#it was supposed to be like for wall art but I wanted an actual mask so here she is
waffled-iron · 11 months
edit: nvm lol i’m good now!!!
i need help lol
I’m making a cow mask (I’ll explain later irl friends don’t come after me) and I wanna add some fur to her head and maybe her cheek area but idk how
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she looks wanky ik but it’s bc she’s made with a water jug and basically paper mache that’s been painted over
she looks bald so I wanna have her hair be like poofy but yk?? idk how to cut or glue it (obviously hot glue but yk)
hellppp :(
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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Gif art credit to: @viridianv0id
Wally loves physical contact, I’d like to think it’s one of his love languages alongside quality time and words of affirmation, but mainly he adores hand holding; Sure it felt like holding a styrofoam packing peanut made of felt but it’s reassuring and grounding for the both of you.
Bonus points: he fiddles with your fingers when he’s in need of something to fidget.
Wally hates, hates, hates crowded areas.
This is based on what clown said about Wally going to Walmart and immediately wanting to leave.
(This maybe a bit projecting on my half) He gets overwhelmed easily despite how self assured he is. That’s just his mask and he truly hates being overwhelmed whilst in a crowded room.
Let’s say for example he goes to see a theatre but sees how loud and crowded the room is with families, and suddenly Wally doesn’t seem all that up to watching the pantomime anymore and would rather watch a prerecorded one at home where it’s less chaotic.
It’s too much for Wally. It drains him and leaves him wanting compensation cuddles or to be left on his own if he’s not feeling up to being touched after that.
(I work in catering for a local theatre and let me tell ya…when shows are on…it’s honestly too much. Too crowded, too loud for me and all I want to do is go home. Thankfully it’s few and far between cuz when they’re on, i’ve already done my shift.)
Painting, drawing, sketching is Wally’s therapeutic outlet. Something he does not only as a favoured pastime but more so as an healthy method to expressing his inner most feelings because after all, art is about expressing your innermost thoughts. So being the main star brought about a ton of weight for Wally to uphold an image of perfection; which is only made worse the longer he’s forced to act in opposite of what he’s actually like.
There’s a reason why his well known place beneath a tree and -probably- away from the rest of bubbly town of welcome.
Likes to frame any and all art done by you on the walls of his home, even if it’s shit, it’s already up on the wall because Wally loves your artistic approach to things…especially that weird lump that’s supposed to be a dog…you’ve made an attempt and that’s all Wally gives a shit about. (This goes out to my fellow people who aren’t as artistically gifted.)
Wally is your personal hype puppet. He’s so encouraging in whatever you do but please maybe don’t attempt in climbing up house and using him as a jumping off point and into the pool below…please do anything except that. He’s willing to indulge you in apple picking, water balloon fights -as long as his pompadour is covered by a shower cap or something- but not to the extent where you could injure yourself.
Wally probably doesn’t understand what injuries are but let me live and say that even if you do injure yourself, he’s got the cutest array of bandages, plasters and the like as he stands before you like;
Wally: do you want the hello kitty plaster or the moshi monsters ones? 🤨🧐
You: hello kitty plz 🥺🤕
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randybutternubber · 3 months
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BABY HUNTER @local-gemstone-lover @teastarfall since I know you’ll want to see this and @keikoyume since my design was inspired from yours. He’s supposed to be wearing his raccoon skin cap but I FORGORRR
Basically, the hunter was a child soldier. This was inspired from a few theories that the hunter was a war veteran, the much older theory that LN is a post WWII world, and an old piece of fan art of six hiding beneath a trench wall with a soldier right above her. Outside of LN, he’s also inspired by the boy from a manwha called The Horizion and Atari from Isle Of Dogs
Most stories and characters in LN tend to involve themes of things that scare children. I chose war- it’s indiscriminately violent, near impossible to control, and often impacts children.
Edit: I forgot to mention, there is also a song that plays from the TVs in the pale city called “scout whistle” which has a very military march type vibe while also still having a very playful like tune to it, which was also an inspiration- plus the raccoon skin cap is referred to as the “scout cap”
(Note: none of this is intended to demonize amputees or people with facial disfigurements. It’s inspired off of WWII facial prosthetics and limbs which were very unique and a huge step in helping veterans)
Basically, the hunter was taken to the nowhere at a young age. He spent a few years at a military training school. Older children at the school tended to have a lot of mannequin and porcelain doll/bully like parts, basically they were being slowly replaced.
He tried to escape with a few other kids. While running through a field, the child next to him stepped on a land mine, instantly killing them and severely injuring the hunter, who’s left side was basically screwed. He was taken back to the school after. (let’s just pretend it lines up with his burlap eye hole, I forgot what side it was on 😭)
He got a prosthetic arm, although it was quite uncomfortable and pretty stiff along with being very heavy (very different from actual prosthetics as he can actually control quite a bit of it since it’s more similar to whatever animates the mannequins)
Once he recovered somewhat, he escaped and ended up in the wilderness where he kind of went a bit nutty because of the lack of people and used taxidermy and alcohol as a way to cope. Imagine waking up every day to noise and other people next to you, not having a moment to yourself for YEARS and then all the sudden, that’s all gone. It’s so quiet you can hear your own heartbeat when before you could barely hear yourself talk. That was incredibly hard for him to adjust to, although he grew to prefer solitude and sees things like TVS and most other people as intruders who are encroaching onto his home.
Years later, the doctor would give him a new prosthetic arm (since the old one would obviously be too small) and do facial reconstruction surgery on him as the initial treatment and the way that the hunter was taking care of that side of his face wasn’t a long term solution. Without the mask, he basically looks like Keikoyume’s hunter.
As an adult, quite a few parts of him are taxidermy. He only started wearing the bag over his head once he started to make his… “family” out of people he shot and stuffed.
Poor guy
I wrote this on mobile multiple times because of accidentally deleted it so that’s why the grammar is ass
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parrythisucasual · 7 months
What About Me? Ch. 2
Pairing: Jax x Reader (Romantic)
Sub-pairing: Gangle x Reader (Platonic) / Ragatha x Reader (Platonic)
TW: Bullying / Implied depression
Content: You get settled into your room and make a new friend.
Your bedroom was rather plain. A desk, a bed with white sheets, and a tacky poster of a kitten hanging from a tree. “Is this… supposed to mock me?” you ask with a raised brow. “Erm… not sure, exactly? Everyone’s room starts like this. You could always ask Caine to personalize it, or get the paint and do it yourself. Gangle is wonderful at drawing- she could make a poster or two if you asked,” Ragatha explained. 
You step into your room, running your fingers over the smooth wood of the desk, thinking, “I have a few ideas… for one, the blankets should be (F/C), not this boring white. I’ll need some desk ornaments, and a few posters too.” You envisioned the perfect room as you listed it. Ragatha smiled, “Well, I can run and tell Caine, if you’d like, you just get settled in,” she waved as she headed back up the hall, “if you need me, holler!”
You turn, settling onto the bed and taking a deep breath. This was crazy, impossible, even, but you were going to get through it. You could take it. You’ve been through worse. At least it’s better than a trip to the emergency room for a broken bone, right? No pain. And it isn’t as if your life before was something spectacular, in fact, it was the opposite. Weren't you now living about a million people’s dream right now? A new, fantastical place with new, interesting people?
“How’s it feelin’, whiney?” your head shot up. Jax was leaning against the doorway, his already typical smug grin plastered across his face. You roll your eyes, “Pretty good, actually, this is gonna be better than my life back home.” Your statement seemed to surprise him, his smile faltering a moment, before he retook the jerk persona, “Oh, yeah? If you’re sooo sure about that,” he shrugged and invited himself into your room, glazing around with disinterest, “I’m betting you won’t last a month. The tough ones crack first.”
Your lips twitch as you resist snapping at him, “Mm, well if you say so,” and lay back against your bed. You were determined to ignore his rather desperate cries for attention. You ran your fingers over the soft white quilt and sighed, relaxing yourself. 
Jax, on the other hand, was staring at you, eyebrow raised and a rather irked expression painted on his face. He narrowed his eyes, huffed, and left the room. This made you snort, he was acting like a toddler who was told “no.” Once he was out of earshot, you began to giggle out loud. His reaction was priceless. You were definitely going to ignore him like that permanently.
“Um… Ragatha told me you wanted a few p-posters?” a shy voice peeped. You glanced up, surprised that someone else appeared so quickly. You glanced up, seeing the ribbon-and-mask girl, then smiled a bit, “Oh, yeah. Gangle, right?” She nods and steps closer hesitantly, sniffing. Her ribbons were wrapped around a small stack of papers and ink liners.
“Oh, do you draw manga?” you ask without thinking. The ink liners were the kind you saw anime artists using all over the internet. Gangle nods, setting the stack of papers on your desk, “I don’t anymore, not really… Jax just makes fun of me for it. You frown, that familiar annoyance tingling in your gut, “Hey, just ignore him okay? He’s just a @#$%*,” your rather unpleasant name being censored by a cartoony boink. 
She nodded a bit, then lifted a sketching pencil, “Um… what did you want me to draw?” You think a moment, then smile, feeling a twinge of sibling-like love for the sorrowful girl, “How about you just draw? I’d like your art on my walls either way.” Gangle perked up a bit, “Anything?” “Anything.” She nodded and shyly began to sketch. You watched her doodle for a moment, then realized something.
“Weren’t you a comedy mask when I got here?” you inquire, wondering if it changed depending on her mood. “Oh… yeah, I was but… Jax took in in the hall…” she blinked and her tears fell, but new ones immediately formed, “I don’t know where he went with it…” So her mood depended on her mask, not the other way around.
You made a small growl, “I’ll go get it back,” you gently pat where her shoulder would have been, “just stay here, enjoy yourself, okay? Don’t worry.” She nods, and you walk out the door, “And Gangle?” you add on your way out, “if he tries to mess with you, just tell him you don’t care, okay? He wants a rise out of you.” And off you went, in search of the annoying purple rabbit. Oh boy, was he about to get an earful.
TAGGING TIME: @lostsoullover (my bestieeee) @dai-tsukki-desu
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Fanfic - Ghost of the Cards
This was written for a "back to school" fic challenge on a DP server I'm in. It was beta read by HeroineofTime!
For the challenge, we had to write a fic that was around going back to school, and had to include in some way homework, detention, backpack, friends, and bells.
(ao3 here) (ff.net here)
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Danny knew that Dash and the A-Listers would probably try to find some way to make his life miserable, but he had to admit this was actually kind of funny.
Danny huffed as he ran up to the school doors. Yes, he could have just flown in using his ghost powers while invisible, then pop out of one of the bathroom stalls or something, but after the summer vacation, and the multitude of close calls of almost being caught by… well… everyone… (no Jazz, he was not being careless because he wanted to be caught and freed from the burden of secrecy) he decided not to risk using his powers at school today.
In retrospect, that didn't help anything.
Danny walked through the school doors, he was greeted by the sight of one of the lunchroom tables laid out in the school entryway. Star and Paulina were sitting at the table, greeting all the students as they came in, and handing out little boxes.
Danny resolved himself to ignore it, but he didn't get a chance to.
"Hey! Fenton!" Star called out. Danny sighed and walked over. Star glanced over at Paulina and the two of them started giggling.
Danny already had a bad feeling but now it was worse. "Hey, Star," he greeted.
"Hello!" Star said, sitting up straight. Her posture was perfect, not leaning in any friendly manner, but she wasn’t leaning away like she normally would. (At least, while people could see her) "Here! Take this!" she said, handing him one of the boxes. Her voice was oddly chipper for a typical interaction with him. "The art club kept meeting over the summer, and we came up with something fun! The teachers are all helping out with this!"
"Uh… thanks? What is it?" Danny asked, tilting the box over in his hands. It was a cardboard box that was printed to look like the outside of Casper High, with a large ‘TCG’ floating over the school's name. There was also a piece of masking tape on the back, that Danny noticed wasn't on the others.
This box had been marked for him.
"It's a card game! You should know all about those!"
Danny sighed. "Not really? Look, I know I'm a nerd, but I like video games and space." Danny shook the box around. "Card games haven't been my thing."
Star rolled her eyes. "Whatever, look, I gotta keep handing these out." She looked past him and raised her hand. "Kwan! Over here!"
Where Kwan was, Dash soon followed, so Danny dashed away.
Danny checked where his locker was supposed to be, before running up the stairs to the top floor. Fighting the urge to pump a fist as he did so. Not only was it the top floor, but it was close to a janitor closet, and in a dead end part of the school. Not many people would be coming by here unless it was specifically to drop stuff at their locker, or go to the history teacher's room that was on the other side of the wall.
And more importantly, Sam and Tucker were apparently next to him as well.
Thank Clockwork for small mercies.
"You're welcome," Tucker said as he took a stack of cards from Sam.
