#it’s beyond fixing and every time someone tries to make it better others come and make it worse
zyana-wyvern · 1 year
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Waking up to the state of the fandom again.🥹
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
If you could create and add a new DC character, what would they be like?
I'm going to tell you about David, and knowing you guys, you'll agree with me when I say he should have his own comic.
David has been my best friend literally since we were 8. He is the only constant I've had through my life. He introduced me to the drums and helped me get a motorcycle after I got my license. We are each other's platonic ride or die. If he asked me to bury a body, I'd do it no question, and I know he'd do the same for me.
That said, I clearly have the braincell in this friendship.
Don't get me wrong, he's smart in certain aspects. He's a talented musician, good athlete, taught himself to fix most plumbing issues, speaks decent Japanese, easily clicks socially, and is super empathetic. But in others, he's like a plate in a knife drawer.
Some highlights from over the years:
He ate the brown paper bag his lunch came in on a field trip
He thought hot chocolate was just cocoa powder (no milk or water) in a mug and the microwave would melt it. His sister had to call the fire department
He gave a stray dog his scarf for warmth and never saw that scarf again
He licked the dust off an XBox controller
He got a speeding ticket outside the DMV literally five minutes after getting his license
He made gender reveal cupcakes to come out to the rest of our friend group when we were 17, but he threw them into a Ziploc and they jostled around his backpack for half a day before lunch
He thought closing a browser tab would get rid of a computer virus
He tried hotboxing his own car while driving
He almost seasoned his food with pepper spray before someone stopped him
He had a tire swing on a tree in his backyard. He decided to stand on it while swinging and smacked his forehead against a branch in front of him. It was literally the most hollow thwock ever, as if confirming his lack of braincells. He then proceeded to get pissed off and punch the tree. He said it was his most gender-affirming experience
He brought me along on a family road trip and used me as a footrest in the car
He frequently writes drum tabs the way he'd write guitar ones (in short the two are very different kinds of sheet music and I'd need three hands to play them). He absolutely knows better. I think he's messing with me at this point
He mistook wasabi powder for matcha
He once got drunk at a frat party, crawled out the lawn of the house, and began eating grass like a cow
I wanted to know what kissing a dude was like out of curiosity and this was before he started physically transitioning, so to make it a more "authentic" experience, he gargled Gatorade beforehand
He tried to make his first battle jacket with washable Crayola markers
He also tried to dye his hair with his sister's watercolors
He's worn the same sweatshirt since he was 14 and I think I can count on one hand how many times I've seen him wash it (I was over at his house a lot)
He's the motherfucker that wears running shorts in the snow
He thought his area code would automatically change when we moved to a new state
He once kicked a soccer ball into an oncoming train
BONUS: when he came out to his parents, they were accepting and while he was at school, his dad mounted a fish on David's bedroom door because men I guess
So yeah, if I worked at DC, I'd insert David in the background of every comic just being his chaotic himbo self. David is beyond space and time. There could be a battle on fucking Oa and David would just be there doing a kickflip. That's who I'd choose.
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mangosrar · 8 months
Always, i will be here.
chris sturniolo x reader
a/n: guys this one is lowkey-highkey sad but i love it so much:(
loosely based off always by Daniel Caesar!!!!
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My y/n,
I wonder when i first met you, in a way that was more than just physical. I wonder when a line in a song reminded me of you, or the first time i walked past someone who carried a scent so similar to yours, that i questioned if you had just walked past me, or the first time someone made a joke so good i had to relay it to you later and pretended it was my own.
I always thought that heart break was caused by mean words said so harshly they pierce the soul. But in reality, they’re from goodbyes that weren’t told, kisses never shared and hugs never felt. These are the ingredients of a broken heart and they can never be fixed. Broken beyond repair.
The thing is even if you could go back, you wouldnt belong there anymore. I still perform autopsies on conversations we had lives ago. They could hook me up to a polygraph and ask me if i still love you, i would say no, and the line would jump and stutter in the exact pattern of your laugh. It feels better to die at your hands y/n, than to never have felt them at all. The heart has its own memory, and i have forgotern nothing, so dont set me on fire and act like you're the one burning.
I remember once you told me you killed a plant by feeding it too much water, and now you worry love is voilence and i know i always say you hold on to too much and every time you reply; asking me where you should put it down. This is starting to look like a contest of who cares less but i liked it better when you were on my side. Im afraid i will love you for the rest of my life and we will never be in the same room again, and im worried the amount of time we have left together is limited so please lingre near the door or forget your jacket and come back for it later. Please just tell me that im not as forgetable as your absence is making me feel. You only hate the people you love, and i know i could never be someone you dont like.
But surrounded by the churches and the dirt, i fell in love with you here. I had never told you. I wish i was braver. It's okay to not be who you thought you would be. But now summer is almost over, my feelings didnt change, and you aren't coming back. But always, i will be here y/n.
My Chris,
Christopher Owen Sturniolo, you have siezed my spine, took my bones and left me to melt into a sticky pile of mush where my body used to be.
I have spent half of my life loving you, and the other half figuring out my love for you. If i could write a book on all the things i wished you would have said, i would run out of pages. I feel like a kid at christmas whos been hopelessly dreaming about getting a pony,only to be given socks. I pushed you out and now youre so far away i cant even reach for you. I could call you a hundred names and scream and shout about why you were awful. But where would that leave me. I still loved you. I still have to live with that.
Its like youve taken a part of me and left it where i cant find it. I tried to forgive you, so i could move on, but how is that possible when i find you in every song, every tone, every frequency and every static. My brain cannot move an inch without bumping into some part of you. You are just a burning house that i want to live in, so why can't you let me put you out?
I wish you had left me wondering. I think it would have hurt much less if i never knew what made you fall out of love with me. You held me tight as i weeped like a little girl who had just dropped her ice cream, you kissed the top of my head and rocked us back and forth. You muffled my sobs with your lips. You whispered sweet nothings to me as i cried in your arms. You wiped the tears that fell for the heart you broke. You told me there will always be a piece of your heart that belongs to me. You have stained me. Tainted and bruised my soul. You told me that you’ve never had a love like ours and never will. You said that you’re future wife will know about me. Your kids will learn what love is through the stories you tell them about us. And suddenly, im at the kitchen table. Crying. Wondering what went wrong. But always, i will be here chris.
@christinarowie332 @jcwrites-blog @sturnphilia @biimpanicking @sssturniolofart @lividnity
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strongheartneteyam · 2 months
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I wet you like water but she stained you like blood.
Pairing: widowed!dilf!jake sully x younger!female!human!reader
CW: slight sexual language, can be triggering to some, heartbreak, age gap kink, hurt/no comfort, age gap relationship problems, angst, reader reminiscing (pls tell me if I missed anything) 
So, yeah... I never know when I'm gonna come back with another writing. My hiatus n working periods are all a bit unpredictable lol sorry. Anyways... I literally spent the whole night awake n I was struck by a sudden lightning of creativity early in the morning and I edited this chapter n wrote a bit more, but I still haven't slept at all, so, I apologize if some parts of this make no sense at all. I'll fix it when I can. Hope you guys like it <3 ily guys a whole lot :)) obs: this chapter is a shorter one.
Slightly proofread.
Chapter 4 𓆩♡𓆪
They say all's well that ends well
But I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind
You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would've been fine
And that made me want to die
The idea you had of me, who was she?
A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you
All Too Well - 10 minutes Version (Taylor Swift)
It had been 1 year since the last time you saw Jacob Sully. Or Jakey, like you used to call him. The wound never healed. It still throbbed and bled every time you remembered the words he told you that dreadful day. "I think we should stop seeing each other." It felt like you would never get over him. How can one get over such an overpowering, raw feeling? He marked you forever, like a bruise that seemed to never disappear from your skin.
The flashback came like thunder in a storm, haunting your thoughts with a loud pain that echoed through your mind. What you told Jake that night.
“The truth is I love you. The truth is I can't take this anymore. I'm giving you my everything but you don't seem to be doing the same. You're still guarded.” There was a tense period of silence “Jake… I love you. But I don't think you feel the same.”
Maybe you shouldn't have said anything. Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut, he would still be with you.
Ugh!! Stop that, now, (y/n)! Some self love, please? You're better than this. You deserve better.
You tried to convince yourself of that, at least.
The pain was unbearable at times and almost easy to conceal at other times. It depended on how distracted with work or your studies you were. These days you ran to any distraction that could ease the perpetual angst that squeezed your heart inside its hands all the fucking time. It had been like that ever since Jake left you. What were you expecting anyway? You should have known you were never truly loved by Jake. The love of his life was Neytiri and it would always be, alive and walking through Pandora or dead and with Eywa.
It felt beyond weird to have to hear people talking about Jake and have to pretend he was a stranger to you, someone you barely knew, when he had actually left a mark so strong on you, a memory ingrained in your brain, a feeling, a pain buried inside your heart that made you want to scream and hit your head against a wall. That's how much it hurt.
You would never have his body against yours again, warming you up when it was cold, after you spent the whole day in that damn lab, studying Pandoran plants but all you could really concentrate on was how much you missed his reassuring, protective presence. He made you feel safe for the first time in your life. But now he is gone. Just like every single good thing you ever had in your life. But you know what? Maybe your mother was right, maybe love wasn't really something that could ever last forever.
Did Jake ever really make a real effort to be with you? Thinking back, it was extremely easy for him to just come to you and fuck you anytime he felt sad and lonely. What if you had just been a naive, dumb girl all this time? Were you mourning a love that never actually 
existed? It was always so hard to talk to him about his feelings for you, he never actually let you in, to be honest. All the time you two spent together, you were never able to know if he ever saw you as a partner or just a fuck buddy. 
Oh, but the high… it was worth all the lows. The butterflies in your stomach every time you guys were almost caught fucking in the back of your work room by Norm. Eventually you guys had to tell him about your situationship because, oh well… he already knew what was going on, really. Norm is not a fool or a child. He could add 2 plus 2.
The adrenaline was worth all the tears. And, fuck… you would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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kolyubov · 5 months
Ok I need you to hear me out! What about dazai, Fyodor and or Nikolai with a s/o that is the psychologist/therapist for their respective organisation! Is reader aware that they are way beyond redemption? Yes, does reader know that they can't fix them? Also yes, but as their s/o they try their best to save the little sanity they have left by reminding them to take their pills/vitamins, having casual therapy sessions with them and comforting them after (btw I don't think any of them would go to therapy on their own so reader being the therapist of the organisation they are in would make more sense for them to communicate and eventually form a relationship, plus I think a emotionally intelligent reader would really balance them out)
Have a wonderful day or night and don't forget to hydrate!!!!
omg nonnie, this is very interesting! I tried my best to imagine these three going to therapy… sort of.
please remember to hydrate yourself too<33
Therapist s/o!
