#it was an excellent idea ... chef's kiss..........
theloveinc · 2 years
Helloooo! Kind of new anon here - been obsessed with your headcanons and writing as it is soooo good ahhhhh *flails in fangirl*
I am not sure what rules you have for asks (so feel free to ignore) but just needed to let out the thoughts of Bakugo running around in my head!!
So my impression is that Bakugo would very much be a ride-or-die type of guy. Like the in it for the long game type dude who doesn’t date unless he’s sure he can see himself being with this person for the full ride.
Which makes me cackle to think about how this can tie with a rivals to lovers type trope where the person who stands out just initially annoys the hell out of him - can kick his ass in training, is always ready with a quick retort, doesn’t shy from his grumpiness or outbursts. Both just hating each other’s guts. But also because of that, you understand each other better than anyone else. You see when he’s at a low and he sees when something is bothering you. After seeing each other at your lowest but finding the beauty in that to stick with each other through thick and thin - ughh my heart!!
Then it hits Bakugo when he catches himself daydreaming and wondering what it would be like to have a life with you. And he’s like “oh shit” but little does he know you’re also thinking the same thing lol
hi hi hi!!! thank you so much for enjoying my stuff so much that u wanted to send me an idea of ur own! i appreciate both the follow and the kindness (and trust hehe) A LOT!
can i be honest tho? stories that present two characters at odds w/ one another who are actually the only ones who understand each other.... make. me. BONKERSSSS CRAZY, truly one of my favorite tropes that has me crying and screaming on the floor every single time...
sooooo uh... YES!!! to this idea, and i hope u don't mind me continuing on a lil bit. just thinking about all the moments you have together that u and bakugo just absolutely refuse to talk about.... but mean so much.
the time you land on your wrist wrong after he knocked you out of the air during training, and he immediately stopped the fight to bandage you up. the time he gets off the phone after finding out he didn't make the top ten this year and deku did.... and you let him cry into your shoulder and keep him company and make him tea so he doesn’t have to be alone.
obvs, hardly anyone is aware of u two so no teasing takes place about your crushes... but it's sooooo, so obvious when either of u really think about it, esp when the thoughts u have become less about wanting to beat the other in a fight... and more domestic and sweet. bakugo having a rough night and just wanting to see your face, even if you snap at him (which you wouldn't)... or you just wishing he was there to tell you that you did a good job after patrol.
despite everything, all the fighting and mean words, it's like you're searching for each other every single second!!!
and maybe this is cliche... but i feel like neither of you would confess until... something bad happens. Like another hero is bullying you, or you get caught up with some villain... and bakugo is just going bananas because HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN TEASE U. HE'S THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO FIGHT W/ YOU. BARK BARK WOOF WOOF he gets so defensive! and maybe you do too when the same thing happens to him.
And then you're both finally able to admit... yeah. this is love(and it will be forever).
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starbuck · 1 year
SO, as my fellow BrBaBCS friends may remember, it’s been my theory ever since I started rewatching BrBa that the timing of the DEA going after Tuco RIGHT after he started selling Walt’s supermeth was too coincidental to be true… that it would make sense if Gus was somehow involved considering he was about to secretly launch his own meth business and did NOT want competition from the cartel and ESPECIALLY not a Salamanca.
Eventually though, this theory seemed to be proven false by my being reminded that the DEA found Tuco’s bloody fingerprint on No Doze’s body, giving them a perfectly legitimate excuse to go after Tuco without any outside involvement necessary. That’s what I *thought*… But then this morning I realized that I had overlooked one crucial detail: HOW did the DEA find No Doze and Gonzo’s bodies so quickly in the first place?
They were tucked away in a junkyard SO secluded that a man could be murdered in broad daylight with no one taking notice, but I’m supposed to believe that some random person found Gonzo RIGHT after he died and reported this not just to the police, but to the DEA? A likely story… Instead, let me tell you another story…
Tuco had already been selling Walt’s meth for at least a week prior to the junkyard sale… A new, super-potent strain of meth goes on the market in the ABQ territory and OBVIOUSLY Gus is gonna take notice and be displeased. So what does he do? Well, first he’s gotta figure out where Tuco is getting it from. He has someone (probably Mike) follow Tuco to the junkyard sale and watch the whole thing with binoculars from a distance. He watches Tuco murder No Doze and dispose of his body. Interesting. They’ll put a pin in that. In the meantime, they’ve gotta figure out who these guys Tuco got the blue meth from are.
Canonically, Walt and Jesse are both spied on in the days following the junkyard sale and both assume the culprit to be Tuco, however, I went back and checked and was validated by the fact that, as expected, the car that pulls away from Walt’s house in 2x01 is NOT the same car that Tuco drove to the junkyard. Additionally, Tuco seems surprised to learn Walt’s real name and that he has a family in the following episode, things which shouldn’t have surprised him if he had already been spying on Walt’s home. No, I think a better explanation for all of that was that it was Gus’ guys scoping out the competition (but also happy to let Walt and Jesse THINK it was Tuco because anything to make that relationship more fraught than it already was is to their benefit).
And so that all brings us to the question of who tipped off the DEA… Just as Gus had guys watching Walt and Jesse, someone also must have tailed Gonzo back to the junkyard, watched him die, and, with Tuco now entirely defenseless, decided that this was the moment to strike. They left an anonymous tip with the DEA and then let the law do the rest of the work for them. The way things ultimately went down for Tuco was obviously unplanned… I’m sure the original plan was just to have him imprisoned again, but I can’t imagine that Gus was too unhappy about Tuco’s death, even if he didn’t exactly orchestrate it himself.
This is all heavy conjecture, obviously, but I think it makes sense and I like how this reading lets it mirror Tuco’s going to prison in BCS where, on the face of it, it’s Tuco’s own inability to control his temper fucking him over, but, in truth, he’s also being set up by outside forces he has no knowledge of. Really adds to the tragedy of it all, in my opinion.
#tuco salamanca#the tuco tag always needs more posts so i’m giving it a present#breaking bad#i’m still like. i can’t BELIEVE i never thought about this before#and - for the record - i don’t care if this is ‘actually true’ or not#i do absolutely believe that it was Gus spying on Walt and Jesse in 2x01 and not Tuco#but otherwise i’m 100% content to just let this all be my little pet theory#i do not require authorial validation… it’s true in my brain because i decided it is#i ALSO still enjoy the idea that Bolsa and Eladio also wanted Tuco dead and that Gus secretly had their blessing to do Whatever#either because Eladio felt threatened by Tuco taking on such a profitable deal without running it by him first#or that nobody trusted him with that much power#and meanwhile Gus had his own motivations and was like :)))))))))))))#i just like the idea of the cartel eating itself alive#and it also adds credence to my Bolsa Is A Fake Bitch thing#which - again - is true regardless but this Adds To It#i like that - again - you can draw parallels between BCS where he’s like ‘Hector we obviously respect you so much’#and then after Hector’s stroke he’s like ‘he totally deserved that amirite? lol’#vs. him telling Hector and the twins that their revenge is VERY important to him and the cartel as a whole#while he secretly had given his blessing to Tuco’s demise#it’s all just *chef’s kiss* excellent tragedy all around#anyways i’m very tired so i’m done for now#but feel free to talk to me about this and i can say more in the morning#brba#long post
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spacebugarts · 10 months
I'm doing to Mike and Martin from V what the OG Star Trek girlies did to Kirk and Spock <3
#sometimes you just see a logical alien and their chaotic human and decide they should be gay#listen my guy Martin could've gotten any human job he wanted after The Final Battle and my mans chooses to be a sound operator/camera man#so he can continue working with Mike#like he wouldve been way more qualified for being a pilot or something but nope. he needs to stay with Mike#and Mike has such chaotic bisexual energy this man is at EVERY pride parade he can get to#his mom kicked him out bc he was caught with another guy in hs and outed#which gives them some EXCELLENT angst when he outs Martin as a Fifth Columnist under the truth serum#alien/human relationships are just too good just *chefs kiss*#espescially when they have no idea they like each other#or keep unintentionally doing things considered romantic in the other culture#i like to hc that Visitors kiss by bonking their foreheads together#and Mike does it at the end of the fight in TFB as a 'we won/I'm glad you're ok!' gesture#and Martin is just. having an entire crisis over it#that's what makes him fully realize that he's in love and he spends the next week asking Willie/Julie for advice#w/ Willie its mostly stuff like 'what do humans like? what does being in love with one feel like? how could you tell yours liked you back?'#and with Julie it's more like 'what does forehead touching mean? why is Mike always touching me? what are human courting rituals?'#meanwhile Mike is just trying to figure out why Martin's acting so weird around him#Julie got Willie to agree not to tell them anything and let them figure it out on their own#practically everyone in the resistance has a bet going on how long it will take#except for Ham bc theres no way that man isnt homophobic#I also choose to ignore what happens to Martin he deserves to have his brother bully the shit out of him for his choice in men#Philip probably points it out completely casually at one point bc he assumes its obvious#or uses his Twin Privileges to confess FOR Martin and then just. leaves#Mike and Martin are both very confused the next time they run into each other#either way everyone is upset bc Philip ruined the bet but at least the idiots are happy#they just have such an interesting dynamic I love them <3#plus they fought a literal war against Space Fascism they would absolutely fight for their right to love#anyways thats my mental state rn :)#hyperfixation: v#v-posting
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petriwriting · 27 days
My Chef - Theodore Nott X Reader
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Summary: You stay the night at Theo's, he makes you dinner. Oneshot. Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Little-bit of soft Theo. Established relationship, Sad-about-his-dead-mom-Theo.
A/N: You're telling me fannon italian!Theo can't cook pasta? Nah. Based on a scene from the movie chef. Bonus: Here's the recipe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJUiWdM__Qw
It was a quiet evening, you were at Theo's house, luckily his father hadn't bothered being home all weekend. Otherwise, the house would have been an un-ideal place to be with his father around. but the house was silent, apart from the Nott house elf, who was tidying the halls, despite Theo telling him to take the night off. You were wearing Theo's jumper, laying in his bed. You'd been relaxing. Since school was out for the summer, there wasn't really much else to do. You had mentioned you were hungry, and without much notice Theo disappeared into the kitchen. It was sweet, he said he could cook for you, which he had never done before.
You wandered through the halls of his house, looking curiously at how sterile the house seemed. There wasn't many family photos, or really much decoration. One photo was of Theo and his father, which made you smile slightly seeing it. As you made your way into the kitchen, you were met with the smell of fresh pasta.
Theo was kneading the dough, although he was unfortunately making a mess. He smiled as he greeted you. "Hi," he said softly. you sat at the kitchen counter, watching him work. "This part isn't as fun." He said. "Well it looks like fun." you chuckled. "Do you want to try?" he asked. "sure." you washed you hands, rolling up your sleeves and standing in front of the ball of dough on the counter, you were watching Theo's hands as he demonstrated. . .
Theo stood behind you, wrapping his arms around you, sprinkling some more flour over the work surface. "just like this." he said softly, taking your hands and guiding your movements. you flushed slightly, feeling the warmth of your cheeks from being so close to him. You could smell his scent, it was a mixture of tobacco and cedar.
"Okay, my arms are a bit sore now." you admitted. "Maybe it isn't all that fun." you said. Theo chuckled. "I'll take it from here then," he said happily. you turned to him, he was so close to your face. You wanted to kiss him, but didn't, instead taking a bit of flour and tapping it onto his nose. He laughed, playing along after wiping himself off.
"that was rude," he quipped jokingly.
You continued to linger around the kitchen, watching Theo as he cooked. You had no idea previously that he could cook, as it wasn't a skill that most men have.
The smell of fresh garlic filled the home as your stomach growled in hunger. Theodore Nott would make an amazing housewife, he was kind, attentive and he could cook. It made you feel warm and fuzzy to think that he would, in fact made an excellent husband one day. After some time, he broke the silence. "have a seat," theo said finally. "I'll set the table for us."
You follow suit, taking a seat at the large dining table. watching as Theo set two plates on the table, napkins, and cutlery. he even grabbed two glasses to pour each of you a glass of wine to pair with the dinner, finally lighting a candle, just for ambiance.
A relaxed afternoon had now blossomed into a somewhat romantic date. you were not complaining at all.
"Thank you for cooking, Ted." you said, before taking a bite. It was sweet, it wasn't very often that Theo would lean into his italian heritage, although on that night you were very thankful for it. "Of course," he says. "Buon appetito." 
As you took your first bite, it was delicious. you were in awe, each flavor complimented each other perfectly. "oh merlin." you exclaimed. "This is delicious!" Theo smiled, watching you enjoy his work he was quite pleased with himself.
you finished up pretty quickly, sitting at the table with Theo. before too long you were sipping wine together. "Where did you learn to cook like that?" you asked curiously.
"Well," he said, slightly stiffening up. "My mother taught me to make fresh pasta as a child." he explained, "It's one of my favorite memories with her." he said somewhat sadly.
"Oh. I'm sorry." you said quietly. "It's alright." he insisted. "It's nice to honor her memory." you were silent, letting Theo speak, it was relief for him to finally be able to talk about it with someone who actually cared. you were happy to listen to him talk about his mother, or anything really. "I think she would have really liked you." he admitted. you smiled softly. "I would have loved to meet her." you said.
This was Theo's soft spot. "I wish she could have met you," he says, softly, looking down. You didn't want to pry, or come across as cold, so you rested your hand on his and rubbed his hand with your thumb gently. The two of you enjoyed your meal, and the glasses of wine. You were quietly because you were eating, and because it was genuinely a good home-cooked meal which you hadn't had in a while. after some time, You got up from your seat walking over to Theo, giving him a hug. a genuine embrace, which Theo melted into immediately.
"Thank you for dinner." you said softly. "It was really delicious. I didn't know you were secretly a chef," you smirked. This earned a chuckle out of Theo "Well, there's a lot most people don't know about me." he said. "But you aren't most people."
"yeah?" you asked, just wanting to hear him talk. when he opened up, which he rarely did from being scolded for it so many times in his life, it made you feel closer to him. "Yes."
"I don't think i've ever told anyone that before- About my mother." he admitted. "But it's different with you."
"why is that?" you asked. "Because i'm in love with you." he says simply, standing up, looking at you deeply. He was playing with your hands. you were smiling. it was a blissful moment. He was memorizing the contours of your face in the candle-light. he looked at you as if he would never see you again, soaking in the feeling. "And..." he said, very matter-of-factly, his more outward cocky attitude showing a bit more as he relaxed. "you know what they say," you looked at him, pretending to be confused. "What do they say?" you retorted. "Kiss the chef." he smiled softly, leaning into the embrace to kiss you, melting into the moment. It was a sweet and romantic kiss that you'd find in romance novels.
"I love you." he whispered. "I love you."
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ashwhowrites · 5 months
The mother of it all
Plot- Eddie finds himself crushing on his girlfriend's mom
⚠️Eddie is a perv! Fair warning. Eddie is legal (18) but the reader is 35, age gap relationship/sex
Extremely long....but I hope you guys enjoy it🫶🏻 I really loved writing this and I hope you guys love it 🤞🏻 I also gave up proofreading half way through so lets ignore mistakes
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Y/N went through a messy divorce, a husband who never loved her the way she needed. She felt alone in her marriage and craved to mean something to someone. Her daughter, Brittany was a daddy's girl. Brittany saw her dad with this sense of pride that Y/N never received. When Y/N asked for the divorce, Brittany turned on her. She couldn't see that her dad was the bad guy in it all, she tore Y/N apart and would never forgive her for being the reason their family broke apart.
Now Y/N was in her 30s, starting over in a world of dating. She met losers, creeps, cheaters, and everything under the moon. Except for a handsome man who has potential. She quit looking, she gave up on the idea that she'd fall in love again and that someone would fall for her.
