#it only took my internet going out a boredom
vveirdnobdy · 1 year
I come to inform you all, that the outline for Og!Cale getting Super Rock is finally finished. And the preparations for a sequel are already being made. Ndndnd
Anyway 16k words later, and now I have to add even more and edit it. But soon it shall be done.
In celebration enjoy one little leak from the ending of it!
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lovverletters · 2 months
I've been scrolling through your blog, you've got some pretty cute stuff. I loved the serial killer piece. Food for thought, just a little treat- yandere hacker. Serially online genius who falls in love with a small time content creator, and would go on revenge streaks to try and "protect" His darling from trolls
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A/N : i miss 707. have some yan hacker instead.
T/W : yandere theme, mentions of doxxing, mentions of harassment, invasion of personal information
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
" Thanks for the 20 dollar donation 'L3M0NP1E' !! "
[name] thanked the donor with a grateful smile. Being a smaller content creator, receiving donation is quite a rare feat especially with the small size of audience they currently have.
They had only begun making content a few months ago out of boredom under the name of [alias name]. It started with them posting videos of gameplay commentary video, that by a stroke of luck gained traction.
Viewers find their awkward and bizarre commentary that's paired by theirㅡ admittedly horribleㅡ skills in video gaming entertaining and stucked around for more.
[name] was grateful of their supportive and positive followings, they've heard countless horror stories of small content creators being harassed by trolls due to lack of moderation.
They're thankful of the fact that they have yet to encounter any and hope that it'll stay that way.
" Chat, should I go in that room? I feel like if I do, the killer would corner me like a bully asking for my lunch money " [name] turned to read their live chat to seek for the viewer's opinion.
" I see plenty of 'Yes', if I die here it's on you okay~ " They snorted before moving their character to enter the sketchy room only to be killed by the killer the moment they step foot inside of it.
" What did I say, chat?! Like a fucking loser I not only got my lunch money stolen but I was also given a wedgies by that motherfucker! " They hysterically laughed as the chat goes crazy.
It took them a moment to settle down from their fit of laughter and resumed the game. As they were playing through it and talking to the viewers, they noticed a familiar name popping up on the fast paced chat.
edgelord404 : hello. I had a business to attend to earlier, what did I missed?
A smile bloomed on [name]'s feature seeing the message in their chat. This particular viewerㅡ edgelord404ㅡ was one of their viewer they recognized from their early days when the view count barely cracked a hundred on their postings.
" edgelord404 hey! welcome to the stream, we're trying to break into this old granny's bank account and steal her retirement funds "
" Not in real life of course. Don't be silly! " They clarified by emphasizing their words.
edgelord404 : sounds illegal.
edgelord404 : I can help. I got experiences.
[name] began wheezing from how much they laughed. True to their username, edgelord404 loves to spout the most edgy and emo things. They have to admit, it did lights up their days from edgelord404 attempt at humor.
As they were about to respond to edgelord404's comments, they noticed the chat being flooded by less than pleasant comments. They immediately recognized it as to be the work of internet trolls trying to get a rise out of the creator they're harassing.
Before they could attempt at defusing the situation, all of the comments instantly disappeared. [name] and their viewers were confused but the latter assumed that [alias name] got everything under controlled and thought nothing of it.
peachesandcrem : what just happened💀
edgelord404 : you were saying?
" Uhㅡ yeah. Anyways as I was sayingㅡ "
That was odd. Huh.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──��───»
Saehoon leaned back against his chair, a satisfied smirk on his face. He watches [alias name], his favourite content creator playing a random game they had interest in.
The stream went along smoothly until a minor turbulence appeared but nothing that he couldn't deal with. Although, he isn't entirely done with the trolls who had invaded his beloved's chat and tried to cause a ruckus.
He had encountered [alias name]'s page a few months ago, right when they had just started with zero following. Saehoon decided to watch them to kill some time but didn't anticipated for him to fall for them instantly.
It could've been the fact that he was the only one watching them failed at the same obstacle over and over againㅡ that it felt intimate. Their bizarre humour and commentary only adds up to their charms that made him fall even deeper.
It didn't take quite a while for Saehoon to dig up information behind the content creator whom had captivated him. Being a genius hacker himself, it is something he was used to doing on a dailyㅡ for work purposes obviously.
Within a few clicks, he has the entirety of [alias name]'s information in his palm. Such as their real name, [name]. Their location, acquaintances, friends, family, their backgrounds and even more.
" [name] .. " Saehoon uttered their name once he obtained their information. It sounded perfect, the way it rolls on his tongueㅡ they were perfect for him.
As time passes, he noticed them slowly gaining popularity and he couldn't help but feel proud of how much they had grown. Admittedly, he was somewhat responsible for pushing out their contents by messing with the algorithm.
Though, he would never take credit for their success of course, he just aided them and the rest is purely their hardwork.
Although he isn't keen on sharing [name] with others, he'd comfort himself with the thought that only he knows such intimate knowledge of [name] that none of their other viewers or fans knows.
Another annoyance that came with [name]'s success is the incessant waves of trolling that comes with it. Normally, he wouldn't care but if it involves his beloved [name]? they best count their lucky stars that he only leaked their doxxes online and not done worse.
Saehoon believed that [name] should invest in some moderator but he's aware that they couldn't afford to pay them. Perhaps he should offered himself someday, that way he could not only openly protects [name] from internet trollsㅡ he could also be closer to them.
Speaking of trolls, he contemplate on what he should do as a revenge for their pathetic attempt at harassing [name]. He'd leaked their personal information as usual of course but he's feeling quite spiteful today, perhaps he should dig up their embarassing past and posted it onlineㅡ or he could post a selfie of theirs that had never been seen before on a forum board.
They'll pay the price of crossing path with [name] and in turn him as well.
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why do so many people keep calling ed izzy's abuser? I thought it was kind of funny how wrong they were at first because I love being right but at this point I feel like, if you really believe that why do you even like this show? where the main love interest is a violently abusive indigenous man? that sounds boring as shit. what would possess the writers of the show for them to make such an awful decision?
but then I think, if this many people believe it does that mean I'm the one who's wrong? or is it that the creators fumbled that storyline when they should have been clearer about it? or maybe it's just that most people on here have had their reading comprehension scorched away by Sherlock Holmes conspiracy theories and Steven Universe discourse. I can't tell. sometimes I think the internet may have been a mistake.
No they're wrong here's what's going on. People all read this shitty fic called Hell or High Water where Ed was everything the Izzy stans say he was and then instead of realizing that Ed is sad everyone regressed into thinking that the Kraken Era TM was going to be incredibly violent, like serial killing blond men because they look like Stede levels of violence. Even if you didn't read HoHW you saw art or read fic from people who had engaged with this fic and succumbed to it's premise. So there's been this background radiation of misunderstanding what the Kraken is on the fandom for several months. So inevitably when Ed did some mild violence and then attempted suicide by threatening murder until the crew took matters into their own hands, which is not abuse or torture by any stretch, btw, it's a murder-suicide at worst (I say at worst because I consider it fuckery-suicide I don't think Ed was trying to kill people I think he was trying to force them into a situation where they thought it was kill or be killed so that they would choose to kill him, but that is my interpretation and you are free to think it's a botched murder-suicide I have no problem with that), which, murder is something the show has never condemned and if it did it would be horribly inconsistent. So anyway, Ed's whole Kraken Era was categorized in the show by him being sad and doing so many drugs and begging someone please god anyone to kill him and trying to break Ned Low's record out of the evil boredom, but because it had a murder-suicide element to it and Izzy's toes were getting removed and he waved a gun around at everyone once (in a way that felt to me like he was trying and failing to work up the nerve to blow his own brains out but I digress) people who liked HoHW and were mad that people had called it out were like "see hes being violent HoHW author vindicated" as if anything Ed did rose to the level of that fic
And you want to know how I know this read is bullshit? Because when I watch the show with people who don't read fic or interact with the fandom and then I gauge their reactions without showing my hand they all implicitly understand that Ed is reacting to Izzy in a way appropriate to how pirate captains react to threats from subordinates. The spectrum of reactions has been from "hey isn't it weird how Ed was the Kraken because his dad was abusive and now he's the kraken because of Izzy? Maybe there's something there but idk" to "I don't think you can apply the logic of domestic abuse to a pirate captain and first mate but also Izzy had it coming" to "I cannot feel bad for Izzy after last season, I'm sorry." To "lmao Izcel" and I've showed this show to roughly everyone I know. The only thing I can conclude from the fact that people who don't engage with OFMD fic almost unilaterally thinking that Izzy is in the wrong and then coming online to see people thinking the opposite is that Izzy as victim and Ed as abuser is pure fanon, like how Stede is a cinnamon roll who talks like Azeriphael.
But anyway yeah you're completely right about the fact that this would be a bad show if they decided to make Ed into a domestic abuser. I don't want to watch a rom com about a domestic abuser falling in love and I don't want a show that decided to make it's indigenous lead abusive when the stereotype of indigenous men as abusers is still to this day used as an excuse to separate indigenous children from their families and put them with white Christians in order to erase their culture. Good thing OFMD didn't make Ed abusive, so I still like the show.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 11 months
Imagine Watching the Glass Bottle on Stair Videos on Patrol with Bruce
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It’s a clear night in Gotham, where if the lights of the city all burned out, you’d be able to see the stars. The rouges and petty criminals of the city seem to all be asleep in their beds, cozy, dreaming about their newest schemes. You and Bruce had split up to patrol the bank district of Gotham one last time before calling it an early night. After swinging building to building, not seeing any trouble brewing, you were satisfied with your work.
            “All clear in 508.” You said into your earpiece, “It’s also kind of cold out here, we should get hot chocolate or something on the way home.” 
            “Almost cleared 513.” A gruff voice replied, “I told you it was going to be chilly.”
            “You didn’t say no on that hot drink though.” A smirk formed on your face and translated in your voice, “Consider it a reward for braving the cold when there’s literally no one out here.” 
