#is reposting other peoples stuff good behaviour?
majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
Your post got stolen and re-uploaded without credit
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boneywones · 1 month
post response to radskull-69 or whatever the fuck their user is idk!!!!!!! since they blocked me after i explained what we were actually arguing about!!!!!! (fans of them that see ts fuck off and suck a left nut idk.)
uh first of all and i think its very obvious, killz isnt a roleplay account so can you stop calling them that and keep on reminding the fact that killer is a mass murderer? i think they know already. (sc taken from one of their posts)
plus this doesnt give an excuse to make an oc that stalks someone, then make content about them without any warning that people shouldn’t like them because they are not a good person. the video that was posted was a literal breeding ground for people that actually like the idea of stalking and romanticises it. gross.
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SECONDLYYYYYY…… the argument started over you blocking killz, then making a post about them (pop off ig with that decision??) which was really fucking passive aggressive. killz addressed this back, since your apology was in fact, not sincere. you had fully taken the apology back, so its not even an apology. plus, you learnt literally nothing from apologising???
thirdly, you made a c.ai bot for this character for what?? you tried to state that you don’t romanticise this character, but you made a bot for others to use. last time i checked, the “stalker sans” has “stalker” in their name for a reason.
this shows that you’re basically cheering the people that romanticise stalking to go for it, and thats not a good look for you.
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fourthly!!!!!!!!!! if thats a word!!!!!!! you deleted the video, then reposted it. for some reason. (by the way a lot of these screenshots arent mine so stuff might be different)
plus, what do you mean by “false accusations”??? they are not false, killz had just pointed out that it was WEIRD you posted a video like this, and how the comments were all people thirsting over this “stalker sans” character (also the fact that you didn’t delete any of them or tell people to stop is highly concerning?? it shows that you most likely condone this behaviour)
yes people can be freaks but you set yourself up. what did you expect posting a video like this with no disclaimer?? you didnt even,, think to put one for your first time posting this video??
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fifthly (im just going for it atp) the fact that you kept on going back to the topic of “stalker sans” when we argued. it showed that you understood jack shit of what i was trying to say.
other note you kept on begging for an apology when you had already gotten one. i literally had to say that TWICE and when i did the second time you blocked me. like, oh ok.
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last thing is. basically u associate with freaks that actually DO romanticise stalking/just weird shit. which isnt surprising, considering those disgusting ass comments on the first post. like why are you interacting with mfs that literally have “yandere” in their name and make yandere fics/scenarios. yuck. (take my word for the videos comments though,, i dont have screenshots of the comments (since the first post was deleted) but multiple others have stated that they were disgusting)
“its supposed to be horror!!!!!” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
wouldn’t of made this post if u just like. shut up. but sure!!!!!!!!!
also do NOT harass this person. just because i made a long ass response to them DOESNT mean that i condone harassment towards them. and before the mfs get into my asks trying to argue with me, fuck off. /srs
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madfantasy · 4 months
To fan art and fiction enjoyers:
Please excuse my rage slipping if it happened over having to address this literal mediocrity of a subject in comparison to endless things that actually matters in real life. Because this would be at the scrapping bottom of it, but since the occasion presented itself, here we are:
Do you know there are some, let's say, manners, being in fandoms, and/or in using social media in general? NOOO? 8U
Well, Lets start somewhere!
Like it or not, YOU NEED TO ACTUALLY READ STUFF PEOPLE WRITE. Before you follow, before you comment, before you interact, because if you come across something you don't like, or you started to assume things— that's a you problem and not the fault of the poster.
If you DO NOT enjoy a character, a pair of ship, or a certain head cannon, filter the tag it's used for, Google has free tutorials on how. Most social media have these settings and most decent posters tag their posts correctly. If you keep seeing that pair, you can block the people who create it. You are free to do so ofc but WHY WOULD U come on main and air that out? Personally I find it so bizarre and it could show the type of person you are to other people — a toxic company over fictional substance — and I'd say that is not a flex, more like showing your dirty nappy in public. Those characters you love are not real and so not effected by your high ground stance, but actual humans that share you that love notice and get that impression, and it's a weird one. You SHOULD, of course, set your boundaries, and usually where that is be in your profile, on your bio or a pinned post.
Loving bizarre, villainous, creepy concepts DOES NOT EQUAL morality, nor loving good sunshine and flowers does. It's what a person does in real life what counts, not what they consume in entertainment. In fact, it is not a sign of a good person those who be shaming humans who like different fictional concepts. Or when someone keeps using ai generators knowing full well it's based on constant data theft of all sort of human creators across generations and can not exist without the continuance of this theft. Or those supporting creators that they know did irl crimes. Or those who are Policing what's can and cannot go into fiction as if the fickleness of preference have never let alot of things survive its judgement. And I can go on with the miniature examples. You are forgiven if you did not know before, some people learn through experience, but not anymore when you continue this behaviour. And maybe if you can't differentiate between reality and fiction, and what's more important than what, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be consuming fiction.
DO NOT POST WHAT YOU DID NOT CREATE. Do you like it when people keep posting your selfies that you only ment to share for funsies and what not? Isn't worse if you did not post that selfie in the first place or never wanted it to be used like that? It's the SAME FOR ART. This is the artists work just as much as your face is yours. Social media at the baseline is about who ever the poster is, their posts are theirs. So you posting an artist's drawing, with no permission, no credit to them, no nothing, is not allowed and people can report that. Don't be an ignorant thick fig and play the victim when schooled like this precious dear\s .Reposters disconnect so many content from their creators and this is how alot of beautiful things in life die, by simply not knowing they are loved, shoved into the over consumption machine..
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And lastly, You don't have anything nice to say to OP? Don't say anything! It's not your misguided duty to educate people on how embarrassingly self centered you are, it's okay to be a basic #&★— I promise. It okay to feel out of place in a niche that doesn't concern you. It's okay to realise other people have different perspectives of the fiction work you enjoy. You can sit down.
And I'd like to add, Mani is a safe space for au and ships even if I don't like em, cuz they are only FICTION and will remain FICTION no matter how much I loved them or hated them.
