#it's giving me the same feeling as finally collecting all the items i wanted to decorate my camp with in pocket camp
nexus-nebulae · 1 month
i love that my body is changing so much it's making me so so so fucking happy
0 notes
sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
What's One More?
Mike Schmidt x AFAB! Reader
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Summery: The house is all to you and Mike, which is a strange feeling to Mike as he begins to realize how things are changing. But change isn't always a bad thing, is it?
Tags: Porn with plot barely, no use of Y/N, Reader has female pronouns, set after the events of the FNaF movie, pre-established relationship, breeding kink, dirty talk/talking through it, oral sex (fem recieving), face fucking, vaginal fingering, pet names, possessive sex/actions, marking, hair pulling, mentions of drinking, multiple rounds, aftercare, multiple orgasms, teasing, dumbification, overstimulation, this is possibly filthier than Princess imma be fr.
Notes: Yes I'm working on requests. Yes I'm working on part II for 'Easy Money.' Yes I'm working on 50 million different projects + writers block that's preventing me from posting as much as I'd like. But in the meantime, *rattles can* COME GET Y'ALLS DICK.
The front door opened at the same time it does everyday, Mike slipping in quickly to evade the cold, bitter Febuary air that has turned his cheeks red while he called out his usual 'hello' to the house. His easy smile instantly appeared as soon as our eyes met, me standing at the stove giving the large pot of chilli its final stir just in time for his arrival home.
"Hey!" I said cheerfully, looking up from the boiling pot briefly before setting the lid back down, crossing the floor quickly to come collect his coat.
"Hey," he returned, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to my cheek as I undo his buttons, his hands coming to rest on my silk covered hips. "Never seen you in this before," he mumbled, pulling away slightly to get a better look.
"You like?" I ask, pushing the jacket off of his shoulders and folding it over my arms. "I've had this since freshman year. Found it in one of my boxes from the move." The robe is simple, thrifted but It'd been new when I'd gotten it. Emerald green and made from silk, if not silk like material- I'm no expert on fabrics, -reaching down to my ankles and showing off my curves, drawn tight around my waist to accent my figure. Simple floral patterns sewn into the collar decorate the robe, slightly darker than the rest of the fabric. His eyes wandered over my body, taking in the sight as he slowly removed his items from his pockets.
"You look nice," he said, almost sounding as if he was in a trance.
"Just nice?" I tease.
"The word 'motherly' comes to mind," he said. "Not- not in a weird way," he quickly added, blushing slightly. "Just- you cooking, dressed in that. Just kinda...." He's flustered, scratching at the back of his head as he tried to clarify what I already understand.
I smile at him, leaning closer. "Well, it's fitting," I teased.
It had been about a year since I moved in. Mike and I had met during a night out, our friends recognizing each other. Initially I thought the blonde he had been with- Vanessa, I would later learn, -had been a bit more than a friend. But after spending the night round a table, laughing and getting up one by one for drunken karaoke, Mike and I had made eye contact enough times to warrant my request for his number after I confirmed she wasn't.
"Seriously?" He asked when I'd passed him the notepad specifically meant for numbers that I kept in my purse.
"Yeah," I'd laughed, slightly- okay, maybe more than slightly -drunk. "You're hot."
I was three beers and one shot of straight tequila into the night when I'd asked, everyone beginning to debate who would call a taxi and who would ride with who. I felt rather confident.
His eyes narrowed, his cheeks red most likely from alcohol. Although he'd only had the one beer.
"Oh shit," I giggled stupidly. "Did I read things wrong? Because I thought-"
"No! You didn't," he quickly said, cutting me off. He scribbled his number down quickly, scratchy enough that I could barely read it, and he could sense that.
"You want me to write it again?" He asked sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
"Maybe," I giggled. "Or I can have my friend ask Vanessa if I get it wrong."
I got it wrong. Twice. But that was my fault since I called as soon as I'd gotten home, bleary eyed and claiming to just be checking to see if he got home alright, which wasn't a total lie. Then he asked if I wanted to get Chinese the next day. And how am I supposed to say no to an offer like that?
When he first brought up his sister I think he expected me to run for the hills. God, no. Not a man committed to caring for his baby sister. Please.
When I'd met the girl she was sly, simply saying "Oh, you're who he won't talk about." Mike seemed ready to throttle her, and I was ready to step in and help take care of her however much they needed me to. Who could say no to a kid like that?
Three years in and Mike had been nervous asking for me to move in. We'd both had the idea, but we both were terrified that the other would immediately shoot it down. But it was almost ridiculous to worry about such a thing. Mike had visited me all the time with Abby in tow, I visited Mike. Eventually we were at the point that I was at his house more often than I was at my own apartment. And with Abby getting older and beginning to have a life of her own, one that I could tell Mike was anxious about her having, it was about time a serious talk be had about the future of our relationship.
"You know, married couples have better taxes," I said casually one day while huddled around the kitchen table, papers strewn all over the place and some even on the floor while I punched numbers into a calculator. I think that nearly killed Mike, who shot out air through his nose hard enough all of his coffee covered his face and hair.
Then a week later he'd flipped through channels lazily, commenting on how awful the channels were before landing on the one of the marketers selling jewelry for prices that could make you shit.
"That's a nice ring," he commented. "Don't you think?"
I looked up from my book, narrowing my eyes to focus my vision. "Ooh, it is," I agreed.
"What kind of rings do you like? Like, what's your favorite?" He asked.
"Subtle," I deadpanned, smiling. "I'm coming with you to pick it out."
We picked up a new set of housekeys first.
"Get a room," Abby groaned, wandering in to flop onto the couch.
"Don't flop, you'll hit your head," Mike and I both scolded, smiles growing as we heard the other. Abby simply groaned louder, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, that's punishment enough," I muttered, giggling slightly. I moved to the coat closet, hanging up Mike's jacket. "How was work?" I asked him.
Mike shrugged, leaning against the wall. "It was good. Long. Shop gets cold this time of year," he said.
"Well, dinner will help. It's done, by the way. Timed it just right," I said with a wide smile. Mike returned it, stepping closer to wrap his arms around me once more and say a soft 'thank you' before pressing his lips to mine.
"Seriously, a room," Abby groaned.
"There's one right there with a table that needs set. Go on," I said to her, gesturing towards the adjacent room. She rolled her eyes once more, getting up off the couch and grumbling as she made her way to the cabinets.
"Wow," Mike chuckled. "She's got attitude."
"She's fourteen, we should be lucky she hasn't killed us in her sleep," I said into his ear, laughing.
"Don't you mean ours?"
The dinner is nice. A scene right out of a book, all of us gathered around the table eating the warm food as we discuss our days, Mike and I shooting each other glances here or there when we think Abby, who's in the middle of some long story neither of us are truly able to give our attention towards, won't notice. Eventually his hand found mine under the table, grasping it gently and squeezing as I hold his gaze, smiling in the same idiotic manner he always brings out of me.
"It's tonight. I know it's short notice but all of my friends are going and her parents will be there," Abby said quickly, inturrupting our mental conversation with her pleading eyes.
"Wait a minute, back up. What's happening?" Mike said, blinking and refocusing.
"The sleepover," Abby said emphatically. "I didn't find out about it until today and my friends invited me. Can I go?"
Mike opened his mouth to respond, his eyes worried and glancing over to me.
"Who is this?" He asked.
"Lisa Browning," I reminded him.
"Oh. And this is at her house?" He asked.
"Yes," Abby moaned in frustration, clearly impatient for her answer.
Mike and I glanced at each other. His eyes are unsure, looking to me for my thoughts.
"She visits them all the time, I don't see why not," I said. I turn to Abby. "Is her mom picking you up?"
"She can," Abby said quickly.
Mike is still unconvinced, I can tell by his grasp on my hand.
"You have that phone we bought you for Christmas?" I asked her. She nodded. Since recieving the cheap, purple Motorola she hadn't let it out of her grasp. "If you go, will you call us when you get there, when you guys are going to sleep? Any location change you'll run by us first?" I asked. Abby nodded again, her eyes shifting to Mike once more, wide with teenage desperation.
It was hard for Mike watching her get older. It would scare any parent, but take a man who'd watched his brother be kidnapped and his parents wilt away leaving him to step up? There were days Mike would wake hyperventilating, terrified something would happen to her if he didn't do something. It took convincing, but over time I had convinced him to relax, told him she was smart. Once I'd told him all the trouble I'd survived, he finally learned to catch his breath before jumping into several questions about how I was still alive with a new panic.
With a squeeze of my hand, he nodded.
"Check in. If you don't, I'll call her mom."
"Unnecessary, I'll call," Abby said, leaping from her seat and already dialing a number.
"Wash your plate!" Mike tried to tell her, but she was already gone.
"I'll get her plate, let her go," I chuckled. Mike sighs beside me, wiping his face with his hand.
"You think she'll be okay?" He asked me.
"I think fourteen year olds spend their days watching scary movies and MTV, nothing she won't do here," I said, taking a spoonful of chilli into my mouth. After I swallow I add, "Besides, it gives us the chance for some alone time."
That solidified the decision in his mind.
Much to Abby's embarrassment, Mike reminded Mrs. Browning to have Abby call us to check in, and with her reassurement he finally relaxed, walking back into the house once they're out of sight.
As I finish drying the dishes, I feel his hands settle on my hips, warm and large as he sinks his head into the crook of my neck.
"Where did the time go?" He mused, moreso to himself than to me.
"Feeling old?" I teased.
"Shut up," he groaned, laughing into my neck.
"'Oh my God, get a room,'" I groan in a fake voice, my laughter joining in.
"Are we gross?" He asked, wrinkling his nose.
"A little," I concede. "I mean, imagine how you're gonna feel when she brings home a boyfriend."
At that his eyes widen and he groans. "I don't wanna deal with teenage boys," he moaned, pulling away to lean against the counter in front of me.
"Oh, they're coming. Just you wait. I was this age when I got my first boyfriend," I warned him.
"Teenage boys are idiots," he said.
"Teenage girls are terrifying," I add. At that he nods, eyebrows raised in agreement. "Oh, she could bring home a girl instead!"
"You know what, I'd prefer that. Less trouble actually," he decided.
"You'll survive," I tell him, shaking my head as I set the dish inside the cabinet with a small clatter. He sighed, smiling to himself in thought.
"I remember when she was a baby. So tiny," he said softly. "You should've seen her. So cute. Smelled good, too."
"You've been smiling at babies a lot, you know," I teased, shutting the cabinet and putting away the dishcloth. "Something on your mind?"
Mike blushed, waving his hand. "Nah." He paused. "...kinda," he admitted. I chuckled. Every time we'd passed a couple our age walking through the store with a baby in tow, Mike was instantly softened. His usual automatic glare giving way to a little smile as he'd wave at the tiny human, maybe even making a face to make them laugh. It'd been entertaining when ones mother once caught him with his cheeks puffed out and eyes crossed, the baby letting out a huge shriek of laughter at the sight. He hid in the soup aisle for awhile after that while I tried not to cry from laughter.
"We still have plenty of Abby's old baby stuff in the garage, you know," I said. It wasn't a new conversation, we had both agreed it was something we wanted when the time came. "Spare room, stable jobs, great sex."
Mike's wide eyes watched me as I slowly trailed closer. "Good genetics," he mumbled.
"I don't see any reason we couldn't put any use to those things," I mused, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and leaning into him.
"I can't tell if you're serious," he said, his eyes narrowing.
"Even Abby would like it. Said we're taking forever as is," I said cooly. He laughed at that.
"No she didn't," he said.
"She did!"
"Abby, the one who can't even see us in the same room without threatening suicide?"
"Listen, babies are different," I laughed, shrugging. He eyed me carefully, looking me up and down before saying anything.
"You'd like that?" He asked finally, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"I'm living in your house, wearing a ring and making dinner for you and your little sister that I've been helping you raise for four years. What is one more commitment?" I asked.
"It's a human being," he pointed out.
"Oh, fuck that then. None of those shits are gonna live in my house," I deadpanned. He laughed, leaning in to catch my lips in a kiss.
"Be our human being," he said softly.
"That means it'll be funny," I said just as soft.
"It could have your eyes."
"Could have your nose."
"Yours is better."
"You're right."
He smacks my ass gently, chuckling as his eyes darken pleasantly. "Should we give it a try?" He asked, his voice low and rough in my ear.
"I'd say it's about time you asked."
Mike hiked me onto his shoulder, carrying me through the house and pushing open the door to our room as I giggled wildly, feeling the bed underneath of me as he flung me down, fingers searching for the ties of my robe.
"You're sure about this?" He asked, eyes watching me carefully. "This isn't just some sex thing?"
I laughed, feeling him struggle with the knot.
"Not a sex thing," I clarify. "Although admittedly hot. Do you need help?"
"The fuck did you do to this thing?" He asked, laughing but brows furrowed in frustration. I reached to pull on the string and give it one simple tug, making it come undone to reveal my simple underwear underneath.
"I like coming home to this," he said, his voice deep and husky. "You look so comfortable here. So perfect. House is so much brighter with you in it. Just so perfect."
His lips wander on my chest, first working on the valley between my breasts, his teeth nipping at the band of my bra. He tugged it upwards, snapping it against my skin harshly. A soft moan escapes me, and I allow my legs to fall open to offer him better access. He takes the opportunity, settling his body perfectly against mine as his lips begin to trail upwards to my throat.
"I love waking up next to you in the morning. I sleep so much easier with you here, feeling your breath against me as soon as I wake up. You've got creative methods to keep me up too when I don't want to be," he teased. His hands find my hips, squeezing them as he thrust our clothed hips together, making us both groan. "Are you already wet?" He asked me, nipping at my throat.
"Gotta have something to think about while I cook," I teased. He chuckled. His lips find purchase and begin sucking on my skin, creating a dark mark on the front of my throat that will only be properly covered by a sweater. I moaned slightly louder, rocking my hips slowly against his. His lips moved slightly higher, creating another, then repeating until a dotted line of dark hickies lay upon my throat, marking me all the way to just under my chin. As he sucked on the edge of my jawline, I let out a high pitched whine, digging my hands into my own hair as I tried to not rush through this.
"You sound so pretty like this," Mike said against my skin, his breath warm. "Only thing prettier is how you look." His warm hand cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking my cheekbone softly.
"Talk to me," he said softly, staying still aside from the gentle stroke of his thumb. His eyes are soft, black in the dim lighting from his blown out pupils. He looks so sweet, so ready to please. If I said the word he'd do anything so long as it made me happy.
I cup his face with my hands, pulling him towards me to capture his lips in a soft kiss. His lips are warm against mine, wet from his own spit from creating the dark marks against me. He moaned softly, his tongue swiping at my lower lip to ask permission for access. I grant it, parting my lips slightly and gasping as his tongue quickly slides in, deep in my mouth and dominating the kiss as his grasp on me tightened. It felt as though he was desperate, like a dying man trying to experience his last contact with another human being ever in his life. I tried to return the kiss with as much frenzy, but his hands on either side of my face, his grasp firm yet careful, his hips pinning me to the mattress made my mind begin to slip into a world of pleasure, not able to focus on anything except how good it felt to not be in control.
I could feel his breathing through his nose, still kissing me and exploring my mouth. It lasted a minute, two, three. When he finally pulled away, several gossamer threads of spit still connected us, disappearing into thin air as he looked down at me, his hand carefully stroking my forehead.
"I'm going to ask one more time," he said carefully. "This is your last chance. After this I'm not checking," he stressed. His breath is hot and heavy against me, and my hips roll against his in an attempt for friction. "Are you one hundred percent positive?" He asked, his eyes wide and eager as he placed carefully kisses along my cheeks. I nod quickly, desperate for more. Mike shook his head, pulling away slightly.
"Say it," he said. "Be clear."
I blushed, suddenly feeling shy for no real reason. "I'm completely sure," I said gently. "I want this."
"This as in sex or a kid?" He asked.
"Both," I answered.
"You're completely sure? Because if you want to back out that's completely-"
"Michael, I swear to fucking God if you don't hurry up and fuck me I'm gonna get you pregnant, see how you like-"
Mike scrambled off the bed, grabbing my ankles and pulling me roughly to the edge. I let out an involuntary yelp, giggling as he spread my legs wide and high, his lips and teeth pressing against my left ankle before quickly trailing downwards, biting and sucking quickly as he moaned wantingly.
"Eager?" I asked him lightly. He shoots me a look, biting down particularly hard on a spot almost under my knee before beginning his work on the inside of my thigh. His hand trailed up and down my right thigh, grazing his nails against my skin to make me shiver while he focused his mouth on the other.
"You taste delicious," he moaned, teeth sinking into my thigh as his nails dug in harshly, raking down until his hand came near my hips before raking back up to my knee. "Whatever soap you're using, keep using it."
I blush, moaning gently. My hips rolled towards his head, making him chuckle.
"Be patient," he chided.
"I am patient," I said defensively.
"Since when?" He asked, biting down on a new spot. I moan again, squirming against him as I felt a surge of warmth shoot from my head straight to my cunt. "Anytime I so much as look at you, you beg me to fuck you."
"That's not true," I said. His hand slaps my thigh, grabbing it roughly as he bit down once more, lower.
"Made me fuck you on the table last night just because you couldn't focus on your book," he tisked. "Now you're making me fuck you because you want a baby."
"You want one too," I reminded him.
"I want anything with you," he moaned against my skin. "Especially anything that makes you mine."
My hands stretch above my head, my fingers woven together. Mike's eyes caught on something, staring at my hand as his mouth drew closer to where I wanted it.
"Your ring looks so pretty," he moaned. "Love seeing you wear it. So glad I bought it. Love seeing people notice it on you."
"Yeah?" I asked. I tried to squeeze his head with my thighs, but his hands keep me open, even spreading my legs wider after my attempt.
"Remember that kid at the bar?" He asked, chuckling. The 'kid' in question had been in college, clearly drunk as he leaned against the bar next to me while I'd waited for Mike, who'd watched the interaction curiously from the window outside, asking if it hurt when I fell from heaven. A simple flash of my ring and the response of having someone catch me before I hit the ground sent him stumbling away to disappear once more into the crowd. "Poor fucker looked so disappointed," Mike said, sucking a dark spot into my thigh, making me squirm and throw my head back in pleasure.
"You like being possessive," I teased him. His hand smacked my thigh once more.
"I'm not the one who came and shoved her tongue down my throat when the bartender got a little too flirty for her taste," he said. His eyes sparkled, fingers massaging the spot tinged red from the abrasion.
"I did not shove my tongue down your throat," I said defensively.
"You pulled my hair like I was a bitch," he laughed. His hot air blew against my clothed cunt, making me gasp from stimulation. He picked up on this, blowing cold air against me before saying "She was just trying to get tipped."
"I know," I moaned. "I'd had a couple."
Mike licked at my covered pussy, flattening his tongue wide against me as he licked a long, hot stripe from bottom to top, sucking at my clit through the wet cotton once he reached it. I moaned into the pillow beside me, muffling my cries. His hand reached up and snatched it from me, throwing it off the bed as he repeatedly licked, gaining speed as his dark eyes watched me.
"Okay, maybe we're both possessive," I conceded, bucking my hips against his face. He hummed happily, his large hands cupping my asscheeks and lifting my hips higher off the bed as he squeezed the cool flesh.
"I like it," he said. "Like that I won't even have to do anything to show you're mine now after this."
I feel my stomach flutter at his words, a blush dusting my cheeks.
"It may take a couple tries," I tell him.
"We've got all night," he said breathily.
"Until Abby calls," I reminded him. He groaned at that. "She's not gonna call, we both know that," I laughed.
"Not my problem right now," he said. His fingers hooked around the band of my underwear, pulling them away from me harshly. "You are."
"A problem?" I said in mock offense. "Well, I guess if that's what I am, I'll take my goods elsewhere." I huffed haughtily, twisting away from him and turning onto my stomach. The motion helped Mike bring my underwear to my ankles as I began to crawl away. He tugged them off fully, then grabbed my ankles once more to return me to the edge of the bed. I yelped once more, grabbing at the sheets and dragging them down with me. Mike spread me open once more and immediately shoved his tongue as deep inside of me as he could, holding my hips up and legs open as he tongue fucked me in earnest. I cried out, grinding my hips against his face. I clutched a pillow to my face, crying and even screaming into it when his lips wrapped around my clit, sucking harshly at just the right spot to make me cum with barely a warning. Mike had been pleased as punch when he figured out just the right angle the very first time. It was his favorite, throwing me into orgasm without any preparation to strike me dumb and overstimulated. There were times he'd focus on my clit for what felt like hours, tugging and licking to figure out what made me cum the fastest, the hardest, sometimes even managing to make me paint his face, and once his hair. He grinned so wide I almost thought his face would split open when he accomplished that.
He pulled away from my cunt for just a moment, his voice deep and commanding. "Let me hear you," he said. He buried himself in my cunt once more. I could feel his jaw moving, his bottom lip moving against my clit as his tongue slipped in and out, creating lewd, nasty noises that filled the air. I moaned into my pillow, hardly able to think. His hand smacked my ass hard before he pulled away once more. "Don't make me ask again, woman."
I raised my head to say something, but the words escaped me as I felt his tongue dive in once more, curling to scoop my slick into his mouth. He moaned at the taste, his hand roughly grabbing at my ass. All that spilled from my mouth were long, broken moans as I fucked his face, gutturally pleading for more. He flipped me onto my back roughly before spreading the lips of my soaked pussy apart, attaching his lips quickly and sucking at that perfect spot. I screamed, shrill and high as though I'd been stabbed while he giggled in excitement against me. The vibrations of his voice against my clit sent me higher, my head digging against the sheets as my back arched high away from the bed. My hands slapped against the bed, my legs trembling as I rode his face. Lost to the world, Mike is the only thing that grounds me, his fingers gently tracing patterns against the insides of my thighs while he watched me come undone with nothing but love and pride in his eyes.
He didn't relent, releasing my clit to lap up my glistening cum eagerly before returning to the bundle of nerves, flicking his tongue against it before sucking it once more, bringing me back to the same edge as I begged for mercy.
"Gonna scream, gonna scream, gonna-" my harsh whispers turned into a scream once more as I cum again, my hands finding his dark curls to force him to stay against me, my hips grinding harshly to fuck my clit into his mouth properly. His eyes relaxed, looking completely lovesick as I muttered rapid praises to him, tugging on his hair hard enough to make his eyes water. He moaned seemingly with no control against me, face red as he obeyed with no complaint.
