#it sloves everything
literaturewithliz · 1 year
KOTLC characters as medical professionals (human au)
Neurosurgeon. She was still considered a child prodigy, and was top of her class all throughout her school career, including medical school. After she graduated top of her class in medical school, she applied to a massive hospital in LA, thinking that would be the best place for her to just lay low, since it has so many people. She was wrong. Even though she had perfect grades, she still had to go through a lot of scut work and tedious cases before she was taken seriously. Soon, she performed an actually complicated surgery and the hospital decided they’d utilize her more after it was 100% successful. Remember how I said she didn’t get to lay low? Yeah. At one point, she is given the opportunity to operate on conjoined twins and (hopefully) separate their bodies. She knows this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for a surgeon so she immediately accepts. That surgery is 100% successful as well. What Sophie didn’t anticipate was worldwide fame. She’s in news articles on papers and talked about on TV. Sophie’s getting so many job offers from around the world, and doesn’t plan on taking any of them, but she sees a hospital in England that looks perfect for her, and feels an urge to go there. So next thing you know Soph is in the same hospital as the rest of the gang.
Pediatrician. Such a Pediatrician. He loves taking care of the kiddos. And I feel like all of his patients were terrified of him like we usually are as kids, but by the end of their appointment they feel so comfortable. He's cracking jokes the whole time and asking them questions about their life. He's always looking for signs of abuse, too. He knows the signs of mental and physical abuse. I feel like he took extra psychology courses for that exact reason. He makes an effort to be friendly with the rest of the staff, especially the gang, who he now considers his best friends. Elwin vibes. Speaking of Elwin, he was Keefe's mentor. He wasn't all that interested in medicine as a career until he saw Elwin for a broken arm when he was a kid. Keefe mentioned to his parents that he wanted to be a doctor, and they were overjoyed that their son chose something so prestigious. So they started paying Elwin to mentor Keefe, and eventually Elwin feels more like family than his parents ever did. He went to medical school at a fairly small college just to tick off his parents. They wanted him to go to an Ivy League. When Sophie gets to the hospital he and the gang work at, he is immediately friendly and already has a small crush, because he's heard about how amazing and skilled she is. But he's too scared to flirt cause he doesn't wanna get reported to HR.
Ophthalmologist. If you don't know what that means, it's basically someone who treats your eyes. I don't know, maybe I think he'd do this because his eyes are always so emphasized throughout the series, or maybe I think this way because he's always secretly wanted to do this but Alden wanted him to become a neurosurgeon like the many Vackers before him and this is his way of breaking off from their legacy. Maybe. Anyways, he and Biana went to the same medical school. They are really eachothers only support systen at this point. They love that they get to be close to each other. Again, everyone in the gang works at the same hospital, and even though Fitz isn't a neurosurgeon, he still makes bank. And his family still isn't happy with him(save for Biana). But he learns to be okay with that, as he finds a new family within the gang. And then he sees news articles in the paper and hears mentions on TV about a woman named Sophie Foster and he's immediately intrigued. She's quite young for a doctor, let alone a neurosurgeon who's operated on conjoined twins. And THEN he learns she is transferring to the hospital he works at from America. He wants to talk to her, but doesn't want to seem weird. He wishes he had Keefe's confidence. They keep bumping into each other around the hospital, it happens at least once every day. And THEN they bump into each other at a book store. They kinda awkwardly exchange greetings and then start laughing. Sophie officially introduces herself to Fitz and Fitz does the same to her. They spend like the next hour chatting about books. Fitz is head over heels.
ICU nurse. Biana can handle chaos like a boss. She likes the lack of routine in it. Biana never really had the rneurosurgeon expectation thrust upon her cause Fitz was supposed to be the Golden Child TM, but she's always been interested in medicine. So she goes to medical school for nursing and decides to go one step further for the ICU, because as I said, Biana likes the unexpectedness. She's fantastic at what she does. She's very professional in the workplace, but will go out for drinks with her colleagues. Especially the gang. I feel like she was thinking about becoming a doctor but really wanted to build financial stability for herself before she sought out higher education. Her parents aren't paying for anything, because she cut them off after0 they cut Fitz off. She's really happy with her occupation at this moment in time, though. She knows all about Fitz's crush on Sophie, and is actually the second person to introduce themselves to her. They become fast friends and Biana will not stop pestering Fitz to just make a move.
Clinical pharmocologist. Because science. I think Dex grew up watching his dad do cool things pertaining to the study of the body, but quickly discovered he preferred pharmacology to biology by a long shot. He loves what he does. He has the best time at work. To him, the money and benefits are just added perks compared to getting to be in a lab all day. He doesn't really know about Sophie until she gets there, kind of. When she does get there he asks Biana about her and Biana's kind of like, 'how do you not know about her?' But still explains who Sophie is and Dex is just like 'cool' and moves back to his lab. But he meets Sophie at a lunch break one day and really enjoys her company. He likes that he can openly be a nerd about pharmacology around her, and that she is a good listener. Isn't really a huge part of the gang till Sophie comes along and brings Dex with her to everything. Anyways, Dex has created multiple medicines that have saved thousands of lives. His dream is to find the cure to cancer, and pretty much decoted his life to research an experiments about it. He only ever gets out of the house or lab anymore because Biana and Sophie drag him out.
Part 2?
Oh my god I just reread that and just to be clear Sophie is of age, she and the gang are all 18+. At the beginning it sounded like she was like 15 when she was working at the hospital. Nah I just emant she was really good at school.
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astrangerlately · 1 year
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strunmah-mah · 2 years
I have but one wish for the new Joker series. If this one thing happened, then even if he rest of the comic was flaming hot garbage, this series would still be success.
I want Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing to end with Jason killing out titular character. And then, most importantly, for him to stay dead at least as long as Jason was irl.
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mandiemegatron · 10 months
Trafalgar Law x Y/N ficlet
Fluff, general care, hella smooching, slightly toasty 👀, hand massage, Law being a softie✨️💖
A/N: Something I thought up after seeing @kittycatzuka post here, it gave me the feels and this is what my brain thought up.
I hope you all enjoy! ✨️💖
Also, I just spent like an hour beta-ing it so if you see any mistakes, no you don't. 😎 okay love you my lil tangerines! ✨️💖
Header by @baka-tsuki / @baka-tsuki-2 💖
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It was supposed to be a quiet night for the captain. All the man wanted to do was finish his paperwork, read some Sora and pass out into a restless sleep.
Since Y/N showed up, it never seemed to work out the way Law wanted. Every night, she'd knock on his office door to say goodnight, no matter the amount of times he tried to tell her she didn't have to, that she could just simply go to bed and he'd see her in the morning for breakfast. It never deterred her, her smiling face always popping in through the cracked door with a small wave.
This night was different.
Law glanced over at the clock on his desk, frowning to himself as he realized you were late, not showing up around the time you usually did. He then paused, curiously irritated at realizing the fact that he was worried, immediately thinking the worst had happened you.
He let his pen drop to the desk as his other hand ran through his hair, his eyes closing as he took a deep breath. God, he was exhausted.
There was a soft thunk as ceramic hit his desk, his eyes snapping open to see you placing a fresh cup of tea right above his incomplete paperwork.
You cracked a tired smile of your own before hiding a yawn behind your now free hand, lifting your mug in a silent cheers to him as you sat in the chair opposite his desk.