✧ contents. sfw!!
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I'm kind of sure that a psychologist (and I think a therapist too) is not allowed to have a personal relationship with their patient, so I'd like to think that their relationship with their s/o is a secret, at least inside the organization.
Dazai will come to visit you every day even if it's not necessarily for a therapy session.
He only goes to the Agency to see you— I imagine you have a small office inside the building of the Agency, so whenever Dazai is bored, he leaves the Agency's office and goes downstairs to visit you!
For him, it's a good thing that his s/o is also his therapist because he won't open up with anyone else but you. He would ask for you to run your fingers through his fluffy hair as he tells you how his past memories are still tormenting him sometimes.
Since you're a professional and know so much about people's minds, your conversations are always very deep which he's thankful for; knowing that someone understands him and gives him the comfort that he needs badly.
Dazai doesn't need any type of medication I think. Maybe he'll need to sleep better and eat properly but as long as you sleep with him and remind him to take his meals, he'll do as you said<3
I believe Fyodor doesn't want therapy, or pills, even if he needs them.
You know his physical and mental health are not the best, and he knows it too, but he doesn't care about it that much.
Maybe the roles would turn upside down? He would ask why you have such opinions and would discuss a lot of philosophical stuff about human beings and their lives and the way they socialize with other humans.
Fyodor would be the stubborn type; like, you would tell him to go out for a walk and get some fresh air because he's lacking vitamin D but he only chuckles and says that he doesn't need to, that he's perfectly fine.
A few hours later he would go out for a walk as you said and left a small bouquet of flowers he collected himself on your desk.
Also, he comes to ask for your opinion on important things before doing them!
Nikolai wouldn't take things seriously most of the time. He needs to make silly jokes and tease you as you try to advise him for his own good.
He would gladly take any pills you give him but you need to sit on his lap and give him the pill yourself, then kiss his forehead and call him a good boy. If not, he would refuse the medication.
Sometimes he feels very very down, like; he enters your office with a somber expression and needs to be cuddled as you try to help him solve his problem.
You make him feel happy even if it's just with a kiss on the cheek or words of affirmation<3
Definitely surprises you and teleports behind you as you're doing paperwork.
About his “freedom” thing… As much as you'd like to tell him that it's (almost) impossible, he won't stop trying to reach his goal and will keep on telling you with a big smile how he plans to achieve it. Well… At least he's still your Nikolai for now.
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2024 © pinklacydovey
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
A Demon’s Ache — Part 2
Eyeless Jack x Reader (NSFW)
Part 1
Commissioned by @cookiereblogss tysm darling, I really appreciate the support <333
I've given it a title so therefore, I have officially made it a ✨thing✨ The outline has 6 parts rn, but I'm far from done~
AND once I finish Dirty Little Secret on my patreon, I'm thinking I'll rewrite this series but in like,, the reader's POV. So anyways, all that to say I've very much been enjoying this and I'm excited to keep it going uwu 💕💞💓
I've also been having some formatting issues on this one, for some reason?? I tried fixing it up but please lmk if there's anything off AND lmk if you enjoyed <3
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Join my Patreon if you’d like to support me <3
Masterlist: x
It comes as no surprise when he ends up in bed, hard dick in his hand, thinking of you for the god-knows-how-many-th time
Try as he might to fervently rut into his clenched fist, he knows no feeling would ever compare to you bouncing on his cock instead
The taste of you on his tongue had dissipated much too quickly, but that doesn’t stop him from desperately trying to reimagine your arousal on his lips
He grunts, his hips grinding up, cock tensing and twitching in his hold
It’s torturous
He needs you
Precum beads up at his tip, and all he can think about is the way you’d lap it up with your tongue
Every time he imagines all the ways he could fuck you senseless, the word friends interrupts his fantasy
Really, he knows what he’s doing is wrong
He shouldn’t be having such depraved thoughts about someone who doesn’t want anything to do with him beyond friendship
But he can’t help it
You drive him wild
The sounds of your pretty little moans and whimpers are stuck on repeat in his head
The way your body writhed in his touch, the way your perfectly wet cunt tightened around his tongue—everything about you gets him drunk with lust
His room feels unbearably hot
Try as he might to relieve the throbbing ache of his stiff cock, it’s no use
He can’t be satisfied without you
And he realizes, fuck, you’ve triggered a heat
The next few days are absolute hell
He’s on and off his heat
Every time it’s on the cusp of dissipating, his thoughts scramble back to you, and it starts all over again
He waits at least a week before leaving his room—just to be sure seeing you won’t jeopardize anything
And it’s only a day or two after he leaves his room that he runs into you again
It’s an early morning, with pale sunlight streaming through the kitchen windows
You’re at the table, sipping on a coffee, and a few other creeps are scattered about the dining room and kitchen
He doesn’t know whether he should be irritated or grateful that there are other people around
Probably the latter, considering he wouldn’t know how to act if it was just the two of you
But it’s hard to feel grateful when Jeff decides to take a seat right next to you
And god, does he ever hate the way that guy looks at you sometimes
He debates staying or going as he makes his coffee
Staying might aggravate him if he notices Jeff trying to pull any moves on you
But on the other hand, leaving might risk something developing between you and Jeff
The more he can interfere between you and other potential suitors, the better
He can’t let anyone else have you
So even though he’s, admittedly, being childish when he takes the other open spot next to you, he tries to play it off like it’s nothing
Like he hasn’t been jerking off to the thought of you for the past week
You don’t seem to notice, but Jack doesn’t miss the way Jeff glares at him when he sits
Try me, Jack wants to say
Jeff huffs out a breath when he realizes the hybrid won’t back off
And the sheer audacity of that guy—thinking he can just waltz up to you and have you all to himself—it unlocks something primal within Jack
“What’s wrong?”
Your voice, as angelic as ever, suddenly breaks the mounting tension in the room
Jack feels like a filthy perv when the first thing that comes to mind is all those pretty sounds you made when you came against his mouth
He just wants to fuck more of those precious sounds out of you
Deep breaths, deep breaths
“What? What do you mean what’s wrong?” Jeff answers your question with his own, trying to act dumb
And thankfully, the grating sound of his voice is enough to snap Jack out of his fantasy
“Why do you look so aggravated all of a sudden?” you ask, your tone lighthearted and joking as you sip your coffee
“Yeah, Jeff, is something wrong?”
Jack tries to keep his voice as genuine as possible when he backs you up, but he knows Jeff is fully aware of the cocky grin he’s wearing beneath his mask
And he has to suppress a snicker when the guy glowers at him
“Just… life,” Jeff haphazardly grumbles, not wanting to admit Jack’s ruined the alone time he wanted with you
A cruel joke comes to the demon’s mind
It’s dumb and immature, and he knows he shouldn’t say it, but he wants to say it
So, he does
“Oh,” he hums, “is it that problem you’ve mentioned to me before?”
Jeff’s eyes meet his, brow arching
“What problem?” he asks, taking the bait
“You know,” Jack continues, trying to act as natural as possible, “that issue you’ve been having. I told you, you might need to change your diet. More fiber would help you become more regular…”
His chest practically swells with pride when you snort out a laugh
“Oh my god, is that what it is?”
You burst out laughing even harder at the expression on Jeff’s face
“The fuck!? That’s not even true! Why would you say that—what the fuck is your problem, man?!”
He can try to say whatever he wants, but it’s no use; he knows Jack’s gotten the best of him
With an angry snort, he stands
“Whatever, I’m over this,” he growls
And just like that, he walks away, leaving you and a very self-satisfied Jack alone at the table
He finally has you all to himself
Well, minus the creeps coming in and out for coffee and breakfast
But at least none of them seem particularly interested in you
Not in the way Jeff seemed to be, anyways
“Christ, he’s so dramatic,” you chuckle, shaking your head with a smile on your lips
There are suddenly butterflies in Jack’s stomach
God, you’re so fucking cute
“Was that even true?”
You look at him when you ask the question, and he almost forgets how to breathe for a minute
He shrugs, hoping you don’t notice the effect you have on him
“If he’s constipated? I mean, I don’t know if I should say anything about it. Seems like he’s embarrassed about it…”
You shake your head with a snicker
He wants to kiss you
Fuck, he really, really wants to kiss you right now
Crash his lips into yours until he’s all you can think about
He wants to wrap your legs around him, slam your back against the table and make out with you until you’re a pretty little dazed mess beneath him
Blood rushes to his junk
He shifts in place, trying to ignore it
As unwanted as ever, he’s reminded of that fucking word again
But even despite it, he isn’t entirely sure where the two of you stand
Hell—he’s more uncertain than ever
Did you really want to forget that whole thing happened in the first place?
Go about things like normal—as if he hadn’t buried his face between your thighs?
As if you hadn’t pulled his hair and whimpered his name when you came against his lips?
He takes a sip of his coffee in a vain attempt to distract himself
But it’s hard to think straight when his dick keeps throbbing for attention
He quietly clears his throats, as if that could help anything, and he shifts in place again, subtly trying to readjust himself in his grey sweats
It’s only when his knuckles accidentally graze your bare thigh, only when he hears your quiet little gasp, that he freezes in place
The sound was barely audible, but he knows what he heard
He glances down, and he almost groans out loud when he notices what you’re wearing
It’s those same fucking shorts
He’s at a loss for what to do
The both of you are in the middle of the kitchen dining room—for fuck’s sake, he shouldn’t be having half the thoughts he’s having right now
But even then, he can’t bring himself to pull his hand away from your thigh
The minimal amount of skin-on-skin contact is making his head spin
He needs more
He’s never felt so insatiable
He knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t resist stroking at your leg
The motion is slow, soft, calculated, so that he can enjoy every inch of your perfect skin
Neither of you move as he gently traces over your thigh with the back of his knuckles
His chest is pounding
He can hear your heart beating, your breath hitching in your throat whenever he gets closer to the edges of your shorts
He wants you
God, does he ever want you
That pesky word keeps coming to mind again, but he forces himself to forget about it
For now—at the very least
You don’t make a move to stop him
You almost seem to welcome his touch
But that uncertainty is still there
Which is why he takes things unbearably slowly when he moves his hand between your legs to grasp at the flesh of your inner thighs
You make what sounds like a quiet whimper
And the sound goes right to his cock
As if a whole week of jerking off to you wasn’t enough
Inch by inch, his touch dances further up along your thigh
And though it’s subtle, he can’t not notice the way you part your legs just the slightest bit more for him
You’re giving him permission to touch you—right here, right now—of all places?
