#imagine knowing your dad is a sniper who enjoys the feeling of killing someone while also knowing that he loves you unconditionally
feymarche · 1 year
cant stop thinking about the fact that grant wilson has published exactly one book and its called 'how to be a good teenage boy' and the only things we know that are written in it are 'be proud of how you look and what you are wearing and who you are. and “you don't always have to be brave.' .aghghghhg
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scatterpatter · 3 years
Corren - 1 through 100 - You did this to yourself.
1. What do they smell like?
Bad. Do you think their party is able to regularly take showers? I thinketh the fuck not. ... Pine and old books when he can self care tho.
2. What is their voice like?
Listen I know Corren, being taller, would be more likely to have a deeper register but you'll tear "tenor Corren" out of my cold dead hands
3. What is their biggest motivator?
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
When he first met his BFF Alondra, he was so antisocial and good at ignoring people that she actually got the impression he might have been hard of hearing. She never let him live that down. (one day I'll finish this fic i promise)
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
"I will keep all of my pain in here, and one day I'll die." ... Okay but listen he's squishy so he takes like one hit and is bloodied up. Someone get him a healer. Pls.
6. What do they like to wear?
He likes his cloak. Its weighty and soft(well. WAS soft. got a bit of wear and tear these days.) and like. Who doesnt love cloaks.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Ohhhhh fuuuccck this one's tough. I might have to go with Torvid honestly. While the entire party has had a positive impact on him(and trust me I was this close to picking Alistair), Torvid's been more of the one to call him out on his bullshit and to, oh I don't know, talk about your emotions? Ever??? Yknow BEFORE they become too much to handle and he absolutely breaks down???
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Alistair's cooking.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Good luck finding him NOT cuddled up with at least one dog. Tbh he just enjoys cuddles in general.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
As tempted as I am to say "His cooking", it's actually his singing.
12. How do they like to dress?
"Comfort over flashiness tbh. I gotta go ADVENTURING in whatever I wear after all."
"... Also don't you DARE perceive me as cishet."
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
Call him a genie because he will BOTTLE THAT SHIT UP.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Denial :D
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Shrike: Killing his dad
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Somehow more of a dick than usual. Snappy and cranky and just. Mrehhh.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Doesn't get drunk often, but when he does I imagine he's actually giggly and a little clingy. It's cute :)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
*Opens my Corren playlist* Oh yeah. It's either full edgy alt rock or indie alt "depressed millenial" tracks.
19. Are they right or left handed?
FFFuuhhhhck uhhhh well
Looking over my old art I can't seem to pick a dominant hand(I've even drawn him handling his sniper with either hand???????????) so like oops guess he's ambidextrous.
20. Fears?
The dark, the ocean, dying alone and forgotten, his friends losing their trust of him
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Rain!!!! Especially cool rain like what people often get in fall months.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collect anything?
Books :3
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold weather by far.
25. What is their eye color?
Electric blue!
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
Well his race is a homebrew race known as Marelienth. Uhhh ethnicity? Idk he's from a mountain town way up north *shrugs*
In human aus I imagine him as half-Mongolian half-Norwegian so ayee
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
No :D He loves adventuring with his party don't get me wrong but he still has a lot of trauma to unpack. ... Also he was just possibly broken up with soooo. :/
29. Are they a morning person?
30. Sunrise or sunset?
*motions to above question* Sunset.
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
More organized, actually!
32. Pet peeves?
*unravels a list. It's all shit the party has done. Mostly Alistair.*
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
His amethyst pendant used to belong to his brother, Julian, and he gave it to Corren right before they were separated so you BET it's sentimental as shit and he wears it daily.
34. Least favorite food?
Mecha's usually a great cook but one time trolled him with some absurdly spicy curry he couldn't handle and he's never forgiven them.
35. Least favorite color?
Hmmm. Maybe... yellow?
36. Least favorite smell?
He spent a year with his party in a damp cave and no showers, so uh. I'll give you a guess.
37. When was the last time they cried?
Literally last night in our game's timeline :D Full breakdown and everything!
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
Torvid :D He was there to comfort
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
One time they were in combat and Corren took a few hits and was down to about 2hp or so. He had a temporary level thanks to Kieran, which boosted his HP a little bit. When he teleported them to a safe town, though, well... Torvid was waiting for them so that's cool. But uh. Yeah that temporary level wore off then and there, dropping Corn Cob to exactly 0hp and he just- flopped down face first in the snow and started dying then and there KJNDKLFNSLKN
40. Do they have any scars?
Do you want to talk about the scar over his eye from a fight he got in with his dad or like. The scars on his limbs from the time he was literally experimented on.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Undiagnosed+Untreated Anxiety, Depression, DPDR, PTSD, just to name a few
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Running away from his problems, definitely.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He's a pretentious nerd. He can be a dick if he doesn't care about you.
44. Why might someone love them?
He's an adorable nerd! He's a hopeless romantic and oddly enough an optimist. He's passionate and driven too!
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Well ghosts are like- a canon proven thing in his world sooo. Yeah.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
His party. Well- most in his party.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Nethyl :)
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
He's dating Nethyl and they're in a happy and healthy relationship :) *politely ignores canon*
49. Do they like surprises?
NO >:(
50. When is their birthday?
Heroya 5th! I think. I don't wanna check, assume it's this.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
"You guys celebrate your watchdays?"
Jokes aside, he mainly just treats himself to a nice dinner and a new book or something :)
52. Do they have any family?
Two older siblings: Julian and Mila. His parents are Andreas and Fanya!
53. Are they close to their family?
... *Coughs*. He was close with his siblings, but Mila died and he hasn't seen Julian in 30 years. Was close with his dad but last time they saw each other, they fought and Corren might have killed him so. ... Yeah. :/
54. What is their MBTI type?
FUCK uh. I... N... T... J? INTJ. Sure.
55. What is their zodiac sign?
In Sekrezia: The eagle
In our world: Uhhh. Idk. Capricorn????
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
Uhhh. Ravenclaw??? I know almost nothing about HP :/
57. What D&D alignment are they?
THIS ONE'S EASY- lawful neutral!
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Used to have typical nightmares, nothing special. Nowadays though he often dreams of being underwater. Not drowning, though. It's... weird. He doesn't like those.
59. What are their views on death?
He's a necromancer lol.
Death is inevitable, though. It's a necessary part of life. Death is not an entire loss, though. One lives on in the memories others carry of them, in the love they hold in their hearts. Death is complicated, but that's okay.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Alistair :)
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
Dog time :)
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
... Ehhhhhh?
63. Do they have an accent?
Technically??? It's an accent from where he's from but like. I just barely tweak my own voice when I rp him so? Damn Corren I'm sorry you've been cursed with east coast dialect.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
"Damn who's the rich bastard here?" (cake is kinda a delicacy in their world- not like elites only but not NEARLY as common as it is here)
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Reassurance mode to whomever he's with. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm okay. Remember what I told you, death is a natural part of life, yeah? I don't have any regrets, I'm okay... Just. Thanks. For giving me a chance. Thank you. Thank you."
66. How do they feel about sex?
I SWEAR he's allosexual. I'm just bad at writing allosexuals.
67. What is their sexuality?
He doesn't really know how to pin it down, so he just calls himself "queer". Definitely not straight, that's all he knows.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
AHAHA no. He's hella desensitized
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
Skulking cyst. Look it up at your own volition. It's. NO.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
It's 12:21 in the morning and I'm NOT about to scroll through a bunch of tv tropes just. just. NERD stereotype.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yyyyes? Only really if it's the people he cares about.
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Oh yeah he's all bark and no bite. He usually just throws a little fit and/or yells.
75. How patient are they?
More than he should be :/
76. Are they good at cooking?
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
Oh yes he insults the others all the time. No particular favorite, he likes so spice it up.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Stim. Stim. Stim. His eyes get all sparkly and he. He.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
He will do everything in his power to assure they won't ever have to deal with their fears alone- You afraid of spiders? It's his job to get the spiders from now on so you won't have to deal with them.
80. Are they trustworthy?
Oh yeah. He's like Rapunzel- doesn't break promises.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Oh yes he tries to hide it. And yes, he's awful at it.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Yes and no? No like- exercise regimen, but the amount of travelling and fighting they do is just- a workout in and of itself
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yeah! He's cute and he knows it baybie!!!
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
He,,, he likes someone who's physically stong,,, Muscles are,,, aaaaa >///>
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Someone he can nerd out with :)
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Impartial to it. He won't turn sweets away but he's not crazy about them either.
87. What is their age?
43, the equivalent of- I think someone in their mid 30s?
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
He's 6'8" :) Which is actually normal for his race
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
Sometimes! I like to think he has reading glasses or something like that.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Julian tainted his sense of humor and now he finds the most dumb shit hilarious. Think very millenial/GenZ humor like "I wish I was Jared, 19"
92. What mood are they most often in?
"I don't get paid enough for this" or Fear.jpg
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People who don't keep their FUCKING WORD. Oh and like. Yknow. Half the shit his party does.
94. Outlook on life?
Again he's??? Oddly an optimist? In the "Things will get better and that is a fucking THREAT" way, but still optimist!
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Talk about his family :) Or the fact that his boyfriend might want him dead :)
96. What is their greatest weakness?
He's squishy as fuck. He goes down easy.
97. What is their greatest strength?
He's extremely intelligent and great with magic and his sniper!
98. Something that they regret?
Not doing more to stop his brother when he tried to resurrect their sister
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Either convincing an entire town his name is Torren or accidentally convincing some very OP people that he's secretly a dragon.
100. Create your own!
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Movie: FINAL GIRL (2015)
Cast: ABIGAIL BRESLIN of Little Miss Sunshine and Zombieland
WES BENTLEY of and The Hunger Games, Yellowstone, and my personal favorite P2
ALEXANDER LUDWIG also of The Hunger Games and Vikings
This movie has literally kept me up all night with questions. Mainly how did they get Abigail Breslin, Wes Bentley, and Ragnar Jr. all to agree to be in this awful movie? Then, answering my own question, can literally anyone with $$ make a movie and pay reasonably well known actors to play in it? Then, is everybody fucking with me?
