#it's just artist perfectionist syndrome
cosmicfleurs · 1 year
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They’ve come to be your guides... or perhaps, your demise. @strawberrymothteeth​, I am your Secret Santa!! I adore all of your work and the cryptid boys designs, so I decided to go ham on this picture, cause they deserve it <3 Don’t worry, Y/N has just come back to the forest to deliver some holiday goodies! I hope you enjoy, I wanted to do em justice! Couple close up shots under the read more, and a picture with less shading so you can more clearly see the two of them for details!
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lins-drawings · 6 months
this was half mild vent and half ‘this type of video seemed fun i wanted to try it’
flash warning i think, the pictures go by really fast
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ectasymk · 9 months
It's crazy how no matter how much love & support you get on your art you can still feel uncertain, unworthy, inferior to others, not skilled enough.
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glendybluebird · 3 months
New DP 2024🥰 Self Portait
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I've been practicing caricature, and I'm glad that I'm progressing well. This is what I actually look like in real life.
I've been trying to manage two pages on every platform I'm mostly active on. One is "artby_glendy," and the other is "glendy_bluebird." I really do like the username "arby_glendy," but I just realized there are a lot of people with the same name as me out there. And I don't want to use my last name in my usernames either. So I just decided to keep "Glendy_Bluebird" or "Glendy🐦". I decided to name my brainrot or fanart page "Glendy_Bluebird_2".
I grew up a perfectionist. I'm Asian, and I'm the eldest. I'm very keen on spotting "mistakes" in my crafts, which I guess was feeding my imposter syndrome problem that took out my joy in drawing. It got worse in 2023. I'm doing my best to practice getting over too much perfectionism right now, starting with doing a few drawing exercises or challenges such as this one. I'm experimenting with different art styles.
I really do hope I'll be able to post more after this. Though I am also quite preoccupied with school and work. Plus, lots of things have happened to me in that one year. Again, thank you so much for those who kept supporting me even though I've been mostly inactive these days for quite some time. I'm planning on offering you a gift, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to give it to you guys.
#artist #meettheartist #dp #artistoninsta #artistoninstagramm #animationstudent #artistsupport #dp2024 #art #bluebird
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sakarrie-creates · 4 months
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It’s that time of year! Here’s my 2023 art summary! After two years of having to include non-colored pieces, I finally did enough ‘full’ pieces to fill my art summary template! I did have to get a bit creative with the months since I was able to draw a LOT more during the summer, but I’ll take it! Sorry it's a bit blurry. I'm not sure if that's just for the preview or not, but it was a smaller file than normal and since these reflections are 99% for my own interest, I decided it wasn't worth trying to change.
As usual, I got rambly so reflection questions are answered under the cut. The template I used is available here in case anyone else wants to make their own! My fic summary will be coming in a week or so, so stay tuned for the stats and round-up there. :)
What events did you participate in (with art)? Player Appreciation Week, Fandom Trumps Hate, Dear Fellow Traveler (Animatic), Weird People (Editing), SPN Comfortably Queer Zine (dropped), and lots of zine applications for page artist, merch artist, comic artist, and spot artist roles!
What was your biggest challenge this year? While time, like last year, was still a challenge, I think my biggest challenge was a mix of low motivation and an intense perfectionistic mindset. At the start of the year, I got super into TOH and was super hyped about all the zines with apps opening. I really REALLY wanted to get into them and figured I should apply for art too just cause it would increase my overall chances of getting in. After the finale, I did a screenshot redraw that ended up being absolutely fantastic for where my skill level is. I went deeper into rendering than ever before, and somehow it worked for me. 
That probably was the start of my unreasonably high expectations, and I got it into my head that maybe if I could make a whole portfolio of artwork at that quality level, I actually stood a chance at getting into a zine as an artist. From then on, I was hardcore crash-coursing perspective, rendering techniques, and generally trying to improve without allowing room for mistakes. While I do think it helped me grow a lot, it burnt me out so I struggled to work on stuff past summary (when all the zine apps were) and even dropped from the SPN Comfortably Queer Zine cause my imposter syndrome was so strong. (Though that was also partially because it was a ‘sign-up and you’re in’ zine, so they never saw my art during the application process and had no way of knowing if I was good enough.
What was something you were surprised by? I’m pretty sure I discovered the perspective tool is CSP this year! CSP has so many tools I’m not aware of (despite watching tons of tutorials and guides), so it wasn’t super surprising but it was nice. I have to say, they’re a serious hassle to work with and require a higher understanding of vanishing points and such than I currently have, but I could see it being very useful for future scene art pieces.
Did you try anything new this year?
Yes! This year I kicked down the door to the merch world and have been collecting and designing throughout the year. Though the designs have mostly just been for zine app portfolio’s, everything has worked out really well for me and I hope to produce charms for my collection as I improve my skills. Where do you think you most improved? Definitely my confidence in rendering! And probably my rendering itself too. I did a ton more pieces with it this year and it’s definitely a favorite part of the art process for me. I think I’ll have a lot more fun with it this year too, since I’m trying to keep it lower pressure, so I can experiment more to find out what brushes and styles I like most. What are you most proud of? I think I’m most proud of how ambitious I was with my zine apps. Though I didn’t get into any for art and it burned me out a fair bit, I did a lot of hard work and made pieces I can be mostly happy with. As for specific pieces, I’m very proud of my animatic clip for the Dear Fellow Traveler MAP (which is what the Belos art from the summary is from). My portion was about 5 seconds with 24 fully colored and shaded frames. A few of those were moving frames too, so the end result is the closest thing to actual animation I’ve done. I also really like the rendering on the Huntlow Epilogue art and generally how the Steve&Matt hug turned out.
How’d this year compare to your 2023 goals? I honestly couldn’t remember what my goals were, but all things considered, I didn’t do too bad! Thankfully past-Sakarrie was wise and made it a bullet list so I can just check things off. Met: -Player Appreciation Week -Add to zine portfolio -Apply to at least one zine as an artist (fine if don’t get accepted) -Keep experimenting with backgrounds and shading -Pull out some old WIPs -Build more consistency of style
The checked off ones I definitely met, so good for me! This was a very zine-focused year, so I way exceeded those goals. The last two I did do, but they’re a bit subjective. Specifically, I think the ‘WIPs’ I was referring to were old sketches, but most of the old WIPs I revisited were already colored and I was either adding rendered or cleaning them up for zine usage. As for style, I’m REALLY bad at telling haha. That said, my characters seem reasonably similar when I draw them, so I’m going to tentatively count it. Kinda: -One fully colored piece per month
I’m gonna give myself a half check on this one. I didn’t have a fully colored piece every month, but I did have over 12 fully rendered pieces in the end, several of which had backgrounds. So while I didn’t meet the letter of the goal, I feel like I met the spirit of it.
Did Not Meet: -Finish Huntlow comic -30 minutes animatic digitalize rough draft -Maybe make some fanart of my favorite fics
These don’t shock me. They’re all personal projects and this was a very external-goal-driven year for me. The Huntlow comic is a big love of mine but it’s definitely ambitious for where my skill is. I’ve got the whole thing messy-sketched and most of it has been clean sketched, but the jump from that to lineart is gonna be hard, and I have no idea what I’d be doing with color since the panels don’t have a background. That said, I do feel like it’s some solid work and I adore the angst vibe of it, so maybe I’ll get it done one day. I could also see myself posting it as a messy lineart comic so that others could enjoy the concept being executed in case it never gets finished.