That was until Brittany met a boy named Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson was Brittany's boyfriend, their relationship was rocky. They fought constantly, then made up with sex. That was all the relationship was. Y/N could see there were no feelings on either side, it was just sexual tension. But Y/N would never say a word of that to her daughter. Brittany already hated her, giving relationship advice would cause a war. So Y/N let Brittany do what she wanted, but she felt bad for the poor boy. She wasn't sure why he still bothered to come around.
He came around for Y/N. The first time Eddie ever met Brittany's mom, he couldn't get her out of his head. Her sexy curves, her chest, her smile, and those eyes. She was gorgeous, effortlessly beautiful. Eddie was attracted to Brittany of course, but something about her mom called to Eddie even more. Maybe it was his mommy issues, the abandonment he felt growing up. Y/N provided everything for him when he was over. She cooked dinner, and she was an excellent chef. Not that Brittany would give her the credit. She refused to eat anything her mom made, yet Eddie sat down and had seconds. He didn't understand the toxic environment between the mother and daughter. He didn't understand how Brittany could be so cruel to Y/N.
He always felt a snap in his chest when Brittany brushed aside Y/N, the painful look in Y/N's eyes as she forced out a smile. He wanted to hold her, he wanted to kiss all the pain away. But he also wanted to drill his cock so deep inside her that she'd feel him in her stomach. He wanted to watch her tits bounce as she rode him. He wanted to feel her skin drenched in sweat and her cum smeared into his pubic hair. He was obsessed with Brittany's mom.
Another fight between Brittany and Y/N left Eddie awkwardly sitting in his girlfriend's room. He learned to block out their screams. He took his time walking around Brittany's room. His eyes catch all the photos, but none of Y/N. Eddie couldn't help but feel disappointed, he knew they would fight for hours. Then Brittany would come upstairs and they'd fuck her anger out.
Eddie slowly made his way across the hall, the sweet smell of Y/N's perfume filled his nose as he traveled into her room. He slowly closed the door behind him, signing in relief as it shut quietly. He walked quickly over to her dresser, he searched and searched until he found the lacy and silk lingerie. He felt his cock twitch in his jeans as he grabbed a red lacy thong. Eddie felt no shame as he brought the thong to his nose, inhaling the laundry detergent she used, but that tiny smell of her. He whimpered as he could feel his cock pulsing. He tucked the thong into his pocket and closed the dresser. He raced to the bathroom, quickly yanking down his jeans. He wrapped the thong around his cock, eagerly jerking off. He bit down on his lap as he fucked himself, he knew he had to be fast and quiet. He closed his eyes as he imagined her hands on him. Her nails scrape down his stomach, a smirk on her face as she teased the tip of his cock. Her mouth was on his neck, marking him as hers before she sank her wet cunt on him.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Brittany screamed, Eddie's eyes snapped open at the sound of her voice. He could hear her feet pounding up the stairs, he quickly tucked his cock back in his jeans, the thong in his back pocket as he washed his hands. He left the bathroom by the time Brittany made it to the top.
She growled and grabbed his hand. Eddie couldn't help but look down the stairs, Y/N stood there with fire in her eyes. He knew the pissed-off look was meant for Brittany, but he couldn't help but whimper. When she noticed his eyes on her, she let out a small smile. Eddie wanted to smile back but Brittany yanked him into her room.
"Wanna go out tonight?" Brittany asked, her hands moving up and down Eddie's chest as they sat in the cafeteria. It was a Friday and Eddie planned to sit in his room and work on his music. He wasn't much in the mood to listen to Brittany argue about something.
"Who's weekend is it?" He asked he crossed his fingers under the table.
"Dad. He's been asking to meet you. He doesn't know why you only go to my mom's." Brittany said, a small glare in her eyes. "Neither do I."
Eddie knew why.
"I can't, Wayne and I are going to a work thing." Eddie lied, shrugging his shoulders.
The second Eddie made it home, he thanked God Wayne was still at work. He stripped himself naked and dug in his nightstand. He felt around until he felt the thong, he grabbed it and slid it up his legs. He pulled it up until his cock was covered, he closed his eyes and pictured Y/N. He pictured his hands were hers as he trailed his fingertips down his chest, slowly moving down to his cock. He teased himself over the thong, enjoying the way the lace scratched against his sensitive skin. He moaned as he began to rub himself.
"Fuck, Ms. Y/N, that feels so good." He moaned. He rubbed himself until he felt that tight feeling in his stomach and until he came inside her underwear.
Eddie got excited as the new weekend came closer, knowing this weekend was Y/N's weekend. He agreed to whatever date Brittany wanted, his mind just on the fact he'd get to see her mom again.
"Eddie, nice to see you again," Y/N said politely, Eddie felt his mouth go dry as she leaned over the counter to scrub the table. He licked his lips as he checked out her ass in the leggings she wore.
"Don't talk to him." Brittany snapped, she yanked Eddie up to her room.
"She's just being nice," Eddie said as he stripped off his shirt, Brittany gagged and rolled her eyes as she unclipped her bra.
"She's not nice. She's just sucking up to you." Brittany argued. "But not talking about her, she'll kill the mood."
But Eddie disagreed, knowing he was going to picture Y/N under him as he brought Brittany to an orgasm.
"Should we get dinner?" Brittany asked as she got herself dressed. Eddie shrugged from the bed, lying in his boxers.
"We could eat here...maybe your mom is making dinner?" Eddie asked, Brittany glared at the idea.
"Yeah right. I'm not eating anything that witch makes. Probably poison in it."
"Brittany, don't you think you are a little harsh on her?" Eddie asked, but Brittany turned around with fire in her eyes.
"No! She's a horrible person. She divorced my dad and broke up the family. For what? So she can slut around and hop on as many men as she wants." Brittany scoffed. Eddie couldn't help but feel a burn of jealousy in his stomach at the thought of Y/N having sex with other people.
"She's dating?" Eddie asked, he wasn't sure if that was hope or disappointment in his voice.
"who cares, let's go get dinner with my dad," Brittany said, grabbing her phone and texting.
They finished getting dressed and walked downstairs. The smell of pasta filled the house and Eddie could feel his stomach growl.
"Just in time! I was about to call you down." Y/N said she cleaned her hands off on a towel as she looked over at them.
Eddie was zoned in on her sweaty skin. The sweat in her hairline, the wetness on her neck, and the way she threw her hair up to be out of the way. A few pieces framed her face, she wore no makeup. Her skin looked soft and flawless.
"We are eating with Dad so," Brittany said, a mocking pout on her face as she grabbed her coat.
"But Brittany, it's my weekend and I spent the last hour making Alfredo with chicken, broccoli, and garlic bread."
"No one asked you to," Brittany said, walking right out the door.
Eddie stood silently as he watched Y/N deflate. He moved a little closer to her, his movement reminded Y/N he was still there.
"Um here!" She said as she reached into her purse, she handed Eddie a bundle of cash. "That loser won't pay for anyone but himself. Get whatever you'd like and don't worry about change."
Eddie shivered as her hand touched his. He hated the sad look in her eyes. She looked exhausted and lonely.
"I'm sorry about her," Eddie said he didn't think twice before he pulled her into a hug. He had a few inches on her, his head on top of hers. He tried to focus on making her feel better and not on the fact her chest was pressed against his.
"You're an amazing mother and one day she'll realize you aren't the evil one."
Y/N gladly accepted the hug, she needed someone. She tried to ignore how amazing he smelled, how warm he felt, and how hard his chest felt. She pulled away and quickly wiped away the tear in her eye.
"You're a gentleman. Thank you." Y/N said. She watched as he walked out the door, closing it behind him.
That was the first time she felt something towards Eddie.
"Oh, Brittany isn't home yet," Y/N said as she checked her watch, Eddie stood on the doorstep.
"That's okay, I can come back," Eddie said, he went to turn around but Y/N stopped him.
"You can wait inside, hun."
Eddie smiled at the nickname, accepting her invitation inside.
"Want a snack?" She asked she walked into the kitchen, and Eddie followed behind. He took a seat at the counter as she opened up the cabinet, she named snack after snack. But Eddie craved to be between her thighs.
"Any of that pasta left?" He asked, "It smelled amazing the other night." Eddie felt himself smile as her face lit up.
"There is!" She sounded so excited as she began to warm up the meal for him on the stove. He tried to ignore the big amount she had left, knowing it would be left untouched by Brittany.
They made small conversation as she recooked the meal. She played it for him and set it in front of him.
"Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N, this is amazing." Eddie complimented as he took a few bites of the pasta.
"You can call me Y/N, and thank you. At least someone will eat it." She joked, but both knew it wasn't meant to be funny.
"She's missing out," Eddie said, taking another bite of the pasta.
"Does she ever...say anything nice about me?" Y/N asked, the vulnerability in her voice. She looked down at Eddie's plate, too shy to look in his eyes.
"Does she say anything nice about anyone?" Eddie joked, pride in his chest as Y/N let out a laugh.
"Fair enough." Y/N laughed.
"I think you're underappreciated though. You love her, you care about her so much. You're funny, I know you're incredibly smart, and independent. You don't let anything knock you down. There are so many nice things to say about you." Eddie said, his words soft as he looked into her eyes.
She tried to bite her lip to stop the huge smile creeping on. She felt her cheeks flame up as she took in the compliments.
"Effortlessly beautiful too," Eddie whispered, he didn't realize he was leaning closer to her until her lips were right in front of his face. Her elbows were on the counter as she leaned forward.
"You think I'm beautiful?" She whispered, her heart racing as he leaned further into her.
"Fucking breathtaking. Your beauty never leaves my mind. Your eyes, your hair, those lips and curves. "
She held her breath as he looked down at her lips. For a moment, she was weak. For a split second, she looked down at his lips too.
Then the front door slammed and Y/N jumped back. Her eyes wide as she realized she was seconds away from kissing a teenager, a boy who was still in high school, at least seventeen years younger than her, her daughter's boyfriend.
"Good, you're already here," Brittany said as she grabbed Eddie's arm and yanked him off the stool.
Y/N held her breath as Eddie gave her one last longing look. He was filled with disappointment as Brittany led him into her room. His heart was still racing from having Y/N so close, seconds away from tasting her breath.
Y/N rubbed her hands over her face before grabbing Eddie's plate. Panic in her chest as she anxiously scrubbed the plate clean. She clenched her eyes shut as she tried to forget the look in Eddie's eyes. A look she longed to see someone have, that look of lust and desire. She shook her head as different thoughts filled her head. Thoughts of his lips on hers, her chest, and her thighs. What was she thinking? It was so inappropriate to think of Eddie in that way. And it was inappropriate for Eddie to think of her the way he did, but she couldn't help but like that he did.
What the fuck was she doing?
A week passed since her moment with Eddie in the kitchen and she couldn't forget it. But she knew she needed to.
She sat on the couch, a glass of wine in her hand as she watched some old movie. She sat in a T-shirt and panties, a blanket on her naked legs. She groaned when she heard a knock on the door, she sat down her glass and wrapped the blanket around herself as she walked to the door.
"Eddie?" Confusion on her face when she opened the door. "Brittany is at her dad's house."
"Not here for her," Eddie admitted, his hand on the door as he pushed it open further and walked in.
"Eddie." Y/N sighed as she closed the door. The speech died on her tongue when she turned around and he towered over her.
"hm?" He asked, his eyes scanning all over her face.
"What are you here for?" She asked, taking a step back. She took a big gulp of air as she tried to ignore how hot her body was. She walked to the couch and sat back down. She sipped on her wine, praying it would calm down her nerves. But she grew more nervous when he took the spot next to her. His fingers grabbed the blanket, moving it off her bare legs.
"I can't get that moment out of my head. Being so close to finally kissing you." He said, his hands skimming up her naked legs. She tried to keep her breathing even as he moved up her thighs.
"Eddie, we can't." She said, stopping his hand and moving it off of her.
"I don't care. I want it." He argued, his voice deep and raspy.
She gasped as he pushed her knees apart, easily placing his body between her. His knees were against the cushions as he towered over her again.
"You want it too. You want to feel wanted, desired and loved. You want someone to make your skin burn and your toes curl. You want someone to need you so desperately." He whispered, his hand grabbed hers. She whined when he placed her hand on his thin sweatpants, his hard cock easy to feel. "And I'm that someone."
"Eddie, you are my daughter's boyfriend. This is very inappropriate." Y/N tried again, but Eddie kept her hand right against him. He listened to her words but pushed his hips forward, pushing his cock into her hand.
"Forget about her. Focus on just me." He said softly, leaning down as he softly pecked her lips. He waited a second, watching her as she licked her lips. He could see the gears working in her mind. His lips were inches away from hers.
She freed her hand from his grip, using both her hands to tangle them into his hair as she smashed her lips on his. Her eyes closed as she let herself melt into him. Eddie moaned as he pushed her body down on the couch, his tongue working inside of her mouth as he let his hands feel every inch of her. The kiss was hot and messy, but she didn't care.
Y/N wasn't sure how they moved so fast, but before she knew it her panties were pushed to the side as Eddie's tongue dove between her thighs. She moaned as his tongue flicked her clit and three fingers pushed inside her cunt.
She wasn't even embarrassed that she hadn't shaved. With her ex-husband, she was always smooth and prepped, otherwise, he'd never go down on her. But here Eddie was, eating her out with no care in the world.
"Fuck Eddie." She whined, her hands in his hair, pushing his head against her cunt. He happily let her take control, he let her rock her hips against his tongue. He sucked on her clit, fingering her as fast as he could. He loved the way she got louder and louder. His name on her lips, the way her thighs clenched around his head. She gripped his hair so tight as she rocked her hips against his face. With his free hand, he reached up her body to play with her chest.
"RIGHT THERE!" she screamed, his fingers hitting the spongy spot inside of her. Eddie smirked against her cunt as he continuously hit that spot, watching her body twitch beyond her control.
She gasped as she felt her orgasm building, one hand on his head as the other flew behind her, smacking her glass of red wine straight to the floor. Her back arched as she came on his fingers and tongue.
Y/N whined as she scrubbed her carpet. The red stain did not leave as she continued to work on it. She felt sweat on her brow as she scraped and scraped.
"Don't mind her. She spilled wine over the weekend and won't give up on it." Brittany scoffed as she welcomed Eddie inside the house.
Eddie tried to hide his smirk when he watched Y/N scrub the stain on her hands and knees.
"Oh no, wonder how that happened," Eddie said, his voice catching Y/N's attention. Her head snapped to look over her shoulder.
"Who cares." Brittany said, walking up the stairs.
Eddie gave Y/N a wink before he followed Brittany up the stairs.
Y/N tossed and turned in her bed. Ever since Eddie ate her out on the couch, she's tried to sleep with this burning ache in her cunt.
She barely slept that Friday night after he left. Saturday she got a blink of sleep. And now Sunday, was worse than ever knowing he was just down the hall.
She groaned as the bright red lights shined
Another night of no sleep. She might as well make the best of it. She slid her hands down into her panties, instantly moaning as she spread her wetness up and down.
"Psst." She jumped up when she heard a sound. She flipped on the lamp next to her bed.
"Eddie!" She scolded quietly, the boy stood in her doorway, a cheeky smile on his face.
She couldn't help but let her eyes rank down his naked chest. He was a skinny boy but toned in the rest places. He had a clean chest but a happy trail that made her mind wander. Some tattoos scattered along his chest, she always questioned if he had more than just the ones on his arms.
"What are you doing?" She whispered, slightly embarrassed that she was about to finger herself to the thought of him to get rid of the ache between her thighs.
He closed the door behind him, the sound of the lock made her shiver. He tugged down his sleep shorts, and his cock sprang up to smack his stomach. Y/N couldn't help but clench her thighs together underneath the sheets.
"Trying so hard to sleep. But my mind kept thinking of you laying here, thought of the way you tasted when you came all over my tongue." He moaned as he walked to her bed.
He yanked down her blanket, ignoring her gasps as he crawled between her legs.