"So good," I tell him. "Taking me so well. Letting me fuck your face like I own you. Fuck my face."
I felt his fingers find my entrance, slipping two inside of me with no hesitation as cum dribbled out of me. I clenched around his digits, my voice breaking as he massaged my top wall, searching inside of me to help me find a new peak. He moaned against my clit, eyes wide and begging for more as he watched me carefully. When his fingers brushed against that perfect spot, the one that makes me fall silent, he knows he's struck gold. His fingers begin slamming into my g-spot, curling and fucking me until I screamed out one more time, my body going limp as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. It's like I speak in tongues, the only language I'll probably ever be able to speak again after what he's done to me. I shake terribly as he sucks a few more smaller orgasms out of me, milking me for all I'm worth before pulling away, standing tall and chuckling as he slipped his middle and ring finger into his mouth, cleaning them with his tongue. His face and chest are covered with me, the shine of his gold ring dulled from the dried cum. He pulled his soaked shirt off of himself, flinging it into a corner before walking around to the side of the bed, gently sitting down next to my head to stroke my forehead.
"You okay?" He asked gently, smiling proudly. I moan in response.
"Need some water?" He asked, leaning closer to press a kiss to my cheek. I can smell myself on him, thick and heady. I moan again, trying to nod but unable to. "Maybe a snack?"
At that I grab at him, pulling him closer to press his lips against mine. He allowed it, humming happily against me as he gives me a gentle kiss, loving and careful as though I could break easily. I probably could.
I whined when he pulled away, but I'm instantly sated as he scooped me into his arms, pulling me against his chest to rest us properly against the headboard of our bed. He leaned over to open a drawer on his nightstand, pulling out one of the water bottles we kept in there. Carefully he moved me into a better sitting position, then opened the bottle and held it against my lips.
"Drink," he said softly. I accept it, gulping the cold liquid as my senses begin to return to me one by one. "Good girl."
Once I finished he placed it on top of the nightstand, then held me to his chest once more to lay against the bed.
"Good warm-up?" He asked me.
"Not entirely sure that didn't do the trick right there," I said. My voice is rough, threatening to break with each word. Mike laughed loudly, his chest rumbling against my ear.
"That good?" He asked, smiling widely.
"I'm ruined for anyone else," I told him. His fingers grazed my jaw, tilting my face to meet his eyes.
His lips are gentle as they guide me back into a kiss. It's me who deepens it, grabbing the hair at the nape of his neck, silently pleading for him to continue. He takes the hint, one hand holding the back of my neck to keep my mouth close, the other trailing down my chest, fingers making quick work of the clasp on the front of my bra. He pushes the item away, cupping my right breast gently as his thumb gently strokes across my nipple, making it harden underneath his calloused touch, making me gasp.
"So sensitive," he remarked, smirking. "Could do anything to these and you'd be my willing bitch. Such a pretty girl."
I moaned eagerly into his mouth, tugging at his hair and pressing my chest against his touch. He adjusts my body, guiding me to straddle his lap properly as he guided the robe off of my shoulders, letting the material fall to my elbows. He pulled away from the kiss, admiring the hickies adorning the column of my throat.
"So pretty," he mused. His finger trailed from under my chin to the valley of my breasts, then back up again. "Do you know how pretty you are?"
"You tell me every day," I laughed softly, blushing. He hummed, his arms moving to support my upper body as he leaned me back.
"Doesn't mean you know," he said. He sucked new dark spots onto my chest, continuing his trail until it ends at the bottom of my ribcage. "Dressed so pretty for me, wearing nothing under your pretty robe. Keeping yourself easily accessible like the pretty girl you are."
It was easily his favorite nickname for me, calling me 'pretty girl' more often than my own name. Sometimes I think he only calls me by my name just to remind me he does know it, although I won't lie that I'm disappointed when he does it. The first time he called me by his favorite name was the first time we had sex. He was balls deep and panting, desperate for air as he pumped in and out of me. I think it had slipped out by mistake, based on the way his eyes widened after he said it. He was so shy in the beginning, his inexperience obvious but not damning. It was cute.
His lips trailed from the bottom of my ribcage until he found the bottom of my left breast, accenting it with little marks wherever his mouth landed.
"You want my cock?" He asked me, breath fanning over my breast. I nodded eagerly. "Use your words," he reminded me.
"Yes please," I said quietly. He laughed against my skin, nipping close to my nipple.
"Aw, she has manners," he said sweetly. I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Don't be a brat." He chided at my response. I smiled at him.
"Or what?" I asked innocently.
"Or I'll find something else to do," he said.
"Like?" I pressed.
"Like fuck myself until there's nothing left for you to take," he said smugly.
"You're no fun."
"I'm very fun, that's why you're going to behave."
"It's more fun if I don't."
At that he latches onto my hard nipple, biting and lavving his tongue over it while moaning greedily, watching me through his dark lashes as I leaned back, pressing my chest against him as much as I could, rocking my hips against his as I lost all other thought.
"There she is," he said, his voice low and gravely. "There's my girl."
He layed me down gently, spreading my legs wide open for him. He undid his jeans, taking out his cock and stroking it while he admired me from above.
"Tempted to just watch you," he said, his hand slowly trailing up and down his throbbing length. "You look so perfect, all red and dazed."
I whined, reaching for him and wrapping my own hand around his cock, stroking him at a slightly faster pace.
"There you go," he crooned. "Get it ready."
I pumped with more vigor, watching his face as I felt him twitch under my grasp. Deciding he was satisfied he gently grabbed my wrist and pinned it above my head, then guided himself to my entrance.
"How do you want me, sweet girl?" He asked softly, smiling above me.
"I don't wanna remember my own name," I said quickly. "If I can walk across this room by the end of it, you need to try again."
He raised his eyebrows, smiling down at me. "Eager?" He teased.
My response is a sudden moan, my cunt clenching around his thick cock as he sinks into me, burying himself to the hilt and making me feel as though he'll split me in two.
"You're tight," he groaned in my ear. "You want it fast?"
He grabbed the back of my knees, pressing them to my shoulders as he pistoned in and out of me rapidly, moaning at the feeling of my cunt swallowing him eagerly, clenching at every vein, every inch, slick and desperate for his seed.
"It'll take better like this," he moaned. His jaw is slack, panting as his balls slap against my ass, heavy and making me clench with each thrust. "Been thinking about this so long.'
I tried to respond, but all that escapes me are the tongues from earlier, moaning gibberish as all I can focus on is him fucking me into stupidity.
"You'd look so pretty with a baby on your hip. My baby," he groaned. His tip finds my g-spot, making me cry out loudly.
"Right there," I chanted quickly, eyes rolling to the back of my head.
"Yeah? That the spot?" He asked. "Can you hold this knee for me, baby?"
My body automatically obeyed, quickly holding one of my knees right against my body as he moved his hand to settle on my lower stomach, pressing down as he fucked me hard enough to make a small bulge whenever he slammed his dick fully into me.
"So cute," he praised. "Such a pretty fuckin' pussy. You know that?" I moan, my vision and thought completely fucked.
"I keep telling you to use." Thrust. "Your." Thrust. "Words." His third pointed thrust tears a scream from my throat, making him smile. "Does this sound like a suggestion? Because I promise you that it's not."
"I have a pretty pussy," I moaned without second thought. My voice is soft and frail as I chant the phrase over and over, not stopping even as he cooed sweet praises in my ear.
"Gonna look so pretty with my baby," he said. The smacking of our skin is loud, echoing through the room with each new thrust. "Maybe I'll give you another." His balls stick to my skin, tacky from my cum that drips out of me onto the newly washed sheets. "Just keep giving you my kids until I can't anymore. God, I hope this fucking takes."
I'm still chanting the phrase, stupid and willing to do anything so long as it means I will be rewarded with his cock. He smiled down at me, his eyes fluttering shut as my pussy swallows him whole again and again.
"Need you to cum baby," he said, his voice strained. "It'll take better if you do."
"I'm close, Mikey," I whined. It was a nickname I only used in times like these, too stupid to say his name properly.
His hand shifts lower on my belly, thumb snaking down to rub tight circles onto my hard, pulsing clit.
"Gonna make you mine. Gonna make you a mother." He is completely lost to the world, eyes shut in bliss as his thrusts grow deep and shallow, making me begin to grow quiet as I focus on my orgasm. "Jesus Christ, I love you."
A loud cry escapes me as my muscles contract around him one final time, hard enough I can tell it almost pushes him out of me completely. At the feeling of such a strong grasp Mike comes undone too, painting the inside of my cunt a pretty, pearlescent white as he unloads right next to my cervix, burying himself as deep as he can before resuming his pace with newfound vigor, moaning with every new thrust.
"Again," he moaned. His chest presses against mine, our bodies intertwined into such a tight mating press it's hard to tell where I end and he begins. "Wanna make sure it takes. Wanna make sure it takes."
I can't help but laugh in pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of my head as I nodded happily, taking as much as he was willing to give me.
"I'm not gonna last long," I said, the overstimulation already turning my face red as I felt the knot in my stomach begin to tighten once more.
"Good," he growled. "I'm not gonna stop until I fucking break you."
His words send me over the edge again, my voice louder this time as I begged him to break me, to fill me, to-
Much to our immediate frustration, it turns out Abby did remember to call, making Mike yell into the bed in frustration before he slipped out of me to race to the living room, making quick work of the conversation before almost slamming the phone down in excitement, rushing down the hall once more to return to the immediate task at hand.
"Where was I?" He asked me, mischief sparkling in his eyes as he quickly climbed back on top of me.
"You were telling me you want like six kids right before damning the one we're already raising," I teased, smiling.
"Well, maybe not six," he admitted. He glanced down to my aching cunt, admiring the sight of our mixed cum leaking out before sliding his dick back inside to plug the hole. "But what's one more?"
This was fucking filthy. I have no apologies. Take your problems up with God, he's the one who put me on this earth.
@jhutchissupercool @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 . Thank you for your support! <3
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roosterforme · 11 months
Batting Practice Part 22 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You love how excited Bradley and Everett are for the Tiny Eagles' final game, and you can't wait to show Bradley the surprise you have planned for him. With an undefeated season and the title of Coaches of the Year on the line, you and Molly cheer for the boys with everything you have. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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On Saturday morning, before the sun was even up, Bradley was kissing your forehead and whispering, "I'll see you at the game, Kitten." He had been spending more nights at your house than his own apartment, and every time he had to go back to his place to get fresh clothes or do laundry, he kind of hated it. 
As he climbed out of your bed and put on yesterday's clothing, you reached for him, and he gave you a proper kiss. "See you in a few hours," you mumbled before rolling over and going back to sleep. Ten weeks. He had only known you and Everett for ten weeks, but he was so in love with you and your son and your little house and everything about you. 
With a sigh, he grabbed his hat and his wallet and headed outside, locking up behind himself as he went. He had been doing the sneaking in late and sneaking back out early routine on occasion, not wanting Everett to feel like Bradley was taking over his house. But every time he was there, he felt like he belonged with the two of you. 
The school year was wrapping up for Everett, but Bradley had enjoyed working on math and reading homework at the kitchen island. He enjoyed tossing a baseball around your front yard. Every time he left, he wanted to go back.
He ran a load of his laundry while he ate breakfast in his sparse kitchen. Today was the last tee ball game, and he couldn't believe it was less than three months ago that Bob had been practically begging Bradley to help him with the Tiny Eagles in the first place. What if he had said no? He didn't even want to think about that. And as of right now, his team was undefeated, thanks in large part to you and Everett and how much fun Bradley had been having. 
As he pulled on his coach's jersey and grabbed his blue hat and whistle, he silently hoped his team would win their last game, because he knew how happy that would make Everett. And if he and Bob won coaches of the year, he'd give his trophy to Everett to add to the collection of baseball items in his bedroom. 
When Bradley parked at the field a little bit early, nobody else was there yet, not even Bob. He had noticed that Bob had been cutting it a little close the past few games and practices, showing up barely on time, looking a little disheveled with a smiling Molly in tow. It took all of Bradley's willpower not to rib Bob too hard about it, because his fellow aviator turned crimson every time. But Molly could take the trash talk like a pro, which Bradley already appreciated about your sister. 
And ever since Bradley had gotten a glimpse of the diamond rings that the jeweler had on display, he couldn't help but think that things with you were moving too fast and still too slow at the same time. So he fought the urge to max out his credit card, but he was still thinking about what kind of ring you would like.
"Coach Bradley!" 
He looked up to see Sandra and Henry rushing toward him with two gigantic gift baskets. She was wearing practically no clothing, and he was agitated that she had been able to corner him. "Hey, Henry! Sandra." He patted Henry on his shoulder, and then Sandra was in his personal space, handing him one of the baskets that was filled with so much random shit. "Thanks," he mumbled, trying to sidestep her hand as it found his arm. 
"You're so welcome. This season has been fantastic, all thanks to you and Bob," she purred. "I'm just hoping I can get Henry on your team for the fall league. And I'm hoping you'll choose me to be Team Mom next time."
Bradley rubbed his mustache. He'd been thinking about coaching again, even going so far as to considering becoming a head coach. He and Bob could have teams that went against each other, and Bradley thought that might be a lot of fun. "Thanks, Sandra. And you know what, that's a great idea. Since I'm dating our Team Mom now, it would probably be a conflict of interest if I chose her again in the fall."
The sour look on her face as Bradley noticed Bob's truck pull into the parking lot followed by your car had him smiling a little bit as he waved back to Everett who was waving wildly through the open window. "Excuse me," he mumbled as he headed for your car. Hadn't he just seen you a few hours ago? Been in your bed with your arms around his neck, felt your soft breaths on his cheek?
"Fuck," he gasped, jogging up the hill with his gift basket, antsy to get to you. When you climbed out of your car, he set the basket on your roof and kissed you hard. 
"Ew!" Molly gasped as she climbed out of Bob's truck. 
But you just smiled and said, "I like it when you wear your hat backwards."
"Why do you think I keep doing it?" he asked softly, and you bit your lip as you glanced back at the gift basket.
"Something to remember Sandra by?" you asked with an eye roll. "I'll give you a better thank you gift later, Coach."
"Oh, I can't wait," he mumbled, kissing your forehead as Ev climbed out of your backseat. "Hey, Kiddo! Last game. Are you excited?" 
"Yes!" he said, jumping up to high five Bradley before running over to Bob as well. "If we win today, then that means our team is the best one!" Bradley watched Everett bounce around between Bob and Molly as you chucked the gift from Sandra onto your passenger seat.
"Hey, careful, Kitten. There might be something good in there."
You rolled your eyes and closed your door, and Bradley laced his fingers through yours. "Yeah, I saw a Starbucks gift card. It's mine now."
"Whatever you want," he whispered, running his thumb along your ring finger. The kids were starting to warm up with Bob, and Molly had secured a good spot on the bleachers. "I'll see you after the Tiny Eagles go undefeated for a perfect season." 
You kissed him hard and then, when Bradley turned toward the other coaches, he felt you slap his ass. "You can do it, Coach Bradley! You're the best!" Then you turned innocently toward the bleachers and brightly said, "Hello, Sandra!" before continuing toward your sister.
"It's the tight, white pants that made me do it," you whispered to Molly as she shook with laughter. "I was helpless to control myself." 
"God, you're right," Molly sighed. "It's like... I never knew how badly I needed a man in a uniform. And I'm talking the flight suit, the khakis, and the tee ball getup."
You looked at Bob for a beat. "It's the glasses, Mo."
"The fucking glasses," she whined softly. She was going to move in with Bob next weekend after Everett's birthday baseball game. 
You wanted to warn your sister that she was moving really quickly, especially for her, but you just couldn't. You thought she and Bob made a lot of sense, and you were happy for her. Bob was the perfect departure from the bad boys she usually went for. He kept turning to look at Molly as the game started, just like Bradley did with you. 
"How did this happen?" she asked.
"I honestly don't know," you replied. 
"I'm fully addicted to the pizza nights now, I hope you know that," she told you with a grin. "We can win any argument when Natasha is with us. It's literally perfect."
You loved the pizza nights, too. You loved the way Everett was always welcome on someone's lap. You loved how Bradley cut the pizza slices smaller for him. You loved how comfortable you felt. "It is perfect."
Molly cleared her throat just as Everett went up to bat. "Not to dampen the mood, but what did your lawyer say?"
You took a deep breath, but you found that it actually wasn't so hard to talk about. "I'm going to meet with them in person, but getting Danny's name off of Everett's birth certificate is going to be challenging. Would be easier if I were remarried and looking to have my spouse adopt him. But they are going to do some research about child support based on Danny's shitty income which I'm sure will make him rage at me again."
Molly hugged you tight. "I'm sorry this is happening."
You nodded, but you found that you didn't want to cry about it anymore. "Me too. But we'll continue to be better off without him, even if they can't make him pay."
Then you both jumped to your feet. "Go Ev!" Molly cheered as he hit the ball ridiculously far. He ran the bases as Bradley and Bob cheered him on. And the look of pure elation on Bradley's face as Everett crossed home plate and ran into his arms was going to stay with you forever. 
"We're leading by one run now!" Molly was bouncing up and down.
Then it really hit you. "They're going to be undefeated, aren't they?" You felt kind of silly. It was just tee ball. But it had actually become really important to you and everyone around you. 
"I think so!" Molly gushed as you both sat down and held hands through the final inning. And when the Tiny Condors were not able to tie the game, you felt tears in your eyes for a different reason as you smiled and ran down the bleachers toward Everett. 
You scooped him up into your arms and squeezed him tight. "You're so good, Ev! I'm so proud of you!"
"Mommy! Aunt Molly! We won every game!"
"You sure did!" Molly told him, kissing his cheek before heading toward Bob. She made no secret of them being together as a moment later, you saw her hand slide up the front of his jersey as she kissed him. 
Bradley was left to converse with the umpires, but his smile was huge when he finally turned your way. He high fived and hugged all of the Tiny Eagles, but he knelt in front of Everett and hugged him for a long time. And when they started to have a quiet conversation, you gave them a little space.
You hoped this meant that Bradley and Bob would both win awards at the league picnic tomorrow afternoon. You already had a treat planned for your boyfriend just in case, but you thought you could use it either way. 
After Bradley kissed Everett's forehead, he stood and kissed yours as well. "Thanks for not pulling Ev from the team after I fucked up, Kitten."
You smiled up at him. "I didn't have the heart to do it. I'm glad I didn't."
"I love you. Let me buy you both some ice cream."
After Bradley offered to buy you and Everett a treat from the snack bar, you told him to take Everett to the bench and wait. You insisted you wanted to buy it. So Bradley gave him a piggyback ride over to the same bench where you and he had flirted relentlessly on your 'first date'. Bradley smiled just thinking about how he had answered your phone when Frank kept calling you nonstop. 
Everett jumped down onto the bench, and Bradley sat next to him while you waved from the line. "Hey, kiddo?" he asked Everett after you blew him a kiss. 
"Yeah, Coach?"
Bradley chuckled and looked at his excited face. "You can call me Bradley now. All the time. Tee ball is over."
"Okay," he replied, still all smiles from winning the final game. 
Bradley cleared his throat and made sure you weren't on your way over yet. "Can you keep a secret from your mom? It's nothing bad or scary, I promise."
"Okay," he said again, nodding this time.
"What kind of ring did your mom used to wear? When she was married to your dad?"
Everett's little brow scrunched up as he gave Bradley a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"
"Her wedding ring," Bradley told him quietly. "What did it look like?"
"Oh," he said, plopping down next to Bradley now. "She didn't have one."
Bradley cocked his head to the side. "She never wore one?"
"Huh." Surely you must have had a wedding ring? Did Danny really not buy you a ring? "Ev, she never wore any rings? Not even a plain one?"
Bradley settled back against the bench, and stared off into space. He'd been thinking about it a bit, and he really wanted to make sure he didn't get you a ring that was similar to something you had worn from Danny. But if you never had one at all...
"Take it before it melts!" you said, laughing as you jolted Bradley from his thoughts. He grabbed one of the ice creams from your hands and quickly licked the sides before he helped Everett with his.
"Thanks, Kitten," Bradley told you as you went to sit on the other side of your son. "Are you excited for the picnic tomorrow?" he asked Everett.
"Yep! I'm going to get a trophy!"
"I think Bradley might be getting a trophy, too!" you added, licking your ice cream and winking at Bradley. He watched you eat with narrowed eyes as his own snack melted. 
Bradley grunted. "Well, the most important thing is that I'm going to get you ready for real baseball in the fall. And the fact that San Diego has nice weather year round means that you'll probably get so good from practicing all the time that you'll be able to get a scholarship someday."
"What's a scholarship?" Everett asked as his ice cream dripped on Bradley's shoe.
"Ev," you mumbled and went to clean it up. But Bradley took your hand and guided you back to the bench with a shake of his head.
"It's fine, Kitten. It's just my shoe," he told you. And then he turned Everett's ice cream so it wouldn't keep dripping everywhere. "A scholarship is money that colleges sometimes give to athletes so they will come play sports for the school. Your mom would probably be delighted if you got one."
You laughed as you bit into your cone. "Would be nice. Lawyers are expensive," you muttered, leaning in to kiss Everett's cheek. 
"You need to keep me in the loop when you do things like that," he told you, shooting you a no nonsense look. 
"Okay," you whispered. 
Once Everett had finished his ice cream and washed his hands, Bradley walked both of you back to your car. "Want me to pick you both up for the picnic tomorrow?"
"Yes!" Everett cheered. "Your car is fun!" 
But once he was buckled in his booster seat, you pulled Bradley close and whispered, "I have something special for you, Coach." And Bradley audibly groaned as your hand came to rest on his cock, stroking him through his snug baseball pants. "Stay over tomorrow night?"
"Of course," he grunted next to your ear as you squeezed him gently. "Fuck."
You just giggled and said, "I think you'll love your surprise."
Then you backed out of the parking spot while Bradley stood next to his Bronco with a semi and waved like an idiot. He wasn't sure what kind of surprise you had in store for him, but he loved everything you did. And then he drove off in the opposite direction, back to the jewelry shop to pick up your necklace which the jeweler had needed to keep longer than anticipated. And he could also look at the rings some more. 