As for the 30 Minutes animatic, I still 100% intend to complete it eventually. I love the way it fits to the music and I’m so proud of the thumbnails. Even if it never becomes a full animatic, I want to digitize the frames and line it up with music so I can share the concept I see in my mind with others. My brain was somewhat overtaken suddenly by TOH this year, so now that that’s settled and I’m hoping to follow my muse more this year, maybe this will be something I can get excited about again.
The fanart for favorite fics is no surprise since it’s kinda the tack on. With low motivation and projects with deadlines that needed my focus, personal art like this was buried way below other priorities. It’s a nice though for sure though.
Alrighty then, now it’s time for 2024 goals!! Oh goodness, I really don’t know what to expect of myself. I definitely am going to try to allow for more personal projects with lower pressure, but I do still have some goals. Hopefully most can be accomplished without applying big pressure though.
2024 Goals:
-Number One Priority: Create for my and don’t put myself in a place to get crazy burnt out and still have requirements. If I meet this goal, then it’s okay if I don’t meet any of the others. (It would be sad.... But I would still count it as meeting overall goals.) -Participate in Summergen and PAW Week (Art or Fic) -Design Handplates charm as anniversary gift (November) -Design CS Charm -Have a fully usable Zine Portfolio (Currently need more merch samples and rendered pieces with backgrounds) -Apply to new TOH Zines or other loved fandom zines. If I end up getting into any, I can pull back, but since that doesn’t seem likely, I want to get into the habit of always being ready to apply with what I have. -Make an ongoing project list to pin to my tumblr. This applies mostly for fics, but that way people coming to my page can see what fandoms I’m actively creating for and what they can look forward to (as well as have an opening to ask questions if they’re interested). -Post more (at least 10 times throughout the year) and add my best pieces to instagram (8+ pieces by end of year). -Do ONE of the following:     1. 30 minutes digitized so it can be shared with music      2. Open Up Your Eyes fully thumbnail      3. Fanworks for other people’s fics      4. Participate in an extra bang or exchange with art      5. Design and manufacture a pin -Play with different brushes and rendering styles -Draw something from scratch every month, no matter how small -Not exactly art, but I want to have a finalized long-term merch display plan for all my items Overall, how’d the year go? I think I did well! I didn’t meet all my goals and I pushed myself too far, but I learned and improved a LOT this year. All things considered, I made pieces that last year me would be blown away by, so I think that’s an automatic win. I’m pretty uncertain on how this next year will go (even more so than last year, which is surprising since I was changing schools last year), but I’m hoping to enjoy what I do and create art semi-regularly. Here’s to 2024!
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ray-of-midnight-storm · 8 months
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Prolly should say something…..
Hi name’s Ray (that’s a nickname I gave myself)
I’m an INFP, I love poetry, art and music plus dancin my cultures traditional dances!
I finished art and dance school and I have the gifted kid burnout syndrome (yay 😭)
Perfectionist since birth, lonely since kindergarten, the weird and sensitive kid who cried way too much in elementary (still do)
(@rosees3ray cause man you’re my nr. 1 bro for life)
Prolly touched starved not sure tho, I like painting! My favourite band is Arctic monkeys. And queen, the Beatles, ABBA shaped my childhood (along Lithuanian artists and singing tales)
Orange 🍊 juice 🤝 apple 🍎 juice
I am a daughter of Apollo
I like Greek mythology! If you couldn’t tell heh ^^
Cat person 🐈🐈🐈🐈
Capitalism can kiss my ass 🤠🔪
A poet/philosopher who has an existential crisis at least 7 times a week (I’m on meds dw my overthinking goin brrr)
A proud Lithuanian 🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
I had a butterfly phase during covid and now I remember some weird facts about butterflies 🦋
ALSO had and origami phase during covid so now I remember how to fold a Crain like it’s nothing
(heh I’m so swag and amazing and swag😎)
I had panic attacks for almost 2 years. THEY GONE NOW MOTHERFUCKERSSS (If anyone need help or advice with that or anything in general I’m all ears!!!!)
I do believe that every person has a colour (no I will not elaborate 🤠🔪)
A hufflepuff (I’m not really into Harry Potter but I just like knowing I’m a hufflepuff)
My favorite shoes are converse! <3
A marvel girl :] (dc fans fuck off!/jk)
My first comfort character was puss in boots
Hope you got to know me a little ☺️ I love tumblr and you guys so much I feel like at home on this site <3
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turbulentscrawl · 5 months
hiii!!! could i maybe get a matchup?
i go by all pronouns and im currently questioning :3 (so perferrbly match me with a male? its all up to you though!)
Im an INTP, 6w5, my love language (giving) would probably be something like acts of service and words of affirmation and receiving would probably be gift giving and quality time. I'm into singing, cooking (i make soul ascending grilled cheeses/melts), color/winter gaurd (flag dance/normal dance, usually performed at school football games or in competition), and unusal history (like history not normally talked about in a classroom)!!! A couple of dealbreakers would be instigating my anger issues or comparing me to others through appreances, tastes, personality…etc.
In life I've been trying to aim into getting into the law field, but if that doesn't work out I'm considering going into hospitality or culinary. I have been told I'm an extreme perfectionist and I shut down if I feel like I don't do good enough, I have a bad memory and I have issues talking about things I enjoy that may be 'out of the norm', I have something called 'older sister syndrome', which bleeds into the previous mentioned anger issues and perfectionism
regarding appearance, im very pale with dirty ginger hair (maybe a little darker…? im not very sure) and i have a lot of freckles!! My usual aesthetic is acubi but I love wearing friendship bracelets that might make no sense with the outfit im wearing lol! I'm also really big into artists like PinkPantheress and Mitski !!!
I ship you with Naib Subedar!
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-Naib’s seen some shit, and handles tension well, so your anger issues are pretty much a non-issue. And frankly, he’s a little hot-headed too, so he understands the struggle. Even if you get riled up and point it in his direction, he can shrug the majority of it off without much issue. He will expect an apology later, though, depending on how far you take things.
-While you’re a perfectionist, Naib is a realist, and I think you could both benefit one another in this regard. Naib can help draw back your self-imposed expectations a bit so you aren’t as hard on yourself, and you can remind Naib that he’s allowed to reach for the stars sometimes.
-He’s an only child to a single mother, so he doesn’t get the “Eldest Sister Syndrome” thing, but he’s very protective and inclined to stick up for you even when you won’t do it yourself. Like, he gets the fear of disappointing people, but you’re a sister not a parent and you shouldn’t be saddled with unfair expectations just because of when you were born. It’s not healthy, and he considers it his job to look out for you now. In all regards.
-Once again, he’s a walking trashcan. You liking to cook is a godsend. Fuck yes he wants a bomb-ass grilled cheese, do you even have to ask?
