oldum moment made for a beautiful kiss too.
14. An underrated show more people should watch: I only have current shows one my mind so definitely menajerimi ara and I feel like people are sleeping on son yaz.
15. A show everyone loves that you aren’t interested in: muzice doktor, alev alev and doğduğun ev kaderindir, even though demet is on it, I could not get into it.
16. A show you want to recommend right now: menajerimi ara, son yaz and masumiyet.
17. The next show on your list: I am watching Teşkilat’s commercial break for the first episode as I answer this tag and I am loving it. Then there’s the second episode of maraşlı, masumlar apartmanı, yeşilçam, içerde (trying to watch it) and kuzgun.
If you guys haven’t yet been tagged, I’ll tag @mrsgreenworld @middle-eastern-queen @sweetrupturedlight and whoever wants to do it, this was a lot of fun! (please tag me!!)
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The Custard Cream Game
AN: I wrote this in a ferally soft mental state after having mentioned that I was planing this on anon to @queerconfusionthings (the only reason I go on anon there is bc this is a side-blog, and I do not want to expose my horny self to some of my irl friends). Also, this is coming first cause I cannot be a brief horny writer (expect some of that at some point this week though, I have lots of inspiration!).
Word Count: 1330
Description: Thirteen really wants to kiss you and she has a great idea to make it happen.
The Doctor was going to die. She had such a massive crush on you. You were just so cute and loving and- and just perfect. And here she was needing to use a game to work up the nerve to get close to you without having to risk admitting her feelings. She didn’t want to risk you not feeling the same. But she yearned for any sliver of affection, any chance she had to be close to you. She just had to ask you. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that. It was a totally innocent game, you would suspect nothing of her feelings but she would still get to be close to you.
“I have a few questions for you. If that’s okay.”
A good start, got the ball rolling. May come off a bit too serious, but still a start!
“Its always okay for you to ask me questions. I know you worry a bit about still being socially awkward but I won’t get mad at you for asking me something. That not a guarantee that I will be willing to answer mind you.”
She loved you. So understanding of her quirks, never making her feel judged.
“Ask away, Doctor.”
She refocused, right. Don’t get distracted. Keep going.
“Have you ever heard of the pocky game?”
“Yes, I’ve heard of the pocky game Doctor.”
She could hear the amusement in your voice. Oh, right she had walked in on you and Yaz talking about all the typical games that human kids and teenagers would play at sleepovers and stuff. It was how she had even though of looking it up and asking you to play it. She had considered spin the bottle, 7 minutes in heaven, and truth or dare as well. But they were too risky. Too high a chance that you would get someone else. It would give the others a chance to tease her about her crush too, which would be embarrassing. Also, she might literally die if she was told to get handsy with you in a closet, especially when she would have to stop after just 7 minutes. She imagined she could spend hours exploring every part of you.
“Have you ever played it?”
She hoped that you hadn’t. She would combust inside with jealousy if she knew that someone had kissed you, or even gotten close. Not that she would let you see that. No, she would hide it deep inside of her, never to see the light of day while you were around.
 It was ridiculous. Of course, you had kissed someone before! You were you and she couldn’t imagine that others didn’t want you as she did. She didn’t have any right to be jealous of that person. Still, she was jealous of whoever got to share your first kiss. It must have been so precious.
“No.” She mentally relaxed at your statement. “I did always think it would be fun to try at some point. Just never had anyone to try it with.”
The Doctor occupied herself with swishing her coat by swinging her hands back and forth. She had the perfect opening. Just needed to take it.
“We could play it. I mean I read up on it and it seemed fun. Interesting. I never got to play games like that growing up. You know me, curious about everything.”
Oh, Rassilon. Stop rambling on about it, she’ll notice that its nervous rambling and then she’ll find a reason to say no!
“Do we even have any pocky?”
“No,” she deflated a bit at that realization. 