"Where's Aunt Molly?" Everett whined as you sat with him on your lap on the crowded bleachers. All of the tee ball teams had been invited today, and there were so many people at the picnic. 
"She's on her way from work, Ev. She should be here soon."
"What if she misses my trophy?"
"Then we'll have to show it to her when she gets here."
"What if she misses Coach Bob's trophy?"
You kissed his cheek and held him tighter. He was beyond excited that his coaches had been nominated for awards. "Then she can see Coach Bob's trophy later." 
You laughed at the inadvertent dirty joke you just told, and then you saw your sister walking down from her car right as the ceremony started. She found a spot to stand off the side and waved at you. "Look, Aunt Molly's here. You feel better now?"
"Yep!" Everett told you as he waved to her as well.
You watched the third and second place teams get their medals, and when they called the Tiny Eagles up to collect their trophies, Everett ran up alongside Bradley and Bob. You took some pictures while you cheered. You were struck with a pang of sadness over the fact that Danny didn't want to be part of this. But then you saw Bradley pull Everett into a big hug as soon as he had his trophy in his hand.
Your son was happy all the time when he was around Bradley. He always seemed to provide Everett with love, attention, and comfort. And that was in addition to all of the fun they seemed to have together. You took another picture of them hugging, and then it was Bradley's turn for his award.
Bob looked so shy and hesitant as he thanked everyone for a great season, but when it was Bradley's turn, you couldn't stop smiling. 
He gave all of the kids on the team a special shout out, and then he thanked the league for trusting that he and Bob could handle a team like this on their first try. And then you had to suppress your giggles as Bradley found where you were sitting on the bleachers and said, "And a big thank you to our Team Mom. None of this would have happened without her."
You waved down to them, and Everett, Bradley and Bob all waved back. Then Bradley was awarded his trophy and promptly handed it to Everett. "Seriously," Molly called out to you. "He's so much better than Danny."
"I know," you agreed, taking in the enormous smile on Everett's face as he ran to Molly. And then you were heading down the bleachers and into Bradley's arms. 
"Hey, Kitten," he whispered, kissing your cheek as you laughed. 
"Remember that day when you silently bullied me into agreeing to be the Team Mom?" you asked, looking up at him.
His grin and his backward hat looked exactly like they had that day as he said, "I sure do. God, I was so into you. I thought you must have been married though."
You buried your face against his chest and laughed. "The hot coach wanted me to be Team Mom? No way I wasn't raising my hand."
He kissed the top of your head and led you over to the picnic area where Everett was sitting with Molly, his grip on both trophies unrelenting. "Thanks for letting him hold that," you told Bradley.
But he just shrugged. "He can have it. I think he was more excited about me winning it than I was," he said with a laugh. "And I think I'm going to coach another tee ball team in the fall. I loved this."
Your heart swelled with love for him. "You should. You're good at it."
"Deployments will be hard to get around though," he whispered, kissing you on the head again. "Gonna be hard for us, too."
"Ev and I aren't going anywhere."
After the picnic, Bradley drove you both back to your house and helped a very sleepy Everett get a quick shower and get ready for bed. "Go relax, Kitten. I got this," he promised as Everett changed into pajamas and brushed his teeth. 
You bit your lip and kissed Everett goodnight. Then you whispered, "Come find me when you're done," before you walked into your bedroom and closed the door, glancing at him over your shoulder. 
He grunted, wondering if he was going to get the surprise you promised him. His mind was filled with dirty blowjobs and kitten costumes, and he had to take a deep breath as Everett crossed the hallway back to his bedroom in his baseball pajamas and climbed up into his bed.
"Have you thought about moving into the extra bedroom?" he asked with a yawn, and Bradley smiled as he pulled the covers up over him.
"Honestly, Kiddo? I think about it all the time."
"We should talk to my mom about it," Everett muttered as he rolled onto his side, already half asleep. 
"Yeah," Bradley whispered, "we should." Then he straightened both trophies on Everett's dresser and turned off the lamp before leaving the room. But he thought that another level of commitment was definitely going to be necessary before he could move in here. He'd been thinking about it though.
But all thoughts simply vanished from his brain as he opened your bedroom door and saw you standing there next to your bed. A strangled sound escaped from the back of his throat as his jaw dropped open. 
"You okay, Coach?" you asked teasingly, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, hands planted on your hips. 
"Kitten," he gasped, eyes going wider. "Baby."
You were wearing a tiny, skimpy red and white cheerleading uniform and holding red pom poms at your hips. The little pleated skirt barely hid anything from his view, and he could see your peaked nipples poking against the top.
"Mmhmm," you hummed. "I heard you won Coach of the year. I'm so proud of you." You took a step closer to him, and he wasn't sure if his cock could actually get any harder than it was. You'd put on some red lipstick and some extra eye makeup, and you looked fucking hot. He was having a hard time speaking as he reached for you.
"This is for me?" he managed to ask as he pulled you against him and ran his hands along the little skirt. But you spun in his arms, and he felt all of the blood in his body rush to his groin as you rubbed your ass against him.
"For you." You looked back at him over your shoulder as he ran his hands down along your bare thighs.
"You look like one of the Phillies cheerleaders," he whispered in your ear.
"That's what I was going for," you gasped with a smile.
"My first crush was on the entire 1995 Phillies cheerleading roster."
"Why am I not surprised?" Your soft laughter had him bucking against your backside. He was completely ready to go. 
"You like dressing up for me," he muttered as you spun to face him again.
You nodded and shook your pom poms as you shimmied for him. "Yeah, I do. I think you like it, too."
"That would be an understatement," he growled as your tits nearly bounced out of that tiny top. When he pulled you closer by your hips, you dropped the pom poms to the floor and reached for the fly of his pants, and Bradley leaned down to kiss you softly. "I love this."
You kissed him all over his lips and mustache and cheeks, and he was sure he had your lipstick everywhere, and he was so fucking turned on. And then you were in front of him on your knees, and his baseball pants and underwear were around his thighs. He quickly pulled his jersey and undershirt off as you wrapped your pretty lips around his cock and looked up at him as you took him inch by inch until he met the back of your throat. 
"Yeah," he groaned. "Just like this. I'd jerk off thinking about those cheerleaders sucking my cock."
You moaned so loudly with him against the back of your throat that he had to bite his tongue against the urge to blow his load already. 
"But you're so much better. My god." He was already panting as you withdrew him from your mouth. Your lipstick was on his cock now, but he barely had time to process anything before you were sucking on him again. He watched you, his actual fantasy come to life, as you gave him excellent head. When he ran his thumb along your cheek, he could feel his cock inside your mouth. He needed to stop you, because he desperately wanted to fuck you, but this felt too perfect.
But when you started running your fingernails along his balls, he pulled you up to your feet. You let out a startled laugh before he pressed his lips to yours. "I wanna fuck you," he managed between sloppy kisses as he grabbed at your bare backside with both hands. 
You were moaning against his lips as his dick was poking into your belly. "Anything you want," you gasped, running your hands along his shoulders and pecs. 
"Don't tell me that," he growled, picking you up as you squealed and getting you on your knees at the edge of the bed. "God damn. I want everything." You looked too good on your hands and knees, glancing back at him while your glistening pussy and ass were bare for him. He ran his fingers through your slick until you were moaning his name, and then he knelt and put his mouth on you as he used his hand to coat himself with your wetness.
"Coach!" you cried out as Bradley licked your pussy and kissed the backs of your thigh. 
"You gotta be quiet, Kitten," he grunted, pushing your knees a little further apart as he lapped at you until you were bouncing back to meet his tongue. But you just got louder and louder, and when Bradley stood behind you and slid his cock inside, you nearly screamed.
"Shh." He tried his best to coax you to be quiet, but it didn't work until he clamped his left hand over your lips. "Baby, you can be as loud as you want when we're actually alone," he rasped, fucking you a little harder now. That little pleated red and white skirt brushed along your ass with each thrust, and Bradley wrapped his right hand around your waist, fucking you with deeper strokes. 
Your muffled cries had him close now as he moved his hand to palm your ass. He'd have to consider buying you a gag of some sort, and that had him actually cumming inside your tight pussy. 
"Fuck!" he grunted, letting go of your mouth and squeezing both of your ass cheeks as he fucked you until he was seeing stars. You just whimpered pathetically as you clenched around his softening cock. When Bradley pulled you up so your back was pressed against his chest, he ran his hands up under your skirt and teased your clit, really making sure you felt good.
"Coach!" you gasped, still fluttering around his cock as he pressed his lips to your neck. When you moved his fingers from your pussy up to your lips, he nibbled along your bare shoulder. You sucked on each of his fingers before you asked, "Did you like this as much as the kitten costume?"
He groaned so loudly, you giggled. "Yes, this was just as good as the kitten. Don't make me choose one." 
"You can have both," you promised, turning to kiss him as he withdrew his cock from your pussy and helped you to your feet. 
He watched his cum drip down and coat your thighs as he whimpered for you. And then he remembered what was tucked inside his pants pocket. Carefully he pulled out your repaired necklace and held it out to you. 
"Oh!" you gasped, reaching for it right away. "You fixed it!"
"Yeah," he whispered, kissing your parted lips. "Of course I did."
Once you had further examined it, you stared up at him with a look of awe. "It's better now," you told him, turning it over in your hand to inspect the engraving. One side of the paw print said Bradley and the other said Everett. He carefully clasped it around your neck before you wrapped your arms around his waist, and he just couldn't stop thinking about being here with you forever.
On Thursday, you were desperately trying to finish up for the day when another project got dumped on your desk. It was Everett's birthday, and you were hoping you'd be able to sneak out early and stop home to change before the Padres game. You started working on the new project before you decided to just say fuck it.
You turned your computer off an hour early and locked up your desk. You'd have time to change and meet everyone else at the ballpark since Everett was spending the day at the zoo with Molly. So you strolled to the elevator and then out to your car without a care in the world. 
And that's when your phone rang. It was your lawyer. You stumbled to a stop in the parking lot as you accepted the call. 
"A judge is not going to allow Daniel to sign away his rights. Not unless adoption becomes an option for your son. However, even when you acquire sole custody, which is basically a done deal, he'd still be required to pay you the child support he owes you, plus continue to pay in the future. Your ex husband would have one hundred and twenty days to try to dispute it. Would you like us to serve him with papers?"
Your heart was pounding as you played with the charm on your chain. You were beginning to feel like you had on your bathroom floor, short of breath and nauseous. "Can I think about it?" you asked softly. You didn't want to have to chase Danny for money. He would just make this as difficult for you as he could, and you didn't want to have to deal with him anymore at all. 
"Of course. Take your time."
You ended the call and climbed in your car. Bradley had implored you to keep him updated with the information your lawyer was giving you. But there was just no way you'd be able to tell him all of this. It would be mortifying, admitting to your boyfriend that more than anything, you wanted to know if he'd ever marry you and adopt your child. 
A pathetic sounding laugh bubbled out of you. No. You would just keep that information to yourself and decide if it was worth going after Danny at all. Because all you really wanted at the moment was your own name solely attached to Everett as his legal guardian. But that wasn't something you could have yet if at all.
Undefeated! Everett's birthday party is up next! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
Time to check out The Curveball for more of Molly and Bob!
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lizzyk137 · 3 months
A Night of Brownies and Wine- Agent Gibbs Fanfic (Gibbs X Reader)
Summary: When your brain overthinks, Gibbs tells you his feelings. Warnings: Angst, fluff, really light mention of sexual activity, overthinking
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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"Gibbs! Gibbs! Gibbs!" Abby screamed out as she hurriedly made her way towards his desk.
"What, Abs?" He looked up over his glasses that was perched on his nose.
Her chunky heeled shoes came to a halt by his desk. "Have you seen Y/N?"
He took off his glasses. "No, why?"
"She was supposed to meet me and McGee tonight for our weekly gaming night, but she never showed up and we can't trace her phone so I thought I'd find you because you might know where she was." Abby said all in one breath.
"I haven't seen her all day. I'll let you know if I find her." He gave a small smile to Abby as he collected his items, giving her a small kiss on the cheek and headed towards the elevators.
He made his way to his truck and headed home. He knew where you were, he could easily read you and could always find your location depending on your mood. And today he knew exactly where he could find you.
He opened the front door and headed for the kitchen; a chocolate mess was the only thing that was left to show you were there. He headed for the basement door, where the quiet sound of pop music made its way to his ears.
Heading down the steps he found you in one of his oversized NCIS shirts, no pants wearing your fluffy slippers as you swayed to a K-pop ballad, a brownie in one hand and a bottle of rose in the other. Gibbs leaned against the railing as he watched you, a smirk spreading across his lips while he watched your hips sway back and forth.
"You know you have your own place to do this in." He called out, watching you jump slightly before turning around to face him.
"Yeah, but my house doesn't have a boat in it. Plus, I know you love my brownies amongst other things." You winked as Gibbs walked over to you, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
"What's wrong?" Gibbs took off his long coat and draped it over your shoulders, his warmth enveloping you.
You shook your head, setting down your brownie and bottle of wine on a random small table around Gibbs' boat. "Nothing is wrong. It's just my brain being silly."
Gibbs' hands grabbed your hips and backed you up, your butt lightly bumping into the boat behind you. One hand cupped the side of your face, his fingers tangling into your hair, the other hand still on your hip. "Y/N, your brain is not silly. Tell me."
You looked away and blew out a breath. "Just this undercover op has my brain overthinking."
"About what?"
"About us!" You could feel the tears prickling your eyes, threatening to overflow, but you wouldn't let them.
"What about us?"
"That all we are is just work." Your voice was barely a whisper, because you didn't have the heart to admit what you had with Gibbs louder.
You knew work was always going to be the number one priority for him, the constant in his life. You were just something new that was stumbled upon, not something to be around long term. The whole agency knew you two were an item, so any undercover ops or improv on the job always had you two as a couple, but those moments were sweeter, and more love filled than the times you were alone together. It felt like all you were ever going to be was simply just a cover, no matter how hard you tried not to admit it. You knew the truth.
Gibbs didn't love you. Not like you loved him. He may love you in the same way he loved Abby or Ziva except with extra perks, but that was it. He never asked to see you, never asked you out on dates, never had been over to your place, drove in your car, asked about your family, hell, he never even asked about you. And you finally admitted it to yourself.
So, you decided to drown your sorrows in many bottles of wine and brownies.
And there he was, Gibbs, this amazing man who never really talked but always seemed to know what to do, and he was standing in front of you with his hands gently cradling your body, his eyes fill with confusion and worry as he looked at you.
Gibbs opened his mouth then closed it and thought for a second before asking, "What does right now count as?"
"I don't mean right now," you sighed the continued, "I mean the rest of the time. It's always work, never just us."
"I-I don't know what to say." Gibbs stuttered as he watched the woman he loves start to crumble in front of him. Her eyes were watery, but she wasn't letting the tears fall down, and he wasn't sure he wanted to see her cry. He'd never seen her cry in all the years he's known her. Not when she broke any of her bones, not when she was slammed into a concrete wall and hit her head, not when she lost her grandma. She had held herself together, at least in front of him.
"You never say anything!" Your voice raised, and you turned your back on him, tears slowly rolling down your face.
Gibbs hands slid back down when she turned away from him. What could he do? She was upset and he understood why. He didn't do enough. Wasn't what she needed.
He had always been about work since Kelly and Shannon passed away and nothing had changed over the years with his ex-wives or his past relationships. He didn't think anything of it. Nothing he did was any different than what he has done and now that she said something out loud, he realized that all those past relationships had never worked out because of what he was doing. He was doing absolutely nothing.
His thoughts were interrupted when a sob escaped from the woman in front of him.
"Y/N..." His voice cracked; he couldn't help feeling his heart shatter when that sob reached his ears. He brought his body closer to yours, his arms circling your body. "I- I know I'm not good enough for you. I don't put much effort into anything but work, but I do love you. I'm not good with words." He stopped for a second and rested his forehead against the back of your head. "I don't want to see you cry. I understand if you don't stay but I don't want to lose you."
The pain in his voice was front and center and you couldn't hear anything else but that. You turned around in his arms and sighed before nuzzling your head into his chest.
"Words aren't enough, Jethro."
"I know. I can't promise I'll be a changed man right off, but I'll try my hardest to be better."
"All I ask for is to be more present in this relationship. To have it not be all about work." Your voice muffled as you spoke into his chest.
"Well, we both have tomorrow night off. Why don't we go to that little Italian place that you were telling Tony about?"
"How did you know that?"
"I may not say much but I listen, especially when it comes to you."
You giggled; face still pressed into his chest. "Really?"
"Really." He kissed the top of your head and squished you tighter to him. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too." You looked up at him with a smile. "So, I made some brownies, do you want some?"
"You sure as hell know I want some." He smirked before picking you up, a giggling scream coming out of your throat, as he headed up stairs to the bedroom.
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
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Let’s Get Rolling! | Looking into the Lights, Camera, Action! Event for CROB!
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So the movie nerd, Popcorn Cookie, isn’t going to the Chocolate Factory with that golden ticket, but to see the filming site for what Butter Squid Cookie has got cooking up.
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Only issue is that the actress is unable to make it to the set, leaving the stunt double, Choco Bar Cookie, to get the lead role! So for the event itself, it’s essentially the exact same event we’ve had for the last few updates, get and do favors as well as combine items for hard mode.
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So the special draw event returns from the Wish Camp update, except this time there’s also a surprise exchange shop that allows you to get outfits or designs that you missed in past updates!
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Choco Bar Cookie herself is pretty cute, would definitely add her to my wife collection and if her base design isn’t sitting well with you, hopefully her skin more then makes up for it because oh my lord-
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Shine Muscat, Habanero, and Blue Slushy Cookie also get skins too. With Popcorn Cookie getting a fabulous skin in part 2!
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Buttercream Choco Cookie has finally returned by the Buddy event! Bring your buddies to play the mode to obtain him!
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In the Romance stage, who is this lady we’re chasing and how did I get the devs to put her in my game. In the Zombie stage, we meet some familiar walkers, where have I seen them before…?
Overall, they were not lying when they said that this would help a substantial update, there are so many things to look forward to that it might leave you overwhelmed! MicMac has addressed the event repetition in the official discord, hopefully, we can see a return to varied event modes some day.
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Busy chasing your co-star through the stage, following after the one you love was the pinnacle of romantic excitement in the eyes of Butter Squid Cookie!
“Come follow, my love! Have a little encouragement from me!”
She blew you a kiss in the form of a small heart that floated towards you. You went to get it promptly, feeling more encouraged to follow your heart that had your co-star in it! (In the premise of the movie of course)
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Butter Squid Cookie was pleased with the results he was seeing so far, such warm love between two cookies that was sure to bring a tear to the eyes of audiences! He had to give you credit, for someone unfamiliar with acting, you were a natural!
But now time for the big moment! You were now supposed to catch your co-star and give each other the declaration of love and then a kiss!
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Choco Bar Cookie got a little nervous with that plan, was it really necessary? The kiss part? Why not just a hug, you know? That would get the message across just fine. There was no need to be all theatrical all the time, you know?
Butter Squid saw her suggestion as nonsense, a kiss was the only way to execute the romantic tension flawlessly!
You told your co-star that she made your heart flutter, that no other cookie made you feel this way, that you wanted to spend your life with her.
Your co-star blushed heavily from your words, that was some pretty good on command blushing!
“Oh, my Y/N Cookie! My heart can’t stand being apart from you either! Please, let me be the cookie you love now and forever!”
The two of you leaned in, getting closer and closer, you see her eyes twinkle as she closed them, readying her lips as you did the same…
Before a director chair is thrown between you two!
Scaring you both faraway from each other. Butter Squid looked at Choco Bar with shock as she breathed heavy, having just thrown that chair a second ago.
“Sorry. My hands slipped.”
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missyandthemisfits · 2 months
JJK - Grocery Shopping With Them Pt. I
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Yuji Itadori - He’s got a hard time staying next to the cart especially once he sees something cool or funny or weird. Like, he doesn’t like wander half way across the store or anything like that, but he’s skipping his way up to the weird off brand cereal just as soon as you make it to the aisle, grinning back at you with that dorky smile as he does.
“Babe look, they’re called Nut O’s!” He’s snickering way too hard and loud and it’s just a liiitle embarrassing, but endearing. You chuckle as he shuffles back over, box in hand. “Can we get em?”
You snort and sigh halfheartedly, not really accustomed to denying the sweetheart.
“Throw it in, Yu.”
It was seriously hard not to spoil him sometimes.
Megumi Fushiguro - When I say he has a mental and physical checklist of everything you guys have vs everything you guys need to stock up on- it’s that serious for him. No like shopping is actually no joke. Any sort of suggestions made that aren’t on the list? He’s scowling a little harder than normal, eyeballing you and the food item you two definitely don’t need-
“But Megumiii, they look so good - please babe we have to try them!” He crosses his arms in scrutiny.
“That’s an unnecessary expense. Don’t even get me started on the sugar content-,”
“Oh my fucking- PLEASE.” There’s a long sigh and he finally relents.
But make no mistake he’s taking satisfaction in the fact that you inevitably hate the taste. Megumi 17, (Name) 0.
Nobara Kugisaki - Honestly? Y’all get the same level of giddy to see weird foods and utensils in the store, so much so you’ve got an entire collection of things like …sriracha pocky and those boxes of foreign snacks, all of which you end up recording yourselves try for the masses. 
“Dude, no this is actually fucking gross I’m gonna-,” You’re laughing hysterically as she gags beside you, snorting a bit as she downs her entire bottle of water.
“It actually wasn’t that bad for me.” The look she gives you in response is priceless. 
Maki Zenin - She’s the type to carry a book around in the store and let you take as much time as you need deliberating over spinach vs lettuce because she’s got her entertainment. She’s got very specific tastes too so it makes it really easy to shop for her when she’s not around, you on the other hand are so very indecisive- but she’s learned to live with that.
“Maki…should I get spicy or regular?”
“Hmm,” she doesn’t even glance up, “Flip a coin?”
“But what if I get home and decide I want the other one? Uggghhh-,” She finally peers over the pages.
“Just get both.” You’re looking at her in teary-eyed awe.
“You’re the smartest person I know Maki!”
“I know.” 
