#it’s a butter cake btw so it was delicious
totsandnuggsrebloggs · 9 months
I made a Moomin cake :>
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I am so proud of it :]
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idontwikeit · 1 year
do you still bake lots? how often r u baked?
Wow long time follower u must be but yea I still bake! Not as much recently coz I’m busy at weekends sadly but here’re some pics
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Here’s some cooking pics of this week too
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rosekun25 · 1 year
Birthday trip day #1
Hi guys! 
Here is my day one report :3 
So I woke up Hella early. 
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They had waffles and they looked delicious but I normally get Motion sickness so I didn't want to take any chances. I ate a gogurt and drank some apple juice. 
I was out of the hotel by 5 and at the airport by five.
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Anyway So my flight was delayed I was 15 minutes late to my reservation at the Hello Kitty Café. 
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It was super fancy and I lowkey felt super embarrassed. Especially because my dress strap broke as soon as I sat down.  Luckily I was able to tie it into place. 
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Anyway I’ll be doing a small review of all of the food. 
The first thing I had was The birthday tea. 
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It was nice, I would have loved some more sugar because the tea was nice but I like it sweeter. Prolly bcuz the rest was a lot of sugar lol. 
Anyway my suitcase had to come with me and I was dreadfully terrified of my dress riding up since I forgot my leggings so I tried to sit down and stay sitting down.
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Also the staff was really sweet and were super nice to me even though Im sure after a six hour flight I looked a mess. 
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Our first treat was this yummy chocolate moose with a little cake on it because it was my birthday treat. at the bottom was strawberries and they were delicious :)
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 THEN they brought out the big guns. 
I’m gonna go ahead and review everything. BTW, This whole tea was like 75 bucks. 
Okay, so first course 
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The first thing I ate was this delicious salmon in a pretzel bun that I ate first because I was starving. The menu describes it as, salmon in a pretzel bun with cream cheese.
I do believe mine had wayy too much of the cream cheese. 3/5
The next one was the egg salad in a cone, idk why they served the egg salad in a cone but but it was crunchy and yummy. 4/5  because I wanted more. 
then we had the pesto tart. I forced myself to eat the tomato as Hello Kitty Herself picked out and approved the menu. I hate tomato so it was awful lol. The mozzarella and pesto tart was okay. I kept thinking about Jimmy Pesto from Bobs burgers lol. 2/5 Because the tomato was icky. 
The final thing was the cucumber milk bread “Sandwich”. I think this was the only thing I didn't like. It had cucumber dill cream cheese and milk bread. Tbh, it just tasted soggy and if I go next time and they have a substitute Im gonna ask for one. 0/5 
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Okay so our next treat was a crumpet and a spinach quiche. To me, I felt like this was exactly what Kronk’s spinach puffs tasted like, It was delicious and fluffy 
The crumpet was delicious. it was even more yummy with the jelly. Next time I’ll be adventurous and try it was the butter as well. I liked everything on this plate so its a 10/5 
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Lastly, we have our desserts. 
Our delicious Apple Pie, Im sure the recipe is exactly the same as Hello Kitty’s Mama makes..  it was yummy I wish it had  apples though. 
Our second was a keroppi petite four which was lemon lime flavored. It was yummy and so cute i felt bad eating it. 
and finally our finale was a Hello Kitty Raspberry Macaroon which reminded me of the one from Disneyland.  That was my favorite. 
Lastly she gave me this little lemon candy and for some reason an empty cup. 
Was not sure about that lol. 
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After that I wandered around the mall for a bit. I wanted to stay longer but my phone was dying and I couldn't find anywhere to charge it.  So I decided I’d come back another time. 
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jonkentt · 3 years
Sept 20 ‘21 ~Baking~ @samwilsonfest for @presidentrhode-s who baked a work of perfection on my birthday, ily
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Sam yawns and tries to blink the sleep from his eyes as he pulls ingredients out of the kitchen cupboards. Once he’s got everything laid out on the counter he turns on the bluetooth stereo and looks for some good vibes tunes. Can’t go wrong with Etta James.
I want a Sunday kinda love…
Sam sways his hips and sings along. He measures flour, sugar, baking soda. He takes the butter out of the fridge to thaw and grabs a few eggs.
I do my Sunday dreaming, oh yea And all my Sunday scheming Every minute, every hour, every day
He sings and stirs, cuts and measures, and feels wonderfully, perfectly at ease. There was something about baking. Maybe the repetition of it, the easy movement through the kitchen, the step-by-step instructions, the certainty of a great result, or the room to improvise. Maybe it was everything about baking, but Sam found it more calming than almost anything else in the world.
He took up baking after he started at the VA, though he can’t quite remember why. He wanted a new hobby and why not choose one that results in food? He started with full size cakes that he’d often end up sharing at group therapy. Then he moved on to little cakes figuring he could try new flavors and styles more often. He bought colorful sprinkles, dabbled in seasonal flavors, and watched youtube videos of frosting techniques.
Alright, so his cake decorating skills weren’t amazing at first. He’d send pictures to Sarah who would call him just to tease him.
“Sam, what the hell is that?”
“One step away from a masterpiece!”
Sarah would crack up and they’d both laugh while Sam tried to justify his attempted artworks. Then he’d try to convince her that it tasted much better than it looked. After a while, he started getting good at it. Like really really good. Like cakes-in-the-window-displays-of-a-bakery level good. His favorite was making frosting flowers and covering his tiny cakes till they looked like tasty bouquets.
And that’s exactly what he found himself doing on this weekend at home with no plans or pressing concerns about global safety. He swirls together a rainbow frosting for the base layer, cause why not go all out? Then he makes delicate blue and yellow roses all along the edge. He even pipes leaves down the sides. When he stops to admire his work, it looks like a rainbow flower explosion. Sam giggles.
He’s sitting in the kitchen absently flipping through one of Sarah’s cookbooks when Bucky comes downstairs, yawning loudly. He glances at the cake on the counter and snorts.
“That’s cute. What’s it for?”
“Just wanted to make something’.”
Bucky stares blankly. “You made this.”
“When? This morning?”
“You’re fucking with me.”
“It’s so hard to believe I can bake?”
Bucky examines the cake intently and then raises an eyebrow at his partner. “This is a work of goddamn art, Sam.”
“I know it is. But thanks.”
Bucky stares so hard it looks like his brain is gonna malfunction.
“Where’s Sarah?” he asks finally. “SAARRAAAAAAH!”
“WHAT.” Sarah appears around the corner.
“Sam says he baked this.” Bucky motions to the cake. Sarah had witnessed an in-process version but the complete work was more impressive. She leans over it to admire it.
“Mm damn bro when’d you learn to frost so good? This is much better than what I’ve seen before.”
Sam frowns. “Rude.”
“Wait you’re—” Bucky’s blinking so hard it’s giving Sam a headache. “You’re telling me he didn’t buy this?”
“Oh my god.”
Sarah grins. “Oh, no, he baked it. Sam’s got a whole passion for baking tiny cakes.”
“Excuse you.”
Bucky is way more shook than Sam thinks he needs to be. “WHAT.” He turns to Sam. “You—”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Of course I baked the fucking cake!”
Bucky’s mouth hangs open for another minute and Sam can’t quite decide if he’s amused or annoyed.
“This is beautiful, Sam.”
