#it is late and i am sleepy
luciolefire · 8 months
Earthspark: Expedition is updating right now on my Switch! Hopefully this fixes the crashing problem and I'll be able to finish the game.
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spookytorosaurus · 2 years
won’t read a book book to save my life but I will read a 90,000 word fic in like two days
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7-11slushies · 2 years
Happy Heathers Day!!!! 💙❤️💚💛🖤
I will try and start using this account more often but it will probably mostly be my own rambles about things I love about different productions and comparing productions and just rambling about my love for different scenes and characters and songs! I also want to try and make a timeline sometime of like cast changes, productions opening and closing dates, etc. Just like. A timeline of everything heathers just for fun but that’d be hard and would take a long while but yeah ! Happy heathers day!
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amgurd · 2 years
What writing advice do you have?
This is an unusual ask since I thought I played it pretty close to the vest with who I let know I've written, or at the very least, haven't mentioned it on here in a while. Also, I have no idea how to make something below the cut on here. I do not even know if you can with an ask and I am too old and lazy to find out.
Anyway, the first thing I'd recommend is just start. I know that a lot of people have trouble starting any story they're creating, but you can't write anything if you don't, well, write anything. Starting a story can be a challenge, but if you just kind of wing it to get something going, I think you'll often find it's easier to work backward because the start isn't usually something that takes a lot of time. I've found that I've been able to get more done if I have my ending in place and work to get there instead of just trying to piece things together as they go along.
I feel like that's where a lot of people who do it as a hobby get a bit stuck on knowing where they want to draw the line with certain story aspects (and it can also make stories run on for a very long time, which is an issue I have with how a lot of manga stories are told). People will usually have their scenarios and their characters ready to go, but they can stumble hitting their desired story beats in a way that's concise. Of course, I'm in the boat that any story should be written/told purely because the creator wants to tell it and it's for their benefit, so really, I'm just happy to see people do anything at all and I think they should only be limited by the limits they set for themselves, whatever those might be.
That said, I've found it easier to follow a three-act structure for most of what I've done. If your goal is 150,000 words, that can seem like a daunting task, but if you can break it up into something like a 30,000 word first act, 90,000 word second act, and a 30,000 word third act, that can help you plan out where you want things to be. You'll probably have your sort of "!" moments at the start and end, but a lot of the meat and potatoes will be in that middle part, so you may find you have more fun making sure the beginnings and end are tight and focused, but the middle part is probably where you'll have the most fun. That also ties in with getting started. When you have your second act ready to go, it can really help clear the block and get your first act set up.
Writing has its own "rules", even though I'm a big fan of art being free-flowing, but I do think there are some things that can help make a story more cohesive. If you're writing a story that's told in the first person, it might be easier to stick with putting the perspective through that one character. I've read books where the authors have tried the multiple viewpoint first person thing, and sometimes it's a mixed bag. It's genuinely hard to get good and distinct narrative voices for multiple characters with the story being told through their eyes. The only time I ever tried this was when I wrote my first book, I wrote a "prologue" (honestly, it was more a proof of concept and writing exercise than anything else), and that was done in the first person perspective from one of my main supporting characters. It was overlong and gave away more of the story than I wanted to give at that point, so I knew I was never going to use it, but it helped me establish the beginning I actually wanted. Had I stuck with it, I would have had about a 3,300 word intro from a perspective that I've never considered using again while outright giving away some of the more hidden stuff I had planned for the story proper.
If you're just getting started or doing it for fun, it can help with the show, don't tell thing that people are a fan of. One of the benefits of using only one first person perspective is that you can throw some ambiguity with how the other characters are feeling or reacting to situations. For example, if your lead and their love interest are in a room together, your lead (and your audience), might not know how their love interest feels about them. If you keep the perspective of the story just going through your lead's eyes, you can use that as a way to create a little uncertainty in the lead, and ideally, your audience too. But if you swap the story over to the love interest, it's going to be hard to avoid describing any feelings they may or may not have, which might make for a disappointing read for some.