She had forgotten that she would need that to play. So caught up in trying to bring the topic up at a good time in a way that didn’t feel forced. She avoided looking at you by looking at the custard cream dispenser. Oh. Oh! That was a good idea. Custard creams were small, your lips would be soooo close. And the chances of them breaking before your lips touched, minimal, practically nonexistent. She really, really loved custard creams. She knew there was a reason that this regeneration liked them so much. Best biscuit ever.
“We have custard creams! I love custard creams. Let play with them! It should work just as well as pocky would.” 
Please let her buy this. Please, she needed this to work. It was a guaranteed kiss for her. Maybe even kisses- plural- if she played it right. She quickly started to gather as many as she could from the dispenser.
“Doctor, Doctor, wait!”
She froze. A collection of almost half a dozen already in her hand.
“I’m willing to try playing with a custard cream but you don’t need to grab them all at once,” you laughed. “One at a time will be much easier.”
Your laugh was amazing. The way your face would light up. It was as great as looking at the stars. She was an absolute mess if she was already comparing you to the stars.
“Right. Well then,” she trailed off. 
You had moved closer and the Doctor had realized what a disaster she was, once again. You were so close and now she didn’t know how to proceed. How did she start this?
“Alright. I’ll start.”
You took a custard cream out of her hand as you said this. She could feel the relief running through her veins that she didn’t have to try and start this. You placed the biscuit between your lips and bit down.
The Doctor just stared. Your lips were so nice. Very kissable. They looked far too good with a custard cream held between them. You weren’t even trying to seduce her but she was thoroughly seduced. It wasn’t fair. You should look silly, not alluring and adorable. She may have left you waiting too long in her fixation on your lips.
“Doctor,” you tried to say around the biscuit without taking it out of your mouth. 
Your mumbled attempt to talk was adorable.
“Let me strategize Y/N! I have to win this game after all.”
Not too bad a save. The Doctor took a bite on the other end of the biscuit. Your lips were so close to touching. She changed her mind this game was a terrible idea. It was torture! You bit again, barely moving. Your nose was smushed against her face and she could feel the heat of your blush.
 At least she wasn’t the only one affected. Her face was a bit heated as well. She had no idea if it was visible. Did this regeneration blush easily? She couldn’t remember.
The Doctor took her bite bringing your lips against hers. She felt sparks going through her. Your lips were so soft. This whole kiss was soft. You were soft. All too soon you pulled away.
The Doctor had lost. Technically. Really felt more like winning. She got to kiss you! It wasn’t much of a game though, over too quickly and whoever started was sure to win. Her face lit up. She knew how to get you to keep playing. She smiled at you as you both chewed the biscuit.
As soon as she was done she exclaimed,” Ha! See, strategy. I won.”
You took the bait.
“No, you didn’t! Your lips touched mine you lost!”
“Nope. I definitely won.”
“No way. I demand a rematch. I’ll prove I won,” you grabbed another custard cream to play with.
The look in your eyes was playful. You probably knew that she was messing with you so that you would keep playing. That wasn’t bad though, it might mean that you wanted to kiss her just as much as she did you.
“Oh, you’re on!”
She would keep this going on as long as possible. The more rematches the more kisses for her. All the kisses. As many as she could get you to play along for. Or even better until the TARDIS ran out of custard creams. Infinite supply, infinite kisses.
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myghostmonument · 4 years
13xReader: Pyrite
Notes: What do you mean it’s January and I’m just now posting requests from the festive prompt list? SJSKJSKS yeah sorry guys December was a bad month for me but I’m getting them out now because it’s always Christmas in my heart and that’s how it is. This prompt was: “Oh hey, mistletoe!” It was supposed to be short n quick and here we are! All the clown schools are actively recruiting me, thanks for asking. I hope you all enjoy anyways! I’ve more writing on the way. This is of course gender-neutral for the reader!
Summary: The Doctor takes you and the fam to what should be a fun and carefree winter festival, except that from the moment you step foot out of the TARDIS, security droids open fire. Festive! Taking refuge in an abandoned shop, you discover an interesting rock, debate the authenticity of mistletoe, and almost experience death via shelf. All in a day’s work right?