He breathes in, and when he gets a whiff of your scent, he decides fuck it, there’s no way he can let this opportunity slip him by
So under the cover of the table, even despite the few creeps still lingering about, he pushes past the material of your shorts to access your sex
You’re wet
You’re already turned on for him—he can feel it through your underwear
Screw anyone around to see, he wants to bend you over this table right now and fuck his cum inside you
He wants to breed you and mark you and make sure everyone knows by the sounds of your screams that you’re all fucking his
He strokes your slit up and down through your panties, and he adores the way it has you squirming in place
Fuck, you’re so cute
He wants to ruin you
But he also wants to enjoy every second of this
So he takes his sweet, sweet time running his fingers along your covered sex until he can feel you getting wetter and wetter
It isn’t long for you to thoroughly soak through your panties
And all he wants is to taste you all over again
He swallows down a growl at the thought
His body’s burning for yours
You keep squirming and quietly gasping as he teases you
And he’s so entranced by you, he nearly forgets you’re in an open room
All he can focus on is the way your body’s reacting to him
Whatever delicate threads of control he’s still grasping onto feel like they’re slipping from his hold
When you whine his name out, so cute and desperate and needy for him, it’s all the approval he needs
He pushes your underwear to the side and runs his fingers up and down your slit
The way your arousal gathers on the pads of his fingers almost makes him lose it
He just wants to pull you into his lap and fuck up into you until you’re gushing around his cock
But somehow, he manages to hold himself back
He teases at your clit very, very briefly, before then slowly sinking two digits into your opening
His chest rumbles with an involuntary groan as he immediately feels you clench around him
You bite back a moan, but he can still hear the way you sigh at the feeling
You’re so wet, so perfectly tight around him
He imagines how good you’d feel wrapped around his dick
You shift in place, breathing his name out in a shaky moan, and it’s a miracle he still has the self-control to not screw your brains out yet
He’s about to suggest taking things to your room when Hoodie walks in and locks eyes with you
If Jack were any more coherent beyond his lust, he’d probably pull his hand out of your pants
But he’s beyond giving a shit at this point
The proxy pauses, almost curiously, and instead of going for the fridge or pantry, or wherever he was going to go, he makes his way towards you
Jack feels you stiffen
You clench around his fingers, your breathing uneven
He knows he should stop
But he’s not done enjoying the warmth of your tight cunt fluttering around him
And so what if Hoodie notices?
At least then, he’d know who you belong to
The demon is entirely aware he’s being selfish
But he can’t bring himself to care
He’s too far gone
So even as he watches Hoodie greet you, even as he watches you, dazed and horny and sex-drunk off his fingers, struggling to greet the proxy normally, he doesn’t pull away
Let him know
Let him know who you’re allowing to do such depraved things to you
“(Y/n), you missed our training session this morning,” Hoodie says, and a bout of anger flares up in Jack’s chest
Oh how he loathes the thought of another man getting physical with you
It makes him curl his fingers inside you to reach right up against a spot that has you cinching around him
You squeeze your eyes shut, biting your lip briefly before you can recover
“Y-yeah, uhm, sorry about that”
Your voice is shaky, your face visibly flushed
But you haven’t even tried to stop Jack yet
You want this as much as he does
“I, ah, I meant to let you know, but I—I forgot… to mention it”
In and out, the hybrid painstakingly slowly pumps his fingers inside your velvety walls as you try to talk normally
He flattens his palm against your clit, and your hips buck against his touch, which you quickly try to pass off as shifting in your seat
“Hm, that’s alright,” the proxy hums, then tilts his head curiously. “Is it because you weren’t feeling well? You look kind of… off”
Jack stiffens as the man reaches out to press his hand against your cheek
It’s just to check if you’re feverish, the logical part of him knows that, but the irrational part of him despises that he’s just laid a finger on you
A warning growl emanates out of his chest—low enough that it seems to slip Hoodie’s attention, but loud enough that you seem to notice it
You’re his—what’s not to fucking understand?
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just… ah, j-just didn’t sleep too well—“
Something like a choked moan evades you again, and you have to pretend to cough to avoid suspicion
Jack grinds his hand against your clit, and your whole body reacts to his touch
“S’alright,” the demon hums, and he briefly wonders if Hoodie notices the unusually husky timber of his voice when he does, “she might have the flu, but I’m checking up on it. She should be fine, nothing serious”
You squirm, and he teases at your sweet spot again, the calloused pads of his fingers rubbing right where you need it most
You can’t look Hoodie in the eyes as your thighs start trembling
Your hand looks unsteady as you bring the coffee to your lips, but you manage to drink it down without spilling anything
The proxy glances between you and Jack, and Jack wonders if he’s caught on yet
Either way, if he has, he doesn’t show it
“Well, alright, I hope you feel better soon. Let me know when you want to train next time”
You nod, humming to hide another whimper as Jack’s fingers don’t relent
And then finally, finally, Hoodie leaves
As soon as he’s out of earshot, Jack crams his fingers into your inviting heat in a slew of rough thrusts
You gasp, almost moaning out very loudly before you manage to cover your mouth to muffle it
It doesn’t take long for you to cum around his digits
And god, you’re breath-taking as you do so
Your back arches, body tensing as your teeth bite down hard into your lips to prevent a scream from escaping
How he wishes those were his teeth biting into you instead
And just like that first time he made you cum, he can’t seem to bring himself to stop
It’s only when you’re shaking from the overstimulation, only when you reach out to pull his hand away, that he finally relents
His fingers are dripping with your arousal
He knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t resist bringing them up to his mouth to taste you off his digits
And fuck, you taste just as good as you did the first time
You’re panting, chest heaving, a perfectly unfocused look in your eyes
He wants to pick you up, take you to the nearest bedroom and fuck you stupid
Friends, fuck-buddies, potential partners—he doesn’t know where the two of you stand
But at this point, labels don’t matter, he thinks, not really, anyways
He’s not letting anything come between the two of you
You're his
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
Can you do the scene "he was my monster too"? That complete dialogue
Yeah, sure!
I love that line and scene (as every Darklina fan) because it really describes their dynamic. It's basically their relationship in just a few words and I'll explain to you why.
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I'll start from here.
The Darkling used various means to get her to his side in that scene. First he bargained, then appealed to her loneliness that drew him to her every time through the tether, then pointed out that Mal couldn't understand her and now she knows it, then used Genya to show her what happens every time she leaves him, then tried to make her understand that they could save more lives together and kinda chastised her for the fact that she's stuck on the Novokribirsk murders and doesn't look beyond that, towards the persecution that's happening on a global scale for so many years.
Did he use various manipulative techniques to get her here? Yes.
Did he also mean the things he said? Also yes.
The Darkling sees in her the very thing that first separated him from other people too so many years ago: the rare powers they both have and can't find someone else to relate to.
Also, the fact that he has been proven correct ever since he witnessed Alina growing distant from Mal and feeling more and more alone makes him believe in that line even more.
Who else has rare Grisha powers? The Darkling
Who else is immortal? The Darkling
Who else has been "separated" from all others because of these great powers? The Darkling
Alina knew it all along but has been denying it to herself, clutching desperately on Mal in hopes that everything will go alright between them. But now, when Aleksander speaks these words, she realizes how true that is. There is the person that in terms of power and needs she can match and relate with.
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I always believed that he wasn't only excited about having Alina's power in his hands here but also for the fact that she finally decided to willingly come to him. This is the first time that is happening ever since she left him on the Winter fete since she fought him every other time.
Her power is for his plans.
But her willingness and resignation are for him. He awaited this moment and wanted it for so long.
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The connection between Aleksander and Alina existed long before the latter got the collar. So I bet that the collar and the nichevo'ya bite only enhanced that connection.
They can "touch" each other's powers. Reach out and feel it. They're connected in such a deep and strong spiritual way. I don't think any other Grisha have ever experienced that with another of his kind. They truly were unique.
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Now these are the lines that are the basis of my "Alina feels embarrassed for her dark side and therefore afraid to admit that she wants the Darkling" philosophy and I will die on this hill.
Aside from the fact that this makes her an unreliable narrator, this is a major flaw of her character that Bardugo never fixed.
Alina, as every other person in the world, has light and darkness inside of her. But she's too afraid to admit it and, more importantly, even more afraid of embracing it. And that pushes her back. Instead of having this character accept her dark side and even using it at times on a moderate scale, we have her running away from it, never fully accepting it and presenting it as something disgusting inside of her.
Leigh could use this scene as the basis for her development. This and the "She would make herself a reckoning. She would rise" could be excellent premises of a girl becoming a strong woman and warrior, determined to save and lead her people and unite them with the otkazat'sya. Willing to become Queen just so she can make a change for the better and learn from the Darkling's actions and mistakes. Instead in R&R we got the same Alina. Again.
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Alina had darkness inside her long before the Darkling did something. For example, when she let those people die on the skiff. The Darkling just put the kind of darkness inside her that made her connected to the volcra, the Fold, the nichevo'ya. There's a difference here.
Now. About that line.
I've said it before that Darklina is a ship of contradictions: man and woman, light and dark, good and bad. They're two sides of the same coin and therefore complete each other. In a way, one cannot live without the other. And they each have a piece that the other lacks and still wants.
The Darkling has darkness and Alina is a creature of light. But she still seeks that darkness in him and when she used it, it felt right and powerful and not at all strange.
Alina has light and the Darkling is a creature of darkness. But he still searches for her light because, to his great surprise, he likes the feeling of it.
You can see this aspect of them in their following quotes:
‘And he was my monster too.’
- Siege and Storm
‘Because with her he was human again.’
- Rule of Wolves
Both of them don't want to admit it. They recoil from it but Alina can't help but feel drawn to his darkness, to his "monstrous" side just as much Aleksander can't help but be enticed by her light, by her humanity. They bring out a wave of emotions and needs to each other that upset them.
But if only Alina kept believing in that line and if only that relationship and this aspect of it was explored more. It's so painfully interesting that I can't believe how the author chose to spend her trilogy talking about Malina.
Like seriously? Them over THIS SHIP AND THE WAY THEY WORK??
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Current WIPs: Feb 2024
Active WIPs with most recent updates posted in the past month featuring time travel, road trips, fake dating and some rare pairs. Happy reading!
✨ Be sure to show the authors some love and appreciation with kudos and comments on the fics you enjoyed!
*Authors: if your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you are linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me and I will remove it.
✍️ A Disaster, Beyond Measure by drabbleswabbles* [NR, 1K, 1/?] Hawkins Fuller is a campaign manager with a PR disaster on his hands. The solution involves pretending to date none other than Timothy Laughlin.
Featuring: unrealistic portrayals of the life and job of a campaign manager for the sake of the fake dating trope.