Good day, dears🍀
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just-antithings · 1 month
UNDERAGE Teenagers at the Rayman fandom on twitter are making call out posts on porn accounts (some which contain graphic works) and rather than tell these teenagers they’re are far too young to be engaging with such works , antis in the fandom are instead shitting on the artists who made 18+ accounts with clear tags used for daring to draw Rayman engaging in anything more extreme than vanilla post marriage sex.
The Rayman fandom loves blaming Captain Laserhawk for the uptake in discourse/drama but the truth is for a long time the fandom has had an issue for making call outs on people just simply making porn. Apparently one artist known as Raywindly was a horrible transphobe but her entire call out was exclusively focused on her having liked rape fanfics. Said call out was written by someone who was outed for being a hentai fan.
A more recent example is one from January where an artist called radomartist made a “good pup” au where Mr Dark keeps Rayman as a sex slave. The call out on them , which feature their porn being reposted, talked about radomartist sexaulising Rayman as a child. But in the good pup au Rayman is an adult. These antis made an entire thread , reposted porn they thought was that of a child character to an audience of actual minors and didn’t even get that piece of information correct.
The antis in this fandom basically encourage this behaviour of reposting porn where MINORS can see it instead of just blocking, they encourage spreading misinformation before even doing the bare minimum of fact checking, which is going to make it so much easier for actual predators to hide in the fandom. It’d be less stressful for everyone if they just told each other in PRIVATE about artists who make stuff that makes each other uncomfortable.
“Oh but the art was illegal-“ Then why have ”illegal art” saved to your own hard drives?! And then share it?! To actual children and teenagers?!
Would you do that if those were images of an actual human child being abused?!
I’m sorry if this came across as aggressive, but it genuinely pisses me off how these people preach “protect children!” When in actuality they’re just creating an environment that’s going to push vulnerable children and teens into the arms of the very predators they’re trying to fight against.
I have blocked the antis but I feel even doing that has put a target on my back so I hope it’s okay I vented about this here.
Happy Easter and trans visibility day 🩷🩵🤍🩵🩷
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You know, i came onto tumblr really excited to share this dumb doodle comic i did, now i just feel gross. Because this was reposted on an app i do not have an account for and I cannot contact them via there, I’m posting this here, so sorry to y’alls who just trying to have a good time, some people just have trouble being half-decent ig
I was not contacted by this person or asked in any way shape or form to use my art on their account. They do not credit or mention me (not that that would make this any better) and I do NOT want my stuff on tiktok. 
To this person, this is your one and only warning: 
Take. My. Art. Down. Now. 
You have reposted my art, my mutuals art, my friends art and even my siblings art. What you are doing is harmful to me and to my friends. This is disgusting and disheartening ESPECIALLY seeing my art used in such a way that makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable and I am sick and tired of seeing this. 
Think I’m being harsh? my art has been stolen and reposted and used without my permissions dozens of times and I am getting sick and tired of it. I want to be patient and kind but that’s kind of difficult when i see others not only harming me but also my friends livelihoods and incomes by stealing their art like this. And it is disgusting to see you use a minor’s art the way you did. To you it’s nothing more than a few minutes of posting and a couple of likes. To the artist you take it form it means the difference between a meal and going to bed hungry.
To anyone else who has reposted art in the past or are considering doing so now, DO NOT. It is harmful and cruel and while you’re laughing about the edits you use my art in, I, the creator, and sitting here sick to my stomach and considering never posting again because of your behaviour. I’ve got to wonder if you care about the people you consume content for at all? because from where I’m sitting you look selfish, inconsiderate and cruel. 
If you want to support an artist, REBLOG THEIR STUFF. SHARE LINKS. TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THIS COOL COMIC AND LINK THEM BACK TO THE SOURCE. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES REPOST WITHOUT AN ARTISTS PERMISSION OR KNOWLEDGE. Ask if you’re wondering if you can use art in a tribute or edit. Credit them if they say yes. If they say no, be respectful of the creator you like and find something else to use or better yet, make your own. 
to all my good followers, I love you guys, and thanks for having my back. I really appreciate your support and kindness as I create and deal with this kind of stuff. 
I’m not sure what i’m going to do about this aside from this post, and i really don’t want to make an account for this, hopefully if the reposter has any decency they’ll take down all the stolen art and stop doing this and i won't have to. 
For the time being, I’m not feeling real great, aside from being angry about this, I feel sick, so I won’t be sharing that comic I was going to post. I’m really sorry anyone who wanted to see my stuff is suffering from the actions of this person. Maybe I’ll feel better in a couple weeks or so, but for the time being I’m gonna continue being mostly offline. 
Edit (July 3 2022): as of today the reposter has taken my art down and a lot of the other reposted work down and posted an apology to me and one other artist they reposted from (they reposted the work of at least six other artists) due to some other issues that I will not be specifying I have blocked them. Again, please don't harass this person if you recognize them. Or any reposters or people who demonstrate bad behavior. Letting people know reposting is harmful is one thing, but attacking them and rentelessly chasing them off their socials is another. Thanks guys hope you're all having a stellar day o7
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achillessulks · 1 month
would you ever make another goodreads? I was literally devastated to find yours had been deleted, I would spend hours scrolling through your book reviews 😭 they were so beautiful and insightful
Thank you for your kind words. As mentioned in my responses to previous asks, some of my reviews had been backed up on Wordpress and Storygraph, so you can still look there... I did think very seriously about just making a new GR account and reposting everything, but the concept of having to rebuild over ten years’ worth of work is just exhausting. I’m grateful for all the good parts obviously, but overall, yikes.
Ultimately, I’m done with GR unless some pretty significant changes are made to the structure of the website. For example:
There needs to be a way to appeal if a review gets flagged. One time a review of mine got deleted for allegedly plagiarising Wikipedia... but I had written the Wikipedia page, and after writing the review.
There needs to be a way to thread comments. This is a very basic function of any decent forum or really any halfway decent website, and it’s honestly embarrassing that GR still doesn’t have this capability. RSS is not that difficult; you guys are just lazy.