"Don't mention it, I don't want to see it, I don't want to hear about them, and the moment I’m allowed to get my hands around Paulina’s little neck I’ll-"
Danny jogged up and interrupted their conversation. "Whoa, what's going on?" he asked. He couldn’t help but be proud of himself, this was about as far as you could get from the school entrance, and despite jogging the whole way, he wasn’t out of breath at all. Apparently, the early morning jogs with Sam were actually helping.
Sam whirled toward Danny, and then zero'd in on the box in his hands. "It's that stupid card game that Star and Paulina started.” she spat, pointing at it with about as much hate as she had for the pink dresses her mother kept buying her. “They started with- hey wait, Danny, don't-"
But, Danny kept opening the box. "I just want to see what the big deal is." He opened the box as Sam stammered. She opened and closed her mouth multiple times before giving up and biting down on a knuckle.
The box contained several booster packs of cards, each wrapped up in foil, and a booklet that was probably the game rules. In all honesty, Danny was impressed. He wasn't a connoisseur of playing cards or anything, but this seemed very much like the cards he'd see at the big box stores.
Danny tore up the first pack and looked at the cards. He frowned when he saw the first card that greeted him was a picture of Dash. It was a picture of his bully at what was probably last year's homecoming football game, with two golden stars above it. Underneath the picture were two boxes, one with a red sword along with a 5, and another with a blue shield with an 8. At the bottom of the card was a big box saying, "Teamplayer, for every other card on the field with the text teamplayer on, this card gains 1 power and 1 toughness."
Danny rolled his eyes and flipped through the cards. Obviously the reason why this box was marked wasn't because he was supposed to see Dash's ugly mug. Sam continued to stare nervously as Danny went through the cards.
Danny paused on another card, this one wasn’t a photo, but a drawn art piece of Ember. Instead of the stars, there was a green letter ‘G’ above the picture. Ember had a 10 for the sword, and the shield had a 10 as well.
At the bottom of her card was a similar box as Dash’s card. “Leader, when this card is played, take a card from your hand and put it in one of the lanes next to this card. It must follow normal summoning rules.”
Danny huffed. “Ember would hate this card, she doesn’t do duets.” The comment got a laugh out of Tucker but Sam continued to look nervous. She wouldn’t be worried if it was a ghost (other than him) being upset, that meant this wasn’t what had gotten under her skin. So, Danny continued flipping through the cards.
Then he found it.
It was a picture of him, looking panicked. Danny recognized it as around one of the times Skulker really had it out for him from last year during prom. His card was lacking any of the stars, but it also had a big fat 0 next to the power and toughness stats.
The only saving grace to his card was the bottom text, which Danny read aloud. "Moving on, when this card dies, play another card."
The hall was silent for a moment as Danny processed what he was seeing. Sam reached out carefully towards Danny, almost like she was afraid he'd break down in front of him.
Danny couldn't take it anymore.
He started laughing. Full blown laughs, the ugly ones that made you wheeze cause you weren't able to breath properly.
"Danny?" Sam asked, bewildered.
"Oh my gosh, this is perfect!" Danny got out before gasping for air. "I can't believe- oh my god- they did- I can't- I can't breathe, oh my god I can't breathe! I'm laughing too hard!"
"Okay, Danny, seriously…" Sam said, folding her arms and tapping her foot against the ground. "This isn't funny."
Danny took several big gulps full of air. "Sam, it's really funny." Sam continued to glare and Danny leaned forward and whispered. "Sam, my card's power is going ghost." He frowned. "Wait, do you think-"
"That the A-Lister's know?" Tucker interrupted, shuffling his cards around, "Nah, if they did, Dash would be worshiping the ground you walk on, not talking about how he can't wait to see your face when you see your card."
"I think he's gonna be pretty disappointed."
Sam huffed and leaned against the lockers. "You're both taking this pretty well considering the school is basically systematically bullying Danny." She turned toward Danny and her eyebrows rose slightly. "I'm gonna be honest. I'm not okay with this. I'm not. I know you're saying it's funny, but Danny… the school made a card that said your only purpose is to die… That's really messed up."
Danny shrugged and checked that no one was coming down the hall before shoving his hand through his locker door and hanging up his backpack. "I mean, they're not wrong."
Danny turned to face Sam. "Sam, I'm a straight D student… I'm also the-" Danny checked the hall again and still didn't see anyone coming around the corner, "-the local super hero. Literally, my superpower is to die on command. It's really exactly wrong... Also, where is everyone else? School starts in like… thirty minutes doesn't it?"
Sam's eyes narrowed and she turned toward Tucker, Tucker however was laughing. "Jazz moved your clocks ahead so you'd make it on time. We got like an hour and half."
"What! I can't believe she'd do that!" Danny paused then shrugged. "Well, actually I can and I think that's worse."
Sam reached over and pulled on Danny's arm. "I'm not letting this drop," she said, holding eye contact with Danny and holding onto his wrist. Her grip was surprisingly tight, and her arm was shaking slightly. "It's not okay that the school did this, you know? You're allowed to be mad about it."
"I'm not though! Sam, I really don't care."
"Well, fine, but I do… I'm not okay with them doing this. I'm gonna tear the school a new one," she said, grabbing Danny's arm with her other hand. "When I get home, I'm talking to my grandma and I'm finding the best lawyer I can and then Mr. Lancer can kiss every bonus he'd ever get goodb-"
Danny sighed and put a hand on Sam's shoulder, interrupting her litigious rant. "Sam, aren't you the one always telling me not to worry about what other people think?" His hand slid from the top of her shoulder as he ran his hand up and down her arm, trying to get her to calm down.
Sam shook her head, though she leaned into his touch. "This is very different, and you know it,” she whispered.
"Hey, guys?" Tucker interrupted from his spot on the floor. "I hate to end this tender moment, but it gets better." Tucker waved the booklet around in front of Danny and Danny snatched it out of his hands.
Danny read for a few moments before his eyes went wide. "Oh… oh!"
Tucker smiled and started nodding. "You're seeing it too, aren't you?"
"Dude, there's no way-"
"I read the whole thing back to back, yeah, no, it's EXACTLY what you're thinking it is!"
Sam frowned. "What on earth are you guys-"
"Danny!" The trio turned around to see Jazz marching up to them. "Danny, did you-" She froze as she saw the rule book in Danny's hands. "Oh, you opened the pack, didn't you?"
Danny waved the cards around. "Yeah, I did. Why?"
Jazz frowned and straightened her back. "Cause I did too, and I got one of your cards."
Danny perked up. "Really? Can I have it?"
Jazz took a step back, and folded her arms across her chest. "Uhh…" She glanced up at Sam who walked over to Jazz's side. "No?" it shouldn't have sounded like a question, but it definitely did.
"He's already seen it," Sam groaned. "I'm telling him he can be mad about it-"
"Guys, guys, listen, my card's power is dying. It's objectively hilarious."
Jazz glared at Danny. "No, the card is… I mean… it's…" Jazz's righteous anger slowly fizzled out as she stammered, unsure of exactly what she was saying. Obviously she knew the implications of what the card was saying, but she didn't want to say it herself.
"Wait, wait…" Danny interrupted, shaking his hands about in the air. Before he pointed at Jazz and raised his voice. "You moved my clocks forward! I could have been sleeping!"
Jazz rolled her eyes. "You'll be thankful since you can actually get your textbooks because you got here on time." She huffed and ran a hand through her hair. "Danny, I really don't think you're getting how serious this is."
This time it was Danny's turn to roll his eyes. "The A-Listers made a stupid card game, tried to make a joke about me being useless, accidentally made a joke that is so accurate that probably every single one of us has wondered if the secret is out." At that, everyone else suddenly refused to make eye contact.
"I mean…" Tucker began scratching under his beret.
Sam coughed. "Paulina for all her faults is pretty observant."
Jazz huffed. "It's better than what this actually is."
Danny just raised an eyebrow at them and folded his arms. The silence stretched for a moment before Sam walked up to Danny. "Danny, you're my best friend. Sorry Tuck, no offense."
"Some taken," Tucker responded cheerfully.
"And because you're my best friend, I don't care if you are or aren't bothered by the stupid card. 'Cause I am. The school told my best friend he was worthless, and I'm not okay with that. Maybe they didn't mean that, maybe it just slipped through. But that's what this looks like to me, and probably looks like to all the kids in the school."
"Except for all the card nerds," Tucker chimed in.
"What?" Jazz asked, turning towards Tucker. "Why?"
Instead of an answer, the four of them jumped as screams came from down the stairs. The four exchanged glances before running down the stairs. They followed the screams and fleeing students back towards the school entrance, where almost everyone was fleeing from a terrifying ghost.
Terrifying if you hadn't been paying attention the entirety of last year, that is.
Five students groaned, Tucker, Sam, and Jazz all turned to see that Valerie had appeared. The four of them froze as one, realizing they were not as alone as they thought they were, and they started to think about how to get the others to leave so that one of the two ghost hunters here could fight the ghost in peace.
Except Danny was not having it.
"For the love of fudge and Clockwork!" Danny shouted, marching towards the Box Ghost. He snatched up one of the card boxes as he marched toward the floating annoyance. "You, Box Ghost. I have a box here, a shiny cardboard box. I give you this, you leave. Okay?"
The Box Ghost floated closer to Danny. "That is indeed a splendid box most shiny…" The Box Ghost mused as he rubbed his chin. Inspecting the box for blemishes and appropriate squareness.
Danny reached up and grabbed the Box Ghost by his shirt, pulling him down to eye level. He then whispered to him, "If you don't take the box and make like a ghost and disappear, then the next time Phantom sees you, he's gonna shove his fist so far down your throat you'll be tasting rubber for the rest of your afterlife.” The Box Ghost’s eyes widened, perhaps sensing that Danny was very much serious. He snatched the box out of Danny’s hands before floating back out of reach. “HA HA, the BOX GHOST accepts your tribute! He shall now go far away and uncover the secrets of your mysterious cardboard-!”
“We get it,” Danny growled.
The Box Ghost jumped back about three feet, before shouting, “BEWARE!” as a final farewell, and then flying through the walls.
Danny huffed and wiped his hands on his jeans before turning back towards his friends. He took two steps before he heard someone say, “Fenton?”
Danny turned to see Star peeking at him from behind an overturned table, apparently that was the source of the spilled boxes that Danny had picked from. Good to see that the training from the last year or so had stuck when dealing with ghosts. Danny reached down and picked up a couple of the boxes. Of the three he grabbed, one had masking tape on the back of it, like the one that had been given to him.
Danny juggled the boxes around to get a free hand to lift the table back upright. “I don’t know why you two are freaking out, it’s just the Box Ghost…” At their incredulous looks and Jazz clearing her throat behind him, Danny coughed and quickly added, “I mean… even I’ve stopped running from the Box Ghost over the summer.”
Star and Paulina looked at each other as Danny put the boxes down, though the marked box he kept. He ran his fingers over the masking tape and then gave a pointed look at each of them. Paulina looked at the box then at Danny, before recognition lit up in her eye. It was replaced a moment later as she realized that he knew what that meant. Her eyes widened and she glanced at Danny’s friends. Tucker and Valerie were picking up boxes, but Sam and Jazz were steadfastly not.
If looks could shoot ectoblasts, Paulina and Star would have gone ghost right there.
Paulina took a step back as Star held out a hand for the box, giving him her nicest, warmest, and fakest smile. “Well, thanks, Fenton!”
Danny pulled back and said, “I’m keeping this one.”
Star’s smile dropped just slightly. “Oh? But you already got one?”
Danny tapped on the masking tape with his index finger. “It’s got my card in it, doesn’t it?” At that Star’s smile dropped and her eyes went wide. Danny turned around and started walking away. He walked over to where Valerie, Jazz, Tucker, and Sam were all talking. “Hey, Valerie!” Danny greeted.
Valerie shifted uncomfortably. Glancing between him and the others.“Hey, Danny,” she greeted back hesitantly. Before he could ask what was bothering her, she barreled on. “What’s that about your card?”
Jazz turned toward Danny as he started tearing into the box. “The school made that card game, and everyone has a card.” She explained. “The A-Listers used the opportunity to try and bully Danny.”
“What?” Valerie gasped.
“Sweet!” Danny exclaimed after tearing open the packs. “I got two of mine!” He held them up in victory, but Valerie snatched them out of his hand. “Hey! Give me those! I fought a ghost for them!”
Valerie scoffed. “Yeah, right. Anyone with a brain can deal with the Box Ghost.”
“Which explains why the A-Listers were hiding from him.”
Valerie did not continue the quippy back and forth, instead her jaw dropped as she read the card. “Please tell me this isn’t what I think it is.”