"Saw your light was on, thought maybe you could use a little something," your voice was soft as you spoke, unable to hide how tired you were from his prying eyes.
"While I appreciate it, you should be in bed already. We have a big day tomorrow," he replied, gently picking up the hot mug with a sigh through his nose. Yeah, he definitely needed this.
"So should you, dear Captain."
He huffed gently, staring you down before taking a long sip.
"I'm not done my job for the day."
You cracked a grin at the sight of him complaining, his distaste for the job showing itself very clearly.
"I can give you a hand, if that'll help?"
He hummed in disagreement into the mug, taking another sip before replying,
"You'd only make it take longer."
While there was teasing in his tone, you couldn't hide the way your grin slowly slid from your lips, your eyes glancing down at the mug in your hands. He kicked himself as a pain clutched around his chest, hating that he made you look that way.
"... I appreciate the offer, Y/N, thank you. Your company helps more than enough."
Your eyes flickered back to his at his words, your cheeks tinting pink as you murmured,
"... glad to help."
It was only for a moment but it felt like ages, the way his eyes bored into yours. It was like you were a puzzle he was trying to slove and couldn't, his frustration showing in his gaze. Your heart jumped into your throat, your mind screaming at him to just kiss you, to say something, to tell you everything you wanted him to say-
The moment broke as he went back to his scribbling, one hand around his mug while the other scratched away. You made yourself more comfortable in the large chair, your eyes wandering his face, not knowing he could feel your very hungry gaze on him.
Pride washed over him, his ego flaring as a smirk ticked up his lips. He did have a feeling you liked him, but this moment here proved to him that he was right.
"See something you like, Y/N?"
There was a heavy silence as your eyes widened, unsure of how to respond so you remained quiet, simply watching him for any signs of a joking manner.
You were incredibly confused when you could only sense a serious air around him.
It took a moment to gather courage but you did finally respond, looking down at your mug for a moment before glancing back to him as you commented lightly,
"Surely it's obvious that I do."
The air was so thick it could have been sliced with a butterknife. You both stared at each other for what felt like ages before you looked away first, unable to handle the heat of his gaze on you like this.
"... good to know."
His response caused you to grin, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you bit back a happy sound, not wanting to feed his already giant ego. A more comfortable silence covered you both as he went back to his work, now motivated to finish it quicker than before.
You'd drank your entire tea by the time he finally finished. You'd been slouched lazily in the chair, glancing around his office with mildly bored eyes, having already taken everything in to the point you could name off each book and it's order on the shelf. He yawned loudly, rubbing his face with both hands before standing, placing his completed work off to the side before coming around his desk to stand by you, leaning on it for support.
"You should get some rest," you started, giving a yawn of your own and going to move before you noticed him massaging his hand. You looked up at him, his exhausted expression filling your chest with a ache you didn't enjoy.
You had to do something.
Placing the empty mug beside him, you then reached out and gently took his writing hand into your own warm palms, you began massaging his own, your thumbs pressing down to the point where he grunted softly.
"Yeah, I know it sucks but this is what happens when you don't take proper breaks," you murmured, focusing on doing your best not to look up at him, your cheeks burning so hot that you began to worry you gave yourself a fever.
A particularly illicit groan left your Captain when you pressed at one point, your eyes finally flicking up at him for just a moment and you couldn't help but smile at seeing his relaxed expression. His eyes were shut, his chest rising and falling as he took slow, deep breaths.
Your heart clenched - you wished he looked like this more, so quiet and tender -
Your thoughts stopped as you looked back to his hand, your thumbs working down to his wrist and forearm, not noticing him leaning closer to you to give you better reach.
It took only a few minutes, letting his arm gently drop to his side as you held your hands palm up out for his other one.
"Other hand, please!"
He was silent the entire time, lifting his hand to you as you did the same thing, starting at his palm before going to his long fingers, showing them love and stretching them before moving down to his wrist and forearm.
You were so focused that you didn't noticed his free hand coming catch your chin, his long fingers lifting your face gently. Your eyes met and your stomach churned, knowing your face was still bright red as he looked over your face. Your fingers had stopped, clamped gently around his forearm.
You couldn't place the look he was giving you, trying to convince yourself that he was not giving you bedroom eyes - the man was exhausted, for fucks sake! But you couldn't help how your body warmed at his touch, wanting so desperately to lean into his touch.
The sudden fear of rejection hit you like a ton of bricks. You must have made a face because his thumb brushed over your bottom lip, almost as if trying to comfort you.
"You look worried," he breathed out, his breath so warm and so close that it danced across your face. Your eyes were locked in an intense gaze, his dark and craving; yours wide and needy in your own right. Warmth pooled in your lower region as his eyes looked down at your lips for a moment, the air suddenly heavy once again as his gaze met yours again.
"I... I am worried," you finally whispered, eyes never leaving his. He moved closer again, so slowly that it felt like he was teasing you.
Not a question, a demand.
"... because I'm scared that you'll kiss me and I'll get attached."
A slow, wicked grin came over his features when you finally spoke.
"As if you're not already attached."
His words felt like a punch to your gut, causing you to gasp out softly before his lips consumed yours, both your eyes falling shut as he took what he wanted. It wasn't a soft kiss, but it wasn't demanding either. It held just enough emotion that you felt the anxiety of earlier wash off you like a wave, your shoulders unconsciously dropping though your hands remained on his arm.
When he finally pulled away, you were a mess. Your heart was pounding so loud in your ears, it felt like vertigo. Your eyes slowly reopened, confusion and hope written across your face like an open book as you stared at him. You were nearly breathless as you somehow got out,
"Um... Wow."
Law blinked a few times before he broke down, laughing so loud and hysterically that he pulled away from you, leaning over with his hands on his knees. You sat there blinking, feeling even more confused, wondering what the hell was going on. His laughter echoed in the room, and probably the entire sub but clearly he was gone, absolutely fucked up.
Just straight up bonkers.
When he finally calmed, one hand came up to wipe away the laughter tears as he leaned back up, a wide smile on his face as he took a moment to collect himself.
He finally looked down at you, your own almost nervous smile etched into your face as you waited for him to explain himself.
"You, Y/N-ya, are something else, you know? How you've flipped my life upside down."
The amount of sincerity in his voice immediately made you begin to tear up, you're heart leaping from your chest into your throat and stopping you from responding. You simply gave your own genuine smile in return, one hand quickly wiping away the few tears that slipped out.
A heavy hand landed on the top of your head, long fingers rustling your hair as Law gave another chuckle. Your smile remained as your swiped at his hand, his own grin turning cheeky as he lightly slapped your hand away.
There was a pause between you two, with him running a tired hand through his hair as you rubbed at your face, biting back a yawn. As he took in your exhausted form, he knew it was time for you both to hit the hay.
"You crazy brat. Go to bed," he started, moving his hands to grasp your own and pulling you out of the chair. He turned you and walked you to the door just a few feet away, opening it but holding you to him, his hands on your shoulders. You noted they were shaking slightly through hazy thoughts as his warm chest hit your back.
"I'll see you at breakfast. Save me a seat?"
His breath brushed over your ear, causing your skin to erupt in goosebumps. He didn't give you enough time to respond, giving you a quick shove out the door before closing it behind you.
You stared at the wall of the Tang, blinking a few times before your mouth finally started working again.
"What the actual fuck just happened?"
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A/N: HEHEHEE we love a sly, flirty Law 🙈🙈🙈🙈 I'm gunna smooch him so hard, idk abt you guys 😂😂🥵🥵🙈🙈 I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did !