✍️ Manhattan by @morulezopelforever | OpelForever  [E, 17K, 17/?] This story is based on Tim's brief romance with Father Gallagher when he was still a student at a Jesuit university in New York, a few years before he met Hawk in Washington. I believe that this little tale of a lost first love broke down any boundary that might have stopped Hawk from starting a courtship with Tim.
Part 1 of The Violet and the Rose
✍️ Too old to play (and too young to mess around) by @bejeweledmp3 | ninav [M, 15K, 2/5] Kimberly Fuller goes on a two-week vacation to San Francisco, in which she: drinks excessive amounts of tea, gets betrayed, cries more than she should, eats donuts, and seeks out truth with the help of a man she only knows from a presentation card; not necessarily in that order. But mostly, she finds her father in every least expected place. And learns to make her peace with what that means.
✍️ I Sing the Body Electric by telescape8* [M, 17K, 7/?] Modern AU. It all starts on Election Night 2016. Tim falls hard. Hawk falls harder.
✍️ Sands of Time (Turn Backwards) by @brouill3r | brouiller [NR, 10K, 4/?] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same. In the still night air of a hotel room, clutching a cracked paperweight to his chest like it's carved of the finest gold, Hawk gets his wish. Or, a time-travel fix-it fic that nobody asked for.
✍️ What Happens in Washington by Adidastommo* [E, 7K, 4/?] Hawk knew better than to begin an affair with someone who worked with him, let alone someone who worked for him. It was beyond risky. But, when the recent college graduate Tim Laughlin begins working as his assistant, Hawk starts to challenge his better judgment.
✍️ Sempiternal by winstarkasm* [NR, 7K, 5/20] Sempiternal : eternal and unchanging; everlasting “I will find you, openly choose you, love you without conditions, and be the person you deserve.” - Hawkins Zebadiah Fuller
✍️ We’ll be on the road like jack kerouac  by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 2K, 1/5] He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had. The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket. An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one. “What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?”
Or, Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco.
✍️ Beautiful Things by @carrotcakecrumble | LuxLox [M, 1K, 1/4] -- I turn away from the radio I’d just been tuning, there’s a crackle and pop on the wave, but Miller’s ‘Over the rainbow’ is just about spattering through in tune. Kenny says something about how he loves this one. It could be the first time he’s hearing it, for all I know. He falls in love with everything. – A multi-chapter fic following a young Hawk and Kenny throughout their relationship, from beginning to end.
✍️ Send Back the World by Anonymous [NR, 2K, 1/?] There is nothing so bitter as regret. And nothing so sweet as a second chance.
Or, Hawk gets yet another chance to fuck it up again.
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m-i-s-a-n-t-r-o-p · 1 year
Things will get better with time
Hey! This is my first ever fic so hopefully it makes some sense haha. Written for a lovely soul I met here on Tumblr a few days ago, asking someone to write them a comfort fic so here i am, trying to save the day. Hope you will like it! Tell me what you think!
Ps. this is not proofread, it is 11pm here and my brain is dying:)
Pairing: Billy Russo x fem!reader (not canon, this Billy is actually sweet and caring!)
warnings: a bit of swearing, feelings of being unworthy (can't think of anything else tbh)
Summary: You are on a girl's trip in Greece with your best friend but things aren't really going the way you anticipated. After a fight with her, you leave the hotel and find yourself sitting on a lonely bench when a weird stranger asks if you're okay.
A lot of angst to comfort.
Word count: 2937
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Greece. Greece. 
You muttered to yourself as your eyes scanned over the department board once more, simply to confirm that this was really happening. Your first ever trip abroad. You were beyond excited as you continued to find your friend in the maze of people and luggage. All the thoughts of warm nights, hours spent by the beach and days of simply existing and relaxing were filling your mind. As you finally spotted Stephanie your excitement grew even more. A girl’s trip, something you have anticipated for quite some time now. She was, as usual, completely wrapped up in her boyfriend’s arms. Not that you didn’t want her to be happy, not that you were jealous, it was just… sometimes you wanted to spend time with just her, without Luke always there. But now you have finally managed to escape his prying eyes, his ever-present arms around your best friend and his snarky comments of always stealing his girl away from him. And to be honest, you were pretty happy about finally getting rid of him. 
“I’ll miss you baby,” Stephanie said for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. The boarding would start any minute now and yet here you were, still in the departure hall, trying to get Steph to bid goodbye and finally enjoy herself on this trip. Luke hugged her once more while saying “Call me every day, okay baby girl?” and your friend profoundly nodded, as if to confirm something far greater than just to call her boyfriend every once in a while. 
The flight, to your surprise, was quite smooth. That went without counting Stephanie’s constant cries of how she wishes Luke would have come with you. Don’t be so harsh, you told yourself, it is the first time they are really away from each other. You tried to seek some understanding within you and for the first hour you actually did find it. But when the conversation would not steer in a different direction even after two hours, you simply excused yourself from the one-sided debate, popped in your earphones and tried to fall asleep. You thought of all the beaches again, of the sea, and of course, of all the handsome men you will probably meet in Greece. 
It was not as if Steph was a bad friend. She was wonderful at times. Attentive, caring, supportive. But that was all before she met Luke. After they started dating, you have been cast aside, thrown away like a used doll that didn’t fit the child’s expectations anymore. And you understood, for who you were to stand between two people in love? So you salvaged all the little time you could get with your friend, enduring all the conversations about her love life, feeling happy for her. You just hoped things would get better with time. But they never really did. 
When you finally touched down in Greece, you were welcomed with gentle warm breeze on your cheeks and the sun stroking your hair gently in the late afternoon. The ride to your hotel was silent, a fact you were much thankful for after the exhausting flight. You guessed Steph was tired too but as you looked behind your shoulder to the backseat, you found her with her phone glued to her hands, her eyes fixed on the screen. “Everything good Steph?” you asked, concerned something was the matter as she was frowning quite hard. She looked up momentarily and forged a small smile on her lips as a form of wordless apology. She said, surprising you “Yeah, it’s just Luke. He was asking about the flight; you know how he is with planes” and chuckling a bit to herself as her eyes returned to the screen. You simply nodded, knowing she is not paying attention to you anyways. Luke, always Luke… even here in Greece, with all the beautiful scenery around, it’s always Luke. Yet you could not really bring yourself to feel anger, or at least not enough of it. It will get better, you thought to yourself as the car came to a halt in front of your hotel. 
The first two days were weird, to say the least. Your room was spacious, beautifully furnished and with a dazzling view of the town you were staying in and of the seemingly endless glimmering sea. The food was great, the people were kind and the weather even kinder to you. You have heard quite a lot of people say that Greece is insufferable at this time of the year for its hot temperatures, but you guessed you were lucky as there was always gentle breeze cooling you down. Everything was great. Except that it was not. Stephanie, despite promising you she would reserve her daily calls with Luke for the less busy afternoons, was on her phone most of the time. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Luke’s calling me, I gotta go”.
“Can this wait? Luke and I are going to facetime now”.
“Luke’s texting me, hold that thought!”
On and on, these sentences and their versions filled your days like a plague. You were getting tired of always being put second, never really being the first option Steph would choose. Because even though she was there with you, she still decided to prioritize her boyfriend. Now don’t get it wrong, you were happy for her, you truly were. But you also thought that maybe this was not entirely fair towards you. After all this was supposed to be a getaway from your work, you busy life, from all the other people. It was supposed to be just the two of you, like the old times. And you still thought that maybe things will get better. 
The late afternoon has finally begun to bleed into an endless night when you suggested going for a walk through the little town. “I suppose we could do that; it could be fun!” Stephanie exclaimed, finally agreed to doing something other than just lying in her bed facetiming Luke. You were beyond happy for finally snatching some of her attention for yourself. The two of you agreed on dressing up a bit so that you could take some lovely photos by the white houses typical for this area. You put on a beautiful flowy dress that hugged your curves perfectly and reached just above your bare knees, with flowing sleeves of blue see-through fabric. The neckline was a little lower than what you would usually go for, yet it still didn’t reveal much, only a hint, only a tease. Your hair was twisted into a simple up-do and you also put on some lighter make up, just to compliment the look. As you stood in front of the mirror, you felt so beautiful. Yet something was still missing. Oh, the earrings! You thought as you remembered you bought a pair of intricate gold earrings on the farmer’s market the other day. An old lady sold them to you, telling you they were literally made for you. And boy, was she right. You looked gorgeous. 
“Steph, I’m ready!” you called out from the bathroom. 
But your friend didn’t return the excitement which now began to slowly replace itself with disappointment. “You’re gonna hate me…” She didn’t even need to go on, you already knew where this was going. “Luke? Again? Seriously? You guys just spent the last four hours talking on the phone!” and this long-held disappointment and neglect has finally merged into a well-deserved anger. “But he says it’s important! Come on, you can’t be mad at me. I miss him so much…” Stephanie countered your angry statement with a response filled with sadness. “I wouldn’t be mad if it was just a one-time thing but Steph, you’ve been on your phone the whole time we’ve been here. I feel like I don’t even exist to you!” now you were beginning to fight, your emotions getting the better of you. “That’s now true!” your friend yelled back at you. “You know goddamn well that it is.” You said, voice barely above whisper, as if you were afraid that if you spoke loudly it would break. As if you stood your ground, then you would break. And Stephanie just stood there, looking at you, not really knowing what to say. Maybe she knew you were right, maybe she did really feel bad. But it didn’t matter anymore. You were hurt, you were lonely and you just wanted to hide somewhere and cry your heart out. So, picking up your purse and walking towards the door, you turned to her one last time and quietly left. There was nothing else to say. 
You could not exactly recall when the tears started to stream down your face, ruining your pretty make up. And you also could not recall when you’ve abolished trying to walk in these uncomfortable shoes, or how exactly you got to the lonely bench you were now sitting on. The moon was high up in the sky now, the stars singing their lullaby to anyone willing to listen. The sea was quiet and dark, a companion for worse times. And the omnipresent wind sometimes ever-so-slightly ruffled through the leaves of the trees enveloping you like a safe haven. It was peaceful, to say the least. And it indeed was a nice contrast to the war of emotions taking place in your heart. A part of you felt bad for leaving Steph like that, a part of you felt like maybe you should have yelled at her more. And as you were crying silently in the embrace of the night, you didn’t even notice the presence of someone else behind you. 
“Are you alright?
You jumped at the sound of a deep velvet voice that cut through the silence like a knife. Oh shit, oh shit. Suddenly the state of your situation started to dawn on you. You were completely alone, on the outskirts of the city, in a dress and now with a strange man. I’m fucked. You decided to play it safe.
“Yeah.” You tried to sound strong but your voice was laced with sadness and salty tears. 
