#im big stress aaaa
faeking-it · 5 months
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dare-g · 4 months
Tbh I haven't been on here a lot this week cause I had been focused on that stitch so bad to the extent I wasn't letting myself have breaks and I was staying up late to keep doing it and tbh after so many days it was just making me feel sick/stressed.. but I did make myself go see Stopmotion anyway cause I had been looking forward to it and im going to be out of town the next couple days.. anyway Stopmotion was a horror film centered around the creation process artist go through and how putting yourself into your art can effect you ect and tbh it just made me feel worse
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spirit-lanterns · 1 month
I love her so much omg my favorite popstar!!!!!! Can't believe we're really getting an album... She should go on tour as well hehe
Aaaa accompanying Robin on her music tours, aka getting reduced to a drooling and babbling mess on her dressing room before her concerts- it's just to relieve some stress before taking the stage, and also how can she not when she loves you so much ><
There's a horrible lack of Robin x reader content out there I'm so sad, I need more stuff about my wife T^T
ANYWAYS— Being Robin’s little tour companion who helps relieves her stress in her dressing room… the poor girl is always so tense and concentrated before her big performances, so as her secret girlfriend that tags along on her tours, it’s your duty to make sure she’s calm by sitting all pretty against her vanity mirror and letting Robin finger you to her heart’s content.
You can hear her breathless whispers and counts as she steadily fingers you at a pace she always enjoys. Almost as if she was counting her reps before a big warmup, she’s counting the pace her fingers go at as she plunges them deep within your folds, desperate to see how loud she could make you moan and looking to see how much slick you could produce before she had to leave.
No longer concentrated on her performance, Robin’s concentration is all on you, her pretty girl. Her green eyes would stare at you with such utter intensity that it makes you feel like she’s undressing you with her eyes, that desire to strip you completely naked instead of just having your bottoms off, prevalent in the young Halovian’s gaze.
“Robin you’re on in five,” her manager would echo through the door, causing your girlfriend to grunt in frustration before fingering you faster. She wanted you to cum before then, that concentrated gaze bearing into your eyes as she leans in for a sloppy kiss. “I’ll make you cum before then, don’t worry.”
Five minutes later, the crowd cheers as Robin rises to the stage with a smile and a wave. She quickly wipes her hand on the back of her dress however, as she had to get rid of some…unknown sticky substance that was clinging to her fingers. Hopefully no one caught that, right? It’s alright though, after the concert, Robin will return soon enough to “clean her mess properly.”
The mess that was currently you, still sitting atop of Robin’s vanity mirror with cum leaking down your thighs.
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vendigool · 9 months
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Anyways im so bothered by art rn in general??? Idk how to put it its becoming very stressful, might be because school started and gymnasium sucks (fuck geography I hate zhat shi) + I do sports so im tired 24/7 but it just so annoying. Like. WHY CANT I DRAW LIKE THE OTHERS AAAA idk
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kurtismcilroy · 6 months
My headcanons for little Loki include:
Usually quite young, ranging from around newborn to 3 years old due to his past, but will sometimes go up to 5 or 6
She loves physical touch from her favourite people! For example, night time cuddles with her caregiver (e.g. you if you enjoy self insert content or perhaps Mobius ^^)
Loki's mischievousness fluctuates depending on the era you have. Thor 1 is hardly ever mischievous as they enjoy being so young, usually just doing something small to elicite a silly reaction from you ^^ Avengers Loki is very mischievous, loving to run around and sometimes disobey orders, but at the end of the day he really loves you and apologises if he crosses a line. Thor 2 Loki is like Avengers Loki but times like 5. Sometimes he's a bit of a pain, but they also just love you and want a reaction. Thor 3 Loki isn't the mischievous type much, maybe turning into a snake or stealing a dagger once in a while, but she loves to cuddle moreso. TVA Loki in season 1 would probably pull a few little pranks here and there, but season 2 Loki couldn't bear it. She'd just wanna snuggle and play the day away, so if a friend or variant did something that she deemed bad, she'd start stressing. But luckily her carer isn't strict and understands that they're all just children having fun ^^
He is such a big fan of pram/stroller rides, giggling and smiling everywhere she goes! If she isn't, it's because they've fallen asleep from being so soothed lol
If Mobius is big, then Loki's favourite playmate is OB. I think that they're both autistic and that's something they can bond over as they share similar experiences what with being isolated from society in different ways
Going back to physical touch, hugs and gentle touches to the back or face (e.g. like stroking your thumb slowly up and down his cheek) are enough to bring him down from a panic attack sometimes, or just to soothe them
Picture books!! They're a must-have in this littles house, she loves them especially before bed :D
Unfortunately that's all I have for now :( But thanks so much for your ask and I'm happy to discuss em anytime!! ^^
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rileys-battlecats · 20 hours
WOW Shut eye is amazing!! I’ve probably watched it like 20 times already lol. Your art style for the cats are wonderful and I was just wondering how you draw the eyes for them! I have tried a lot of ways to draw eyes for my cat drawings but none of them look right :(. I would be soo happy if you could give me some tips! It’s okay if you don’t want to :)
Aaaa thanks so much!!
The way I draw eyes can actually be pretty inconsistent? I change it up slightly every now and again haha, but they basically all start the same way!