"I can smell you, smell so sweet and wet." He moaned, he leaned down to nudge his nose against her covered clit. His tongue ran over her cunt.
"Someone started without me." He said with a smirk, looking up at her.
Y/N wasn't sure what came over her. She didn't know if it was the fact he looked so hot smirking between her legs, or that she's been craving him in ways she shouldn't. But she lost control.
Before she knew it, he was under her, his hands bruised her hips as she rode him. Her nails clawed down his chest as her cunt clenched around him. His mouth sucked on her chest, creating a trail of marks.
"Fuck you're so good. Such a good cock." She praised, her brain melted with the way he fucked back up into her.
Eddie whined under her praise, her words alone had him clenching his thighs.
"Oh someone like that? Does someone like praise?" She teased, he whined louder. His hips struggled to keep up with his rhythm.
She leaned down to pinch his cheeks together, his lips puffed out.
"Answer me." She demanded, her nose against his as she slowed down her hips.
"Yes, mommy."
His eyes flew wide open when he released what he said. Fear in his stomach as she froze on top of him. The apology was ready on his tongue.
"Say it again." She asked, her eyes bored into his.
"Fuck me, Mommy. "
Y/N moaned as she began to move her hips again. She fucked him and she fucked him hard. She placed her feet on either side of Eddie's body, the extra leverage helped her ride him faster. Her hands held on to his hairy thighs as she bounced on him.
Eddie couldn't keep up with her, his orgasm so close that he couldn't think straight. It felt so good to be taken care of. He loved that she had the control and he was forced to take it all. She used his cock the exact way she wanted it.
"Fuck, gonna." He warned, he quickly gained his control, flipped them over and pulled out. He painted her stomach with his cum. He kept his eyes on her the best he could as he pumped himself dry.
"That's mommy's good boy." She praised, she scooped up his cum and placed it on her tongue. Eddie felt himself choke on his spit as he watched her.
"You're so fucking sexy." He praised, his lips pressed against hers.
"Make me cum, Eddie," she said against his lips.
Two months passed, Eddie and Y/N found themselves sneaking off to see each other. Some nights they hooked up and other night they talked.
Y/N hated that she found herself falling for Eddie. She hated that he made her feel so loved and wanted. She felt like an idiot for craving something real with him. Which could never happen. He was young and had a whole future ahead of him, oh and the fact that he's dating her daughter.
So she went back on the dating websites. She needed to move on and get Eddie out of her head.
Eddie didn't question why Brittany bounced on him the second they heard the front door open. His mouth was covered by hers as she practically choked him with her tongue.
Her hands were removing his clothes faster than he could ask what was going on.
"Brittany, slow down. What's going on?"
Before she could answer, Eddie heard laughter coming from downstairs. The sounds of giggles and a male voice.
"Who's that?" Eddie asked
"My mom and her date. Can we fuck now?" Brittany scoffed, her lips on his neck.
Eddie sat in pity as she kissed his neck. All he could hear was the sound of Y/N giggling and flirting with that man. With her date.
She was dating? And bringing him home? Was she hoping they'd have sex? Eddie couldn't help but wonder if she showered, shaved, and bought sexy lingerie just to wear for her date. He felt the jealousy burning in his skin when he heard that familiar moan.
"That's so good." Y/N moaned, it was needy and whiny, and it caused something to snap in Eddie.
He had Brittany screaming underneath him as he fucked out his anger and jealousy. He pounded into her hard, no part of him cared to be gentle. Her bed was smacking into the wall, guaranteed echoing throughout the house. And the thought made Eddie smirk. He wanted Y/N to know he was fucking Brittany like there wasn't a tomorrow. He wanted her to be just as jealous as he felt.
"BEST CUNT I'VE EVER HAD." Eddie screamed, his hand smacking against the wall.
Eddie panted as Brittany began to get dressed. The sweat was thick on his skin as he pulled on his boxers. There was silence downstairs, no more giggles and moans. Eddie felt sick at the thought. Maybe it was silent because their mouths were busy.
But then Brittany's door slammed open. Y/N stood pissed on the other side. Eddie couldn't help but take in the beautiful tight red dress she wore. It framed her perfectly. Her hair was loose on her shoulders, makeup simple but captivating. She looked stunning.
"I ASKED YOU FOR ONE THING! I asked you just for once not to fuck something up for me. Why can't you let me have anything?" Y/N screamed, her finger pointed straight at Brittany, who simply rolled her eyes.
Eddie gulped as he covered his mostly naked body with the blanket. Not like either person in that room hasn't seen it, but he felt like he was just as in trouble.
"Oh I'm sorry! Was that date tonight? The one you asked me to not interrupt?" Brittany asked, a fake confused look on her face.
"I'm tired of you disrespecting me. You get to be happy, your father gets to be happy, why can't I be happy? Your father fucking cheated on me! He hooked up with every whore in his office, and he's the one with a girlfriend and a daughter that loves him. Why can't I ever just have something without you ruining it? Especially when you admitted you didn't want it" Eddie swore her eyes landed on him before she went back to Brittany. "WHY DO I HAVE TO BE ALONE AND SUFFER?" Y/N cried, her eyes watered. Eddie couldn't tell if it was from sadness or pure anger.
But now he couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach. He ruined her night just as much as Brittany did. He purposely ruined her night just as much as Brittany did.
For once, Brittany was silent.
Y/N took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. Her once perfect makeup was starting to smear as more water dropped from her eyes.
"Eddie, I'd like you to leave for tonight." She said before she closed the door.
"You've got to be kidding me, Brittany!" Eddie scoffed, throwing the blankets off as he stood up.
"what did I do?"
"You planned it! You invited me over, telling me you wanted to have sex. Then we sat here for two hours doing nothing. The second your mom comes home you attack. You wanted to ruin her date." Eddie said as he realized. He couldn't help but feel like such an idiot. He knew his jealousy was getting out of hand, it killed him to hear Y/N giggle with another man. He didn't even think about how Y/N might have felt throughout it all. The embarrassment she probably felt as Eddie and Brittany's sounds traveled down the stairs to interrupt her date.
"Oh please! Like you didn't enjoy it? Who were you putting the show on for, Eddie. Me or my fucking mom?"
Eddie froze as the words left Brittany's lips. His back to her as he thought about what to say.
"You two really thought I wouldn't notice?" Brittany scoffed. "I always knew my mother was a whore, but to fuck my own boyfriend? New low."
Eddie turned around in a heat of anger. His jaw clenched as he grabbed Brittany's arm and held it tightly.
"Don't you call her that." He seethed.
"I knew it," Brittany laughed, she yanked her arm free. "I did plan it, Eddie. I planned to kill two birds with one stone. Ruin the relationship with whatever poor excuse of a man she found on that website, and to ruin the relationship she had with you."
Eddie was looking into the face of evil and didn't know what to do. He was scared he fucked up with Y/N. He was so fucking scared.
"The relationship isn't ruined. I'll talk to her, I'll apologize and explain it all." Eddie said, he threw on his clothes.
"I'm afraid that won't work, sweetie." Brittany smirked. "You see, I already had a conversation with her about you. She admitted she really fell for you," she mocked. Eddie felt his heart race, Y/N fell for him? "Think of how hurt she probably was when you were so busy making sure I could scream your name so she could hear. So she could hear just how much you wanted me."
"You set me up." Eddie snapped.
"Yeah I did. We're done. My dad and I are leaving the state tonight. Hope you two are happy." Brittany said, grabbing a packed bag from her closet. She walked out of her room, down the stairs, and out the door.
Eddie stood in the silence of her room. Y/N's across the hall, the door shut. He hung his head as he walked the distance. He felt like his tail was tucked between his legs as he knocked on the door.
"I asked you to go home." She said through the door.
"I know, but can we talk? I need to explain." He begged, his knocks continued on the door.
Y/N yanked open the door, her eyes were red and her makeup was cleaned off.
"Explain what? That you were simply having sex with your girlfriend? Trust me, Eddie. This was so fucking stupid of us. I'm a mom, and you are only eighteen. It's time I act like an adult. Go home Eddie. And please don't come back here again."
The door slammed in his face.
Eddie went to her house every day for a week. And each day she never answered. But this time was different, he didn't leave. He refused to leave. He wanted her, and he wasn't leaving.
He opened the door, walking right in.
"Eddie come on!" She whined in frustration.
"You want me and I want you. You fell for me and I fell for you. Why are you saying no?" Eddie asked.
"I'm saying no because you are my daughter's boyfriend."
"I'm not anymore and you know that. I'm single now and so are you. What's the real reason you are telling me no? Why are you scared of there being an us?"
"EDDIE!" She snapped, "My god, think logically! You graduate in what, a month? Then you are off to college. And once you see college girls, you're not going to want this." She said as she gestured between them.
"I'm always going to want this." Eddie said.
"You're too young to understand. But I'm right about this."
"Stop treating me like I'm a child!" Eddie snapped, "I know how I feel and that has nothing to do with my age."
"Yes it does! You think in a year when you are surrounded by college girls, having the time of your life going to parties, that you are going to want to come back here to visit your girlfriend that graduated college ten years ago?" Y/N scoffed.
"I won't have to come visit you, because I'm not leaving."
"No, listen to me. I don't plan to go to college, I didn't plan to go before I met you. You just gave me more of a reason to want to stay here. For once in your life, I need you to believe that someone loves you and that someone wants you. Let me be that someone." Eddie said, he slowly moved closer to her. He grasped her hands.
"Just give me the chance." Eddie begged, he dropped down to his knees, he kissed her hands before he let them go. Then he wrapped his arms around her, his face against her stomach.
"Let me love you." He said, moving down her body as he began to tug down her leggings. She huffed but she didn't stop him.
"Let me show you how happy I can make you." He said against her bare thighs as he kissed her skin. His mouth moved closer to her cunt.
"Please. I love you" He said, his nose inhaling her sweet scent.
"I love you too." She whined, her head thrown back as he rubbed his nose against her covered clit.
He smiled in victory and kissed back up her body, landing on her lips.
"Tonight, I'm taking you out on a real date. I don't care what anyone thinks. I want to be with you and call you mine."
"I want to be with you too." She said as she wrapped her arms around him.
Their relationship may have not made sense to anyone else. It may have been very frowned upon. But for once, she was happy and felt loved. She deserved that. And Eddie was more than honored to be the one to give it to her.
@aimee-ginge @wivwer @3rd-conchord @internetshmiternet @3ddiemunsons-l0ver @wtfmariaclara
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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fooled-around-and-fell · 10 months
cherry compote and apricots
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summary: you have an excellent date night idea that will help carmen with work and also fulfill your needs.
pairing: carmen berzatto x female reader
warnings: smut. food play. blindfold. 18+. minors dni. hand restraints (not exactly handcuffs). sub?carmy, switch?carmy. oral f receiving. p in v (wrap it before ya tap it).
a/n: this is my first time writing a full smut like this, please be nice 😭 trying my best
carmen had texted you earlier to ask what you wanted for dinner, as he decided to just get takeout, too tired to come back home and cook. but you told him not to worry, because you've got everything prepared.
you may not be a chef, but you can cook for two. two plates of pasta are served on the table when carmen enters his apartment, and the smell of focaccia makes him sigh.
"you," he hangs his jacket. "are a gift."
you smile at him while putting the pans away. "tough day at work?"
"like you wouldn't believe." he mutters against your lips, giving you a quick peck. "need me to do anything?"
you shake your head. "just sit down and eat, carm. i'll join you in a sec."
he nods and sits on the couch, taking his plate of food and tasting the pasta you made. "mm. you sure i can't convince you to be a professional chef?"
you chuckle and sit next to him, scooping some pasta sauce with your focaccia. "you flatter me, carm."
carmen finishes his food fast. must've been starving. he grabs your empty plates to wash them and you smile slyly once his back is turned towards you.
"hey carmy,"
he hums in response.
"you want some dessert?"
carmen glances back from the sink and shrugs. "sure. what do you have in mind?"
once you've made sure carmen's finished with the dishes, you sneakily circle your arms around his waist. you can feel the outline of his muscles from his thin shirt and it makes you squeeze your thighs together.
"oh, it's this kind of dessert?"
you pepper kisses from his shoulder up to his neck before he turns around and holds your face in his hands. he sees your blown pupils and chuckles.
his smile lingers and he kisses you gently. "nothing."
you moan -- or whine? in his arms and pull him away from the kitchen area to the couch by his waistband. you take his shirt off and push him to sit. "eyes closed."
"eyes. closed." you repeat once again.
he sighs and does as you say. you take out the blindfold you've been keeping behind the couch cushion and tie it around his head, making sure he can't peek.
"kinky, aren't we?"
you kiss the top of his head before going to the fridge to get a few things. you can hear carmen whine when he lost your touch. "i swear, if you leave me like this-"
"i'm not, jesus, don't worry." you roll your eyes and come back with a few bowls of ingredients. you place them in front of him on the table and settle yourself on his lap. "so."
"syd told me you're trying to develop a new menu-"
he groans, "i don't really want to talk about work right now-"
"for every ingredient you can guess and pair together," you cut his line and grind down on his crotch. he moans and bucks his hips up. "you'll get a reward."
carmen's hands squeeze your sides firmly and he finally agrees. "fine."
you smile in victory and grab the first bowl of ingredients. "open, carm." you can feel him twitch when you said that, and it gives you a boost of confidence. he gulps and opens his mouth, ready for whatever you're about to pop in his mouth.
the spoon feels cold in his mouth, and he wishes it was your tongue instead. you wipe his lips with your thumb, sucking off the sweet syrup and the sound makes him throw his head back.
"so? what is it?"
carmen swallows and licks his lips. "mango. with honeyed lemons."
"mm-hmm." you pat his cheek and grind your hips down again, feeling how bricked up he is from all the teasing you're doing.
he groans. "can't i at least take these off?" he motions the blindfolds.
"that defeats the purpose of you guessing." you simply say and twist your hips to grab the second bowl. carmen hugs your waist and buries his head in your chest.
"you're killing me."
"carm, we barely started." you say sweetly. "now open."
he obliges and you feed him with your fingers this time. his eyebrows knit together in confusion. "just strawberries?"
you push your thumb against his lips, and he melts when he takes it into his mouth. you'd dipped your thumb into the melted chocolate and now carmen's sucking it off.
"fuck." he curses, licking all the chocolate off of your finger. "of course it's strawberry and chocolate."
"doing so good for me, carmy." you whisper, tracing your thumb he just sucked along his lip. "want your reward?"
he nods aggressively, and you smile at his enthusiasm. you pull your shirt above your head, and though carmen's blindfolded, he knows exactly what you're doing.
his hands make his way up your naked torso and almost reach your breasts. "can i?" he asks. "please?"
he's so cute like this. so vulnerable for you. carmen's sweetness in asking for permission almost made you forget everything and take him right there. but no. you're in control.
you squeeze your boobs together through his hands. he moans and buries his face in your chest, plays with your stiff nipples and he darts his tongue out, but you stop him.
"third set." you push his hands and his head away.
"ugh. how many are there?" he asks, his frustrations evident.
"only two more. open."
carmen opens his mouth, ready for whatever fruit is coming next.
what he didn't expect is you feeding him with your mouth this time. he almost chokes while his hips grind up and his hands grip your hips again. while the rest of the fruit is swallowed, the juices still linger between your lips, swirling around your tongues.
you pull away from him, panting. "what was it, carm?"
"oh, fuck." he totally forgot he's supposed to figure out what the ingredients are. "um, pineapple."
"yeah, and?"
he gulps. it was sweet. you're sweet. maybe the sweetness came from you? from the pineapple? "i uh.. i actually didn't get that one."
"oh?" you expected him to get everything right, but it's nice to see carmen flustered. because of you. "it was rum. guess i'm gonna have to give you a punishment."
as if carmen's pants can't get any tighter.
"hands behind your back, carmy."