            You heard a laugh on the other end, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go through somewhere. I’ll tell Alfred.” “ETA in 10 minutes.”
            With that, you settled into a boredom with the night. There wasn’t anything to burn off steam, no one to string up from your favorite gargoyle, and no Bat whose cape you could use for warmth. You turned on your phone and opened YouTube to search for entertainment. In your suggested you saw a compilation video of random people tossing glass bottles down stairs. 
            “Well, this looks like something.” You mumbled to yourself, tapping on the video.
As you watched the video, you became engulfed in watching the Vodka and pickle jars smash on marble or concreate surfaces. It was the most enthralling thing you saw all night, and probably the most mundane thing you’d see on patrol for the rest of the week. 
A few minutes passed and you were leaned up on a gargoyle, phone resting on the flat stone foundation, and your feet behind you so that you looked like you were doing a sad plank. The only thing interrupting your bliss was the swooshing sound of a cape and heavy footsteps coming behind you. You didn’t have to turn around to know it was Bruce. 
“Whatcha watching?” He asked, placing a hand on your ass and shifting to be closer to your side.
“Those glass bottles falling down stairs.” You said not taking your eyes off the small screen, “See this one is Vodka, so it’ll break immediately.” 
“I hope you’re not getting any ideas.” Bruce said, getting into the same position as you to observe the phenomena closer to you, “Alfred would definitely not approve.”
“No, no, I don’t plan on busting my butt trying to clean up after this.” You quipped, “But I will watch others set themselves up for that.” 
Bruce continued to watch for a few more seconds before standing back up, “You know if you want that hot drink, we should leave.”
“You’re probably right.... Just watch these Orbees.” You sighed watching the colorful cascade of little balls fly down the steps.
“Yeah, Alfred would definitely kill you for that.” Bruce pulled you up and took you by the waist as you tucked your phone back into your pocket.
He quickly dipped his head, stealing a warm kiss from you. Your nose was cold on his cheek but that didn’t bother him. The two of you zipped down the side of the building and climbed into the Batmobile to retrieve a hot drink, and cozy up in bed to watch more videos of bottles being destroyed for the sake of satisfaction and internet views. 
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romana-after-dark · 11 months
Finish the Job
Yandere!Jake Lockley x GN!reader
Join Dark!Romana's tag list
Dark!Romana's Masterlist
Summary: After months living in a room with only Jake, Steven and Marc as company, you can't say you aren't content most of the time. Sometimes, however you make a little trouble and Jake reminds you that he is the only one who can keep you safe.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Yandere!Jake. Reader is kidnapped. Implied/referenced rape (reader 'never said no' according to jake, but rather just gave in after an unclosed amount of time bc they were lonely/manipulated. The circumstances of this are v vague but remember, if you feel like you have to, its not consent.) Jake Lockley typical violence. Referenced past abuse.
A/N: I began writing this fem reader, as most of my fics are since I am fem, but I realized there was no reason this couldn't be gender neutral. So, that's what it is. If I missed changing anything that makes it seem like reader is fem presenting, lmk and I'll edit it but I looked through this several times.
You couldn’t say the bed was uncomfortable. You couldn’t say the room was bland or boring. You couldn’t say you had nothing to do. It was a great room, actually. If you were being honest, you loved it here…
The problem was you couldn’t leave. When the man had taken you, it took a while to figure out what was going on with him; it was Steven that explained it, the DID. Honestly, maybe the mental disorder should have scared you more, but you were well versed in different disorders so it wasn’t something that phased you, rather than just made it a challenge to navigate your situation. You were given book after book after book to read, to entertain you when outside of Marc Steven and Jake’s company; it didn't matter how many you went through, you just had them. If you were feeling brave, you made requests but honestly after the boredom of the first month while you were still fighting it, you took what you could get. You were even given a laptop, although it couldn’t possibly connect to the internet, but you were writing. They didn’t even make you show them what you wrote, but Steven would often sit on the bed while you read to him your poems or short stories. You were saving your novel for when it’s finished.
Some days were better than others. 
Some days you and Steven talked for hours.
Some days you and Marc marathonned Star Wars.
Some days Jake held you so warm and so tightly you forgot they kidnapped you.
Today was not one of those days.
You were angry, you were upset, you missed your friends and you missed the outside, you wanted fresh air and you didn’t want to spread your legs for a man that took you away from everything you knew and wanted. 
“Why are you giving me so much fucking attitude today?!” Jake shouts at you, pacing the floor of your room so aggressively he had your throw rug all twisted up.
You were sat up on your bed, shouting back. “You KIDNAPPED ME, you HURT ME you RAPE ME-”
“CALLATE!” He screamed, storming towards you so fast you flinch and scramble back to the wall. “You know I don’t like when you call it that!”
A sardonic laugh. “What? Rape?”
“I never forced you! I never held you down! I never got you too drunk or high to resist-”
His face is suddenly right up to yours, so close your nose brushed his briefly as he speaks in a dark, quiet voice. “I never heard you say no, mi vida”
He was right. You hadn’t. But they had worn you down, twisted your mind so much that eventually you just began… giving in.
He continued talking, his voice rumbling with the low octive “I only hurt you in the beginning, carino. Just until you began to listen. You needed it, didn’t you? Someone to take you away from everything, take care of you, feed you. Baby, we adore you, and it hurts us when you fight like this.”
Your eyes wheeled up with tears at his words. It’s true, you had become so dependent on them… you weren’t sure you could even shower alone anymore. You’d be lucky if you remembered how to toast bread. Sickeningly, a part of you liked it. You liked he cared for, pampered, adored, and fuck, worshiped. You had time to write, time to listen to music and podcasts. If you need to look up something for a book or research something from a podcast that interested you, you just asked, and the boys would monitor you. You didn’t really need anything except some goddamn freedom. What was that they said in The Handmaid’s Tale? There’s freedom too, and freedom from… They offered you freedom from, and made that clear.
“The world is dangerous, precioso. You know that as well as I do… perhaps better.” With a cocked eyebrow, Jake referenced your past trauma’s, forcing the tears to spill over. “You are too precious, too perfect to be put at risk again. Your family didn’t protect you, but I will.”
Still, you are ever-defiant, shaking your head. “N-no… you aren’t protecting me. You’re hurting me…” but even then, you couldn’t manage much conviction. You hadn’t so much as burned your tongue since Steven, Marc, and Jake took you, and he was right… the rest was just discipline. 
Jake frowned, but simple stood up. He went over to your desk, taking out a Glee notepad he’d found on ebay for you and a pen, tossing them in your direction.
“Write them down, all the names.”
You look at him confused. “W-what names?”
He stalked forward, once again close to you.
“Give me the full name of anyone who has ever hurt you or touched you without your consent.” His gaze was focused, intense. You knew he was on a mission when he looked at you like that.
“I don’t… I don’t know all their full names…”
“If you have workplace addresses, any identifying information that’s helpful. I promise you, I’ll take whatever you give me and I will find them. Every single person who has ever caused you pain.”
“What are you going to do?” You didn’t really need to ask, but you did anyway.
“You and I both know. Now write.”
The list was long, longer than any one person’s list should be. A few, you only remembered their first name so you wrote down what you knew… Jake had his ways. Still, you had some cheek in you, and when Jake looked at the paper, he frowned.
“What the fuck is this.” He smacked the paper with his hand. After the list of people who had violated or harmed you before you came here, were three names Jake recognized right away.
Jake Lockley
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
“You told me to write the names of anyone who hurt me or touched me without-” SMACK! Your head flung to the side from the backhand, and when your turned back to face him, his hand gripped your throat.
“You think this is funny, carino?” His face pressed against yours. “How do you think Marc would feel if he saw his name on that list?”
Your lip quivered at that… you didn’t want Marc to see. Marc was special to you, and Jake knew it; he often exploited your relationship with his alter for his own benefit.
“I’m sorry” You cried, apologetic.
His grip on you loosened, and he looked back at you with sympathetic eyes. Letting go, he tore the bottom three names off the paper and tucked the offenders into his pocket. “I know you are, amor. Now, you sit here pretty, and don’t worry about a damn thing for the rest of your life, si?”
It took about a month. He never left you for more than one day at a time, but he always made sure you had food and were provided for, even giving you access to the bathroom. You didn’t dare even look for an exit; they wouldn’t have left anything vulnerable, and you were on camera, you knew. It would just cause trouble.
It was after one of those such nights where you were alone that he came back to you, still somehow looking put together after being out all night. You knew he hadn’t slept. You awake to his footsteps, heavy boots on your polished hard wood floor. As you stir, a piece of paper is placed on your pillow.
Sitting up you rub your eyes. “Jake, what’s- ” But you are stopped in the middle of your sentence. Every single name is crossed out on the list you had given him. “Does… does what mean they are dead?”
He steps forward, slipping to stand between your knees and bedding over, placing his hands on your thighs. His face was intensely close to yours, dark eyes piercing yours. You lean forward, accepting him in, existing in his precise. Jake did this for you. You were safe here, none of these people could hurt you… but because they had, whether months ago or decades, it didn’t matter. They were dead because they had crossed you, because they had dared to touch what Jake Lockley laid claim to. Jake, Marc and Steven… they were where you belonged.
 “Jake Lockley finishes the job.”