***Side note: the term ‘final girl’ is a common trope in horror referring to the last girl left alive, or the survivor. (Ex. Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween)
The director, Tyler Shields, is better known for his photography career and before that professional inline skating, funnily enough, where he worked alongside the likes of Tony Hawk and other pro skaters. His photography seems to be centered around shock value with works including items like black guys lynching a KKK member, Lindsay Lohan as a vampire, a crocodile biting a crocodile skin purse, and more recently a photo of Kathy Griffin holding what looks like Donald Trump’s severed head. (Spoiler alert: Donald didn’t take it well) Basically all playing off of easy to reach social issues that will exploit controversy without offering anything other than surface level discomfort IMO. Final Girl was his debut film and while I will credit its high production value and actors I soo wanted to like, that’s where it ends.
(Tyler shields and his infamous photo)
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The movie begins with Wes Bentley’s character interviewing a child (young Breslin) who just lost her parents under seemingly violent circumstances. She demonstrates puzzle solving skills and seemingly photographic memory as well as a apathetic view of death—as when she says “death happens” right after the death of her parents. So Bentley recruits her for **something** hard that most people can’t do. He also reveals his wife and child were killed by **someone** (not the villains the whole plot centers around because if they’re seniors in high school at the time they would have been about 6 when his wife was killed assuming it was recent to the death of Breslin’s parents since we’re…. ah doesn’t even matter. Too stupid.)
First of all, I love Abigail Breslin. She’s beautiful, funny, and I especially like her as #5 on Scream Queens. Buttttt, let’s keep it real she was horrible for this role. It was never believable that she was an elite agent trained since childhood to mirk people with her bare hands. That being said, her training basically consisted of talking yourself up, choking Bentley, and taking DMT (Also, what?) so it’s not all on her. I would have even been with it if she used her aforementioned puzzle solving skills and smarts to beat the boys, but instead were treated to unrealistic fights scenes with Breslin’s character takes multiple punches to the face while looking the daintiest I’ve ever seen her.
Stop there if you’d like, you have the jist, but there is a little more.
Anyway it all starts when she’s launched on her mission. Is it the first mission of many, or what she’s been training for her whole life, we don’t know. Breslin befriends a girl in a 50’s style diner with instant milkshakes and they start talking about their love interests. The girl has the hots for a guy other than her boyfriend, and Breslin has the hots for her mentor/dad (basically, right? It’s Wes Bentley I get it, but it’s still kindaaa weird right?) That encounter amounts to very little then Breslin meets Jameson, Alexander Ludwigs of ‘Vikings’, who dresses for prom and invites her out. (Yeah, that’s all I got too)
They meet up with Jameson’s three dumb friends and they’re all wearing their prom garb too. Then they drive out into the wilderness to some teenage drinkin and fuckin couches in the woods—again, not that you’ll see any fuckin’ inthis movie, killin’ motivated crimes only for these teen boys. Breslin’s pops out some DMT laced liquor for the boys and they start playing a game of truth or dare out of a bag for some reason. After a weird spiel from Jameson about a rabbit he feels bad about letting die slowly, Breslin conveniently draws ‘get tied up’ from the truth-or-dare bag. She’s tied behind the back, not that it really matters because she gets out instantly. Then they tell her their plan for the four of them to hunt her down ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ style. They give her five minutes to run, but one guy is too eager to kill her and runs off before the five minutes is up. Luckily he’s tripping balls by now in the way only people who have never tripped any balls imagine tripping balls is like, so while he’s battling two deadmou5e-like apparitions Breslin can steal his axe and kill him with it. Now she’s armed, oh never mind she left the axe in that guy’s chest.
Then she kills another hallucinating guy after taking a couple blows, then she goes after the third guy. Number 3 is also clone kid #7 from UltraViolet, his worst fear is that his girlfriend, the one from the 50’s diner, is fucking Jameson—which she is—and also that she will find out about their “hunting trips” and he will have to kill her for it. After hallucinating all of this, including a fist fight with Jameson who apparently isn’t even there, it is revealed to be Breslin’s character encouraging his hallucinations the whole time. She then kills UltraViolet-child-actor with a rock to the face in the the best kill scene of the film.
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The only one remaining at this point is Jameson, who incidentally is the only boy who didn’t take the DMT laced drink. Breslin is beat up and exhausted by the time Jameson encounters her. Before THEIR fistfight they engage in a game of wits (not For realz). They each answer each other’s questions with Breslin revealing she enjoyed killing the boys and Jameson AKA Ragnar Jr. admitting they’d already killed 20 women the same way. He then asks her to join him and continue killing together, but she declines, they fist fight, she chokes him like she choked Bentley in the beginning, and drugs him.
(This is the high school goof supposedly responsible for 20 murders. I just can’t get over this. As an avid reader of true crime, numbers like this are unheard of for a guy of his age. Also are we supposed to believe 4 guys in Tuxedos in this seemingly small town have killed 20 women and no one noticed? GTFO)
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When Jameson wakes, he’s in a noose on a stump teeter tottering for his life as he starts to hallucinate. He satisfactorily begs Breslin for mercy, then is overtaken by his worst fear—the ghosts of his victims who startle him off the stump and to his death by strangulation.
After Ragnar Jr’s dead, Bentley walks out of the forest with a sniper rifle and I almost freaked TF out. I don’t feel good about comparing it to LOTR, but it’s like Gandalf calling in the giant eagles to take Frodo home after he’s travelled a third of the world to get there ON FOOT. What. Was. The. Point. Seriously. (Actually seriously—would the birds have been corrupted by the ring of power, or is that just like a major plot hole? And was Breslin on hard drugs for a little while and I didn’t hear about it?)
Anyway, after that Breslin and Bentley go to a diner, order pancakes, agree that they taste terrible, and that’s it. The end.
I know you may be thinking ‘yeah unidentifiedflyingfks, but your missing the deeper meaning—they all took the DMT and it made them face their worst fears!’ Yeah—I get that, but it still doesn’t mean it works. I would have literally rather it be magic than DMT. They’d probably all have different reactions and probably not even be incapacitated in the ways depicted in the movie. For it to expose everyone’s ‘worst fears’ is fucking magic anyway so let’s go ahead call a spade a lazy, half baked plot line, m’kay?
What really irks me about this movie though, is it could have been good. Have Breslin act within her skill set and find ways for her to use them that make sense, or at least give her some boxing classes and have her lift weights for Christ’s sake. Also these teens have killed 20 girls already? Where did they even come from? Also Bentley knew and this was the best way he could come up with to take them down? And who told him to act like a total weirdo creep in every scene? I don’t expect much. If you can’t make it good make it funny and this was neither. I wanted to like this movie, I still like Breslin and Bentley, but for as many reviews I read that wanted to give it 0 stars and couldn’t, I will. Never forget…. Oh never mind forget it all.
***0/5 FF’s, first certified TERRIBLE MOVIE!!
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Here’s some user comments I found 😂😂 ->
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badluckbee · 4 years
the last of us part 2 opinions that no one asked for but i need to get out of my system !!SPOILERS!!
i literally don’t give a shit if the story is for you or not, art is subjective. BUT i think that there are some fundamental misunderstandings about what makes a good game or not?? idk you’re welcome to disagree but people are throwing around a lot of “i didn’t like it, therefore it is bad” ideas & it’s not sitting right with me. there’s gonna be spoilers in this post you’ve been warned.
i loved this game. it challenged me and even though it has its issues, it was still really good it still made me think and feel things so some of these reviews have seriously made me go ??!??!?!?!??
if you didn’t like tlou2 and want to argue with people that did like it about how bad a game it is i’m not going to do that,, you can go play the first game again i’m not stopping you from not liking and not playing this game. this is simply my perception of the game and the most common criticisms i’ve seen.
if the only reason you don’t like the game is because boohoo they killed my favourite character,, literally as someone who has had the majority of my favourite characters die, they didn’t disrespect joel by killing him & ppl being THIS babyish about it & calling for them to rewrite the whole story is immature and embarrassing as fuck. that’s my biggest problem with the “fanbase” right now, we all knew that joel did a bad thing in saving ellie and we know that he’s done a ton of bad things before that, remember “we’re shitty people, joel, it’s been that way for a long time”?? tess wasn’t wrong, it makes sense that someone someday would come back for him and they did. if that’s what you’re mad about lol get a grip it’s not like we don’t see him throughout the whole game. (also i thought we all knew he was gonna die from the first trailer anyway) (also also did you guys not pick up on it when there was a song where the first line was “if i ever were to lose you, i’d surely lose myself” they laid out the whole game for you right there lmao)
things i’ve seen in reviews repeatedly that didn’t sit right:
1) joel and tommy wouldn’t have trusted abby.
joel and tommy have been living in a close knit community for four years with friends and family, there’s already a false sense of security. as far as they know, this is just a group passing through, they had no reason at all to believe that there was any malicious intent after not only saving abby but abby returning the favour and helping them out. they’ve never met them before, up until ‘the moment’ they’re very nice and welcoming, they also needed abby to trust them if they were all going to get out of that mess of infected alive. (ppl also forget that in the first game joel was, although hesitant, still perfectly willing to trust and travel with people, including henry and sam, who were kids just like this group so don’t play the ‘first game’ card)
2) ellie should have killed abby.
you’re seriously trying to tell me that killing abby would magically cure ellie of her ptsd??? if you weren’t blinded by your love of joel you’d know that’s not true lol literally the point is that killing her wouldn’t bring joel back it would only leave lev alone and vulnerable like ellie was and the meaningless violence would continue. literally none of the killing the characters did in this game made them feel remotely better, that’s the point. abby moved on from her pain by finding lev and looking after him, not by killing joel, just like ellie needs to begin to heal, not kill abby. if you wanted that fight to have a choice of whether you could kill abby or not i could POSSIBLY accept that but i would absolutely choose to spare abby every time. that last fight didn’t feel right anyway imo, i wanted to let her go before they even started.