-I think you’d both look good in that acubi aesthetic! Power couple, anyone? He cringes a bit at the bracelets but he’d wear one if you really insisted….
Runner Up: Joseph
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10pm-cafe-lattes · 1 month
star rail theory! robin?
spoilers for penacony 2.0! since 2.1 is on the way i kinda figured i'd share my thoughts on a theory floating around
the original theory is that robin is actually firefly. so there's two versions of firefly- the one working with sam (whole other theory on its own which is i THINK all but confirmed), and the one we meet. evidence:
robin's song playing at firefly's hideout
robin's injury being at the same place firefly was stabbed
complimentary colour schemes
robin's voice being 'off' and firefly's entropy loss syndrome
robin's caged-bird imagery and firefly's lines about how the dreamscape lets you be whoever you want to be
firefly apologising just before she's stabbed when she has no real reason to at this point in the story
the specific inclusion of being able to change your form in the dreamscape
firefly introducing herself as an artist from the iris family when we first meet her & her being highly comfortable/familiar with penacony despite saying she's a stowaway
nothing in firefly's voicelines really directly contradicts that idea??
i think this would actually kinda make sense, i'm here for it- something about the 2.2 marketing seems a little weird to me, since we have an entirely new character in boothill and someone who only has implied relevance to the plot so far in robin. i'd have expected sam/firefly to be honest (which i think most people did), but robin? who we saw in real life with a wound that had dream bubbles surrounding it?
robin's imagery surrounding light and stars would also match well to firefly's hideout- and i think it would fit what we know of robin as a perfectionist so far, especially if the theory is true and robin has entropy loss syndrome; it could explain why she moved back to penacony, as well as why her voice isn't at 100%.
thematically penacony's also pushing deception and appearance//reality really hard, as well as possibly surveillance, so...
what other theories does everyone have :O or any ideas in general about penacony and star rail?
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freyatarotreadings8 · 9 months
Freya, who would you date based on astro signs?
Interesting question. Let’s do it.
Just for a note. My big 6: Sun in Aries XII, Taurus rising, Venus in Taurus I, Moon in Aquarius X, Mars (retrograde) in Scorpio VI, Mercury in Pisces XI.
Aries ♈️ it’s a bad idea to date the same sign as yours. it could be fun and so passionate, but eventually I don’t think it would work. We would argue a lot.
Taurus ♉️ we’d have lots in common. Both are stable, sensual, romantic and hedonistic. Nice wining and dining. But, I’d wait way too long for him making a move and I am impatient.
Gemini ♊️ lots of talk and so few of action. I’m a type who judge people for their actions not gratuitous speeches. I’d have some difficulties with trusting him. Two faced fella. Also I’d be satisfied intellectually. We’d enjoy adventures together. Good with his hands.
Cancer ♋️ such a homey cutie. I like that he’d be so protective and caring. However, his emotional ups and downs would make me roll my eyes. Take a chill pill or something. Cancer has a tendency to be manipulative and I don’t like such mind games. Gives a vibe of a guy with mommy issues.
Leo ♌️ oh, Lord. Yes, please. Any time! It’d a wonderful match made in the heaven. We’d understand each other so easily, so many things in common. Passionate lovers. I’d appreciate his kindness and generosity. Okay. His bossy nature is annoying. Also this thing “you’re only mine, but don’t possess me ever” is so meh.
Virgo ♍️ I don’t know how would I get interested in such guy. Sorry. Mr perfectionist would play on my nerves and vice versa because I don’t have a syndrome of being a good/perfect girl. I was born and raised as a rock start. Although I like smart cookies.
Libra ♎️ it’s the only air sign that I’m positive about, so yes! Honestly, I’d marry a Libra guy. Romantic, artistic, affectionate, great taste. We’d complete each other so well. Probably he’d be slightly intimidated by me. Also all Libras have a thing over love and relationships, so I like this part.
Scorpio ♏️ since I’m Taurus rising and my 7th house in Scorpio I’m attracted to such type. I’d love his intense nature. Fantastic sex. However, his secrecy and stalking tendencies would piss me off.
Sagittarius ♐️ such a lovely match. Free spirited and spiritual. We’d travel a lot and discover so many new things. However, Sag doesn’t have a vibe of being faithful.
Capricorn ♑️ kinda boring, but I’d give a try. I love entrepreneurs, I’d learn so many useful things from him. His dedication, leadership and stoic attitude would be inspiring.
Aquarius ♒️ I guess I’m done with this sign, however, I have 3 planets in this sign. I’d enjoy intellectual debates. His rebellious nature is so unique. He isn’t romantic at all, but dependable and unfortunately, there is a tendency to ghost others.
Pisces ♓️ hmm, way too sensitive as for me. I’d need to make the first move. I’d enjoy him being spiritual, intuitive, artistic. I don’t think that he’d proper articulate his needs and feelings.
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venbetta · 1 year
Hi!! How's it going? I really love your comics and fanfics, and since you're really good at that.... Could you give me some advice to start writing my own comic? I have a lot of ideas and I want to start writing now but.... I don't know how to start with the story because of my selfdoubt... I want it to call the public's attention right away but I don't wanna start with the important stuff right now... you know?
Hi I'm doing okay!
I didn't expect to get asked this so I'm sorry if my advice doesn't seem cohesive.
Well, for me, I've been drawing for a long time and I even made comics when I was a kid. I recently made it my own personal goal to become a full time comic artist in the coming future (I'm only 19 so I have a long way to go).
One of the things to start with is first learning how to write and create stories, whether that's for yourself or your friends or whoever you're comfortable receiving advice or critique from. I started out writing fics on wattpad and over the years learned how to write better original stories and eventually become comfortable to let my friends read them. I'm not particularly good with writing advice but there are a lot of resources out there to help regarding writing a story.
Now for comics, I think it requires a lot of patience and thought, especially if it's being posted online. I'd recommend looking at webcomic series (if that's what you want to do) or find a physical graphic novel series that you enjoy and take inspiration from them and break down what made you like the comic. It took me a little while to eventually start a comic-- specifically a webtoon-- which I posted on Webtoons during 2021-2022. It's a little nerve-wracking to start but if you never try, then you won't ever start...
I think it's good to start small and simple, whether it's a black or white comic or a silly 4-panel gag comic; so that you can understand how to layout a comic and develop a work flow. Write outlines and scripts for your comic if there's a overarching narrative!!
I've done fully rendered comics before and while it's rewarding to see the finished product, they are very draining (especially if you have deadlines alongside a busy schedule). Example here:
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This took 12+ hours... I still see stuff wrong with it today haha
I don't regret it obviously, because I know I'm a perfectionist and I like my stuff looking nice, however it can really take a toll after a while. So if you're going to fully render everything, try to keep it simple/presentable.
Comics really do take time, along with gaining an audience, which is a whole other can of worms. You just need to put yourself out there, post things you enjoy and what other people might enjoy. My current fixation is FNAF right now, so most of my content right now is catering to it, and people will flock to it more than my original stuff. Once you start posting original content, it solely depends on if the viewers want to consume your original stuff (and it's okay if they choose not to!). It all takes time.
