#is she jealous she couldn't get some tay tay
luckylittlelesbian · 2 days
jealousy! jealousy!
some yellowjackets x the cheerleader
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natalie - when nat found that she could open up to hanna (aka: the cheerleader. slay she has a name!) and be understood in ways she hasn't ever really been understood before it made nat want her even more, on an even deeper level now. she started observing the other girls. trying to see what they have that she doesn't have. what is it that pulls hanna to them? and what is it about her that seems to push her away? her attempts to change things about herself were subtle most of the time, almost unnoticable but she noticed it and it always made her feel so empty because it wasn't her. none of it was her. it was all driving her crazy tho. the cheerleader even bonded with jackie over their interest in cheer. and with misty, over god knows what. nat hated it all. why did it seem like she was the only one who was struggling with this? maybe eventually, even if just briefly, it grew into a pride thing. for her to prove to herself that she can make hanna like her. but mostly it was because nat liked her, and whenever she saw the cheerleader talk to, or laugh with anyone else. or whenever she heard of any of her plans with someone who was never her, it always just made her so sad. it was making her mad, and it was making that empty dull loneliness in her chest loud.
some examples of her failed attempts include, but are not limited to:
days of being uncharacteristically sporty, to try to emulate what she thinks she sees with tai
or clingy, to try to emulate what she thinks she sees with shauna
or trippy, to try to emulate what she thinks she sees with lottie.
asking to be taught cheer, to try to connect with her the way jackie did
considered dyeing her hair back to brown
dressing less grunge on some days just to see how it feels (she hates it and it doesn't work anyway)
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shauna - she knew it was kind of fucked up but the initial plan was to use hanna to make jackie jealous. shauna realised that things were starting to backfire once she noticed that hanna's affection towards others was starting to bother her, at times even more than jackie's affection towards jeff. it wasn't supposed to bother her but it did. what was worse was that shauna knew that the others wanted her, and hanna was just so oblivious to it all. to all the painfully unsuccessful attempts from nat. or the way lottie was clearly trying to keep the cheerleader all to herself. she couldn't stand it. she felt the need to let everyone know whose hanna actually was. she was hers. so, shauna turned into a bit of a lost little puppy, when it came to the cheerleader. she would just never leave her side. she'd follow her everywhere. or ask her to go with her wherever it was that shauna needed to go. there was an instance where she even had her go to the dentist with her just so she could sent out a text in the group chat letting everyone know. she wanted to show them that hanna would always put her first. she also wanted to show them that she could touch the cheerleader in ways they couldn't, by doing things like keeping her hand on her thigh during lunch, or leaning against her as they sat on the grass on the field. she grew possessive and physically affection to a point that often it did look like the two of them were dating. their bond was pretty private initially, since they mostly only hang out outside of school not many people knew just how close the two of them have gotten and shauna was determined to change that.
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lottie - worries and paranoia were common for lottie these days. it was like hanna became what replaced the pills she was on and she needed her. and there was no way she could allow for her to be taken away from her. this girl is pretty toxic-coded icl. her rich, spoiled upbringing showing in the way that if she sets her eyes on something. if she decides she wants something, she is going to get it because she never knew any different. this time unfortunately tho, she's applying that logic to a real person. like constantly blowing up hanna's phone. asking her to share her location. saying she's coming to pick her up, or randomly showing up to her house. unlike with shauna tho, lottie didn't really want to or feel the need to make a scene of it. she didn't need other people to know hanna was hers, as long as hanna knew that. as long as lottie felt that. as long as hanna listened to her, and did what she asked, lottie was fine with whatever little show hanna wanted to put on with her other friends. the issues started when hanna tried to go against what lottie was asking of her. she does a lot of guilt tripping and manipulation to try to control hanna's behaviour and actions when it came to anything that didn't include her. like if hanna wasn't able to come over when lottie invited her for lunch or dinner or something, lottie just wouldn't eat. or she'd accuse her of things like "you made me to get off my pills" (she didn't) whenever her behaviour was starting to get a bit too erratic to make hanna feel like she needs to drop everything to come deal with whatever was happening with lottie.
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sylvieons · 2 years
I like that Twitter will go down with Tom H/iddleston still following T/aylor Swift. I'd love to know his thought process here. Did he just forget to unfollow her or is he consciously not doing it because he knows someone (like me) is gonna notice and then blast it all over the internet and he's gonna have to let the Hiddleswift wash over him again.
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What I Want
summary: you were flirting with everyone at the party for fun. Definitely not because you wanted to make a certain blonde jealous.
Warnings: mentions of hookups and slight angst (nothing nsfw), smoking and drinking mentioned.
"God, Jackie. You're so right." You brushed your fingers across your friend's arm, internally praying that Natalie was watching you.
You and Nat had been hooking up for a while. Just casually, something that stemmed out of boredom. You weren't close enough for it to be awkward, but you obviously weren't strangers. It was the perfect situation.
Until it wasn't.
In the past month, you'd found yourself actually falling for her. It's like a switch had flipped, and you saw her completely differently. Her husky voice wasn't just sexy, it was cute. You felt emotional when you kissed. And you fucking hated it.
You didn't do dating, you didn't do feelings. And you knew Natalie felt the same. That's why it worked.
"Y/n, are you even listening?" Jackie asked, snapping you out of your trance.
"Y/n, please. If you're not going to pay attention, I'll find someone else to talk to." She made a move to get up, and you just let her. Clearly, this flirting thing wasn't gonna work.
Although, maybe you shouldn't just flirt with Jackie. Maybe you should flirt with anyone. That would have to get her attention. Right?
It was worth a shot, at least. But you were gonna need another drink before you could fathom flirting with anyone but Nat.
Shit. You had to stop thinking like that. Tonight wasn't about Nat. Tonight was about getting over her. By possibly getting under someone else.
Either way, you needed another drink.
As you danced to some pop song in the middle of Lottie's living room with Shauna, you felt eyes on you. You looked up to see Natalie staring at you with an unreadable look on her face.
Looking away, you tried to focus on the way your hips moved to the beat.
I want the fireworks
You put your hands on Shauna's hips and pulled her closer.
I want the chemistry
With that, the two of you were so close you could feel the heat radiating off her body. You moved your hips in time to the beat, forcing Shauna to do the same.
I want that girl right over there to wanna date me
You kept trying to ignore the lyrics of the song, kept trying to force whatever was happening with Shauna.
"I'm gonna get a drink! Do you want anything?" You yelled over the speakers. Shauna just shook her head in response
That's what I want, there's nothing wrong with what I want, yeah yeah
With that, you ventured to the kitchen and poured yourself another drink. You couldn't remember if this was your fourth or fifth. Didn't matter. You'd be fine.
When you looked up, Shauna wasn't alone anymore. Now Jackie had taken your place, her arms where yours were mere minutes ago. You couldn't be upset, not really. It's not like you wanted Shauna. Or Jackie.
The Vodka didn't burn your throat anymore, in fact you could barely taste it. You took another sip, trying to look busy. You hoped that someone else would approach you, so that you could go dance with them.
"Hey, y/n." A voice came from behind you.
You turned around to see it was Van, with an exhausted looking Taissa in tow.
"Hey. What's up?" Your words slurred a little, and Van seemed to take note of that, but she didn't say anything.
"We're gonna head out. Did you still need a ride?"
"Nah, I'm sure I'll find one. Or Lottie will let me stay the night." You took another sip from your cup, trying to maintain composure as best as possible. You didn't need Tai or Van trying to convince you to leave now. You were going to have fun tonight, goddammit.
"Are you sure? I don't know if that's the best idea."
"Can a girl not have fun anymore? You're not my mom." With that, you walked away. You'd probably have to deal with a pissed off van in the morning, but that wasn't drunk you's problem.
You heard Van say something as you walked away, but you didn't quite pick up on what it was. Again, wasn't your problem.
That's when you saw her. Natalie. Leaning up against the wall, no, being held up against the wall. All while some random boy kissed her. And she was into it. Pulling him closer. You could practically feel the heat radiating off of them from across the room.
Fuck. This was supposed to be your night. And somehow, Natalie had made your plan into hers. You hadn't made her jealous. She was making you jealous. Fuck.
You pushed your way through the crowd to the sliding doors that led onto the porch. Stepping out into the cool night air, you took a deep breath. No one was outside now, seeing that it was near freezing. You were shivering in your jeans and cropped sweater.
Patting your pockets, you found what you were looking for. You pulled out a lighter and a pack of Marlboro Reds. There were only two left. You grabbed one out of the package and brought it to your lips. As soon as it was between your teeth, you flicked the lighter, attempting to get it to light.
You were so focused on the lighter that you didn't hear the back door open.
"Need help with that?" Natalie's voice startled you, and you damn near dropped your lighter.
"No," you said, your cigarette still in your mouth.
"Are you sure? Because it looks like that isn't working very well for you," she responded, nodding to the lighter.
"Fuck off. I don't need your help." You continued flicking the lighter, but it still wasn't working.
Natalie, content to watch you struggle for a bit, just stood there. Finally, she seemed to take pity on you.
"Here, seriously, let me."
"Fine." At this point, you wanted the cigarette more than you wanted to act like you didn't care.
She walked over to you and pulled out a lighter. You, expecting her to hand it to you, stuck out your hand. Instead,she cupped the cigarette with one hand, and lit it with the other. You shivered at the closeness.
When she was finished, she took a step back from you.
"Thanks," you said, exhaling smoke.
"Well, it wasn't out of the goodness of my heart. I was hoping you'd share."
"I'm not giving you my last cigarette."
"We can share this one." She looked at you expectantly.
You took another drag, hoping that if you were quiet long enough, she'd leave you alone.
"Dude, what's your problem? You're being hella weird." So much for hoping she'd leave you alone.
"I'm not being weird. I don't want to share."
"No, you are being weird. You're not inside with everyone else, you've had like five drinks when you normally stop at two. You were dancing with Shauna. You didn't leave with Van and Tai, even though you should've because you're fucking wasted. You didn't let me help you. You were going to smoke alone, which is so unlike you. Seriously, what is your problem?" She seemed so exasperated. And a little bit hurt.
"What does it matter that I was dancing with Shauna. She's my friend."
"That wasn't a very friendly dance."