"you heard me."
he puts his hands behind his back, and you take the fabric covering his eyes off, tying them around his hands instead. carmen's still adjusting from being blindfolded, before being blessed with the sight of your breasts in front of him.
he struggles against the restraints.
"no, where are you going?" he whines when you get off his lap.
grinning at his desperation, you just stare at him while you take your shorts and panties off, now placing yourself on the other edge of the couch.
"last set." you take the bowl and pour the dark red liquid over your bare skin. over your breasts. over your stomach. over your...
carmen's jaw drops as he falls onto his knees. he knows what he has to do.
you take his chin and kiss him for a bit, with the syrup lingering all over your lips. "are you gonna be good?"
carmen nods frantically. "yes. yes. please, just.. please let me.."
"let you what, carmen?"
"let me taste you. please."
the man is practically drooling at this point. you slowly nod and carmen wastes no time to devour you. he starts nipping at your neck, down to the valley of your breasts where he can taste the syrup you poured.
he licks. bites. sucks. like a hungered man.
his kisses trail down to your navel and finally your mound. some of the syrup had trickled down and mixed with your juices. carmen looks at you while he licks one long stripe up.
you moan and buck your hips up to meet his mouth, but he moves away, grinning when he sees your upset expression.
before you can protest or say anything else, he dives back in, finding your clit and circling it with his tongue, sucking ever so gently.
the taste of the syrup mixed with your wetness makes him feel dizzy. so fucking sweet. he looks up at you while he eats you out, and you can only moan when those blue eyes stare at you like that.
your hands are buried in his hair, urging him to push his tongue into you because fuck, you need more. but carmen's not gonna give you that. not until you let his hands free.
come on, you know you need it.
his eyes are begging you.
but you won't give in. not when you're so close. so you grind down on his face, possibly suffocating him, as you chase your own high. carmen's never seen anything hotter.
"fuck. fuck. fuck. FUCK." your back arches as you pulse against his mouth, lapping up all your juices and leaving a few final kisses before he gets up to kiss you.
you help him get out of his pants that now have a wet stain, and get on top of him.
"fuck yes." you hear him whisper as you tease his angry red tip against your entrance.
you slowly sink yourself down. he's fucking big. as you take all of him, carmen keeps bucking his hips up, hitting your cervix with his tip. you're panting and clenching as you feel him entirely inside, and you finally start lifting and rolling your hips.
"oh my god." he moans. "you feel fucking amazing."
"yeah?" you smile sweetly at him, leaving wet kisses on his neck.
"yeah. so fucking warm and tight. fuck. baby." he furrows his brows while moving his hips to meet your thrusts even harder.
you can feel a familiar knot in your lower stomach and the tightness that comes and goes, and you struggle to keep your balance.
"carmy... gonna cum..." you moan, your thrusts becoming erratic.
carmen takes this as a sign to break free from his restraints that's been loose for a while and grab your hips, slamming you down on his cock.
"carmen!" you scream, unable to control your voice and hips anymore. it's now just carmen moving you up and down in an unrelenting pace.
"yeah, just like that. fuck. ahh, fuck you're so tight." he moans. "come on, baby, cum with me. cum on my cock."
a few particular deep and hard thrusts from carmen had you squirting all your juices and milking him dry. he's still rutting into you when you're finished, and you see the adorable frown he has while he's filling you up.
your breaths sync as you lay on his chest, unable to move just yet. carmen doesn't mind. he loves seeing you all fucked out like this. especially knowing it's because of him.
carmen smiles. "cherry compote."
you chuckle. "and?"
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syoddeye · 2 months
reading recs
received an anon the other day that requested fic recs of all ratings, here's a big list of some of my favorites! definitely not exhaustive, definitely forgot people, and i am so sorry in advance for that. please mind the tags on these fics.
SNAFU by @adnauseum11
I've posted about SNAFU before. This is one of my comfort series. Excellent characterization of a retired John Price, navigating a relationship with one of his oldest friends.
Heavy Weighs the Crown by @sentientcave
Newer series, very yummy so far. I love Charlie's characterization of the 141 in this universe, and their writing is delectable.
Rugby AU by @sentientcave
Another banger from Charlie. Reader Ripper is also yummy. Something to snack on. To quote: "I don't know anything about Rugby tbh this is just vibes and thots. Something somethin elaborate rituals."
Nobody by @391780
My gateway fic into Nikto. Without giving anything away, every chapter sends me into a short spiral. The most recent chapters have done heinous (affectionate) things to my brain.
Ursa Major by @the-californicationist
Have you ever been to Alaska? Ever wanted to visit? Honestly, read this fic and let Cali transport you there. Her ability to set the scene and bring it to life is un-fucking-matched. Doc (Reader) is a smart, confident reader-insert that feels like a real person.
Binders and Boyfriends by @pfhwrittes
Trans 141 and Trans Reader supremacy. Another comfort series from the wonderful Parker. Everything listed here is wonderful, but I have a major soft spot for P's Gaz-centric works.
Housemate!Gaz by @pfhwrittes
First, in this house, we hate Reader's roommate. Second, we are Widget fans. Third, could you fucking imagine opening the door and your new roommate was Kyle motherfucking Garrick? I'd faint.
Call of The Jurassic by @stuffireadandenjoy
Another newer series that put me on the edge of my seat. When I first saw that Tats was giving us my favorite fellas and putting them in Jurassic Park, ooooooh, I knew we were going to be spoiled rotten.
Wrong Number Right Day by @stuffireadandenjoy
"Kyle gets a wrong number text but decides to be a little generous that day." Reader's living the dream. Text Kyle Garrick and get cash money for rent? Very excited for more of this.
Price of Pegging by @gemmahale
Pegging and John Price. I could stop there, but I won't. Gemma nails the depiction of a submissive Captain Price. She also captures the dynamic of a couple trying something new extremely well, that gave me some fluffy feelings.
All of Gemma’s WIPs by @gemmahale
I've had the absolute privilege to read some previews of Gemma's work and the WORK and the DETAIL and the CHARACTERS are chef's kiss. Delicious. It's so difficult to pick just one. I love the Feywilds. Useful Girl. Call of the Wild. Do yourself a favor and spend some time in the tags.
Offer Me His Hunger by @kaadaaan
Something about a 141-er and a single mom that's gonna do it for me every time. In Offer Me His Hunger, it's Johnny, and Reader has no idea what she's in for. Jesus Christ, Kadan writes one of my favorite Johnnys, and really nails that obsessive and calculating streak.
The Space in Between by @391780
You will laugh, you will cry, you will love and hate mafia boss!John Price. Reader crosses paths with John and the 141, and gets caught in their wake. Early writes some of the best Reader characters of all time, and this one's no different. This story will get under your skin so fast, in the best way.
The Arrangement by @391780
Speaking of Early, this is THE gateway drug to her work, in my humble opinion. One of the first COD fics I ever read and converted me into being a Price girlie. Sugar Daddy Price x a cute, smart, and fucking funny Reader. Also one of my favorite characterizations of Simon of all time.
Club 141 by @greatstormcat
BDSM and the 141 make a Sy very happy. Reader starts off with a fake ass dom and is quickly properly introduced to BDSM culture with the fellas. Really solid group dynamics. Make sure you read that Price x Ghost post for a good fucking time.
Lamb to the Slaughter by @ohbo-ohno
Probably one of my favorite Ghoap fics of all time. The way my jaw was on the floor for the majority of this should've sent me to the emergency room. It's brutal, it's horrifying, and fuck me running, I loved it, start to finish.
The Pit by @peachesofteal
First, the nightmare of getting into an accident in the winter. Second, having Ghost and Soap find you. Oh boy, The Pit is peak Ghoap manipulation. When I got to the end, I just sat in silence. Stunned. It was amazing.
Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied by tippytulip (if you're on here, pls lmk!)
Another early COD fic for me. A thrill ride with a whip-smart Reader AND it's set in the Midwest. Those are two ways into my heart. The relationship between Reader and Price isn't an easy one, and he gives her a dozen and a half reasons to dislike him. Another ride of a fic, with great action scenes and group dynamics.
Trapper, Keeper by @tinypandacakes
A König fic that makes me screech no less than ten times per chapter. Panda writes a fucking scary König and it blows my mind. So much of it is subtle and manipulative, with few outright (so far, it's ongoing!) examples. I get a knot in my stomach every time I read and I LOVE IT.
DOG by Danceofthesevenveils
Another König fic that features a pathetic loser König, who is also one of the scariest motherfuckers I've ever read. The use of text messages underscores the creepy vibes, and a great vehicle for the Reader x König dynamic early on.
Desire Paths by @ceilidho
Manipulative best friend Johnny, you are iconic to me. Ceilidh writes some of the best nasty Johnny fic out there, but Desire Paths has my heart. Another ending that had me gasping.
Take Me Home, Country Road by @ceilidho
Cowboy Price, take me awayyyyyy. A fantastic Western AU focused on a Reader with a secret and a Sheriff Price that'll make you sit up straighter. Ceilidh captures John's voice so clearly, I can hear it when I read. That porch scene is seared into my brain in the best way.
Tender is the Flesh by @crashtestbunny
Do you like scary Simon? Do you like feeling unsettling and turned on? *slams table* Do I have the fic for you! Connie's butcher!Simon makes my blood run both hot and cold. "Oh she’s a stunner." lives in my head rent free. Also the apron tie bit.
Pornstar!AU by @shotmrmiller
Warning, if you don't smoke, you might start after reading Toni's porn AU. I love this depiction of Ghost, his control and his care. AND there's a threesome bit with Ghost x Reader x Price. It's what dreams are made of.
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pathetic-sapphic · 9 months
Arcane characters with chef!reader who always cooks for them? 👀👀
Arcane characters with a S/O who cooks for them
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VI knows how to cook some basic meals, but most of the time is too lazy to do so. She mostly eats takeout food or goes to Jericho's when she can afford it. Of course, you come to the rescue and she becomes obsessed with your cooking. Will plead with you to make her favorite by doing her signature puppy eyes (it works every time). Likes to help you out or at least keep you company by hugging you from behind and begging you to let her do taste tests. The taste tests are basically useless because she loves anything you make and always says it's perfect. This woman would lowkey eat dirt as long as you're the one who served it to her.
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JINX can't cook for the life of her and any kitchen she enters is automatically turned into a fire hazard so please keep an eye on her at all times. She'll be perched up on one of the kitchen counters whenever you're cooking and will ramble about anything and everything, looking at your graceful moves the entire time. Always compliments on how good the food smells and gets really impatient, asking if the food is ready every minute or so. It's a good idea to keep her busy by asking her to set the table or chop some veggies for you, she'll gladly do it (anything to help her trinket!). She loves feeling useful, and having you helps keep her in good health since, before she met you, she had a habit of skipping meals due to being distracted by her work most of the time. Now, that can never happen because Jinx would never pass up an opportunity to eat her beloved trinket's food.
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CAITLYN tries, she really does, but cooking is one activity where her precise skills and accuracy completely evade her. It's like all her gracefulness leaves her as soon as she enters the kitchen. She is also quite busy with her work so she really appreciates it when you start packing her lunch every day for her. Thinks it's super sweet and domestic, lowkey giggles sweetly if you include silly and cute little notes in her lunchbox. Gladly helps you by setting up the table and doing the grocery shopping whenever she can, as well as spoiling you with the best cooking equipment and cookbooks that she can afford. Whenever the two of you go out on fancy restaurant dates, it doesn't matter how good the food is, Caitlyn will complain about how it just isn't as good as yours.
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EKKO has had to take care of himself since early age so he has some mean cooking tricks and recipes up his sleeve. He is no chef, but still very good! One of his favorite pastimes is cooking with you, because not only does he get to learn new recipes, but he also gets to hang out with his babe! Sure, a food fight may happen here and there, with the two of you getting a little carried away with the flour, but that's what makes it so enjoyable and domestic. Ekko is a quick learner and an excellent company to have around, although he can sometimes pose a bit of a distraction by trying to sneak in kisses and hugs while you're dangerously close to the stove. He just can't help himself whenever he is around you, luckily his reflexes are sharp so you definitely won't get hurt as long as he is by your side. Gives you shoulder kisses from behind whenever you're cooking.
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SEVIKA is a surprisingly good cook, it's just that on most days she doesn't have the time nor the energy to do it, especially if it's only for herself. So the cooking is probably up to you most of the time. Not to mention that she also has a bit of a housewife kink so seeing you doing something so domestic and taking such good care of her makes Sevika's heart skip a beat. Another partner who likes hugging you from behind whenever she finds you in the kitchen, nuzzling her nose in your neck and commenting on how good the food smells. Every once in a while, she likes to surprise you with breakfast in bed, just as a little show of appreciation for all that you do for her. Please pack her work lunch in the most disgustingly cute lunchbox you can find, she'll eat it without shame. Anyone who dares laugh at her is getting punched in the face.
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With how busy he is all the time, SILCO barely eats let alone cooks. So he is pleasantly surprised when you start bringing cooked meals to his office. He used to consider himself a picky eater but that proves to be false as he would gladly eat literally anything as long as it's made by you. Tries to go home earlier so he can always make it in time to have dinner with you, only to later unwind with a glass of wine and you in his arms. Does the dishes whenever he can, you've already done so much by preparing such a lovely meal, you deserve to rest now. Silco always sings you praises and showers you with compliments for your cooking skills, also sometimes jokes about how he's going to have to buy clothes that are a size bigger if you continue feeding him like this. He actually looks much healthier and has more energy ever since he started eating your food, it's quite endearing to see.
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VANDER loves cooking and is an amazing cook himself, always experimenting and trying out new recipes. After all, he and his four kids cannot survive on takeout and scraps alone. So, he learned how to cook once he adopted his children. He is so happy to have a partner with whom he shares this passion and the two of you often cook together. He is a lovely company to have around, working diligently and making pleasant small talk, oftentimes humming one of his favorite songs while chopping veggies or overlooking a boiling pot of soup. Vander sometimes lets the music take over and sweeps you up into his arms, slow dancing with you in the kitchen while a pleasant melody and an even more pleasant smell fills out the room. He is so happy when he sees how much the kids love your cooking as he values their opinion over anyone else's. Vander is at his happiest when sharing a meal with you and the children, all of you sitting happily at the table, chatting and enjoying the delicious food like a wonderful family.
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VIKTOR can make an omelette and oatmeal and uh... that's about it. He eats enough (and sometimes not even that) to survive and keep working, barely remembering to eat and drink water properly throughout the day. You were obviously worried out of your mind when you noticed this and started making him warm, homemade meals and bringing them to him. As busy as he is, Viktor can never say no to you or reject anything you try to give him so he gladly gives your cooking a try. It's safe to say that this man is in love, there's a literal spark in his eyes the first time you feed him a hot meal and he makes sure to sing you praises afterward. He is positively in love with your cooking and you make sure he eats at least two cooked meals a day which greatly aids his health. After a month or two, his hollow cheeks don't seem so hollow anymore and he can swear he feels much more refreshed and energetic than he did before. Viktor truly thinks of you as his savior and he knows he owes his life to you for all that you have done for him. No matter what happens, he'll always have you to come home to, to love him and take care of him.
a/n: i wasn't sure which characters you'd like so i decided on these! if there's anyone i missed, feel free to lmk :)
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saltymongoose · 11 months
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ohh my goodness. i've been waiting to send these until requests were open bc i wanted to hear ur thoughts.
might be a little silly, but consider: matching outfits. player gathers clothing materials!! and coordinates outfits one day on missions!!!! even makes props!!! hijinks ensue. idk if this had already been disscussed before, but thank you for your time and consideration, ily. you are so cool <<3333!!!!!!! everything you make is so scrumptious!!!!! <33
Omg, thank you, this is so nice of you!!! :D ❤❤❤❤ I love this art so much, you have no idea - the way you portray the boys here fits so well (as always lol). And the memes too omg!! I can't even put it into words to be honest with you, these are just excellent. I do feel slightly bad for that random grunt though, something tells me they'll be sleeping with one eye open after seeing that lmao.