I always start with a general shape on my sketches to decide where exactly im putting the eyes. Deciding on the angle you're seeing them from will influence how you draw them, since eyes look different based on whether you're seeing them from above, below, straight on, or from the side
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Once I've got some barebones guidelines, I'll draw vaguely oval-shapes along the horizontal guideline; these are the Almost Eyes. They change shape depending on the character im drawing (since most of my characters' eyes are slightly different from each other), but here they're just Generically Curved. Their purpose is less to look good and more to figure out the general shape of how I want them to look
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Then I do the Final Lining, and this is the part that's hard for me to explain; I've done it so many times at this point it's almost entirely instinctual ^^;; the main part I usually end up focusing on is the upper line that mostly represents the upper eyelash! I've included some examples of it used with different characters, highlighted in red. The shape changes depending on the character, but it's always there!
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From there, I'll usually have a line to represent the outer edge of the eye (blue) and then the very edge of the bottom eyeline (yellow). Most times, I leave most of the bottom of the eye as an implied line (I am not immune to anime-eye-style influence HAHA). Some characters I include a line from the inner corner of the eye that points downward (seen here with Larkstar in the top right and Mudpaw in the bottom left) to indicate either age (like with Larkstar) or stress (like with Mudpaw)
I usually draw eyes very big because 1) cute and 2) they're very expressive! I find it easier to communicate emotion with larger eyes :P
My words aren't really word-ing today, so here's a couple more quick examples!
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Gojo x sorcerer!reader seems interesting :p
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@shotorus @elusivemoon <33
SORCERER!READER HYPE this one is v special to me im so happy…. thank u io & sel and anon my sweeties for being interested !! here are some drinks for u <33 🍵🥤☕️
(logan asked abt grieving!reader here io !! aaa im so glad that one caught ur attention bc it’ll def be very prose-y and poetic above all else !! or so im hoping :’33)
anyway anyway!! satoru x sorcerer!reader has been in The Works for a WHILE…. im planning on finishing it soon though!! hopefully…
i think its esp funny that sel zeroed in on this one bc it has BIG col vibes 😭😭 in the sense that the focus is on gojo’s inner thoughts + his apprehension towards love !! mostly just me messing around w my idea of a more canon-aligned gojo, and him coming to terms w his sort-of kind-of Feelings for a new teacher at jujutsu high :33 just lil snippets of them getting to know each other a bit!! fluffy overall and a hopeful ending for our silly guy hehe
ohh and and and!! reader is thematically similar to sugu both when it comes to their technique and overall disposition which kinda makes gojo feel sick 2 his stomach LMAO but that’s also part of why he finds himself drawn to them!!
here are some snippets of it hehe
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“they’re a softie, huh?” shoko exhales — smoke drifting past her lungs, mingling with the cold air, a stench of tobacco that makes him crinkle his nose. ”they are,” she says, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. ”it’s not often someone captures your attention.” gojo smiles. ”is that what it seems like?” he closes his eyes, and thinks of you, the fading scent of your perfume. ”well, who knows.”
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”everything alright?” he asks, jovial. careful not to let a single tinge of worry seep into his voice. but you only smile. a small thing, barely even there at all. how discomforting. ”yeah,” you breathe, meekly. ”just the summer stress. don’t worry.” gojo tenses. he allows a second or two to pass, agonizingly slow, but you don’t say anything else. so he hums — low, entirely unconvinced. giving way to his usual grin, entirely devoid of any genuine joy. he averts his gaze. (it’s happening all over again.) ”well, alrighty then.”
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silently, gojo wonders if he’ll always be at the mercy of kind people who tuck their hearts away safely somewhere no one else can see.
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im super duper excited to write this one aaaa, i hope u’ll both enjoy it when it’s out !!! <33
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
This might be a big ask but what characters do you think are dom/sub and top/bottom? If thats too long, just Brett, JR, Glenn. Thank you!
okie im gonna need,, a system,, okie okie okie,,
Brett Hand
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
mostly bc he struggles with being,, Confident and Dominant and In Charge smdnsmd. 
It just doesn’t suit him!! Not a fan!!
If he does try to dom, he’s definitely very Soft Dom territory - all cooing and praise, super affectionate and doting!! Maybe some light pinning of your wrists if he’s feeling particularly,, confident.
and even then by the time he’s cumming he’s probably gonna default back to being super submissive.
it’s just so nice not having to think. He can just be soft and safe in your arms, and know that you who can enjoy yourselves without him being put together. 
He can be all rambly and incoherent bc. he knows he’s safe!! He can be vulnerable with you he can be himself!! <333 twue wuv babey!!
I hold strong to the idea that he’s a vers bc not only would he be the Prettiest, Sweetest Bottom known to mankind but. I can just see him adoring getting his lights fucked out?
LIKE RAILING SOMEONE IS ONE THING, BUT BEING RAILED?? Whole different sensation. Completely different flavor of Brain Shutting Off, Nothing To Worry About to enjoy!! <33
Gigi Thompson
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
I was gonna say,, VV Dom but tbh?? I can see her letting herself unwinding a bit and letting smb else take care of her. She likes to treat herself <3
esp when she’s stressed and tired and just. everyone is pissing her off and she wants to be anyone else in the world but Gigi Thompson??
YEAH <333 those are especially the times where she just wants smb to fuck her brains out while she lays face-down in bed. Pure bliss nothing like it <3
But overall,, she’s gonna favor being dominant. she knows what she likes and she knows how to get it <3 and she knows how to make you feel perfect all the while!!