3) ellie should have ended up with dina.
this game is shouting at your face that your actions have consequences!! no other ending made sense, if ellie killed abby and went back to find dina & jj still at the farm waiting for her there would be no lesson learned and no character growth!!
3) you shouldn’t have played as abby.
this is a grey one to me, i absolutely think you should play as abby but i think that the order was a little off, no one would be rooting for her over ellie after she killed a favourite character but if you have an open mind abby’s section of the game is really really fun and has some of the best moments in the game. i have some thoughts about what i personally think would have been super cool and i’m going to put it at the end of this post on the off chance that someone reads it but i totally get why they did it the way they did and it worked very well from abby’s day 2 onwards!!
4) it’s too violent?????
tell me what i’m missing here??? nd was as transparent as possible that this is a violent game centred around revenge and hatred that would feature brutal violence, smart ai and devastating cutscenes. yet there are people complaining that the game is too violent WHILE describing how bad they want to fuck up abby???? i understand not enjoying the violence, i wasn’t too bothered bc i’m pretty desensitised & i use way more stealth anyway but there were moments when it didn’t feel right & that’s okay?? that’s what they warned us about???
5) it’s just pushing an agenda, it’s too sjw.
people exist that are not male, white, straight and cis. stop crying about it.
i know no one will read this but i had a thought about a way to order the story to connect more with abby & needed to put it somewhere:
ok imagine for a minute if they had marketed it as a spinoff not a new game with new characters & no ellie or joel. you start as abby from her first day in seattle, forget everything before that for now!! imagine playing from there through to day 3 as normal, there are some very vague references to her dad dying and to her finally finding the killer but nothing that’s a giveaway for who her dad was or what happened in jackson. then we get to day 3 and that sniper scene (which was fuckin spectacular btw) and we see that it’s tommy there and it’s like ??!??!?!?!!??!? but we have to let it go for now to move the story on until we get to the theatre and we see eLLIE ?!???!??!?!!?!!?!!!!? and that’s where it cuts off and we go back and play as ellie and we see what abby did
i’m not a writer and i know that there would be problems with doing it that way but wouldn’t it be such a plot twist if we had been playing as abby from the start and connected with her and her friends more before finding out that ellie and tommy are even in the game never mind on their way to kill us??? i get why they didn’t do that though lol no one would have played it.
anyway this post isn’t attacking people for not liking the game or thinking that there are issues, this post is specifically about the people that claim that it’s objectively a bad game because they personally don’t like it.
here are some fuckin good awe-worthy moments that people are conveniently forgetting about:
- this is personal but tommy is one of, if not my favourite character, at least to me he’s one of the most interesting so seeing jeffrey pierce get more screentime was a big win for me!!
- jesse, yara and lev are DELIGHTFUL i love them v v much
- the museum i cried so much it’s so cute
- the acting!!?!?!?? especially ashley, the scene where ellie forced the truth out of joel is my favourite scene in either game acting-wise it BROKE me
- i said it before but the sniper scene was incredible
- the rat king!!! i'm a wimp it was so scary but man that reveal was fantastic
- abby’s fear of heights,, HELLO that scene on the bridges!!! i’m not scared of heights but it really got me
- the hotel!! how does nd manage to make hotels so scary
- the switch between playable characters was a plot twist and a half!!!! i gasped it was so unexpected i loved it!!!
- actually showing that the characters aren’t invincible and struggle with what they’ve been through,, showing ellie’s ptsd was so important!!!!
- ok idk why but the scene in the first game with david in the restaurant makes me so nervous every time,, i start shaking and sometimes i cry when i finish it bc that’s the definition of horror to me i HATE it it’s too scary. so when i got to that parallel with ellie and abby at the theatre and ellie was ‘the david’ of that encounter i had to sit and think about it for a long time, that scene shook me and i love nd for doing that!!
there’s probably more but this is already the longest post i’ve ever made & i’m tired (i’m not the best at getting my points across as well so if there’s anything that’s worded weirdly that’s on me)
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who's willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
September 20, 2277.
Percy paces around in the room, looks for something to write on, then settles on the couch again. “Charon… you were saying something about your orders from General Chase in your dream. General Chase was a prominent figure in the Sino-American War 200 years ago. My God, were you there during the Battle of Anchorage?”
Hearing ‘Anchorage’ felt like wires crossed in my brain. The itch in my brain when I saw her in the stealth armor for the first time started to make sense. Anchorage is where I first saw it, worn by enemy troops. Crimson Dragoons, some of them snipers, just like her. My throat feels tight, and I cannot answer. I just nod.
“Charon, I won’t be asking about the details of the dream, but was the dream showing a traumatic event? Like, someone dying, or you getting hurt?”
“Yes. It’s... weird,” I manage to rasp. “There are some parts that I know did not happen recently. Then, there are events which happened within the past week.”
“I see. Did you feel like you were living in that moment again, instead of being at my house, on this day?” she asks me, and I nod. She continues to scribble on the piece of paper that she found.
“Any idea what might’ve triggered it?” she asks me, and I shrug. “Anything? Like a sound, or an object that reminds you of the event?”
I pause for a second. I remember the feeling I had looking at the power armor in my room before my body forced me to sleep.
“The power armor, in the room you gave me,” I tell her, and her eyebrows perk up. “I think I used to wear one of those.” Percy puts her pen and paper down, and stands up.
“I’ll refrain from discussing it further unless you want to talk about it, but holy shit,” Percy exclaims, running a hand through her hair, back turned from me. “I’m so sorry for exposing you to that, if I only knew…” Percy sits back down and her eyes drift to her stealth suit that she stripped for maintenance. “Did my armor remind you of Anchorage too?”
“Yes,” I tell her the truth.
“I’ll stop wearing it, if it makes you relive those memories. I’ll remove the power armor from your room too.”
“I appreciate it, but your armor does not upset me, miss. Please, keep it. You have a higher chance of surviving combat situations with it.”
Percy sighs. “If you’re sure that it doesn’t upset you, okay.” She clears her throat when she realizes the professional facade she’s been putting on slipped off.
“Anyway, I’ve yet to observe arousal and mood symptoms, but, Charon, you’re showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder,” said Percy after a few minutes of tense silence, who’s now looking at the book she was occupied with earlier. “I still need to observe you further. I don’t want to make a hasty diagnosis. If you do have it, I can assure you that it’s possible to get better, and I can help you.”
“It is not necessary, miss.”
“You can’t keep saying that whenever something concerning is happening to you,” the mistress scolds me. The dog jumps between us and starts burying his head on my lap.
“Miss, it is not your responsibility to look after my well-being. It is my own. You should not concern yourself with such things.”
“As someone who’s training to be a doctor, I just can’t ignore someone who’s clearly in need of professional help. What kind of doctor would that make me?”
“As my employer, however, it states in the contract that it is not your responsibility. You would know that if you’ve read it in its entirety,” I argue back, and Percy’s frustration grows. She rubs her hands against her face, and throws it up once again.
“But I- what if we weren’t… Why is it so hard to talk to you?”
My throat hitches at her outburst. This is the first time she raised her voice at me while I’m under her employ. Percy sags in front of me, eyes wild in her frustration, but it isn’t anger I am seeing in her face. Frustration. Worry. Sadness.
“If you think having me in your employ is more than you bargained for, you can sell my contract.”
“Wait, no! No. I can’t do that. I can’t just sell you like, like a rifle or-or a piece of armor,” Percy exclaims, holding her forehead with one hand.
“You are not selling me, miss. I belong to no one. You will be selling the ownership of my contract that entitles the holder my services in combat, and my full loyalty.”
“You’re not making it sound any better. Plus, we’re straying from the topic.”
Putting her legs on the couch and crossing her legs, she turns to me.
“How do I put this in a way that you’d understand? Charon, you and I are lucky that this happened in the safety of my home. I can’t have you slipping into an episode in the middle of the wasteland. You won’t be able to protect me, or yourself. You'd become a liability instead of an asset.”
“I think I understand now. Very well. I shall allow you to treat me,” I tell her, and she gives me a sigh of relief. I look at her expectantly, and she gives me a questioning look.
“If you have any procedures to do, I’m allowing you to do so.”
My mistress rubs her face. “This isn’t like the time I patched up the wounds on your back, Charon. This process could take months, or even years. It’s a gradual thing.”
I didn’t respond. I didn’t feel the need to.
“But we can take small steps. Just one thing at a time,” she continues, a slight smile on her face. Percy picks up her book again, and scoots a little closer, the dog nestled between us.
“Do you have any hobbies? Things you do for fun or leisure?” she asks me, that expectant look on her face again. I pause to think. I couldn’t answer. “None.”
“None? You do nothing in your spare time?”
“I wasn’t given the luxury of having ’spare time’ by my previous employers, miss.”
Percy’s shoulders sag further. There’s a look on her face that I haven’t seen in anyone in a long time. Pity. Most people would have fear on their faces when they see me. Not this one. She smiles. She feels worried for me. It relieves and overwhelms me at the same time. But pity? I don’t need it. Especially not from an employer. My function is to serve them.
She must’ve realized the look on her face, because she clears her throat and shrugs her shoulder. “Well then, we have plenty of time to look for activities you’ll enjoy.”
As my mistress continues to flip through her book, Dogmeat perks his head up and gives my ruined face a lick. His fur is no longer as dirty as it was when he found him. Probably Percy’s doing. I couldn’t stop myself. I ran my rough hands on his head to pet him, and the dog started wagging his tail. I glanced at Percy, and she was looking, that smile on her face again, and looked away just as I saw it. She clears her throat and flips to a page.
“Let’s start with grounding techniques.”
December 26, 2277.