“Are you sure? I thought I heard you cryin’ so I decided to check on you.” The stranger spoke up, his voice firm, yet somehow gentle and warm. Maybe he was not a bad guy after all. And you so desperately needed a shoulder to cry on, you didn’t really care whose the shoulder would be. 
When you didn’t reply, too caught up in thinking about the pros and cons, the man quietly moved next to the bench. But he didn’t sit down just yet. He was approaching you as if you were a scared animal, trying to get you to trust him. His scent filled the air around you; a sweet cologne, a bit of fire and something you could not quite name. It was pleasant, you had to admit. 
“Mind if I sit?” he asked, jerking you out of your overthinking. You silently nodded to let him know he could sit down next to you, hoping he wasn’t some kind of a creep. He sat down next to you, not close enough to let your shoulders touch, but not far enough that you could not sense the warmth radiating off his body. 
“So…” he said, suddenly unsure of himself. But you could not bare the weight of all the emotions anymore and words started to spill out without you having any control over them.
“I hate it, I hate her. I hate that I feel like this. I feel so fucking lonely, on my own goddamn holiday! I thought we would have a good time, that I would relax and enjoy myself and instead I am here, sitting on a bench god knows where with a stranger listening to me because my best friend is too selfish to do that instead.” At the end you were almost screaming into the night, your body trembling, your eyes stained with tears, your heart breaking at the realisation of what was really happening. It was pathetic really. Telling a stranger things like that, how does that even happen? But you felt like you could trust him. There was just something about him that made you feel safe. And he was listening intently, not saying anything. He was just there. And that was all you needed in that moment. When he noticed how shaken up you were, he placed his hand affirmingly on shoulder to encourage you to continue. When you calmed down a bit, you resumed your rant. 
“My friend and I, we agreed to go here on vacation. As a way to relax, you know. I thought it would be great. It is actually my first ever trip abroad. But she wouldn’t get off the phone. She is always talking to her boyfriend. Always. Texting, calling, facetiming, you name it. It’s as if I’m not even there! And it hurts so much, it feels so lonely. And I tried talking to her about it but we just got into a fight and now I am here, crying instead of enjoying this trip.”
His fingers were drawing gentle circles on your bare shoulder and you found it soothing. 
“I’m so sorry. That’s pretty shitty.”
“Yeah, it is shitty.” It almost made you laugh. Because it was shitty. 
“Look, your friend is a really bad friend. Abandoning you like this, that’s not somethin’ good friends do. You deserve so much better than this. I usually tell people that they should talk things out but if you’ve tried that and it turned into an argument, maybe it would be better if you gave this friendship some time and space. So that both of you can assess your priorities. And to also realize what is important to you.” He said, his voice calm and even, comforting your worried heart. “It doesn’t take the pain away now, I know. But it will help you a lot in the future.”
“I hate that you’re right.” you agreed and much to your surprise, smiled. “It’s just a lot of built-up anger I suppose. And disappointment too. It has been going on like this for quite some time but I never really noticed it until now.”
He took a breath as if to think a bit on what to say next, as if you weren’t going to like what he got to say about it. “I understand. Sometimes we just want to see the good in people no matter how much they’ve hurt us. And we are too blind to see that they are causin’ too much pain and not enough happiness. Sometimes it’s just better to let people go. You can be happy on your own, happier even. You know, go and see a movie alone, go to a museum or to the beach, just enjoy your own company.” 
“But doesn’t that get lonely?” you asked, still looking out at the sea. It calmed you down, the repetitiveness of the waves, the sound of water and also the warmth of his hand still on your shoulder. 
“Sometimes. But I have found out it is better to be lonely than to be with the wrong people.”
It were those words that made you finally turn around and look at him. And you were met with a sight worth more than words could ever describe. A man so handsome you thought he was conjured by your own imagination. But then, your imagination could not possibly produce something so perfect. His eyes, dark as the sea draped in darkness, looking warmly at you. His lips curled into the faintest reassuring smile. You could tell his hair was once neatly styled with gel, now ruffled and messy, yet still looking soft. And to top it all off, his perfectly trimmed beard. 
He smiled at you, a wide and beautiful smile. “Hey there.”
You weren’t looking at him, no, you were quite intently staring. “I’m Billy.” He extended his hand towards you, waiting.
“Y/N” you said at last, smiling too. You shook his hand and suddenly felt the urge to apologise. “I’m so sorry, I probably shouldn’t have done tha-“ “Don’t apologize sweetheart. I couldn’t bear to see you cry.”
A quiet “Thank you” found its way onto your lips. And his smile grew even wider. “Please, don’t thank me. Letting you talk it out was the least I could do.” 
And even though his voice was reassuring, and his eyes told you he spoke earnestly, you still couldn’t shake the feeling you should feel bad. Maybe because you were still shaken up from Stephanie not listening to you or maybe because you found yourself on a bench in Greece with this handsome man, spilling your heart out. And suddenly, tears rolled down your cheeks again and your heart felt too heavy to carry once more. 
“Oh no, baby, come here.” Billy said as he wiped some of your tears with his thumbs. “Shhh, it’s all okay sweetheart, it’s okay” he whispered into your hair as he pulled you closer. His strong arms hid you away from the world, pressed against his chest, and you wished for nothing more than to simply stay in this little shelter that he suddenly became. “I’m here Y/N, I’m here. All is well, it’s okay” he repeated, rocking you back and forth, as you cried into his shirt. And as you stayed there, on that bench, talking the night away in Billy’s arms, you let yourself believe that, for the first time in a while, things will get better with time.
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Hey! I'm just in love with your Gerard fanfics. could you make one based on "the archer"? I love the angst of your fics. fem!reader please 🥺
Love this prompt!- coming from someone with anxiety lol
Title: The Archer
Word count: 2,233 words Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader Warnings: Anxiety, stress, throwing up (does that count as a warning?)
The internal chemical cocktail of anxiety, perfectionism, and pleasing other people had taken you long ways in your life. You had been outrageously successful for your age, the internal voice always yelling at you to do better. It constantly made sure you never got more than a second of happiness with accomplishments so you would long for the drug of endless accomplishments more and more.
You kept venerability hidden deep in the crevices of your veins and far beyond where the eye could see. You made sure you weaknesses were targeted and bullied by yourself first before someone could jump on the wound and pour more salt. You had already done that yourself. You had constantly ensured things were done way ahead of time even if that meant jumping out of bed at 3 am in an anxiety spiraling and working until the sun came up. You didn’t want to be a workaholic, or obsess over your image, or worry about your success. It was just an inherent part of who you were as a person.
It should have never been shocking that this led to tumultuous relationships that seemed to sink under the thunderstorm of your mind when the inevitable harsh waves of self-destruction settled beneath the ship. It was like clockwork, the way that relationships wouldn’t last longer than a year when those deep dark parts of you made themselves known and snaked their way around their body to cover you in a their effortless black ink. The only people that ever stayed were the ones who were aware of your imperfections and deep flaws, and took you as you were not questioning your continuous habits that led to explosions.
You were on letter 46 now to Gerard explaining you wanted to break up. Not because you didn’t love him or because he had done anything wrong. It was quite the opposite, you just knew you were too much of a danger and a liability to be standing next to him and take him down with you when you fell. Your leg feverously bounced up and down to no particular rhythm as you attempted to formulate every feeling you had without outrightly telling him what they were. This would probably end up shredded in your trash can anyways, as the other 45 had.
“I want to let you in” was the last thing you were able to write, “But I can’t trust anyone in there.”
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You were in a funk, something that you usually found yourself in maybe once a month. The biggest problem with this funk, is it happened to fall on a date with Gerard. Not just any date, but your one year anniversary. It was clearly a celebration to anyone looking into the little house of a relationship you had built, but to you it was a funeral.
Your anxiety felt like it was up to your throat today, and you couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from. But doing your makeup was the biggest pain in your ass right now, especially on try number 11 for eyeliner that kept coming off too blotchy. “Fuck!” You whisper yelled as you messed it up again, throwing the pen into the bathtub and aggressively scrubbing the already throbbing red skin with another makeup wipe as it stung with each rub.
You wanted to cry, but that would have made your mascara fuck up and then your entire face ruined. But looking at yourself in the mirror right now, all you noticed was the slight discoloration of all the things you did wrong today on your face. The pimple you tried to cover up with layers of concealer after a stress-induced break out. The ever so slightly different shades of blush since your brush stroked weren’t perfect on both sides.
There were only 20 minutes left until Gerard was here, and knowing him he would actually be a bit early. You decided to bail on the mascara and just try to fix your makeup without overdoing it or completely wiping it off. You would have to live with feeling out of place and self-conscious tonight, because at this point you didn’t have an option.
A subtle knock came on your door. You took a deep, strong breath in and out before putting your game face on, putting on the best fake smile you could (which was pretty damn believable) and grabbed your bag. You opened the door to a dressed up Gerard (a relatively rare occurrence) with a sly smile on his face and flowers in his hand. “Hey, sweetheart.” He opened up with as you forced yourself to smile wider.
“Hey, Gee.” You said back, letting him give you a small kiss on the lips. You took the flowers from his graciously, thanking him and putting them on your counter before leaving and closing the door behind you. The small typical formalities were exchanged, trying to start conversation, but you had always hated the question, “Are you alright?” Which of course he had to ask.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You smiled up at him although deep inside you were screaming you weren’t. “Just a long day, that’s all.” You were thankful he didn’t push more, but that always opened up the negative part of the entire thing, which was the sneaking intuition that he knew it was much more than “just a long day”. As you got into his car he quickly plugged in directions to get you to the restaurant, and as much as you wanted to talk and say something you found no motivation or driver in you to do so.
He seemed to respect that boundary, but within five minutes of the drive had quickly realized that going out to a fancy restaurant with lots of people was not a good idea. First it was your inability to look at him and just outside the window. Then your leg that began bouncing up and down shockingly fast. Finally it was fiddling with your finger tips and clearly being lost in your thoughts while doing so.
“Ya know, we don’t need to go to a fancy restaurant to celebrate this.” He began at a red light, you looked up at him for the first time the entire ride and for the first time since seeing you today, your eyes seemed to light up just a bit. “I mean, that’s so unlike us.” He further explained, “Why don’t we just like, go home, and order take out.” You nodded your head. “I mean, if it’s not a problem-““Not at all.” He softly smiled, ending the directions and turning the car around.
You were still a bit standoffish and generally distant throughout the night. It didn’t take a genius to realize your mind was running 100 miles a minute and it definitely didn’t take longer than a few minutes for Gerard to figure that out either. Especially with your favorite dish sitting in front of you as you forced small bites that you clearly did not enjoy. He hated to see you like this, and wondered why, but tried not to make a scene as you were clearly trying your best to act normal and not cause anything either.