Vers, she loves both to death <3 all depends on her mood, not uncommon to,, switch halfway through and back again <3333
she gets them custom made to match her lingerie - clear and all these different glitters inside so it shines against the glow of her bedlamp <3333 the harnesses are covered in this super smooth silk <3 aaaa <33
She’s gonna have hold of your jaw, to make you’re you’re keeping eyecontact <3 whether shes giving or recieving - you’ll be able to feel the dig of her nails the whole time (stiletto, ofc)
Reagan Ridley
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
she much prefers to be in a,, dominant role vs submissive - gives her more room to maneuver + she’s usually the one initiating, so she can orient herself!! 
She’s very specific about what she does and doesn’t like, so it just makes things easier for her!!
that isn’t to say she’ll never enjoy some submissive stuff - every once in a blue moon it’s really nice to just,,, lay back and let someone do the work.
usually with oral she’ll get more submissive, bc it feels ‘safer’?? She doesn’t have to worry about really unexpected touches or sensations. It’s super straightforward so she can,, just let her brain shut off <3333
But also. Oral is super imprecise so it isn’t usually her go-to
Mostly bc she doesn’t have the stamina to top. Pegging is fun but she doesn’t have the core strength to keep that up for long 
Glenn Dolphman
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
again we aren’t surprised but ALSO,,,, THERES A LOTTA FUN HERE <333
he manhandles like nobody else. It’s like a goddamn tilt-a-whirl with how often he’s gonna be flipping you over, moving your legs, pinning you, etc. You’re gonna feel like a rodeo clown. <333 IF YOU LIKE IT ROUGH THEN HE’S ABSOLUTELY YOUR MAN
AND THE TEETH <333 look at that absolute maw,, he has such a thing for leaving marks!! If you ask he will,, gladly put those chompers to use.
JUST <333 he always gets this amazing Grimace where he bares his teeth when he’s close and. his teeth get so shimmery 
he. does have a bad back though and several other injuries from several things (deployment, surgery, misc injuries he ignored and they’ve just,, got worse) so,,,, riding him will probably be the best for this knees!!
DON’T TELL HIM YOU WANT TO RIDE HIM TO MAKE SURE HE ISN’T IN PAIN THO, HE’LL GET SO HUFFY. He’s too prideful and stubborn for his own good.
Andre Lee
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
with,, the SLIGHTEST lean towards sub - just because he’s a lot more used to it!! 
When he goes to orgies he loves to just,, bend himself over the nearest couch and wait. Tried and true method, never fails smmnmdsnds.
MSNDSMD HE’S ALSO VV EXPERIMENTAL!! He’ll try (almost) anything once - he lives by the idea of Don’t Knock It Till You Try It.
(granted he’s tried almost everything. but. shush.)
he’s just got this Vibe about him of pure excitement and shameless enjoyment.
like whyyyy should sex be so serious,, this isn’t a funeral,, please he wants both of you to be happy and giggly and feeling good!!
So whether he’s dom or sub, he’s gonna be keeping that vibe!! 
Sex with Andre just has this. super Light feeling. Like afterwards you feel all floaty bc you’ve basically spent the last 3 hours,, laughing and cumming. 10/10 he’s the perfect man.
like some ppl are shy about sex, worried what ppl will think of their sounds, etc, NOPE NOT ANDRE LEE BABY
He has no problem telling you exactly how good you’re making him feel. In as much detail as his brain will allow him, the most dazed smile plastered on his face <333
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
YEAH NO BEING SUBMISSIVE IS VERY HARD FOR HIM. He likes having a lot of control - being submissive takes,, some vulnerability so it’s. not ideal.
Having so many tentacles <33 just,, come on, being a top fits so naturally!!!
I have thought very hard about the logistics of how he would bottom and what I’ve come up with is either,
So do with that what you will MSNDMSND
OVERALL THO??? JUST,, THE MOST FILTHY DIRTY TALK. He’s absolutely shameless. Andre’s rambling turned up to 11. He’ll comment on your thoughts, his thoughts, any little details to get you even more fucked-out and eager <33
Idk why I imagine him being pretty rough?? Like wrapping his tentacles super tight around your hands, wrists, thighs, etc. Tight like a tourniquet, as he holds you up against the nearest surface <333
LIKE TEASE AND DENIAL IS ABSOLUTELY HIS JAM. So many tentacles <3 so many fun sensations to play with. 
Jr Scheimpough
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
THE MOST SUBBY BOTTOM TO EVER BOTTOM. we already knew this but COME ONNNN <33333
He may rival Brett in that regard smdnsdm I’m unsure.
he will top,, sometimes,, but that submissiveness never goes away <33 he’ll be begging and apologizing the whole time.
NO IM NEVER GIVING UP ON THE,, ‘JR apology kink’ train. It lives in the walls of my brain. I don’t even know if there’s a specific word for it but this man has such a thing for Apologizing and Begging Forgiveness. Half of his work is groveling. He throws himself on his knees at the slightest provocation. I am a JR Apology Kink Truther.
I would go Full Bottom but,, I feel like he does likes topping, he just lacks the energy most of the time.
He’s always so stressed and exhausted from working around whatever the last disaster was, that most of the time he just wants to get his brains turned to jelly. and not have to do anything. Greedy bastard <3
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
YANNOW,, I was gonna go vv dom but. I feel like you could get this man submissive
His preference for being dom + top is mostly due to
This bitch loves being in a role with power,, having ‘control’ over smth or someone,,,,, it fulfills the same biological niche that Ruling Over The World would occupy MSNDMSND
Oh No Vulnerability Is Terrifying (tm)
If you know what buttons to push, this man will be as pliable as tinfoil for you <3
Praise and/or Overstimulation are the fastest avenues, but there’s plenty of room for experimentation with him!! He’s,, almost always up for a challenge, and he loves seeing how far he can be pushed.