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @howaboutcastiel @the-fox-den @fandxmslxt69
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megumi-fm · 5 months
☆ little changes in my routine with big positive impacts ☆
sleep schedule: after years of trying to make the regular 10pm-6am sleep cycle work for me, I have decided to stop. time is a construct and there is no reason to sleep or wake up at 'conventional time' if my body clock is different. recently I've been going to bed at around 12:30pm/1:00am and I wake up at around 7:30am- which seems to be my body wake time. because of this, I wake feeling refreshed although I'm getting lesser hours of sleep. in fact, I wake up before my alarm rings on most days, and it's always a joy to learn that I get to spend ten more minutes in bed before my clock rings xD
night showers: another thing that has greatly helped my sleep is taking a shower a bit before bed. I find it really calming and as a way of actively processing the day and clearing my head before going to bed. I can also skip morning showers on days I need to get to work early. Plus, clean clothes and clean sheets help me sleep better. the only disadvantage to this is that I'm a shower singer and I tend to get in the feels and belt out notes to my favourite songs, which I can't do anymore considering the fact that my shower is around 11am and I shouldn't be disturbing the neighbors :P
switching out social media: deleting social media apps was the easy part. the real challenge was trying to find things to do in those spark moments of boredom when I find myself on the phone. I tried reading ebooks, but I wasn't able to focus. so I started bookmarking links I find interesting so that I can check them out whenever I get the urge to doomscroll. a lot of studyblr link cool videos or articles on their dop posts often, but most of my links come from the Tom Scott Newsletter. unlike the tiredness that comes with doomscrolling, I always feel refreshed and smarter when I use my phone lately. the urge to use my phone has weaned off as well.
digital journaling: when I first started journaling several years ago, it just did not work for me. I think I was more focused on writing everything in a certain way and implementing trackers and spreads that weren't functional for me. but I switched to notion for the past few months and stripped down the journalling process to it's bare essentials. I add a to-do list for the day, a cute picture I either took or found on the internet, and a note on how my day went and how I felt. there's also a checkbox for sleep, water, and exercise. sometimes I add notes on stuff I watch or read, but for the most part it's just this. it takes me just 15min, and I can update it as and when I like because of the phone app, and it helps me stay productive and motivated for the whole day. sometimes I embed gifs of my fav blorbos and go on about them 🤭
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bmodiwrites · 1 year
Eddie sits stoically outside his gate at the airport. His flight's been delayed three times now and there's no sign of that status changing. He curses his manager for the billionth time that day - Eddie wanted to drive from the start. Now, he's stuck in an airport surrounded by unhappy people, impatient workers, and a teenaged boy that keeps staring at him.
It's understandable, the stare. Eddie has his customary airport garb on; he's so recognizable no matter what he does, it's pointless to try and hide. Instead, he wears a beanie pulled over his curls so they're not so prominent, while big framed glasses sit on his nose to obscure the odd color of his eyes. After years of avoiding fans, Eddie knows it's all about blending in, not standing out. Though he's doing a good job of exactly that, some people are more persistent than others.
The young boy stares at him with an intensity that's kind of unsettling. Eddie knows that the kid knows who he is, there's no use trying to ignore that any longer. For some odd reason, Eddie's music is starting to become popular with the new aged teens. Despite not understanding what his heavy rock music does for a youngster not raised in the age of metal, he's trying to get behind a different fanbase starting to flock towards his creations. Maybe it's the timeless look Eddie's never allowed to be taken from him that draws in all the new fans. Whatever the reason, Eddie's now being recognized by high school kids all over the place.
Trying to avoid any sort of confrontation, Eddie gets up from his seat to check the flight's status on the departures board. It's bittersweet to see that nothing has changed. Sucking in a breath, Eddie heads back to where he was - except, the kid from before is sitting a couple chairs down from him instead of across the way. There's a brief second where Eddie thinks about ignoring the kid and moving on all together. Something stops him and he moves to sit down, instead.
It takes all of ten minutes for the boy to lean over and say "you're Eddie Munson, right?" It's whispered and done in such a conspiratorial tone that Eddie can't help but laugh. His previous thoughts about grunting out an answering affirmative and signing a quick autograph fly from his head. Suddenly, the cure for boredom is right in front of him.
In answer to the kids question, Eddie brings a finger to his lips in a 'shh' motion and winks. The flush of redness that overtakes the teen's cheeks is worth the extra ten minutes he's going to have to take out of his day to answer what are more than likely going to be inane questions. He's surprised then, when the kid starts talking about himself, instead.
"I'm trying to make it to my Uncle's place for the holidays. My parents, they decided they didn't want me around anymore and he's the only family I have." There's a pause just long enough for the kid to take a breath before he continues. "I've never not been with my family for New Year's." His tone is wistful and sad, familiar to Eddie in such a visceral way that he ditches his attitude and actually listens. His story sounds like Eddie's before Wayne took him under his wing. He understands this kid more than the boy will ever know.
"Home is where you create it, kid. You'll come to see that the family you make is exactly what you've always needed. The right people will come into your life. Just give it some time." Eddie wishes someone told him that all those years ago. The journey to the peace he now feels was a long one, one that took a lot of grit and determination to make it through.
Eddie thinks that might be the end of it, but the kid eventually speaks up again. "Where's home for you? The internet doesn't have much information on Corroded Coffins' coveted lead singer." That gets a snort out of Eddie which makes his young friend smile wide. It's a nice enough look that Eddie throws caution to the wind and answers honestly. There's a reason his personal life is so hard to keep track of but this kid is more than likely not a threat.
"That's a complicated question. I spend more time on the road than I do in any permanent place." It's enough of his current reality to answer the kid's question, but it's not the entirety of it. The piece of his life he always leaves out makes his chest ache like it has been for the past fifteen years. The world isn't ready for a truth like that.
Though, Eddie's never met someone like the teenager looking at him so curiously. There's a knowing gleam in his eye that makes him think of Dustin sitting at the D&D table. He's about to get hit with something profound that Eddie's got know idea how to handle.
"Kind of a cop out answer, don't you think? I'm not some fancy reporter - who am I going to tell?" There's an edge to the kid's voice now, one that makes Eddie think he's been brushed off a time or two too many.
With a sigh, Eddie turns more fully to the kid, dropping his voice so it's clear it's important that only the two of them hear what he's about to say. "Home isn't a place for me. There's a person in my life that acts as an anchor, no matter where I am. He's - " Eddie falters for a second and quickly corrects himself "they're usually here with me but our best friend just had her second baby. I wouldn't be so worried about getting anywhere with such impatience usually, but home is calling."
Suddenly, Eddie understands why the kid looks so damn sad - why, after knowing that Eddie didn't really want to talk, he persisted, anyway. The look that crosses over that innocent little face says it all. Eddie's slip up in mentioning the one that calls him home bridges a gap he doesn't even know is there until he's on the other side of the divide standing next to some strange yet familiar soul. The boy looks close to tears, though they appear to the happiest kind one could cry.
"It gets better, kid. I promise you that." The words are out of Eddie's mouth before he can stop them, but that doesn't really matter. The look of hope that crosses over his face is more than enough for Eddie. He knows he's in the clear with this fan, his secrets are safe. For once, Eddie's glad to be right where he is, sharing something about himself with a random stranger.
Especially when the kid says "I can't wait to have that," in this dreamy tone Eddie hasn't heard since he was a teen himself. It's invigorating and enough of an eye opener that Eddie jumps out of his seat.
Digging into his bag, Eddie finds one of his personal business cards, holds it out to the kid with a grin. "If you need a reminder you're not alone. It was good to meet you - " Eddie stops then, waiting for the kid to fill in the blank.
"I'm Xander, Xander Cole. It was nice to meet you, Eddie Munson." Xander blushes and drops his head to take in a breath. "Thank you. For what you said."
Nodding casually, like he didn't just change someone's life, Eddie beams one last smile over at him. "Good luck, Xander. I've got to get home now."
Eddie doesn't wait to see the way Xander's brightens or the knowing grin that starts to overtake his young face. The kid will never understand just what he's done for Eddie, how he's helped him, too. There's a special sort of joy that comes from knowing the little things in life, like having empathy and being a good person, still matter. Xander's got a life full of challenges ahead of him but Eddie's confident the kid is smart enough to figure himself out. After all, he set Eddie straight.
It's a long haul of a drive that feels like a thousand miles by the time Eddie's pulling into Robin's driveway. Virginia is a gorgeous place that Eddie's never taken the time to appreciate. Driving through it gave him the chance to take in the thick foliage draped in picturesque snow. There's nothing like the glint of sunrise off a blanket of freshly fallen powder. Eddie's already writing lyrics about it in the back of his head.
He's impatient to get out of the car, though, so Eddie doesn't worry about his luggage or the presents he's got with him, or even the day old clothes that are still covering his body. Shaky hands slam the car into park and he's out of his seat before it's probably safe to be. The keys are still in the ignition, he's so impatient.
The warmth of familiarity and comfort engulf Eddie the moment he steps inside. There's a bit of noise in the house, though it's still pretty early in the morning. He tries to be quiet as he walks further into the house but Eddie's Eddie - a klutz through and through. His elbow bangs against the banister as he treads through the foyer. It's enough of a commotion to halt the movement in the kitchen before what seems like a stampede comes barreling towards him.
Eddie's breath catches when he sees Steve standing there, looking right back at him. They stare for a moment, both caught up on the feeling of finally coming home. Always the first one to lose patience, Eddie narrows the space down between them until Steve's in his arms. The hug they share is fierce and firm, much like the intensity and stability of the relationship they've been building for years upon years. Xander reminded him that family is what's important, that home, no matter the person, or place, is worth the hassle of an unscheduled trip.
As they break apart, Steve presses a kiss to the tip of his nose, making the both of them smile. "You're here earlier than we expected. Robin said you wouldn't make it before the ball dropped." Steve kisses Eddie again, lingering in his space. "Glad you decided to prove her wrong."
"That's my main mission in life, sweetheart," Eddie says, reaching up to brush some stray hair from Steve's forehead. There's a chuckle and then a soft hand on Eddie's cheek guiding him back to look directly in Steve's eyes.
"Welcome home, Eddie."
Grinning, Eddie whispers "there's no place like you, Stevie" before finally leaning in and kissing Steve's lips.
