#it feels nice to have a community
drakonovisny · 2 months
i went to a little lgbt+ meeting today and it was so nice to chat to older queer folks. it gives me hope yk :')
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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noirandchocolate · 1 month
Several weeks ago one of my coworkers called me over into her cubicle and gave me a very unexpected gift. Her mother passed away recently, and she'd been packing stuff up at her condo to give to relatives and sell, so the home could be sold. The mother was an avid knitter and crocheter, and when my coworker came upon her stash of equipment, she told me, she "immediately thought of me as someone who might get some use out of it."
So, I have inherited a varied collection of knitting needles and crochet hooks, cable needles, sewing needles, and, best of all, now-out-of-print pattern books, mostly for blankets, because that was what this lady loved to make most. Plus, I also have a bunch of gauge swatches she made, pinned to little bits of card covered in perfect schoolteacher handwriting setting out the patterns they were made to test.
And also...
My coworker brought another bag, full of yarn and...knitted blanket squares. Her mother's last started project, before she got too sick to continue. And she asked if there was anything I could do with it.
It turned out, there are twelve completed squares, and I quickly located the pattern book they are from amid those given to me. It's a book of 60 patterns, meant to be put together however the maker wishes into blankets of 20 squares. I figured out which of the numbered patterns were already made, and selected eight more that I thought might go well with them.
So now! I am working on completing! My coworker's mother's last knitting project!
And I really am feeling very good about doing it.
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jomeimei421 · 1 month
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Felt a bit nostalgic watching RT shut down…Here are the og faves again for old times sake 💙
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warmsol · 4 months
i think it’s so neat we are all here just doing our own thing with a shared medium. i think it’s very cool that people have their own style and expression of creativity. i think it’s awesome we all get to share a piece of ourselves here through the sims, in whatever form that might be. and i know it’s so easy to fall into the mindset of, “oh i need to do this like that, because xyz does that.” but honestly, staying true to yourself and your likes is always the right answer. you’re all so fucking talented in your own little way. and i hope you don’t doubt yourself too much today, or any day. 🫵🏼
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royalarchivist · 4 months
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I say this in the kindest way possible, but I think this style of prose is more appropriate for a personal account rather than an update account. I have no idea who's being talked about half the time. 🥲
[ Tumblr meme via @mikaikaika ]
#QSMP#Philza#Edited#Phil#Let me know if this needs an additional tag#I don't think this necessitates a discourse or neg tag or whatever because I'm being silly but I'm happy to add one if folks need it#I won't post this one on Twitter I don't think because I genuinely don't want to hurt anyone's feelings#but. I feel very strongly about this. It's not helpful#I say this as a fan and as a professional writer (who also worked in the Marketing and Communications field for far too long)#The prose is nice! It's very whimsical and they're having fun! But I don't think it's appropriate for an updates account#I recently turned off notifications for QsmpEN and I'm considering muting them because half the updates just aren't helpful to me#I want to be able to speed read through the update thread I don't want to spend an additional 30 seconds trying to decipher who's who#I don't like posting complaints so I tried to make it a funny complaint#because I do think feedback is good! And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way#but at the same time: these update writers ARE volunteers#(As a side note -- I personally think anyone running a large social media account should be paid)#(I did that for a few years and it was hell. I can't imagine doing that and NOT getting paid for it)#But anyways#They're all volunteers so I don't actually wanna go all pitchforks and torches on them (which I wouldn't do anyways even if they WERE paid)#I'm just venting my frustrations in what is (hopefully) a funny way#but you're welcome to disagree! That's ok too#Portfolio
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6footeel · 6 months
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haven’t made any decisions about his colors yet so i kind of just had fun with it lol
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canisalbus · 10 months
hey! do you consider yourself a furry? if so, do you enjoy being in the community? if not, what label do you use, and why? (been wanting to ask this for a while:))
Sure, I don't mind being called a furry. My art certainly qualifies as furry art and my characters are furry characters. But I've never been that connected or active in the furry fandom in general. There's a lot of core experiences that I'm missing: I don't have a fursona, I don't own a fursuit and I've never been to a furry con. My online circles are very furry-centric but I don't think any of my irl friends consider themselves furries, despite our shared tastes and interests.
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quaranmine · 2 months
collapses on the floor and Dies
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sableeira · 5 months
why is sending asks so anxiety inducing. this is the socially awkward cringefail website.