“Sure it is! Gonna make a tiny cake, gotta pack it with a lot of love! And I deserve all the love.”
“Yeah you do, Sam, and this is— this is!” Is Bucky about to cry? “This is AMAZING! OH MY GOD!” Bucky leans real close and admires it from all angles. Sam can’t help the huge grin on his face.
“How did you mix all the colors like that? It’s fucking gorgeous!” Then, forgetting she was literally just here, “SARAH! Come see this! Sam made a cake!”
Bucky looks at Sam completely awestruck. Sam rubs the back of his neck. Sure, when he did a cool heroic stunt this kinda look from Bucky was expected but now? This was only a hobby. Just a little something Sam loved to do for himself.
“Wait! Hold on, I have to take a picture before you eat it.”
Sam might be feeling very warm under the unexpected praise. Bucky whips his phone out and starts meticulously documenting the tiny cake. Sam is laughing so hard he grabs the counter to stay upright. And then Bucky’s taking pictures of Sam and begging him to hold still and not drop his masterpiece. Sam’s phone buzzes that afternoon.
Sam, you are an artist! Looks too good to eat! [Sam making a dorky face and holding his cake.jpeg] This is Shuri btw. Is it your bday? Happy bday!!!
Sam laughs. “Bucky, did you tell Shuri it was my birthday?”
“I told her that you’re amazing! And that you gotta have a bake-off in her lab cause now she has a worthy rival!”
“And this goofy picture of my face?
“Proof of your mad skills!”
“Wait, how many people did you send that to?”
“Shuri and Ayo. Have you shown Joaquin? He has to see this!” Sam groans.  “What? You can’t horde this talent from us! Where have you been hiding these cakes, anyway?”
Sam giggles. “Been eating ‘em.”
Hey Shuri! It’s not my bday but thanks anyway :)
Sam ends up texting Shuri most of the day. Turns out she’s very passionate about the science of food. They gush over the cool tech she’s made just for baking and Sam agrees to visit soon for ‘the cake-off of the century’. Bucky gets way too excited about that.
Sam’s eating his cake, which is absolutely delicious by the way, and Bucky is sitting across the table with his chin in his hands grinning stupidly. It’s been all Heart Eyes For Sam™ all day.
“You can have some, you know?”
Bucky just hums happily and doesn’t quit grinning at Sam. He pokes his finger in the frosting and gently lifts off a blue rose. He leans across the table to stick the flower on Sam’s nose.
Sam beams, showing off that cute tooth gap. And what a sight. Wow. Sam Wilson smiling with frosting on his nose? Spare the weak hearts of us poor mortals, Bucky thinks. Sam starts trying to lick the flower off and it’s too cute. They both start giggling uncontrollably.
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clatterbane · 3 years
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Something I had been wanting to make for a while, and finally got around to this evening!
And it turned out tasting about like I was hoping, which counts as a major win. 😊
For this one, I used what we had left in a bag of frozen raspberries, and made up the difference with maybe a third frozen blackberries. Which ended up about as tasty a combo as you might expect!
Plus a mix of half sorghum/juwar flour, 25% chickpea, and 25% Dove's Farm GF plain white flour blend.
(Pretty much any type of flour should work here. But, I like that combo for a straight gluten free substitution for basic white wheat flour in most baking applications--and a lot of cooking too. You also get 75% whole grain/legume nutrition without it standing out as anything but neutral.
The sorghum and chickpea flour/besan are also usually pretty cheap, btw, if you buy them from Indian groceries. Online, if that's not accessible near you. A number of good GF flours common in South Asia, for that matter. Some brands certified GF here in the UK, at least--I know Natco is apparently careful enough that they have recalled some product batches, even when they're not explicitly labeled.)
This recipe should also be easy to make vegan/dairy free, just subbing the butter and milk.
One unusual thing about this batch, though? The fruit and batter didn't reverse themselves as it cooked! It also got a little crusty around the edges, trying to make sure the middle was done under all that fruit, but nothing tasted burnt. A little extra texture variation! 😁
How this style of cobbler process and end result normally look.
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Compared to how mine turned out tonight:
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I think the issue there may have been that the berries were still frozen when they went in, so they wanted to float more while the cakey part started setting up under it. 🤔 Expected that to add like 5-10 minutes onto the baking time, not turn it into more of a berry-topped saucy cake.
But, it turned out delicious, so I'm not about to complain! And, as usual, the ice cream made it even better--with half of both left for tomorrow. If I don't eat the rest by myself tonight. 😋
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rinnnyxr · 4 years
Unpopular opinions you agree with
**Pineapple belongs on pizza **
Oreos in milk are overrated
New Disney is better than old Disney
K-pop isn’t good 
Riverdale is overrated
Being childish isn’t a bad thing
Tarantulas are cute
Books are better than movies 
Beards on men are ugly 
Snapchat isn’t that cool 
Taylor Swift’s albums are overrated
Cooked vegetables are better than fruit 
“The Kissing Booth” movie isn’t that good 
“Money can’t buy happiness” isn’t real
Black coffee is better than all other coffee
Converses are uncomfortable 
“The Incredibles 2″ is overhyped
Soccer isn’t fun sport to watch
**Ketchup is nasty **
Donuts are gross
Cats better than dogs  
Beyoncé is overrated 
Android is better than Apple 
Sprite is better than Pepsi or Coke
Trump is a good president
Peanut butter is disgusting 
Soda tastes terrible
Tacos are gross 
**Teens use their phone too much **
Vanilla is better than chocolate
Yeezys are ugly 
Pizza is gross
School is fun
Sardines are delicious
Despacito was not a good song at all 
Croptops are ugly
Honey is disgusting
**Metal music is amazing **
Showering at night is better than showering in the morning 
It’s annoying when people say “bless you” after you sneeze and they should mind their own business
Cake is not that good
Waking up early rules
Staying friends with your exes is fine and healthy 
Concerts are not fun 
Watching a movie at home is better than watching a movie in theaters
Anything fewer than four “ha”s in a “hahahaha” text is rude
Cats just seem more human than dogs
Getting presents is more stressful than it’s worth
Strawberries get more credit than they deserve
Taking a nap is usually a bad idea
**It’s better to be hot than cold **
Vegetables are better than dessert
Christmas is not the best holiday, not by a long shot 
^Thanksgiving is the best holiday 
Karaoke is only fun if you are a good singer and love attention. It’s horrifying for the rest of us 
There’s no reason to send cards in 2020. It’s a waste of trees
**Talking on the phone is easier and better than texting **
** **
** **
Texting Slang I Use
ily | idk | wtf | ttyl | stfu | cuz | rn | kms |** lol | wth** | oml | tmr | brb | lmao | ty | smh | np |** ikr | nvm** | idgaf |** ur | btw | idc** | bc
Parties Hosted before Friends make me go Prom Only eats the food Sings along Doesn’t talk to anyone Family parties Goes at least 1 a year Went with bf/gf Made new friend(s) Never drank Hooked up with someone Sitting the whole time Dances Prefers to stay at home School dances Stayed up all night Goes with friends Invited but does not go Drank mysterious liquid Got drunk Social with everyone DJ-ed a party
My Crush boy glasses older than me stylish long hair brunette short techie smart shy girl braces blue eyes freckles red hair younger than me rich short hair popular tall book worm plays a sport brown eyes blonde
Different Types of Virgo 1, The CEOs sensitive but doesn’t show it rolling their eyes for your drama wears black clothes a lot “my time is precious” lets failures define their self-worth doesn’t give up easily 4/6 2, The Beauty Queen discounted clothes are the absolute best not gonna be anyone’s side hoe insecure with their looks perfectionist mentality congenial, tires to be kind not ashamed of their sexuality 6/6 3, The Motherly Type holds grudges makes sure you eat well underappreciated to the core tries to help you in any way possible patient but easily irritated gets excited when you ask them about something they’re a pro at 5/6 4, The Chill Intellectual thrifts clothing 4/20 friendly watched documentaries about topics has so many conspiracy theories doesn’t give a fuck, just wants to have some peace good grades without trying 2/6
When a Virgo Is Sad “I’ll joke about my pain haha” “Fuck I’m lonely” Stressing out for no reason Tries hard not to cry Still tryna be there for people “Wow, I’ve been made the bad guy again..nice” “No one appreciates me” In need of romance or just comfort?