(Also, thank you so much for the compliments too of course, you're far too kind. (˶⸃ ⴰ⸃˶)♡ I could say the same to you btw; your art is always just *chef's kiss* perfection.)
Anyhow, I've actually thought a bit about this scenario before, but this just inspired me, so I wrote some short hcs for you. Hope you like them! <3:
The Player Matches Outfits with Them ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior)
- [2BDAMNED] -
2BDamned knew that you had been working on a little project - one that you tried to keep as secret as possible. He was curious, but not enough to encroach on whatever boundary you set regarding it. All he knew from your rather lackadaisical explanation was that he'd be very surprised when he saw. And, well, he was.
The first conscious thought in 2BDamned's head is the question of how you've managed to make a mask that looks so similar to his without borrowing the original. It's really spot on; the seams are in the exact same place, and even if yours has to have been configured differently to fit your more human facial features, the silhouette is exactly the same.
(In the end, he concludes that you simply must've studied his appearance for a while to truly replicate his mask, which makes him feel almost giddy in a way he might've deemed embarrassing before meeting you. But now he's just overcome with happiness that you were obviously interested enough in him to do this.)
He openly praises your skill in sewing, knowing that grunt clothing is ordinarily much too large for you. And you'd notice how the fondness he holds for you seeps into the words, his gaze lingering on you in a way that left you feeling warm.
If you could see underneath his own mask, you'd be able to see the smile he was unable to bite back as well, and the flush that he'd try to will away otherwise. And while he is incredibly impressed (and happy) at what you've managed to put together, he will mention that you could also borrow his actual things once in a while, if you feel so inclined. He just happens to think one of his own jackets might suit you too.
(Of course, he doesn't miss the chance to lean real close to adjust your mask as he says this either, just to fluster you even more. You really have no idea how cute you are, especially looking like this.)
- [DEIMOS] -
A full minute of unintelligible sputtering leaves Deimos' lips the moment he sees your new outfit, and you laugh at the way his face goes bright red. When you said you had a surprise, this was one of the last things he expected.
Luckily for him, he's able to quickly gather his composure, and his excited ramblings turn into smooth flirts that'll leave you blushing instead of him. Expect all sorts of comments about how cute you looked dressed up like him, and praises about how you look even better in his fit than he does.
He insists on taking a ton of pictures together, and you can bet he keeps his favorite in his wallet. (It's one of your faces smushed together as you both grin at the camera, making a heart with your hands.)
He considers this a total power-couple thing; matching shirts are so low-effort compared to this, if anything it shows you perfect you are together. Although there is one thing he'd help you change from your original DIY version of his outfit - those sheet-metal dog tags you made can't compare to the real thing in his opinion, so why don't you just use one of his instead?
Also, don't think he won't take advantage of the fact that you both are the only ones with headsets. Even if yours isn't functioning (because let's be honest, finding one in working condition would be difficult), he'll fix it up quickly just so he can talk more directly to you during missions. And whenever else he wants to, to the irritation of the other three.
Sanford would consider his outfit to be fairly standard, but he recognized that you were emulating him the moment you slid the sunglasses on. And he couldn't stop the goofy smile from splitting his face when he realized it either, not even attempting to hide his amusement at what you've done.
(He only gets visibly happier when you 'threateningly' brandish your wire hook in his direction. You really put a lot of thought into this, didn't you?)
While Sanford has the amount of restraint in him to not openly brag about you doing this, he can't deny the rush of satisfaction he gets from seeing you in what is an unmistakable homage to him. If you look closely, you'll see him straighten up in pride whenever you come into view. (It's almost like preening, really. If he weren't so flushed, perhaps you'd think it to be more of an ego thing, but no.)
Although, he does show a little bit more concern about some aspects of your outfit. Like your boots, for example; he can't count the number of times he's gotten blisters while breaking in his own, so you should expect him to ask you if you need any plasters (or help bandaging yourself as well).
(If you decide to accept his offer, you'll find yourself questioning whether he ever officially trained as a medic before. He surely has the gentleness befitting of one, shown in how he carefully cleans your wounds and softly applies the ointment, his calloused fingers gently smoothing over the plasters on your Achilles heels afterward. Although you have the slightest suspicion that this tenderness from him is known only to you.)
Sanford will also make it part of his routine to pluck your glasses from your nose and clean them after he does his own. Afterward, he'll slowly lean in when he places them back on you to make sure he doesn't poke you in the eye. Neither of you mention that you could do it yourself, or that his decision to slide them back onto the bridge of your nose himself was highly unnecessary. Maybe he just does it to get a better look at the way you blink up at him and blush, or perhaps it's for some other reason, who's to say? Either way, you have no complaints.
Your laughs are muffled under Hank's hands as he cups your face, tilting it up to look closely at you. His excitement at your new look is almost palpable; you can easily tell from how he's shaking and hurriedly looking over, his gaze never stopping on one spot for longer than a second. He just wants to take in everything about your new look, is all.
He'll almost insist on doing a mission with you wearing it, not only because the idea sounds fun to him (with his love of carnage and all), but also because it provides an excellent opportunity to rub in everyone else's faces that you chose to copy his outfit. Not theirs.
In a way, he also becomes just a tad more doting than usual. He busies himself with dusting you off, and adjusting your goggles and the lapels of your coat whenever another skirmish is finished. It's his way of checking you over and making sure your hard work wasn't damaged either.
(Plus, he'd hate it if this instance of you copying him was cut short because of some worthless grunts' attempts at harming you.)
You'll catch him sticking closer to you than usual too, and he does so for multiple reasons. First is that he just prefers to be near you whenever he can anyway (the warmth of your presence is one of his favorite things, and it gives ample opportunity to show off around you), but now there's also the fact that your outfit will freak out your enemies. As you can imagine, he enjoys that immensely, and what better way to improve this experience than to have his Player join him?
In a way, Hank also sees this as a sort of 'claim' you've put on yourself too. Wearing your significant other's clothing is kind of a thing with some grunts, and while he knows they aren't really his clothes, there's still some of that same sentiment there that makes him purr just a bit louder whenever he sees you in that new outfit of yours. It tells the world you're his in some way, even if not officially. So why wouldn't he be happy about that?
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noellawrites · 9 months
Involuntary Celibate - Yandere!Carmy Berzatto x reader
requested & also helped by @tryingtowritefanfics <3
summary: Carmy's been saving himself for you... but he's tired of waiting.
warnings: 18+, incel!Carmy, teasing, dub/non-con, forced breeding, rape
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"Yo chef, can you stay late for prep?" Carmy asks as he passes behind you.
"Of course, chef!" you pipe, turning around and smiling at your boss.
He stole a glance at the sauce you were working on and cocked his head towards it.
"Go ahead, I need some feedback," you confess, handing him a spoon.
As his lips touch your creation and his eyes brighten just a bit, you can't help but blush. After a year of working for him, you'd developed quite a crush on the man.
"Excellent, chef. Just try adding a bit more honey," he offers, looking right into your eyes.
You thought about that interaction for the rest of your shift, even as everyone else left.
Now, it was past ten and only you and Carmy remain.
You sidle up to Carmy, leaning over the large metal table as he works on one of his drawings.
He looks over at you briefly, his mouth cracking into a small smile before turning back to his work.
Before you could stop yourself, you reach out and touch one of the tattoos on his left arm, the world inside the measuring cup.
"I love this one," you whisper, tracing the cup's thin lines.
Carmy immediately stops drawing. Unbeknownst to you, Richie's words from the past few weeks were echoing through his mind.
"C'mon 'cuz, why haven't you tapped that yet?" "Carm, she's obviously fuckin' obsessed with you." "Jesus 'cuz, you can't be a virgin forever." "If Mikey were here, he'd tell you how much of a loser you are."
Before you knew what was happening, Carmy grabs your arm with his right hand and pins your back against the table. Alarm bells ring through your head but you can't move, your body feels numb.
"Stop fuckin' teasin' me," Carmy grits, pressing his body against yours. You can feel his hard-on through his pants as it presses against your midsection.
You have no idea what else to do, so you lean up and press your lips against his. His strong arms wrap around your waist as he deepens the kiss, groaning and bucking against you.
You let out a loud moan as Carmy works his way down your neck with his mouth. All of a sudden, you feel his big hand attempting to tug your bottoms down. You reach down and grab his hand, but he slaps your hand in response.
"You've been teasing me for months, it's my fuckin' turn to take what belongs to me," he hisses, and you immediately start to feel your eyes water.
"C-Carm, please—" you start, but he cuts you off.
Carmy leans in, lips ghosting over your ear as he says, "I'm done with your shit. I'm gonna knock you up and leave you beggin' for more."
"Carmy, I-I'm a virgin. Please don't do this to me!" you beg, still trying to push against him in vain. He has you trapped, no chance for escape.
"I'm a virgin, too. Been savin' myself for you, so we can lose it to each other. We can start our own family, leave our fucked up ones behind," he promises, and you can hear the strain in his voice. Probably a combination of his intense lust and deep desire to get you pregnant.
"Stop, please! I'm not ready to—" you try again, but Carmy cuts you off by clamping a hand over your mouth. With his other hand, he finishes pulling your pants and underwear down.
"You're so good, all wet for me, huh? Slutty women like you are always fuckin' teases," Carmy hisses, teasing your slick entrance with the tip of his cock.
You might've enjoyed this, following maybe four dates and a label and maybe a condom. But you clenched your eyes shut, trying to pretend you were anywhere else.
Anywhere but being cornered and raped by your boss while he tries to put his baby inside you, a little baby Berzatto blossoming inside your womb.
"Hmm—mphh!" you try to speak through Carmy's hand over your mouth. He was almost fully sheathed inside of you, groaning while rocking his hips into yours.
Your extreme discomfort shifted into throbbing pain as his cock breached your cervix. You couldn't stop the tears from filling your eyes as he fucked you harder, like a man on a mission.
Pain mixed with pleasure flooded your senses as Carmy groans, painting the walls of your cervix with his cum.
"Richie and Mikey'd be so fuckin' proud’a me," he says under his breath as he pulls out of you, immediately yanking your underwear back up to keep his fluids inside your pussy.
He un-clamps his hand from your mouth as he shuffles back into his black pants and buckles his belt.
“Why did you do this to me, Carmy?" you sniffle as his intense gaze meets your eyes.
"Because I love you. You're mine now, you'll never be with anyone else," he says, a bored expression on his face.
You can't hold back anymore. You burst into tears, a mixture of post-coital emotions and terror at the very real possibility of a baby inside you.
Carmy pulls you into his chest, holding you close to him as your tears soak through his white shirt.
"I love you so much," he whispers, and you cry even harder. You're never going to escape Carmy Berzatto, you know that now.
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wilbursprincess · 4 months
literally any bursona you would like x reader.
smutshot based off dress by taylor swift?:o
“Only Bought This Dress So You Could Take It Off”
Superstarbur x Female Reader
Warnings: Pure smut omg, Dom!Superstarbur, Sub!Reader, praising, degrading, begging (if you squint), riding, choking (but not really), unprotected sex, this is just so unholy and I’m not sorry
EXCELLENT TASTE IN MUSIC, ☁️ ANON. EXCELLENT. (saw the other ask lmao ik it’s you). This song is insanely queer coded to me lol. Reputation will always be my top album (in case anyone’s curious, my top three are Reputation, 1989, and Fearless) and Dress is just. Mwah. Chef’s kiss.
Fic below cut!
Wilbur’s eyes lock with mine from across the crowded room, making heat rush between my thighs.
“You two have the sweetest friendship,” sighs my friend, sipping wistfully on her cup. “I’d never be able to stay just friends with someone like him.”
I give her what I hope is a cheerful smile. “It’s easy. He’s just my best friend. I’ve never thought of him as anything more.”
My friend keeps talking, but my gaze keeps drifting back across the room, admiring Wilbur for the nth time that night. He glances up, making sure nobody’s watching us before giving me a wink, pulling out his phone.
Wilbur: i need you.
Wilbur: make an excuse.
Wilbur: i’ve been dreaming about what i want to do to you all night.
I give my friend an apologetic smile. “Sorry, but I’ve got work in the morning. Wilbur’s about to take me home.”
At least the second part of that isn’t a lie.
Right on cue, Wilbur walks up, making my stomach tighten, placing a protective hand on my lower back.
“Sorry to steal her away,” he jokes, face cheerful, but his hand sliding down and cupping my ass tells me everything I need to know.
The second we make it outside, Wilbur’s got me roughly shoved against the wall, kissing me so hard I gasp. His hand slips up my thigh, rubbing circles in my drenched panties.
“Do you have any idea,” he pants. “What you do to me?”
“I think I have a general idea,” I reply. “It’s pressing into my leg.”
“I’m going to take you home and do the unholiest of things to that gorgeous, gorgeous body of yours, ok, princess?” Wilbur coos, and I frantically nod. “Good girl.”
We barely make it into his bedroom before he tosses me into the middle of the bed, running his hands over my body through the thigh fabric of my dress.
“Only bought this dress so you could take it off,” I murmur against his parted lips as I unbutton his shirt.
“Knowing how wet I make you from across a room when everyone thinks we’re just friends is almost pathetic,” Wilbur replies silkily, fumbling with his belt buckle. “You love that, don’t you, you little slut?”
I groan at the sight of his bare chest. “God, yes.”
He tugs my dress off over my head with one hand and yanks my thong off with the other. “I’ll never get enough of seeing you all naked and spread out in the sheets for me.”
Wilbur leans down, burying his face between my thighs and licking up the wetness pooling between them. “Oh my goodness,” he murmurs into the soft skin. “I could drown in this pretty pussy.”
“Please,” I whine, tugging on his curls. “Please, Wilbur.”
He snickers. “Please what, baby? You know I can’t do what you want if you don’t use your words for me.”
“Please…” I gasp. “Please fuck me.”
Wilbur smiles, pulling back to tug his pants and boxers off. “There you go, sweetheart. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
God, he’ll be the death of me.
“Saddle up, love.”
We groan in unison as I sink down onto his cock, Wilbur’s hands grasping my hips and pulling me down. We start to move together and my head goes fuzzy from pleasure, swirling my hips as I take every inch he gives me.
“Bounce for me,” he groans, letting out a long, low, moan as I do exactly as he asks. “Good girl.”
This angle is hitting exactly where I need it too, and when Wilbur reaches around to rub my clit in time with my movements, I know I’m an absolute goner.
“I’m so close,” I cry out, legs shaking as the waves of pleasure washes over me. “Fuck, right there.”
Laughing, Wilbur grabs one of my nipples, twisting it between his fingers until I cry out. “So close already, huh?” He says teasingly. “Pathetic little thing, falling apart on my cock.”
I scream out his name as I tip over the edge, shuddering from overstimulation as he keeps thrusting into me.
“You can give me one more?” Wilbur says, and I nod. “That’s my girl. Lay down for me.”
Shakily, I climb off him, whining as he tosses my legs over his shoulders and dives back in.
He’s pounding into me fast and hard, every whine and groan music to my ears. One hand is snuggly around my throat, the other playing with my tits and only adding to the pleasure.
“You’re absolutely soaked, love,” teases Wilbur, nibbling and sucking at a spot on my neck I know will be visible tomorrow. “Does it really feel that good?”
I frantically nod. “Feels so good,” I manage to whine out, sinking my teeth into his lower lip. “Fuck.”
“Gonna cum with me, baby?” Wilbur asks, thrusts growing sloppy as he wills himself to keep going for me.
“Yes,” I gasp. “Oh, God, yes,”
My second climax hits me like a train, lasting so long I practically see stars floating in my vision. Just as I start to come down from the high, Wilbur cries out my name, pulling out and releasing all over my stomach.
