#imagine being Leo and almost ALMOST being in his brothers’ arms
turtleblogatlast · 22 days
“Hey, Hueso.”
Hueso sighs.
Moving his gaze to his left, he sees Leo casually leaning up against the wall next to him. The turtle isn’t looking at him, instead he seems to be staring at nothing at all. Strange, but not necessarily unheard of from him.
“We’re closed, Pepino.” Hueso states, moving a little away to continue closing down his restaurant-
“Can any portal be portal-jacked?”
Hueso pauses.
It’s a simple enough question, one that Hueso’s fairly certain he’s given an equally simple - if not a bit harsh - answer to. Granted, it was more in regard to the likelihood of bad portals being jacked rather than any at all, so maybe now that Leo has admittedly become much more competent with his portals, he’s just worried it’ll happen again.
The invasion certainly made the boy more…cautious. Quieter, too.
“Well…” Hueso runs a bony hand down his face, “From what I know, the possibility always exists, Pepino. However, it is far, far more unlikely to be portal-jacked when the portal is made by a master, rather than some reckless amateur.”
Leo nods his head, almost vacantly. If Hueso wasn’t paying so much attention he may have missed the way Leo seemed to look a little sick. Despite himself, concern builds within him.
“So-“ Leo starts, his voice soft in a worrisome way before he clears it, “So…if the portal was just- really strong, it could still be jacked if made by a beginner?”
Hueso watches closely even as he nods in answer, “Sí. Your own portals are strong, no?”
Leo shakes his head, “No, like- imagine a portal way stronger than mine ever were. Something huge and stuff. More, uh. More locked up dimensions and time, less…just space.”
“Hm.” Hueso frowns, considering the strange question. “Well, in truth I have yet to come across many portals on that level, but there’s nothing to say that it’s not possible-“ The smallest furrow of Leo’s brow makes Hueso hurry to add, “-ah, but there’s also nothing that says it is possible.”
“So…it could happen? It’s not a definitive “no”?” Leo asks, the smallest of shakes present in his tone.
Hueso puts a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “No lo sé, Pepino. I haven’t come across such portals enough to give a good answer to you.”
Something in him hurts a bit when Leo visibly plasters on a grin. “Ah, man. Well- Gracias, Hueso, this was just a stupid thing to get all hung up on anyway.”
Hueso looks closer at this annoying, insufferable, horribly quiet and reserved boy. He sees the dark circles peaking, barely visible thanks to the mask. He sees the scars of healed injuries never to be forgotten displayed all across the boy’s body. He sees the look in Leo’s eyes, a depression and worry that is…hard to look at, in someone so young.
He sees all of this in Leo, and as much as he sometimes wishes to deny it, he cares enough about him to gently ask. “Are you okay, Pepino?”
“Oh- yeah, yeah, don’t worry, Hueso, I’m not about to whine to you again or anything.” Leo laughs, backing away out of Hueso’s reach. “It’s just a little question, just something that’s been bothering me, y’know? Wanted to ask an expert.”
“Pepino-“ Hueso starts, not quite sure what to say. The words “you can come to me whenever you need to” are true, and yet he can’t bring himself to say them before Leo already is swinging a katana.
In the light of his blue portal, Leo sends Hueso his signature, manufactured grin. “Thanks for listening, Hueso!”
And then he’s gone. Just like that. Standing tall and confident with not a shred of that worry and reservation and fear left behind. It was the look of a soldier heading off to a battle he knew was terrifying, but one he also knew he needed to keep a brave face for.
It would have been a commendable look, if not for the fact Leo was heading home.
Hueso stares at the residual sparks of the portal for just a moment longer before moving to continue closing. Next time, because there will always be a next time, Hueso will have a fresh pizza waiting.
And, hopefully, a bit of that insufferable turtle he knows so well comes back to grab a slice.
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Summary: The aftermath of your arrival in Jackson and running back into Joel brings back emotions you thought you had moved on from.
Pairing: past Joel Miller x fem. reader
Wordcount: 3k
Rating: G
Warnings: angst, POV switch, bad break-up, talks about child birth, one steamy thought, flashbacks, Tommy being the protective bro, a surprise about the real relationship status of Joel and reader, Ellie being a dick (affectionate), Joel still being a mess and bad at feelings, but he's trying
A/N: still not exactly sure where I am going with this. Let me know what you think
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
part two of invisible string
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You didn’t think seeing him again after so many years, and after so much had happened would feel like this. 
Like finally being able to take a full breath after being under water for too long. 
You thought you’d be over it by now. Over him. 
It had been almost six years after all.
Yet it felt like it had been yesterday when you took one last look at him early in the morning with your little possessions packed and him passed out on the bed after another night of him drinking himself to sleep. 
But the moment you caught his wide eyes across the room now, it was 2010 all over again and you were the girl across the street who had dropped all the rations you had just picked up because some rude asshole walking into you, finding Joel looking at you with a hint of a smirk after you cursed the person out who had ran into you. 
Before you could realise it you had sat Ana down on the bench next to your brother who still had little Leo in his lap and were walking towards him, ignoring your brother calling after you.  
Joel looked at you like he’d seen a ghost. 
Deep in the night, when you were alone and your little family was asleep you imagined what it would be like if you’d ever meet Joel again. 
He had not only broken your heart that night you told him you were pregnant. 
He had broken a part of you that you hadn’t been able to repair. 
You tried to hate him, god did you try. 
You cursed him on your whole absolute suicidal journey back to your hometown close to Denver, your mind set on finding your brother who you had occasional contact to, since he was living in a community on the an military base, close to the Denver QZ.
You cursed Joel when you gave birth in the safety of an actual working hospital while your brother held your hand, wishing so much it was Joel who was supporting you through the birth of your child. 
You cursed him when you were surprised by not only one but two babies who you were now responsible for. 
You cursed and cursed and cursed him while you just could not stop loving him no matter how much you tried.  
Because you knew the man behind the version he had turned into in the months leading up to your break up. 
The man who was lashing out at you for things out of your control. The man who stayed away longer and longer until he didn’t come back home to your shared apartment at night. The man who never ever told you he loved you with his own words. 
Not when you were awake, but you did not know that he whispered his I love you’s every night against your forehead before he fell asleep. 
But he also was the man who always kept you in his arms when you were scared of a storm howling outside. The man who always kept one of his shirts out for you because he knew how much you loved to wear them. The man who had you on the verge of tears from the way he knew how to play your body night after night while he praised you what a good girl you were for him. 
He was the father of your children. 
And you loved him. 
You still loved him. 
You just weren’t sure if you could ever forgive him and trust him again. 
And just couldn’t stay with him back then while was busy destroying himself. Because it wasn’t just you anymore you had to take care of but the children growing inside of you. 
And so you left. All the way to Colorado, the Denver QZ and then to find you brother, finally finding him when you were almost eight months pregnant. And now you were in Jackson, Wyoming. 
The community you had spend the last years in having been overrun by a huge group of infected and your brother knowing about Jackson from the trading routes he went on regularly. 
You never thought you would see Joel ever again. Not that far away from Boston. 
And now he was here. And he was looking at you. And you were trying to decide if you would kill or kiss him when you saw him bend over, Tommy looking concerned and a girl not older than fifteen running across the room towards him.
„Joel?“ You whispered, your hand reaching out as if to touch him, but you decided against it, rubbing your sweaty palm against the fabric of the new jeans you had been gifted this morning. 
He blinked his eyes up at you in shock. 
„You’re here,“ he gasped and then he fell into the arms of his brother, who caught him before he could hit his head. Unconscious. 
„Fuck,“ Tommy groaned, trying to pull his brother up in his arms, the girl next to you pushing you away to help him. 
„Is he dead? Tommy? He can’t be dead. I am not ready being mad at him yet,“ she shook her head while helping Tommy slowly put him on the ground, people gathering around you now.
„He’s not dead, Ellie. He’s just….“ Tommy looked up at you for a moment before he looked at the girl, Ellie, again. 
„He’s just overwhelmed and had a panic attack. Can you please get Doc so we can get him to the clinic? Just to be sure?“ Tommy asked and you could feel how hesitant the girl was to leave him. 
Who was she?
„Fine,“ she mumbled and got back up, but not before looking at you with narrowed eyes. 
„This is your fault,“ she hissed and you were taken aback as she walked towards you, intimidating you. You heard Tommy call her name, but she didn’t stop and you stumbled back, unsure and if you were honest with yourself a little scared at the look the girl was giving you. 
You didn’t get far before you walked into someone, feeling a hand on your shoulder and you looked up to find your brother behind you. 
„Ellie!“ Tommy had now gotten up to walk in front of her. 
„Who is she? What did she do to Joel?“ Ellie asked him, her eyes still on you. 
Tommy sighed. 
„She’s Joel’s wife.“
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The ring Joel had put on your ring finger during a winter storm in December of 2012 didn’t sit on your finger anymore. 
You had to take it off somewhere between the fifth and sixth month of your pregnancy, your fingers swelling. It had made its way to the chain around your neck where you kept it since that day next to the heart your mother had gifted to you when you were seven years old.
The only thing you had left from her.  
It was a habit of yours to play with the ring as soon as you got anxious since then. 
You were in the clinic now, not sure what you were doing here. 
After Joel had been brought to the clinic last night Tommy thought it was for the best that you stayed back while you weren’t even sure if you wanted to go and see him. 
So you had taken your kids home where your brother helped tuck them in before he disappeared into his own room, but only after kissing your forehead and telling you that everything was gonna be okay and that if you wanted to talk he would be there. 
He knew everything about you and Joel. 
And you were pretty sure at some point he would tell Joel exactly what he thought about his behaviour that led to you practically fleeing from him while being pregnant. 
But that would wait. 
First you had to figure out what to do. 
Part of you wanted to hide from the world. 
But you had two very excited kids who wanted to go to school this morning. Kids that thankfully did not witness anything that happened the night before thanks to your brother and their future teacher who had helped settle you in. 
You were pretty sure your brother had a crush on her.
So now, after you brought your kids to school and spend two hours telling yourself that you could leave them there, that they were safe, you had Maria walk you towards the clinic where apparently Joel was still resting. 
Tommy and the girl you had seen yesterday, Ellie, were waiting in front of a closed door when you walked in and they both looked up at you when you entered. 
Tommy gave you a tired smile before he kissed his wife’s cheek as she walked over to him. 
„How is he?“ Maria asked. 
„Worst patient ever. He’s getting released this morning,“ Tommy said and you nodded, still uncertain if you should stay or leave, your fingers finding the ring resting on the chain over your heart, playing with it. 
„I should leave before he gets out,“ Ellie said. 
„Ellie, please. I’m sure he wants to talk to you,“ Tommy said and Ellie rolled her eyes. 
„Should have thought about that before he did what he did,“ she grunted, looking up at you. You got the impression that there was some kind of a story between her behaviour towards Joel. Not that you were interested in finding out more about it. 
Because you were not family. 
Not anymore. 
You weren’t sure what you and Joel were anymore if you were anything at all. Not for a long time. 
„Guess now that he has her back, he won’t need me anymore anyway,“ she said as she walked past you and out of the clinic. 
Tommy rubbed his fingers over his forehead in frustration. 
„Really looking forward to Sammy becoming a Teenager one day,“ Tommy groaned and Maria smiled softly, pulling her arm around Tommy’s waist. 
You had met little Sammy yesterday as Tommy introduced you to his little family. 
„Thankfully we have almost ten years to prepare for that,“ Maria said and he nodded, his eyes softening as he looked at her before he looked at you again. 
„He wants to talk to you,“ Tommy said and you sucked your bottom lip in. 
„And I would feel better if it happens here where a doctor is close by after last night,“ he said jokingly but you could hear some truth behind it. 
You took a deep breath, your fingers still playing with the ring on the chain. 
You should go. Maybe you should leave Jackson and find somewhere else, which you knew you wouldn’t. From what you had seen since getting here, the community was close to perfect, but you just didn’t know how you would be able to live somewhere with Joel close by. 
Did he still hate you?
Would he want to meet your children?
No. No he wouldn’t. If he would have wanted to be in the life of your kids, he would not have reacted the way he did back then and then ignored you for a full week after until you decided to leave. 
You were about to tell Tommy that you couldn’t face him when the door behind him opened and Joel stepped out with a younger woman who had to be the doctor, who instructed Joel sternly to take it easy for a couple of days. 
He whispered your name as he looked at you and you released a shaky breath. 
There suddenly was a tension in the air as you both looked at each other. 
„Can we… Can we talk?“ Joel asked. 
You only nodded, seeing him breath out in relief before he stepped back into the room. You looked at Tommy who gave you an encouraging smile, before you followed Joel into the room and closed the door behind you. 
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The first thing Joel noticed when his eyes blinked open was that there was a crack in the ceiling of the room he was laying in that he should take a look at. He groaned, stretching his tired muscles turning his head around to find his brother sitting on a chair next to the bed he was laying in, his eyes on him. 
Was he at the… clinic?
Did he get hurt?
He was about to check his own body for injuries when the memories came floating back. 
With a girl in your lap. 
A man next to you. 
With a boy in his lap. 
He sucked air in and Tommy’s hand came to rest on his arm. 
„Easy, brother,“ he said and Joel fixed his eyes on his brother, mirroring the way he was breathing slowly, calming himself down. 
„She’s really here?“ Joel asked and Tommy nodded. 