"But it wasn't weird of me to dance with her. She is my friend. And I can dance with who I want. And I can drink what I want. And I can leave when I want. You're not my fucking girlfriend, Nat. We're just hooking up. You made that pretty clear by practically eating that guy's face." You took another drag of your cigarette.
"Oh, so that's what this is. You're jealous."
"Yeah, Nat. I'm fucking jealous. Because we've been hooking up for a month, yet you never even look at me unless we're alone. And I'd be fucking stupid, a fucking idiot to catch feelings, but I did. So yeah. I'm jealous. But that doesn't matter to you. Because we're just hooking up."
When Natalie didn't respond, you took that as your cue to leave. As you turned to leave, your eyes filled with tears, and you prayed they wouldn't spill over. You didn't know where you were going, you just knew you had to leave. You couldn't be at this party, couldn't be here with Nat.
It hit you that you didn't have a ride when you had made it about halfway through Lottie's giant house. Which meant you had to walk home. In the cold. Without a coat. While drunk.
At least Natalie wouldn't be there.
It was fucking cold.
You didn't think it would be this bad when you left Lottie's. But it was cold. And you were tired. And it was dark. And your feet hurt. And you forgot your headphones.
The sound of a car engine pulled you out of your trance.
"Y/n, what the fuck?" Natalie pulled up next to you in her beat-up little car.
"I'm not talking to you."
"You don't have to. But you're not walking anywhere this late. Get in."
"Fine then. But I'm not going to leave you until you get home. And at least you'll be warm in the car."
"Leave me alone." You just kept walking. But true to her word, Natalie crept along with you.
"I don't want to talk to you. Or even look at you."
"You made that pretty clear when you just walked away earlier."
"Then why do you not seem to understand that?"
"God fucking dammit, y/n! Get in the car!" She was pissed now.
"I don't want your pity."
"It's not pity. Do you know how pissed Van would be if you got kidnapped because I didn't drive you home?"
"Oh, so you're not doing this because you want to do it."
"That's not what I said. You're twisting my words. Please, y/n, just get in the damn car. We don't have to talk. We can sit in silence. But just get in."
You were tired of fighting with her. Plus, your feet were really starting to hurt.
"Thank you."
She put the car in park, and you walked over to the passenger side. You opened the door and got in. Once you were buckled, she put the car in gear and started driving.
For the whole drive, the two of you sat in silence, the only sound coming from the radio. When she pulled into your driveway, she got out of the car with you.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"Well, you're drunk as hell. And neither of your parents seem to be home. So."
"You don't need to baby me."
"Maybe I just don't want to go home."
You walked to the front door, hoping that she'd just leave you alone. But she didn't. She kept walking with you, and when you walked into your house she walked in after you.
"Why are you here, Nat? Really," you asked.
"Do you want the real answer?"
"I'm trying to prove to you that you're not just a hookup to me."
You scoffed. "Yeah, right. Funny, considering what you were doing earlier."
"I was jealous. Jealous of Shauna. Jealous of Jackie. I wanted you to see me. So that you wanted me."
"Don't mess with me, Nat. It's fine, okay? I shouldn't have even said anything. You don't need to be here." With that, you turned to walk up the stairs, and promptly tripped over your own feet.
At the sight of you on the ground, Natalie let out a small laugh. But when she saw the tears in your eyes, she immediately walked over to you.
"Hey, y/n, it's fine. You're okay. Let's get you to bed." She grabbed both of your hands and pulled you up.
When she wrapped her arm around your waist to keep you upright, you didn't protest. You were just so damn tired, and you weren't sure if you'd be able to make it up the stairs by yourself.
After what felt like hours, you finally made it to your bedroom. It took all your strength not to just lie down on the floor and fall asleep there. Instead, Natalie led you to your bed and sat you down. She then started undoing the laces on your boots and taking them off for you.
"Why are you doing this? I've been nothing but a bitch all night."
"Because I like you, y/n. And I like spending time with you. Even if you are a bitch." With that, she finished pulling your shoe off and sat on the bed next to you. "Do you know why I started hooking up with you in the first place?"
"I assumed because I was there, and a little bit to piss Jackie off."
Nat laughed at that. "It wasn't that. Although pissing Jackie off was a bonus. But I hooked up with you because I thought you were cool. More than that, even. I wanted to date you. But you always had the whole 'hookups only' mentality."
"Yeah, but so did you," You add, a little confused.
"Oh, I'm not judging you. It's just that it's hard to have feelings for someone who is so opposed to dating. And since I only wanted you, I mean, I decided hookups could be for me too."
"Oh fuck off. Don't lie to me."
"Is it that hard to believe that I could want you?" She looks into your eyes as she asks that, as if trying to look straight into your soul.
"No comment. I'm going to bed." You could tell Nat wanted to press you, but she didn't. Instead, she got up off your bed.
"Where are you going?" You ask.
"Home? I mean you're going to bed. Why should I stay?"
"I thought you didn't want to go home. Plus, it's not safe for you to drive this late. Just stay. You can sleep here."
"If you don't care. That's fine."
"Clearly, I don't."
With that, you finally let yourself lie down. Getting comfortable, you buried yourself under your comforter and waited for Nat to come in with you. When after a few minutes, you still hadn't felt her crawl in next to you, you sat up.
"Are you going to come here?" You looked to see her lying on the ground.
"You're asking me to share your bed?" She responded.
"It's a king. Yes. I'm asking you to share. I know how big of a bitch you can be if you haven't slept right."
"Maybe I want to sleep on the floor."
"If you want to, be my guest. But I don't get why you would." You rested your head back on your pillow, acting as if you didn't care if she slept in your bed or not.
For a couple of minutes, it seemed like she really was going to sleep on the floor. Then you felt her familiar weight on the bed next to you.
Three hours later, and you were still lying there, trying to fall asleep. Every move you made, you worried you'd wake Natalie up.
You look over at her, fast asleep. Her blonde hair was fanned out across the pillow, and her mouth hung open a little bit. Every so often she'd let out a soft sigh. She didn't look nearly as badass as she normally did. You'd never seen her like this before.
As slowly and gently as you could, you tried to get out of your bed. When you swung a foot over the edge, you felt her stir. You froze at the feeling, praying you hadn't woken her up.
"Y/n? What are you doing?" There went trying not to wake her.
"Nothing. I have to go to the bathroom. Go back to bed," you whisper in response.
She seems to be content with your answer and moves to go back to sleep. When she does, you get up off the bed so that you can make your way to the bathroom. You don't actually need to use it, but you didn't know what else to do.
For a few minutes, all you do is sit on the edge of the bathtub and think. Think about your night, think about Natalie. Think about how tonight, you were supposed to end up under someone else. Not next to the girl you wanted to make jealous.
But you did make her jealous. At least that's what she claimed. But you weren't sure. Natalie could literally have anyone that she wanted. Why would she choose you? The chubby lesbian who masked her feelings with an air of "I don't care".
God. This was confusing.
By now, it had been at least five minutes. Any longer and Natalie might think that something happened to you. Or that you were taking a shit. Honestly you didn't know which was worse. Either way, you moved to get up, bracing yourself on the cool ceramic of the bathtub.
When you made it back to your bedroom, Natalie seemed to have fallen back asleep. As gently as you could, you slid back into your spot on the bed. This time, though, you fell asleep almost immediately after lying down.
You woke to sunlight streaming through your light green curtains, creating patterns on the wall and bathing the room in a pale sage light. For a moment, everything was perfect.
Until you realized that in your sleep, Natalie had rolled over so she was practically on top of you. There was no way you'd be able to get up without waking her.
"Nat... Natalie," you whispered, attempting to wake her gently. In response she did absolutely nothing.
"Natalie. Wake up." This time, you flicked her in the forehead.
She groaned and just buried her head closer into your shoulder, not seeming to realize what she was doing.
"Natalie, come on." It took her a few seconds, but this time she realized.
"Shit, y/n. Shit. Sorry." She immediately jumped away from you, and you shivered at the loss of contact. Her warmth had been nice.
"Don't worry about it. You were asleep. It's not your fault."
For a few moments, you both just remained in your bed, thinking. Neither of you spoke, until you could take it any longer.
"Did you mean what you said. Last night." You asked.
"Which thing?"
"About. I don't know. Having feelings for me?" Your voice was small, and you worried that you had imagined Natalie's words from the night before.
"What does it matter? I think you made it clear that you don't like me that way." She sounded hurt, and you hated that.
"I didn't say that. At all."
"Oh, so you're telling me that you like me, too?" Her tone was sarcastic, and you let out a breath at how mad she seemed.
"That's what I'm implying, yeah."
"What are you implying?"
"Do I really have to fucking spell it out for you?" Now it was your turn to be upset. Of course she was turning this into a game. Or course she was just making a joke of your feelings for her.
"Until you tell me what you want this to be clearly, I plan to act like I have no idea what you're talking about." She smirked at this, and it made your blood boil.
"Okay, Natalie. Fuck you. I'm done with this shit." You pushed yourself up off the bed and made your way to the door.
"Y/n, wait. I was just messing around."
"Yeah, messing around with my fucking feelings. Heaven forbid I have a crush on you. Heaven forbid you have any fucking decency. I get it. You aren't into me. That's fine. But don't make that more of a problem than it is."
This time, when you moved to open the door, you felt a hand close around your wrist. When you turned around, Natalie's face was inches from yours, your noses were almost touching.
"Can I kiss you. Please."
Before you could even finish nodding, her lips were pressed against yours. Your hands moved to her waist, pulling her in closer, while hers cupped your face with a gentle touch you didn't know she possessed. She smelled like cigarettes, amber, and something you couldn't quite place. The mixture was intoxicating.
When she pulled away, a soft whine escaped your lips, and she grinned at the noise.
"Did that prove it to you, princess?"
"I don't know. We might have to try it again to really get it though my head."
She let out a small laugh at that and made a move to kiss you again, but before she could, your stomach growled.
"On second thought, maybe we should get breakfast."