You eventually stopped eating and sat there for a few moments as if trying to focus on something, “Baby?” He finally asked, realizing your face was shading over a bit pale and eyes wide, “What’s wrong?”
“I think I’m gonna throw up.” Was all you said, bolting up and speed walking to the bathroom with your mouth covered. He was close behind you, finally reaching the bathroom only to see you over the toilet seat and belching everything you had eaten that day out. He sighed, kneeling down beside you and holding your hair firmly in his hand, rubbing your back. When you were finally done, your body slouching against the wall and chest heaving, he ran his fingers through your hair to soothe you. As soon as you had calmed down a bit more, he brought a cool, wet towel to your face placing it against your forehead.
“Honey,” He said, giving you a kiss on the top of your head, “What’re you stressing about?” You huffed and closed your eyes knowing he would see right through you.
“How come you just- you’re too good at this.” You responded as he gave a sympathetic smile, “You’re not supposed to worry about my stress.”“I am supposed to worry about it when you’re throwing up your entire day, practically shaking, and your eyes are unable to focus on one thing.” He sighed, “Is it work? Friends? Family? I can try to help-““No, it’s none of that.” You explained with groan as your head got shot through with a rough ache. You took another moment to compose yourself. “It’s all of this.”“All of this?”“Yes, this.” You replied, “I’m being vulnerable and as soon as that happens the relationship starts dying.” He wanted to scoff at that but kept it to himself.
“Pretty sure the entire point of a relationship is to be with each other through good and bad.” He explained. “Baby, it may be easy to hide anxiety from other people, but you’re dating someone who also has anxiety. It doesn’t slide that easy.”“I’m supposed to be put together though,” You rebutted, “Like- shit always goes downhill from here.”“It’s not going to with me,” He assured, “If anything, I’m glad we’re talking through this so I can help you in the future.”“You sound like my parents,” You rolled your eyes which he smiled at, “Or like a therapist. Maybe both.”
“Baby, just tell me what’s on your mind.” He pleaded, “Please?” You took a small sigh, collecting yourself for the continuous waterworks of emotions that were bound to start erupting as soon as you began your explanation.
“Just- a lot is happening right now in life and on top of the amount of worry I already have I’m worried this is going to end. They all do, every relationship has, so this one’s bound to. And it feels like I’m drowning here in constant worry and like waters in my throat and like I-“ You took a small moment to catch your shaky breath, “Like I can’t do this.”
He sat across from you on the tile bathroom floor with a look of sympathy of his face. He didn’t respond for a few seconds. You wondered if it was because he wanted to give you time and space to breathe, or if he was formulating and unsure what to say. Maybe both.
“Thank you for sharing that with me,” Was how he started. “What can I do to help life some of this off of you? Especially the relationship part?”“I don’t know and that’s what’s so damn frustrating.” You sighed out, still holding the now drying washcloth on your forehead and closing your eyes for a few seconds. “You do everything right already. Literally fucking perfectly. And my mind still won’t let me be convinced you’re gonna stay.”
“I know this isn’t going to help much, but I will never leave you.” He began, “Even if you don’t believe me, I just need to put it out there. And if for whatever reason, I did, I would talk to you first about why and looking at how we could fix stuff.” You sat for a few moments just staring at him. “Do you trust me?”
You nodded.
“Then know that I promise you that much. Okay?” You nodded again. “Why don’t I draw you a bath, hm?”
“Yes, please.” You said lightly, now removing the towel from your head as your lightheadedness began to slip away. “Can you join me?” You asked a moment later as he was already up, reaching over the tub and starting the water. He looked back at you with a small smile.
“Of course,” He replied.
It was not sensual or sexual, it was peaceful. You needed the skin to skin with him to feel grounded, to remind yourself that it was real, what he said was true. You knew deep down he was right: he would never leave you, and if he was thinking about it he would talk to you first. He knew too much about you and your worried and psyche to just break up with you. He knew it would hurt you, and you knew he would never hurt you.
“Happy anniversary, baby.” He whispered into your ear from where he sat behind you, your back flush against his chest. You smiled.
“Happy anniversary to you too,” You said back, grabbing one of his hands to toys with his fingers. You did this whenever you became a bit nervous as a method to calm yourself down. “This really has been the best year of my life.” You could feel the smile growing on his lips that grazed your shoulder.
“Gonna give you a lifetime of best years ever.” He told you with a level of confidence in his voice that rebutted all the conflicting anxieties stirring in your mind. You let your muscles go, all the tension relating and melting into him.
“You’re so sure about me?” You asked, craning your next a bit to make eye contact with him.
“I don’t think I’ve been more sure about anything in my life.”
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cayenneexe · 7 months
More Charbee Prompt Rambles
I was spiraling a few hours ago but i had cookies and milk so im okay
This is part of a series I had planned that revolved around a single headcanon:
For every Bumblebee, there is the Charlie Watson that named him.
And here’s my take on the TF Animated universe.
On his first week working on the clean up ship, Bee accidentally connected to a radio on Earth. The radio was owned by Charlie and fixed up by a young genius she was babysitting. Bee listened to Charlie through the radio and listened to her music but after days of constant Smiths, he made his presence known and spoke to her by changing the channels, making his annoyance on the lack of variety clear. Charlie finds Bee amusing and they come up with a system to alternate music choices every week. Over time, their tastes seem to blend with with other and soon share more things beyond music taste. Charlie nicknames the voice Bumblebee because of the buzzing noises whenever he’s silent or choosing a song. Bee gets attached to the name and later changes his callsign to Bumblebee.
They knew each other for a few months. At that point, they each knew each other better than themselves, turning to the radio when they need someone to talk to.
Then the ship was attacked and the Autobots were stuck in stasis for 50 years.
After meeting Sari and the professor, he finds out that Charlie was Sumdac’s babysitter. Her dad and Sumdac’s dad were college friends and Charlie offered to babysit at Detroit during summer break. Hopeful and afraid, Bee asks where he could find her. Sumdac takes Bee to see Charlie at Brighton Falls. She hasn’t visited Detroit in years since her last heart attack put her in the hospital for almost a year. They find her still working at her uncle’s junkyard, which she now owns after his passing.
They never met face to face before and they were as beautifully imperfect as they could imagine.
They talk and Charlie confesses that ever since she met him, her life has been better. She moved on from her dad’s death, fixed the car, has a better relationship with her family, and even joined diving again, going to the Olympics and getting four gold medals before she retired. She never had the time to get married or have kids but she’s happy with the life she had.
Bee thanks Charlie for making his life on the ship much brighter, confessing that he was afraid of being undermined because of his size and knowing that he had someone to turn to made him feel more safe and comfortable now that he had a little safe place to go to.
Charlie is dying from heart problems so Bee tries to make every moment last before he has to go back to Detroit. They go on joyrides and learn how to swim (Bee was ecstatic to see Charlie dive for the first time) before ending the day sleeping while watching the Breakfast Club.
When Bee wakes up, he finds that Charlie passed away peacefully on his lap with a smile on her face.
He kisses her on the cheek and whispers before calling Sumdac;
“I will never forget you.”
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snakebites-and-ink · 6 months
Working Normally
I’m feeling ready to try my hand at posting whump series made of several chapters! I’m starting with one of the probably less-ambitious of my planned multi-part WIPs so I can smoothly ease myself into writing longer series.
Meet Asher, a pet who (with his master’s permission) holds a job as an IT guy. Set in the box boy universe.
The current plan is for me to post a new chapter about every two weeks, but whether I’m able to maintain this will be dependent on how much of a writing stockpile I can create during winter break ^^'
Chapter 2
CW: BBU, pet whump, dehumanization
“Did you try powering it off and turning it back on?
That was a question Asher always had to ask. At least half the time that was all it took to fix something, yet surprisingly few people tried it before calling for him.
“Do I look stupid to you?” The man asked.
Asher swallowed back a sigh. “Of course not. I just have to ask so I know what you’ve already tried.”
The answer seemed to mollify the man. “Yeah, I turned it off and back on. It’s still broken.”
Asher nodded and sat in front of the computer. “I’ll see what I can do.”
It was often a delicate balance, fixing people’s issues without offending them. Most people didn’t like the idea of a pet knowing better than them—at least when it came to anything beyond trained positions and how to beg nicely. Even when they had a totally different area of expertise than him.
Asher, at least, was good enough at staying polite and respectful that he could usually keep them appeased. Sometimes people were completely happy with him the whole time. More often, there was a subtle tension as they decided whether they thought he was being too presumptuous or not, which he was usually able to defuse with deference.
There was occasionally also a case where someone decided to escalate things, which could become quite unpleasant for Asher. As a pet, he simply wasn’t entitled to the same rights or the same basic decency as a human being. And if he fought back, he would face much larger consequences than they would. At least they couldn’t physically hurt him, though, without having to face his master’s wrath for damaging his property. Asher’s punishments were his master’s alone to dish out.
After spending a while troubleshooting, Asher was able to get the computer working normally again. The guy said “thank you,” which was more than some people did when Asher solved their problem. Asher responded with the obligatory “You’re welcome,” in the friendly voice that said he was always happy to help, and bade the man have a nice afternoon.
Only when he was in the hallway, out of earshot, did Asher let out a sigh. Being a pet who had a place in the world of people had its perks, but ease certainly wasn’t one of them. His collar marked him out as different, lesser even, and once someone saw that, he was treated as such. And being a pet did make him different in some ways, but it didn’t make him as far beneath everyone as most people seemed to think. Others cared less about what he was actually capable of than about the role they thought he ought to fill.
At least his owner was more open-minded. Asher didn’t know how he would have handled it if he’d ended up with someone who wasn’t willing to give him any amount of power over his own life. Asher was glad he belonged to someone who allowed him a fair level of independence, even if that did come with its difficulties.
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dent-de-leon · 7 months
Thinking about Caleb's early campaign appearance and how Molly was still Like That ™️ about him is giving me feelings.
Yes!! Ironically, I think it was everything Caleb loathed about himself at the start that made Mollymauk start to fall for him. When Lucien suggested that no one could ever care for someone like him, that the Nein would never be able to forgive him for his betrayal, Molly reassures him--"That's not how we are, Lucien. We love broken things the most."
From the moment Mollymauk first crawled out of the grave, he'd felt lost. Empty. Broken. And it made him drawn to other desperate, lonely souls that felt just as hollow and abandoned in the world. He runs to Yasha's side and protects her from an angry mob--takes her hand and offers her a new home. With just a glance, he sees how much she's suffering, and he can't just let her face it alone. "I know what the others think, but, the truth is...How do I put this...The world is harsh and cruel, and I don't seem to be able to just walk on by. You see a wrong? You fix it."