There needs to be more support and allowance for people who aren’t just writing an eighth-grade book report. This sounds mean, and is intended as such, but one of the rules GR has is that your review can’t be about the author’s character, actions, or behaviour. Well, those things inform one’s opinion of a book, so this rule is dumb as hell. Furthermore, I like writing about interesting things, not just a basic summary of plot and theme; all the time I would get comments saying I was writing “bad” or “useless” reviews because I didn’t use the structure of a book report. GR stifles creativity and freedom of expression, constantly and internationally. The types of reviews that are officially sanctioned are unhelpful for me personally.
There needs to be support in different languages. This is a website owned by Amazon; they have the money to pay for translation services. There’s no good excuse for not having at least the basic framework of the site available in languages other than English.
There needs to be a way to rate a book zero stars. Some books just suck.
I’m not even thinking of stuff like the constant and intrusive advertisements on the browser site, because I have adblockers so I don’t see any of that shit, but let the record show that the types of adverts being shown demonstrate that most people on GR have terrible taste. Not my friends though, they’re all geniuses and very smart.
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stephdragonness · 5 months
REF: One Piece Steph
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first time drawing a OP self Insert version so got good idea down with her design, im happy with finial design (draw into OP styel)just torso look i didn't bother full body.
●Steph - Aka the Sea Witch of the Buggy Pirate's (Ships doctor)
●Her act in circus Top - Fortune Teller / Magician (Fortune telling with tea leaves - magician tricks with her hands)
●Human/Fish-man Hybrid (Lantern Fish Fishman)
●Abilities/Skills - Medic, Herbalist-certain poison immunity, thief, Minor fishman unhuman physical strength /breath underwater/speedy swimmer
●Weapon choice - claws (prefers avoid fights and usually trys stay out of any confrontations) poison needles.
●Weakness- Dehydrates faster, Heat Exhaustion excitable. 
●Relationships (depends where i go with.. its big list of crushes in OP so im exploring selfships) 
●Food fav-  Addicted to Tea caffeine - seafood- rice- salty pickled gherkins - wild fruit
●goals- just trying get by with security in piracy - Adventuring to discover something new add to her knowledge.
●Treasures she values - Books (rather not fight for treasure with crew just stuff not valued by pirates) Herbs.
●Habits/behaviour - constantly teases her captain...tells him got cute nose she Always boops him in unexpected moments to his announce. taste testing herbs from the wild (tasting poisonous items build immunity's to so she can handle few poisons but some results makes herself sick), Trys sneak bring animals on the ship, wonders off on her own on islands foraging plants and then gets left behind few times by the buggy pirates often have return to pick her up in announce. pranks on her crew mates in scaring people in dark.
●other info-  hides her gills usually behind neck collars, can make her spots glow bioluminescent in dark on will- markings on her body are fishman scales markings not tattoos and only on right side her arm.
●Bounty -  44,000Berries (mostly from theft and poisoned kiss one her last dates, not dead tho made them sick )
©OC/FC/ART©StephDragonness© Tools~ClipStudioPaint|X-Do Not Steal/Trace/Repost my Art-X| https://stephdragonness.carrd.co/ Links to my Other Medias
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daybreakrising · 3 months
NAME: lauri
PRONOUNS : he / him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord absolutely over anything else, IMs next. people i write with are always allowed to ask for my discord, and i recommend that you do bc it's easier for me than IMs as the notifs are 1000x more reliable. and i find it easier to share stuff / ramble about our muses/dynamics there
NAME OF MUSE(s) : i... have many. main ones at the moment are wrio, vautrin, baizhu & blade, bc they're the loudest at rattling their cages rn.
BEST EXPERIENCE : honestly? joining this rpc. it's the first one that (so far, please don't change-) i haven't had any issues with regarding shitty behaviour or shittier people.
- vague-posting. i cannot tell you how fucking irritating i find this. it's a shitty & unnecessary thing to do and i will call you out on it if we're friendly and i see you doing it. being vague about something is just inviting drama, and given that so many of us have anxieties, you have no idea who you're subsequently stressing out with your passive aggression.
- plotting, even loosely, with someone & then taking that plot to another version of the same muse. thankfully i don't see too much of this happening these days but, man, it infuriates me.
- hating on someone's headcanons simply bc they don't align with yours. everyone writes a muse differently - that's the beauty of rp. you are allowed to disagree with a headcanon, sure, but if you think your opinion is the only correct one... get out. take your insecurities elsewhere thank u.
MUSE PREFERENCES: morally grey characters, characters who have several layers to wade through and delve into, characters that provide a good challenge for me to write, dogboys.
PLOTS OR MEMES : both. i love plots but i can & will create plots from memes too - and memes are a great way to get things going, to prompt dynamic development & can also just... be fun.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : listen. LISTEN. if you've followed me for any length of time you know i love long replies. LIVE FOR THEM. being able to freely write several paragraphs without feeling guilty for dumping essays on my writing partner is delicious. but i'm not opposed to short replies either - they're good for when muse is low, or my energy levels are limited.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : literally the middle of the night. my most productive hours are between 10pm and 4am.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i have enough muses to be able to say: probably. i do tend to pick muses that resonate with me in some way, whether that's something in their personality or their background that i identify with, or some other aspect of the character that is familiar. that doesn't apply to all of them, necessarily, but certainly the majority.
tagged by: @ruinare (thank u!)
tagging: idk who hasn't already been tagged so feel free to yoink this from me & say i tagged you !
