#irondad bingo fic request
(All these links go to Tumblr posts, click on the ao3 link in my blog description/in the post if you would rather read them there)
Moon Knight
6 Voicemails from Steven + 1 from Marc: What voicemails would Steven have left for his mother during each episode of the Moon Knight tv show? This fic answers that question. 
Bad Things Happen Bingo
Useless: Anon Bad Things Happen Bingo request for Black Eye! Steven gets mugged. Jake and Marc are all >:C about it. 
That’s What I’m Here For: Request from Anon for Anger Born Of Worry! Marc is overworking himself, and Jake has reached his limit.
Werewolves Don’t Get Sick: Request from @enigmatist17 for Common Cold!  The Moon Boys have a cold, and a certain werewolf has come to help them.
In a Mind of Chaos:  How does the Battle of New York change when you add in a little bit of Moon Knight?
Hunger in the walls: Tío Bruno disappeared three days ago, and Dolores is worried for him. But Papa said to leave it to the grown ups. So instead of worrying about her Tío, she'll focus only on finding the source of the grumbling noise keeping her up at night... (1,982 words)
Peter was scared: Peter stays in the Avengers compound for the first time (2,356 words)
Blanket Forts and Midnight Stories: Tony and Peter build a blanket fort on a rainy day (3,910 words)
Misser Star’: Peter gets his wisdom teeth taken out and is a very silly lad (1,676 words)
Feels weird to cry with a smile: a oneshot written for Peter’s birthday! Peter spends his 17th in quarantine so Tony decides to come over and make things a little more special (2,904 words)
Tea for Tony: A oneshot based on a drawing by @broskepol! Tony gets sick (but insists he isn’t) and peter has to take care of him. There’s also a hint of Ironhusbands cuz I recently got into that ship haha (1,659 words)
I’ve never known a kid like you to stay down for long:   Peter runs away after his identity is revealed, and is just trying to get by (4,548 words)
50 Christmas Ornaments My True Love Gave To Me: The Iron Family gets a little carried away making christmas ornaments, and Peter has a talk with his dad about asexuality (3,191 words)
Bad Things Happen Bingo (discontinued for Irondad)
Spider-Man Lesson Number One: Doesn’t Realize They’ve Been Injured (1,579 words)
No problem kid: Fainting (2,131 words)
You want a hug?: Touch-Starved (1,245 words)
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tonystarkissist · 5 years
IronDad Bingo Fic #5
Trope: Jealousy
This was requested by an anon. Thank you for the request love!! XOXO
And... also. This was mostly written in a sleep-muddled haze, slightly highlighted by a sudden intense motivation to remove all forms of stress from my life in an attempt to finally get a restful sleep... which meant finishing this one... long... piece of craziness which to me makes kinda no sense right now. So, yeah. I hope it doesn’t suck to bad lol. If it does... oh well. I’ll embrace it.
“Hey, Pete. You know about Harley, right?” Tony spun around fancily in his chair to fix the teen in question with a contemplative raise of his brows. Peter turned away from his project momentarily to cast a glance at his mentor in response.
“Uh, that kid from Tennessee you’ve been collaborating with for, like, the past month?”
Peter hated that kid…
“That’s the one,” Tony grinned brightly. He spun in his chair again, turning back to the work he had abandoned. “He’s wanting to come down for a couple weeks to help me out on a new suit. He’s had a few promising ideas. I want you to meet him.”
Peter blinked dumbly at the admittance from the man. Mr. Stark wanted him to meet his sworn enemy? Of course, Mr. Stark didn’t know about his silent, one-sided rivalry he held with the boy he’d never even met, but… still! He’d been fighting desperately for even the tiniest amount of Tony’s attention while he’d been rather preoccupied talking to this Harley kid about their project. Who knows how far he’d have to go if the other teen actually came for a visit? Gosh, Peter could see it now… 
“Yeah, sure. When’s he coming?” Peter shrugged, hoping Mr. Stark wouldn’t catch on to the mild irritation lacing his tone.
“He’s coming next week. I thought-”
“Spring break week?!” Peter cried out, spinning in his chair to settle his mentor with a wide-eyed glare to match his flabbergasted outburst. 
“Well… yeah. I thought it’d be perfect for you two-”
“But that was the week I was staying here with you and we were going to do cool stuff together!” 
Gosh! He sounded like such a whiny baby.
Peter didn’t even know how the situation was able to make itself worse, but it had. He couldn’t believe that this prick had the audacity to waltz back into Tony’s life after who knew how many years and demand attention from him. It almost took a whole year for Mr. Stark to stop addressing him as if he were an immature, irresponsible child and invite him over to see his lab. A whole year! From the stories Peter has heard about this ‘Harley’ kid, they had barely even known each other a couple days back then! 
Gosh! And now his obnoxious rival was eating up all the attention like candy… and Tony notoriously had a limited attention span when it came to things without mechanical parts or red hair accompanied by clickity-clackity heels.
“Now Pete,” Tony lamented, summoning his practiced ‘Dad voice’. “I think this will be good for you. I’m sure you two will be good friends. And we can still do things with Harley here; he’s really smart too, you know.”
And, yes, Peter did, in fact, know that Harley was a genius too. How could he not? Tony practically told him and anyone that would listen every day. He can still remember when he was the one being bragged about by Tony Stark. Which *ahem* was before ‘Harley’ came prancing back into the genius’ life from a legit midst of nothingness.
“But c’mon,” Peter whined, “that’s like the only week I have off before school ends. And then I have to go on that summer trip… we were supposed to hang out…”
“I know Pete,” Tony sighed, almost sounding guilty, but not quite, “I know you were looking forward to it just being the two of us. Sometimes we all have to make sacrifices though kiddo. I thought that this would be a fun bonding experience for all of us. Harley’s a lot of fun.”
Peter sulked and slowly turned back to his own project while Tony continued trying to reason with him dejectedly.
“You need to get used to him eventually. He’s graduated high school and I plan on giving him a high-profile intern job with R&D. So, he’ll be around a lot.”
