#in which my Pokémon trainer adopts ALL the things
Hi there! Just came across this blog, and I must say you do some great work!
Okay, ever since I first heard of Pokémon as a kid back in the 90's, I've desperately dreamed of having my favourite Pokémon, Haunter, as my beloved companion. So I'm fairly interested in hearing how you'd rank a Haunter, the very best ghostly boy ever, as a pet :) I know he comes with some potential health risks to an owner or trainer, but listen, I'm willing to risk an odd paralysis here and there if it means I'll finally get to have a Haunter as my sidekick! <3
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[Thank you so much!]
Well…uh… I really wouldn’t recommend it, but I know I’m not stopping it. I know there’s a lot of trainers out there who use haunters in battle but I’ll be honest: those people are like, recklessly bold. I’m afraid keeping a haunter comes with more of a risk than just paralysis. But I’m getting ahead of myself: let’s get into it.
Space is a non-issue for haunters. While at five-feet tall these pokémon are pretty large, they are nearly weightless and can pass through solid surfaces, like walls, with ease (Red/Blue). This is both good and bad: on one hand it means that they can fit in any home. On the other, it means that they could come and go from your home whenever they want to, and there’s nothing you can do about it. That could be a problem, as we’ll get into later, but it does save haunter from a lower rank than an F. If you want to adopt a haunter, you’ll need to keep your home pretty dark at all hours of the day. Wild haunters spend all of their time in the shadows, out of what seems to be both a preference and a necessity for survival: in well-lit cities, they are said to be going extinct (Gold, Moon)!
Ok, let’s get into the real issue here: haunters kill people. They are known to stalk and ambush any living things who pass by them alone and in the dark (especially those in a gloomy mood), licking them with their gaseous tongues to “sap their life away” (Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ultra Moon). If you are licked by a haunter, you will face a long, painful death: you will be racked by constant shaking until you die (Yellow, Silver). Now, it’s unclear if haunters need to do this in order to survive, but they do it often enough that the pokédex gives a firm warning to never approach this pokémon, even if they are acting friendly (Ruby/Sapphire). Let’s say, just as a hypothetical, your haunter decides that they like you enough to not kill you. That’s great! But, like I said earlier, you have no means of restraining you haunter to your house. They could go off and steal the lives of whoever they want! At the very least, keeping a haunter as a house pet would require extensive training.
Their notorious lick isn’t the only means that haunters have to menace humans: they have access to dangerous ghost-type moves like Curse, which saps your HP over time until you fall unconscious, or Night Shade, which hurts you depending on your level. If you’re an adult human, you probably have a pretty high level. They also can use staples like Shadow Punch, Lick (of course), Hex, and Shadow Ball, all of which present a threat. Given that haunters appear to be pretty malevolent beings, an attack is certainly not out of the question. Unless you are well-trained in taking care of ghost-type pokémon, your survival chances when attacked by a haunter are startlingly low.
There aren’t many pokémon that I’ve covered so far that actively hunt and kill humans as a part of their natural behavior. I know there’s people out there, probably experts, who could maybe handle a haunter as a house pet, but they really take their lives (and their neighbors’) into their own hands every day. I can’t, in good conscience, suggest a haunter as a pet, sadly.
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platinumrosetail · 4 months
can you please do a platonic Poseidon x victini reader ok this is a long one so basically the reader used to be human she was taken away from the ror world and was sent to the world of Pokémon a few years later she was sent back in time to hisuian and thanks to volo the reader was turned into a victini soon she was sent back to normal day and met N now in this N is a zoroark he and the reader where together before the volo thing happened and there still together now one day both the reader and N was sent to the ror world and for some reason Poseidon felt like he knows the reader so they do a DNA test and everyone is shocked but in the end Poseidon let's the reader data N (so the reader does have a human form and obviously because N is a zoroark he can disguise himself as a human N can talk to people in his true form of a zoroark and so can the reader so they can talk normally and it's ok if you don't do this it's just been in my mind for awhile)
Oooh interesting, the reader being Poseidon’s daughter is an interesting twist, also oooh gotta love the ‘N is a zoroark theory’ au 🤩.
Warning: noob author, female reader, and others.
Character: Poseidon.
You were adopted by a elderly couple when you were a baby who found you abandoned with no parent or guardian around you or searching for you and the area they found you in so after checking to see if you do have any guardians they adopted as they couldn’t bear to see what would happen if you were to be put into an orphanage.
You decided to become a trainer when you were a preteen as you wanted to learn more about the Pokémon and world around you, so after saying sweet farewells to the elderly couple you set off on your journey after getting a starter pokemon.
You, now a young adult, were just minding you business out in a field having a picnic with the pokemon you caught so far before a wormhole appeared and dragged you in it leaving you without your precious pokemon. You appeared in a different setting, more in the past times than the one you were used to which made you assume you time traveled into the past of sinnoh by that wormhole, also previous known as hisui, you later confirmed that you were correct on it being the past by the galaxy corps.
You learned about the things that happened here in the past by experiencing them, you even seen some ancestors to the people you seen in modern times which you figured was the ancestors descendants. When you were able to go back to the modern times you were a different person, specifically more Pokémon like all thanks to colo who ordered giratina to kill you but giratina instead turned you into the victory pokemon, thankfully though you have a human form instead of staying as a pokemon.
You met N after you landed back where you first disappeared from, he was apparently taking care of your Pokémon while they wait for your return as they knew you’d come back, you found out that you could understand Pokémon language as the usual calls they made were now like the language humans speak to you, you explained how you are now able to communicate and understand them than you did before your disappearance. You and N started spending time together soon after before dating, you later found out that he was a Pokémon as well, a zoroark to be specific, you doted on him more than before as you wanted to make sure that he knew that you loved him the same.
You, your Pokémon and N all were later sucked into another wormhole this time leading to a new place entirely, you weren’t really fazed by it like the others were as this happened once already and you had assumed that it might happen to you again which it did. You, N, and your Pokémon found out that this world humans are fighting for survival against the gods so naturally you joined sides with humanity as you once was human as well plus there are innocent people at stake right now. The gods later found out how the humans kept on winning multiple times in a row each round even though some of the odds were against the humans, you noticed to and realized that you have the ability to have the humans win no matter what which made you happy though the gods noticed and had a meeting before bringing you in for an explanation; you happily explained that you will continue to side with the humans no matter what if the gods didn’t do their jobs, after a discussion the gods decided to actually do their jobs for once as they knew with you on humanity’s side they would never win no matter what they do.
You later met a male god who was the god of the sea in Greek; his name was Poseidon, you don’t know why but you felt like you should know him even though you are sure you two never met before, Poseidon feels the same, after some talking between the two of you, you both decided to do a dna test just in case with the help of beelzebub, you and him find out that you’re his long lost daughter that disappeared as a baby which made you both and everyone shocked to hear about that, he also found out that the boy with you is your boyfriend which he allows you to date as he knew N was good enough for you plus he couldn’t really say anything about it since he sadly wasn’t apart of your life until now even if it wasn’t in his control. After that happened it wasn’t long before another wormhole opened up shooting out the very person that basically made you into a Pokémon, after some explaining to your father about who volo was and what he had done Poseidon is now chasing after volo with his trident with murderous intent.
(A/n: hope y’all like it! Also the requester dm’ed me some things about the request so that’s why you see some things that were left out of the request, anyway I believe that’s it and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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celestelunisea16 · 9 days
I had a thought moment of thought today, and I had done a take on a Pokémon Team for Starlo and how he would have got them. So with that I give you my thoughts on what Pokémon he would have in Pokétale Yellow if there was one.
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I feel like he'd probably have these Pokémon for some reason. I dunno why, but these Pokémon were the first to come to mind for him.