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byierficrecs · 1 year
stuff happened yesterday so i have a couple important reminders/announcements to make:
happy stuff :D
first, if i've ever made a graphic for your story, please know that you are free to link to it in your story !! you can even add the image to your ao3 work if you want~ just link to the original post or to my account, please :]
(no reposts to other social media, though ;-;)
icky stuff >:(
someone on twitter did this last night (please don't go looking for it), but just a reminder: the comment section on any of my posts is not a place for people to share negative criticism towards the stories. even if it's unlikely that the author will see it, any comment you wouldn't leave on ao3 (or say directly to someone's face) is not something you should be saying under my posts.
some stories you might like more than others. some might have elements you don't enjoy. some might even start off really good and then you don't like the way things go or certain stylistic choices or characterisations or whatever... doesn't matter, please keep that to yourselves. most authors aren't seeking constructive criticism, let alone destructive criticism so please, don't do that.
especially under my stuff >:(
my objective here is to uplift authors and, to a degree, open up a space for people to show their appreciation towards the works that are shared. it would break my heart if someone hijacked this space to say something nasty and then an author read it. right there, underneath the graphic i made to honour their beautiful work. it's honestly very sad that i have to say this and i doubt the culprit will even read this, but i really don't want this to happen again.
fic writers are doing this for free. we're only trying to put our ideas out into the world in the hopes of providing others with some entertainment and maybe even connect with other people. don't ruin it for us (writers, readers,,, the entirety of the fandom is affected by this behaviour),,,
,,,especially if it's an au, which by definition puts characters in situations where they might be ooc at times, which was the silly complaint from last night x.x
the culprit might've not been cruel in their intent or even phrasing (i'll give them that), but what they said would certainly discourage me from writing for a while and i doubt they would comment that on ao3 because it's hard to lack that level of self-awareness.
so yeah, don't use my comments to be nasty when you know you're being mean, okei? ;-;
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jaysgirlx · 4 months
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guidelines to know before interacting with any of my blogs.
failing to follow my rules, will result in a block!!
𝟎𝟏. please display your age somewhere on your blog, such as in the rules, about me page or even a carrd. as of now people over 16+ may interact with my blog but that may change.
𝟎𝟐. i take requests and will usually write anything. currently i don't write smut but the stuff i write tends to be suggestive. please don't write me a request and then send it to other blogs because I have yet to respond to it, i'm still and school but I still try to post at least once a week.
𝟎𝟑. do not plagiarize or repost any of my content on other platforms. any original ideas that were used must claim that it was inspired by me. i’ve spent a lot of time on certain aus ai've written and all writers deserve credit where credit is due.
𝟎𝟒. as a black woman, you must respect all communities on my blog. i will not tolerate any form of racism, homophobia, ableism, etc. there will also be no slandering here, if there is a blog you don't like, you block them and move on.
𝟎𝟓. if you don't like my content then please unfollow or block me, this blog is a drama-free zone. i would like my followers to feel comfortable and enjoy some good vibes.
fandoms i write for: dc, jjk & aot (ask me and i can add more)
i will write: character x reader, female reader, gn!reader, afab reader, angst, fluff, suggestive motions, supernatural beings, au scenarios, & basic tropes.
i will not write: character x character, male readers, omega verse, yandere behaviour, aged up minors, watersports, vomit, scat, noncon in any form & pee.
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hinderr · 1 year
I saw that you reposted a post about Cara Dune. I wanted to say that I agree with you - she, Karga and Din were a good team. It doesn't seem right that because of what's going on in the real world and what the actress said, we've lost a cool character. And after all, her presence in the third season would be very logical. On the other hand, I personally was very afraid that Lucasfilm would make a recast and was glad that this did not happen. How would you feel about recasting Cara?
Also, I'd like to just ask you… please don't think that I have a bad attitude towards transgender people or anyone else. I myself am a representative, as people say in my country, of "non-traditional orientation", I like representatives of my gender. But I just wanted to ask, do you think Gina really deserves all this hate and being kicked out of her role for her words? I mean, we can also get kicked out of a theater or a movie for saying something very hurtful, but usually it still happens a little differently. What's going on around Carano is a little hard for me to understand. I realize that she really could offend someone, but does she deserve to be called all those bad words that I see?
I really hope that you understand me correctly. I really don't want to offend you or anyone else with my question, and I don't want to change your mind and insist that Gina is an angel in the flesh. It's just that to me, as a person living in a more traditional culture, it's all a little… incomprehensible. And I'd just like to ask how that looks to you.
Hey! I'm happy you felt you could come to me and ask, I appreciate it. And don't worry, I get what you mean
Honestly, I feel like when you start your career as an actress or any public figure, youre accepting the fact that the things you do and say have an affect on people. You step into the spotlight, people will look at you. As far as I'm aware, which I admit is really just the vague gist of it, is that what happened was that Carano was transphobic and antisemitic. I'm not gonna say she had "problematic opinions" because an 'opinion' is something like whether pineapple belongs on pizza - what Carano said and her behaviour hurt people, which is why she had to go. It's that simple, really.
If you had a friend pulled the shit she did, you'd stay away from her too. The reason this feels big is because she was on a popular show, and what happened affected not just a close friend group, but everyone involved, even those watching the show like you and me
Honestly I felt so upset that Cara's character got affected because of the stuff with Carano that I really wouldn't have minded a recast. She had such a good role as Din's close friend and ally. I miss her every day. But if it came between not having Cara Dune, or letting someone like Carano go around thinking her actions and words dont affect people, I'm fine with not having Cara in the show
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starsmuserainbow · 9 months
Headcanon Time - Tamaranean Food
You might still know this from when this blog was still only Star, but here's a repost because I wanna have this stuff anew for my "new" multi-main!
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This post, as you might have guessed from the title, is about tamaranean food!
Find the text, illustrated in parts too, below the cut!
Maybe I should add, some of these might be a bit strange (or appalling - but that sounds too harsh) to imagine, so be aware that the tamaranean culture is different and has its own ways about stuff so this can be very different from what we know in parts.
So, to start things off, something general. Compared to earthen food, tamaranean dishes are a lot stronger in flavour, whichever direction they go into. Sweet food is sweeter, sour food more sour, and so on. This isn’t even because of them artificially enhancing their food, but their plants and eaten animals simply had such strong tastes and as such the people are used and accustomed to strong flavors. However, as multiple ingredients are usually mixed together, the flavours often combine and that makes it a bit easier for the earthen tastebuds to accept the strong flavours. Next up, I will present some food, and explain about it. Partly with images, partly just a description, but I’ll do my best to give you some information here.
For the beginning, something easy, something already seen, named, and even the taste having been described in the cartoon.
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(If you return the stare of the tamaranean face behind the food, you have to try it. The food, not the face.)