“I don’t make a habit of lying,” Sam lied. Lying was second nature to all of them at this point, though Danny would admit he still wasn’t good at thinking on his feet. “The card’s only purpose is to get on the field and die.”
Danny snatched the cards back. “Guys, you’re making it out to be so much worse than it is.”
Valerie whirled on Danny. “Danny! This is awful! Look, I’ve looked past a lot of Star and Paulina’s stuff, but this is bad…”
Danny shuffled through the cards. “Guys, seriously drop it. I’m sure the A-Lister’s weren’t thinking, cause if they were they wouldn’t have made my card so strong.”
Everyone except for Tucker, who had actually read the rule book, looked at each other confused and managed to ask, “What?”
Then the doors of the building got thrown open. Some people screamed and dove for cover, others started running without thinking, while a few others turned to look at the new threat.
Maddie Fenton walked into the school building with fire and fury behind her. Her eyes sweeped the entrance hallway before falling on Jazz and Danny. She marched over to them, and Danny immediately went ramrod straight as he recognized just how pissed she was. He hadn’ seen her this mad since he had broken the vase she had bought.
(In his defense, it was haunted.)
“Jazz, sweetie,” she began, her voice icy cold. “May I see what you were calling about?”
Jazz produced one of the cards and handed it over to her mother. “Yeah, I got one right here.”
Danny opened his mouth to say something, but then thought better of it as he saw the look on his mother’s face. She growled and turned. “Come along kids, I’m going to have a talk with the school principal, right now.”
No longer in his mom’s sight, Danny found his voice, though his feet followed after her like a duckling. “Mom, please, listen to me. This is not that big of a deal!”
“I think I’ll be the judge of that, sweetie.”
“No, seriously!” Danny turned to Jazz as his mom marched through the school halls. “Jazz, please back me up!”
Jazz sighed and gave him a look like he should know better. “Danny, I’m the one who called her over this.”
Danny tried to argue his case with both of them, but made no progress. It wasn’t much longer before Danny was running a hand down his face as his Mom towered over Principal Ishiyama. “I would like to speak to whoever was in charge of the school’s card game.”
The principal looked behind her at Danny (who was mouthing an apology) and Jazz (who was trying to develop ghost powers to immolate someone with her brain) before meeting her gaze. “Uh… is there a problem?”
“Yes,” Maddie stated. “The teacher?”
“Well, the card game was made by the school’s art club so-”
“The art club has a supervisor. Who. Is. It.” There was no inflection in her words, Danny had heard her speak kinder to the ghosts she had captured.
The principal wavered for a moment before reaching over to her phone. She pressed a few buttons before the school’s P.A system turned on. “Would Mr. Lancer please come to the principal’s office immediately?”
“Sit, children.” Maddie ordered, and Danny and Jazz jumped into the chairs that were set across from the desk.
Once they were sitting, Danny frowned and noticed something. “Uh… should we leave a chair for Mr. Lancer?”
Maddie didn’t break eye contact with the principal. “No.”
They sat in an awkward quiet with Maddie glaring at Principal Ishiyama the entire time before Mr. Lancer stepped into the office. “You wanted to see me?” He asked, “I’m still setting up for class, so-”
Maddie turned toward him. Slowly and insidiously, Danny wouldn’t have been surprised if he heard the sounds of hinges creaking as her head carefully and measuredly turned toward his teacher. “You were in charge of the school’s card game?”
“Uhh, in a manner of speaking? I was just supervising, ensuring the students weren’t misusing school property, or fielding questions.” Lancer answered as he walked over toward the principal’s side. By the looks on their faces, neither knew what this was about.
“Hm,” Maddie vocalized, and Danny winced. That was not a sound of acknowledgement, but the sound of you-have-done-exactly-as-I-expected-you-would-and-now-I’m-disappointed-in-you which was a lot of information given in a single syllable but he was quite familiar with it. “And just how were the card’s strength and health determined?”
“Well, the rules are using power and toughness, but a card’s power was how many clubs and after school activities a student was in, while toughness was a base of 5, with an additional 1 for every grade of B or 2 for A, and a loss of 1 for every detention that a student had.”
The principal leaned forward and cut in. “Ms. Fenton-”
“Doctor,” Maddie corrected, and both Danny and Jazz winced. Their mother usually didn’t care about her title, stating she was a mother and wife first and foremost. She only insisted on being called doctor when she wanted to make a point.
It obviously threw Ishiyama for a loop. She cleared her throat and continued. “Dr. Fenton, perhaps you should explain what exactly-”
“Ms. Ishiyama, were you aware that Mr. Lancer here allowed the school to produce a card that implied my son had no benefit? That all he could do was die?”
Mr. Lancer’s eyes widened. “Excuse me! That is-”
Maddie refused to look in his direction. Instead holding up a hand to cut him off. “And that my son’s special ability is called moving on.”
At this point, Danny jumped up. “Hold on, can I get a say in this?” Danny waved his hands and stood next to the principal, who was beginning to turn pale. “Mom, that’s an inside joke of the school. You know I’ve had to go to the bathroom a lot ever since the accident, so when I have to interrupt class to, Mr. Lancer will give me permission and then say, ‘Moving on’. I know it looks bad, but it’s just an inside joke of the school.”
Mr. Lancer raised an eyebrow. “Thank you, Mr. Fenton, I-”
Maddie whirled on him. “Shall I also point out that you are also exposing students’ grades to everyone as well? You must have shared them if the cards are a reflection of their grades.”
Mr. Lancer folded his arms. “I did not, the students asked for a formula for making the numbers, and I ran it myself. The students don’t know anyone’s grades.”
“Yet, you have my son having a zero for his health?” Maddie snapped.
“Even if he had turned in all his homework with 100% grades, which everyone in this room knows he has not, with the number of detentions he has received the last year, he’d still be at a zero.” Mr. Lancer said, shooting Danny a look.
Maddie slammed her hands on principal Ishiyama’s desk. “Do not blame my son for this!”
The principal raised her hands. “Dr. Fenton, I acknowledge that we have done you and your family a major disservice. Even if it was an inside joke, the context is important,” she said, shooting Mr. Lancer a withering glare. “Dare I say, our English teacher should be more than aware of something like that.”
Jazz cleared her throat. “May I ask a question?”
Maddie leaned back and answered for everyone. “Go ahead, sweetie…” even as Danny was shaking his head no.
“Mr. Lancer, did you have any inkling of what was going on?”
“Excuse me?” He said brow furrowing.
“Were you or were not aware that it was very likely that the A-Listers, Star, Paulina, Dash, and Kwan were using this as an opportunity to bully my little brother?”
Mr. Lancer opened his mouth to respond before taking a moment to clear his throat and respond. “I did not know that they were intending to do this, no.”
Maddie frowned and Ishiyama let out a sigh of relief. But Jazz continued, “But did you suspect it? Did you have reason to believe that they were going to do this?”
Lancer was quiet and didn’t answer, instead he chewed on his lip for a moment.
It was a moment too long, and Maddie turned to the principal. “I want him fired.”
“I’m sure we can come to an agreement that doesn’t-”
“He’s either fired, or Fentonworks stops funding the school repairs and anti-ghost tech.”
Danny put his fingers to his lips and blew a shrill whistle. “Okay! Okay! No! Mom!” Danny clapped his hands in front of his chest before pointing at her with them. “They can’t fire Mr. Lancer, the school already is having enough trouble finding new teachers because they’re quitting the moment they hear about ghost attacks. Not only that, but if you stop helping the school, the school is gonna have to shut down!”
“Daniel,” Maddie started, her voice deceptively calm and collected. “If this school is not a safe space for my children, then it can burn for all I care.”
“OOooookay!” Danny shouted, holding up his hands. “I understand you’re upset, but-”
“Daniel. I get upset when your father eats more than his share of the mashed potatoes. I get upset when my experiments get ruined by ghost attacks. I get upset when you kids forget to do your chores.
“I am not upset. I am furious.”
“But I’m not,” Danny groaned, pointing at himself. “Look, I know what the card looks like, seriously, I do. Everyone is telling me to be mad about it, but…” He trailed off as he looked out the door and he ran to the door. “Hey! Hey! Mikey! Yeah, come over here real quick.”
He led the quiet nerd into the office and then closed the door behind him. “Okay, this is gonna be quick. You got the school game, right?”
Mikey adjusted his glasses. “Uh, yes, Star gave me a box this morning when I walked in.”
“Right, okay. You read the rule book right?”
“Of course! Front to back three times! I wouldn’t be a proud member of the game club if I didn’t!”
“How many Danny Fenton cards do you have?”
“I’ve gotten my hands on ten so far.”
“How much would I need to pay you in order to get you to give me those cards?”
“If Paulina came in here and asked for a date in exchange, I still wouldn’t give them up. You can pry them from my cold dead and nerdy hands.”
“No, seriously. I think I got like forty bucks in my pocket-”
“Thank you, that is all.”
The principal frowned and watched as Danny pushed Mikey out the door and closed it again. “What was the point of that?”
Danny took a deep breath. “Mr. Lancer… do you have a deck?” At his teacher’s nod, Danny then asked a question. “You have several of my cards in your deck, don’t you?”
Mr. Lancer threw his hands up in the air. “I don’t. The art club wouldn’t let us cheat and build our decks with the cards we wanted. We had to draft them.”
“The point?” Maddie said huffing.
Danny sighed. “Yes, Dash, Star, Paulina and Kwan… I’m not sold on Kwan here, all tried to bully me by making a bad card. They failed so so hard.” Danny blinked. “In all honesty? The card is very accurate. The card game is about fighting ghosts. So, obviously I’m the most intelligent person in the deck, the moment ghosts show up, I’m outta there.”
“Into the graveyard,” Jazz snipped.
Danny rolled his eyes. “Fine, how about this? They can release a new rule book, one where the graveyard is called the discard pile instead?”
Maddie pursed her lips. “Danny, you’re really insistent this doesn’t change. Why?”
“Because I’m not gonna be happy if I don’t get to beat my bully at literally his own game.” The school bell rang and Danny started inching his way to the door. “Okay, Mom? You can hash it out with the principal, but no asking for Mr. Lancer to be fired, no threatening the school, and definitely no changing my card's effects? Okay? Please?” Danny thought for a moment and then tacked on, “I love you?” The fact that sounded like a question probably didn’t help his chances in getting her to calm down.
Maddie sighed and looked toward the ceiling. “Alright, alright.” She stood up. “I will let Principal Ishiyama here discuss with Mr. Lancer what they should do, but tomorrow I will be back. This time, with my husband as well. And I assure you, he won’t be as calm as me.”
The threat definitely worked, as both of them paled as they thought about what a rampaging Jack Fenton would be like.
The Fentons left the room together, and Maddie handed Jazz back the card. “I really don’t like this.” She said, though she didn’t seem surprised when Danny snatched the card from Jazz and put it in his pocket. “But you… seem to know what you’re doing?”
“The only request I have is that Jazz records it when Dash realizes how dumb he is.” Danny turned and then started running back down the hall. “Gotta get to class! I’ll see you guys later!”
Danny ran back to his locker, put the cards in his pocket away, and then ran to class. He turned the corner before a hand grabbed his shirt and slammed him into a locker. “Heard you went crying to mommy, Fenturd.”
“Dash, we have got to stop meeting like this.” Danny said, rolling his eyes. “And for the record, I didn’t. You pissed off Jazz, who then called my mom. I tried to tell her it was not a big deal.”
Dash hesitated, trying to slot the square peg into the round hole. Danny could practically see the thoughts slip out of his head before he got mad again. “Well, I guess I gotta crush ya before your mom ruins the fun. Lunch time, bring a deck.”
“See you then!” Danny saluted. His hand fell back to his side and he looked down. “Dash… aren’t you gonna put me down?”
“I’m thinking about it.”
“Well, I know this is gonna be hard, but can you think faster? I want to be on time to class for a change.”
A few moments later, Danny phased his way out of the locker he had been stuffed into. He sighed and brushed off shirt. “Man, I really hope I start taking more after my dad soon. I would love to not fit in lockers anymore.”
Lunch time came around, and Danny walked in with his head held high. Mikey might not have traded his cards for a date with Paulina, but Phantom signing the Phantom card (which was a 10/10 by the way, with both Teamplayer and Leader keywords) was worth the trade.
It seemed like the entire school was there waiting for this fight. Danny walked down an aisle flanked by students on either side of him that closed around him as he approached Dash sitting at a lunch table.
Danny stopped at the tablet. “Seriously, did you really pick the table furthest from the door? Are you sure you’re not one of the drama kids?” He turned toward Star, who was actually looking pretty uncomfortable. “Star, you’ve been in the school plays right? You should totally try to get Dash to join in this year, looks like he’d have fun with it.”
Star didn’t answer; instead she stepped behind Kwan, who looked a little sick, and Paulina, who was shifting around as the entire school stared at them.