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shaunamilfman · 8 months
Finding out Shauna cheated with Jeff HC's
anon req: "would u do hcs for finding out shauna was cheating on you with jeff? like jackie tells you after she read shaunas journal :)" 
You and Shauna were practically inseparable before the crash but you felt like she was pulling away more and more in the wilderness
you would have blamed it on the crash if it wasn't for how incredibly clingy she was after the initial crash. she refused to let you out of sight and would practically sleep on top of you. 
that's why it was so noticeable when she suddenly started creating distance between you a couple weeks after the crash. 
she suddenly stops wanting to sneak away from the cabin to hook up, claiming headaches or a myriad of other reasons. you wouldn't be concerned about it at all if she didn't start sleeping in the attic as well. 
when you tried to follow her up there she claimed that she wanted some space. you were pretty hurt about it and actively avoided her for a few days. 
you were super confused why she didn't seem to want you to touch her or started covering up whenever you walked in on her undressing. you just hoped she got over it soon as you really missed your girlfriend. 
you were admittedly a little jealous watching Shauna disappear into the woods and whisper with Tai all the time, but you were glad Shauna was making friends. 
you and Jackie started hanging out a lot more because of it. you realized that you liked Jackie a lot more than you thought you would. you were curious why Shauna talked so badly about her sometimes, but you didn't want Shauna to feel like her feelings weren't valid so you didn't address it. 
Shauna was extremely hesitant about telling Jackie about your relationship so you continued to respect that. It made it a little awkward at times to talk about boys with Jackie but you powered through it. 
After a while you start to notice the desperate longing looks on Shauna's face whenever she sees you. One night you wake up to the sound of her crying on the porch. She tries to pretend she wasn't crying when you walk out, but you gently wrap your arms around her from behind and rest your head on her shoulder. She cried for a long time before turning around and kissing you wordlessly and going back inside. 
The next day Jackie comes to find you. She brings you further in the forest and quietly hands you Shauna's journal. You try to hand it back to her but she insists. "Shauna's pregnant, Y/N."
You look at her in complete shock and then look at the notebook in your hand. You sit down at the base of a tree and start to read it, tears streaming silently down your face. 
The worst part of it all was how apologetic she seemed about it. She spent half of every entry berating herself for doing it. She talked about why she couldn't understand why she would do that to you when she loved you so much. But it didn't stop her from doing it again the next time you guys got in an argument.
you stay quiet for a few days, brooding on the information. Shauna walks up to you a few days later while you're foraging off in the woods and asks to tag along. "I feel like we haven't spent that much time together recently. That's my fault, I know. I just really miss you." She looked so sincere, she really meant it.
"I don't know, Shauna." You say. "Would it hurt the baby?"
Her face crumples immediately and she starts begging you to forgive her. She keeps insisting it was a mistake, that she loves you, that she's sorry. You just stare at her blankly, unable to muster a reaction. You just feel so numb. 
She falls to her knees and grabs at your legs, holding on to you desperately as she sobs against you. You watch her for a while, but eventually you push her away gently and go back to the cabin. 
You guys won't speak for a long time. You start spending a lot of time with Jackie and talking with some of the other girls. Shauna watches you obsessively but you don't spare her a glance. It's just too painful
When Jackie and Shauna get in their big blowup you go out with her. Not because you were banished, but just to try to convince her to go back inside. Jackie's stubborn though, and eventually you head back inside the cabin long after the other girls went to sleep. 
You wake the next morning to Shauna's hysterical screaming. She alternates between your and Jackie's name. The sound of her sobbing is overpowering as you quietly walk out of the cabin. The other girls look at you extremely relieved. They hadn’t realized that you had come back in. 
You stop in your tracks when you see Shauna holding Jackie's corpse. You step towards her teary-eyed, quietly grieving the loss of your new friend. She looks desperate when she sees you. Almost as if she's seen a ghost. 
You take pity on her and fall to your knees next to her to wrap your arms around her as she sobs into your neck. 
You don't forgive her yet, but you're willing to forget. Just for a little while.
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yee-hawlw · 1 year
Sleepwalking Tai feeding Van is such a romantic and loving gesture, as far as we know currently they haven't interacted formally, she's willing to express love, to provide, to share a horrific experience, how they looked at each other before the eating, and eariler her kissing van and biting their lip, the blood, the urge to consume but also provide, to protect, to allow, I'm not wording this properly but it's god tier, and the relationship between them is so interesting, soft and loving.
i wouldn't call the relationship between van and sleepwalker tai soft, though. their first on screen interaction is sletai trying to devour van, and their second is devouring jackie together; it's hunger and violence and love and protection
but sletai is willing to be gentle with van in moments, to the point where van couldn't and probably will continue to be unable to tell tai and sleepwalking tai apart, and i think that that's going to cause some issues. i wish that we had gotten more of sletai before tai and van were "out," and sletai was much more open and aggressive and affectionate with van, and tai could be jealous of herself
anyway. i love them. i hope the lines keep getting blurred between tai and sleepwalker tai for van. i hope van destroys herself trying to take care of tai. i hope sleepwalker tai keeps feeding van roasted girlflesh. i hope tai starts doing it too
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chansaw · 11 months
That cake meme is such a mood (*shoves the fic I haven't updated in literal months under the rug*). I'm curious about Creatures Such As We, since you've mentioned it a couple times and I'm a sucker for stories about monsters. What's the gist of that story? Anything in particular you'd like to say about it? Thanks!
hey anon first off i want to apologize because i meant to respond to this earlier, and when i was five paragraphs into my answer tumblr crashed and i lost everything so i had to start over again :( SORRY ANYWAYS! the main premise is this:
at jeff's kegger, the night after the team wins states, shauna doesn't have sex with jeff. instead, she gets attacked by a vampire and turned. so the good news: no wilderness baby. the bad news: shauna's bloodthirst just got a lot more literal. she struggles to teach herself how to keep her hunger in check while adjusting to the wilderness, and she does a pretty okay job at staying in control… until the time taissa catches her with her face in the bucket of the drained blood from nat's latest kill in the meat shed. surprisingly, tai doesn't seem too shocked; in fact, she seems kind of relieved. she's just glad she's not the only one, she says in a whisper. here's what she tells shauna:
tai's parents tended to tiptoe around it. they call it "the family condition." her nana had it, her father didn't inherit, but taissa has it too. after her nana passed, tai's dad did the best he could to prepare her for her first full moon once she reached puberty.
and so, tai and shauna agree to keep each other's secrets. they work together to keep each other's urges satiated. they commiserate and bond deeply (and jackie's definitely not jealous or upset about it or anything. she's also totally fine with how cagey shauna's been acting lately. it's cool. she's cool. everything's FINE!) while helping each other stay sane, stay human. i'm like dropping hints that i absolutely adore pale/platonic taishauna okay?
when she sees van writhing under the pack of wolves, tai doesn't hesitate. for the first time, she voluntarily shifts in front of other people. she knows she'll have a lot of explaining to do later, but right now, her number one priority is saving van, goddamnit. after they get back to the cabin, after akilah and misty do the best they can to stitch up her wounds, tai sobs at her side, apologizing over and over again. she apologizes for being a monster, for not telling van sooner, for not being able to do more to save her. later, once she's recovered, van will tell taissa there's nothing she needs to forgive herself for. van's not scared of her. she'll never be scared of her. she asks tai to turn her too.
of course, it's not much later until shauna's secret is out in the open too. she tries to explain to jackie there were reasons she kept it from her. but she'd been so scared to push jackie away that she didn't realize she was already pushing her away. the rift between them continues to deepen.
when jackie dies, shauna doesn't know what to do with herself. she's already unprepared to face the rest of her eternal life, and she's even more unprepared to spend that eternity without jackie in it. so she sits with jackie's body in the meat shed. she cradles the corpse in her lap gently. she moves the collar of jackie's varsity jacket back so the pale flesh of her neck is exposed, and she drinks, and she waits for jackie to come back.
but nothing happens. it's too late. she's gone forever and there's nothing i can do about it, shauna thinks to herself miserably, and she curls inward on herself and cries. she's not sure how long she spends sobbing into jackie's sleeve before she feels a prickle on the back of her neck, and she pulls herself away from jackie to see.... jackie. shauna's eyes shine with fresh tears. "hey, shipman," jackie's ghost says with a weak smile.
shauna just sobs some more, and incoherently attempts to explain what she'd been trying to do, that she couldn't bear the thought of living forever without jackie. "it didn't work," she blubbers. "it didn't work, i'm so sorry, jax."
"but what if it did?" an uneasy realization washes over jackie. "shauna, do you think that by, you know..." and she mimes sipping a drink through a straw - "you, like, tied my soul to yours or something?" she wrinkles her nose. "oh, god, does this mean i'm inside you forever now?" it's such a ridiculous sentence that jackie has to laugh.
"ew, jackie, gross," shauna laughs too, and for a second it's like nothing had happened at all.
after the team gets rescued, they finally get to grow up. all of the survivors get to become adults. but even after 25 years have passed, shauna and jackie are still eighteen.
anyways that's a broad outline of the story!!! there's still a lot of plots in both 1996 and 2021 that i havent even touched on in this response, i'm currently thinking this one will be like 5-7 chapters??? i probably won't start working on it in earnest until im done with rottweilers though haha ive got TOO many irons in the fire. anyways let me know what you think!!!!