Intern? Intern?! Peter couldn’t believe it. He thought that reckless, brunette, genius, teen boys were just a dime in a dozen, but he supposed if anyone were to attract them it’d be Tony Stark. It was stupid of him to think that he was anything special to begin with…
“What’s got you all riled up this time ‘round Spider-baby?” Rhodey asked, plopping down next to him on the couch as he scribbled out numbers angrily onto his Calc homework. Tony had been too busy talking to Harley to help him out like he usually did. 
“Nothing,” he muttered, releasing a growl as he realized he’d done the whole equation wrong and immediately began running the eraser violently across the page. The thin sheet ripped dramatically, and it only fueled his anger. He seethed and struggled to not lash out as he started crumbling the paper into a tight ball.
“Ah, yes,” Rhodey chuckled slightly, “I forgot it was opposite day today.”
He probably thought he was sooo funny.
“It’s not. Everything’s fine.” Peter insisted, pulling out another loose sheet of paper from his binder.
“I can see that,” Rhodey mused as he watched Peter scribble the equation across the top line of the paper again.
They sat there in companionable silence as Peter tried and failed at solving the problem once again. Some genius he was. No wonder Mr. Stark preferred Harley.
“Where’s Tony?” Rhodey finally pipes up when he watches Peter fail another attempt, “Doesn’t he usually help you out with this stuff?”
“Yeah,” Peter huffed, sounding dejected. His scribbling paused and he stared down at the paper. “He’s busy though. Harley’s coming to visit and they’re sorting it all out.”
“I see,” Rhodey admits, nodding his head. “Well, I’m no genius like Tony, but I know my way around numbers. I didn’t go to MIT for nothing kid. Let me take a crack at it.”
Peter’s eyes light up momentarily at the offer of some much-needed help and he eagerly handed the paper over.
“We just started doing differentials, and my teacher didn’t tell us how to do all the weird e’s and natural logs.”
“Oh, that’s easy. Lookie here kiddie…”
Peter savored the last few moments he had with his mentor before Harley arrived. They were both waiting at the airport for him, because apparently Harley’s mother was extremely insistent that Tony didn’t just hand off the responsibility to one of his lackeys. Apparently, neither Harley nor his family had ever been outside of Tennessee, so both were somewhat nervous with the spontaneous vacation.
“I’m totally dreading having to do those assignments Mr. Stark,” Peter spieled, hoping to get in as much as he could before the genius’ attention was inevitably averted to the new teen intern arriving in the next few minutes. “It’s like I don’t already do enough homework during the school year. They just have to hand out packets of work that we haven't even covered yet.”
“I can see how that would be a problem,” Tony chuckled, “Maybe I can hel- Look there he is!” Tony points at a mass of bodies coming through the gate exits. Peter immediately spots a tall, lanky teen boy, and he gulps at the striking similarities between them. No wonder Tony liked Peter so much… he probably reminded the man of Harley. Tony and Harley go farther back than he and Peter did… no wonder.
“Hey kid,” Tony smiled, looking excited as the older boy hurried up to the waiting pair. 
“Hey old man. How’s it hanging? Long time no see.” Harley laughed and didn’t even hesitate to throw his arms around the man’s neck in a friendly hug, and to Peter’s utter and complete surprise… Tony hugged him too, with a friendly - not at all awkward - pat on the back to go with it!
“Stop calling me old you brat,” he teased, clapping him on the back and pulling away from the hug to get a fresh look at him. “Look at you kid. I remember when you were just an annoying little toddler of a child.”
“Yeah, well, what did you expect after 7 years?”
7 years?? He was practically the same age as Peter! And he was done with high school? Oh goodness, how was he supposed to top that?
“Whatever,” Tony muttered lightheartedly. “Let’s go get your bags. Oh!” He turned to look at Peter as if just remembering he was there, “and this is Peter. He’s a science nerd too.”
“Replaced me already Stark?” Harley feigned hurt.
“Sure did,” Tony quipped back.
Peter’s heart hurt at that; it stuttered obnoxiously against his chest. He knew it was just a joke. He knew. That didn’t make the blow any softer though.
It only seemed to get worse from there... 
Instead of throwing his arm around Peter’s shoulders like he would usually do, Tony threw them around Harley’s instead, chatting animatedly to the young teen as they navigated their way through the throngs of people. At least Peter got a firm hand on the back of his neck to guide him so he didn’t get lost as if he were a small child. That was at least something, right?
Then, when they got to the car, Harley had immediately shouted shotgun, because he was a jerk like that. Tossing Peter a teasing look as he hopped into the front seat of the Audi. Tony just laughed as he stuffed luggage into the trunk and Peter sulked and grumbled under his breath as he climbed into the backseat, ready to endure through the excited chattering that was sure to emit from the front of the car.
When they got back to the Compound, Peter felt for a moment that things would get better, because Mr. Stark through an arm over his shoulders instead of Harley’s as they walked in… but things didn't get better. Tony told him to show Harley to the room he’d be staying in… which, conveniently, just so happened to be Peter’s room. The other guest rooms were full because the Rogues had come back along with a few added guests, and Mr. Stark for some reason thought it would be a good ‘bonding opportunity’ for them… yeah right. So, yeah, Peter would be sharing a room with his undeclared arch nemesis too. How great was that?!
Then, maybe an hour later when they headed down to Mr. Stark’s workshop, Tony and Harley were quick to get to work on their joint project while Peter went off to work with his lonesome self at his desk. It was just as Peter expected. They offered to involve Peter in the project of course, but… it just felt wrong somehow. 
And he longer he was down in the lab with nothing but his web shooters to distract his overeager mind, the longer he contemplated the angered feelings that had been accumulating in his gut since it’d been declared that Harley would be coming for an impromptu visit. The more he thought, the more the guilt began to replace the anger. And the more guilt he felt, the more he realized how much of a clingy, selfish child he’d been acting.
Mr. Stark wasn’t his Dad. Mr. Stark didn’t have to give him his sole attention at every hour of every day. Heck, the man didn’t have to give him any attention at all, but he did. So, therefore, Peter should be grateful for what he received and not what he had to share with others, and even what could possibly be taken from him entirely. It was never his to begin with… so he had no right to get upset.