"Arrived an hour after you went on patrol two days ago. With her two kids and brother,“ Tommy stressed the last word and Joel closed his eyes. 
„Brother,“ he repeated. 
„Jep. You know you never really told me why she left,“ he began, before he pressed his lips into a line, slowly shaking his head and as Joel opened his eyes to look at his brother he wondered when Tommy had gotten the same look down that their Dad had when he was disappointed in his children. 
„Can’t fuck with the Miller genes. Leo looks like you when you were a boy,“ Tommy said. 
The boy’s name was Leo. 
His son’s name was…. No. He didn’t deserve that title. Not after….
„Did you know that she was pregnant?“ Tommy asked. 
Joel audibly breathed out. 
„Yeah. Yeah I did,“ he confessed, looking everywhere but at his brother, shame settling deeply in his gut. 
„Fuck,“ Tommy shook his head. 
„I fucked up. There’s no excuse. I lashed out and fucked it all up. I fucked up the only good thing…“ he stopped, feeling the tears in his eyes. 
They were silent for a while, until there was a knock on the door and the doctor walked in, asking if he was ready to get out of here, which Joel confirmed with a sigh. 
She asked Tommy to leave so she could check Joel over. 
He watched Tommy get up, walking out of the room. But just before he exited he turned around, his eyes fixed on his brother. 
„Maria is bringing her over in a bit. I recon you wanna talk to her?“ Tommy asked and Joel nodded. 
„Don’t be an asshole again. Or you gonna have a problem with me,“ he nodded at Joel and he nodded back. 
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You hadn’t been in a room alone with Joel in almost six years. 
You didn’t know how to be alone with him anymore. 
There was a part that wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and tell him how much you missed him, but there was the bigger part of you that wanted nothing more than to run out of the room and hide from him. 
It was like some weird kind of PTSD that now connected being in a room alone with Joel with getting your heart broken, leaving every cell in your body bracing for heartbreak. 
„I can’t believe you’re here,“ he said as he leaned against the wall across from you, his hands behind his back, making himself small.
You stayed at the door, needing a quick way to get out of here if you needed to. 
He looked older. Tired. His hair almost as long as Tommy’s, now more salt than pepper in it. And there still was that perfect patch in his beard that grew no hair. A spot you had kissed more often than you could count in the past. 
You found him looking at you as you tried to form words. 
„I didn’t know you would be here. I didn’t think I would ever see you again,“ you said, voice quiet and he nodded. 
„Don’t think it’s a happy occasion for you, huh?“ He sighed, before he cursed under his breath. 
Before you could say something he continued. 
„That day…. The day you told me you were pregnant…. The way I reacted… Sorry isn’t enough of a word. I’d go on my knees to beg you for forgiveness, but I don’t deserve it. I never deserved you,“ he whispered the last sentence and you closed your eyes, fighting down the tears. 
„Joel, do you think I would have married you, if I thought you did not deserve me? I loved you. You. With all your flaws. I never understood why you thought you had to prove yourself worthy of me. I just wanted you to love me,“ you said softly. 
„I did love you. I still do… I just….“ He stopped, seemingly searching for what to say next while you looked at him with big eyes. 
„You love me?“ You asked, perplexed. 
He looked at you like you grew a second head. 
„Of course I do,“ he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Sucking your bottom lip in, you looked at him while your fingers went back to the ring that rested on the chain around your neck, seeing Joel’s eyes follow your hand, recognising what you held in your hand. 
„You never told me before,“ you whispered, the room suddenly feeling to small. 
„I know,“ he said, voice breaking as a tear slipped down his cheek. 
You looked away from him, your eyes landing on the clock hanging on the wall, eyes widening. 
„I… I have to go. I have to pick up…. I have to pick up the twins….“ You mumbled already turning around, your hand on the door handle.
„Twins?“ You heard him ask behind you and you nodded without turning around. 
„What are their names?“ He asked softly and your shoulders fell as you took a deep breath. 
„Leo and Ana Miller. After my dad and your mom,“ you whispered before you opened the door and walked out. 
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yorshie · 7 months
Burnt Out
Bayverse Leo x Fem reader - Part 3
Part 1 Part 2 AFTERWARDS
summary: SFW, After confessing your feelings for the Leader in Blue, he makes a decision that challenges your relationship with all four turtles. (warnings for relationship based arguments, yelling, and an altercation with some drunken men) set in 2023 so turtles are 24-25
This is the Final Part guys! Thank you for reading!
tag list: @jackalope-in-a-storm @tmnt-tychou @nessarolla-in-constant-flux @whygz @thievingflames @autumn3l3ctr0swings @srgtjamesbarnes @eeveetrevelyan @thejudiciousneurotic @tinyghost666 @nerdsciencetheories
Raph waited until you were on the rooftops before he turned his head slowly, peering down at where you were curled up in one arm like a football. 
“You wanna tell me why you decided to pick a fight with Fearless?” He sounded amused, and for a moment you could almost imagine it was commonplace, you and Leo butting heads, as if it wasn’t words you often found yourself posing towards the turtle whose arms you were in. 
You bonked your head back against his shoulder, huffing out a near silent plea for him to drop it. When Raph did little beyond raising an eye ridge in question however, you groaned.
“I wasn’t the one picking a fight.” You insisted mulishly, and he outright laughed, the bark of a noise loud in the cold night air.
“Oh, princess, I may not have seen the beginning, but I know who started that fight, and it wasn’t Leo.” He hopped over the edge of one roof to land easily on another, and your stomach swooped at the rush of air before jarring back to solid ground.
The use of his nickname had you puttering out a sigh between your lips, hanging a leg over his arm to kick lazily as he walked. 
“Ok.” You admitted, finally, quietly. “Maybe I did pick the fight, but he deserved it.”
“I’m sure he did.” Raph huffed, hand tightening for half a beat as he vaulted across another opening. “But you still haven’t told me why you picked it?”
You threw up your hands, waiting for the anger to bubble up in your chest. When it only gave a weak pop, however, your hands clenched, and they slowly dropped down into your lap. You traced the edge of your finger over the opposite’s knuckle, debating.
“He was-” you looked up again, to find Raph listening still, and blew out a breath, “He was doing that thing where he talks at you, not to you.”
Raph hummed, and you continued, “But mostly, it was because he started acting all… normal again.”
“Thought normal was a good thing?” Raph questioned, and you frowned, face scrunching up in mild offense.
You couldn’t exactly tell your best friend that his brother’s normal for you was borderline soft.
Raph must have seen the face, however, because he snorted in amusement. “Don’t give me that look. You’re the one that went and fell for Honor Boy. It ain’t like he hides what he is.”
You rolled your eyes, annoyed he was right and smug about it, knocking your temple into the edge of his plastron. “Thanks Red. Good talk.”
You felt the silent chuckle that rolled through him, and frowned, wondering…
“Hey Raph?” When he grunted for you to continue, you took a deep breath. “Why are you fighting with Leo?”
Raph was silent, and for a long moment you thought he wouldn’t answer. Then, almost like he didn’t want to, he said, “Cuz he’s a fucking idiot, and he’s ruinin’ shit for the rest of us.”
You blinked in shock at the guttural anger in his tone, face stretching to take the information in, and said without thinking, “like ‘he doesn’t know how lucky he is’ sort of ‘ruining shit’?”
Raph pulled to a stop hard enough that you were wrenched forward, other leg slipping over his arm before he flexed and your forward motion halted.
He was glaring at you now, and you had the decency to let your gaze slide away from his, arms straining to right yourself somewhat. 
“Trying out your own version of being a ninja, huh?” He quipped, anger flattening his tone, and you hiked your shoulders in a little circular motion, hands gripping the edges of your coat together.
“Sorry.” You finally whispered. “I didn’t go out of my way, but yea… I eavesdropped. A bit.”
“A bit.” He repeated, shaking his head hard, mask tails fluttering. He resumed walking, letting you both sulk in silence until he was hopping up onto the patio outside your living room window, all but dropping you out of his hold before he sighed roughly.
You looked up at him, feeling small in his shadow as he blocked out the light. He rolled his jaw, clenching one side then the other, before the tension traveled downwards to his arms and they tightened into fists, the leather of his gloves creaking.
“I ain’t… told anyone. This.” Raph continued, head dipping to look to the side, and your brows raised in curiosity, all but biting your tongue to stay silent as he talked.
“Fearless ain’t… he’s not the only one…” Raph met your eyes, looking like he would rather take a leap off the side of the building than admit what he was about to.
You nodded, for him to continue, and he took a deep breath.
“I got… someone. A girl,” he looked down at his hands, at the fists he’d unconsciously formed, and flexed his fingers to shake out the gesture, “I’ve been going to see her once n’ a while after patrols.”
You let out the breath you’d been holding, all at once relieved and angry that he’d been keeping that a secret.
Raph openly scoffed at whatever chased across your face. “Oh, that’s rich. Sorry to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but this ain’t some sorta love triangle. You’re cute, but you ain’t that cute.”
“And you’re my brother.” You answered him, effectively shutting him up with the claim, watching him blink in surprise before a blush turned his cheeks muddled in the moonlight. “But damn, Raph. You got a girl?” You gave him a smile. “What’s she like?”
It was like a switch had flipped and he turned bashful, that little soft smile that you only got to see when he had lowered his guard shifting through. “Ah… she’s…” He paused, and that smile dimmed a little, turned melancholy. “She’s perfect.”
You gave him a moment, silently tucking away a reminder to tease him about how twitterpaited he looked later, before you purposefully clicked a button on your coat, and his gaze pulled up towards you again. “S’why… I’ve been so fed up with Leo.”
“Cuz you got a perfect girl?” You didn’t see the connection. You leaned back against your window, made yourself comfortable as Raph scoffed hard at your question.
“Cuz he’s the leader.” Raph lingered on that last word, lips curling back until you could just make out the shine of his canine. “He’s the one that’s suppose to have his shit together, and he can’t even get with the girl that’s all but throwing herself at him-” He paused, considering your defensive posture at his inadvertent rib. “No offense, shorty.”
“A lot taken.” You grumbled, but moved to sit on the little step in front of your window, sensing he was on a roll. “But continue.”
But Raph was silent for another long beat, eyeing the side of the building where the worn brick butted up against the facade. “How can I bring a girl around?” He asked the wall, the railing, the pitiful potted plant you’d accidentally left out during a cold night, before his eyes found the curl of your arms over your knees,  and he gestured to himself, his knuckles nicking his plastron dully, “if not even Leo thinks he can?”
You swallowed your words at that, conceding his point, before you reached out, touched his arm in consolation with the tips of your cold fingers. “Hey.”
He looked up at you, head tilted to the side, and you gave him a smile. “Get outta here. Go see your girl. Tell her I said hi, and that I can’t wait to meet her.”
Raph huffed, burying his softness. The smirk on his face was back to his sharp as knives glint of teeth. “You gonna be ok?”
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll just pine away without you to keep me company.” He looked a little unsure at that, but you rolled your eyes, pushed as hard as you could against the swell of his bicep. “Go, shell brain. I wanna go to bed sometime tonight.”
Raph finally returned your humor, standing to his full height and returning your shove, albeit a bit softer. “Sure thing, princess. Just-” he blinked down at you, considering. “Text me, or call, I don’t care which, but ya been through a lot tonight.”
“I’ll call you if I have a panic attack.” You promised, knowing just how serious he took that matter. “I promise.”
“Good.” Raph bobbed his head towards you, turning for the railing. “In that case, try not to let ole’ Fearless get your panties in a twist, kay?”
“I wish.” You quipped, just to make his grip slip on the railing, and you got to see his face screw up in disgust right before he went over the edge. 
You leaned over the railing, chuckling at the way he extended his second finger towards you before he flipped over the other side of the building, and disappeared.
Off to see his girl. The thought of Raph being sugar sweet to a human seemed a little unbelievable, but you silently hoped for him. For them.
You sighed, loudly, letting your forehead thud against the railing. Mentally cataloging your next steps. Eat, shower, try to get some sleep. Hope you didn’t have a nightmare and you’d be able to let Raph have his own precious down time.
It would be a losing battle, but you finally pushed off the railing, heading for the warmth inside your living room.
You lingered in the shower, counting tiles on the back wall until your shoulders felt loose and your toes and fingers tingled with the steamed warmth. You didn’t quite dry off completely before putting on the soft jersey cotton set you’d left out on the sink, the slightly too big clothes a double barrier against the chill and the quiet way your living area echoed back your movements.
With a rough sigh, you turned off the overhead lights, walking slowly through the room to your bedroom through memory and the faint light of the lamp beside your bed. 
Your feet slowed next to the window where you had said goodbye to Raph not even an hour earlier, stopping just shy of your faint shadow crossing the curtains. Something itched at the back of your mind, a little insistence that had you reaching out and tugging the fabric back with a sharp movement.
Sixth sense stuck gold once more. Leo crouched on the other side, eyes wide as he flicked a glance from the street below to meet your careful gaze. 
Your lips thinned, gripping the fabric hard, almost tempted to simply let the curtain fall back into place and continue on as if you’d never seen him. But he looked so surprised at being caught, all but drinking you in in a sweep that warmed the part of you that always liked when his attention turned your way.
He moved before you could contemplate the action fully however, arms bunching as he jerked the window open in a swift roll of muscle that made you wonder why you even bothered locking the thing in the first place.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, quietly surprised that the question came out soft and not sharp like the words you threw at him earlier. You’d missed this, finding Leo at your window, and you blamed that for the reason you took a step back to allow him room to move, to lean his upper body into the warmth of your home.