Smooch smooch, be good my lil tangerines! 🍊💋
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
So, remember that Hazbin is suppossed to be "female centric", right? Unlike Helluva Boss that is "male centric" and that is used as an excuse to bardly develop the girls while the boys got all the attention of the world, backstories and their own development wich can take more than one episode.
And seeing that a song about ANGEL DUST is one of the first ones to be leaked, it makes me think that girls will not get the same privilages in Hazbin that boys got in Helluva. I swear, Angel Dust will be the one who gets multiple episodes arround his backstory and trauma while the girls gets the same shit that they tried with Millie; making up a flaw/insecurity for them for one(1) episode and then sloving it in a very lazy way.
We all know that the show being "female focused" was always Bs but its good to remember.
Also, correct me if im wrong, but i think that Vivziepop's exact words were that "Hazbin is QUEER female focused", and if its true, i find it funny that the only girls confirmed to be queer are Charlie and Vaggie; Nifty is confirmed to straight, we dont know what Cherri is, Katie Killjoy is homophobic, etc.
It might end up being female-centric compared to Helluva in the same way Trix cereal is more fruit-centric than, I don't know, a can of paint, but there's very little doubt in my mind that she's going to do everything in her power to make this The Angel Show.
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sm-baby · 8 months
Hi everyone! I'm Sienna, and I'm here on my friends account!
I wanted to know before I made the bots if you guys wanted me to make any specific characters and what plots you want to go with them. You can just reply what character and plot you want. I'll gladly create your ideas, as long as they're appropriate!!
Also, to Slove, I'm so sorry about everything that's happened. We're always here for you if you need anything! 🌼
And, to Mushy, I hope you're having an amazing day/night. You're my absolute favorite Tumblr artist and whenever you post it makes me so happy. But, please remember to not overwork yourself, you already do so much!! 🌸🌻
And to everyone else, you're doing great. Xoxo/p 
-Sienna 💗💕
You're awesome, Sienna, thank youu! and I agree about the thing with Slove, I'd love to talk with them 1 on 1 so I could check on them :'(
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youareunbearable · 2 years
I swear I wrote this down before, but I cant find it in any of my notes so here's a little fun idea! When the world gets recreated so its no longer Arda Marred, I think the Valar got together and Looked at the Finwe problem and shrugged and decided to make all of Miriel and her descendants Maiar to slove that tricky little problem of Remarriage.
Because the Feanorians are now Maiar, they aren't technically born, meaning they aren't really siblings and part of the same family so there is no real issue in separating them now is there?
Miriel is one of Vaire's weavers of course, and Feanor is one of Aule's most talented smiths, but that is understandable as he is the spirit of Hearth Fire itself. There are others within Aule's Halls, but their knowledge of each other is passing, for Celebrimbor tends to stay with the jewelry makers and Curufin likes creating hunting gear for Orome's hunt
Orome is almost never seen without his most prized hunter, Celegorm, who prefers a form that looks more wolf than Elf.
Vana, Orome's wife, herself has a pair of giggling and twittering songbirds that follow her around as she follows her husband's Hunt. They dance and sing and twirl in sync that many often just call the pair of them by a singular name, Ambarussa.
Irmo within his forest full of Song and Music has a very talented Maia that is so in tune with thr Song that they can play with it however they choose. Maglor only uses this ability to give the Elves good dreams, of course.
Este is forever thankful of her assistant Caranthir, who keeps all her medical necessities and books in order, so she is always prepared to help those in need, even if he himself doesn't have the best beside manner.
Lady Nienna’s Maia, Maedhros is a bit more of a recluse. He is charming when spoken too, but there is something distant, some type of lingering melancholy that clings to him, like a weak dawn in the deepest days of winter. He tends to hide himself away in the forests surrounding Formenos, helping those who are lost find their way back home.
Then there are Finwe and his beautiful wife Indis, their children, and many grandchildren. They are a stunning example of a happy family, and all the citizens of Tirion love having them as their royal family. Nothing is ever wrong, even when Fingolfin’s daughter Aredhel got lost during a hunt, she was lucky enough to be escorted back to her worried brothers' camp.
Fingon, who had never felt the degree of terror that flooded his veins at the thought of his sister lost in the woods, terror that was much stronger than what was called for because what could befell her in their peaceful land of Valinor?
She was being ferried on the back of a behemoth of a horse, pristine and laughing at the antics of the silver wolf-like Maia walking at her side. The horse was being led by a silent Maia, who smiled softly at the pair but made no move to include himself.
Fingon looked up at the tall Maia, and felt something in his fea shatter. He always had felt like something was missing, that he would havr an urge to go looking for someone he could never find, catch himself looking up to share an idea with someone who must have been taller than him only to look up at empty air. His bed felt so cold, but no matter how high he tended the hearth flames he knew it was because it was empty. He would look to the distant mountains and see a dawn peaking over their tops and weep as something in his fea ached.
Everything felt so overwhelming when he looked at this Maia, this being that looked cold, who wore furs and had snow dusting his shoulders even though it was a warm sunny summer day. Fingon was so lost in the sensations swirling within him that he was too slow to act before the Maia helped Aredhel off his horse, swung up himself and was out of the clearing. That wolfish Maia giving his sister a laughing twirl before bounding off into the thicket, chasing after the distant horn call.
Fingon’s knees felt weak, he found himself sinking to the forest floor. This world may be Arda Remade, but he still felt Marred.
#amber rambles#Silmarillion#maedhros#Feanorians#fingon#there was more to this that i thought i wrote down#basically the story is in Arda Remade fingon finds that he is the only one in his family that feels Off#he doesnt knkw why. no one has memories of arda marred but fingon knows he lost something precious to him in the remaking#finwe is worried for his eldest grandson. he doenst know why seeing someone he loves turn so melancholic makes him afraid#it just does. so he urges fingon to visit Lorien to soothe his Fea and heal#here he meets Caranthir and Maglor and he feels a connection to both and spends a lot of his time he#there bothering the both of them and he shares his feelings with maglor who just humms and agrees with him#that the Music within his fea is missing something.maybe someone? maybe hes supposed to go out and find them#maglor tells him to let the Music guide him and Caranthir gives him supplies and then fingon is off#he travels around Valinor by himself. where he meets the other non-Feanorians and feels pieces slot together#his most eye opening experience was meeting with the Maia Feanor and his Elf lover Nerdanel up in Formenos#she agrees with him that what hes feeling is valid as she also lost something in the Remaking#she cannot have children and this aches as she has dreams of a full house and 7 perfect sons that are no longer hers#she shows him her sculptures and as he looks he realizes he has met most of them on his journey! not elves like she has created#but Maiar who under their unnatural differneces look almost identical to these sculptures#he pauses at the last one. the unfamiliar one. Nerdanel sighs and says she feels like this one was her first born#the one she lost even before the Remaking. Fingon feels the same. this face makes him ache.#he wanders the forest that night haunted by these people. these elves he feels like he should know but doesnt. hes so in his thoughts#he doesnt realize hes lost. he calls out into the woods and hears nothing call back but his echos. a chill crawls up his spine#his breath begins to fog and there is a sound behind him and he twirls and there is rhat sculpture. his missing piece#Dont Worry. the figure of Winter and Memory says to him. I Found You#You Found Me. Fingon replies
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martinys-world · 1 year
The Girl
this is my first time ever to wright this on tumblr. let me know if you are want to see more. I have a whole back story to this. This is not proof read, so please let me know if there a mistake I want to see if it worth working on.