Thoughts like this continued to plague his mind, and he became a bit… panicky. 
Harley had every right to come visit.... Apparently, according to the conversations he could overhear, Tony and Harley had kept in good contact through the years. Harley didn’t have a father either. The teen had every right to imprint on Tony just like Peter had done, because the man was great. He was caring and funny, and just a bit overbearing... the perfect father in Peter's mind. He shouldn’t get jealous and declare a silent war against someone when they were simply seeking for the same comfort and validation that had been and was still seeking. It wasn’t right. It was selfish.
Peter got to see Mr. Stark almost twice a week! Harley didn’t get any of that. He got a few phone calls and facetimes, but that was it!
Why was he such a selfish, ungrateful brat? Aunt May hadn’t raised an ungrateful brat.
Peter dropped his head in his hands and sighed, trying to find at least some way to validate his feelings so he wouldn’t have to feel so guilty. He couldn’t find anything.
See… Peter wouldn’t be feeling any of this if Harley just… if he hadn’t come at all. Still, that didn’t help to quench the deep-seated guilt pooling in his stomach. He didn’t know why something that made Mr. Stark smile was making him so mad. Wait! He did know! He was selfish! Oh yeah, how could he possibly forget?
So, in an attempt to compensate for the unreasonable hatred he had developed towards the teen, he made extra effort to not hate him… if that made any sense. 
It seemed to work too.
Since they shared a room it was fairly easy to get to know him, because apparently Harley enjoyed having nearly an hour conversation in the dark before falling asleep at night. Peter learned a lot about him during the first night, and it turned out to be pretty easy to like him. His personality was cool and amusing; a lot like Mr. Stark’s. 
Peter made an extra effort to be nice and happy the next day too. Things went about the same way, except towards the end of the night, they watched a quick movie before bed.
Then, on the second night, things got a little deeper… Harley asked about Peter’s parents and how he came to know Tony, and, well… Peter told him. Which led to Peter asking Harley a similar question, due to the specifics social edicate. Peter empathized with him instantly, especially when the teen shyly admitted his embarrassing dependence he’d acquired towards the genius after only a month of near constant contact, and how grateful he was for the time he was able to spend with him. That wasn’t something to ease the guilt in Peter’s stomach at all, but it definitely gave Peter a more mature view on the matter. He got a new friend out of it too.
The next day, though, Peter caught on to something rather unnerving. 
He had spent so much time worrying that Harley was going to steal time away from Mr. Stark that he hadn’t realized how much time he was actually stealing away from Harley. He hadn’t really noticed the fact that Mr. Stark was somewhat of a mother hen and took every available opportunity to check on him and make sure he was doing okay. He’d been blinded by his jealousy before, and perhaps a little peevish the past couple days after realizing that he was actually the one in the wrong, but yeah! Mr. Stark wouldn’t stop fussing over him every hour or so, even when he was in the midst of a detailed planning stage with Harley. Peter got a glimpse of the frustration that flickered across the other teen’s face when Mr. Stark paused in their ministrations to turn and address Peter, yet again… making sure he wasn’t thirsty or hungry for lunch even though it was barely noon, for perhaps the third time that morning.
That’s what made up Peter’s mind. He could relate to Harley way too easily, and he hated the idea of the dude not being able to get the most out of his once in forever visit with his undeclared father figure. He was a nice guy, and he’d been through a lot in life too… it wasn’t right for Peter to be a constant interruption to their rare bonding time. So, he dismissed himself from the lab, apologizing to Mr. Stark for his demise, and shooting a knowing look and a ‘you’re welcome’ wink to Harley, who just rolled his eyes in response.
Mr. Stark, of course, put up immediate protest.
“Oh, c’mon kiddo. Am I being pushy again? I won’t ask anymore, I swear it. You don’t gotta go, I know I promised you we’d spend this week off school together.”
Peter flinched inwardly. He didn’t know how he could have possibly thought Tony was replacing him. The man just cared too much sometimes. He had too much care to go around to ever run out of it. His attention span may be meager, but his affection never was.
“It’s cool Mr. Stark. I gotta get a head start on that homework anyway.”
“Alright,” Tony voiced warily, watching reluctantly as Peter gathered up his things and headed for the exit, “let me know if you need help on anything.”
“Sure thing Mr. Stark,” Peter smiled sadly. 
He was doing the right thing - he knew that. It was just hard… but at the same time so liberating to know he helped another fatherless kid get to know their wished-to-be father-figure.
“Hey, um, Colonel Rhodes?” Peter piped up hesitantly, approaching the man in the kitchen, clutching a thick pile of paper in his hands, “I’m reviewing for my AP exam, and these practice questions are ridiculously hard. Can you help me a little bit?”
Rhodey grinned and put down his mug of coffee to accept the thick packet offered to him. “Sure kiddo let’s get setup at the dining table. This is probably gonna take a while.”
“Hello?” Peter peeked into the hi-tech lab, looking much different from Mr. Stark’s, with the overall cleanliness, “Mr. Bruce, Dr. Banner, sir?”
“Oh, hello, Peter,” Bruce greeted warmly, snapping his head to the side to look at the teen. “What can I do for you today?” 
“Oh, um, well I got some homework… and Mr. Stark is kinda busy… and Mr. Rhodes doesn’t know a whole lot about Chemistry…” He trailed off a bit, a bit nervous having to ask the world-renowned scientist for help on his high school homework. “An-and there’s some Biology too… it’s just kinda hard, and I was hoping that you could just explain a couple things to me?”
“Of course!” Bruce chirped eagerly, pushing displays and rolly tables out of his way as he approached Peter, “let’s take a look.”
“Hey, kiddo, how’re things going?” Tony asked, venturing up from the workshop after his three-day binge with Harley. Heck, Peter thinks they might have even slept down there if they had slept at all. “Sorry that I sorta abandoned you up here, we were kinda in the zone down there, weren’t we Harley?” Tony turned to the grease-stained teen beside him for confirmation. The boy nodded, laughing slightly before heading in the direction of the kitchen to retrieve some water. 