I think that the most important advice anyone can give is to just have some fun with it. You'll get better as you go along, and when you go back to edit your work, you'll find stuff you want to change up. There's a story out there for everyone to write and everyone to read. Sure, you get stuff that isn't "good" that way, but not everything is going to be universally loved, and the beauty of solo projects is just seeing people tell their stories. Between spoken languages, dialects, accents, writing, painting, music, etc., we have countless ways to communicate with other people, so trying to say that there are certain rules you have to follow for your work to be valid isn't something I care for. Honestly, just do your best and have fun with it. That should be what storytelling is about.
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nutcasewithaknife · 29 days
It's just episode 2 and I'm in love with how this show does intimacy of any sort, let alone sex. I get why we're all losing it over how wandee is okay with the necklace thing but not with kissing, but that's the perfect example. First we see Wandee make it extremely clear that kissing is out of bounds because it carries a certain emotional significance for him. The fact that he calls it silly but still enforces it strongly is an excellent way to put across that yes, he doesn’t think kissing is always carried romantic connotations and such, but it is special for him. He isn't assuming that Yoryak's desire to kiss him is a sign of romantic feelings either (and imo neither is yoryak at this point). They're not using a rulebook or scale of what various sorts of intimacy mean, they're assuming nothing and communicating what they want and do not want at each step. And when Yoryak puts the necklace on him and kisses that instead, it's a new thing for them. For Yoryak, it scratches the itch of wanting to kiss him. It doesn't have the emotional weight in Wandee's mind that a kiss has, and maybe that allows him to explore this brand new relationship, test its shape and its boundaries in ways less burdened with expectations for him. There's time yet before their own newfound intimacies take on a new meaning as their feelings for each other change, and I can't wait to see how well they communicate about that.
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slices-of-naranja · 6 months
do any of my friends know the love I carry in every word i say to them. When I add too many words, drag on a joke that’s over, when I message them despite the fact the conversation barely ended five minutes ago? every word i speak is an intimacy that’s laced with outright adoration for them as people and all the little details that make them who they are. Do you know I love you? Do y’all know how much of you I try to commit to memory? How much I try to make you smile? do y’all know the love I feel for you?
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trobeds · 1 year
i know the hunger games isnt about romance i know it isnt a love story but. theres just something so beautiful in the way peeta is the personification of what it means to heal and he /is/ the dandelion and the bread and the hope that things can be better even if they wont be fixed. even if the nightmares dont stop he will still hold her. wake her up and tell her shes alive. shes safe. and when its over and done and theres no more saving or protecting or trying their absolute hardest to die if it means keeping the other alive, the horrors dont stop. but katniss will still find that comfort in peetas arms.
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slavhew · 1 month
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knights in pajama armor
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maximotts · 3 months
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Whoever gave her a tiny lil ponytail half up hairstyle… thank you I hope you’re always sleeping at the perfect temperature
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 10 months
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It's okay, they can forgive eachother.
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isbergillustration · 2 days
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Soft dignified awoo
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enden-k · 1 year
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i offer one of the bunch of sketches i did but got tired to finish
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akutagawa: i will have you know, I am, in fact, great at picking up cues and hints.
atsushi: you wouldn't know a cue even if it was me naked in ur bed
akutagawa: Wait, why would you be-
akutagawa: Oh. This is your strange way of asking for a movie night. I understand.
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coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
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Last piece ❤️💙
There are still leftovers of the Calendar as well as some A5 prints with calendar pieces 💞
linktr.ee/Mezzy (or check my Tumblr for links)
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skzcre · 1 year
Felix gives me piss kink vibes idk… 🫣maybe it’s just me
hmm … solid theory, anon. let me offer this as a rebuttal 👀
warnings: piss kink and other sexual themes, fembodied reader. little bit of perv!lix in there 😳, reader gets called “good bunny”.
it wasn’t unusual for you and felix to shower together. sometimes, it was the most effective thing to do during busy mornings where both of you definitely should’ve been out of the house 20 minutes ago but you slept through the alarm. other times, it was a means of being close.
both of you were very clingy, very needy, and enablers of each others baby behavior. sometimes neither of you want to let go, but you both know you need a shower before going to bed.
this was one of those times.