This is Glorg, a tamaranean dessert. It tastes, to quote the first human that enjoyed the taste, “like sushi mixed with ice cream”. The green jelly-like mass that you see comes from a berry called Hraki. This mass is, despite its jelly-like look and behaviour when shaken, more like ice-cream in texture, and has a lime or lemon-like flavour. Now you can probably guess where the sushi-like taste comes from. What you see wobbling around in the green fluid are fungi, or mushrooms if you prefer. Fascinatingly enough, they taste very similar to sushi without having ever been more than a plant. These fungi are called the Glooz, and they are sustainable of many different climates so luckily it was very easy for Starfire to start growing them in her new home on earth.
Next up, another sweet dish, though it is more commonly used as a main dish than as a dessert on Tamaran.
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This is Clurblopf. [[Yes, I know, in ‘The Lost Episode’ Starfire calls this ‘Glorg Supreme’, but I don’t accept that as it doesn’t make any sense given the Glorg above. So this is in fact not Glorg, but Clurblopf, for me.]] It is like a thick pudding, but with something to chew on in it as well. The pudding resembles chemical strawberry a lot (since its most important ingredient are the Zorkaberries which taste similar to chemical strawberry as well), and the pieces inside taste like chicken-meat. It is usually served warm, and eaten from bowls with a spoon (so basically like pudding in that regard).
You most likely know this from the cartoon already, as well (if you know the cartoon good enough that is).
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Here, you see the pudding of sadness, though the name might be a little irritating. It is more like a stiff kind of mashed potatoes, and for the taste… you know of Wasabi? Take that, but also add a bit of a ginger-flavour and a slight burnt taste as well. That’s how it tastes. (Or, if you prefer the way a certain green Titan described it, ‘What is that? Cream of toenails?’) It is a snack, and as such usually taken when one feels like doing so, without any specific order or other meals preceding or following. As the name says, it is commonly taken when the tamaranean feels sad, as its taste presumably helps to burst the sadness away.
There is a combination of different tamaranean berries that created a mash of sorts (similar to apple purree), it creates a pink mass similar to the one Clurblopf is, with the differences that this doesn’t have any pieces to chew on inside, and it’s also more a dessert or snack than an actual meal.
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This, before it’s processed to be a main dish, is a tamaranean creature with some similarities to a snake. The vork, as these beings are called, ‘slide’ over the ground similar to snakes, however it is not their bite that you need to be careful of, but a scratching with the parts that we might call fins can be very dangerous very quickly. The color of the fins represent if they are dangerous; when they are still alive and a threat, their fins have a dark purple color instead of this green you see in above picture, which is what they look like when ‘empty’. Another difference to a snake is that this creature does not have a tongue. The vork has 4 eyes on its head, they are entirely black with pink pupils, and 2 close to the other end, so it is very hard to surprise a vork or attempt to kill it before it gets you. If split in half, both halfs are still very much alive and will move faster than before, usually in an attempt to get their attacker. I won’t be going into more detail here as this is a food - and not creature - headcanon, so to get back to the actual topic: They taste surprisingly sweet, somewhat reminding of marzipan, once the venom has been professionally removed and cleared out of their system.
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What you see here is called Gah’ky. Or rather, the being is, before it is processed. It shares similarities to a turkey in looks now, but the actual being had 4 wings (which is still visible here) and the head is located between what we might recognize as legs. The meat is rather tough and hard to actually chew through, and its taste is a little reminding of flour; and the ‘bones’ are hard but with enough force they are chewable, ‘crispy’, and taste very sugary sweet. This is usually eaten as a ‘clearing’ of the tastebuds, so it goes before other food as it doesn’t have that much flavour in any direction and so is rather boring in taste for a tamaranean.
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These are Maco, another type of fruit from Tamaran. Bigger than a berry, it has about the size of an apple or similar earthen fruits. The brown stripe that every Maco has is usually used as the line where the fruit is to be split in two parts. The inside looks similar to a brown-colored (and already chewed) bubblegum. It is gooey and sticky, and poisonous - at least for tamaraneans. But it has other advantages that allow it to be used in the building of houses and the likes, as long as it is put aside to later deliver it to someone that can use it, and not simply thrown away as it happens many times. The ‘shell’ of the fruit is similar to wafer in texture, and has a taste that’s somewhat reminding of hazelnut. It’s a snack.
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The Cangoor is a plant that every now and then erupts and ‘spit’ out the fluid from its inside similar to a volcano - when the fluid lands on the ground it turns into new cangoor-plants. The pieces that hang outside are fruits, taken usually by grabbing to the black ‘grip’ they have and forcibly pulled off of the plant. They taste somewhat fresh, like cream cheese, but the fluid inside the cylinder-like middle of the plant has a taste reminiscent of very mature/strong cheese, and the outside pieces are commonly dipped into the fluid before eating it. Depending on the amount of people eating from one of these plants, it can be used as a main dish or as a snack.
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Here you see Cangki, which shares similarities to cake in look and texture, it’s seen as a dessert, and uses Cangoor-fruits along with the fluid of the Hraki. It is a sour-ish taste combined with cheese-flavour The Cangki is split into slices, and shared similar to cake (unless it’s one of these big buffet-like tables because when there is much to offer there is no sharing and rather a ‘fighting’ about getting what you want - which is what happened in the scene in ‘Betrothed’ by the way, but that’s not the point here so I won’t elaborate further - and once a slice is removed, the rest of the ‘cake’ tends to fall in and become a green mass with the Cangoor-fruits inside it; unless the one giving out the slices is quick enough to separate all the slices immediately - as once in smaller pieces, it sticks with its previous ‘cake’-shape.
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This is Wulemm, usually taken as a snack in between the courses, or as a snack simply between meals. It has a strong sourness when first taken in the mouth, but when the mass begins to soften up the taste becomes more sweet, though the actual taste depends on the fruits that had been used for creating this mash. It can be made of anything that is fruit-like, and is first mashed and then processed to become harder and almost fruit-like again.