Toge Inumaki - Loves going grocery shopping with you. I mean, loves spending all his free time with you, but there’s something about grocery shopping that just makes his day. He adores the domesticated feel of it all, he surmises. 
“Salmon.” He gives a thumbs up at the wasabi flavored prawn chips in your hands and you cheer a little, placing them in the cart.
“Sure they won’t be too spicy for you?” He thinks for a moment.
“Mustard Leaf.” He gives a shrug and you chuckle.
“What do you mean you’re not sure? Weren’t these your suggestion?”
“Salmon Roe.” He gives a nod and you can tell by the way his eyes sparkle he’s smiling under his scarf. 
“Well alright, don’t say I didn’t warn you…”
Always a pleasant experience to be around this cutie.
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l3viat8an · 11 months
I've been trying to send an ask for the past 3 days and it wouldn't let me 😭
The levi brainrot is bad‼️
Okay so imagine this
After living in the hol for a while you notice things begin to go missing, specifically your panties. You decide your just being forgetful of where you placed your things and move on. One day, Levi asks you to meet him in his room, but when you arrive he isn't there. You wait for awhile but he shows no sign of arriving, so you, being the little nosey thing you are, begin to look around. It starts off innocent, your admiring his figurine collection when you see a hint of red fabric out of the corner of your eye. You walk over to his bed and grab the clothing item to find its your..panties? You look down and see a box peaking out from under his bed, you grab and open it. It's all of your panties that went missing! But, why does levi have it? You hear the door open and then leviathan screams. You turn around, box in hand, and see how red levi is. I mean, he's redder then the fabric you were previously holding. He begins to stutter out an explanation and it finally hits you. "Your a pathetic little panty stealer, huh levi? He practically moans at your words as you notice his growing buldge. You look at him, a devilish look in your eyes. "Y'know, if you wanted me this bad all you had to do was ask." Hes panting at this point so desperate for your harsh words "But now that you've gone and been a little thief, you'll have to beg for it." You slowly walk towards him, "Well? Are you gonna be a good little slut and beg?"
That got a lot longer then I planned it to be 🧍‍♀️
Nsfw content MDNI
Istg I still don’t know what’s wrong with my ask box 😭 it hates me I swear!- and uhhhh idk what happened Levi just eats at my brain 🧍🏼‍♀️CW: probably typos, sorry!! dom (?) gn!reader. Hand job / blowjob, ruined orgasm, degrading, lil bit of marking (my biting kink tbh) (Levi receiving all of it!!) 
Levi felt heat rush to his face at your words, his breath hitching as he tried to wrap his head around the situation. He had never wanted you to find out……but at the same time, the way you immediately talked down to him….well, he’s a pervert….it turned him on.
"I-I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself…” Levi whispered, his eyes locked onto the floor. "Please...please…..please let me make it up to you. I'll do anything. P-please…”
You smirked at his words, just taking a moment and basking in the power you held over him. You slowly walked towards him, your hand reaching down to grab his stiffening cock, clicking your tongue in mock disappointment, "Anything, huh? Well then, let's see just how far you're willing to go.”
Levi let out a small whimper as you began stroking his cock through his pants. He was completely under your control….and he loved it~
"Please, please, please f-fuck…please M-MC, I'll- I meant it!! I’ll do anything, just t-tell me….” he begged, his hips thrusting into your hand.
You pull his cock out and rub your thumb over the tip, giving him a few slow strokes, “Then you’ll be good for me, right Levi?”
Levi nodded, immediately, “Y-yes!! I'll be good for you, MC, I- I- oh fuck- I promise…please” Levi replied, his voice shaking as you continue to tease his cock.
Levi whines as the feeling of pleasure building as you worked him harder. Soon he was gasping for breath. Fuck it felt good to have such a powerful demon weak from your touch~
You leaned in close, your hot breath tickling his ear. "Dirty pervert…..you really are gross Levi…” you murmured, as you brought your lips to his neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. “Yes!! I am, s-so gross…p-p-please don’t stop!!!”
Levi moaned, his hand reaching up trying to grab onto your hair as he tried to keep himself from giving into the pleasure, just yet.
Obviously you weren't done with him~ You pulled away from his neck, eyes locking with his as you slowly sink to your knees.
"At least you know…..but now…let's see just how good you can be.” you said, as you wrap your lips around his cock.
Your lips and tongue working in tandem to push Levi closer to the edge. You could feel his body tensing up with every passing second, his hips  subconsciously thrusting forward as he gave in to the warmth of your mouth.
With each flick of your tongue, each gentle suck of your lips, he was pushed closer and closer to his orgasm. Levi is panting heavily now, one hand covering his face as the other tangled desperately in your hair as he begged for release. Endlessly self-degrading words fell from his lips as you sucked him off……
Before Levi knew it, you were pulling away….his orgasm ruin and you standing up, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
A satisfied smirk across your face when Levi sobbed out “W-why w-what are you doing?!?” But you still pulled away, "I'd say you made it up to me, Levi.” you said, a sly twinkle in your eye, as you made your way to his bedroom door.
Opening the door and stepping out into the hall, “Oh and Levi~” you waited until he looked at you, “-no cumming until I say you can.” and you’re gone.
Leaving a very red, very horny and very upset Levi in his room. Alone again.
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rojacatmisa · 22 days
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Starting over In Madrid
Chapter 5 : Valleys and Peaks
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
Chapter 1 ➤ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➤ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➤ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➤ Hell Clasico
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I was already lying in my bed when I got Misa’s text. My pillow was wet and darken where the tears mixed with make-up had rolled down. Bed shits were a mess after I vainly turned and turned around to set myself comfortable as I had planned to really take the time to think about what had happened. But the calm meditation I expected had never came, replaced by a crashing urge to let go, to loosen the vans I had kept closed for nearly four months now. 
So instead, I cried. 
I cried because I didn’t want to be hollow again. When I arrived at the Scuidad on my first day, I was still feeling broken by my previous relationship. My ex had dumped me like our three years together never existed, reaping of part of my self-estime with her. When I had looked at Misa that day, something had stirred in me for the first time in months. That something had grown since then, filling me again, meanwhile I constantly knew I was forbidden to feel that way.
So, I cried.
I also cried because I wanted Misa so much it hurt, my body longing for hers like I never longed for somebody. I had felt my heart fly when I had realized Misa was into me as well, barely believing it. It wasn’t making any sense to me to be desired by someone like her. Yet It was, yet it couldn’t happened. Yet It hurt. So much.
" Nicky where are you ? I thought you’ll wait for me 😞 " 
After reading Misa’s message, I had another reason to let my tears flowed. I had finally succeeded at hurting her. 
After we kissed and she went back to the pitch, the puffy cloud I was on had turned to a dark storm. I had been weak, letting her think that there could be something between us, letting her know that I wanted to. I had ran away, pretexting having nauseas to my boss, justifying my absence at the end of the game in the same time, as I quickly put my stuff in order and set off without telling anyone else. 
My heart sunk deeper. What was I going to say now ? 
"I had to packed my working stuff, sorry I’m home" I responded, tears falling down at an increasing pace. 
I shortly received " I don’t understand…" followed by "In fact, I guess I do. Adios" that kept me crying half the night. 
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Days off after the Clasico passed. I was back at work. Misa and I no longer talked together. She was ignoring me during every training session. Hayley was doing the same, so I deduced Misa had told her everything. They were no longer photo lessons or endless chatting. The job I loved so much was not so great without friends, or now that I had lost them. And I knew I deserved it as much as Misa deserved an explanation. I was preparing myself to give it to her, not to expect our friendship back, but because I had hurt her and she couldn’t get a thing of what was going on, and maybe because I couldn’t bear her avoiding gaze at the beginning of each training session too. All I had to do was to find the right time and place. 
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My wish to tell her to truth became quite pressing during a new commercial photoshoot for a collection of sport garments. Obviously, Misa had been chosen for modeling and I was dreading to direct her without having managed to speak with her before. 
The set was a corner of a gym with a bright blue bench and a few exercise items. As always, I was helping a dedicated photographer and his light assistants. The goalkeeper came to the set, her face a mask, her brows imperceptibly frown, her eyes avoiding mine, as usual now. She was wearing the promoted sport items, an orange neon sport bra and a matching short, completed with knee socks and white sneakers. Of course, she looked incredibly hot. 
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She sat on the bench, her elbows on her lap, waiting for pose directions. 
"Hum, straighten up… turn a bit on the left and… look at the camera." I stammered.
Misa slowly took the pose, her gaze finally leveled up with mine and stay locked here. I felt my cheeks blushed. Her almond-shaped eyes showed all the emotions she was containing. Hurt, want, sadness, Confusion. I swallowed hard. Her lips pursing, she finally glanced at the camera. 
"Ok. Get up, put your hands on your waist, your back to us, and look upon you shoulder" 
Misa stood up and turned, the muscles of her tanned back capturing the grazing light of the spots. She flexed her strong arms and put her hands on the bare skin of her waist disappearing under her fuckgod-so-tight-short. Her long legs were slightly spread to give her a steady presence while her underexposed profile detached nicely against the background. She was so stunning I couldn’t do anything but stare blankly, heat rising in various parts of my body. 
"Nicky, go put her hair in the front, we can’t see the bra properly" the photographer told me. 
I unfroze and moved forward, each step incredibly slow. I approached Misa, still keeping the pose. Our eyes met, she frowned very slightly again and took a deep breath. I bit my lips, feeling so uncomfortable to have to touch her on the top of everything. Her sweet perfume filled my nose. My fingers tips brush the skin of her neck and ran across her shoulders as I gently gather her hair to the right. She stiffened and mutter something in Spanish. I arranged her hair better, having her rolling her eyes when I tucked a strand behind her ear. I was sure I had turned red due to embarrassment and to the cooking rays of the spotlights. I went back to my spot near the photographer. He took the shots and seemed satisfied so I moved to the next pose. 
"Face us. Take a ball in your right hand, the other down and look at the camera. » I said but the photographer corrected « Not straight at the camera, it will looked forced, tell her to look a bit on her right, at you actually".
I shut my eyes. For real ? I heard Misa stifle a sneer, indicating she had caught the corrected indications. When I opened my eyes, she was indeed looking directly at me, her gaze hard, her fading sneer still on her mouth. 
"Nah it’s not working, she looks like she going to murder someone. She has to smile more frankly".
If she heard, she pretended not to. Her face harden even more. 
"Er… smile please?" I asked her, mortified. 
Misa bit her lips, her chest was rising up and down as she took deep breaths. 
"What’s…" began the photographer. 
"¡Y si no quiero!" Misa burst out. She threw the ball across the room, hitting nothing by miracle. "I’m done here!" she got off to the back room and slammed the door behind her. A heavy silence settled upon us before the photographer talked again.
"What's going on with her ? That’s really unprofessional ! I will report it !" 
"Calm down, she’s not at her top right now. I’m going to talk to her".
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I timidly opened the door of the changing room. Misa was putting on a jumper, the promoted kit laying on the floor. She froze when she saw me but went back at gathering her stuff without a word. I closed the door behind me. 
"Misa… wait please, I… I have to talk to you…"
"About what ? No necesito hablar", she coldly reply while tiding her shoes. 
"I know you’re upset because of me, I…"
"I’m not upset only because of you ! But you did put the cherry on the cake that evening !"
My heart sank again, I try to gather some courage. "There is something that you don’t know I should have told you a long time ago ! Please let me explain !" I twisted my hands nervously. 
The women looked up, her hands on her laps, her glance icy. "Valé, te escucho."
"Not here, I can’t! Wait for me in my office. I have to finish the photoshoot, just give me ten minutes !" My eyes begun to sting as she narrowed her eyes. Her silence was worse than her saying she was hurt. "Please, Misa !" I begged.
She looked down and sighted. "Valé", she said, getting up and putting her bag on her shoulder. 
"Will you be there for real ?" I urged her, unsure of her response. 
"Te dije que si !" she shouted at the doorstep without looking back. 
I breathed out in relief, still shaken. Angry Misa was really intimidating. 
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When I entered my office, I found the goalkeeper sat in my chair and looking at her phone. She had turned on my computer, the screen displayed a photo of Hayley, herself and I, sitting in the grass of our favorite pitch corner, the tree of us laughing hard. I ignored my prickling eyes, I had a job to get done. 
Misa's gaze followed me as I searched the drawers of my desk. I put out a folder, opened it and retrieved a slack of papers clipped together. I took a second chair and placed it in front of her. I sat down, turned the pages until I found the right passage and began to read. 
"Working contract. Close number 23. To prevent any conflict, the present employee accept not to engage in any kind of private relationship with the Real Madrid team members. This applies to the current players and trainers and the players and trainers to come. If the close is infringed, Real Madrid Company will immidialaty put an end to the present employment contract and the eventual working visa and lease the employee may be beneficial through Real Madrid Company. Real Madrid Company will not assist the former employee in any kind of further administrative procedure."
I put the paper aside and stared at the goalkeeper astonished face. "I’m sorry… I so so wish it would be different…"
Misa leant back in her chair, rubbed her hands across her face, and let out a forced laugh.  "Que pasa en este puto club..?" She blinked and sighted. "Well, that do explains things…".
"I should have told you after the Clasico but…"
"Shh, Nicky please don’t, it’s done", she leaned towards me, only sadness remained in her eyes now. She stared at the photo of us on the screen. "I just wish I could rewind and go back to this moment. La Copa de la Reina was still up… we were having fun together…" 
My eyes stung again. "We did. I miss you guys…" 
"And what am I going to do without my awful teacher ?" Misa added softly with a chuckle. "Maybe we could come back at being friend ?" Her warm gaze lighted up with hope. 
I looked at her fondly, passing from her brown eyes topped with her thick eyebrows, to her cute nose, and stopping on the dimples on each side of her smiling lips. "Everytime you look at me like that, I can only think of how much I want to kiss you Misa » I confessed.  
She smirked shyly, closed her eyes, her cheeks lightly blushing, and bore them into mine once more "Only kiss me ?" she dared say. 
I gasped at the thought of her body against mine. "Not a chance" I whispered as I leaned toward her as well. Our hands on our lap brushed. We intertwined our fingers, our breathing already fastening through our half-opened lips. Our faces came closer and closer. "What are we doing ?" I vainly asked as the tip of my nose grazed hers. "Nonsense" her mouth answered almost on mine. "I’m doomed then" I admitted and crashed my lips against the goalkeeper’s. 
I kissed her intensely, feeling oddly free to do so for the first time. We both knew the trouble we were in now but we both couldn’t help it. Her tongue touched my lips and I opened them to let her in. I couldn’t suppress a whine, felt a quick worry about being over heard, before sinking in our kiss again. 
Misa grasped my neck, making me so needy for more I quitted my chair and went to straddle her. I enfolded her lips with mine once more, pushing her against the back of the chair, pushing my tongue further in her mouth. Her deep breaths had me so worked up I would have screamed if my last restraint hadn't stopped me. Misa led her hands under my t-shirt, caressing my back with her large palms, setting my mind all dizzy. I buried my fingers in her hair and she kissed me harder, soft whimpers escaping from her now. 
She pulled up my t-shirt, revealing my chest in my embroiled bra. The beautiful women stopped kissing me and pulled me closer, making me straighten up a bit so that her face pressed against my breast. I bit my tongue hard not to moan as she kissed the soft skin there. I was almost panting, hands and face plunged in her hair, intoxicating myself with her scent and touch all over me. 
Three knocks echoed on the door.
We froze. I jumped off her in panic, lowered my t-shirt and took back my chair. Misa was quickly combing her hair with her fingers to make it flat again when the door swung opened. 
Ana entered the room, a pile of folders under her arms. She didn’t bother to close the door behind her. 
"Hola Nicky. Ah ! I see Miss Rodriguez is here. Did you received her to discuss her unacceptable behavior at the photoshoot ?" 
Misa scratched her nose, her hand covering her mouth. I was sure she was hiding a smirk by faking embarrassment.  
"Yes" I responded, perfectly happy with the made-up explanation of her presence in my office. 
"And did she reprimanded you severely ?" she asked, turning to Misa. 
Misa had the time to compose a serious face, thought I saw the corner of her mouth twitched twice. "She did. I apologize for my lake of professionalism. I wasn’t feeling myself. I assure you it won’t happen again."
"Therefore, considered it over, but keep in mind I expected better pressure handling from a professional athlete, Miss Rodriguez." I saw her sunk a bit in her chair before she slowly nodded. Ana turned back to me "Nicky I have lots of things to see with you."
The goalkeeper got up "I’ll leave you then", she said and Ana took her seat.
"Yes, thank you Misa. So, Nicky, let’s start with the most urgent : the travel to Paris next week for the Nation’s league…"
I tried hard to listen but all I could think of was how wet I was down. 
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"Hey Misa" I said, calling her in my tiny kitchen. 
"Hola Nicky, como esta ?" her sweet voice was even softer through the phone. 
"Estoy bien y tu ?" 
"Bueno. What’s up ? Did your boss figured something out ?" 
"No, not at all, don’t worry ! I… well… we were interrupted ahah… and I thought we should talk about what come next…" I began to pace back and forth in the small room. 
"Si, pero… I don’t know… I don’t risk much myself but I don’t want you to loose everything because of me… We were pretty close of getting caught". 
"You are probably right..." I sighted. "But how do we fix things now ? We’re not exactly behaving like friends do..."
She laughed. "Exacto. Right." she paused, I stopped pacing to gulp a glass of water. "Look Nicky, I say we wait after Paris. I need to focus. It’s not against you but I don’t think I should be distracted by anything else right now. It will be a tough game against the PSG, I have to work harder. I don’t want another Clasico…"
"I understand. Don’t be too hard on yourself though. You did your best !"
"I didn’t managed to save any penalty… not one in five."
"You know better than me it’s the hardest job for goalkeepers." 
"But I want to be the best goalkeeper, the one that can stop them, the one that could make my team win." 
I bit my lips, Misa was putting so much pressure on herself. In the same time, hearing her being so passionate was moving. "You will then, I believe in you."
There was another pause "I’m glad we’re talking again, Nicky"
"Me too, Misa. Friend or more, I’m here for you if you need me." 
"Muchas gracias, I’ll see you tomorrow at training." 
I hung up and gazed at the pinky sky of Madrid through the narrow window of my kitchen. I didn’t know where Misa and I were going. I didn’t want to think about it for now, to content to have earned back her trust, after the valleys and peaks we went through. I took another sip of water, feeling impatient to see her practice tomorrow at being the best goalkeeper she could be. 
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34 notes · View notes
uselesssomebody · 1 year
could you maybe do poe comforting an overwhelmed reader by giving them his jacket to wear 🥺
𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕜𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕒𝕓𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕟 - poe dameron x reader
complete masterlist | poe dameron masterlist
words || 𝟠.𝟟𝕜
summary || in which poe kinda makes the reader's life hell
a/n || 8,7k??? what is wrong with me
➵ nonnie you're gonna have to sift through like 8k words to get to the request but star wars fics need good world building
➵ yo send me moon knight requests or any oscar/pedro characters i'm banging them out right now
➵ not edited (yet)
➵ send me requests if you have ‘em. enjoy!
warnings || fluff/angst
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her tools fall out of her hand with a distinct clatter, as she rises from her haunches for the first time in about an hour. she runs a gentle finger over the the edge of the removed metal plate, examining her handiwork at re-configuring, and then bettering the main control center.
it’d looked like hell when she'd first seen it, just 10 minutes after the black squadron had returned to d'qar - after a particularly nasty run in with some tie-fighters after attempting to survey a first order base. though all the members had bore a part of the violence and destruction, he who bore the brunt of it was their oh so brave leader - poe dameron.
of course, his extreme courage, and never-ending headstrong-edness did enough to serve his position as the resistance's golden boy. on the other hand, though, that same bravery owed to her consecutive long nights.
see, no one thought about the little guy - dameron was probably basking in the praise he was receiving at the moment, while no one ever remembered that the only reason his shots were so good was because she'd tinkered with the weapons system until perfection. the only reason he could ever complete any of his complicated maneuvers was because she ensured his controls ran smoothly - never jamming - and that the wings of his starfighter weren't falling off. though that may seem like a base requirement of her job, she knew that wasn't an occasional fix; no, it was much closer to weekly.
it was dark on the surface of the base, and she was beside a measly lamp to finish her work. she lightly tapped against the metal on the outside of the x-wing, satisfied with the adjustments, and, when she finally stretches out her body, standing fully upright, she feels the quirk in her shoulder from the hunching, and the cramp of her forearms and palms at her meticulous but firm grip on her tools. she sighed deeply as her bleary eyes made her see spots.
she hears footsteps approach her, and she collects her items as her close friend and fellow mechanic rose comes up behind her.
"how's it going?" she hums discontentedly in response.
"i'm done, at least." it's not a great answer, but rose understands, a soft smile gracing her lips as she grabs the lamp, holding onto it to allow her friend to place her tools away.
rose's own x-wing was one of the new recruits, given a lesser brunt during missions and scouting. thus, she'd finished ensuring it was in the best shape ages ago. she'd decided to finish up some other things in the meanwhile, before doubling back to see her eternally overworked friend's progress.
"you wanna head back to the bunks?" she rubs her nose as she thinks about rose's question. as they begin leaving the flight deck, she can hear the light echo of people from afar.
"if you want to, don't wait up for me. i need a drink, though." she finally decides, not wanting to deprive her friend of sleep, but also knowing that she needed something to help her unwind from the busy day. rose simply shrugs, gesturing to the both of them making their way to the cantina.
as they enter, a decent amount of people are still milling about, though many look ready to begin wrapping up their nights. there's a empty table a ways away from the bar so, upon taking rose's request, she urges her friend to sit down as she heads to the bar.
the bartender's a lovely guy: a weequay called aid-zarg, that everyone just refers to as 'ay' or, if they're close, 'zarg'. he'd been a bit against the nicknames, but had eventually caved to them.
"ay - how're ya?" she slides into a stool in front of him, attempting conversation tentatively. he shrugs - his expression seems cold, though she knows that's just how his face is.
"alright. long night?" she smiles, but it's almost a grimace.
"something like that." she orders for her and rose, and patiently taps against the wood counter as he prepares them. when he finally slides them over, she gives him a nod of appreciation, and he returns it with a nod of acknowledgement, before she turns back to join rose.
rose glances at her as she slumps into her seat, looking half-ready to pass out.