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“You get everyone to the ship and escape with the key.”
One ape hand it to another. 
“what happening.”
“What about you. “
“I will distract scrope and his terracons as long as I can. It will give you and the others a chance to esape.”
I wont let you be left behind. Scrouge will kill you. My sacrifice will be nothing compared to what unicron can do with the key...
“ we need a …..”
Slinceing the other ape.
“ you are there leader now.” 
“ now go” 
With the idea of knowing there was no debate let alone time. ran. Leaveing the only place they called home. that will be devour by unicorn the planet eating monster. 
“ahh.” Hand covering my face. Trying to protect my self even thought it would do nothing. I felt a chil was what It felt like. The one that get you spinal core to shake. 
Looking back at the runaway ape did not see me.  I have to be dreaming. 
Then there this metal man robot. Is this a terrcon. What going why dose this look real. Is he losing what going on. 
“ please, stop fighting.” 
Everything was muggy. I don’t understand what going on but one thing was clear. No one is leaveing this fight alive. Everything happen so fast. They were both standing up and now one is loseing a battle that he cant win. 
Sound of a rocket was happing like it was blasting off. 
“ your not getting the key.”
“Today I won’t but my master with have a feast with your planet.”
I was running to the ape theat was laying on the ground. I couldn’t let him feel pain while he was dieing. I know none of these metal or anmials being cant see me. but dosent me I would sit back and do nothing. The one that won. Was melting something on him. He just became a blur. 
I slip pass his legs. If that was what they called them. I was at the apes face. 
“ what do I do? What can I do?”
“ put your hand on him and breathe.”
Spinning around. Trying to find something to show any type of alive or being. 
“If you want him to not be in pain anymore, just put your hand on him.”
I heard a groan. I will slove that voice mystery later. Put my hand on him I felt him skin want cold but smooth and warm. Surprisingly but what shock me more was the area my hand was. It was glowing and a green color. 
Out of my instinct I want to pull away but the ape groan out of relief. Like he was in less pain. 
I knew that I was doing something. what would happen if I used both of my hands. I lift my hand. And place not tnext to mine but in the same level as mine. I felt eyes on me I  was next to his eye or what ever its called. Two eyes staring at one. 
“ midnight star.” 
Instead of correcting him. Knowing his time is running out.
“ its going to be okay. relax its going to be okay.”
I sounded confident but I was far from that. 
“you were always a star. in the darkest of times.”
For that slipt moment it steam like he accepted his death but wasn’t alone. I have no clue who he is but i am just glad he not alone or in a lot a pain. I saw the light shirnking as it seem like these minutes. Are turning to hours. I don’t care how long I knew the least I could do was make bearable. He closed his eyes for the final time and whisper his last sound in this life. 
“ thank you.”  
I pulled my hands back after his skin turned cold.  I was crying. I knew I was crying because there was not much I could do. I mean almost everyone cries when they see someone died, But this was different type of crying. Like I lost a friend but I never seen him before.
I fell to my knees in front of his eyes. It started to get windy. I wouldn’t have notice if a golf ball sized rock hit me in the side of my head.   turning to see what all the rush was about. This golden sphere was coming closer. And the center was opening up and there was rocks. My brain wasn’t comprehending what was happening. 
Chatper : (2)
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callmepuppysworld · 1 year
Colby and Sam x ghost child reader
( this is not based on any hauntings they have gone to, more like a comfort fic ?)
(this is was not meant to ‘make fun’ of ghosts or anything like that)
(Please don’t hate crime me for this, I only made this so could comfort myself for my own trauma)
(I’m sorry but I did take inspiration from Sam and Colby video called “Our Haunted Night at Villisca Axe Murder House (SLOVED)” but taking inspiration from this I did not mean to make a joke to what happened to this poor girl, I do think this was an amazing video but if you have any sexual trauma I do not recommend this video)
(Also, I have 0 experience with writing about supernatural things sorry!)
(PS look up Potoo it’s a real bird and I love them OMG )
TW: abuse, ghosts (?), sexual assault, murder, death,
You had been the child killer by a mas murder years ago, you had died when you were 12 and had stayed 9 for the last 10 year.
Where you died had turned into a “top 10 haunted’ places to visit for people who want a good scare, honestly you hatted it, all those people sticking their noise in yours and your family death, talking about how it was tragic what had happened to you.
They always asked the same questions
“Do you remember who killed you?”
“Can you give us a sign your sill here?”
“Did you dad kill you?”
You hatted the last question the most, your dad was always so kind he would always give you lots of gifts and hugs, sometimes he went away for work for a month though, you hatted it when he went away you always missed him so much.
Sometimes they even pretended you answered, or touched there back, that annoyed you the most it was like they new you were there but didn’t care about being real about it.
They always asked what type of person your mother was too, the was an annoying question.
Because no matter how many times you said ‘mean ‘or ‘ loud ‘ into the box that lets you speak they always ask the question again. Your mother wasn’t the worst, not by a long shot but she would always been yelling at you for one reason or another, she was also cruel so would ignore you for days on end. But you still loved her, she was your mother after all.
After 5 years of people asking the same boring questions, you stopped answering as much and people stopped coming as much, it was boring, you almost missed seeing people.
People did still come around sometimes to see were the horrific murder happened, but they didn’t normally ask questions to you, sometimes you did like to pull on their shirt a little catching them of grade and scaring them a little but only if they were there a while you were still a little shy of new people.
One afternoon you saw the grounds keeper walking around making sure everything was clean enough, he normally did this whenever there would be people coming over, but no one normally comes this late is was almost getting dark. You watched and followed the grounds keeper go around the house sweeping and dusting some shelves a well as kill a big scary spider, the big spider scared you a lot it had so many legs and eyes.
The grounds keeper stopped sweeping when he heard a nock at the door, he put down the broom and walked over to the door, you didn’t want to follow him, so you stayed looking at the broom.
It was big, around the same height as you and was colourful, you have seen the broom before, but you always like to play with it when you got the chance.
You divided too slightly push the broom and watched it move a little, slightly tipping this made you very happy, you always loved whenever you could do things that affected the world around you.
You did it again but this time a little too much force and it fell over making a big noise, you jumped back in surprise and ran into the other room where the kitchen was.
pov change idk(?)
Sam and Colby were standing at the door talking with the grounds keeper when they heard something fall over and small footsteps running to the kitchen
“Oh my! Did you all hear that?” Sam questioned pointing the camera at Colby and Amanda.
“That must be one of our quieter spirits, (Your name). there is a bit shy not talking to many” the ground keeper said walking inside to the living room seeing the coloured broom knocked over
“Were you just using this?” Colby asked picking it up and putting it up right again to show the camera that it didn’t wall by accident
“Yeah, I just finished sweeping “the gate keeper said stepping back a little
“Is there any windows or drafts around here?” Amanda asked trying to open the windows or see if it was slightly open
“Nah, the windows don’t open, never have pulse we don’t have not A/C “The ground keeper sighed wanting to get on with the tore
“In this room was where most of the family fighter took place, the neighbours apparently called the police around 5 times before they stopped and moved out leaving the house across the street empty for nearly 2 years “The ground keeper said facing the camera that was painted in his direction
“So did the fights often get aggressive? Or was it more of a noise complaining?” Colby asked walking around the table
“Oh, hey would get violent and just the screaming at each other and the threats of violence was enough for the police to get called, but apparently the wife was always the first to get violent, throwing plates and glasses around and at her husband” the ground keeper said looking at Colby
“Was the little girl ever removed? “Sam stepped in
“No, she’s still here “Amanda cut in looking to the kitchen
“I saw her peek her head out, almost seeing if the coast was clear to leave the kitchen” Amanda explained pointing to the kitchen door
“Your correct, the kid was never taken out of the custody. But there was no evidence of abuse towards the child so the police said there was no way she could be placed into a safer house “the grounds keeper explained sightly shocked that Amanda said what she did
No one didn’t anything but slightly nod their head signalling that they understood him.