MWA OK I THINK THATS ALL OF EM <333 this was very fun, please lmk if you had something else in mind!!!
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theroyallypurple · 1 year
I absolutely adore the way you draw Hassel and Larry! Would love to know if you have any hcs of them cause I love hearing others thoughts about them :D
AAAA THANK U IM GLAD U DO!!! also jeez buckle up I have a lot lmao I'll put them under a readmore These are some established ones I've written about before but not an exhaustive list!!
HEADCANONS… I have sO MANY UHHH LEmmie try to articulate some thoughts
Larry I imagine to be from Sinnoh but he moved to Unova as a tween. One parent is sinnohan and one parent is unovan, he got his staraptor when it was still a starly in Sinnoh. He’s moved around the world doing different jobs until finally he wound up in Paldea. He can speak many languages including but not limited to: Japanese (first language), English, Spanish, French, German
I imagine that he’s autistic (I might be projecting a little here lol) and he suffers form depression, but he isn’t medicated
He struggles to control his volume as part of his autism, he always speaks a bit too quiet and doesn’t raise his voice even when needed.
He has perfect 20/20 vision but has visual snow syndrome which causes a layer of static to be over his whole entire field of vision. He also has tinnitus that goes hand in hand with visual snow syndrome and he enjoys spending time in the treasure eatery not just for the food but because the sound of the patrons helps to drown out the high pitched tone inside his head. It gets louder when he's stressed
He has a tie collection, also he has a lot of novelty fun patterned socks and boxers (his choice of underwear is Not sexy)
He’s owned the same pair of shoes for many years and he knows he needs to get new ones, the soles of his current ones are worn out, but he hates shopping for new clothes and new shoes feel bad on his feet.
He has great colour vision and can discern colours very well, often telling the difference between colours that other ppl can’t see a difference in. His night vision however leaves much to be desired, when he looks at things in darkness they merge into a big staticky blob and he uses his phone torch when it gets too dark outside and there’s no street lights.
He wears a suit not only because it looks good but because it feels good. He likes the weight of the blazer on his shoulder and the familiarity of it makes him comfortable
He’s only 35 but started greying early, he can be very sarcastic when ppl worry about getting greys since he’s been going grey since his early 20’s
His first language is Japanese but he doesn’t get many chances to speak it so all his personal devices are set to Japanese. This results in people hearing him speaking to his phone in Japanese. Poppy sometimes plays games on Larry’s phone and has learnt some Japanese through exposure. This makes Larry happy and he teaches her Japanese, it’s good for her developing brain he says
He can cook well but he’s often too tired to cook so when he isn’t buying something from a restaurant it’s instant noodles for him.
He’ll also make egg fried rice with furikake sprinkled on top
His favourite colour is blue, his favourite flavour is lemon, his favourite sweet is lemon drizzle cake
He Hates being in front of the camera (which is why his gym photo is the back of his head) so he isn’t actually in many photos. When he’s out with a group he’s almost always the one behind the camera taking the photo. A few candid photos of him do exist but whenever he finds out someone has taken a photo of him he tells them to delete them, despite this there are some photos of him smiling when he thinks no one is looking
Speaking of, his expression is mostly flat and his smile isn’t what people would often consider a smile to be. His features soften and his mouth is in a smile but he doesn’t grin big or wide, he has trouble properly showing his emotions but people who know him are used to it
He’s actually very blunt and matter of fact, which some people don’t like, but he doesn’t see the problem because he’s honest
He’s tired a lot of the time and loves sleeping. He’s a cuddler and has a body length pillow that he hugs (is also helps his back to have it between his knees and align his spine) if you shared a bed he may fall asleep facing away from you but by the time you wake up he’s hugging you tight
He suffers from adult acne, he doesn’t really care how it looks but he hates when it gets itchy and painful. It’s something he’d rather not deal with and he can get breakouts when he’s particularly stressed (I actually wrote a fic abt Rika helping him with this!!)
He does use product to style his hair, he puts it in when his hair is damp and uses a hair dryer to put it into position. He’s so practiced that he can do it in just 5 or so minutes What he uses has a strong enough hold but as the day goes on his hair can become slightly disheveled which is easily fixed by running his hand through it, but it can leave a few strands out of place
I personally use fiber gum and my hair style is similar to Larry’s so I can see him using it too, of gives the hair hold while keeping it light and soft, maybe on longer days he'll use gel instead since it has a stronger hold but it doesn't leave the hair as soft or light
Larry wears cologne. During the day he wears a fresh scent, bergamot for those with a refined nose or simply “citrus” for those who don’t. It has a hint of a floral smell to it. Fresh he thinks, good for the start of the day If he ever goes out in the evening he wears a muskier smell: sandalwood, amber, patchouli Despite what scent he uses there’s the always faint hint of tobacco, he may try to cover it up but it’s a deep set smell that’s hard to get out of things His used pyjamas smell like sweat but he always smells nice when he goes out
Larry is good at singing but he wouldn’t believe you if you told him. After a few drinks he slays on the karaoke machine
Speaking of which his drinks of choice are whisky on the rocks and a sparkling sake
For Hassel I have two headcanons of where he’s from. It’s fun to imagine him from Galar, I’m Scottish so I’m familiar with Galar and the tradition with the applin and him having a flapple on his team is very fun when u imagine it’s Brassius that gave him the applin.