"maybe you should talk to the general about your schedule. you're half-asleep all the time; that can't be good for a resistance member." rose takes a sip of her drink as she presents a solution to her friend's never-ending dilemma.
"i - i would, but it's not fair to assign extra work to anyone - everyone's got a specific part of the base to tend to, or a specific ship, or fighter, or whatever." she thought about her hesitance as she watched the slosh of her drink, "everyone else's already working, and i don't want to make it anyone else's baggage just 'cause my pilot has an ego the size of a death star." rose purses her lips to keep herself from laughing - not wanting to encourage her friend's catty commentary.
"how'd you end up getting assigned his, anyway?" rose mumbled. her friend laughed into her drink, slowly recanting the reason:
even before she'd come to d'qar, it was common knowledge amongst the mechanics that being assigned to fix up dameron's x-wing meant you'd lose out on a weeknight or two, if it was temporary, and your entire night life - if it was permanent.
so, when she'd arrived, and presented her previous qualifications as a mechanic on tatooine, many knew that she was at least experienced and, at most, very efficient.
so, almost as a rite of passage amongst the mechanics, she'd been assigned the dreaded ship. and she'd fixed it up in record time. at first, it was an achievement she wore like a medal, the surprised faces of the resident mechanics enough to make her beam at her skill, and her knowledge of its contribution to the resistance's efforts.
then, though, it became a permanent assignment. and, for a while, it was manageable. but then, the fights got tougher; the first orders weapons more destructive.
"and suddenly, i'm up at 1 on a work night." she finally concludes. rose, having known her since she arrived, was privy to her friend's sometimes tired, always slightly pent-up rants on any topic that aggravated her, so she waited patiently for tonight's, "it's just-" there it is, "he's so fucking - ugh - would it kill him to just follow the plan? to listen to his instructions, to not be so reckless and not go out of his way to get himself killed - no, fuck that actually - his plane destroyed? i don't know - i get it's important to be versatile, and brave, and whatever bullshit, but c'mon - every time? keeping me up every night?"
rose was sure she hadn't even stopped to breathe in that entire time, but she definitely paused her rant to take sips of her drink, which then spurred on the vent further. she contemplated maybe removing the drink from her hand, but figured that after her long evening, she deserved it, along with a listening ear.
she sighs deeply into her drink as she finishes her story, not exactly expecting an answer from rose, but happy that she could at least get it off her chest.
suddenly, she feels a firm hand on her shoulder, making her and rose squeak and whip their heads to the person. what they hadn't realized was the volume with which they were speaking, causing her eyes to widen as she realizes that the object of her annoyance stood behind her, a goading smile plastered over his - unfortunately - gorgeous face.
“yeah - that guy’s a pain in the ass!” he hisses sarcastically, as though in his group of friends, gossiping, “what’d you say he was again?” he hunches down, so his face is in line with hers. she tries to glance desperately at rose, but all she can make out is her brown overalls behind poe’s jaw. she swallows, but looks him in the eyes, an unwavering look on her face.
“i was saying that he’s reckless. and he’s the reason i’m having a drink - as opposed to, y’know, sleeping. what anyone should be doing this late.” her voice is clear, and she watches the confidence in his face falter for a moment. then, as quickly as it hesitated, his smile returned, rising back up to his full height. he pokes his tongue into his inner cheek, looking between the both of them.
“enjoy your drinks, ladies.” he says it with a shockingly non-confrontational tone, accompanied with a shrug. she feels her cheeks heat in embarrassment as he gives her a slight nod to her, before turning and heading in the direction of one of the newer recruits - frank? flynn? - as she turns back to her drink, eyes closed in humiliation.
finally, she glances up at rose, and sees the uncomfortable grimace mirrored on her face.
“please, please, can you not shout when you complain about someone?” she chastises and begs her friend in the same tone, telling her off for her borderline rude behavior, and for the subsequent awkwardness it caused her. it makes her laugh, as she nods, assuring her that she won't. as rose bemoans she situation, she smiles into the rim of her drink, trying not to think about the warmth that she felt.
she wasn't quite sure if it was still embarrassment, or something else.
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as she and rose had finally decided they'd taken enough from the night, and were ready to pass out into the longest sleep they had time to muster, rose heads towards the exit while she rushes to the bar to bid adieu to aid, and to front over the cost of their drinks. the quiet bartender thought her to be funny, so prices were usually discounted, but what did confuse her was the shake of his head and the shrug he passed when she asked to be reminded of the prices.
"already paid for." her eyebrows quirk at the non-descriptive explanation, and she wonders who'd paid for them in the short time they'd sat in the cantina.
"huh? by who?" aid was never great at names, but even he couldn't forget her infamous donor.
the revelation muffled in her mind over the night, as she wondered what exactly had possessed the cocky pilot to pay for their drinks, especially after hearing her bad-mouth him.
perhaps, she figured, it was a gesture of good-will, to imply that her snarky comments did little to actually affect him. and, for a moment she thought it was sweet.
until she passed by him in that same cantina, surrounded by both the members of his squadron, as well as some others, recounting the story of how he'd narrowly ducked in and between the cliffs of some outer rim territory in order to avoid a gang of small-time pirates. he spoke animatedly of how he narrowly made it out from a 20 meter gap in the cliffs, though how, tragically, one of his wings had taken a brunt of impact.
she grimaced at the casualness of his words, and of the enraptured expressions of everyone else, only speaking in order to reiterate how truly amazing they thought he was.
of course she remembered that mission, as she'd spent a grueling 3 days fashioning a new wing tip to add to his starfighter before his next mission - pulling maybe a collective 3 hours of sleep over the 3 nights.
and, suddenly, his gesture seemed almost more of a mockery.
though she knew that he continued to leave her blood boiling, and thus attempted to avoid him as much as possible, he seemed to have a remarkably different idea, deciding that his prevalence as a topic of conversation of her yielded him permission to become the one she spoke to.
he'd greet her as he hopped off of his ship, whenever he passed the flight deck as she worked, and somehow always managed to walk past her just as she knew he was clocking out for the night, leaving her to work an additional few hours - at least - to rescue his overworked vehicle.
poe didn't believe that he was being malicious - not at all. after all, she had no idea how difficult his job was either, so what gave her the right to complain? she didn't know that the only reason he pulled off complicated maneuvers was to divert attention from less experienced recruits, or that the days of planning missions - just for many of them to fail - also left him exhausted, and owed to many of his own contemplative, long nights.
thus, a strange, very aggravating dance occurred between the both of them. she was stubborn - as stubborn as him - but, of course, she - rather stubbornly - would never believe it, owing neither to want to secede and create a more comfortable environment by discussing their issues or - and this was completely off the table - apologizing.
though, due to this, both of their friends were subject to suffer through their passing remarks, or the strange tension that seemed to follow the pair. as the days continued, rose found herself seeking out the amused eyes of finn - poe's good friend - as he took in the scene, smiling or laughing alongside him at the absurdity of their situation.
it was this growing familiarity between their friends, in fact, that had owed to her current lonely late night. the black and green squadrons were responsible for the destruction of a medium, but connected first order base in the mid rim. it was an unlikely victory - outnumbered by tie-fighters at least 2 or 3 to one, but the meticulous plan crafted by finn, poe and a few of the others, and green-lit by the general, had created it.
there was much celebration when they'd headed back - and that spirit soared through the entirety of the base, with everyone coming together to remember their primary goal: weakening the authoritative role of the first order. it had gone on late into the night, as she can still hear the loud, carrying voices from the cantina. she's headed in the opposite direction, though, as she usually does. she'd seen dameron's ship when it'd come in, and - though it didn't look all that rough, she could tell it could do with a tune up.
she hadn't asked rose to stay alongside her, seeing the twinkle in her eyes as she'd spoken to finn in the aftermath of the mission, smiling widely in a way her friend didn't see all that often. so, instead, she’s left in company of just her tools and the occasional creak of the old, overworked machines.
there's quiet squeaks as she's unscrewing the control panel of the starfighter, but the noises are dwarfed by the sounds of steps approaching her general direction. she wonders if someone's forgotten something, or if it's rose stopping by the check on her, but she decides to ignore it, unable to pinpoint how close the other person is. that is, until she sees them round the nose of the x-wing.
it makes her start violently, dropping her tools with a clatter as she jumps. her heart's beating so fast that she can't even see all that clearly, and, when she finally realizes who it is, frustration clouds over her confusion.
"what the hell are you doing here?" it's harsher than she usually is, but it'd been a really long day, and she wasn't excited at the notion of dealing with him.
immediately, poe's defensive.
"kriff, calm down! i just wanted to check in on her." he lightly pats on the nose of his x-wing, as if it were a pet, and she suddenly wonders where his actual pet-droid - the orange one - is, "wanted to make sure nothing happened to it." he continues, not looking at her.
she opens her mouth, wanting to say how dumb of an explanation it was, but she truly can't find the energy to start a back-and-forth with him, so she simply goes back to work, shrugging. seeing that he still doesn’t leave, she drops her head, sighing deeply.
“what - what exactly do you need to know about it - her - dameron? do you need to watch the circuits as i reconnect them, or maybe eyeball every screw i twist in?” he seems shocked by the outburst, mouth hanging open for just a moment, before his hands raise up in a faux-surrender.
“if you want me to leave - i’ll go.” he pauses for a second, but she can still feel that more words are soon to leave his tongue, so she doesn’t say anything, eyes falling down to the circuits she'd just spoken about, “but i’m not exactly excited by the idea of you - someone - down here all by themselves.” she purses her lips.
“well, i’m sorry to inconvenience you - but you are flying again tomorrow morning, and your ship isn’t exactly tip-top.” she’s ready to turn back, hoping it’s enough of an argument to suffice him, but’s he’s adamant.
“at least take a break? everyone else’s at the cantina - it’s not like a drink’d hurt-” she rolls her shoulders, sighing deeply.
“if i agree, will you stop talking?” his voice stops, but a smile grows in its stead. he shrugged.
“you want me to stop? i thought you adored the sound of my voice-” she rolls her eyes, the hint of a smile ghosting over her own lips at the sarcastic joke. muttering a small shut up, she raises to her feet, dusting off her outfit, before stepping away from her work. he gestures to the large doors leading out the flight bay, and she nods, walking to meet his stride.
they reach the cantina in a moment, the silence between them filled instead with the increasing sounds from everyone else. as she enters, she notices the large overflow of people around the bar, evidently still celebrating. she takes a deep breath as she looks around desperately for where exactly she's supposed to do.
poe, keeping a close eye on her so as to not lose her to the crowd, points towards the table where their friends are sitting. she nods, flitting right behind him to benefit as he pushes his way through the crowds. when they finally reach the table, he can see a calm rest on her face, especially in the presence of rose. he follows her gaze to the close proximity between rose and finn, and, when she averts her gaze, she meets his, making him smile with a shrug, as if saying i know, right?
as poe grabs a drink for the both of them, and she's finally able to actually meet finn and speak with rose, she finds herself loosening up, grinning at rose's excited expression, or finn's somewhat deadpan humor, or the sweetness of her drink. sometimes, poe's own jokes forced an unwarranted laugh from her as well - which he definitely took notice of.
for a while, he'd also noticed the apprehension of not being able to finish her work, but he reminds her subtly that his ship hadn't been too beat up: it wouldn't disintegrate if he tried to exit the atmosphere tomorrow, and she'd have time to fix it up before it got to that point. it allows her to really mellow down, and she settles - alongside rose -with a few other members of the black squadron as they discuss the day, their missions, and the base.
poe's more decent, she realizes, than she gave him credit for, as when he's reintroducing her to the other pilots, the first words out of his mouth is acknowledgement for her hard work. it almost makes her giddy, especially after it's followed by miscellaneous praise from the others. she feels a smile creep up on her countenance, and it's only bolstered by the many small, sweet glances he'd shoot in her direction.
though, like all good things, it doesn't exactly last.
as the night drags - and maybe it's also her exhaustion, or the fact that poe's a few more drinks in - she can feel that respect that grew for him begin to chip away again.
his mouth just works too fast for his brain to catch up - she supposes - as she feels annoyance creep over her as she hears him gloat about his many stories as a pilot. though many of the stories have less to do with him giving her more hardship, when she sees the more egoistic parts of his personality reveal themselves throughout the night, she feels that same aggravation that led to that one night of late drinking with rose.
at some point, she feels that hearing him boast over and over and over was just too much to bear, so she knocks the rest of her drink back, waves rose and finn off, and slips out as she came in, deciding a night of good sleep may soothe her turbulent mind.
only a moment after she left, does poe return with a drunken smile, just about to introduce her to one of the many recruits he'd mentored - in order to remind said recruit about the importance of respecting your mechanic.
the smile fell as finn - almost sadly - mentioned that she'd left.
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it's been a few weeks since then, and poe's reeled in his antics - much to her pleasure. though, she couldn't help the twang of something she'd begun to feel when he walked past her station, not acknowledging her in the slightest.
she wondered why; after all, that was what she'd initially wanted.
neither could continue ignoring each other, though, when they were called into the communications center of the base by the leader of the division, and the general herself.
she made her way up there quickly and, meeting poe at the door, hoped her confusion wasn't apparent on her face. if it was, he did little to quell it, as he instead focused on opening the large doors.
now, she'd only met the general a few times - and the other she knew only by rank. he, on the other hand, seemed very buddy-buddy with the pair, forcing her isolation for a moment as the three greeted each other. when, finally, they turned to outline the reason for the meeting, she was directed to sit down, and listen carefully.
she was told of how the resistance had recently learned from a rebel spy on an important first order ship that said ship had been collecting significant amounts of data on the resistance, and were soon hoping to transmit that data to a more central base.
the spy had gone on, stating that if there was a way to shut down the servers in the main control room of the ship, the data would be corrupted and would be useless.
there's a pregnant pause after the delivery of this information, and she swallows before speaking.
"what - um, what exactly do you want me - us - to do?" poe's role may seem somewhat self-evident - as in, flying a passenger onto the ship or jetting them out - but her own contribution was a bit more dubious.
after all, this seemed a mission best suited for the few technical analysts on the base, as opposed to the mechanic that she was, if it included corrupting intel and shutting down servers. truly, she didn't know what the first thing about that.
the general, ever so observant, smiles lightly as she understands her question. the comms leader responds for her.
"the spy has mentioned that the core system and servers are held in an old compartment - a remnant of the original empire - and, thus, much of the system is reliant on old, though complex, circuitry." she inhales deeply, better realizing her stake in this. the other person continues, "as one of our best mechanics and - obviously - our best pilot-" okay, that stung a little bit, and the smug little grin on his face definitely didn't help, "myself and the general believe it best we run a covert operation: you will sneak onto the ship, make it to the servers, destroy them, and then come back. it's a bit technically challenging, but the likes of the two of you should ensure a smooth operation."
as they finish speaking, she can feel her heart going a mile a minute - unable to believe that she - she! - was going to try and play super-spy and sneak onto a massive first order ship. she was sure poe now realized her shock, as he gave her a small reassuring nod.
it wasn't particularly reassuring, though.
they were then told that time was of the essence, and that it would be best that they leave as soon as possible. they were told to recruit another pilot and mechanic, in the case of a back-up that may exist on the ship, before being given stolen first order uniforms, correct to their assignments.
as she headed back to the flight bay, poe and the comms leader in front of her, she felt a strange, nervous churn in her stomach. she mulled over who she'd choose as the secondary mechanic, but realized the answer was - quite literally - staring her in the face.
rose joins her at the entrance of the flight bay, curious as to why she'd been called in, and, as she recounts the meeting, she posits the position to her friend. as one of the most competent mechanics she knew, but also someone who knew how to think quick on her feet, she knew that she'd be a great fit.
rose agrees in a heartbeat - her loyalty to both her friend and the resistance unwavering against the fearful mission.
she walks further up the flight bay and, upon seeing dameron similarly speaking to finn - likely to convince him as well - she joins him, now intent on how exactly they would find a ship that would go undetected by the first order.
the general - having planned ahead - had an answer for that as well, taking the four out into a forest clearing behind the main base. two large tie/sf-fighters stood, just slightly battered, on the lush greens of the ground. they're in decent condition, she supposes, for what she knew were likely captured or shot down ships by d'qar's defense system.
they're each handed earpieces, going to guide them as they entered the first order ship, and they are waved off as she and poe enter one of them, while rose and finn enter the other.
"everyone ready?" the crackling of the comms for the mission - led by a lovely ex-bounty hunter called pala - came through, as she adjusted into the gunner's seat, and poe into the pilot's. rose answers first, a chipper 'yes' coming through between the other 4 devices. she nods to no one, as though she were really just trying to convince herself.
"as we'll ever be," she mumbles, owing to a grunt of agreement from finn. taking the answers into consideration, pala transmits the coordinates of the ship to poe and finn.
both vehicles rumble as they lift up off the ground, and she feels herself white-knuckling her seat as she anticipates the flight.
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as they reach the range of the ship, poe flies ahead, surveying the entrance and - by extension - the exit points. she hears a deep voice crackle through poe's earpiece, but she can hear it echo along the narrow walkway separating her and the pilot as well. it lists off - what she presumes - is the plane's serial number, and she holds her breath as she waits for poe's response to the question, "what business do you have here?"
"the admiral sent us in for reintegration - i've got a deserter on board." she lets out a gasp at the answer he'd chosen, blatantly throwing her on the bus, but the approving echo left her annoyance to a minimum as, at least, he seemed to have bought it.
they begin lowering down into the ship's flight bay, and, before she can even stand up all the way after it becomes stationary, poe's behind her, helping her up. she doesn't know if she should thank him, but decides that she should definitely not, when she finds him grabbing both her wrists and pinning them - though gently - behind her back.
"the hell? what're you doing?" her words come out more shaky than she maybe intended, but he'd really taken her by surprise.
"you're a deserter, remember. can't exactly take you in like we're the best of friends." his tone is sarcastic and she scoffs, rolling her eyes.
"they only think that because that's what you said." he doesn't dignify her with a response, honestly making her more agitated. he opens the door of the sf-fighter and tightens his grip for a moment, as the two of them are greeted by what looked to be a colonel. it's confirmed as they near him, his nameplate engraved with the title, and poe nods at him - a little too comfortable.
"they caught this one trying to flee three days ago." he gestures to her, and the unrelated sour expression on her face was definitely helping his case. the colonel nodded, looking at her with the utmost disgust.
"and she will be reprimanded accordingly. bring her to the cell bay." poe nods, pushing her lightly as he continues forward.
"you're a good actor." she can feel his goading smirk, and she shakes her head.
"i hate you."
as they enter further into the ship, he finally releases her, their clothes helping them blend in as crew members. her fingers find her earpiece, ensuring it was on, as she spoke into it.
"rose, finn? you guys get in alright?" there's a beat of silence, and her worry grows strikingly, but it quells just as quickly when she hears the familiar tone of finn's voice in her ear.
"we're fine - heading down to the storage to find those back-ups." she glances at poe, who nods at her, before speaking.
"alright - we'll meet near the flight bay after." finn and rose both agree.
pala begins speaking a few minutes later, guiding them through the base as they reach the server room. poe keeps look-out as she crouches beside the large, cylindrical structure. circuits surround it in an orderly manner, but she can tell the ancientness of it - dust floating around, pooling around every crevice.
she reaches into her deep pockets, procuring a small screw before closely eyeing the intricacies, and getting to work.
poe's eyes flit between her frame and the hallway right outside, keenly watching for stormtroopers, and praying that none would come. he feels himself blank for a moment, not used to feeling so helpless - or, at least, not the one taking charge of a solution for a situation. he resigns himself, though, to simply waiting, gripping his blaster tightly as he waits for her to finish.
finally, she stands back up, watching the lights on the server begin flicking on and off rapidly and sporadically, owing her to believe that she'd done something right, and that the information contained was - at least - corrupted due to the circuitry she'd just purposefully fucked up.
she's by his side in a moment, peering out as well to see if they had any company. for a beat, there's nothing, and they think they have the all clear, until she hears rose's voice.
"shit!" her eyes widen at the exclamation, and they both immediately leave the room, heading back in the direction of the flight bay.
"rose? what happened, are you guys alright?" there's an eerie silence, as rose nor finn reach to communicate back through their earpieces.
"-over here! poe, we gotta head back, they're right on us!" finn's voice comes though, finally, but it does nothing to quell the pair's heightened worry.
"wait - finn, they'll chase after you - wait till we-" poe begins.
"we don't have time!" rose's voice is frantic, and the sound of blasters surround it. her eyes squeeze shut as she breathes deeply.
"rose - okay, get out of here. we're right behind you." there's no confirmation from the other end, but she tries not to let that deter her as she and poe continue towards the flight bay.
there's a smattering of patrolling stormtroopers, but her sharp ears and his sharper reflexes keep them from being caught as they slink along the shadows, tattooed to the walls of each hallway.
the large hangar finally comes into view, and they can see the familiar sf-fighter exiting it, evidently being chased by single-manned tie-fighters.
knowing they were unlikely not to be caught in this last stretch, they flee the short distance between the secluded entryway and their awaiting ship, with her rapidly beating against the button to open the door as poe covered her, keeping those whose attention they'd drawn at ever-decreasing bay with his calculated shots.
finally, the panel lowered, and they swapped positions, her shoddy shots managing to continue slowing them down as poe seats himself in the pilot's seat.
no sooner than had the panel closed upon itself are they up in the air, and she desperately straps herself into the gunner's seat, knowing she had to put her limited knowledge of the position to any use. the entrance to the hangar is rapidly closing as the colonel from earlier can be heard through the ship's comms, desperately trying to keep the pair trapped within the base.
she can feel her back imprint against her seat as poe speeds the vehicle up, just narrowly exiting the snapping jaws of the base's exit. as she takes the smallest breath of relief, does it disappear once more.
"'re you guys out? we could do with some help!" finn's voice evidenced that he was trying to keep his cool, but the fear in it was also obvious. poe's responding in a heartbeat.
"we're there in a second!" she can feel the ship begin climbing as poe checked the scanner for any other vehicles. finally, they see the sf-fighter, being narrowly tailed by two tie-fighters. poe - true to his word - comes between the forces in a heartbeat, almost dancing with the tie-fighters as he weaves between the both of them. she feels dizzy at the quick movements, but suppresses the urge to pass out and grips harder at the armrests.