Inside The Mind of a Virgo
**“Bruh” **| resilience | being smart af | y’all are gonna miss me when I’m gone” | being good at listening | checking up on friends because you care | not realizing how beautiful you are | :( | boss ass bitch that’s goofy | not apologizing for speaking the truth | “fuck you but fuck me” | bravery | empathy | cackling over the fact that their friends ended up hurt after they didn’t take the advice the gave | a whole Pinterest board of cute outfits | cute baby animals | hating group projects with dumb people
You as a Friend Spamming memes Giving your friends life-changing advices You’re witty Trying your best to make time for friends So nice to everyone else but hard on yourself The biggest crackhead Would literally lock friends up if they try to text their exes
Five Things That Annoy You Always feeling like you’re self-inviting yourself to an event Being behind slow walkers in busy areas Deadlines on important tasks Ignorant people who think they’re smart “Just get over it, look on the brighter side”
Things You’ve Google Searched Before What do my dream mean? Pornhub Good sleep tips WebMD am I dying? Heartbreak music People falling over
Random Lush for cash Needing therapy Masking pain Being called the “office bitch” Being the mom friend Comfort food Laughing at who your exes downgraded to Overanalyzing everything people say to you You’re helpful People have called you cute before You can’t tolerate dumb people You can either be really friendly or would put a gun to people’s heads “Existence is pain” Just wanting to get shit done You have great problem-solving skills You’re passionate and hard-working You feel uncomfortable when people are too giving with you You’re anxious You’re friendly but skeptical Expecting the worst Very frequent mood changes You’re romantic lowkey Ghosting toxic people You take good photos You’re open to constructive criticism You’d do anything for family You like to get shit done asap Sad over childhood nostalgia Being a ride or die friend Personality over looks Wanting to be a kid again highkey Wanting to be in control Kinda patient You have to deal with idiots on a regular “Why the fuck aren’t the dishes arranged in alphabetical order?” “I literally did not ask for your opinion” Stressing out over nothing important “Gosh I should’ve stayed home today”
Rate how important you think each of these is in a partner from 1-10 (1= not important/don’t care, 10=very important)
Speaking the same language   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Living in the same city   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Living in the same country   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Not swearing   **1 **| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Good hygiene   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Similar interests as you   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Them not living with their parents   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being employed/having a good job   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The amount of money they have   **1 **| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being good in bed   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | **5 **| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being good with kids   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Playfulness   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Height   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |** 8** | 9 | 10
Going to the same school/work   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
How popular they are   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Their body/built   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Having good hair   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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20+ Recipes I Have Personally Verified Are Delicious(tm)
Dry Rub for Fish---this is easy and delicious, and the cayenne gives it an awesome kick. You can also use it for chicken.
Best Steak Marinade in Existence---absolutely lives up to its name, and I say that as someone who doesn’t even like steak very much.
Cauliflower Soup with Hazelnuts and Bacon---sinfully good, the best recipe for cauliflower soup I’ve managed to find. And I’ve been looking.
Creamy Garlic Parmesan Mushroom Chicken & Bacon---I have a lot of recipes that include the words ‘creamy’ and ‘bacon’ which is probably a problem, health-wise. On the other hand, this shit is delicious.
Seasoned Turkey Burgers---as someone who’s swapped out turkey for red meat, this recipe is a goddamn lifesaver. Extremely easy, it uses those onion soup packets you get from the grocery store. Dress it up with your favorite condiments.
BLT with Fried Tomatoes and Cilantro Mayo---literally so good, if a bit labor-intensive. Btw, you can also just fry the tomatoes and then dip them in the mayo, also delicious.
Butternut Squash, Cauliflower & Beef Shepherd’s Pie---I made this for my office, and it was gone before lunch. Even my assistant told me that it was good, and she doesn’t like anything.
Bacon & Swiss Chicken Sandwiches---you know how in the Great British Bake-Off, Tamal had that sandwich he couldn’t stop thinking about? This is that sandwich.
Bacon, Gruyere, and Butternut Squash Frittata---takes the smokiness of the gruyere and the bacon, but combines with the butternut squash to make something delicious.
Spinach Salad with Hot Bacon Dressing---aromatic and delicious.
Cajun Fried Pickles---I’ve never made the dip, but the pickles are so, so good. Whenever I’m desperate for fries, I make these instead, they’re salty, tangy and good.
Garlic Goat Cheese Dip---get yourself a nice baguette, then make this, and have yourself a phenomenal evening of cheesy, cheesy goodness. (When I’m having a dinner party, I make the cheese dip and also this balsamic vinaigrette, for contrast.)
Butternut Squash Glazed Tart---I made these for the office thanksgiving party, and the Head Lawyer Of The Whole Office herself complimented me on how delicious they were. Since she had a lot of shit to say about my draft agreement, I’m taking the win.
Peach Tarts with Goat Cheese and Honey---the ultimate summer dessert, with puff pastry a perfect balance of mild cheese and the sweetness of the peaches and honey. 
Creamy Yogurt Lemon Pie---another delicious summery dessert, but infinitely easier to assemble, especially if you get a pre-made graham cracker crust.
Puff Pastry Fruit Braid---technically, the recipe calls for a berry medley. However, this concept (puff pastry with cream cheese, cut in an attractive braiding pattern) can be adapted for many uses, including more savory options.
Coconut Macaroons---I made this for our office holiday party, and one of the attorneys who handles massive estates came up to me afterwards to thank me for a delicious gluten-free dessert. So there.
Tiramisu Cupcakes---I made cupcakes AND a cake, and my coworkers and a bunch of out-of-town friends promptly demolished them. While I prefer my desserts a little less sweet, clearly a crowdpleaser.
Sugar Cookies---made these for the office holiday party, and they vanished faster than the catered dessert. So, yeah, suck it professional catering company.
Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart---so silky and rich that you can’t have more than one slice at a time. Have it with coffee.
Best-Ever Pie Crust---so, so good. Sometimes I use bacon fat instead of shortening, which is even better.
Ciabatta---the only ciabatta recipe I’ve ever liked.
Cheesy Pesto Breadsticks---I made these for the office thanksgiving party, and got so so many compliments. People love a soft, chewy white bread flavored with pesto.
Dill Pickle Bread---this is my favorite bread recipe, it’s great for sandwiches and even tastes delicious with just a schmear of butter. 