His shoulders rested against either side of the window’s wooden frame, his head angled downwards to where his hands were curled over the ledge. “I wanted to speak with you.” Blue eyes flicked upwards, towards you. “Properly. Like I should have… the first time.”
You weren’t sure what he meant by that, but you only gestured towards your darkened living room. As he shifted through your window carefully, you moved to turn the smaller lights in the kitchen area on, not wanting the harsh overhead light to strip whatever softness there was away, not wanting to be reminded of what the last time he wanted to talk was like.
Leo swayed at the edge of the warm light, blinking softly, eyes trailing around as if taking in the differences since the last time he had visited. 
There wasn’t any, not that you could see. But Leo still paused over little things, curious, or stalling, and you decided to let him have his thoughts, let him organize them to his liking. It was… difficult, him being back in your space, but you missed him, the instinctual anger you’d worn like armor earlier all but washed away in your long shower.
You crossed your arms across your stomach, leaning backwards against the kitchen counter, and the movement drew his attention, snout swinging around to regard you.
“I followed you and Raph.” He started, and you simply hummed, a little part of you knowing he would, if his talk with Splinter was short enough. He took a deep breath, his plastron swelling, and continued on the exhale. “And though I had planned to come to you as soon as he left, he wasn’t heading home. So I followed him.” 
Your tongue clicked in your suddenly dry mouth, eyes roving over him once more, looking for blood or the obvious signs of a fight. Raph wouldn’t have taken kindly to his brother shadowing him if he managed to catch him in the act, and while Leo was the best at moving unseen, you couldn’t help but think about their earlier fighting, and the bombshell secret Raph was keeping.
If he noticed, Leo didn’t mention it directly. “He didn’t see me.” He took a step towards you, hands curling around the back of one of the barstools circling the kitchen island, eyes firmly on the dark metal under his grip. “I… didn’t expect what I saw, but I’m also not really surprised.”
You wanted to ask what he saw, but didn’t want to admit you knew anything about his brother he didn’t. Leo glanced up, and your gaze skittered away, fixated on the back of your couch to hide the way you were watching his hands. 
“She seemed nice.” He whispered, and you realized he assumed Raph had told you, or had been close enough to listen to the two of you talk on your balcony. “Raph looked… happy.” He swallowed audibly, and the sound brought your eyes back to him, to the edge of his chest where you dimly realized he had removed the camera that usually clipped over his harness. 
“But… that’s not what I came here to talk about.” 
“What did you come here to talk about?” You parroted back to him, finally lifting your head, the tightness in your throat drowning out everything except for the space he occupied. “You were outside my window long enough to figure out your speech, I bet.”
You used to tease him about the way he took his time, parsed over his words. But that was before, and though your voice was still soft, even you heard the barbed comment for what it was.
Leo stuttered, licked his lip, and you watched his throat bob, the shadow of his jaw stark in the light behind you. “Actually… I’m winging it. Nothing… nothing sounded right.”
That was new, and you must have stuttered as well, because he gripped the barstool’s back until the metal creaked, and he hurriedly let go like it burned him. “Sorry.” 
That word, in his low voice, hitched your breath, and he must have heard, because his eyes were on you once more, wide and blue and soft. “I am. I’m so sorry. If I could go back in time and kick the shell out of myself, I would.”
You looked upwards, towards the popcorn ceiling, blinking fast to keep the sudden itch in the corners of your eyes back. “Leo.” You swallowed, unstuck your tongue from the roof of your mouth. “Why… why now?”
You didn’t look, but you could hear the self deprecating huff he gave at the question. “I thought… it was better-” you felt a tear track down the side of your face, but couldn’t look, “-thought, it didn’t matter what I wanted. That I had no right to… to want you to be mine.” The last word came out so quietly you almost didn’t hear it, just the soft thunk thunk of Leo bunting his palm over the metal repeatedly before he continued. “I mean, the danger it’d put you-” He broke off, and another tear slid down the same cheek when you blinked. 
“I… told you that last time.” You weren’t sure if he was reminding you, or himself, but he shifted in place, and you realized you had no idea what his face looked like, staring at the way the shadows chased themselves across the ceiling of your home. “I told you a lot of things last time we talked. If I could take them back, I would.”
“I don’t understand what you’re getting at.” You whispered, and he made some low sound of frustration, at himself or at you, you weren’t sure, but you didn’t have the energy to be offended.
“I’m asking for your forgiveness.” He stated plainly, somehow sure with that sentence where he’d been visibly feeling out the others. “Whatever it takes, I’ll do it. I’m just tired of feeling like… like I ripped out a hole in my chest.”
It felt like he was ripping into your chest. You breathed in carefully to keep back the sniffle, feeling the ache grow under your sternum. You wondered where your anger had gone, were it was hiding inside your stomach, but the only thing to well up was a bone deep tiredness. Leo was asking-
Leo’s hands were cool, cupped around your upper arms, his elbows locked as he held himself at a polite distance. You hadn’t heard him move, and the sudden touch was a little jarring, but you kept your head tipped up, eyes sealing shut when you felt his breath on your chin.
“I’m sorry.” You found the words. “I’m sorry for picking a fight earlier. For pushing you.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.” Leo answered, palms sliding back and forth between your elbows and your shoulders when you didn’t push him away. “I’m sorry for running away.”
It felt… good. His touch. It’d been so long since he’d gotten this close, between ignoring you or you refusing him the chance. But still, a little hollow of disquiet gnawed at your ribs, chipping at the bone. “What are you asking for, Leo?”
“Whatever you’ll give me.” He leaned back minutely and reached up slowly, wiped away the salty track running across your cheek. “Whatever you want. If it’s only your friendship, I’ll count myself lucky, but…” 
You didn’t move out of his grip, and he stalled there, thumb pressing against your cheekbone as he thought.  
You finally opened your eyes, fresh tears trailing out, and found him closer than you expected. His iris’s reflected back the little chips of light from behind your shoulders, the blue darker with emotion. This close, you could see the thoughts flickering in his eyes, follow his pupil as he tracked each one in consideration. 
“If you wanted more,” he breathed out, and you felt the warmth of his breath against your eyelids. “I’d take it with both hands and run.”
That pulled a snort of laughter from you, a bubble of amusement. “Only you could make running sound romantic, Leo.”
He gave that low chuckle you loved, eyes cutting down to where you still hadn’t moved his grip off your arm, and you felt more than saw the steadying breath he took at the edge of your space. “I don’t want to be afraid, anymore.” His hand moved, curled around your arm, thumb pressing into skin until he could feel the way your muscles twitched at his touch. “I don’t want to push you away.”
His words burned themselves across the back of your eyelids, and your breath hitched. Fearless, afraid. It was a foreign concept, fear and Leonardo existing in the same place. But you could feel the slight tremor in his hands, the way his careful breaths fell sharp and quiet over your shoulder. He was holding himself tightly, nervous energy bleeding out into his limbs the longer you stayed silent, unmoving, undecided.
You bridged the gap he kept between you slowly, hands curling around the edge of his plastron under his arms, shivering as his hand at your arm curled heavily around to press against your spine, his fingers pressing firm. Your head tucked into the hollow of his throat, eyes shut, feeling his pulse jump at the way your lashes tickled his skin. “You’ll have to carry me with you, Blue. I can’t run fast as you.” You whispered, and his chest rumbled under your own, beak curving over your head to hold you close. 
“No more…” You trailed off, ran your fingers up his side a little higher to get a better grip. “No more deciding things about us, by yourself though, kay?”
“Us.” His tongue clicked heavily on the word, and you let him settle, let him get used to the way the word was no doubt bouncing around his skull. “There’s- sometimes-”
“If you said to duck, I would without thought.” You assured him, knowing immediately where his plan for every outcome mind was going. “I mean non-ninja things, Leo.” 
He nodded against your head, the back and forth motion soothing, and you let yourself settle finally, slotting completely against him.
It was his turn for his breath to catch. “I’m not….” You felt his tongue peek out, the slight dampness touching your temple before he spoke. “I’m not human.”
You snorted into his neck. “You know…. Somehow I noticed.”
Leo pulled you impossibly closer, the deep breath against your hair reading slight annoyance at your joke. “I mean… I have a pretty good idea, of how humans go about relationships, but…”
“Blue.” You whispered. He cut off abruptly, and you realized your lips had grazed his skin. “I don’t care what other relationships have, or don’t have. We’ll figure it out, together.”
The arm not curving along your spine cupped the back of your head, moving through the strands of your hair. “You forgive me?”
“Yes.” You breathed, fondness rearing up at his stubborn streak, and you turned your head the little bit needed to free your mouth. “So long as you give me a good first kiss.”
He breathed out a little heavier at your words. “Not… sure I’ll be good at that, to be honest.” His fingers found a cord of tight muscle to the side of your spine, pressed firm against the knot and slid back up. “Not really a lot of practice partners in the sewers.”
The corner of his lip was right there, and you took a chance, rose up on tip toes to press your mouth against his own. 
His reaction was slow blooming, face slack long enough for you to pull back and start to drop back to your feet. His arm tightened across your back instantaneously to hold you in place, his head canting to follow you with a nudge that was almost to strong, and you made some small sound at the way his snout smooshed your nose before his mouth covered your own. 
His chest rumbled under you, the warmth and vibration a little heady with how tightly Leo had you pressed against him. It went no further than a strong press of lips, your bottom one pushed into your teeth with how far he was tipping your head back, but it caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
He pulled back whiplash fast, mouth opening to gasp like a fish, and you couldn’t help it, you laughed at the look of confusion on his face, as if his body had done something without his permission. 
“That wasn’t… a good first kiss, was it?” His voice said he already knew the answer, but you raised your hands, untangled them from where he’d pinned them under his limbs, and cupped the sides of his jaw.
“Weeeeelllll…” You drew out the word before biting your lip, just to make him roll his eyes, but then you gave him a soft smile, thumbs petting across the bottom edge of his mask. “They say practice makes perfect, and lucky for you, you just found a partner to practice with.”
Leo squeezed you, just tight enough to make you squeal, before he bunted his head against your own, this time softly enough that you didn’t wince.
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Hi there, I just stumbled upon your posts and I’m in love with the Sons of Leonardo one! 🤍 can you write more about Leo and his family, maybe about how his brothers get along with their nephews and niece? 💙💙💙
Plz and thank you!!
Love Of Uncles (Fluff)
Bayverse!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I most certainly can! Hope you didn’t wait too long💙 I’ve had this idea, that even when the guys get married and have children, they would still live together as a sort of collective, each with their own area/rooms where they, their partners and the kids sleep. With that being said, they see their uncles, aunts, grandpa and cousins everyday, making them pretty close💙
Warnings: Spelling💙
“Are you sure you got her?”, Leo asked in a worried tone, watching as Donatello hugged Valentina closely against him, the 2 year old happily resting her head against her uncle.
“I got it, Leo”, Donnie answered, leaning his head towards his niece, causing the young girl to giggle. “I have twins. I know how to take care of a child”.
“I know, I know”, Leo said with a sigh, the worry still clear in his eyes. “But if anything happens-”.
“Nothing is going to happen Leo”, you said, cutting your husband off. “Like Donnie said, he got her”.
Leo looked at you with an almost pained expression on his face. He had never been a big fan of leaving your kids behind in the lair, without at least one of you to look after them. Especially not while your youngest was still a toddler. In the two years that had made up Valentina’s life so far, Leo had gone up an extra step in his protectiveness, both him and your sons making sure that there was nothing that could harm her in the slightest.
You and Leo had finally decided to go spend some couple time alone in April and Casey’s cabin. It had been his brothers’ idea, seeing how having four kids at very different ages was starting to take a toll on you. Sure, you had 18 year old Romeo to help out, but with his new found freedom and enjoyment for the world above, you did not want to force him into staying in the lair and taking care of his siblings.
“Don’s right, Leo”, Mikey said, walking by carrying Luis and Gerardo under each arm, the 12 year old cousins laughing and having the time of their life, as 10 year old Ragnar followed behind, poking at their feet. “We got them, like we always do. Isn’t that right, Raph?”, Mikey called out for the turtle in red.
“Sure we do”, Raph said, watching with a proud smile as Joan and Marcello showed Minerva how to punch a punching bag, exactly the way he had taught them.
“I’m still not too comfortable with it”, Leo sighed, already imagining all the ways things could go wrong while he wasn’t there.
“Leonardo”, sounded Master Splinter’s voice from the entranced to the dojo, 16 year old Galileo and 18 year old Romeo’s heads poking out of the door as Splinter made his way over to his oldest son, making sure he did not step in Dorothy, Marie and Sunny’s little get together at the end of the staircase. “There’s no reason to be worried. You and (Y/N) can safely go on your trip while we look after the kids”.
“Not that we need any looking after”, Marcello called out from the other side of the lair. “Last time I checked, it was only Valentina that still wore a diaper”.
“Hey!”, Romeo yelled out from the dojo sliding doors, his attention directed at his younger brother. “Be nice!”
“I did nothing!”, Marcello yelled back, starting a loud argument between the two, yelling from each side of the room. Leo sighed loudly and rubbed the bridge of his beak. This was one of the many things he feared would happen.
“Romeo! Marcello!”, Splinter yelled with a stern voice, tapping his cane against the ground with a loud bang, causing your sons to cease their fighting. “No fighting!”