“It’s time to duel, Fenton.” Dash said, slamming his palm against the table.
Danny rolled his eyes. “Alright alright, if you’re that ready to lose” he said, sitting down at the table. Danny took his deck out and started shuffling it. It wasn’t much to shuffle; the deck size was only twenty cards after all.
Dash frowned, but then drew his starting hand. “Good, I’m ready. As the cool one, I’m going first.” He smiled at Danny. “Okay, for my first card, I’m playing Danny Fenton!” He threw the card on the table, “Oh, whoops! He died.” He laughed and Danny looked over at the other A-Listers who were taking a slight step back.
“Well, moving on,” Dash chuckled. “I get to play another card. So I play Mikey! A 3/10 with supporter!”
“Ooh, look at you, already talking like a card gamer!” Danny crowed.
“Shut it, Fenton! I’m not a nerd like you!” He folded his arms. “It’s your turn now. I can’t attack on the first turn.”
Danny nodded and raised an eyebrow. “Did you remember to draw at the end of your turn?” Dash quietly reached over and refilled his hand before Danny made a show of thinking. “Hmm… which card, which card…” He tapped his chin and then shouted. “Ah! I know!” He put a card down in front of Dash’s card. “I play Danny Fenton!” He paused. “Oh shit! I died! Oh well. Anyways.”
Dash blinked. “You really used your stupid card?”
“Hey, it’s my turn still! Jeez, I can still do something awesome!” Danny thought for a moment longer. “Oh, okay, let’s try this! I play Danny Fenton!” Dash’s brow furrowed as Danny continued. “Oh shit, I died again! I hope it was a quick one! Like maybe my neck snapped. I’d hate for it to be a slow one.” The rest of the A Listers took another step back and tried to blend into the crowd as Danny made a big deal of his card dying. “It’s okay, thanks to moving on, I get another shot! Umm… Okay, okay, I got it. I play Danny Fenton!”
Dash scoffed. “You really put three of your cards in your stupid deck?”
Danny laughed. “Three? No. Dash, my deck uses fifteen of them!”
Dash looked around, seeing confusion on most of the nearby students. “Wait, wait, you really used half your deck for your dumb worthless card?”
Danny stared at Dash for a moment. “Okay, Dash, you wanna repeat that in your head and see where you went wrong?” Dash froze like a deer in headlights before Danny sighed. “Okay, I’m pretty sure your card is bunk because wow are you bad at math. That’s not half my deck, that’s three quarters.”
“Tucker, please explain to the man.”
Tucker stepped out of the crowd holding up the rule book. “Cards are broken down into four categories, zero star cards, one star cards, two star cards, and ghost cards. In order to play a one star card in a lane, that lane must already have a zero star card in it. In order to play a two star card, there must already be a one star card in that lane already. Ghost cards require a total of three stars worth of cards in the lane. For every card in the graveyard, the number of stars needed for a ghost card to be summoned is reduced by one by removing those cards from play.”
Danny pointed at the three Danny Fenton cards in his graveyard. “I needed fifteen to ensure my draw chances are good enough. Which they obviously are. Oh, and by the way… moving on. You know her, you love her, let us hear you scream her name-”
“Please don’t.” Sam called out from the sidelines.
“It’s Ember McLain!” Danny shouted as he put down an Ember card slightly to the right of the Mikey card. “Ember has the Leader keyword, which lets me put down another card. So let’s hear it for her backup singer, Danny Fenton!” he said, putting down his card again. “Oh, shit, she killed him! That bastard! Oh well… moving on.” Danny held up his hand. “Now, I only got one card left, so I have to play it, it’s Danny Fenton!”
Danny paused as he put down his card. “Okay, so I’m hoping you’re seeing where this is going.”
Dash stood up. “Hold on, you’re out of cards!”
“In a situation where you are asked to play a card but don’t have any in hand, then you draw another card.”
“So, I draw and let’s see, am I feeling lucky? Dash, can you do math? What are the chances of me drawing a Danny Fenton card? Come on, I know you can do it.”
“Fuck you!” Dash shouted, beginning to move around the table.
“What’s the matter, Dash?” Valerie called out. “Can’t win a card game?”
“A card game you helped make?” Sam jeered.
Dash froze, and Danny took the opportunity to draw. “Yes! I indeed drew a Danny Fenton card! So, let’s continue…” Danny flipped through his deck, drawing his card multiple times, before finally he drew a different card.
“Sorry Mikey!” Danny shouted, “You’re about to get stepped on by Ember!”
Danny pinched the brow of his nose. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that. Alright, Ember’s card doesn’t actually play a card, it’s using special wording so I guess that’s it.” He snapped his finger. “Oh, wait! It isn’t! I attack! Ember steps on Mikey, removing him, and then Ember swings and hits you in the face.” Danny smiled and leaned back. “Now it’s your turn.”
Dash stared down at the table, which hadn’t had his Mikey card removed yet. But it didn’t matter, because he couldn’t beat Danny. Danny had, on his first turn, effectively defeated Dash. The game wasn’t over, and it wouldn’t be for a while. It’d take multiple turns for Danny to win the game. But anything Dash could play would be immediately doomed to be crushed under Danny’s ghost team.
The rest of this game would be Dash getting wailed on as Danny chunked his health over the course of several turns, with the entire school watching.
Dash scoffed. “It’s a stupid game anyways,” he said, turning around and pushing his way through the crowd.
Danny stood up and grabbed Dash’s deck and waved it up in the air. “Wait, wait, Dash! Don’t you want your deck?” Dash predictably didn’t respond. Danny scoffed as Sam and Tucker approached him. “Yeah, that tracks,” he said, grabbing the hand Dash had left on the table.
“So, did Dash fill his deck with A Listers?” Tucker asked.
“Well, let’s see…” Danny said, flipping through Dash’s deck. He continued until he came across one card. “Oh come on!”
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked, looking over his shoulder.
Danny held out the card that was bothering him. “There’s an Inviso-Bill card!”
Sam gave Danny an unamused glance. “Really? You’re bothered by that, more than the fact that Dash set up a card that you instantly die?”
“Well, yeah!” Danny said, “My name’s not Inviso-Bill!”
“What do you mean your name?”
Danny turned toward the speaker. And as Star stared at him confused, he realized that he had completely forgotten people were watching. “What? I didn’t say that. I said his name isn’t Inviso-Bill.”
“Wait…” Valerie said, stepping forward, pushing a finger into his chest. “Is that what you meant by your superpower is to die on command?”
Danny turned toward Sam, who was the best liar out of them. “I don’t know what she’s talking about, do you?”
Valerie folded her arms. “My locker is just around the corner of the hallway where your locker is. I heard you say that.”
“And my cards! Phantom was asking for them earlier!”
Star gasped. “Wait wait wait, is THAT why you’re not scared of the Box Ghost?”
“...Uh oh…”
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ADHSquirrel project time
In true disorganized jumping-bean-brain fashion, I've got multiple projects going at once. I prefer this, actually - I like to cycle through things when brain screams "No more focus on this!"
In no apparent order:
Dollhouse nostalgia: this is a cheap, bad kit from the 90s alternately known as the Greenleaf Allison or the Whitney Cambridge dollhouse. It's made of balsa wood, and the wood warps if you look at it sideways.
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I put one together when I was (much, much) younger, and then we threw it away when it started to fall apart. Now I want it back - but this time, I want to put it together so it's a lot more stable.
Plans: reinforce exterior load-bearing walls by creating faux clapboard siding and quoins (the corner pieces) like this:
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I found craft wood sheets that are 1/8-inch (3 mm) thick, and I'll be cutting them in 1/2 to 1-inch strips and gluing them to the exterior walls. Then paint and seal. I also like the raised decorations on the window sills and shutters. Hopefully, I have enough craft sheets to do that, too. I got the kind of sheets that are thin enough to cut with a craft knife, and I've got rulers for days. Dreading the sanding, though. So much sanding. Also, I've been researching putting together dollhouses, and I learned that it's better to dry fit the whole thing, secure in place with masking tape, and then glue stuff together. This is - very smart.
Sewing: continues apace. Pattern pieces are cut out for this Requiem Art Design Renaissance gown.
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I'll be doing the long, fitted sleeves. The pattern is made for knit fabric, but I'm using a woven fabric (silk dupioni I've been told, but I am not entirely certain what that is), so I incorporated the seam/hem allowances into the edges. I'm not linking to this pattern again, because it has... issues. Let's call them issues. (I'll be sending a write-up of my feedback to the designer once I've finished.)
I've cut out the pattern pieces. Now I'm tracing them onto cereal box cardboard to make pattern "blocks" - then I'll trace them onto yet more paper after I add 1/4-inch seam/hem allowances. I'm also planning to use washable markers to trace the actual patterns onto the fabric. I want to see if the marker actually washes out.
Next up: cutting cheap fabric for a toile/muslin, aka a practice run. Sewing machine has been cleaned and is in good operating condition.
Dress fabric:
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I'm using the one on the right for the dress, and the one in the middle (a gorgeous copper in person) for the arm bands and sleeve linings. It's going to be for my Feeple60 girls.
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Poor Ria.
Face-ups/blushing: every time I'm in the mood to go downstairs and work on face-ups and blushing, my ankle decides to be a little diva and inform me that under no circumstances will I be able to take the stairs today. This is exceptionally frustrating, but such are the joys of aging, I suppose.
Craftorama room: even more stuff has been cleared out of the master bedroom in preparation for upcoming staycation, when we'll move into the MBR and create Craftorama room. My office has been totally taken over by dolls, and I love it. I walk into the office to work, and all my lovely girls are here to keep me company. Cleaning books off bookshelves and filling a box to donate to the local library/thrift store, so I'll have shelf space for my dolls. Cuz priorities.
I am so excited for Craftorama room; I will not shut up about it. No more ankle-diva-no-stairs. I can close the door and work - no worries about cats trying to play with (and possibly get injured by) sewing notions. And I can finally, FINALLY, restring in peace.
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chifuyusgangshirt · 2 years
Add Kakucho alongside Rindou as the type to like gym girls.
Okay hot take but:
The types of girls the tenjiku boys would like:
Sweet girls. Kind ones, the kind of girls you can manipulate easy and who would devote themselves to saving you. Izana obviously needs a lot of attention and affection, preferably for himself alone. If you date him, you are his best friend, family, lover, mom, maid and therapist.
And you'll have to be build for that. You can't just say no to him and move on he makes sure to call and message you everyday to ask if you still like him. You need to be somehwat mother-like too. He has mommy issues and it shows man, don't be surprised when you find out he has a mommy kink in the bedroom too - just accept it man. It's Izana, he does what he wants.
Also, be interested in him and only him. He loves nice girls who hang on every word he says. Maybe even a bit dumb so he can scold you and make you feel less than you are to keep you close.
"I can change him" "babe look at me, this isn't you" and "you just don't know him like I do" are things he feeds right into. Tbh he is a bit of a pick me boy. So if you are a lovely "not like other girls" he would appreciate that. Be his and he is yours and you both can be emo together.
Also nice girls. But normal ones. You know, not the girls who have a tumblr Account and relate to Ramona flowers, more like girls that don't judge a book by it's cover. He is a scary guy and is afraid to intimidate his crush so you better be nice and outspoken.
Tbh I see him as possibly shy around girls? Doesn't know how to act and talk. He needs someone who makes the first steps and has the pants on in the relationship. Just be honest and open to him and that's enough.
Also big eaters. He'll invite you out to eat constantly and hopes to have a little eating contest with you. Competitive Bastard loves to win against you.
Say it with me; mucho likes nerdy girls. Mucho liked nerdy, mature girls.
He is the kind to fall for the type who wear the typical "nerd" thick rimmed glasses, tom-boyish style, are coffee addicts and draw a fake mustache on their finger or even better, have a necklace of it.
Oh and science. Cool, funny girls who know biology! Idk but he seems like a wise old man in the body of a body builder so I think he likes smart girls, people who can match him in any way and make him feel challenged.
Punks. Loud and nasty dirty punk girls who throw the first punch and kick him in the balls when he says too much.
Girls who love blood and spit on the ground, girls who tattoo his name on their tits and bring him to tattoo theirs on his neck.
Punk girls who kiss his snotty nose and then finish off the guys who hurt him, yes call him babyboy! He says he hates it but he doesn't. He actually dreamily writes the words next to a couple that is supposed to be you two but no one can actually make out humans in it.
Rindou is the type to say he wants a goth girlfriend but actually wants an e-girl. Rindou is the type to show you his remix on your first date and calls it art. Rindou mansplains protein-shakes to you.
But you know, he wants someone like this and that but what he needs is a girl that can pin him against the wall and make him blush like a school girl.
Rindou needs a best friend he can hang out and talk about his day with, venting about his brother and who he can show the weird rash on his butt without judgement.
