#in twenty words or less
yourgfdgirlfriend · 9 months
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if he doesn’t react like this when he gets to see a picture of you; drop his sorry ass
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shesacarver · 4 months
why did paul say “ somebody “ dropping soon . what does he mean . what does this mean
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no-chancess · 16 days
nah no way i'm already seeing Lavish and Midwest indigo hate on twitter. i will protect those two as if they were my own children.
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twenty-words-or-less · 3 months
Lisa Frankenstein
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Summary: Lonely goth teenager Lisa (Kathryn Newton) meets the resurrected corpse of a Victorian-era pianist (Cole Sprouse) and develops a relationship with him.
Darkly comic teen tale with good animated opening credits. Kathryn Newton reliable as always.
Rating: 3.5/5
Photo credit: Indie Wire
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lulu2992 · 5 months
Ask meme!
I was tagged by @glowwormsmith! Thank you :)
Rules: Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC/pairings, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
My URL isn’t the best for this game because it simply consists of the same two letters twice (I didn’t take the numbers into account), but I still scoured my entire music library to find titles that worked! I chose my OC Taylor Rook, John Seed, and the couple they form in my heart because of course I did. There are four letters in my username so I’m tagging four people: @cassietrn, @laindtt, @simplegenius042, and @strafethesesinners (only if you feel like doing this, of course)!
(Not all the tracks I wanted have lyrics, so I did this a little differently than you did and wrote a little “story” instead):
In Hope County, Taylor really became a “Lurking Danger” [Yoko Shimomura - Final Fantasy XV] and had to walk along many “Unfamiliar Paths” [Cliff Martinez - Far Cry 4]. John kept telling her, “Let The Water Wash Away Your Sins” [Dan Romer - Far Cry 5], but she remained “Untouchable” [Niels Bye Nielsen - HITMAN 2]. As for the Baptist, deep down, he was just a “Lost Child” [Brian Tyler - Far Cry 3], but on the outside, the thing most people noticed and talked about was his “Unsettling Aura” [Yoko Shimomura - Final Fantasy XV]. I wish he had had time to “Learn To Let Go” [Kesha - Rainbow]*, but all he did in the game was try to be “Unstoppable” [Sia - This Is Acting]*. Their story didn’t end well, so in another world, one that only exists in my head, they decide to “Let It Go” [Demi Lovato - Frozen] and stop being “Under The Gun” [Motörhead - Kiss of Death] all the time because I just want them to sing “Love Me Forever” [Motörhead - 1916]* and “Underneath Your Clothes” [Shakira - Laundry Service]* to each other instead!
*actually for these the lyrics also work
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eneasbastianini · 7 months
just watched all ten and a half minutes of bezz off his face in the ducati garage during the celebrations and it’s truly the best thing ever documented
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 6 months
Literally going to go insane
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rillette · 2 years
Don’t feel obligated to respond to this I just wanted to say that you are literally so fucking funny and I love reading your tags/ just seeing you post !
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TYSM!!! that's very sweet of you to say!!!! T^T <3 <3 <3
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captainofthenautilus · 11 months
Would you be willing to share what extra tone indicators you and your discord server invented? I am fascinated to hear about them!
There are quite a few (we have a whole channel dedicated to them for reference purposes) but I’ll just list some of the ones I find most useful and/or use most often. All examples shown here are real messages from the server.
/flr (for legal reasons, as in "for legal reasons this is a joke.")
basically an extension of /j but more specifically used when talking about activities that are illegal, insinuate the desire to cause harm to self/others, or just generally could get someone in trouble if taken seriously.
Example: "if one of those silly ass motherfuckers says 'boys will be boys' I will personally give them bottom surgery with vintage lawn shears /flr"
/jbnr (joking but not really)
for when things are said in a joking tone but the sentiment is still true, or when the statement is hyperbolic. similar to /hj but somewhat less vague
Example: "i live off of mountain dew and spite /jbnr"
/citation needed (like the wikipedia tag)
for when the statement may or may not be true, but the author doesn't have the time and/or energy to verify, so be skeptical in case it is incorrect. can be used in place of qualifiers like "iirc," "I'm not sure though," or "but don't take my word for it"
Example: "Isn’t Disney like, the fourth greatest supply of explosives in the world? /citation needed"
for when the statement is untrue. usually used for comedic effect. similar to /j (joking) but specifically for lies. can also be used when a statement was not intended as a lie, but ended up not being true after all.
Example: "starting two new tv shows at 11pm on a monday, this is a good decision /lies"
/sic (as in the latin adverb)
any misspellings or incorrect grammar in this statement are intentional, not typos.
Example: "why is it 80 degrees it's fuckimg NOVEMBER /sic"
/autism, /adhd, and variants
a self-aware nod to the fact that the statement was influenced by the author's neurodivergence
Example: "man i love public transit /autism"
/with love
similar to /genuine or /not mad. for when what you’re saying might seem mean, but it comes from a place of genuine care for the person it’s directed towards
Example: "go microwave a potato or something /with love"
Honorable Mentions:
/context and /clarification
/idk (for when you don't know which tone tags are appropriate)
/unless (a reference to this meme)
/called out (defensive but usually lighthearted. "we know, but hey")
/I don't want to diagnose ppl but what neurotypical person rides a unicycle (this is more of a one-off joke than an actual tone tag but I'm adding it anyway)
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kiragecko · 5 months
maybe you already know by now, but phillip kennedy johnson (action comics author) has said that phaelosian girls dont take their fathers full name like kryptonians do! he said otho would be named "otho eshl-ra" if that were the case, but its not
I am fine with this! Different cultures can have different naming conventions! That's very normal! As long as this isn't another example of an authour not bothering to learn about what he was writing (like the guy who created Cir-El, or the half-dozen other badly named Kryptonians).
This is very nice to know.
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afieldinengland · 1 year
my days as an art object are probably over
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twenty-words-or-less · 2 months
Monkey Man
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Summary: A man known only as Kid (Dev Patel) hunts a group of corrupt leaders who burned down his home and killed his mother.
An Indian Western, Morricone via Rahman. Bonkers, bloody, despises throats for some reason. All in all, a confident debut.
Rating: 4.25/5
Photo credit: Variety
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
our memory is getting severely worse and it's fucking terrifying
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ithacanradio · 1 year
was carrying a freshly painted sign with a comrade when one of his friends- whos bosnian and hates having socialist parents- sees us and goes "ew is that a red star like for communists?" and he goes "yeah" and she goes "but not stalin communists" and he goes "no. we're titoists."
strong contender to my sweet baby sister beefing with reformists in her high school students group when a guy there raged at her that "my grandparents lived in the soviet union! and they were always afraid of ending up in a gulag!" and she just said "well maybe they deserved it"
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
ugh my mum refuses the acknowledge that i might be neurodivergent for a literal quarter of my life and NOW she's suddenly badgering me to get a diagnosis
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zen1dol · 7 months
rahh i need 2 know as much korean and russian as i know japanese or ill go insane
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