So here's how I think he would get them all:
Starlo got his Minior, Wistern, when he was young. The poor thing was was barely glowing due to its poor health and condition and Starlo was absolutely terrified for the little thing. He nursed it back to health with help from his parents and his older brother. After it was fully bought to good health, he was going to release it into the Underground so that it could thrive, but it refused to go anywhere and stayed by his side, so he basically adopted it and became it's trainer.
He got Revolver after he found a Remoraid in the Dunes. The Remoraid was beached, (or in this case Duned) as it somehow traveled out of water. He took it in, took it home, filled up a bowl of water and put the Remoraid in that bowl so that he could take care of it easily. As it turns out, a group of rude monsters had taken a Remoraid from Waterfall and did it for "fun." After that, he did try to go look for the Remoraid's home so that he could get him home, but it turns out the bullies were near Remoraid's home and when they saw Starlo holding a bowl with the Remoraid in it, they immediately started picking on him for helping it and even going to the point they started trying to hurt him and the Remoraid. Starlo quickly ran to the water to let the Remoraid get away, but when it was in the water, the small gun fish Pokémon got defensive and tried to save Starlo, before it then evolved into an Octillery and chased off the bullies by shooting at them with a Water Gun. After that, Octillery was happy and stuck with him. He named it Revolver after one of the weapons that Cowboys would use in his movies after that situation.
Bullet was gotten as a Squirtle as a gift from his father. At first, it was very timid and didn't seem opened up to him at all, which reminded Starlo of himself before he met Ceroba. He named her Bullet after the ammo in guns and started to try to get along with it, to which he did and they became close. Over time, he did get along with it and soon she evolved into a Wartortle, then after another while she became a Blastoise, and he was gifted a Mega Stone for Bullet from his mother after she saw the friendship he had with Bullet, so that he could be able to Mega Evolve her. Though he rarely uses it, as he realizes that with great power, comes harsh consequence and backlash.
Bandit was found in The Dunes as a normal encounter as a Sandile. Although, the only thing that differed it from other Sandiles was that it was almost like a puppy. After he fed it some beef jerky, it just followed him and wouldn't leave, so he kept it. Even after it evolved, it still acts like a puppy, even sometimes crawling onto his lap just because it can. It does have an issue with stealing things though, so he does have to return most of the items to whoever it stole the items from...
Shotgun was found as a Dreepy. One day as he was walking around the Wild East (before it was a tourist attraction) at night, he encountered the Dreepy looking around for something. After he walked up to it, the Dreepy seemed to float up to him, before staring at his hands. He was confused but then it made motions for him to throw it and when he threw it, it came back to him with an excited burst of emotion basically wanting him to throw it again. To which he did and it went on for a while until he had to go home. He was shocked though when she hopped into his bag and looked for a Pokéball, only to find a Nest Ball and encapsulate herself in it. When he fully evolved her, it was sad because she couldn't be picked up and tossed by him anymore, but she instead returns the favor by flying him around sometimes.
Horse was gotten as a Mudbray. After he saw it looked like the baby Pokémon that Cowboys and Sheriffs rode in his movies, he caught it and tried to train it to be a really tough Pokémon. The only issue with that is that it's really lazy. It would rather just carry him around like a ride Pokémon than fight, so he mostly brings it out as just that.
I made a Ceroba team as well, but I didn’t come up with how she got them, so I'm still thinkin' on her team while also working on a Martlet and Dalv team, so maybe when I come up with those stories on how she got her Pokémon I'll post those next.
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PokéOmens! Gym Leader 2: Anthony J. Crowley
I don't know why it took so long to post him, but here he is! In the flesh! Your Grass gymleader! I'm so sorry to the 79.5% who guessed the other likely choices. A good chunk of you are probably wondering, "Why isn't he a dark type gymleader? Isn't he the dark duke?" or "He's literally fireproof! He makes the stars, which are burning gasses of light! Why no fire?!"
Well, let's talk about him!
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Back in 2019 (yes, 2019), I wanted to do PokeOmens, but instead of the GO cast being Gym Leaders, they were all Pokémon. Aziraphale was a Rowlett and Crowley was (originally) a Litten...that was until I saw a post from @speremint on her Instagram. She made Pokémon teams for both and gave Crowley a Snivy (if anyone knows what picture I'm talking about, hats off to you). From that day forward, I couldn't see him with a fire type team. Sure, he made the stars back in the day, but that was his past, not his present. He's resistant to fire, but he's scared that'll take away the things he loves. He is the dark duke, but that's a title, not him.
Mr. Crowley isn't just a gymleader. His gym works as a Grass Pokémon sanctuary for nurturing and training stray Pokémon, but he says that he does to rid fluctuating stray population in the region. The only downside is that some people don't have a keen eye and just give him anything that's green. A couple of those mishaps actually went to his partner roommate. His outfit (a mixture between Crowley's pub attire in the second episode of Season 2 and Cassius from Pokémon Scarlet & Violet) was created by his lovely friend who thought maroon would be a lovely accent color. "It's a bit purplish, right?" No, Azira. It is not.
Meet Anthony's adopted Care Team! (Created by my partner in crime)
Centi the Minior - Wait...that's not a grass type. Well, Anthony doesn't care. He's had Centi for as long as he can remember, and if other gym leaders have a problem with that, they can shove it. Besides, who else is going to nap with him when the grass Pokémon are sunbathing?
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Duke the Serperior - He was Crowley's first grass type experience. Through trial and many errors, Anthony made him into a lightning quick attacker...and a bit of a spoiled brat. If Duke wasn't at the center of his trainer's attention or if another Pokémon were to invade his space by a hair, he would throw a hissy fit. Thank goodness he has Duchess to calm him down.
Duchess the Liligant - After spoiling Duke, Crowley felt it would be affective if he went in harsher direction for the next Pokémon. Thankfully, it didn't last after the first day. Poor thing was scared out of her wits. To make up for it, her trainer apologized with a little dance. She didn't know what it meant, but it did make her like him. In fact, she uses it to cheer up the sanctuary occupants, especially Duke.
Spike the Cacturne - The third time's a charm, right? Yes...and no. You see, Spike was trained properly compared to the other grass Pokémon and is quite great when battling, but Crowley never helped with her temperament. She's a fighter, not a lover. Honestly, she's barely even a tolerator. It's a good thing she only deals with training others and not caring. That's Stripe's job.
Stripe the Lurantis - He is the most caring and efficient when it comes to assisting Anthony with the nurture the sick, young and injured Pokémon. Stripe is practically harmless, and as much as his trainer dislikes that, his pacifism always wins people over.
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Prickles the Maractus - While walking to his gym, Crowley spotted a box at the door. It read, "KEEP HIM PLEASE!" And he did. It's not his fault he pricks others and has a curious mind. He just needs someone who can teach him to be careful...if only it wasn't the spiky, scary one. Eh, he'll be fine.
Thank you for reading! Hopefully I'll post Gabriel next week. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them.
Have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night!
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chibishortdeath · 6 months
Fuck it, Simon Belmont, because why not you basically themed your blog after him
You don’t have any specific numbers, so I’m just answering every question >:3c mwahahaha—
1. “Why do you like this character”:
A lot of reasons!!! First off, most of his games are super fun and some of my favorite platformers just in general. I replay CV1, Simon’s Quest, and SCV4 most often cause they’re a real joy to play! I also absolutely LOVE Simon’s story, I’ve considered making comics about it if I could ever get out of recent art block whoops, even though I’ve seen many people say he doesn’t have one (´TωT`). His designs are really cool, he’s got great music in his games, there’s just a lot to love and I’ll explain more in detail in other questions.