Warnings: None unless heavy and repeated eye-contact is an issue. There may also be a rugby tackle.
WC: 3800 gdi 
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“I told you! Christmas - never good with me!” The Doctor’s words were shouted as she ducked a flying chunk of debris.
“What?” Yaz hollered back, crouched behind a much larger and presently stationary chunk of debris. “I said, Christmas and me - every time - “ the Doctor broke off with a yell, ducking another narrow miss. “What?” Ryan and Yaz both yelled. “Maybe we could save this conversation for another time,” Graham shouted. “When we’re not under attack, for example!” “What?” the Doctor yelled back. You couldn’t help it. Hunched up against a chunk of smoking rubble, covered in dirt, and most certainly in mortal peril (and hardly thirty minutes into what the Doctor had promised to be a ‘fun and cheerful’ shopping excursion, no less), the sight of your friends yelling back and forth was too much to take. You started to laugh. The Doctor glanced over her shoulder at you, and an explosion briefly backlit her. Limned in gold, with wild hair and a smudged face, the Doctor looked slightly wild as her eyes flicked over you rapidly, perhaps assessing you for damage. She then grinned back. It did nothing to lessen the wildness. “Now that’s the spirit!” she called approvingly. “You lot, take notes! Better team morale, we can’t carry it all.” It was unlikely that anyone other than you heard her, but her general meaning seemed to carry over well enough. “We can’t stay here much longer,” you said, ducking another blast. This was definitely not Christmas, wherever (whatever, whenever) it was. Not the Christmas the Doctor had begrudgingly agreed to after you and the others had pestered her. You sometimes suspected that she initially refused requests for the sole purpose of being convinced; she certainly seemed to thrive on the banter and, when she inevitably agreed, was all enthusiasm. “Right, okay,” the Doctor said, pushing hair out of her eyes and peering over the top of her debris shield. “There’s a little shop just over there, I think we can make it!” “And then what?” you started to ask, before glancing up. A flash of light was all the warning you had. Lunging forward, you grabbed a fist-full of the Doctor’s coat and yanked her back down just as another blast demolished a chunk of the shield, precisely in the space her head had previously occupied. “I have a plan,” the Doctor said cheerfully, taking out her sonic and acting as if she hadn’t just narrowly avoided decapitation. She caught your expression and scrunched her face. “It’s a work in progress!” she chided, chancing another look over the still-smoking debris. Yaz darted over to join you, followed by Ryan and Graham. “What’s she doing then?” Graham asked, eyeing the Doctor as she scanned the air with her sonic. “She says she has a plan,” you informed them. The four of you then shared a look. “I heard that,” the Doctor said without turning around, still fiddling with her sonic. “But we didn’t say anything - “ Yaz began. “Your silence was very loud,” the Doctor replied, and you supposed that you couldn’t really argue with that. She clicked something together on her sonic and made a triumphant sound. “Right! Got it! Stage one of my plan: I’m going to overload the sensors and we’re going to head for that shop right around the corner, sharpish.” She surveyed you all expectantly, looking pleased. “What’s stage two of the plan?” “How long will the sensors be overloaded?” “How sure are you it’s gonna actually work? “And you reckon this shop’ll be safer?” “Enough with the questions!” the Doctor exploded, her indignant gaze moving between the four of you. “I told you it’s a plan in progress! Unless any of you lot have something to offer up, then I suggest you pipe down!” She waited a beat, then nodded. “Good. So, my plan - when I say go, you run like mad to that shop and get cover.” “What about you, Doc?” Graham asked. The Doctor pushed hair out of her eyes and waved a hand vaguely. “I’ll be right behind you. Should be fine.” The four of you exchanged another very loud look. But it was as she said: you really didn’t have a better plan. And the shop couldn’t be much worse than your current position, smack dab as it was in the middle of the cross-fire. So when the Doctor nodded at all of you with a (slightly wild) smile, leapt up with her sonic buzzing, and hollered ‘go’, you went.  “Well this is cheery,” Graham observed a few breathless moments later, looking around the dim shop you had all piled in. You were all crouched low, instinctively avoiding the windows. “Creepy, more like,” Yaz muttered, her own gaze lingering on the shadows. You were inclined to agree with her. The cramped and shadowed room was clearly some sort of flower shop, one which no doubt would have been bright and serene with the lights on and under less lethal circumstances. As it was, the uncertain gloom of the room lent it vaguely sinister, as if the silent plants were watching you. Waiting. Judging. Moving, ever so slightly? You swallowed, looking away from the shadows and meeting Ryan’s gaze. He didn’t look entirely at ease either. It wasn’t much comfort. A breath of air, a brush of sensation, fingers running across your neck and plucking at your collar. It turned out to be just the trailing vines of what looked like potted ivy, but you only realized that after you’d yelped and scrambled backwards, slamming your back painfully against the shop’s counter. Ryan and Yaz didn’t do a very good job of hiding their sniggering. You glowered at them, rubbing your back. “Keep it down,” Graham hissed, craning his neck to peer out a misty and smudged window. “I think the Doc’s coming!” Sure enough, there was a sudden upsurge in noise outside, and threading through the weapon blasts was a voice you knew very well. Graham chanced another look, then leapt to his feet and opened the shop door just in time for the Doctor to dive through the threshold. He slammed it and crouched again as she tucked and rolled. It was an impressive display of timing from the two of them. Ryan even gave a low whistle. “Did you lose them?” Yaz asked. The windows rattled as another blast rang out, and she winced. “Ah, maybe,” the Doctor panted, sitting up and pushing hair from her eyes. The window rattled in its frame again. “Possibly. Doubt it, to be honest.” She pushed herself against the counter with you, peeking over it before ducking back down and looking at you all, then the shop. She was, you were exasperated to see, looking quite cheerful. “This is cozy! How are we doing?” “Seriously?” Yaz asked, sounding as exasperated as you felt. You couldn’t help but be amused, and the Doctor caught your grin. “Now that’s more like it,” she said. “We’re together, we’re safe-ish, and we’re in a little shop. A flower shop! I love shops.” 
“Doc,” Graham said, and you could see how much the effort of maintaining his patience was costing him. Traveling with the Doctor was a crash-course in many important life skills, emotional management included. “What are those things, and why are they shooting at us?”
“Security droids,” the Doctor said, frowning. “Sophisticated models, too. They shouldn’t be attacking us like this.” She peeked around the counter, tongue poking between her lips. “Seems to have quieted down a bit, at least.”
Yaz was frowning too. “If they’re so sophisticated, why haven’t they tracked us in here?” 
“And why are they shooting at us, if we haven’t done anything?” Ryan added, sounding a touch offended. 
“Good questions,” the Doctor said. She stood up cautiously and skulked over to a window.  “This should be a peaceful era, I don’t know why they have these droids at all. Unless I got my eras messed up.”
“I wonder what that’d be like,” Graham said dryly.
Yaz snorted. “What, the Doctor mixing up her eras, or her landing somewhere peaceful?” 
“Oi, that’s enough of that,” the Doctor said indignantly while you, Ryan and Yaz laughed. “We’ve been to loads of peaceful places.”
“Yeah but generally speaking, if it’s peaceful when we land, you do your best to find out why and then upend everything,” Graham said, pushing himself to his feet with a groan. The Doctor looked as if she wished to argue the point, but settled for peeking out the window again in what she evidently considered to be a dignified silence. 
Taking your cue from them, you, Yaz and Ryan cautiously stood up too and, when the Doctor didn’t say anything, began to poke around the dim shop. It seemed to be decorated for a winter holiday, with tinsel and lights and bows.
“Weird, that this place has a Christmas too,” Ryan said, poking at a decorative, softly lit tree.