“Sorry, grandpa Splinter”, they both mumbled, looking sheepishly at their feet. You tried to hide your smile as Splinter turned to Leo, a smug smile on his snout. “I believe we got them under control”.
“Well”, Leo said reluctantly. “I guess you’re right…”
“Of course he’s right!”, you said, tossing your bag in your husband's direction, causing him to blink in surprise when he caught it. “Now, let’s go. We should have left 20 minutes ago!”, you continued, pushing him towards the exit of the lair, as he called out the last few reminders to his brothers.
“Donnie! Remember that Valentina has sensitive skin! No soaps with perfumes! Remember what I told you about her sleeping schedule! Mikey! No milk to Gerardo! He’s lactose intolerant!”
“I’ve known that for the last 12 years!”, Mikey called back with a big smile, enjoying the laughter of Luis, Gerado and Ragnar as they hung onto the back of his shell.
“Raph!”, Leo continued, almost playing tug of war with you in order to get him out of the door. “Remember Marcello’s bedtime! He gets grumpy when he doesn’t get his sleep!”
“Dad, I’m 15!”, Marcello yelled back.
“Yeah, but your sleep schedule is still worse than uncle Donnie’s!”, Leo said, causing Donnie’s children to snicker. “Oh! And dad!”, Leo continued, the old rat nodding. “Please make sure Romeo doesn’t get himself stuck in the dojo all night”.
Splinter chuckled as a blush crept up on Romeo’s cheeks. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure of it”.
“We’ll call when we get there!”, Leo called out, before you finally managed to pull the loud turtle out of the exit.
“No we won’t”, you retorted, turning your attention back towards your kids. “Be nice to your uncles while we’re gone, and your aunts when they get home from work. We’ll see you on Sunday. Love you all, bye!” And with those words you pushed Leo out of the lair, hurrying towards April and Casey's apartment, so you could borrow their car like they had promised you you could. That left your kids in the care of their uncles, and honestly, it was nowhere as bad as Leo had thought it would be. The only problem they stumbled upon was Valentina asking for you and Leo with the few words she had, followed by a few minutes of crying. However she was quickly comforted in the arms of her uncle, soon giggling and smiling all over again.
After a few hours, the brothers’ partners returned from work for the weekend, ready to enjoy it with their extended family. With their return, Mikey and his wife went into the kitchen to cook dinner, closely followed by Sunny, Luis, Gerardo and Ragnar, all while Raph was throwing a ball to Marcello and Joan, Mini was curled up beside her mother on the couch, watching television as she knitted, while Donnie and his wife was playing with Valentina and his daughters, and Romeo and Gali was training in the dojo with grandpa Splinter.
Once dinner was made and the table was set, the large family gathered to eat together. No matter how big your strange family got, it had always been a rule that the family ate together. Even though each brother may have a hallway, containing bedrooms for themselves and all of their children, the living area, kitchen and dining area was still common areas, where they all would spend time together.
It was a little strange not to have you and Leo at the dining table, but they managed, talking and making plans for the weekend. You and Leo’s kids would have so much fun, that they wouldn’t even notice that the two of you were gone, bringing you some much needed time to relax.
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turtlecleric · 4 months
Not a request more of a horny thought I had involving 07!raph and leo sharing 👀
One of the boys deciding he wants to be a little shit to his brother, which involves fucking the reader, filming it and sending it to him. Like IMAGINE the sexual tension? Leo being the one who wants to OWN you receiving a video of Raph fucking you brainless. Or Raph getting one where Leo's being asshole self in his "ownership" role over you.
It becoming a sexy lil race over who gets you to sing the loudest or cum the hardest 😩
Just me? 👀
Oh nonnie... what an excellent thought... thank you for sharing.
I'm actually in a terrible horrible no good mood, so I'm taking this and twisting it a bit for my own purposes. If anyone takes this exact prompt and runs with it, though, please tag me >:)
cw: angry Raph, choking, rough sex, maybe even dub con tbh considering not everything is understood and agreed upon by both parties involved, idk I can barely think. nsfw obviously
When Raph climbs through your window, he’s mumbling something about stupid fucking Leo with his stupid fucking… something. You can’t quite make it out. Your only thought is ‘yikes’ before Raph turns his glare on you. 
Huh. That sure does something to you. 
His chest is heaving as he paces, the muscles in his forearms flexing as he clenches and unclenches his fists. Back and forth in front of your window, he paces, and mumbles, and stares at you with a gaze that burns your skin and quickens your pulse.
You should… talk to him. Ask him what’s wrong. Maybe try to pull him onto the couch, get him to relax a bit. See if he’ll let you scratch his shell in that way he likes but will never admit. You don’t take sides when the boys are at each other’s throats - that was a rule you established from the very beginning - but you should at least try to offer some comfort. 
The way he’s looking at you, though. It has you frozen. 
Suddenly he stops. Quiets. Tilts his head. You can’t read the shift in his expression before he’s stalking toward you and grabbing your upper arm. He yanks you off the couch, his grip just shy of bruising, and pulls you toward the bedroom. You stumble behind him, almost tripping over your own feet, but he doesn’t slow.
For the first time, you feel… afraid.
His hand leaves your arm just for him to lift you by the waist and toss you onto the bed like you weigh nothing. You’re still bouncing from the landing when you feel him clawing at your pants, pulling them roughly off of you before doing the same with your underwear. It makes you yelp, makes you instinctively press your legs together once your bottom half is bare. He stills for a moment, peering down at you where he’s still standing by the side of the bed. You can feel your heart thundering in your chest. Your breaths match his now - quick and unsteady. His eyes glance to the side, then back at you, and then he’s pacing again while you watch him with confusion. 
“Raph. Wh-”
“Don’t,” he snarls, still pacing. Still staring. Your mouth snaps shut, watching him with wide eyes. He seems to make a decision and crawls onto the bed and over you, straddling your waist. Your shirt is quickly lifted over your head and tossed to the side, and he pauses for a moment when he sees that you’re already braless. A bit of the rage in his face eases, that dangerous aura that clings to him lessening slightly. You can’t help but notice that you’re shaking a little bit. You wonder if he notices. You wonder if he cares.
Raph’s arms come up behind his head, and you don’t realize he’s untying his mask until it’s already off. It’s a shock when he starts fastening it onto you. Even more of a shock when he twists it so that you can’t see through the eye holes. Then he speaks, and the growl in his voice makes a chill run down your spine.
“You’re mine. Got that?”
This is… new. Usually Leo is the one who likes that kind of thing, not Raph. 
You must hesitate too long, because suddenly there’s a hand around your throat squeezing. It makes you gasp, the wheeze of air in your trachea cutting off into aborted choking sounds as his grip continues to tighten. You nod frantically, and his grip eases enough for you to breathe shakily. The hand moves to snatch both of your wrists and pin them above your head. 
“Say it,” Raph growls. His voice has a dangerous edge to it. An edge that’s never, never been aimed at you before. 
“I’m yours.”
“Don’t move your hands.” His grip on your wrists disappears, and you obey as you feel him lean back. He starts shifting and doing something above you. You can’t tell. You don’t know what he’s doing, but he’s… not even touching you. And with his mask over your eyes, you only have what you hear, what you feel, to go off of.
His center of gravity shifts, and you hear the soft sound of something being placed near your head. You want to ask, but then he’s scooting back until he’s no longer on top of you. His hands pry your legs open, and then he’s holding the underside of your thighs and pressing them back so you’re spread for him. You feel his tongue press flat against your folds and drag up and over your clit. It pulls a surprised gasp out of you, and he retracts his tongue long enough to talk.
“Let me hear it, doll. I want to hear all your sounds, nice and loud, okay? What do you say?”
“Yes, Raphael.” 
It’s odd. Odd to not be saying Leo’s name when you answer that. But what the boys want during one-on-one time is their business, and the churr that you hear makes your chest swell despite the uneasiness that lingers. You don’t really have time to dwell on it, anyway, since he’s diving back in like he’s starving. Like it’s his last meal. Usually he takes it slower than this, but tonight it seems like he’s determined to make you reach your peak as fast as he possibly can. Steady swirls of his tongue around your clit. That addictive friction, followed by his fingers prodding at your entrance. Pushing, massaging, stretching you open for him until you’re squirming. You make a sound of distress when he pulls his mouth and fingers away, and he laughs. 
His voice is husky when he speaks again. Not quite the same danger there, but just as dark. “You want my cock inside of you, sweetheart?”
Something about the way that he says it makes your breath hitch, and you hear him chuckle again. Still, he hasn’t moved, so you swallow thickly and give him what he apparently wants from you tonight. “Yes, Raphael. Please.”
“Please what?” 
You’re already sweating, flushed from him working you open, but the smirk in his voice makes you blush fiercely. “Please- please put your cock in me, Raphael.”
“Atta girl,” he says, moving immediately to line himself up and push into you. Raph’s hands curl around your hips. He rubs his thumbs back and forth across your skin, then presses them into the muscle at the top of where your thighs start. With a deliberate, slow thrust, he pushes in. You try to focus on breathing, but the feeling of him spearing you open is something you don’t think you’ll ever get used to. It makes your head tip back so your throat is bared, makes you arch your spine as a sound you can’t begin to describe comes out of you. 
God. Fuck. 
You start to move your arms down to hold onto him before you remember his order to keep your wrists in place.
“Being such a good slut for me,” he rumbles, starting to move. “You like being good for me? A pretty little slut, just for me?”
There’s something in his tone that you can’t pick up on, but it’s hard to think past the sparks he’s igniting inside of you. Still, you know what you’re supposed to do. You’ve been trained well enough to not have to think too much about it. “Ye- ah! Yes, Rah - Raphael.”
There’s only him. His smell, all around you. His hands, starting to roam over your stomach, your chest, your sides, painting lines of goosebumps across your skin as he pants. His cock making you feel so, so full as he moves inside of you. It’s embarrassing - the sounds he’s pulling out of you tonight. High-pitched whines and broken moans that sound a little bit like you’re in pain, a little bit like you’re crying, but you can’t focus on that. You can only focus on him. 
“You’re gonna come for me, baby. Just for me.”
His speed and force is picking up by the second. He’s so much rougher than usual, and you can’t help the whimpers and gasps that slip out of you with each thrust. Shivers start to roll through you, and you can feel it building. Closer, closer, closer still as he pistons in and out of you. The friction is driving you crazy, and you can’t help but move your hips with him, chasing that release. When it finally comes, the noise that comes out of you is a long, broken thing that you can’t ever remember making before. 
There’s nothing but him, him, him. Making you float above your body as you ride that high. Through the haze in your mind, you feel him shifting above you even as he continues to fuck you into the mattress. You still haven’t fully come down yet when Raph’s hand fists in your hair. The bottom of his plastron vibrates against your stomach when he growls out his next words.
“Who made you come, baby? Who do you belong to?”
Your breath stutters in your lungs when you inhale. God, you still can’t think. You feel like you might actually still be coming, but he wants you to answer. You need to answer. Fuck, what are you… fuck. 
When you do manage to get control of your mouth enough to respond, you vaguely think this might be the most wrecked your voice has ever sounded.
Across the city, Leo’s hand cracks his phone in half when he hears you say, “You, Raphael.”
Tag list: @yorshie @luckycharms1701 @khayalli @thejudiciousneurotic @thelaundrybitch @mxalmighty
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blueeofsl · 10 months
Okay so this is going to be a pretty long analysis on @somerandomdudelmao ‘s most recent update… Will have to be split into multiple posts because of pictures
Been staring at the post for a while and damn,,, imagine going from dying in an unforgiving wasteland to waking up in what I can guess is a soft mattress with a healthy portion of sheets and blankets. Like those are absolute opposites in terms of comfort
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The fact that Leo wakes up with unfocused eyes (compared to his brothers, who almost immediately shoot up), tells us that he’s still expecting himself to be back in that apocalypse.
Also the frown he has in the middle panel, it’s probably just his face relaxing, but we see that it immediately goes to a frown. An “ugh, im so exhausted why am I awake?” Sort of expression. Which kinda continues to show in the last panel of this first page.
And in that entire time, Leo’s eyes never fully focus. Because he isn’t expecting anything good to happen for him. So why should he even try at this point when there’s no one left to save?
Which brings us to the next page. Zooming in, we can see that Leo is staring at the back of Donnie’s shell. Im guessing it takes him a moment to realize what he’s looking at because we get enough time to see Donnie struggle to stay awake. And knowing Donnie, this hints to Leo that this isn’t some sort of normal hallucination.
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We can also see that Leo is on a soft bed, and is being consistently monitored by Donnie. I am wondering what Donnie is working on though. Maybe checking Leo’s vitals? A new prosthetic for Leo? Or maybe, for once, allowing himself to start to plan on a new invention. Something that doesn’t directly involve with whether the resistance will survive the next day or not. He shows this sort of stubbornness to keep himself awake until he’s sure that Leo is okay.
In the last panel we see Leo finally perk up as he crains his neck back to really get a good look at his twin. He probably notices how Donnie’s shell looks a bit wider, his arms a bit stronger. But maybe hasn’t fully recognized it yet. This is also probably where he lets his vision come into focus, and becomes more aware of his surroundings because oh shit, I’m not dying on packed dirt any more.
Moving on to page 3, Leo reaches out to Donnie to see if he’s real. These poses remind me of the first episode of the comics.
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(Episode 1, part 7) Here we see Leo do pretty much the exact same hand motion as his tiny, little self. Which kinda tells us that Leo is moving purely on instinct, on emotion. His mind telling him to seek for that sort of comfort.