“y’know, we could’ve just taken a bath instead.” felix chuckles softly, sitting behind you with his arms wrapped firmly around your waist while you washed your legs. you responded with a simple shrug. “didn’t feel like standing.”
so you both were sat in the tub with the shower running overtop the both of you. “isn’t it nice to just lay down and let the water run over you?” you turned your head slightly to meet his eyes, a smile immediately growing on your face before giving a peck on his freckled cheek. he hummed in agreement, watching the droplets splatter across your chest. “‘s kinda like a sauna. we’re fucked if we fall asleep, though.” it wouldn’t have been the first time you both dozed off in a bathtub together.
a comfortable silence fell between the both of you after some small chattering about your daily happenings. the soap running off your body caused you to slip downward a bit, but it was the perfect position to rest on felix’s chest and soon after his pretty fingers began tracing patterns over your soft skin.
but then, as it always happened the second you got comfortable literally anywhere, you had to pee.
you grunted as you started to sit up and of course, felix’s grip on your waist got tighter. “mm, don’t wanna get out.” he whined, and you giggled before playfully smacking his arms. “i just gotta pee, lix.” your boyfriend began to sit up with you but he didn’t release his grip.
“i’m literally not leaving the bathroom—“
“you can just do it here.”
you turned your body a bit to look at him, searching his face for any signs that he was joking but you were instead met with a straight face. in fact, he was looking you directly in your eyes. the way he looked at you when he wanted you. and suddenly, your heart rate sped.
“n-not in front of you, that’s…embarrassing.”
now he was smiling, bringing a hand up to rub his thumb over your jaw. “this would definitely be very low on the list of embarrassing things we’ve done in front of each other.” well…that was true. felix will never not bring up the time you fell off while riding him in his gaming chair. or the time he came on your face and it accidentally shot up your nose and you were essentially snot rocketing cum for the rest of the night.
but this was different! wasn’t it?
“if you flush, the water’ll turn cold. and don’t you say you’ll flush when we get out because we both know you’ll forget.” goddamn him for knowing you so well. you let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding for so long, turning forward again to lay back on his chest. “i…just. you don’t think it’s weird?”
felix shook his head, pulling you closer to rest his head on your shoulder. “i don’t mind.” his hand laid flat against your tummy, and you could swear he was ever so slightly pressing against it. maybe you were wrong? suddenly things started to feel really hazy, like you were floating in some kind of dream world. maybe it was the way he was staring so deeply into your eyes, or maybe it was his lips being so close to your ear. how he spoke softly, but just loud enough for you to hear him over the running water. your brain tried to weigh your options here, wanting to have a conversation with your body about what exactly was the “right” thing to do.
however, your bladder was having none of it.
you began to squirm just a bit, and felix began to pry your legs open, peering down at your lower region. he smiled, running his fingers over your inner thighs. “go ahead, baby.”
before you could begin to ask why he was staring so intently at…well, everything, a stream started flowing down the tub towards the drain. why did this feel so intimate? your hands quickly came towards your face in a feeble attempt to hide your face as if that was going to do much of anything.
an interesting look crossed felix’s face as he watched you. some kind of mixture of curiosity but also lust? something about the way you trembled in his arms before letting it out, the way you hid your face but let him open your legs to spectate. god, you were really cute. when did his brain decide this was so sexy? “good bunny. doesn’t that feel better?”
and now his fingers were trailing closer and closer to your core, finding a familiar wetness between your folds that caused his cock to twitch behind you.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
tma au where everything is the same but Jon's name is Jeff. Jeffery Sims. Jeffmartin. Hello Jeff, Apologies For The Deception-
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