It’s the day after Christmas. I can’t remember if I even celebrated it before the war, but Percy’s father insisted we stay with him to celebrate. Percy pulled me aside and told me that her father is religious, and though she never was, she still celebrates religious holidays with him and asked me to play along. My mistress looked uncomfortable and on edge the entire time. Though James was all smiles the entire time, there’s a scrutinizing look on James’ face; Percy shares the same look when we talk to strangers. It makes me feel wary.
Hours before James’ death, I was returning from an errand Percy gave me when I can vaguely hear her argument with her father from another room, muffled by the walls of the memorial.  I wasn’t supposed to listen to a private conversation between a father and his child but I heard my name being mentioned by the doctor.
“Persephone Zhou! That is malpractice! And you’re living under the same roof too?!”
“He has no one else! What, just because I patch him up and I help him cope with his problems -” Percy’s. Her father cuts her off before she can finish.
“Honey, you are Charon’s doctor. And from what you’ve told me, you’ve been providing him services as a psychiatrist too. I can’t even find the words to describe how unethical this… dalliance of yours with him.”
“Dad! Oh my God, we’re not in a relationship! Where are you even hearing those rumors?!”
Though the mistress had been good to me, I can imagine the look of disgust on her face when her father suggested such a thing. Ghouls and smoothskins don’t do relationships, no matter how kind a smoothskin may be. That’s just the way things were.
“I’m sorry, Percy. Word travels fast. I’ve heard some concerning rumors about you and your ghoul friend.”
“Dad, if I did stay in the vault and became the head physician because you left and they killed Jonas, would I be disallowed to pursue any sort of connection because I’m the only doc in that hole? I’d be married to the job like you were after mom died? Is that it?”
“The circumstances are different and you know it. The vault is a very insular community so we had to rely on each other for social support. It would die out if its members did not reproduce or adapt to changes.”
“Dad, you’ve been in the wasteland. There’s just pockets of settlements here in DC, and doctors are scarce. Psychs and people training to be one are even scarcer. Would you call it unethical if they pursued friendships or fell in love with someone who they patched up so many times from being shot at by raiders? Or someone they counseled from all the violence in the wasteland? Jesus, dad, the American Psychiatric Association doesn’t even fucking exist anymore. It’s in ruins. I can even take you there.”
“Watch your language! I didn’t raise you to be disrespectful, Persephone.”
“I’m sorry. But how I say it doesn’t change the fact.”
“The fact is it’s still highly unethical. There are still institutions that exist that teach medicine and they would not approve of your point of view. How did you think I became a doctor?”
“I’m not arguing with you any further, dad. I’ll go run your errands now.”
“Fine. But we’re not done talking, young lady.”
December 27, 2277.
It’s two hours past midnight. Percy’s screams and the sound of her baseball bat crashing against the metal of an old car echo through the scrapyard.
Only after accompanying the scientists to the Citadel, getting in a fist fight with a Brotherhood paladin for almost not allowing us inside because of my presence, and locating a thing called a GECK on the Brotherhood’s computers, did she finally allow herself to grieve her father. And she grieved hard.
At the sound of the bat snapping, she let out another scream and threw the broken weapon across the threshold. On her hands and knees, her glasses fell from her face, then she bruised her knuckles punching the dirt. Only then did I intervene, gently holding her arms and keeping it to her side. To my surprise, she doesn’t thrash or fight back. She froze for a minute, before curling into a ball and crying out as she settled against my chest.
The events that led to James’ death play over and over again in my head. If I hadn’t slowed her down…
“Percy, may I say something?”
She looks up to me, nodding, fresh tears staining her cheek. Her lips are trembling. She finally allowed herself to cry.
“I slowed us down. If I had overcome my episode faster, we would have gotten back to the rotunda and prevented the incident. It cost your father’s life. If you should punish me, or sell my contract, I will accept-”
The word came out of her mouth as a broken cry.
“Don’t blame my dad’s death on yourself, Charon. It’s the fucking Enclave’s fault, and no one else’s. You- we, we did the best we could,” said my mistress, sniffling.
“I understand.”
She draws closer and puts her arms around my neck, and my brain misfires at the gesture. It’s like someone set me on fire, but it doesn’t hurt. I had carried and held her before, but nothing like this. My heart was jumping to my throat. Warm against me, she buried her wet face at the crook of my neck. Another sob wracked her body and before I could think, my arms pulled her in an embrace, stilling her.
This isn’t the first time she sought comfort from my presence. She did so every time there were thunderstorms. I never dared to touch her, though a part of me wanted to draw circles in her skin and watch it bounce against my finger instead of flaking off, like mine does.
This is the first time I allowed myself to hold her too.
We remained like that for the next twenty or so minutes, then Percy breaks the silence.
“Don’t ever leave me. Please?”
“I’ll stay by your side as long as you will have me.”
Her arms stiffened in response.
“Are you saying this just because of the contract, or do you mean it? Please. Be honest.”
There it goes again. My breath hitching in my throat. I didn’t know how to respond. My mistress looks at me expectantly with her bloodshot eyes.
“It doesn’t matter.”
She pulls away from the embrace, and she doesn’t look at me as she picked up her glasses and collected herself. Dogmeat, who was terrified by her venting, finally sidles up to her side again and licks her hand. Percy pets him and embraces him in return, burying her face in the mutt’s fur and planting kisses on his forehead.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wonder what that would feel like every time Percy does it to the dog.
On the way to Megaton, she tinkers with the radio on her Pip-Boy, and a broadcast neither of us ever heard before comes in.
“I need to go home.”
When we arrived at the entrance of Vault 101, only then did I realize that she didn’t mean her house in Megaton. She let out a shaky exhale as the heavy vault door started to open after she put a password in the terminal.
“Welcome to my childhood home.”
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 9
The house the limo pulled up to was a stylish one, deep in the suburbs of Long Island and Justin had to whistle. "I like this man's taste," he appreciated. "A bit too flashy for me," Ward said. "But, to each his own. This is where I leave you, Mr. Hammer. But, you have the number of the driver, correct?"
"I do, Mr. Ward. But, I do hope we get to talk again. This was fun, a learning experience, if you will. Take care." With that, he climbed out of the limo, waiting for it to drive off before starting up the stairs of the beautiful home. On the stoop, he fixed his tie, ran his hands through his hair, then rang the bell, tugging on his suit jacket. The door opened and there stood the most beguiling young beauty Justin had ever seen. The man put on his most charming smile, leaning on the door jamb. "Hello, young lady. My name is Justin Hammer. I was wondering if Mr. Toomes is home?" The girl blushed a little under his smile, which made his stomach flutter with excitement. The girl was gorgeous."Um...y-yeah...My dad is home, Mr. Hammer. Could you wait just a moment?" The man nodded and the girl turned and yelled into the house, a male voice calling back a second later. "So, what may I ask is your name?" Just licked his teeth, eyes pouring over the girl. "Umm...it's Elizabeth," she stuttered. "But, my friends call me Liz ." "Well, Liz, if I may call you that, it's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful young lady, and there he is!" Justin took his eyes off the girl the moment her father was in view. "Mr. Toomes, what a wonderful moment it is to finally meet you." He extended his hand to the man, wincing at the hard grip as they shook. "I recognize you. You were the one who created those murderous robots at the Stark Expo a few years ago." "Oh, that was all the work of a Russian madman who hacked my project. I had nothing to do with that, I assure you." Adrian narrowed his eyes at the man. He thought he'd been given a twenty year sentence, but it seemed that hadn't been correct. Just then, the man's greedy eyes flicked to his daughter, and Adrian stepped in front of her. "Honey, go tell your mother we have company and set out the new china that we just bought, will you? I'm sure your mother will thrilled to use it, eh?" He smiled at Liz as she nodded and ran off. "Won't you come in, Mr?" "Oh, where are my manners. Hammer, Justin Hammer. And you have a lovely home," he said as he stepped inside. "And an even lovelier family. Hello, Mrs. Toomes, correct? What a beautiful wife you have." He took the woman's hand and placed a kiss on the top. "Oh, well aren't you charming? Coffee will be brewing in just a minute. Adrian, where are those cakes I bought yesterday?" "In the pantry, second shelf was where I left them. Hopefully there's still some left." He smirked as his wife smacked his shoulder. "We'll be in my study, Doris." He heard the woman answer and nodded his head to Justin, who followed. Once he closed the door, Adrian took on a serious look. "Who sent you?" "Whoa, whoa....take it easy, Mr. Toomes. I'm just here to talk to you, that's it. You see...I'm a bit of a fan, per say. Especially of someone who wants to bring down Tony Stark." He grinned, and the door opened to reveal Doris with a silver tray in her hands. Adrian leaped up and took it from his wife. "Thank you, honey. We'll be done in a bit, okay?" The woman nodded."Will you be staying for dinner, Mr. Hammer?" Adrian gave him a stony look and the man smiled. "I have to decline, Mr. Toomes. But, maybe another time?" Doris smiled and excused herself from the room, leaving the two men alone to talk. "How much do you know?" Toomes all but slammed the tray on the desk, his green eyes cold and hard as he stared at Hammer. "Only enough to make you want to listen to my proposition." Hammer filled a cup with coffee, adding sugar and milk. "And the offer I intend to give you." Adrian made his way behind the large desk and sat, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. "And if I don't?" Hammer smiled as he sipped his coffee. "Oh, I think you know what's on the line if you don't. That daughter of yours, is absolutely stunning, but I'm sure you knew that, didn't you? I would hate for something to happen to that lovely face of hers...or any other part of her, to be honest. Oh, this is good coffee. You'll have to tell me where you buy yours." Toomes could only stare in horror at the man who threatened his family, his daughter, then asked where they bought coffee. He stared at the man with both anger and fear in his eyes. "Alright....but I will ask you again. Who sent you?" Hammer put his cup down. "Octavion Bloom sends his regards. I heard he's tried to recruit you more than once, and each time you turned him down. For what, I couldn't imagine." "I don't work for murderers, Mr. Hammer." Adrian scowled. He would rather be dead than kill wantonly like the group Hydra did. All he did was steal from the rich and powerful and give to his family for them to have a better life, a life they could be proud of. "Have they murdered? Huh, I wasn't aware. But, you see, unlike Mr. Bloom, I don't have sneaky, underhanded ways of making people talk. I simply take what's most precious to them. So, tell me Mr. Toomes....who do you love more? Your wife, or your daughter?" He picked up his coffee cup, taking a sip. "Please tell me quickly, because I will tell you, I'm losing my patience." His finger twitched. Adrian could only stare at the man in shock before he stood. "I am not letting you take either of them, Hammer." He growled, fists curling at his sides. "Oh? Pity...Oh well. I guess I'll just take my leave then." Hammer stood, tugging on his suit jacket to straighten it out, then pulled out his phone, calling a driver. "Yes," he said after a moment. "I'm ready. Oh, and make sure there's room for two guests, also." With that, he hung up and smiled at Adrian, who was already running out of the office. But, Hammer had the upper hand and walked slowly out of the room behind the man. "It's too late, Mr. Toomes." As he said that, an explosion came from the front door, followed by female screams. "Oh, man! They could have at least left the door. Oh well." He stepped over the splintered wood and shattered glass and jogged down the stairs, looking behind him to see men carrying out a struggling Doris and