2. “Favorite canon thing?”
I really like the concept that he looks up to Christopher as this legendary hero and then ends up considered the same kind of legendary hero by Juste and others after him. It’s pretty ironic, kinda bittersweet, especially after being hated for so long. Castlevania loves its cycles like that. Also just Simon’s Quest in general, I love that game.
3. “Least favorite canon thing?”
Ooo that’s very hard. There’s kinda a lot of things about him that aren’t explained or confirmed, especially personality wise, but I kinda like that in a way cause it leaves room for interpretation and whatnot. Idk hmmm. I’m gonna go with Grimoire of Souls in general. I had some hopes for it, but it ended up being kinda lame. A lot of the characterization was weird and don’t even start me on things like the Cursed Whip theory being in there 💀. So I just choose to ignore it and not consider it canon.
4. “If you could put this character in another media, what would it be?”
I have thought about drawing him as if he was a character in other series for ages lol. I’ve already drawn him as a Pokémon trainer, I’ve thought about drawing Castlevania and Soul Eater crossovers before, and I tried drawing him in the style of Resident Evil 1 but could not get the art style down. Idk put him in Fortnite or something that’d be funny we already got Solid Snake so Konami has been in talks with them I guess X,,,,,,,,,,D
5. “What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think of them?”
Probably either Simon’s Theme (of course lol) or Bloody Tears, but I do wanna mention that I have a YouTube playlist of songs I wanna make Simon animations with eventually (alas animation is HARD).
6. “What’s something you have in common with the character?”
Mostly negative things unfortunately d(;w; ). Like self comparison, doubt in my own abilities, trouble making and keeping friends, etc etc. Although a lot of these are based on assumptions and interpretations, as a lot of him usually is. Simon does have a really similar hair color to me on the NES box art tho so that’s cool.
7. “What’s something the fandom does with this character that you like?”
There’s a lot of really nice art of him!!! Usually portraits, but sometimes there’s other doodles and whatnot too :3. Cool fan redesigns too! I also have seen a lot of neat headcanons, a lot of which I’ve adopted. I also appreciate the Captain N reunion stuff for the most part, it’s pretty wholesome.
8. “What’s something the fandom does with this character that you don’t like?”
I’ve seen a lot of comics, especially around when Smash Bros Ultimate came out, that were really… weird. I think all of them could kinda be boiled down to “old = bad” in the way that the artists probably just found out he was from the 1600s and then decided to make him the Boomer to Richter’s Gen Z for whatever reason (ya know despite Richter being from the 1700s but anyway). Simon would either be the jerk in the situation and/or the butt of the joke. I don’t think that Simon would have any issue with any of the female characters’ outfits let alone start harassing them for it. I saw some comics that made fun of him for not speaking very much in some genuinely disgusting ways too. Like making him not able to read or practically just the generic caveman stereotype. Especially in cases where the artist would depict other silent NES protagonists really nicely after making Simon out to be a complete idiot and asshole. There was also the trend of making him generally be all “oh no witchcraft!!!!!!!!!! What sin!!!!!!! The horror!!!!!!!!” about like anything and everything. I guess a lot of this comes from Smash Bros fans not usually being fans of Castlevania, but I’ve seen it in the Castlevania fandom too just less frequently. There’s also the “Simon has no story” thing oof. I’ve seen people tell people to skip his games or play fan games instead before :(
9. “Could you be roommates with this character?”
Realistically, no, my room is too small for another person :(. If that wasn’t an issue, then yeah probably :).
10. “Could you be best friends with this character?”
11. “Would you date this character?”
No, he’s probably married, generally feels more like a bestie, and I’m aroace lol
12. “What headcanon do you have for this character?”
Too many oh my god. I think he probably makes things. That’s a very vague sentence lol, but think like armor, knives, general woodworking, all his necklaces and headbands and stuff, etc. He generally seems like he keeps to himself and lives mostly alone, so I can see him doing all that by himself. He keeps some bones and teeth of things he hunts most of the time. A lot of people have him as the most super Christian of the family, but I see him as like Christian but really not organized or strict about it, if that makes sense? I’ve seen someone else describe the Belmonts as like “Christopagan” before and yeah I think that fits. Idk why but I have consistently drawn him with his cross necklace in his mouth sometimes. I headcanon him as semiverbal (I think that’s the correct term for it, basically like inbetween speaking and nonspeaking). I like to think he’s like really average height for the 1600s cause he’s about as tall as other townspeople and skeletons and stuff. Which is funny cause that’d make him like 5’5-5’7 ish and that’s kinda short in modern day lol. And I guess that makes his 8bit sprite being used all the time make more sense XD. I have way more, I didn’t even get into Simon’s Quest related ones, but I don’t wanna make this too long aaaaaaaaaaaa
13. “What’s an emoticon that reminds you of the character or you think they’d use a lot?”
Ok this is funny cause I actually do have one for this and it’s got context. It’s the “:3”. So I was watching a bunch of people’s playthroughs one night cause I was bored and ran into a channel with a toooooon of speedruns of maps from Harmony of Despair. Whenever they’d get to a boss battle they’d use the typing feature just to go “hi” with a different cutesy emoticon every time, but when they got to Dracula they specifically went for the “hi :3” and then went “oh no :(“ when Dracula started attacking and now that’s the way I think he’d text I guess.
14. “Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character”
How does one properly explain how much this guy slays in one aesthetic term—
15. “What’s your favorite ship for this character?”
Oooooo, in canon probably like his wife (Selena) and/or the Mysterious Woman (who could be the same character depending on what theories you go by), but outside of that Simon Belmont x Getsu Fuma and I can’t even explain exactly why, but it’s pretty cute.
16. “What’s your least favorite ship for this character?”
Any BelmontXBelmont shipping ugh, it’s unfortunately really common on some places… also the whole Lucas or Pit or whatever other child character thing the smash bros fandom had ugh. I guess I also just don’t see the appeal of shipping any of the Belmonts with Dracula.
17. “What’s a ship you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite?”
I’ve also seen people ship him with Solid Snake, Palutena, or Bayonetta before. Ummm he doesn’t really have a lot of other characters he’s shipped with tbh. Idk I saw someone ship him with one of the priests from Simon’s Quest once.
18. “Relationship in canon you admire?”
Unfortunately he doesn’t really talk to people enough in game to form canon relationships 😔
19. “Relationship in canon you don’t like?”
I don’t even know if I can answer this one for the same reasons as the above 💀💀💀. I guess the townspeople hating the hell out of him, but I don’t hate that cause it’s kinda integral to the plot???? Yeah idk lol
20. “What character is the ideal best friend for this character?”
Simon and Shanoa would get along a lot I think. Sara too. Hmmmm… I think he and Alucard would probably also be good friends. Christopher too for many reasons. Simon just really needs friends my poor dude is out here in Dracula’s Castle and the Romanian countryside after being cursed alone like this poor guy :’(
21. “If you’re a fic writer, what’s your favorite thing to do when writing this character? What’s something you don’t like?”
I have not written much at all, however what small comics I have done I looooove to make sure to sprinkle in whatever symbols he has in the games into it. He has a lot of cool things ranging from like rose thorns to The Hanged Man card and a lot of them end up meaning things like martyrdom and whatnot idk I made a post about it a while ago :3. I also like specifically Simon’s Quest speculation stuff, like what if scenarios for the vague, left open spots of it. If it’s not something super angsty or lore heavy, it’s usually just wholesome character interactions or doodling him being comforted by Christopher or Trevor cause I was sad or something lol. As far as things I don’t like writing uh idk that’s hard, maybe just any kind of filler scenes cause I’m not very good at those oof. Dialogue is hard too 💀💀💀
22. “If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like/don’t like to see in fics?”