Now for the self-doubt, I can definitely relate to and I understand that completely. I have a good case of imposter syndrome when it comes to most of the things I create. There were countless times when working on my comics I had the repeating thought of: "Is this something I really want to do?" "Am I good enough for this?" "Why am I trying it looks awful..." etcetera etcetera!
This was when I was doing webtoons. It's very easy to fall into that self doubt/insecurity, especially when you see other artists who's art styles/writing are prone to comparison with your own work. That's something I'm still working on myself, I'm still young y'know, the self doubt comes and goes, but I think one way to combat that is to take a step back whenever you think of something negative, try and figure out why you feel that way, if there's something you can do about it, and work from there. Look at some old drawings or read old stories you've written and reflect on how far you've come and realize you're still growing and there's going to be growing pains when it comes to working on projects. It's so easy to compare yourself and to think you're inadequate but if you focus on bettering yourself and doing what you think what's best for you then you don't need to worry about what other people are doing.
Personally something I do to keep myself focused on my work (and not spiral) is listen to podcasts, music, or video essays (if you can listen to someone's lets play, that works too, but it can be distracting sometimes). Having some background noise can definitely help you stay focused and not let your thoughts get so distracting. Take breaks obviously, take naps, do what you need to.
I have some videos that I watched when I was looking into starting a comic/webtoon along with some writing tips here:
I'm sorry if this was very long winded, I hope I covered most of it, I just needed to get some points across. I hope this helps you, and good luck on your story!
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Sooo, your other Seven Deadly Sins. (If you have any.)
What are they like?
I would try to play coy and be like "how do you know I have the other Seven Deadlies planed?" But I've already shared the Google doc about them.
Before I talk about the Deadlies, some word-buildy info:
I was heavily inspired by the otome game Obey Me, so I took some physical designs as homage to the game.
My Seven Deadlies are not siblings. In fact, there are other Seven Deadly Sin groups in this universe. It's not a super common phenomenon and SDs do have some notoriety (and extra power) among other demons.
Seven Deadlies have 3 names each. Their regular name, the sin, and the demon name associated to the sin. That third name makes summoning a bit of a lottery pick. For example, if someone summons Beelzebub, Gula might have to go or it might be one of the other Gluttonies. And if this summoner calls on Beelzebub again, there's not a guarantee they'll get the same Gluttony every time.
Being demons, the Seven Deadlies don't have a set body-type or form. They can be whatever they want. But most do have preferences.
Now, for the Sins!
Bia - Pride - Lucifer
She/Her, trans woman
Black hair, red eyes.
Often wears red make-up.
Fashion style: a mix of Victorian goth-dark academia style, with lots of blacks, reds, greys, and silvers.
Classical, sophisticated, intelligent, academic.
Pretty much good at everything she does.
Probably a perfectionist with failure anxiety.
Very "classical" genre tastes, on the surface.
Quietly into all sorts of alternative stuff, though. (Probably sees it as a guilty pleasure.)
Avarici ("Richie") - Greed - Mammon
He/Him, trans man
White hair, yellow eyes.
Lithe, often runs from people/authorities/etc.
Fashion style: hoodies, cargo pants, good shoes for running. I don't know what you'd call this. lol Likes to wear yellow, gold, and black.
Oh, but he probably changes his style often, just to keep the fuzz off his back.
Gives plasma and blood, has online stores, peddles and pawns.
Sells feet pics (Luxuri probably willingly offers to model)
Made money off Cedia + sleep studies.
Catfishes as an e-domme (using Ira's photos)
Five finger discount extraordinaire (only from huge chain stores; not small businesses.)
Often wears masks or has facial "tats" that keep him from getting caught by facial recognition software and witnesses.
Luxuri (or Luxi) - Lust - Asmodeus
Genderfluid, but gravitates toward he/him most the time.
Extremely apt at changing entire appearance; hair and eye color change a lot. (Other demons generally stick to a set human form, with small things changing.)
He often has dark, wavy hair and purple eyes.
Fashion is slut/bimbo fashion. (Not saying that derogatorily.) With lots of skin exposed, bare midriff, fishnets, stripper heels, etc etc. He also likes hot pink and purple a lot.
Flirty, charismatic.
Probably has identity issues, since they wear a lot of metaphorical masks.
Likely works as an influencer and/or in theater.
Likes fashion, clubbing, music, movies, people.
Ira - Wrath - Satan
She/Her, cis woman
Buff lady
Blonde, green eyes. Scar over left eye. Probably other scars too.
Stunt woman and/or MMA fighter.
Fashion swings from "gym rat" to "classical 50s lady."
Blunt in how she speaks. Often mistaken for being angry.
Trist - Envy - Leviathan
Purple hair, orange eyes.
Wants to wear creative and out-there styles, but probably just sticks to jeans, tee-shirts, and hoodies.
Artist (likely has imposter syndrome)
Likes: Anime, cartoons, cosplay, video games.
Has social anxiety.
Gula - Gluttony - Beelzebub
He/Him, cis man.
Orange hair, purple eyes, freckled tan skin. (has a blonde streak in hair, because Cedia wanted to try being a hairstylist, but lost interest.)
Wears a man bun (but his hair is not as long as Cedia's.)
Fashion style is whatever he feels like wearing at the moment; though he has a lot of sleeveless shirts and cargo shorts (for snacks.)
Works as a chef/baker, because... yeah, of course he does.
Built, but not as buff as Ira.
Tallest of the sins, in human form.
Cedia - Sloth - Belphegor
They/Them or She/Her
Super long blue-black hair, usually left down and messy.
Pale, pale blue eyes.
Fashion revolves around comfort: sweats, sweaters, scarfs, etc.
Tries a lot of things but doesn't stick with them.
Good writer with tons of WIPs.
Lots of unfinished video games.
Lots of unfinished, half-read books.
Likes plushies, soft blankets, bean bag chairs, etc.
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the-whumpening · 2 months
Son of Bat! [OC Context Post]
Working on more Ash fics, but I need some time before I'm ready to post them, so in the meantime I'll introduce my other OCs!
So uh, technically, these OCs started as part of a Scooby-Doo fan thing. Later in the Hex Girls' career, my spouse and I headcanonned that they would start a record label and help other artists get started. Son of Bat is one of those bands! This later morphed into something else entirely, but technically speaking it exists in the Scooby-Doo universe lol
Son of Bat is a fictional band which I’m slowly working on making into a webcomic or some kind of longer project. The whole project is intended to explore themes like family trauma, identity, and relationships, largely based on my and my partner’s lived experiences, so each character was designed with certain traits in mind to reflect that (well, once it left the Hex Girls spin-off phase lol). There’s so much I want to say about each of them, so it’s really difficult to condense it down into something succinct and readable!
The story takes place in modern day, in a nonspecific US city, though the characters canonically grew up in Florida. The band’s music is a mix of metal, emo/alt rock, prog rock, and a few sprinkles of nu metal and EDM. In short, they aren’t as pressed about genre so much as vibe. The band consists of:
James Snyder: 25, huge af, primary writer and guitarist. James is a perfectionist and workaholic who is not only running a successful band, but also studying for a PhD and working as a personal trainer on the side. Most of his free time is spent in the gym, working out to anime soundtracks and kpop. He grew up in a shitty, abusive household, and he no longer has contact with his family. Around age 14, he got expelled from private school for once again refusing to cut his hair and getting into fights, and his family kicked him out. He became friends with Eddie in public school and was taken in by him and his mom. Vince is James’ older brother, and though they had a rocky relationship for a while, the hurt feelings are mending. James is aroace and in a queerplatonic relationship with Molly. 