Peter smiled… his jealousy had significantly dissipated over the past three days, and he was happy for them. He’d actually had a pretty great time in Mr. Stark’s absence anyway. Of course, not quite as great as it would have been if the man had been there himself, but it was still good. So, not much room for him to complain.
“It’s okay Mr. Stark. I’m sorry I didn’t go down to visit you guys more than I did. I was just wanted to focus on my homework… it’s kinda hard to figure out on my own, y’know.”
“Well, I got some time now. Pull it out here kid,” Tony smiled, dropping down on the couch next to him, wearing an excited grin despite the bags beneath his eyes, and kicking his feet up on the coffee table. “I’ll walk you through those tricky differentials again and whatever else might’ve stumped you. I swear the education system is just getting worse every passing year-”
“It’s okay Mr. Stark, I finished it already?”
“Oh,” Tony voice rose a pitch in surprise, eyebrows raising as well, “did you want me to check answers or something on the ones you're unsure of?”
“No, it’s okay,” Peter smiled comfortingly at the man, “Mr. Rhodes helped me with my Calculus already.”
“Rhodey?” Tony spluttered indignantly, seemingly surprised by the notion. “Oh... well, what about Chemistry? You were going on and on and on the other day about the ridiculous amount of unneeded work. Did you get that finished up too?”
“Yep,” Peter nodded proudly, not quite registering the perturbed expression on Tony’s face after he said it, “Dr. Banner helped me out. He actually said I can come by tomorrow so we can go over some flash cards we made together. I need to memorize a few things, but after that I should ace the final exam easily.”
“Okay,” Tony nodded solemnly, gazing out blankly at the room while he thought, “well, I’m not excellent in the subject, but if you still need some help with the English packet, I’m-”
“It’s all good, I got Ms. Natasha to help me. She’s actually really good with languages Mr. Stark, did you know that? She speaks, like, a ton of them!”
Peter hesitated when he saw Tony grit his teeth in frustration. He wasn’t sure what he had done to frustrate the man. He had done him a favor! He left him alone so he could focus on making a bond with his newer teenage intern! He’d even done all the work so he didn’t feel required to help!
“You good Tony?” Harley asked, taking note of the engineer’s distressed face when he reappeared with two glasses of water.
“Yeah, all good kid. Just thinking about what I can do with Pete here since I’ve practically ignored him the whole week.” 
Peter smiled at the thoughtfulness, but at the same time… he really didn't want Mr. Stark to feel obligated to spend time with him.
“Hey, Pete, you ready to go kid?! I don’t got all day!” Clint suddenly appeared in the room, twirling a set of car keys on his finger. “Oh, hey Stark. How’re you and your new MiniMe getting on? I don’t think we’ve had the privilege of meeting this one.”
“This is Harley,” Tony introduced gruffly, staring the man down. “What’re you and Peter doing?”
“Oh, the kid mentioned that he hadn’t started on his hours for driving yet. He needs a ton of practice before he’s allowed to get his license apparently! So, I offered to take him for a little spin. Why? Did you need him for something? I’m sure we can postpone it until later, right Pete?”
Peter’s brows furrowed when he took in Mr. Stark’s fidgety nature, sitting rigidly on the couch, rather than his original relaxed position. 
“No, no, it’s fine. Just don’t let him kill anyone. His Aunt will never let me see him again. Stay safe kiddo.”
Then, with that, Tony shot out instructions for Harley to eat and shower before disappearing from the room himself with his head bowed slightly, muttering nonsense under his breath. Soon, only Peter and Clint were left in the room.
Peter couldn’t help but feel good at knowing he hadn’t gotten in Mr. Stark’s or Harley’s way. Of course, he was a little upset that he didn’t get to spend quite as much time with his mentor as he was hoping, but he was glad he was able to help Harley out all the same. 
Tony was getting pissed. It was Saturday and he and Peter still hadn’t done anything bond-y related all week. He and Harley had long since finished their project, and Peter’s empty desk was giving him the jitters. He knew what the kid was oh-so busy doing, and it made him the slightest bit angry. He didn’t understand why the kid seemed to be going out of his way to avoid him. It didn’t seem like anything was wrong when they talked!
“Hey, kid, wanna have a little training session before I head back to the lab?”
“No thanks Mr. Stark. I’m still kinda tired from my session with Steve. He’s real intense, did you know that Mr. Stark?
“Hey, buddy, want me to go out on patrol with you? Harley’s off visiting colleges right now.”
“Sorry Mr. Stark,” Peter actually looked slightly guilty for that one, “but I promised I’d help Bucky with his new computer game. I have to teach him how to set up mods… I think that might take a while. Maybe next time?”
“Hey, Pete? Wanna go out to dinner with me and Harley?”
“Can’t! Sorry Mr. Stark!” He had shouted urgently, making an effort to shove Sam over in an attempt to affect the character on screen. “In the middle of a Mario Kart tournament... Yes!”
It was driving him crazy!
“Hey, um, Tony?” Harley started out worriedly, eyeing the man from across the table, “you good?”
Tony’s grip tightened momentarily on the screwdriver as he tried to repress the accumulating frustration. It doesn’t last long, though. He throws the tool down and stares up at Harley scornfully.
“Hey, no need to get fussy at me!” Harley’s quick to defend himself, dropping his own tools to throw his hands up in defense. 
“It’s not you kid,” Tony grumbles with a slight roll of his eyes, turning his attention back to his project. 
“Is it Peter? You keep glaring at his desk…”
Tony stays silent for a moment, risking another glance up to stare at Peter’s desk a few tables down. The silence permeates in the room and for a moment Harley didn’t think he was going to say anything. Boy, was he wrong…
“Since when did he become so chummy with ‘em, huh?” The man scoffed, turning back to look at the surprised boy across from him. He dismisses the befuddled expression and keeps right on going in voicing his frustration. “I mean, c’mon! These bastards know that’s my kid, and now they’re all eating up his time when he was supposed to spend the week with me! We were gonna do all these fun projects and we haven’t done anything yet! There’s only a day left of his vacation! I was going to help him with his homework too, cuz, y’know, that’s what I do, right? I mean, it’s not too unreasonable to for them to have some manners and at least ask-”
“Heck, man, you better spend some time with your old man before he has a hissy fit,” Harley voices as he adjusts the sheets on the air mattress he’d been sleeping on. “Or at least another one.”