I’ve mentioned a lot of things I don’t like seeing in uh question 8, but things I do like is when people really try to go full horror with him. I’ve seen some Simon’s Quest fics (sadly there’s very few :’3) that really try to get that same feeling of anxiousness and dread the game does and I love that honestly. It’s a really dark story in the series! I also saw one that went psychological horror with it with him kinda losing himself a little at night it’s just ough it’s cool :D! Simon is a horror protagonist! Make him afraid!!!
23. “Favorite picture of this character?”
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Again, too many!!! X3
24. “What other character from another fandom reminds you of them?”
Not from fandoms I am in (yet, hopefully I’ll get into these), but Ragnvaldr from Fear and Hunger I’ve heard is just directly inspired by him and Alfred from Bloodborne also, to me, seems heavily inspired by him. The whole Vilebloods section seems very Castlevania inspired tbh. From other fandoms I’m in, that’s hard to say, there’s not really any I don’t think.
25. “What was your first impression of this character, is it the same as now?”
Well I got into Castlevania through Smash Bros and at first was completely indifferent about him, he was just kinda fun to play as. Then Richter got me to play SotN and actually get into the series more. I had no idea I had SotN on XBOX360 for a long time, but that made it pretty easy to start playing. And now I am absolutely hooked and Simon is my favorite character so uh yeah X3.
26. “Freebie!”
I guess I just say anything? Ok, I am currently half trying to cosplay Simon’s Simon’s Quest design rn! I have like everything but the armor, but I’ll have to wait a while to be able to get materials for it oof. But yeah :). Hopefully that works out. 
Ok yeah that’s pretty dang long wow, but yeah, thanks for the ask!!!! I am happy to rant about Simon anytime :3
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agnol117 · 6 months
i haven't thought of myself as my deadname since i was fifteen.
this wasn't intentional, but i don't think it was unintentional, either. i'd adopted the name "Agnol" online by then, taking a word i'd learned in french and chopping off letters until i was left with a word that was just sounds, and wasn't necessarily masculine (it's worth noting that "Agnol" is also the name of a superboss in Pokémon Colosseum, and that may have inspired me, but i don't recall ever reaching that boss). this wasn't really for trans reasons, not at the time. if you'd asked fifteen year old me about it, i probably wouldn't have had anything positive to say about being trans, if I had anything to say at all. but even then, there was a sort of sense in my mind that "deadname" was my body, while "Agnol" was me, in a way that was separate from my body.
in addition to all of this, i'd been playing as the girl in any game that let me since Dragon Warrior III on the gameboy color. truthfully, this came in waves, especially in Pokémon games -- i'd make a girl character, get embarassed about it, restart as the boy, get frustrated that that didn't "feel" right, restart as a girl, and repeat the cycle. eventually i just took to getting both versions, one to play "publically" at school as the boy, one to play on my own as the girl. and while all this was going on, i played around with names. i won't go through them all, but suffice it to say that it took me a while to settle on "jill," a name that feels right in a way i'm not going to get into here, and by the time i did i was pretty willing to actually acknowledge that i was, in fact, trans. i was also, by this time, thirty-one. it had been a rough decade and a half, and even then, i'd spent quite a lot of that time actively avoiding thinking about gender stuff.
all of this now brings us to Earthbound. there's gonna be pretty heavy spoilers here, and while it is a thirty year old game and most of what I've got to say has been kinda brough into the pop culture knowledge of Earthbound, this is your chance to turn back.
i'd been using "jill" as my name for characters when i could for about a year and a half when i got to my first playthrough of Earthbound. i'm not out in real life, because for reasons involving my health and safety, i can't be. so i was jill in games, in the places i could be. but, well, as much as i wished it didn't, that always felt like a character i was playing. and really, that's to be expected. much as i might wish i was, i'm not a pokémon trainer. even things like OneShot, where you as player are ostensibly a character in the story, didn't really feel like i was really "there." it didn't really feel like me.
Earthbound changed that.
at a certain point in Earthbound, you're prompted to enter your name. notably, the game specifies that it's asking for your name. you, the player. it verifies this later, but after that, you still have like four more dungeons to go through and a bunch of story shit happens and honestly i forgot it happened.
and then you get to Giygas.
i have a lot of feelings about this fight, but really, most of them aren't relevant here. the important part is how the fight ends. you reach a point where your characters cannot damage Giygas anymore. that's actually underselling it -- the fight reachs a point where you can't even understand what Giygas is doing to your characters anymore. it's become a meme at this point, but "You cannot grasp the true form of Giygas's attack!" is legitimately terrifying. you're not even fighting a clearly defined opponent anymore. you're fighting the background.
and Paula prays.
the game kind of obliquely hints at this, but having played Mother (which is, in retrospect, a truly tragic name for the series) previously and knowing that when you fought Giygas in that, you beat him by singing a lullaby at him until he has a mental breakdown and leaves (it's that kind of series), i kind of expected this. Paula prays, and as she does, various other characters in the game sense it, and they pray for you and add their strength to yours. and then, after praying a bunch of times and getting help from so many of your friends, your prayers stop working. Paula's call is absorbed by the darkness. but she tries one more time, and someone answers.
the player.
the name you put in.
this was...moving. this touched me in a way that i struggle to find words for. i said in a previous post about this that after beating Earthbound, i had to go take a nap, and i wasn't kidding. it has been a week since i finished the game, and i'm still trying to process this. because they called out to me, and they did so using the name i've picked for myself. they needed me, and the me they needed is the me i've been trying to be for so long. for so long that when i first felt that longing, that feeling that i wasn't who everyone was telling me i was, i didn't have the words for it. i didn't know it was a thing i could feel. and Ness and his friends needed me. the person i want to be. the person i really am.
and my god, that just meant the world to me.
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koffing-time · 1 year
Another update guys, two topics this time, one good and one... semi bad?
the good one first though: The Barn is basically finished! The last little things are supposed to be done tomorrow! I might make a photo once it’s done.
// this means i might try myself at drawing, but i will never promise something like that.
This also means that my last few pokémon will finally move in with me. Sorry mom, you can’t keep Carrot Cake any longer!
This ALSO means that there won’t be any hazardous construction vehicles present at the babyshower, so anyone who as worrying about that can now rest easily.
Now the... troublesome news: after spening some god time with the new Pokémon, i have made a few observations. I’ll just go through them one at a time. If anyone has ideas or insight, please please please let me know.
Flit, the Beedrill: He is one of the Pokémon i adopted from the Snowbelle City Shelter. He was described as very energetic, but with low stamina. Something Olivia noticed yesterday, and which i sort of confirmed is, that he seems to get INCREDIBLY active after being called. When left to his own, he still likes to excercise and do mock-battles with my other pokémon, but he is more chill. Like i said in some post before, he seems to be getting along with Coffee, who is usually more... slow. @oh-shinx do you know if this was also noticed at the shelter? I tried calling them earlier, but since they are in Kalos, i think they were closed. Timezones are a bitch. Anyways, it’s known that his old trainer was pushing him too far at times. I’m not sure how to adress this issue, like i said any tips are very welcome. My first instinct would be to maybe give him a new name? “Flit” might remind him too much of his old trainer.