Vince Snyder: 29, trans man, bassist and vocalist. Vince has gone through a ton of personal growth—from leaving his abusive family, to struggling with alcoholism, to navigating transition. He’s always loved animals, even the “gross” bugs and reptiles he was told not to play with as a kid. Although his onstage personality is over-the-top and gregarious, he tends to be more reserved and laid-back with his friends. He struggles a lot with imposter syndrome and fears of inadequacy, as well as guilt from his upbringing. At this point in the story, he has married Cassandra Prince, the band’s manager, and is taking time off to be with her and work on a solo album.   
Eddie Glenn: 24, drummer, short king, pansexual. Eddie is the co-founder of the band, along with James. Growing up autistic/adhd, Eddie dealt with a lot of bullying and isolation. But when he met James, they just clicked. When he found out James was functionally homeless, his mom insisted on taking James in. They essentially became brothers overnight, and that bond has remained into adulthood. Personality-wise, Eddie is a goofball and a sweetheart; this works against him sometimes, as people tend to infantilize him. Eddie is also an artist; he makes all the merch and graphics for SoB and is studying to be an art teacher. Because of his autism, Eddie struggles with selective mutism and sometimes uses ASL and AAC. He and Molly briefly dated, but realized they’re better as friends. 
Molly “Moondust” Rivera-Roth: 27, nonbinary/demigirl, keyboard and mixing. Molly Moondust is her DJ name, and how she met Eddie (he was graffitiing the outside of her venue). Molly was adopted as a baby by her two loving dads, one Cuban and one Jewish. Between the two of them and the rotating variety of foster kids in their home, Molly’s childhood was extremely multicultural. She was an awkward, geeky, chubby girl growing up, finding solace in her family and her love of technology and music. As she got older and found the EDM scene, she grew more confident and honed not only her craft, but also her outgoing personality. Molly is loud, affectionate, and a great friend. Being away from her family when she went to college was really tough, and she got caught up in the party scene (and party drugs). James and Eddie’s friendship and concern helped pull her out of the hole, and she and Vince keep each other accountable. Molly loves James and is happy to be in his life however he feels most comfortable; they view each other almost like spouses, at least as far as their level of security and trust. 
Cassandra Prince (name may be changed): 30, band manager/idiot wrangler, engaged to Vince. Cass met the others while working with the performance arts department at their university. James was impressed with her management skills and asked for her help. Cass is physically disabled and uses mobility aids, and she loves cottagecore/pastel goth fashion. Because of growing up disabled, she had to "grow up fast," so she often feels disconnected from her peers and struggles to lighten up. The only person she really loosens up around is Vince, who gets to see the cutesy, babyish side of her. (Cass is a late addition to the canon and isn't fully fleshed out; her details are subject to change.)
Debby Glenn: Eddie’s mom and James’ surrogate mom. Debby was a dental hygienist when Eddie was growing up, but by the time he graduated, she’d become a dentist and opened her own practice. She and Eddie pretty much just had each other since her family wanted nothing to do with her as an unwed mother, and Eddie’s dad was a stalkery asshole. She had to get a restraining order against him and move cities to get him off her back. Debby was a rockstar mom, despite having to work crazy hard to support the two of them as a single mom. She encouraged Eddie's love of percussion from a young age and always did the best she could to accommodate and advocate for Eddie—and, naturally, that translated to James as well. Debby has a big, open heart, and she took James in with barely a second thought; though she loves all the SoB kids like they’re her own, James has a special place in her heart as her second son. 
That's the band! I have a handful of great whumpy scenarios for them, mostly on the milder side compared to Ash's story. I'm hoping to develop this into a full comic or web series over time, but I'm not quite confident enough yet to really give it a go. So in the meantime, I'll post the few fics I have of theirs and maybe post some slice of life stuff on another blog (I'll link it if I do that). Pictures will be added to this post later.
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mudaship39 · 4 months
Character Bio of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character part 5
Positive character traits:
Active. Adaptable. Adventurous. Affectionate, Affluent. Agreeable. Alert. Alluring. Altruistic. Ambitious. Analytical. Animated. Appreciative. Artistic. Athletic. Attentive. Beautiful. Benevolent. Bold. Bright. Brilliant. Calm. Candid. Capable. Careful. Cautious. Charitable. Charming. Charismatic. Cheeky. Civil. Clean. Committed. Confident. Cooperative. Comical. Compassionate. Conscientious. Considerate. Cool. Courageous. Courteous. Crafty. Creative. Cultured. Curious. Daring. Decisive. Defiant. Delightful. Dedicated. Dependable. Determined. Devoted. Diplomatic. Direct. Disciplined. Driven. Dynamic. Eager. Earnest. Easygoing. Ecstatic. Effective. Efficient. Elated. Elegant. Eloquent. Empathetic.  Emotional. Enchanting. Encouraging. Energetic. Enthusiastic. Excited. Experienced. Extroverted. Fair. Faithful. Fancy. Fashionable. Flexible. Focused. Forgiving. Friendly. Frank. Free. Frugal. Funny. Generous. Genius. Genuine. Gentle. Gifted. Graceful. Grateful. Happy. Hard Working. Helpful. Homely. Honest. Honorable. Hopeful. Hospitable. Humble. Idealistic. Imaginative. Independent. Influential. Inquisitive. Inspiring. Introverted. Intelligent. Irresistible. Joyful. Jovial. Just. Kind. Kindhearted. Knowledgeable. Lenient. Likable. Logical. Loving. Loyal. Mature. Mindful. Modest. Merciful. Nice. Nurturing. Objective. Observant. Organized. Open. Open-minded. Optimistic. Passionate. Patient. Playful. Peaceful. Perceptive. Persistent. Persuasive. Philanthropic. Pleasant. Poetic. Poised. Polite. Popular. Positive. Precise. Proactive. Prodigal. Professional. Proper. Protective. Proud. Punctual. Quiet. Quirky. Realistic. Reasonable. Rebellious. Receptive. Refined. Reliable. Respectful. Resourceful. Responsible. Self Regulation. Self Reliant. Sensible. Sentimental. Serene. Serious. Sharp. Shrewd. Slick. Skilled. Social. Sociable. Soft. Sophisticated. Spiritual. Spontaneous. Stable. Stylish. Studious. Successful. Supportive. Tactful. Talented. Talkative. Tasteful. Thoughtful. Tolerant. Trusting. Tranquil. Trendy. Vulnerable. Unbiased. Unique. Upright. Versatile. Vigilant. Well read. Wholesome. Wise. Witty. Worldly. Youthful. 