"finn - get outta here, i have them!" poe's speaking through the comms once more and, as he finishes his sentence, the ship's horizontal, peeling away from finn and rose - the tie-fighters hot on his trails, evidently disgruntled by the flashy flying. finn doesn't wait a second, activating the hyperdrive and inputting the coordinates of d'qar.
on the other side of the galaxy, poe's still leading the two tie-fighter's away, but the shitty ship is impeding his ability to duck and weave like he could in his x-wing.
"'m gonna need your help here!" she jolts awake at the request, realizing that she needs to man her station. her eyes desperately flit over the various buttons, before she grips the aim stick. her eyes are trained against the tie-fighter directly tailing them, and she centers it in her view, before aggressively hitting the button to shoot.
and, it's a narrow miss. she curses, trying to refocus, but a dread begins creeping up her gut.
"i don't know what i'm doing, dameron - get us out of here!" it's an order, but, really who was she to order him around.
"we've got this - we can take 'em out." she's used to his confidence and belief in himself, but she knew they truly couldn't.
"will you just-" seeing another clear shot, she takes it. it goes a bit better, with it hitting the end of one of the fighter's wings, causing the ship to dip to one side. her worry is soothed as she celebrates the small victory to herself.
then, as though a higher power was absolutely fucking with her, it all goes to shit.
she feels the ship rumble and heave sharply as she hears a loud crash, and she whips her head around, trying to find the source of it. she desperately grips at the aim stick, trying to keep it steady and ready to fire again, but she doesn't have a moment to use it when another loud blast and creak is heard.
"shit!" her eyes widened at poe's exclamation.
"what the hell just happened - whad'ya mean-?" her words are cut off due to the wind being knocked out of her as she's slammed against one of her armrests.
"we're going - fuck - the engine's been hit - hold on-" his words are breathless against the comms, and she can hear the exertion of effort by the grunts that carry through the hallway. she grips the armrests for dear life as she waits to see what would happen. she can feel the ship make a sharp turn and, behind them, the tie-fighters trail behind a little, as if they were playing with their prey.
"what're we doing?" her fear is evident in her tone, and her voice is a bit croaky in her heightened confusion.
"i'm trying to set us down on that planet over there." she can't see it, looking out from the back of the ship, but she knows that can't be the best idea in their current state. though, seeing the creeping tie-fighters makes it seem like there's no other choice.
she can see as they enter the atmosphere, hearing the shrill whistle of wings singeing on impact. then, she closes her eyes, bracing for impact as the both of them sit in anticipating silence. she's thinking we're going too fast, the ship's gonna blow up with me in it - god fucking dammit-
and that's the last thing she remembers.
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he wakes up to a mouthful of dirt, bent very awkwardly over the semi-buried dashboard of the sf-fighter. his window's broken open, and the sun - or suns? - is blinding through it. he blinks aggressively, his vision swimming a spotty as he spits the gunk out of his mouth, wiping his lips against his fucked jacket sleeve. there's enough of a space between the ground and the glass of his window pane for him to just about crawl through, feeling the heavy impact on his legs from the crash. he looks around, desperately wondering where the hell he was.
it's a grassy planet, filled with lush vegetation and small ponds and lakes. the ship was half-sticking out of one, and his pants legs are soaking wet, the skin of his fingertips pruned. he can feel a sharp sting of pane every time he moves his foot and, peeling back the end of the sopping cloth, sees the discolored swelling of his ankle - having been sprained or twisted in the crash. he lets his head fall back - could have been worse, a lot worse.
he looks up at the looming, though destroyed figure of the sf-fighter, and, seeing the other end balanced precariously above the ground. for a moment, he doesn't pay it much attention - until he remembers.
his shoddy ankle sings in agony as he makes large, limping steps towards the other end of the ship, realizing that he didn't yet know the fate of his other passenger - his mechanic.
of course, in the recess of his mind, he had a guess. but he couldn't entertain it.
finally getting to the end. he peers in to see if she was okay. he's panting heavily, desperately trying to ignore the pain as he focused on using the little light on this side to look through the broken glass. he could see her legs, bent a little awkwardly - but not broken - and he traces them up to her head and torso - which was tightly strapped against the seat. it was the only thing keeping her from falling onto the floor, and her heads hanging. she's definitely not conscious, and he can't help but feel his heart sink as he steps closer - ankle be damned - reaching through the broken glass to unstrap her. when he does, her body flops forward - as he believed it would - a bit like a ragdoll and, though the angle definitely didn't help, he did his best to pull her out. when he could finally observe her in the sunlight, he could feel his chest swell in relief at the movement of her chest up and down. pulling her towards him, he could feel her breath against his neck.
so relieved, he doesn't realize, for a moment, the shallowness of those breaths, and the dampness of the cloth around her shoulder. when he does, though, he desperately removes the fabric. he winces at the sight, having to look away for a moment, before looking back down to observe the extent of her injury.
her upper arm got a long, deep gash, and the blood from it had soaked through her sleeve. not wasting a moment, he slides the sleeves of his own jacket off, tearing a thick, long strap from the t-shirt he wore under it. he wraps it as tightly as he can manager around her arm to staunch any further bleeding, hoping it wasn't too late, and trying desperately to ignore the small whimpers or stuttered breaths that she let out at the action.
he rises to his feet, a difficult task, in his condition, and notices a small shade of trees just a bit away from the pair. breathing deeply - almost in an effort to will away his pain - he grabs her good arm and pulls it over his shoulder, hoping his good leg wouldn't give out, as he makes his way there.
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she wakes up in a cold sweat, looking up to see the large leaves of a tree under the backdrop of an orange sky. she scrambles to sit up in a moment, unable to fully comprehend her surroundings. her heart's going a mile a minute, her body entering fight or flight mode, before she hears his voice.
"you're alright - you're good. m'here." she recognizes his voice more quickly than she'd maybe be willing to admit and, when she goes to turn to the source of it, she feels a scream of agony in her arm. her sharp grunt of pain is louder than she maybe had hoped, but fuck - did her arm hurt, "yeah - uh, you've got a bad cut." his voice is soft, as if he were trying to lull her into a sense of calm.
it worked. for a moment.
until she remembered what happened. the tie-fighters, her pleads to go the hyperspace, the engine failing, the jolt of the impact of the straps holding her body in place, the blood in her hair from the open wound on her arm, her head going blank and her passing out from the pain.
she remembered all of it. including what he'd said.
'we've got this'
there's a lump in her throat, and she desperately tries to swallow it down as she stares vehemently at the dirt under her. she refuses to look up at him, and hopes he realizes why.
"do - does anyone know we're here?" her voice is more broken than she'd hoped it was but - fuck, she was scared. she can see him shrug in her peripheral.
"i'm sure they'll find us." she sighs deeply, turning away to the extent that she can. there's a calm, though cold, silence between them, before she can hear him sharply inhale.
"helluva trip, huh?" there's a jokey cadence to his voice, and it takes her a moment to actually process what he's said, his casual tongue actually igniting a rageful fire in her.
"what?" it's a whisper - backed by such an anger that she worries if she speaks louder, she'll scream.
"i'm just saying - pretty, uh, pretty crazy thing, right?" she shuts her eyes, and a small part of her brain knows that, at best, this is his way of making the best of a bad situation and, at worst, this is just some shit attempt at small talk. but - be it his words in the past, or the pain of her arm, or maybe even just the fact that all she could hear was his confident words like a low buzz in her ears since she remembered what he'd said - she was furious.
"yeah - it's fucking insane how i'm lightheaded because of all the blood i lost, and how i can't move a centimeter without wanting to cut my arm off, and how i can feel the bruises forming where the straps kept me from splitting my skull open on my broken window. it's a helluva experience." her words are softer than she'd thought they would be, but she knew if she was any louder, she may have screamed at him until her lungs collapsed or her throat gave out - whichever came later.
she doesn't have to turn back to see the expression on his face, and, truly she feels a bit shit for lashing out at him.
but she was on a random fucking planet with a mangled fucking arm and her only company was a pilot with no fucking plane.
so, excuse her for the outburst.
"i-" poe's stammering behind her, but she can't hear it, as her vision swims when she tries to get on her feet. she can see the ship in the distance, and knowing that it was her best bet at company right now, she trudges towards it, "where're you going?"
she doesn't dignify him with an answer.
when she finally reaches the large structure, she situates herself against the pilot's dashboard, gently kicking away the broken glass as she tentatively crouches down. she looks over the panel, hoping that at least one of the comms was still working. she procures her screwdriver with her good arm - well, technically not, but at least it didn't hurt all that much to move - before lightly tapping the back of it against any and all of the buttons, seeing if anything worked.
her arm now had a dull, thrumming pain, and she desperately tried to ignore it as she focuses on identifying what the comms were. she traces over a panel that seems to be promising, pulling the screwdriver towards it to see if she could meddle with any of the circuitry under it to get it to work - however briefly.
pulling it up, she realizes both the awkwardness of her position, and of her grip on the tool, unused to using this hand for it. her muscles ached, her arm ached, her temples ached as she desperately tried to slot the head of the tool into the screw, failing once, twice, thrice, before dropping the tool with a groan of anguish.
she's heaving - no, sobbing, feeling the liquid of her tears roll down her cheeks. she slumps against the glass, palming her cheeks as she desperately tried to muffle her exhausted weeping, only the sound of her small hiccups escaping.
she hated getting like this - crying out in the open, and she only reserved the ordeal for true upsets. though, this was one of them. she was so tired, and in so much pain, and she'd just been so horrible to poe as well - when he'd just tried to lighten her mood.
through the blood rushing in her ears and the motion of her hiccups, she doesn't realize the heavy thuds of poe's limping steps. she only realizes when he's in front of her, blocking the dimming sunlight from her eyes, and she covers her face entirely, not wanting to see her in this state.
he doesn't comment, though, only falling to his own haunches before sitting beside her, granting a respectful silence and, more importantly, friendly contact.
she swallows harshly as she forces her hiccups down. she doesn't look at him, worried it'd make her start up again, but he knows she's not uncomfortable with him there.
taking her good hand, he gently drops an opened bag of nuts. she looks at it, a bit confused.
"always keep 'em on me. emergency snack." he says it so casually and, it being contrasted with the slight childishness of the information, makes her crack the hint of a smile.
maybe she was hysterical.
"- hope they'll make you feel better." he continues, and she nods, popping one in her mouth and absorbing the mild, sweet taste.
"thanks - thanks." she mumbles, and they're quiet for another moment.
she hands them back to her, and, in that moment of contact, he notices her cold skin. he glances over her, realizing her thin top without a sleeve, and he shrugs off his jacket. it's a bit mucked up from the crash, but it's better than nothing.
tentatively, he moves a bit closer to her, gently placing the material around her, careful of her arm. still she winces - but only for a moment. really, she's more confused.
"what're you doing?" she whispers, and he's close enough to hear her now.
"you're cold." he's not wrong, but she still protests.
"and you?" he smiles.
"well, i'm pretty hot-headed. i'll be fine." it's a joke, and she really wants to laugh at it, but she can't help but feel bad once again for her words. taking it differently, poe continues solemnly. “i’m sorry.”
it’s a quiet mumble into the still air. it sounds foreign, coming from his mouth, as he tries to fit the extent of how apologetic and shitty he feels into the fleeting, overused phrase. she stays quiet, the only noise being her soft exhales.
“i - i know.” she mumbles back, unsure of what more to say. of course he was - he’d never intended for this. nonetheless, he’d been subject to her own emotions, to an unjustifiable degree, “i am, too.”
his contemplative expression returns a smile instead, now, and she finally turns to look at him.
"i'll buy us a drink when we get back, okay?" he offers, making her scoff.
"you're so great at apologies." he shrugs, as though it's obvious fact, and not a light jab.
"then what about dinner?" her eyes widen a little at the proposition, and she's speechless for a moment. then, she snorts, pushing her good hand across his face and playfully pushing him.
"get us out of here; then, we can talk about dinner." he smiles widely under her palm, and laughs as she takes her hand off. he leans back just that bit further against the metal, and the readjustment causes the dashboard to shift just slightly.
a small item comes rolling down, and falls right in his lap. he grasps at it and, realizing what it is, his eyes widen. he brandishes it in between the both of them, and she also realizes: it's his earpiece.
he gently presses the input button, and immediately starts calling out for finn, rose or pala. they wait a moment, with baited breath.
"poe - kriff, we thought you were dead!" finn's voice is unmistakable, and the revelation makes the pair's spirits soar.
in no less than a couple minutes were the told that a ship was coming by to collect them, and, as the earpiece's output stops for the moment, she rests more peacefully against the destroyed ship, and he mirrored her movements.
"so, about that dinner?"
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lesuccube · 6 months
➚ 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐊 𝐃 : ᴀᴜ-ᴄᴛᴏʙᴇʀ — ᴍɪɴᴇ
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — he's gotten awfully close , thank god you didn't know much better . at least , that was good news to him .
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 — dark trojan [ read at your own risk ! ]
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 — not beta'd, constructive criticism is welcomed . comments and reblogs are appreciated .
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you've been working with steven at the museum for quite a while now. him, still a gift shop-ist and you a new guide for the greek exhibit. at first steven was jealous how they easily gave away the position of tour guide but when he passed by your group during your first month when donna made him do inventory, he was hooked.
you were smart and passionate, fun and easygoing. plenty of the people you guided had questions to ask that you readily answered, both from adults and children. usually the former are quiet, uninterested in the old history but you had a way to charm people, steven was no exception.
so he made the effort to befriend you. approaching you more until it was you who would seek him out during lunch. on days you were able to leave early, you'd join steven doing inventory because donna got mad at him again for being late. as per usual.
"you don't have to stick around f'me love, i'm used to it." earthy browns would look at yours through curly bangs, sheepish at having held you back from going home early. "i know i don't... but i want to."
and that was when he had truly fallen in love with you. if you can even call that love. steven was obsessed, he was obsessed with your kindness, with your knowledge. he wanted that all to himself. how can he not when you readily give it when he comes by to ask for your time. you were so nice, so good, so beautiful... he hopes you like what he has planned for you.
he began following you in and out of work, uncaring he loses sleep. not that he gets that many hours in anyways. he followed you for months until he has learned your routine outside your house, after that he learned how to break into your place and get to know you even better in the comforts of your home. he steals a few things, a spoon you used that day, a shirt buried underneath your laundry, a pair of panties from your freshly folded ones... some he returns and others, well let's just say they became a permanent part of his collection of you.
he worships the things you own, treats them like fine china. most of the time that is. he uses them to his pleasure other times, unable to hold back. your smell would linger on the items he'd steal and he'd sniff it until it disappears, replaced by his own. then he'll clean them up (he bought the same laundry detergent just for this case) and return them. most of them.
nearly a year into your friendship, steven asked you out for a simple hang out at the park, saying he found a nice spot for a picnic just you and him. unaware of his true intentions, you had agreed.
at first it had gone well, you and steven chatted and chatted, eating the sandwiches you had prepared until he handed you a glass of lemonade did it start going downhill. half an hour after your brunch you started feeling sluggish, your mind hazy and muddled. you don't notice steven grinning in joy, knowing that his plans were finally coming into fruition. he had drugged your drink, enough to weaken your muscles for you to go down without a fight and then... light's out.
oh how long did he wait for this moment.
"oh love, i've wanted you for so long... ever since i passed by your first tour i've been madly in love with you d'you know that? of course you didn't silly me." he circles your weakening body, struggling to stay awake, struggling to hear him. "w-why?" was the only thing your lips were able to get out in your fight to stay conscious, alarm bells ringing in your head at steven's approaching figure.
he grins a cruel, wicked grin when you're finally unable to hold yourself up, lying limply on the blanket he had all but spread out and you looked like a masterpiece to him at that moment. like a fallen angel in your pretty white dress, hair spread out before you like a beautiful halo. like a painting, like art had come to life, you were so, so beautiful. you were gorgeous in his eyes and you always will be.
"why? well... i can't stop thinking how perfect we would be together."
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desertdollranch · 1 year
Earlier this month, American Girl re-released a whole lot of long-retired stuff from Kit Kittredge’s collection. 
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Kit herself never actually went anywhere. There was just nothing to buy for her. Doll, book, and that was it. But it’s the 20′s now, and AG is slowly turning the focus back to the historical characters. They’ve finally acknowledged that Kit is an icon and deserves to have the nice things that we all so desperately want to give her.
I was looking at the new stuff on the Wiki because I was curious to see if there were any changes made to anything. It’s part of the “homework” I do for the purposes of doll blogging. While doing that, I noticed that the page for each product mentions how much each item originally cost, alongside what it costs now. 
For example: Kit’s school outfit.
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This was first sold for $22 when it was released in 2000, along with the first half of Kit’s debut collection. Now they’re charging $38 for it, an increase of $16 or 72%. I thought that sounded a little excessive, even if 2000 really and truly was more than twenty years ago and inflation has gone wild since the pandemic began three years ago.
So I ran the numbers through the inflation calculator operated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 
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Look at that. It’s basically spot on. $22 in 2000, adjusted for inflation, is equivalent to $38.23 in 2023. I’ve been proven wrong.
I did the same calculation for her birthday dress and her pajamas, and those were both pretty much the same, since they were and still are similar in cost to the school outfit. 
Now for her cute little scooter, made from a box of California oranges.
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This was a later addition to her collection, coming along in 2006 for the price of $24. In 2023 it is now being sold for $50, a $26 or 108% increase. Let’s see how that tracks when adjusted for inflation. 
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Ooof. $24 in 2006 should only be $35.70 in today’s money, or $14.30 less than what it’s actually being sold for. So if this one feels a little overpriced, then it probably is, assuming that the materials and quality are the same. Both versions are made of faux wood, which means that the recently skyrocketing price of wood won’t affect this. Maybe there’s another increased cost somewhere that I’m not aware of. Or maybe AG has added a small nostalgia tax, a sort of “buy it from us or pay big bucks to someone selling it secondhand” reminder.
Another accessory that was brought back was Kit’s school lunch.
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This set includes her metal lunchbox, an embroidered napkin, a cheese sandwich, an oatmeal raisin cookie, apple slices, and for some reason.... three whole entire raw carrots. (There’s nothing wrong with carrots, but like. When’s the last time you’ve even seen an adult eat three whole carrots for lunch. Carrots are huge.)
Anyway. It was sold for $16 when it was released in 2000, and now they’re selling it for $36, a $20 or 125% increase.
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$16 in 2000 would be equivalent to $27.80, so her lunch set is overpriced by $8.20, assuming the cost of materials/labor have risen proportionally. 
And finally, Grace the dog. Named for her distinct lack of grace and adorable clumsiness. Sold for $16 when she was released with the second half of Kit’s debut collection. Now selling for $28 which is an increase of $12 or 75%.
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A 75% increase is very similar to Kit’s school outfit selling at a $72% increase, so my guess was that this is going to be a more reasonable price hike.
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Adjusted for inflation, $16 in 2001 is now equivalent to $27.30, so Grace is in fact underpriced by 70 cents! Personally I think AG charges a bit too much for all of their doll pets, but that’s just me.
All of this was really surprising to me. Inflation happens so quietly in everyday life. It’s only been really noticeable in the last three years, when it seems like everything has shot up in price. 
The inflation calculator goes all the way back to 1913. Now if you really want to see what those small changes look like after 90 years, check out how much a $150 doll like Kit herself would have cost in 1932, when her stories began: 
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You’d only need $6.71 in your pocket to bring Kit home. Imagine that. 
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Who Hurt Them!?
Summary: self aware!twst one day sees the player covered in bruises from behind their prison/ screen. And so they finally let their sentience be known. So willing to see this odd occurrence?
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You almost hopped out of your bed hearing that there was finally twst merch that was $20-10 dollars only! You blamed it on the game not that well known in your area at the time sadly. But still that was the cheapest you’ve seen anyone price the huge plushes you just had to get them! Never in your life had you even gotten ready so fast and looked so good to go out into public but oh well. Special occasions call for special measures. As you dashed to the door you had realized you almost left your phone on the counter. A super close call! Now off you go to finally get the twst merch you’d kill to have! You chuckled to yourself at the stupid thought of accidentally leaving your phone. As you walked to the store you had been reminiscing on some odd things happening with your Twisted Wonderland app. First, was some unofficial or rare voice lines you’ve been getting throughout the game. For instance one time Kalim had stated “ _____ you’re so beautiful I could stare at you all day!” You giggled to yourself thinking about the whole “ They forgot to tell him it was not an otome game” meme you’ve recently been seeing with Malleus. But as you continued on with the rare voice lines they had all seemed to be a lot more…romantic than what most usual players had gotten. From what you had seen on others playing it on YouTube. Second, was with trying to exit the main menu. Sometimes especially with Floyd when you tried to exit to play in the chat box it would display “ Shrimpy! Don’t leave!” Which you found odd again. But still paid no mind to. Thinking of it as an update because you couldn’t read Japanese at all so you were clueless if they were or weren’t supposed to do that. And you had waited till the English release to start playing. Third, was during the recent chapters. The screen had started to just not let you tap anywhere if it wasn’t on the characters. This was probably just the game was crashing because it has multiple times on your phone. You just can’t bear to delete it from how happy and comforting it always makes you feel. It seemed as if the game had a mind of its own. Almost like a fanfiction scenario where all the characters loved you. Wow imagine you having your own harem with hot anime guys you could only communicate with through a screen? You chuckled at the thought in your head as you entered the small store. Your eyes filled with pure glee as you looked at everything. Seeing how most of it was on your wish list of merch. You’ve been saving up for this for so long and we’re so happy you had. Because you could buy at least 40-50 items here with how cheap it all was.
As you happily roamed the isles of the store you had picked out all your favorite characters. Well all except for one of them you had suddenly reached for. But some guy right behind you had started to reach for it at the same time as you. Causing you both to give each other the worlds most akward high five? Hand shake? Not sure but you soon retracted your hand being to apologize to them.
“ Oh you’re fine just get out of my way I want that figure!” they harshly replied to you smacking your hand away from the small figurine.
You rolled your eyes at the rude stranger not wanting to escalate this into a fight and had walked off into another isle looking for something else. Just trying to enjoy the rest of your short time at the store. But as soon as you had found just the character you needed for your collection the same guy had tried to snatch it away from you. But you were faster than them. Already having ahold of the item. Even as the were gripping your wrist.