On the other hand I think he could be German… Hassel is a German name and Germany is close to Spain and idk it feels kinda fitting
He’s classically trained in piano but he can also play the guitar, drums, ukulele, violin, trumpet, and also he can sing
He’s a very good cook, he’s no chef but he makes great homey food, his stews and soups are very comforting
He never learned how to use chopsticks and thus doesn't use them, but I like to think that one day Larry teaches him
He enjoys painting and sketching from life, he finds it fun and relaxing and enjoys the challenge of portraying something correctly He can produce photorealistic works but I also think he’d enjoy impressionism, he’d also enjoy life drawing
He has a wide collection of knitted tanks in many different colours and patterns
His favourite colour is burgundy, he likes rich foods with a lot of flavour and struggles to eat anything bland. highly textured food with no flavour makes him gag
He snores, not a loud obnoxious snore but a deep kind of snore that rumbles in his chest. It’s oddly comforting and can be likened to a cat purring (or a dragons growl…)
Hassel smells like home, warm and familiar!! I really like the idea of him having a deep woodsy smell, pleasantly pleasant musky that is his natural scent, not a dirty musk but something that’s nice and human. He’s always well groomed The cologne he wears is faint but pleasant, with a spicy yet faintly sweet scent and it complements his natural body odour Other times he smells like art supplies- paints, sealant spray, and the likes, something noticeably chemically
His alcohols of choice are real Scottish whisky, red wine, gin, and honestly he’d enjoy a beer lol. Brassius tries all kinds of weird flavoured craft beers and makes Hassel try them
He's a little soft under his clothing, his belly and chest having a little pudge, but there are muscles underneath and he's very strong
I kind of like the headcanon ppl have that Hassels natural hair colour is brown but he dyes it blonde... I don't always stick to that hc in my art (sometimes I draw his body hair dark, sometimes I draw it blonde) but it's fun!!
He's very comfortable with aging and sees beauty in it, he doesn't strive to look young forever or to "keep his beauty" he thinks all kinds of people look beautiful He's also very secure in his masculinity and isn't afraid of being emotional or showing emotion, or showing any other traits typically seen as more feminine he wants to be a good role model and show boys that it's ok to be emotional and like certain things
Hassel has a big d-
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starscelly · 1 year
15 QUESTIONS, 15 (or whatever) TAGS
thank you @eliooliver83 for tagging me !! i for sure did not forget to do this for like. a whole day. <3
1.  were you named after anybody?
i think one of my dad's family members, idr which one though lmao
2.  when was the last time you cried?
i think i stress cried like two days ago about my schedule. maybe yesterday lmao im a big crier unfortunately
3.  do you have kids?
i have a cat so like kind of
4.  do you use sarcasm a lot?
i would say so i guess!
5.  what sport do you play/have you played?
i would come home and play basketball a lot growing up, but as in officially being on a team and stuff, i did gymnastics for a few years as a little kid, and then switched to soccer until like mid middle school. and then i switched to the most extreme sport (theatre run crew).
6.  what’s the first thing you notice about someone? 
uhhh i have no idea. hair actually maybe? mostly im trying to not like disassociate and remember their name so lmao
7.  eye color?
dark dark brown, almost black
8. scary movie or happy ending?
scary movies are the only things im okay with not having happy endings, so i guess scary movie? my family is huge into horror
9.  any special talents?
im good at picking up art mediums pretty quickly i'd say? i can name stanley cup winners back to the 1940s off the top of my head which is clearly very useful and cool.
10.  where were you born?
like 30mins outside of boston
11.  what are your hobbies?
this lol. drawing, reading, video games, going on walks and drives, etc.
12. do you have pets?
i have my beloved cat, but im living with my family atm so there's also another cat, a small dog (both are "the family's"/my mom's), and then two big dogs (my brother's) here.
13.  how tall are you?
5'7"-5'8" which basically makes me a giant in MA.
14. favorite subject in school? 
i lived in the pottery classroom my senior year of hs bc that teacher was and still is my ride or die but. not including visual art stuff, i usually liked english and history classes
15.  dream job?
i'm studying to be an art teacher atm so probably that! there is the pipe dream of doing something hockey related but idek what that would be so
tags: aaaa if i tagged you for the last thing or you just want to do this please feel free!!! i love being nosy and learning things abt my mutuals <3
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swap-cult-au · 1 year
[ Communication / forms
Chirps - The most common , Faun's normal voice sounds sorta like it . Chirps as in bird chirp chirp . 
Squeaks - Usually used when in smoke ball form . Usually when really excited or stressed
Fluffy boi - Angry little Faun . Think of how cats fluff up when mad / scared for defense . Faun , compared to others of their kind , is fairly small , so the fluffiness is to make it look bigger and scarier . 
Smoke ball form - Usually when tired or very scared they go into this form , looks like Ghastly from Pokemon but less scary / more cute
Main form - Usual stuff . Little dude
Human form - Little kid wearing a big gray sweater and black pants . Lil antlers . Smaller than most 8 year olds
Secondary form - Ok so this one's hard to describe . Think of a kid Grillby made of black smoke . No arms , just four floating hands . They go into this one the least . Same outfit as human form 
Other stuff : Faun hates light . It has more resistance to it than most Shades because of being part Tint but it still hurts them if it's too bright 
It latches onto any nice person
It likes fire . A LOT . 
This is v e r y long im so sorry lmao ik you said its fine but stillll - aaaa . Anyways that's it :D ]
It is perfectly fine! Thank you for sharing!