“Hang on,” he whispers gently, kissing my forehead before reaching into his nightstand and grabbing a towel. “Thought I should be prepared this time.”
I laugh wearily, letting him clean both of us up a little.
“So much for you being my best friend,” I murmur sleepily. “God, you’re so good in bed.”
Wilbur leans down and softly plants a kiss on my lips. “I’ve never slept with someone who makes me feel like you do.” He tugs me against his chest, curled as the little spoon, gently kissing the deep purple mark he left just minutes earlier. “Stay with me tonight?”
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unhelpfulfemme · 10 months
Thalias from the Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy is how you do a female character with "traditionally feminine" virtues correctly.
The culture of the Ascendancy involves using young girls - the only Force sensitives their race has, since they all lose their Force sensitivity when they enter puberty - as ship navigators necessary to navigating the chaotic part of space that they live in. These girls are taken from their families at a young age and raised by a series of caregivers, and just like a bunch of plenty of carers IRL a lot of them are dogshit at their job. As someone who's worked similar jobs and watched other people work similar jobs, Timothy Zahn is BRILLIANT at portraying all of this - it gives me feelings like I can't describe. If you've ever seen a mean preschool teacher harranguing their charges or a shitty foster parent who doesn't treat their foster kids as individuals or anyone of the sort, you will feel this in your bones. Zahn goes hard on the "children are people" themes in this trilogy and I love love love this - it really means a lot to me to see a man known for his military and engineering competence porn stuff put so much thought and care into portraying caregiving as the important and complicated task that it is without coming off as sexist or patronizing towards it.
Anyway, Thalias is one such navigator, but even though most of them want nothing to do with the whole trauma-inducing system once they grow out of it, Thalias ends up returning as a caregiver and puts so much effort, compassion and logical thought into it that it makes me cry tears of joy. She draws on her own experiences but is quick to course correct when she realizes that Che'ri's experiences are different from her own (Thalias loved to read as a kid and still finds it comforting, Che'ri hates reading), she treats Che'ri with empathy and gives her as much autonomy and independence as she is allowed to. She uses a scientific method to figure out how the navigator powers work and adjust Che'ri's work routine accordingly - something no one has ever thought to do. She advocates for Che'ri with the rest of the ship's crew. She's amazing, and Zahn also makes sure to show how HARD it can be at times rather than just make her a perfect mind reader who always knows what her charge is thinking and what to say or do.
She's also kinda flawed - she seems to have an unhealthy obsession with Thrawn because he was once nice to her when she was a miserable kid in the throes of the shitty navigator system, and it comes off as kind of weird or cringe at times, and that's a GOOD thing in my book because it makes her character more 3D.
ALSO, the really nice part of it is that these books are filled to the brim with cool female characters that all feel really really different from each other, so Thalias being the nurturing, diplomatic type doesn't feel like Zahn sending some kind of message - the other prominent character is Ar'alani, a clever military woman who's a natural leader, excellent at handling her subordinates and recognizing their talents, excellent at handling politics even though she hates it, excellent at improvising on the fly, and also a kind and loyal friend. A lot of the other soldier or officer types are also women, and Zahn's other works also have a shitton of varied and cool women, so you feel safe in the knowledge that anything Thalias says or does is indicative of Thalias as an individual and not some vague idea of what women are like that the author has.
I also love how her character provides a contrast to all the "necessary evil" and "people are assets"-type thinking that a lot of the Ascendancy's more military types endorse (which make up a large percentage of the main cast, since this is mil scifi after all) - her conversation with Samakro about this is just chef's kiss to me. I feel like it's cool that we get this kind of POV because to me it serves as confirmation that Zahn knows what he's doing here - he's not being a stupid edgelord fanboy in love with the concept of doing shitty things for the greater good, he's just keenly observing how different people approach life and how all of these sorts of thinking are very useful in certain situations and deeply stupid in others. And the topic is treated with zero smugness - I've read things where similar arguments are used as a way of showing how wise and perfect one of the characters is and how stupid the other one is (coughvorkosigansagacough), but here everyone is treated with respect and empathy and consideration.
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sillylittleguytm · 4 months
Nice to be Kneaded
Terzo x gn!reader
Warnings: Very slight suggestiveness at the end (for comedic purposes), the title is a stupid pun
Word Count: 808
Love from Your Papas Day 2: Baking with Terzo
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A groan could be heard from just outside the kitchen accompanied by the soft flop of fabric hitting the counter– your white hand towel soiled with egg and flour. You were literally and metaphorically throwing in the towel, exasperated by your extensive baking tasks. Time seems to have flown by, your entire day spent in the kitchen, but the end wasn’t as close as you would like it to be. You curse yourself for making so many commitments. Offering friends and family the gift of baked goods seemed like a good idea at the time, but now it was overwhelming.
“Now, what did that mixer do to you, tesoro?” The voice snaps you out of your rage induced stare-off with the standing mixer in front of you. You laugh weakly thinking about how crazy you probably looked. You turn your head to look at your beloved Terzo. His presence could almost distract you from your distress. Almost.
“It's too much, Terzo. I thought I could handle this but it's just so overwhelming and-” Just as frustrated tears form in your eyes, Terzo steps forward and places his hands on your shoulders. He looks deeply and lovingly into your eyes.
“Breathe, alright? It's baking, it's a hobby. Don't stress yourself out over it. It's supposed to be fun.” Terzo says softly, attempting to lift your spirits. You bite your trembling bottom lip and close your eyes, taking a deep breath. His hands soothingly rub your shoulders as you take a moment to collect yourself. He's right, you shouldn't be so stressed over what's supposed to be a source of joy for you. 
“I know. I just made too many promises and I don't know how to keep them without overextending myself.” You say with a sigh. Terzo offers a sympathetic smile, his hands coming up to brush your hair out of your face. 
“Then allow me to help.” Terzo offers. Immediately, you smile and shake your head. Terzo is the worst baker you know. He is an excellent chef and he would often cook nice, special meals for the both of you, but unfortunately, those skills do not translate into baking. He's not one for exact measurements, so his desserts often come out in odd shapes and textures that you weren't aware were even possible to achieve. Those abominations were enough to convince him to leave the baking up to you.
“While I appreciate the offer, I want these cookies to be edible.” You say with a laugh. Terzo returns your amused look. He kisses your cheek before sliding his hands down your arms to hold yours. 
“Then I shall be your emotional support.” He offers. You sigh and take a look at the kitchen. Two more types of cookies have to be made, and you think you just might manage with him by your side. You pull him into an embrace– a thank you for always being there. Terzo hums in appreciation, returning your tight embrace.
Soon after you separate, you head right back to work. Terzo acts as a dutiful assistant, retrieving ingredients, measuring spoons, and managing your dishes so you could finish up even faster. For his own enjoyment, he steals tastes of dough from the bowl and the occasional peck from you. He sure does make the long hours in the kitchen more bearable. You decide to put on music to which he dramatically sings along to, causing you to roll your eyes even though you inwardly love to watch him keep himself entertained.
Eventually, all the dough is done being made. You look over at Terzo, who is divvying out dough into evenly sized balls onto cookie sheets so they could enter the oven. He takes care to be extra precise, fully aware of your level of perfectionism and trying to honor it to the best of his ability. Your heart flutters at his effort. Thankful wouldn't be a strong enough word to describe how you felt towards his efforts. You walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.
“Seriously, thank you so much for your help. I don't think I could have done this without you.” You say softly, placing gentle kisses to his temple. 
“It is nothing. You would do the same for me, no?” Terzo says, glancing up towards your face. You laugh and nod.
“If I saw you baking, I would usher you out of the kitchen.” Terzo lets out an exaggerated laugh before a deadpan expression falls over his face, making you laugh even harder. “Since you've been such a good helper, I think you deserve a reward.”
Terzo raises an eyebrow at you, a smirk gracing his lips. “Is that so, amore? You'd like to reward your Papa?” 
“Yes, I would. You get to taste-test these cookies.”
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destinygoldenstar · 3 months
I Analyzed The Ninjago Movie Instead Of Sleeping
I have real mixed feelings on this movie. But not for the reasons you might think from a fan of the TV show.
The movie didn’t NEED to be connected to the show. And it clearly wasn’t trying to.
It was meant to be an AU in a way.
(If you look at the behind the scenes one of their original rewrites was a plot of them going back in time to save Lloyd’s dad from becoming the villainous figure he is in the present day.)
So I can forgive the inaccuracy so long as it could stand on its own as a proper story.
It doesn’t do that.
If you DON’T compare it to the show:
You got a movie with SOME good jokes, amazing animation, (SERIOUSLY THIS MOVIE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL AND VISUALS ALONE ARE A CHEFS KISS TO ME) but is so strangely paced that it feels like the movie starts at the middle of the story and never shows the beginning, and feels like a completely different movie halfway through, and is also very choppily edited.
(I even double checked a clip of the movie just to prove my point there: When Lloyd uses all his dragon mech weapons on Garmadon, they play the exact same sound effect and explosion, just with different angles, SIX TIMES. FSM WAS THAT EDITOR HUNG OVER WHEN DOING THEIR JOB THAT DAY?! And that’s just one example I’ve got. I think this was the first time EVER when I was in a movie theater and I distinctly remember asking “What is wrong with the editing here? Who thought this was good editing?? Who thought this was appropriate in any way???” So I thank this movie for giving me such a memory and making me value good editing.)
You also got a world that isn’t very well fleshed out, characters that the movie chooses to not focus on except the main character and the main villain. And you got a movie that tells its audience it’s okay to forgive your parents that neglected you and are active terrorists even if they earned or done absolutely no redemption whatsoever.
I mean Garmadon in this movie BETRAYS them and leaves them to rot so he could terrorize the city again at the end. Then gets eaten by the cat. Then Lloyd forgives him. Idk what more you want me to say.
I’m not gonna act like Crystalized did it any better though. Pick your poison.
But then you got fans of the show. The people who watched the show since kids (that includes me). Who are naturally bias towards the shows lore and characterization…
I don’t hate EVERY portrayal of the ninja in the movie as much as other people. I actually think there’s some good ideas for an AU version of these characters here. Problem is the movie never does anything with them.
Well, I say I don’t hate every portrayal, the one I truly cannot stand is Zane’s.
There’s just so much wrong with how they portrayed Zane that it just does not work. Not as an adaptation of the character. Not in any way that makes sense for this universe and is actually kinda insulting.
There’s no other robots in this city. (Like there are in the show) Why is Zane the only one and why is he in high school? Why would Wu ever pick a robot to be a ninja?
In the show the reason is pretty simple: Wu didn’t know at the time.
But everyone knows in the movie. What’s movie Wu’s excuse?
There’s also in terms of personality.
Keep in mind later seasons of the show have the same issues, so I’m talking about what it was at the time of the movie.
Zane’s whole robot identity is crucial to his character. The show introduced him as ‘the strange one’. As he couldn’t understand social cues, took things very seriously, didn’t share the same sense of humor as the rest of the team, had a hard time displaying his emotions, and bonded with things the others didn’t and excelled at certain areas like cooking.
He’s a character that connected to a lot of neurodivergent people in the audience who could relate to him. No he’s not intentional autistic rep, but one that definitely mattered to the people that headcannoned him as such.
(Also helps that they introduce other robot characters later that clearly don’t have the same characteristics he does. So really it depends on what you see.)
So the reveal that he was a robot was such a huge deal to not just the plot but to him as he finally got a concrete definition of what he is and who he is. And the show NEVER decides to say “You know, it would be so much better if you were a human!”
“Why can’t you just be normal?!”
That’s part of why I personally can’t stand fics that make Zane human. It just doesn’t feel right to me and misses the point of the character.
While I absolutely did not expect the movie to cover his… really heavy backstory with his inventor/father and how he outlived him, then got his memory and sense of identity wiped by him moments before death, which was meant to be an act of sympathy but would actually harm Zane’s mentality for the entire show…
The movie didn’t need to adapt that. For all we know, movie Zane could have a very happy backstory. And that would be fine. All I wanted was for the identity-seeking aspect of Zane’s character to matter in some way.
It didn’t.
The jokes they use for Zane in this movie are that of “Haha, he’s a robot. Isn’t it so funny that he doesn’t understand humanity very well?”
You know, something that in one episode of the show was portrayed as a BAD THING for people to think that of him! And that those people needed to learn to respect him for who he is!
And that’s the ONLY thing they do with him. Just robot jokes. Very stereotypical robot jokes.
Again, later seasons of the show are guilty of this too. So I will not act like the show is perfect.
For the reasons I listed, these are actually far more offensive and harmful than you think. Especially fans of the show watching the movie. Him being the only robot in this movie world makes me think even more that this actually is autistic coding… and that makes it so much worse.
Zane being a robot being equal to autism is its own discussion. And has its own problems on paper alone. Whether or not this is your headcanon of him, and whether or not you think this is good representation either way is up to your feelings and experiences. (Personally I think it’s better than some live action shows attempting this)
The others don’t even seem to trust or want to be around him that much. The others seem annoyed by him half the time. Like they’re only tolerating him because he’s on their team. Yeah they don’t say that but simple looks and gestures are enough to get that impression. And not once does anyone ever express Zane’s value in their team. That’s the ONE thing that would’ve had me forgive this all.
But there’s my rant. The others?
Jay is mostly fine. I think this personality for the movie is a neat AU concept. Yes show Jay is openly terrified of things and awkward, but if there’s something he wasn’t was SHY.
Movie Jay is a shy and nervous wreck. And you know what? For a high school AU, I think it works. It doesn’t erase Jay’s essence entirely. They at the very least kept the detail of his character that he’s a fast learner.
I appreciate that.
Cole is actually a REALLY interesting concept to me with the AU idea they gave.
On the surface it’s just ‘He’s a DJ and willingly old school’
But if you see the show, this is actually an ODD approach. Because show Cole has a very complicated relationship with music.
In the show, Cole’s parents thrived in singing and dancing. His father specifically was a performer that won several awards with his band ‘The Royal Blacksmiths’. After Cole’s mother passed away, his father proceeded to push his ideals and his passions onto his kid and pressuring him to become another version of him. It got stressful enough that Cole ran away from home and resented music, something that used to be a bond of family for them, and that’s where Wu found him and made him a ninja.
Throughout the show, Cole would open up to music again more, but it’s pretty gradual and a very subtle bit of character development for him throughout the show. He doesn’t need to say “I hate making music” to get the point across. He only starts the music route again whenever it has something to do with making a family member, blood or not, happy.
So movie Cole is interesting to me for that reason. Because at the start, he basically IS a mini Lou. His whole thing is music and it’s heavily reflected on his personality.
To the point where his element in the movie isn’t even animated or portrayed as earth like it’s supposed to, instead it’s… sound waves?
Weird choice. Interesting one though cause maybe that’s just how movie Cole functions.
So it’s “Oh, what if Cole DID follow in his fathers footsteps and DID want to become a musician?”
Very interesting approach for a completely different approach of character development.
But the problem? Just like the others, not utilized.
But I do think this was an interesting AU idea. Is it accurate to the show version of the character? No. But that’s kind of the point I think.
Then there’s the RGB siblings. This is where it gets kinda weird for me.
Thanks to the movie, a lot of my friends mistook Kai and Nya for being twins.
They are not twins in the show. Kai is older.
I don’t think that dents their characters too much in the movie so long as the same points were across. They’re the blood related brother and sister who raised themselves when their parents abandoned them, and climbed out of the ashes to protect each other, and found a new expansion on their family that didn’t have to be blood related to count.
These two, in different ways, are the support of the team and especially Lloyd. They’re usually the lancer characters that Lloyd goes to when he can.
I still say that about Nya even though originally, she was NOT a ninja, but rather was a Samurai with a mech of her own invention that acted as a Tuxedo Mask for the ninja. She didn’t become the water ninja until Season 5.