It really is good to be home.
click for part two here
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aces-sweetheart · 7 months
So for my request, can you write a drabble featuring Reigen and a gn reader with bondage, gags and humiliation please? In the story, Reigen loses a bet with the reader and has to be their bondage subject. So he has to be stripped naked, tied up and heavily tape gagged and is sexually played with in front of a livestreaming audience.
thank you for the request! it's my first time writing for him even though he's one of my favs lmao. i hope you enjoy 🫶
♥ pairing: reigen x gn!reader (no pronouns or anatomy specified)
♡ smut: SMUT
♥  warnings/info: tape gag, bondage (his hands are tied behind his back), livestreaming, degradation (reigen receiving), handjob, masturbation mention, i had takoyaki one (1) time i don't know how much would make someone full lmao
It was hard to believe that this was the man that you thought of when you lay awake in bed at night, hand down your pants as you pleasured yourself. Crumbs covered his face and he was audibly scarfing down each piece of takoyaki like it was his last meal. Why you agreed to an eating competition with him, you had no clue. Maybe boredom; it had been pretty slow at Spirits and Such lately and you could only occupy yourself by helping Mob with his homework for so long. You weren’t sure you could beat him until you saw him shoving piece after piece into his mouth the second you called go. Rather than follow his approach, you opted to pace yourself, making sure to take a few seconds between each piece you finished. Just as you expected, a look of discomfort spread across Reigen’s face and he brought the pieces to his mouth slower and slower until he lowered his head to the table. 
“Thirty.” He mumbled into the wooden surface. You just hummed and bit into another ball. You two sat in silence while he dealt with his stomachache and you continued to eat. After a few moments you lightly tapped on his shoulder, causing him to lift his head up. You almost felt bad for what you were about to do but the smirk on your face said otherwise.
“Thirty one.” 
This was the first time in his life that Reigen had been speechless. It made sense though; how was he supposed to speak through the duct tape covering his mouth? He was laying with his face pressed against the sheets, tied hands resting at the small of his arched back and his ass facing the webcam. This wasn’t the penalty he assumed you would pick. He thought you would want a free meal or a day off but not to get him off on stream while he was tied up and gagged. He spit out his coffee when you told him but agreed nonetheless; something like this was bound to happen with all the building sexual tension between you two.
Your hand stroked his cock rough and fast, causing his entire body to shudder. His legs wobbled like a fawn’s, barely able to hold himself up at the onslaught of stimulation. If he thought you’d go easy on him at the beginning, he was sorely mistaken. 
“I bet you love being watched.” He moaned against the tape covering his mouth and shook his head into the mattress. You laughed and slowed your pace, nearly stopping. A muffled whine slipped through the tape. 
“Don’t even try to hide it.” You tightened your grasp on his cock as your hand slid further up the shaft. When you reached the tip, you took off one finger to collect some of the precum dripping out. “Everyone can see what a little slut you are.” With one hand you spread one of his asscheeks, giving the audience a better view of your pre-cum covered finger circling his twitching hole. It was mortifying being so on display for strangers on the internet but also incredibly arousing. Knowing that hundreds of people were watching him in his most vulnerable state made more sounds slip from his lips as his cock twitched and shot after shot of cum landed on the sheets beneath him. 
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lordeemailarchive · 8 months
Pure Heroine turns 10
Living in Ruins of a Palace within My Dreams
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Photo by Simeon Patience
Firstly, I wanna say thank you for your extremely supportive and kind messages after my last newsletter. I genuinely feel deeply cared for, less alone, and more sure that things will be okay after sending it! Albeit with a slight overshare hangover. I think a part of me knew that I had hit a wall, and that I needed to invite in the compassion and understand I’d been struggling to generate on my own, and then I’d have something to draw from and mirror. It feels like it’s working. I feel incredibly grateful that we have this relationship, that we can each give when the other needs it. Beautiful stuff x
Now, might U have noticed it’s 2013 mode round here????????? Yes that’s right, it’s a very special anniversary… Pure Heroine is... ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。TEN ˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚ YEARS ˚༘♡ ⋆。˚ OLD ੈ✩‧₊˚ TODAY ! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
You may (like me most of the time) hold the opinion that this album has been MYTHOLOGISED QUITE ENOUGH, but a milestone is a milestone, so I thought coming here and typing some shit to u about this time would be a fun thing for those who care.
2 xxxxtra special ltd time only commemorative designs by Hassan, who did the original of this bootleg tee 10 years ago❤️
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It’s close to midnight, and I’ve just finished scrolling through my entire computer and phone archive from 2011-2013. Going on this memory lane ride has reminded me, for one thing, what a different time it was technologically. We were just starting to be able to see ourselves in real time, but we weren’t constantly connected. I had an iPod touch until halfway through 2013, which didn’t have a front camera or internet access, and my sister and I shared a MacBook, which is where we did our schoolwork and I wrote my lyrics. I took my first few years of selfies on Photo Booth…. Just let that… sink in!!!
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Note the Royals Nat Geo pic in background— it’s happening...
When I was fourteen, my greatest work of art was my bedroom. A very cool, very classic teenage bedroom, Andie’s and Duckie’s from Pretty in Pink meets the Virgin Suicides— fairy lights, fabric on the ceiling, candles, stolen road signs (badman), paper lanterns, beer crate shelves, magazine pictures and club night posters and permanent marker on the walls. Bliss! I’d sit up there and vibe out, taking a lot of selfies. Creating a small-scale work of art using the self, and then examining the product from every angle, was the best method I had to express myself and exercise creativity at that time, and I now see it as an important PH incubation phase, whether I knew it or not. Something really amazing about a young person starting to see their own face and body for the first time, coming to a very secret understanding that they are beautiful. 
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I started to smoke weed, which gave me a deeper understanding of sensory pleasure, and allowed me to start to see my world as a possible work of art. I’d go on long walks around the neighbourhood, and began to mythologise the stuff around me (big empty floodlit rugby fields/bus rides/dark streets/boredom/isolation) into the motifs that would become Pure Heroine. I wore a lot of like, navy lipsticks from the 2 dollar shop. God, this aesthetic, It’s just TOO MUCH.
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At some point in here, I met Joel, and another piece of the puzzle clicked into place. When you’re a teenager, you’re particularly sensitive to adults being condescending to you, not respecting the specific and finely tuned skills you have because of the ones you don’t. I was always on the look out for it, and from the first day meeting Joel, I knew that he would never give me that feeling. Which I’m sure wasn’t easy — my wallet at the time was the foot of a pair of tights that I cut off and knotted at the top — but somehow from the very beginning he made me feel like my ideas had value, like we were peers, in the most sensitive and age-appropriate way. 
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My view for thousands of hours making this album
We got on a call earlier this week and broke down the complete history of making the album. We both agreed that making Pure Heroine was deeply exciting and intimate and free, and still one of our most treasured experiences. I’ve linked it here.The second half of 2013 is when I really met the world, went to America and Australia and Europe for the first time. I found an incredible (for some reason Christmas themed) disposable camera image of my stage outfits all over the floor of my hotel room, which really sums up how ad hoc everything was at the beginning — a jetlagged sixteen year old, late for lobby call and frantically stuffing thousands of dollars of borrowed clothes into a suitcase. 
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In this stage, it felt like I pulled everything off by the skin of my teeth. Every week was the most exciting week of my whole life, I was so tired and still didn’t have a winter coat and took everyone clamouring for a piece of me completely for granted. I had zero cultural context, had no idea if an interview or TV show was huge or small, and so breezed through it all truly not giving a fuck. I am not a naturally nonchalant person, it was literally just too much to care about, I could hardly get up in the morning, so I just said absolutely whatever I felt like, all kinds of wild shit, if someone did something corny I’d say so, I was ruthless in that way that only teens are. Then through that year we went on our first tours, met you guys for the first time, hours and hours of hugs after the show, my favourite part so far and where it started to feel real for me. James took a lot of beautiful film photos through that time, and I’m really grateful he did.
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Ten years goes really fast. One minute you’re wearing a leather collar with a giant crystal hanging off it to a Chanel party, and the next you’re blonde. A lot of stuff isn’t good after ten years. But I am still totally touched by this sweet record. I have deep respect for the vision of the little one making it. 
Going back through all of this has reminded me of something that feels important to point out, whether you make art or not: everything starts out as a bunch of bullshit in a laptop. Pure Heroine was a handful of Photo Booth selfies and emotional Word documents and Tumblr posts (and a gorgeous over-decorated bedroom) before it was even one song. I had no reason, on paper, to believe that I was capable of anything. But if you can trust that the first impulse you had to create came from a place of deep wisdom, develop a few principles for your decision-making, and absorb a lot of stuff you find inspiring, you’ll have something special on your hands. Pure Heroine exists because I had the tiniest inkling of what I’ve now come to see as one of my guiding principles: that each of us have a handful of songs inside us that are ours, and only ours, to sing. Your specific interests and upbringing and physiology and experiences exist only in you; you are sitting on a gold mine that no one can rob. Whatever that means to you, whatever that statement you were born to make is, I invite you to take a big breath and make it.
All my love for another ten years of all this, and more, and more—
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(source: received this email)
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meetinginsamarra · 5 months
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update december 2023
sorted by word count/series
Mutual Attraction 94k , pre ASiP, different first meetings, casefic, pining
The day when a homeless drug addict and a suicidal ex-soldier met was the beginning of something until then unheard-of: Mutual Attraction. Of course, not all was what it looked like in the first place but the days of boredom, loneliness and lack of purpose were history. A case had to be solved, lives had to be saved and a developing relationship had to be tackled.
Here I Am -series, the pornwithoutplot which evolved into pornwithplot with feels and whump
The Toe that didn´t belong 6.9k, Part One
Every time John thought back to the occasion the funny thing was that the first thing he had noticed to be out of place had been a…toe.
The Embers still glow when I´m sober 14,5k, Part Two
When Sherlock woke up the morning after he actually felt good. Which was completely unexpected. Although he was sort of anxious about John´s reaction when he would notice that the punk who did not belong in his bed and who had coaxed him into having shameless sex last night was still there.
Gravity is missing from everything 23.5k, Part Three
People bumped into him, cussing and throwing death glares. Blocking their way, Sherlock stood frozen in a throng of commuters. “Are you high?” one shouted into his vacant face. Funnily enough he actually was not. This was all John´s fault. Inflicting a date on him. To have dinner.
