#in canda
alifelearned · 1 month
Every April London, Ontario experiences a huge outflux of students as they finish their semesters and head home for the summer break. This always leads to literally TONS of perfectly usable items being trashed when they could otherwise be donated. Living next door to a property where this was a particularly glaring issue, I simply couldn't stand by without acting. Thus over the last 5 years I have found ways to progressively save more and more of these perfectly usable items by bringing them to the thrift store. This year I was successful in bringing 27 loads of reusable items from the students waste straight to charity. Here's hoping I'm even more successful with these waste diversion efforts in future years!
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decolonize-the-left · 5 months
MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) is a human rights crisis of violence against Indigenous women in Canada and the United States
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Quick facts:
4 of 5 Native women will experience violence
1/3 of Native women will experience sexual violence (and over 2/3 of that is committed by non-natives)
Murder is our 3rd leading cause of death
On some reservations MMIWG2S are murdered at 10x the national average rate
In general native women and girls are raped at twice the average national rate
According to a report by USA today, native women also go missing at the twice average national rate
Nearly all rapes are perpetuated by off reservations settlers who also face no legal repercussions (legal loopholes state you must be on tribal ground to be persecuted by tribal police and most don't stick sround)
Less than 1% of MMIW cases are logged
It's been awhile since I've since Ive posted about this, but it's a very important topic and one that's especially important to me right now.
Some of you following me have all the context clues but I'll say it plainly here on this post. My cousin is one of the many MMIW that have died awful deaths. I myself am one of the natives who've experiences violence and sexual violence. The article is right. I don't know a native who hasn't. And that shouldn't have to be our reality.
But it doesn't change without more support and we don't get support by keeping people in the dark. Unfortunately resources are directly tied to public interest in an issue. The actual MMIW site for example says it's on hiatus when you go to the resource section.
So please share this so that someone else can learn and become an ally to the cause. The way people treat native women, girls, and two spirits is awful and deserves more attention than it's getting.
May 5th is MMIW awareness day; please wear red, share our posts, schedule a vigil, make your own graphics/posts in support, etc. Make some time to show you care that day.
Just don't use the red hand over your mouth, this is representative of the violent silence MMIW are forced to keep in their graves and how those of us alive must speak for them. Its a heavy symbol that carries responsibility so it's best left alone if you aren't indigenous.
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mammalianmammals · 8 months
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Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus), family Canidae, outside Inukjuak, Quebec, Canada
photograph by Matthew Regan
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clownehonk · 4 months
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quick thing of these two i did while watching Etho's first episode :]
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soon-palestine · 3 days
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ca-createart · 9 months
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
the universe nerfed Charlotte Canda at 17 because it knew she would have been too powerful if she reached full adulthood
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bladesofkyber · 1 year
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EVIL DEAD (2013) dir. Fede Álvarez
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scrollonso · 4 days
LOGAN P13 LETS GOOO 🦅🦅 both astons q3!!
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reallytimhortons · 3 months
o canda 🇨🇦 our home and native land true patriot love in all of us command car ton bras sait porter l'épée il sait porter la croix ton histoire est une épopée des plus brillants exploits god keep our land glorious and free o canda 🇨🇦 we stand on guard for thee o canda 🇨🇦 we stand on guard for thee
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someo1ne · 26 days
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metrocentric · 6 months
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München / Munich
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soon-palestine · 3 months
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kelebekpapatya-72 · 1 year
Korkuyorum gönlümdekini söylemekten.
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mommy-mortis · 1 year
Pick were I'll vacation in Canada!
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miscellaneoussmp · 9 months
OPQ, my beloved. I have dubbed this drabble Pizza Parlor, aka what I think would have happened if part 1 had a happy ending instead (cw/tw: blood/violence mentions):
"Fuck, it's bright." Those were the first words spoken after a few minutes of silence while the group walked up the stairs. Benito wad the one to speak first, as he opened the door. The door opened to a forest and a dirt path. "Where are we?" Lucie asked, barely walking up the stairs herself as she was being held up by Diego. Luis was just behind them, holding Emi's hand and Jeffrey on his back. There was the sound of cars not too far away. They were close to civilization. "No fucking clue, but we're probably close to a city." Benito was the first out the door closely followed by the rest of the group. They walked down the path when they entered the city from a sideroad. People looked at them with odd and concerned looks as they walked by. Five adults and one young teen, all covered in blood, was definitely concerning, to say the least.
"Is it just me, or is anyone else starving?" Diego asks, adrenaline running low.
"I could eat." Luis responds, followed by the other three agreeing. Emi didn't say anything.
"You know what I'm craving?" Benito asks, getting slightly confused looks from the other five. He was shielding his eyes with his hands. "Pizza." He states simply. Jeffrey mumbles something along the lines of 'fuck yes' into Luis' back. Nobody else had any disagreement with that plan of getting pizza. "Where are we? What are we going to pay with?" Lucie asks again as she attempts to bandage herself while they walk. "We can pay with card, you know." Luis responds again, as nobody knows where they are. "That really doesn't help us figure out where we are." Lucie sighs. "Don't worry, Lucie. We'll figure it out." Diego tries his best to be comforting. Lucie smiles back at him.
Now, here they are, sitting in a booth at a pizza parlor. The minimum wage cashier gave them odd looks, similar to those on the street. They ordered a large half cheese, half pepperoni pizza, and some bread sticks, though they knew they probably would order more later. When it arrived, nobody waited to take a piece of food.
"Let's agree to never do that again." Jeffery spoke, still trying not to die, sat between Luis and Diego.
"Never again." Diego speaks before he takes a large bite of a cheese slice.
"I'll agree to that." Lucie was a bit muffled as she had already taken a bite of breadstick and was covering her mouth.
"Whatever you say, pizzaboy." Benito was already on his second slice of pepperoni.
"Good idea." Luis responds between bites of slice of cheese pizza. Emi slowly nibbles on a bit of a breastick, but she did have a slice of pepperoni pizza on her plate that Lucie put there to encourage her to eat.
Around halfway through their third pizza and fourth order of breadsticks. Suddenly, Benito snaps his fingers. "Fuck, we left Mikael alive."
"Welp..." Jeffery hums, resting his head on the table.
"It's probably fine, right?" Diego asks, looking at Benito.
"Shit!" Luis responds, hitting the table, getting a groan from Jeffrey.
"Dammit." Lucie responds, lightly shoving Luis for hitting the table as she was also resting on the table.
They leave with a fourth pizza in a box and two more orders of breadsticks, much to the joy of the cashier. They get a large hotel room for the night, and they'll figure out where they are in the morning.
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