an unconscious Liz, which he frowned at. "Could you at least be a little more gentle with her, please? Jeez, it's like you're all animals, I swear." Suddenly there was a crash from behind the house and a whirring noise made everyone look up to see a large mechanical bird hovering above them, green glowing eyes looking through the darkened sky eerily. "So, that's why he's called the vulture, huh? Not bad." Hammer slid into the car after the two women were tossed in. "Take care of him," was all he said to the Hydra agents, not looking back as the car drove away. "Oh, don't look at me like that, Doris. It's not like I didn't give your husband a chance to save you. Now just sit back and enjoy the ride." He sat back and closed his eyes, listening to the muffled sobs of the woman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clint walked down the hall with his fingers curled around Peter so he wouldn't fall. The boy was still shaking, feeling the effects of his panic attack. "I've seen people die, too," he said suddenly. Peter looked up, but all he could see was Clint's chin, he couldn't gauge his facial expression. "I've seen a lot of people die, actually. And, truth be told, they all affect me the same way as you." He chuckled. "But, I don't let it show in front of the others. I'm supposed to be the sniper, after all. But in private, or with my wife, that's when I break down. It's hard to process. Friends, gone right before your eyes...." he sighed and looked down to find the teen looking up at him with sorrow and and gratitude. "It'll be hard, for a while. You'll keep seeing their faces in everything, everyone. But, after that's done, you'll learn to let them go...and in your case, to know it wasn't your fault." He brought his finger to the kid's head, grinning when he tried to push it away as Clint gave him a noogie. "And if you need help, you can always come to your uncle Clint." Peter had laugh to out loud at that. "Uncle Clint?" he asked in amusement. "Of course, kid. No matter what, I'll be there for you. I'm sure everyone will be, especially Tony and Pepper. Oh, and we can't forget Morgan." he smiled at the little girl's name. They traveled the rest of the way in amicable silence, but Clint was glad that Peter had stopped shaking. Soon he came to Pepper's door and knocked, waiting for the bid to come in. "Hey, Pep, I'm here to drop off Peter." She gave him a confused face as he walked in, depositing the boy on her desk. "He had a little meltdown in the middle of a meeting," Clint explained. "He's okay though, right buddy?" "Sure, 'Uncle Clint'," the boy laughed. "I'm alright. Just shaken up." He smiled up at Pepper, who watched him worriedly. "I promise." "Well, you're spending the rest of the meeting in here with me," the blonde told him, shuffling some papers in front of him. "Besides, I could use the company." She lifted her pen. "Thanks, Uncle Clint," she teased. "We'll be fine." The archer nodded and left the room. Pepper watched Peter walk around her desk for almost five minutes, sometimes stopping to pick up a paperclip and study it before placing it down. "You seem bored," she said, resting her head in a palm. Peter turned and set wide eyes on her. "NO! I-I'm not bored at all...well, maybe I am..it's just, I'm feeling a little cooped up. I guess...I don't know. I'm feeling calmer, but I feel like I have to move....I have to get out of here." He sighed and sat on the edge of the keyboard. "It's been six months since I've stepped foot outside," he pushed the space bar, the button not even moving. Pepper smiled sadly, then an idea came to her and she covered the papers. "You know what, I need a break, too. Come on." She set her hand palm up next to the boy, trying to hide a shiver as Peter climbed on. "How about we get Morgan and go outside for a while, hmm?" The boy felt his heart soar at that. "You mean it? Actually go outside?" He was a ball of energy in the woman's hand, his legs tapping against her skin. Pepper only laughed as she left her office. It made her see him as he was. A child that needed some 'play time'. "Yes, actually outside. I want you to get some sun, and plus I love the outdoors. When I need to de-stress, I like to take walks, go hiking. But, mostly I only go to annoy Tony." She smiled. "He absolutely hates hiking, or anything to do with the outdoors. I once took him camping before Morgan was born, and the entire time he complained that there was no wifi." She shook her head, listening to the small laugh. "Morgan!" she called, wincing when Peter held his hands up to his ears. "Sorry." "Yes mommy?" the little raven haired girl came running a few seconds later, dressed in jeans and a pink shirt with a headband with a pink bow. Pepper had to thank Tony for giving Friday her fashion advice program, or Morgan would never leave the house. "Peter and I were going to go play outside. Do you wanna come?" Her daughter's eyes lit up and she nodded."Yes! Can I bring my dolls?" Pepper nodded. "Be right back! Oh, and I have something for Peter! I was working on it while I was in my room." She turned and ran back to her bedroom, running back a few seconds later, arms laiden with dolls and a small cloth bag. "I'm ready!" "All right. Let's go. Maybe we can coax daddy into coming out with us later." If it weren't almost fall, they could have gone swimming, but the weather was getting too chilly to get wet, but it was perfect to spend a few hours without a jacket. Pepper felt her daughter grab her hand and she smiled, looking down at Morgan and then at Peter, who waved at the little girl from his spot in Pepper's palm. She had to say, if this is what it was like to have more than one child, maybe she would have 'the talk' with Tony at some point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To say Peter was amazed, was putting it lightly. Being outside for the first time in six months was absolutely wonderful! He took a deep breath, and shivered when a breeze passed over him, rubbing his arms a little. But, it was the smell of the trees, the sound of water behind them lapping against the bank of the river. Sure there were buildings obstructing nature, but to someone who was used to seeing skyscrapers this was heaven. "Maybe this was a bad idea," Pepper said lowly, watching him. Peter turned and shook his head. "No! Please....I can handle a little cold. Please..." He pleaded with her, eyes big. The woman nodded. "Okay. But, if you get too cold, you can always sit in my pocket," she patted her suit jacket pocket. "Okay?" The  boy nodded and turned outward again. "Mommy, can we go to the park?" Morgan asked, looking longingly at the swings visible in the distance. "That's exactly what I was thinking. Sound good to you, Peter?" "Sure. Let's go." The small boy punched the air and Morgan giggled, running ahead of the woman and stopping to look back every few feet until Pepper reached the small playground. "Where would you like to sit?" She looked around as she asked Peter. "Do...do you think maybe I can be on the ground? I haven't really had a chance to walk around...just put me somewhere I won't get crushed?" He said with a shrug. "I don't know...I mean, anything can happen. We do have wild animals on the grounds." "Oh, yeah...well, I won't go far. I promise. Please?" Finally the woman conceded and walked to a bench, sitting on the stone and lowering her hand. "Don't go too far," she said sternly, and Peter rolled his eyes. "Yes mom," he laughed. "Very funny." Peter climbed off the woman's palm. He watched the pretty intimidating sight of a hundred foot tall woman unfold in front of him and turn to sit. The teen stood still as she kept him in his sights, then her phone went off, distracting her. Now was his chance to explore. He walked under the bench, looking up at it, then out of the corner of his eye, he saw the grass looming before him. Grinning, the boy did what anyone would do in his situation. He ran into the chest high jungle, laughing as he parted the blades of grass like bushes. Suddenly he jumped when a green caterpillar passed him, the insect coming up to his waist. He leaned down to pet it. "You're cute," he said. "I wanted a dog, but my aunt's building doesn't allow pets. Maybe I could sneak you in, huh?" The insect nudged his hand for more pets, using it's antenna to 'smell' Peter, and lifted half it's body up to tackle him, making the laugh. "Okay, okay, get outta here," he pushed the insect off him and stood, walking away, determined to explore more. About three minutes of exploration later, he came across a tree, the bark looking like a brown wall. Looking back, Peter could still see Pepper, so he guessed it was safe to climb. He was still near her, plus he had his sticky abilities. He would be fine. He folded his costume over his arms and legs again, making sure his hands and feet were able to touch the wood over the clothing, and the little teen set to climbing up the tree. It took what felt like forever, but Peter guessed it was only ten minutes, but he was finally able to sit on a branch miles above the ground, breathing heavily. He looked out over the grounds. Through the leaves he spotted Morgan playing on the swings, and beyond her he was able to look over some of the compound. He could see a river behind them, which would explain the smell of the water, and a dock that lead down into the river for the Avengers underwater missions, he guessed. It was then he noticed a spider crawling near him and jumped. The insect paused, as if sizing Peter up with its eight eyes, then decided he wasn't worth it and scurried off under the branch. When the boy spotted it again, it had reached its web situated in the corner of the branch and the trunk. Something touched his back lightly and he whirled around to see a bit of white thread blowing in the breeze. Curious, he reached out and touched the thin line of white, grinning when it didn't stick to him at all like other things. It amazed him that this was the substance Hydra had wanted him to make out of his own body. He also thought it was strange...but then, he got an idea. He studied his own hand. It would have to be lightweight and versatile, plus it would have to house a synthetic spider silk. Turning, he tugged on the drag line thread, pleased to see it didn't break from the pressure. He'd read in textbooks that spider silk was the strongest substance in the insect world, and one strand alone could hold up to one point three GPa, which was stronger than steel by unit of measurement if he really thought about it, which was awesome in of itself. Knowing it would't break from his weight, the boy began climbing, just to test the strength. It seemed the spider thread went on forever, until he found where it ended and grabbed the small twig, hefting himself up to sit on it to think, keep the thread in his hands. The whole thing would be to make something small enough for his own hands to control...and then, he would have to talk to Mr. Stark about going into the lab. That was the hardest part for him. The boy heaved a sigh and started to figure out plans in his head, when suddenly he heard someone calling Morgan. Mr. Stark came walking up to his wife, leaning over to kiss her, then grabbing his daughter when she threw herself at the man. A pang of jealousy went through Peter. He'd never known the love of a mother and father. Sure, he had May and before his uncle was murdered, he had Ben. But, it just wasn't the same. He wished he could have someone like Mr. Stark to go running to with his problems and get manly advice. Like he said, May was great, but she wasn't a guy, and he felt he had to be strong for her all the time. Peter was the man of the house, even though he hadn't gotten a job yet. He heard a giggle and that pang went through him again and he sniffed, feeling something in his throat that made it hard for him to breathe. He wasn't going to cry, dangit! He was a man, and men don't cry...did they? He didn't know, but he was sure they didn't. He focused instead on his project, thinking of different formulas to make something with spider web consistency that he didn't even notice Mr. Stark was calling his name. "Peter!?" his voice sounded worried, so that meant it was time to go. Giving up his thoughts for the moment, the boy started to climb down, using the spider web. Suddenly, when he was about half way down, he felt something snap and looked up. The wind wasn't strong, but the gentle breeze had shifted some of the silk strand to a pointed part of the twig and it was sawing away, and Peter's weight wasn't helping. With a gasp, the teen tried to hurry, but that made his situation worse and suddenly the thread snapped and in the next instant he was falling. His screams came a second later, feeling his stomach come rushing up to his throat. Suddenly hands closed around him, leaving him in darkness, being tossed around as his prison tumbled to the ground. Peter lay on his back, panting, his heart hammering in his chest. Light began filtering when the fingers opened and a gold head of hair met the boy's eyes before one blue and one black eye stared at him. "What is this?" a deep, booming voice asked, loud at even a whisper.