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aestherin · 1 year
Im regretting to choose interior designer (math is ruining my life😫) i hate it aaaa i feel like i wanna change course..🥲
omg interior designn 🤩 relatable i h8 math too
also,,, if you really want to dont be afraid to change courses !! my cousin did that a few years ago and he really felt happier (still stressed by acads, but at least he's happy while being stressed ig) after shifting <33
it's a very big change tho so i suggest thinking about it seriously hehe
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c3laniest4n · 1 day
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁~
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: 𝓅 𝒾𝓃 𝓋 𝓈𝑒𝓍, 𝒢/𝒫, 𝐵𝒥.
𝒪𝒯𝐻𝐸𝑅 𝒮𝒯𝒰𝐹𝐹𝒮: 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓈𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒩𝒪𝒯 𝓂𝓎 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝐼 𝒶𝓂 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝓇𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓈 𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝓇𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝐵𝐸𝐹𝒪𝑅𝐸 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝒥𝓊𝓃𝑒.
𝐸𝒩𝒥𝒪𝒴𝒴 ☆~(ゝ。∂)
Inspired song:
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C = Cory M = Melanie ??/? = unknown/side character C/T: Cory’s thoughts M/T: Melanie’s thoughts (The other voice is the narrator btw)
Today was the big volleyball game for Westvan Highschool. The varsity girls volleyball team was able to squeeze into the tournament between the other high schools. They just needed to win this ONE game to get in officially. One of the most popular players (and frankly the best player on the team) is Melanie, she is 18, really tall, bisexual, and a senior in high school- she was going for winning the tournament and getting a sports scholarship into a college so she could play for a college team in the future. Then there’s Cory, 18, really short, lesbian, a senior in high school, and a cheerleader for the volleyball team. Cory is obsessed with Melanie, ever since they first met in freshman year, she couldn’t take her eyes off of her. For a succubus, normally she would be into men, but instead she prefers women; Especially curvy, muscular, tall women, with huge knockers (HOT DAMN.). Melanie had broken up with her toxic ex boyfriend, who only wanted sex- and of course popularity in school, and he made her do his homework and help him cheat on tests and exams so he could have good grades. Now Melanie sees Cory as somewhat of a crush- she’s more into women that are thick, curvy, big tits, small, and have a fat ass (AAAAAAAAA.) which makes Cory the perfect girl.
M: Hey coach? I’m feeling a bit nervous about the first tournament game- is there anything you can recommend I do to de-stress? I need to make sure I can play perfectly on Friday. Plus it’s bugging me when I’m trying to study!
Coach Sarah: I mean, maybe just get some more sleep? Don’t drink coffee as much, and drink some warm tea throughout the day. It helps me a lot!
M: ok- I’ll try it! Thanks coach!
*time skip: wednesday*
M/T: Jeez, I’m still stressed out- AAAAUUHHHHHH! maybe I should talk to one of my old cheerleader friends!
*she walks into the girl’s locker room, and finds Cory changing in front of her locker. She blushes as she sees her only with her bra on and her cheer skirt-*
C: I can see you in my locker mirror, you know.
M: AAAA! I’m sorry! I wasn’t spying or anything! I just wanted to come talk to you!
C: Sure! I mean- we haven’t spoken in a while- heh-
M: Yeah-
C: so- uh- what’s the matter? You look stressed-
M: that’s the problem- no matter what I do it doesn’t go away. Im always thinking about the game and I cannot perform well if I’m feeling like this! What do you suggest I do?
C: well, I’m not really a stressful person, so when it comes to this I’m not sure what to tell you-
M/T: maybe if I was able to see under that cheer top then I would feel better- AAAUHGHH! WHY AM I THINKING THAT!? I JUST GOT OUT OF A RELATIONSHIP 6 MONTHS AGO- WHAT AM I DOING-
*melanie blushes*
*they stare at eachother for a bit (sexual tension haha lmao)*
M: Heh- fuck- uh- is it getting hot in here?
C: I think it’s just you~
M: Oh! Heh- well uh- I better get going- uhm- heh-
C: n-no! I- uh- I know a way I can relieve your stress!
M: really?
C: Hmm~ well I sure hope it will~ only if you want to though~
*pins Melanie on the bench blushing*
C: S-sorry! This is awkward- I just felt the tension and I felt I had to do something heh-
M: Nah- it’s ok- I was feeling the tension too-
C: thanks I guess- that makes it a little less embarrassing-
*Cory sits up and sits closer to Melanie’s waist*
M: B-back up a bit, p-please! H-haah~
C: Okayyy-? Is everything alright?
M/T: Ahhh~ oh fuck im so hard~ this isn’t helping! Shit shit shit!
M: Y-yes- a-ahhh~
C: *chuckles* I haven’t even touched you yet silly!
*Cory goes back to sitting in her original spot, wiggling around more because she’s giggling*
M: S-stop! P-please don’t laugh! Mnnn~
C: Melanie what’s going o-
C/T: What is that poking me. No way- whatever-
C: how about we skip to the good part?
*kisses Melanie and they take their clothing off except for undergarments*
C: ok- let’s have a bit of fun ~ how about we make eachother take of one article of clothing in order for the other to take of one of theirs. Like “I’ll do this if you do this”.
M/T: This is all going downhill- I’m so fucked- she’s going to hate me!
M: ok!
C: how about- if you take off your undershorts- I’ll take off my panties, and my bra.
M; H-heh! U-uh maybe s-something else!
C: ok- if I take off my panties you don’t have to do anything-?