Which… I know the movie takes heavy inspiration from the first two seasons, the beginning, so for those who haven’t seen the show watching the movie… yikes I feel bad about the lack of a spoiler warning. Same goes for Zane being a robot.
But I think that’s also a factor into Kai, at the former half of this show, (again I’m talking pre-movie with this). He was the first character we were introduced to and we’re following in the show before Lloyd ever showed up. So naturally he’d be the one with the most attention to supporting the Green Ninja. Something that was very vital character development for him individually as well.
He’s the old school one. He’s the cool one. He’s the one who looks out for you even if you don’t want them to. He’s the one that will jump to anything without thinking. He’s also the one with the most value in tradition out of the ninja, as a blacksmith instead of a techie and as a traditional sword fighter rather than a fancy complicated weapon. He doesn’t get involved in tech willingly till he learns Twitter is a thing.
And in the movie, I think they took this characterization and said “Eh, give it to the girl instead.”
So most of show Kai’s character traits are now movie Nya’s. She’s the cool one with the most passion for traditional stories, she’s the one with arguably the most talks with Lloyd to calm him, and she’s pretty loud and brash in personality.
Not saying show Nya is not those things, she is. But the difference in the show was that Nya was HUGE on independence and doing her own thing. Being the only woman and a younger sibling in the main cast is actually a big deal to her. Not wanting to have her destiny be decided by the world or her brother as a damsel in distress or a sacrifice, she took to tech to invent her own ways of helping. Her own character.
Until destiny told her “Actually no, you can’t be the person you want to be. You have to stick to tradition that your mother had and be the water ninja.”
That’s… honestly a very brutally honest message that not a lot of people I see give credit for. Cause yes, expressing yourself and being your own person and being able to make your own fate is amazing… but it’s not always possible.
Sometimes you can’t be the person you want. Sometimes the world just will not let you. That doesn’t mean your identity is worthless, though. If you go with the flow, you can actually find that fate has plans for you that might not suck after all.
Basically a ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ messaging there.
It’s part of why Nya’s whole thing throughout the show is her starting as a damsel trying to reinvent herself and her stereotype, and ending as a willing sacrifice and death of her whole identity that she doesn’t regret because she’s embraced the flow of life and purpose. Even if she forgets herself in the realm of spirituality, her loves one’s never will.
…Until Crystalized undid ALL of that. BUT LETS NOT.
Movie Nya just really isn’t any of that. She’s basically just her brother.
Which… I’m actually fine with. The show has some bumps in the road in execution of her story anyway. And they want the only female of this team to not be a background character cause that’s look bad. I totally understand that. And her being a sibling to Kai makes me forgive it a whole lot more cause it does make sense.
But again, we don’t know what their lives are like or if they have similar backstories to theirs in the show at all.
But where does that leave Kai?
Well his whole character in the movie seems to basically be “I’m the loud one and a complete klutz and meathead.”
Basically TD Tyler.
It’s a personality in the movie that bled in the show post movie. While I personally think it was not THAT bad in the show, Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu made me go “Okay. I understand now.”
As for movie Kai, that’s really about it.
It really was an early indicator of just giving Kai’s character traits to other characters. Before the show was visibly doing it.
Cause movie Lloyd is also basically just Kai but with a different backstory and context to situation. But honestly, I DO see what they were going for here.
As the ONLY ninja to get ANY focus, this version of Lloyd is well explained on what his life is.
In the show, he’s an abandoned child in an abusive boarding school who heavily idolizes his father, Lord Garmadon, and runs away to become a super villain. Only for Destiny to tell him not to, and we see his true colors and that he just wanted his family together and to love him. Something that was… hard. Considering who Garmadon is.
That is actually carried into the movie. Just cut out him running away. Here’s the difference.
Show Lloyd loves his dad and refuses to hurt him until he has to. While he is the Green Ninja, he didn’t resent himself being Garmadon’s son. What he resented was the destiny that took them apart.
Movie Lloyd HATES his dad for abandoning him, terrorizing the city, making said city cancel him for EXISTING, and he wants every excuse to shut this man out of his life forever.
That does make sense. And to the movie’s credit, the movie logic DOES work to make this version of Lloyd make sense.
It makes the movie pretty mean spirited and kinda unpleasant at times. But it works for the story.
I described Lloyd as ‘The Emo Child’. In the show. But that’s two words.
He’s still a kid. He’s still the youngest. He still has his own child-like wonder of the world and the aspirations that of a child would.
Yeah he’s a lot of angst. But he’s also a sweet kid who deserves hugs.
That’s not very apparent in movie Lloyd. Not that it needs to fit movie context.
But because we never see how the ninja in the movie got together, we have no idea why Lloyd even accepted being the Green Ninja in the first place. He even says in the movie that he’d give it up if it meant he didn’t have to be Garmadon’s son.
Movie Lloyd is the only ninja in this movie with an actual character arc. He resents his dad, tries to be rid of him, only to get consequences for it, goes on a quest to fix his mistake, bonds with his dad to learn he’s… sympathetic? I guess?? And in the end forgives his dad and chooses to let him in his life again.
Simple. Fine. It works on Lloyds end just fine. And I have to give credit for the movie making Lloyd resenting Garmadon more logical than Crystalized ever did.
It’s Garmadon’s end that just makes the whole thing a bad message in the end of ‘forgive your abusers.’
Yes he’s funny. That doesn’t undo his actions.
No it’s not undone in the show either, but at least you can buy the forgiveness there because every character knew that he had no choice.
In the show, Garmadon is the Oni Child of the FSM. Thus all it took was for another Oni creature, the Great Devourer, to trigger his blood and FORCE him into the evil role without his consent. It forced him to do nasty things to his loved ones and the land his dad created, and by the time he became his evil form, he was forcefully stripped away from all of his loved ones and a chance at normal life. So the only way he could ever get that back was to turn the world into his own image, thus having the world become him too. A monster.
The show made it abundantly clear that most of Garmadon’s evil deeds are either out of ambition for what he deems as helping the family, or not his fault at all due to snake venom influence.
I THINK the movie also has this because they do address him getting bit and becoming the creature he appears as in both versions.
Better than nothing I guess.
But then you get his ‘sympathetic backstory’ which is pretty much just a love story between him and Koko-
Yeah Lloyds moms name is actually different in both versions. And in role.
Misako abandoned her child to try and solve the destiny crisis, then returned to his life to help her kid out.
Koko remained a mother to her kid and supported him even when everyone hated him.
These are very different characters basically, and which one you prefer is up to you. Personally… I actually prefer the movie. I do think the mom was the one character that the movie actually improved upon. Especially with a very interesting story for her.
In the show, Misako is a researcher and just the fair maiden figure that Wu and Garmadon fell in love with. To which she chose Garmadon because of Wu’s letter that Garmadon forged his name on… it’s complicated.
In the movie, she was actually a fighter as well and took a part of the wars Garmadon was in. She enjoyed the thrill of the fight and fell in love with her opponent in a pretty cute montage.
But then they had a baby and her reality changed, realizing she could not raise her child on the battlefield. And when Garmadon refused to change his mind, she took Lloyd and left him behind. So she could be a mother.
Explains her actions in the movie all throughout very well and I never got lost when it came to her. She’s probably the one character in the movie I felt the most sorry for. She’s such a sweet parent and her interactions with Lloyd are probably the best parts of the movie. I wanna hug her.
But that’s all that’s shown of Garmadon. Apparently Garmadon was oppressed, but that’s told at the end and not shown or been significant at all.
They don’t hate you cause you look funky. They hate you cause YOU TERRORIZE THEIR CITY ON A DAILY BASIS AND SHOOT PEOPLE OUT OF A VOLCANO
Yeah show Garmadon did similar stuff, but again, WASNT HIS CHOICE.
Here, it’s absolutely his choice cause nothing indicated otherwise.
Garmadon doesn’t even PROCESS his kids existence or his own negligence three quarters of the time. And you expect me to buy a redemption from him?
You know, I’d be fine with it if he was just a one dimensional villain and the story of the movie was about Lloyd putting his energy away from a family that doesn’t care about him and more towards a surrogate one he has.
But no. You gotta have Lloyd forgive Garmadon and have Garmadon redeemed.
Cause that’s what the show did.
Even though this is supposed to be an AU not connected to the show so we can do whatever we want.
The most they do for Garmadon’s redemption is force him to be the mentor after Wu got yeeted off a bridge by a butterfly, have him go “Oh yeah, I DID shoot people out of a volcano!”, teach his son how to catch, and tell his son his backstory.
(Speaking if, Wu to me is basically the same. Just different voice actor delivery. I got nothing to say on him)
And then if that IS redemption, then he failed it. Because he offers Lloyd to be his general when they take over the city again, showing he’s learned nothing. Then when Lloyd says no, he steals their magic weapons and ditches them in a temple leaving them to DIE. Then he goes to terrorize the city again.
What redemption. /s
Again, this was all HIS choice. If it was not and if it was snake venom, they couldn’t at least give a visual cue or address it?
And now LLOYD has to apologize?
It just paints an unintentional bad message of ‘you have to forgive your abusers’
I’m sorry but Lloyd doesn’t owe this Garmadon anything.
I do like Lloyd’s VA delivery though, and the speech about green being the color of life. I actually like the idea of Lloyds power being his heart. Yeah it’s not flashy powers like in the show, but for an AU, it’s a really cool idea and I wish they used it more.
I have mixed feelings on the celebrity casting. Did I expect the original voice actors? No. But this casting wasn’t awful.
Garmadon’s VA is amazing in this movie. Jackie Chan as Wu is very subjective I feel, love it or hate it. Nya and Jay’s were really good too. I think the only one that didn’t work for me was Kai’s VA. Just… why does this teenager sound like a 50 year old man??
But honestly, I think the thing that got to me the most about the movie was something I praised about the show not too long ago.
The bond between the ninja.
I talked about how the show is a master class at character dynamics. There is almost no point where the characters are just standing there in one big clunk. Someone is saying something, someone is making a comment, someone is doing something, and it’s usually there for others to see and react to. It’s a very small thing, but it keeps the scenes alive and fresh the whole time and helps the audience be sold on the characters bond.
They don’t wait for the scenes of “Okay it’s time for characters to interact”. They just do it all the time.
And guess what the movie did? They’re just there in one big chunk all the time. With “okay it’s time for characters to interact” bits.
It’s one thing to not explore the other ninja at all. It’s another to ignore their bond.
In the show, they’re a found family. They all had rough upbringings in life and find a new sense of purpose in each other.
That’s NEVER emphasized in the movie except for one speech at the end Lloyd makes. Mostly cause we don’t know the other ninjas lives, and we don’t know how they even got together. Cause as I said, the movie starts at the middle, and awkwardly cuts after Garmadon is forgiven to be the end. We don’t know what it is about THIS ninja team that we should care about. It’s not shown.
All were shown is them being a team by circumstance only. Then Lloyd pulls out the cat laser and the cat nearly kills them. Then they hate Lloyd for it and spend the rest of the movie making fun of Lloyd.
Which yeah they make fun of each other in the show too, but where it ended in the show was playful teasing in the middle of moments that showed they cared about each other. And when one bond between two or more of them was broken, you felt it.
Here? I don’t know that and there isn’t anything besides the high school montage to show they cared. Just some comments about “Oh it’s okay Lloyd, it’s just awkward that your dad is a terrorist”. And then they make fun of Lloyds expense.
It’s mean spirited. It makes me think they don’t like each other. And it’s not like they ever apologize for it. They’re just teammates because Wu said so. They’re just tolerating Lloyd cause Wu said so.
Honestly the bloopers for this movie show more personality and more of this bond than the entire movie does.
…OOF that took awhile. I don’t even know why I did this, I just didn’t feel like sleeping. Uh… you read this, congrats. Idk why you did.
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ilongfor-the-arts · 10 months
This idea came to me as I was watching Below Deck! Carmy as a yacht chef and reader is the chief stew. Enemies to lovers vibes!
Below Deck
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x fem! Reader
Warnings: language, semi public kissing, angst
Summary: *in req*
Word Count: 3.1k
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“Alright chef, what do we have here?”
I inquired, my eyes glazing over the vast array of delectable dishes.
“We’ve made kobe steaks with a demi-glace. And creamy pesto shrimp.”
I nodded.
“Hm. Looks good.”
I twisted my head to meet Carmen's gaze, hands on my hips. Carmen and I hadn’t exactly seen eye to eye throughout the duration of our employment on this yacht. However, I am impressed with his efforts thus far. I can only hope and pray that he does not give me an excuse to become irritated.
“What are you thinking of making for the vegetarian option?”
Carmen cocked an eyebrow.
“The pesto shrimp.”
There you have it. He just gave me a reason to be annoyed.
“Carmen, shrimp isn’t vegetarian.”
He furrowed his brow.
“Nah, shrimp is vegetarian.”
My face grew hot with rage.
“Carmen, shrimp is pescatarian!”
Carmen cocked an eyebrow. My jaw dropped. Was he being serious?
“Oh. My. God.”
I rubbed my eyes. My day has already been challenging. The last thing I needed was for this moron to ruin the excellent system I had set up.
“Carmen, we have close to fifty guests on this yacht that don’t eat meat or fish!”
I looked at my watch. My jaw dropped. Time was ticking away, and dinner for fifty guests had yet to be prepared.
“Shit. Dinner is supposed to be served in 45 minutes.”
I muttered under my breath. I wiped my brow with my hand, trying to keep my cool in front of his kitchen staff. If we were alone, he would feel the full force of my rage.
“You need to make a completely new dish with no meat and no shellfish in 45 minutes.”
Carmen's eyes narrowed. He had absolutely no reason to be upset with me. It is not my fault that he does not understand the distinction between a pescatarian and a vegetarian..
“I don’t know if I-”
I said sternly, cutting him off.
“You screwed up, and now you have to fix this. I expect fifty plates of a brand new vegetarian dish in 45 minutes. I don’t care how the hell you get it done, but it needs to be done, and it needs to taste amazing.”
Carmen gritted his teeth.
“Yknow, Y/N, I’m getting real sick of this fuckin’ shit.”
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest in frustration.
“Sick of what shit?! You messed up, not me! It’s not my fault you’re a complete idiot who doesn’t know the difference between a pescatarian and a vegetarian!”
Carmen took a step forward, decreasing the gap between us.
“Not just this, you’ve been out to fuckin’ get me the entire time I’ve been on this goddamn boat! I’m sick of your attitude, and I’m sick of you praying for my fuckin’ downfall!”
He repeatedly thrust his finger at me, emphasizing his exasperation. I stood my ground, not faltering.
"Look," I said, moving in closer to whisper. The soft clanging of pots and pans stopped as the majority of the kitchen staff listened intently to our conversation.
“I’m sorry that I won’t sit here and kiss your ass. You’ve been screwing up. When you do things, you do them extremely well. But you need to learn how to listen. I won’t pretend you’re amazing if you’re not.”
Carmen's tough exterior had cracked just enough to show his discomfort.
“I am not praying for your downfall, but if you don’t start listening, I won’t hesitate to find someone else.”
Carmen sighed with aggravation.
“You’re a royal fucking bitch, y’know that?”
I waved my hand through the air, dismissing his previous comment.
“You can think I’m a bitch all you want. It doesn’t change the fact that we need fifty vegetarian dishes in-”
I checked my watch.
“40 minutes. If I were you, I’d stop wasting time and get cooking, alright? I’m not gonna sit here and let you make me look bad.”
Carmen locked his gaze on mine. The tension in the air was palpable. This was a competition. A competition I was most definitely not losing. He held my gaze. Time passed at an agonizingly slow pace. But I was not fazed. He eventually realized the jig was up. Carmen sighed deeply, his gaze rapidly shifting away from mine.
“Alright chefs!”
He called out to his staff.
“We need fifty vegetarian dishes in the next forty minutes. I wanna hear some ideas and see some seriously good shit being made!”