Ultra-Domesticated Trubbish. I have rescued two of them, they seemed decently close. I find them kind of funny looking. They kind of resemble paper bags more like the typical trash bags of a normal Trubbish. They don’t like it when i point my phone at them, so no photo for now. They seem to be somewhat healthy, at least for UDs. They are DEATHLY afraid of water though, so getting them to drink has proven a bit of trouble so far. I’ve made a kind of contraption where they can go to, and with a lever let some water slowly drip out of the bottom, so they can take it slow and make sure it doesn’t get on their body. It’s a bit redneck-engineering though, i’ll have to see if i can make it a bit more stable. I’m hoping they will take a liking to Loaf, my own, normal Trubbish. If they do, he might ease them into drinking a bit more. They also don’t really like to eat trash, which is odd. They go for organic waste instead, which is fine with me, if they don’t get sick from it. I will definitely keep an eye out for that. I’m thinking of calling them “Bun” and “Roll”.
Ultra-Domesticated Mareanie: This is a case that worries me. She is ultra domesticated, i’m sure. I got her from the base yesterday, and she was just like all the others. Playful, afraid of noise, harmless. Today, she was incredibly active. First i was happy. You know, having a UD Pokémon that’s somewhat normal? But after a while, she was worrying me. As you might now, Mareanie are ambush predators. They hide somewhere in the water and wait until something edible comes by. They don’t move much in the wild, at least compared to a lot of other pokémon. This one was running around, jumping in and out of the water, climbing rocks and trees, everything. And what’s even worse is that after a while she started to bite and hit everything and everyone she could reach? Like, that’s not something UDs do. At all. Not one of the UDs i met yesterday put their mouth anywhere near another living creature, and if they picked something up they almost dropped it again because they were so careful with it. In addition, this Mareanie doesn’t have any thorns or spikes and her theeth are so small, she couldn’t even scratch a branch she was chewing on for 30 minutes. I will definitely go to the vet with her tomorrow. Does anybody have an idea what it could be though? (Also not sure of a name for her yet)
Ultra-Domesticated Petilil: This one brings me a new challenge. She is so incredibly fragile. She almost fainted when we went outside into the sun, her leaves browned within like an hour until she got some more water and she has very little energy. She is also very very afraid of all my poison types. Even Muffin, who is very sad because of this. Yesterday, i thought it was because of the general situation, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I don’t think i can keep her, she would just suffer with me. @pkmn-aide-mel You said you could imagine adopting a UD Pokémon? Would you be up for this challenge or should i just go to a shelter to see if they can be a better place for her?
Ampersand, the Sliggoo: I have some better news to wrap this up. He seems way better than all the others i’ve talked about now. He is visibly in pain sometimes, but i was aware that this will happen. It’s because of a condition he has, as he has some kind of half-formed shell. He probably has some Hisuian heritage, and the evoluton process was kinda fucked up or something, So now he has some iron residue in his lower back. It’s not something that can be cured as far as i know, but the pain can be eased with different kinds of medicine. However, he was very slow today and didn’t want to play much with the other Pokémon, but that’s all right. He was just chilling at the pond. I think being in the water might also help with his back. Or maybe he just likes it. Whatever it is, if he likes the pond, i won’t stop him from going there.
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poketrainer-justine · 4 months
(Ooc under cut)
Hey there everyone!
The name’s Justine, and I’m the currently a champion rank trainer in Paldea! I’m currently enrolled at Naranja academy, and relatively recently I, and a few friends, went on an unsanctioned trip down into the crater. Thankfully no one was injured, but my eye color did change! This trip is what led to me catching two of the strongest Pokemon on my team, Tethys and Koraidon.
But that’s just my battle team, as I do have some non battle mons! Those being Nox my shiny Umbreon and my amazing riding buddy, Koraidon, who currently likes being called Korai. I’ve also recently adopted a remoraid/luvdisc, who I’ve ended up naming Eros! Though he isn’t technically mine, he’s my parent’s, is Rex a rockruff/yamper mix.
I use she/her pronouns
🐉Hey there peeps!
My name is still Justine, She/her, but for ease of determining if I’m in character or not. There will be a dragon (🐉) if I'm not in character.
So character details. Justine is the protagonist in her version of Paldea, so that’s why she went down into the crater, and why she can keep paradox pokémon and both Koraidons. Her team is actually the same as the one that I have in game, since this account is supposed to be hers. I actually do own all the Pokemon she has, but Nox is from Pokemon Sleep rather than Scarlet. I also only play Scarlet, so I will only refer to characters if they are from the scarlet version of the game.
Also, as my favorite pokéblogs are ones that treat Pokémon like animals, I will too. Fits my cannon better, the only exception is legendary Pokémon, except paradox Pokemon.
Also, in every mainline game I play, all the MCs are distantly related, and all are named Justine, after their very distant ancestor, the Mc from Legends Arceus. The reason their silver hair never diluted over generations is because of a blessing the Legends Mc got from Arceus.
I have it cannon that her family is distantly related to Drayden & Drayton, with Drayton being her first cousin once removed or something similar, but that's just because of the similar hair color.
Here’s her team and a reference sheet for her as well.
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Also in terms of movies/games within her version of Scarlet, I feel like there would be pokémon versions of them, like Lion King but with the litleo line instead of lions, or instead of pokémon games there would be animal games. A few things I'm going to keep the same as in irl, such as movies and games that have no real animals, like Star wars or Avatar. (Mainly because those are my current obsessions)
And now here’s my dad’s trainer id. He is unovan born, but his parents are actually from Kalos. His family moved to unova before he was born. He finished the unovan gym challenge, but decided to not do the elite 4, due to meeting my character’s mom. He does a lot of traveling for work, across multiple regions, which is why he doesn’t show up in game.
The trainer card image is not really accurate, but it fits his personality
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Pelipper mail is on
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Adoption Application Recieved!
Name: Isamere @weareclarity
Age: 32
Region and city/route or a detailed description of the climate you live in: We have taken up residence on an island in the region that is called Hoenn which is a tropical environment.
Home size: Small perhaps? There is a bedroom, a bathroom, a den and a kitchen, an entryway into the house, and it is only one floor.
List other humans and Pokémon you live with: We are one. We are many. There is only us and no one else in this establishment. There are no other Pokémon here. This will be our first one. Our planet has no such creatures.
Allergies and aversions: We cannot devour bananas. That is all we know of.
How many hours you spend away from home each week for school/work: We have not yet acquired a job but we are looking. We wish to be home during the weekends however. Do you know of any jobs that are allowing researchers of culture and Pokémon?
Tell me about yourself and your goals with your new partner as well as anything else you think I should know: We are of one body and multiple minds. We are not from this planet. We have been assigned to observe your people and your Pokémon. There is one but there are also more of us. We are the only ones here at the moment. We wish to observe and become friends with your people and your Pokémon. We wish to form bonds and companionship with Pokémon and learn of your cultures.
Can you tell me a little more about yourself? What do you you like to do for fun? : We enjoy music from others. We have also been reading about books we have found on the web of communication. They are called, eBooks. Ah, we have also danced. It is fun exercise. And study. Studying is very knowledgeable. We also garden and harvest. Oh yes and sing. We enjoying singing. We also enjoy taking walks and exploring to relax. And observe other creatures outside of our own. Your planet has things called interactive videos where we can observe your animals. That is how we learned of Pokémon.
Alright Isamere, I've found a few Pokémon who are interested in joining you on your adventures. Why don't you come by the island to meet them?
Isamere came by Foster Island and spent some time getting to know each of the Pokémon. After careful consideration, she made the decision to adopt a curious Solosis that she named Bubbles! He had been safe in his PC box during the Shadow Sky tragedy, however his trainer had been out in the storm, suffering severe burns among other health complications, and is no longer able to take care of him. Bubbles spent much of his time here on the island sharpening his telepathy skills with my Pearl, and has become an excellent communicator.
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Ellisa got the new trainer set up with her trainer license, and explained how to use the PC and Pokédex phone apps. As the issuer of the trainer license, Ellisa would serve as Isamere's professor, housing any Pokémon sent to the PC, and would be available to answer questions about Pokémon added to her team. Then, they talked about how to take care of Bubbles.