“What are you talking about Harley?” Peter laughed as he climbed onto his own bed.
Harley gives him a look.
“I’m talking about the full half-hour frustration fueled rant your Dad went on about after you turned us down for dinner. He went on and on about how you guys hadn’t done anything together the whole week. It was actually pretty funny. It looked like he was about to throw a tantrum or something.”
Peter stared at him for a moment, a little dazed by the admittance.
“Are you kidding?!” He cried dramatically, “I’ve literally been going out of my way so you guys could spend time together without me.”
“Well, why the heck would you do that?” Harley laughed, looking at him as if he were crazy.
“You need a Dad!” Peter argued defiantly, throwing his hands out to gesture in the other teen’s direction, as if he were the one to blame.
“So?” Harley scoffed, “doesn’t mean I have to steal yours… You do realize there’s this thing called sharing. It’s quite popular nowadays-”
A pillow was subsequently slammed in his face.
“Shut up,” Peter muttered a bit embarrassedly.
“Whatever,” Harley muttered, tossing the pillow back at him, “but you better get your butt down in the shop with us tomorrow. I don’t wanna deal with one of our Dad’s tantrums on my own again.”
Peter stared at him, dumbfounded, but Harley ignored him. 
The lights had long since shut off when a slow smile slowly inched across his face to replace the gob smacked hole.
It would be kinda cool to have a brother.
Oh my GOD I’m so glad I’m done with this one. Phew! I was definitely struggling! Sorry if it sucks, but thanks for reading. And thank you @irondadbingo for the card :)
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Final Caught Up....
Got all my request caught up so if you want to request a fic here are my current bingo boards that I'm taking request on. If you ask for more than two in a single ask let me know if those are separate fics or together with another fic.
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incorrect-spiderson · 4 years
just a quick question, do you think you could give us like a list of the fics you are currently working on? it's okay if not lol just kind of wondering
Yeah of course!!
My main multi-chapter that I’m working on is called The Shoes We Fill and it’s basically a what-if fix where the other half (with a few kept or dusted by choice) is snapped. Kinda funky
Im also working on an Irondad Mandalorian AU
One-Shots for the Bingo (just titles):
Im Not, In Fact, Lazer Proof
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
How TF Does Dracula Do it?
Let Me Take The Blow (So You Can Carry Me Home)
Doc McStuffins Cant Treat A Coma
Politicians Suck
Heart Rate Go Brrr
The Creation Of Adam But Sad
Drowning But Not Really
Don’t Hunt This Man (Boy)
Fluffy Bunny Clouds
Pain Pain Go Away Come Again Another Day
Apparently Not A Mermaid
Stranger Danger
Sir, This Is A Wendy’s
Hydra? You Mean Hi Bruh?
Beep Beep It’s Da Police
Black And Blue (I’ll get you through)
I Love You 3000 (Feet Above The Ground)
He Dont Bite (YES HE DO)
That One Katy Perry Song
Admiral Ackbar Was Right
Bill Nye Wouldn’t Approve
One Shots or Ideas I’m kinda working on:
Sp00derman Was The Imposter
Avenge Us
Just Dance
String Of Saltines
Triple Mocha Frappuccino
The False Widow
And other requests and stuff that I receive in my inbox!! Unfortunately I do tend to push those off the most so I can finish my one shots but I try to churn them out when I can!! (Requests are still closed for now) to be honest I might have forgot some but if so I’ll add em on later
But yeah thanks for asking!! I love sharing what I’m working on!!
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irondadfics · 4 years
Hii I know you have many requests but do you know about a fic which was set in the office au mj was in it and Peter was the secretary to Tony Stark and he was also Spider-Man.
Stark Industries: An American Workplace by @fourdaysofrain
“No, I don’t--” The corner of Peter’s mouth twitches down and he looks at something behind the camera. “Mr. Stark doesn’t treat me any differently than the other employees. I don’t know why everyone says he does.” He tugs his sleeve down his wrist and looks to the side. “I’m the receptionist, so he has to talk to me more to like, plan his calendar and stuff.” --- The Office!AU (For the "AU: TV/Movie" square in Irondad Bingo)
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stark-tony · 4 years
irondad and spiderson ft biological son au fic recs part 2
* = incomplete
Close To The Ground  series* by boo_boo_thefool
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
I'll Dedicate Everyday to You series* by sluttytonystark
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Every Breath of Me  series* by doctornineandthreequarters
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
i promise you kid that i give so much more than i get series* by geralt_of_rivia
summary: Just short little ficlets of single dad Tony and his son Peter. No chronological order to these or anything - some will be before Tony is Iron Man TM and some will be after, all depending on his and Pete’s age in the fics of course. If you want to make a request, feel free to shoot me one here!
pairings: none
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort, angst
warnings: none
his greatest creation  series* by peterstank
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
5 times Tony showed off Peter, and 1 time Peter showed him off by Webtrinsic
summary: Tony loves to show off his son.
pairings: none
warnings: none
The life of Peter Stark* by Malya
summary: Peter Stark's life seen through the media.
(Taking a break due to college)
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Radioactive  by Emily_F6
summary: Things haven't always been great between Tony Stark and his son. He wasn't ready to become a father...didn't even know he had a son until the boy's mother died. Over time, though, he thought he got the hang of it. But that was before his son went on a field trip to Oscorop and was seemingly left fighting for his life. *Written for Iron Dad Big Bang*
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Kangaroo Care  by TonyStarkissist
summary: “It is commonly referred to as ‘Kangaroo Care’, sir. The skin-to-skin contact is proven to enhance a child's immune system, calm its heart rate, and increase familial bond between parent and child.”