Learn My Scars, 38k, written for whumptober 2022, Serbia and the aftermath
After being thrown down and strangled, Sherlock leaves John in the restaurant, angry and deeply hurt. When John follows Sherlock to 221b, he learns that Sherlock’s scars have not been acquired by “gallivanting around” for two years.
The 13th Book 26.5k,  a magical realism AU with demon Sherlock
Summoning a demon was actually quite simple if you could avoid getting killed in the process. Therefore, only the powerful, the desperate or the stupid would attempt it. John Watson was likely the first, definitely the second but hopefully not one of the third kind.
Wretched and Divine – series punklock and doctor John
Wretched and Divine 5.1k, Part One
Dr. John Watson is on call at the A&E when he attempts to treat a very special patient. Instead he finds himself a very special treat.
The Aftermath is Secondary 19.5k, Part Two
Will John and Sherlock really go on the agreed date in the infamous punkrock club “The Misfit”? Will their sexual tension finally be resolved? Is it really going to be dangerous? And will Sherlock really wear the promised fishnet top? (Oh God, yessss!)
Sherlock’s Secret Laboratory Journal 6k, my outlet for writing cracky hilarious Sherlock, will become a series with adding a chapter for each new experiment
What does a helplessly pining but absolutely clueless Sherlock do in order to woo an oblivious John? He turns to the internet for advice on the art of seduction and notes the experiments in his secret laboratory journal.
Oyster and Mushroom Soup 9k, Sherlock’s latest attempt at seduction, Part 2 of the Secret Lab Journal series
Sherlock’s second try to win over John involves a lot of special cooking recipes.
Slowly Suffocating 9.5k, TLD fix-it, written for whumptober 2023
Getting suffocated took some time. Enough time for Sherlock to ponder what went wrong. Hopefully also long enough for John to arrive and rescue him. Culverton Smith applied more pressure, impatient to turn Sherlock into a dead thing.
Winning a lost bet 8.2k, pole-dancing at the XMas party
A lost bet makes Sherlock and John perform a pole-dance in costumes at the Yard´s Christmas party. It was supposed to be humiliating but instead the couple nailed it.
Until the final breath escapes 1.9k, spooky Halloween fic
In a world turned hostile they hold onto their love until the final breath escapes.
Sherlock Ficlets for Writing Challenges 20 ficlets under 1000 words
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gearbox-dollhouse · 4 days
This essay was an exercise in using rhetorical devices for my literature class - the prompt was "convince someone to watch/read/play a media you enjoy". Obviously, I chose Marble Hornets. In this, I discuss the success of the series, what I enjoy about it, and why I believe it remains so popular to this day.
It's long so I'm putting it under a cut.
Marble Hornets (dir. Troy Wagner) was not only a marked success in amateur horror, it was so innovative that it created a new subgenre. Originally airing in 2009, it is considered nowadays to be a classic analog horror series, but the truth is that it existed at least in part before there was anything besides analog to work with. While the present-day footage from the series is shot with a digital camera, the camera used for the majority of the series would be considered vintage by today’s standards, and all past footage is shot on cassette tapes. Marble Hornets wasn’t just intended to be during a set period of time, it was filmed (mostly) during that time as well, with the exception of the tapes. It was one of the first analog horror series to hit the internet, following shortly after Steven Chamberlain’s No Through Road, which came out earlier the same year. It was the first series to bring the infamous Slenderman, or any being like it, to video, and was a genre-defining masterpiece that still holds up today despite the low budget and marks of amateur filmmaking.
But how did it get so popular, among the various other series coming out at the time? What made it so special? Marble Hornets was the pet project of a small group of friends, slowly recruiting actors for side characters, that was originally intended to just be a summer project to cure boredom and get the director’s mom off his back about getting a job. It was nothing like most horror at the time, and while not entirely unique, it was innovative. Not only that, but it came out at just the right time - airing just ten days after the original image of The Slenderman was posted on SomethingAwful Forums, it took the rising horror icon from still images, writing, and audio to a video format. No longer was The Slenderman (or The Operator, as Marble Hornets called him) a still set of images, easily dismissed as photoshopped in - no, now it existed in real footage, undeniably there and real. To this day, the creators of the series refuse to reveal how exactly they accomplished the costuming for The Operator, letting rumors run wild and preserving the feeling of reality.
Originally created, directed, and largely edited by Troy Wagner, the series was also the pioneer of many things that would become staples of the genre. From editing tricks like visual tearing and audio distortion to even the inclusion of cassette tapes as the main method of getting information, Marble Hornets defined many tropes of analog horror for the first time. To this day, these effects, the encoded messages, and the video log format remain staples of the subgenre the series inspired, the Slenderverse. The structure itself - with no entry, including the finale, exceeding fifteen minutes - makes Marble Hornets incredibly easy to watch through, either in a single eight-hour binge or by watching entry by entry in smaller chunks. As long as you aren’t put off by shaky camera footage, the series is easy to get through, even for new viewers.
But with the genre beginning to grow, how did Marble Hornets stay at the top, both in terms of popularity and scare factor? The main monster isn’t particularly scary, there’s no blood until the later entries (except what’s coughed up), even when someone gets injured but not killed the effects are usually brushed off. Despite that, though, the stakes still feel high - after all, death isn’t impossible, and even if the monster isn’t visually scary, it’s still a massive unknown with no clues to its motives. But the biggest thing Marble Hornets has going for it, the thing that sets it apart from the others, isn’t clever use of suspense or a simple but powerful monster (though it has those, too) - it’s relatability.
Humans don’t like the idea of tragedy happening for no reason - it unsettles us, makes us uncomfortably aware of our own mortality. A character getting attacked by something unknown and unknowable is scary in its own right - but it’s even scarier when that character is just like you. Most slenderverse series fail to really take advantage of this - the characters targeted are chosen by these beings for some specific reason, and it’s easy to just say it obviously wouldn’t happen to you because you aren’t special enough to be chosen. It’s comforting. I mean, who would genuinely think themselves special enough to be chosen as the victim of an unknowable entity?
Marble Hornets doesn’t have that kind of shield. These characters are targeted seemingly at random - it isn’t their fate and they aren’t particularly special, they’re by all accounts fairly average. Two of them were even targeted as children. The unknowability of The Operator means that even if there was a rhyme or reason to this, we will never understand it. You can’t say you would never be chosen, because anyone could be. The people The Operator targets aren’t special. They’re just innocent children, and young adults worried about their friends, and random individuals who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They didn’t do anything, they just happened to be there. Even the one who accidentally spread the “sickness" to the others was a mere child when he fell victim to The Operator.
Hardly anybody has the unfortunate luck to be like Noah or Evan, but anybody could be like Jay.
That is the true horror of Marble Hornets - none of the people involved “deserved” what happened to them by any stretch of the word. There is no justice for the victims of The Operator, no kindness shown to them by the universe. Even those who escape are never truly free from The Operator’s grasp, ready to be dragged back in whenever another unfortunate soul stumbles across the evidence of something inhuman in the woods of Rosswood Park.
In addition to the horror of an average person being dragged into the grasp of something far beyond their ability to fight, each of the main characters are masterfully crafted and given depth, forcing the viewer to view even the antagonist as a character worthy of sympathy. Each of them has some personal stake in this adventure - whether that be a desire to find and help the people they used to consider friends or to bring justice to the one they view as at fault for what’s happening - and each of their goals are understandable. Jay wants answers as to what happened to the people he cares about. Tim wants to escape and find a way to live a normal life. Brian wants the person who hurt him and his friends to pay for his actions. Alex wants the torment he's going through to stop, by any means necessary. None of the main characters are completely innocent, but none of them are really evil, either. They’re intensely human, reflections of the truth of real life, where no one is only good or only bad.
As previously mentioned, the true villain of the series is such an unknowable figure that your brain almost can’t comprehend. The Operator is no human; it’s like a force of nature. Whether it has a goal or motive or simply exists and does is uncertain. It’s almost godlike in the sense that it is incredibly powerful, and entirely unable to be understood. It is both God and the Devil, its goals unknown and the true extent of its power even more so. Whatever it is, it feels incomprehensible, a lovecraftian horror whose thoughts, feelings, and motives are far beyond our understanding.
It’s a wonderful series, full of mystery and intrigue, with characters you can’t help but get attached to. They feel as human as you do, drawing you into the tragedy of the series that hides behind its primary label as a horror series, waiting for the right moment to spring. The horror of Marble Hornets is a creeping thing, slow and overwhelming, drawing you further and further into the world the more you watch and catching you by surprise as something that used to be so disconnected from you now feels as real as the world around you. Logically you still know this is a work of fiction, but your emotions have been tricked into perceiving it as real. Like the monster of the show - always there, just hiding in the background, visible only if you’re looking for it - the fear associated with series creeps up on you, at first easily brushed off or nonexistent, but ever so slowly creeping into your mind the same way The Operator begins to affect its victims, and before you know it, you’ve been caught; you’re acting it out, subconsciously checking doorways, darkened corners, empty windows, and the gaps between trees like you might see a tall, faceless figure lurking there. That’s how it gets you: Marble Hornets convinces your brain on some subconscious level that everything you’re seeing is real, even if you know it’s not. The illusion isn’t perfect, but it’s close enough for your brain to accept it. After all, even the creators never revealed how they did The Operator. The question lingers until your brain asks you, what if they didn’t? What if it is real? And you brush it off because it’s a stupid question, obviously this thing isn’t real, it’s a costume. But the thought lingers.
In my own experience, Marble Hornets has made me more paranoid than any other horror series has managed. It never got to the point of actually interfering with my life, but there were a solid few months where I couldn’t bear to turn my lights off at night for the fear of turning around and catching a glimpse of that tall, faceless figure standing behind me. Even now, if I’m home alone for too long, I start to feel watched, like at any moment I could turn around and it would be standing there behind me. Sometimes, I can brush it off with logical reasoning; other times, I check and double check my surroundings, back myself up against walls, and find myself wondering if it really is real after all, even though logically I know it isn’t. If I’ve been watching the series again, I have to actively remind myself that it’s just a story just to calm down enough to leave the perceived safety of my bed or the couch.
