#indigenous kids
freakyvampirequeer · 3 months
nex benedict was fucking murdered. that bullshit about them “not dying due to trauma” or whatever is just that. bullshit. they were fucking murdered. their head was beat against the floor and they died the next day. why else would a sixteen year old just suddenly drop dead? they were murdered and don’t fucking forget it. don’t stop fighting for trans kids. don’t stop fighting for indigenous kids. don’t shut up about nex benedict because they were fucking murdered.
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sparky-cryptidcrafts · 9 months
Someone tried to act like I'm not allowed to call myself mixed bc I don't speak Spanish.
Both English and Spanish are colonizer languages. The one you speak is a byproduct of what kind of misson/residential school/ church your ancestors were abused by. Nothing more, speaking Spanish isn't a badge of honor to hold over your cousins heads just bc your part of the family wasn't displaced as quickly.
Being mixed also doesn't negate someone's lived experiences and culture. Neither does being a victim of cultural erasure/poverty and trying to reconnect.
Blood quantum is another tool that only aids cultural erasure.
I'm living in and working to help native communities, my own and others. I'm going to protests and powwows, I'm helping my friends club at their college to raise awareness for indigenous issues, I'm attempting to learn at least a little in my tribes and my friend's tribe's languages, as well as reconnect to my Scottish ancestors too.
I grew up homeless I had very little access to anything remotely cultural. Nearly all my energy was on finding something to eat and somewhere to sleep. Poverty in america is designed to erase culture. Having a community and reconnecting brought me stability and gave me a chance to learn and be apart of things. So sorry I didn't learn more Spanish, I might one day, but I'm going to learn tribal languages first.
And to any native or Mexican kids out there struggling to learn their languages with limited resources and limited access to reservations or elders, I see you, every word you learn is power you are reclaiming from the colonizers. Every syllable, every symbol, every word is rebellion, and I'm proud of you. Even if you only know one word, that's one word refusing to be forgotten, one small act of defiance they can't take from you again. Keep fighting.
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 days
Could we get a continuation of a cluster of cores? Teen parent Danny is gonna be run ragged with so many little ones and it will only be a matter of time before Dani and Lian shows them the Puppy Eyes, good thing there gonna have plenty of aunts and uncles to also bully.
Roy's newfound hero is still locked in a coma. It's been nearly three months now, and they had managed to keep him alive with tubes feeding him food and water, but it worried everyone they could not figure out the reason for his slumber.
Dani, the young alien girl, assured everyone it was fine, as she could naturally sense her father's core healing. Despite their humanoid appearance, a quick scan showed that the Fentons (as Dani had identified them) were indeed aliens.
Then there were their documents. They were all legal... in Daxam, where these travelers were from. He had contacted the Justice League, and the Green Lanterns had easily authenticated their identities.
Daxam was a plant with a red sun, one that had life forms similar to those of Kryptonians. However, the natives of the plant, before Krypton colonized it, were different in how their young were born and the origin of their powers.
Roy has learned through the Oa headquarters records that Indigenous Daxamites were formed within cores. These egg-like parts held the entity of their souls but at too different times to fully hatch, so a sibling of a cluster could hatch five years before the rest. When they formed, their powers came from an "Obsession" or a part of their environment instead of just the sun.
Their culture and species revolved heavily around the child clusters, as Indigenous Daxamite could only lay them once in their lifetime. This was disastrous when their kind was slowly hunted into extinction, as Daxam was conquered nearly a hundred thousand years ago and became a colony by Krypton.
The Kryptonians had always targeted the clusters before they could hatch, drastically declining the numbers of Daxamites.
The Indigenous Daxamites had nearly been wiped out in a horrific genocide during the colonization days, and the remaining ones had been mixed with Kryptonians to the point their species had evolved.
The cluster of core births was nothing more than history to the planet, even when outliving Krypton. That did not mean that the generational racism died with the Kryptonians.
Daxamites had become hostile to the original Daxam dwellers (Roy found records of Kryptonians demonizing the species, often referring to their god Rao commanding them to cleanse the planet for daring to gain power from pagan gods. He is pretty sure that was just an excuse for the holy war, as Clark had never mentioned anything in.), and a sort of witch hunt for any pure Indigenous Daxamite sprung to life a thousand years ago.