M: sounds good to me~
*bites her lip and blushes. Cory shifts closer to Melanie’s crotch*
M: Aaa-ahh!~
C: hmm? Sensitive there huh?~ how about we investigate what’s under there~
M: *she puts her hands over her undershorts* N-Nope! H-heh!
C: Come on Mel- it’s not like you have a di- *pulls down Melanie’s briefs*
*cory blushes and just sits there staring*
M: p-please don’t judge me- I understand if you want to stop now-
C: may I?
M: what?
*cory pulls down Mel’s briefs more*
M: O-Oh! Uhm- ok!
*cory puts her cock in her mouth, slowly moving up and down with her mouth.*
M: S-shit~ ah~
C: *gag* I-is this ok?~
M: mhm!~ y-yes please!~
*cory starts to go faster, pre-cum leaking from her hardened rod*
C/T: Oh fuck… it’s so big- I can’t even fit this damn thing in my mouth! Well- at least I can fit it somewhere else- I think.
*cory swallows, sighs and looks up at melanie. She moves up loser to her*
M: w-wait what are you-
*cory slowly lets her dick sink into her tight hole*
M: aah!~ o-oh fuck!~
C: O-Ow! Ah!~
*melanie notices her bleeding*
M: O-oh! It’s your first time too! U-uh! Here! *bites Cory’s ear* (it helps ease the pain lmao I’m a nerd-)
C: oh god~ s-sorry~ I should’ve told you~
M: it’s ok! At least I knew what to do-! Do you want to keep going?
C: Y-yes~
*cory starts out slowly going up and down- tears of pain and pleasure rolling down her cheeks, as Melanie wipes them away*
C/T: Lets go faster~
M: W-what are you d-doing!? A-ah!~
C: H-Hah!~ Y-you’re so sensitive, eh?~ How about we go even faster~
M: N-No!~ Cory, please! Somebody’s gonna hear us!
C: so what?~
C: Atleast we will have eachother though~ but, we both know that won’t happen, because I’ll make sure we don’t get caught~
M: Oh yeah- how? F-fuck~
C: Pfft- we’ll just finish fast and we will be out of here before the cheer and dance team comes to change~
M: When is that?
C: in 7 minutes~
C: You should stop worrying~ just let me do all the work~ I won’t let us get caught I promise~
M: C-Cory please don’t~ I will be too loud! Don’t make me cum! I-I don’t even have protection on!
C/T: She keeps stalling! I’ll just have to do this- I don’t really have another option other than stopping- which I am NOT doing~
C: Well, suck it up then~ I’m not stopping~
*cory speeds up her pace yet again, rapidly bouncing up and down on Melanie, skin on skin echoing throughout the girl’s locker room.*
M: C-Cory!~ fuck!~ mnn~
C: Come on baby~ please~
M: h-hah~ how much t-time?
C: 6 minutes~ mmphhh~
M/T: God dammit Cory! Ugh~ am I really going to have to do this now?~ I hope she doesn’t mind-
C: M-Melanie- what are you- *melanie pins her down on the bench and starts absolutely pounding in her* AAAH! MELANIE!~
M: Sorry love!~ pleaseeee~ aaaah~ how much time?~
M: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck~
M/T: Why isn’t it working!? I have to go faster! Sorry Cory!
M: I am love!
M/T: Fuck im sweating more than I do in my volleyball games- dammit~ fuck Cory~ thank god I’m so sensitive otherwise I wouldn’t finish this fast~
M: How much time baby?
?/?: *indistinct talking getting closer*
M: *whispers* Cory! Shh! They’re here! Quick let’s go into the showers!
*she carries Cory while still in her-*
M/T: Fuck! This is so bad! What am I gonna do! I can’t just leave her like this- she’ll think I’m a big jerk! Augh! What other choice do I have?!
M: C-Cory- I need to go- now.
*she pulls out and gets dressed*
C: w-what?~
M: I-I- im Sorry! Please, I don’t want to get caught!
*she runs out of the shower stall, leaving Cory, feeling guilty as hell. She bumps into the cheer team, who starts asking where Cory is.*
M: I- I think she’s in the showers! Gotta go!
??/?: weird girl- volleyball practice ended 2 hours ago-
C/T: M-maybe I don’t mean as much to her as volleyball team… I can’t stop loving her though- and DAMN she had a huge cock!