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So. It’s 2:02 AM I know technically my birthday ended two hours ago, but I woke up at 1:50 PM yesterday, so IMHO, my birthday just ended.
Anyway: Highlights of my B-Day!
- Had lovely birthday dinner with parents (Fillet Mignon x2, Twice-Baked Potato and Bacon Grilled Green Beans. Sometimes I love having parents with money.) - Ordered new computer and new external hard drive to replace stuff lost/damaged in power surge (Again, see above RE: parents) - Had some delicious ice cream cake (Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup)
- Actually wrote a whole chapter on one of my WIPs
- Received a wonderful birthday image/greeting from new BFF @ilovesamizayn
- Scarlet Bordeaux on my dash in bondage gear was a plus
- Got shipping notification on my Fiend action figure pre-order
- Had a matcha latte from Starbucks (which was NOT free, damn me for losing my card)
- My mom actually sang Happy Birthday for me. Twice.
- Went to Walmart and found a new flavor of my sparkling water drinks (Vanilla Cream. I bought a bunch, plus a ton of other flavors. I was out of beverage.)
- Tons of Facebook birthday messages
- Actually used my speakers for a change and blasted showtunes for an hour and a half (while singing badly to them)
- Had a shower and treated myself to separate shampoo and conditioner (That one ended badly. I forgot I’m allergic to the conditioner I own)
- Bought a new binder for my one dream fic saga (also at Walmart) and realized Walmart binders are MUCH cheaper than Staples
- Despite initial misgivings, my printer is working just fine.
SO YEAH! GREAT BIRTHDAY! I’m technically 37 btw, if anyone was wondering. But if anyone asks, I’m 35. That’s when I decided I was going to stop counting. My mother says “It doesn’t work that way dear” but I told her that if I have to admit my age, so does she, and she shut up about it.
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travelinglowcarb · 4 years
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Oh my gosh 😍 What a delicious flavor combo!! Cinnamon Roll bar with fresh blueberries and strawberries. 🍓❣💯⁣
That made for a DELICIOUS low carb lunch. The berries were leftover from yesterday's breakfast, but the soft nutty cinnamon flavor was such a great addition! #ketolicious ❤⁣
What are you eating today? 👀 ⁣
These are the bars that are buy 2 get 1 free today, btw.⁣ That sale ends tonight.‼ ⁣
Here's the discount link: http://perfectketo.com/B2G1/lynn ✔⁣
The Almond Butter Brownie bars are my personal favorite 🍫 with Birthday Cake and Cinnamon Roll and Lemon Poppyseed being my next picks - depending on my flavor mood. 🥰 ⁣
Have you tried these yet? If so, what's YOUR favorite flavor?
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well i failed an important test today so i’ve been stress-baking and i’ve made 66 cupcakes. albuterol made me shaky again so i ended up curled up on the couch for a while until i conked out for a bit. now i’m just dealing with residual anxiety so uh could you tell me a funny story pls (btw the cupcakes are spice cake with pumpkin butter added to the mix, it’s not that sweet at all it’s rlly spicy and savoury i’m so proud)
Those sound delicious. 
Anyway, sure. So…Back in Phase 1, as I’m sure you’ve seen, or maybe you even remember them, we did those little skits, aka. Gbitez. The one most people reference is the eel one, where I “Melt its face!” That didn’t actually happen to us, but it was based on a true story. I had this friend who was a chef. One night, a customer ordered the eel, and they didn’t have any already cut up, so he had to grab one from the tank, and he couldn’t manage to kill the thing. The head chef stormed over, grabbed the elongated fish, and shoved its head into the burner on one of the stoves, screaming “MELT ITS FACE!!!” 
Fully admit I told that one in Rise of the Ogre. So, here’s another one for your benefit. See, one of those other Gbitez was all on me, and there were a couple cases where I put Noodle up to some…less than friendly things with the others. I saw Russel passed out on the road partway through filming the 19/2000 video, and I could see the gears turning in 2D’s head. He was clearly planning something. Meanwhile, Del just stood over his best mate, wondering if he should bother waking his arse up. Noodle was playing some game on her Game Boy, and I could feel the horns growing out of my head. I crouched by Noodle, and told her to go make a bet with Del that 2D couldn’t clear Russel’s midsection on her bike if they made a ramp for it. She bolted off and proudly made the bet against Del, while 2D scurried around and built the ramp and got on Noodle’s silly little bike…I filmed the whole bloody thing, and we ended up recreating it for a Gbite.
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booklover277 · 6 years
Cravings: Hungry for More by: Chrissy Teigen
5 stars out of 5
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After the extraordinary success of Cravings, Chrissy Teigen comes back with more of her signature wit and take-no-prisoners flavor bombs. Cravings: Hungry for More takes us further into Chrissy’s kitchen…and life. It’s a life of pancakes that remind you of blueberry pie, eating onion dip with your glam squad, banana bread that breaks the internet, and a little something called Pad Thai Carbonara. After two years of parenthood, falling in love with different flavors, and relearning the healing power of comfort food, this book is like Chrissy’s new edible diary: recipes for quick-as-a-snap meals; recipes for lighter, brighter, healthier-ish living; and recipes that, well, are gonna put you to bed, holding your belly. And it will have you hungry for more.
Release Date: September 18, 2018
Before I get started..I'd like to just inform you that this cookbook is outstanding. My expectations have been reached and then some. And I had very high expectations, btw. Chrissy Teigen remains the cooking goddess she is and this cookbook will become a kitchen staple for me, just like her first cookbook. I know I'll be using the recipes over and over. I cannot wait to keep the cooking going. So far..and this is since the release (which was last Tuesday)..I have made four recipes from this book. And all four were delicious. My sister made two others and they were also delicious. I'd say we're on a roll. And now what follows can probably be described as a rant of my love for Chrissy Teigen's cookbooks. I'll let you know which recipes I've made and how this book compares to the last one. Let's go!
Okay, so I've already written a raving review of her first cookbook, Cravings. It became my all-time favorite cookbook. I've never made so many recipes out of a single cookbook. I'm telling you..her tastebuds are in sync with mine or something. Or maybe I should stop thinking the world revolves around me and realize the book is called Cravings, so no shit is it going to be delicious to most people. I suppose I'll update that review eventually with the recipes I've made, but it'll get ridiculous because I've really worked my way through it.
I spent the entire time since the release of the first waiting for the release of her second. I'm one of those people who followed her blog before the cookbooks happened. After the blog stopped, I remember loving watching the process of Chrissy making her first cookbook. This time around..she didn't seem to document it nearly as much, which I found disappointing. I still need something to fulfill the void of waiting for Chrissy's blog posts because it took over 2 and a half years for this second cookbook to come out.
Now...it is a great cookbook. This time around..it is once again cravings, although because she is now a mom there are a few differences. She opted for "lighter food" this time around, which let's be real..there is still tons of cheese and bacon and all types of good stuff throughout. But compared to the first book, there are less of those foods that seem like straight indulgences. Still...very similar in ways too. Meaning..if you enjoyed the first book, you will definitely once again enjoy this one.