Negative character traits: 
Addiction. Afraid. Aggressive. Alcoholism. Aloof. Angry. Annoyed. Angsty. Anxious. Apathetic. Argumentative. Arrogant. Ashamed. Attention Seeker. Bitter. Blunt. Boastful. Bossy. Brash. Brutal. Calculating. Callous. Chaotic. Childish. Cold. Crabby. Cocky. Combative. Competitive. Conceited. Cranky. Crass. Critical. Crude. Cynical. Dark. Decadence. Demanding. Depressed. Disrespectful. Distressed. Doubtful. Eccentric. Fearful. Fidgety. Finicky. Flirtatious. Foolish. Fretful. Frustrated. Glumness. Grouchy. Grumpy. Harsh. Heartbroken. Hedonistic. Hero Syndrome. Hurt. Hyper. Immature. Impatient. Impolite. Impulsive. Indifferent. Irritable. Jaded. Jealous. Lavish. Lazy. Lost. Loud. Martyr. Merciless. Mean. Messy. Miserable. Misguided. Moody. Naive. Needy. Nervous. Noisy. Obnoxious. Odd. Overbearing. Paranoid. Perfectionist. Pessimistic. Picky. Plain. Prankster. Pretentious. Primadonna. Private. Procrastinator. Provocative. Quiet. Rebellious. Reckless. Resentful. Reserved. Restless. Rude. Ruthless. Sarcastic. Secretive. Selfish. Self Destructive. Self Indulgent. Scatterbrained. Sensitive. Shy. Sleazy. Skeptical. Sly. Snobbish. Strange. Stoic. Strict. Sulky. Stubborn. Suspicious. Tactless. Temperamental. Tense. Touchy. Troubled. Unstable. Uptight. Upset. Vain. Vicious. Wary. Weary. Worrisome. Vindictive. Volatile. Withdrawn. Workaholic. Zealous. 
Some of these are negative personality traits the plural system use as a form of protection as a survivor of abuse and trauma before they healed with therapy and counseling.
Some of these negative character traits are from when they were a child, preteen, teenage, or young adult demigod and alien hybrid as part of their adolescent phase. 
Others are normal negative personality traits as a normal person like everyone else since no one is perfect. 
Some negative character traits are because of brainwashing and mind control when they were a supervillain. Some of these negative character traits are because of the Terran Empire or conditioning and indoctrination under the Earth Hegemony.  Their oppressors did this to get them to do actions that went against their morals, character, and code. 
Some of the negative character traits are only active when the war god ancestry gets too awry or when the drawback of the berserk state gets too much. It’s also only activated by the bloodthirsty god of war Ares or the god of love Aphrodite as a way of manipulating the main character as a demigod.
Courage, Charity, Diligence,  Humility, Justice, Kindness, Patience, Prudence, Temperance,
Indulgence, Lust, Wrath
They have a soothing voice. They have an appealing voice. They have a honeyed voice as a demigod. They have a modulated voice as an alien hybrid. They have an orotund voice. They have a ringing voice. They have a softly spoken voice when speaking to children and teenagers. They are a fast or slow talker depending on the situation. They have a silvery voice as a deity. They have a low pitch usually but high when they are excited. As someone who is confident they speak with a loud, clear, concise, and confident voice. The tone of their voice changes depending on their mood.
Kingdom of Hawaii. Kingdom of Tonga. Citizen of mythical Mu and Hawaiki as an Oceanic demigod and alien hybrid. Earth. Europa. Titan. Sol System. Milky Way Galaxy. Intergalactic Federation of Ethanxiia. Planetary Confederacy of Iuyumania. Polaris System. Andromeda Galaxy.
Marital Status: Married.
High school grad
Principal's Honor Roll
High school Salutatorian 
College dropout because of work conflict and taking care of their biological and adoptive kids. Later went back to school to complete their degrees.
College graduate.
College Valedictorian  
Science major who graduated from a four year university with an Associate’s Degree of Science in Xeno Zoology with a minor in Magi Paleontology. 
Bachelor’s degree in Magi Marine Biology and Xeno Anthropology
Graduated from the Earth Naval Academy. Master’s Degree of Science in Oceanography with a minor in Ocean Engineering. 
Science major who graduated from Sol System Ivy League University with a Doctorate in Science. Dual Major in Xeno Biology and Magi Archeology. 
High school sports: 
Swimming, Golf, Volleyball, Baseball, Tennis, Water Polo, Track, Wrestling, Basketball, Soccer.
College Sports: 
Cross country, Volleyball, Ice hockey, Skiing, Baseball, Snowboarding, Basketball, Lacrosse, Soccer.
Fencing, Kendo, Archery, Kickboxing, Equestrian, Fishing, Judo, Shooting (pistol and rifle), Weightlifting, Rock climbing, Taekwondo, Karate, Sailing, Mixed martial arts
Administrative assistant. Babysitter. Bank teller. Barber. Bar Bartender. Beach Lifeguard. Bookstore Owner. Bus driver. Camp Counselor. Coffee shop barista. College tutor. Commercial actor. Customer service representative. Dance Instructor. Deliver Driver. Electrician. Fan artist. Fanwriter. Fast food line cook. Fast food cashier. Freelancer. Fitness Instructor. Former child actor. Former Teen Star. Gardener. Grocery Store Clerk. Hover Car mechanic. IT Support. Journalist. Librarian. Mall security guard. Manual Laborer. Office receptionist. Pest Control. Photographer. Post office worker. Reporter. Research Assistant. Resident Advisor. Retail Sales Associate. Restaurant server. Roadie. Secretary. Social media assistant. Social media influencer. Sport team brand ambassador. Swim Instructor. Tattoo Artist. Television actor. Valet. Waiter/Waitress. Web Designer. Casual Video game streamer.
Sciences: He/she/they are a life scientist who studies anthropology, anatomy, archeology, biology, botany, conservation, ecology, genetics, linguistics, marine biology, paleontology, psychology, physiology, sociology, and zoology 
He/she/they are a physical scientists who studies astronomy, astrophysics, chemistry, cosmology, earth sciences, engineering, geology, geography, oceanography, meteorology, nanotechnology, planetary sciences, and physics
Mom and dad of the Asian Pasifika and native Afro Latine Native superhero are native of color scientists in stem
Mom is a physical scientist who studies astronomy, chemistry, cosmology, engineering, geology, oceanography meteorology, nanotechnology, and physics
Dad is a life scientist so anthropology, anatomy, archeology, biology, botany, ecology, genetics, marine biology, paleontology, and zoology
Child is a life and physical scientists but on other alien planets of xeno sciences and other magical realms of magi sciences
He/she/they are a life scientist who studies on alien worlds
He/she/they are also a scientist who studies magical worlds 
He/she/they study life across the planets, star systems, & galaxies across the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.
Gym Rat. Street Fighter. Pit Fighter. Underground Fighter. Martial Artist. Mixed Martial Artist. Athlete. Sports Coach. Team manager. Celebrity. 
Supermodel. Fashion Designer. 
Singer. Rapper. Musician. DJ. Spoken word poet. Songwriter. Actor. 
Verified Video Game Streamer. Pro Gamer. Video game Voice Actor/actress. Game Designer. 
Stage Actor. Animator. Director. Producer. Set Designer. Costume Designer. Screenwriter. 