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vanityangel · 21 days
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Forgive. Forget. Family.
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lineffability · 6 months
sappy little end of year post to celebrate my own personal lovingly curated corner of fandom that I've been enjoying immensely this year, full of correct opinions, good takes and little drama 😌😌✨
three special shout-outs to very lovely people:
@crowleyholmes chii you're such a ray of sunshine and your lovely tags and enthusiasm were just too fucking contagious, even before I was following you I kept thinking 'how can someone be THIS nice' but then you started talking to me and you ARE, aren't you 💛😌 glad to know you, you're a delight and, dare I say it, a friend
@chernozemm what can I say - I adore you, zemmie, ever since we started talking it feels we've barely stopped, I love bouncing ideas and headcanons and fics and just anything, really, off you, and you definitely know things, and me <3 just genuinely enjoy your vibe a lot, you gorgeous person
@queerfables you were the first person I started talking to in 2023 GO fandom I think, and we've exchanged auch lovely opinions and GO book memories, I love your fandom-familiarity and metas and you-ness ✨
also just wanted to shout out some people I've simply enjoyed seeing on my dash, following, writing, reading, arting, metaing, talking, commenting, prev-tagging etc etc, you make this fun <3
@opscuritas @plumbum-art @fellshish @foolishlovers @nice-and-accurate-ramblings @fagziraphale @wraithee @ashfae @voluptatiscausa @gaslightgallows @copperplatebeech @sabotage-on-mercury @ineffabildaddy @crawley-fell @crvwly @gingiekittycat @nightingalecottage @azfellandco @goodoldfashionednightingale @wearecrowley @halemerry @books-and-omens @ineffableteeth @luminousslime @lonicera-caprifolium @mrghostrat @grntaire @snek-eyes @fremulon @focusfixated @aduckwithears
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bjurnberg · 1 year
“There’s plenty of fish in the sea”
Well maybe I’m not a fish.
Maybe this entire world you live in where you find partners to love openly and freely and it’s normal and natural is an environment where I drown.
Maybe this thing you call love can take forms you’ve never considered. Forests. Tundras. Deserts. Mountains. Stars. Maybe I need a wider view than the swift beat of waves can afford. Maybe I need slower seasons to acclimate my emotions.
No, I don’t know what my love will look like. I’ve only ever been around fish. I don’t have the words to describe what I’m longing for. But it’s certainly not in the water.
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your f/o loves your body hair!!
no matter how much of it you have, whether you remove it or not, they're completely understanding of it. they'll never think you're "dirty" for it. after all, it's completely natural. at the end of the day, it's you, and your f/o loves you. they'll never judge what you choose to do with it or what you wear. you love them unconditionally, so why should their feelings for you be any different?
proship dni please!
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hajihiko · 5 months
Good... what ever time of day it is when you see this!
It's been a minute since youve popped up on my dash. Not that you're obligated to post or anything, I just hope that everything is going alright for you lately and to let you know that whatever is happening, I'm rooting for you.
It was bright n early in the morning ☀️
I haven't wanted to post anything original during the strike so as to not pull attention away. I was also really sick for a while there so I haven't had much energy either (getting better tho). Thank you for caring! ❤
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malicious-devourer · 2 months
something that's been on my mind a lot because it isn't talked about enough- here are my three personal rules for those who have "problematic" fictionkins
1. being kin of a villain/morally wrong character, being from an problematic media or creator, etc, does NOT mean we support or condone any of their actions. we shouldn't have to "prove" to you that we're good people. you don't control who you're kin of. if any of you mfs start condoning illegal or unethical shit your kins have done though, this rule doesn't apply- go fuck yourself
2. you can still be happy about being kin of the characters. villain characters often have so much more to them than just "being evil". this goes to an extent, of course, but you deserve to feel comfortable with your kins and talk about them to people who will listen. DON'T TALK ABOUT TRIGGERING THINGS YOUR KIN HAS DONE AROUND OTHERS!! GIVE TRIGGER WARNINGS‼️ just as a general rule of thumb be wary of common triggers and be mindful of others. use your common sense
3. lastly, just be nice to others. there are going to be people who still view you negatively because of your kins no matter what you say or do. just leave them be, and don't let them get you down. if someone doesn't want to interact with you, just respect their wishes for christ's sake.
yeah there it is folks ;p just got tired of all the bs surrounding this topic and felt like it should be addressed
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