The other difference here is, once again because she is a mom, time has become an even more precious thing. So there are things that she takes shortcuts on, while also admitting it along the way. For her jerk lamb chops, she says to buy jerk seasoning ready from the store but notes that if this were her first cookbook, she would have given the recipe to make it yourself from scratch. This is true because there's a recipe in her first book involving cajun seasoning and sure enough, she gives you the recipe to make that from scratch. I'm torn on how to feel about this because yes, I am a major lover of saving time. I love getting the option of how to do things a little quicker when it doesn't make a difference in the finished product. However, I do like to get told how to do something, so I can make the decision myself if it was worth it. She could have included a brief put salt, pepper, this, this, and this and you'd have the seasoning. But it's fine. Not the biggest deal. And again, it's something I'm torn on.
This book has a couple sections that weren't in the first book, such as a dessert section. Chrissy isn't much of a sweet person, so it's not cakes, cookies & brownies. This one has a banana bread, soft pretzels, two-faced cobbler, mango sorbet, homemade magic shell, mousse, and skillet peanut butter chocolate chip blondies (UH...YES PLEASE).
Also, there is an entire sandwich section, which includes a couple grilled cheeses I need..the jalapeño-parmesan crusted grilled cheese and sweet & spice peach & brie grilled cheese. Oh and the philly french dip she makes with more of a cheese sauce au jus. There is just so much. I probably shouldn't just list every recipe in the book. Although, if you get a chance..it wouldn't hurt to check out the table of contents.
Plus...this time there is a potatoes & their friends section. POTATOES!! Yeah..my stomach is pleased. It has plenty of potato dishes among other veggie dishes. I made the Tators, Shrooms, & Peas with parmesan cream from this section. And it was SO GOOD!!! My husband and I were both in heaven. It was more filling than we expected, so next time it'll be a main and we'll add diced ham to it. The parmesan cream was so good that we'll definitely use it with other dishes. I'm thinking it'll be good with pasta.
This time around I didn't find the Thai Mom section quite so intimidating. It probably helped that I got blue apron for six weeks this summer when Chrissy had a partnership. A few of the dishes were from the thai section of the first book and they were absolutely delectable. I get why I was freaked out by ingredients like fish sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin, sweet chili sauce, sambal oelek ..really just things I wasn't used to cooking with. Nor did I see how these ingredients would all mix together to become something heavenly. Garlic is also pretty common in the thai section. I love garlic, though. Anyway, this time around I found myself excited to make these authentic Thai dishes. Last night, we had the Thai soy-garlic fried ribs and OH BABY. Yes, they were ridiculously easy, but oh so tasty. I never knew ribs could be cooked so quickly and there was this nice crisp to them that ribs don't usually have, but I lived for it. Definitely making these again. I cannot believe Chrissy considered not including this one in the book because of how easy it is. It's a keeper. And not something you'd think to do yourself.
I also went into the breakfast section and made the Everything Bagel Breakfast Bake. So good!! It was kind of like a breakfast casserole, but there were chunks of bagel in it that didn't taste fully like bagel by the time they cooked and soaked in the egg mixture. They were much softer. And there were cream cheese bombs throughout. This was a good one for sure! I made mine with mushrooms instead of tomatoes because I'm not a tomato person. And I'll do it this same way again in the future when I want a breakfast casserole with everything bagel type flavoring. Yum!
I finally understand why people call Chrissy a soup master! I have been DYING to try her pot pie soup from the first book. Honestly, I only haven't made it yet because for the longest time I could not find heavy cream in the store. Finally this summer, I FOUND IT!! It's only at one grocery store in my area. So I will make that one in the next month. For now, I needed to make something from her new book. I opted for the French Onion Soup. I'll be honest..I'd never had french onion soup before. I really love onions, though. This one was a major winner. And I feel talented for being able to say I can make it. Not too difficult. Hardest part was getting through cutting all those onions without crying my eyes out. But this beautiful soup turned out sooo tasty. It was oh so cheesy and there were croissant croutons in it that became doughy and just OOOH! You know what I mean? Yeah..this is a major winner.
I guess it's good I've only made the four recipes so far because this review would go on and on. Luckily for you, I didn't have all the time in the world so I'll be making more this weekend.
There is also a salad section, snack section, and supper section which actually has mains & sides tacked on to several of the dishes giving us more side recipes than what is included in potatoes & their friends.
I will say that her introduction to the book and the intros to all the recipes have a great layer of humor. Her stories are fun and will make you laugh out loud. She also talks about how she went through postpartum between books (and babies) and how that affected her/this book. She reminds us she is only human, and a relatable one at that.
There are photos of almost every recipe, but a couple might be missing and that bothers me. I like to see what the outcome of what I'm making should look like at the end. Not to mention, you want to see how tasty a dish looks to decide if you want to make it. I'll still make everything in this book regardless.
So there you have it...delicious recipes from Chrissy Teigen. Food that will make you look like a pro in the kitchen when you have a dinner party. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a cookbook with food they actually want to eat.
order on book depository
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aishitara · 6 years
Destiel Fic Recs - AU
Original post [x]
***additions to the list are found at the top, in bold***
Still not a definitive list because I am constantly reading new stuff, am a slow-ass reader, and am home with my kiddo all day, so.  I guess we’ll treat this list as ongoing. A reminder that these are complete AUs - set elsewhere/elsewhen, no monsters, no hunting.   One should assume that language is flagrant and cocks abound, btw.  When clicking through, please take note of the author’s warnings and tags. Favorite overall fic recs here. [x]
Party Like it’s 2014 by Teragram This is a deliciously angsty story with lots of - I’m going to say mutual, though it’s largely Dean - pining.  Dean and Cas hook up at a bar, Cas gives Dean a fake number, and through circumstances I won’t reveal because spoilers Cas and Dean end up making a deal wherein Cas must attend AA meetings with Dean for every hour Dean spends fixing Cas’ car.  Phew.  Please read the author’s tags and warnings on this one, I found it to be full of triggers.
Satin and Sawdust by @ltleflrt I feel like this fic is also one of those legendary destiel fics that everyone must have already read, but I’m including it because goddamn it is fantastic.  Cas thinks he’s straight, Dean is hella bi, panty!kink, sweet, sweet sexytimes and adorable fluffy cats abound.  This is a slow-burn, crazy long, angst-with-a-happy-ending masterpiece.  Jimmy shows up as Cas’ twin in this story and I positively adore the relationship between them, it is magnificent and exceptionally well-written.  Warnings for het but there’s not a ton.
Kiss the Baker, also by @ltleflrt I really like Kiss the Baker because it’s one of the rare fics in which Dean does not experience a total identity crisis when he realizes he’s attracted to Cas (like there’s a little but mostly he’s just like, nope, I’m bi, cool).  I have to say upfront that there are tags for abusive relationships and stalking, so beware.  A really sweet relationship between Cas and Gabriel in this story, in addition to some delightfully awkward flirting between Dean and Cas.  Plus, Cas is a baker and now I’d like a pastry, thank you.
He Came in Through the Bedroom Window by @bettsfic Pure sweetness.  One of the tags on this fic is “everything is beautiful and nothing hurts,” and that is probably the most accurate tag I’ve ever seen on a story, ever.  The kissing in this fic is glorious.  The sexytimes. Are. Glorious.  Go.  Read!  Smile!  And maybe make sure you’re either in private or have a solid poker face because this fic will light you on fire.