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Time for some more fuckin headcannons
Rosegarden mostly maybe some other stuff sprinkled here and there perhaps some bright eyes
When ruby goes away oscar puts one of her sweaters or capes on a big pillow and cuddles with it to try and feel like she's with him
Ruby can't sleep in there bed without Oscar so she usually sleeps on the couch and even that is still kinda uncomfortable cause they take naps on it so often
Oscar never gets out of the gardening habit and grows food especially strawberries and watermelon wich is ruby and penny's favorite respectively
Penny learns to cook from Oscar cause there are so many things she wants to try
As I've stated before oscar just sometimes makes shit so sometimes ruby just gets a weapon as a gift for no reason most of the time they defy all weapon design principals and are patently ridiculous sometimes they are literal master pieces no in-between
Penny and ruby love the beach Oscar isn't as a big a fan but loves to watch them have fun
Oscar and penny are very warm so ruby loves to lay between them in winter time especially if there in atlas
I see them building a house somewhere quiet maybe patch or somewhere similar the rest of team rainbow living nearby
Oscar has a lot of info in his brain most of it not his so sometimes he has to info dump for several hours about some subject no one knows about like advanced music theory or thermodynamics penny listens happily
After penny becomes human she doesn't have access to the atlas data base anymore so she writes almost everything down she has pages and pages of notes on everything especially ruby and Oscar
Ruby is the protective one I also think she's the most likely to get jealous she's most protective of penny cause sometimes she'll miss things that other people won't and people will take advantage of that
Penny likes animals a lot and they like her if she sees a dog she has to pet it stray cat now its coming home with her, bear she's rubbing its stomach
Ruby is a dog person Oscar and penny are more cat people they compromise and get an old man dog named Arthur and he's a grumpy bastard who acts like a puppy when he wants to play
Angsty shit because I'm a sad little man thing
I feel like if ruby got killed or did the whole disappear on a mission thing after there married Oscar would become a total social recluse old wizard style and everyone else would worry about him but he just couldn't face them
On the flip side ruby would go the way of qrow she might not be a drunk but shed definitely be a workaholic not ever stopping to rest and trying to keep her distance from every one
Oscar as a social recluse becomes an urban legend kids spread the rumor he killed ruby if he's accused of this it doesn't go well for anyone
If rubies body is never found Oscar never gives up on her coming home and will spend months looking for her and the time he spends at home he works to keep there house exactly as it was when she left hed get irrationally angry if anyone even implies she's not coming back especially the rest of team rwby qrow or tai
Ruby would work so hard and try to pretend nothing's wrong and this pisses some people off for several reasons some think she's being cold by not taking time to grieve but her team know that she's trying not to think about Oscar and she keeps to the shake mentality of move or die
Ruby definitely talks to Oscars grave a lot and sometimes sleeps next to it
So I feel like neither would handle there grief in a healthy way at all we know ruby just tries to bottle everything up so that's why i think she wouldn't talk about Oscar a lot if he died
Now if they have children this changes entirely i still think ruby wouldn't talk about Oscar very much if the kids aren't old enough to remember him its like to most of there info is from there aunts and uncles ruby just can't talk about him but she plans to tell them everything one day she still does work a lot but is there for every school event or sports game I could see her being a teacher like her dad
On the flip side Oscar literally tells the kids bedtime story's about ruby he wants to make sure they know there mom but similar to tai I think hed go through periods of not being able to take care of himself so yang or tai have to help him a lot they don't mind
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shobioo · 3 years
Adore You (Bokuto x Reader)
𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝟏𝟒. 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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“What are you doing here?” You asked, staring at Bokuto who was in the guest bathroom laying in the bathtub. The sound of your voice made him perk up, “Y/N! What are You doing here?�� His tone was slurred a bit. Though it was hard to hear with the sound of the music, once you closed the bathroom door it became muffled. Bokuto jumped up trying to get out of the tub before stopping, he then raised an eyebrow. Almost confused about how to get out...
You shook your head before going over to him. If you couldn’t tell by the slurred speech you could tell now by the smell that he definitely wasn’t the soberest. He practically just got here, you're surprised he could get drunk this fast. 
Bokuto stayed silent as he looked at you, his eyes glossy. “Do you hate me?” He asked, the question made you scrunch your nose. Why would he ever think that? Then it clicked, you two haven’t spoken since that kiss. Which you wanted to beat yourself up for. You sigh before moving the shower curtain to get a better look at him. 
You looked at him, his blinks slow as he moved around in the bathtub. “And I thought I messed it all up, I just didn’t wanna be by myself anymore when I met you.” 
You looked at him, his blinks slow as he moved around in the bathtub. “And I thought I messed it all up, I just didn’t wanna be by myself anymore when I met you.” 
You looked at him, his blinks slow as he moved around in the bathtub. “And I thought I messed it all up, I just didn’t wanna be by myself anymore when I met you.” 
You were at a loss for words, he felt like that? “Cause that sucks!” He yelled, throwing his arms out knocking down some of the bottles of soap he looked at the soap now fallen on its side muttering a distant ‘sorry’ to it for his outburst. “An I tried talking to someone else.” 
You were at a loss for words, he felt like that? “Cause that sucks!” He yelled, throwing his arms out knocking down some of the bottles of soap he looked at the soap now fallen on its side muttering a distant ‘sorry’ to it for his outburst. “An I tried talking to someone else.” 
Your mind wandered to the girl from before, you did hate to admit it but you were jealous. You didn’t even know why, now looking back at it she didn’t seem to be interested in the conversation as much as Bokuto did.
“But I couldn’t cause I only talked bout you.” Bokuto’s mouth opened before closing again. He kinda looks like a fish out of water as he tried to find his words.
“Cause I adore you?” He muttered, loud enough for you to hear. Not thinking if it was cheesy or not.“Yeah!” He shouts.
“I adore you, I adore your laugh, I adore the way you bite your lip while studying the hard questions, or when we quiz each other on the things we like and your eyebrows scrunch.” He looked at you, the words that seemed so lost to find now came pouring.
“I like the way you shine in the sun, or when you were there when it felt like nobody was.” Bokuto reached out grabbing your hand. “But, I think I like everything about you because.” His voice trailed, as he studied your hand though he couldn’t see it your face was plastered with softness. Your heart swelling at all the things he mentioned, which if you were stubborn enough you wouldn’t believe he had meant. But you knew now that lying didn’t suit him a whole bunch.
“I like you.” He said, before placing his forehead on your hand and letting out a groan. “Did I say everything right?” “I think you did.” He answers himself. 
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𝐀𝐍: No fun facts again! Uhm, This chapter. Yep, that’s all please don’t hit my lines unless your name Bokuto Koutarou. But, the taglist is officially closed. (😔) sadness overtakes me since this bby is coming to and end soon. Sobs, no but thank you everyone for the support from the start I gained like so many followers and I’m so grateful 🥂 y’all ain’t even get to slap anyone...UNLESS THATS NEXT CHAPTER OR SUM- I dunno imma let it slideee.
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TAGLIST: (If in bold I couldn't tag you!) @tendo-sxtori @evan-rose @nico-exe-1 @orchid-tea-party @marvel-ing-at-it-all @beancurdbaby @lilsimp @coffeeaddictedmay @galagcica @javj @dumbb1tc4 @mrswhitethornbelikov @alienvarmint @ghoulgirlradio @volexis @putmeinyourdeathnote @420-uwu @ktzuki @anejuuuuoy @knucklestuff @reina-de-tay
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cavendishtogopls · 5 years
Weiss Schnee and the Snow White theme
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Okay, let me start with a run down with the original version of Snow White by the Brothers Grimm. Guess what it's called- wait for it. Schneewittchen. And there's another German fairytale titled Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot which translates to Snow White and Rose Red. (GUESS WHOSE NAME LITERALLY MEANS RED ROSE BUT WE'LL GET TO THAT SOON.) For now let's start with the original Snow White.
Grimm's version of Snow White starts off grim with the Queen sitting when she pricked her finger and three drops of blood to drip on the freshly fallen snow. The three drops of blood could be a symbol for the 3 Schnee children. She then wished for a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony. Weiss got all of these down except the hair part which is understandable since we already have a Blake. Then the whole Mirror Mirror song (planning to dissect at a later date) and her family owning the Dust Mines. Remember how Snow White has 7 dwarfs? Well, she has 7 friends when she first came to Beacon. Team R_BY and JNPR. The most appropriate names I found pertaining to the seven dwarfs would be from Happily Ever After's version which would be Bright Silver (Ruby), Sharp Flint (Blake), Fools Gold (Yang),
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Smelly Sulfur (Jaune), Heavy Metal (Nora), Rough Copper (Pyrrha), Hard Jade (Ren). You've got to admit it fits.
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So, the Queen dies, the king remarries a vain and incredibly jealous woman. But it didn't use to be this way. In the first version of Snow White it was her own biological mother who was the evil queen. Enter Jacques Schnee, from what we know of canon, Jacques is not a Schnee. A name he married into as Weiss stated in volume 4. Which would make sense why the Schneeflake, the Schnee family crest and SDC's symbol, would be behind the Schnee sisters and not the men of the family in volume 7's intro. It could also be because Winter and Weiss are the ones who can wield the family semblance. Winter mentioned in Volume 3 how the Schnee semblance is hereditary meaning Jacques couldn't wield it and when Whitley mentioned in volume 4 that the company would be in good hands to men like him, I assumed he couldn't as well.
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Jacques is obviously the evil queen in this with his narcissism and obsession with the Schnee family name. There's something so inherently evil about using his own children to further his own legacy. As parents by nature, their first priority should be to better their children not the other way around. If the way he treats Weiss is any indication, it is proof enough of how sick Jacques Scheee is. He thinks his children owe him for their lives, for their very existence and sees them nothing more than assets, bargaining chips to further his empire. Weiss in particular was raised the way she is, a delicate doll put in display with her singing to make her a more attractive piece to his prized collection.
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With Ruby and Summer, Summer died. There's nothing Ruby could do about it but honor her with what little memory she has of her through becoming a huntress, with the help of Qrow. With Yang and Raven, Raven left. Yang searched for her even putting Ruby in danger in the process even if she had a loving dad like Tai. With Blake and her parents, they had a falling out and still she had been welcomed with open arms. It is different because Weiss' mom was literally there! She couldn't have not seen what her husband was doing and she could have been powerless to stop him but she was there and while the rest of team had some sort of guidance, WEISS HAS NONE OF THAT. I cannot stress this enough. Her father was a sick fuck and her mom doesn't care. The closest she had to a loving family is Winter and she left for military. Leaving her and Whitley to be at the mercy of her father.
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I can't say much about Willow Schnee since she's almost non-existent in the show and Weiss only mentions her in passing and clearly does not want to talk about it. It could either be that Willow is a huge part of Weiss' character arc or she doesn't seem like that important at all. What with Jacques being enough problem to deal with in the storyline. But the thing is, we've seen what the absence of a parent could do to someone.
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I love Winter, I do and she did it to save herself from Jacques' influence but she did so with escaping the responsibility and passing the burden onto Weiss. It was an incredibly bold and wise move to join the military, by doing so she gave herself an advantageous position in which her father couldn't touch her and wouldn't disgrace him so much she couldn't watch over her siblings. Winter was obviously no Yang, not by a long shot. But she tried with Weiss, to groom her into the huntress Weiss wants to— needs to be in order to escape Jacques as well.