I smiled, pleased that I had won the battle. I stepped onto the deck, ready to greet the yacht's numerous guests. The rest of the day was a blur.
The number of times I heard, "Y/N, have you done this yet?"
“Y/N, I need this done right now!”
“Y/N, I need this.”
“Y/N, I need that!”
“Y/N, where’s the owner?”
By the end of the day, my head felt like it was going to explode. I had heard my name so frequently that by the time I was given a break, it irritated me.
I found a secluded area of the dock away from the party's hustle and bustle. I sat in one of the lounge chairs, resting not only my body but my mind as well. I rubbed my temples, trying to work out the various knots that had formed in my brain.
I cast my eyes out onto the breathtaking South Pacific. Wow. What a luxury it would be if I was free from work! What a wonderful life I would have if my only goal was to gaze out onto this beautiful water and drink fruity little drinks with a handsome man by my side.
But, alas, here I am, enjoying my brief respite before the owner summons me.
“What are you doin’ out here?”
My heart leaped. I turned around to reveal the source of the voice, Carmen Berzatto. He stood there with a smug expression on his face, his white chef's apron splattered with various stains.
“What, did Claire not give you enough shit to do?”
He asked, pulling a box of cigarettes from the pocket of his apron. I rolled my eyes.
“She said I could take a break while the guests enjoyed their dinner.”
Carmen popped a cigarette into his mouth.
“Don’t you have to make dessert soon?”
I inquired, hoping to provide an excuse for him to leave. He hummed, cupping his hand around the butt of the cigarette to keep the lighter's flame from blowing out.
“Nah. When dinner’s almost over, I’ll start cooking something up. So, I reckon I got about thirty to forty five minutes?”
The cigarette bounced between his lips as he spoke.
“Did you come out here just to annoy me?”
Carmen scoffed, rolling up his sleeves to reveal his inked forearms. I could not help but glaze my eyes over the various tattoos. I wonder if they have any significance.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I came out here because I knew it would be quiet.”
I sighed with exasperation.
“I did as well. I suppose I thought wrong.”
He glanced at me.
“I whipped something together for the vegetarians.”
I nodded.
Carmen scoffed with annoyance.
“No need to thank me.”
Carmen chuckled, taking a long drag of his cigarette before removing it and blowing the cloud of smoke into the crystal clear air. I rolled my eyes.
“I shouldn’t have to thank you after you did what you’re being paid to do. Maybe if you listened and did everything right the first time, I would thank you for your efficiency. But I’m not going to thank you for stressing me out and nearly making me look like a disorganized moron.”
Carmen gritted his teeth.
“Well, Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Y/N, at least give me a little credit! I worked my fuckin’ ass off and prepared fifty vegetarian dishes in forty minutes with no recipe!”
He stated firmly. He would be shouting if his volume rose a few decibels.
“I mean, would it fuckin’ kill you to lose your bitch tendencies for a couple seconds and say thank you?!”
Carmen was flailing his hands around, wisps of smoke trailing the end of his cigarette.
I clenched my teeth. I was so enraged that steam was escaping from my ears. I was tempted to speak. But I was afraid of what might come out. So I simply bit my tongue and averted my gaze.
Instead, I observed the guests rushing around the lower deck. I watched them drink, eat, and laugh. I imagined what they were discussing.
Perhaps the dapper, older gentleman in the blue suit had just returned from his daughter's wedding..
Maybe the young blonde lady in the red dress had a fantastic date last week.
Perhaps the middle-aged man with the big cigar just sold his company.
I tried to push Carmen away from my thoughts. Maybe if I pretended he was not there, he would leave when he realized he was not getting a rise out of me.
“Y’know, it’s unfortunate,” he began.
I jerked my head around to face him. His cigarette had been reduced to a mere inch.
“What is?”
I inquired.
“You’re an attractive lady. You’ve got a drive and passion I admire. You know how to handle yourself.”
He dropped his cigarette, crushing it beneath his shoe.
“I feel like we could be good friends.”
I scoffed loudly.
“Yeah, right, literally all we’ve done so far is butt heads and yell at each other-”
“Alright, alright, so we don’t work well together. But I think, given the right circumstances, we could get along.”
I considered it for a moment. Carmen was undeniably attractive. I also admired his zeal. And, according to what I have heard through the grapevine, he was very respectful of his entire kitchen staff.
“Is this a strange, roundabout way of asking me on a date?”
Carmen shrugged, placing his hands on his hips.
“If I asked, would you accept?”
I shouldn’t. There is no logical explanation as to why I would accept. I hate him. We’ve been quarreling the entire time we’ve been on this ship.
Carmen cracked a grin.
“Well, then, would you like to go out with me sometime?”
I nodded.
“I think I would like that very much.”
I patted the empty lounge chair across from me.
“Care to sit?”
Carmen accepted.
It was very easy to get sucked into the bustle of the yacht during the day. It was so simple to dismiss Carmen as a person with feelings and instead view him solely as a body hired to complete a task. However, I felt sorry for him after witnessing him in such a private setting.
“Hey, um-I’m sorry I called you an idiot earlier.”
“It’s all good. Don’t sweat it.”
He looked down at the floor.
“I’m-uh-I’m sorry for calling you a royal bitch.”
It was now my turn to chuckle.
“It’s all good. I was kind of being a royal bitch.”
Carmen cracked a smirk and shrugged.
“I mean, I was bein’ a bitch too.”
Carmen twiddled his thumbs.
“Sorry, I got so pissed at you. You were just doin’ your job.”
I shrugged nonchalantly.
“It’s all good. You’ve taken care of it, and the guests are happy. That’s all I care about.”
Our close proximity allowed me to study him. I noticed the numerous cuts on his hands, the ink on his arms, and the sheen of sweat on his brow. He smelled like cigarettes and smoke.
I suddenly felt overdressed in my blazer and heels. I should be wearing a swimsuit and holding a refreshing drink. He should be the one who overdresses. He should be walking along the deck of his yacht in a white button-up and black dress pants, like a true rich man. The sun should feel pleasurable on my bare skin. Instead, I felt hot and suffocated beneath layers of fancy clothing.
I noticed a food speck on his face. Perhaps some sauce. I cupped his face in my hand, rubbing the stain away with my thumb.
Carmen seized. His face grew hot under my touch. I barely noticed, as my brow was furrowed in concentration.
Before I could completely remove the speck, he began to lean in.
I drew back abruptly, my breath catching in my throat.
My heartbeat quickened.
My cheeks turned bright red.
My jaw dropped to the floor.
Was he trying to kiss me?!
A look of realization wafted over Carmen.
“Oh-oh my God, I’m so sorry! Holy shit, I thought you were trynna kiss me!”
Oh my God. He thought-
“Oh! No, no, no no no. I was just trying to get rid of some food on your face!”
Carmen pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Ah! Shit I’m sorry!”
I shook my head, dismissing his apologies.
“You’re fine! You’re totally fine! It was my fault.”
Despite the gentle sound of birds and the bustle of people on the lower deck, an awkward silence ensued. Blush was painfully visible on both of our cheeks. Clearly, we both wanted to forget the discomfort that had just occurred. We didn’t even dare look each other in the eyes.
Then, once the silence had lingered, the mood shifted.
We both sensed it.
We exchanged glances, our demeanors tinged with lust.
I could sense the desire swimming in his eyes.
I straightened my back, hoping to calm the butterflies in my lower abdomen.
Carmen and I cocked our heads to the side, peering into the little living area to ensure no one was loitering as we were easily visible through the sliding glass door.
We locked eyes.
His pupils were now blown out with lust, and only a faint circle of blue could be seen.
I gulped.
“Do you think anyone will see us?”
I whispered.
Carmen shrugged.
He spoke in hushed tones.
I practically leapt on him as we locked lips. The tension had been broken. As I straddled his waist, I could feel blood rushing in my ears. My heartbeat quickened to the point where distinct pumps could barely be made out.
I’ve never been this worked up over a man in my life.
Carmen's hands reached my waist. He pulled me closer till there was no more room between us. I sighed deeply into his lips, allowing my rigid form to loosen.
I was a sensible woman.
I never took unnecessary risks.
And I certainly wasn’t one to put my job on the line just so I could make out with the head chef.
But Jesus, there was something about Carmen.
There was something so arousing about how taboo this whole situation was.
He made me want to be so… bad.
I threw my arms around his shoulders, tugging him impossibly closer as his tongue slipped past my teeth. It was instantly a battle for dominance. We were two incredibly passionate people. It wasn’t in our nature to fold.
“God, you have no idea how badly I’ve wanted this.”
He mumbled sexily against my lips.
“You have no idea how long I’ve fantasized about having you on top of me.”
My stomach fluttered. I wonder if he ever thought about me in bed, long after we fought. I wonder if he allowed his calloused fingers to slip below the waistband of his boxers.
I ran my nails along his scalp, eliciting a whimper from the back of his throat.
God, he was sexy.
I shifted my weight slightly atop his lap. My clothed core brushed against his erection. I groaned involuntarily, my hips instantly searching for more friction.
“You make me so hard.”
It wasn't just the heat of the day that was making me sweat. Carmen’s hands traveled toward the waistband of my dress pants.
“Please,” he groaned with desperation, “please, I wanna make you feel good.”
I desperately wanted to throw off all of my stupid fancy clothes and feel the sun on my skin while I rode him like my life depended on it. But, alas, I knew it was neither the right place, nor the right time.
“Carmen, I have to get back to work.”
I uttered between heated kisses.
“Later, though, I promise.”
I climbed off him.
Jesus, bad idea to make out with someone in the middle of a shift. Now, I was uncomfortably wet and far too aroused to finish my day with a clear head.
Well, I suppose that’s the price I pay for throwing every ounce of sensibility out the window.
“What time is it?”
Carmen asked, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his composure.
I checked my watch. My jaw dropped.
Man, my time management skills were awful today.
“Holy shit it’s been half an hour! Your staff is probably wondering where the hell you’ve been!”
Carmen shot up, running a hand through his unkempt hair.
“Oh my God I still have to make fuckin’ dessert for everyone!”
Although I am all for getting things done on time. Carmen could not go back to work with…
“Y’know, I would advise, um-maybe, going to the bathroom.”
My eyes shot back and forth between his erection and his eyes. Carmen glanced down, immediately getting the memo.
“Shit! Shit, I don’t have fuckin’ time for this!”
I placed my hands on his shoulders to keep him from getting too worked up.
“It’s okay! Just take a deep breath. I’ll tell them you’re dealing with a family emergency or something!”
Carmen shook his head rapidly.
“No, shit! I’m already behind schedule.”
He shrugged my hands off his shoulders.
“I really have to get to the kitchen Y/N.”
He began to walk away, but I grasped his shoulders, spinning his body back around to face me.
“Well, would you rather explain to your staff why you’re late, or why you’re hard.”
Carmen stalled, running his tongue over his lips.
“Yeah, on second thought that’s a good point… alright, we’ll go with your plan.”
I gave him a nod of approval. He turned to leave. But, before entering the small living area, he flipped back to face me.
“Hey, remember to find me later Y/N!”
He shouted.
I recalled our brief, yet passionate moment on the lounge chair. A grin spread slowly over my face.
“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t forget!”
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galebrainrot2024 · 3 months
GalexYou Dinner Party Part 1/3
I didn't manage to finish the next enemies to lovers part (I got half way!). I DID manage to write the start of a Dinner Party short series based on the @thebitchycloudpainter's idea. THANK YOU :D this was a hoot to begin to write.
Summary: As you and Gale settle into your life post-elder brain, you pitch the idea of gathering everyone for a dinner party in Waterdeep. Gale begins the whirlwind of preparation, setting the stage for the party itself. Content: fluff, some angst, mutual pining, mention of chronic pain, mostly fluff tho for the Sunday scaries
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It was hardly a few months time when Gale began to lament about how long it had been since you and your companions saw one another. As the stillness of life settled around you and he, you realized how much stimulation Gale needed to feel satisfied. He was endlessly curious and in many ways, your almost cataclysmic adventure was well suited for his temperament. 
Despite his aching knees and persistent gnawing where the orb once nestled and despite some days where he was unable to find the energy to rise from bed, he craved excitement. In incremental and practical doses, for the most part. 
When you tossed the idea of a dinner party half-heartedly, you were startled when he took it and began to weave together an elaborate chain of thoughts. He shot up, enthusiasm coursing through his veins as he spoke louder, his hands gesturing in wilder strokes as he went on: “Oh! Yes! What a fantastic idea, I knew I loved you.” He smirked and shot a wink, before pressing his fist against his pursed lips. “Should there be invitations? Of course there should be, Gale. Don’t be silly. Lest we forget our manners - Tara would never allow it, let alone my mother.” He shot you a knowing look, brows raised. He began to pace. “Invitations always feel a little.. old fashioned and archaic.” He stopped to catch his breath and you felt heat spread across your cheeks as you beamed at him. Although the idea of a dinner party knotted your stomach, to bring Gale joy and see him so exuberant, it would be worth it. “Listen to me, drolling on,”  he took one of your hands and brought it to his lips. His hot breath against your skin made you shudder. “What do you envision my love? We could very well use the sending stones. How decadent though, to send out invitations for something as simple as a dinner!” He dropped your hand after kissing it once more, the energy whirring through him. He walked towards the picture window, watching the sun dip lazily on the horizon. “Everyone loves receiving proper mail, wouldn’t you agree?” He turned back to face you and you felt butterflies twist your stomach when blush coated his cheeks. He looked bashful, his large  brown eyes honeyed pools. “Why are you looking at me as if I’ve sprouted tentacles?” Gale’s eyes glinted with mischief. He loved teasing you. Once he realized though, a soft, “ah” escaped his lips. “It’s because I’m getting caught up again, isn’t it?” 
“Yes,” you said, stepping forward to wrap an arm around his waist and pulled him toward you. You brushed a stray hair from his face and tucked it behind his ear. You love how he leaned into your touch, igniting your skin as it sung with his. “I love it when you get carried away, please continue.” 
“Are you certain this is something you want to do? I have a few faint ideas on how to reach Karlach and Wyll. Ah! And I’m sure Tara wouldn’t mind me joining her and Wither’s Wednesday Tea Time - she’s been pestering me to join her for some time. Perhaps I can seek out his assistance. OH! And the menu! What shall we have? There are so many possibilities…” as you saw Gale’s mind work, you whispered against his lips how much you loved him. You felt him tremble and sigh as you pulled away. 
“You were our appointed chef! Everyone’s had your cooking you salvaged from pitiful scraps. I’m sure whatever you prepare, it will be excellent and they will be thrilled. Think about how inspired everyone will be when you have access to actual spices and produce.” You leaned forward to kiss him again and he welcomed you in. A few moments passed, your hands exploring one another, lips tenderly synched as your tongues mingled and you tasted fresh green tea. You were enveloped in each other. He groaned as blood pulsed to his groin and you felt heat spread between your hips. 
“Yes, but this is different! What if they don’t like what I prepare? You remember how picky some of them were-“ he was interrupted by your charming laugh and gentle kiss. Whenever you noticed him get too wrapped up in his thoughts, you knew your lips at the very least would silence his protests if he would not or could not hear your words. You were happy to offer whatever encouragement and validation you could. 
“Give yourself more credit. You’re an excellent cook, and you have wonderful friends who like and admire you - I know they will love having a real, decent meal prepared by you. I’m surprised Karlach isn’t at our door already, eager and ready to eat.” You smiled despite the pang echoing in your heart for your friend. You missed her and hoped her and Wyll were safe in the hells. 
At this, Gale beamed. You remembered how he loved feeding Karlach especially - her enthusiasm for life, food included, made those who her compliments touched delighted. “You’re right. I am so glad you thought of this, you’re brilliant and I love you, so very much.” He cupped your face in his hands and kissed you passionately, the kind of kiss before someone runs off to safe the world. 
In this case, it would be preparing a dinner party. 
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