The Green Lanterns corps had to step in when word reached them, but by that point, many innocent Daxamites had been executed on accusations alone of being Indigenous Daxamites. To the heavy heart of the reporting Green Lantersn, the Indigenous Daxamites have been wiped from existence because of the witch trials a good nine hundred years ago.
Oh, so they thought.
Danny Fenton and his children may as well be the very last of their kind. Roy figured that Danny and his people had hidden themselves from their government.
He likely had spent his life attempting to keep his kind a secret, as his planet had been under the thumb of an oppressive dictatorship since Krypton had perished. Daxam was notorious for its complicated border control, which made leaving the planet near impossible.
He is still determining what led to Danny's discovery, but based on what they managed to salvage from the bomb site of his once house, Danny fled his planet after his secret was outed.
There was an active warrant for his capture on Daxam and an open order to neutralize his "demonic unholy offspring." Roy felt sick when he heard from a grim-faced John Stewart, the Green Lanter working as their intermediary between the two planets, that the populace on Daxam had been campaigning for Danny's death to be slow and public, as the hatred for his kind was that deep.
Dani refused to explain how her father smuggled them all out. She mentioned a few times that they had help from a mysterious "Clockwork" but had to keep a tight lid on anything else.
All they knew for sure was that Danny was severely damaged from the escape, and his constant feedings to his young (even in his sleep, his body naturally sent over ectoplasm to the cluster that never left this side) had put him in grave danger when he saved Lian. Roy still held his daughter only because this man risked everything for a child of a planet he had no ties to.
He was willing to take on all Daxam if they dared to come for Danny for that alone.
Thankfully, Justice Leauge felt the same way, and with the support of the Green Lanterns Corp, they were debating with the galactic high court to make Danny a citizen of Earth using asylum. Things were looking good for their cause, given that Danny was with a child (children??) and that his small family was an endangered species.
The Justice League was also a recognized police force by the galactic association, no matter how new, so their word carried a lot in the court.
Roy was letting the big names handle everything political. Bruce, especially, was working overtime since the big bad bat had a giant soft spot for children. He focused more on his living situation and Danny himself.
Not only because they were best friends but because Gotham seemed to be one of the only cities with "ectoplasm" (High-density levels of death?? It was naturally, according to Daxam) that the Fentons needed. Danny was resting in the Drake Hospital of Gotham, while Dani had been housed with Jason.
Jason had been more than willing to open his home to Roy and Lian until they could return to their city. They were among the many houses destroyed, so it would be a while before their home was fixed. Oliver extended the same offer, wanting his son and granddaughter back home with him.
He would have taken Oliver's offer had Jason not asked first. Things were better between the arrows now that Roy had cleaned his addiction, but he felt more at ease with Jason.
She was still young enough to need slight feedings from her father but was also able to process food from the environment. Roy tried his best to make Dani feel at home, but he could tell by her somber eyes and weak smile that she was struggling with her displacement.
Jason was better at helping her. He made time to read her a bedtime story, have her help cook, and even take her on rides around Gotham on his bike, but somehow, he did it in a way that she didn't have to speak.
Dani seemed relaxed with him.
Roy has always known Jason was better with kids, but seeing it in person makes his heart melt.
"Is my dad awake yet?" Dani asks Lian one morning. The two girls were playing with dolls, though Dani seemed confused by them the first time. She apparently never had a doll before, and Roy is curious if it was due to her being on the constant run or if dolls were not toys on her home planet.
"I don't think so. But don't worry, my Daddy is a hero. He'll save him!"
Roy's heart leaps in joy at her words, but it breaks only half a second when Dani replies in a small voice. "My Dad is a hero too. But he can still die."
Gosh, is that something a child should say?
Roy puts down the pan he used to make pancakes, wiping his hands on his apron to tell the girls breakfast is ready when Jason comes stumbling out of his room. He had a late night as Red Hood, having taken out an uprising in one of his territories.
Usually, this means Jason sleeps until two or three in the afternoon so to see him up and about at nine was a shock. He has his phone pressed to his ear, with a frantic look in his eye causing Roy to tense.
"Thanks, Tim. I'll get Roy and the girls ready. We'll be there as soon as I can," Jason said, twisting to grab hold of Roy's shoulder. We need to get to Drake Hospital."