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When he falls in the last panel of the recent comic, I feel like it becomes some sort of wakeup call for him. Because the fall from the bed to the floor is pretty far from what we see in page 2. And the noise of his shell hitting the floor was probably pretty loud too. Enough to scare Donnie out of what ever he was working on.
Would also like to take a moment to look at Leo’s scars, specifically the one on the shell. I realized it’s the scar from when Donnie had to forcefully pull his shell together by screws and wire. (Part 2 of Episode 11)
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The fact that that scar is still on Leo’s shell shows us that it was an impactful moment for him (the revived turtles so far have shown that the scars/features that stay are those they think a lot about or have an emotional attachment to). He was lucky at that time. Because the rubble that caused that injury could have easily killed him. A wrong crack/break in the shell could have left him immobile for the rest of the war. But that’s where Donnie comes in because he knows that Leo would hate that.
The reason why the scar is so big on Leo’s shell now shows how much impact it had on his mind. At least that’s my guess…
Moving onto Page 4, we get a good view of Leo’s expression in all panels. First one shows pain, a wince. His arm looks to have twitched towards himself in order to protect his head. It could have also twitched because of Donnie’s sudden yell to him.
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The second panel shows surprise. Because his twin is picking him off the floor. Symbolically speaking, this could mean that his family is here to pick him up now, to carry him over to better times.
This surprise is also towards the fact that Donnie is able to lift Leo when before, right on the day Donnie dies, it was Leo who was picking up Donnie.
Also notice how in this page, we don’t see Donnie’s face at all. Even when Donnie is lifting Leo up in the third panel, we just see the confusion on Leo’s face. And also, perhaps, a bit of fear. Maybe he was fearing whether or not this was a dream.
But heres the thing. Many have noticed the parallel of Donnie and Leo switching positions in who is carrying who. But I noticed another parallel in this page.
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First panel in page 4 looks nearly identical to this page of Leo dying here.
When realizing this, the parallel just made that page so much more emotional to me.
Because Leo was expecting to be brought back to the apocalypse in his head.
Moving onto page 5, we get another good view of the scar on Leo’s shell. First panel though, love the Donnie face squish. There was no way he was gonna just let his twin sit on the cold hard floor when theres a bed right there.
This might be looking to much into it, but in the first panel, it looks like Leo is shaking too.
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We also see that Donnie and Leo are the same size now, when before, Leo was larger than Donnie when the soft shell was sick.
The second panel again shows the emotion Leo is going through. To me, it screams “is this real? I can’t believe it. How is this happening?” And we can see that Donnie’s grip on Leo is strong and firm while Leo seems to sorta cling/melt into his twin.
In the third panel, Donnie is telling Leo to sit still. Perhaps this is because of how badly Leo is shaking, or the fact that he had just fallen out of bed. Either way, what seems as a command for a shitty patient has another meaning; that Leo is okay. He’s going to be taken care of, he just has to let his family take care of him. Just like how he took care of them and so many other people.
Page 6, We see Leo’s expression again, and the way his arm is still reached out from Donnie pulling it off his shoulder. It’s full of surprise but theres not much fear being shown except for the hollowness in his eyes.
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Leo still doesn’t fully believe all of this is real. Then Donnie goes and starts moving around him, checking what’s left of his arm (some people are saying that it’s the first thing donnie checked. Also wondering if this could be him planning on a new prosthetic for Leo), and what I can guess is Donnie checking his heartbeat (the little white ninpo rectangle thing near Leo’s heart).
For Leo, this is quite overwhelming. He lets Donnie do his thing, but it’s been years since he’s seen his brother be so active around him. He shows signs of nervousness too, the wobbly line for his lips, and the way that his arm is tucked towards his middle, and his knees slightly pulled up and together. In that moment, he’s trying to make himself smaller.
Going back to scars again, notice the scarring on his neck. It’s the same injury from when he went to Donnie’s lab for guidance after almost getting his head bitten off by a krang dog. It’s another scar that’s left a large impact on Leo’s mind. Perhaps part of it is because of the krang dog, but another part I think is because of him yelling for Donnie.
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Leoichi but make it Oblivious x Oblivious part 2
See part 1
Part 3
Leo and Usagi would be insufferable together even if everyone but them had realized that they were into each other. 
The turtle bros are casually physical with each other and Usagi had rubbed off on that with Leo, like grabbing Leo’s arm and dragging Leo’s attention to whatever distracted him this time. 
Leo and Usagi would definitely do victory poses together after defeating a bunch of bad guys (the others could tell they had practiced). 
Since there’s almost a foot of height difference between them, Usagi would sometimes use Leo’s shell as a landing pad or a springboard. Their team-up practices made Leo get used to bracing his feet each time. 
They definitely hype each other up, Mr. Greatest Swordsman Ever and Mr. Greatest Ninja of All Time.
Leo once confided in Usagi that who would want to date him if they found out he almost caused the world to end in the most devastating invasion anyone could ever imagine. 
Usagi immediately jumped to defend him. “That’s not true, Leo! You’re pretty and funny and strong, and you strive to do better! Anyone would be an idiot not to see that.”
Leo blinked before putting a hand over his mouth. But he wasn’t going to be one-upped in such manner. “Aaaw, you’re pretty awesome too, Usagi! Screw your grandfather’s tragic love life! If anyone would choose over you, they’re an idiot when you’re cute and dependable and-”
And because Usagi’s face was cupped by Leo’s hands in Leo’s attempt to drive the point home, Usagi’s voice was muffled when he interjected, “I think you’re handsome too, Leo!”
Gen, who was walking by at that point, aged 10 years in exasperation over the two before continuing on his way. 
Stupid Sparring
Usagi once mentioned the time he defeated a guy with a table. Leo mentioned the time he used two swordfishes to beat up bad guys. 
They ended up in a match against each other with Gen, Kitsune and Chizu cheering Usagi on while he has no weapon but a table, while Raph, Don and Mikey rooted for Leo armed with nothing but a pair of swordfishes. Both parties are waiting to make fun of their champion if they fail spectacularly. Donnie, of course, recorded the whole thing for his Youtube channel. 
Top comment of the YouTube video asked when would the rabbit and the turtle kiss.
How They Actually Spar
At least once a week, their spar would be a serious, learning-from-each-other, battle of skill and strategy. Then Usagi would respectfully thank Leo and Leo would mirror him since the formality is part of Usagi’s culture, and to Leo’s extent, his own. 
The rest of the time, it’s a sort of playful banter and showing-off-to-friends-brothers spar that somehow goes into an escalating self-feeding cycle of rivalry-to-tension-to-more-rivalry-to-more-tension because Usagi always rose to a challenge and Leo was competitive. They would often end up on the floor, too exhausted to even be confused about what the heck was that about.
A Moment in the Minotaur Maze
Leo wanted to go to the Minotaur Maze again to get his face on the wall of champions. Usagi wanted to go too because he, Gen, Kitsune, and Chizu couldn’t reach the maze's center in record time. 
Neither brothers nor friends wanted to go. So it was just Leo and Usagi.
“Good, maybe this time you’ll figure it out,” Kitsune said. “Figure what out?” Usagi asked before being dragged by Leo away to their epic quest. 
Said epic quest ended sourly when Leo had a flashback. They got out of the maze with Leo’s mood in shambles, frustrated at himself for having a flashback and failing at the maze again.
After making sure that Leo was alright, Usagi marched straight back to the maze and cheated.
Leo was flabbergasted out of his funk when Usagi presented his picture next to Leo’s in the Wall of Cheaters.
“I thought samurais are supposed to be honorable,” Leo said.
“An honor that I can regain,” Usagi said with dramatic loftiness, “when we’ll try again next time. But for now,” he gestured at their pictures together, “Anata wa hitori ja nai,” he finished in his native language to let Leo know that he meant it.
Usagi wondered why Leo was looking at him like that. 
The next day, Chizu, Gen and Kitsune stared at Usagi’s picture on the said wall. 
“And I cheated,” Usagi proudly said, “on purpose.” (“That’s the point of cheating, Usagi,” Gen said)
Reflections in the Night
On those nights when insomnia hits and Leo couldn’t distract himself with his family, Leo privately reflects. 
Leo knew that he could be egotistical and Usagi could be too. But that’s the thing. Usagi’s ego is based on valid confidence in his sword skill and a positive aspiration to be like his ancestor. While Leo’s ego comes from a feeling of lack and doubt. 
Leo was very much aware that while Usagi chased aft his ancestor Usagi like a beacon of light, Leo was chasing after the light that was his Usagi. Which was why Leo valued their friendship. A lot. More than he would let on.
He hoped their friendship would last for a long, long time. 
The First Base is Adoption
It was a while before they let Usagi know that Case Jr. was from the future.
When Usagi asked about himself, Junior said he had known Master Leonardo as a single dad his whole life. Usagi wondered what he meant by that. 
Leo happily said that at least they gave Splinter a grandkid in the alternate future timeline.
Usagi was silent as he thought of how isolated the turtles were before they knew of the hidden city, and how Auntie raised him alone on a farm. “Do you want to adopt together someday?” he asked.
Leo gasped, “You’d do that for me?”
“I’d do it for us; besides our friends and your brothers, we’re a team.”
At this rate, Chizu, who was in the same room, threw up her hands before saying, “I can’t.” At this rate, those two would have kids before they’d even start dating. 
The Fell Asleep Together Trope
Leo and Usagi once fell asleep together in the Hidden Lair’s living room. It looked less than a reason to cover Mikey’s eyes and more like the impression of a body dumped on top of another body. Leo’s temperature ran cool, and Usagi’s ran warm. Together they both achieved a perfect balance that conked them out deeper into their sleep. 
They woke up with the worst cricks on their necks.
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goblinwithartsupplies · 4 months
There needs to be more Luke comes back to life and helps the seven during heroes of olympus redemption fics. He still hates the gods, his redemption is learning to control his anger, his trauma and make up for what he did to the other demigods. And learn to trust them. Working with Percy and other demigods to dismantle the system. Also I just get a kick out of 1) Luke involved with Percy level shenanigans. 2)Death jokes. 3) Luke getting a kick out of Percy slowly not giving a fuck anymore
You are so right!!! It’s set up perfectly in Son of Neptune!!! Doors of death are open!!
I’ve thought about this constantly!! On the way to the doors of death they could have come across him wandering around or sabotaging Gaea’s plans!
My favorite idea to bring Luke back would be in at the end of mark of Athena…
Imagine, the seven reach the doors of death and a man in armor is vehemently fighting the monsters trying to escape Tartarus. He is wearing a helmet so no recognizes him at first. The armored man is relieved for the help. Then he sees Percy and Annabeth, and he freezes.
Then annabeth is dragged to Tartarus. It’s not just Percy who runs to her. The helmet falls off and Percy, Annabeth, and Nico all gasp. Luke and Percy try to pull Annabeth up but the weight of the car pulling her down is too much.
This is were the story could go one of two ways. 1.) Luke falls into Tartarus with Percy and Annabeth or 2.) he loses grip of Annabeth right as Percy gives way and is helped out by one of the seven.
Option one has potential for begrudging reconciliation and Luke talking to Percy about the Achlys incident. Percy and Luke bonding over their feelings towards the gods and how the desire to destroy the gods would/has ruined their relationship with their friends and particularly Annabeth. Luke and Annabeth having a conversation about how Thalia’s “death” affected them differently. Luke and her coming to the agreement that while the gods are awful they are the lesser of two evils. Luke would laugh his ass off at the shrine In Tartarus that’s the only source of food.
imagine them finding the winged shoes that Luke gave Percy to drag him into Tartarus. Also imagine the look on the gods faces when the traitor/savior of Olympus literally crawls out of hell to save them again.
Option two Luke would be on a ship with only Nico knowing first hand what he did. He would have a break down over Jason. Thalia had a brother. Luke might have known, but thought he was dead from Thalia crying into his arms about their mother giving baby Jason up to “Hera”. Imagine him looking at Leo and Piper and thinking to himself “I’m the reason theses children are head counselors. I’m the reason they don’t know their older siblings.”
Luke could find out Hazel almost healed Gaea rise in the 30’s comfort her about how sometimes doing the wrong things because of the right reasons and she was deserving of her mother’s love for more than her powers.
Luke could assure Frank that not wanting to be like your godly parent is ok. Not everyone enjoys their parent’s domain and they shouldn’t have to to earn their attention. Luke can help Frank accept that he’s his own person outside of being a demigod and a piece of wood can’t control him if he doesn’t let it.
Just Luke going full big bro mode
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hoodiedmenace · 6 months
imagine like. post kraang attack, Donnie's shell is absolutely fucked from the technodrome. It's ripped and scratched up, and requires frequent washing and re-bandaging. But he can't really do it himself because of the angle.
Leo is out of commission, April is comforting/looking after her mom and other humans who suffered from the invasion, and Mikey's hands are pretty messed up for a while.
Raph never touches Donnie's softshell. His claws and arms and every part of him is so sharp, he's terrified of hurting Donnie. Once, when they were younger, Raph had tried to cuddle with Donnie the way the rest of them did. But his heavy, sharp shell was just too dangerous for the soft, squishy shell of his younger brother. He'd gone out of his way to not touch Donnie's bare shell since.
But with everyone else gone, Raph has to.