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This is Alch, a plant that is only found in caves. It is a snack that is only taken in very small sizes, as it is incredibly sour even for the tamaranean tastes. The red pieces are very hot in temperature and taste no matter the temperature of their surroundings. To take a piece from it you grab into the ‘ball’ of the remaining plant that still lies in the bowl, and with the other hand grab one of the hanging pieces and pull on it, eventually tearing up your piece. No matter how big the slice you tore off, putting it back isn’t allowed, so you are to eat it or have a friend that is willing to take it from you.
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This creature (before being made into food) is called Rr’hul. It’s a jellyfish-like creature that can fly, and used to hide in trees and drop onto its unexpecting prey. Now that there is almost no flora left on Tamaran the Rr'hul don’t have many hiding spots anymore and are easier to kill, but they are still very dangerous if they happen to approach you unnoticedly. Its tentacles are a snack, but as a whole thing it’s eaten as a main dish. It tastes bitter, with a hint of something that tastes close to caramel; and the eyes are of the consistency of bubblegum and have a very very spicy flavour.
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These are Glorka Roaches. As Starfire mentioned in the cartoon, as food they are ‘crunchy on the outside, yet runny on the inside’. They have a rather burnt taste, though the insides are fluid and like a syrup with a slight coffee-taste. They are a main dish.
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Above pictured Ronel are a snack. They look and feel like stone, and are as strong too, but a tamaranean enjoys chewing it to pieces nonetheless. Behind the rock-y shell, there’s a blue dough-like mass. The things you see sticking out is where the blue mass didn’t fully stay inside of the snack and poured out, it’s then hardening (not as much as the actual Ronel though, more like pretzel sticks in hardness) and turning black. The hard shell doesn’t taste any different from the inside, it doesn’t have much taste in itself but during the processing the taste from inside has spread to the shell too. It tastes very sweet for just a moment, and then suddenly turns into a very hot spicy taste.
Ronel is a thing many tamaraneans like to take with them when going on a longer travel, both in and out of the planet. Usually, it's taken along with the ‘sticks’ broken off of it for easier storing. It’s a hard thing, can’t be easily broken or mashed or otherwise ruined while carried, and most tamaraneans like the taste.
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Looking like burnt (and slightly mis-shaped) cookies, Kiw’sa are a tamaranean dessert. They are soft in texture, filled with a wobbly green mass, usually served while heatened (meaning very very very very hot as otherwise a tamaranean wouldn’t notice it), and have a somewhat sour taste, though not as strong as some other of the dishes I mentioned.
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These two dishes both fall under the name of Mef, simply the ingredients vary. This is a dessert that is usually eaten by grabbing one of the black pieces on the outside, and using it like a shovel to take some of the (red/green, in these cases) stuff from the inside along with it. The black pieces have similar texture to waffles but taste bitter, and the taste of the softer stuff on the inside varies by ingredients. In these two examples, the red one tastes somewhat salty with a bit of sweetness, and the taste of the darker-green one is reminding of carrots.
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This main dish is called Brinb. The head in the center is from the creature that the slices come from, but it is basically only decoration, as only the slices that are placed around it are for eating. Surprising for anyone that expects a meat-like-taste: This tastes like pure sugar in slice-shape. And the pink parts of the slices are actually behaving like melted cheese as in the ‘pulling’ when one bites off one piece.
Another common dish is the Bli’ip. It’s basically, about the size of a ball as we know it, like say soccer ball or basketball-ball (can I just say basketball? I think that works?), a ball of dough. The shell is a little crunchy, but not more than like a pizza is on the “edges”. The ball is completely of dough (which is soft to eat, like not-fully-finished pizzadough, to compare it to pizza again), with minor spots of juice or sauce in sometimes, and most of the dough has taken in the flavor or whichever other ingredients the creator had chosen to add in. There are different variants of tastes, some sweet, some spicy or bitter or just bland, but usually they’re purposely all made to look similar on the outside. Often, eating this dish is a bit of a contest for the present tamaraneans - it’s a game of getting your hands on the ball that you want and taking a bite (or more) before someone else takes it from you again.
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What you see here is called the Zierr. It’s not quite defined if it’s a plant or a creature, and it is still alive when placed on the table. Eating from it is almost like a game for tamaraneans, as it is commonly done by multiple people each grabbing one of the tentacle-like ends and pulling. If you get too close to the middle-part while going in to grab, the Zierr will spit a fluid at you that isn’t dangerous but it leaves behind a bright orange glow for a few days on the spots it hit. When all parts are pulled at, eventually the pieces are separated from the then collapsing middle and these tentacles-like pieces can be eaten. Sometimes, when it’s actually done as a game, the lengths of the torn off pieces are compared and the one that pulled off the longest one is deemed the winner of the game and is the one that may then drink the fluid that left the Zierr after it’s been pulled apart. The tentacle-pieces taste dry and sour, and the fluid has a sweet, in some ways plum-like taste. This is usually taken as side-dish, as one of these tentacle pieces is definitely not enough to make a tamaranean full.
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This fish-resembling creature is called Karsh. It’s a being that looks similar to some earthen fish on first glance, but it walks on its tail and lives on land. The green slices you see there are from a fruit, they taste somewhat like pineapple and for the tamaranean that is a fit to the tomato-like taste of the Karsh. The Karsh is filled with these fruit-slices, and it cut into slices to then share it with everyone that wants a piece. The head remains though, only very few tamaraneans enjoy eating that. Oh, and the pink/brown things you see lying on the plate? That’s what made the Karsh’s tail before it was processed. It tastes a bit like oranges but mostly rather bland, and is a rather tough material to chew through. It’s a main dish.
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And for the final piece in this collection, this is Jellorel. It grows on trees, and once ripe these soft and flexible rounded slices fall down. They are sweet with a slight bitterness, and the pink pieces are more like a fluid that can leak out once you’ve bitten into it. It depends on the amount of Jellorel offered, what kind of dish it is. Usually it is seen as a dessert or snack, but if enough has been gathered it can also be enjoyed as a main dish.
So! You are now knowing of a few different foods on Tamaran. Please remember that the taste-comparisons I mentioned are only to give you an idea of what it tastes like, most are still only somewhat resembling the tastes I mentioned as it is a different culture and world after all.