Hope rose in his chest as Roy pressed a hand over Jason's "Is he awake?"
Jason's mouth tightens. "No. One of the cores hatched."
Oh no.
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hecateisalesbian · 3 months
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I will not let anyone forget.
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Also a flag I made during these times. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸
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thehealingsystem · 4 months
Hey, can we talk about the violence against queer natives for a second?
Nex Benedict was a 16 year old nonbinary student who was brutally murdered by three of their female classmates. Not only that, they were a Native American living on a Cherokee reservation, though not enrolled in the tribe, and their actual heritage is that of Choctaw.
Their death was not properly reported on until the blog post that genderkoolaid shared was made. Their nonbinary identity had remained unacknowledged, and it took even longer for their native one to be.
They were a victim of the rising anti-trans rhetoric spreading throughout places like the US. They were beaten in a bathroom after Oklahoma had banned trans people from restrooms, designating them to only use that of their assigned sex. Nex was attacked in the girls bathroom.
A native, two-sprit, nonbinary teenager. Whose identity and the actual circumstances behind the incident, a hate crime, wasn't even published beforehand. They died tragically, a death that could've been easily prevented.
Do you know how scary that is? I'm just like them. A native, two-spirit, nonbinary teenager. I have to keep on hearing stories of people my age, who live in the same country, who share my identity, getting murdered. Not even just murdered, but erased.
I know for an absolute fact that if I died tragically, who I am will not be remembered. My deadname will be on everything. I would not be counted in trans statistics, nonetheless statistics on transmascs. My identity would not be respected. My native heritage wouldn't matter. I didn't get to be enrolled. And Nex had supportive family and friends, people who stood up for them. Not all trans kids get to have that.
I've had to think about this before many times. From the other trans youth deaths I've seen. From nearly becoming one of them. When is it enough? Why do the people in power do nothing to stop kids like me from being killed? Why do they only want to make our lives worse?
I'm very lucky to live in a state that has not wavered on it's protections on LGBTQ+ residents. Though I am reminded often that that can easily change, if things keep going like this.
I could've easily been them. I can still easily be them. There are many other kids who can be them. Everyone should be doing more to protect trans youth, and protect queer natives. We're so often forgotten about. I'm part of small tribes, and tribes who barely even exist anymore. My elders desperately trying to keep it alive. Please do not erase us. I'm queer, I'm native. Nex Benedict should have been protected, youth like me should be protected. I wish the best for their family and I hope their memory is never forgotten.
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bonebabbles · 2 months
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average day in the tiktok warriors fandom
he's. he's literally described on the page as enjoying the feeling of making cats viciously maul each other. He gets "validation" for his feelings constantly through Gray Wing and his other sycophants kissing his ass, and still maliciously and intentionally torments them. He beats women and children for telling him no
What they want is BREEZEPELT. This describes BREEZEPELT. BREEZE. PELT.
The cat who is ACTUALLY reprimanded by authority for being angry all the time?? The one whose dad screeches at him for having basic needs?? A character who is explicitly shown to be manipulated by an evil force because they're the only ones who validate his feelings??
THAT Breezepelt?? Ringing any BELLS?
Lemmie guess. Tiktok probably doesn't like Breezepelt much because if you acknowledge that he's a child abuse victim, you can't keep woobifying Crowfeather into a sad boy. Lol.
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mueritos · 8 months
happy indigenous peoples day ^-^ a year ago i found out my family is half indigenous, so ive made it a personal duty to try and reconnect in order to honor those ancestors and histories. it's not my fault that I may never know my tribal affiliation (we know they lived around Popocatépetl), but it is my responsibility to do my best to honor them. since starting grad school, i've made an effort to talk about my indigenous roots more often, and to be honest about the fact that i do consider myself mixed indigenous. I also talk about this taking into account that I have white privilege, and how this has complicated my relationship to indiginiety.
anyway, i went to an ipd event outside of boston today and was so happy!! i had to leave early for a health emergency (thank u random uti) but it was so fun and i experienced and learned a lot. loved the mexica dance group who danced for Huitzilopochtli (i love you Huitzilopochtli he was pulled for me during a tarot reading and he told me to be fucking strong!!!!), and i especially loved experiencing the seven sacred directions where the entire crowd moved as one. i talked to some lovely indigenous people and they gave me so much guidance and love! it made me feel so happy...I wish I was able to stay longer, but I enjoyed being in a space where I was so welcomed.