“Most civilizations have a Christmas,” the Doctor said absently. “Not Christmas, Christmas, of course. But most people have a holiday in the winter, when the harvests are done and the cold sets in.” She touched a bell, her nose wrinkling into a delighted smile as it chimed softly. “They’re almost always like this, with bright lights and gaudy decorations, all centering on hearth and home and coming out of the long, dark nights with hope and joy.” 
You watched her as she spoke. You loved this, loved watching her wax eloquent on the quirks and details of a new people or planet. There was a certain light and energy that seemed to suffuse the Doctor, when she found something new and unique and hopeful; her joy in the quirks of the universe all but radiated from her. It was a tangible thing, almost visible in her wake as she talked and moved around. It was so quintessentially, authentically her. 
You couldn’t help but smile, watching her. When she glanced over her shoulder, your eyes briefly met. Before you could feel much more than the first stirrings of self-consciousness that she’d caught you staring at her, smiling at her… she smiled back, and the shop felt brighter.
“Is this mistletoe?” 
Ryan’s question wasn’t loud or sudden, but you still jumped, startled. You caught Yaz’s eye as you turned around. She gave you a cheeky look, her eyebrows raised. Mature and unruffled person that you were, you scrunched your nose in response. It was an imitation of the Doctor you’d all picked up, and utilized with decreasing irony. She didn’t seem to have noticed it yet. One of these times, though, she was going to catch you all as you pulled increasingly dramatic scrunches behind her back. You personally hoped that she would catch Ryan (his were the best and most ridiculous). 
Graham walked over to Ryan, examining the draping plant in question. “Couldn’t be,” he said, though without much conviction. Traveling with the Doctor had done a lot to blur the lines between impossible, improbable, and just another Tuesday. 
“Unlikely,” the Doctor said as she moved over, pulling out her sonic. She ran it across the leaves of the plant, the muted glow and soft whirr making an island of light and colour in the shop. 
“Anyways how do you know what mistletoe looks like, Ryan?” Yaz asked interestedly. 
“I’d like to know that as well,” Graham said, never one to pass on an opportunity.
“Ha, ha,” Ryan said groused. “Obviously I don’t know, since I was wrong.”
“That’s not really better though, is it?” Yaz observed, and she and you both dissolved into giggles as Ryan’s face underwent a series of complicated and interesting emotions. When he settled on his signature Doctor-scrunch, you only laughed harder.
“Shh,” Graham said, perhaps taking pity on his grandson, though he seemed to be fighting a smile. “We don’t want to attract those things’ attention. I’m not built for all this running.” 
“They should be down for a bit longer,” the Doctor said. “Long enough to figure out what the next part of the plan is.” She looked away from her sonic, towards a window. “Can’t stay here forever; the security droids are bound to figure it out sooner or later and we need to find the locals, find out why they’re so afraid of newcomers.”
She moved restlessly around the shop. Graham and Yaz asked her some more questions, but you drifted away, examining the back shelves. While some of the items were readily identifiable as plants and flowers, others were much more ambiguous and even downright strange. You stooped to look at what seemed to be a potted rock. Why would anyone put a rock in soil like that? It wasn’t a remarkable rock, just striated grey, dull and lumpy. Except - was that a slight glimmer, that caught your eye? Curious (and lacking the appropriate degree of caution that traveling with the Doctor had instilled in you) you reached out your hand. Your fingertip had just brushed the rock - warmer than you thought it would be, and smooth - when an arm appeared from over your shoulder, a hand wrapping around your wrist. You jumped, startled, and felt your back press up against someone. 
“No touching things, what have I said?” The Doctor’s voice was laced with exasperation, but you were more distracted by the way it came from so very close to your ear. “I thought it was just Ryan I had to watch - oh, what’s this?” The Doctor’s hand was still wrapped around your wrist. Combined with her body so close to yours that you could feel the heat and energy emanating off of her, you were extraordinarily distracted. So much so that you almost missed it, at first. The Doctor’s sharpening attention was palpable, and you blinked as you watched the rock shudder, fine cracks radiating across its surface. Before you could even make sense of that, the cracks unfurled into tendrils, the rock transforming before your eyes into an impossibly delicate plant. It swayed gently.