When they were younger, Raph tried to cuddle and squeeze Donnie like he does the other two, and it ended up genuinely hurting Donnie (not a serious injury, but enough for Donnie to get a bandaid and to absolutely breakdown into tears). And ever since then, Raph had gone out of his way to be very gentle with Donnie, and never ever touch his bare shell. Too afraid to hurt his softer brother.
So Donnie also grows up thinking that Raph doesn't like him. Not doesn't love him, he knows Raph loves him. Donnie just.. isn't sure that Raph particularly cares for him much. He never connects the dots between events. And growing up feeling that the person who he relied on for care, who he saw as a father figure more than his true father.. it hurt.
The shell washing is almost transformative. Reassuring. For both of them
Being able to touch Donnie's shell reminds him, even after being kraangified (the closest he had ever been to truly, undeniably being something to be afraid of), that he is not a monster. Raph is sharp and strong, but he's also caring, understanding, and emotionally intelligent in ways his brothers aren't.
Raph never disliked Donnie. He was just.. afraid. The two cry in the bathroom for hours, long after Donnie's bandages have been replaced. As if, if they can just hold each other tight, it'll make up for everything they've lost and regained in such little time.
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tervaneula · 1 year
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The slider jolts awake and almost falls off the kitchen chair. Huh, he must’ve dozed off. He looks towards the sound blearily and as his eyes focus on the source, he smiles without even thinking.
“Heeeeeey Miguel, fancy seeing you here,” he drawls, the end of the sentence almost swallowed by the following yawn. “Is it already time for breakfast?”
“Never mind that! You’re up!!” the box turtle exclaims, bandaged arms flailing, and Leonardo thinks he can see stars in his baby brother’s eyes. Can’t blame him – he knows he’s a sight for sore eyes.
“Sure am,” he says and slowly stands up, being careful to not drop Donnie’s blanket. It’s super warm. He might have to devise a plan to keep it indefinitely.
Michelangelo is suddenly hovering next to him, hands stretched towards him as if ready to catch him if he falls. Leonardo startles.
“Leon,” Mikey frowns, his voice a lot quieter than before. “I don’t think you should be up yet, actually.”
Read the rest at AO3: lean on me (i’m strong enough)
Ssooo I found myself writing more for the storyline I started off with the twins, WITHOUT MEANING TO, so here we are lmao. Turtles. Huh. Can u imagine
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caseylicious · 2 years
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Summary: The brothers are injured, unable to use their weapons. How do they react to the reader using the weapons against the opponent?
Characters: Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie
Reader: FEMALE
Relationship: I don't really know whether or not you wanted platonic or romantic, so let's do romantic! (Established Relationship.)
Warnings: Mentions of Blood.
Words: 2673
A/N: This is a really cool request! That I am honored of writing for. I can just imagine all the battling that has happened. Anyways! Please Enjoy 💐
Tags: @el-chiste Thank you for the lovely request!
[ If you have any constructive criticism or corrections for any of my English do let me know! :) ]
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You heard your boyfriend scream in pain as they dropped their weapon. This villain was different from the others, it was more powerful. It thought differently than the others.
Running to his side, you checked over his wounds. They were bad and you could see how it hurt them. You knew the others couldn't make it in time even if you both ran.
So you did the only thing, you knew you could do.
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💙 Leo
It was going to be a simple mission, stop whoever kept stealing the condiments. You had no reason why Leo had to make such a fuss over condiments being taken away.
But thinking about it now, no ketchup on fries would've been a nightmare to humans. You only imagined everybody having wars over the very condiments. It would start an anarchy in New York! Especially with the cheap hot dogs on the street.
Leo argued that it would be easier if he went on this, solo... well with you. "C'mon guys! It's just a ketchup thief. It can't be so bad, right babe?"
You nodded your head, there was no way something this silly could be dangerous, right?
Raph crossed his arms, feeling his overprotective brother instincts almost act. Mikey smiled to you both, "I believe in Y/N! C'mon Raphh!" He sighed to Mikey's encouragement, he knew that Donnie would say a comment of "Yeah, yeah. Leo's probably right."
"Fine! But don't go too far in the city. We won't be able to reach you in time if something bad were to happen." His shoulders relaxed, having confidence that Leo can handle it all by himself.
"Yeahhh, Let's do this Y/N!" Wrapping his hand around your waist, he opens a portal. Waving to his brothers. "I'll see you when I complete this on my own! Buh - Bye~"
This would be an easy mission, right?
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He rolled to the floor, in pain. Running towards him, you fell to your knees. "Leo! A- are you okay?! Open your eyes!" You held his hand tightly. Hoping to feel his warmth, he opened his eyes. You sighed with relief. He coughed out some blood, glancing to the enemy searching for you both. "That.. really hurt- what even is this thing?" You looked with him. trying to analyze what the creature was. "It looks like a scorpion... You were thrown really badly."
He smirked, attempting to move his arms. His smirk wiped off his face immediately unable to feel his bones. "Y- Y/N, you need to run. Get the others, I'll be right behind you." You shook your head immediately, "I can't leave you. The others won't make it in time!" He sighed, scared for his own life and yours.
When you both went through the portal, You and Leo teleported right in front of the scorpion in the act. Resulting in the battle immediately starting. It was a terrible idea of Leo even bringing you, but he wanted to show off his ninja skills.
Typical Leo, seeking out your approval and praise...
He had no clue that the first thing it'd do was throw it towards the wall, hard.
"There's no other choice Y/N..." He frowned looking away. You thought for a moment, before your own mental you gave you an idea. "There's one..."
He raised a brow, watching you pick up his two blades. He had a look of confusion, before he realized. "Y/N! Do not tell me you're going to try and attempt to fight that thing!" He couldn't lose you, he just couldn't. "I'm not attempting Leo! I am going to fight it. Be right back." Before he could say anything else he watched as you ran towards the enemy. Your hair blowing in the wind. You had no fear. He feared for the worst, suddenly watching you swing the blade in front of yourself, jumping through the portal.
Then suddenly appearing out of another one, slashing the beast. How did you even know how to use his weapon? Were you watching him each time you came along on a mission? He didn't know how to take in this information, until he watched the villain suddenly fall over. Making it unable to fight you and your boyfriend. You panted, exhausted of what you just did. Turning your head; you ran back to your boyfriend dropping his blades next to him. "Okay- we can call Donnie now for help. Let me get my pho-" He interrupted your rambling, "How did you do all that, doll?" You blinked, confused. "Do.. what?"
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He chuckled to your obliviousness. "How did you use my weapon like that? That was totally badass!" You began to blush to the compliment, "Really? You're hurt and you're calling me a badass?" He nodded with his cheeky smile.
Rolling your eyes, you dialed Donnie's number.
❤️ Raph
"The.. CD Bandit? What on earth is that?" Donnie chuckled looking at the topic on his phone. "It's on the news D! And they've taken ALL of my favorite bands' music albums!" Leo lifted his head from his comic book. "What's so important about that band?" You gasped dramatically.
"What's so important about that band?" You chuckled, your fist turning into a ball.
"What's so important about that band? Raph could see you getting upset over the whole situation. "That band is literally GOD themselves!! They're my idols! They're EVERYTHIN-"
You felt your head being pat by the bigger turtle. "Don't worry Y/N! I'll stop that bandit for you." Your frown turned to a giant smile, a smile that Raph is so, so in love with. "Really?! Oooo!!" You hugged your taller boyfriend as he blushed. His brothers gave "ooo's" and goofy stares. "Thank you, Thank you!!"
So, off you both went to face this bandit. And to bring cheer and joy to all the stans in New York...
Raph would know how much you loved that band, since he was your boyfriend. You wouldn't stop ranting about it around him!
"Y- you're welcome sweetheart, now let's get going. We wouldn't want your bands' songs to be taken of, again." You nodded your head getting on top of his shoulders, blinded from your obsession with a band. That Raph said he, himself would stop this bandit.
- - - - - - - - - -
And here you were, on the ground with a cut on your leg. With your boyfriend being stuck to the wall with a half-cut metal CD pinning him to the wall. His Twin sais' on the floor, you quickly got up to look at him. "Raph are you stuck?! I can try to-"
"Y/N, I'm stuck. I can't reach my weapons and-" His legs were suddenly pinned to the wall with half-cut CDs as well. You were scared that his head and legs would be cut off if he tried resisting. "D- don't move. Let me think of a plan!" He stared at you confused, "What do you mean, PLAN? The plan is to use the panic button!!"
What happened before, was that while you both were running on the roofs of New York, Raph was caught off-guard by a giant CD almost slicing your head off your body. Traumatic as that was, Raph got distracted and fell off the roof. Quickly transforming into his bigger size, catching you in his hands. He let you down on your feet before more CDs were thrown towards him.
They were just thrown too quickly for him to catch all at once. Resulting to the situation at hand...
Back to the present, you held his weapons in your own hands. They were so big in comparison. "Y/N- Now is not the time to joke around. Press the call button on my wrist!" You shook your head with a mischievous smirk. This CD bandit pissed you off the moment the news spoke about it. "You.. do NOT get to take all of those CDs and then break them, to ONLY attack my boyfriend!" You screamed in anger, running towards the bandit. He was going to call your name to get back, before he saw your arm size get bigger with the red mystic energy in his weapon.
"No sweetheart, just.. amazed. Had no clue you could use my weapon like that!" His toothy smile bringing butterflies to your stomach. "Well, watching a good older brother. I guessed I learned a thing..." You glanced over to the crime scene. "Or two."
This may be a stretch, but you punched the shit out of that thing. Forcing it to confess to the police. Now exhausted, you finally pulled the CDs off your boyfriend. When he was free, he immediately hugged you.
"R- raph? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" You felt his arm around your body.
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🧡 Mikey
Your scream could be heard through the whole lair. Your boyfriend sprinting to your side immediately. "Y/N! What's wrong?! Is there a bad guy? WHERE!!" He was about to take out his kusari-fundo until he saw Leo with you. Both of you sobbing to the tablet.
"Mikey.. they they..." Leo sniffles, hugging himself. "They...? What? What did they do? Who even is they??" You cried, "THEY DESTROYED THE THRIFT STORE!!"
Mikey blinked, staring at you. "I- what?" He placed away his weapon to stare at you at Leo even more. You.. were crying because of a thrift store being destroyed? Until he thought a bit more. That thrift store was you and Leo's favorite store. That's where you bought his matching sweater with you. He gasped, finally understanding the importance of this crime.
He instantly hugged you, "Y/N! This is a job for Doctor Delicate Touch. Nobody destroys a thrift store on my watch!" Your eyes sparkled with determination to Mikey's statement. "Yeah! Nobody should have to suffer their favorite Thrift Store from being destroyed..."
You couldn't help. but imagine the families who aren't able to afford most things. Watch as stores which allowed them to buy products near their price range are destroyed. It broke your heart.
Leo nodded, "Yeah! Nobody should so... I'll be waiting here until you both fix the situation" You raised your brow towards Leo. "Weren't you just crying with me?? I thought you'd be more concerned on this with me!" He shrugged, "Yeah. I'll be concerned, but! I'm letting Mikey do a solo mission.. just don't tell Raph."
Mikey's eyes lit up hearing the news. "Leo!! This is why I love you my man!"
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Why didn't Leo tell Raph he was going on a solo mission? He was on the ground unable to move due to hanging racks clicking him to the ground. "Urghh! Y/N! Get help!" He knew this solo mission wasn't going to end well, and you were the only one with him. He couldn't risk you getting hurt, yet he was so scared of getting hurt himself.
"Mikey- I can get you out of these.. hangers?- Ugh! Just work with me here." You could hear the monster of clothes roar towards your direction. "RUNNN!"
Before this whole problem existed, you and Mikey simply chose to go into a thrift store, hoping that if it were the next target location of destruction. You both could then quickly destroy the creature. Forcing it out of its ways to the authorities!
However you both underestimated the strength of this enemy. It took you both by surprise. Using that to its advantage, separating the both of you. What makes things even worse was that everything was dark. Mikey couldn't see his surroundings, so he didn't know where to aim. Resulting in him losing his weapon while getting stuck.
You tried pulling the restraints off of him, but there was no sign of it working. Panicking, you didn't want to leave your boyfriend, bestfriend behind. Until you saw in the corner of your eye... his kusari-fundo. "Wait right here!"
You ran towards the battle field with Mikey panicking, "Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING- COME BACK!!" You smirked watching Mikeys' jaw drop. "Saving your life!" You grabbed hold of his weapon and began to easily use it. As if it were your destiny to wield it...
When you finished beating the enemy's bum; Mikey was freed. You immediately gave back his weapon and apologized for using it.
"What? Y/N, no! You were amazing! You may know even more than me!" He high-fived you as you both walked back to the lair.
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💜 Donnie
It was a lazy sunday, and you just barged into your boyfriend's room. "D! D!- there's this new online hacker dude on the internet!" You waved your phone around, as his metal arm grabbed it. Inspecting the phone, a smirk appears on his face. "The.. Hacker, okay babe. I don't know what jokes you're making up this time... but this is totally, 100% clickbait." You gasped, "It is not!" You pouted, crossing your arms. Looking away from your boyfriend's sweet face.
He chuckled, placing away his engineering instrument. To focus his attention onto you. "Well? How did this "Hacker" become oh, so popular?" You sighed as you felt his hand with yours. "Well... News said it hacked that game you played? Purple Ga-"
"I'm sorry, did you say Purple Game? As in the game, I am always Number One in?" Before you could respond, Donnie was all geared up with his battle shell and his one and only,  bō staff. (Tech.) "Onward Y/N! We mustn't let this foul troublemaker ruin any more games!"