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This leaves Whitley, it's been confirmed that's he's not able to use the Schnee semblance then it would make a lot of sense why Jacques would have him under his thumb. Because he has nowhere to go. Unlike both his sisters, he couldn't have been able to be a hunter. Also I get why people are so mad at Whitley for acting the way he did. He's a jerk but really, Weiss acted the same way in volume 1. It's obviously the Schnee upbringing. He's just as much of a victim as Weiss and Winter so I don't get why people are giving him so much shit.
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Alright, let's go back to Ruby Rose and Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot. Snow White and Rose Red is a different story altogether from the original story of Snow White. Snow White and Rose Red are two girls who lives with their mother, a widow, in the woods. The common factor with Weiss and Ruby is their lack of a mother with their sisters stepping up and taking that role. "Fair-haired Snow-White is quiet and shy and prefers to spend her time indoors, doing housework and reading. Dark-haired Rose-Red is outspoken, lively and cheerful, and prefers to be outside." Sounds familiar? Weiss is usually quiet and keeps to herself with her studying unless there's something she doesn't like or agree with and Ruby is a very loud girl who could barely sit still through class and prefers battling Grimm over learning about them.
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There's nothing much to it that I can see related to the show because it was about the two girls giving shelter to a bear and an ungrateful dwarf. The girls continue to rescue the dwarf but each time he's ungrateful until the bear killed him and the bear turned into a prince and married Snow White while Rose Red married the Prince's brother and all that hetero fairytale shit. I just dug this up, you can check this over. It just fascinates me that Ruby does indeed have a lore somewhat connected to Weiss even if it wasn't the original story and romantic like beauty and the beast.
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clareisa · 4 years
Smut Prompt Requests
⚠️NOT MINE⚠️ - original post ⬇️
- open for any idol of your choice
- 1 or 2 or (max) 3 idols
- 1 or (max) 2 prompts
1.“Come on, admit it, you sit at your little desk all day and she walks in and out and all you want to do is fuck that tight little ass of hers, don’t you?”
2.“Can you please fuck me, sir?”
3.“I wore my naughty little skirt just for you Mr.(idol of choice) and I think you’d like to know…I’m not wearing any panties.”
4."Mr.(Idol of choice), I see how you look at me, I know you want to fuck me...but, how would your wife respond?"
5."Seriously? You spilled coffee on my slacks? Clean it up."
6."Some would call it exploiting my powers but I need to see which one of you is really ready to do anything for the company."
7."You're sleeping with the CEO of the company? No wonder you got that promotion your second month here!"
8."Are you sure you want to do this here? I mean you have no curtains and the whole office would be able to see us..."
9."You've been such a naughty secretary, trying to seduce your boss...well, it's working,"
10."You've been hired to help the boss relieve some stress...he'll see you in his office now."
11."Swallow daddy's dick, make him cum and maybe, maybe he'll reward you."
12.“One cock is never enough for this slut, even with your cock in her pussy…she’s begging for one in her ass.”
13.“Move your hand! I’m not stopping-this is what you asked for, now be a good little slut and take it.”
14.“Keep testing my patience and you won’t be able to sit for the next month and every time you go to slide on some shorts or jeans you’ll grimace remembering how hard I had to spank your ass, all because you couldn’t listen.”
15.“Imagine being fucked so good, your eyes roll to the back of your head and you drool a little.”
16.“If you’re not screaming my name at the top of your lungs then I’m doing something wrong.”
17.“Some good dick can turn any good girl into a naughty girl.”
18.“Daddy needs you, princess. Daddy needs your mouth so bad.”
19.“You’re so relentless. All I asked was for you to wait until we got home and you couldn’t even do that! You are so in for it tonight.”
20.“Say it! Say it loud! Let everyone know who’s fucking this pussy right.”
21.“I don’t think you understand how much I want to bend you over the nearest surface and fuck some sense into you.”
22.“Your tits bounce with each thrust…fuck you’re so sexy!”
23.“You’ve never had your pussy eaten? No, I refuse to believe no one has eaten this sweet cunt.”
24.“I love watching you throw it back on me,  always so eager for my cock.”
25.“You’ve been such a good girl, maybe daddy will finally fuck that whore ass of yours.”
26.“You try to act all innocent but I know what you really are. A cock craving whore, that’s what.”
27.“Your panties are soaked little girl, I guess you like the idea of me taking what I want.”
28.“You gonna cry and moan while I run into that virgin cunt?”
29.“Face down. Ass up. Spread that pretty little pussy for me.”
30.“You know the dick’s good when you can nothing but lay there and take it.”
31.“Are you a swallower? Yes? Good because I want you to swallow every drop of cum I’m going to give you.”
32. “I know, deep down, you’re a filthy little slut who likes to take cock deep down her throat.”
33. “Be loud. Scream for daddy, let the others know you’re mine and only mine.”
34. “You’re acting out…so, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t fold you in half right here and fuck the shit out of you.”
35. “I’m tired of you being so gentle and soft. I want you to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore!”
36. “I’m tired of acting like I don’t want you, and you don’t want me…just pin me against a wall and fuck me already.”
37.“Does me touching you excite you this much? You’re literally dripping.”
38.“I have a confession…I like to be choked, and not just your hand wrapped around my throat…like, choke me until my vision blurs.”
39.“You look so pretty tied up, your clit forced against that vibrator…cum for me, princess, cum for me.”
40."I-I can't. My thighs are shaking so hard and even the slightest breeze across my slit is making me shake daddy, I can't take anymore."
41."Three orgasms and you're still as hard as a rock and your balls are blue as hell. What do you want me to do, baby, how can I help?"
42."Fuck me, daddy! Fuck my used and abused cunt."
43."Two orgasms isn't enough for you? You need three? Of course, you do! You're a little cock craving slut,"
44."I have a confession, god if I weren't so fucking drunk I don't think I'd even consider telling you this but...sometimes all I want to do is tie you up and make you cum again and again until all you can do is lay there, trembling, begging me to stop."
45.“We can’t! The others are here!”
46.“So what! This is my apartment and I’ll fuck you whenever and wherever I want.”
47.“Tell me how it feels being at a public event ass filled with your favorite vibrating butt plug.”
48. “Ah fuck! No! No, we shouldn’t be doing this. Well, not here at least…”
49.“Really? Couldn't you wait until we got home? You needed me so bad, that you’re going to fuck me in a public bathroom?”
Cum Play/Breeding:
50.“I’m going to fill your pussy with every inch of my cock, and then I’m going to cum deep inside your pussy. I’m going to breed you…you want that, you little slut?”
51." This is a perfect position, legs spread wide, cock buried deep in your pussy, you're going to get every drop of cum I have to offer."
52."Can you feel it, how heavy my balls are? I haven't cum in three weeks because you're so fucking stubborn, Y/N, please touch me."
53."A bet's a bet, and I won, so you know what that means. I get to fill you with my cum, anywhere hole of my choosing."
54."I love how you sit there, tongue out, waiting for my load.  Such a pretty, obedient whore."
55."You're going to go back out there and sit at your desk in your cubicle, dripping with my cum like the good girl you are."
56."Your pussy looks so pretty, especially when it's covered in my cum."
57."You feel how thick my cock is? Fucking your tight walls? I'm knotting you, baby, knotting this pretty pussy of yours and then I'm going to fill you to the hilt with my cum."
58.“I just want to know how your dick would feel inside of me.”
59.“Desire is a nasty little thing.”
60.“I-is that a hickey?”
61.“Were you two just fucking? You two were totally just fucking!”
62.“I heard the best way to get over someone was to get under someone.”
63."Yes, I know it's two in the morning, but I'm stressing over finals and tuition and when I'm with you, all those things go away..."
64."I can't believe we had sex, you're my TA!"
65.“It’s kind of embarrassing to admit but my cock gets so hard when I think of you noona, you make me such a leaky mess.”
66.“As much as I would love for you to fuck me…I need to know if you’re going to last.”
67.“Good boy, you had so much cum for me. I can feel it dripping down my thighs!”
68.“Good boys share.”
69.“You don’t have to act all macho, no one’s expecting it from you…be the sub I know you are.”
70.“Now, be a good boy and clean my cunt of his cum.”
71.“Admit it. Even when you’re not fucking me, all you can think about is fucking me.”
72.“What do I want you to do? I want you to eat my cunt until I’m shaking.”
73.“Don’t be embarrassed…I think it’s hot you get so hard when something’s filling your ass.”
74.“The sight of you, on your knees, tongue fucking my pussy is too much! Seeing you submit in such a way is so fucking hot.”
75.“You like my friends, slut? I know they like you.”
76.“Go ahead, tell em, baby, tell them how you loved to be covered/filled with cum.”
77.“Interestingly enough, (idol of choice), just told me he gets off to the thought of you…I thought maybe we could help him out. Give him the real thing.”
78.“I’m honestly so jealous of (idol of choice), he gets to come home and fuck you after tour…”
79.“Go ahead, taste how sweet her pretty pussy is.”
80.“I see the way you look at (idol of choice) and I know you want him…go! Go and ask him to fuck your little whore pussy.”
81.“Come on princess, put on a show for me and (idol of choice), we miss you and your tight cunt so much.”
82. “Me and my friends have had a hellish week, help us relieve some of our stress, princess.”
83. “It’s my turn…I’m going to fuck his cum deep into your tight, little pussy.”
84.“I’m not going to lie…I’ve gotten off a few times thinking of having my every hole filled with cock.”
85.“Fuck! Is it bad I’m so hard watching someone else fuck your dirty cunt?”
86.“You look so much prettier with my member/friend’s cum on your face.”
87.“You’re going to let me fuck your pink pussy, while your boyfriend’s watching? God, you are such a naughty girl.”
Anal Play:
88.“I’m going to tear this little ass in two, and you’re going to do nothing but lay there and take it.”
89.“I want you to fuck my ass daddy/mommy, I’m your little anal slut.”
90.“I am so wet at the thought of your thick cock filling my ass.”
91."I am a straight man who loves to have his ass fucked."
92."The plug isn't even, I need another cock, please, please fill my ass with another cock."
93."I don't know, most guys deny and deny this some more but to be honest with you...there's nothing I love more than tongue-fucking an asshole."
94.“All these girls/guys, they try to get you to come home with them. Little do they it’s my name you’re chanting so loud that by the end of the night you can’t even speak.”