The grounds keeper walked into the kitchen as he began to speak again
“This kitchen is one of the most active houses in the house other than the small cubed in (your names) room and the hallway. There was blood all over the kitchen floor, the police suspect- “
“Oh my god” Sam said touching the back of his neck
“What?” Amanda asked concerned for her friend
“I just felt a bot breath on my neck, and it freaked me out sorry” Sam apologised the grounds keeper
“As I was saying, the police suspect that the murder who ever they are killed the parents and walked down starts with the bloody knife that the murder used and walked into the kitchen where he ripped all the plates and glasses done and smashed them on the floor for whatever reason he had. Then went back upstairs and killer the girl” The grounds keeper said leaving out the horrible suspicion the police had about what also happened the kid after she died.
Amanda frowned, her eyebrows knitting together not understanding why a murder would come down stairs before killing the younger child, but chose not to say anything.
( Honestly time skip bc bored and I want to get to the investigation part so for the back story, your mother was killed by someone stabbing her in the chest 15 times and taking her eyes out and your dad as killed by someone cutting his neck, you were killed by your neck being cut and your wrists, and you were undressed and put into a sexual positions )
Once the ground keeper gave Sam and Colby the keys, he left leaving Amanda and the group alone.
“Ok, so this place defiantly had more than one spirits. I feel something dark are dangerous. Now that could be the parents or possibly the murder “Amanda said walking into the small powder room that came of from the living room looking at the small sink toilet and slightly cracked mirror.
“I thought there was only supposed to be one spirit here... the parent?” Sam questioned
“The only spirit reported here was the parents, but I saw the girl, she’s shy thought, I haven’t seen her since the broom got nocked over” Amanda said closing the door to the powder room
Sam nodes his head in agreement,
“Guys!” Colby shouts from upstairs making Sam start running up the stairs
“What?!” Sam yelled half up the stairs worrying something bad happened
Once Sam reached the room the relied on it was the parents’ room
“What?” Sam asked again looking at Colby
“The window is open “Colby whispered not talking his eyes of the windows
‘I thought the grounds keeper said they couldn’t open and never could “Sam questioned
‘He did” Amanda said coming out of no wear making the boys flinch from the shock
“This is the parents, right?” Amanda asked earning a nod from Sam
Colby finally looked away and said, “I was just setting up the music box at the front of the room, we were going to start here, right?” Colby questioned
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking in the car up here” Sam said
“It’s still going to be a while until dark and I think we should do the parents room, then the living room, then the kids’ room so it will be late when we get to hers and she’ll feel more comfortable hopefully” Amanda commented
“Yeah, that sounds good” Sam said sitting on the bed and pulling out the EFM reader
“Ok, if any spirits want to communicate to us we have objects you can touch, we also give you full perdition to drain the battery from our phones if you need energy to talk to us” Colby says when they finish setting up all the cameras and lights
There is no response so Sam tries to talk
“If you are here I would greatly appreciate if you could give a clear sign by knocking the walls or touching one of our devi- “Sam stopped when he heard a loud nock on the walls
Looking at the camera with a shocked expression
“That was the cleared knock we’ve ever caught!” Colby says not believing that the camera got that
“If there is a spirit here, can you place touch one of these devises in the doorway?” Amanda asked
A few seconds latter the music box started going of and both Sam and Colby yelling in excitement
“Are you one or both of the parents of (your name)?” Colby asked
The spirit box chimed in with a
Making all the 3 of the group freak out
“That was so perfect! Oh My God! I can’t even believe! “Colby says
“No one’s going to believe that! It was to perfect!” Sam sighs rolling his eyes knowing how some people are on YouTube.
After around 40 minutes of trying to get the spirt(s) so communicate and getting nothing they divided to bring out the old estes metho, it was voted that Sam would be the receiver and they began.
Sam began putting on the make blindfold and got the headphones handed to him, already hearing the incredibly loud static noises. One he put the earphones Amanda pulled out a note book and turning to a new page.
“If there are any spirts here that want to communicate, please do so now “ Amanda said clicking her pen ready to start writing and nodding to Colby as if signalling him to start.
“Is there anyone open to speaking to us?” Colby asked
A small ‘ apparently’ can be headed from Sam’s headphones before he repeats the word
“Ok, are you the farther? “ Amanda askes
Waiting a few seconds before asking again
“Are you the father-“
“Me” Sam says cutting Amanda of making Colby gasp slightly looking at Amanda.
“Ok so your name is (your dads name) correct?” Colby askes
“You already know” Sam repeats
Colby is now smiling like a mad man now with the amazing relates they are now getting
“This is like a convocation!” Colby says to Amanda
Witch she only nods her head to
“What is a type of bird you know? “Amanda asks to make show the soon to be audience that Sam cant hear them asking the questions
“Why” Sam quested
“What is a type of bird you know? “Amanda asks again
The question is followed by a minute if complete silence with nothing to empty static to be headed
Finally Sam replies a answer
“Potoo” Sam says confused
Colby looked at Amanda to see if it was a real bird to be met with a nod
“Ok... How did you die? “Colby questioned
“Kinfe” Sam repeated slightly confused not understanding why he was repeating the strangest words
“OHMYGOD” Colby yells jumping to get the camera and show the now flashing bathroom light attached to the bedroom
“That’s turning on and off” Colby says to the camera pointing to the bathroom
“Need” Sam repeats
Amanda writes into her note book
“What do you need?” She askes trying to get more information
Colby puts the camera back as he sits down again
“Alive” Sam says
“Alive? You’re not alive your dead, how can you be alive?” Colby questions
“Power? Is that how you can feel alive?” Amanda questioned
“So, you don’t know ye- “Amanda asks
“Pray” Sam cuts of Amanda without realizing
“Do you want us to pray? Why?” Colby askes
“No protection” Sam says confused
Colby takes his cross necklace out from under his shirt
“I am protected so are all my friends here because we have God on our side, you may not harm any of us” Colby says in a dominate manner to make the spirit realize and understand that they are untouchable
“Lie’s “Sam repeats
“No were not lying, God will protect us. And you will not harm any of us “Amanda says visualises a light bubble going over all 3 of them for protection
“Um …kill yourself” Sam mumbles not feeling comfortable with saying that to anyone
Colby is frowning
“Are a evil spirt?” Colby askes
“Take a guess” Sam repeats
Amanda turns to Colby and says “ I don’t like this and I think we should stop and move to a different room “
Colby stands up and taps Sam’s shoulder singling him to take of the headphones off where you can hear a small
“See soon “coming from the headphones
“Oh, shit that gave me full body shivers, did any of that make scenes?” Sam askes
“It made perfect sense it was like having a convocation. it was so clear!” Amanda replies
“I think we should take a small break before going into the living room and talk about what all of that could have meant, I wrote all questions we asked and what you said back” Amanda said holding up her notebook
“That sounds great, we should also get something to eat” Colby suggests
“Yes! I’m so hungry, that session took a lot out of me for some reason “
Amanda hums in agreement
(What is this ? yet another time skip. Yes )
Once they finished the living room it was around 2am and they hadn’t got much evidence in the living room other than a few words from the spirit box like ‘ evil’ , ‘ leave’ and ‘glass’,
Evonne had existed to go into the last room hoping that there was lots of activity.