“How did it do that?” you asked, your eyes tracking the sinuous, gentle movement of the rock-plant. It wasn’t the strangest thing you’d seen on your travels, but for some reason you were having trouble wrapping your mind around the fact that the bland, unassuming, solid little rock had transformed into this wispy plant.
“Touch responsive,” the Doctor said musingly as she leaned past you and peered at it. “An interesting adaptation. Probably to lure in the unwary,” she added severely, glancing back at you. 
You wrinkled your nose at her. “That’s not what I meant, I meant how does it go from a rock to -” but you broke off. Something had flashed out of the corner of your eye, and you turned, frowning. Just a glimmer of light bouncing off something in the shop, surely? But even as you thought that, another flash of light drew you attention - from outside the window. Uh oh. 
“Doctor,” you said, tugging at one of her sleeves. She was still in the middle of expounding upon both the plant’s alleged properties as well as your foolishness, but she glanced back at you, her hair falling over her face. She followed your gaze to the window.
“Hey Doc, there’s something moving out there,” Graham said from the other side of the shop. The Doctor’s face underwent a series of rapid changes as she stood up straight. She looked from Ryan, Graham and Yaz to you, and then the window again. “Everyone away from the windows,” she said, while promptly doing exactly the opposite of that. She only made it a step before she froze, then whirled back around. “Down!” she shouted, lunging forward and half-tackling you. She pulled you closer as you fell, so that her body was shielding yours. You thought maybe you’d shouted in surprise as you were forcibly tackled. It was hard to tell though, because even as you hit the ground (ow,) the wall across from you exploded as something tore through it. Several more shots ricocheted through the room, and bits of wood, ceramic and other debris crashed to the floor all around your head. You weren’t thinking about that much, though. Partially because you were still winded from the takedown, but mostly because the Doctor was still crouched over you, her head ducked against your shoulder and her arms on either side of your head as she shielded you. It was extraordinarily distracting. A booming crash rattled the floorboards as one of the shelves tipped over, and the Doctor yelped as she was showered with yet more debris.
Silence slowly reasserted itself in the shop. The Doctor cautiously lifted her head from your shoulder, turning so that her hair brushed your face. “Yaz?” she called, coughing. Smoke hung thick in the air, sullen and acrid. “Graham? Ryan?” “We’re fine,” Yaz called back. “Uh - Doctor, where are you guys?” You thought that a rather odd question to ask; if anything it was only you Yaz ought to have wondered the whereabouts of, given that the Doctor was still draped on top of you. You heard scuffling from the other side of the shop. “Stay down,” the Doctor said sharply. “They’re motion activated. We’re fine, just a bit cramped.” She shifted gingerly as she said this, and as her head moved you got a good look above you for the first time. It seemed the crashing shelf you’d heard had fallen directly over the Doctor, and presently lay propped up against the counter. It had probably protected you both from the worst of the debris, but it was now also effectively pinning you down. Ah. 
The Doctor turned her head again so that she was looking at you. Your noses were all but touching, her hair still brushing against your cheek. You wondered distantly if this was what a heart attack felt like, as you counted the freckles dotting the Doctor’s cheek like so many stars. “I’m just going to ease out, slowly,” she said, her tongue poking out between her lips as she concentrated and, in the process, almost murdered you. Perhaps this was what a heart attack felt like, actually. “Stay very, very still.” You swallowed and nodded minutely, not trusting yourself to speak. The Doctor pushed herself slightly off of you, one hand twisting as she tried to ease to the side. She froze as the shelf groaned and slid down further. Her eyes met yours again, wide and gleaming.