Irondad Bingo Fic #2 AU: Biological Dad
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none            
Sunlight by ArdenSkyeHolmes221
summary: “Stop pouting and ignoring me. You’re giving me a complex.”
“I am— I’m not pouting,” he sputters, avoiding his father’s gaze. 
“Oooh, but you are ignoring me.”
Or the one where Peter struggles reintegrating in his own life after his dad lived five years without him.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff, angst
warnings: none
Twist of Fate by karenninaaa
summary: A single picture triggered Tony Stark to suspect that Peter Parker was his son, biologically.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
An Anatomy Lesson  by stained_glass_heart
summary: Completely self indulgent fluff to start healing from Endgame. No plot at all. Just soft Irondad caring for a baby spiderson. 
Includes broad generalizations of anatomy, a stubborn carseat, Peter Parker being the most chill baby ever, and no beta.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Father Figure*  by vanillaxo 
summary: Tony was panicked. 
No, scrap that, he was frightened. Inconsolable. Perturbed. Hysterical. Definitely not capable of being a father- much less one overnight to two kids. 
Father. Two. Kids. 
God. It even sounded insane. Was the universe serious? This had to be a joke, right? 
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Outsider  by     PinkEasterEggs
summary: “You know,” his Dad mused when they were halfway through the bread and the ducks were all swimming around them. “I used to come here during the 5 years when you were . . . gone.”
Peter didn’t know what to say, he’d half expected his Dad to of brought Morgan.
 “I never brought any bread,” Tony sighed. “I just sat on that park bench for hours. I thought about bringing Morgan one year but . . . i wanted this place to be ours and ours only.”
Peter couldn’t even say how much that meant to him.
 “You’ve changed,” Peter admitted. His Dad had created a whole new life for himself, one that Peter wasn’t really sure where he fit. All of his stuff had been thrown out and the Tower was sold.
 “I know,” Tony sighed, ducking his head down to kiss Peter’s crown. “But i’ll always be your Dad." 
Peter tries to find his place in the world after the Avengers defeated Thanos. As much as he knows he's loved, he can't shake the feelings of being replaced when he comes into a new world where his father is now married and had another child.
(No Spider-Man Far From Home Spoilers)
 #10: Biological Child
pairings: pepperony
tags: angst
warnings: none
The Chilling Realities Of Hunting And Being Hunted  by Buckets_Of_Stars
summary: All Peter and Tony had to do was cross the mountains. That’s it. Just climb a few hills and get to the Convention. They didn’t count on the snow, or the wind, or the fact that neither of them have cell service.
 And they definitely didn’t count on the fact that they would be hunted—stalked—as they sit, freezing and shaking, on the side of the road.
pairings: none
tags: angst hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Scarecrow Pose  by ArdenSkyeHolmes221
summary: “J, you gotta help me.” Tony puffs air like he’s been a chain smoker all his life as he gasps on the hardwood floor. “Pete’s— Pete’s got too much energy.”
 “If I may make a suggestion, sir, perhaps what young master needs is to channel his energy constructively.” 
“Such— such as?” 
“Perhaps yoga, sir?”
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
A Pool For Two?  by PinkEasterEggs
summary: Peter Stark knew that he wasn’t allowed outside their Malibu mansion without his father’s approval. But he decided that his dad couldn’t be too mad because all he wanted to do was splash about in the pool for a little while. Last summer Peter hadn’t been all that confident in the water, shying away from the newly built slides and rides. This year, however, Peter was older and far more experienced. And man did he wanna go down those water slides. 
 Peter just wants to go for a swim; too bad his dad stops him-- or does he?
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Better?  by crowkag
summary: While Tony and Peter might be afraid of different things, what they have in common is where they go for comfort: each other.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Two Vodka Martinis: Extra Dry, Extra Olives, Extra Fast  by PinkEasterEggs
summary: “Well, Tony Stark, fancy seeing you here.”
Tony’s expression went blank as he searched the woman’s face, a hand moving out as he took a guess at her name. “. . . Karen.”
“Christine,” she spoke over him. “You have a lot of nerve showing up here tonight. Can i at least get a reaction from you?”
“Panic,” Tony supplied, looking to the side and trying his best not to look at his young son’s confused face. “I would say panic . . .”
 Tony takes his son, Peter, to the Stark Industries' Annual Benefit for the Firefighter's Family Fund where they run into a face Tony would rather forget.
 #4: Gala/ Press Event
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Postage Parenting* by TheLastStraws 
summary: In the silence of his lab, Tony slid the letter out from the envelope, aggravating the permanent creases to unfold it. He read it again. Well, he skipped down to the one sentence, looped in bubbly cursive handwriting, that sent him into a panicked, aggravated, and depressed tailspin these past few days. Just one sentence.
“I’m pregnant.”
(Tony discovers he's father to a precious, eleven-year-old Peter Parker a few months after the Battle of New York. A retelling/AU of Iron Man 3 and beyond.)
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
A Bite-Sized Experience  by Buckets_Of_Stars
summary: When Tony mentioned to Peter one time that he knows how to make pasta-- not the shitty "get in a box at the store and heat up for 10 minuets" pasta-- but the real deal, Peter would not shut up about it. Honestly, it had started to drive Tony insane.
Tony's solution: Teach Peter how to make homemade spaghetti. 
(Or: IronDad and SpiderSon make some food and shenanigans result)
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
We'll get there someday Peter  by Webtrinsic
summary: "It angered him. His son was not broken. No one would dare tell him otherwise"
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Damaged At Best (Like You've Already Figured Out) by JolinarJackson, ShoyzzArt
summary: ”Don’t come any closer,” Spider-Man said, his hand raised threateningly, his fingers resting against a trigger mechanism nestled into his palm. ”Alright,” Tony answered. For a moment, they looked at each other – Tony stuck to the wall on one side of the alley and Spider-Man stuck to the other – then Tony opened his helmet to show his face. ”Hey, there”, he said. ”Nice to finally meet you.”