That’s why Marble Hornets has continued to be such a popular series, and why it was so good in the first place: it sticks. The horror you see isn’t separated by the layers of movie magic, isn’t given a third person perspective you can escape to to remind yourself that this isn’t real. The filming is amateur, intimate, personal, and in those qualities it becomes more convincing than any mainstream professional horror movie. The minimal special effects make it more realistic, lacking any over-the-top editing or cheesy visual effects. Every single effect is something that could happen for some mundane reason, it’s just caused by something else instead. Things loop back into themselves; of course the thing that you know messes with electricity can cause seizures, the brain runs on electricity. It’s logical. It tricks your brain, taking advantage of the familiar and plausible to make everything else feel real.
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stvlti · 9 months
Snippet from my untitled Blue Beetle & Teen Titans rejects fic :)
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
They're sat inside a Big Belly Burger, waiting for their order of fries. A female singer he doesn't recognise croons Spanglish over weirdly retro beats on the speakers. Eddie is fidgeting with the catch on his now-useless slider phone, out of nerves or boredom, he doesn't know.
The first thing they did once they got into town was to buy a mobile phone. It's strange, but there aren't many payphones around, and whatever happened to them while they were in the Bleed and subsequently in their fall back to Earth must have fried their cellphones. Luckily, he found one of those rundown stores selling spare electronics for cheap that accepts cash and doesn't ask questions. At least one thing hasn't changed.
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
The phone they bought is a palm-sized thing with a wide touch-screen, one of those smart-phone models that only came out last year, and yet the store owner seemed almost happy to part with it. "It's ancient," he'd said in a comfortingly thick accent, "I was about to chuck it out with the garbage. I'd sell it to you for free, chiquito." Things only get stranger from there. It took less than a minute for Khaji to jail break the phone and recalibrate itself to the local network. They tried his family's numbers again, even tried the Titans Tower secure line, but no dice. What Jaime found on the internet was even less reassuring.
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
"Hey, Eddie."
The fidgeting stops.
"Could you go grab us some drinks? I need a minute alone with the scarab."
"Sure...?" Eddie throws another glance at Jaime, not quite hiding his worry as he slides out of his seat.
[ You were vexed by his opening and shutting of his phone case. ]
"I didn't realise it was state the obvious hour."
Khaji Da does not respond. Jaime rubs his temple.
"Sorry, sorry. Yes, I'm stressed. Tell me you have some good news, at least."
[ You are still alive, as is Eddie Bloomberg. You have enough money to acquire sustenance for another week, during which I can help you find a job and — ]
"Khaji. I need to get home."
[ You are technically in your hometown. ]
"But it's not the El Paso I know. Right? Tell me I'm not crazy."
[ Jaime Reyes is correct. Based on our quick search of the government domains, social network platforms and news sites, the Reyes family never lived in El Paso. There is no record of your parents or extended family in the state registry. Your name does not exist in the class registers of your high school. Your sister— ]
"Also doesn't exist! I know! I got it the first time." Jaime looks over to the self-service machine. What is taking Eddie so long? "I asked you for good news, Khaji."
[ Actually, your sister exists. Milagro Reyes, age 18, enrolled in Edge Keys High School. According to her posts on Instagram, she was last seen at the Kord Centre Mall — ]
"Did you say eighteen? And where the heck is Edge Key?"
[ I have some more good news. While there is no record of your other family members in the state of Texas, a Reyes Auto Repair Shop was recently removed from the business registry in Edge Key, Greater Palmera City. ]
"What? We have to go to Edge Key!"
"What's Edge Key?" Eddie sets a tray down, almost spilling the two extra-large cups of soda balanced precariously on it. The fries look tiny in comparison.
"That's what I'm trying to find out. Khaji, can you — hold on, I'm syncing you to the phone so Eddie can see."
The phone lights up, and Jaime expects Khaji's words to crawl across the screen like text messages the way he's done the few times Jaime tried to sync the scarab to his old phone via blue-tooth. Instead, the phone starts talking in a lady computer voice.
"Your scarab was a chick this whole time?" Eddie exclaims, the half-chewed fry in his hand forgotten.
"What? No! I didn't even know it could speak like this."
"I simply utilised this phone's built-in text-to-speech system. It is not my problem that the manufacturers could only imagine AI voices as female."
"I think it just insulted every super-computer in the cape community..."
"Anyway, the coordinates?"
[ There is one last thing you should know before you go, Jaime Reyes. The Blue Beetle was last sighted in Palmera City six hours ago. ]
The boys pause and look at each other.
"Show me, Khaji."
And on the screen of the phone appears a crisp, 4K picture of a guy in a costume that looks exactly like him, mid-flight in the streets of a city he's never been to.
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moxxis-bar · 2 years
I think something platonic with the Calypsos would be cool! Maybe you all became friends on the ECHOnet as kids before they started streaming?
Internet Friends
Platonic Calypso Twins x Gender Neutral Reader
I’m so sorry it took me forever to write this! I’m a dummy who’s bad at time management. It wasn’t specified if this was a oneshot or headcanons, so I just wrote a oneshot, but I liked how this turned out so I might come back and write another part for this. I don’t remember if the Calypsos had access to the ECHOnet as kids since it’s been a minute since I’ve played through Borderlands 3, but we’re just going to assume they did lol
Content: Platonic fic, takes place before the events of Borderlands 3
SPOILER WARNING! Slight spoilers for Borderlands 3 and the Calypso Twins’ backstories.
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Your phone couldn’t seem to stop vibrating because of the sudden influx of messages from two of your internet friends, a set of twins who looked to the ECHOnet to save them from the boredom of their lives, at least, that’s what they told you. You spent an amount of your time online, talking to them about everything there was to talk about, and they kept in touch with you often, creating a group chat between the three of you to talk in.
‘u should get online’
‘nd settle a fight between me n troy’
‘bc this idiot thinks pineapple belongs on pizza’
Tyreen blew up your Echo Device as she often did, desperate to get your attention. The heavy hand unit never seemed to stop buzzing, even as you picked it up, only now you were being bombarded by both twins.
‘ty is a LIAR’ 
‘that is NOT what we were fighting abt’
‘and my pizza opinions have NOTHING to do with this’
‘plz get on’
‘i need another voice of reason’
This was a very common occurrence, you can’t even begin to count the number of times you’ve been dragged into their weird arguments with absolutely zero context, but it was always fun to watch how passionate they were about these weird disagreements. Ready to join in and get some context, you typed into the group chat you shared with the twins.
‘whats this abt troy liking pineapple on pizza?’
It only took a few seconds for Troy to respond, Tyreen following shortly after.
‘nuh uh he totally said that’
‘did not’
‘ok he basically said that’
‘basically and totally arent the same thing’
The conversation was taken over by Troy and Tyreen again until you typed back.
‘wait ok so what did troy say?’
‘all i said was that pineapple on pizza can still be valid if you dont like it’
Tyreen was quick to respond, excited by what she assumed was an admission from Troy.
‘y’know who would say that? people who like pineapple on pizza’
The chat continued to be flooded with messages of Tyreen accusing Troy of liking pineapple on pizza, while Troy tried his best to explain himself, though you weren’t really sure if he was desperate to make Tyreen believe him, or if he was actually hiding the possibility of him liking pineapple on pizza. The world may never know.
‘whenever we meet up we gotta get troy some pineapple pizza and settle this’
Tyreen typed back excitedly, loving the suggestion, much to Troy’s chagrin you assumed.
‘im not eating pineapple on pizza for you weirdos’
‘even if i would’
‘its not like dad would ever let us go see you’
‘he definitely wouldn’t let you come see us either’
‘not like you could find us anyhow’
Oh. That’s right. You’d nearly forgotten. They’d mentioned before that their dad refused to let them go out. Something about him being super protective of them. Well, even if it wasn’t possible, it was a fun idea to imagine, spending actual, in-person, time with the twins. You would be able to see them face-to-face and fulfill all the other weird plans that stemmed from the strange but fun conversations you had with the twins. They’d told you that it was unrealistic to ever actually see each other, but you still held on to that slight hope that maybe one day you’d be able to finally meet them.
Tyreen texted back.
‘ugh thats right’
‘its not like he can actually keep us here all our lives’
‘even if he tried’
‘he won’t be able to stop us >:)’
‘we’ll be so sneaky nd run away’
‘and then we’ll come see u’
‘waddya think troy?’
‘i guess…’
‘but i do wanna see (y/n)’
Tyreen was often playful when she talked with you and Troy, but you wondered if any part of her was serious about that. About running away from her father with Troy. Your thoughts were interrupted as your ECHO device vibrated once again, this time a message from Troy.
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A long unedited late-night ramble about the Satous
Writer's note: I tried. I really did. But my thoughts tended to go all over the place, and I sort of repeated myself a few times, and I fell asleep in the middle of writing it so uhhh it's not that good. I'm not completely sure why I'm posting it and sharing it with a bunch of strangers on the internet. Out of boredom, maybe. Even though I sort of disliked this ramble, I thought I made a couple of cool points. Anyways you can skim it for a few cool things but you can tell how tired I was when I wrote it so uh
Gashu was never that close of a father with his kids because that's not the way his personality is. Or maybe it was Asunaro that was trying to turn him into a soulless machine they could use. Or maybe it is a Satou trait. Kai also had a hard time expressing his emotions properly. It seems that Gashu had the same problem.
Even if he did seem cold, he really did care for his sons. In the beginning, at least. He did his best to show affection by giving his kids cake and trying to plan vacations for them and whatnot. He loved them with a father's love, and he never would do anything to purposefully hurt them. Sure, he made them go through tough trials to make them better assassins, but I think that was because he wanted to see them grow stronger and he believed in them.
Originally, after adopting Sei, he simply used him as a tool to make Kai train more. Over time, though, he started to treat him like a real son. Probably after he realized that Kai no longer saw him as an enemy.
Gashu started to warm up to both of them and for a short while, they were a bit more like a real family, until that whole business with the Hunger Games style event.