I don’t have anything else I can add to this, so this is the end of today’s headcanon-post!
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neodarkdark · 1 year
Fill out the questions about your muse, repost, tag as many people as you want.
Tagged by @jocundcompany! Pls steal & tag me if you want
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What does your muse smell like? Ah my weakness questions 😔 I don't know. I think he smells like whatever ambient smells of the place he's been hanging out, and then kinda sweaty if he's been running around a lot haha.
How often does your muse bathe/shower? When he feels dirty he'll take a shower. I don't think he likes baths as much as showers. He's the kind of person who'll stand for 20 years under the running water just because it feels good. Probably has the heat up too high as well.
At least once or twice a week I guess... depends what he's up to...
Does your muse have any tattoos or piercings? No tattoos - Svern has no particular interest in them, and would rather avoid them for the possibility of being used as an identifying mark. I've toyed with the idea of him having his ears pierced, though! He likes to play around with accessories and stuff. He should be allowed to wear cute earrings.
Any body movement quirks (EX: tapping heel, shaking knee)? Svern mimics some fidgety behaviours, like bouncing on his toes, bouncing leg when sitting down, etc. Most of these are not natural though and are part of his conveying his false energy and enthusiasm.
What do they sleep in? Whatever he's currently wearing, more often than not. Alternatively, PJs top and bottom. Also he used to like to bury himself totally under the blanket/duvet as a kid. He still does, he just doesn't actually do it very often anymore due to reasons.
What’s their favorite piece of clothing? In his main and fandomless verse (although I often fail to include it in drawings) he wears a plain black choker with a piece of dark stone/erebosite featured on it. This is special because of the stone. Next, if they count as clothing, there's his familiar mop of auburn hair (of course actually a wig), and his amber contacts. He's partial to these and they've given him his main design/recognisable look.
When it comes to other more general items of clothing, I don't currently have any favourite pieces for him. He might have some (very possible actually), I just haven't chosen/designed them yet.
What do they do when they wake up? Opens his eyes. Gets up/out of his sleeping position. Goes about his business, whatever that may be. If he was sleeping somewhere especially comfortable, he might linger a bit, but he doesn't like staying stagnant with his thoughts too much, and his brain never really stops working as long as he's awake. (That's a big reason why he sleeps sporadically in the first place.)
How do they sleep? Position? Oh, Svern sleeping habits, they're a mess. He will sleep anywhere where he can fit his body. He'll sleep in almost any position, too. Here's a couple of posts about it: (1) (2)
He alternates between being a fairly light sleeper and being out of it when he's been awake for a long time. In most verses he has some hidden friend watching his back who can either wake him up or retaliate to any threats, so he's fairly relaxed about it.
Now, he doesn't do this unless he's either in a completely private location or somewhere he feels very comfortable, but his natural sleeping position is on his side and partly curled up. Often in that position he hides his face with his arm or by turning it to face downwards too.
What do their hands feel like? This question is like the smell one... they feel neither soft nor excessively rough. He uses them when climbing around all over the place, but he does avoid getting them unnecessarily torn up and doesn't do much other hard work with them.
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hikari-drkspc · 1 year
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↬ bakugou & todoroki with a yandere! s/o
characters: bakugou katsuki & todoroki shouto (separate) [boku no hero academia]
warning: yandere, poss3ssiv3 tendencies, toxic behaviours, attempted confin3m3nt ; MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI, PUT YOUR AGE IN BIO/PINNED POST TO INTERACT
words: 478
a/n: this is a repost from my main blog (@/hikari-writes) so yes this writing is old + bad, i just moved them here w/o editing bc im lazy and wants to keep reminding myself how bad my writing used to be <3 twas a request from my main blog
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↬ Bakugou Katsuki
➳ You would be a very clingy yandere towards your boyfriend, and truthfully, Katsuki isn’t THAT bothered.
➳ When you two first started out, you didn’t show much yandere tendencies towards him but as time slowly pass, you reveal your true colour because you believe he’ll still love you nevertheless.
➳ Katsuki would notice you cling to him more often and would even drag him away if he gives even the slightest of attention towards other people.
➳ At first, Katsuki would be quite annoyed with you. Your yandere tendencies sometimes honestly just….hinders his hero work.
➳ You know fully well that Katsuki is capable of protecting himself, but you would still be very overprotective of him. After all, you’re just worried! He might not show it, but Katsuki can be a very sensitive person after all!
➳ You wouldn’t let any of his friends to act rough with him, not even a friendly slap on the back.
➳ Katsuki once confronted you about this stuff, and you were on the verge of tears! You were just worried about him! You did it because you love him!
➳ You expressed how if you had not taken good care of him, he would for sure leave you!
➳ Katsuki was quite surprised to hear this. He was quite annoyed, but seeing you like that, he just couldn’t get too mad about this.
➳ He had thought that maybe you actually felt insecure of yourself and constantly thought he’d leave you.
➳ Oh, how wrong he is.
➳ Too bad he never knew, that, if he ever leaves you, he’s the one who’s gonna regret it.
➳ You might be a sweet person, but if you snapped, not even Katsuki will be spared from confronting your wrath.
↬ Todoroki Shouto
➳ Shouto is as dense as he could be. He has so many fangirls yet he never quite noticed it!
➳ That’s why you have to teach the fangirls a lesson yourself.
➳ Shouto never pressed for an answer if he had any questions either, so it’s perfect to hide from him about what you had done. After all, you’re not that confident if Shouto will still stick with you or not if you told him the truth.
➳ Shouto wouldn’t even realizes the fact that you keep distancing him from his friends! Goes to show how dense he could be. Or maybe he’s just so in love with you to realize that.
➳ Shouto would still notice whenever you’re upset because of jealousy however. And when you told him the reason he would comfort you and tell you that you really are the only one for him and he won’t ever leave you.
➳ If only he knew what exactly you were feeling.
➳ Of course you’d be happy with these! He finally reassures you that he’ll never leave you!
➳ Now, one problem left however.
➳ You wonder what you would do with all the leftover ropes and chains that you bought.