Solosis are very hardy and capable of surviving extreme environments, making them relatively easy to care for. Although the Pokédex states that they can survive in the vacuum of space, such extremes aren't particularly good for them. They prefer moist, temperate climates, and in the wild eat microorganisms commonly found in moss and lichens. In captivity, you can find food for them at your local Pokémart, in the "bottom feeder" section. Hoenn has an ideal ecosystem for them to thrive, but if you travel somewhere particularly cold, you may notice your Solosis expel excess water from it's body. This is completely normal, and is a survival technique adapted to prevent water inside of them from expanding as it freezes. Try not to offer them any water until you are somewhere warmer. Solosis are pretty good at keeping themselves clean, but if you've been hit by a Sandstorm or Muddy Water or the like, you can give them a bath with mild soap. They do well in freshwater, but need acclimation to salt water, and aren't the strongest swimmers until they evolve into their final form, so keep them out of strong currents. Finally, for enrichment, Solosis and their subsequent evolutions require both mental and physical challenges to grow strong. They love to talk to everyone and anyone, so take some time to teach them "stranger danger". They will enjoy traveling with you outside of their Pokéball, and learning new things with you.
I think you've made an excellent decision in what kind of partner to adopt! All that's left now is to capture them in a Pokéball, which I will provide you with. You do not have to keep them in the ball, but it is important to have one in case you need to return them in the event of an emergency. I also ask that you bring your new partner back here in about a year for a physical check-up, just to make sure everything is going well. It shouldn't be too inconvenient for you, since we are right off the coast of Hoenn, and you can get a free ferry ride at any major port.
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ranger-rai · 2 years
Bonjour Ranger Rai! As you can imagine Halloween is a big event at my lab. My Pokémon get very excited about it and are having a blast handing out candy (as long as Gengar doesn’t hog it all). We’ve seen some great costumes! Do you have any festive plans?
Oh man, sorry for getting this the day AFTER Halloween, but we did have a lot going on.
Halloween is one of the most busy days of the year for us.
Most of us love Halloween for one reason or another but there's a lot of work that goes into it.
We prepare some Halloween decorations on the main routes, mostly things like Scarecrows on the route signs that help point the way, and some temporary glowing, solar powered lanterns to add a little atmosphere.
We also patrol more often at night, making sure young trainers aren't causing trouble or getting into dangerous situations.
We often find trainers traveling at night without much light or letting people know where their going.
Most of the time they are out looking for Ghost and Dark Types.
We also offer more education on nocturnal Pokémon and we have special "Meet a Spooky Friend" adoption events.
Most ghost types tend to avoid people, but there are always a handful that enjoy being around humans more than normal so we offer a small chance to meet some, as well as some Dark Types that are more sociable.
It's a great way to keep them out of trouble and some even decide that they want to be caught, so we help initiate the process and work out another meeting outside of Halloween.
Of course we need to watch out for trouble makers and people who try to "Feed Giratina's Bloodlust" through weird rituals.
We stop so many kids and teens from doing bad things, and while we could just arrest them, we try to have an educational moment to teach them the dangers of what they are doing.
Recently my team have gotten in on the fun, where we have started dressing Sylvester as Giratina and Skip providing sound effects.
We scared some kids and once they calmed down, we explained that what they were doing was wrong and that Giratina doesn't want blood, in fact it's pretty docile most of the time unless provoked.
We did drive the kids home and had to tell their parents what they were doing.
Minnie actually likes patrols on Halloween and busting trouble makers so we let her do that.
Eddie always has a costume, usually of a famous figure or someone he can get a lot of attention for.
Jo wears the same costume every year, a Mad Scientist. Which is just her usual lab coat that she hasn't washed for a bit and some clean gloves.
However she plays the part pretty well when she likes to scare kids, most of the time she just sits at the Door of the base, handing out candy and occasionally creeping people out with her knowledge of poisons. Also her Tangrowth gets in on the fun, having its vines all spread out and sometimes grabbing people for a quick scare.
Rai typically is left working with kids, usually running the Hay Ride, shuttling families from the base area back to the main roads, and educating people along the way, pointing out any interesting pokemon as well.
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Rai always has a very comfy and kid friendly costume, usually something easy to find like a Snorlax Onesie.
However he has been known to go over the top with his costumes when he doesn't need to operate the hay ride. One year he was dared to dress as a Gym Leader, so when he showed up for work, Everyone thought Juan was there until he spoke.
Halloween is a fun time, but it's always super busy.
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Hello! If you're still doing pokemon matchups, I would like one. I'm an undergrad student studying pokemon biology, so most of my time is spent in the lab or in the field. I do quite a bit of work during the day, and at night I like to read, write, and draw. I'm not the most social, so a pokemon that needs to be around a lot of people wouldn't really work out. Oh, and I would prefer a pokemon that won't go after my plants, since I put a lot of work into taking care of them. Um, the last thing is that I live and go to school in a mountainous, rural area that gets really hot in the summer and really cold in the winter. If you have any pokemon in mind that would work well with all of that, I would love to hear it! Thank you!
This was a difficult one, but I think I’ve found a Pokémon that’ll suit your needs quite well: meet Teddiursa!
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Mountain-dwellers themselves, a Teddiursa would feel right at home in your area. They are also quite adaptable when it comes to temperatures, but you may notice your Teddiursa acting a bit more sluggish during the winter, which is perfectly normal. Now, Teddiursa do eat plants, but they are fairly intelligent and should learn not to mess with your plants after being corrected once or twice.
Teddiursa have short, thick fur which should be brushed at least once or twice a week, with long-haired variants needing more frequent brushing than short-haired variants. You will also need to file their claws occasionally, or give them some sort of surface they can use to climb and scratch on in order to wear down the claws naturally.
Teddiursa are fairly harmless Pokémon, though I would recommend adopting or purchasing one as opposed to catching a wild one. This is less so due to potential temperament issues and more so due to the fact that most Teddiursa remain with their mother until they evolve, which can lead/has led to dangerous situations where potential trainers attempt to capture a Teddiursa, only to find out that the mother Ursaring is a bit closer than expected.
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prof-oleander · 2 years
Who was the worst trainer you ever saw?
Ehh… sadly I saw enough bad trainers that I needed to think for a bit about what could've been the worst one.
Probably a trainer from when I was in Unova to complete my studies. I was helping out at the Pokémon Center of Castellia City as a part of my training at Castellia's Uni, and we had to rush out after being called for an emergency. The place we had to go appeared to be an abandoned underground warehouse in which a trainer set up an illegal Pokémon fighting ring. Pokémon were kept in awful conditions, mistreated to make them "meaner" so they would fight more brutally. It was the whole package.
From what I understood, the unknown caller that called us and the police officers was a young trainer that was roped into joining because had a debt with the organizer or something of that level of shady. I didn't ask for details, honestly. At least the kid did the right thing instead of leaving that awful person to continue his job.
The ringleader and his buddies got arrested, and all the Pokémons got rescued and healed. The last time I had updates on them, most of them were able to be put up for adoption while a couple of others were sent to a Sanctuary since they were too traumatized and didn't trust people anymore.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Yandere shadowpeach sliktea freenoodles dbk Spider Queen x phantump child reader
So the Reader just become a pokemon ( if you know phantump pokedex you know)
And she sad and crying she been a Pokemon for year's.
but has not she past 5 And running from a pokemon and trainer that wants her cuz she a shiny.
she falls into the lmk world but she is still in Pokemon and not gijinka yet.but the father of the group ( sun tang Hunter mk dbk ) find her and some how know she a child and take her to there family and they love her. But for some how the trainer and the Pokemon found a way into the world
And battled the little reader who now wants to fight to stay with her family. And got away from the mom and dad's and brothers.