Rindou would love to game with you and hold your hand, he needs a kiss on the nose when he wakes up and a knee in his stomache when he pushes you into the dirt. Fight with him, kiss him, please give him attention he needs it :(
Himself but with boobs.
But you know what he would also make do with, someone just as tired as him. Someone who laughs at his jokes and does face masks with him.
Someone who likes it when he is soft and understand him, who does his make up and let him do theirs.
You should be funny, witty and kind of sarcastic but deep inside just as vain and pseudo as him.
Pleasw visit an art gallarey with him where you both stand before a painting and literally don't know what the theme of the gallarey is. Like, absolutey not. You don't get it. When someone comes up to talk with you two about the art displayed because you both look so fancy and artsy you both just talk total bullshit and look how long it takes until the others catch on you two are total dumbasses. You stand before a statue and kiss each other and Ran makes pics and then you both read what it means and it's actually a child starving because of idk society. Do you care tho? Nah.
Kakucho likes gym girls. But the Yoga ones. He wanna see you bend like a freaking boneless demon and will be soooo happy about it too.
Kakucho likes a challenge, someone who knows what they want and talk loud and clear. Someone with confidence and who jogs at 6 am - that freak.
I think he doesn't really has a type besides mature and older girls that work out and could sucker punch him into another dimension. He is all about the vibe and if you are ready to share your boo with a sociopathic gang leader with mommy issues. This could (probably) end in a poly relationship btw.
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narumi-gens · 1 year
Triptych | "I want the truth."
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Chisaki Kai x f!Reader
summary: Your life is nothing more than a triptych, a work of art in three parts with each panel depicting a distinct period — a beginning, a middle, an end. And in the triptych that is your life, the central figure has always been Chisaki Kai.
chapter warnings: 18+ minors/ageless/blank blogs dni, angst, yandere, possessive behavior, imprisonment, emotional manipulation, emotional/psychological abuse
notes: this is from a non-chronological series so the parts can be read in any order. also, I'm using yakuza terminology so we're going with wakagashira for Overhaul and kumicho for our big boss man.
words: 2.4k
minors, blank, and ageless blogs do not like, comment, or reblog
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The End
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“Nemoto, I need your help with a sensitive matter.”
As Nemoto walks at Overhaul’s side through the winding maze of underground hallways and corridors, the words ring in his ears — especially since the sensitive matter in question is you. 
“I’m going to use the unfinished product on her. She won’t be able to use her Quirk, so you can draw the truth out of her.”
The mask Nemoto wears, the mask bestowed upon him by Overhaul, hides the mixture of surprise and awe on his face when the plan is explained to him. To be entrusted with you is further proof that among both the Eight Bullets and the entire Shie Hassaikai, he stands alone as integral to Overhaul’s ambitions. 
“I think once she sees it, she’ll finally understand this is where she belongs.”
The two men come to a stop in front of a locked room. Although with what lies inside and with how carefully Overhaul guards the key, it may as well be a vault. 
As Overhaul opens the door, a shaft of light from the hallway’s fluorescent bulbs cuts across the floor and illuminates the small room just enough to allow Nemoto to curiously scan his eyes over its contents. The room is barren, the only piece of furniture within is a twin-sized bed against one wall. 
But in the middle of the bed, curled up in a small ball and facing away from the door, lays the Shie Hassaikai’s most valuable possession second only to Eri — you. 
If not for the way your deep blue kimono and its crane pattern stands out starkly against the white bed sheets, then you would have simply melded into the room’s darkness. Especially as you make no movement upon their entrance. 
In fact, your figure is so still that Nemoto would wonder if you were actually dead if he didn’t already know that Overhaul would never allow it.
Overhaul makes his way to your side before gingerly sitting on the edge of your bed. You remain perfectly still, giving no sign that you’re aware that the two men are there. He reaches into his pocket and slips out a small case. Opening it, he carefully picks up one of the bullets inside and holds it up to look at it in the light from the hallway. 
After a long moment, he sets the case down beside him and turns to you. You apparently sense that his attention is now focused on you because you finally acknowledge his presence. 
“What do you want, Kai?” you ask, your voice rough with exhaustion and disuse. “What else could possibly be left?”
He reaches out a gloved hand to take the sleeve of your kimono and slide it up your arm until your bicep is exposed. 
“I want the truth,” he replies and before you can ask what that’s supposed to mean, he pricks your arm with the needle end of the bullet. 
You sharply inhale at the unexpected pain, your arm reflexively jerking away from his hold and your head snaps toward him. Despite the dim lighting and the distance between you, Nemoto can see the shock and confusion written across your face. 
But then your eyes catch sight of the bullet that’s still held aloft by Overhaul and they widen in what Nemoto easily identifies as fear. Your expression only grows more horrified when you notice that Overhaul isn’t alone and that Nemoto’s figure is standing in the doorway, seeming to piece together what Overhaul meant by “the truth.”
“Kai...w-what did you do?” you ask, your voice trembling as you scramble to sit up and put as much space as possible between the two of you. “M-my Quirk?”
Despite already having your back pressed to the wall, you continue to try and flatten yourself against it further. The air is becoming so saturated with your panic that even through his mask, Nemoto can practically taste it. 
Overhaul ignores your questions as he carefully returns the now-empty bullet to its case before slipping it back into his pocket. He then turns to you with a tired sigh.
“Do you realize the trouble you almost caused?” he asks, his voice tinged with exasperation. “What would we have done if Eri had actually gotten away? What if those heroes had put up a fight? We could have lost everything that we’ve been working towards these last couple of years.”
He glances down at his hands as he begins to remove one of his gloves. The action doesn’t escape you and your eyes are wide with terror as they follow every movement. When he reaches his bare hand out toward your face, you flinch away from him. But with your back already against the wall, there’s nowhere for you to go. 
When his hand is finally cupping your cheek, your loud whimper fills the room as you squeeze your eyes tightly shut. With the protection that your negation Quirk normally provides you now gone, a fearful tear rolls down your cheek as you prepare yourself for imminent and unfathomable pain. 
Nemoto watches on curiously, a silent observer to the entire interaction, unable to decide whether or not he should be surprised. He’s never seen Overhaul raise a hand to you. However, you’ve also never come so close to derailing his ambitions.
But rather than disassembling you as the both of you expect, Overhaul gently brushes away your single tear with his thumb. He then glances over his shoulder at Nemoto before returning his piercing eyes to yours.
If it’s possible to do so, he somehow manages to stand up even straighter at being addressed by the man he so deeply respects. 
“You keep giving Eri false hope that she can escape and fail every time. Don’t you think that’s cruel?” Overhaul asks you and Nemoto can see the way the fear on your face shifts from fear of pain to fear of the truth.
“Do you think that’s cruel?” Nemoto repeats, activating his Quirk and your gaze shifts to him before quickly returning to Overhaul. 
“Yes,” you whisper, the answer dragged from your lips. Your eyes fill with more tears as you’re clearly shaken by both the truth and the sensation of having experienced another person’s Quirk for the first time. 
“Crueler than taking her apart and reassembling her?” 
“Crueler than taking her apart and reassembling her?”
“Why?” From the certainty with which he asks each question, it sounds like Overhaul already knows the answers. But Nemoto knows that this is for your benefit — to open your eyes to the truth.
“Because she trusts me to help her and I can’t do it.” Your voice is thick with emotion — fear, guilt, sadness, pain. 
“Eri’s already accepted her fate, now you need to do the same,” he tells you. He pauses before narrowing his eyes. “You asked those heroes for help, didn’t you?”
“Did you ask the heroes for help?”
“Yes,” you immediately reply, your voice cracking and even without being able to see your expression, Nemoto knows that so far, this is the one truth that you wish you hadn’t told.
“What did you tell them?” There’s no trace left of the leniency Overhaul usually allows you in his question. 
“What did you tell them?”
“I told them to take Eri,” you confess.
“Did you tell them why?”
“Did you tell them why?”
“No. I just told them to take her.” Some of the tension in the small room dissipates at the knowledge that you haven’t given away Overhaul’s plan. 
“So, you practically spelled out to those heroes that a small girl was in danger and they didn’t lift a finger to help you,” he muses. “They handed her right back to me.”
There’s then a meaningful pause as he lets the words sink in.
“Why do you think the heroes didn’t help you, even when they saw a little girl asking for help?”
“Why didn’t the heroes help you or Eri?”
“Because they’re cowards,” you say and for the first time, you don’t sound surprised by your answer. You sound resigned, knowing that no help will come for you. 
“Can you trust the heroes?” Overhaul asks, appeased by your reply. 
“Can you trust the heroes?”
“No,” you murmur and you finally seem defeated. 
“Good. I’m glad you already know that. Your place isn’t with the heroes,” he tells you tiredly, like he’s bored of having to explain this to you yet again. “You know that you belong with the Hassaikai.”
There’s then a pause, Overhaul clearly contemplating something. 
“When I showed up at your apartment that first time in Sapporo, how did you feel?” he asks, finally settling on a line of questioning. 
“How did you feel when Overhaul first came to see you in Sapporo?”
The word hangs in the air, Overhaul letting it resonate. 
“Because I missed home. I missed you,” you confess, the tears present once again in your voice as the truth is exposed and Nemoto realizes exactly what Overhaul is doing. 
He isn’t just trying to show you the truth. 
‘Shake up her heart…’
“Did you think that you could ever actually leave the Hassaikai?”
“Did you think that you could ever leave the Hassaikai for good?”
“No,” you say and the way fear colors the single word causes Nemoto to wonder if this is a question that you’ve asked yourself before. 
Overhaul takes another moment as he mentally maps out the answers that he’s looking for. 
“Do you think that our fates are intertwined?”
“Do you think that your fate is intertwined with Overhaul’s?”
“Yes.” Another immediate answer that seems to shake you to the very core. 
“Do you think you can ever be fully free of me?”
“Do you think you can ever be fully free of Overhaul?”
“No,” you reply as you begin to softly cry. 
“Because if someone tried to erase the pieces of you that make me who I am, then there would be nothing left behind,” you quietly admit. Nemoto can feel how satisfied Overhaul is with your answer. 
“That’s right. I’m your past, your present, and your future,” he tells you before pausing to ensure that he has your full attention. “Just like you’re mine.”
Nemoto finds himself reminded yet again of how he stands apart from every other member of the Eight Bullets in Overhaul’s eyes. He would never trust another member, perhaps only Kurono and Mimic, to witness such an interaction between the two of you. 
To only a select few in the Hassaikai are you more than just a silent figure, more than merely the kumicho’s daughter and the wakagashira’s wife. 
But Nemoto knows better. Nemoto has been trusted to know better.
“Do you love me?” Overhaul asks though the question is nothing but a simple formality that he already knows the answer to. 
“Do you love Overhaul?”
“Yes,” you reply before finally breaking down in sobs and Nemoto knows that his job is done. Your heart has been fully shaken and the only thing keeping you from collapsing is Overhaul’s hold on you. 
Taking advantage of your distress, Overhaul wraps his free arm around your waist and pulls you from your position against the wall toward him. He then rests his forehead against yours, his mask brushing against your face. 
“I know our history is long and complicated,” he begins, his voice softer, kinder, than Nemoto has ever heard it. “But buried beneath all of it at the very foundation is the truth — that you belong by my side at the head of the Shie Hassaikai. And now you know it without a doubt.” 
He holds you to him another moment longer before releasing you. With him no longer supporting you, you curl in on yourself under the weight of the truths that have been pulled from you. Overhaul then reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key to the room that you’re being kept in and sets it down on the bed, right in your line of sight.
“I’ll leave this with you. I don’t think I’ll need it anymore,” he says, a show of trust that you no longer need to be kept under lock and key. As he begins to put on the glove that he took off earlier, he turns to the other matter that brought him to you. “I’m meeting with Shigaraki tomorrow. I’d like you to be there for it.”
You’re quiet and Nemoto thinks you won’t respond, still reeling from everything that’s just happened. 
“Why?” you ask, surprising Nemoto when you do so. He glances at Overhaul, but sees none of the same surprise, already knowing that your curiosity would get the better of you.
“Because you’re good at reading people,” he replies. “I want to hear what you have to say before we make any final decisions regarding the League.”
Nemoto finds himself pleased yet again at being allowed to witness another interaction that demonstrates the high regard that Overhaul holds you in. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll have your Quirk back by then,” he assures you and Nemoto can see the relief in your form that you haven’t had your Quirk taken away from you permanently. “I would never take it from you.”
He then stands up and slips his hands into his pockets before looking down at you. 
“It might be the only one in existence that’s actually pure,” he says with the smallest hint of amusement. 
Without waiting for you to respond, he walks away from you and out of the room, leaving the door wide open in his wake. Nemoto wordlessly joins him at his side.