With a Wham, Bam by @remmyme Short, sweet, and incredibly fluffy.  Dean meets Cas at a baseball game and adorableness ensues.  I love this story because literally every time I read it I end up with a total shit-eating grin on my face.  The characterizations are excellent.  Sam and Dean’s relationship gets some nice sideline attention and is done really well.  Also, I am perversely pleased by the tag “dean has no chill,” lol.  In this case, it’s accurate!
A Brief Glimpse by cloudyjenn AU and time travel rolled into one!  The author’s summary: “Castiel is utterly convinced he can’t love anyone but Sam, so when a strange occurrence at a carnival shows him otherwise, he doesn’t know what to do.”  This story is just very sweet and is a rare treasure in that it’s from Cas’ point of view (though this is not BAMF angel Cas, to be fair).  
Peanut Butter Pumpkin Wedding Cake by sparseparsley I think this might have been the very first destiel fic I read.  It’s a longer work (30K+) and just a delight.  Bartender!Dean and author!Cas get caught up in what can only be described as a romcom romp.  Various characters make appearances throughout.  There is a monumental misunderstanding that resolves in the typical romcom way.  ^.^;  Some mild angst due to said misunderstanding, but it all comes out alright in the end.  Some very, very lovely kissing.
Forget-Me-Not Blues by noangelsinthegarrison Another long one (68K+).  Firefighter!Dean helps his brother Sam get ready for his wedding, but tensions arise when he finds out Jess’ best-maid-of-honor is Castiel Novak, his secret high school crush.  This one is also romcom-y and definitely has chapters that drag a bit.  Even so, I thought the ensemble characters were used to good effect and written really well.  The slow build between Dean and Cas is delicious, but be warned, the payoff is all the way at the very end.  Possible triggers for high school bullying. 300 Things by cautionzombies I debated long and hard about including this story.  For one thing, I think 300 Things must be one of those legendary destiel fic (like Twist and Shout, which I’ve never read), so, like, hasn’t everyone already read it?  And for another, the more I go back to read this story, the more I see unhealthy relationship stuff that at one time came across as spectacularly angsty but now just makes me shake my head and wonder why we as a culture romanticize codependency.  Still, something about it just keeps drawing me back.  Dean is a college student and Cas is his professor.  Sam is significantly younger in this story and is one of my most favorite versions of Sam.  His relationship with Dean is beautiful, heart-achingly sweet, and honestly one of the most compelling reasons to read this piece.  And, the smut in this story is pretty great.  Heavy angst, but with a happy ending.
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Keto and Atlanta
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Hey everyone! I haven’t posted in like over a week because I have been BUSY UP THE ASS. But KETO is still my thing and last weekend I went to Atlanta and want to tell you all about it and how I stayed Keto MOST of my trip!
First things first, yes it was amazing! I went to the Shaky Knees Festival and got to see Jack White, THE DISTILLERS, Jimmy Eat World and a ton of other amazing bands.
Also one of my best friends came down from Boston to hang and it was just an all around great time.
One thing I think really gets people off of there diet or lifestyle is vacation. Regardless of how long or short it is a vacation can halt your progress and discourage you so below are a few tips and tricks I used to survive the weekend.
Step 1- Pack Snacks
Simple Snacks:
A. Quest Bars << click to view. They have these at walmart and basically any gas station.
B. Pork Rinds (literally brought like 3 bags)
C. Cheese crisps Delicious, but expensive (walmart has a few brands)
D. Hard boiled eggs (you can get these at a gas station or walmart, but if wherever you are can keep them cold, just make them yourself and keep them cold)
E. Peanut butter ( I hate this option because I am sorry, two tablespoons for like 150-190 calories? I am all set, I can eat so much more food for that calorie amount lol)
F. String cheese
G. Meat and cheese platter or wrapped around each other (simple and filling)
H. Seaweed (walmart has a good cheap brand)
Not so simple snacks:
A. Cream cheese bites (cucumbers and cream cheese)
B. Straight up bacon (go to mcdonalds or BK or something if you cant make it)
C. Sausage  (go to mcdonalds or BK or something if you cant make it)
D. Beef fucking jerky. You can get carbless beef jerky BTW. Click here But just go to a gas station if you cannot order it online cause I mean who plans for shit, I don’t lol
Step 2- Don’t get to fancy, trust fast food
One year ago if you told me eating fast food was okay, I would have been like 
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But after starting Keto and living this life, I 100% agree that fast food can be okay in moderation w/ modification. 
A. You can eat fast food and still be healthy. It is a proven scientific fact that fat and protein is good for you. So are carbs, IN MODERATION. I mean everything is good for you in moderation for the most part (don’t bite my head off, this is a blog, I don’t wanna hear your opinionated bullshit lol)
B. The best way you can attack fast food on a trip is to make sure you say no bun/bread, no ketchup and grilled instead of fried. 
C. Stay the fuck away from potatoes, just get over it
C. My fiance’s favorite places to do keto are mcdonalds, burger king and KFC. KFC is dope cause you can get basically any chicken grilled.
One of my favorite websites is www.perfectketo.com, click here for a ton of fast food options and the macros!
BRUH. Okay so I was against fat bombs, until I had one and then I was like, well fuck me. I was against them for two reasons.
1. They look so small and I will want 50
2. Same as number 1.
SO I decided to make a peanut butter fat bomb, I had two and legit was full! So I GET IT NOW THEY KEEP YOU FULL. Below are a few of my favorite ones. You can make a batch and just bring them with you as a quick snack or even a meal replacement honestly.
1. Strawberry short cake fat bombs(my favorite fat bomb EVER)
2. Cinnamon bun fat bomb bars
3. Buttercream fat bombs
4. Peppermint fat bombs
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Step 3: Restaurants have options, don’t be scared
Unless you are eating at an all pasta and bread workshop, you have options. You want to focus on the following when you are at a restaurant
1. No bread/No Pasta/No Potatoes
2. Order Meat
3. Order Fish
4. Sides can get you, even the veggie ones. Stick with the low carb veggies such as 
A. Peppers
B. Mushrooms
5. Get nachos without the chips, surprisingly good 
6. Don’t fucking go to olive garden dude
Step 4: Don’t drink your carbs
This is probably one of the biggest mistakes people make on vacation and just in general. DO NOT DRINK YOUR CARBS/CALORIES. Get diet sodas, bring MIO with you to make your water taste fucking delicious (black cherry mio is my SHIT). Stay hydrated. 
Step 5: Prepare to make mistakes
Do not beat yourself up because you decided to have a few french fries or eat a piece of bread. You can pick up right where you left off during your NEXT meal. One thing I learned from going on a diet is that if you limit yourself and think you are going backwards, you will go backwards. You don’t have to start over
you just have to keep going.
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years
Vanilla and Coconut Quinoa Cake
spectacular more healthy dessert, particularly when topped with contemporary raspberries….yum!
I’ve to confess, I’m not the very best quinoa cook dinner
Usually it’s as a result of I believe I can multi-task (properly ladies can, proper!)
oh what a disgrace, I overcooked quinoa so needed to make this yummy cake!
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Yet once more while cooking quinoa the opposite day, I bought distracted and overcooked it
As a lot as I hate it after I do this, it does encourage me to get artistic and consider methods to make use of this overcooked quinoa
And I got here up with an effective way….