And that fight in Alfield? When Molly keeps guarding Caleb in battle, rushes in to put out the flames and tries to snap him out of his panic attack? The way he tries so hard to break through to him because it's too dangerous--they can't do this, not here--"Time for that later." So he does what he can to get Caleb out, keep him safe, guide him to someplace better. "Come on, let's go get some sunlight."
And of course, there's the way he tries to comfort Caleb with a kiss, grounds him with a bit of affection and warmth after all the pain and fire that burned away at him. The way Molly tries to reach out to Caleb here? It's not so different from how he ran to the Platinum Dragon's temple and risked his life for someone who was suffering--someone still petrified in shock and grief.
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That's who Molly is. I think about how Molly said, "We love broken things the most." And I think about when Caleb laid all his grief bare, choking up as he admitted, "I...broke, a bit." How much Caleb hates and loathes himself for it--despises his own "weakness," his "cowardice," the way his resolve just crumbles when it all falls apart--
Caleb always being terrified that he is damned beyond redemption. That his soul is twisted, shattered, corrupt. Broken. So of course Molly loves him. How could he not, when Caleb's hurting so much? When he's the exact kind of person Molly can't help getting so attached to, becoming so fiercely protective of?
It really is easy, to love Caleb later on in the campaign. He's no longer burying himself in dirt and trying so desperately to run and hide. He's charming, clever, ambitious, daring, courageous, determined, powerful--he's someone who's tired of running, who knows what he's fighting for, and will do everything he can to defend it. He's more self-assured, confident, composed.
He's also done so much healing, reached a point in his life where he is ready to open up again, seeks to do good every day, to become the man his parents always knew he could be. (And just...when Trent asks Caleb what his new goal in life is, Caleb has the strength to look him in the eye and say, "I think mostly we are just trying to leave the world better than we found it." And it's because of Molly he feels like that--)
But Molly falling for him at the very beginning? That's not easy--Caleb doesn't make it easy. He's trying so hard to push everyone away, to keep from ever getting attached. He's purposely trying to avoid attracting any sort of attention, trying to make himself appear as dismissive and undesirable as possible. Everyone else in the Nein is just a means to an end--or so Caleb desperately tries to tell himself. And Mollymauk? "I should go right now...Look at this one. He's like a walking rainbow, what is this? He's a circus performer, he's not going to help you."
The last night Molly was alive, and Caleb is trying to think of a reason to abandon him and the rest of the Nein, a reason why he and the others aren't worth staying for. And while he's agonizing with his conscience over that, while he's trying so hard to keep from ever getting attached--what does Molly think about Caleb in turn? How did he feel for Caleb, after knowing him the same exact amount of time? Well, first and foremost...it seems he still thinks of the kiss--
"Another kiss came to him like a tricky word just on the tip of the tongue, elusive yet tantalizing, though the sentiment felt real enough--a friend in crisis emerging to a kiss on the forehead. A tender banishment. Caleb. Softness and light. Clammy skin under rough lips. Molly's nose brushing Caleb's hair..."
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And Molly feels so strongly for him, even while Caleb was so bitter, resentful, grief-stricken and wallowing in his own guilt--and all of these things are absolutely understandable--he doesn't owe anyone an explanation for it, for how he processes the raw pain and trauma and tries to protect himself from ever reliving it. But at the time, he was perhaps at his lowest, at his most desperate and lonely and despondent, refusing to let anyone else even get close. Regardless of how badly they wanted to help, to reach out to him.
It speaks volumes, that Molly looks at Caleb while he's still so pained and cold, so heartbroken and angry at the world and himself. But then there's Molly, and he looks at his Magician and sees, "Softness and light." This is before Caleb has gone through all that trying character development and catharsis, before he's managed to come to terms with everything and finally start to forgive himself.
This is a Caleb Widogast who still believed he would sacrifice the Nein if it meant he'd get what he wanted, if it meant a chance at more power, a means to finally bend reality to his will--the only possible way he thought he could ever set things right--
At this point, Caleb could've kept telling himself Molly and the others were just disposable. Stepping stones on his way to something better. Just the interim until he could finally "fix" the past, make it so he's no longer "broken"--
But Molly had feelings for him regardless. Even if they weren't returned--at least, not yet, not until Molly was lying lifeless and still and Caleb gently brushed the hair out of his eyes, buried him with a letter and then begged, "This could be a reunion--"
But even back then. Caleb was still "softness and light" to Mollymauk, and their brief time together meant so much to him. When Lucien insists those moments are gone--whatever Molly had with Caleb and the others, it's all gone--Molly simply says, "Kindness is never lost or forgotten." And he uses the memory of kissing Caleb to make that point. Explicitly tells Lucien that, no matter what, those little acts of tenderness and affection still mattered, still meant something to him, even after death. That's how much he loves Caleb, and it just breaks my heart--
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
Hello there!
I have to ask cause it's everywhere and apparently my husband and I didn't see it!
Aziraphale & Crowley were obvious to us as a couple but we didn't see this with Loki & Mobius (please people don't be mad 🙃). I saw a great love and a bond that will last forever but not the way we witnessed in Good Omens. To me it was more of a family thing. Like Mobius has two sons. Could be the representation of Thor and Loki. I don't know. I was so surprised when I saw all this on Tumblr. I want to rewatch the show now to see if I really missed all the signs.
Hi there! 😊 Thank you for the ask and please don't worry for wondering, part of the joy in a watching experience is being able to see something in a completely new light. I hope you've come to the right place as Lokius and Aziraphale/Crowley are the only romantic pairings that have stood out to me in ages but now for fairly different reasons so I'll do my best to explain why in my own personal view Lokius is a slow burn for the ages above and beyond all other love stories to me and I'd absolutely recommend rewatching Loki, especially season 2, with the mindset that the tropes of every good romance are present in *every* interaction Loki and Mobius have.
(adding a read more here as I feel this is about to get almost horrifically long if you'd like to know even some of the signs lol)
Right from the start we see Mobius recounting being a fan of Loki's most mischievous acts on the timeline, pushing the question of just why he's focused on ruling and nothing else, really getting under his skin in a way no one ever has before?? And in that there's something even better and deeper than love at first sight; intrigue. Loki's furious at being held by the TVA but can't help being drawn back to what an enigma Mobius is to brush off his insults and offer salvation in the face of knowing every good or bad thing Loki's ever done and believing in him anyway.
Cue the tentative partnership and rapport they both get far too comfortable in which you see when Mobius indulges in letting Loki ruin the mission at the renaissance fair and later tries to backtrack in reassuring Ravonna he's got things under control, then again when Loki realizes Mobius has been reading him too well and defaults to leaning in to "fix" his perfectly tied tie, a callback to when Mobius pointed out Loki has a tendency to try and seduce people in more powerful positions who could help him. You actually see Mobius lean in for a moment before realizing himself and pulling back, but contrary to everyone else Loki's tried this with he doesn't give in or get angry, he laughs and once again points out what Loki's up to, trying to find a way to get to the Timekeepers.
That entire sequence is the tipping point for me when they officially enter romantic territory, as Loki's visibly thrown and surprised by the way Mobius reacts and scrambles after him, finally taking things seriously enough to do real work and is rewarded not only with trust he's never been given so freely before but a now mutual fascination you see during their conversation in the cafeteria (a highlight of the series for me ) when Loki can't help but try and learn more about the person who knows him so well already by asking genuinely about Mobius and his jet ski magazine. Blew me away because any previous version of Loki would've never taken the time or interest in something so ridiculous (in his eyes), but this Loki shyly takes in the way Mobius beams and opens up, because how could you not fall a little when such a simple pleasure makes someone happy?
Then when they research Roxxcart they flirt again, Mobius praising Loki and teasing he might take his job before what we refer to as the Roxxcart grocery store divorce and for good reason 😂 When Loki's captured back to the TVA, Mobius isn't just hurt, he's clearly jealous and *extremely* so because he thought *they* had been building something only to now think Loki played him all along and during Loki's next interrogation Mobius loses his temper in a way he never has before, making scathing comments about Loki stabbing him in the back and siding with his "girlfriend" which should kind of speak for itself there 😅 Then their mutual assurance of trust before Mobius is pruned and the hug in the void being initiated by Loki is huge as well when this is the first time he's shared EVER that with someone and you see the crushing despair when Mobius later no longer remembers.
Getting into s2, it's easier for me to sum up with the base of their s1 relationship laid out since there's no need to get into as much detail when the entire thing is pure romance start to finish.
Loki and Mobius frantically desperate to find each other when in reality they had been separated for maybe an hour? Mobius ignoring all other issues at hand and his superiors to gently hold Loki by the waist and pull him close, constantly grounding by touching his back, arms, anywhere to provide extra comfort and Loki giving him that control, Mobius spending the entire season actively trying to enjoy being on the field without limits for a change and organizing dates between the two of them all season when his focus used to primarily be on the work. He repeatedly asks Loki to go for a drink, suggests visiting the theatre, going on a hot air balloon ride, etc, while Loki stops to indulge in popcorn and pies just because small joys are important to Mobius. When Loki visits Mobius' original timeline self they spend the ENTIRE ep flirting with each other, and honestly Don having two kids is just as it seems since there were no official indications otherwise; he may share genes with Mobius but is a different person with a different life. Don can't stop bringing up how single he is, teases Loki about following him home, which Loki absolutely did but only after fixing his hair and coat to try and look as good as possible before seeing him (because again, he looks like Mobius) and getting so flustered stammering over his words he may as well have been in a 90s Hugh Grant rom com 😂😂
Don't even get me started on the finale, which has every character except Loki and Mobius basically living their ideal life while the two of them are clearly left unfulfilled and wanting, missing each other to the point Mobius leaves the TVA (which exists out of time) for a timeline that Loki can see as a tear rolls down Loki's face in the final scene because of it.
Do I think that had their characters been tied to anyone but the Disney/Marvel corporations they, like Aziraphale and Crowley, would've shared a kiss as well? Absolutely yes, but that isn't a necessity for me personally and in all honesty despite Aziraphale and Crowley having kissed I actually felt season 2 of Good Omens was a massive backtrack for their relationship compared to the quality of time they spent together in season 1 which I much preferred. Again, that's personal preference and everyone sees and interprets elements of romance differently which is completely fine and I hope this wild ramble at least gave some perspective on how I and many others view Lokius 😂💖 Happy watching, no matter how you end up viewing them, and thank you again for the ask!