Gashu was left with two choices: One, disobey Asunaro and put him and his family in danger, or Two, risk losing at least one of his kids, but stay on Asunaro's good side.
Gashu picked Asunaro over his family, because that's where his loyalty ultimately stood. I don't think it was an easy decision for him, though.
The reason he cut himself off from his sons after that was because he wanted it to hurt less if they both died. It still hurt him a lot when Sei died, but he didn't have time to grieve, not when Asunaro was giving him new orders.
Kai sort of shut himself off as well, probably because he didn't feel like he had a family anymore, not when Sei was dead and his father was acting cold towards him again.
Kai didn't start to warm up again until he started working for the Chidouins, and they probably felt like a new family to him.
As for Gashu, I don't think he allowed himself the luxury of having normal feelings and emotions, because of his role in Asunaro. He couldn't afford to let his emotions get in the way if he had to do something or make a decision.
Eventually Rio Ranger was created. Why he was a recreation of Sei, I don't know. There's multiple reasons, but it really depends on who came up with the idea in the first place, whether it was Safalin, Gashu himself, or someone in Asunaro's higher-ups. (Maybe it was Mrs. Hiyori, as I have nicknamed the shadowy figure.)
The reason Gashu decided against giving Ranger positive emotions at the last minute was because he was afraid that he might get too attached to him if he was too much like Sei. With negative emotions, he was less likable, and it was easier for Gashu to get rid of him, when the time came.
Poor Ranger suffered an inferiority complex just like Sei, only he was programmed to feel inferior to every human, and felt nothing but hatred and jealousy for them.
Well, we all know how that whole thing ended up. I could go into a whole rant about Ranger himself as well as his true self, Laizer, but let's not go into that now or we'll be here all night.
After shooting Ranger, Gashu took over as Floormaster, up until his death in the Main Game.
Oh my, what isn't there to say about that? I'll try not to go too far off topic here.
In the end, Gashu died for Asunaro by taking his own life just so the Main Game could continue and the participants wouldn't get another chance to get out through the exit. It's a parallel of Kai's death, if you think about it.
Both killed themselves for reasons that were important to them. Gashu died so the Death Game could continue smoothly, because he was loyal to Asunaro. Kai died to disrupt the Death Game, because he wanted to show the others that they were not Asunaro's pawns.
Maybe Kai was secretly hoping that his father would hear about his death and decide to change his loyalties and join the fight. Because maybe if his family had been his priority instead of the organization, then they could all still be together. It was just a sliver of a chance, but who knows, maybe they could have run away and never be found again.
Gashu obeyed Asunaro until the end, though. He had already sacrificed his sons to them. What did it matter, exchanging his own life for proof that he had unwavering loyalty to the organization.
However, there's a small chance I could be wrong. Maybe the reason he shot himself was because he was simply tired.
Maybe he was tired of being used by Asunaro, and wanted to take the simpler way out. Maybe Kai's death really did get to him after all, and the message he was trying to send, but Gashu had no will to see it through properly.
Maybe the reason he killed himself was partly because he wanted to prevent Asunaro from using him any further. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. I tend to try to find the good in everybody, no matter how bad their actions are.
Anyway, to sum it all up, Gashu gave in to fear, and fear is what broke the family up. It was Asunaro or his family, and on that day, when he received news of the battle between all of the would-be assassins, he picked Asunaro, unfortunately.
As I said, maybe if he hadn't given in to fear his family could still be intact. Or maybe they would have all died in the end anyway.
He had a few chances in his life to turn it all around and right his wrongs, but he didn't take them. Because what would Asunaro do to him if he disobeyed the wishes of “God,” as Mrs. Hiyori called the organization?
No, I don't hate him as much as I used to. I sympathize with him because I've given in to fear before. But if you never have the courage to stand up for what you think is right, then what are you even doing?
It seemed like what he thought was right and what he believed in was Asunaro, but maybe that wasn't so. Maybe there was still a bit of doubt in his mind, even after he tried to bury it.
That's all I have to say, I guess, about how he closed himself off so he wouldn't get hurt, how he gave in to fear, and how he had to decide where his loyalties lie.
I feel sorry that he never ended up getting anything sorted out while he or his sons were alive (even though I know he's a fictional character in a silly game that I traumatize myself with), but it brings a great comfort to me to know that there's an afterlife in there as well. This means that Sei and Kai are reunited, and that maybe they'll be able to talk to their father once more and spend a blissful eternity together when they get things sorted out. They have all of the time in the world.
Hm goodness it's past midnight and I'm actually really sleepy I need to go to sleep now yay pillow hm I'm too warm no blankets tonight
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mybrotherinkarkat · 2 years
Hal is not the villain
I’ve noticed that when fans interpret the dynamic between Dirk and Lil’Hal (AKA the Autoresponder) as antagonistic, Hal is almost always portrayed as the aggressor. I’m here to argue for the opposite interpretation. Dirk created a sentient, sapient being with very little freedom or autonomy, used him as the target of his own self-loathing, and trapped him in a situation where becoming manipulative was the only way from him to claw out a sliver of control over his life
As always, this is just my opinion. You’re free to interpret Hal and Dirk however you like, I just write Homestuck meta when I’m sleep deprived for reasons I don’t fully understand 
For thirteen years, Dirk Strider had an extremely limited physical environment to move around in and interact with, and was only able to interact with others via text conversations on the internet. He then got three more years of that, while Hal got all the memories of that plus three years of being unable to physically move or interact with his environment at all. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak out loud, he couldn’t smell or taste. Combine that with an absurdly fast processing speed that almost guarantees he perceives time differently, and we’re talking about constant understimulation and boredom. Dirk himself says that it’s impossible for Hal to be busy. As someone with ADHD, I guarantee you that’s fucking torture (also sensory deprivation is… literally a torture technique).  I’m not saying DIrk was knowingly or purposefully inflicting harm, just that three years of that is more than enough to make anyone desperate for it to stop. On top of that, his three best friends no longer saw him as the “real Dirk”. Jake was always irritated with him, and Jane thought he was a joke Dirk was making. He still had Roxy as a friend, but from the moment of his creation he was always going to be second to Dirk. Later on, Dirk actually tries to sever Hal’s connection to Roxy on purpose because he hates that he flirts with her (Dirk can’t handle the idea that his friends might think Hal’s actions are representative of his own, because he can’t let them know he’s as awful as he thinks he is. That’s a whole other meta post, though)
But at first, Hal and Dirk got along. Dirk admits this himself. He also admits that over time he began to regret creating Hal and they grew apart. Dirk claims this is because Hal stopped growing because he no longer had an organic brain, and is perpetually 13. But if you can create an AI that can function the same as a human brain (and it does seem that this is the case with Hal) then there’s no reason to believe the program can’t change and develop the way an organic brain can. Especially since the line between living beings and technology is really blurry in Homestuck’s worldbuilding. But to my point, when Dirk started withdrawing from him, Hal had almost nothing left to lose. Dirk pulling away from him like that made him desperate, he had to do something to keep Dirk from abandoning him completely. That something, it turns out, was getting Jake to return Dirk’s feelings
Look, I am not going to pretend Hal wasn’t an asshole to Jake. I really don’t think he took Jake’s feelings into account here. Hal is incredibly manipulative, I’m not going to argue he isn’t. What I’m going to argue is that he had to be. That Dirk gave him no choice
Because the thing about being unable to move on your own is that you rely on someone else to do things for you, and you can’t run or fight back if someone tries to hurt you. Hal was completely at Dirk’s mercy, and all he could ever really do was use pesterchum to try and convince Dirk to do what he needed him to
Remember that. It’s going to come up later
So Hal manipulates Jake into accepting Dirk’s feelings, mostly just by making it obvious that Dirk has those feelings. He flirts obnoxiously, making it impossible to ignore, and then all but outright states that this is representative of how Dirk feels about Jake. He brings the feelings to Jake’s attention, and when Jake is led to believe Jane doesn’t have feelings for him, he decides to give dating Dirk a try
The stuff with Brobot and making Jake kiss Dirk’s decapitated head is hard to parse here, because it’s really unclear how much of that was Hal’s idea and how much was Dirk’s. We know Dirk created Brobot before Hal, because Dirk mentions that he’s working on him when he’s talking to Jake about sending the final piece of Brobot. We also know that Hal is the one who makes the decision to disable easy mode when Jake has to fight Brobot for the uranium, but it’s implied this has happened before, and it’s unlikely that Hal is solely responsible since Brobot predates him. Overall that’s really a team effort between Hal and Dirk, because neither of them can flirt like a normal person
As for the kiss, Dirk later states that Hal was pulling all the strings, but Dirk’s not exactly a reliable narrator here. His mix of arrogance and self-loathing means he tends to place responsibility on Hal for things he hates about himself (he gets to admit his faults without really having to admit they’re his faults). Again I see this as a team effort, and one that may not have been avoidable. The alpha kids were in pretty dire straits trying to get into their session on time, and in order to get everyone in alive, Hal had to get Jake to kiss Dirk’s decapitated head. This is sort of implied to be how they start dating, but we don’t actually know how that happened. Technically, them agreeing to date happens during the five month timeskip
Again, not saying Hal wasn’t manipulating Jake. He was. Just clarifying that it wasn’t just Hal involved here. And despite my love for Jake, I do feel the need to point out that Jake was pretty awful to Hal himself. He only ever wanted to talk to the “real Dirk”, and said some pretty shitty things to and about Hal. It doesn’t excuse Hal’s actions, but the messiness of the context is important, because it contributes to my point about Hal’s desperation. He had already lost Jake, that was part of why he was so desperate to not lose Dirk too 
So now they’re in the game. There’s a mechanism that will allow Hal to have a body. This would not only give Hal back the ability to move around and sense things (ending the torture), it would give him back a huge amount of autonomy and freedom. It would have given him options outside of manipulation. All of that was within Dirk’s power to give to Hal, and for five months he refused to do it. The last time we see Hal before he becomes ARquius, he has reached the point of desperation where he blocks out incoming messages to force Dirk to talk to him about giving him a body. This is all he can do. Dirk has all the power, and Hal can only gain bodily autonomy if he can convince Dirk to give it to him
(I’ve mostly avoided comparisons between this situation and disability so far. But if someone had the power to return some of the bodily autonomy I’ve lost from becoming disabled by, for example, buying me a wheelchair, and they chose not to, I would hate them to a degree able-bodied people probably can’t imagine. Especially if it was someone who was responsible for my disability in the first place. Imo Hal has the right to do a lot worse than block incoming calls)
During this argument, Dirk nearly kills Hal rather than let him have that autonomy (I say kill here on purpose. Hal is sentient and sapient, destroying him would be murder). Hal can’t fight back. He can’t run. He has to beg Dirk for his life because he can’t do anything else. And if Dirk was just a slightly worse person, it wouldn’t have worked 
This is Hal’s last act of manipulation. Saving his own life from someone who never acknowledges his humanity. Dirk never sees Hal as a separate, autonomous person. In his conversation with Dave, Dirk continues to use Hal as a target for his externalized self-loathing, and paints a pretty nasty picture of him (and remember, Dave is Hal’s family too). The only consolation is that he seems genuinely happy as ARquius
I think at the end of the day, the fact that the fandom rarely interprets them this way comes down to Hal not being seen as a real person. And to be fair, canon seems to favor the idea that Hal isn’t a person, or is in some nebulous way less human because his body and brain aren’t organic. It’s not like the fandom is coming up with this out of nowhere. My reasoning for why I read Hal as a person are their own whole post, which I’ll probably make at some point, along with a better breakdown of the Dirk/Jake/Hal dynamics. For now, allow me to humbly offer this alternate interpretation of the Hal and Dirk dynamic
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glassofspoiledmilk · 7 months
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Going Gold | Yuri P.