@letsbeinspiredby @sparrowrider @6inchicon @carttorchdeatth
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talistheintrovert · 5 years
The 100 Ask Game
I was tagged by all these fabulous cuties @peraltiagosclarke @prophecy-gurl @mamabearsdontthink @thelittlefanpire and I adore them 💖
1. What Station on the Ark would you be from? Probably Arrow Station, because it sounds rad?? I don’t have many space applicable skills, because my maths is terrible and I can’t grow anything, and we don’t know what the Arrow Station people did, so I can say that they were the keepers of library and it could possibly be true. I would probably be an archivist or something. 
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? Something similar to Clarke? I’m not really the illegal activies type, but I like to think I wouldn’t just sit aside while injustices happened, and if I’m an archivist, I’ve probably got access to lots of information about the Ark that people don’t want the general public to know. 
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? Probably? But I’d probably have given it to Monty - don’t want to be skewered by the other delinquents, but I don’t want to be unhelpful and that’s a happy medium.
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) Maybe a book? Or a dragon. Either or 😅
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? WELLS MOTHAFUCKING JAHA. OBVIOUSLY. 
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Clarke, Bellamy, Murphy, Monty and Raven (but if we’re counting season 6 Raven so far, then I change my answer to Emori)
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to?  Probably Podakru? I fucking love lakes man. 
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? The same, probably? Tah-liss maybe???
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious. I think he’s a well-written character who served his purpose; we were supposed to love him in the start and grow to dislike who he became. His arc is one of the better written ones in the show. 
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? Not very. Pain is how we know we’re alive. Living with depression, I know what it’s like to feel completely numb. Pain is better. 
11. What character do you relate to most? Clarke/Bellamy/Murphy. All three of them, for varied and complex reasons, but in particular as of season 5, Clarke. 
12. What character do you like the least? ............Echo. Because I don’t like badly written characters and it bums me out that she wasn’t written better when they made her a main. 
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical) Black jeans, Doc Martens, large loose v-cut shirt tied off at the side, fingerless gloves.
14. Favorite type of mutant animal? One of the water ones. Imagine being a giant mutated river creature just fucking with people and living your life of solitude??? 10 out of 10. 
15. What would your job be on the Ark? Archivist/writer/scribe. 
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked? Yep. I’m not that squeamish and I’d do ANYTHING to help Clarke Griffin while she saves the world. 
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive, then who would have made the best commander? Indra. 
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? I’d probably either get supremely paranoid like Jasper does or cry to my mum the way Clarke talks to her dad. 
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach? I am the Bellamy Blake of my own life, so 
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone? No chancellors, in this house we have a round table where every member of the government is on equal standing and there is a speaker of the house, but that person isn’t given extra power, just the ability to control the meetings. 
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis? I would have been on Kane’s, or I would have left, probably to find Clarke. 
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there? iPod, speakers, anything to play music on. I truly can’t live without it. 
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? No war paint, red hair in a bi-bob, tattoos would probably have words on them.
24. Favorite quote? “Your life can be more than just impossible decisions and a tragic end. You can choose to live.” - Wells Jaha
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? All of them??? Shit... probably Anya or Luna?
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE Least favourite canon ship is Becho, but non-canon I feel it’s important to mention that I loathe JORDAN WITH OCTAVIA. Or, Jordan with anyone at the moment, really - let him learn to be a whole person before he gets a love interest, I’m begging you. 
Favourite canon ship: Marper
Favourite non-canon: Ice Jaha (Wells/Roan) or Wells and anyone really. I miss my soft son. 
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? Any song by Faouzia would be fabulous, or Florence and the Machine. And if there was going to be a guest star I’d probably want a niche british actor that I love, like Andrew Scott or OH FUCK, Robert Sheehan would be AMAZING.
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? Probably the same as Murphy - sing, go through everything, slowly devolve into depression and madness. Pull each other out of it by making bets about how long it would take blarke to get together.
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die? Shot in the head, probably? That seems fast. 
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? DIYOZA DIYOZA DIYOZA
31. A character you’d bang? Probably Murphy? He seems like he’d be fun. Or Monty because he’d be sweet. (listen, i wanna fuck clarke and bellamy as much as the next bisexual, but i am WAY more invested in them fucking each other, so)
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden? Live on my own in Eden, because I, like Clarke, enjoy isolation as my main unhealthy coping mechanism.
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground? Probably? Path of least resistance and all that. And I’d write, maybe document the events as well as writing stories. 
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits? Writing something negative about Blodreina, I suppose;
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with? I’d bond with Murphy first, we’d both isolate ourselves to one side of the ship to avoid the love-in. I’d probably never get on with Echo. 
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself? Not sure. Depends how bad my depression is versus my anxiety. 
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do? Run and hide, boys - run and hide. I’ve always been the sniper type more than the attack type: get the high ground. 
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite? Fave: MY GOOD BITCH DIYOZA. 
Least fave: McCreary, that slimy fuck. 
39. Would you Spacewalk? Maybe... depends on if my anxiety would kick in really hard. Probably not???
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat? Windshield bugs.
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it? I’d try to avoid war at all costs. I’d probably try and broker a way for the eligius people to help rebuild Polis, and then create a city there and have trade routes built between them - the farmers would move to the valley and the warriors and other types would stay in Polis. 
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes? Dig out flesh-eating worms - that way I’m saving someone, not killing them. 
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia? Depends how bad my sister was behaving - if it was Octavia bad?? Yeah, but I’d be Peak Bellamy Levels Of Stress about it. And I would honestly do my best to discredit her before I took any physical action - spreading dissent works, surprisingly well: look at politics. 
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper? Sleep? Depends who else was awake, but probably sleep. 
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet? Clarke and Bellamy, as Marper decreed, followed by Murphy, Emori, Raven, Shaw, Diyoza, Jackson, Miller, and probably even Echo, because every mission needs a redcoat and it shouldn’t have been Shaw. 
I’m tagging some faves @clarkgriffon @hostagetakerandhistraitor @nvermindiseeyou @anne-shirley-blythe @foreverandalwayscrysis @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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SURVIVAL TACTICS - Spencer Reid x Reader
this was requested by an anon <3 
Prompt: “I´m pregnant.”
Characters: Spencer Reid x Y/N Y/L/N, mention of the team, Lennart, the unsub, hostages
Warnings: hostage situation, mild to heavy angst, pew pew
A/N: okay this got wayy loonger than i wanted it to be and i could easily have split it into a two parter but no (: so there you go! also i could have done this in a fluffy way, but my angsty ass though “mhhh better not. go with the angst.” so i did :) thank you to @illegalcerebral and @veroinnumera for helping me and especially thank you to sarah for prereading it and being my human sounding board <3 also this will be then only update today :) tmrw you´ll get some writing and the reading list :) enjoy! and feedback is kind of appreciated, a lot tbh! :) 
To say Y/N was happy would be the understatement of the century. She just couldn´t believe it, she was over the moon and beyond. 
Y/N was pregnant. Well, she and Spencer actually never planned to have a child yet since they were dating for only 4 months now, but they had talked about it before and both of them always wanted to have kids of their own. Now, it would finally happen and Y/N couldn´t wait to tell him about it. To make sure the test wasn´t mistaken, she called her doctor and set up an appointment for the next day. If he would confirm it, she would talk to Spencer about it. 
Thoughts were running through her head. How would he react? Would he be as happy as she was? Suddenly, she started to imagine the worst case scenarios in her mind. What if he thought it all would have been a mistake? What if he suddenly doesn´t want a child or if he wasn´t ready yet? Would he reject her? Or the child? Tears started to gather inside Y/N´s eyes. Angrily, she wiped them away and took a deep breath. Why should he react like this? After all, he wanted to be a dad someday and he loved her, so everything would turn out just fine...right? 