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skyland2703 · 6 months
Everyone’s making OC kiddos for their characters so imma do it too— this is so CRINGE omfg PLEASE don’t @ me
Full blame to @lordkingsmith and a lil bit to @augment-techs and @azurezfiction
Amelia and Javi’s kids:
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Adelyn Garcia
(Yes that’s Emma Roberts from scream4—)
Addy was an accident— neither of them knew what to do— yes they were together, but they weren’t sure they were ready. They had decided almost for an abortion, but Amelia changed mind last minute, when she saw the way Javi smiled at her, when he told her that no matter what her choice, he was going to support her anyway— she knew she wanted him forever. She knew she wanted kids with him.
At twenty years old, Adelyn can be a little hot headed, can also be a little very irresponsible, but has a good heart. Following in Javi’s steps, to become a musician, Javi and Adelyn often do duets together. A lot of her personality comes from Javi— especially her love for marshmallows and anything sweet. When she was a kid, she and Javi would sneak into the kitchen at midnight and drain all the snacks, and Amelia would throw a tantrum in the morning with a “WHICH ONE OF YOU WAS IT—“
As she grows up… Adelyn starts becoming… not too fond of her mom. For reasons. At sixteen, she dropped Jones from her last name. I still need to fish this out a bit more, but she and Amelia used to be close, but something happened, after which they just grew distant, and she moved out. Amelia still cries about this every night. Javi doesn’t know how to fix it.
Amelia’s Rafkonian powers get split between the kids, so Adeline gets the antlers, physically, she looks like Amelia, but personality vise, she’s a mini Javi— only a little more emo XD She’s quirky, usually happy, but the second you infuriate her, she WILL destroy you. Sharp tongue and all. Eight piercings and two tattoos, she’s sexy, smart, and everyone wants to be her, or be with her. Possibly a red ranger…?
Next up we have:
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Hazel Garcia-Jones
Three years younger to Adelyn, this boy is chaos. He’s gay, he’s emo, he’s rebellious, and he listens to everything his mama says. He’s got the mind reading powers, he can hold someone’s hand, and know all secrets— and it’s even better than the other rafkonians, because no antlers pop up every time he tries to read someone~ He hates his eyebrows. Nobody can sleep secrets from him. He got them from his dad. Only pierced ears, scared of getting tattoos, but loves his twink form. Keeps his hair long and curly, most of the time.
He’s not a musical prodigy…. Which was much to Javi’s disappointment— but Javi didn’t wanna be a repeat of his relationship with his dad, so he was all supportive and sweet when he told him Hazel wanted to be an artist. Has ADHD as bad as his dad’s, and can hyperfixate on a painting he likes for several hours, without food or water. Amelia is usually there to point out that he needs to eat, and stuff— just the way she does, with Javi. She loves her boys, more than anything in the universe.
He likes reading books. You can find him curled up in a corner in the public library devouring books after books after books. He’s horrible at maths, but his language and depth in perception is beyond
Not a ranger, per se. He was given an offer, but he turned it down on account of ill health.
More pics of the sibs:
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And a few dark!headcanons:
Hazel is not too physically fit, and has a weak body. Sure he’s pretty, but the internals are a mess. He frequently collapses, coughing out blood, and has an immunity of a rabbit. When he was born, he was kept in an incubation chamber for almost three months, and the doctors weren’t sure he’d be able to make it. He does though. He’s a gamer and an artist, spends most of his time locked in— still coughs up blood sometimes, still has to undergo minor surgeries to keep himself alive, but he’s making it through.
Adelyn tries to commit suicide three times between the ages of twenty two to twenty five. I’m still a little at blanks with this part of the story, but it’s gotta do with something along the “I hate my mom” storyline. Hazel found her on the bathroom floor, once, panicked, and called every single ambulance he knew of, along with mom and dad. Once, she was found by her partner— Ollie and Aiyon’s kid (still need to fish out their personality)— and the third time, she was just lucky some neighbours saw her jumping off the building. She’ll never tell Javi why she did it, of course. Amelia knows deep down it’s because of her.
Damn wtf is wrong with me WHY DO I THINK OF THIS KINDA STUFF—
Anyway thank you for reading!!!
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atlascripts · 2 years
Warnings: angst, mature, hurt comfort
the aftermath of fleeing the lab
"Thank you, Murray, these will do and give our regards to Hopper too." You spoke to the older male from outside the porch of your little cabin in the woods. Peter watched from the door frame as you turned to see him with a gentle smile, and he felt it in the depths of his dark soul a calmness. Your hair had grown out into such a pretty look, his hair grew out a little too and had a slight stubble on his face as well. He watched as you held the new blankets and brought them inside, a small beaming flicker could be seen in your eyes as you tip-toed to reach his height, it made everything feel softer for Peter and he leaned in to steal a swift kiss on your lips his thumb brushing over the apple of your cheek. Peter didn't know when over the past three years he had chosen this over his plan to reshape the world. Was it your humble request of wanting to rest when you two were on the constant run? Or was it your night terrors that always made his face go pale? It could even be when he'd often find you looking up at the starry sky hoping to have never existed or when you held his hands and asked him to consume you too like all the other victims. Your only request was he make it swift and painless as endless tears had rolled down. How Peter had yearned to burn everything in his wake yet he found himself wanting to protect you, it was true he saw himself in you, and it was the first time he wanted to care for what could have been his inner child even if it was projected on to you, rather than let it turn everything to ashes. He still had that urge to wreak havoc every waking hour but then there was you who had seemed to calm the storm that was him, with your mere existence by his side. 
He didn't want to admit it but the realization had hit him like a truck. What happens when you find that you’ve fallen in love, do you tell yourself you're beyond it? Or does it hold you in its vice-like grip? He never let you know but he did hate himself for succumbing to his emotions, yet he loved the feeling of comfort, love and affection like a starved child. He battled every day with his feelings but was slowly giving in to them, it was also because neither of you proclaimed your love, or established anything, you just let it be. Too unstable as individuals to even have such a conversation and so using this excuse Peter indulged in this matter fully. He had become the villain who had found love and he sometimes felt like laughing at his predicament.
“You two can’t be serious,” Murray asked as if someone was pulling his leg, “You hear that Jim, they say it’s nothing like that.” He spoke loudly from where the three sat at the dinner table at Murray’s house. “Oh yeah? About what?” Hopper asked as he grabbed more food from the kitchen and came to sit down with them. Murray and Hopper had come to oddly care for these two confused souls going as far as to give them accommodation and help them settle in, figuring something wasn’t quite right but they weren’t the type to turn you two in to any authorities, an odd truce or sort of friendship had been formed here. “These love birds deny being in love.” Murray pointed his fork at both of them as he turned to Jim and then back at them and the two burst out laughing leaving you and Peter very confused and embarrassed.
The two of you walked back home sharing silence, mostly because of how awkward Murray and Hopper had made you two feel, like parents embarrassing their kids. Peter had his hands in his jacket pockets and he tried to break the ice, “You know they are right.”
“About what?” You inquired fixing your scarf and kept staring at the ground as you walked home with him.
“About us, we haven’t really established anything, never talked about it.” He replied looking around the dark forest.
“Do we have to? I mean, I like it as it is.” You said. 
“And what happens if we find someone else…you find someone better than me.” His voice was low almost melancholic and you immediately stopped in your tracks. He stopped a few steps ahead and turned to you noticing the frown on your face as you stepped up close to him. “I would never do that Peter and you know why, you know exactly why.” Your voice was soft as you held his face in your palms, your warm hands soothed the chilliness the winter air had brought upon his face. He closed his eyes for a second, inhaling sharply as if this alone hadn’t made him feral for you. But then he looked at you, boring into your soul almost, “No, I don’t know why I have never known why you chose me.” he stepped closer making your breath get stuck in a hitch. You opened your mouth to say something but paused before speaking, “Because I worship you,” your voice was so certain in its stoic calmness, that your hands came to rest on his chest sliding gently under the jacket to feel his beating heart. “Because you have claimed me fully and I submitted to you the day you broke me free from those shackles. I am yours to be and..” You finally looked away from his intense gaze, “I don’t want anything else.” You stepped back before heading back on the path to your home and Peter slowly trailed behind thinking about every word you had said. You both were co-dependent it was true, beyond repair from all the trauma but in a twisted way fit each other like a puzzle. 
‘Worship’ was what clouded his mind when his lips pressed at the pulsing points on your neck, ‘to worship’ he realized was to surrender himself to you and wondered what was love if not worship. His hand traced over the skin of your neck and over the bare expanse of your chest gliding lower until he was holding you closer. Soft sounds of wet kisses could be heard making your brain foggy and you whimpered at his touch. The poison that seemed to lace you every time he took you so sweet and agonizingly slow. Like a predator consuming its prey and savouring every moment. No this wasn’t at all what you had thought of when you had asked him to consume you, yet every time he kissed it felt like he took a part of your soul, each time in a mind-numbing intoxication. Your hands would reach out in gasping climax as you saw stars, and for the third time that night, Peter couldn’t get enough of you, his raspy guttural moans were ebbing in and out of your consciousness, both riding your high down. Peter came off as a gentle soul but behind that facade you knew lied darkness and it always broke free when lust took over. But he never hurt you, never dreamt of it, he was overprotective yes, and if he was honest quite attached to you as well, he could never think of anyone else by his side. And for this very reason, for your desires, hopes and dreams, he would always convince himself, fool himself into thinking he was only waiting for the right time. The right time to end it all, but the right time never seemed to arrive, because maybe the right time was now with you, away from the traumatic past, a fresh start, a rebirth he never thought he’d be bestowed, a salvation. 
Some days after having an episode of a night terror, Peter would make sure you were tucked in well and were drifting to dreamland while he sat by your side. His orderly mannerisms would resurface with how careful he was with you, nurturing and patient as always. The incident had occurred once when Hopper was around, it nearly half scared the old guy seeing how you reacted in your sleep. He had noticed before but he was seeing them up close this time when he helped Peter with spreading the blanket. The faint bruisings on your ankles, wrists and neck. “Kid I know I never ask but like….what happened.” Hopper asked solemnly and Peter just hung his head low, “She never talks about it.” he replied a little lie as he traced his fingertips over your wrists, proceeding to hold your hand and planting a swift kiss on to your knuckles before letting you be as the two males stepped out. Hopper held his hat in his hands as he said, “Listen I don’t know what you two been through but I just wanna say that, I am here if you need anything. Like I don’t know who or what you’re running away from but if anyone of you needs help just, just let your old man know alright.” He put his hat back on and gave Peter a nod with a soft sympathetic smile. Peter only managed to give a faint smile back as he waved him off retreating into his cabin. Isolated, alone and away from the world whose facade he despised. Retreating into your arms, the saint he considered was absolving him of his sins bit by bit, chipping away through his heart all the way to his soul’s depths. And he knew one day he’d drop his weapons and live the rest of his life at the altar of your tomb.
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