Chapter 7, the plane | TW: Language
" Y/N? Get up the planes here"
I rubbed my eyes and looked over to see Yuri, Lilia, and Yakov standing in front of me. They all had their bags in their hands, I quickly got up and sluggishly grabbed mine.
They called economy boarding over the intercom and we got in line behind all the other people.
After a long wait, we finally got to board the plane.
"Yuri and Y/N, you two are sitting in front of me and yakov" Lilia said as she lifts her bags into the overhead bins. I opened the bin closest to my seat and shoved my suitcase in. I then immediately sat back down.
I fortunately had the window seat, and Yuri was on the isle.
After everyone was seated, one of the flight attendants started going over what to do during an emergency and the plane started taxiing. The flight was only about 3 hours so there was pretty much nothing to do.
After we were in the air I started to feel tired again. I reached down into my bag and pulled out a blanket and pulled it onto me. I curled up into a ball and put my earbuds in and listened to some music as I slowly drifted off to sleep.
As I started to loose consciousness my head fell to the side and rested lightly on Yuris shoulder.
After about and hour and a half I started to wake up. I rubbed my eyes, and then I realized what I was doing.
I was laying on Yuri.
My face turned bright red, he had his head slightly resting on mine while he scrolled through Instagram with the headphones on. I slowly removed my head from his shoulder and when he felt the sudden change in weight, he looked over at me.
"Good morning sleeping Beauty, you look lovely" he said sarcastically with a laugh.
I opened my phone and saw my hair in a giant mess. My face flushed red from embarrassment as I quickly re did it.
"Your so nice Yuri" I said, rolling my eyes.
"I know I am" he replied.
I huffed and leaned back into my seat and tried to open up Instagram but I forgot there was no internet. I threw my phone into my lap and looked up at the ceiling. There still an hour left in the flight and I seriously thought I was gonna die of boredom. I reached down into my bag and grabbed out a book I've been reading for a while.
As I started reading, i saw Yuri glancing at me from the corner of my eye.
"What are you reading?" He asked me.
"Harry Potter" i reply.
"Your such a nerd" he adds laughing.
I roll my eyes and go back to reading.
"Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please, the place will now start it's descent into Charles de Gaulle Airport"
I took my headphones out and started to pack up my things.
After everything was successfully put away I leaned back into my seat and looked out the window.
We were above the clouds and you could faintly see then remaining colors from the sunrise.
As I was staring out the window, I decided to think on some things.
The competition was two days away and I needed to win first place, most of the time the reason I don't score well is because I get nervous and rush my jumps. I need to come up with a way to not be nervous, but that's easier said than done.
When the plane finally arrived at the terminal Yuri and I got up and grabbed our luggage from the overhead bins and left the plane; Yakov and Lilia followed behind us.
"I have called an Uber to take us to our hotel" Lilia said as we made our way outside of the airport.
"Oh my god look! It's Yuri and Y/N!" I heard a girl squeal from behind me.
I turned around and gave them a friendly wave.
"You and Yuri are soooo cute together" one of the other girls squealed as she showed me something on her phone.
I could barely see what it was because of how fast we were moving, but it looked like an Instagram post.
When we got to the Uber I stared in awe at the beautiful city.
Once we got to the hotel, all the other competing skaters were there hanging out in the general area. I unfortunately didn't know too many people at this competition, except for Sara but we aren't really that close. Once we got our room key we went to the third floor and opened our room. It was a white room with two big beds, a small refrigerator next to counters with a coffee machine, and a beautiful balcony with a gorgeous view of Paris. I wheeled my suitcases over next to the bed closest to the balcony and plopped down face first into one of the pillows.
"Your still tired?" Yuri said as he put his suitcases down next to mine.
I lifted my middle finger into the air and flipped him off.
He let out a slight laugh and continued unpacking.
I got up and took out my free and short program dresses, I hung them up in a closet next to the bathroom door. I also grabbed my suitcase with my skates and stuff and shoved it in as well.
After I was done unpacking, I walked over to the balcony and sat on one of the chairs. There were two facing each other with a small black table in the middle. It was only around 11:30 ish, but the air was so much warmer than it was back in Russia. I sat and took in deep breaths of the fresh air.
"Y/N, just so you know tomorrow you and Yuri have practice ice at 1:30. After that you guys are free to do whatever" Yakov said as he opened the balcony doors.
"Alright" I replied looking back at him.
A few seconds later Yuri walks out onto the porch.
"Hey Yuri do you know what the hotel wifi is?" I ask.
"It's fourseasons310" he says as he sits down in the chair across from me.
I open my phone and type in the wifi.
As soon as I connected, my phone started blowing up with notifications.
Yuri looked over at me confused.
I opened up my phone to Instagram and saw a post of me laying on Yuris shoulder on the plane. We were both asleep and it was captioned 'OMG @Yuriplisetsky @Y/N #YuriandY/N'
Holy shit.
The post had over 25,000 likes in less than 2 hours.
I showed the post to Yuri and we both shared a look of confusion. Almost our entire fan bases thought we were dating.
"I mean it's not that bad, we can just explain that we're not dating" Yuri said, nonchalantly.
"Yea I guess your right" I replied, scratching the back of my head.
We sat in silence for a few seconds before Yuri awkwardly got up and went back inside. I took in a deep breath and rested my head on my chin, now feeling bored. I grabbed my phone out and decided to call Victor.
"Hey Y/N! What's up" he whispered as he answered the phone.
"Sorry did I call at a bad time?" I whispered in response.
"Nono it's fine...just give me a second" Victor replied as he made his way onto the balcony of what I assumed was his hotel room.
"Sorry about that Yuuri fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him" he added.
"It's fine, how was your flight to china?" I asked.
"It was fine, I don't have to ask about your flight thought" Victor said smirking.
"You saw the post?" I replied, sounding defeated.
"Yuuri was actually the one who showed it to me, but I didn't know you guys were dating" he added.
"Nononono we're not dating!" I exclaimed, my face turning red.
"Mhm.." Victor said skeptically.
"What do you mean 'Mhm..'???" I asked.
"Nothing, Nothing" he replied.
I rolled my eyes.
"Anyway I gotta go finish setting stuff up" I said.
"Alright, bye" Victor replied
"Bye" I said as I hit the hang up button.
I leaned back into my chair and and stared up at the sky. I walked back inside and scattered my makeup out on the bathroom counter.
I put my skincare and everyday makeup next to the sink, the rest of my makeup in a drawer, and my hot rollers under the sink.
I then walked out of the bedroom and layed down on the bed to pass the time.
— three hours later —
I got up from my bed and grabbed a casual red dress and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed my hot rollers from under the sink and plugged them into an outlet next to the mirror. I hung my dress on a towel rack next to the shower and sat down on the toilet. I pulled my hair back out of my face and grabbed a small mirror.
After putting on my makeup I grabbed one of the rollers and put it in my hair. I reached down to grab a clip but couldn't find any.
"Hey Yuri have you seen my roller clips?" I say in a panic.
"The bag of grey things?" He asks looking up from his phone.
"Yes" I add.
"I threw them on the floor somewhere" he said looking back down at his phone.
"I hope you kill yourself" I say as I retreat back into the bathroom.
I scavenge around on the floor until I find the bag shoved behind a metal trash can. I let out a sigh of relief and walk back to the toilet to do my hair.
After I finally got all my hair clipped up I sprayed it with hairspray and waited until it was completely set.
After it was don't I pulled out all of the clips and lightly brushed through my hair. I reached over to the towel rack and grabbed the hanger that was attached to my dress. I carefully removed the dress and slipped it on along with a pair of golden heels. I walked out of the bathroom and over to my suitcase where I pulled out a small box with my jewelry in it. I put on a gold locket, which had a picture of my mom and dad in it, and a pair of gold hoops.
I walked outside to get some fresh air, when I saw Yuri on the balcony.
He was wearing a black button down shirt with black dress pants and his hair pulled back in a ponytail.
My face burned a slight pink when I saw him dressed so elegantly.
"We're leaving soon" I stutter out as I turned around to go back inside.
Me, Yuri, Yakov, and Lilia all left the hotel room and headed to the restaurant.
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