Once they had set up everything, there was a music box in the door and in the closet,
The spirt box was out and set up and they all stood in the middle of the room wanting to sit on the bed
“So this was (Your names) bedroom, supposably the most haunted place in the room, but around 5 years ago it went quit and not many people have been able to contact her.
(Your name) was the last one to be killed in this crime scene...” Sam swallowed a pit that was beginning to form in his throat
Colby noticed this and took over explaining,
“When (your name) was killed they were undressed and put into a sexual position, the police suspect that the person responsible for this crime may have h-handled her… sexually” Colby breathed gesturing to the bed
“Were talking about a 9-year-old girl here, A child” Colby said sternly feeling disgusted and angry
“She’s here now” Amanda said looking down the hall
“Hi (your name) my name is Amanda and I’m a medium meaning I can see you, this is Sam and Colby there good friends, you don’t have to be shy, I’ve seen you all night quietly following us, why don’t you come in so we can talk? “ Amanda suggested
“We have this cute Boo bear for you to play with” Amanda says holding up and putting it back on the end of the bed
Amanda looked for a second before you diapered again
“I cant see her anymore” Amanda says keeping the boys in the loop.
It didn’t take long for the music box in the middle of the door frame to go of signalling someone standing there,
‘Sound ‘ The spirit box when of making Sam gasp
“Yeah! Yes that’s called a music box and it dose make sound” Sam says existed
The second music box went of the one in the closet,
It kept going to sighingly that someone was in the closet
‘off...?’ The spirit box says quietly almost questioning
“Do you want us to turn the music box of? If so, can you please turn on the flashlight near you?” Colby questions
It took a minute but the flashlight turned on making the boys and Amanda smile
“Thank you so much” Sam phrases you as he went up to move the box just enough, so it stopped picking you up in the ratter
“If your (Your name) can you please turn of-“ Amanda starts talking but stops when she noticed the light slowly turning of
“Thank you so much (You name), Do you think you can use the Spirit box to talk to us ?” Colby asked
There isn’t a response that they could hear so they asked the first question
“ (Your name) do you remember who killed you?” Amanda starts of strong
Amanda had to repeat the question one more time before you answered
‘hurt’ the box said
“Do you remember being hurt? “Sam tried
‘All time’ the box said
Colby took a shaking breath “I’m sorry that you feel hurt” He attempts to comfort you
It was quite for a bit.
They asked a couple more questions that you didn’t really answer
“Ok so (your name) doesn’t seem too happy to answer questions so we-“
‘can you say that again’ the boo bear went of
Colby gasps
“That means she said something” He whispers
“Can you say that into the spirit box? “ Amanda asked
After a few minuets after science they decided to keep talking
“Ok, so were going to start the estes method now, and I think its only far for Colby to be the receiver this time “ Sam smiles looking at Colby handing him the blind fold
After they got set up Colby sat on the floor not wanting to sit on the bed
‘Brr I’m so cold’ the Boo bear said singling a temp change
“Ok, (Your name) if you would like to communicate with us please use the spirit box and Colby will repeat it to us “ Amanda said trying to make you feel more comfortable to speak to them
‘ that tickles’ the Boo bear laughs making Sam gasp
“That means something touched its stomach”
Colby smiled as he put the blindfold and headphones on
“Hey (your name) do you like the Boo bear?” Amanda questioned
“extremely” Colby repeated
“That’s good it’s very cute isn’t it ?” Amanda smiled
“Do you remember who ki-“ Sam started
“ All the same” Colby repeated
“What is all the same? “ Amanda asked
“you” Colby said
“How are we the same?” Sam asked
Sam looked behind him into the pitch black hallway to see a shadow do down stairs making me shout in surprise “ Fuck!”
“What?” Amanda asked flinching from the volume of Sam’s voice
“I just, I just saw a shadow figure go downstairs after (Your name) told us to hide” Sam said standing up and putting his back to a wall rubbing his hand over his mouth
“That was the clearest one I have ever seen that freaked the fuck out “
“food” Colby says
“Food? Like are they in the kitchen ?” Amanda asked
“Are we safe now?” Sam askes
“Hopefully “Colby replies
“Ok.. Do you remember who killed you?” Sam asked
“close” Colby said
“Was it someone who was close to you?” Amanda askes
“Ok, were they a friend?” Sam asked
“Pray” Colby said
“Pray? Like do you want us to pray?” Amanda Asked
“No please” Same repeated
“Ok, so was it a someone who worked in a church?” Amanda asked
“positively “Colby said
“Ok… I’m sorry that happened to you” Sam said
“Is there anything we can do to help you move on?” Amanda asked
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whereismycaplock · 1 year
string theory sloved!
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having an art block rn, making me nervous about everything, i need some practice……
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
MSA x FNAF: Security Breach AU: The Mysterious Mall of Crysta's Chapter 9: They are keeping sloving the mystery/They enters The Laser Blast Game-Area/Meeting Samson the Prince Ventexian/John Kingsmen and Maxy Yukino holds Laser Blast Guns/John Kingsmen and Maxy Yukino are training with Samson the Prince Ventexian/Mollie the Humanoid Scary Spy, Benny the abandoned animatronic was walking and searching them and walking away/Samson the Prince Ventexian saids to them "All Clear"
**they are going to solving the mystery**
John Kingsmen: Oh! i wanna go in there, that one is my favourite game-area **pointing finger at The Laser Blast Game-Area**
Glamstar Crysta: Y'all are going to love it, Samson the Prince Ventexian
**they are enters The Laser Blast Game-Area, then they meeting One of Glamstar Crysta's friends, his named is "Samson the Prince Ventexian**
Glamstar Crysta: Guys, meet Samson, samson, these my friends, Sarah, Glamrock Me (Laura), Glamrock Rosie, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, Monty, Roxy and more fo them!
Glamrock Rosie: Nice to meet u, samson
Roxy: Cool
**John Kingsmen and Mexy Yukino holds laser-blast guns**
John Kingsmen: That was so cool, can you teach us?
Samson the Prince Vexntexian: Yep, kid! Let's do this
**John Kingsmen and Maxy Yukino are training with Samson the Prince Ventexian**
**meanwhile, Mollie the Humanoid Scary Spy and Benny the abandoned animatronic was walking and searching them**
Benny the abandoned animatronic: Did u found them yet?