if you're detribalized like me or trying your best to reconnect, never be ashamed of the fact that you were forcibly removed from your tribal affiliation. never be ashamed of how you look like either! there were so many "white passing" indigenous folks there embracing and celebrating with those in full regalia, and so many people of many appearances joined in for ceremonial dance. even if you're 10% or 3% indigenous, I still think you deserve to know your ancestor's culture and history! i still think you deserve to honor those parts of you! they wanted us to forget about our indigenous roots for a reason, and i refuse to colonize my mind any longer. opening yourself up to indigineity, even if you don't know your affiliation or "how much" is in you, is far better than never learning a damn thing about indigenous folks.
i hope everyone had a lovely indigenous peoples day ^-^
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ex-foster · 2 months
Its interesting that foster kids are excluded from intersectional feminism when foster kids are often:
- racial minorities
- girls/women who have been sexually abused
These are all groups of people that feminism tends to work with and cares about their well being. Yet I rarely see foster kids mentioned outside the abortion debate in feminist circles. Why is that?
Foster kids deserve so much more than to be your token "I wish I was aborted" friend. If this is where the discussion on foster care ends with you, please do not call yourself an ally to foster kids. We deserve actual improvements to the system not a demoralizing campaign that suggests we are better off dead.
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dungeonmessy · 4 months
What is your favorite species of ant?
Um the ants with the big juicy butt
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velvet ants are also cool and shiny and pretty :3 I’ve probably eaten like at least 126 ants in my lifetime
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lesbianamalvada · 4 months
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This is Nex Bennedict, the kid who most likely died due to being assaulted at school. Honestly what a beautiful child that probably could've been saved if the school took bullying seriously and didn't look the other way after months of abuse. My heart breaks knowing people are going to use this kid as a political pawn, no matter their reasons, and thinking of the harassment their family has probably already received. The kids at school tormented Nex, picking on everything from their gender presentation to their indigenous ancestry. I'm not nonbinary or trans but I was a gender nonconforming kid in high school and I know how vicious other kids can be. I can't help but think this could have been me or any other LGBT or gnc kid that was bullied in high school. Just a tragedy, Nex you were killed before you even had a chance to fully bloom and shine, I'll never forget you and I won't let others forget you.
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vvr1st-cvtt3r · 3 months
im scared. i dont want to die this way.
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hecateisalesbian · 3 months
America is attacking trans people, but they are also attacking indigenous people. They don’t want people to know that we are still alive, and we still carry our culture. Say Nex Benedict’s name, and say it loud. But not just because they were trans. But because they were Two Spirited aswell. Native Americans are perhaps some of the most widely ignored, forgotten, and hated POC community in America, and it’s unfair because this was our land until you forced us out of our homes and into small camps. Please, support local POC communities. Buy from Indigenous owned businesses. And don’t let anyone forget about Nex Benedict.
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fiovske · 5 months
ngl. happy over the ofmd cancellation. taika openly signed a zionist-ass letter and all of you all love to ignore that completely and act like its not a thing he did. notwithstanding the fact that I thought s2 was massively meh anyway, no show even if it was good, is worth supporting zionists, even in their creative projects. I think this fandom's tendency to pinkwash careless supporters of genocide is. not my cup of tea. idgaf. good riddance or whatever.
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Los Angeles: Vigil and March for Nex Benedict
Sunday, February 25 - 6:00 p.m.
7350 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles
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fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
For a fandom so concerned with racism, few seem to have a problem with the way the cotf are treated. Racist depictions of Indigenous Americans who have less presence in the text than the Dothraki and are only there to embellish a white boy’s story. I don’t see why the cotf aren’t brought up in these discussions alongside Dany and the dothraki.
House Stark stans are too busy claiming the Starks as Indigenous (and being racist about it) to look at the people who are actually Indigenous-coded. They don't give a fuck about the Starks being descended from colonizers and the eradication of the Children of the Forest cause they're too busy trying to claim them as the moral center of the story. Their interest in discussing racism starts and stops at making Dany look bad 🙄
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sparksinthenight · 5 months
Check out how to help First Nations children and families in Canada!
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