This beautiful gentle cake tastes virtually buttery, regardless of not having any butter in it in any respect
And made essentially the most scrumptious dessert served with contemporary raspberries and Gundowring Ice-cream (bought at Alfalfa House)
piled excessive with contemporary raspberries…
Despite it being scrumptious as is – beautiful and moist, with a slight trace of coconut
You might adapt this cake in many various methods by including contemporary lemon, lime or orange zest, frozen berries or any spices you want – similar to cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, or any mixture of those concepts
You might additionally make icing or a more healthy creamy topping to go on it
Or drizzle with a stunning tangy citrus sauce
so deliciously moist…be careful, it gained’t final lengthy!
Oh, and as ordinary, that is tremendous fast and straightforward to make – you simply chuck all the pieces right into a meals processor
Even your youngsters might make this (in case you have any that’s!)
So I hope you give it a go
And let me know what you suppose
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Vanilla and Coconut Quinoa Cake
  Author: Caroline Trickey from Healthy Home Cafe
1 ½ cups (250g) cooked quinoa – I used white (see notes under on the way to cook dinner quinoa)
½ cup rapadura or brown sugar
¼ cup additional virgin olive or macadamia oil
1 heaped teaspoon vanilla bean paste
½ cup + 1 tablespoon desiccated coconut
2 teaspoons baking powder
three massive eggs
Heat oven to 170 levels. Grease and line bundt or 7 inch spherical cake tin
Or you may make cupcakes
Place cooked quinoa, sugar, oil and vanilla paste within the bowl of a meals processor and course of till easy (Thermomix pace 5 for 30 seconds, cease wipe sides down then pace eight for 20 seconds )
Add coconut, baking powder and eggs and course of till mixed (Thermomix pace four for 10 seconds, cease, wipe sides down, then pace four for five seconds)
Pour combination into ready cake tin
Bake for 35-40 minutes, or till when a skewer is inserted it comes out clear
If making cupcakes, bake for 18-20 minutes, relying on dimension
Allow to chill earlier than serving
Serve with contemporary fruit and yoghurt or ice-cream
This cake actually is a clean canvas to create so many various variations.
Here are only a few ideas of elements so as to add:
– Lemon, lime or orange zest
– Frozen raspberries or blueberries
– Lemon zest and blueberries
– Lime zest and raspberries
You solely want cooked quinoa for this recipe, not overcooked
But since I bought lots of people asking ‘how did you overcook quinoa?’
This is what I did….
How to overcook quinoa
Place half cup of quinoa in about 2 cups of water
Cook for longer than packet instructions – time relies on what color quinoa it’s
I used white quinoa (Australian grown) and it was overcooked at 12 minutes!
BTW, you’ll know when its overcooked because it turns into gluggy
Drain as finest as you’ll be able to
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Cool earlier than utilizing to make this cake
  The post Vanilla and Coconut Quinoa Cake appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/vanilla-and-coconut-quinoa-cake/
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itsyourturnblog · 5 years
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We have a habit of looking at organizations as machines that simply take input and transform it into output. But of course, that’s not what’s really going on. What’s really going on is much more complex. Modern organizations of the knowledge era are living systems of interconnected ingredients, processes and interactions.
In Other Words, They’re Complex Systems.
When academics talk about complex systems, they like to show you things like this (and then they wonder why system leadership theory isn’t really taking off in the real world).
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I take a slightly different approach. I prefer to show you this.
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This cake is the product of a complex system of interconnected ingredients, processes and interactions. The thing about complexity, is that we can’t deconstruct it into component parts. It is whole as it is. We can’t tell from looking at a cake that it contains flour and sugar and butter and eggs, and (if we’re lucky), cocoa. We don’t see the process of measuring and mixing and beating, nor do we see the interactions in the oven that transform batter into something fluffy and delicious. It’s just a cake. It is what it is. And that’s complex.
Same goes for your organization.
It’s only when we understand the ingredients, processes and interactions in our organization, that we can learn to work with them and change them to our advantage.
When we lack awareness of the systems at play in our organization, we’re essentially flying blind. We’re under the illusion that we know what’s going on, but we really don’t. Our vision is clouded by what we think should be going on, what others tell us is going on and what the tradition and culture of the organization suggests is going on.
And so, when events happen — productivity decreases, employee turnover increases, competitors outpace us, etc. — we react to them. The more we react rather than innovate, the more our world happens to us, not for us. Our world becomes one of problems and decline. We are in a contractive state. Nothing good happens from a contractive state.
Understanding the systems at play in our organization gives us the gift of anticipation. And that changes everything. So let’s take a closer look.
How to Spot a System in Action
Start with the surprises.
When was the last time you were surprised by a result? Perhaps you missed your quarterly target by forty percent. Or maybe you overshot it by thirty percent. Or maybe a product launched nine months late, and no one can say exactly why. Perhaps customer service calls jumped twenty percent. Or there was some kind of kerfuffle in the shipping department.
A stuck leader hates surprises. To them, surprise implies not being fully in control. It implies weakness. It implies fault. Even when the surprise is a positive result, the underlying thought is, Why didn’t I know this would happen?
An Unstuck Leader is open to surprise. In fact, the surprise isn’t seen so much as a problem, but as an indicator. It’s a chance to look beyond the event, to dig deeper and to learn something new. They don’t start with who is responsible (i.e. to blame) for the surprise result. They start with why the surprising result happened. They don’t try to mitigate it or justify it or deny it or pass it off as a blip that couldn’t have been predicted or prevented. Their natural response is not panic, not avoidance, but curiosity.
Receptivity to surprise is what allows the Unstuck Leader to detect the underlying systems that created the surprising result. The Unstuck Leader is comfortable with not having all the answers and they’re able to admit that their initial judgements and predictions were wrong. It’s about inquiry, not ego, exploration, not confirmation.
Unstuck Leaders seek to understand the connections between an event affecting a system, the behavior within the system and the structure of the system. To do this, they seek the logic. Rather than looking for reasons things went wrong, they look for why the result achieved, good or bad, makes sense. How is the outcome logical given the processes, ingredients and interactions? In a study by management professors Pamela Buckle Henning and Sloane Dugan into the way leaders detect “self-organized patterns,” aka “systems” in their organizations, one participant said, “I have to figure out how to take each of these moments I’m seeing as being perfectly logical, perfectly understandable, perfectly right”.
And this is key. The results didn’t just magically manifest out of nothing. The results are perfectly logical given the conditions in which they were created. So, ask yourself, “What would have to be true for this result to have been created?”. Then you’ll be on your way to understanding the processes (workflow, communication lines, organizational culture), ingredients (people and resources) and interactions (how the processes and ingredients interconnect and the reactions they create).
Give it a try:
Think of a recent result that surprised you.
What was the behavior that led to the result?
What were the beliefs that led to the result?
How did the behavior arise over time?
Interview participants both internal and external to the organization. Where do they see the logic in the outcome?
Examine data over time. What changed? What remained consistent?
What other events could have affected the outcome?
This is where the system is hiding.
BTW, when the outcome is negative, it’s usually due to a maladaptive archetypal system trap. I’ll be talking more about those in the coming weeks. But if you can’t wait, you can start here, with the most common one — Fixes that Fail (aka Firefighting).
Hiya! If you’d like to learn more about getting and staying unstuck, sign-up for my weekly newsletter (green box at top right of your screen on desktop, or under this post on mobile) so you’ll never miss a post. I promise I’m not a spammy nightmare. One per week, and that’s it.