Playwright. Author. Illustrator. Literary Agent. Editor. Publisher. 
Business person. Mogul. Grill Chef. Fry Chef. Pastry Chef. Fish Chef. Junior Chef. Station Chef. Deputy Chef. Head Chef. Executive Chef. Master Chef. Gourmet Chef. 5 Star Restaurant Owner. Mixologist. High End Bar Owner. Proprietor. 
Civilian (Colonist). Exterminator (Extradimensional Fauna). 
Agent (Intelligence). Intelligence Officer. Intergalactic Law Enforcement, Intergalactic Intelligence Officer, Intergalactic Secret Agent, 
Assassin. Professional Assassin. Militant Assassin. Contract Assassin.  Master Assassin. Hired Killer. Hitman. Contract Killer. Ninja. Shinobi/Kunoichi Ninja Assassin Recruit (C- rank). Genin (B+ rank). Chunin (A+ rank). Jonin (S+ rank). Spy. Informant. Double Agent. Triple Agent. 
Child soldier. Enlisted Soldier. Dauntless. Soldier. Academic Soldier. Conscript. Military Conscript. Recruit. Grunt. Infantry. Rifleman. Private. Corporal. Lance Corporal. Cook (Mess Hall). Field Cook. Mechanic. Medic. Field Medic. Combat Medic. Nurse. Surgeon. Doctor Scientist. Field Scientist. Sergeant. Drill Sergeant. Commissioned Officer. Second Lieutenant. First Lieutenant. Captain. Support. Machine Gunner. Sharpshooter. Marksman. Sniper. Scout. Recon. Demolitions. Grenadier. Disciplined Soldier. Combat Engineer. Intelligence. Military Asset. Spy. Double Agent. Assassin. Militant Assassin (Spy, Saboteur, Double Agent, & Contract Assassin). Assault. Heavy Weapons. Squad Leader. Officer. Military Officer. Intelligence Officer. Specialist. Commando. Airborne. Paratrooper. Pilot (Captain). Military Pilot (Spy). Exploration. Military. Military Officer. Intergalactic Paramilitary Operative, Intergalactic Supersoldier, Intergalactic Private Soldier. Black Ops. Special Ops. Covert Ops. Spec Ops Officer. Paramilitary. Major. Colonel. Field Marshal. General. Veteran. War Veteran. War Hero. Decorated. Disabled Veteran. War Hero. Honorably Discharged. Retired Soldier. Veteran Who Can’t Let Go. Haunted Veteran. Officer Who Came Out of Retirement. 
Science Officer. Geneticist. Xenologist. Xenobiologist Consultant. Ancient Texts Interpreter. Xeno-anthropologist, Mutation Expert. Planetologist. Xenoecologist. Xenolinguist. Cryogenics Laboratory Assistant. Laser Beam Operator. Hologram Designer. 
Communications Officer. Cultural Facilitator. Cultural Integrationist.  Cultural Interpreter. 
Doctor. Nurse. Medical Officer. Medical Officer. 
Administrative Officer. Diplomat. Political Officer. Ambassador. Customs Official. Station Admin (Space Traffic Controller). Dock Worker (). Station master. Traffic control. Gate control. Supply Officer. 
Asteroid Prospector. Deep space construction. Exo Suit Welder. Orbital Junkyard Worker. Hazardous Materials Handler. 
Broker. Free Trader. Merchant Marine. 
Scout. Helmsman. Navigation Systems Expert. Navigator. Space fighter Pilot. Space craft pilot. 
Technician. Engineer. Droid mechanic. Ship mechanic. Armorer, Cyberneticist. Robotics Officer. Simulations Specialist. Robot Design Repair. Artificial Intelligence Scientist. Biotechnology Specialist. Nanotech Engineer. Robot Supervisor. Terraforming Engineer.
Customs Security. Station Security. Private Security. Tactical Officer. Weapons System Expert. Security Officer. Weapons Specialist. Ordinance Officer. Ground Support Specialist. Starship weapons officer. 
Smuggler. Scrapper/Junker. Scavenger. Space pirate. Space pirate captain.  Space pirate fleet admiral. 
Federation Academy Teacher. Federation Military Academy Teacher. 
Nanotech Printing Engineer. 
Simulation Designer.
Used Spaceship Salesman. Licensed SpaceShip Rental Agent. Starship Insurance Company Agent.
Space Traffic Controller
Ship Interior Designer/Decorator
Biotechnology Specialist. 
Nanotech Engineer. Nanotech Ethicist
Professional Psion. Combat Psion.
FTL Drive Engineer
High King/High Queen of the Principality of Federation of Kingdoms of Ethanxiia of an alien planet Ethanxiia
Paramount Chieftain and Warchief of the Confederacy of Nations of Iuyumania on the planet of Iuyamania
High King/High Queen of Mu or Hawaiki. Imagine Mount Olympus, Asgard, or Themyscira but for Indigenous Pasifika demigod metahumans and Indigenous Pasifika alien hybrid superhumans. Terrestrial federation of kingdoms similar to its rival Hyperborea. Underwater federation of kingdoms similar to its rival the technologically advanced Atlantean empire. Throne room defended by sea elves riding dolphins, palace defended by merfolk and tritons riding sea unicorn, capital defended by weresharks riding (tiger, mako, & great white) sharks, & kingdoms are defended by Atlanteans riding whales (beluga, narwhals, & orcas). Their throne room is decorated with the skeletons of a megalodon, a mosasaurus, a plesiosaurus, a basilosaurus, & a livyatan. For Hawaiki the federation of kingdoms of Pasifika alien hybrids and demigods there were several kingdoms on land hidden by magic as well as several kingdoms underwater hidden by technology. 
Chairman of Smith Industries. 
He/she/they are currently known as the Cardinal Changeling, Cambion Chimera, or Scarlet Shapeshifter of the intergalactic superhero conglomerate the Paragons
He/she/they were formally known as the Blue Basilisk, Emerald Eagle, Firebrick Firefox, Golden Griffin, Harlequin Hippogriff, Kobi Kitsune, Jade Jaguar, Silver Shark, & the White Werewolf of the intergalactic superhero conglomerates the Elites. 
He/she/they were known as Nomad, Wanderer, & Drifter of the superhero teams the Outcasts, the Renegades, the Fugitives, & the Exiles.
He/she/they were formally known as Morph, Shifter, Changeling, & Chimera of the Primals, Alpha, & Apex.
Base of Operations:
Mobile. Soar City. Shades of Color County. Neo New York City. Earth. Sol System. Milky Way Galaxy.
Champion of Terra, Savior of the Sol System, Warlord of the Vega System, Liberator of the Milky Way Galaxy, Conqueror of the Andromeda Galaxy, Destroyer of the Polaris System, the Devil of the Romulus Nebula, the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula, & the Hero of the Alpha Centurion War. 
Kalani the Fakaleiti Demigod and Mahu Deity, Warbringer of the Valkyries of Asgard, Titan Killer of the Greco Roman Mount Olympus, Yunos the Celestial and Stellar Entity and the Titan of War, Crel the Divine and Heavenly Being. 