M/T: Fuck I shouldn’t have done that- I’m such a jerk! I could’ve had the chance of dating her too! She was just- the perfect girl~
Part 2 soon~
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maiverie · 1 year
i havent had the chance to read bite by bite yet SO IMMA DO THT RN WHRN IM FREE I CANT WAIT OMERKJFBEN
OMGGG AAAA YESSS THATS RIGHT i rmb you’re from singapore AAA 😭😭😭 i’ve never been to singapore but i’d love to go one day :’)) JSKDJSK IVE HEARD ABT THE HEAT 😭
OOOOF IM SO GLAD YOURE HAVING FUN EXPLORING‼️‼️ btw taylor swift is coming to sydney and melbourne next yr if that’s ur thing HDJFJSJDJKA everyone’s been talking ab it 😭
and omg AAA OKAY SLAYY IM SAUR EXCIYED FOR U THIS IS SO COOL 🥹🥹 just starting for uni let alone moving to a whole ass diff continent for it IS INSANE. SUCH A BIG JOURNEY AHEAD FOR UUU 😭😭💖💓💓💝
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escapewriter · 2 years
DANI! hi okay omg. its been too long AAAAA im here to give my matcha katte review ⭐️ okay so first of all I CANT BELIEVE ITS OVERRRR  NAUURRR 💔gonna miss my idiot couple ): 
ANW! so back to the part where they got together version 1: MY GODDD you have no idea how god awful the sound that i made was. LIKE i think i passed out. BUT THEN DUMBASS OTTER HAD TO GO AND BREAK UP WITH HIM. BECAUSE OF JONGHO?!?! oh my dear lord christ on earth. these two and their obsession with jongho... they think they’re me /: THAT MAN DOES NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK! stressing me out at this hour... anyway glad it’s resolved and my two idiots are back together again 🤍 
NOW! we have hohong left 🫂 personally i think hongjoong’s next x__x hopefully he is... that poor man is on the verge of melting into a puddle and soaking into the ground if he doesn’t get his s/o. ALSO HE’S SO DAMN BITTER, if he’s the last to get bitches i think that’ll leave permanent damages to his big man ego D: AAAA ANW LOVE THIS KOVE UOUR WORKS AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH! TAKE CARE 🤍 - ( 🧸 )
HIII I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN A WHILE!!! i hope you’re doing well and living your best life✨✨
and interesting that you think hongjoong is next, i mean it was in his pov in the last part. and he is a very bitter man but i wonder why🤔🤔 anyway ilysm, stay safe and drink your water!!
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bunnygirlheart · 2 years
chrono trigger ...liveblog? i guess kinda? it was when i was doin the first part in alice’s message box at least cx
Major spoilers under here, play the game before you read this (and . please Do play it if you can, this game is great i do recommend it)
So I just kicked dalton’s ass, and he ran away, and then i saved at the thingy and it says ‘lavos beckons’ and i am Concerned.
ah, hm. mm. queenie’s makin a mistake, methinks.
This place is weird. Neat statues though?
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Also Ayla can just pick dudes up and chuck em into the air to deal massive damage when they land?? hot girl shit
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hm. this looks fine. nothing going wrong here folks
lmao the scouters keep trying to make my team sleep and it keeps missing but finally they targeted robo and somehow it worked. sleeby robot
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dalton stop being extra and just look me in the face when you talk to me pls,, Ah. Well, you did turn around at least, but only to be More dramatic. Also, hiding behind your toys, cmon man,
lmao cheese strats. I equipped the mail and vest for lightning and im only using lightning moves. Copycat is very exploitable,, Poor frog though, got toasted :((
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...well. Hello to you too, Lavos. And guest. Ah, magus, of course of course.
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oh nooo it didnt work :((
h. holy shit. Crono just got dusted. alright.
oh man, the whole place is falling outta the sky..
...I gotta load a save so I can see everyone’s response to all this. Especially Lucca,, Holy wow.
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‘’please don’t hate mother, or our kingdom’‘ wow big ask much? Mm.. I can excuse invoking calamity but I draw the line at mistreating your children
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oh ouch. luccaaaaa 💔
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what an ass haha. oh hell yes lucca just deflected his fireball that was sick!!! ... ah. well it was still sick.
Ooh~ the blackbird. Fools didn’t secure the vents hehehe
This was a neat area. Uh. Golem Boss was kinda sad. Poor dude couldnt even focus up here on the wing. I sorta feel bad
Hm,, Aero-dalton.. this guy is Terrible at naming things huh?
Oh damn they literally just jumped onto. alright. cool cool cool. no fear of heights in this party. Welp, Dalton was once again not a challenge. Rip birdie lmao good job everyone, nice buttons
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oh!! this is the . heck nah i wont fight you lets goooo
oh i like that its frog that gets to make this call though lucca was at the front of my party but it put him in front for this scene, ‘cause he has personal reasons to fight magus?
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aaaa precious, reunited,,
yknow, this thing looming over everything in every time period is mighty unsettling
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lmao i see i see thats why this part’s called The Time Egg. time egg time egg time egg
oooh death peak!! was wondering when that would come up again. Makes sense it’d be now,,,,
heck. Magus wrecks everything huh? I mean, appropriate. The dude certainly kicked My ass back when I fought him haha
... gdi. robo got confused or w/e and attacked the wrong thing randomly, which triggered lavos spawn needle and wiped everyone out. thats kinda unfair. Ah well. A minor setback I guess.
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egg time
okay that was a sick rescue actually. cant believe that creepy clone doll from the fair actually came in handy lmao
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this is a nice shot ^
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...sorry im just laughing at magus standing there all awkwardly at this heartwarming reunion
Anywayyyy now that that’s done I went to check out the . desert cave?? and wow is it irritating. Not that the enemies are that tough -- magus’ ice destroys em well enough, but uh. the ground, really hate that.
Took a few tries ouch, but I managed to down retinite. Cool boss. first couple attempts i didnt realize taking out the core first was a Mistake oopsie
yessss robo tending to the forest!! thats so sweet. This is great!
lovely celebratory camp. Cozy. fascinating discussion. ah, hm. a time lucca would go back to, huh? ...
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wow she changed huh? ... what’s with the sound effects,, loud gate.
holy Shit that was stressful i totally didnt reload a few times to manage it
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worth the trouble 💜 good job lucca youre amazing! aww robo’s gift for her, that’s so sweet as well
im ... almost done i think?? like, isnt this just a ‘‘wrap up sidequests prepare and go fight the big bad’‘ moment? Seems like. guess i know what im doin tomorrow. referring back to that list of sidequests time grandpa gave me and then ... big fire. I really should get some rest now, though. So the rest of that will wait.
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