Mollie the Humanoid Scary Spy: Nope, Our bosses are not happy about this, let's keep going and searching for them
**meanwhile, Mollie the Humanoid Scary Spy and Benny the abandoned animatronic was walking away**
Samson the Prince Vexntexian: **Checking everything** All Clear
**they are continuing to solving the mystery and helped by glamstar animatronics and glamrock animatronics**
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series
Fnaf Security Breach Game belongs to Scott Cawthon and Steel Wool
All my msa ocs and all my new msa ocs belongs to me
All her msa ocs and all her new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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astrangerlately · 1 year
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darlin-collins · 2 years
My OC's and their talents(other then the canon ones like SH is able to read body language)
Angel: is a great artist (cosplays and makeup counts)
Baabe: a very fast learner, they pick languages up like a joke
Darlin: heavenly voice, a dancer by core
Sweetheart: a photographer (and a very beautiful thing to photograph)
Lovely: quick answer/reaction time, takes them less then a second to answer any question
Freelancer: remembers everything in great detail (which sucks-)
Sunshine: a sixth sense
Smartass: good at reading people and body language
Cutie: can design any outfit in less then a minute
Honey: is a a extremely quiet person, people forget they're there
Baby(ivan): good lier and good at hiding anything and everything, from themselves to anything around them
Baby(olie): has a good leader personality, can stay clam in the worst cases
Starlight: can slove a rubic cube in less then two minutes
Bestie(blake): a violin slayer
(I'll still add when i remember others)
Those are mine<3 what about yours??
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aubreysheadspace · 1 year
Hi Aubrey! Can I request a Mari with a reader who's younger, chaotic and a prankster? But they're quite clumsy at times so Mari just slowly see the reader as her second sibling,,, this should be platonic, as usual!
...Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. When the incident happened, reader just... become a shell of who they used to be. They didn't harm themselves, just that... they're changing so much, to the point that Mari, who's dead, just questions if that's the same reader she knows. And depressed too, since if she never yelled at Sunny, and she tried to slove things peacefully, you and everyone wouldn't have act like this..
Aside from that, you can make what Mari thinks of the reader before death and after death!
Have a great day, Aubrey! Good luck!
AAA I love your ideas, and ty,, hope u have a great day as well!~ hope u enjoy!
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when first meeting MARI, she absolutely loved your attitude!
she enjoys your chaotic persona and would laugh at your little antics, you remind her of KEL as well!
she’s a bit of a prankster herself too, so she sometimes she would help you with pranks!
"psst, [READER].. i have another prank idea for you!" MARI whispered to you with a playful tone in her angelic voice, you were immediately interested. "you see, HERO hates bugs.. and i mean HATE them! i use to do this before so i can guarantee that it’s worth it! now, take some bugs and put it under HERO’s desk!"
she would also enjoy a little prank war with you as well!
no matter what, she’ll always fight back with a prank until she wins!
whenever you get injured by your clumsy antics, MARI would always be the one to patch up anything you got while being clumsy
she always hums as she patches up anything or cleans anything.
she enjoys taking care of other people due to her kind and caring nature, and would always stop from what she’s doing to make sure you’re alright
MARI sees you as like another little sibling! as long as you and SUNNY get along, she’ll treat you like family!
you could always sleepover at her place if you have a bad situation at home, you can get advice from her, and you can practically be yourself around her! she won’t judge you if you’re too reckless, clumsy, or loud!
…unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.
you.. you saw her..
you.. you saw her lifeless body..
you saw how pale she was,
you saw how her body was just dangling thanks to the rope..
she was.. no longer MARI.. just a corpse..
you suppress the urge to vomit.
you couldn’t believe this.. why did she.. why did she take her life away.. just like that..?
you.. could’ve.. you could’ve helped her with anything..! yet..
you thought of yourself as just.. a stupid kid who couldn’t ever make anyone happy.. you thought you never made MARI happy.. all those memories you had with her..
..were they just lies..?
she lied to you..? about everything?
did she find you annoying deep down..?
…let’s just say, during the funeral.. you weren’t really.. yourself anymore
eventually, everything became.. blank to you
like.. the world slowly lost its color in your eyes
you became.. nothing.
you felt like you were just an empty husk, void of any actual emotion
you gradually lost all sense of a self-identity, becoming the empty shell of the person you are now
you couldn’t even taste any kinds of food, even spice
you lost the ability to properly taste and enjoy food
what was the point in doing anything anymore?
you mostly stay home doing absolutely nothing in your room
why bother doing homework? why bother going to school?
what was the point?
"wow, [READER]! you got a better score on your test than last time! i’m so proud of you!"
you heard a familiar voice, and with a sharp gasp you turned around to see if it was—
never mind, it was just your wall
perhaps you just simply had a memory of her always praising you, even if it was the littlest of things
although.. every-time you looked at yourself in the mirror, you swore you saw the figure of MARI right behind you
but there was no way, right?
she was gone..
"oh.. [READER]…" MARI spoke in a somber tone as she watched how you weren’t doing anything at all and just.. laying in your bed.
she felt so upset seeing you like this. she had remembered you were always loud and super reckless, she missed the old you! she knows you.. she knows that you wouldn’t have been like this if.. that didn’t occur..
it’s been four years already, and she’s been watching everyone as a spirit. she felt so guilty that KEL had changed to mature and quickly move on just to make others happy,
HERO had changed and became depressed for over an entire year.. and even if he’s become a better person and went to college.. she knows he still misses her everyday.
AUBREY had changed into a tough and aggressive delinquent who picks on BASIL,
SUNNY had changed into a complete shut-in and still needed to figure out the truth and needed to accept that she was gone,
BASIL had changed into an even more anxious person who was always afraid.. his guilt eating him up everyday,
and even YOU had changed.
you completely changed into an empty vessel, you weren’t the same anymore. if anyone’s changed the most, it’s you. she misses your true self and wishes you could come back. she entirely believes all the bad changes in her friend group was because of her.
she should’ve been a good older sister, and just at least talked to SUNNY during that morning. she could’ve helped him but instead she yelled at him.. she made him feel even worse..
but now, even as a spirit, she could try and make SUNNY forgive himself and to eventually accept the truth one way or another. she believes in her little brother and knows that he’s the key in getting everyone back together again, even if it’s without her.
she can and will make sure SUNNY can save everyone, so she could finally find peace and rest.. knowing that everything is truly going to be okay,
MARI wants to save SUNNY, MARI wants to save BASIL, MARI wants to save KEL, MARI wants to save AUBREY, MARI wants to save HERO..
…MARI wants to save YOU.
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Dear Void,
Been having a lousy fucking day... which I'm going to tell you all about. Because let's be real here there really isn't anything else to listen and you're always here. Pleasant silence void, so here it goes.
I'm so fucking tried of fighting with seemingly everything just to deal and gwt shit taken care of! People, technology, the fucking internet, apps, more fucking people!!! It's never fucking ending! God forbid if I'm not some superhuman being that doesn't know how to slove the fucking issue or even worse because it's crime against humanity if I ask a question or need help. The world may fucking end, because I guess I'm the A bomb, short for asshole!! I just want to tell every fucking one of them guess what mf I wish I could do everything by myself! I wish I never needed help from anyone ever! Do you think I even a millisecond want to beg, gravel and look pathetic in front of anyone, especially some of them. No the fuck I don't!!
I'm seriously at the point where I'm like what can I do illegally that will make me enough money to live off of, but has the lowest prison times?! Because that's how fucking far this shit world, dealing with a shity person far to offer gets me!
It's like fuck all anyone cares anymore. Because I've had to cry help too many fucking times with no end in sight. I'm pretty sure there's quite a few people that are about to buy some kerosene and proceed to light fire to their side of the bridge that's their friendship to me. Not that I can blame truthfully. When I've become that person in there life. That only seems to connect them when I need help.