You smiled, running with him to go stop this thief. You thought it was going to be your typical "skinny" and "needs to touch grass" sort of guy or gal. But no... you were very wrong.
- - - - - - - - - -
"D-donnie! Stop!" You were panting, holding onto the bloody scratch on your stomach. He groaned in pain, blocking off the bold and strong attacks. "What is it Y/N?! I don't think there's anytime for tal-" You quickly threw a rock at one blast. "Your battle shell- it's not on you!" His eyes widened as he looked to his back. Seeing his sensitive shell exposed.
Before the fight even happened, Donnie used his geolocation algorithm to find the location of the "Hacker." Surprised to find out it was in the Hidden City. You both ventured off into the unknown streets, until finding a black and green hue of light. Without knowing it, you and Donnie fell into its trap. In its game, Donnie used his staff to protect you.
He saw this as a video game, that he could be wreckless. Maybe he was distracted by Purple Game itself to realize his physical body could be affected. He didn't notice that his Battle Shell was broken off of him by a blast.
Distracted by the fact his battle shell was broken off, he was blasted with a laser. Knocking him back, he hissed in pain as his shell scratched the hard cold holographic code floor. He tried thinking of a way to get you out of here. He could hack into the mainframe of the game? No- What could he even-
He was about to tell you to run, before watching you run at the game boss with his staff. "Let's see how you work this thing- WOAH-!!" You pressed a button and one side had a rocket booster. Making up a quick plan; you began bonking the game boss multiple times. Defeating it, the both of you being released from the game safe-and-sound.
He smiled like an idiot to your kiss, before realizing what you said. "Hey!- Rude!"
While you were relieved that you both were safe, Donnie was.. very much confused. He stared at you for a good while, before you broke the silence. "What's wrong Donnie? We can grab your battle shell at ba-" You were quickly interrupted. "How did you learn to use my tech?" You blinked, smiling to yourself. Placing a hand on your hip, you flipped your hair with confidence. "I watched ya tinker with it multiple times! Of course I'd learn a thing or two." His expression still the same, you began to worry if he was mad you touched his tech, his precious works of art.
However his face showed a smile, looking into your eyes. "Well, you learned damn good. I'm a good teacher! I should rant about my tech more around you!" You not wanting a whole hour that could be used to cuddle with him, just for him to rant, kissed his cheek. "For how much I love you babe, please don't do that..."
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
In the show Donnie has been canonically confirmed to be autistic I believe and Mikey with ADHD. Did those prove to affect how they were treated or raised in any way? And aside from flopping on people does Donnie still have a bit of a aversion to touch and people who are exceptions? Or does he ignore any uncomfortable feeling he has about anything because he's been through worse and if so how do the turtles help him unlearn these negitive things?
Did Mikey's ADHD ever get him in trouble with big momma and in the battle nexus? I would ask more but I don't want to overload-
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Donnie is still autistic, and Draxum did try to “train out” the behavior he didn’t consider warrior-like (God he’s such an asshole in this—and I LIKE canon Draxum 🤣 but I really am making him worse than Shredder at this point). He waited to start the really heavy experiments until Three was older, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t punish him harshly when he “acted foolish”. Draxum would grab and pull Three all the time, either by the arm or he’d use his vines to restrain him where he wanted him. So most of Donnie’s touch aversion here comes from being reminded of that. I am personally of the opinion that Donnie isn’t as so much touch averse in canon—He’s seen constantly touching his family and April and though sometimes he may have a slight grimmace, you can see that he eases into the hug and even initiates a lot of them. I think his hangups are more texture based and that he doesn’t like being caught off guard, which are still present here, and unfortunately, Draxum uses against him in ways we’ll find out. But Donnie does appreciate that his brothers and Splinter give him the option of saying no. It gives him a sense of control over the situation and he finds accepting and initiating contact easy and comforting more often than not, unless it’s a real bad day.
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Big Mama was very doting on Mikey, and spoiled him rotten. She got him the best tutors for his education, but Mikey drove almost all of them into quitting except for his martial arts, and art tutors. As a result Mikey has more of a classical art style, and Big Mama puts his paintings all over the lobby of her hotel. But Big Mama is fickle, and after so many years she grows bored enough with him, and sees how strong he’s gotten, that she can’t pass up the opportunity of dropping him into the Nexus. She still gives him treats for his wins, but it’s framed more like prizes to her champion than gifts for her child. Still, Mikey sees them as gifts for doing well, and imagines one day when he wins enough fights, she’ll let him out.
It isn’t until after he’s rescued that he reads up on art therapy, and tries to get back into art. Sadly he finds he doesn’t have the taste for it anymore which devastates him and causes a bout of intense depression…until April suggests that he try a whole new style, something his tutor never covered, and takes him on a tour of the city to see all the coolest street art. In days he’s got most of the lair covered in graffiti.
Mikey does have ADHD, in fact most of his scars come from times where he got distracted in the ring. At night in the barracks he tries to pull from happy memories and beneath the good times spent with Big Mama there’s something else he can’t quite grab hold of, but it comforts him enough for him to keep fighting. On the other hand, Leo remembers almost nothing from Shredder warping his memories so much.
Lastly, Shredder was a harsh taskmaster, very manipulative and told Leo lie after lie to get him to hate Splinter. Leo trained from before sunrise to after sunset, and didn’t talk to many people outside of Shredder’s inner circle of commanders. He was taught a wide range of studies, including war strategy, weaponry, and languages. Shredder was never really…cruel, without reason like Draxum, but if he ever felt Leo was lacking in training or not following his commands to the letter, he would show no mercy. Leo is treated with a lot of respect from most of the foot recruits. Of course some of the older commanders (🤐) aren’t too happy when a literal child is given such a high position of power, but they would never argue with the Shredder.
If you have any more questions please check out the Separated AU tag and my pinned post! I might’ve already answered it!
@lockoutkey @nyxthedragon225, @froggiethelesbian
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darth-sonny · 1 year
Prime Leo AU Ficlet
Content/Trigger Warnings in the tags
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Leo wakes up with his shell to the wall and feels a bit chilly.
His vision takes some time to properly clear up, but the blurry colors he can see give him some odd sense of… familiarity. As if he’s been here before. He rubs his eyes, blinking once, twice, three times until it becomes clear where he is.
He’s in the kitchen of the old lair. Or, what he assumes to be the kitchen of the old lair. Without the cupboards, appliances, and heating installed by dad and Donnie over the years, it just looks like a weird empty room. Leo gets the feeling that if he were to walk out and explore his old home, he’d just see the bones, the base for the home he’s known for thirteen years. He leans his head back, scales resting on the cool wall.
Looking down, he sees that he’s wearing the thick, heavy hoodie Donnie made for him with April’s help. Huh. So, this must be a dream, because Leo only wore that hoodie when he went to bed. Moving his legs, he sighs a bit in relief at seeing that he’s still wearing sweatpants. He’s not in the mood to see all the scars he has on his legs.
He’s not in the mood to see any of his scars in general. But so far, he’s been doing a great job of ignoring them and the problems that they caused. Mikey’s attempts of tricking him into a session with Doctor Feelings get thwarted every time by a conveniently placed Donnie, who claims that he’s just making sure that Leo’s vitals don’t go crazy.
Leo’s thankful for the saves. He can’t stomach a meeting with Doctor Feelings. He’s pretty sure he’d hurt Mikey in some form of way if he had to, and he didn’t want to do that.
Hurting his brothers, his dad, April, Casey, Cassandra…
After waking up with horrible wounds and scars all over him and seeing his family burst into tears when he said hello for what felt like the first time in months, the last thing on Leo’s mind was hurting his family in any way.
A baby’s cry snapped him out of his thoughts.
Turning his head to the left, he saw a semi-run down cardboard box.
The cries came from there.
Was he in a memory? He remembers dad saying that he and his brothers all slept in a cardboard box back when they were babies small enough to fit in the palm of their dad’s hand.
Crawling closer, Leo was ready and expecting to see four baby turtles wiggling around and about to start crying altogether. It was something that drove Splinter up the wall when it came to them; if one of them started crying, then a chain reaction would be set off and not even a minute later, they all ended up crying. Leo and his brothers, thankfully, broke out of that habit once they hit the double digits (sans Mikey, the more empathetic brother/son).
So imagine his surprise when he looks inside the box and doesn’t see four baby turtles, but only one.
He’s burrito-wrapped with a light blue blanket, waving his little arms as best he could and screaming his little lungs out. His itty-bitty face is scrunched up, massive tears spilling out of his eyes.
Leo doesn’t remember being a loud crier. That was either Mikey or, on occasion, Donnie. Contrary to popular belief, Leo used to be a quiet baby. He hardly cried, mostly fussed, and said almost nothing until he was four-years-old. Then he started talking and he never stopped.
Gently picking up his baby self, Leo racked his brain for any information on infants. He’s familiar with pediatric care (there was no reason for him to learn it, but he still picked it up just in case April and Sunita ever adopted), but for basic baby care, Leo was lost as hell. Deciding that he had no other better idea, he loosly unwraps the baby and begins to rock him.
He was incredibly little. His head was smaller than the palm of Leo’s hand, and his bitty arms don’t even wrap halfway around Leo’s neck.
Was he really that small back then?
Leo wishes he could go back to those times, where the only thing he and his family had to worry about was if it would get too cold for them to go outside.
Everything seemed so simple back then.
It hurts to think back to those times.
The baby stopped crying by now, letting out small hiccups and garbled chirps as he tightened his grip on Leo’s neck. Though, not by much. Baby strength doesn’t help the little guy out at all.
Laughing just a bit, Leo gently unwraps his baby self's arms around him and lays him out on his legs.
“Are you feeling better now?” he asks, keeping his voice low to not startle the baby.
A fussy churr escapes his little beak as he wipes his face with his blanket-covered hands. Leo smiles a bit at the sight. Grabbing the edge of the blanket, he assists his baby self with the task, earning a happy little chirp and a giggle as a thanks.
“I was really cute back then, wasn’t I?” he says, booping the baby’s snout with a finger, earning another giggle. His eyes fell on the hand and arm he lost more than six months, opening and closing his fingers to enjoy it. It was a dream, after all, might as well have this moment to himself.
“You really should enjoy having both of your arms, y’know,” he says while grabbing his baby self’s tiny, chubby, blanket-covered legs. “Because, from me to you, it sucks losing one of them.”
The baby opens his eyes…
…and Leo feels his blood freeze.
He was expecting to see black eyes. Black eyes that would later develop into one blue, and one brown.
The baby’s eyes are red. A familiar haunting red that stares back at him from the mirror, glowing no matter where he is, and reminding him of what happened to him. Of who happened to him.
Leo takes a good long look at the baby, finally noticing the markings over their eyes. They were jagged, almost fancy in a way, and while looking similar to his own, they were pink. His were red.
The blanket fell away from the baby’s hands, revealing the dark ombré they ended in. The color made him sick. It was the same color of the arm that grew out of his stump. The arm that he was stuck with because he was too much of a coward to ask Donnie or Draxum to cut it off.
Gently, he unwraps the baby from the blanket.
Their feet were the same; green scales ending in a dark ombré color. Their tail was longer than Leo’s, almost the same length Raph’s was back when he was a baby. The tip was covered in that same. Damn. Color.
The baby blinks at Leo once, twice, three times, before a wide smile overtakes their face. A gurgly giggle escaped their throat as they stretched their arms towards him, their hands making grabbing motions. The baby’s tail began to wag rapidly.
They’re looking at him with so much love, and happiness, and trust, and adoration…
The same way dad said Leo looked at him when he was freshly mutated.
Leo feels sick.
The baby chirps, churrs, and continues to giggle.
They’re adorable. And they look so much like him.
Leo gently rewraps the baby with the blanket before placing them back in the box.
He then runs to the corner and throws up.
The baby looks like him.
Their eyes are red, their hands and feet and tail have the same color as the arm Leo now has...
All Leo can throw up now is stomach bile.
He can hear the baby crying out for him, and he’s horrified that a part of him wants to go to them, cradle them in his arms, and soothe them.
Leo pinches his arms.
“Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up…”
The baby’s cries grow louder. “Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up. Wake. Up!” he continues, rocking himself back and forth. He ignores the chirps, the crying, the confused noises the baby gives off. Ignores how he wants to go over there and hold them. Ignores everything and anything and simply focuses on waking. Up.
“It’s not real, it’s just a dream, it’s not real, it’s just a dream, it’s not real, it’s just a dream…”
The baby keeps crying. Louder and louder.
“Stop, stop, stop, stop…!”
It isn’t until he feels someone touching his shell – in that same way that makes him briefly relieve that damn fucking beach – that he jolts awake and punches the bastard on the snout.
“Ow,” Donnie says.
Leo blinks.
His brother is sitting in front of him, eyes watery as he holds his snout in his hands. He can see blood trickling through the gaps of his fingers.
“Shit,” he mumbles.
He tries to crawl his way toward Donnie, but his twin stops him with one bloody hand.
“It’s good. It’s fine,” he says. Leo can’t help but scoff at that.
“You’re bleeding,” he mumbles.
“Yeah, well.” Donnie tips his head back, one hand still on his snout. “I should've seen that coming. Physical touch is a no-no for you, you’re easily startled, and you have a mean left hook. Really should’ve seen that coming.” Leo watches his brother make some faces at the ceiling before sniffing loudly. Donnie lets out a hiss. “Hm. Nope. That was a bad idea.”