Y/N was pregnant, 8 weeks already to be exact. The doctor confirmed it yesterday and Y/N had spend all day to plan how to approach the subject with her boyfriend. The couple agreed to go out for dinner after work today. This would be where Y/N wanted to break the news to him or how it was originally planned, if there hadn´t been a case which came up. 
The team was called in on a local hostage situation in a bank. A man was trying to roub out the bank. All the team knew was that there were 20 people inside, five of them were kids and the man had already shot the manager as well as his partner. He was loosing it; this was why the BAU has been called in. 
Within ten minutes, the team arrived at the scene, starting to coordinate their actions with the local police department. Just as they were about to form a plan, the unsub called and Rossi picked up the phone. 
“This is SSA David Rossi with the FBI. Who am I talking to?”
“It´s none of your business. If you want all those people alive, I want you to fulfill my demands.”, the man spoke. 
“Okay, what do you need?”, the agent asked. 
“Oh, first of all, I would prefer speaking to your pretty friend on your left. Give her the phone or else I have to kill someone.”
Hesitating a bit and realising, that he must be watching them, Rossi gave the phone to Y/N: 
“Hello, this is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. What´s your name?”
“It doesn´t matter, sunshine.”
“Oh, it does to me. I´d like to know the people I´m talking to by their name.”, Y/N replied. 
“You can call me Lennart, but the name isn´t one of your bigger problems, Agent Y/L/N.”
“Okay, Lennart. Nobody has to get hurt, okay? What about you tell me what you need and I´ll see what I can do.”, Y/N negotiated whil exchanging glances with her teammates. 
“Well, it´s up to you if someone gets hurt, so you bette do what I say.”, Lennart replied and took a deep breath before he continued, “all I need is a private jet ready to fly me wherever I wanna go. If the jet is ready, I wanna leave the building without someone following me.”
“That´s it?”, Y/N asked. 
“Yes, I think that´s enough. You´ve got one hour.”
“Wooah, Lennart, we need more.”
“Honey, you won´t get more. I want the jet ready in an hour. If not, I´m gonna kill everyt single hostage in that building.”, and with that, Lennart ended the call. 
“It´s impossible. We can´t give him the jet.”, Derek said. 
“There needs to be something elese we can do.”, Spencer agreed. 
“There has to. We can´t let 20 people die in there.”, Y/N said and excused herself while she walked away from the group, Reid quickly following her. 
Y/N was leant against a FBI van, feeling a bit dizzy and overwhelmed and tried to gather her thoughts. She didn´t hear Reid coming up beside her. 
“Hey, you okay?”, he asked full of concern. 
“Yeah...I´m fine, it´s just...”, she began but was interrupted by Reid wrapping his arms around her. 
“I know...I hate it too. But we´ll get them out of there. I promise.”
“What do you mean he won´t get the jet? We just agreed there isn´t another choice.”, Y/N exclaimed ,”we don´t have any other plan either.”
“I know...but we can not let him escape.”, Hotch reasoned. 
“So we take in stake the death of 15 adults and five kids rather than letting him escap where we could track him at any time?”, Y/N practically screamed. 
“Hey, Y/N, calm down.”, Reid tried to reassure his angry girlfriend. 
“No, I´m not gonna calm down. I don´t know about you, but I don´t wanna be responsible for the deaths of these 20 people who rely on us.”, the young woman said. 
“We´ll get them out, Y/N. We just need to ask for more time or develop another plan.”, Emily replied. 
“Which he won´t grant us. These people are gonna be dead, guys. The second we tell him the jet won´t be here, he´ll panic and kill them.”, JJ answered., supporting Y/N. 
“There´s only one option left.”, Y/N said as she took off her cevlar vest and her gun and badge. 
“No way, Y/N.”, Reid reasoned as he got closer to her.
“It´s the only thing we have left. If I´ll go inside, I can at least try to get some hostages free and secure the scene, so you could get in.”
“This is stupid.”, Emily stated at which her co-workers agreed. 
“Well, we need to do something and I won´t keep standing her and watch how he kills everyone.”
“I go!”, Reid offered and looked at Hotch, who started to think. 
“I hat to say it, but Y/N´s right. Let her go inside, she already got his trust and he seems to be interested in her, so she would be the only one who could get him to surrender.”, the Unit Chief explained. 
“Fine...”, Y/N agreed and turned to walk towards the bank, hoping to get back alive. God, why was she doing this again? 
“Lennart? Hey, it´s me. Y/N, remember? We talked earlier this day!”, Y/N said calmly as she entered the building. The unsub, who got scared, grabbed a man and held him in front of himself like a shield. 
“Wooah, calm down. I´m only here to talk.”
“Where is my jet?”, Lennart wanted to know. 
“We still need time, Lennar. It´s on its way, but it doesn´t work that quick.”
“I gave you an hour. That´s long enough.”, he replied, voice shaky, as he placed the gun with equal shaky hands at the head of the man. 
“No, Lennart, look at me. Nobody has to get hurt in here. You´ll get your jet. As long as it hasn´t arrived, you´ve got me. So you can let at least the women and kids go. They have nothing to do with it.”
“Why should I do that?”, Lennart asked as he pushed the man aside. 
“Maybe as a sign of good will? Look at them, they are scared. They are not responsible for any of this here, please.” After starring eachother down for what felt like an eternity, he gave in. 
“Okay, go. GO!”, he yelled towards them and the hostages immediatley ran outside. 
“Great, thank you!”, Y/N sighed relieved. 
“What no, sweatheart? I´m still waiting.”
“Well, we could talk. Why this? What´s the reason for this?”
“No...don´t waste my time. Get that damn jet here.”
“Is it because you need the money? Or because of the fame and reputaion in the news? Or maybe it wasn´t your plan, huh? It was your partners plan, but since he already was killed or should I say killed himself, you´re stuck in this alone.”
“Shut up.”
“Is it that? You´re just a sidekick without a plan?”
“I told you to shut up or..”
“Or what, Lennart? You´re gonna shoot me? Nah, you couldn´t hurt a fly.”, Y/N replied provocatively. 
“You don´t know me.”, Lennart spit back as he started to pace back and forth. 
“Oh, I learned more about you in the past 10 minutes than you think. Do you wanna hear what I think is going on?”
Lennart kept quiet, he was trapped and didn´t know what to do. 
“Well, here´s my guess: You´re way too emotional and soft for this. You keep threatening to kill someone, but I think you don´t have the guts to do so. All this was your friends idea, but now that he is dead you´re the only one responsible for this which was his plan from the very beginning. You were just too naive to notice. Also, you´re married which I can see at your ring. You seem like a caring person who loves his wife. I saw it in the look you gave the other women and the kids. You didn´t want to hurt them, because you are a father and husband too and you could never ever hurt them. You wouldn´t volunteer to do such a thing. You were forced into doing it to secure their safety.”
Again, ther was silence. 
“How much of it was right?”, Y/N wanted to know. Lennart sighed. 
“The only way to get out of this safely is to go out there with me.”, Y/N suggested. 
“Not a chance! As soon as I am going out there, I´ll be dead.”, Lennart reasoned as he kept pacing. 
“Not when I´m with you. So...what are you doing?”
“DON´T SHOOT!”, Y/N screamed as she exited the bank together with Lennart. Immediatley, her team and the cops came closer, but lowered their guns. 
“He surrender, right? He came out here to stand up for what he did.”, Y/N told them, but Lennart didn´t seem to pay attention.
Suddenly, he noticed the snipers on the roofs.
“YOU BITCH!”, he yelled as he grabbed Y/N and held her close to him, gun pressing against her head, “you lied to me!”
“No, Lennart, no. I did not know about the snipers, really. Look, I´m the only thing right now between you and a bullet and since I´m pregnant, I woldn´t risk anything.”
Well, this wasn´t how she had planned on confessing it but oh well. she needed to get out of this, alive. 
Y/N heard gasps coming from her team and Reid looked like he was about to faint. IN that moment, she felt incredibly sorry. She was being reckless and putting not only herself but also her baby in danger.
“I´m sorry.”, she mouthed towards Spencer who has seemed to go into shock. 
“No...”, Lennart spoke up, “I´m not going into jail. No.”
“Lennart, listen, It´s over, okay? Let Y/N go and maybe we can talk about everything.”, Aaron tried to talk to the man, who only tightened the grip on Y/N. 
“Lennart...please...think about your family. They wouldn´t want you to do this.”, Y/N said, struggling with air. 
“They´ll understand...I´m sorry...”, and with that, Lennart pushed Y/N hardly towards the ground before he raised his gun to shoot at the cops; a battle he lost. 
“NO, STOP,STOP!”, Reid yelled as he tried to get closer to Y/N, who was laying on the ground. As the shots subsided, he quickly ran at her side. 
“Y/N...hey...”, he knelt down and quickly checked for injuries, letting out a breath as he didn´t see any, “thank god!”
“I´m okay...I just sprained my wrist.”, Y/N said as she leant in to hug Spencer. 
He held her tight, but suddenly pushed her back. 
“Yre you out of your mind? Going into such a dangerous situation in this condition? What were you thinking?”, he wanted to know as he looked at his girlfriend. 
“I thought about doing my job and saving those people, Spence.”; Y/N replied, trying to get up, her knees shaking, “I-I´m sorry for scaring you. Please don´t be mad.”
“Just promise you wont do it again” Y/N nodded but knew that this was a promise which she would break again to protect her loved ones. Reid smiled. 
“Y-You´re really pregnant?”
“Yeah..8 weeks along. I found out two days ago and actually planned on telling you tonight during dinner. I-I know it´s quite early yet since we´re together for only 4 months and I can totally understand if you aren´t ready to be a Dad yet, but..”, Y/N´s rambling was interrupted by Reid kissing her passionately. After they broke apart, he smiled at her. 
“I´m the happiest person. I´m so excited. We´re gonna have a baby.”, he laughed and hugged her before he wirled her around, causing everyone else to smile too.