“ Um… sir could you please let go of my wrist you’re hurting me.” You forced a smile trying to yank your wrist out of his hand.
“ No I saw it first give me it!” He yelled.
“ What are you five? Get over yourself and find another one there are plenty more behind it. And they’re all the same.” You argued ripping your wrist from his hand.
He then proceeded to argue back acting as if he was in the right here. You didn’t want to fight you just wanted to got some food and rest merch as a treat for studying after your endless exams. He then had tried to snack the item out of your hand but had accidentally punched you in the eye. Leaving a bruise as you gasped “ What the hell is your problem!?”
This was quickly catching attention of other customers in the store. You didn’t want any of this attention just a simple treat for yourself but no the universe just said “fuck you be miserable.” You had quickly just tried to leave not wanting to deal with this bs anymore. Along with the rest of anymore of the worrying stares from people just trying to shop. Trying to suck it up as you paid for your little treat the cashier had noticed your distress.
“ Hey, don’t worry I already called security on him. I’m so sorry about your eye do you want some ice?” They whispered to you trying to ease your worries before you left the building. You sighed shaking your head paying them before wishing them a good day.
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You hurriedly jerked and slammed the door open just wanting to crawl into your bed and cry. You just wanted to have a good day why can’t you ever have a good day? Whatever you got what you had came for just wishing that the experience was better. You rubbed your still sore eye hoping it didn’t escalate into a black eye from that ass-hole. What was his problem any acting like a 5 year old. You sniffed as you opened your twisted wonderland app. Just wanting some comfort to end the day on a good note as you cuddled up to one of the ginormous plushes you had gotten. Along with your snack and drink right by your side. You stared at the screen seeing the cute little animations and seeing it was Cater on your screen. He was a character you had really liked but never gotten on your screen a lot so this had made you feel a bit better. “ I swear I sometimes just wish I could actually go to your world.” You sighed rubbing your eye again. ” I bet you don’t have random ass-hoke who act like five year olds try and yank figurines out of your hand huh?” You ranted to them. Knowing that you’ll never get a response no matter how much you wished you did. As you ranted about your horrible day you had failed to notice how he reacted to what you said. With each statement of yours he had silently cursed the man who decided to hurt you. How could anyone even want to hurt you. You were too kind, sweet, and generous for anyone to even be able to do that. It should have been a crime in general. But soon you had to leave the game. Well more like you just cried yourself to sleep trying to forget about your eye. And you felt like a crybaby for being so sensitive over what seemed like nothing. But not to them.
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“ And you didn’t even try to comfort them!? Cater I expected better from you!” Riddle snapped at him.
“ Don’t you think I tried not every one here has as good of control over breaking their code!” He testified.
“ Geez it sounded like they were in some Black Friday sale! Plus their eye already looks a bit swollen. “ Ace committed.
Unknowingly to you your beloved characters had gained some sort of sentience throughout your time playing. One by one they had all come to a sense of some kind of humanity from your constant ranting to them. But you always would brush it off. And it’s starting to not be as easy to brush off.
“ You know if someone could just hurry up already the herbivore wouldn’t be having this problem.” Leona tsked glaring at a certain firey blue haired man.
“ Do…Dont you dare start this with me again! If …IF you think it’s sooooo easy then be my guest and help at least!” He flipped the lion off.
“ Hey hey! Let’s not fight Idia is trying his best! Plus I think we should focus on our sunshine at the moment!” Kalim said before the two tried to kill each other again.
“ For once I agree with him.” Jamil said as the others agreed.
For they had all been planning to make your wish come true one way or another you would become part of their world. Just in the meantime try to focus a bit more on some of their out of character voice lines from now on ok? You’ll be with them sooner than you know it.
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@41sh4 I have delivered your sentient twst idea! Hope it was up to your standards.
And to everyone else I hope you all enjoyed and are having a wonderful day/ or that it gets better!
Sincerely-Cup1dT3a 💖💕
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rorywritesjunk · 2 months
(I'm not done with this shojo-esque au yet asfkg Sunny is a teen girl and honestly she would draw lil hearts over things with s+b in the middle of them)
pt 1 + pt 2 + pt 3 + pt 4 + pt 5 + pt 6 + pt 7 + pt 8 + pt 9 + pt 10 + pt 11 + pt 12 + pt 13 + pt 13.5 + pt 14 + pt 15
pt 7
Buggy stared at the blank pages in front of him, trying to think of what to write down. After their last visit, Sunny gifted him with a journal, encouraging him to write his adventures down instead of the two writing letters. She had her own, one decorated with ducks on it whereas his had blue wave-like patterns on it.
Sure, things had been exciting on the ship. He was trying to acquire as much treasure and berry as possible for his own ship while squirreling away more little gifts for Sunny, but where did he even start?
A year had almost passed since they first met. A few weeklong visits were sprinkled in for Buggy's captain to get some work done on his clothes by Miss Pins and her workers. And every visit Buggy came along to see Sunny and every visit ended with Sunny giving his hand a squeeze as she told him she liked him.
He was pretty sure he didn't just like her but that he was falling in love with her.
His fear was what if she didn't feel the same? What if just 'liking' him was just that: she liked him as a friend, nothing more, didn't want a romance with him. She just wanted to be friends.
It was a few weeks after Buggy's 17th birthday. His captain announced they would be stopping by the island for two weeks this time to give everyone a break for all the hard work they've been doing. Buggy didn't think much about it but he made sure his hair was brushed and face clean before he went with his captain to the shop. He had his journal in one hand and a little box in the other, more little trinkets for Sunny that he had collected since they last saw each other.
When he entered the shop he saw Sunny. She was sitting at the table again, working with one of the other apprentices on how to fix a sweater. While his captain chatted with Miss Pins, Buggy remained in his spot, watching Sunny for a moment. He didn't know if he should bother her as her boss made it clear from the beginning she didn't like Buggy.
When Sunny didn't notice him, Buggy's captain finally cleared his throat, catching the attention of both teenagers. Sunny finally looked at Buggy, her eyes lighting up as she smiled. Without warning she got up and rushed over to him, throwing her arms around him as usual as she slammed into him. This time he was ready, managing not to fall or have his body separate. He was able to pop his hands off to keep holding the items before wrapping his arms around her.
"Buggy! Happy birthday!" Sunny said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. His face turned bright red and he almost jerked away but she kept a hold on him. "Let's go celebrate!"
He looked over at his captain who was giving him a thumbs up as Miss Pins looked cross, but at least she wasn't reaching for her gun this time. Sunny pulled away to grab a small bag at the table before returning to Buggy, taking his hand in hers before dragging him out of the shop.
"Ho-How the hell did you know it was my birthday?" Buggy stammered out as Sunny handed him a sweet treat from a street vendor. He still had his gift for her and journal, making it difficult to hold her hand with the things he carried. Instead she looped her arm around his while they walked.
"Your captain told me your birthday was sometime in August when you were last here." She told him as he led him away from the crowds. "So I made something for you."
"What?! Really?" He had received gifts for his birthday growing up on the Oro Jackson and they were always something useful. What could Sunny have made him? Clothes would have been nice but she wouldn't have had his measurements. The bag was too small for a ship or a hat. He looked at her then at the bag. "What is it?"
She paid for their treat and led him away from the vendor, finding a spot for them to sit. Buggy handed her his journal and box while she took her journal out of the bag and handed both to him. He immediately reached into the small bag, pulling out a square of red and white striped fabric.
"Here, your hair is long so this is meant to keep it out of your face." Sunny told him as she took it from him and folded it into a triangle and gestured for him to turn away from her. He just moved his head, keeping his body still as she placed it over the top of his head and tied the points into a knot at the base of his skull. "There. I thought something practical would be good."
"Thanks." Buggy mumbled as his face turned red and he looked down at the treat she had bought him. How could someone just be this kind and thoughtful?
"Happy birthday." She smiled and took a bite of her snack. "Um, I also wrote in my journal. If you... Want to read it you can, or if you don't I understand! This may have been a silly idea."
"Oh, um. I wrote... Stuff down but it wasn't too exciting." Buggy shrugged as he held up his notebook. Sunny seemed hesitant to share hers but eventually handed it over to him. He eyed her before he opened it up and flipped through some of the pages. She hasn't been writing very much, just fun little doodles of ducks, clothing designs with little notes next to them, and a scribble of Buggy with a Captain's hat and fancy looking coat. There was even a little heart next to him.
When he looked back over at her, she was red in the face and hiding behind his journal. "You can ignore those, um, I just had ideas and stuff about what I thought you would look good in. So um... Yea." She looked away, face still burning. "Just um, yea. I mostly wrote about some customers, some new things I learned, stuff like that. Y'know, stuff to know when I join your crew in a few years."
Oh, oh, was she still considering that? Buggy's own face was turning red as he looked between her and the drawing. She had used some colorful pencils on his scribble, using them to accent certain parts of the hat and jacket. She even colored his nose and hair.
"So you uh, still want to?" He asked as he flipped through the journal, glancing over at her. She was nodding, face still hidden. "Oh, good, because uh," he cleared his throat, "I would really like it if you did." He looked away for a moment before looking back at her. She was looking over the top of the journal, eyes wide as she watched him. Buggy cleared his throat again and straightened up. "Really, okay, because you keep saying you like me, Sunny, and well, I like you too, okay?! So you better join my crew! I'll need the best tailor around, got it?"
She just nodded, lowering the journal as she smiled at him. "I got it, Buggy."
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phantombanquet · 1 year
Master Chef SR Idia Edition “Apprentice Chef” / Personal Card Story Part 2
~Let's make stuffed peppers 2~
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Chef Ghost: After lightly sprinkling the insides of the bell peppers with cake flour, stuff it with the seeds that you mixed earlier.
You can use other flours as a substitute, but..... It will affect the finished product, so basically just follow the recipe.
Idia: Ah, it's the same principle as with using an interchangeable part that works fine, but the genuine parts are still the best. I completely understand.
Chef Ghost: Interchangeable...? Genuine part.....? Fufu, this time, this is an expression I don't understand at all.
Well then, pick up the seeds with your hands. Fill them precisely and generously inside the bell peppers, so there aren't any gaps.
Idia: Hiiihh....!! The minced meat's chilly, slimy feeling clings to my fingerssssssssss.....!
Is t-this also a pattern that can't be measured? I have to adjust the amount of seeds according to the inner diameter of the bell pepper.....
Is there no other way to calculate the proper number of grams other than collecting data several times from the same work.....
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Idia: ...Haah, it's all done.
Chef Ghost: Then, let's finish by baking. The key is to let the frying pain reach the right temperature before placing the stuffed peppers.
Don't forget to oil the pan before heating it. And the heat should be kept on medium.
Idia: .....What's the proper temperature, anyway? How am I supposed to know if the frying pan is at the right temperature?
Chef Ghost: Place your hand over the frying pan, and if you think it's warm enough, you're good to go.
Idia: There it is again, using my hands! The boundary between warm and hot varies so, so much from one person to another.....
And more items that need data to be collected are increasing one by one......
Chef Ghost: I'll make sure of it this time. Which one, which one... Hm, this is around the right temperature. Idia-kun, try hovering your hand over the pan.
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Idia: It feels kinda hot and kinda warm...? C-Chef..... I want to measure the surface temp of the frying pan...
Chef Ghost: Hm~, there are tools like that, but we don't have them here in the kitchen.
Idia: There's nothing I can do about it. I guess I'll give up and start baking this time. Alright.
The oil is splashing around...... Hiihhh! Don't come to me!!
Idia: No, but I can't even get close to it because the oil is splashing all over the place!?
A guy needs to have some kind of protection... Like, at least a shield! I need some kind of shield—
HAAAH!!! That one over there is.....
A pot lid... NOT a pot lid!
It's one of the earlier tools that was used a while ago, but it's better than nothing! Let me hold it with one hand!
Idia: Throwing the stuffed meat on the pan: Mission Success. I can finally take a breather from this.....
Chef Ghost: Turn it over or else it will burn! Here, hold the spatula!
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Idia: Ha, hah... It's somehow finished.....
Chef Ghost: Good work. The judges should be here by now, so let's bring out the food.
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CAFETERIA - Judging Venue
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Cater: Ah, so it's Idia-kun who cooked the food. Cay-kun is the judge~♪
Idia: Hiih! An overwhelmingly sunny atmosphere...! I've been too unlucky today.....
Cater: A home-cooked meal by a classmate might be a fresh experience. I'm looking forward to eating stuffed bell peppers made by Idia-kun~!
Idia: That's pressuring me a lot, and the food hasn't even been served yet.....
That..... Ah... H-Here it is..... Go ahead.....
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Cater: Thanks~ Wow! The visuals are looking good! It's colorful and its shape looks like a flower, so cute!
Can I take a quick pic before eating?
Idia: Hiiih..... G-G-Go ahead... D-Do, Do whatever you want.....
Cater: OK~!
Idia: Is this a tactic of spreading my poor cooking on the internet? It's not even interesting or anything.....
Cater: .....Picture taking, finished! Now then, I'll go take a bite!
Cater: .....Mhm, it's delicious!
Idia: Eh!? I... I can't even deny that it's overcooked and burnt in some places.....?
Cater: There are definitely parts that are black. But, hey, it's better than raw ♪
Idia: (whispering) Are these….. The concerns of a sunshine charac? Or is it just that Cater-shi's taste buds have a wide strike zone.....?
Chef Ghost: You did well, Idia-kun. It looks like you got a passing grade so far.
Idia: Hahhh~~~~ .....For now, I'm glad...
I feel bitter that I can't say, “I passed, the program is over!” or something like that, but.....
I'll just use the rest of the remaining time thinking about a hypothetical design for the “Idia Shroud-style cooking machine”.
Ahhh, really, LET'S FINISH UP QUICKLY~~!
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
Musings about Toshinori discovering your collection of sex toys
once again, additions from the beautiful @birds-have-teeth are bracketed by -- and italicized
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just imagining him coming by when yall have been together a while now, he brings food ((because eating or cooking together is one of my fave tropes and it goes with my toshi hc histories))
It had been a deep cleaning typa day and so that included your toys, which happened to be out and drying on the bathroom counter, thinking nothing about it.
When toshi goes to the bathroom and comes back he's got an unreadable expression and aura around him.
"You okay, babe?"
he gives you a tight-lipped smile/grimace is probs better descriptor but he nods his head and helps you finish cleaning up from the meal you both enjoyed before it was time for couch cuddles.
It was a usual routine at this point. One he looked forward to when he wasn't on a patrol rotation. Since you two had started dating he actually took his given time off since he had someone outside of work to spend it with now.
Sometimes you'd watch TV. Sometimes you'd play some music and read together or talk. He really wants to talk tonight but he doesn't at the same time. How's he supposed to voice all the worries and doubts drowning his thoughts right now.
He's caught up in his own little world and comes easily when you tug him down on the couch with you.
"Toshi, what's wrong?"
"Uh, nothings wrong." The lie comes quick and easy but is in no way convincing.
You level him with an unimpressed eyebrow quirk.
He gulps. Blushes deeply at the sweet petname you'd taken up calling him. Your hand's still holding onto his and you reach up with your other hand to gently grip his chin, turning his face to you.
"Please tell me, Bunny."
His mouth is so dry. "I...I saw..in the bathroom...I...there was..." His voice is so deep and coupled with the stammering it's difficult to make out what he's trying to say but the word, bathroom, comes across clear and instantly makes you recall your earlier cleaning.
"Oh. You saw my toys?" Your hand drops from his chin and he nods stiffly.
You smile and it's not the expression he was expecting, nor wants, considering the way his stomach drops. Was it so obvious that he wasn't satisfying you? Should he have known? How did he miss it?
In your mind you think he's just nervous cause maybe it's his first time seeing any kind of sex toy in person. You wouldn't be wrong about that. But you're not aware of any of the feelings of inadequacy weighing on him because of them.
"You had me worried for a minute. No need to be embarrassed, Bunny. I'll put them away before we go to bed."
He's not sure what else to say as you casually brush aside his embarrassment and fears. But you're not laughing at him. At least there's that right? Toshi remains quiet as you stretch out on the couch, encouraging him to do the same then letting your fingers play absently in his hair as you switch on the TV.
I have no idea how you finally figure out what's actually wrong but there was that in my head.
hmmm maybe he gets some inspiration while he's laying there feeling sorry for himself a bit and decides that what he should do is try to prove that he can please you how you need and starts nuzzling into your neck, kissing and sucking gently and letting his hands roam around. eventually gets situated where he can slide down your pants and start eating you out since he knows that's one thing you've taught him how to do well --at least you told him he does.
Thiiiiiis also had me thinking about taking him on a date to a nice--not sleezy and cringe--sex shop and gosh the way he'd hold your hand in a vice grip as you tug him around and try to make him speak up on his opinions of certain items.
--Oh my gosh he’d be so out of place, trailing closely behind whoever you went because he’d be terrified of getting lost in there.
So, *so* many questions too, like “what does that do?” “what’s that for?” and then his flustered “OH”s when you explain.
him being completely flabbergasted by the size of some of the toys like, “those actually fit???”--
Buying him HIS FIRST toy!!!!!
it's too late for me to think clear enough to decide what it will be but maybe at this point in the relationship you've only casually teased his sweet little hole while giving him blowjobs or such.
so maybe it's a lil anal plug training kit or something. Something you offer to keep at your place and help him use because he's soooo nervous about the prospect but trusts that it will feel good cause YOU say it will.
or I dunno, maybe that all is later and ooooo maybe it's a cute lil set of nipple clamps? or those lil suction cup thingies cause you know how much he gets off on having his nipples played with? so many possibilities
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chaotic-super · 1 year
For Her Sake - Chapter 13
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Read For Her Sake on AO3 here!
The past two weeks have been impossibly crazy.
Between Cat being a bitch and purposefully setting her up with impossible tasks that are just a pain in the ass to try and fulfil and the weather being non-stop rain, Kara has never been so glad to reach the weekend, especially knowing that as soon as she leaves the office in less than an hour, she’s most likely never going to have to walk back in here ever again.
Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Winn waving her over. She smiles and gets up, grabbing a little something off her desk on her way over and hiding it in her palm.
“Hey.” She stops beside his desk.
“Hey, how are you doing? How does it feel to be nearing the end?” Winn leans back in his chair, spinning it around so he’s facing her better. “You’re going to be free in right around…” he flips his wrist dramatically to check his watch, “fifty-one minutes.”
Kara shrugs. “I have no idea how I feel. It’s kind of a relief but it’s also kind of, I don’t know…sad? I’m going to miss this place, or at least miss what it used to be. I’m glad to see the back of the never-ending to-do list I’ve been working off the last couple of weeks though. I’m really excited to start over at Reign though, I think a fresh start is exactly what I’ve been needing and with Alex working at L-Corp it’s setting us up to be just fine. We’re finally getting somewhere, Winn and it feels just so refreshing.”
Winn grins at her. “You look happy.”
“I am.”
“I’m not happy.” Winn follows up on his previous statement.
Kara’s happy demeanour drops in an instant. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not happy that you’ve been using the daycare for Alex’s job to take care of Lori where I can still pick her up. You know I love that kid.”
Kara shakes her head. “Winn, that was before I found out you were taking a pay cut to finish early to go and get her. It’s free for the daycare and you can still come over whenever you want and take her out on a weekend of anything where you’re not losing money just to help us out.”
“Ok, it was like, barely any money difference and it’s not the same. Even if it’s not every day, give me like…two days a week or something? Come on…it’s just two days.” He can see Kara breaking so he leans closer, pouting obnoxiously. “Please.”
Kara leans back, giggling slightly and giving in. “Ok, ok. Two days a week. Whichever two suit you best.”
“Good.” He drops the pout, chuckling along with her and beaming. “I miss the little munchkin.”
“You only saw her like, three days ago.”
“My point still stands.”
Kara presses her fingers into the thing in her hand. “I’ve got a little something for you.”
“If it’s not the Pikachu figurine from your desk, I don’t want it.”
Kara smiles and puts that very item on his desk, watching closely as his eyes light up. “You’re in luck. I won’t have a desk at Reign so this is for you.”
Winn snatches it up the second Kara’s hand has retracted, lifting the little figurine up and closer to his face so he can look at it closely. “Really? You’re serious? You’re giving me your desk Pikachu?”
“I am.” Kara folds her arms feeling kind of cool because she’s giving Winn something he’s been asking for since she got the little thing a couple of years back.
“You’re really giving me the Pikachu that you found in the parking lot at Comic-Con?”
“I am. Please cherish it, it took a lot of energy for me to bend down to pick it up.” Kara laughs taking it from him and positioning it between a few of his other collectables. “It’s also to help keep you company since we all know you’ll be super lonely here without me, I am like, the best person ever.”
Winn looks at the Pikachu fondly before looking up at Kara with the same look in his eyes. “I know that’s a joke but I’m really going to miss seeing you pretty much every day. I mean, I’ll still come visit you and I’m really happy you’re happy but I am going to miss you.”
“I’m really going to miss you too. You’re what made working here so fun.” Kara grabs his arm, pulling him up so he’s standing and she can give him a proper hug. “Thanks for making my time here so good, it wouldn’t have been half as amazing as it was if you weren’t here.”
She goes to pull back but Winn’s strong arms stop her, keeping her in the hug and she realizes why just moments later when she feels something wet hit her shoulder. Rather than call attention to it, she just holds him tightly, her arms strong against his back as she lets him take his time.
Kara had no idea that he cared about her enough to cry about her leaving. He’s her best friend and they are still going to see each other but he’s taking this hard, obviously not putting up any resistance for her sake so she doesn’t second guess a decision that is good for her and Lori.
He pulls back after a long sniff, frantically wiping at his eyes. “Sorry, it just got real.”
Kara runs her hands up and down his upper arms, trying her best to soothe him. “Don’t be sorry, Winn. Hey, why don’t you come back to our place tonight? We’ve managed to put some money aside for takeout and we’re ordering pizza so if you want to come and hang out with the coolest people on Earth, you’re welcome to.”
“Ok.” Winn nods, taking no convincing. “I want to play Mario Kart though.”
“Whatever you want,” Kara says. “Now get back to work, we still have like, forty-five minutes left before we’re free and while it doesn’t matter for me, you can still get fired.”