But of course the trainer has Pokemon really strong agest her and she fainted
And they cry she made before she fainted got her family to quickly run to them and just see the reader get pulled into a PokeBall and it clicks on the spot cuz it a crit throw. And hear the trainer say I can't wait to trade you for a better pokemon. I can't believe they want you
( I love all Pokemon shiny or none shiny but shiny Pokemon have a good place in my heart and I hate the trade thing so I just hope for wonder trade)
And they go save there kid before they get away
And when they get there PokeBall out after seeing how the trainer did
The reader glows but she not involving
Well she is but in a different way
She truns into gijinka phantump
And she still can't speak human or demon but she can say mama baba brother sister anuty and uncle and Grandpa and grandma ( thought it cute)
Oooh another phantump reader interesting
Warning: noob author, female child reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, freenoodles, waterspider/silktea, Dbk famly, spiderqueen.
You had just died and was turned into a phantump afterwards, not just a regular phantump, but a shiny one. You hand also just bran away from a trainer who wanted to catch you because off it as you could hear them say things that involved you being a shiny and could catch a pretty penny if sold or something.
You had somehow got taken into another world, thoug you don’t know how that was possible or when you did appear in this new world as you passed out right afterwards with how exhausted and the adrenaline from both running and trying to get away from that trainer.
When you met both sun and macaque it was when you had bumped into them as they were visiting their son and daughter. Y’all were close to pigsy’s noodles so they decided to bring your over with them to see if anyone there would know what you’re and if they had seen you anywhere around the city.
Sun decided to adopt you as you’re so small and could get killed (again) by something bigger than you. Macaque and the others thought the same but mostly I trust macaque with you watcher than sun.
When you see the trainer again it was 2 month after and when you had finally come to terms with the things that had happened to you. You had tried to use some of the Pokémon moves that you think a phantump would know but that was stopped with the pokemon that the trainer sent out; which was another ghost type.
You start to get fatigue from the battle before passing out with a cry; which seem to have alerted macaque and the others to go see what is going on and who would feel the wrath for messing with one of his daughters.
They see you getting absorbed into a red and white ball which sent them in a rage with how much damage they saw on you before you had diosapeared into that ball with a click. Macaque and sun made sure to capture and get information on why they had done what they did to you before beating the trainer to almost death if it wasn’t for you getting out of the ball and started to randomly glow which seem to have frighten the trainer for some reason (the trainer thinks you’re evolving. Lol.), then sun and macaque see that you had been given a more human body and started calling out to the two monkeys.
Tang and pigsy both met you when you had literally an into them and bumped into the two; you were running from the trainer when you had bumped into the couple, the trainer somehow appearing with you in this weird new world.
They had seen the trainer coming to them and made the right call and made a run for it away from the treainer to get you and them to safety in case any chaos happened with that trainer.
Pigsy had fed you while tang calmed you down with everything he could think that would calm you down; like, singing a lullaby or humming one, reading you a story, comforting you with cuddles, and lots of other things to make sure you wouldn’t feel scared or something.
After 1 month of staying with the couple and their friends and family it seem the trainer had figured out where you were hidde, though it seem to have taken longer than the time pigsy and tang had tried to estimate and guess on.
The trainer had kidnapped you but good thing everyone was on high alert about your situation and was able to follow the trainer to a open space that was a bit far from where you were kidnapped from.
Though when they finally got there you had passed out with one last cry before disappearing into that red and white ball that was thrown by the trainer.
Tang and pigsy was basically seeing red when they went after the trainer before they could pick up the ball that had you in it. They would fight to get you back in their arms and won’t let this trainer get to you. The couple had gotten the information on how to get you out of the ball and to destroy the ball after getting you out. When they did get you out you seem to have gain a human body as well as freedom; the trainer wasn’t lucky and was sent to the police with their crimes plus some others that weren’t true.
Huntsman had found you all alone in the forest he was in and decided to bring you back to sandy since he’s still learning about how to take care of living being besides himself and sandy.
When huntsman showed you to sandy, he was so sad about what could’ve happened before huntsman had found you and glade that his lovers had found you in the first place; plus it lets sandy know how huntsman had grown before the two met each other.
You’re a bit wary of the cats even though you had been around cat like pokemon before, it’s just in your new phantump instincts to be wary of other beings sept for your evolution, and with the fact that you never seen cat pokemon like these before.
Mo seems to be the one you like the most and with him he seems to comfort you and knows what you could possibly need around this boat/home.
When the same trainer as before had found you in this new world, it was when the four (counting mo) of you had went on a picnic on a hill outside of the big city.
The trainer was crazy and hysterical from not finding you for sometime until they themself had appeared into this new world. It seem that times past differently in both world from what you gathered from their crazy speech.
They somehow distracted sandy and huntsman long enough with their pokemon to kidnap you an flee from the couple which made huntsman rage and almost had sandy break his composure if it weren’t for the fact they got you fast and safely in their arms before the trainer could run away in the ball they hands caught you in. Sandy had released you by pressing the button, both not expecting the very much more human body you now had gained.
Dbk family:
You had escaped the trainers clutches as the two of you had appeared into this world both in different destination thankfully. You had met Redson first who heard the cry’s of a little child and went to see what had happened and what was wrong.
When he had found where you had hidden yourself in he was shocked to see a little whisp like creature with a white/dead(?) wood like head and little antlers scared and shaken up along with crying the same cry he had heard that lead him here to you.
He decided to bring you with him on his way to his boyfriends house like the had planned on doling before finding you. After he had showed you to mk and his family and friends; plus getting a bunch load of kisses from mk for his good deed, which made Redson blush, it was finally off to his parents house to show you and hopefully get you adopted by them and become his new little sister.
When he showed you to his parents, they; even though their demons, were a little off put with how you have a child’s cry, pif had soon given into her motherly instincts again and soon began taking care of you and making sure you’re healthy as can be and well fed as well.
Dbk saw how pif had taken to you already and also decide you shall be part of this a family from now on, plus his son and wife are already on bored with it so he didn’t;t see the harm in falling along with them as they have good judgement.
The trainer had followed Redson when they had spotted you in his arms and didn’t want their little ticket to another good pokemon to get away so they went after him not knowing that their about to get their karma hit right back at them.
Redson had figured out that he was being followed but didn’t want to alert you plus he can most definitely take care of the culprit if need be. Though that soon changed as the trainer had used a Pokémon to swipe you out of redson’s arms and into theirs before the treainer ran away. Soon enough the Dbk family went after the kidnapper who stole their daughter away from the family; when they got you out of the ball you seem to have gain a new body, specifically a human body which make them more overprotective thasn before.
You had subconsciously fled down to her lair after running away from the trainer who also came to this world with you. You ended up meeting her first then her minions who now takes care of you after a week of knowing them all.
Spiderqueen notices you being skittish and decided to just keep you with her so you can get used to her as well. After you got comfortable with her, she then have you get used to her subjects as you’re to be heir to her thrown and she would like you to be at least a little comfortable with your bodyguard.
The trainer had found you through the lair where they had fallen like you had 2 moths ago. They had found you while you were alone in your room that the spiders made for you to use.
Though the spider gang had soon came back from what they were doing; mostly getting supplies for future things along with necessities for you and them as well before they spotted the kidnapper, they got back to the lair with half the stuff they needed when syntax got an alert that someone they didn’t know was in the lair with you and was kidnapping you.
They’d had heard your cry before it went silent with only the trainers voice talking to themself which allowed the spiders to know why the kidnapper had tried taking you away from their queen.