“Right,” the Doctor breathed. “Maybe we ah. Wait for help then.” She scrunched her nose as she spoke, obviously disliking the sentiment. You weren’t really surprised when she followed the statement with another attempt at shimmying out from under the shelf. It slid down another solid inch, hitting the Doctor and pressing her against you. “Ah,” she said, glancing at you guiltily. She looked so absurd that you couldn’t help but smile. Her guilty look melted away into a smile of her own. “Don’t you dare laugh,” she muttered. “I may have made a tactical error. It does happen.”
Something fell off the shelf, shattering very close to your face. You could hear something else slide to what must be the very edge of the shelf; you could just see the draping green tendrils of a potted plant, teetering on the edge. The Doctor’s eyes were very wide as she looked at you. ‘Don’t move,’ she mouthed, as if you were the one inching the shelf lower and lower. “I think we’ve got company,” Ryan’s voice called. You realized that you could hear voices, growing louder as they approached. “Must be the locals,” the Doctor said. She looked frustrated; you imagined that being rescued from the shop she had broken into and helped destroy might slightly undercut her position.. She shifted just slightly, and the potted plant rattled above you. She looked up, carefully moving only her eyes. 
“Huh,” she said after a beat. “I think it is mistletoe.” Her eyes moved back to yours, and your gazes locked. The Doctor had propped herself up with her arms so that she didn’t crush you, but in that moment you still felt the air leave your lungs. The moment stretched, the two of you staring at each other, noses just touching, eyes reflecting each other.  You were suddenly, horribly aware of your lips, and the bare sliver of space between them and the Doctor’s.. You thought you could almost feel the heat coming from them. From her. You could certainly feel her hearts beating against your chest. The door to the shop banged open, and you both jerked. “Doctor!” Yaz cried, over the sound of more voices. “It’s okay,” the Doctor called, turning her head and filling your face with her hair. “Just a bit of a misunderstanding!” She tried to move again as Yaz began arguing with someone, and the bookcase creaked ominously. You could hear rapidly approaching steps, and Graham’s shoes appeared in your line of vision, followed by the rest of him as he crouched down. He cast an appraising eye over you, the Doctor, and the shelf, and then lifted his brows. More footsteps, and then he was joined by Yaz and Ryan, and several other sets of shoes you didn’t recognize. The angry locals, presumably. “Doctor, they seem to think we’re here as part of an - army, or something,” Yaz said, also crouching down. She blinked. “Are you okay?” “You are under arrest,” a voice snapped out. “You are surrounded and will surrender your weapons and the whereabouts of your reinforcements.” You saw Yaz’s fist clench on the floor in silent anxiety, though she said nothing. “Hello! No weapons,” the Doctor said brightly. You could feel her words resonating through her chest to yours. “No reinforcements, either. Just travelers who happened to end up on the wrong side of those security droids of yours. I’m the Doctor, by the way, and these are my friends, and we’re here to help.” 
Somewhere in the depths of the shop, another pot crashed to the ground and perhaps managed to undercut the Doctor’s words, slightly. You could see her face scrunch. Then she abruptly flattened against you as the shelf slid another inch or two down, and you both grunted. You could feel her nose against your neck and shoulder, and for a moment your whole brain flashed blank. She smelled like tea, and vanilla. 
This was definitely what a heart attack felt like. For sure. “But maybe a little help for us, first?” the Doctor managed, her words brushing across your skin, thrumming through your chest. She was still trying to wiggle about as she listened and watched as the others set to trying to lift the shelf off of you, presumably so that you could all then be put under arrest. 
It was going to be a long day.
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dilapidatedmooneel · 3 years
It's chapter 1!!! It's terrible but here it is!! The prologue is here! Enjoy!!