95.“I just want you to know…even though you’ve been a good girl/boy tonight, I’m going to tie you up and punish you just for my amusement.”
96.“I see the way you look at me…and it’s very inappropriate, Mr. (Idol’s last name)
97.“I like this, your hands above your head, your body completely at my/our mercy.”
98.“It’s that look, that look of innocence on your face, it makes me want to tear you into two.”
Orgasm Denial:
99.“Trust me denial is your friend. When you finally get to cum, it’ll feel so good…I promise.”
100."No, you don't get to cum until I say so. I don't care if you're close if you cum I'm going to punish you."
101."I know it feels good princess, but if you cum daddy is going to spank, not your ass but your pussy, until it's red and you're clenching around nothing, thighs shaking and skin burning, begging me to stop."
102."Are you close baby boy? Yeah? Well, we can't have that, not yet anyway, you haven't earned it."
103."I don't like edging!  I want to cum and I want to cum now."
104."I don't think I like your tone...you better be careful I might not even let you cum tonight."
105."Let us use your holes, fuck you senseless and maybe, only then will one of us make you cum. Deal?"
+Bonus Prompts
106. “Open your eyes. I watch to watch you fall apart.”
107. “Maybe if you kept your mouth shut and knew when to quit you wouldn’t be bent over my lap with your ass raw.”
108. “I’ve never met someone’s who got so wet/hard by the simple fact they’re being praised.”
109. “Were you watching me touch myself? Yes? I kind of knew you were…did you enjoy the show?”
110. “I’m mommy/daddy’s little cumslut prince/princess!”
111. “My pussy is dying to be stuffed by a big, hard cock.”
112. “You can watch if you want…if you’re good, maybe I’ll let you touch…just maybe
113. “My princess is an anal slut and she’s been telling me how much she’d love to have your cock inside of her."
114. “Honestly? She talks about how much she wants to fuck you so I told her to get on her hands and knees and beg.”
115. “It’s sad really…she walks around with no panties on waiting for one of us to fuck her
116. “They call her the blowjob machine…I think the name fits.…”
117. “I’ve never witnessed a man eat pussy like it’s his last meal…I can’t feel my legs."
118. “We’re in a car full of people…why do you decide to sit on my lap and then proceed to move?”
119. “It’s literally the most adorable thing how hard you are from just me kissing you.
120. “You talk too much, sometimes I want to shove my cock down your throat in hopes you shut up.”
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erikawritesss · 4 years
✨Old Story Piece: “Mine.”
I title the things I write sometimes. Taylor’s name (is one I love for some reason) and apparently a while ago when I wrote a requested blog ..... I like stole the idea and look of her (name, personality, etc) and just used it for her little blurb with Rowan. I feel like Rory is kinda like Rowan... but Rowan from my little ask request was more of like... idk shy? But more of a Top/Tol. Where in this story/blurb thing Rory is like smol and a little more... fiery?
Anyways here this super unedited story piece/blurb thing I wrote sometime in Aug 2016... when I was still 15. Hope y’all enjoy! Or just lmao idk read it. 🥺❣️
  Taylor laid her head on Micah's tan bare chest and sighed. Her short platinum colored hair splayed across his torso and she shuffled running her legs along his in a plea for attention. When no movement or sign of acknowledgement came from him she groaned. Lifting her head she stared at his strong yet smooth features relaxed in sleep. She shuffled again in irritation at his unwillingness to wake up and sighed in delight when she sees his lips twitch.
  Taylor doesn't resist the urge to run her fingers down his smiling pink lips, then her down his cheeks and jawline on his slight five o'clock shadow. She wiggles again and squeals when he nips slightly at the top of her index. She calmly places her cold feet against his warm ones and smirks as he hisses and flinches back.
  "Come on Tay," Micah laughs as he attempts to sternly reprimand the short haired girl on him, but fails as Taylor once again cuddles closer. With closed eyes he tries again, "Taylor, Princess I'm sleeping." She snorts and buries her head further into his arm.
  "Aw, does your highness want attention?" Micah says jokingly, but slowly looks down concerned at his blonde when she doesn't immediately counter back at him with a quick snarky comeback. "Princess? Is there something bothering you? 
   Taylor rolled to her other side with her back facing Micah as to not look him in the face as she spoke, "It's Rory babe."
   Micah groaned behind her, "Not this again. I thought you'd promised me we'd leave this alone. I'm with you I promise I'm not-"
   "Dammit Micah not that. I'm worried about her." 
   Taylor twirled her shoulder length hair delicately along her fingers. "Its just ever since that day she's been acting off and avoiding the both of us. And on top of that she went to that party tonight without me. She doesn't even like parties. I'm always the one to push her to go to them." Taylor glowered to herself and rapped her arms around her midsection. 
   "Babe, maybe she just wants a break from the both of us." Micah whispered behind her rapping his arms around her as well. Taylor's stomach collapsed in worry, "But Jesus why? We are her best friends. Me especially. She should talk to me. Why would she want a break from us?"
   Micah shushed his girl friend as her octave slowly rose with her body that was now sitting up in bed in a frenzy. Taylor kept going.
"I'm her best friend-"
"-she should come to me-"
"-if something is bothering her-"
"-I mean I'm the only one that could-"
"Taylor!" Micah screamed still laying down on the bed. Her blonde head whipped around and glared down at her boy friend, "What?!"
 "Maybe she couldn't. Talk to you that is. Maybe she has something she couldn't say to you directly, because it would affect...stuff."
  Taylor blinked her grey eyes at him flatly and Micah groaned, "Taylor you've messed with her enough. Me and her actually. You think that you wouldn't be sick of hanging out with people who pursue you constantly who are suppose to be your friends. You've crossed lines Tay. Lines that friends shouldn't cross." 
   Taylor let out a small breath, "But Micah we crossed them. We were friends before we were anything. She got us-"
   "-together. I know. But think about how that must have felt. To have gotten her two best friends together because they were circling around each other without properly asking each other out for all of high school. And then having to deal with them all sophomore and junior year?"
  Taylor laughed, "Micah we weren't that bad. We never left her like other people do when they get a boy friend or girl friend."
Micah chuckled and tugged her back down, "True. But that's the problem, we were always with her and we were all over each," he nibbled on her ear for affect and smirked as her breath hitched. "We were practically in the honeymoon phase and she was...dealing with her own relationship issues." His voice lowered in a tone of anger.
  "That guy was an asshole and we were so rapped up in each. We just let him..." 
  "He took her virginity and bounced." Taylor joked and jumped when Micah pinched her waist. "Oh come on, she's the one that made that joke. It's been two years."
  Micah growled, "Doesn't matter, he shouldn't have touched her. He had no right to-"
 "He was her boy friend," Taylor reminded her boy friend in a singing chirpy voice. Micah's jaw clenched and Taylor lifted her head to stared down at jealous boy friend. He blinked angry electric blue orbs at her and sighed through his nose. 
  She quickly distracted him before he went on a rampage much like every other time he got jealous of someone being around his girls. Taylor long ago realized how much Micah cared about their girl, Rory. Even if he refuse to admit it to himself. No matter how long she pestered him. 
  "Okay, forget about that. So me and you are all lovey dovey and shit. But so what? She's never had a problem with us being together." Taylor said with a sigh into Micah's neck.l
  Micah laughed, "Lovey dovey and shit? You're so romantic Tay."  He ran his hands over her soft platinum locks.  "Its not that, that bothers her Tay. It's the...changes. You've went from being with me to suddenly trying to make me be with her."
  Taylor scoffed, "I've done no such thing."
   Micah pinched her again and this time she squealed. "The fact that you talked all proper just now to deny it, proves you have been princess. You've been pushing her and I into situations with each other. Hell you've pursuing her yourself, don't think I haven't noticed Tay. I love you Taylor, so I'm always gonna be here, but maybe she needs a break. Maybe she doesn't like the idea of being pushed with me," Micah looked away almost sadly, but as quickly as the hurt over took his features, it was replaced with anger. "I don't even know where it's come from. We've been together for two, almost three years. Do you suddenly not want me is that it? Trying to get with her or make me be with her, so we aren't together anymore. We can't use her like that."
  Taylor sighed and sat up once again, "Shut up Micah. You sound stupid, of course not, I love the both of you and I'd never use her. Micah, I do what I do not to get rid of you. I do it cause I see the way you look at her, I know how you feel about her..." She watched Micah's features pale. "I know you think of her sometimes...I know it's not innocent. And I know despite what you say, you don't think of her like a sister. You just got jealous of her being with another guy just now for crying out loud."
Micah was quick to defend himself with cheeks that were far past pink. It was a nice color of him. "I don't! What makes you think I like her? I'm not even-I don't even feel anything..." He flustered more as Taylor smirked down at him and he sat up for leverage.
  "I don't like her. And I was only jealous cause-what am I saying!? I'm not jealous. I just don't like that guy using her. No one deserves that." He huffed.
And Taylor giggled, "Oh dude, you are so into her. You're into her green eyes. Into her long brown hair...and her lips..she has really full lips..." She kept going as the redness rose to his ears and his breathing levels went up. "Micah you seem nervous? Is that it? Let me guess you like her lips? Or no, you like other things?"
   Micah groaned and shifted besides her, "What about less physical things like her personality or her cute little laugh?" He froze as he realized his mistake, " I mean-"
   "Ohhh, so you think her laugh is cute? And you love her personality?" Taylor said with a infectious laugh and soon Micah was laughing too. 
  "Tayloooorrr." Micah blushed again when she smiled suggestively at him. "Stop it."
   Taylor giggled. "Okay okay. But admit you think she's cute."
    Micah smiled, "Okay fine she's cute ish. Doesn't mean I like her though." 
   Taylor narrowed her eyes, "Oh really? Well want to know why I'm worried about her? Because she hasn't texted me since she went to the party just to make sure in her 'subtle way' that we aren't gonna be there."
  Micah leaned back against the headboard, "So? What's that gotta do with me? I'm not her boy friend, I'm yours. She doesn't even have a boy friend." He sounded quite smug about that fact. 
  Taylor smiled innocently, "Yeah, you're my boy friend. She doesn't have one. Can you imagine her at that party single?"