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kleinstar · 2 years
* 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻 repost, don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.   Eiden (last name unknown, jp uses Eito, Yī dé is the chinese one) TITLE.   Successor of the Grand Sorceror / stuff similar to that, he doesn’t like to introducing him as that obviously NICKNAME.  ‘fraud (the less used one after certain paunt), darling (blade), i forget what others there so bye PRONOUNS. he/him HEIGHT.  176cm AGE.  24 ZODIAC.  Gemini SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  japanese 
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.  dark brown (real), im guessing he dyed it lighter since it does look lighter compared to when he was a kid EYE COLOR.   light brown SKIN TONE.   light BODY TYPE.  toned but lean VOICE.  https://nucarnival.com/en-US/Characters/Eiden/ lmao at the examples but lol DOMINANT HAND. right  SCARS. none  BIRTHMARKS. none NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  you def can tell he takes care of his looks, his way of carrying himself  𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.  Japan (hc) HOMETOWN. Tokyo (adult) SIBLINGS. recently introduced twin brother - hot topic reject Rin, to be fair it’s not known if this is biological siblinghood or something more magic related siblinghood  PARENTS.  unknown he was brought to orphanage as a kid  𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.  sextoy designer CURRENT RESIDENCE.  in game: Aster’s mansion , isola: Golden Ward 301 CLOSE FRIENDS. ....not sure if the gem clan members are counted or not lmao i mean theyre close yes RELATIONSHIP STATUS. ;)  FINANCIAL STATUS.   He freeloads in Klein so I’m not sure but seeing as he makes his own living alone at home it must not be good  DRIVER’S LICENSE. ....trying to remember if part time jobs mentions this but for them maybe? CRIMINAL RECORD.  N/A VICES. ;)
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
ORIENTATION. gaay LOVE LANGUAGE.  giving gifts, praising, affection&affirmation just in general, touch, sex, supporting people! RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  IDK? he’s pretty devoted guy! affectionate, considerate, etc. he’ll give partners gifts but mostly on special occasions but also looots of dates, lots of texts, checking if you’re okay etc. I don’t think his behaviour even changes that much but obviously he’d pay more attention to lover(s) 
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. what if i just say NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP what will you do then  HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. drawing, designing stuff  LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. big brained.  FEARS. he can still have difficulties being lonely sometimes, dear one’s hurting etc. 
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hyperionswrath-a · 2 years
Knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier. Repost, don’t reblog.
NAME: Jay.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:If I don’t know you I prefer tumblr IMs, if we did some stuff and are friendly I don’t mind handing out my discord. Either way I will reply and communicate to the best of my abilities in terms of plotting etc!
NAME OF MUSE(S): Ok here we go... @hyperionfated - Seifer Almasy @sleepinglionhart - Squall Leonhart @knukklesandwhich - Zell Dincht @loyalrage - Fujin _____ @daemonarmor - Titus Drautos @dincghiranze - Dino Ghiranze @diabclcs - Diabolos // Lucifer @carbxncle - Carbuncle _____ @gcldmasked - Higgs Monaghan @megalcmania - Albert Wesker @jchnseed - John Seed @nitheful-gallows - Villain Multimuse
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: I am comparatively new to tumblr rp and only started in late 2019, but my overall rp experience is well over 15 years or some ( I am old ok xD ). Started in pen & paper / exchanging text book with friends and moved on to german Legend of the Green Dragon servers (LoGD) over to discord and here.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Both my best and worst experiences happened during roleplaying - I met one of my exes during LoGD roleplaying as well as a good friend through tumblr / Discord rp. Sadly both didn’t last and have been also my worst experiences. But I still want to make the best of it which is why I ultimately came back!
RP PET PEEVES: Honestly, one of the worst things is being pushy and thinking RP is all I do all day long. It is not. I am doing this as a hobby and replies may take a couple days or even weeks, depending on how I feel and how fickle the muses are. I REALLY dislike feeling any kind of pushy behaviour, be it mass @ing in several replies, bombarding me with asks if I didn’t ask for them, being passive-aggressive about me being spotty etc etc. Just... honestly. Be reasonable, have some understanding and respect and we’ll get along nicely. Other than that it’s... lying. I mean, lying is a massive pet peeve / deal breaker anyway, but don’t fucking come up with some shady ass excuses for you being spotty or absent. I don’t need your medical record, or your family business laid out. Just tell me you won’t be able to follow up for a while and I am good. BONUS POINTS if you manage to be honest and let me know you want to follow up with other muses / muns and you don’t feel doing our stuff right now - it lets me focus on other stuff as well. Don’t act like we’re besties and then make up stuff for whatever reason I literally don’t mind to wait - I mind being lied to.
MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT: Most of my muses are up for grabs in terms of Angst and fluff, pretty much all of them for smut as well. HOWEVER - I HIGHLY lean towards mxm smut and relationships. Hetero couples tend to bore me quickly (and I know this makes me sound like a jerk but there is no point in lying about it either). If I am comfortable with the mun I am able to run a mxf ship but it’s definitely not my favorite to play. I see this stuff across media all the time and I may grow bored which has nothing to do with the mun!! It’s just a preference. (This doesn’t at ALL mean I won’t play with female muses, on the contrary! I just don’t think all f & m interactions have to be romantic and I might not be the right partner to play this stuff with) Also some muses like Fujin are aromantic and asexual. Oh and... please no pregnancy stuff. It icks me immensely. Most of my muses are not father material and tbh I can’t stand this trope, please keep it away from me.
PLOTS OR MEMES: BOTH BOTH BOTH. As someone whose energy levels fluctuate immensely I am happy if people like to do meme stuff without turning it into threads, but I also love plotting things for “better head days”!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Also both.  Generally I tend to write more, but I sometimes enjoy some one-line crack banter or some short replies ( not a fan of artificially lengthening posts just so they are big )
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Varies. It’s more like when does my brain allow me to write. Usually the evenings, but sometimes I make use of early mornings as well.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: Part of myself finds its way into my muses for sure. But I think more to the effect of “this is how I could be if XYZ happened to me” both in negative and positive ways. I am however strictly avoiding self-inserting too much.
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