Negative relationships with some of the European Norse Aesir  pantheon. Negative relationships with most of the Greek pantheon. They are negative with the Slavic Pantheon (like Chernobog and Baba Yaga).
They are positive with the Jotun Norse pantheon (like Loki, Angrboda, Laufey, Farbauti, or Hela). They are positive with the Vanir Norse Pantheon (like Frigga, Brynhildr, or Freya). They are positive with African pantheons. Positive relationships with the European Roman pantheon. Positive  relationship with African/West Asia Egyptian pantheon. Positive with Asian Japanese pantheon. Positive with Asian Chinese pantheon. Positive with Indigenous Maya pantheon, Indigenous Nahuatl pantheon, or Indigenous Quechua pantheon. Positive with Indigenous Polynesian Pantheons
They are neutral with the Arthurian pantheon (like Morgana, King Arthur, Merlin). Neutral with Hindu pantheon. Neutral with Babylonian pantheon (like Gilgamesh). Neutral with Hindu pantheon. Neutral with Irish Celtic pantheon (like the Morrigan). 
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percymakesgamesnow · 2 years
I'm literally so talented wtf subtitle it feels so good to get excited again
Hey Percy. This is a little MESSAGE for you, BITCH. You're so good at what you do like??? "oooh look at me I used to be a compositional wunderkind and then I stopped writing for a year bc I was dealing with life transitions, trade school, and regular transitions oooh I've wasted my potential I'm a shadow of my former self and I'll never amount to anything oooh look at me" SHUT up. You're so good at what you do and you haven't lost a dang thing. Stop imagining yourself at 55, worn and weary walking into a room with a piano and being like "ah I can barely play but here's a little something" and playing the intro to WWS or some shit and when people are like "ah that was good who is that" looking all wistfully into the distance like "that... was me..." as if you've fallen from grace bc you haven't written anything in a while and haven't put out a vast catalogue of music. You imposter syndrome perfectionist bitch you're incredible and just need to finish projects and obtain a work/life balance that allows you to write. It's well within your ability since you're so resilient and talented and take everything in stride and never stop racing towards your goals despite the hurdles you beautiful artist.
Literally I opened my scores folder to listen to some old stuff to maybe lube up my creative gears and what did I find?? nonstop jams. I listened to at least a dozen really great, utterly forgotten about tracks and that was just what my computer was able to handle opening. You're so talented and you have so many songs in your heart and you're literally 22 like stfu "I've wasted my chance" you're a BABY!! you're tryna MOVE OUT and BE A GIRL!!! You're so good and you work harder than anyone I know and you're killing it so be more patient with yourself please! You're talented and prolific as shit, you literally have FIVE HUNDRED files in your scores folder in a rich gradient of complete. "oh but that's counting all my duplicate files like when I apparently needed 10 different files to turn Westward into 4/4 orchestral copies in grade 13" shut up ok that's true but also it's not including all the music you wrote in Ableton instead of Sibelius. You wrote a whole-ass album in high school and even that had unreleased tracks on it bc you're a perfectionist (and you're working on that!! I see that you're doing so good and it's all a process babe!!)
You always gauge your musical self-worth on your Spotify/Bandcamp releases as if you've "only" written three singles and a 14-track soundtrack album (all of which are stellar by the way!) In fact, this scores folder has several dozen completely finished, polished, engraved songs that you just haven't run through EastWest instruments and thrown up on Bandcamp. You wrote a fuckton for school and for yourself and they're excellent. You're prolific as hell and it's just hit after hit so don't you dare say you "used to be a composer." In FACT, don't you dare even feel wEirD when you introduce yourself as a musician at parties, or try to downplay your accomplishments. You do so much and it's all so good and this Raccoon theme has gotten you right back on the wagon again writing stellar frogs, doing rapid aesthetic analyses, and getting excited about musicing in any form. I seriously adore you and your music and you're going to make so much art that makes YOU so happy. Don't even worry about making money or having an audience or ANYTHING. The biggest obstacle right now is not your abilities or time or medication, it's your fear of making a product that isn't perfect / doesn't accurately represent your potential. It's your paralysis at feeling like you have to release stuff so you can use your tiktok to promote it and be a fun influencer musician like you want to be. As soon as you stop measuring your self worth against the number of albums on your spotify, the artistic complexity of your work, or the aesthetics of your process you'll be amazing. You're ALREADY amazing, you'll just see it too. Don't worry about living up to something you've imagined for yourself, just get excited and fall in love; finish projects and spend your lifetime approximating your artistic truth. I promise it will shine through. I love you so much and you're killing it. I'm so proud of you. MWAH.
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theyslgirl · 2 years
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Which of my favourite horror tropes are you?
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musictheory · 2 years
“no one likes the opening band,” analysis
I DON’T KNOW HOW THEY FOUND ME overtly puts meaning into their songs however, the song “no one likes an opening band” felt different. In this essay we will explore the criticism of the music industry along with us as the consumers and what we can do to boost smaller creators. 
Verse one’s keyline “They look so tired, sound uninspired, guitars are second hand.” Exposes the difficulty new artists face in the competitive industry losing motivation while simultaneously facing off with popular artists which have more time and resources than them. This leads to imposter syndrome for a lot of musicians. Definition of imposter syndrome goes as follows: “The internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as people perceive you.” Wellmind.com argues there are five ways it can show itself in an individual. The superhero overwork themselves to make up how inadequate they feel, natural genius who set high expectations and are disappointed when they don’t meet their goals, expert are never content with the information they know, perfectionist who are never thrilled with their work and finally the soloist who works by themselves and fears to ask others for help in the possibility of being conceived as weak or incompetent. This can manifest in a spectrum of ways for an individual yet being aware of this is the next step to success.
Verse 2 uses the metaphor “There set times far too early” highlights being before your time with creative tweaks on pre-existing trends. For example, there are countless examples of newer artists being the original trend setters with new ideas yet bigger artists exploiting their hierarchy in the industry and profiting off others creativity. Artists such as Katy Perry, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran and One Direction have all been accused of this. The real trouble is many blatant plagiarisms will go unnoticed/ untried as the word inspiration seems to be a legal shield for bigger artists.
The bridge starts off with “unfamiliar things will make us nervous” overtly talk to the listener showing their own hesitance to explore uncharted waters in the music industry. Everyone has been a prosecutor in this normally fixating on particular artists and the music they release never really venturing further. However, with this blog I have been able to break from new habits by scouring the internet for songs with deeper meanings and finding a few favorites as well. How can this help small creators? Being exposed to different music allows you to form stronger opinions of taste as well as producing your own music as an instrumentalist/ vocalist while having the added benefit of new creators having initial fans motivating them to create more. This links to the last verse with the last verse “give them just one little chance” further exemplifying broadening your musical taste.
The repetitive line of “no one likes the opening band” is an overall criticism of the music industry and how hard it is to ‘make’ it. As a beginner you will symbolically be the opening band dragging yourself up the ranks of notoriety. If this isn’t a depressing realization, I don’t know what is.
(wow you’re still here? Are you a smaller musician with released music with a deeper meaning? Put the song title and where I can find it in the comments and I will do a compilation of miny theory on yours and others' work. With credit and proper links of course (:   )
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