“Good work, Nemoto,” Overhaul offers and Nemoto feels pride bursting in his chest. 
Yes, he truly is different from the rest of the Shie Hassaikai. Only he can be trusted with protecting both Overhaul’s ambitions and Overhaul’s heart. 
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polizwrites · 9 months
Somewhere to Turn
This is a fill for today's @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt [FFF215 Mall at Night] as well as my @bingowinteriron FREE square
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing: Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark Rating: General Tags: No Powers AU, young Tony Stark, runaway, friendship Word Count: 845
Bucky was definitely beginning to regret watching Dawn of the Dead with Clint before starting his first shift as a night watchman at the mall. It was all too easy to look down a darkened hallway and imagine that there were zombies shambling towards him out of the shadows, inexorable in their hunger for human flesh. That and the winter wind howling across the parking lot sounded positively eerie. But a job was a job, and Bucky would be damned if he was quitting before he even started.
Ms. Hill had informed him that he needed to walk the entire building at least three times during his shift, checking in through a series of QR codes, posted on the wall at the end of each wing. At least he’d be getting some exercise, he supposed.
Bucky realized he actually missed the background music that played through the speakers overhead during the day, and wondered briefly if he had the ability to turn it back on. Sure, it was all instrumental cover versions of songs that were at least as old as he was, but at least then he wouldn’t hear the echoes of his own footsteps.
As Bucky turned the corner to enter the food court, a flash of movement caught his eye. There was something - or someone - behind the counter of Luca’s Pizza, trying to open the door to the kitchen area.
“Hey!” Bucky fumbled his flashlight from its holster and turned it on; realizing belatedly that if the intruder had been armed, he’d made quite a target of himself.
But instead, the figure froze, put its hands up and turned around. “Don’t shoot! Please!”
Bucky approached cautiously - even though part of him knew he should be calling the police, the voice had sounded young and scared.
“What are you doing here?” he called out instead, making his way over through the cluster of tables in the middle of the room. “How’d you get in?”
“I hid in the bathroom when the mall closed. You know, like in that book? Admittedly this isn’t the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but…” The guy - no, more of a kid, probably somewhere in his late teens, if Bucky had to guess – shrugged.
He was dressed in a dark long sleeved shirt with a band tee over it, jeans and sneakers - just like any other teen that had walked through the doors earlier in the day. But he was wearing a facemask and the backpack on his shoulder was nearly bursting at the seams.
“Okay,” Bucky replied, not ready to let down his guard quite yet, “but I still want to know what you’re doing here.”
The guy met Bucky’s gaze, the bags under his whiskey brown eyes proof of lost sleep and sorrow. “For what it’s worth, I was going to leave money on the counter to cover the cost of the repairs, and the food. I just needed somewhere warm to stay tonight.”
Bucky’s heart went out to him; yes, he was technically trespassing, and had been in the process of breaking and entering, but Bucky knew a little something about being forced to be on your own too young. “Listen, if you’re homeless, there’s a shelter about a half a mile from here.”
The guy shook his head. “I can’t. They’d turn me in.”
“What do you mean?”
The guy sighed and took his mask off. “I’m Tony Stark.”
“Well, shit.” The disappearance of the heir to the Stark fortune had been all over the news; with the death of his parents the month before, rumors were flying about a potential kidnapping and ransom scenario. “So, you’re, what? A runaway?”
“Something like that, I guess.” He shrugged again, a haunted look briefly flashing across his face. “I know what you’re thinking, ‘Poor little rich kid. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Never had to work a day in his life - what in the hell could he be running from?” He spat the words out bitterly.
“No, no, I wasn’t.” Bucky replied, making a decision that would probably bite him in the ass at some point. “Listen - how about you come hang out with me in the security office til the end of my shift?” he offered. “I’ve got leftovers stashed in the fridge - enough to split. I’ll call my roommate and let him know someone needs to use our couch for awhile. He’ll be cool with it.”
“Huh? What… why would you do all that for someone you don’t even know?” The mix of confusion and wariness on Tony’s face made Bucky’s heart go out to him.
“Because my step dad kicked me out of the house when I was sixteen because he found out I was gay,” Bucky explained. “I don’t know what you’re dealing with, but I figure it’s got to be pretty serious if you’re scrounging for mall pizza.”
Tony huffed out a soft laugh. “You may have a point there.” He lifted his eyes again, and this time Bucky saw a bit of hope shining there.
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tricitymonsters · 10 months
Please tell us more RO rant topics!!! <3 (in reference to that post about usa being unwalkable and you tagged it akello rant topic)
OOugh good ask
Mori - gets real butthurt about Hardcore Punk vs Pop Punk debates. He used to get caught up in Poser Politics as a younger man but now that he's about 30 he's tired of hearing the same shit about it and doesn't care anymore. So if someone brings up how pop punk or emo or whatever ruined punk you're going to get him going for at LEAST an hour. Mori also hates Edgy Bands that turn into uptight, reactionary assholes as they age so if you never want him to shut up ask him how he feels about KISS.
Amir - THE RANTIEST but only if you've gotten past his social wall. Absolutely goes MENTAL about a wide variety of art topics, usually. A common one is writing off modern art as Not Art. (Trying to define art in general will get him spicy actually). You don't have to like it (he has mixed feelings personally) but its a direct response to previous art movements and has meaning. He hates andy warhol with the passion of thousand burning suns. He loses his mind when people look at various minimalist or contemporary works and say "i could have done that". (His response is always BUT YOU DIDN'T, DID YOU, KEVIN and god forbid you're standing in a gallery next to him and utter this, the social mask won't protect you). Artists who self deprecate, "inborn talent/prodigy" talks, and sotheby's piss him off too + anything having to do with pretentious critics circles gets him incredibly wound up. A rare non art rant is how much he hates Jeeps and BMWs.
Akello starts slow but will gain momentum rapidly on his special "trigger topics". Civic planning ALWAYS gets him bent out of shape. Lack of viable mass transit options, no sidewalks, no bikelanes, gas prices, car values tanking- it all gets him going REALLY fast. Also gets really bent out of shape as this relates to the disenfranchisement of the poor and homeless (How are you gonna get a job without a car?). Akello's particularly knowledgeable and plugged in with a lot of social issues too so its not art to get him railing on almost anything of that nature. Also being a dad he's REALLY on a hair trigger for education system woes, many of which he either lived himself or through Marcel so. Yeah don't mention IQ tests around Akello he will lose his mind.
Honorable mentions:
Kazu - People who break the rules at idol concerts/meet & greets. Don't touch them, participate in the chants, don't wotagei in the stands, stand in line respectfully or get your ass tossed out. Tourists who stop to take photos/tiktoks in the middle of a crowded area or in some residential neighborhood. Gets him EXTREMELY cranky.
Raath - Social cues. How the fuck is he supposed to know staring into someones eyes and not blinking is frowned upon. Mysterious unspoken rules he's never been told make him Very Angry.
Marcel - He wants to study incels in a petri dish. Sure he's hot and charismatic but even if he wasn't he'd still get women what's so hard for them OH its that they're ASSHOLES. WEIRD.
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seffien · 1 year
okay. i know this is a lot of things highlighted and I had more but these ones I was the most clueless about and very curious ???!!!!???? color pulse in Octo expansion bad ending I am most curious bout
Tumblr media
again. sorry i highlighted a lot I just… gotta absorb the sploon information I gotta
no problem
'when i die i want my team to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time' - a popular meme/miiverse post in the community complaining about teammates. it resonates with me.
'octo-kraken' - if one were to hack themselves to be an octoling and use the kraken special, the lower tentacles of the kraken would be curly!
'4 and 8 in rotm' - concept art in the artbook shows that 4 and 8 were supposed to make a return in 3's story mode but, for whatever reason, didn't. i guess the idea was scrapped, which is super unfortunate
splatoon tumblr disappearance and octo oven origins
'do not go in' - in the music that plays after the blender is completed, speaking can be heard. in reality, it's a new years countdown played backwards, but it sounds like 'do not go in', which is really, really eerie
'toni kensa identity' - there's an interview out there with the guy himself, but we still don't know much about him. we just know that he's an inkling and, well, a he.
'great zapfish flying' - sometimes, when you'd boot up the game or leave the lobby, the great zapfish would fly around the lobby and make its funny little noise. in splatoon 3, though, the zapfish is seemingly completely stationary.
'pearl's electrocution' - apparently, pearl was electrocuted when she blew out the speakers at that singing contest, was electrocuted in the process, and had her growth stunted. ...or at least, she would've, if that info wasn't just a mistranslation. at least i think it is. im very profressional.
'glenna' - an alternate name for paruko/harmony before her actual name was revealed. i have 0 idea where it came from, but it was used in the siivagunner community since she was called that in the KFAD (king for a day) tournament.
'rocket announcements' <- click for more info, although it does kinda contain splatoon 3 spoilers. i find this super creepy because...uh...
'bisk's girlfriend' - the 6th sunken scroll in splatoon 2 features bisk embracing another spider crab in a dress, confirmed in a developer interview to be his ex-girlfriend. i guess i can remove that question mark now.
'koloktos' - from the trivia section of museum d'alfonsio's inkipedia page: These laughter sounds have been present in other Nintendo games, such as upon defeating the boss Koloktos in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
'sentient idols' - not only do the idols sometimes break the fourth wall for comedic effect, but from another interview: ...it just might be that during those moments of Splatfest, they may have an occasional inkling that they are characters in some sort of a virtual space in the world of a video game.
'color pulse in octo expansion bad ending' - in the bad ending of octo expansion, a faint melody can be heard during the cutscene that plays. turns out, its a broken reprise of color pulse. there is a video, but i'm not going to link it because i want to sleep tonight and i imagine you do too.
judd mask - unused piece of gear that, strangely enough, appears in splatoon 2's salmon run employee handbook
'inklings on the moon' - in splatoon 2 (idk if its visible in 3), the moon is sometimes visible, and apparently, people saw that there was a little squid mark on it, leading to theories that inklings went to the moon before. here's a fun little video from rizirone covering the theory.
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p-artsypants · 6 months
Paint it Black (8) Finding
Robin disappeared three months ago. Now, Jump City's crime rate is mysteriously being taken care of by a normal, albeit strange, teenage boy who goes by the name Black. As the Titans befriend this lunatic, they begin to see a correlation between him and their missing leader. Will they be able to find Robin, or will Black turn them all insane as himself? [Actually, does not contain an OC]
Ao3 | FF.net
Starfire and Black diligently worked in his room. Starfire set up a card table and some chairs. She spread her supplies out and allowed him to use what he wanted. 
Black sang a sad and eerie song, as if it was a jaunty tune, complete with a small smile and little head bobs. “That there, that's not me. I go where I please. I walk through walls, I float down the Liffey. I'm not here.”
Starfire glanced at him, goosebumps prickling up on her skin.
“This isn't happening. I'm not here. I'm not here.”
“Your voice is most soothing. Do you enjoy singing?” 
He looked at her confused. “Singing? Nah, I don’t sing.” 
“But you were just––” 
“Hey, look what I made!” He grinned, and held his project up to his face. It was a mask reminiscent of Robin’s, but instead of plain black, it was colored with crayons and had glitter on it. “Guess who I am? Wah wah wah Justice!” 
The mask went up in embers as Starfire incinerated it with the eye beams. “That was neither flattering, nor amusing.”
“Hey!” He protested, gathering the little pieces left. “I worked hard on that!” 
“Perhaps you should learn the art of, how Jinx would say, ‘reading the room’.” 
Black looked around. “There’s no words in here, though.” 
“I do not like mockery of my friends, especially my Robin.” 
He tilted his head. “Your Robin? Oh! Were you guys a ‘thing’? What are they called, courting buddies?” 
She looked downcast. “No, we were not. We were only good friends.” 
“Then…he’s not really yours then, is he?” 
She scowled at Black. “He had my heart, and still possesses it, wherever he is. Your flagrant disregard of this fact is cruel.” 
He pooched his lips. “Golly Gee, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was only trying to understand.” 
“To put it in a way, he was my most trusted friend and advisor. He explained many things to me when I did not understand.”  
“Like you’re doing for me?”
“I suppose you are correct. Your amnesia has put me in a place I was dependent on before.” She huffed, still upset. “I would prefer if we did not speak of Robin. It hurts my heart.” 
“Okay okay,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Star,” Cyborg called from the communicator. “Gizmo just arrived with the last video. Wanna see?” 
“I do not know if I want to see it, but I need to. I shall be there momentarily.” 
Black watched as she rose from the table. “Where ya going?”
“There has been…a break in the case with Robin. I am going to the ops room. Would you like to come?”
“Nah. I’m gonna keep working.” 
All the better, Starfire thought bitterly. She was trying to be forgiving and friendly with Black, but knowledge of his deeds and seeing his actions in person made it hard. 