Winn grumbles. “Uh, I hate that. Is Reign hiring? I am not above following you.”
“Unfortunately not and we both know you couldn’t do a job that doesn’t involve computers, you’re very smart but I would not trust you to carry plates across a room without tripping.” Kara backs away, a big grin on her face. “Now, hop to it, Winslow. Work, now.”
Winn twizzles his chair back around, mumbling what sound like some very inappropriate words under his breath.
Kara heads back to her desk, plopping down in her chair with a thump. It’s half broken, about to give way any day now but she put in a maintenance request weeks ago and it never got replaced, she doesn’t have to worry about it anymore.
With just a little bit of time left, she decides to pack up the few things she still has on her desk. Most of it has been going home with her each night over the past couple of weeks but there are a few things still to come home with her so she grabbed an empty box on her way back from lunch and has had it stored just behind her chair since for this exact moment.
Kara places it down on the floor at her side and slowly begins piling things into it starting with the little plant she has had on her desk which she still hasn’t figured out if it’s fake or real but she has been watering for the past year with the dregs of her coffee at least twice a week. It is placed in the corner of the box, leaving lots of space for the few books she’s got in the bottom drawer of her desk, the ones she has sneakily been reading whenever there’s a free few minutes at work and Cat is out in a meeting. She’s never taken them home because the thought of the weight of them hanging off her shoulder was too awful to think about but now, she’s got no other choice.
There are several knickknacks and random objects that she’s not even sure when they migrated from her place to the office but she’s taking them home anyway. Just to be petty, she ends up taking her good pair of scissors and her stapler too because she bought them a while ago when it was taking too long for her requests to go through, that was back before the accident when she had the money to do things like that.
There’s just one thing left to go, a picture of her, Alex and Lori. It’s just a small one, mostly because she was always too afraid to show off her personal life too much but looking at that picture and seeing what she was working for has always given her the strength to get through the days that were otherwise unbearable. She’s spent a lot of time looking at it since she put her resignation in.
As soon as her desk is clear of everything except for her laptop and CatCo schedules and such, the things she can’t take home because it’s CatCo property, she closes the lid of the box and pushes it to one side. There’s not a lot she can do now, she worked through lunch to make sure all of Cat’s scheduling is done for the next week just so it can’t be said that she didn’t treat her fairly in her leave so there’s literally nothing left for her to do.
A glance over at Winn and his screen shows her that he is fully focused on his work so she can’t just annoy him so she’s got to look busy. She grabs one of her notebooks that she put in her box, she found several because she used to have a problem with buying notebooks she will never write in, and flips it open to a random blank page and then starts scribbling random lines, zigzagging along the page just to pass the time.
With only fifteen minutes left, she does that for a solid five before giving up and tossing it into the box again and then lifting it onto her desk. She then wanders around the bullpen and starts saying her goodbyes.
Most of the people there have been lovely to her and she knows a lot of them well through short conversations in the break room and through early morning elevator chitchat. They are all surprised that she’s leaving since she never told anyone and well, in most cases where someone is an assistant at a big company like this one, it’s so they can progress there and climb rank so it’s odd that she’s leaving whilst still only on the bottom rung.
She makes her rounds, getting a lot of well wishes and hugs along the way and then heads back to her desk where Winn is waiting, his bag slung over his shoulder.
“Are you ready?”
“Can you wait a couple of minutes? There’s one more person I need to say goodbye to.”
“Sure,” Winn says but tilts his head at her, confused and unsure who else she could need to speak to.
His eyebrows practically shoot up into his hairline when she walks past him and knocks on the glass door of Ms Grant’s office.
“Ms Grant?”
“Yes?” Cat looks up from her computer looking bored.
“I’m leaving now so I wanted to come and say goodbye.” Kara walks through the office, stopping just short of her desk. “I want to leave on good terms with you, I have a lot of good memories here and this place still means a lot to me so I was hoping we could just put the past behind us and I can just go without any regrets.”
Cat stares at her suspiciously as Kara sticks her hand out towards her. “Why?”
“Because before everything happened, I thought we were friends and I’d like to leave that way, even if we never end up seeing each other again. Besides, it’s good for your reputation if everyone out there sees me leaving on a good note.” She nods her head aimlessly towards the bullpen where most people are packing up their things to go home.
With a touch of reluctance, Cat reaches over and shakes her hand, her grip a lot stronger than Kara imagined someone of her stature would be capable of. “Kara, I may not agree with your choices, especially your choice to leave but I do admire your drive to take care of your family, I can respect that. I wish you well.”
“You too, Ms Grant. I did your schedules for next week to give whoever you’re replacing me with a chance to figure their crap out. Call it a parting gift. Try not to make them cry.” Kara smiles warmly at her one last time before leaving, aware of Cat’s piecing gaze pinned on her back as she makes her way out for the last time.
Winn is holding her box, having been not-so-sneakily watching their interaction from his spot leaning against her desk. “You ok?”
“I am,” Kara answers and goes to take her box but Winn holds it out of her reach.
“Not a chance, now let’s go, I’m starving.”
“Me too.” Kara mumbles, somehow, not quite as sad as she thought she would be to see the back of this building that has been a major part of her life for years.
Kara and Winn get back to the apartment before Alex does because she’s picking Lori up too so for the first time in a while, she gets the place to herself, well almost to herself but Winn doesn’t count.
“Why don’t you set up Mario Kart while I go and run and have a quick shower before Alex and Lori get back?” Kara says, her question really a demand.
“You got it, boss,” Winn answers, taking one of Alex’s beers that Kara offers to him on her way through the bedroom to the bathroom.
She’s purposefully quick because she doesn’t want to make Winn wait and she doesn’t know exactly what time Alex will get back because usually, she’s home long after Alex gets back because she takes public transportation but Winn drove here today so what is a trip that usually takes over an hour was little more than fifteen to twenty minutes.
Hopping out of the shower, she throws on some comfy pants and a blue cotton tee, dressing mostly for comfort and dries her hair, not bothering with make-up.
Winn is on the couch scrolling through his phone when Kara wanders back out into the living room. “Hey, it’s all set to go, want to start now or are we waiting until Alex and Lori get here?”
“We should probably wait until they get here, I love that little girl but man does she get competitive and I don’t want to hear her spend the night complaining that we got a head start.” Kara sinks into the couch beside Winn, her head instantly leaning back into the cushions and her eyes half-closing.
“Your closed eyes tell me you’d like to sit in silence while we wait for them.”
“That’s one hundred percent correct.” Kara mumbles.
“You’re a terrible host but ok.” Winn snickers, his eyes falling back to his phone right away. He doesn’t mind just sitting here with Kara, it won’t be the first time they have gone to hang out and just ended up sitting in the same room doing two separate tasks in complete silence.
Within a couple of minutes, the past two weeks and the relief of finally leaving that place in the past where it belongs has Kara snoring, her head thrown all the way back and Winn silently laughing at her, his shoulder shaking and his fist clenched between his teeth so he doesn’t wake her. His laughter dies down after a couple of minutes but every once in a while he does look up from his phone to smile at her.
She’s still snoring when Alex unlocks the front door and sighs her way through it, Lori skipping in right in front of her. Lori spots her mom and Winn and runs over to them, her eyes bright and joyful. She clambers into Kara’s lap, effectively waking her up and wrapping her little arms around her. “Mommy! You’re home before us!”
“I am, I missed you today, baby.” Kara pulls her close for a cuddle. “Have you had a good day?”
“Uh huh, the best, we got to play in the sand pit and then Aunty Alex invited Lena to come for dinner and she said yes!”
Kara’s eyes widen and she looks over to see Alex standing in the kitchen with none other than Lena Luthor. “Oh yes, I see that. Why don’t you and Uncle Winn catch up so I can go and say hi?”
Winn wants to argue, he wants to meet Lena, she’s basically his idol, but he settles for an excitable little girl instead who is already wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Lena, hi!” Kara greets Lena, heading into the kitchen. “I’m so glad you could make it, especially after I had to cancel on you for dinner before. I’m sorry about that, I was really looking forward to it too.”
Alex throws her hands up. Kara has yet to greet her but is already all over Lena. She shouldn’t have invited her because now she’s stuck watching them moon after each other, neither of them ballsy enough to notice the way the other has a very obvious crush on them.
Lena rests her hand on Kara’s forearm. “Don’t worry about it. It sounds like you’ve had a hell of a time finishing up your time at CatCo. How does it feel to not work there anymore?”
Kara lets out a heavy puff of air. “I don’t even know. It’s strange, I think I’ll miss it but I’m also super excited to start working with Sam. I’m sure you’ve heard all about the time I saw her for lunch a couple of weeks ago, she was lovely. I managed to part ways with Ms Grant in a nice way really, we shook hands and agreed to leave the past in the past so I guess I can’t wish for more.”
“Sam did tell me about that, I should probably warn you that while she’s nice, she’s a blabbermouth to the people she’s closest to, so anything you tell her, she’s probably going to tell me and our other friend, Jack, if you don’t specifically tell her to keep it to herself.”
“Noted.” Kara nods. “Now, shall we order? I’m starving.”
“I’m so down for that.” Alex interrupts them with a small stack of takeout menus, “Winn, Lori, want to come and help pick where we eat?”
Winn grabs Lori, swinging her around as he stands up, making her squeal as he does so and for a second, Kara’s heart is in her mouth because while she trusts Winn, she’s terrified of Lori potentially getting hurt. Her hand flies to her chest, covering her rapidly beating heart. “Careful.” She warns when he settles beside her with Lori propped on his hip.
He sends her a sheepish look before focusing on the menus. “I know we agreed on pizza but I’m thinking that maybe we should order Chinese too, it’s been far too long since I’ve seen you inhale an ungodly amount of potstickers in one sitting.”
Kara clears her throat awkwardly in a mixture of embarrassment because he just really said that in front of Lena and because she feels bad because they have guests over and they can’t afford to get both pizza and Chinese food. “I don’t know, Winn. Maybe we should just stick to the pizza.”
“How about a deal then, you get the pizza you seem to so desperately want and I’ll get the Chinese food, deal?” Winn argues and then sticks out his hand like it’s a done deal.
“Ooh, How about I order Big Belly Burger too?” Lena asks, spotting a menu for there. “I haven’t had one of their burgers in way too long and it’s kind of my guilty pleasure. Come on, let’s make a feast out of it. I’ll order those, Winn gets the potstickers and you guys get the pizza, fair and square.”
Kara knows what they are playing at. Alex does too, to be fair, but she doesn’t really care. Kara feels bad that they have invited Winn and Lena over yet they are going to be paying for a good chunk of the food, it doesn’t feel right but she can’t do much about it, they know what they are doing and this is their way of doing it as delicately as they can without outright saying that they are helping to pay because they know that they are broke.
Well, not broke, not anymore. Alex has been getting paycheques now, weekly ones that help them get on top of everything, but they have mostly just been using it to get up to date on everything so they have been paying off their debts and starting to backpay the rent they missed. As soon as that is done, a couple of months more they think, and then they can think about moving out and getting a better place, one where they all have their own beds at the very least. For that to happen though, they are following a very strict budget and even splurging tonight is a treat they shouldn’t really be splurging on but Alex insisted on celebrating Kara’s new job.
“Fine, fine, but just you guys wait until we manage to move into a new place, we’re going to buy so much food that you will have to roll out of the door when you want to leave.” Alex accepts their offer when it becomes clear that Kara’s not about to.
“Good.” Lena grins, already slipping her phone out of her pocket and starting to order her portion of the food, Winn and Alex doing the same too while Kara plucks Lori off of Winn’s side and pulls her close into another cuddle, only getting slightly offended when she starts wriggling and trying to get to Lena, her little arms reaching out towards her.
Lena, despite being guilted into sitting beside her on the way here, reaches out and lets Lori climb her way over from Kara’s arms into hers, propping Lori’s butt onto the edge of the counter so she can still finish placing the order of a bunch of cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings and milkshakes. They are all eating well tonight.
“Lena, Lena, Uncle Winn set up Mario Kart!” Lori grabs at Lena’s shirt, bunching it in her tiny fists as she excitedly speaks.
“Really? Can you show me?” Lena asks, smiling at how adorable Lori is and putting her down, her heart melting when Lori grabs her hand to take her to the couch.
Kara follows them with her eyes first, her blue orbs soft with the joy that comes with Lori having so many people around that love and care for her. There’s not a person on the planet that she couldn’t force to love her. With that thought in mind, she follows them, sitting on the other side of Lori so she’s sandwiched between her and Lena.
Winn and Alex come and perch on the floor on cushions, their backs to the couch and their focus on the screen, this is about to get competitive.
Lena has made it to the kitchen having managed to finally extract the clingy little koala of a girl off her. She’s now fully leaning into Winn’s side, cheering him on in his game against Alex, who seems to be outraged that her niece is cheering against her.
She’s super thirsty and since the food and milkshakes haven’t arrived yet, she’s just planning on grabbing water or something out of the refrigerator but when she opens it, she’s hit with a wave of desire she thought she had banished to the past.
Alex’s beers sit on the shelf enticing her. She hasn’t had a drink in weeks, something she’s really proud of, but the longing is still there, especially when she gets home at night to an empty apartment and there’s nobody around to disappoint but herself. This is a new low though, she’s in Kara’s apartment, gagging for a cheap beer just because she could get a taste of what she’s been depriving herself of.
Without really thinking, her hand reaches out, softly encasing one of the beers but before she can pick it up, Lori appears beside her, tugging on her pants. “Lena, Lena, juice please.”
It’s enough to snap her out of it and make her hat herself a little because of how close she was to taking a beer. With Lori at her side though, she knows she can’t do that, she can’t get away with doing that, so she pours out some juice for Lori and then some for herself. She sends Lori off back to the others but takes a breather, leaning back against the counter and purposefully not looking towards the refrigerator because of the shame.
She stares down into her glass, taking small sips every now and again whilst ignoring the tiny voice in her head telling her that it would be better if it had alcohol in it.
Lena purposefully chases away that voice though. She was an alcoholic, maybe not as bad as other people are, not by a long shot, but she was dependent on her drinks at the end of the night to get her through to the next morning and her yearning for drinks is her body telling her that something is missing, a part of her routine that she became addicted to so she could soothe herself enough to sleep through the night. She doesn’t need that now, she can find meaning in her life without it, she has reasons to get up the next day that aren’t found at the bottom of a glass.
She’s so caught up in her own mind that she barely notices Kara sliding next to her. “Hey.”
“Are you ok?” Kara questions, her brow knitted in worry. “You had…a moment.”
Lena nods slowly, even more ashamed now she knows that Kara saw her, and what she almost did. “I did.”
“It’s normal to have moments of temptation, Lena, and for the record, I’m so proud of how long you’ve gone. I think it’s really brave, what you’ve been doing.” Kara rests her hand on Lena’s forearm tenderly, her lips curved into a small smile.
“Maybe but it wasn’t appropriate of me to have almost taken one of those beers. I was close.”
“But you didn’t. You came through.” Kara’s voice is soft and gentle in a way that makes Lena want to cry big fat tears until she’s got no more to cry. “Besides, if I had known you were coming I would have made sure there was no alcohol in the apartment before you got here so you wouldn’t be put in the position where you have to make hard choices.”
Lena ducks her head. “You don’t have to do that for me.”
“I don’t but I want to. You’ve been so good to us and let’s be real, Lori loves you more than me, if there’s anything I can do for you, you know I’m only a call away.”
“There is something you can do for me.” Lena tries carefully.
Kara’s head whips up. “Anything.”
Lena almost laughs at how eager Kara sounds and takes a tiny bit of joy in bursting her bubble. “Stop acting like you owe me something, you don’t. The truth is, helping you guys out, and spending time with you, it’s benefitted me a lot more than it has you. I only have two friends in the city, Sam and Jack, and we don’t get to see each other nearly as often as we’d like because of how busy we are, it makes planning times to get together awful and difficult. You’ve opened your home to me many times now when I had no one else to spend time with, nobody willing, it means a lot to me.”
Kara scrunches her face thoughtfully and Lena can’t help but think that she looks kind of cute. She takes several long moments to come up with something to say and each passing second makes Lena’s nerves grow. “Lena, I didn’t know that hanging out with us means that much to you. I kind of thought we were annoying you by asking you over all the time and that you’ve just been humouring us.”
“Not at all.” Lena shakes her head. “I love it actually, as sad as that sounds. I haven’t had friends that I get to see this often since I was in college and I know that sounds clingy and weird but just getting to see you pretty much every week helps me a lot and if it weren’t for you, I don’t think I could’ve stopped drinking the way I did. I don’t think I would’ve had the balls to. I mean it sucked, especially at the beginning. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I stopped, but I have to give you credit for that choice.”
“The only person that deserves credit for that is you, Lena.” Kara bumps her shoulder with Lena’s. “And just for the record, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stop thanking you or feeling indebted to you because you saved our asses but I’ll try if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“It does,” Lena confirms. “I think you would have managed to save your own butts anyway.”
“Not from that much debt we wouldn’t have. You gave my daughter a chance at a life she wouldn’t have had if we hadn’t met. I do regret what I did but I can’t find it in me to regret being at your building that day.”
“Lena takes a long sip of her juice. “I don’t regret hiding you from the guards.”
Kara and Lena share a look, one of mutual amusement, before falling into a fit of giggles. They get a few strange looks from both Winn and Alex but ignore them, their giggles too much for them to contain.
Once they manage to reign in their laughter, Lena looks over at the couch where Alex and Winn are sitting with Lori, her face thoughtful as her gaze settles on Winn. She nudges Kara with her elbow. “So, Winn seems nice. Are the two of you—”
“No, we’re just friends,” Kara answers, not needing to hear the end of the question to guess what she was thinking. “He’s been my best friend ever since I started at CatCo. He bumped into me in the elevator when I was going for my job interview and we’ve sort of just stuck together ever since. I don’t know what I’d do without him, he even changed his shift pattern at work to be able to look after Lori when we needed him to and he was always available to pick her up from school, all without asking anything in return. He’s been incredible and he’s the best uncle Lori could ever have.”
Lena feels a rush of admiration for the guy. She had no idea that he was doing all of that and shifted his life around to make it easier for Kara and Alex to juggle everything they had on their plates. “I didn’t know that.”
Kara shrugs. “He’s a big softie. He loves Lori and would do anything for her, just like the rest of us. As much as I love him though, there’s never been anything romantic between us. I mean, he did try to kiss me once and asked me out but he was very respectful when I turned him down and just went back to being my best friend, with no hard feelings or weirdness. He’s one of a kind. Why are you asking about him anyway? Are you interested in him?”
Lena shakes her head quicker than she ever has before. “Oh, no, no, no, nothing like that. I just thought you two were close and maybe you were together. I prefer the company of ladies myself, as adorable as your hobbit friend is.”
Kara chuckles. “He has been known to be called that every once in a while.” She ignores Lena’s other statement, unsure what to make of how it makes her somehow happy and trying to will away the thunderous beating of her heart.
Lena clears her throat. “I have another request.”
“Shoot.” Kara’s surprised to hear it but she’s more than open to it.
“You guys had to cancel on coming over for dinner on me twice now and while I get it, I still want you to come over so if you could make it tomorrow or Sunday, I would appreciate it.”
Kara’s face splits into a grin. “Well, it would be rude of me to turn that request down, wouldn’t it?”
“It would, so when are you free?”
“Good, call it six?”
“Six it is.” Kara agrees and then jumps when there’s a loud knock at the door. “That’ll be the food.”
Alex has to grab Lori to stop her from charging for the door. She’s Kara’s daughter through and through so she loves her food just as much as her mom does and would happily tackle the delivery person just to get the first bite of the pizza.
Kara and Lena open the door and accept the food. Two of the three deliveries arrive at once, the pizza and the Big Belly Burger order and just as Lena is swinging the door closed, she spots the delivery person for the Chinese food too, catching the door just before it slams so she could take it from him. “Thank you very much.” She slips him a tip, one much too large for what would be deemed ordinary, especially for the building they are in. He probably thinks he just got paid to keep quiet about something he isn’t even aware he saw.
It all gets piled up on the coffee table and it quickly becomes a free for all, each of them snagging whatever it is they want right out of the bags, Kara managing to wrangle a full container of potsticker for herself with no remorse, only sharing with Lori because she got given puppy dog eyes that she’s all too aware mirror her own. It almost makes her feel bad that she uses it on other people. People like Winn.
“Winn, please, you have two burgers, please give me one,” Kara begs, pouting for good measure and then cackling evilly as soon as he gives in and hands one over, taking a slice of pizza for himself as a trade-off.
Lena smirks at the exchange around a bite of her burger, trying her best not to moan at the incredible taste of it. Big Belly Burger is her go-to cheat food and it never gets old, if she weren’t worried about her health and the possibility of blocked arteries, she’d eat it every day.
The sound of milkshakes being slurped and lips smacking fills the air and while the noise would usually make Lena want to burst her own eardrums just so she can stop hearing it because it’s so grating, today it’s a symphony she could listen to on repeat. She’s surrounded by people that are genuinely good and actually care about her.
She was shocked earlier when she stopped by to check on the L-Corp building where Alex works. She made a point of only checking on Alex after talking to a lot of other employees first to not blow her cover and nobody seemed to suspect a thing, definitely not thinking anything of it and not suspecting Alex of secretly recording them doing a hell of a lot of illegal stuff and slowly but surely gathering evidence on them.
While she was checking on her, Alex mentioned them celebrating Kara’s last day at CatCo and invited her over and well, Lena is struggling to say no to any chance to see Kara. She might have a weak spot for the blonde.
Lena looks around at the small group, her eyes lingering on two people in particular and sighs happily, her heart jumping for joy knowing she’s going to be able to do this again tomorrow. Winn belches loudly, making Kara laugh loudly and she makes a mental note to invite him over too. He seems like a good guy and a great person to have in her corner.
As she’s looking around, she notices Alex staring at her and when they make eye contact, Alex smiles at her, sending her an awkward thumbs up, one that she returns just as awkwardly.
If anyone had told her that she could find some semblance of happiness on the floor of a run-down apartment in a building that should probably be condemned, she would have laughed in their face, now, she’s just thankful she’s found it and is going to keep a firm grip on it with both hands.
Read the next 3 chapters early on my Patreon here!
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