“I love you so much!”; Spencer said as he let her down again and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you too!”, Y/N replied, more than happy with the way Spence reacted. 
“Come on, let´s get you checked out and then head home!”, Reid said as they made there way over to the ambulance, smiling brightly and overly excited for what was about to come. 
@ultrarebelheart @illegalcerebral @dontshootmespence @obsessed5sosfreak @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @imagicana @marvelfanlife @liz-a-22 @sunreid @amaybedeadcat @mybabys-gunsandroses @littledizzyhurricane @shaelyn102 @shiningmish @michellelisa @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @fl0werb0nes18 @ceciliawho @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @anton-shudders @sayernita @rubenlosthischeeks @jessiedangerous @badwolf-at-bay @ssa-aaronhotchner @veroinnumera @acespence @captainreid @ssaunitchief @lesbian-asajj @alienlynz @massivelyproudmixer @tenaciousarcadeexpert @crimindsaspe @lookwhatyoumademequeue
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sweater-vest-reid · 6 years
spencer reid x reader
randomly generated prompts: character: ghost / material: glass / sentence: “aren’t you afraid?”
word count: 1.7 k
years have gone by since your husband, spencer, had been killed. no matter how hard you prayed, you knew he was gone forever. because no one comes back from the dead. right?
a/n: Here is the first of my spencer reid x reader one-shots from randomly generated prompts! this was partially inspired by a french sci-fi show called “les revenants”. I hope you enjoy!
You closed the bedroom door, peaking in at your daughter one last time. After three bedtime stories, the little five-year-old slept peacefully. Satisfied, you shut the door.
It had been a very long day. You’d won your most recent court case that afternoon. And while your hard work paid off, you couldn't take a break. Tomorrow you still had many more cases to prepare for. You loved being a lawyer, but the stress was never-ending.
Waltzing into the kitchen, you decided you needed something to take the edge off. You popped the cork off of a new bottle of wine and poured yourself a hefty glass. Tilting your head back, you took a long, slow drink. 
The house was quiet like it always was after you put Harper to bed. For four years this silence had become your life, and you never got used to it. The quiet suffocated you. 
You wandered around the house, the glass of wine still balanced delicately in your hand. Taking sip after sip, you eventually made your way upstairs to your bedroom.
Sitting down on your bed, you checked your phone. You prayed that there were no important work emails you had to deal with tonight. Thankfully, there were none, only a playdate invite for Harper and a few texts from your sister.
I'll be near your place tomorrow morning. Breakfast?
Your sister was a personal trainer and often came into the city to meet with clients. Whenever she was close by, she would always bring you and Harper breakfast from a bakery nearby. You typed back "sure" before setting your phone down on the bedside table. Your eyes shifted to the framed picture that sat next to your bed. You picked it up, staring at it, fond memories flooding your mind. 
The photo was of you and your husband, Spencer, on your wedding day. It was right after you two cut the cake. The cake eating soon became cake fighting. You two held each other, your eyes locked together, with bits of cake and frosting clinging to your faces. It was your favorite photo. 
You couldn't help but cry when looking at it. You missed him so much. People kept telling you that time heals all wounds. But for you, time only made yours deeper. Having to watch the little girl you two created grow up without him broke your heart.
It was his last case with the BAU, only weeks after Harper turned one. After she was born, Spencer thought he would be able to remain working at the BAU, but the cases got to him. He knew his time with the team was up. 
He’d given Hotch his letter of resignation, planning to walk out of the office and start a new chapter of his life. But, an emergency case came up, and Hotch asked if he’d be willing to work it. One last case. Spencer agreed. You wished he hadn’t. 
The team hypothesized that the unsub was working with a partner. Try as they might, they couldn't find enough evidence to prove it. But he did have a partner: an ex-military sniper with a hatred of law enforcement. The BAU caught him, but it was too late. He'd already taken one of their own. 
One shot. On his forehead. Dead center. They told you there was nothing they could’ve done for him: Spencer was dead before he hit the ground. 
The day you found out was the worst day of your life. You opened your front door, expecting Spencer to be standing there. Instead, it was his team, their eyes red and puffy. Instantly, you knew that Spencer was gone. You crumbled to the floor, screaming, tears flooding down your cheeks.
From that moment on, you and Harper were on your own. It was difficult, raising her by yourself, but you managed. You had too. You tried balancing work and caring for her, but long hours mixed with the grief was too much for your body to handle. Luckily, your job paid well enough that you could afford to take long breaks between trials. But now that Harper was in kindergarten, you’ve since returned to your regular work hours. You hadn’t done that since before you found out you were pregnant. It was sad to think about how much your life had changed.
Harper didn't remember him very well. She was so young when it happened. She could only say a few words. Death was not an easy concept for her to grasp. 
So the things she didn't remember, you filled in the gaps. You filled Harper's room with pictures of Spencer and her when she was young. Every year, you took her to his grave so she could wish her father a "happy birthday". Even years later, the BAU team still came to visit, telling Harper stories about her dad.  
The home you and Spencer once shared still looked the same. You couldn’t bring yourself to put away his things. His clothes still hung in the closet, and his toothbrush still sat in a cup by the sink. You knew you needed move on. After all, it had been four years. But you couldn’t. You didn’t want to. His things were all you had left of him. And getting rid of them meant that you would have to accept that he was truly gone. 
And that was the last thing you could do.
You woke up to the sound of the front door opening. You sat up in bed, noticing that you were still wearing the same clothes you put on for work. You’d accidentally fallen asleep. It must have been the wine, you thought, looking over at your empty glass. 
Your best guess was that it was morning and the person at the door was your sister. You searched for your phone, but it was so dark you couldn't see it. Something wasn't right. It was too dark, and no sunlight shone through the window. It couldn't be morning. 
You found your phone and checked the time.
It was 1:17 am.
If it wasn't morning, then it wasn't your sister who just walked into your home.
You panicked. A stranger was in your house. The only thing on your mind was Harper. She was in her room. You needed to get downstairs to her, to protect her. You didn’t know what you’d do if you lost her too.
You scoured your room, looking for something you could use as to defend yourself. The best you could come up with was the wine glass. You held it out in your hand, ready to strike the intruder, and slowly made your way down the stairs. 
You saw lights coming from the kitchen, and you could hear someone's careful footsteps as they moved to the living room. 
“Hello?” A voice called out.
You froze in your tracks. You would recognize that voice anywhere. That was him. But it wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be. 
You climbed down the last couple of steps, turning the corner into the kitchen. And then your heart stopped. 
It was like looking into the past. There he stood, brown curls hung down, covering his face he looked down at the book in his hands. His tie sat crookedly underneath his vest.
The wine glass slid out of your hand, hitting the ground and shattering into tiny pieces. The noise spooked him, and he looked up. You gasped. It really was him.
“Spence?” you croaked, tears flooding out of your eyes.
“Hey, sorry I’m home late." He said, placing the book down. 
You just stared at him. How was this happening? 
It wasn't. That's how. You knew that was only a fantasy. People don’t come back from the dead. 
Yet here he was. 
"Are you okay? You look a little pale.” He said, coming towards you.
You sat down on the stairs, your head in your hands. “This can’t be happening.” You said, shaking your head, “This isn’t possible, you can’t be here.”
“[Y/N] what are you talking about?”
He didn’t know.
“Spence….you’re dead”
“Do you remember anything?" You asked him.
You two had moved upstairs to the bedroom, as you didn’t want your voices to wake Harper.
"It's coming back to me. Not everything, just pieces here and there." He replied, shaking his head. 
"Tell me." You said.
"I remember we were in the middle of a standoff. I was standing next to Morgan. I heard Hotch yell something, and then everything went black. The next thing I know, it's dark and I'm walking down an empty street. Then I came right here." 
You wanted to believe him. For years you wished for nothing but Spencer's return, and here he was. But it was too good to be true. He couldn't be real.
You sat down next to him, "Hold up your hand."
Spencer looked puzzled. 
"Please" you begged. 
He held his hand up. Tentatively, you placed your hand on his. He felt real. There's no way you were imagining this. You didn't know how, but Spencer was back. 
"You're a living ghost, Spence." You said your voice breaking.
"I guess I had some unfinished business." 
You two stood by Harper's door, peaking in at the sleeping girl. 
"Doesn’t she look just like you?" you whispered to him. He nodded.
Harper had slept through everything, thank god. She was bundled up in her blankets, clutching a teddy bear Spencer gave her for her first birthday.
“She still has the bear?” You didn't have to look at him to know he was crying.
“Yeah. Sleeps with it every night”
“How old is she?” he whispered.
“Five” you whispered back.
“I’ve missed it.” He said.
“Missed what?” 
“Her growing up. The last time I saw her, she had just started calling me 'dada'. Now she's all grown up."
“She’s still got plenty more growing to do” you reassured, "And now you get to be here for it."
You closed the door to the bedroom, turning to face Spencer. You two were only inches apart, and you could feel the electricity between you. 
“Aren’t you afraid of me?” He asked.
You leaned up, passionately kissing him for the first time in four years. He pulled you into a hug, embracing you so tightly it became difficult to breathe.
“Afraid?” you whispered, “I could never be afraid of you, my love."
tagged: {want to be tagged in any upcoming spencer x reader oneshots? send me a message and i’ll add you to the list} @faithinchemicals / @itsallintheeyeofthebeholder / @perfectcuddlesize / @xxtaylorsingerxx / @that-karen-dork / @imjustsoawkward / @kavi123-blog / @iliana927 / @daskiwichen / @fly-like-a-grayson / @snowy-studies / @bugalouie / @cassielovelyyyofficial / @brokenporcelainhearts / @teaandfreckles / @everybodywantstobetouched / @jacquelineisawkward / @mspenguin99 / @sheenadaughterofdemons / @ohnolesya / @richie812eddie / @brithefairy / @tofubowls / @dextergirl12345 / @thesmellofasinnamonroll
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