The Avengers are left shaken in the aftermath of the Sokovia Accords. With half the team under house arrest at the Compound, Tony finds himself seeking refuge in Avengers Tower and starts forming a tentative friendship with the neighborhood vigilante Spider-Man. A friendship which is quickly threatened by Secretary Ross doubting Spider-Man’s intentions and integrity. Tony is left wondering who to trust, especially when Spider-Man manages to uncover the one secret Tony never wanted anyone to know about: the child Tony had with a woman named Mary Fitzpatrick sixteen years ago.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: alcoholism
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I made a fic for all the bingo fills!!
If you haven’t read any of them yet, here it is:
You can request a square if you want! I like to make people happy, so if there’s something you want to read and no one’s made it, i’m willing to write it for you. Even if the bingo squares have nothing to do with it. Just ask. :)
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Tumblr media
November first and last calls in the Marvel fandom:
POLYSHIPPING DAY first day of every month - you can create in any media
MONTHLY ART CHALLENGE join as an artist throughout the month - you can create in any media
CAP/IRON MAN COMMENT BINGO  write comments to complete a bingo
FUCK YEAH BOTTOM BUCKY’S WRITE IT OR REC IT  join as an author or rec a work throughout the month
CAP/IRON MAN KINK MEME (ROUND 16)  join as an author or artist  throughout the month
NANOWRIMO join as an author throughout the month - any fandom goes 
STEVETONY SECRET SANTA  author and artist sign-ups close on 1st of November
ALLIANCE: A MARVEL UNIVERSE X MY HERO ACADEMIA ZINE author and artist sign-ups close on 2nd of November
IRONSTRANGE ADVENT CALENDAR post from 3rd of November - you can create in any media
DC/MARVEL HOLIDAY BINGO BANG author and artist sign-ups close on 4th of November
CAP/IRON MAN COMMUNITY GIFTS open from 8th of November - you can create in any media
LOGANBUCKY FEST (sign-ups open now) post your creation between 8th of November - 6th of December 
WINTERHAWK FIC EXCHANGE author sign-ups close on 10th of November
SPIDERVENOM FLASHBANG author and artist sign-ups close on 11th of November
FANTASTIC FOUR WEEK post your creation between 5th of November - 11th of November - you can create in any media
CAPTAIN AMERICA SECRET SANTA sign-ups close on 15th of November - you can create in any media
SPIDERMAN BIG BANG beta sign-ups close on 20th of November
STUCKY AU BIG BANG artist sign-ups close on 23rd of November
MCU KINK BANG author and artist submission sign-ups close on 26th of November
WINTERIRONSHIELD BIG BANG author and artist sign-ups close on 29th of November
HAPPY STEVE BINGO request your card before 30th of November - you can create in any media
IRONDAD BIG BANG artist sign-ups close on 30th of November
for more, check out my  EVENTS PAGE and my CALENDAR; and feel free to let me know about what else is happening! and please reblog so that creators know what they can join in :)
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time-to-cause-chaos · 3 years
Masterlist for my fics on tumblr underneath the cut (Updated 7/27)
give me hope(1,085 words): set in season 6 with just some Jay stuff, this one was for ninjago writers day
don’t fear of me, my friend(2,330 words):  Cole and Jay first meeting, this was a request I did
the stars sure are bright tonight(1,220 words): Lloyd and Zane stay up late and talk a little, set somewhere in the first or second season, this one was also a request
it should be fine(3,164 words): The bounty after Cole fell in season 10, sort of a rewrite of a scene i guess except it’s expanded
i see oceans in your eyes: angst for season 15 bc i miss nya <3
jubilee line (2522 words): So Lloyd got stabbed, Cole's got broken ribs and a messed up ankle, there are still enemies coming, and evac's delayed.  Shit.
When the bad nights hit (I will always be there for you)[1,750 words]: tbh i’m not that proud of this one but it’s Peter and Harley fluff with some irondad at the end so yeah, they basically just go get milkshakes at 2 am
the weird ways we save the world [1, 580 words]:  Endgame fix-it fic where Peter kinda saves the universe by taking Thanos out with a cast-iron skillet. (kind of crack)
i still hear your voice in the traffic (we’re laughing) [2,466 words]: Tony promised Peter he’d teach him to drive, but he’s gone and now Happy wants to, or Tony’s gone after Endgame (which, yes, i’m still sad abt) and Happy and Peter talk a bit. 
i didn’t finish my chem homework yet(5,426 words): Peter and MJ get kidnapped after school and Tony is a worried and protective dad™
catch me to infinity (5, 738 words): 5 times Wanda catches Peter, and 1 time she doesn't know if she can.
the sunny parts: webpril, day 5, MIT
Maiko Week 2020:
i guess you could say my arrow hit you(895 words): small modern AU in high school, it’s really short
Seasons ft. Izumi(2,272 words): A look through the four seasons with Izumi
and as the years come and go(1,136 words): Mai through her childhood years with Zuko.
Zukka Week 2021:
your city is built from scraps (1,356 words): Set in the Western Air Temple, Sokka wonders about Zuko and they spar together. 
i protect you from myself (1, 532 words): Zuko is Sokka's enemy, but he still knows he'd never hurt him. He'd never want to anyway.
mocha is better than boba (3, 178 words):There's a dance coming up and Sokka wants to go with his co-worker at the coffee shop, Zuko, but it's not him who ends up asking.
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tonystarkissist · 3 years
TonyStarkissist’s Masterlist
Come visit me on Ao3 if you want. St*rkers Do Not Interact. Any relationship between Peter and Tony in these fics are strictly platonic and they must be read and tagged as such...
MultiChapter fics:
Time Will Tell (22/22) WC: 166,043
So... some weird stuff is going on. First the dreams, then Peter calls him Dad, and now everyone is convinced Peter is his illegitimate son. What a day. If only things could get even crazier... oh wait...
From Fraud to Father (12/12) WC: 67,021
IronDad Annie AU
“Oh Sweet Child The Things I’d Do For You...” (16/16) WC: 57,308 - Masterlist
IronDad Villainous July Submission (ft. Villain Tony)
A lot Can Happen in a Year (5/?) WC: 28,450
What if Mary Parker was the sister of Pepper Potts?