“Sorry,” he says, fiddling with the strings of his hoodie. He scowls slightly at his glove-covered right hand, physical proof that he’s now awake.
“Don’t be. As I said, I should’ve seen that coming.”
He looks around, noticing that his bed (in actuality, it was Donnie’s bed. But Donnie gave it to him after it became clear Leo wasn’t moving back to his own room, and made himself a new one) was unmade, the blanket (it wasn’t blue) appeared to have been haphazardly thrown onto the floor.
Leo opens his mouth to ask what happened, but Donnie (a now new believer of “Twin Telepathy”) beats him to it.
“You had a nightmare. It was bad enough that you threw up on the floor and started shaking.”
That explained it.
“Stop apologizing,” Donnie says. “Everything you did was a normal reaction.”
Leo doesn’t say anything.
Donnie tilts his head forward to look at him. He stopped bleeding by now, but he looks concerned.
“What, uh, what was it about? The… the nightmare.”
Leo blinks.
… What was his nightmare about?
He couldn’t remember…
“I… I don’t know. I forgot. Sorry-”
“I said to stop apologizing.”
Leo closes his beak.
Donnie sighs and gets up, motioning for Leo to follow him. They walk out of Donnie’s room and into the medbay. Leo tries not to wince at being back here again. It’s his medbay, but… having been here far too many times has put something of a damper on its allure.
“Do you still feel like throwing up?”
Leo nods.
Donnie hands him some antacids and a water bottle. He watches as Donnie moves around to gather some tissues to stuff them up his nostrils.
“What about the… bile in your room?” he asks. Donnie waves his hand dismissively.
“It’s fine. I’ll just send one of the DeeDees to clean it up.”
“The… what?"
“DeeDee!” Donnie says proudly. “Acronym for Disinfectant Droid. It’s an army roomba-like robots I built specifically to handle intestinal messes! Very handy and useful, I will say.”
“Oh.” Of course Donnie would build such a thing. “How many are there?”
“As of right now, a dozen.”
“You’re building more?”
“One never knows.”
Leo finishes up the rest of his water bottle.
“I don’t want to go back to sleep,” he says, stuffing his right hand into the pocket of his hoodie, and the left into his sweatpants’ pocket.
“And you won’t!” Donnie sweeps his arm in a flourishing movement, leading his twin out of the medbay and into the TV room. “I’ve been hooking this baby up to connect to my computer so we can play all the games I have there without having to grab two chairs and huddle up around the monitor.” He then produces two controllers out of nowhere. “And, luckily for you, I just about finished these bad boys when you woke up.”
Leo looks at the controllers, then at Donnie, then at the massive TV on the wall, then back at Donnie.
“Can we play Minecraft?”
Twenty-five minutes later, Leo is punching a squawking and enraged Donnie into lava, ignoring his threats about how he’ll kill his parrots with a smile.
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28 and 29
I combined the two, hope you don’t mind! Also, um, I went a little far with this. Make sure to check the tags.
Leo thrashes around violently against the restraints keeping him to the table. The Kraang who brought him there had taken out his portaling ability the first chance they got. It feels like years since then. Maybe it has been. The Kraang aren’t exactly generous when it comes to their prisoners.
Especially not one they’re trying to break.
He stops moving as much when a certain former warring warrior scientist walks in. He was taken at the same time Leo was.
That doesn’t mean he’s also a prisoner though.
“I-I want to be mad at you, but you’re like this and Mikey isn’t….you turned into such a freaking softy. Sacrificing yourself for the greatest mystic warrior ever? He’s not even a kid anymore.” Leo scoffs.
Draxum’s half Kraang covered face doesn’t change expressions. It was worth a try. It’s not like this could get any worse. It is torture by the world’s evilest creatures after all.
He lifts up a syringe filled with a green substance.
“What….going to double mutate me? It’ll do exactly what you’re trying to avoid.” Leo insists.
The reason Leo isn’t part of the grossest shade of pink ever hive mind right now is because they want someone to infiltrate the resistance undetected. That means he can’t look like Draxum does right now.
It also means they have to get him under their control another way.
He had been kept in a cell for a long time before this. Every day, Draxum would come in and use something new on him to make sure he never got used to the torture.
Leo’s healing factor meant that it could go on for a long time. Wounds closing just to be torn open again. A fresh canvas to splash with blood.
Just recently, he’s been making a lot more serious escape attempts. He almost made it the other day. The Kraang were really pissed about it.
This is probably punishment.
Draxum injects the liquid into his vein and immediately it feels like his insides are on fire. He bites his lip so hard it bleeds. He’s shocked when it hasn’t begun to heal already.
There’s….no way he just….?
The pain throbs through his whole body and he can suddenly feel it where he hadn’t before. A broken ankle that he was able to walk on now is absolutely killing him.
His wrists burn and bleed from how much he just tried to free himself.
He really did it.
Draxum took his healing factor.
A saw appears in his line of vision that is pressed against his arm.
His cool persona starts breaking as he feels the words to beg for this not to happen on the tip of his tongue. They’re only barely held back by the fact he knows it’ll only encourage The Kraang.
Draxum begins sawing.
Leo feels the scream come deep from his core. The pain is completely unbearable. There’s absolutely no drug to get him through it.
He hears liquid dripping to the floor. It’s easy to imagine both the tears pouring from his face and wound mixing on the ground.
Leo starts passing out from the pain. He feels something else inject to his other arm and his brain buzzes back to life.
He’s keeping him from going to into shock. From passing out. From escaping the worst pain of his life.
It keeps going on and on. It’s so slow. He can feel when his nerves die and shut off. It’s only some.
He’s hitting bone he’s hitting bone he’s hitting bone he’s hitting bone he’s hitting bone he’s hitting bone he’s hitting bone-
A wall blows open.
Finally, finally, something other than the sound of his flesh and tendons being torn through.
The saw stops as he’s vaguely aware of Draxum getting tossed so hard he’s not sure he’s ever going to get up again.
There’s screaming.
A lot of screaming.
Oh, he recognizes those voices.
He’s barely able to turn his head to look his family there.
His brothers and-
Who’s letting Casey J.R. see this?
Leo starts laughing.
His brothers all start trying to help him. Casey J.R. stays back, eyes wide and full of absolute fear.
Leo laughs more.
How awful.
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i--luv--you · 1 month
Genshin Impact Style Voice Lines.
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Diluc: About Whistle: “Whistle? You man my partner? Of course I know her. We’ve dated for a while now; I don’t really have much to explain about her. You understand the feeling, of being around someone, and not doing anything of use? Yet you feel content inside? That is how she makes me feel. At peace. Like I do not need to worry about anything. I could be writing up reports about the Dawn Winery and be stressed out of my mind, and she would walk in and sit beside me, maybe drawing, maybe reading. But it’ll be like all the stress will melt away. I owe that to her I guess…”
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Wirothesley: About Deimos: “Ah. The self-proclaimed new excuse my language ahem, ‘Scrimbly scrimblo autiddytistic girlfriend.’ A strange one, isn’t she? When her best friend comes to visit those two are inseparable. And very loud. Which is why they are both banned from the Fortress of Meropeide. Well, more like her friend is. I can handle Deimos on her own, but bring her counterpart which is almost double as loud and annoying, and I need more than just tea to soothe my migraine. But I love Deimos. And her strange requests of tying pink ribbon around my biceps and cosplaying has a guy… I wonder what those girls talk about when they’re alone- no you know what, never mind. Forget that. I’m better off not knowing.”
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Childe: About Leo: “Leo!! My loving and daring boyfriend! I love him more than you could imagine comrade! They’re the best boyfriend in all of Teyvat! Always helping me out when I come home all battered and bruised. Ahh having then scold me while they bandage my arm up. It’s so loving, cause I know he’ll always be there for me. Oh, and you should see how he acts with Tonia and Teucer! They’ve already started calling him their big brother… maybe I ought to start looking for rings… how about it Traveller? Help out a poor Harbinger look for rings for his future husband?”
Alrechinno: About Leo: “Leo? The children commonly refer to him as ‘Their second Father’. It seems fitting, no? They get along well which is good, and he is a caring man. The children adore him almost as much as I do. Ahem, excuse me. But yes. Leo and I are romantically involved with each other. Why are you looking at me like that Traveller?”
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Kokomi: About El: “El is my wife, she means the world to me, and I adore her. She helps me destress and looks over the work when its too much for me to handle. The army trusts her and well… I would call her my right-hand woman hehe! But other than that, I don’t really have anything to say about her. She is my wife and I love her.”
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Itto: About Jaime: “Oh Traveller!! You’ve met with Jaime yea! Awesome! Well? Your thoughts? They’re pretty awesome yea? Short too but hey, these Oni genes don’t mess around. Anyways I’m getting distracted. Jaime is the best person ever! Not only is he a great boyfriend, but he’s my best friend too! Don’t tell Sara but we get into so much mischief together. It’s the best. Like my partner in crime! The second-best beetle battler in all of Teyvat! I’m the first of course hehe. But yea, I love him a lot Traveller.”
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Kaeya: About Ray: “Well, well, well. Hello there, my dear Traveller, this is a surprise, what do you need? Ray? Oh! Well of course I know who Ray is. Ray is my partner. My lover. Now what’s with that face? Oh, it can’t be that surprising, can it? I’m just a regular person with feelings, aren’t I? Your shock wounds me Traveller. Now if you will kindly excuse me. I have a partner to catch. See you later Traveller.”
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Taglist: @thewhistleblows, @too-queer-for-school, @leoisgayforwriting, @sangoqueenkoko, @das-jaim3,
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ashsimpsalot · 7 months
He’s an asshole but he loves his siblings. Spoilers
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Imagine comforting Leo after camille’s death (after finding out he’s cheated on you)
Camille is was Leo’s sister. Not just by blood.
Leo found out that he was an Usher when he was 18. Just 18. Of course he was.. well, lost.
Lost in the ways of living, how it works, what’s wrong and what’s right. What he can show to the world and what he can’t because for fuck’s sake, he went from just a boy from London to Napoleon Usher, son of THE Roderick Usher.
So that’s when Camille helped him. “He was like an ugly lost puppy.” She once told you when she came over for dinner (she keeps saying that she hates spending time with her dunce of a brother but never fail to show up when you invite her)
She guided him, through everything. Telling him what material is good to wear. What brand is the best. Even hook him up with designer friends to get his style fixed (18 years old Leo was a roadman)
She was like a compass to him. When he can’t process his own emotions, after he’s done drugging it all down, he’ll go and find her.
Camille being Camille will roll her eyes and offer him a drink. Lecture him about how feelings are stupid and a waste of time. He’ll still be sad, pouting while playing around with the glass he has in his hand. Camille will sigh and punch his arm lovingly. That’s how he knows she cares.
So when you find out that she’s dead, mauled by Chimpanzees, you couldn’t, even refuse to believe your eyes. It’s Camille L'Espanaye for hell’s sake, she’s near untouchable, if she wanted information she wouldn’t dig around by herself.
Your second thought, after coming to terms with the fact that she is dead, is Leo.
You two had ended things the night before. Well unofficially ended things. You still have to sign paperworks to make it official.
You found out that he’s cheated on you. You’re not even sure if it’s worse, the fact that it’s not constant and he’s not looking to cheat, he cheats when he’s given the opportunity.
You hated him. For doing that to you both. Aside from the cheating, he’s a great boyfriend. Which makes you feel conflicted.
You didn’t know where you were going when you put on your shoes. It started with ‘a short walk after a long day’ to ‘grabbing coffee’ near to where his place is to taking the elevator and here you are.
In front of his house. Ringing the bell.
You were about to walk away. When the door opens, revealing a not-so-ok-looking Leo. Eyebags, red eyes, disheveled hair, wearing his outside clothes still. It’s obvious that he’s been crying for long.
“Hi.” An awkward one left from your lips. Leo didn’t even have the guts to look at you, his eyes pinned to the floor. He silently moved away from the door, giving you space to walk in.
Which you did, eventually settled yourself on his couch. He’s had a few wrapping papers on the table, a box full of his ‘goods goods’. Probably planning on getting high out of his mind.
Maybe you could lie to yourself. You’re here so that he doesn’t die from od.
“Look, y/n if this is about the paperworks, this is not a good time.” Leo finally says, his voice rough, almost making you flinch.
“It’s not that.” You pat the seat next to you
Leo sat down.
You two didn’t say anything until suddenly he burst into sobs.
Mumbling something about how you shouldn’t be there, you shouldn’t comfort him.
You wouldn’t reply because he’s right. You shouldn’t but you’re there anyway. Patting his back and eventually letting him put his whole weight on you.
His face planted to your neck. Not wanting to leave anytime soon. His arm around your waist.
He’s crying and it doesn’t sound like he’s stoping any time soon.
Pathetically repeated “i love you.” That made you feel bitter. You had to bite your own tongue to not slip a “you wouldn’t cheat if you did.” Camille just died. Not now
He promised to go to therapy. Find out why the fuck he’s like that. You ignore it. If he plans on changing then he’ll sort it out himself.
You knew what this is. He’s avoiding the topic of Camille. He didn’t want it to be real.
He’s Napoleon Usher, he’s the man you can read like a toddler’s book.
You’ve got your hand drawing tiny circles on his back.
You both stayed that way until he falls asleep on you.
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