How to Figure Out What’s Really Going on in Your Organization was originally published in It's Your Turn on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
by Judy Sims via It's Your Turn - Medium #itsyourturn #altMBA #SethGodin #quotes #inspiration #stories #change #transformation #writers #writing #self #shipping #personaldevelopment #growth #education #marketing #entrepreneurship #leadership #personaldev #wellness #medium #blogging #quoteoftheday #inspirationoftheday
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angsarapblog · 4 years
In Asia desserts is not a thing, but that’s what you think. That is why it’s a common misconception with most Asian cuisines that we may be good with savoury dishes but leave the desserts with the Western cuisine. It is also enforced in such a way with most Asian restaurants where desserts are not highlighted or at worse not even existing on their menu. Let me change that view and present you 26 Filipino Dessertd You Need to Try, while it does not encompass all Asian cuisines, it can represent what people might be missing if they don’t try them and the Filipino cuisine is a good start because it’s a good mix of Eastern and Western culture, so you will be more comfortable in taste with the Filipino desserts.
26 Filipino Desserts You Need to Try is not a complete list of Filipino dessert as we have more of it, a lot of it. I removed most of the cakes and only included the ones that is so unique to our cuisine, I also omitted the rice cakes because for me it’s better as a snack since these are very filling, and I also removed the sweets like Yema and Polvoron, while they are sweet they are not a full blown dessert that you can place on a plate nicely. So what is left are light sweet items that is a good item to serve at the end of a meal.
These are not your Typical Ice Cream Flavours
Now let’s start this 26 Filipino Desserts You Need to Try with an ice cream. Yes Filipinos have ice cream and the flavours are amazing.
Pinoy Ice Cream – How about some ube, cheese, sweet corn or how about chocnut ice cream? it’s a no brainer, everyone loves this icy delight.
The Sweet Salads
Filipinos also have sweet salads like the usual ambrosia. The next items will be in this category where fruits and other ingredients are served with cream and condensed milk.
Filipino Fruit Salad – It’s like your normal fruit salad but with a Filipino twist by using tropical fruit cocktails, lychees, corn and nata de coco. Some even put boba pearls and palm fruit on it.
Filipino Sweet Macaroni Salad – Now let’s level up that Filipino Fruit Salad and add cheese and macaroni, sounds weird? Try it first.
Buko Salad – Not a fan of sweet macaroni, then let try it with young coconut strips. This is better, right?
Buko Pandan – Now let’s drop the fruit cocktails and just have the coconut, nata de coco—— and pandan jelly.
Mango Jelly Salad – Not into coconuts? then have it in mango flavour instead.
Cakes you don’t need to Bake
Then we have the ice box cakes, thanks for the Americans who introduced this to us, but instead of using the same ingredients as Uncle Sam we localized it.
Fiesta Float – Filipinos are such a fan of fruit cocktail that is why we see them again here, this time in an ice box cake format.
Mango Royale – And like the sweet salads there is always something for those who don’t like fruit cocktails, that is why this Mango version will be better for you.
Graham de Leche – This is the mother of all floats, the newest member of the float family as this one was just recently created by, I don’t know who. But thank you whoever you are because this dessert is amazingly delicious! Just imagine creme caramel, whipped cream and graham crackers, it’s a heaven in a slice.
Borderline Drink and Dessert
Patbingsu, Ais kacang, Baobing, Namkhaeng sai, Kakigōri, Es campur or Halo Halo, have you encountered any of those? If not, these dessert drinks are amazing, if you Snow shaved ice then it basically similar, but these Asian counterparts is not just ice and flavouring because we add a lot of crazy stuff on it like fruits, chocolates, beans and jellies to name some.
Halo Halo – The mother of all shaved ice dessert drink in the Philippines, it comes standard with sweetened saba bananas, sweetened sweet potatoes, sweetened jack fruit, sweetened garbanzo beans, sweetened macapuno, sweetened red mung bean, nata de coco, tapioca pearls, jelly cubes, palm fruit, pinipig, corn, leche flan, ube jam, ice cream, milk and sugar.
Saba con Yelo – The simpler shaved ice version served with just the sweetened saba bananas, milk and sugar.
Mais con Yelo – Another simple shaved ice version served with just the corn, milk and sugar.
Sago Samalamig – Sometimes without shaved ice, this refreshing drink is just made with brown sugar and boba pearls. Even before milk tea was invented this has been sold in the streets of the Philippines for quite some time already.
Salad Drink – If you are lazy to use fork and spoon with your salad then why don’t you just drink them.
Timeless Pinoy Classic Desserts
Now let’s go check out some classics, these ones have been finishing great lunches and dinners since the dawn of time. Timeless classic desserts that every Filipino will have close to their hearts.
Avocado and Milk in Ice – Probably the weirdest one for non-Filipinos but this one is a simple stunner. All you need is an avocado tree, sugar, powdered milk and some ice and off you go. Luckily or neighbour has a large avocado tree when I was growing up, that gave me countless desserts.
Minatamis na Saging – This type of bananas are widely used on our cuisine, in soups, as a side dish, as a snack and yes on desserts as well. BTW this can be also an ingredient which is used on saba con yelo and halo halo.
Ube Halaya – Every Filipino love eating this but hate making it, if you make this every day, trust me one of your arms will be muscular after one month. It’s a recipe with a hidden workout regime.
Leche Flan – The Filipinos take on creme brulee but this one is much creamier, much denser, much sweeter and definitely much delicious!
Jelly Delights
Then we have the jellies, the 26 Filipino Desserts You Need to Try list will not be complete without it, and we have two really popular ones.
Gulaman with Pineapples and Raisins – The pink jelly that is omnipresent on all fiestas, birthday and special occasions.
Cathedral Jelly – Cream jelly like panna cotta but its studded with multi coloured fruit jelly hence the name.
Yes, Filipinos have cakes too
The last on the list would be the cakes, while we have tons of different varieties, these last six items on the list are the classics, it won’t be a Filipino birthday without any of these.
Yema Cake – I was lying, I told you I will not put yema here but here you go. Not as a sweet but as a cake, probably the newest cake on this batch as I only had this recently.
Crema de Fruta – The fruit cocktail made its come back, now it’s in a cake form or more of a trifle. Jelly on top, fruit cocktail on the next layer, then custard sandwiched in a sponge or chiffon cake.
Custard Cake – Love leche flan and cakes then have this wonderful combo of the two. Leche flan on top, sponge cake on the bottom.
Sans Rival – Cashews, Meringue, French Butter Cream this is the Filipinos take on the French Dacquoise.
Brazo de Mercedes – Soft meringue rolled around a custard filling, do I need to say more?
Ube Cake – The last item on this 26 Filipino Desserts You Need to Try, it’s the mother of all Filipino cakes. When you ask for a Filipino cake most of the Pinoys out there will think about this more than the other flavours. If I am restricted to one item in here, definitely this will be my pick without any doubt.
There you go, our top 26 Filipino Desserts You Need to Try, did I miss a thing? Let me know from the comments below.
26 Filipino Desserts You Need to Try In Asia desserts is not a thing, but that’s what you think. That is why it’s a common misconception with most Asian cuisines that we may be good with savoury dishes but leave the desserts with the Western cuisine.
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