  Micah's body tensed. Taylor smothered a laugh. 'Got him,' she thought. 
  "I wonder what she's wearing." Taylor fake pondered. "I know you're probably thinking you don't care, but can imagine if she's wearing something skimpy."
  Micah popped wider, "I hardly think she'd-"
  "Micah babe I don't know. I think she could be wearing anything. You know it's Matt's party right?"
  "Matt's? Don't his parties have-"
  "-a skimpy dress code?" Taylor laughed, "Oh hell yeah. She's probably in shorts and a cute top...unless she's like in a short dress. I know she had that blue one? Remember that one she brought at the store when she was shopping with us?"
   "I remember." Micah's voice had gotten extremely deep. She smothered another laugh, he was so cute.
  "Damn, if she's wearing that then guys would be ALL over her. And like you said she's single.-" Micah growled and she went on, "God I hope she's not drinking. All those boys around. She gets so playful when she's tipsy, but drunk? She gets frisky."
   Micah's jaw flexed, "They'd take advantage of her." Taylor spoke, "Well I mean it's not like  she wouldn't want it...that's why I'm worried. Imagine those stupid fuck boys. Their hands would be all over her and she'd be showing skin." 
  Micah pulled away from her abruptly and stood up. He pulls his keys from the nightstand by her bed, "That's it. We are going to fucking find her right now."
  Taylor stares at him as he looks at her frantically, "Tay come on!"
   "Pretty bold moves from someone who doesn't like a girl."
   Micah runs his hands through his hair a common sign of his for being anxious, "A friend could-"
   "Micah!" Taylor cut him off. "Okay fine Taylor. I like her but I'm with you, and she's not even-"
"I doubt that. I doubt that a lot."
   "I'm not good enough for her." He sighed and clutched his key harder. "I use to be the exact type of her person that hurt her. She's a hopeless romantic who just...Tay, I use to be such a player. I was-"
   Taylor kissed him silent, then pulled away. She grabbed his arm and sat on her knees at the edge of the bed, "So was I. But we are together. Both of us our different now. Neither of us deserved her before. That's why she was our friend Micah. That's why we found each." She ran her hand down his cheek as he tilted his head down, "But we are together now. We can't try to be with her, it wouldn't be fair. No matter how much I-"
  Taylor interrupted him, "-we. We both want her. But...I understand. But she wants us back, I know she does. She hides it better than you do that's for sure, but it's cause she doesn't know. She can be the most analytical person ever and she could read other people so easily, but when it comes to stuff involving her she's so damn oblivious."
  Micah chuckled fondly, "How do you know she's just not interested. We are exactly alike, maybe we are too much for her."
  Taylor smirked, "Are you kidding? She likes us most definitely. How could she not? And who would say no two being offered two different people? I know my best friend trust me." Taylor rapped her arms around Micah's neck and smiled at him, "She thinks she's got it all figured out, she doesn't want us to corrupt it, she doesn't want us to not want her back. We are together after all. It's why she hasn't said anything. She cares about us just as much if not more than we care about us. Her heart is big enough to love us, trust me."
   Micah leaned his head on her chest. "Why are you stopping me from getting her back here. With us. If she's not convinced, I wanna show her. We can show her we can take care of her. I can show her that I can take care of both of you." 
   Taylor smiled into his hair, "Something tells me you've been holding that in for a long time." She giggled when he groaned into her breast, "You know it would've been a lot easier to claim her as yours if you admitted you actually wanted her as yours to begin with." He groaned again.
   Taylor sighed, "Micah we can't go to her cause that would make it worse. If she's separating herself from us like you said, than if we suddenly barge in-"
  Micah growled on her chest and slid his hand between her bare midsection between her cotton shorts and sports bra, "Barge in on what? She's ours. Mine." 
   Taylor smiled in full agreement of his words, but she had to disagree with him before he got carried away, "Slow down hot shot. She's not ours, not yet. And that's not what I meant. If we try to force her out of the party it'll upset her. And you know her when she's mad." Micah bursted out laughing. 
   "Yeah she's something." He toyed with the bottom of her sports bra. He softly bit the top skin of her breast that popped from her bra and then looked up at her, piercing her with his cool electric colored eyes, "You are too, princess. Just cause I love her, doesn't mean I don't still love you. You're my world." She pulled his head up to her level and pressed her lips to his with a lack of words to say. 
    With his lips against hers, he pushed her back flat onto the bed. His hands swept down her sides awaking up all her nerves. Micah nipped at her bottom lip and let his tongue slide over it soothingly. With a hiss he rolls his hips down on hers and she pants below him. He pulls back and she leans up and attacks her lips to his upper neck mouthing against him as he sharply grabs her hips for control over himself. 
    He pulls back a little and out of breath he whispers her name, "T-Tay." Taylor trails her lips to his ear, "I know Mickey. I know. I love you too." He stares down at her adoringly and she leans back. She's quite a sight. Her short platinum straight her falls gracefully and effortlessly around her fair skin. She's panting and her breast rise and fall with every breathe she takes hypnotizing Micah. Her pupils are blown wide and her grey eyes are dark with lust. With cheeks painted rose, she smiled at him. God, Micah loved her. There were very few girls who would be okay to know that their boyfriend were secretly in love with both them and their best friends.
   Micah couldn't help falling for Rory being similar yet different to Taylor in every way possible; both of them being everything he ever wanted. And now knowing he could actually have both of them. His heart soared in his chest. 'He'd make sure he'd treat them both perfectly, they were everything to him,' Micah thought. 'He'd be damned if anyone laid a finger or tried to hurt either of his girls.' Micah reached across the counter and dropped his keys and picked up the phone instead. He calmly handed it to Taylor. "Call her princess. Make her come back to us."  
   Unknown to them, Rory was a lot closer than either of them thought. 
   Much like Taylor had joked, Rory was in the dark tight blue dress that she had bought with Taylor and Micah. Thinking about the experience had her checks flushing. Standing in Edge Look and being forced into the dressing room by Taylor as Micah sat to the side and watched her get manhandled with a smirk had her wanting to kill best friend. But it was walking out of the dressing room in the dress was the most embarrassing thing. Shuffling in the dress barefoot against the carpet floor as both her best friend and her best friend's boy friend had fallen silent and started at her with wide intense eyes. They had looked her like...
   Rory shook her head, no, it wasn't that at all. She had long convinced herself that the grey and blue eyes that had stared at her with an almost unrecognizable emotion had simply been surprise and approval of the dress; and not of the girl in the dress. Similarly to how she had convinced herself that if she put on the dress, despite the fact that Taylor had convince Micah to buy it for her, she would most definitely regret it. And she definitely regret putting it on. 
  Bryan, a boy in her advance calculus, had stopped her after class to asked her to come to this party that another one of her classmates (Matthew-she thought his name was) was holding. A lot had been bothering her lately regarding her best friends and she was almost going to say no. Till one of those said best friends turned the corner near the end of the hallway and glared daggers at Bryan hand was on her arm. That to be quite frank pissed her off, they had no right to treat her like a baby who couldn't handle herself. Thus quickly changing her mind. She needed some time to regroup herself away from her best friends anyways. Her friends, Taylor and Micah were dating and they were driving her nuts. 
   Despite the fact they were dating they seemed to draw close to her and bring out the most elicit reactions out her that she still refuse to even acknowledge. But if she didn't back up from the golden couple, Mr. And Mrs. Prom King and Queen, she was gonna lose it. They were so perfect for each other and it wasn't fair that they should feel guilty about how they felt for one other simply because Rory had stupidly caught feelings for both of her best friend. It was much easier to pretend she wasn't jealous when she wasn't around the couple who seemed to forever be on gushy mode and couldn't keep their hands off each other. It made her sick. Hell she was sick, to have feelings for two people so strongly who were complete different genders and were dating each other. It was completely unethical. This is what prompted her answer to Bryan to be yes. Bryan was a shaggy haired blonde boy with light blue eyes, he was cute and he was interested. She needed to get over both her crushes so she agreed to go to the party and meet him there. 
   That whole day she avoided her friends, and only texted Taylor before going to the party. 'They were "It" couple after all,' Rory thought bitterly. So of course it was possible they were going to be there, so she had to make sure. But according to Taylor, her single working mother had taken a 2 week long business trip and both her siblings had left earlier to their friends houses, giving Taylor the house to herself. Both Taylor and Micah had taken advantage of the alone time. 
  'Probably in her room.' Rory sulked at the time. This made her more determined than ever to go to the party and have fun without either of them, and most definitely not think about anything they could be doing in Taylor's room alone with no parental supervision. 
    That itself had been a mistake. Going to the party that is. Rory knew she hated parties. Or at least hated going to them with out Taylor to make fun of people with and Micah to ward off all the annoying drunk party goers, mostly male. It hadn't been that bad at first. She had gotten there and while the music was loud and the house had been in full party mode, it was almost hypnotic. She had grabbed a red cup and had drank herself tipsy in boredom cause while she wasn't irritated with the party, Bryan hadn't seemed to want to show himself. She had eventually gotten bored of standing in a corner watching people grind and basically have sex with each other out on the dance floor, if you could call the living room a dance floor. She began to walk around with stumbled steps and was actually genuinely surprised and hurt to see Bryan playing tongue hockey with a some girl in the kitchen. 
   'Damn,' she thought. 'Had her willingness to get over her best friends convinced that this guy had actually been interested in her. Ha, he invited her to a freaking party that should've been her first guess.' 
  Bryan had pulled back from the girl and had proceeded to try to grab Rory in some form of apology. "R-Rory. Baby-"
   "Um no. Don't call me baby, I'm not your baby. I think you got me confused with that girl who had your tongue down her throat." Rory slightly slurred and stumbled as she stepped back. "H-have fun by the way." She turned on her heel and walked straight out the party. She then proceeded to call herself an uber, because she wasn't a moron. 
   When asked where to take her Rory made the biggest mistake of her entire existence, well at least she thinks so.  She gave the driver Taylor's address. Rory cussed to herself as she stared up at the tan colored two story house before her. Before she could turn and tell her driver, who she already paid, that she made a mistake and to take her home he had already drove away. Rory sighed and looked to the sky. This was another mistake, cause being tipsy didn't exactly make her balanced and she felt her head sway and she barely caught herself before she tumbled into the pavement of Taylor's driveway. Rory groaned, 'Taylor's driveway, Taylor's front yard, Taylor's house.' She giggled, life had a way with fucking with her 
   Her phone went off and Rory jumped in surprise and blinked when she saw Taylor's home phone pop up as the caller ID. 