Yes, he needed help, but perhaps the Titans were not the ones that should give it to him. 
Starfire entered the ops room, spying Gizmo sitting on the couch with a soda. A Dr. Pepper. Those were Robin’s.
But she just silently took her place. 
“Okay,” Raven acknowledged. “Where’s Black?”
“In his room,” Starfire said shortly. “He has hurt my feelings, and so I will leave him to his business.” 
“Black? You mean the weird goth wannabe superhero we talked about last time? He lives here now?! Of course, what am I saying! You fart knockers take in whatever stray ‘hero’ you can find.” 
“Is that not what the Hive does with villains?” Raven quirked a brow.
“UH. The HIVE is a school for supervillains. Totally different thing!” 
“Sure, Gizmo.” 
Beast Boy shifted into a cat once more and sat beside Star, knowing she appreciated the comfort he gave. 
“Y’all ready?” 
“The first two seconds got trimmed,” Gizmo explained. “That’s where the corruption was. The rest looked like it worked fine, but I only scrubbed it.” 
“Thank you Gizmo,” Starfire said softly.
“Oh…yeah. Don’t mention it.” 
When the video started, the camera was at an odd angle, mostly aimed at the ceiling, but they could see the top of the wall, and the underside of a face. The left side. Black hair, still the same gaunt cheeks and dark veins that stood out on his skin. 
“Shall we start?...Just like we practiced…what did we practice for?...Because we’re sending it to our friends, stupid!” 
“He’s…talking to himself,” Raven grimaced. 
“I do not understand,” Starfire breathed. “That is Robin’s voice, and that is his face…but it is not.” 
“So is it Robin or not?” Gizmo asked. “It’s one or the other!” 
“I won't run away no more, I promise,” Robin’s chilling voice sang.
“There is something very wrong with him,” Starfire explained. “Some of the words he speaks, it is like a different person.” 
“Like a person talking with a puppet,” Raven agreed.  
“Even when I get bored, I promise. Even when you lock me out, I promise. I say my prayers every night, I promise.” There was heavy sorrow lacing his words, but he giggled at the end. “Yes, yes, that was good. They’ll like that!...You remember the next one?...Of course!” He tottled away from the camera, the top of his head coming into view every few frames or so. He was dancing. “I resent you calling. I resent your voice. I resent that I don't have a choice.” He was really getting into the song, and singing loudly and proudly. Not all the notes were right, but he had joy in his voice. “And yes I am! Yes I am!” He backed up, the back of his head and shoulders in view. He was wearing a hospital gown, so the skin of his back was exposed, and covered in marks.
Beast Boy shifted back into a boy, and stared at the video. He already had the first part of the message figured out. 
“I think I've told you once, I think I needed advice. You were such a help, that's very nice. I think I've been here before…Yes I've been here before. But this time I kick down your door!” That last note was outrageously sour as he dissolved into playing the air guitar, complete with singing the notes he was pretending to play, “WWEEEE WWAANN WWAAAAHHH!” Then he started laughing as he dropped his arms. The laughter faded until he was just standing there. 
“That was excessive…oh lighten up, would you? We sang it! We rocked it!...it doesn’t have to be a good performance…Why are you like this?...because you’re a massive doo-doo head and no one likes you!” He chuckled, before his shoulders dropped. “Okay,” he turned partially toward the camera. “Last one. Make it count.”
He started bobbing his head as he closed his eyes. His voice was soft, slightly seductive. “Troubled words of a troubled mind, I try to understand what is eating you. I try to stay awake, but it's 58 hours since that I last slept with you.” He started bouncing on his feet. “What are we coming to? I just don't know anymore. Blame it on the black star! Blame it on the falling sky! Blame it on the satellite that beams me home…” 
Beast Boy let out a gasp of horror, “dude…” 
He didn’t answer, just continued to watch it all unfold. 
Robin was moving in a slow sway, his arms up. “I get on the train and I just stand about, now that I don't think of you. I keep falling over, I keep passing out when I see a face like you. What am I coming to? I'm gonna melt down…” 
He started air guitaring again, putting his whole body into the song. “Blame it on the black star! Blame it on the falling sky! Blame it on the satellite that beams me home!” He threw his arms out to the side and screamed the last two lines. “This is killing me! This is killing me!” 
The door on the other end of the room opened, but the group could only hear it. 
“Having fun?” Said a new voice. 
“Oh a lot! So so much!” 
“I think you’re ready to graduate, Patient 8.” 
“Yes! I knew it!” He whipped around towards the camera, fiddling with it to turn it off, but before the video ended, they all got a perfect shot of his face. Wild eyes, a meaty smile, and a horrible, bloody wound that tore through his right cheek, shoddily stitched and weeping. 
When the footage went black, no one could move. No one breathed. 
“BB…?” Cyborg asked in a tiny voice. “Did you get…?” 
“Yeah,” Beast Boy breathed. “I Promise…Yes I am…Black Star.” 
The door to the ops room swooshed open, and they all turned to look.
Black stood in the doorway, wearing another crudely made mask. “Hey guys, guess who I am?!”
A playlist of all the songs sung in this fic is available here. *Mickey Mouse Voice* It's a secret clue that will help us later!
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starsmuserainbow · 10 days
Verse Information - Pyrrha in ‘We’re All Heroes’
Short version, this is a verse I create for my non-hero/villain muses to fit into typical superhero worlds.
Born into an average family as an only child, Pyrrha Nikos showed great skill and proficiency in sports soon in her life. It's not like her parents pushed her into it, she simply enjoyed it and always strived for being great at what she loved to do. She won tournaments from early on in her life, and soon became a rather famous athlete as she kept winning tournaments throughout various sports (most disciplines of track and field, a few types of martial arts). While that all was very amazing and she was happy about being so acknowledged, it also made her feel more and more isolated. People looked up to her, people knew her, but no one that she nowadays met actually really knew her. It was all only the public figure of her, be it from her achivements in sports or the few ads she was offered to do. One of these days, during a tournament of track and field, just as it was Pyrrha's turn, a side of the stadium started to crumble, right onto the bench where her toughest opponent was still waiting on their turn. While they were opponents, Pyrrha still enjoyed their occasional banter and the challenge that they gave her in these tournaments, so seeing this tragedy about to happen, she gasped in shock. Pretty much just dropping the javelin she was supposed to throw for the discipline, she watched the scene unfold, except that the wall didn't actually come down. Somehow, the "raincover" that the bench had warped and somewhat hugged the crumbling wall, keeping it up until there was no one endangered from the falling pieces anymore. Such a close shave that could have been a much bigger, much worse, tragedy was a shock for everyone present that day. The next few tournaments of the area were postponed to make sure something like it would not happen again and to ensure that it had not been some form of attack on the athlete. During that time of no tournaments, Pyrrha tried to make sense of what she saw, and of a few strange things that now happened to her during her training.
It was like certain things were moving when she thought about them, now, coming back to her so she wouldn't have to go pick them up, or moving into a position better for her or those around her. It took her a few days to realize it: Somehow, she gained powers of magnetism.
Once Pyrrha realized that she had powers now, she didn't need to think long what she wanted to do. Helping others was always important to her, and now, with abilities, she would absolutely be a hero to be able to do so even more and perhaps on a bigger scale.
Thus, Pyrrha Nikos now has another life outside of her tournaments and sports - one where she is much more "dressed up" than she would usually be. She has not been recognized by anyone yet, and people refer to the heroine as The Red Huntress, which probably comes from the long red sash and her bright red hair. Pyrrha uses a javelin as a weapon and carries a shield with her, all matching the bronze tone of the armor on her outfit, and she is often patrolling to try to protect those in need.
Her looks will consist of casual wear when she is outside of her hero-outfit. Slightly loose, comfortable, soft clothing, often a bit bigger or longer than would be her size, Pyrrha likes it comfy and doesn't really care to style herself all that much. To events, of course, she is totally able to dress up and look more elegant or show off more, but she just prefers it more casual. Her hero-outfit is what is known from her mainverse (or in other words the RWBY shows), though with the addition of a simple mask of the same color as the armor of her outfit. Here's a link to a mask roughly like what I imagine her wearing, and here is a little quick edit I did of how she would look with it on.
Her powers are similar to how they are in RWBY!
Obviously, this is its own AU, so any interactions having happened in her main-verse, or another verse, won’t have happened here.
The tag for this verse is ✫ We’re all Heroes ✫.
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fallseidol · 1 month
*The guards were loyal, perhaps to a fault.* *They thanked their lord and obeyed without question, leaving Koschei practically alone in Cronus's presence. Those chains were meant to be for the protection of the rest of the palace's residences, and the threats were purely meant to keep the intruder in his place to show respect. Koschei was but one creature standing in the same room as a god...what actual danger and harm could he possibly be to the mighty all-powerful Cronus?* *As it happened, not much except shoot him multiple expressions of skepticism and...confusion? It was hard to tell what was actually going on inside that horned head of his.* Koschei: "Well, then you certainly have an eye for creativity." *His face instantly beamed into a polite smile, his tone friendly and talkative.*
Koschei: "The styles are very varied, no question. I guess it's thanks to you, aspiring artists who would never have the spotlight they deserve for their hard work won't have to live knowing their passions were in total vain and doomed to fade into obscurity. Well done, you!~" *He beamed at Cronus congratulatory, his eyes closed and head cocked to one side.* Koschei: "Except..." *His yellow-ish orange eyes snapped back open.* Koschei: "Now, please forgive me for saying so, but I could've sworn I saw a piece belonging to none other than the infamous Daphne Georgiou. A common citizen from any other point of view. I believe the work in question was...the Ruby Tree. Did you know- I mean, of course you already know, but still, that she spent whole fifteen years working on it?" *His eyes narrowed a little* Koschei: "Not necessarily on the painting itself, no, but rather, trying to come up with it. Trying to find a style that appealed to everyone, trying to become a truly great artist- her whole life she'd wanted that, to be a great artist I mean...to prove her personal ambitions meant something, to be given glory for following her dreams and told she was right to follow her heart, and...I suppose that's exactly what you've done, my lord! An actual god has given her the praise her work deserves! :D " *It was true, someone like that couldn't hope to be more grateful! Koschei's tone was bubbly and grateful, he seemed to be almost giggling to himself.* *And then it stopped abruptly.* Koschei: "Except..." *That word again...* Koschei: "Her desires nearly tore her apart. She spent fifteen long years trying so hard to get it right, she started taking care of herself less and less." *His tone hardened, just a little,* Koschei: "It started to create wedges in her relationships, it started affecting her every-day life at work, at home, until eventually she cried out in agonized realization her 'dreams' were tearing her apart. The only thing that stopped her from destroying the painting when she finished it was the fact it served as a useful reminder...a memento to the life lesson you don't need the praise of others to live your life, that you don't need others to respect your dreams...only you." *Koschei turned his head thoughtfully.* Koschei: "And so, she gave up professional painting and had no intention whatsoever to publicly display the Ruby Tree." *He looked directly at Cronus now...his gaze was piercing.* Koschei: "And yet, there it is, hanging on the gallery wall of the grand palace of great and generous lord Cronus..." *Was that finally anger in his eyes...or smug disdain?* Koschei: "By the way, the name's Valeyar Koschei...would you like a root-beer drop? :) "
Cronus eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. The smile on his face froze into place, a mask of genteel patience.
"What an absurd rumour." He chuckled, "I bought that painting from an auction for magical items. The title appealed to me more so than the actual work of art. I had no idea it had such a colorful background! Really, you must tell me more. And I would LOVE a root beer drop, thank you."
Cronus had solidified this creature in his mind. A Trickster. Possibly even a trickster God. Ugly as Pan and with the mind of a madman. He'd need to tread carefully. Rules. Social norms. So long as he didn't react to the tricks, as long as he was polite and a good host, he'd be fine.
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karihigada · 1 year
two sides of the same coin
for CubScar Week on Tumblr @cubscarweek
day 1 - jingler/jangler very loosely
Read on AO3
It was just another night in a long string of Cub's bad decisions.
Cub was a cop, he should not have been here.
Actually, scratch that. His profession did not prohibit him from enjoying the finer things in life, such as an exhibition of 19th-century art. Effervescent. Truly. Though the Jewel of Arséne as the centerpiece on display was quite lovely, Cub had to admit.
No, Cub could not be faulted for being here. 
The problem was his company.
He had no idea how he let himself be talked into this by a known criminal mastermind. 
A night of culture, as Scar had called it. A change of scenery and a bit of respite from his demanding job, he had added when Cub had given him a very unimpressed stare.
But Cub had relented, following Scar's pace. So now he was here, at the opening night of the Exposition de Lupin.