Whispers of Fate (6/?) WC: 32,203
Mandalorian/Star Wars AU: After hunting down a bounty on Jakku, Din encounters a tenacious young child. She has no family and no proper home. By creed he was honor bound to take her in. No Mandalorian could leave an abandoned child behind. They were Foundlings… and he was once a Foundling. This is the way.
The Paradigm Shift Series: 
Change is imminent. As the world changes, society must change along with it. The conventional manner of thinking or acting must be surpassed to accommodate the natural shift in evolution. So, the theory is simple. Without a variable for change; without a variable for the future, any objective will fail.
The Stark Family (40/40) WC: 339,064
Part 1 of my IronDad Mafia AU
Momenti in Mezzo (2/?) WC: 11,075
Fluff Intermission
The Stark Philosophy (Coming Soon)
Part 2
The Adventures of Uncle Tony and his gaggle of li'l Chil'ren: 
Agree to Disagree  
An Uncle in Denial
Actually, I Can
He built me a house (in the arms of a tree)
Well, That Escalated Quickly
Teen Time with Uncle Tony
The Iron Man Fan
Peter Parker-Potts
IronDad Bingo:
Protect what you Love (Trope: Protective Peter)
Kangaroo Care (AU: Biological Dad)
The Highlights of having an Overprotective Dad (Trope: Protective Tony)
One can Never have Too Many Hugs (Trope: Clingy)
Green as the Jolly Green Hulk (Trope: Jealousy)
You Hate Me? (Trope: Bullying)
Things I Wish I’d Forget Instead (Trope: Sick Fic)
Parent Peter Parker Can you see me?
“It’s been a year now Daddy. I really really miss you."
Tumblr Ficlets
Fic #1
Steve being Steve, and Tony being a protective Papa Bear
Fic #2
Insecure Tony wants a hug
Fic #3
Tony’s jealous Happy’s spending more time with his kid
*** Fic Requests are Currently: OPEN 
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Now that I am a bit caught up with fics I would like to remind people that I am still doing the bingo prompts so don't be afraid to send in request from the following cards that are linked below!
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Bingo Card Update
I still have a lot of prompts and am still taking prompts on the following bingo cards:
Irondad - 17 prompts left
Parkner - 15 prompts left
jph^2 - 22 prompts left
I am going to be focusing on my other fics for a bit but still send in the request. I will work on them starting September (at the latest, I got one more August project and one early September project) so the more prompts I have the more I get to write.
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Happy FFWF!! Please promote the last fic you've written :)
So the last thing I wrote isn’t posted yet. It’s completed I just haven’t post it yet. But it’s part of the Irondad Bingo series. It’s called But All the Pieces Fall Apart and will be posted in the next few days. That is the completed one. The one I’m also writing with it that will post a few seconds after that one since they were both requested. That one is not completed but it does have a name, You Love Me But You Don’t Know Who I Am. I’m excited about this fic and how these will be seen because they are very angsty.
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Happy FFWF! I can't think of a good question this week so what are you excited about right now? This could be writing related or not!
I’ve got this so many times today lol. (To be honest I literally just have a bunch of prewritten question set up for y’all so I get not having a question). Anyways I’m really excited about all my projects but I think the bingo cards that me and @official-wayward-herondale are doing takes the cake. Like those cards have some amazing prompts that I have been wanting to write but haven’t had the chance and I kinda want to write all of them. Currently only the parkner card has been requested but I’m hoping that the others get requests. (We got irondad, jph^2, merthur, deancas, and Captain swan) I can’t wait to see what happens with those fics and what request I will get over the summer. This is my summer thing for this year that will be my break from writing stuff for @recreatingauniversemcu (I will be working on a fic for phase 3 pt 1 this summer) I’m excited to see what comes from this and to get the request as they come.
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happy ffwf!! i don’t have a question this week (bc when do i ever lmao) so use this as your pass to talk/vent/whatever about one of your WIPs :D
Not me working on a bunch of secret projects currently. Ummmm so currently I have like two special projects for July for some mutuals. I also am working on a irondad remix as I am a pinch hitter for the event (my other one should be posting in June). I am also working on SM:HC rewrite soon. I'm very excited about working on that. So far me and my co-writer have talked notes and I will be writing sometimes in June. I got five fics planned for Thank You.. fics series... might redo what plans I have for one of the fics.
I'm very excited for the bingo cards. I got to write two of the fics for the parkner bingo card. I'm excited to receive more request. I got five others open currently so I'm going to talk about my favorite prompts from each cause I'm in a ranting mood. Sorry for the rant.
Irondad Bingo card: I'm excited to write a supernatural au cause I got so many ideas on this one and I can't wait to write one. Its why the prompt was added. I also am excited for the guardian angel au. I know it will be post endgame if that gives you any hints to what is coming with this one hehehe
JPH^2 Bingo Card: so one of my favorite parkner fics is 21st century burnout and so I wanted to do a street racer fic. I plan to have mechanic Harley and mechanic johnny involved. It will be interesting to have a street racer Peter fic.
Merthur Bingo Card: So I have been watching Merlin again and so one of the prompts was based on a what if. What if Merlin was raised in Camelot by Gaius when his mom realized he had magic. What would happen. The other prompt I'm excited for is my knight Merlin fic cause I just really want this fic so much and yeah.
Deancas Bingo card: I'm really excited for the parents prompt. I just can see them raising a kid together with Dean teaching them about hunting and Cas teaching them about bees.
Captain Swan Bingo card: I'm just excited to write a fic for this ship that isn't a drabble. Like all these prompts are good. I'm excited to write most of these!
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hi! ive never requested a prompt before so im not really sure what i’m doing lmao but i saw recovery on the irondad bingo card, and i love a good recovery fic! if you’re busy doing other things, i totally get it! hope you’re having a good day!
I’m currently writing a chapter for my 5+1 fic but i’m gonna be straight on the bingo the minute i finish it. I hope your having a good day too, and thank you for requesting, it kind of takes away the pain of having to choose, because i am bad at desicions! 🤣
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