   Rory clicked the answer button and smiled, "Hellooooo!"
    Taylor leaned down in anticipation after putting the call on speaker and flinched back at Rory's loud scream. 
   "Rory? Bae, are you okay?"
   Taylor's stomach clenched when she heard Rory giggle, "Hiii best friend!"
   Micah slid up beside her and leaned his bare chest on Taylor's nearly bare back. "Tay, I think she's drunk. Shit I knew we should've went to get her."
   Rory giggled, "Nuh uh. I'm tipsssy." 
    Micah sat forward and leaned down to the phone, "Baby where are you? I'm coming to get you."
    "Sillyyyyy. I'm hereeeee." 
   Micah's eyes furrowed, "What? Baby girl stop playing. Where are you?"
    "I'm not a baby." Rory whined petulantly, "Stahhhp it. H-He...he called me that. No."
    Micah growled lowly, "Who called you that?"
    "B-Bry...um..Bryan...umm are you mad?"
     Taylor sucked her teeth, "I knew he was trying to talk to her." Taylor raised her voice for Rory to hear her, "Roar don't let him touch you! We are coming tell us where you are."
    Rory made a loud bleh noise. "Nooo. B-Bryan is..is t-touching someone else." And Rory sighed as if she was talking to two 5 year old that would not listen and spoke slowly, "I s-said I'm here sillyyy."
    Micah stood off the bed and walked away in frustration and Taylor groaned in irritation. Dammit why wouldn't Rory just tell them where she-
    "Oh shit." Micah exclaimed. Taylor's head snapped up to look at the dark haired boy standing by the window looking down, "Princess, she's actually here. She's dancing in the grass." Micah let out an incredulous laugh and whispered, "Thank god," before rushing out the door and down the stairs. Taylor was quick on his tail. When they reached outside Rory was no longer in the grass dancing, but instead in front of the door humming with a dreamy smile. 
   "Hiiiii besties. Took you long e-enough." Rory hiccuped and stumbled past them and with wobbly feet began to race her away upstairs. "Jesus," Micah raced after her and began to help her up the stairs. She stumbled for a few seconds and nearly hit a wall once she reached the second floor, but Taylor straightened her and lead Rory to her room. Micah promptly pushed the door open and watched amused as Taylor lead a now struggling protesting Rory to the bed.
   Honestly, it was less leading and more pulling and dragging from Taylor's part, with added retreating and whimpering from Rory. Taylor finally gave up and stood straight allowing Rory to slump against her and bury her head between Taylor's neck and shoulder.
 "Dammit Rory, why won't you lay down?" 
   Rory mumbled something briefly onto Taylor's neck and Taylor shivered as it touched her through. "W-What? Bae, I can't hear you." Taylor regretted this instantly as Rory rapped her arms around her neck and pressed tightly into her putting Taylor and Rory body to body. She moved her soft lips next to Taylor's ear and let out a soft whimper and Taylor's thighs clenched. Rory delicately ran her hand over her bare sides and up to her breast, sliding her finger innocently over Taylor's sports bra. Her finger felt hot, so hot. Taylor could feel them through the fabric. She could feel them slide over her nipples. "Fuck," Taylor moaned and gripped her sides tightly as Rory ran her lips on Taylor's ear slowly. 
   "I'm not tired."    
    Rory's voice snapped her back to reality. 'Shit,' Taylor thought. 'Rory drives me crazy and I almost just lost control.' Taylor looked up and by the door Micah stood with a fist clenched tightly on the knob and teeth digging into his bottom lip, his eyes were dark with lust. "Fuck, Taylor." Micah voice was beyond deep and was dripping arousal, "Let me take her..." He cleared throat, "I mean, let me put her to bed. I can handle her."
    Micah walked up behind her and lifted the small brunette into  his arms in a bridal position, "Come on baby girl. To bed with you before you drive my princess crazy. Little minx." Micah smiled softly when Rory rapped her hands around his neck and giggled. 'Ha,' Micah thought. She actually wasn't fighting him and letting him take care of her. And Micah loved to take care of her as Rory so rarely let him. 
   He laid her down gently and turned when she heard Taylor digging around in her dresser. She pulled out pajama shorts and a tank top, "I'm gonna change her into this."
    "R-Right now? Change her now?" Micah cleared her throat and as he was distracted Rory whimpered at no longer being paid attention to. From her place laying on the bed, Rory raised her legs up and rapped them around Micah's waist and her arms around his neck. "Mickeyyy." She whined and raised her hips up to his shifting. Micah was sure he was losing his mind at the delicate hypnotizing up and down movement of her crotch against his through his sweatpants and her hand trailing down his bare back. "R-Rory," he groaned. "Ugh baby, you gotta-" he panted as her nails dug into his back and her lips into his neck. 'What was with her and putting her lips all over them when she was tipsy?' Micah thought, 'Taylor wasn't kidding about Rory being frisky.'
   "Kitten," he groaned and his mind nearly snapped when he heard Rory moaned below him and Taylor whimper behind him, both of them shifting in place. Abruptly, Rory pulled him down completely on the bed and rolled him to her other side. Taylor couldn't help the laugh at the comical sight of small 5'3 drunk Rory, pulling a 6'3 sober and surprised Micah down into the bed. Micah bounced from his place on the bed and blinked in shock, "How the f-"
   Rory shushed him promptly and cuddled into his bare chest, "Sleepy Mickey." Micah couldn't help the warmth in his blood at the cute nickname Rory whispered, that Taylor sometimes called him. He softly petted her hair wavy brown hair till she slipped into sleep. Taylor had long moved to the edge of the bed and sat and watched the amazing display before. Two of the the most important people in her world were together before her eyes and she couldn't help beaming. Taylor crawled up and told Mickey to roll Rory over slightly towards him. With her body rolled to the side, Taylor pulled the zipper down letting her finger graze against the olive smooth skin of Rory's back. 
   Micah watched with electric eyes blazing hot like a blue fire. Taylor pulled the dress off Rory's shoulders and looks at Micah with a pointed look for the sake of her best friends modesty. Micah stared back at determined. She could beat him with a pillow he wasn't taking his eyes off either of them. Taylor broke under his intense stare. No one had a look quite like Micah she realized. With a resigned sigh she proceeded to pull the blue dress down and both her and Micah sucked in a breath at Rory's breast covered by a black lace bra. Taylor quickly slid her tank top onto Rory's arms and over her head, before she and her boy friend lost their nerve. She continued to pull it down off Rory's legs and pulled off her flats as well.
   Taylor and Micah chuckled together, even with a dress like that Rory refused to wear heals. Micah trailed his hands down Rory's bare thighs and sighed, "God cupcake, I can't wait till she ours. I can't wait till the both of my kittens are mine." He slid his hands slightly and watched his large fingers on her thick thighs. "Fuck I want you both." He watched Taylor slide her pants up her legs. 
   After this Taylor and Micah fixed Rory on the left side of the bed and covered her. They watched her shuffle for warmth till Micah slid in the middle again and she settled as she felt his skin and cuddled back into him. Taylor giggled at the soft look on Micah's face and blushed when he looked at her in an indecent manner much like usual when they were alone. "Close the light princess. Lay on my other side, I wanna have both my girls in my arms."
She quickly followed instructions and in the dark made her way into the bed on the right side. With one arms Micah pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. "You guys are gonna drive me crazy, babe." Taylor rolled her eyes, "We aren't even doing anything."
   Micah pulled his hands from around and led Taylor's hand to his crotch and rubbed against his hard bulge. "You guys do everything to me. You feel that baby?" Taylor gasped and felt liquid pool in her underwear, "Y-yea." She began to move her hand down against him thought his sweats and was fairly certain he wasn't wearing any briefs or boxers underneath. "Oh god." Micah groaned and pushed his hips up into her palm and Taylor rubbed hardly as he panted. They almost lost themselves till Rory shifted besides them and they both froze. "Later," Micah panted. "Later when she's awake and aware. I want you both. I want you to touch me. I want you to make her touch me too." 
   Taylor moaned softly and leaned down into his neck. Her legs shifted against his. "Okay. Okay I will."
   "Good. Sleep now baby." Micah whispered and ran his hand through Taylor's hair luring her to sleep much like Rory. Micah smiled at his two babies finally his. He let the breathing of them both lure him into slumber and drifted away with the word "mine" on his mind. 
Hey guys. So that was it! It was a story once upon a time that I was gonna fully write out. There was tons of scenarios on how it went but if it wasn’t clear by now.... it was a “Thruple” or “Ménage a Trois” relationship. Basically a closed monagomous relationship of three. Well the development TO THAT status, as far as when the story starts off.
The idea of it and the complications and the love and just all of it, is something I would still love to write and explore...I feel like I wrote this when I was young and there was a lack of representation in my cast, as well as some problematic💀 wild elements. But it was still mine ya know? And for being 15, my writing wasn’t that bad ya know? I feel like I’m sorta getting better, but sometimes I’m like lol it’s the same shit just prettier words. But this piece was 100% unedited! So I’m proud even with the mistakes and other stuff.
Follows the story of this girl nerdy girl Rory... who fell hopelessly for her popular best friend Taylor. And then got blindsided by her crush on equally popular devil-may-care (lol) Micah, Taylor’s to-be boyfriend. Lmao thinking back this entire concept is wild and kind of ironic in the worst way. Anyways. I thought the story of their romance like all of them was really cute. And there was multiple versions. Some of them falling for each other in different orders and them being much older in life sometimes younger, but this happened. Idk. I’m equally extremely proud and crippling embarrassed for having created this absolute brilliant garbage.
But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it!❣️ May have more random little things I wrote for me to post. As embarrassing and wild as they all were.
I was really out her writing since I was like 7. And I only started to branch out more on paper and stuff, when I was like 10 and had my DSI. And I made visual comic art stories on Flipnote (those were the days!) and then I joined wattpad and started writing with my cousin at 11 or 12. And the rest was history. *Sigh* Memory lane is great.
Thanks for reading💗
Signed, Erikawritesss
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