Cub looked at Scar, at the scheming eyes he knew were behind the garish mask, and his mind drifted back to a night above a bar, to a small apartment Scar had claimed wasn't his. 
But it had been theirs for just that night.
Cub looked back to a statue made of calcite and terracotta. It was a pair of dancing fairies, one of them with torn wings and a wide grin. 
He was simply making an endless string of bad decisions, it seemed.
Scar on his part was looking like a child in a candy store, grin wide beneath the jester's mask and hat, as he looked around at the different art pieces.
Why this exhibition had a costume dress code, Cub didn't understand. Apparently in order to honor the particular tastes of the late artist. He supposed taste was the difference between him and high society. He gave one of the decorative silent bells on his own hat a flick, watching it jingle soundlessly.
Cub was broken out of his musings by Scar taking his hand. Scar’s smile was soft and genuine, like he was happy Cub was here with him.
Cub deliberately didn't think back to the stack of cases on his desk at the station, all with Scar's name written on them. If any of the others knew he was here, who he was with-
Scar squeezed his hand and pulled him along. 
Pointless to think about, Cub told himself. These were his bad decisions. He was simply still weighing the options on how to handle them. 
They had been doing this song and dance for a while now. Cub trying to apprehend Scar. Used to try. Or still did. At least officially. Scar asking Cub to join him. Like to like, as he called them. Two sides of the same coin. All the things they could accomplish together, Scar used to tell him with a wide grin. Still did.
Cub supposed it was poetic: The criminal and the detective, dancing, at a stalemate.
Though he liked to think he still had some morals left. Enough at least to not give in to Scar completely.
Not completely. Cub's mouth twisted as he thought back to Scar's soft skin underneath his, the other's lilting laughter in his ear.
On bad days, Cub supposed it was inevitable he would give in.
Today, once again, Scar had appeared beside Cub effortlessly. After leaving the station, Cub had gone to a part of town he was rarely in, to a bar he had never set foot in before. And yet again, not a full drink in, Scar had stood beside him like he had been waiting there for Cub the whole night, eyes full of mirth. 
Cub supposed it was on him for going out in the first place. Like he wanted Scar to find him.
You forget, Cubby, I know you, Scar had said, months ago, as he had led him up to an empty apartment above that first bar. Looking down at him from a couple steps ahead on the stairs, Scar's eyes gleaming in the low light. Amused. Captivating.
Cub shut down that train of thought. Pointless to think about.
In the present, Scar beside him was holding onto his arm, telling him about this and that art piece, about the state the artist was in when he made them.
They stood in front of a wall-wide mural of the night sky. Colors and galaxies swirled majestically before them. Free. It was beautiful.
When he finally tore his eyes away, Scar was watching him.
"Do you like it?" His voice was soft over the murmur of the crowd around them.
Cub opened and closed his mouth once, thought better than to say the first thing that came to mind. "Why, are you going to steal it for me?"
Scar laughed at that. He pursed his lips and tapped his chin with one finger. "Perhaps, if you want it. Though it would be a bit unwieldy to carry off, would need some more preparation."
Cub gave a shaky laugh. "That wasn't an invitation, you know?"
"Oh, I know, I know." Scar waved his hand and pulled him along. 
The Jewel of Arséne was objectively pretty and expertly crafted. It was set in a handmade brooch, and the accompanying decorations were chosen to accentuate its brilliance. At least according to what Scar told him.
According to Cub’s expertise, however, the most noteworthy thing about it were the security guards, very obvious despite the lavish costumes, mingling with the guests closest to the exhibition case. Better safe than sorry, Cub agreed in his professional opinion.
The next most noteworthy thing was Scar's wide grin next to him.
This precinct wasn't his area of expertise nor assignment, so when the lights suddenly went out and a general unrest erupted among the guests, Cub couldn't have know, as he later learned, that an attack on the Jewel had been announced on the opening night. All birds like shiny objects, Cub supposed.
Nor should he have been surprised that Scar was of course aware of the attack and was in fact anticipating and planning for it.
When The Bird descended on the Jewel from the rafters in a red feathered costume and an obnoxious laugh, Scar gave Cub a kiss on the lips in the cover of darkness and dared him to follow before springing into action.
Cub's heart was beating wildly in his chest and he only blamed his instinct to not let Scar out of his sight with so many priceless art pieces around that spurned him to give chase.
Cub was intimately acquainted with all of Scar's movements and ticks when on a job, knowledge learned from countless cases chasing the other. Though he had never been in a position of being on the same side of the scuffle as Scar.
He didn't have a chance to think about it, though, because as soon as Scar threw him the Jewel after wrestling it from The Bird’s hands, all eyes of the security guards and police were on him. And Cub knew he could never explain why he was here, in the company of Scar, should he be caught.
His body moved automatically. It was like a dance. Maybe it said something about him that all his years of police training expertly predisposed him to evading police capture and matching them in hand to hand combat.
(Though Cub was later relieved to read in the paper that no-one had been injured.)
Behind him Scar laughed triumphantly when he managed to string up The Bird in his own rope, evoking a tirade of colorful expletives by the failed thief.
Scar turned around and gave Cub a wide grin. Something in his chest soared.
Outside, Scar had a gray and black motorcycle ready that they hadn't arrived on. Of course everything had been planned. 
Scar revved the engine as Cub jumped onto the seat behind him, holding onto Scar's waist as he drove them away, the shouts of the guards behind them quickly fading into the distance, only Scar's laughter and his own heartbeat still echoing in Cub's ears.
They arrived at an apartment. Of course Scar told Cub it wasn't his. Of course it would be theirs for the night. Adrenaline was still drumming loudly in Cub's veins. It had been a long time since he had felt this alive.
As soon as the door was closed, Scar pressed him against the wall, hungrily devouring his mouth, the jewel in Cub's pocket forgotten, as if it was just a means to an end.
Again, Cub let himself be led by Scar's pace.
Once, months ago, in an apartment above a bar, Scar's skin had been equally soft and inviting underneath his hands. It was the first in a long string of mistakes Cub had been about to commit.
What are you so afraid of? Scar had asked him, fingers carding through Cub's hair. 
To lose myself, Cub had confessed, his face buried in Scar's shoulder.
Scar had cradled his face gently and looked him in the eye. Then we will find a new you, together.
A new you, Cub thought, the next day. He needed to add a new file to the pile of Scar's cases. His co-workers were in a frenzy. Cub was reading an article about Scar's newest heist in the paper, 'fouling The Bird and stealing the prized Jewel for himself'. The master thief had had an unknown accomplice at his side.
Cub hid his expression behind his coffee. It was sweet.
me and my cubscar co-conspirator Kie @kieiswrite have been talking different convex aus since *checks smudged writing on hand* april last year. very few of it public yet. especially from me. ive only been a shadow in the fandom so far. but needless to say, seeing the cubscar week on tumblr made me very happy and really excited to actually write something proper again since my last fandom years ago.
this particular au of criminal scar and detective cub is from october 2022. when i was looking through the cubscar week prompt list and trying to fit my existing aus to the prompts, i thought this could loosely work. maybe it was just an excuse to write this, and writing this was fun :D this is just a snippet from the au. there is more going on, both in the backstory and in the further plot, but that is for kie and me to know and for the public to find out. possibly.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
Hello! I am here to inform you that I would happily read a 10 page essay about Alduin's Bane. Spoilers are a highlight. Your Elder Scrolls lore is incredible and I am frothing at the mouth for more.
oh man now i have decision paralysis i have so much to talk about given the fic is over 150k (somehow. i cant believe i wrote that much) uhhhhhh im just gonna give some bullet points of what i can think of
>originally was going to just be a oneshot centered around the past that would have been the first 3-ish chapters but i liked it so much i had continued it
>hell i had debated actually naming eyja or not for a while lol
>originally fengr wasn't going to be in the story, but i actually liked him the more i thought about him. he is supposed to be the archtypical box art "dragonborn" bethesda markets (except two handed weapons instead of dual wielding). i thought he made a good foil and could help drive some of the character development and give eyja more to connect her to the world and also because i wanted to use him as a foil for another character
>i did intend for sheogorath to be the champion of cyrodiil. not everyone agrees with this theory but i liked it. i also hope i did a better job making the quest more interesting. i was really proud of connecting the weird, seemingly disjointed dream world quests to our main character's psyche and problems rather than being just a cheap joke
>i also LOVE sanguine if you couldn't tell. writing him was some of my favorite stuff. genuine chaos and debauchery. he technically had the right idea
>i had a big plan in mind for a side plot where The Gang currently (fengr, serana, eyja, alduin) run into cicero and the listener who were tasked with assassinating the dragonborn and instead ask for their help to take down astrid who they know is planning on turning on them. this was going to lead to a full blown assassination of the current emperor, but for the life of me i couldn't think of a satisfactory way to connect the plot to the rest of the story without feeling like i was forcing a block through a circular hole so it has been indefinitely tabled. if it makes it back in the story then it does but so far i'm not planning on it. but if you're wondering what happened to our dear little jester he is off helping rebuild the dark brotherhood with his wood elf listener
>in my fic to be mentioned later alduin actually got so angry he ripped off solstheim as a provide from mainland skyrim and flung it off into the ocean during a big ass battle
>i remember some ppl saying alduin could be akin to shiva. whether or not you like this idea or think it is credible i was a lil inspired by the myths of sati and parvati in the loosest of ways
>im still very proud that i made bleakfalls barrow originally designed and built to be eyja's tomb. in functions VERY much as a tutorial dungeon in many aspects with like blatant plot hooks in the form of the dragon stone and word wall that we just dont see in other tombs. not to mention it is very large and in your face, something you expect to be of bigger importance, and delphine wanted the dragon stone for some unexplained reason, so. head dragon priest's tomb it is. but alduin wouldn't actually let her be buried there, which only lead to credence to the mainstream belief that konahrik had defected or betrayed alduin and he had killed her in a rage.
>how she got the mask i just realized i never explained. basically my bullshit reason was she owns the mask. the mask was sealed off to wait for a new owner if one ever came, and then was lost to time. dragon priests arent really supposed to "die" in my telling of events so she got the mask by wandering in and it opened up for her assuming she was the original owner here to claim it. it does not do this for literally anyone else
>alduin kind of fucking sucked at sex. i hint at this in several ways but in their first lifetime he just fucking sucked at it. i cannot fully stress how just bad and clumsy he was. this immortal dragon god of the end of time was a complete virgin and it showed. if it wasn't for the fact he was a god she adored i dont think eyja would have put up with it. but luckily she taught him better.
>they were together i estimate in the ballpark of 60 years prior to her being killed. a very fun time for the people of skyrim given alduin wasnt randomly flying overhead to munch on them
>i wanna work more on serana and alduin's dynamic bc i think it is very funny. she's gotten over her panic into just normal rational fear and questioning her sanity of "wait the actual dragon god??? thats who im traveling with????"
>as far as dragon priests knew it was an open secret eyja and alduin were fucking. the general public didnt know but most of the priests knew. and most of the dragons but they were more confused by the concept of actually having sex which seemed weird in general
actual big spoilers under the cut for people who dont wanna see:
>fengr is, in the next little mini arc we're about to do with curing lycanthrope, about to be revealed as also a dragonborn. i like to imagine that was akatosh's back up plan or something. i wont reveal all of what the revelation entails to keep that fun and exciting
>also to be mentioned: molag bal has beef with alduin and eyja because her mask is actually made of daedric ivory. alduin went "i need a cooler material for her mask to be made out of" and went all the way to a realm of oblivion to kill one of molag bal's big ass daedra. this has lead to much of molag bal's beef with dragons
>several members of the thalmor were investigating the masks (this is canon) and took a particular interest in both eyja's and the time traveling unnamed mask. this wooden mask alduin had made in hopes it could bring eyja back (it failed)
>back to the sati and parvati myths uhhhh part of that has translated to miraak and his motivations. i hope you didn't have "miraak is past life eyja's ex" on your bingo card because you will not be able to check that off. miraak was her father.
>in that regard i had to think a lot about how having kids would be handled by dragon priests. i dont see miraak actually raising any children he had, and he probably had a variety of concubines and wives to sleep with as i imagine most of the other dragon priests did, but no time to actually get attached. so she probably only had some status and little interactions with him prior to this, but boy was miraak mad he couldnt just use her influence for his own gain. idk if i will get to mention all this part in my fic lol
>finding out one of his kids actually inherited his abilities led him down the path to trying to understand what dragonborn were. he thought he was a strange, special existence, but finding out there were more people like him made him wanna find out how they worked. this also invariably led to him experimenting on several of eyja's multitude of half siblings that died prior to him getting his hands on her. also prob wont get to mention all this in the fic
>in this vein i had the idea to make vahlok eyja's other parent but i didn't think it did much for the story so. i might go in the way of "helpful mentor" or just that he didnt fucking suck
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