Rated: Teens up
Since the End/Begining of Time
Chapter 1 - The Escape of River Song
The Library
The golden energy in the air seemed to be gather some thing from around the room slowly each speck of golden expanded into a ball like shape, but every so often it looked like something was trying to break out and would lose its shape, then out of nowhere the balls of gold energy floated to the middle of the room slowly as if carry something delicate, till it all gathered as one big sphere of pure regeneration energy........ Time passed, it could have been minutes, hours, days, years, decades, millenniums no can be sure, then it expanded and exploded, light spreading to every corner of the dark unused room, it could have gone farther, no one knows and in the place where the ball of energy had been, stood a woman, dressed in a spacesuit with blue eyes and wild, curly hair that seems to defy gravity (probably does too), her name was, is and will be Professor River Song, she is a trained assassin, a intergalactic thief, a saviour, an archaeologist, the woman who kills the doctor and most well known as-
"You bastard!" she shouted into the dark "Doctor!!! I can't believe you did something stupid enough as using REGENERATION ENERGY!!! When I get my hands on you........
-the Doctor's wife. Slowly as the professor realised she was alone in the room she quieted down, as she surveyed the room, she noticed three key factor, she was alone with no escape, there was no sign of Vashta Nerada as the lights were working perfectly and her diary was set down beside the mainframe computer.
"If you have hurt yourself rescuing I will make you regret it, for the rest of your lives!!"
Then she picked up her diary flicked through it read the last page, turned on her heel and began her search for an swift exit, she found the old teleporter in a little shop, the navigation system was busted but she had to get out of there so she hoped and stood in the teleporter. The wires running up to the teleporter started sparking and River saw the room catch a flame before she fully dematerialized
The Doctor had parked down near Yaz's place and was now waiting for her fam, once she parked she sat on the console for less than a minute then she decided to peek her head out just to see if they were coming, since there was no sign of them she popped back in a decided to read a book, this lasted 10mins, honestly a record for this face, then it was decided something must be wrong with her fam she grabbed her jacket, her sonic and her psychic paper was ready to go when
“Hi Doctor sorry were late we were at Graham's” called out Yaz as she entered the tardis
“ah I knew I should have parked there”
“That Tardis goes nowhere near my place!!” Graham said sternly as he entered last into the Tardis “my poor table…”
“Well you shouldn't leave it lying around” The Doctor responded “Now where too today?! Apalapucia, the paradise planet though they had a bad outbreak of Chen 7 the last time I was there. How about Deva Loka, telepaths are annoying at times but their planet is beautiful!! Or we could go to-
Suddenly the Tardis let out a notification noise,
“oooooooo a message!!!”
The doctor raced around her fam and pressed the flashing button, suddenly a voice she hadn't heard in awhile came through the speakers,
“Dear, you'll never guess what just materialized right into my sitting room!! Quite literally!! I was sitting here watching some teletubbies, wonderful creatures I tell you, when boom, well it's more of a frizzle, and a woman just collapses on the floor, and she stinks of regeneration energy so of course at first I thought it was you but then I saw that absolutely uncontrollable mad hair and it could only be one person, your dead half breed wife!!! You can only imagine my surprise,” said a female Scottish voice sounding very happy with herself “now I have her tied up like a piñata, oh how fun this will be!!!”
The Doctor's pale skin well went even paler as she started to race around the control console quickly pressing and pulling different levers and buttons tracking where the message had come from. The Doctor’s companions watched the Doctor confused before Yaz piped up
“Doctor? Who was that?”
“Never mind that, I need to take care of this pop out and I’ll be back for ya in one moment!”
“Are you going somewhere Doctor?” asked Graham
“Yes! Now out ya pop!”
“Will it be an adventure?” Ryan continued
“Almost certainly and?”
“You promised us an adventure Doctor!”Yaz finished
“ah yes but this one will be no fun it will be personal stuff, some friends that like exploding things, chaos everywhere and a ton of running nothing interesting at all!”
“I think that sounds like the definition of something I want to be at!” Yaz says quickly
“Well OK, only because this is probably time sensitive and I haven't got time to fight with stubborn humans!”
Then the Doctor went to press another different button when the Tardis took off by herself no longer waiting for the Doctor to press yet another wrong button, just wanting to search for her child that was lost to her so long ago.
Chp 2 3
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