But what the fuck everyone doesn't get the fun of experiencing is watching me flounder around like goddamn fish! As I going in every fucking direction at same fucking time trying to figure out a solution, a way out, any other way that doesn't involve me asking a mf person for help! There are times that I actually do figure it out. May it be good fortunate or some benevolent deity (because when i'm in jam I'm praying to all of them, if I believe or not) or some other factor.
But there's days like this Void. When my bank account gets hacked or whatever. All but .83 cents was taken, which feels like insult! It's like take all the money fuckers don't leave. 83 cents that I can do fuck all with what mf assholes!! 🤬 So had to fight I mean call my bank so they cancel my debit card, do claim for non-authorized charges and do rest of it. Then I had horrible experience of calling the person I want speak to least in my life, explaining to them what happened with my bank to see if said person could, would, without making me feel like the stupidest person on the planet for somehow allowing my bank account to get hacked... help me give enough funds to cover the amount I need to my groceries delivered. Which of course once my bank puts the money back in my account I can give this person... but ohh that doesn't matter oh no... I'm still the idiot that somehow let thieves steal the money in the first place! 🙄 To just land a nuclear bomb on top this shit Sunday. They do help, sends money to PayPal, I go check my PayPal account... PayPal has taken more then half the money that was sent to me. I'm about ready to fucking scream, slam my head against the wall, just sit and cry for a few hours. I do none of these things because Void I just have me. Instead I fucking call PayPal, literally end up arguing with one their call center workers. Gets them to shut it. Because while they explaining some bullshit to me, I text the person that sent me the money ask if the could please send me a scene shot of the transaction from their PayPal. I ask the PayPal call center rep if I send it to them. Which they said yes, so atleast established the amount that was sent. So now PayPal has no idea why their computer system took it upon its self to take half the fucking money!! 😡 I have wait until Monday to speak to this other dept in PayPal that only open during the business week. Just fucking fabulous.
So the rest of my day has been spent having just little things popping off to. I've noticed when I've had a day of big things going to shit, little things that would mostly not be so made just seem far more frustrating then they should be!!
The truly sad thing Void is I just wanted to get my grocery delivery set up for tomorrow so I'd have food. Now I have no fucking idea when that might be...
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youareunbearable · 2 years
I swear I wrote this down before, but I cant find it in any of my notes so here's a little fun idea! When the world gets recreated so its no longer Arda Marred, I think the Valar got together and Looked at the Finwe problem and shrugged and decided to make all of Miriel and her descendants Maiar to slove that tricky little problem of Remarriage.
Because the Feanorians are now Maiar, they aren't technically born, meaning they aren't really siblings and part of the same family so there is no real issue in separating them now is there?
Miriel is one of Vaire's weavers of course, and Feanor is one of Aule's most talented smiths, but that is understandable as he is the spirit of Hearth Fire itself. There are others within Aule's Halls, but their knowledge of each other is passing, for Celebrimbor tends to stay with the jewelry makers and Curufin likes creating hunting gear for Orome's hunt
Orome is almost never seen without his most prized hunter, Celegorm, who prefers a form that looks more wolf than Elf.
Vana, Orome's wife, herself has a pair of giggling and twittering songbirds that follow her around as she follows her husband's Hunt. They dance and sing and twirl in sync that many often just call the pair of them by a singular name, Ambarussa.
Irmo within his forest full of Song and Music has a very talented Maia that is so in tune with thr Song that they can play with it however they choose. Maglor only uses this ability to give the Elves good dreams, of course.
Este is forever thankful of her assistant Caranthir, who keeps all her medical necessities and books in order, so she is always prepared to help those in need, even if he himself doesn't have the best beside manner.
Lady Nienna’s Maia, Maedhros is a bit more of a recluse. He is charming when spoken too, but there is something distant, some type of lingering melancholy that clings to him, like a weak dawn in the deepest days of winter. He tends to hide himself away in the forests surrounding Formenos, helping those who are lost find their way back home.
Then there are Finwe and his beautiful wife Indis, their children, and many grandchildren. They are a stunning example of a happy family, and all the citizens of Tirion love having them as their royal family. Nothing is ever wrong, even when Fingolfin’s daughter Aredhel got lost during a hunt, she was lucky enough to be escorted back to her worried brothers' camp.
Fingon, who had never felt the degree of terror that flooded his veins at the thought of his sister lost in the woods, terror that was much stronger than what was called for because what could befell her in their peaceful land of Valinor?
She was being ferried on the back of a behemoth of a horse, pristine and laughing at the antics of the silver wolf-like Maia walking at her side. The horse was being led by a silent Maia, who smiled softly at the pair but made no move to include himself.
Fingon looked up at the tall Maia, and felt something in his fea shatter. He always had felt like something was missing, that he would havr an urge to go looking for someone he could never find, catch himself looking up to share an idea with someone who must have been taller than him only to look up at empty air. His bed felt so cold, but no matter how high he tended the hearth flames he knew it was because it was empty. He would look to the distant mountains and see a dawn peaking over their tops and weep as something in his fea ached.
Everything felt so overwhelming when he looked at this Maia, this being that looked cold, who wore furs and had snow dusting his shoulders even though it was a warm sunny summer day. Fingon was so lost in the sensations swirling within him that he was too slow to act before the Maia helped Aredhel off his horse, swung up himself and was out of the clearing. That wolfish Maia giving his sister a laughing twirl before bounding off into the thicket, chasing after the distant horn call.
Fingon’s knees felt weak, he found himself sinking to the forest floor. This world may be Arda Remade, but he still felt Marred.
#amber rambles#Silmarillion#maedhros#Feanorians#fingon#there was more to this that i thought i wrote down#basically the story is in Arda Remade fingon finds that he is the only one in his family that feels Off#he doesnt knkw why. no one has memories of arda marred but fingon knows he lost something precious to him in the remaking#finwe is worried for his eldest grandson. he doenst know why seeing someone he loves turn so melancholic makes him afraid#it just does. so he urges fingon to visit Lorien to soothe his Fea and heal#here he meets Caranthir and Maglor and he feels a connection to both and spends a lot of his time he#there bothering the both of them and he shares his feelings with maglor who just humms and agrees with him#that the Music within his fea is missing something.maybe someone? maybe hes supposed to go out and find them#maglor tells him to let the Music guide him and Caranthir gives him supplies and then fingon is off#he travels around Valinor by himself. where he meets the other non-Feanorians and feels pieces slot together#his most eye opening experience was meeting with the Maia Feanor and his Elf lover Nerdanel up in Formenos#she agrees with him that what hes feeling is valid as she also lost something in the Remaking#she cannot have children and this aches as she has dreams of a full house and 7 perfect sons that are no longer hers#she shows him her sculptures and as he looks he realizes he has met most of them on his journey! not elves like she has created#but Maiar who under their unnatural differneces look almost identical to these sculptures#he pauses at the last one. the unfamiliar one. Nerdanel sighs and says she feels like this one was her first born#the one she lost even before the Remaking. Fingon feels the same. this face makes him ache.#he wanders the forest that night haunted by these people. these elves he feels like he should know but doesnt. hes so in his thoughts#he doesnt realize hes lost. he calls out into the woods and hears nothing call back but his echos. a chill crawls up his spine#his breath begins to fog and there is a sound behind him and he twirls and there is rhat sculpture. his missing piece#Dont Worry. the figure of Winter and Memory says to him. I Found You#You Found Me. Fingon replies
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