It didn’t take that long to get you away from the trainer either, though it’ll take way longer for the trainer to escape the punishment that will befall them afterwards.
When they opened the ball that you were held in, both them and you were shocked to see that you have gain a human form a bit and had soon called out to spiderqueen; calling her mama which resulted in her crying in happyness and relief for getting you back in her arms again.
(A/n: hoped y’all liked it!!! And omg just 1 more and I’ll be done with all of the requests!! I feel so proud of myself for getting this all done, and with how much i needed to get done, who, it was certainly a challenge that i don’t want to do again lol, that’s why I reduced the request numbers to 10 now rather than 10 to 20. Anyway hope y’all had an amazing Christmas and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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cringywhitedragon · 11 months
Pokémon Nat/Tech stuff. Behind the names
Here’s a thingy for my OC characters for Rokia/Pokémon Natural Technological and how they got their names (This excludes cannon characters and my friend’s OCs whom’s been helping me on this
Gym Leaders:
Raiden: His name comes from Raijin (Raiden), a Thunder/Lighting god from Japanese mythology. A fitting name for an electric type Gym Leader.
Mahina: From the word marina, a place where you dock boats
Sebastian: Pretty obvious, just thought it would sound cool for a Water Type trainer. It was originally going to be spelled as Seabastion before it reverted it.
Raven: From the bird with the same name. Since Ravens are often associated with the creepy and supernatural in many depictions, it works for a Ghost type ninja.
Pascal: From the programming language of the same name. Along with Ruby since these two are a duo/couple and run the new Tech types on their teams, it’s fitting.
Ruby: From Ruby, a programming language. Along with Pascal since these two are a duo/couple and run the new Tech types on their teams, it’s fitting.
Peter: His name comes fro Peter Pan since Peter is a Fairy Type trainer as well as his whole backstory which has a “lost boy” theming to it (His character was an orphan who was taken in by fairy types before he was rescued and adopted)
Clef: From the musical term (Since this a crossover region with Mega Man and all).
Clef was based heavily on Baryl (Who was going to be the Player’s/Protag’s main rival outside of their friend (the other PC) when this was still a Battle Network Crossover, down to even using what his typing specialization would be: Fighting.) from the Battle Network series but eventually did go his own way in both personality and role in the story. The connection to Wily and the fact that he would eventually become a member of the E4 after the situation with the main evil team/legendary is cleaned up is all that really remains. And also since Wily is not the big bad in this version anymore (That goes to Xander and the Emerald Spears since I like them a lot better for antagonists who would likely try to use the legendaries for their own plans then Wily.) Clef’s character took more of a note from Silver where he wants nothing to do with Wily and is out trying to find his own purpose in life and even aids the player against Xander under the guise of Aura Man while still being a jerk to the player until they earn his respect and help him open up later on.
Professor Europa Aspen: Her name comes from two things, one being the Aspen tree and the other is more of an interesting one. Her first name is actually inspired by the song “Europa and the Pirate Twins” by Thomas Dolby (This song also inspired a lot about her and the Champion’s connection to each other) and also the figure from Greek Mythology (and the reason she uses a Paldean Tauros on her team, a nod to the Minotaur and the Bull from the same myth. Talos is another mention since a… Certain Creation of Hers…)
Lumin: His name means “light”. The reason I chose this was because of his Ace Pokémon: Oltumine (Based on Oltura from Monster Hunter Stories 2. It has a heavy light motif to it since the other part of it’s name is from Lumine)
Algol Fortran: Just like his Grandson (Pascal), he’s named after a programming language. To be precise, his full name is a combination of ALGOL and FORTAN, two programming languages which share a language family tree with Pascal (Which is why Fortran is their family name, since ALGOL and it’s family spawned from that specific family of programming languages)
And no, it was not done as a reference to Dian Shi Ma Li (That was wholly unintentional but I still find it funny)
Perl Fortran: Pascal and Ruby’s (biological) daughter (Peter was adopted by them but does not follow the same naming scheme).
She’s also named after a Programming Language but is also a bit of a mythology gag back to when Nat/Tech was Gregaleo and Falloh. Perl was originally going to be the default name of the female Player Character (Male’s was going to be Hal but so far that one has not been repurposed.)
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radioactivepeasant · 7 years
Playing Pokémon Moon
(In which I meet Gladion)
Me: "Wow, okay punk, you wanna fight? Fine."
Team Skull arrives: (starts picking on Gladion)
Me: "Y'know what, I changed my mind. I'm adopting him and you're not allowed to talk to him anymore."
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smallestapplin · 2 years
sorry if this is simplistic or vague but the subway bosses dating someone who’s not really a trainer but does have a lot of pokemon? like your bf comes over to your house to see you and is immediately glomped by 7 pokemon. he has to sleep in your bed bc the spare rooms are filled w sleeping pokemon. he cant even cuddle you properly bc a gabite has curled up between you and a hoppip is using him as a pillow. there is a cutiefly living in his hat now
This is lowkey kinda cute.
- he doesn’t mind that you aren’t a trainer. He battles almost all day anyways, so it’s a nice change of pace.
- You two probably even met because of your Pokémon.
- At a pokepark specifically, and your gabite made friends with his Haxorus and the two Pokémon didn’t want to leave the other.
- He found it adorable how much you apologized but offered to set up play dates for the two.
- And in turn you two got to know each other.
- You explained that you didn’t battle, you just liked Pokémon, and your particular bunch are your babies.
- Which he thought was so cute.
- Almost almost a year into this he finally asked you out on date.
- Months into that you had to warn him that no you weren’t kidding when you said you adopted many Pokémon.
- A few took some time to warm up to him but they all love him.
- Ingo is absolutely interested in your different region Pokémon, having lived in Unova all his life, he has never seen a cutiefly in person before.
- And melts everytime he wakes up to find it in his hat.
- He feels bad about having to wake the pot thing up though, but he has to go to work.
- “Boss? Why aren’t you wearing your hat.”
- “My partner’s cutiefly is asleep in it, and I’m legally not allowed to wake them up.”
- Your Pokémon take the guest room but he loves the excuse it gives him to sleep next to you.
- Your gabite loves him and always demands head pats and chin scratches.
- Hoppip isn’t allowed to use him as a pillow anymore cause he missed work cause of it.
- Ingo doesn’t like waking up your pokemon, he thinks they are too cute.
- He flinches the first few times your Pokémon charged him when he came home.
- But now he gets sad if they don’t.
- while he is a little bummed out you don’t battle he instantly perks up with your love of Pokémon.
- You two probably met at a café during the lunch rush.
- There were no other seats aside from the one in front of you.
- And you look cute! And the cutiefly resting on the table eating its own lunch is just too cute to pass up!
- He introduced himself as he always does and asks if he can sit here since everything else was full.
- And you didn’t mind at all.
- You two fell into an easy conversation when he began asking about your Pokémon.
- And of course like any good pokeparent you had stories and pictures of all your kids.
- Oh and Emmet was so happy with this, thoroughly enjoying himself.
- Emmet gave you his number and asked if you’d like to meet up sometime!
- Before you two got serious you both made sure each Pokémon liked the other.
- Surprising literally no one both teams bonded well, aside from Emmet’s Durant, but the angry ant seemed to just tolerate everyone else.
- He does wrestle with your gabite about sleeping position.
- “I am Emmet! And I want cuddles! Ack-No not you!…wait gabite I’m sorry-“
- Your hoppip and cutiefly are his new work buddies along with his joltiks.
- Ingo is debating on putting a limit on this.
- Emmet welcomes the hoard of Pokémon coming at him with open arms.
- They are his kids! And they are happy to see him! And he also gets a welcome home kiss from you! Life is good.
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